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Serb/pol/ - HAPPENING edition

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Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 54

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Quick rundown:
>We're a mafia state ran by an interest group
>SNS (ruling party) and their zombie supporters (pensioners and gubmint parasites). Supposedly pro-EU
>(((college students))) aka delusional liberal sell outs, LGBT activists, hipsters and others, probably Soros
Our guys:

Second night of anti-government protests expected tonight

old thread >>119451220
So you are trying to tell me that Ljuba Zemunac was a based dude?
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Vucic is what Serbia needed, hes not perfect but all things considered he will do more good
Ovde bi nekima i Orvel pozavideo :^)
and it will stay that way until we change the protests course against the entire political elite and independent organisations. Nobody who is serious about a revolution will side with the current protest. This is Oct.5 v2, but it just needs a gentle push by somebody who is pure to redirect the anger toward Vucic to the entire political elite. Only then we can get the job done
Diaspora doesn't get a right to speak faggot.
Jebo bi obe dbi
obe pojebat nesto kontam bas bi bio sevap
And who is pure in your opinion?
The only thing is happening is that asses of opposition and leftists scum are on fire because of so much butthurting and being rekt in the same.
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Question, are there people here RIGHT NOW who unironically support Vucic, or do they just hate these pseudo-intellectual college students more?
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Looked forward to more clumsily translated idioms, shitflinging and near-schizophrenic just-connect-the-dots-maaaan conjecture.

And also while everybody may be smarter than everybody else here, you're not as smart as I am.
Odjebi Nebojša
You are dumb, I'm the smartest.
Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't

We don't chimp out like you do in the US, burger. The police crackdowns in the Balkans are hardcore, they won't just sit there and watch you devastate the city, they'll straight up infiltrate the protest with undercover agents and stir shit up in order to give a reason for the armed forces (police, gendarmes, special forces) to intervene.

They don't fuck around, hence why most of the massive protests will be peaceful as fuck - because most people realize what the police are doing every single time, resulting in the protesters self-policing themselves in order to not give a reason for police intervention.

Also, police here will straight up beat you with glass bottles that are wrapped in towels (this results in internal bleeding, with no outside marks to attest the beating). As I've said, they don't fuck around with protesters.


Also, be glad you are being ruled by the "supposedly" pro-EU government. I unironically praise the recently elected socialist government in Romania, even thought I'm a hardcore right-winger. Why? The opposition - liberals - are literally SJW democrats that would welcome refugees with open arms the moment they take power.

As you might have noticed, the socialists in the Balkans are running on a nationalistic-traditionalist platform. Hell, the socialists in Romania recently amended the Constitution in order to stipulate that a nuclear family is composed out of a man and a woman, essentially destroying any pro-gay rights movement.

I'd take that a million times over these shitty liberal, multicultural, EU-loving pieces of shit.
He's a big govt Obama lite shill. He doubled the public debt, while gdp per capita actually went down.

Which is an amazing achievement if you think about it, since government spending is a part of the GDP.

What will happen next is, interest rates will continue to decline, inflation is going to go up and there will be hyperinflation and an economic crisis either towards the end of his term, or just after he leaves office.

Buy Swiss Francs and gold and screencap this.
Mnogo prdim kad pijem surutku. Jel to normalno? Poceo sam da je pijem da bih nabacio malo misicne mase
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First for re-establishment of the
>Waffen-Gebirgsjäger Regiment der SS 60 (serbische nr.1)

of the

>pic related: Serbian Partisan-Hunters of the 24. SS

>inb4 Serbian Tito-fanboys
Until you all learn to work and support yourselves you need our money so stfu

second option, bro. Same thing happened in Romania, socialists won and the pseudo-intellectual SJW college students went out to protest, even thought they didn't even vote.

I unironically support the socialist government, as a right-winger, against these pieces of shit.

They can protest after they find a job and move out of their parents house.

A sta ces reci otome sta Rusia hoce da napravi gasovod po balanku koji be enormno pomogao balkanskim drzavama, a EU/NATO/US ne daju to?
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I wish that foreignfags could understand the most redpilled speech in history.

i don't support vucic. I voted against.
I fucking hate these leftist shills.
I find it pretty cool Serbs know two different alphabets. Very rare in the modern world. I think only some Indians and Mongolians do the same. I'm guessing Cyrillic is only used in government, media and education, while you reserve Latin alphabet for talking online with Westerners and or reading? Which one do you like better?
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Please protect Transylvania from SJWs

>pic related
Jel zivis u 2007-oj ili tako nesto? Taj projekat je davno otkazan. Plus Ruski gas najskuplje placamo heh
I am actually buying the suggested currency.
Don't have much but in few years I know they will worth much more.

English! I can't learn about Serbian Politics if you speak Serbian.

Ich spreche auch kein deutsch
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I have found a new kind of respect for him, despite the fact that he's shit.
The butthurt of libtard city-dwellers is just so enjoyable.
Ovdje palacmo EU energetiku najvise.
Skupjle placamo energetiku nego sta placaju u evropi a standard nam je ko Botswana.
You got it right. I think people like cyrilic more but it doesn't really matter, some newspapers use latin and some cyrilic, I usually don't even pay attention to that.

Holy fuck, thanks for that pic germanbro, will read it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Also, Transylvania is doing just fine, the SJW's are concentrated in Wallachia, mainly in the degenerate cesspool called Bucharest.

t. Bucharest dweller

Fun-fact: out of all of my friends, relatives and circles of known people, I only know 2 people that would have voted for Trump in the US elections. That pretty much tells you everything about Wallachia (also known as the extension of US SJW Democratic values in Romania)
You can't speak German? wtf?

Skuplja nam je cena Ruskih energenata nego Americkih. Proveri pa ces se uveriti druze.
desu back in 2008 when we still had something representing political discourse and a two party system, I was the only one of my group of friends that voted for SRS while everybody else was busy getting drunk and celebrating DS victory. On one hand, SRS was cucked and their supporters showed their true colors, on the other, DS literally pardoned that fat fuck Dacic and his communist supporters.

I really don't know who I hate more, the young supporters of DS or SNS. Both groups are drug using degenerates desu and should be glassed.
Russian "south pipeline" route got canceled in 2007 and we are paying the gas quite expensive.

