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Let's settle this

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Thread replies: 330
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I'm confused, guys... Is /pol/ majority for or against Milo?
Let this be the definitive poll.
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Fags like these, should swing from trees
Atleast post a strawpoll moron;
Whoops, my bad :)

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/pol/ is pro-pedophilia now get with the new program
I'm on Milo's side on this.

They're doing the same thing to him that they did with Pewdiepie. Distort the truth to demonize them and take away their influence.
When can I be initiated to podestas pizza party's?
Welcome to the only game in town.

/pol/ is barely for /pol/ let alone anyone else.
Same here. I don't like Milo, but after looking at the facts/broadcasts, I have to agree with him on this one.
What he did was fucking retarded, but the blatant coordination to take him down is infuriatingly obvious
For him.

He owned his bullshit, called what he said wrong. Called out pedophilia.
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I hate him but he was obviously attacked by (((them))) so I sorta of have his back in a way.
Useful idiot who is no longer useful.
He was talking about his own experience when refering to the 13yo story with the priest.

He talked about a drag queen and 5some on Joe Rogan experience.

He also talked about a relationship as a 17yo to a 29yo.
I'm in Milo's corner. This is clearly a witch hunt orchestrated by the same people who fund rioting in our streets, lie to us in the news every day, are still doing whatever they can to try and bring Trump down and try to shame me every day for being a white man. It's the day after and I can't believe there are still people on /pol/ actually on MSM's side in light of the facts.
>gets statutorily raped by a pedo
>this means hes a pedo

as a liberal, this is not victim blaming and is completely the same as if he raped a kid himself.

basically once a pedo rapes you, you're a pedo now.

sorry rape victims but we need this for our narrative
the white house
What he said about 13 year olds was bad

I don't really agree a whole lot on his political views since he seems more of a civic nationalist but Milo is a good stepping stone for people to get into conservationism.

Anyway he'll be back I'm sure of it
i was really hoping he would just get aids
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Always has been, is now and always will be /OURGAY/
Milo on 13 year old boys:
>these nubile young men, these athletic young boys in their prime

keep defending him, but I'll keep my guns loaded for if Milo ever came at me aggressively and I would be put into a position to defend myself
I have no time for filthy degenerates.
The fact that he's also a jew with dubious motives only makes me trust him even less.
He is NOT Pedophile supporter he never was

Don't trust fake news
He was a useful idiot. He served his purpose.
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What if I agree that he is both a hellbound sodomite and our ally?
>get raped as a 14 year old
>joke about it to deal with it
>get called pedophile because of jokes
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woah these 1:1 transcripts sure are biased news media

Looks like the silent majority is pro milo, even though 'gay, hellbound sodomite' sounds preetty sweet.
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hes a gay faggot
>muh black boyfriend dick
>muh enjoyed sucking priests dick
>muh "its a just aprank bro" pedo defending
nu-pol liked him. Real /pol/ never did.
make pol /straight/ again
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Hes looking to retire, $0.02 at a time. Ignore the shills, their contract will be up soon enough.
Ally overrides the former.
I think all pedophiles should be killed.
I dont know if Milo is a pedophile, but I think he is not.

Just give me proof.
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I never really liked Milo. I thought he was a bit too ridiculous. Always respected him, and was really good and getting normies to explore new ideas. Which is exactly why (((they))) targeted him.
But I'm not going to stand here and allow these leftist lunatics and other establishment fuckwits to pick and choose who gets to come out in full support of cross-generation relationships or not. He's not a pedophile, he's a bit perverse, but guess what? Most gay people are pretty fucking disgusting!!
So fuck it. I am now a Milo fan. Not because I actually like him, but simply because of the intense hypocrisy the left continue to show on each and every level. The left fucking sickens me with their holier than thou attitude. Fuck them, they deserve to burn in hell.
Nothing he said was actually advocating for pedophilia.

He made glib comments about when he was sexually abused at 13.

Made somewhat more endorsing comments about a relationship he had when he was 17 and the other was 29, that age gap on the started getting awkward in the US in the 90s, which was a social perception that had everything to do with feminists wanting to discourage families so they would become career woman spinsters childless at the age of 30.

He expressly said that he supports the current consent laws.

To believe that he's a pedophile advocate is believing the same people that insist this posterchild of miscegenation, homosexuality, and hookup culture was a "1488 advocating white nationalist"

You can hate him on his merits but don't deny that this isn't a neocon hit job. That flamboyant narcissist is still the enemy of your enemy.
You can be for or against Milo, while being against (or even for) the media smear campaign.

The two are unrelated. It is weaksauce to conflate the two.

Nobody, from the left or the right, black or white, gay or straight, deserves a doctored smear campaign to paint them as pedo apologists. That's Soros-tier tactics.
>position to defend myself
face down ass up?
Thier plan is to make this deduction: Bannon knew about the pedo but let him stay on his staff-> he alows kiddy didlers -> Trump is ok with child molester apologists advising him

Milo le alt-right supervillian, hide yo kids, hide yo underage twinks
What is this, a political compass for ants ?
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Pretty stupid post. Are you sober?
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DONt get me wrong I hate faggots who fuck lil' kids as much as I hate sand niggers. But fuck.

