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HAPPENING!!! Serbia post-election protests

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Only days after stolen Serbian presidential elections people are starting to go out into the streets. Massive protests are bursting out in Belgrade and Novi Sad, slowly spreading throughout the rest of the country.

We have an inside information that BIA (State security agency) is about to infiltrate the demonstrations tonight fearing crowd might become too large to handle.

Who is who? Bad guys in charge who will flood you with more mud or Good guys who will make you white for once?
reminder that this isnt exactly like trump/hillary since president elect is actually someone that was visiting the clintons during the US elections
President elect also blackmails voters and forces them to show that they circled his number on the ballot
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Bad guys are these protesters that is full of liberal leftist shitters who don't do anything in their life and this is time so they could do anything like protesting and demolishing city.

Maybe Vucic is corrupt and authotarian but he did build something and Balkans needs authotarian leader because we are shitheads always.
Guys in charge have already flooded us literally. They spent money for dams and other flood protection elsewhere so we suffered immeasurable damage in 2014. After that they didn't provide shelter for people who lost their homes in floods and let them to freeze later that year.

As for making us white part, our PM gave citizenship to all Syrian refugees so they can vote for him. He will also provide them with subventions and monetary help while our own people are starving (People literally died from hunger and cold during last winter).
Nice picture, I presume source is one of the government-controlled media like Pink and Informer.

For anyone interested, that picture was taken at the moment when protesters started gathering. There were several tens of thousands protesters in Belgrade later on, blocking most of the major city streets.
Vucic pederu
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does anyone have a good stream for this supposed bloodbath
Pathetic cringelords are protesting bwahahaha.

It's literally nothing, move on.
I didnt find any from last night, but we will have people there again in 6-7 hours from this post
Kad ce gospodin baza da se obrati naciji u vezi (((protesta)))? Ovo je vec prevrsilo svaku meru.

This is from last night.
Also bear in mind that last night's protest were spontaneously organized and many were sceptical of protests actually taking place. Tonight there will be crowd at least twice as large as the one last night.
Well that isn't right

Death to the traitor
Who cares? You're a bunch of savages who won't accept defeat no matter what and be violent about it and I don't even know who lost, whether the fake right or the fake left, you useless buncha tools.
I am bulgarian, and really is a shitty situations there now.. Seems like Serbia is the same.

The great choice between pro-migrant-EU-shit and anti-migrant-proven-to-be-corrupt-shit
kme kme pish pish
>big mouth before getting cucked by the britbongs
Literally no one cares about you
oldfag confirmed xd
Nah, our government is pro-EU, pro-migrant and corrupt as fuck. I dare to say that even Slobodan Milosevic wasn't this bad in some ways.
this isnt left/right, we never had something like that
this is a fight against bribes and party jobs that arent even real jobs
you cannot do anything unless you are a vucic voter and thats why this region is filled with intelectuals leaving for a better life in UK/EU/Switzerland
This is actually what started the yes meme on /int/
You have to go back Anton.
milosevic did nothing wrong you fuck

This. I hope you've enjoyed your stay here, but you have to go back. Make Bulgaria great again.

I was really hoping for a Serbian Radical Party victory. Not these wishy-washy "centre-rightist" cucks.

What was wrong with Milosevic? I know he was a Commie, but for my money he is one of the great heroes of the Occident.
KEKS!!!! Yellow Duck, Soros shills!!!
Can I get a quick rundown on what is happening in Serbia?
I'm not talking about SFRY wars or his foreign policy, I'm talking strictly about happenings inside Serbia during his rule. Journalists and presidential candidates getting killed, counter-protests, sending fucking tanks to frighten demonstrators etc.
the only happening from serbia i care is the return of remove kebab

brazil forces integration on muslims, so either they leave or become the one with the HUE
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>I didnt find any from last night, but we will have people there again in 6-7 hours from this post
K, keep us posted! Will check back later.
Redpilaj me o ovome. Jesu li ti prosvjednici soroševci? dakle samo protiv vučka protestiraju? koji su dokazi da su izbori lažirani?
>Only days after stolen Serbian presidential elections

Wasn't the election YESTERDAY?
dokazi su njihova paranoja i guzobolja sto ih je vucic razbio na izborima
We don't care about your gypsies. Stay out the EU and from us since we're already full of Roma scuns and negros
fakat pickoustom treba jebati mater ali ovi na ulicama su guzobolni studenti. Niko iz opozicije nije rekao da su izbori pokradeni ali evo ih ljudi na ulicama protestuju zbog ne znam vise ni cega. Ne verujem da ce ista postici ali sam na njihovoj strani samo zato sto su mi manje jadni od vucica. Botovi RAUS
Elections were on the 2. of April, today is the 4. of April.
But yes, protests were also yesterday, only the day after elections.

Ne, za razliku od drugih dosadasnjih protesta, narod se skupio spontano. Nema nikakvih indikacija da bilo ko stoji iza tih ljudi, narocito ne Soros. Opozicioni kandidati ne zele da ucestvuju u protestima jer su sljam kome odgovara trenutno stanje stvari da bi mogli da naprave svoje stranke uskoro.
A sto se kradje tice, u nekim mestima glasovi su kupovani direktno iz opstinskih prostorija. Glasovi sa Kosova su ponovo pokradeni kao i svaki put u zadnjih 5 godina.

run down

is the winner our guy?
are the protesters our guys?
So what they protesting?
the protesters are our useful idiots
>Prime minister Vucic who nobody likes on internet wants to be President
>People are bitching and calling other peoples on internet to vote anti Vucic
>other candidates entire campaign are talking rude things about Vucic
>Musicians, Artist and all famous folks are screeching on street how Vucic is evil thief
>Everyone optimistic that Vucic will lose camping and never do politics anymore
>Vote day
>Vucic won 55% percent votes and other candidates won 18% , 10% and lowerhittying at Vucic and

People are crying and bitching how this is unfair and they scream about stealing all of these votes(Nobody knows that opposition's people are the one who check and control vote papers)

Vucic is Serbian Trump while other are libtards who cry because they can't accept democratic results.

>inb4 I am SNS BOT

I am just sick of people wanting to make this place bigger hell than it is
you bet
ajde botino reketira pola zemlje vucicev brat ali bitno je da imas sendvicu ustima
To be honest, I wish we would have that here. The media is a fifth column and we have traitors in our parliament.

I'd rather not have freedom if it means to die.

usually, I would think this, but the President is pro-EU.
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Elections are not stolen, they were regular. The are no more than 500 people protesting, mostly brainwashed students that got brainwashed by seminars and lectures to go out to the streets, typical Soros tactics. But Serbs are based and they do not fall for the kike tricks like we did in 2000 with Milosevic.
Vucic is not Serbian Trump:

>Trump wants to stop immigration, Vucic is giving citizenship and money to immigrants over his own people
>Trump seeks to revitalize American industry while Vucic is selling our country to Arabs and Chinese
>Trump wants an isolationist policy, slowly backing away from NATO and trade agreements, while Vucic relies on giving money to foreign investors, signs agreements with NATO and hurls our country into EU faster than anyone before him

Only guy who could potentially be "Serbian Trump" is based Stamatovic, who only won 2% in these elections.
This is what happened in 2012. to be precise. We had "independent" journalists like Dragan J. Vucicevic attacking government, Serbian economy was shaken by global economic crisis and Nikolic and Vucic were claiming Tadic had rigged the elections...