Sorry those are rural suburban Vucic voters, city people voted for Vucic.
Taj post od Dveri na tviteru je zajebancija zatk sto su njih spustili za jedan glas
Both alphabets can be used in government, but we prefer more Latin because the rest of the world use it more than Cyrillic one.
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Why is serbia so cucked right now? What happened?
Did a provjerim druze, Makedonija ima samo statistike o tome koliko su jadni stanovi pojeftinili i koliko su kipova izgradzeni.

>Quick rundown:
>>We're a mafia state ran by an interest group
>>SNS (ruling party) and their zombie supporters (pensioners and gubmint parasites). Supposedly pro-EU
>>(((college students))) aka delusional liberal sell outs, LGBT activists, hipsters and others, probably Soros
>Our guys:

You have the answer literally in the first god damn post.
Знaм, aли њихoвa гyзoбoљa oкo измишљeних кpaђa cвaки пyт кaд изгyбe јe пpeвишe oткaчeнa дa јe нe yкљyчим y cликy.
Post qt srpkinje pls
My pimpek gets hard for srpkinje with nice tits
what exactly is going on in Serbia right now? Could someone give a better explanation for the protests?

I'd ask my family in Serbia but they're pretty biased leftists.

Placamo ruski gas po evropskoj tarifi, a ne po snizenoj ceni koju placa recimo Belorusija. S tim sto jos imamo neke Bajatoviceve ortake kao posrednike pa nam i oni deru kozu sa ledja.
Perfect recap. Couldn't done it better.

No, i said "I also don't speak german" meaning "Please don't speak serbian because i also don't speak german"

"Ich kann kein deutsch sprechen" would be "I can't speak german"

Danke! This is BS, if the Russians can provide lots of gas to Serbia, they should be able to do so, i wonder who meddled in this deal so it got cancelled
imas par stranica na fejsu posvecenih njegovom liku i delu
Here's a basic gestalt:
>Vučić is basically Merkel with nationalist rhetoric
>Janković is basically a non-corrupt Hillary
>Serbs are politically retarded, we vote for people instead of policy
>Vučić uses nationalist rhetoric to pander to patriotic voters
>Janković uses libshit rhetoric to pander to city-dwelling faggots
>in reality, political positions of Vučić and Janković are essentially the same
>Vučić wins in a landslide because there are more patriots than libshits
>i wonder who meddled in this deal so it got cancelled

We meddled ourselves, you can't sit firmly on two dicks at the same time.
What you on about? Serbia is nowhere near hyperinflation, it has an actual positive real interest rate right now, better than here in Aus
I asked what happened, not how the situation is now, dumb gypsie.
What we're seeing is a massive degradation of society and all aspects of it. The PM who is also the current president elect has consolidated power, by any definition he is a full blown dictator now. His policies are rabidly neo-liberal and we're a step away from recognizing Kosovo independence. Corruption is on levels never before imaginable.

As you can see we are getting gas from
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>be a puppet state of merkel and putin, depending on which resource needs draining
>students stage a protest against government
>naturally in such a diverse crowd there are right wingers, ayn randists, anarcho retards, hipsters hunting for cock/pussy, few soros shills but all united against living in a state where nepotism is end-all-be-all policy

>government sees this
>hey, look! that guy is for soros! that one reads ayn rand! this one is an alt-righter, that one believes in chemtrails and those are faggots over there!

>/pol/ serb (aka mediocrity overwhelming) well fuck that, everything is better than marching along those not sharing the exact same worldview, your brother can use my natural resources as much as he likes mr prime president!

hopeless situation.
Avaj crni bilderu pa ti ni ne znas Svarcenegerov patenat.

Utakni cev u flasu sa surutkom a drugi kraj znas i sam gde, pa popi soda surutku, moras da apsorbujes proteinski prdez nazad u organizam pre no sto se raspline da ne izgubis na masi.
>vucic got elected president
>Country of autists who could not unite for 700 years re-establishing anything

Fuck off,if we are re-establishing something it is Grenz infantry.Uncle Dolfy was an based Austrian too.

I could literally replace Vucic with Dragnea and Jankovic with Nicusor Dan and you would get the Romanian Parliamentary Elections - November 2016.

Dragnea - head of the socialist party, ran on a heavily nationalistic-traditionalist platform
Nicusor Dan - head of the newly formed liberal party, ran on a SJW platform that nobody with a brain understood (literally Pro-EU, pro-federalization etc).

Balkan politics are literally the same, everything revolves around corruption and money.
all these people talking about revolution and change, and they can't even fucking compromise with some of the people on their side of the autism spectrum...
steta sto vucko nije sloba pa nema muda da pusti miliciju da vam omeksa bubrege

But why did they cancel the south pipeline? It looks logical to build it!
This. I am going tonight, there might at least be some high school drunk girls
I think it is in our best combined interest to just let the Kosovo issue go.

It's been literally years now, it ain't coming back and if there was an actual valid way to reclaim and assimilate it legally - there would still be no one dumb enough to migrate and inhabitate it, leaving it again to kebab for picking.

Someone else fought that battle and did it quite poorly, gotta live with it now.
>comparing a former seseljoid with a man that actually has some sort of education

i don't think jankovic is anything but a smokescreen for the currently out of favor crew around him but you're beyond retarded. there is corruption and there is driving your own citizens around in ice trucks.
Because we get gass from EU.

The moore gass goes thourh EU the more gass stays in EU.

You get % of gass as a tariff payment.

We are getting our gass from neighbor EU countries.

Most prefer Latin these days due to keyboard layouts.
It's building kept getting rescheduled. Then came EU sanctions and it was no longer as profitable.
Kad bi izasla policija tek onda bi nastalo sranje. Dok je ovako mirno blejanje nema od ovoga nista.
Nema od studentarije inace nista, dok ne izadje ona najgora sirotinja koja nema sta da izgubi.
nobody bloody cares 'bout orthodox croats
Ma ta najgora sirotinja glasa za Vucica. Pa moja baba kupuje televizor na 24 mesecne rate, a opet izlazi da ga podrzi. Tuzna zemlja, jako tuzna.
Poljubi svoju baku i reci joj hvala.

