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+++BREAKING+++IT'S HAPPENING+++ AfD is finished

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Thread replies: 255
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Neue Schock-Enthüllung bei der AfD

>Ein der Redaktion zugespielter Datenträger belastet Björn Höcke schwer. Höcke, der erst im Januar mit einer Rede zum Holocaust-Mahnmal in Berlin auffiel, soll sich demnach in mehreren aufgezeichneten Privatgesprächen über die "Holocaust-Lüge" echauffiert haben und beklagt haben, dass man Hitler "zu einseitig betrachtet" werde.

>Mehr in Kürze!

Bernd Höcke (one of the top politicians of the right wing party in germany) has been secretely recorded while talking about Hitler and the holcoaust.
According to the paper he denied the Holocaust.
It's hilarious watching the AfD crash and burn like this.
They will release the tape soon.

R.I.P AfD!
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Anyone else think it's hilarious that fags like OP save pictures like that? I mean come on OP, stop fooling yourself, you're a cuck
Jews forgive her. Save your country Germany!
I'm convinced ~90% of all german flags on /pol/ are just proxies shitposting. Even the Swedes recognise the shit state their country is in but you Krauts seem to enjoy being so cucked.
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The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)



The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


wtf with all these painfully forced schulz memes? this is clearly coordinated
For anyone that can't read German:

This is fake. The url leads to an article that doesn't mention this at all nor the word Holocaust. It's about AfD infighting.

Agitation Propaganda from the left.
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I think germans have a tendency to pretend to be the ultimate strawman of the opposition.

Maybe they're just meming too hard and that's why germany is going down the pooper.
>false translations
Nice try Sören

>Holocaust lie
Could refer to claims he was a holocaustdenier
If they are THIS diffuse it's cause they have nothing. Sage hide, and report all slide threads
I've got news for you /pol : German agencies have decided to focus their attention on us.

Fuck off kraut. You deserve the gas chambers more than the Jews ever did.
To anyone in here who doesn't speak german: the article doesn't mention anything like that. It's completely made up.
It's just locker room banter, m8. You gotta grab em by the oven.
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Heard this before already faggot!
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they should be focusing on truck driving samsungs and not on a board of peace

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Kek, I wonder if they are Soros operators, or third-party cucks trying to reel Germanons towards the cuckservatives, like the lame Fillon-posters who tried to divert /pol from Marine.
literally fake news, suck a dick
Can I get some context?
I'm not into modern German politics.
Germany please elect this woman if we can do it with 30+ minority pop surely to god you can
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>plebbit tries to "epically" troll /pol/
>just makes the AfD more sympathetic to /pol/
Top kek

Anyone else head back to the AfD thread and just report plebbit shitposter
It's because of the deep psychological scare they have on their collective psyches. Like Japan got away clean because "muh nukes" and they also sanitized their history books. Nanking? Never heard of that filthy chink city. Live human vivisections of us pow? Nope did do that. So they never had to live up to the shit they did.

The Germans they got all the blame for both world wars. And muh 6 gorillion. Etc etc. half of them were raised in the commie shit mentality of "you deserve this ass raping for making us invade you" and the other half were reminded how they fucked up the world.
How pathetic.
>Martin Schulz
Nice meme, that dude is a cuck.
You guys are the not-so-quiet assassin of the European Union and America, kill your local Rabbi.
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Schulz is a notorious advocate of left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, he wants the united states of europe, flooded with migrants (literally). He is Merkel on adderall.

Here are some links to the Lügenpresse, this is a full blown government funded conspiracy akin to CTR:

Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros:

They started to cooperate with facebook in order to delete Fake News and spread "true information" around the time the Schulz shill threads have started.

The Schulz subreddit is actively raiding us in addition to shamelessly copying us:

Sleazy Schulz compilation (mostly german, for sharing purpose)

Based Nigel: “One day, i'm gonna punch him”
Nigel calling out Schulz
Martin Sonneborn shits on ‘chulz
Eu politician Ulrike Trebesius calls Schulz a populist
>goo gl/R225FP
Berlusconi calling Schulz a kapo
Schulz getting called an undemocratic fascist by Godfrey Bloom
Schulz getting btfo hard on talk show by Richard Sulik

ok this schultz meme is starting to be funny
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Fuck the EU
Fuck Multiculturalism
Fuck Mass Immigration
and Fuck Martin Schulz.