Beside equating serbian and us politics scene, which is retarded, the memesters on /int/ and /pol/ don't realize that he's ruining this country.
These protests stink of Soros.
>Vucic is Serbian Trump

I've seen other guys call him Serbian Hillary... Which is it? Is he /ourguy/ or not?
Centre-right, pro-EU. He is only Trump if you are literally Marx.
He's worse than both of them. Serbian Hillary is Jeremic, Serbian Obama is Jankovic and Serbian Trump is Stamatovic.
I agree with the bitching. But you have to see the mainstream media talks only good about one candidate (vucic) and the others dont get any screentime at all.
And to compare an albanian-muslim refugee & EU loving-cuck with trump is just plain stupid
That's the whole point nobody is /ourguy/, cause people are hungry, and tired of all the politicians that came to power in the last 20+ years.
he is the true son of the kek on serbian soil
anything else you hear are butthurt tards
Who is New Slobo who will Make Serbia Great Again?
It never ceases to amaze me that some guys on pol think ironically supporting Vucic is funny and cool...
That's what the left is doing in every country.
who says i support him ironically...i wish he brings out the police vs these libtard students and beat them senseless
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Vucic is serbian tramp and look at all of these libtards crying of him becoming a president and making hashtag #nijemojpredsednik(notmypresident)
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my sides

libshits on suicide watch
answer me little serbcucks
Milan Stamatovic.
Pussymouth OUT!
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i want this ride to end
Vučić EU policy is a meme, you can't go into EU without going into NATO first if you are ex-Socialist state.
He is playing you all.

Also, these protests are handled by the worst scum imaginable.

Vučić is anti-Atlanticist candidate, that is why he got support from Putin and Merkel, since Germany is the largest economic partner by far to both Russia and Serbia.
For the very same readon, he is opposed by Davenport and Scott
>not Miroljub Petrovic
so...average day in the balkans?
That is what they are hoping for. To further the narrative of muh dictatorship, muh fascism, muh totalitarian state.
ja bi mu poljubio ćerku
Retardu, jebao te Blic, NSPM, N1, RSE, B92, Tarzanija, Rockefeller fondacija, Open Society, USAID, Evropa nema alternativu, Kandićka i Biserko u usta.
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>It's a Serbia causes another World War episode

Don't play dumb Gavrilo. Everyone knows this is just b8 to lure Turkey and the EU into starting shit in the region.

That said, if there's Serb patriots wanting to stop migrants and gas lefties, then they have my energy.

Best of luck anons.
He was the president of Cajetina prior to elections. During that time he:
>stopped government from giving Cajetina's land to private firms
>said he will not help refugees because Serbian people need to be priority

He is anti-EU and anti-NATO.
Also he actually has real work experience, having worked as a technician in several public firms before going into the politics.
But Mr. Vucic want's more refugees :^)
He's that based.
Why would Serb patriots want to stop migrants going to the West? They don't want to stay in Serbia, not even the Serbs want to stay in Serbia if we are to believe Yellow Fever imbeciles.
Knock yourselves out, you invited them, you pay them and offer them better income than average Serb wages.
this, even digits confirm

fuck EU
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And did he win?
>Serbian intellectuals
I dunno who is Biserko ?

I hate vucic and I do not like the results but if someone would pay me a ticket to BG i would personally beat the shit out of these leftist shills.
It was the opposite. Tadic lost because he extradicted our heroes Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic.
No. He was around 10%

Tho third position for non politician is fucking impressive.
Thank god then that there's like no wall on the northern border, and like a literal minefield to the west and all the refugees are just passing through.
Do you know that Shid is filled with middle eastern junkies that go around robbing and hurting people?
You should murder arabs
That would be anti EU according to our president :^)
Whoops, meant to quote you .
Do you have any idea what kind of negative publicity and propaganda would a Serb attempt at stoping Muslim scum once again generate? Have you seen how FYROM was treated? They are MIGRANTS to West, not immigrants, they don't want to stay in Serbia.
What would you have done? Opened fire? Locked down the country, closed borders? The home front would have immediately went up in protest, Zoe i Mitićke, Srbijanke i Borke.

Pick one.
Every time. Thanks George Soros.
Who is your option then? Please, don't tell me Boško, because he is a plant, though not in the same league as halal pig Jeremić.
>They are MIGRANTS to West, not immigrants, they don't want to stay in Serbia.
fucking THIS
retards don't realize we're doing a favor by letting them to pass through
I know senpai, having a spine is hard. A competent politician would know how to play the game. Vucic isn't one, none of them are.
>What would you have done?
Spray them with pepper spray and build walls just like Hungary.

My vote goes for Saša Radulovic and the explanation is simple.

He is the only guy who wants to cut 20% of public jobs in bureaucracy. Those people are sitting on ass and getting paid for doing literally nothing.

The system works like this, you give me 50 votes I give you some job...

Radulovic is probably leftist shill and he is shithead but the only way we stop this same repetative system is if we cut 20~30% of public spending and recruitment by party card (partijska knjizica i partijsko zaposljavanje).

I am sick of it and I want the guy who will TEAR IT DOWN.
guy won fair and square. 2milion votes. butthurt left wants to reeee on the streets, who cares. vucic will (as those before him) rule for minimum of 10 years.
He has a spine, believe me. It's just that he also was the student of generation, is cunning, and accumulated some wisdom along the way.
Tell me, do you know that Koštunica immediately after asuming power had to go to Skoplje to visit US Ambassador to receive instuctions on Government composition. The same case with Vučić. Labus, Dinkić, Zorana and similar scum are plants. So is Sanda and Dveri. Haven't you witnessed the fact that when results came, supposedly pro-Russian DSS-Dveri ran to cry to British and US ambassadors, and held hands with worst Yellow scum, holding rubber ducks and protesting together with NGOs, Solomon Black and Denis Ibišbegović?
Sanda was not even part of original DSS. But now, after she and her scum were expelled, based Aleksandar Popović and new DSS might be promising again.

Things are far from what they seem at a glance, or in media narrative. You as a /pol visitor should know that.
To those of you claiming we are just a few of butthurt liberals: watch closely what happens tonight.
So you would leave several tens of thousands of people with no job, if we include their families who are dependant on that income, a far larger number?
During times of terrible demographics?
Would that also impact people earning a living from the government employees expenditures?
Don't be a simpleton.
Pay me the ticked and I will personally beat the shit out of you.


what will happen, you'll get beaten tonight? can't wait!
more reeeee?
No. There is system. They will get support. They would get almost average salary in Serbia.

I know it seems destructive but the system does not work properly.

One my junior school friend is a "politician" in our local community.
The guy is fucking illiterate.
And in 5~10 years he will be in position of power. And the same system just goes on.

You be good to me, I be good to you.

We need to brake circle once.
Its better we suffer than our children.
Lol these are the same empty threats that came with the Macedonian komunjari. It is obvious that leftie retards like you do not know how to protest and fail to achieve anything, even with daddy Soros' boob.
Progress and prosperity come slowly and steadily, through hard work, dedication and pride. Mentality must be healed.
Serbia was not Serbian and Svetoslavic for 100 years, it was Yugoslav and Yugocommunist.
People are apatriotic, apathy and resignation are rampant. Socialist mentality is still prevalent.
Violent and sudden changes, revolutions and protests won't bring improvement.
They are getting paid with money we do not have.