Znam. Jbg

Mnogo depresivna situacija
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>driving your own citizens around in ice trucks
>muh education
Kys, you libshit subhuman.
I hope Vučić bring out tanks on you retards.
Why dont we assemble an army and claim a small country as our own

You do realize nothing will change with these protests, right? They will die out in less than a week or two, and the people will get back at being "ok" with the ruling government, despite the rampant corruption and blatant disregard of any actual positive change.

We had 250.000 people going out against the Socialist government - right-wingers, left-wingers, centrists - you name them and I can probably point them out in the massive crowds that gathered in front of the Government.

Protests nowadays are just a hip way of showing that you "care" for your country, whilst posting on Facebook and virtual signaling to others that you are a patriot, by taking selfies in a massive crowd. After a week of doing this, it gets boring, hence you go back to your normal day, completely disregarding the possibility of change.

Nobody fucking wants change, not even the SJW liberals that protest. Most of them do it for the pussy or for the online recognition, and that basically tells you everything you want to know about patriotism nowadays in the Balkan area (i'm not referring only to Serbia, ofc)

>You talk of revolution and change while gently stroking your Iphone 7, desperately trying to refresh your Facebook page in order to see how many likes you received on that picture you took while at the protest

Fuck 'em all, these liberal SJW's need to fucking taste the steel.
desu Serbian society is fucked because all of these politicians share a common denominator which is a morally corrupt population. All things considered, we're a very inclusive society, which means in your circle of friends you'll get all types, and the party activists, drug users, anti-patriots, whores etc will never really feel ostracized. Thus there will be no real accountability.

tl;dr tell your scumbag friends you won't tolerate their degenerate behaviour anymore. Shame them into taking responsibility for their lives.
There is one thing that needs to be mentioned and that goes against this "poor Serbs are politically retarded" spiel that I see propagated here:

Prime President won the election despite AVOIDING televised duel with at least one (1) candidate of the opposition. He completely ran away from spotlight. And Serbs voted for this person.

This does not point to retardation, I don't think there is a nation in Europe that has such high percentage of scum. Imagine if Trump ran away from debating Hillary. I think 90 percent of /pol/, even would turn against him. Serbs simply vote for chump change, they would take few ruppees now even if you told them they will be homeless in the near future.
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>Why is serbia so cucked right now? What happened?
>Calling anyone cucked
They don't.
They think like "muh Vučić is corrupt, but this libshit guy with half the former government behind him won't be corrupt".
I can see that's your fantasy but I fear that all fuel has been spent on buses that drove you around.

Protests may have no direction, but there is a real possibility of retaking Belgrade next year.
tl;dr tell your scumbag friends you won't tolerate their degenerate behaviour anymore. Shame them into taking responsibility for their lives.

God damn hippies.

>I think it is in our best combined interest to just let the Kosovo issue go.

Nigger, don't be stupid. Kosovo is not only about Serbia, it will have massive repercussions in all of Europe. Why do you think Romania still does not recognizes Kosovo as a country? The moment we do so, the szekler minority in our country will demand the same autonomous recognition, triggering a domino effect that will affect countries such as Romania, the UK, Spain and so forth.

There's a good reason Kosovo should not be recognized.
Jos jedan desnicar-nacionalista koji mrzi vucica, ali mu je drago da je pobedio da bi mogao da gleda levicarske suze.
Indoktriniran do srzi.
Exactly. Half the fucking population didn't even vote, meaning half the population doesn't even give a fuck. What you are left with is the fact that 25% of people choose the winning side.

Which leaves 25% that are butthurt and demand change. Nigger you are a minority and nobody fucking cares. I
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Not an argument, nigger.
Don't worry western europe is pretty good at being hypocritical, and explaining why your minorities should get their own country but theirs shouldn't

Like Spain for example.
You're talking nonsense. Separatist movements in Britain and Spain are far older and far more violent than anything that happened in Kosovo except for a few months in 99. Nothing would change, it's just a convenient status quo for everyone at the moment, especially Russians who hope to stage another proxy war if EU really disintegrates.
I am not disagreeing with you. The issue is that nobody here thinks that way, people are harboring illusions of grandeur of reclaiming it via military.
>postuje mem sliku
>odgovara memom
Decko tebi fali nesto.
>half the population

This is where you're wrong, there is no way that the official number of voters is anywhere close to what is being proclaimed. If the opposition (the real one, if it exists) took note of this they could have incorporated it into their campaign. I believe the turnout was at least 65% if the real number of elegible voters existed.
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Cry more, loser.
Studenti ce kao i uvek pobediti. A ove ostrascene budale koje ne vide stvarni svet van /pol/-a ce biti ti koji ce plakati.
>I find it pretty cool Serbs know two different alphabets
It would be cool if cyrilic wasnt dying out, if you go outside like 90% of stuff is latin, and a lot of people see cyrilic users as some dumb balkan nigger stuck in 18th century, their logic is that all progressive western countries use exclusively latin so we should use it too. I blame it on post ww2 (((goverment)))
Nisam bot ali sta ce oni to konkretno "pobediti"?
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Jedva cekam da ostanete potpuno praznog stomaka :^)
Jel mozes da mi pomognes sa slikom, da znam za sledeci put? :^)
Honestly vucic is closest to ourguy in serbia from people with power
it could be worse

Nobody likes him but better to be run by the mafia fhan by liberal cucks
Izborice zemlju u kojoj recenicu ne moras da pocinjes sa "nisam bot, ali..." u jednom momentu.
A ovi edzi likovi koji neironicno podrzavaju vucica mogu samo da jedu njegov hladan nemacki kurac.
It's not dying out. It IS the official alphabet, it's in all the legal papers, documents, 99% of books and media. Everything on TV is in cyrillic, subtitles are in cyrillic. It's defacto like that and it's not changing.

Latin is simply far more comfortable when technology comes to mind and that's that. You are making the fuss out of nothing.

It is however true that people who insist on cyrillic on the internet are frowned upon, usually with right-wing connotations. Tough fucking luck.
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>kao i uvek

Would the gas be cheaper if the pipeline had been built?
Looks like you are forced to get Gas through EU countries even if the price is higher
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Do you think Vucic's online bot brigades hurt the general opinion about him more than they help?

This is among two things that interest me the most, even normies can see massive brigading of (((news))) portals and this surely needs not be countered, it's counter productive as-is? Or is it actually useful disinformation spread?