Milo apparently got fingered by a couple of priests as a kid, which he admits fucked him up a little and he felt in denial about being abused, then speaks about it as if its nothing

but shit

He is a mega-fag jew immigrant who uses our dank meme powers to make a living while smoking black cock on the regular

Its best to wait for more knowledge before doing anything, besides - taking the buttplug out of Sweden should be number one priority right now while the focus is there
I've been her for10 years and I don't even know who that faggot even is.
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/pol/fag since 2011 here
I didn't care about him before, but I support him now
He's an excellent weapon in the meme war
gay people refer to younger gay people, 18 - 21, as boys.

gallows humor. he was raped, and jokes about it.

the third quote is a fact. there is nothing wrong about that fact.
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I have yet to see evidence he encouraged young boys (and I'm surprised anyone cares about boys being raped) to have sex with older men.

Show me the money.
Why against?
We love faggots, just like you OP!
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He's a shit political commentator and his jokes were inappropriate. He quit his job. Free speech was not affected by this because the government has not infringed on his rights..

Kike controlled corporate organizations are free market entities and they have the right to shun him. His supporters have the right to defend him. He has market value still as evidenced by the outpouring of support.

Both sides of the spectrum are up in arms about this for different reasons... outrage on both sides for different reasons... WASTE OF FUCKING TIME.

The free market of opinions will sort this out.

>supporting a racemixing pedo gay jew

No one actually cares about boys they care because its just a good political tool
whats stupid about it? does your brain work?
You can call it a non issue, but if he falls; who comes next?
The lefties see this as a victory and they'll likely use this same tactic again.
>people unironically at 50% ally
Wtf pol don't care is the only reasonable choice. On one hand he is pushing conservatism and could help lure the fags to vote for republicans. On the other he is a raging faggot that promotes degeneracy. He's not /ourguy/, but he's also not-not our guy
>had a muslim black boyfriend
>also pedo
What's not to like?
He was a tool for converting normies. He has outlived his usefulness
/pol/ just is
It's not a hive mind like some libtard forum.
Here are the goals of NAMBLA:
>Supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: the organization says that when consensual, these relationships are not harmful or amount to child sexual abuse. They cite a controversial paper by Rind et al.
>Age of consent reform: what NAMBLA describes as "empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual"
>Opposition to corporal punishment, kidnapping and rape.

Sounds pretty reasonable! Just like what Milo was talking about!

Christ I had no idea /pol/ had so many pedophile apologists
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Youre next.
I was indifferent about Milo before but after this organized and blatant attack on him by multiple parties, the same parties that want to destroy the West as we know it, he has my support.

Yes he operates to the beat of a different drum, and yes I don't agree with everything he says, but his comments were taken out of context. This is a blatant example of the leftist media's hypocrisy as they ignore more graphic and damning comments made by George Takei and Lena Dunham.

At the end of the day, Milo is someone who is ballsy enough to come out and speak his mind. I am sure he has lost many of those close to him as the gay community is majority leftist. He is a brave human being, and God damn it he has the balls to speak up. He has my respect, and he has my backing.
Milo is good at disrupting and challenging leftists
The WN and alt right is full of childless 50 year-old men that haven't done shit for years
Well let's see here, hmmm a gay jewish pedophile who used us to put himself in the spotlight then threw us under the bus at every opportunity, for or against /pol/ im not decided
Milo is degenerate.

/pol/ is not accepting of degeneracy.

>>113730506 is correct, but ironic since /pol/ feels the same way about leafs.

/pol/ does not like logical fallacies either, and because left/liberals attacked a bi-racial gay immigrant it pissed people off.

Milo was never "our guy". He was just an "enemy of my enemy".

Him caving to obvious smear propaganda makes him no longer useful in the war. He fought the good fight, but that battle is over.
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Completely agree with this. The shills will fuck off when that quarter mil dries out.
Do you like roleplaying as if you're the one playing 9th dimensional chess?
>/pol/ is not accepting of degeneracy.
Let me guess you've been here for a year or two?
I was on board the milotrain, until I discovered that he advocated PEDOPHILIA.

Eversince I have been on the #hillwagon
What is "opposition research" ? Who paid for that ?
The government doesn't have to take away free speech for it to be gone.

If your world views differ from the left's and you make that known then you're fucked. They will destroy your professional and social standing.

Doesn't sound like free speech to me.
Before the mass shilling:
>I don't particularly care about milo

After the mass shilling:
>Shit maybe I should care about milo

The guy is clearly important. The people that carried out the attack are globalist neocon shills. So I guess...
>wtf I love milo now
I do it for free

A whole lot of >wes in there, friendo

See >>113731649

We successfully named CTR, we will successfully name you as well. I hope those pennies are worth it.
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This is what the poll currently stands at, just for future reference.
It seems 50% for Milo is our winning majority so far.
ex CIA ex Presidential candidate who supports open borders for America. Wants to reform the republican party and got booty bothered when Milo was asked to be the guest speaker at CPAC
delet this
He is 3/4 from losing.