We are currently at 70%+ of GDP debt and situation is getting worse by the year.

I see Greece scenario in 10 years. I am afraid.
this. they are all suckin soros's balls
based make
How do you heal socialist mentality?
You do not understand how the system works mate. Its not healthy.

Who ever wins on the elections get their people in place and they continue leaching the public money.

Slow progress wont change the faulty system.

The level of corruption is almost bad as it was while the yellow scum was in charge.
That debt was started during Yellow Fever, who sold state and social property left and right, but still had to take (unfavourable) credits to fund the inflated living standard of the period.
Your economy might have something to do with imbeciles who signed the removal of tariffs on imported EU goods, while EU kept it on Serbian goods.
Think about that treason.
Or the scum who disarmed Serbian military, dismantled many formations, destroyed amphibious and engineering equipment which would have been useful during floods, or countless anti air and anti tank missiles, tanks.
Jeremić's chief of campaign is a fucking NATO graduate that introduced NATO office in Ministry of Defence.
Almost as bad? It's worse. Every leecher from DS flew over to SNS and kept his job. They have 700k members at the moment, that's more than 10% of total citizens with the right to vote, and more than 20% of citizens actually voting...

Gdje zivi kcerka da me poljubi u kurac
It's called spoil system. It works like that just about everywhere, USA included. Find the article on Democrats who lost job and can't find it in DC anymore. That practice is key component of Slobo, Yellow Fever and now SNS domestic policy, they reward their minions and voters.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but party soldiers and friends get jobs and favours all around the democracies of the world.
Not to mention the big fishes that get board positions etc.
>ajde botino reketira pola zemlje vucicev brat ali bitno je da imas sendvicu ustima
vučićev buraz je kriminalac? nisam ni znao da ga ima
Sometimes you NEED to cut off your arm in order body to SURVIVE.

Samo onda kada se resimo partijskog zaposljavanja mozemo nastaviti ka bilo kakvom progresu.

I know they are all scum mate and I seriosly do not care who leads as long as we FIX THE SYSTEM.

>Pepper spray

It's easier for me to find Tetejac or Snajku than Pepper Spray cec
hahah. we have like 10 different political parties and all are for immigration and for eu and it was the russians. it's jew mocracy in the purest form.
You seriosly do not understand .

There are people LITERALLY SITTING on their asses at this very moment doing absolutely nothing and getting paid in almost every government agency that exist now.

Those people got NO diploma or they got meme tier diploma from private universities (meme tier diplomas).

And we borrow the foregn money to pay them in order for Current rulling party to KEEP their vote.

Thats how fucked the system is.
Nije li Vučić ukinuo zabranu zapošljavanja u javne službe? U Hrvatskoj takvima kad se jednom zaposle ne možeš ništa, zaštićeni su reliktima socijalizmau obliku suludih zakona o radu, sindikata i kolektivnih ugovora. Doslovno pustiš da im se smanjuje broj tako što stari odlaze u penziju jedino.
Inače, 12 godina žuti smradovi nisu raspisali specijalizaciju osim anesteziologije, 12 godina. I onda se čude što je toliko doktora otišlo.
It is not full of the leftist liberals, that was my mistake also, I very much dislike neo-liberalism, and I also thought this protest was nothing more than the same acting up that happened in America when Trump won (Donald Trump is not my president) but it is not and I am also joining the protests today!
Majstore, u Hrvatskoj je isto tako, ako ne i gore, samo nas turizam spašava.
Nakon svakih izbora nova zapošljavanja, nova mjesta u agencijama i tako to. Jedna vlada je imala ministricu bez portflja sa 5 tajnica i savjetnica, naravno prijateljice, i svaki dan buket cvijeća na državni račun.
Mozes i dalje da se zaposlis ali samo uz dozvolu organa vlasti. Tako da imamo situaciju da doktori, policajci i prosvetni radnici ne mogu da se zaposle, a Vucic dozvoljava uhlebima da udju u drzavne institucije.
Update: looks like protests are already starting in Cacak.
Solid crowd, considering Cacak is a relatively small town.
Ne. Mozes da se zaploslis. Plus postoje izuzetci tom pravilu kada se primaju neki "stažisti" i "prakse" i slično.

Koje smo mi banana republike.
Video from Cacak protest:
woah taking a picture at the begining of the protest. Fuck off Vucic fag go read your Informer.
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guess libshits are happy to see this soros scum to come and support them
Haha e sirotinjo jadna, nemas ni za kartu do beograda, a isao bi da tuces studente, koga lazes bednice sendvicarski
I'll be there tonight so I'll try to inform you after I get back

Note : Don't listen to people who say this is a liberal vs conservative fight. It is not, and everyone who believes this lives in his basement and never goes out. This is a fight against corruption and fake politics, people who protest are both right and left wing, we just want the corruption to stop. The main right wing party is filing a report on rigged elections today and many of their supporters are joining the protests

Recap of yesterday :
>Tens of thousands of protesters in Belgrade, estimates go between 10 and 20k
>Around a thousand in Novi Sad and Cacak
>Minor incidents, a few people attacked a riot control cop and a few billboards were destroyed
>Police and Army held several protests during last 3-4 months, the last being only a month ago
Vucicev brat je najveci bandit u Srbiji
>>Around a thousand in Novi Sad and Cacak
Novi Sad and Nis.
Cacak protests were earlier today.
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Fuck off Serbs. Quit trying to start another world war.
nah, I was there yesterday, It was quite spontaneous. People were leaving the public transport to join the crowd, at the start there were around 500 people, but people gradually joined to >10k . There were no banners, no megaphones, just angry people
Lik poseduje pola Srbije i zajedno sa Aleksandrom pravi sumnjive biznis dilove. Npr Vucic je napravio dil da se pravi autoput, ali Andrija Vucic poseduje skoro sve fabrike asfalta i gradjevinskog materijala, takodje beograd na vodi koji se grade koristi veliki broj resursa iz Andrijinih kompanija. Cela stvar je samo namestaljka da se uzme ogroman procenat od velikih investicija
Yeah, to me the best part was when I saw few girls asking the driver to open the doors so they could join the protests. Driver was also clearly supportive of protests, like many other people behind the wheel on blocked street.
My mistake
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Evo ga lice pravog bandita.
I don't know how 'having a spine' equates to running to your own backyard and bullying your own people, while at the big schoolyard where all the tougher kids play, you act like smaller then a poppy seed so you don't get hit.

Of course i know that all of them went to their masters to receive instructions on what to do.
You have Velimir Ilic on TV saying that they smuggled money across the border, before the fall of Slobo, from Budapest in their winter coats.