Other thing is how much dirt does the mayor of Belgrade have over Prime President and how will that pan out in the future - assasination, status quo or diplomacy?

For foreigners - Belgrade is currently undertaking a huge project that is essentialy crime on unprecedented basis, big chunk of waterfront is being "developed" - that is, a huge amount of money is being laundered for a few ugly glass-scrapers and a shopping mall, on the prime real estate location. In order to do so, goverment staged a raid in a poor area of town (basically coastline is just a shantytown at places with railroad tracks), in the night, and their goons actually killed a man out of pure malice. Now, this is something that could take down the entire command chain in the future and the mayor knows all about it. How much power does that give him and how will he use it?
>better to be run by the mafia fhan by liberal cucks

željka, odi doma

ukinut ćemo ti facebook
I'd like that for once, just for once you people recognize that Russian cock isn't any warmer. I also hope you get banned for using Serbocroatian language on an English speaking board.
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>da postignu bilo sta ikad
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Mи нopмaлни нeћeмo ocтaти пpaзнoг cтoмaкa, јep зa paзликy oд вac либepaлних гoвaнa ниcмo нecпocoбни :^)
A и Boђa ћe нaм дeлити ceндвичe, пa ћe бити лaкшe :^)
I do recognize it. I am the guy who said in the last thread that Putin's dick ain't better than Merkel's clit.
Bot brigades required less effort than most people think. One look at a random news report and you can tell that one person is posting most of those things, it's very very formulaic and simple. You need one room, one person, fast professional-grade router, a dozen landlines and a few smartphones/computers.

It does do them damage more than good, but I also take it that his team's minister of propaganda was probably living in the past when he concocted that clusterfuck.
Much love to all the anti-Vučić protesters that are currently fighting to bring someone even worse in power, here's a song for you:
>ne spomenem da sam ikog podrzao
>automatski izjednaci politicku scenu s.a.d.-a sa srpskom
>spomenem kako je ironicno sto se covek jednog ubedjenja se raduje da je pobedio neko ko ima suprotno ubedjenje od njega
>pocne da memepostuje
uh momce
You're not informed properly. Back when they started with this practice they had no idea they should not do it in public facebook discussion. There are hundreds of them, coordinated by a few dozen that joined the party early. They have weekly meetings where they report on how many likes they had, how many comments and the best and the brightest get a gubmint job in a year or two. I'm just not certain if they still do it from home or do they have full fledged call centers now.

For example I'm pretty certain that this
is not spontaneous. I have a friend that runs some e-sports twitters and they are in charge of creating memes for normies.
After this, we can't lose.
Well that sucks. What side is Otpor! on? I'm against them.
Would they greet me friendly if i show up on protests in Croatian jersey?
Fair enough, I stand corrected. I was talking mostly about news portals and websites such as those.

I got rid of facebook cancer 3 years ago so I am a bit out of touch with that particular side.

I did however check out Beli's facebook page today for shits and giggles. Even he is advising against these protests and then there is a literal fucking myriad of comments where people are expressing disappointment that he is not going to "lead" the masses on the streets today.

I find Beli very amusing and he is surely a very capable individual, even more so with his current following - but that is the problem, his following are fucking real-life real-time memeposter equivalents who voted for a clown and now they expect a real, physical political figure.

We Serbs deserve this rotten fate. Being downtrodden doesn't entitle you to anything nor it should.
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Byчић јe oд митингa y Бeoгpaдy пoчeo дa yмecтo ceндвичa дeли пљecкaвицe, чиcтo дa знaтe :^)


>There are hundreds of them, coordinated by a few dozen that joined the party early

Kek, you are so far away from the truth. In reality, Vucic hired a firm that specializes in Political Communication (one of the most powerful firm out there, UK based - has Tony Blair as a fucking spoke-person).

How do I know this? My firm (same occupation) got hired by Saša Janković, and a team from Romania managed all of his online communication (we had a Serbian counterpart that translated most of what we made in Serbian and whatnot). We knew Vucic would still win, but business is business and a lot of money gets made like this.

You can literally trace any election to a firm that handles the communication for that election. I actually posted about this a couple of months ago, talked with a lot of Serbian people in that thread telling them about this.

tl;dr the entire shilling and botting is being handled by foreign assets that coordinate the entire scheme with hired locals.

t. Political copywriter aka professional shill
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That's the first good thing they've done. This fucking city is filled with shitty murals of dead nobodies from the 'hood', hooligan placards on public intersections and hand crafted 'memorials' for retards that killed someone and themselves by driving too fast.

It's like fucking india is what it is. Even worse, ashrams at least have some sort of compassion, imagine waking up in the morning, the entire park (that has more concrete than grass) is painted in the colors of your local hooligan group, and the building the opposite of you has a giant face of some 20something retard that died from speeding, leukemia, gunpowder or all three.

I find it really hard to picture an uglier town than Belgrade these days.

That's hilarious considering it backfired hard against him (on the last day before voting silence he had all newspaper front pages entirely draped in his campaign poster). If he did not steal the election by having at least 5-10 percent through coercion and outright theft he would have a hard time in the second round.

Also what I said still stands.
It took presumably two decades of living in Belgrade for it to finally dawn on you that that city is a human cesspool?
>(that has more concrete than grass)
What is up with these modern (((parks)))
Hey I remember you. Didn't you say that this time Vucic got some Brittish company to do his campaign?

shit, copy-pasted the wrong name over there - we worked for Vuk Jeremić, not Saša Janković.

If you want to learn more, just do a little search on google regarding the firms that worked for Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić in the past. You'll actually find out about my firm quite fast, it's not like we're hiding or anything, we're actually showing who we worked for on our official website.
Budu li ove liberalne debilcine nekom magijom uspele da ponove izbore, neironicno cu glasati za Vucica
They would probably suck your cock to appear more tolerant.
In Belgrade? Real estate mafia runs urban planning.

Murals weren't so widespread before.

Yep, a British company - the biggest in the world actually. We worked with Vucic in the last Parliamentary elections, but this time he went with the British firm in order to secure his win completely.
We don't have any guys? Fuck. We'll come liberate you once ww3 kicks off. This is our last time policing the world i promise!
ey i like that
Don't bother, just nuke us
Shvatas da si onda jos vise edgy od njih i da ste ista govna?