General chronological train of thought

>he's quite good at arguing and is blowing these liberal/feminist morons away

>holy shit he's self-obssessed to the point of repulsion

>"muhh gay :^) muhh fabulous :^)"

>he's obviously being set up so I'm slightly sad a source of feminist angst is ruined, but he's still fucking annoying so I won't shed a tear
And now his career is fuckin shitcanned. Looks like my 50,000 goldman sachs dollars I got from cheating conservative cucks out of their homes and business went to good use.

Im going to jump estrogen into the southeastern water table next to turn more of america gay and trans
Speak for yourself asshole
O.K . Who do you think has the money (and will) to pay 250,000$ just to find things to smear Milo with ?
Really gets my neurons thinking when anons talk about being non-prideful faggots.
>CTR admitting itself.
Who is the person paying protesters?

I'll give you a hint his name rhymes with Beorge Koros
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Explain this...

I think you are confusing /pol/ with /b/.
He's a very important figure for us. Anyone that says otherwise is retarded or a shill. He's currently the only person in this "alt-right" movement that has the potential to be a huge cultural figure equivalent to leftist "comedians" like Colbert, Stewart and Maher.

>if he falls

WTF are you on about? Left did nothing but their regular political assassination tactics and he buckled rather than standing firm. If anything it's his lack of resolve that is doing him in. He should just raise up his middle finger and troll ten times harder... he miscalculated and exposed the fact that his shtick is cheap parlor games. I mean this plays right into his provocateur persona and instead of double down like the left does, he wilted...

He's not based at all.., just a fraud and nothing of value was gained or lost.

That said, this won't end him. If he's smart he uses this to further expand his influence.

Kek is not our master anymore. Our new lord and master, and our old one, is PEDO-bear.
They do it all the time and I for one am sick of it, that's why I hope Milo weathers the storm and comes back stronger, despite his controversial views on age of consent. I don't even like the guy, I find him cancerous but I greatly despise how the media tries to control who the general public likes or dislikes.
Stop being illiterate. There isn't a single "we" in there.

Stop false flagging, retardbait.

It doesn't matter what happened before moot left.

If you're going to pretend, for even a second, that /pol/ was ever accepting of degeneracy you probably shouldn't be posting on here.
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"Borg Jdorov", you say ?
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Not him but kind enough to post the real image.
>Those microphones
>Only Fox News and Daily Mail showed up

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He is willing to take a bath in pig's blood, but not eat bacon? Should we trust him?
For anyone who trolls the rat snake media
We don't care.
He's his own man and can rise and fall on his own.

We do hate you though share blue.
And our revenge will be the most horrible thing we can inflict on you: The redpill.

Enjoy! The ride never ends.
I'm mildly against him but I don't particularly care, just like homosexuality in general. As long as he (they) isn't overly flamboyant it's fine. He is sometimes and then I can't stand him.

This "scandal" has changed nothing, really.
>I think you are confusing /pol/ with /b/.
Trust me I'm not but then again you haven't seen the shit I've seen on this board. Keep up the delusion, I miss those days.
>If you're going to pretend, for even a second, that /pol/ was ever accepting of degeneracy you probably shouldn't be posting on here.
Now you're just in denial. It's ok you'll get over it. I'll post a few threads later in the week to prove my point.
fpbp as always
Thank you, sir.

>"Only Fox News"
>most watched MSM outlet
I still think he's a dodgy cunt but that was a media assassination attempt.
Why do some people feel bad for this tool?

1. Hes a fucking hypocrite who campaigns against minorities playing the victim card but when hes revealed as a pedophile he plays the gay card.
2. Hes a spoiled rich fag who grew up with a live-in nanny, housekeeper, and and private chef. He lives off income from selling condos out of an apartment sky rise he inherited. Breitbart didn't even pay him and his staff his family pays their salaries.
3. Hes a lair who stand for nothing. He claims his dad is some mythical mobster and that the sopranos is based off his family. He claims various celebrities hes never met have solicited him for sex. In an interview that started talking about Catholicism he all of a nonchalantly reveals a priest raped him years, yet has never mentioned this ever before. Obviously none if it ever happened. He has zero credibility or shock factor anymore because he can instantly be dismissed as a complete lair.
4. Hes a fucking faggot who brags about being raped as a child, degenerate as fuck.
>trust him
No, he's unhinged as fuck. He can still be useful to have around in debates.
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>yesterday same time
>dozens of milo threads fuelling outage
>milo happening, has resigned
>one or two threads
I didn't believe ctr and shills were real until this.
He was instrumental in greatly increasing the number young Trump voters. That's all that matters.
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> anti-white nationalism
> faggot
> pedo
> a fucking jew

Yeah, nah, fuck him.
Yeah, you better fuck off back to /b/ you little bitch.

Namefag and Fedora tipper, what an asshole.
Eating bacon is a far easier way to prove one's allegiance to incorrectness. I say he is trying to be correct at being incorrect when he says that, and this makes me mad
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Milo is a shitbird. Always has been.