That's what i'm saying, there isn't a competent politician on these territories that knows how to do their job (patriotically speaking). Lining up their pockets with our money. That's where they excel the most.
This guy knows whats up.
Yup, people were quite supportive, at one point the riot control showed up, but did absolutely nothing. A few cops smiled and a few clenched fists as a sign of support and resistance. It seems they are sick and tired of this, if the protests escalate and they join, that would be the end of Vucc
Police and army are protesting on saturday too. Heh. Kind of sad if you think about it.
Yeah, sure, the only thing that keeps those Jews at the top is Capitalism . Jews just have an interesting tradition of keeping everything in the family and saving money, capitalism, which allows them to pile up money, was a perfect breeding ground for them to get to the top. Combine that with 100+ years of capitalism in U.S and that's how you get Jews on top. It's not a big conspiracy, you guys are just idiots
ne mogu da citam celo klupko, jel ste vi pederi za ili protiv ovih protesta?

ide mi devojka na ovo, potpalili je ovi njeni klosari cetnici sa faksa.
>cetnici sa faksa.
Koji je to faks kek?
Ima nas za, ima nas i protiv. Ja sam licno za, protest ne deluje kao da ima stranu organizaciju, tako da Soros prica pada u vodu.
Verovatno se nece postici nista ozbiljno, da budemo realni, ali ako mozemo da napravimo bar malo frke, treba da radimo to sada kad imamo sansu.
Ja sam za dan uzeta. Da se povesaju svi koji su se bavili politikom poslednjih 20 godina. I dede, babe i unuci. Zatrti seme.
Nov pocetak.
ozb idu cetnici ili cetnici kao nadimak za neke pedere ?

>dis gon bi gud
ima gomila nekih random radikala koji isto protestuju, to je najbolji deo hahahaha
Lustracija devojko, lustracija
so they're leftists backed by George Soros???
Da, zaboravio sam i da napomenem sve NGO aktiviste isto povesavti.
Steta sto nam je vojska u kurcu, tako da od pucha nista. Fino su se pripremili moram priznati.
to je odlicno, mrzim radikale, a cetnicima bi slajmaru u lice pljunuo

Ali da se razumemo, jedino oni znaju da protestuju, ako budemo racunali na samoorgnizovane studente, iz prve ruke mogu reci da ce se ovo pretvoriti u Ne davimo Beograd i gomilu hipstera koja seta kerove po centru BG-a. Neko nasilje mora da izbije ako nameravamo da ovo ozbiljno uradimo

Jedina steta je sto je cela opozicija ispalila
Jankovic kmeci kako je demokratski izgubio (ne vidi covek ironiju svojih reci)
A Beli ne zeli da bude predvodnik protesta

A beli bi bio najbolji predvodnik da se razumemo, gotive njega i kvazi intelektualci i seljaci
Cacak, the eternal home of izdajice
opsiran je termin NGO, mislis na Non government organizations ? Takve stvari bi trebalo i gurati, kako da oborimo staru vlast ako ubijamo definiciju njihovih protivnika
Filozofski. Svi sa smera su neki balavci i svi dolaze ovde na /pol/, odlaze u kokardama na fakultet itd. Degenericnost totalna.

Sve je to lepo i treba skinuti pedera sa vlasti, ali to se ne radi ovako. Revolucija moze samo ratom ili gradjanskim ratom. Neko je sve ovo namerno i svesno izazvao, sad jel to soros, strane kontraobavestajne sluzbe ili neko peti, to je nebitno.

Lepo je sto ti panduri dok gledaju to se smeskaju i odobravaju, ali ti panduri su strajkovali juce, a danas rade sta im se kaze. Policiju koristi vlast.

Cak pomalo i zelim da dobiju po picki na tom protestu, cisto da im dodje iz dupeta u glavu. Najgluplji uvek najebu prvi u svakom konfliktu.
Beli im pametno porucuje da se ne pale mnogo i da ne idu na ulice. Najpametnija stvar koju je covek ikad rekao.

A niko ga sad ne jebe 2% nakon izbora.
Guy who just one is literally Clintons shill. He also led dirtiest campaign in recent history.
People who vote for him are mostly members of his party who got their jobs because they served in previous campaigns and old people who are easily pursuaded by propaganda. All national media are controlled, there is no democracy.

That being said, young people who protest are mostly liberal students, but fuck it, i'd rather have a liberal government than a faux nationalistic and authoritarian
Da, nevladine organizacije. Nadam se da si svestan da su mnoge od njih placene od istih tih koji placaju politicare.

>Revolucija moze samo ratom ili gradjanskim ratom.


Veruj mi, nije ovo namerno izazvano, juce su imali ogromnu sansu da propadnu zato sto ih je bilo 200 na pocetku i to nekih hipstera. Bio sam tamo, ljudi izlaze iz tramvaja i pridruzuju se

Dodji danas pa se uveri, a ne da seres iz svog podruma Soros price

Ako nista, Vucic je Sorosev covek, nema on sta nas da finansira
idi u picku maternu izdajica jedan
How the fuck is Bosko a plant? He is not nearly strong enough at this moment to do anything, but everything that he and his party did since entering the parliament shows that he is true opposition, probably the only sincere one
Ljudi koji su glasali za belog i nisu na ulicama. (mozda neki mali procenat)

Ovo su Jankovicevi i Jeremicevi
Vidis da su vecina mladi levicari sa filozofije i gejografije i istorije.
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Don't know any Serbdudes or really care what the fuck happens in that postage stamp sized country...

All I care about is consuming a steady diet of leftist tears, no matter the country of origin...
>govori mi covek iz Australije

Decko idi odjebi na kenguru
Brate ja imam 26 godina, izgradio sam svoj zivot. Jel na vlasti ovaj ili onaj, na taj moj isti zivot ima 0.01% posto uticaja i bice mi isto.

Ne lozi se. Dobili ste sponzorisane petogodisnje rekreativne nastave, od sponzora roditelja koji su prvi glasali za tog jebenog vucica, i sad tu izigravate neki bunt i prkosnost.
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>Revolucija moze samo ratom ili gradjanskim ratom
Sigurni ?
Idi u kafanu tamo u tvoju usranu Sumadiju i pricaj kako nisi hteo da se boris protiv ustasa i muslimani.
They don't.

These protestors wont get their part of pie, thats why they are protesting.

They didn't protest when there were parlament elections and they are protesting now just because its hot and nice outside.

The leftists of worst kind.
Dobra nam je ta revolucija bila. Sjaho Kurta da uzjase Murta.
Do potpunog unistenja porodicnog stabla svim lopovima. Ako treba da gadja, po pristalicama bilo koje partije, rado.
Ovo nije tacno, ja sam bio tamo kao inzenjer, bilo je dosta ljudi sa tehnickih fakulteta. Takodje sam sreo i dosta prijatelja koji ne studiraju nego rade, tako da argument "to su studentska govna i besposlicari" pada u vodu.
They're George Soros cucks.
Peti oktobar nije bio gradjanski rat.

>get raped by Turks for 500 years
>lose every war in history
>get bombed by USA
>lose Kosovo

>Vidis meni je lepo
>to znaci da je svima lepo
>ja imam xx godina znaci pametan sam i mudrac od Sto Ljeta

Druze, ti si krenuo da gradis zivot i to je sve super, ali kako mi ostali da gradimo zivot kada nas Vucic svakim danom sve vise sprecava. Politika je obaveza svaokg gradjanina, cak i ako ti je lepo trebalo bi da imas osecaj drustvene odgovornosti i pogledas malo oko sebe sta se dogadja
why would you even post this pic? what does it bring to the discussion. i fucking hate you you fucking doodle fuck
go to bed chris
>nisi hteo da se boris protiv ustasa i muslimani

Balavcu jedan, pola porodice mi je izginulo u ratovima, da bi ti pogana kukavice koji si pobegao iz zemlje kenjao nesto
Pouka basne, koja tebi ocigledno treba da se sazvace, je da ova drzava mora da se unisti da bi se gradila opet. Dzabe seces rep kad odmah raste novi.