Isto kao ljudi koji su glasali za Belog uz argument "pa ok ako ce nam biti isto, nek nam bude isto sa ovim koji bar kaze da ce da krade", i sad kad je pobedio neko drugi sad odjednom bi svi da protestvuju iako je rezultat apsolutno isti kao da je taj njihov mema-mezimac pobedio?
Didn't he hire an Israeli company this time? Or was that just for TV ads?
Apsolutno sam svestan da sam edgy zbog toga, al me boli kurac. Idu mi na zivce govna ta jebena, ponistio sam listic jer me je bolelo dupe ko ce biti predsednik. Vucic je izabran da bude predsednik. Podjednako me boli dupe kolko i kad sam ponistavao listic. Ovi sad jedu govna sa jebenim "NOT MY PRESIDENT" ko ovi hilari satanisti u Americi, i pricaju o nekoj jebenoj diktaturi kurcu palcu. Nek se nose u tri picke materine, Vucic je pobedio. Kraj price.

Nope, he worked with a British firm that handled all of his online and offline political communications. Tony fucking Blair had a lot to do with this deal being signed - hence why my firm did not secure another deal with Vucic, even thought we worked with him in the last Parliamentary elections (and got him elected).

Funny thing is, you can literally count these firms on one hand:

1. British Firm
2. Israeli Firm
3. Israeli Firm
4. Romanian Firm
As relevant as ever.
Can you timestamp some kind of proof to back up your claims? Literally anything would do.

I do believe you for what it's worth.

Apsolutno se slazem sa time.
I noticed a few trends in his campaign. They focused a lot on "stability" and they tried to provoke fear in people, that Serbia would collapse if someone who is not from SNS won the presidency.
But dude, the amount of shady shit they do on the field, I don't think that those companies have anything to do with that.
It reminds me too much of our Balkan mentality to go around and threaten people, buy votes etc.
>ponistio sam listic jer me je bolelo dupe ko ce biti predsednik

I hereby inform you that by doing that you voted for Prime President himself.
kako si im pokazao hehehe
>In Belgrade? Real estate mafia runs urban planning.

It's the same here.

in the last 5-10 years, Skopje has become a gypsy villiage, if it was a bit like that before, now there is no doubt.
If you pay close attention, you can see a dominant trend already forming (driven by shills) and that is relativization - "nothing would change if someone else won". This is very important for ruling party because there is real danger of losing Belgrade and relativization (it doesn't take much for this to go viral against right wing retards) will be the dominant online discourse.

Yeah I never was there but your public architecture is embarrasing, the only good thing Belgrade still has is brutalism and few art deco buildings here and there.
>inb4 that one roadposting Macedonian
Vidimo se uskoro na protestima momci, pozdravi.
Will visit Skopje for a day or two in the coming months. How hard will I be disappointed? Is there anything noteworthy to see?

>But dude, the amount of shady shit they do on the field, I don't think that those companies have anything to do with that.

Oh, you're right in this aspect. The political firm only handles the official online and offline communications, but the political party still handles all of the shit they do in their country. It's not like we completely take over their communications - we only offer the best possible advice, it depends on the candidate if he uses is or not.

Also, the "stability" and fearmongering labels are quite common nowadays. You'd be surprised on how many nationalistic speeches or facebook posts I've been making in the last 6 months. Hell, we have a campaign in Zambia that is literally called "Make Zambia Great Again". Populism is on the rise.


Can't really do anything right now, I'm still at work. If the thread is still up in an hour or so (or there's another Serbian one going), I can post some more from home, when I get there.

If you want to check it, google who managed Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić in the past. You'll actually find out about my firm, it's not like we're hiding or anything.

Fun-fact: during this election cycle, we have been working simultaneously with political parties from Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. It was quite funny seeing three teams in my office fucking each other up in their political campaigns.
Are you one of those retards that can't tell commie architecture of the 40s and 50s from 70s onwards Brutalism?
No he says how amazing a great Skopje is, by posting that one road that doesn't have garbage all over it.

Everything noteworthy is outside of skopje, go to the mountains i'd say, but there are a few museums and there's the stara charsija, but meh, it's all disgusting and full of gypsies, and shiptars.
I'm one of those people that would unironically start a war with NATO just to mark every single Belgrade communist era structure as a bombing target.
Majku vam jebem, pa isti pustio jebene azilante da mi se setaju po gradu.
Kakav li vam je on konzervativaz iliti alt-right? Kurac moj. Govno se prodalo i nastavlja da se prodaje. Menja misljenje kako dune vetar. Ne valja ni jedan, ali ako mislite da je on poput Trumpa, varate se.
Zašto će /pol/ uvek bit kancerogen ?

Ljudi ovde pokušavaju sve sukobe da izjednače sa Hillary i Trump-om, uvek mora postojati jedna fakcija koja će se okarekterisati kao neo liberalna i jedna kao konzervativna bez obzira na prave ideologije, ideje i motive tih fakcija. Za svaku fakciju će biti vezani odgovarajući karakteri, Hillari fakcija će uvek biti slaba, SJW i feminizirana, dok će Tramp fakcija uvek biti seljačka, neobrazovana i fašistička. Onda se čitava borba pretvara u levo vs desno i sve ode u kurac, gube se originalni motivi fakcija i bitka postaje zanemarena i marginalizovana ...

Razumite, niti je Vučić desničar niti je opozicija uniformno levičarska. Ovo je borba za i protiv Vučića i nema veze sa ideologijom niti politikom. Pogledajte proteste u Rusiji i shvatićete, ovo je borba protiv korupcije

Zovite vi nas liberali koliko hoćete, činjenica je da su to i radikali, liberali, komunisti, četnici, konzervativci, anarhisti i da ideologija više apsolutno nije bitna

Uživajte u svom malom circle jerk-u
odjebi na reddit i fejsbuk pa tamo kmeci
1. write in english and not in serbocroatian, hope you get banned
>ideology does not matter

no ideology = no goals = no progress
koliko imate ovih "izbjeglica" u srbiji?
>Ovo je borba za i protiv Vučića
>ovo je borba protiv korupcije
Упpaвo тaкo, и нaдaм ce дa ћeтe cви пoмpeти y тoј бopби кoјa ћe, aкo ycпe, caмo peзyлтoвaти y дoвoђeњy јoш гope гapнитype нa влacт, кao и 2000, и 2004, и 2008, и 2012.
Klinci 13-15 tripuju da su patriJote. Zive na Americkim vestima pa tripuju da su tamo i da je to kul i edzi

guzobolni liberali sa leddita doslovno prikaceni na aparate
Ima ih, mada sede u parku i oko železničke, ne ostaju u Srbiji, šaljemo ih ka vama
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>Serbia will start another war in your lifetime
What happened to you Serbia? If this was the 90's the protestors would be dead by now.
>Ovo je borba za i protiv Vučića i nema veze sa ideologijom niti politikom.