Germans suck at convincing people to do shit, it's why they had to use an Austrian last time
And the rest of the AfD will simply not care about Björn. In the very first place it's the "far right end" in the AfD listening to him. So all the former center-position germans that you drove into the AfD by slandering them as "far right racist islamophobes" will not give a fuck about it. In terms of public opinion? Yeah, it will lower the "public opinion" AfD's even more (people are easily influcenced by this). But then again, your rational "normie" is either part of the AD by now or stayed in the CDU. The irrational normies that have not yet "converted" to leftwing politics couldn't be persuaded into voting AfD anyway, so ultimately there is no loss for the party. Let's ot forget that "public opinion" as we perceive it is mostly the opinion of the most vocal ones, which - in germany - simply happens to be Left-Wing ideologists supported by the mostly Left-Wing media anyway.
>tell a Bhutanese Play doh enthusiast forum a politician is a Hitler fan redpilled on the lolocaust
>expect them to hate that politician
>its /pol/

Even if this weren't fake and gay (it is) your story would only make us like him more.

Sage faggot.
Ok, here's my take : Germany is sucking jews and muh holocaust mythology so hard for so long that it finally ended up in full mass suicide.

At this stage, there is no way any mild right wing organization is going to win any given elections because "muh Hitler 1933".

Talking about elections is useless, you need to lead the most important war : the psychological warfare.

The only way to get around it is to make people laugh about this all stuff. Thanks /pol
You might actually be right about that.
Also, the article in the OP in no way corresponds to the rest of the text in the post, make of that what you will.
>Germany is finished

German girls are pretty and apparently your country lets people with college degrees from foreign countries work there for a short while so I'm thinking I'll get a tan and claim to be mexican and fuck your sister. How does that sound? Maybe I'll let you watch.



How do you know?
Keep on embarrassing yourself
>leftist cucks from Reddit honestly believe they're fooling anyone
Stay strong Germanbros, don't let the globalist jew win.
Please let this be true i want the AfD to win... make Germany great again
Looks at the German flagged shills. Either paid shills, or German redditors trying to "subvert" /pol. A definitely realistic goal.
Is it me or you're saying that the contrôlled opposition is being destroyed by those who created in the first place to make the job easier for you ?
Now krauts will vote for them for sure
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Fake Post. None of this is in the article.
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>pol tard falling for fake news, fake links

like always

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Fuck You Shill. No one cares anymore

Nah man krauts are irredeemable cucks, when are you going to liberate them again?
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wtf i love AfD now
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i know right
lets just #GEREXIT this!!
who needs the EU!
make germany great again
Putinbot spotted. We are coming for you.
German CTR shilling? In 4chan?

Hey guys, go to www.krautchan.net if you want to target the German youths.

fucking sweden lol
So, are you saying that AfD are /ourgoys/?
You forgot

>it's 2017
Ach Berndl. :^)

Yes, more than usual as of late.

Then again, the subversion will confuse only newfags, anyone who understands pol a little will be able to tell actualy polack threads from shilling and provocation.

I think they will be working hard on banning it. Again, not exactly possible, but it will be annoying.
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Heil AfD! Heil Viktoria! Frauke siegt an allen fronten!
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WOW, Hoecke our guy?

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)



The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


shill pasta derived from earlier effort post
do not bump
WTF? I love AfD now!
German exchange student in Scotland here.

I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the ideal leader for Germany at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the German economy and society need.

A pragmatist at heart, Martin Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges German is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..
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She's so cute! How could anyone not vote for this over some cucky looking Commie?
Now this is what I call going for the low hanging fruits
German exchange student in Wales here.

I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the best leader for Deutschland at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the German economy and society need.

A pragmatist at heart, Mr, Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges German is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..
>he wants the united states of europe
what's wrong with that?
I picture that pretty cool

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


Fuck off with this psy ops shit, you can't just use meme magic for anyone it doesn't work like that faggot
I am happy because it means more muslims for you. A toast! For the further destruction of Germany.

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


German exchange student in Austria here.
I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the ideal leader for Germany at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the German economy and society need.
A pragmatist at heart, Martin Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges German is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..
she disavowed (or whatever the fuck that word is) him after he gave the speech
Also the Muslims are outbreeding you (as well), I checked your birth rates, you're at least as fucked.
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The jew is right !