Bolje ce da ti bude ako to tvoje vreme, trud i gnev uposlis na pobosljavanje sebe umesto na lajanje na zvezde.

Mama i tata vam salju smrznute sarmice autobusima jer ne umete dva jaja da polupate, govna balava i nesposobna, a ovamo bi da rusite vlast?

Jel neko od tih numejlova na tom protestu sluzio jebenu vojsku uopste?
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Party in power look like centre-right cuckservatives in for themselves. Serbian Radical Party on the other hand look like /ourguys/ but I don't know who's side they're on here.
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>Gotov je

Good times

>pola porodice mi je izginulo u ratovima

koji su to ratovi bili u Srbiji?

mislis pola poridice ti je izginilo kad je islo silovati i pljackati druge drzave?
> U tom skupu je bilo nas 50 pametnih.

Igla u plastu sena.

Ajde ne gubi se video sam dosta juce.
Pa treba uciti na greskama, ono sto su demokrate tada trebale da urade je Lustracija, i ne bi bilo vucica i ostalih pedera
Lustracija je inace proces ciscenja zemlje od bivsih politicara razlicitim metodama (hapsenja, sudjenja, i oduzimanje demokratskih prava)

Sada bi trebalo napravit novi 5. oktobar ali ne zajebati ga vec doterati stvar do kraja i pohabpisit sve na bivsoj vlasti. A one koje no mozemo ni za sta da uhvatimo, oduzeti im demokratsko pravo
4 clana sam izgubio od vase Ustaske ruke pre 60 godina. Odjebi
Nisu demokrate krive za to nego Kostunica. Ali ne bi ni to u potpunosti pomoglo jer se i u samom DS-u nakotilo novog korova tokom tih godina...
They sided with the government recently, so not /ourguys but /sellouts
They are Vucic's cucks and they are corrupt as fuck. Populistic nationalism that worked in post war years because people were still angry about everything that happened. They will slowly turn to dust in the next few years.
Znam sta je lustracija, zato sam i spomenuo vojni puch. Koji je nemoguc sa trenutnim stanjem vojske.
Trebalo je istu stvar demokratama kao i Slobi uraditi. Pa da vidimo ko ce sledeci da dodje da se zajebava.

lik koji se nista nije pitao je kriv

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>logika je umrla
>pepe needs a reason to be posted

Next best hope for being /ourguys/ then?
Demokrate = DOS , znaci i kostunica i DS

I da slazem se, krivi su zato sto nista nisu uradili, izdali su revoluciju u poslednjem trenutku

My internet ladyfriend is reeeee'ing with you. You have my energy. Kek.
Neko nazalost mora da bude i mediokritet.
Ali to ne znaci da moras da budes i placipicka.

>ima placen fakultet
>zali se na nesto

apsolutni keks
At the moment only our guy is Bele (meme spreglord). I do not see anybody else acting like a grown up after these elections.
Also any good reason here to suspect the hand of Soros at play with these protesters?
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jedna lasta ne cini proljece.
meni se na svim slimama cini da je sve puno studenata ali kako oces. i ako ovi tvoj zaposleni prijatelji nemaju pametnijeg posla nego srackat okolo ocito nisu bas pretjerano zaposleni
A ti si jelte iz svoga dzeba platio fakultet pa hoces nesto da kenjas

Budzet na fukultetu treba da bude osnovna stvar a ne priviliegija, azsto koji kurac placam toliki porez ako ne za fakultet i zdravstveno osiguranje

Sta god pricali o Djindjicu, on je hteo da pohapsi socijalisticki korov po drzavnoj upravi. Kostunica je taj koji je to kocio. Kostunica je onaj koji je branio JSO kada su protestvovali, Kostunica je taj koji nije dao da se smeni direktor DB-a.
its barely visible and gay
Ili postoji mogucnost da su zavrsili sa radnim vremenom pa otisli na proteste?
no, literally none

As I said, I was their yesterday, people were joining us from cafes, streets and public transport. The original group was only around 200 people and they organized trough facebook
Ja fakultet nemam.

A koji si ti to porez platio izvini molim te?
Jel si ikad uopste ista platio ovoj jebenoj drzavi?

Ajde slikaj neku uplatnicu da vidim. Cekam
He had statement this morning.

He warned youth that they are probably being abused by the situation from the political parasites and that sistem needs to change from the bottom to the top. Meaning organize on the local levels and do what is best for the societies. He also told them to be caution and stay safe.

naravno da postoji ali ne mozes rec da zbog tri tvoja neka tamo prijatelja teorija da su vecina ljudi na prosvjedu studenti pada u vodu
Djindjic je bio okruzen najvcecom bagrom koja postoji. Ljudima koji su prodali i ovo malo sto je ostalo.

Left wing idiots protesting election results. More news at 11.

Can we just deport these retards to Oregon or something?
Pa otprilike sve sto posedujem i sto sam kupio, procenat je otisao na porez
Kiriju koju placam placam sa porezom, voda, struje, generalije, i to sve ide sa porezom

Svaki dinar koji sam ikad dobio/zaradio je stigao sa oduzetim porezom

Ne moram da budem 26 godina i placam drzavi direktno porez da bi ga placao, mada i time sam se bavio jednom prilikom

Svi placamo porez druze

Death and taxes
He, ne verujem ti da si prijavljen kao podstanar, da budem iskren. Niko nije.
Stim se potpuno slazem, zato sto bi inace bila induktivna zabluda.
Ono na sta sam ja ciljao je zakljucak da ljudi 'i nemaju bas sta da rade', mislim da je bio pogresan.
Btw, nisam anon koji je pricao o svojim prijateljima.
Siguran sam da kiriju placas preko ziro racuna, da ti je gazda u sistemu pdva, i da je sve na belo. Ne seri. Kapiram da si preuvelicao zarad razgovora, ali onda daj batali i nemoj da mlatis mrtvog konja.

Tih 100e koje trosis mesecno odnosno 20e koje idu na poreze su stvarno validan razlog za kukanje.
Why are they crying? Isn't he pro-eu pres? What more do they want?
logika je sa tobom stvarno umrla
Children protesting, nothing to see here, move along

Lefist shills are complaining about democracy and vucic is apparently a dictator even tho he won 55%.

I really don't support vucic but he wont fair and square.
>fair and square
>robbed the elections before they even started
How did you get into EU then, you were socialist scum as well.
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Dveri are /ourguys/, they are against eu and nato, they are for traditional family values and they are not corrupt. But at the moment they are far too small to do anything.
It's not even a fight for power at this moment, it's a fight against corrupt, authoritarian, western puppet government.
We just need democracy at this moment, and fair conditions for everyone.
We just have kinda same situation in russia, wanna know more about yours.
>sta je porez na imovinu

absolutni retardi...
I can bet that 50% of protesters didn't even bother to vote
Main problem with our right-wing is that they are all too much pro-Russia. Sucking Putin's dick is no better than licking Merkel's clit.
Our PM and recently president (the same guy) is copying Putins dictator policies

Because Vucic youth is politically active ? Thats why he robbed? Because those illitearate fucks are capable of organizing and actually doing something?