U tome i jeste problem, sto ste kolektivno inteligentni kao jedan jazavac i ne vidite drvo od sume. Protiv Vucica? Ok, skinucete Vucica nekakvom vlaskom magijom i poravnjanjem zvezda? Ok, sta onda?

Ko je umesto njega bolje resenje ili makar manje lose? Ovi klosari koji kolektivno nemaju dovoljno podrske koliko jedan nusprodukt interneta i vukajlije?

Pa koliko ce tek taj sledeci da potraje kad se neko malo ozbiljniji od usrane studentarije pobuni?

Vi studenti ste najniza rasa u drzavi, vi ste gradjani drugog reda, vi nemate dohotke, niko od vas ne radi negde kako bi se izdrzavao kao u svim zemljama sveta, svi ste razmazena govna i samo trazite nesto.

Da sam jebeni vucic sve bih vas banovao sa fakulteta, spakovao u vagone kao u vreme komunizma i na omladinske radne akcije.
Zavrsavao ja neke poslove na vikendici i prosla 2 patrolna vozila bez sirena a potom i hitna prema azilu. Sve se radi cutke. Ovi se verovatno poklali.
Soros happened.
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Znam kapiram te, to dolazi posle, sada je prioritet na Vučiću

Protesti su još uvek jako neorganizovani i bez nekih konkretnih ciljeva, zato i ujedinjavaju toliko različitih ljudi, jedino protiv čega su je Vučić

Ne nameravamo mi večeras da oborimo vlast, to nije moguće, ideja je da se protestujje radi protesovanja
>Zive na Americkim vestima pa tripuju da su tamo
>tripuju da su tamo
pogodak u sam centar brate

Translate for us burgerbros?
>I don't trust jewgle translate
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Iskreno jebe mi se za vaše mišljenje, vozove, radne akcije, šta biste vi radili sa nama i ostale gluposti

Mi protestujemo večeras, vi sedite u podrumima
Kada se vlast kad tad obori, vi ćete još uvek sedeti u podrumima sa vašim nerealnim idejama dok će oni koji su protestovali praviti vama vlast

"plan i strategija dolazi posle, sada cista anarhija i larlpurlatisticko kmecanje"

Care jel shvatas da sam priznajes da skaces bandwagon?

Daj mi facebook profil, ime i prezime, email adresu ili broj telefona osobe koja organizuje proteste? Ajde dokazi da si bar svestan ko ti pusta buve.
He said he wants to deport all students to labour camps
>Vi studenti ste najniza rasa u drzavi, vi ste gradjani drugog reda, vi nemate dohotke, niko od vas ne radi negde kako bi se izdrzavao kao u svim zemljama sveta, svi ste razmazena govna i samo trazite nesto.

pishaj po studentima

ovo toliko smrdi na nu-male reddit da mora da je bejt
studenti su najveca govna ikada vidjena tako da me i ne bi cudilo da lik nije uopste bio ironican
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>Kada se vlast kad tad obori, vi ćete još uvek sedeti u podrumima sa vašim nerealnim idejama dok će oni koji su protestovali praviti vama vlast

Sutra ujutru kada vi ne budete uradili nista i kada vas bude bilo sramota da se pojavite na sopstvenim fakultetima ja cu na svom poslu, u svojoj firmi da pijem kafu, da postujem ovde, da citam vesti i da vam se smejem.

A onda cu posle posla da pokupim svoju devojku, koleginicu tvoju sa tvog fakulteta, da joj rasirim picku kurcinom dok ti drkas kurac i kmecis jos intenzivnije.
Remember when these guys took over Belgrade? Public transport stopped working in the middle of the winter and urban planning amounted to building houses on top of buildings.
Niko nije rekao da će se vlast oboriti večeras, niko nije ni degen da u tako nešto veruje, večeras će biti manje ljudi nego juče i toga su svi svesno

Sloba nije oboren 91 pa neće ni Vučić danas
quick, should I go to protest in Novi Sad
if you're a student then yes
ma šaljete ih k nama ali ih mi vratimo nazad koliko znam
ovaj degen se zapravo tripuje da su oni neki revolucionari hahahahahahah idu sa limenkama piva i iphoneovima u rukama da menjaju vlast hahahahha
Prehladjen sam kao magarac i idem na protest samo da zarazim neke pogane studente.
ping pong
pa studetska govna klasicna, tripuju se da su neki faktor zbog kompleksa inferiornosti kojeg imaju
>Install a camera somewhere in Belgrade that can stream for 5yrs
>Call it "Vucicu pederu"
>People come and shout "Vucicu pederu" for 5 years
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Only the ones who are causing the riots for no good reason other than butthurt by excessive iodine levels caused by their political favorite failing to meet even 5% of support summa summarum
Može, tako dok ne pocrkaju svi, dogovoreno?

>This is a fight for and against Vučić and has nothing to do with ideology nor politics.

That's exactly the problem, because you're collectively as intelligent as a badger and you can't see forest for the tree. Against Vučić? Ok, you'll topple Vučić with some Vlach magic and star alignment? Ok, what then?

Who's a better solution instead of him, or at least less bad? These bums that collectively have less support than a byproduct of the internet?

Just how long will that next one last when someone a bit more serious than shitty students rebels?

You students are the most inferior race in the country, you are second-class citizens, you have no income, not one of you works somewhere to pay for himself unlike any other country in the world, you're all spoiled shits and are just asking for something.