Hitler was depicted as the demon
These days people starting to see things different and are right about doing so
It was a big psy-op to manipulate certain populations !!!
Not saying that Jews were not killed, but I dont believe they gased 6 Million, if even one
Most died in the shortage of food due to war
Hitler wanted them to go to Israel, where they owned land already
Before they lived in europe as refugees (not citicen by popular opinion-Never were germans by their own standard)
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>unironically not supporting afd to get germany out of the eurozone
germany needs to be dismantled for europe to prosper, they'll crash and burn without the euro that fuelled their exports for decades
germany is all that is bad with europe, since the beginning of time.
It's just b8, m8, just like when we let all the Jews in during the Middle Ages.
>germany is all that is bad with europe, since the beginning of time.
except for when Germans like Luther caused the modernisation of the whole world and made Europe the strongest continent
and when Germans invented one thing after another
or when Germans fought communism
or when Germans were the only once who really got destroyed all the time because they are the center of Europe and everything great it stands for
Welp, so much for not fighting Germany in WW3.
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>Greek keeps forgetting what happens when German gibsmedats dont work for a few hours

Fuck off, Soros cuck.
I don't understand this logic, we are on life support
this is going to happen sooner or later, why not be part of something greater.
the phoenix, rebirth from ashes is deeply ingrained in the greek nation state mythos
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martin .jpg
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OP is a Faggot and its a Hoax.

The Article says AfD doesnt want Frauke to be our only Candidate.
Well, I mean, he's not wrong.
In other news, Op is a lying fag.
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Euroshills will be the first to go in the day of the rope.
a-are you alright master?

Beware, a high preacher for the ((( ))), using waffles

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>I'm not into modern German politics.
OP made up BS. But if you want help anyone on this Board, it should be AfD, the only Party that supports Trump, Brexit, Sovereignty and Nationalism.
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Make Ethanol Great Again!
German exchange student in Germany here.
I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the ideal leader for Germany at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the German economy and society need.
A pragmatist at heart, Martin Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges German is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..
Could you translate? I don't speak kebab
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Schillz the crypto-jew will never be chancellor.
Germans are retarded, but not that retarded. Their genes scream out in protest at the thought of him, even if they don't consciously realise it.
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low energy shill detected
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>(((exchange student))) in Germany here.
Refugees Love Schulz!
No idea how OP faked the Link but the article is only about how they dont want Petry as a Solo-candidate.
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What is this meme called? Also, post ones that you've saved
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fuck off to krautchan you shilling cunt
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>(((mods))) let obvious fake link fake quote shitpost thread up
>(((mods))) wont ban repetitive cycling bulk spam by 1-2 shill IPs
Gee I wonder who could be behind this

Fuck off you retarded normie cunt and go back to your faggot facebook page! Schulz is a globalist and a militarist anti-nationalist. He will never win and he will never be chancellor!!

German exchange student in Turkey here.
I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the ideal leader for Turkey at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the Turkish economy and society need.
A pragmatist at heart, Martin Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges Turkey is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..
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Hey guys,
paid shill from /r/the_schulz here!
We are too pathetic to make our own memes, so we decided to make an "OC-contest". If you make a good meme for us, we will pay you with one month Plebbit Gold!
It's called the "forced by cuckold americans meme".
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>top catalog
>top catalog
>top catalog
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If AfD goes down, then Merkel will beat Schulz.
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>How could anyone not vote for this over some cucky looking Commie?
German Education. If you flood a Toilet stuck with Shit with more Shit all shit will go away.

Meaning AmeriBros
Who would Trump Welcome more in the White House? Merkel, Schulz or pic related?
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56KB, 485x409px
Oh wow! Trump is finished after the release of this pussy grabbing recording!

t. Shills, September 2016.
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67KB, 741x848px
Small reminder that there are not even 5 Schulz shills here.
If you post an poll about Schulz in a shill thread (like this here), it will get 5 pro-Schulz votes max.

> pic related took the Schulz shills 4 days to reach 12 votes
was zur hölle ist daran ne belastung dass er sagt man betrachte hitler zu einseitig?
>believing the Lügenpresse

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74KB, 615x346px

pick 2
Almost got me hooked, the constant demonising of Trump made him win thats why the media learned to shut its mouth, and you cant describe someone as Trump as not being "part of the system" its some tinfoil conspiracy site.
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