While leftist shills jerking off and complaiging about the situation?


You god damn hippies I fucking hate you.
Bosko is Vucic 2.0, extremist until he get into power, he would sell his own mother for power
Why the fuck would they protest then, did you vote fag ?
It's not same in any way possible. Our new president is a dictator that has western support.
Most of his votes come from really old people that are easily pursuaded by his 24/7 propaganda, or from members of his party that got their jobs for their service and activism.
It's literally nothing. Merkel won and Schulzfags are protesting because they suspect electoral fraud. That's it.

If they get their way, it won't get any better. All nationalist opposition was destroyed, so now we got Merkel and the left.
No, and I don't protest, but my sister that didn't bother to vote is going to this protest "muh stolen election"
>still thinking this is a left vs right thing

We are fucking organizing you fag
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Most votes come from old people.

Ether post the grapsh or fuck off.

I know quite the amont of young people who voted for him.
Ne treba da se organizuju liberali (poistoveceno pojam sa mim izborima u s.a.d-u), treba da ih provozamo helikopterom.

Ali pazi, zamisli, samo zamisli. Kada bi se tolika energija koja je ulozena u organizaciju glasanja (mislim na SNS) na izborima, usmerila jos negde. Jos samo negde. Pa mi bismo bili nezaustavljivi.
Ali ne, bolje je sedeti sledece 3-4 godine na dupetu dok ne dobijes posao da jos malo sedis i ne radis nista.
Yet he did not. You are projecting, he does not have ties with any foreign agency or corrupt bussinesmen. I know many members of their movement, they are all honest, working people.
I find it hilarious how you sound exactly like the VMRO cretins.
>really old people that are easily pursuaded by his 24/7 propaganda, or from members of his party that got their jobs for their service and activism.
Sounds like putin's electorate, kek. But how's he pro-eu, supported by west and in the same time authoritorian and hated by liberals?
>Did you vote ?
> Well no, but you see ...

Some people don't vote anymore because they believe that everything they do won't make a result since the the winner is rigged prior to the elections. Your sister is protesting both by not voting and by hitting the streets while you are a hypocritical fag
I was member of the electoral commitee you idiot. Every 65+ year old voted for him, they were bragging about it.
Serbia has liberals?!!! WTF MAN!! I thought you guys still living in 70's.

Daily reminder that we live in this country:
Post graph or fuck off.

Argument " I WUZ does not work here. "
I didn't vote, not because election are rigged, but because I didn't want to elect that scum Sasa Jankovic as president, others didn't have a chance
These are the ''intellectuals'' that are chimping out cuz Vucic won... People unironically think here that these people are actually young smart intellectuals and future hope just because they are going to college... They are bunch of non working lazy human waste sjw commie liberal cry babies... I voted for Bosko Obradovic but now i unironically support Vucic against these liberar retards...
Retardu maloumni, pogledaj tko i što je Jasmina Vujić, Sanda.
Pogledaj kojem ambasadoru su pobjegli da uđu u Skupštinu, i s kime su marširali noseći patkice u protestu.
Daj se prizovite pameti i razmislite zašto je DSS imao prevrat i izbačena poluhrvatica Sanda sa sinom Hrvatom iz prvog braka, i zašto je Koštunica se pojavio u javnosti sa Aleksandrom Popovićem.

Još samo fali da napišeš da je Jeremić ponosan srpski patriot da odustanem od Srba kad vas vidim ovako maloumne i naivne na ovoj temi. Nisu ni glupi očito trećina današnjih Hrvata bivši Srbi, vidjeli su od koga bježe.
not an argument.

post data or fuck off.
But you still didn't vote you fag
Times of protests in case someone wants to go:
He is authoritarian in the way he rules. He was a nationalist before (although a corrupt one), and then completely changed his ideology overnight when he realised that he can't win with nationalistic rhetoric.
Our liberals hate him because they are mostly clueless about world politics and they are against his dictatorship, but they mostly support other eu shills that present themselves as fair democrats.
How can you get data on that ? The elections are anonymous, the only information you can get is by asking the people personally and hearing them brag

You can't get graphs on who voted for who because nobody knows that fag

Same thing happened in Romania almost two months ago. We had Parliamentary elections in November last year, 35 % of the eligible population voted, the Socialists won. What happened next? Massive protests against the Socialists (250.000 people at the peak of the protests) - if you actually went to the gatherings and ask people if they voted or not, most of them did not *young people mind you*.

Same thing happened in the US as well. It's a general thing for the younger populations that can't cope with losing anymore. They throw shitfests after the voting is closed, but they did not even have the decency of actually fucking voting.

Hell, I fucking hate the socialists in my country, they are basically the continuation of the communist party. But fuck me, they won the vote democratically, don't fucking protest against them. It's your own god damn fault at the end of the day - sitting in your house and masturbating, instead of voting, puts you in place, you fucking morons.
its not all but it is 80%
fucking scum on the earth.

Decent people are working.
Because in the balkans everything is upside down inside out.
Go out and actually talk to some people you basement dwelling idiots. No one makes age based analysis in our country.

Ovo isto prica Dragan Petrovic. Sve ovo je rekao.
I did. I know plenty of young people who voted for him.

I also know quite the amount of partents that voted for him.

people in 40's aren't old you god damn leftie shill

Fucking this. I hate the socialists in my country, but seeing the "intellectuals" in my country protesting against a democratically elected government really made me rage, hence now I unironically support the Socialist party (PSD), even thought im a right-winger to the core.

Fuck 'em, these "intellectuals" are nothing more but neoliberals that can go fuck themselves over and over again. They are literally the democrats of Eastern Europe - they would be the first to accept refugees, LGBQTQQQQ rights and so forth.

They deserve every inch of pain they can get.
They're more intelligent than u.

nah, we're not Ukraine

grow the fuck up and get over it.

I can't stand the guy, since my 7 year old sister has more experience in the private sector than he does, but seriously GROW THE FUCK UP ALREADY. Do something productive with your life.
Yes being good obedient goy.
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Note that anybody with a diploma is automatically considered an "intellectual" in Serbia. Especially if they leave the country, then they're a nobel prize winner in the making. It's one of our many buzzwords - and when you hear in the context of the English language like this, you can see just how silly it is.


I wouldn't necessarily shower him with praise like this, but one thing is for sure - his opponents were nobodies that nobody trusts. One of the leading candidates was a quite literal internet meme (very lame and unfunny one at that). Meanwhile, Vucic has steady supporters who believe in him, for better or for worse.
Jedi govna idiote. Jasmina Vujic je jedna od najuspesnijih srpkinja sveta, da je kojim slucajem podrzala Vucica slusali bi hvalospeve o njoj po ceo dan.
Patkicu je Bosko osudio, nije ni u jednom trenutku podrzao ni Jeremica ni Jankovica.
Koga boli kurac za dss uostalom, dogovorili su se oko 10 zajednickih tacaka za koje su se slozili i sa tim su izasli na izbore. Nije nikoga Skot ugurao u skupstinu nego su oni pokradeni i sramotno ostavljeni na 1 glas ispod cenzusa, onda kad se pridigla cela opozicija, vlast je popustila i ponovila izbore na par mesta.