Everything he says and does is for attention. He travelled around the United States in a bus with his face on it for fucks sake. Now he's often not wrong, this is true, but my problem with him was never with what he said but how he said it.

He'll say anything to be controversial and get more attention because he knows that people will circle jerk about all the leftys he triggers and defend him to the hilt.

Don't get me wrong, I like seeing leftists triggered as much as the next person, but when its all a man does constantly I can see him as entertaining, but I can't take him seriously.

There is a time for being a troll and a time for serious genuine debate, but for whatever reason he seems to be incapable of separating the two. Even when he's in the right and has his opponents on the ropes he still can't seem to come away from being a smug trolly prick, which is entertaining, sure, but it does take some of the punch out of what he says somehow. It makes him appear intellectually dishonest to some degree.

Fuck Milo
He's a useful idiot but not an ally.
Milo's another Israel firster degenerate. And speaking of Israel first cucks, I wonder if we could do a moneybomb for Alex Jones and him to shove dildos up each others asses. I know their kike bosses would make them do it if enough money was raised. It'd be funny as fuck

he's the alt-right's greatest recruiter.
But he IS (((them))) why do people like to think around that? Liberal much? Christ! damn punk kids
you are all going to die virgins in the nuclear fire caused by fascism

shills btfo
he's a cathocuck so no he definitely eats bacon.
grow up

Probably the most reasonable post in the last 72 hours
>i was really hoping he would just get aids
Me too, and the chances are good that he may if he's running around with gay niggers and shooting dope
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he's a gay hellbound sodomite but he's on our side
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I fairly sure he's a Jew.
>Yeah, you better fuck off back to /b/ you little bitch.
You're the only asshole here
Now back to >>>/b/ with you, fuck face projector toaster
I don't like him, but he is being falsely accused.
Thank you. The only reason anyone would defend Milo is if they are attracted to him. PewDiePie was different because he's not some planned media sideshow. They are using this to distract.

he's a fucking toolbag fag using you morons to make himself rich

He can fuck right off back to the plunger isle of B&Js that fucking poof
He. Is. Not. A. Pedophile.
this basically, the fact that he was abused makes me even more uncomfortable about him and how unstable he might be. But that being said, he can still be useful. /pol/ should simply stops shilling for him as much to retain plausible deniability and let him do his shit as he sees fit.

He always said /pol/ and him were simply fellow travellers and nothing more, I think it's good advice.
He's ethnically half-jewish and half-greek and was raised from birth as a catholic.
he was born to a jewish mother but raised catholic
i've heard that on a podcast, no idea if its true
The first question is from an ABC-reporter.
How about a simple 'yes' or 'no' you stupid fucking faggot.

What a shitty poll.
>/pol/ I have no idea what to think unless you tell me.

I swear /pol/ has gone to complete shit...
And that's why they attacked him, calling him a "nazi", a "white supremacist", and now a pedophile. It's a very classic smearing tactic, I'm sad /pol/ is falling into it.
He's ethnically jewish by his nan or some shit, his family converted to catholicism since. So technically he is a cathokike.
yes bc shills totally wont vote on a strawpoll
>triggers SJWs like no one else on Earth
>is a racemixing gay Jew

/pol/ literally cannot decide what to think, which is part of Milo's appeal tbqh.
>I'm confused, guys... Is /pol/ majority for or against Milo?

Neither, don't care.
Are you saying I'm a virgin? I will have you know I have had sex with dozens of 10s and that being an alpha male is what helped me realise Donald Trump is the true lord and hes gonna make ya go 'what, I had no idea I was so beta with females until now' and he is the truly greatest guy in the history of the whole world
I don't give a shit about him either way.

Why pedo-bear? Doesn't Moloch have something to do with kiddie-diddling too?
>countless threads and discussions exposing fake news
>when it's about someone they don't like they fall for it hook, line and sinker

Right wing SJWs I tell you hwhat
just lol if you think he didn't plan this entire thing to make a clean break from Breitbart and amp up book sales (which he will now get a bigger cut from, mark my words)

This is all from what Cernovich calls his Bible, "Trust Me, I'm Lying" - the book that details how the Tucker Max book was marketed to such great success. Here's one thing they did:

>But my favorite was the campaign in Chicago—the only major city where we could afford transit advertising. After placing a series of offensive ads on buses and the metro, from my office I alternated between calling in angry complaints to the Chicago CTA and sending angry emails to city officials with reporters cc’d, until ‘under pressure,’ they announced that they would be banning our advertisements and returning our money. Then we put out a press release denouncing this cowardly decision.

>I’ve never seen so much publicity. It was madness.

You can bet that Milo:
>got himself banned from Twitter at the right time for max PR
>did whatever he could to rile insane lefties to no-platform him at earlier rallies (at UCB i don't think he needed to)
>Ran sockpuppet twitter accounts to scream that Milo is a dangerous bigot and drum up hate for himself
>Wrote under Milo Hanrahan and Milo Wagner, then outed himself as the two fake writers, then denied it - maximum chaos
>have his employees take him to court over wages so he could be in the Guardian for failing to pay (his blog and name were prominently listed, all for just a laughable 375 quid in court costs. He had to pay his writers anyway, after all!)