If I were fucking Vučić I'd ban all of you from the university, pack you up in rail cars like in communist times and [send you on] youth work actions.
Go to Google and type "Serbian to English" then copy and paste what you want translated.
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>Serbian deceivement movement
He's Vucic's lapdog now.
Vucic, Jankovic and Jeremic represent the same policies. Just different rhetoric and faces.
>B.. but muh honest Jankovic.
Look around him, DS, the party that is the most responsible for breakdown of institutions is behind him. This spiral started because DS monopolized power between 2008 and 2012. And no, they weren't subtle at all, any public sector worker can tell you that. Kostunica and DSS were subtle in their bid for power, but Kostunica never tried to create a cult of personality (he was pretty autistic) unlike Tadic and Vucic who hogged every second of TV time.
Even if he's honest, he can't control the people that are making him. He's nothing without DS botting power.

Candidates that talk about serious policies get 1 to 2 % of the vote. And a meme magician goofs around and gets 9,5

If you bring down Vucic, the people will change, but the policies and the quality of life won't.
Based STEM
feeling /pol/itical Vanja ?
moze, jedino mi je cudno da nisu jos zalutali u minska polja koja ste vi postavili, bar bi razminirali malo.
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skino sam tu sliku sa event stranice protesta lel
trivializing it won't help. the point is, you can achieve some sort of goal this way but you will not be able to apply it without some sort of shared values.

for example:

bulldozing belgrade waterfront
dismantling scholarships on state universities
universal free healthcare
complete removal of added value tax on various products like computer tech etc
plan to give belgrade mayor immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony against prime president and his clique
COMPLETE - and i mean complete - shutting down of state security aka deep state
firing the entire gypsy workforce of belgrade's city "cleaning"

you know, reasonable stuff.
Poskidajte znakove, ostavite samo slovni natpis poskidajte one kosturske glave, nece sandniggeri imati pojma sta pise tamo i samo ce ulaziti. Sa kosturskom glavom bar znaju da je nesto opasno tu.
lel, 10/10 detective work
hahaha govnaaa
desu ovim studentima treba napraviti containment zone kampus negde izmedju Indjije i Novog Sada pa tamo nek smrde.
Čekaj, zar vi nemate neki zid na granica sa nama, nisam baš u toku?
Vidis sta ti je funkcionalnost?
Gib links to protests, ko streamuje?
>Belgrade Waterfront
Should happen, if it's fair and private-funded.
>dismantling scholarships on state universities
>universal free healthcare
Privatize it, fuck you commies.
>complete removal of VAT
>plan to give belgrade mayor immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony against prime president and his clique
Retarded. Mali and Vesić are the criminals shitting up Belgrade, not Vučić (or his brother).
Immunity should be given to tycoons that worked together with corrupt politicians, and we should get their testimonies against state and city-level politicians.
>COMPLETE - and i mean complete - shutting down of state security aka deep state
A non-issue. Our version of the "deep state" would be all the party-appointed state agency employees and eternal ministry employees (like Saša Janković).
Security agencies today are just there to do the government's whim.
>firing the entire gypsy workforce of belgrade's city "cleaning"
I can get behind that.
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A radical Islamic truck has been notified of your GPS coordinates.
to se slavonci nek dogovore :P
mislim da nemamo ništa, nisam siguran
je, multifunkcionalne su mine
Kolko guzobolnih seljaka i probisveta ovde. Zavid samo sto ne pocne iz dupeta da vam curi jer vam mama i tata nisu isfinansirali dalje skolovanje kao nekima koje sada blatite.

Eeee, majmuni jedni. Ne zna se vise ko je od vas nagluplji u tom celokupnom kolektivu.
Ma da, sve su krivi politicari. Narod je super. Rade danonocno, ne kradu nikada, svi citaju knjige, bave se sportom. Da zderu, locu, i puse im ne pada na pamet.
An actual right wing person, in Serbia?
Pinch me i'm dreaming.
About BW... It's very shady, especially when you dig a bit. The entirety of the capital is from the investor, BUT half of it is money loaned to our government to be invested on their part. Also, shady shit about CEO's working alone, and not by their companies, companies with 1 employee in Singapore and shit like that.

Also, VAT...
VAT is shit, but scrapping it completely right now is impossible. Honestly, initially it should be scrapped for food, baby products, medicine.
However all excise should be scrapped immediately (maybe only the tobacco one is tolerable), maybe even the fuel excise, but it should be at least reduced.
You need to do it gradually.
Now I wonder whether it's male or female...

God damn serbian is the best language in the world for swearing. Seriously. This is like wiping your ass with silk. Amazing.
Narod nema podstcaj da radi. Daj mu podstcaj i radice. Zasto nasi kod odu u Nemacku, Svedsku, Ameriku zapravo rade? Da im se nije promenio odjednom mentalitet? Ne, to je poruka koju salju nasi politicar: ne moras nista da radis, samo glasaj za mene i imaces dobru platu.
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>select all apartment buildings
>Vučić je još dodao da će vlada finansijski pomoći organizacijama udruženja sa Kosova "da ponovo naprave onaj zid plača koji su im srušili".


So now they are also going to use taxpayer's money to rebuild the monument to the shiptar terrorists?
Btw, Dinkic should be publicly hanged
Radule je jedini pravi desnicar u Srbiji.

I repeat, jel streamuje neko ove demonstracije?
Narod upravo dobija vodju kakvog i zasluzuje, a to trenutno jeste pickousti demagoga i placenik. Ako bilo sta drugo, izbori su to i dokazali.
pls be in NS
GET IN HERE >>119475447
Radulu bi stvarno bilo bolje da se prikaci uz desnicu, a ne desno eknomski, a za sva ostala pitanja ko dete iz vrtica.
Ko da je tu ista cudno. Daleko od toga da se nesto poput toga prvi put desava.

"Podsticaj", huljo. "Raditi ce". "Zapravo" nema smisla u toj recenici. "Odjenom" se pise prije "promenio", i.t.d.... Jebem ti narod u supak, i tebe kao dio njega.
Belgrade Waterfront is a shit fucking deal, I'm saying something like that should happen.
As it stands right now, it should be scrapped and completely redone, with real investors.
Agreed. Only absolute madmen (and not necessarily the good ones) would just shut everything down immediately.
Yes, fuck them.
I was kind of surprised when Šešelj and his people called for lowering/not increasing them during Parliament sessions.
>Mlađan "hiljadu evra" Dinkić
He deserves to get buried alive in shit.
>Hrvat iz Svedske mi prica sta treba da radim

ajde decko, raus
Gledaj na kamerama iznad ulica, mada nece jos krenuti, prvo ce njih 500-600 da se skupi kod Skupstine pa ce tek oko 8 da bude najveca masa
Srbija je ocigledno puna Vlaha koji ne vladaju Srpskim jezikom. Uradi genetski test, i zatim sam sebe odkloni.
Two can play the ad hominem game
Uradi genetski test i shvatices da si ustvari Srbin
Kako ti se dopada migrantska kurčina?