That's why most of them don't have jobs, right?

That's why most of them still live with their parents at the age of 25, right?

I would line up every single one of them, the fucking hypocrites. Hippies and hipsters that contribute nothing to the society, yet they go out and "protest" every single god damn day while normal people work and pay taxes for their dumb asses.
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Ala si ti ispran.

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>Dude pivo iz dvolitarke lmao
Can some serbanon give me a quick rundown of the election, parties and people involved?
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so Vucci won, will be president and prime minister and put someone he likes in power, the kebab remover in hungrary like him but so does turkey and russia. If protestors from soros get too agressive will he shut them down as i'd like to see that, not been a happening for a while.
Vi ste isprani radikalsko naprednjackom propagandom. Gde su te silne strane pare kod dverjana? Gde su podrzali bilo sta sto je na stetu srbije? Samo znate da serete, jebo vas onaj debeli idiot sa paprikom umesto nosa.
I don't like Vucic but at least he is not a nigger like this faggots that are protesting.
Mostly eu shills, the biggest one won, he is also the one who is absolutely the worst choice for democracy in this country.
Ja sam glasao za levicare.

pogledaj za koga glasas. Otvori oci.
Every single nation has the government they deserve. No more, no less.
Meni su oci sirom otvorene. Reci mi molim te za koga si ti glasao onda i zasto, mozda se prosvetlim.
za koje levicare kek, Canka?
That's why we don't have a government.
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jel se ljudi bune protiv vuletovog politickog plana ili samo protiv nacina na koji je dosao na vlast?
>hence now I unironically support the Socialist party (PSD), even thought im a right-winger to the core.
Exactly this, i hate Vucic and his party but seeing the type of people that go on these protest actually makes me happy that he won
>During the 2015 - 2016 European migrant crisis, Vučić strongly aligned himself with the policies of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and publicly praised German migration policy. Vučić also stated that Serbia will cooperate with the EU in solving the migrant stream going from the Middle East to EU member countries through the Balkan route, and that Serbia will be ready to take some portion of the migrants.


And so after seeing how wonderfully things went in Germany, you decided to elect a guy having a boner for Merkel? Wtf, Serbs? I thought you were based.
imas objasnjenje gore u treadu.
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Come home, Fyromian Man.
Nice doublethink.
It's a defense mechanism. They are convincing themselves that this is not the worst possible scenario...
A sto protestujete protiv Vucica kada je opozicija isto trulo, korumpirano govno? Vec koliko godina pricamo kako nemamo izbora, kako glasamo uvek za manje zlo, kako su svi isti itd... Pa sto onda ne protestujete protiv SVIH njih? Jel treba da izadjem na protest protiv Vucica da bi mi se na vlast vratio neki Tadic, Sutanovac i taj kadar? Zabole me kurac, kad budete pravili pravu stvar cujemo se, ali to vam nece dopustiti ti ljudi sa kojima danas protestujete.
ovo, ali nasa glupa nacija nikad nece shvatiti... izgubio sam nade i u njih i u drzavu
(((Berkeley))) kurvetina i uspješna profesorica, američka zaposlenica i nuklearna lobistica koja lobira protiv Rusije i ruskog nuklearnog biznisa po Europi, Mađarskoj, Finskoj, Bugarskoj... Je u navodnoj "pro-ruskoj" i "patriotskoj" stranci.
Što motivira uspješnu ženu na američkoj plaći sa najliberalnijeg sveučilišta da se vrati glumiti desničarku? Sanja Rusiju, a bori se protiv iste?
Suprotstavljena Zapadu, a Zapad je stvorio i zaposlio? Umrite maloumnici i stranački vojnici na ovoj temi.
Marko and Goran anons,you guys support the protests?

Pa zato postoji Beli, jebem li ga. On ti je vid protesta. Ali krajnje je ozbiljno pitanje zelis li podrzati nekoga iz tog mora korumpcije ili Tarzanija-tier zivu memu i morati da zivis sa time do kraja zivota.
Jebiga, siri ideju, ja sirim, to nam niko ne moze zabraniti.
Ma kad cete prestati sa tim zabludama da je biti rusofil bazirano. Pa nama su Rusi veci neprijatelji od EU i Amera, za EU i USA znas kad te zajebavaju, dok ti Rusi lagano zabodu secivo u kicmu kad najmanje ocekujes.
Balkan liberals are literal SJWs that buy into zionist propaganda.
I don't call myself liberal because of these retards even though I am one.
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>mfw it's about to rain
>protest on life support when bunch of millenials face harsh realization that they would rather stay in and laugh at Dnevnjak and Drzavni Posao than stand wet and cold outside for hours
neee jebite se zakasnio sam, pravite novi konac
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>its barely visible and gay
Just like your feminine benis ;^)

It's actually not, not in my case at least. The socialists winning (in Romania) was the worst scenario possible for our country, mainly because the whole socialist party is made up by corrupted politicians that already have a conviction (half of the fucking party) or literally neocommunists that have been ruling this country since before the 89' revolution.

But fucking seeing who went outside to protest against them made me realize that the other outcome (the liberals winning) would have been worse than the fucking socialists, in the long term. Why? The liberal parties in Romania, and in most of Eastern Europe as well, are nothing less but EU cronies that lick Merkel's boot. They are literally the same people that would unironically welcome refugees, the same people that would vote for gay rights and whatnot. And I'm not talking only about the liberal political parties, but also about the supporters of those parties (brainwashed democrats in a simple translation).

+ it's funny as fuck when the Socialists amended our Constitution last month, in order to stipulate that a family is made up of a man and a woman, completely obliterating any gay rights movement that have been starting to pop out from the liberal sphere.

Hell, at the end of the day, I voted for the right-winged parties, but the socialists won and guess what? They essentially implemented a right-winged policy regarding the nuclear family.

It is now literally impossible for gay men to constitute a family in Romania. I'd say that's a win, and I'll say it again: I fucking hate the socialists.
Sto toliko mrzis Drzavni Posao? Dnevnjak je stvarno govno govneta ali Drzavni Posao posle 1000 epizoda i dalje drzi neki standard i smesan je s vremena na vreme. I naravno da ti nije smesan ako nisi iz Vojvodine, jer nisi video svojim ocima kako takva 3 stereotipa zajedno funkcionisu.
Jebem ti mater smrdljivu petokolonašku. Britanska i američka rezolucija o genocidnim Srbima je pala samo zbog Rusije. Kosovo u UNESCO nije ušlo isključivo zbog Rusije.
Britanci su zajahali Srbiju kad su organizirali ubojstvo monarha, šabane maloumni. Jugoslavija je njihova kreacija, Jugokomunisti su njihovi.
Koliko Srba trebaju pobiti ili dati drugima da pobiju, koliko dokumenata ostaviti da žele srpske krajeve Makedoniju, Crnu Goru i Bosnu maknuti iz vlasti Beograda da ti prestaneš biti maloumni degenerik?
Ovo gore doslovno ima u britanskom arhivu, u dokumentima iz 1930.-ih, kad je Jugoslavija htjela proeuropsku, kontinentalnu politiku voditi, odmah su krenuli podržavati ustaše, hrvasko pitanje, anarhiste i komuniste.
>Every country gets their own Trump

He's like the gift that keeps giving.
Zato sto ne postoji gluplji humor od srpskog, niti gluplja kultura od srpske.
Bukvalno tek mozda jedan stepenik iznad parova i farmi.
>nobody knows that fag

And since you are somebody.