Milo is not a half-jew, he has no black boyfriend and he probably isn't even sexual at all. He gets off on being a manipulative little fuck, and I guess in that way he's pretty goddamn /pol/

come on, we all get off on that. Don't reach for the "JIDF KEK SHILL" ammo just yet.
Isn't it that /pol/ thinks he's a kike faggot who normalizes degeneracy among the right, but that it is better to side with him against the media.

Thinking he's a degenerate =/= believing the media.
I don't like that (((sodomite))) nor am I defending him but what happened to him was character assasssin in broad daylight. His pedophilia conversation had been around for a while and I didn't see anyone get upset about then except for a few people.
Majority is against.
As well they should be on principle, as he is a degenerate faggot.

However, I am in the minority that realize he is a useful tool to swaying centrist millennials away from globalism and the blue-pill trance. So strategically I am "pro-Milo" but he is a nigger loving jew faggot so of course he is not /ourguy/

I'm with Milo, he's a smart commentator, but he needs to grow past saying outrageous shit for the LOLs.
What did you mean by this?
I thought one of his selling points was he a Jew?
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easy way to tell if it's a raid: Are their more than 3 threads about the same topic?
Can't stand the fag but it's obviously a well planned hitjob.
is ethnically a jew (jewish mother) but religiously raised as a catholic.
hitler would have gassed him.
you can agree with some views without fully subscribing to an individual.

stop trying to divide the board on something that isn't binary.
Damn. Fucking. Right.

>/pol/ has monochromatic stance on everything
Enemy of our enemy
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I was never "for" Milo. He was funny like a 4chan troll but on TV and he made a good point from time to time. He helped get Trump elected, so that's a plus.

I watched the Drunken Peasants episode it happened on and he unambiguously advocated that sometimes its cool for a gay kid discovering their sexuality to have an older gay role model to "love" them. Ben, Scotty, Paul and TJ all thought it was fucked up and game him lots of room to retract that but he stood by that opinion.

And at the end of the day thats all it is, an opinion. To many fags on this board want Milo to be the cookie cuttter spokesman for the alt-right or whatever, but he's his own man.

I do think that the timing of this "leak"(can a public podcast that been on you tube for 13 months be considered a leak?) is suspicious, what with the campus protests to his public speaking, his book deal, appearances on Bill Mahr and everything else happening to him right now. It stinks of a CNN editor holding back his tump card to the very point where it can be most damaging.
Your lack of agitation at the left disturbs me, young /pol/ user
So knowing what you know.
Are you?:
For him
Against him
Or indifferent
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>posts a strawpol
Strawpols can easily be hacked, use pol.me

i think this article kinda sums up how i feel about the whole thing. While i am glad that Milo spoke up for the alt-right, i do not believe what he said was right

Your disposition to radicalism is more worrying than someone's ambivalence.
Noted, but I already got 400 replies :(
>that picture
Holy shit his fans are pathetic.
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The first ever time he said he was half-Jewish was in 2013.

He was being accused of antisemitism because he wore an Iron Cross (presumably so that people would accuse him of antisemitism)

The article is dead now, but he answered the charges by claiming he was half Jewish under the title "Der Krieg Ist verloren", or "The War Is Lost".

It's what Hitler says in the bunker as he takes his glasses off in Downfall. He's not a Jew, and I bet the Jews are PISSED that they'd have to get into a Nazi style genetics contest to prove that fact.

If he really is a Jew, he sure didn't press that advantage very well.

Milo is OUR gay... The Left has all the other gays so we need to at least have one so he's the one.
I'm NOT my granddad OK!
don't really care what happens to him
Moloch is afraid of Alex Jones, only one who wields the true power of info wars can stop the fiery moloch from taking us.

Prepare for happening.
>but I already got 400 replies
if its strawpol its hacked. worthless results.

>32D Underwater Chess

Fanfics don't work, senpai.

Milo is amusing and definitely an ally but his performance in the face of this smear campaign is the real debacle.

The Provocateur is really just a pussy and he missed his opportunity for greatness by not doubling down
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>Let this be the definitive poll.
>doesnt post a poll
you done fucked up OP. also we dont care about that faggot.

But why would the percentages stay the same?
Gud post, more or less my thoughts

He'll get someone else to publish his book. The people who are now convinced he's a pedo already thought he was a nazi
The same as what?
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Yeah right.
Thought processes are hereditary.
B-b-but I like being a radical
I agree. He missed a real opportunity to show what a showman he is; brass balls and all, but he didn't have it.