Is alt-righter actually a common derogatory term in Serbia or are just paraphrasing for other similar insults?

oy vey, it's like annudah 5 oktobar. Are any prominent instagram/twitterfaggots streaming this shit right now?
No. No one here uses the term alt right.
As I said, just wait, it was the same yesterday
Around 400 people at the beginning but kept growing steadily

+None expects this to be 5.october, we are not toppling anything tonight, this is just a protest for the purpose of creating more protests
in serbia alex jones would be your average newspaper reader
drago mi je da sam pobjego prije rata

> im glad that I ran away before the war
The entire principle of Serbian politics is to pigeonhole everyone and everything into exclusively far left or far right. No inbetweeners.
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BTFO'd even in (((Belgrade))).png
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>Premijer i izabrani predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić rekao je, u vezi sa protestima u Beogradu, da je Srbija demokratska zemlja, u kojoj svako ima pravo da iskaže svoje mišljenje, i da je to u redu, sve dok je mirno.
Just leaving this one here:

K'o jebe što se vama turčinima događa!
what did he mean by this


>(((Radio Free Europe)))
They aren't even hiding it anymore.
razlupajte bege hehe
>Vucic alt-right based duke
>Puts lesbian cuck for prime minister
>pick one
sta onda da saljem deca kod tetke u beograd godisnjom ili ne?!
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/poslje/ master race desu
dead link?
zameni kike sa face budalo.

chimpout when?
>inb4 he didn't change "kikebook" to "facebook"
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vise ni ne gledam na sta klikcem ovde
jebote ovaj strim ko da gledam prenos iz guce a ne politicki protest

>veseli se bagra
Dobro reko Kesa
solid red flags popping up at the Novi Sad demo. fucking commies
kao da se vraćam iz grada u 3 ujutru, neki idioti se deru i neko obavezno lupa u nešto
kakvi su ovo cucks
>commies BTFO by Kek once again
Novi Sad is basically Antifa HQ, it's not really unexpected.
MFW there are no in my town

I say go with Soros
Ovaj Beograd je ko California u Americi, treba ga glassovati s lica zemlje
odakle si? ja sam u Zrenjaninu, ovde su protesti isto ali ih niti čujem niti vidim
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It's on
death to serbia
t. Hrvat u Austriji
Fugg off Ajdëmi Popushi
Jeл имa нeки cтpим зa нac кoји нeмaмo гoјбyк?
Ima ali moras da nagadjas kuda se krecu, sad su negde imedju skupstine i trga republike, kontam da idu ka tamo
>exactly the same irrelevant number of "people" as yesterday
Top kek.
I genuinely expected more people today.

I think there will be more around 8
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a thousand times this
Mozes da vidis kraj kolone na kameru u Pasicevoj

It only started, check the cameras around 8, yesterday the protests were over around 11
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>ook me zabole da idem na proteste jer sutra imam intervju za posao

a vi serite po kaficima, mamicu vam jebem besposlenu
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Bolje sendvic u ruci, nego buducnost preko grane.
>ide na intervju za posao zato sto je bezposlen
around 150 000 right now in Belgrade, but it is happening in 24 other cities as well
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srecno sutra
Oy vey, 1,500,000 people in the street right now.
>150 000
You mad ?
The government is trembling because of sheer power of 15,000,000 people marching right now, goyim, keep it up!
enjoy wageslaving

6 days per week right?
Is there anyone in the military left uncucked after we shipped everybody to the Hague? desu a junta could be the only thing I could support right about now.
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Ko je gori
>Veliki Vodja Vucic
>Placeni Sorosevi Protestori

Jebem ti zivot.
Are we expecting proper violence?
let's say all protesters are soros shills

give me one argument how are they worse (not same, worse) than sandwitch powered automatons
Nah, protestors are asking people to stay calm

Bunch of pussies desu
No. Violence of that kind in Serbia is always strictly controlled by deep state. They have hooligan valves that occasionally get cranked a bit then wound back.
Facebook Uzivo sa Novosadskih Ulica for the livestream there. 4chan won't let me post the link.
>red flags
>cuban flags
absolutely disgusting
I can play Devil's advocate all day and say shit like "the protesters are paid by foreign powers" without realizing the irony of that statement.

But their all scum and deserve death.
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>Vucic isn't a Soros paid Prime President
What a load of crap. :(
Ma ko ce da plati Srbima jebote. Da l' ste vi normalni. Jebe se njima za nas, cak stavise Vucic je njihov tako da ono.
Jedino mi taj deo nije jasan.
Vucic je globalist puppet, zbog cega bi Soros angazovao levicarske dronove protiv njega?
U tome fora. Klinci odma kenjaju to sto cuju kod Amera.
>Kraj price
You guys do realise that Vucic is also more liberal than consertvative right?And there is only like 200 Serbs on pol and they are all retarded so anything you read here is not really what the majority thinks.
Ali isti slogani #notmypresident
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No prison can hold him!!
Soros is the ultimate blind alley of any argument in Serbia. He's the human chemtrail.
Im late to the party, but what are your opinions on the Srbija Cast?
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>human chemtrail
You realize the serb govt was breaking him out. Serb Mafia and crime was one of the ways they were financing the state after american anti russia money dried out and tito died
Y is this /thread dead?
So the same way Albanian mafia and drug trade is keeping Albania and Kosovo alive even to this day?
because no one care about Serbia and there are 200 Serbs on pol.
A da..
Have a bump
>320 replies
Is this shitposting?
They are going to bring even worse people than Vučić to power.
We had that experience in 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012.
Do you even have to ask?
Sorry fellas. You have to do an online shitposting unit at uni or you don't pass. It's nationally compulsory.
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