Glad that you are conceding the fact that you're full of shit.
We don't have our Trump, he's talking shit
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>Balkan liberals are literal SJWs that buy into zionist propaganda.

Completely true. Balkan liberalism is an off-shot of the Democrats in the US, nothing less.

It's actually hilarious (in Romania at least) seeing the Socialists implementing right-winged policies, and the liberals implementing socialist policies.

The political axe here is completely fucked up. Our Socialists ran with a nationalistic platform, while the liberals ran on a pro-EU pro-federalization platform. That pretty much tells you how fucked up the Balkans are, seeing that Vucic did the exact same thing as Dragnea in Romania.
I don't have the resources, nor the will to conduct exit polling.

Also asking 'who you voted for' after the winner is declared is extremely unreliable and in vast majority of cases people lie (because they want to be with winning side).

You made a claim that most people 'over 65 voted for him', the burden of proof is on you.
Zvucis malo kao Americki liberal, ili svedski.
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>tens of thousands of protesters
Au fost mulți naționaliști la proteste, în primele rânduri de la bulevard se dădeau redpill-uri la greu dar într-adevăr majoritatea (ascunși cât mai în spatele celor de la stradă, că doar sunt sensibili și "discreți") erau pro-EU și au mers doar ca să cânte lozinci ca la HWNDU. Nu mi se pare nimic greșit să îți exprimi nemulțumirea, păcat că trebuie să o faci alături de studenți frezați care în loc să meargă să voteze au stat acăsică pe Facebook.
The election results...

>inb4 that doesn't make any sense

Since when do leftists progs make any sense?
Covek baca crvene pilule samo tako.
Skandinavski humor je realno top tier, tu negde uz britanski. Nema sramote u tome.

t. neko ko zapravo poznaje stvari o kojima prica
Idi u svedsku jebla ti ona mater.
Idi kod izbeglica.
Ili si shiptar ili trebas biti sa shiptarima.
If you refuse to accept the results of an election, makes no difference to me if you're a right wing or left wing.
Kakva logika i rasudjivanje.
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Љyди ce бyнe штo јe њихoв вoљeни пeдepчић - дyпeлизaц ceпapaтиcтимa, мaњинaмa и кoмyњapaмa Caшa Jaнкoвић иcпyшиo чaк и y Бeoгpaдy.
Бoлe њих кypaц и зa пoлитикy и зa избope.

>Au fost mulți naționaliști la proteste, în primele rânduri de la bulevard se dădeau redpill-uri la greu

Stiu, acolo am stat si eu in primele zile de proteste, dar cand am vazut ca apar din ce in ce mai multe steaguri cu EU/US etc, mi-am bagat direct pula cand am vazut cat de usor de manipulat sunt toti (vezi ce se proiecta pe blocuri, ce se striga in general etc).

>Nu mi se pare nimic greșit să îți exprimi nemulțumirea, păcat că trebuie să o faci alături de studenți frezați care în loc să meargă să voteze au stat acăsică pe Facebook.

Total de acord, nemultumirea trebuie sa ti-o exprimi de fiecare data, si chiar m-am bucurat enorm ca au iesit atat de multi romani la proteste (la fel cu m-as bucura daca ar iesi si in continuare la astfel de cazuri). Dar de la a iesi sa iti exprimi nemultumirea la a striga "Demisia" sau sa ceri remanierea intregului Guvern - asta e o alta treaba.

Au stat acasa ca retardatii, sa manance cacat acum. La fel cum toti corporatistii lui pula prajit au votat USR (ca sunt de dreapta dom'le), dar acum le arata Nicusor Dan cat de stanga poate sa fie partidul. Niste ipocriti ordinari care merita aliniati la zid si impuscati.

Te apuca nebunia cand vezi ce cacat e in tara asta. Acum s-a apucat si Noua Dreapta sa se alieze cu Bogdan Diaconu, satelitu numarul 3 sau 4 al PSD-lui. Nationalistii, din pacate, iar nu o sa fie reprezentati foarte, foarte mult timp de-acum incolo.
I don't really know why they're doing what they're doing, but they're downright behaved compared to some of our anti-Trump protesters.
Ko i sta si ti govno jedno, da ja treba da ukljucim svoj mozak i jednu miliskeundu?
>>Skandinavski humor je realno top tier

>pljuje sopstvenu zemlju i okruženje u kome je odrastao.


Postoji kvalitativna i kvantitativna razlika izmedju kritike i ovoga sto ti radis.
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>Skandinavski humor
>Britanski humor
Ma to nije tacno, ima pun kurac ljudi koji su podrzavali Jeremica, Boska cak i Seselja, a i dosta ljudi koji nisu glasali.
Prestanite da legitiman bunt predstavljate kao nesto neoprostivo govna izdajnicka.
Dobro brate i sad ja okacim klip emisije Ivana Ivanovica i vrtimo se u krug.

Ne pljujem zemlju mada realno je zemlja kurac kurcevi od kako sam u njoj rodjen, a i pre. Ali nema niceg loseg niti sramota u tome da zovem nesto onako kako vidim. Muzika, kultura, sve nam je kurac apsolutni. To sto ste vi patriJote i sto ne umete da zvacete dve misli u glavi istovremeno i sto vas prosto-prosirene recene bune je vas jebeni problem.

Idi gledaj bolji zivot i srecne ljude i emancipuj se, to sto tri knjige nisi procitao u zivotu je apsolutno nebitno.
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They were throwing bottles at the Parliament (inb4 it doesn't make sense, it was the presidential election - they're retarded, nothing makes sense), and they tore down the "wall" Serbs from Kosovo put in front of the building in remembrance to Serbs killed by Albozergs and NATO.

>лeгитимaн бyнт
Cвaкo кo изaђe нa oвe пpoтecтe јep мy ce нe cвиђa peзyлтaт јe дeбил.
Cпpeмaјтe бoљeг кaндидaтa зa 2022. и нe cepитe нopмaлнoм нapoдy.

We don't chimp out like you do in the US, burger. The police crackdowns in the Balkans are hardcore, they won't just sit there and watch you devastate the city, they'll straight up infiltrate the protest with undercover agents and stir shit up in order to give a reason for the armed forces (police, gendarmes, special forces) to intervene.

They don't fuck around, hence why most of the massive protests will be peaceful as fuck - because most people realize what the police are doing every single time, resulting in the protesters self-policing themselves in order to not give a reason for police intervention.

Also, police here will straight up beat you with glass bottles that are wrapped in towels (this results in internal bleeding, with no outside marks to attest the beating). As I've said, they don't fuck around with protesters.

Vidim fino si naucio informerove pesmice. Aj bezi u kurac necu da pricam sa maloumnikom
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