It's a shame, he's funny as hell. I loved his column about all the crime and disease in Rio. "If you want to get raped and murdered next to a baby with a head the size of a golf ball...Rio is the place to be"

Sort of like a werewolf?
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Check out your nearest mosque.
Fuck milo

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ok, since there is actually a poll here is my more more detailed oppinion
i saw one clip about milo talking about it (only thing i ever heared or saw from him) and he said its ok for 13 year olds to fuck with old men as he believes the old men can be guiding and know about what the child is going through etc. i honestly find it disgusting. Its okay for 13 year olds to have sex in my oppinion as that is about the age people get interested in sexuality eitherway and puberty hits. And it very well may be that the feelings of the old fuck are genuine, but the adult can easily abuse the position of the adult that knows right and wrong and the wise etc. really easily, maybe even unintentionally and lying to him self that the boy wants it and its the best for him and thats why im against it. All these disgusting pedoscums would simply abuse it and manipulate little kids.
The first and only bit i heared of milo (aside from people talking about him and chimping out at universities) i would say in an ideal world without evil i would agree, but not the way the world is right now and because of the current state of the world the thought is disgusting.

However i feel like milo would be the guy who wants to be the little kid getting fucked by an old dude.
Maybe he never had guidence like and was unsure what to make out of the feelings and thats why he spergs out about it
>/pol/ does not like logical fallacies either
You know we're shitposters, right?
B-b-b-but how do I pray to Allah?
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Can an American explain this to me:
>milo comments about sexuality of youth (post puberty), including his experiences
>establishment / elite turn on him and accuse him of promoting paedophilia
>teenage girls as young as 13 competing to outwhore each other on social media
>average loss of virginity is now in high school or middle school
>music videos, twerking, grinding all normalized
>Hollywood actresses sexualised from a young age
No one blinks an eye.
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Here's the new results and the old results are the same. 50%, 25%, and 25%.
I don't understand how the poll could be hacked if the values haven't changed, only more people have voted.
Stick your ass in the air and pretend you aren't gay.
gays are just damn annoying and milo is no exception
Wait a minute, you were just radical when you claimed that mosques are terrorist hangouts!

You must not stare so long into the abyss of 4chan, otherwise you yourself will end up regurgitating that abyss and it will stare into you.
/pol/ doesn't care about milo
>and he said its ok for 13 year olds to fuck with old men as he believes the old men can be guiding and know about what the child is going through etc

No, he didn't. I watched the video myself and at no point did he say that. He said that at the age of 13, he initiated his own molestation at the hands of an adult priest, twice, then joked that he was the predator. He went on to say that sometimes the 13-year old is the one hitting on the adult, which is an undeniable fact for anyone who was ever 13. He never said it was ok for the adult to respond in kind.

Then in a later part of the clip, he talks about younger boys turning to older men for support. "Boy" is an insanely vague term, that doesn't necessarily mean "child". After all, there are tons of songs out there where adult women sing about "boys" and plenty of women in college talk about "boys" and we don't call them pedos. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because he himself was sexually abused when he was a child and he of all people would be one of the last to support such things.

He's an asshole, and I'm glad that he's out of the "respectable" group of pundits now, but it's not right to see a man brought down by a witch hunt based on out of context statements.
Strange enough, probably just made him 100x more popular. Did it with Trump too.
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I dont dislike him but im glad his 15 minutes of fame are up, he was getting a bit boring
what a cunt
As a liberal in the military, I hate this guy and every fucking pundit like him. They're just as bad as guys like Bill Maher. Fucking buncha simpering panty-waists that could never fucking hack it if you put an AR in their hands and told them to get food.
W-w-w-ait a minute leaf, I thought we were trying to not be radical here, next minute you tell me mosques are for terrorists and that gays are degenerate.
The truth isn't radical.

It's not a fanfic its literally his business model

no one gives a fuck what is in that book, they care that buying it sticks one to the people he trolled

which is why he trolled them
He won't win. He won't get any higher.
So then your own tendency towards radicalism is even worse, because you cannot be convinced that the facts are otherwise...
>hurrrr I'm a badass cause I got teached how to fold muh clothes and walk in unison and shoot a gun!

Fuck off, mouthbreather.
Good game, sorry, you've become a radical.

Ugh, stop being so radical, man.
Well, a relative majority of people support him, the other either don't or don't care. So, I guess he """won""" (he still lost his job, though).
Point to the part where I said I was a badass again?

>Reading comprehension = nil.
he didnt outright say it maybe (would have to watch it again to make sure, but in all honesty i dont care enough about that faggot), but i feel it was heavily implied at least, and as i said when the feelings of both are genuine i wouldnt even mind it that much. the issue is if it becomes okay in ANY way to fuck a little boy as an old dude it WILL be exploited by other evil fucks.

eitherway the outrage is just fabricated by the media. what he said maybe is controversial but definitely nothing worth of whats going on right now.
i for one will just keep handling milo as ever and not give a fuck about him
Not small enough, I can still see him.
Who me? I don't want to be radical! You tried to tell me to be radical and said I'd have to do it by joining a mosque and becoming a gay, but I don't want to do it now since you seem like a radical right winger
You sound like a veteran.
I am neutral towards him
Against. He has valid points but he is a (((degenerate)))
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Can;t we just both be radical, dude?

milo is an ally. he was victimized. he talks like an adult. the media seems to think they get to decide when people can talk like an adult and when they can't. all while the WH press corps is a complete train wreck of kindergartners.
So what Milo will be in a few years? You do realize fags don't breed?
nice try jews
>no captcha

I was never with Milo because I always knew what he was. Pedos and sexual deviants on this board supported him though it looks like.
Free Milo!
I think that he'll probably mature into a funnier, further right version of Christopher Hitchens. He's probably too vain to get fat too so he'll probably be around longer.
looks like milo was the one ordering cheese pizza after all.. not the dems
Although, he is a hard-partying degenerate so he could just as easily die young.
He's a racemixing kike faggot but...but... he's OUR racemixing kike faggot
Serious question guys
>Brietbart Editor and Internet Celeb on Friday
>Unemployed Pedo Fag on Tuesday

How did this happen?
>shitbong too stupid to understand rounding error
hey I can bait too. now stop with your anti semitism goy, it is very problematic
Yep, only reason people supported Milo on this board at all is because they're memeing faggots from other boards where everyone jokes about pedophilia and other deviant shit.
Never liked him. Though I will say he knows how to make an argument. I just don't like him.
think about how easily the leftist media destroyed Milo

now think about how long they tried to destroy Trump but failed

Trump is on an entirely different level
You should had an option that included both A and B.

Used to think he was an amusing clown, but after watching his press conference today, I gained a lot of respect for him.

Everything he said was spot on, and I even sort of felt bad for him because his comments were sort of rationalizing the abuse he was the victim of.

I support Milo now.

You niggers even see this yet?


Milo on Fox Phoenix from today.
i haven't attacked him once while he is down. put he is a filthy gay sodomite
not a hivemind. make up your own mind about milo, just hope he doesn't jump ship.
>supporting a mental illness
You're gonna be supporting transgenders too I bet you fuck.
>I haven't attacked him when he's down

>attacks him when he's down

What did you mean by this retard?

It's stupid to abandon an effective weapon. I'm more concerned with actual victory over a moral one. If I can't have both I'll choose the former. If fuckheads want to be ideological purity zealots like the left, so be it; the rest of us will drag them along to victory.
I dont particularly give a fuck about Milo, but I do give a fuck about calling out fake news.
fuck the haters milo is cool.
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I wonder if it will be the next (((project))) forced memed onto the alt right. Some (((sassy))) nigger tranny suddenly being touted everywhere as the face of the movement
He's a fucking kike faggot and most likely a pedo himself (inb4 but hebophilia is totally different from pedophilia guise!) so no. Also Trump is in office so I see no reason to give a shit about him.
you so sexy anon.
Green is the only sensible answer.
>carrying a faggot like a king

I support this fabulous faggot, this is obviously a hit piece and people know that

I appreciate that he consistently antagonizes shitlibs while not identifying himself as alt-right.

not a friend but defo not an enemy.

Obvious set-up, anyone who can't see that is a fucking idiot.
He better swing back, he's fucking hot and hilarious. Stupid Breitbart.
you support a fucking pedo now
The majority of pol faps to loli so we don't care

He literally never advocated for pedos, or never said fucking 13yo's is ok. He said the laws of age of consent are good, and he agrees with them.

Anyone saying otherwise:
a) Didn't watch the video
b) Too stupid to understand
c) Part of the reddit raid
d) paid shill

He is a secret weapon that makes Libs go against their "own" beliefs. A gay Jew, sucking BBC while being right wing.

Berkeley riots made so many Libs turn on each other. Not because of the riots, but because they silenced a gay Jew. Not everyone is retarded, and they see the hypocrisy.
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faglo died of aids over the weekend please have respect for the dead
>stop posting faglo threats on pol
>Holy shit his fans are pathetic.
Yep. Look no further than this thread. He was clearly born as everything /pol/ hates

>but he troll everyone so gud!
Jesus christ you fucks are spineless. Is Trolling really all you pieces of shit think about?
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shut up fag leaf jew shill
>faglo is dead; get the fuck off pol now
You're trying to defeat the left by adopting the leftists ideology of elevated minority vs expendable white male. This is cuckservatism 101

How is he a pedo?

Here's a clip of him saying that a "sexually ripe 13 year old" having a relationship with a grown man can be a really great thing because they can find love and safety and security.
lololololol fuck off shill
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how is he not?
>get out faglo jew shill
stop trying to procure pol with alcohol you fucking kike leaf faggot shill
>milo is dead for a reason with more to come

>talks about sexually ripe 13 year olds and how beneficial a relationship between them and a grown man can be because the grown man can provide them safety security and love while fucking their fully developed sexually ripe 13 year old asshole and mouth.

>d-d-do i defend Milo so I can keep using him as a reason I'm not homophobic or racist (because he fucks black guys xD) even if it means i'm defending pedophilia
Stay buttmad, poseur stormer.
The polls are definitive. The polls show the majority of this board stands with Milo.
Fuck off leaf, you country is responsible for letting these sex deviants thinking their shit is acceptable.
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his alright, good troll value. cant believe people get butt mad over some random pedo comments. derp.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Sexual maturity is a real thing, and it doesn't magically click over at age 16 or 18 or whatever the age of consent is in your jurisdiction. There are 13 and 14 year olds capable of having healthy sexual relationships, but the adult cannot be the initiator at all because their maturity might impose an authority or intimidation on the teenager.
shut up you dead faggot jew
>you're all dead like faglo
Against Milo.

Against fake news taking his words out of context.

this image is clearly shopped because milo would never snog a guy who isnt black
Against him

Still don't think what happened is justified because the evidence against him is edited heavily and takes quotations and comments wildly out of context.

I just don't like the faggot. He is the living incarnation of clickbait and the only reason anyone stuck to him is because he said some things that we said at one time.
Proving reddit is the majority since last year

>makes claim
>is asked to backup claim
>replies, "How is claim untrue?!"

You're retarded.
Dare I say... triggered?
The board is flooded with you nu-pol kids who don't give a fuck about anything except "le funnay memes", "traps" and "cp". I don't need a poll to know you're filth that's going to be exterminated.

You're going to die right along with the transgender abominations.
OP's poll has no proxy protection
Fake news

Use this one

Not for him. Hate to dee him go down in flames.

Flames. lol
Attention whore but he burns the lefties so I'm alright with him
Pro Milo. Take a long hard look at the people trying to bring him down. These anti-nationalist fucks need to be fought tooth and nail.
Except the results have been the same from about 5 minutes in all the way until now?

That's fair enough, but I watched the full portion of the podcast unedited and it doesn't change the context much at all. He's saying that a sort of right of passage in the gay community is getting to know an older gay male who has the same desires and feelings as you, but who doesn't judge you.

Lots of gay teenagers feel alienated and hopeless because of their sexuality. But seeing grown adults living normal, fulfilling lives as gay people providing serious hope and validation.
>Is /pol/ majority for or against Milo?
Useful idiot. Total degenerate, and always has been. He has some good points about feelings being irrelevant, however he is still a piece of shit.

Useful idiot to promote talking points.

It may have been a witch hunt that brought him down, but he brought it on himself. Just because the liberal left got BTFO in the elections, does not mean they are powerless.
I never made a claim I merely posed the same question some fag jew shill posed
>gtfo faggot you're absolutely mentally deranged
>is this your first day here and you got the replies mixed up?

> their sexuality
I'm sure it has nothing to do with a disproportionate number of gays having been molested as kids
If you're so sure of yourselves, use the protected poll.
>I watched the full portion of the podcast unedited and it doesn't change the context much at all
It really does because what he said was an example of what he thought happened based on his own experiences and not what he says is justified to happen.

It's the difference between saying "I think that man should be killed" and "I'm going to kill that man". Taking it out of context should not only defeat the original expose of him because editing evidence is a no-no, but also give him some platform to clarify his point.

That said, every time he's had a platform he pisses it away by being an attention whore, so it's kind of moot at this rate.
Most of /pol/ doesn't give a shit about Milo but it is widely agreed that what happened to him was bullshit.
What did we learn from this post?
>shills are payed from funds made exploiting United States cizitens in the housing crisis.

Interesting. Please continue.
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5 min ago
let me guess, you're a fag or a jew
>I'm never wrong
you fag jews are showing pol just how much you squirm before you die
fuck that faggot . He would be the best priest
shut up fagggot milo isn't a nationalist he's a fag jew from Europe
>he's a kike from nowhere
We are neither the alt-lite, nor the alt-right. We are just /pol/ and Milo is a weird degenerate - not even right wing - faggot larping as a conservatists or somthing for moniez and attention. The majority of /pol/ doesn't like or does not give a crap about him.
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awwwwe faggot feels sad fagggot feels like an alien awwwww faggot
>u need a 33 year old faglo cock up ur butt when ur 13 right fag? right fag?
Been here since 2009 buddy. Neither jew nor fag, but I'm also not an idiot and know when to pick my battles.
Gays are never going back in the closet and no one is gassing anyone ever again.
You need to get off your mom's computer and go outside sometime to get a dose of reality.
I love how we're debating whethr the age of the sodomites is acceptable or not
You cant be on the right and promote this kind of degeneracy
tfw shills are calling (((us))) shills
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>> the majority of /pol/ doesn't care about Milo

Refute this.
Wrong. Whites are the thin thread of civilization between gays and Muslims and fundie Catholics from Latin America. Hence the mass defection to right-wing parties and an attempt to control their narrative. Same with women
>The majority of /pol/ doesn't like or does not give a crap about him.

Are you drunk?
True. Degeneracy must go.
24% replied don't care.
Excuse me sir but are YOU drunk?
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/pol/ polls are always rigged because the majority of the voting is done by lurkers. Lurkers make up 90% of this shitty mongolian art website, & they're always liberals or alt-liters looking for some edgy humour to pass the time.
Reminder that OP's /pol/ has no spam protection
He's a faggot coal-burning Jew who has outlived his usefulness. Why would anyone be for him here? He's only worth what he can do for the cause, and at this point he's hurting it.
Read my post, plebbit. Read it carefully. I even wrote it twice.
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