It doesn't say anything of your greentexted shit you moron. Fuck off and throw some teddy bears at rapefugees or some shit so you will finally lose your virginity to them, and be it only anally. Hurensohn.
uh, trying too hard ?
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>A pragmatist at heart, Mr, Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead.
thats one obvious copypasta if i ever seen one. Go back to plebbit
German school dropout in Germany here.
I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Frauke is the ideal leader for Germany at the moment. Her vast love for the German cultural heritage and German families means she can deliver bold and daring reforms the German economy and society needs.
A pragmatist at heart, Frauke Petry will be able to retain the importance and survival of Germany in the challenging times ahead. I used to be an autistic anarchist sperg but the ongoing Nafri scandals and arrest made me have second thoughts about Merkel and Schulz. They do not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges Germany is facing right now, and I fear their lack of character will make them prone to the usual selfdestructive reactions that will damage things even further.
>Everything that doesn't fit my narrative is straight up a lie

You're going to be really successful in life, my virgin friend
good luck with winning with 12%
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im going to forcefully include you in my sexlife, its not rape, im just building a bridge between us.

we need to read down the walls that exclude my dick from your anus, lets not be bigoted, be inclusive!
So far Schulz has not done anything to show that he has the is actually competent in any way. THe parts of Merkels policies that brought germany into the mess it's now are completly based on the left-aligned ideologies. Her actions were basically "SPD light" - Schulz would be "SPD", take every failed policy of Merkel und ultimately go full retard with them.
> I usd to be for the AfD but the recend scandals and arrest made m have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership
I don't understand why your reaction though. Merkel and the CDU are repsonsible for our shitty situation, but their ideological motives were more something you would find on thelinke/grüne/SPD side of things. In fact, if you look at cases were validated criminals with "refugee" background were supposed to be punished or expulsed for their crime, you will have only local linke/grüne/spd politicians doing everything they can do to reduce the punishment and prevent the expulsion for "humanitary" reasons. And you - as self proclaimed a former AfD supporter - seriously think voting for those parties is going to make the situation BETTER? Please, if you don't like the AfD anymore, just elect the CDU. They may have created this miss, but they are still the smaller evil compared to SPD/grüne/linke
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if they deny holocaust, then they will do what Hofer couldn't.

Not bowing to jews is the main demand for Keks Blessing.

Let's see how they handle themselves
God help Germany recover from the grips of that fucking blading untermensch kike flanking all corners and his cohorts in OP's picture.
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

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SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!
Well... Since half of the voters are muslims, it soon is a mainstream opinion, or if you like the funny term: "a democratic fact".
So AfD biggest party soon?!
Fake link
Fuck off, schulz scum
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There is one that is closer with over Thousand votes. They posted it on Plebbit and send it elsewhrre and still couldnt get near her
Fake news, check the link it says something very different
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with trump we entered the age where the mainstream press achieves the opposite of what it wants to do. So Höcke probably become Kanzler.
>AfD high official talks about how holohoax is fake and jews are the problem
>AfD rise by 3 points
woah like /pol/ irl
Ze infighting among old white males and a tomboy shithead lady moron continues!
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just imagining some greasy fat fucks all dressed elegantly in an office, being paid to make pics like this makes me laugh unctrollably for hours
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1012KB, 240x163px
they aint do any of that bullshit except for that medical and bio warfare unit in Mongolia. But the US bought that Colonel's research so no problema.

Also look below:
Lecker, Vanillepudding !
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>AfD high official talks about how holohoax is fake and jews are the problem
>AfD rise by 3 points
>woah like /pol/ irl

I laughed hard at this.
After the First Holocaust crap happened they didnt lose any Points either
the holocaust did happen, and it could happen again to anyone if we are not careful. when hitler focused on building and uniting, germany was great, when he focused on hatred and racism it went terrible
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AfD is a total meme. They have no chance at getting Chancellor.

It's either Schulz or Merkel, and Schultz is better. If you want to make a difference do not vote for AfD phaggots. They're neoliberal shills anyhow and have burned all bridges to the left, so the only party they could possibly ally with is CDU: MERKEL'S PARTY!!!!

So Schultz it is... MEGA!
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!
I though we were going to ban raid threads like these
it's too professionally done. Memes are art, you a basically trying to imitate an artistic style that isn't yours. Meme art critics can see this wasn't done by an anon.

3/10, apply yourself moar
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>muh safe space
its ironic obviously
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They need to just own it and be like "yeah whatever, everyone knows the 6 million claim is bs."
>its ironic obviously
fuck off shill
Dont you have some refugee cock to suck nigger?
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107KB, 504x330px
Please lurk more prior to posting.
You do realize that the cucked nations like Germany and Sweden are going to part of the new American empire if they keep up this behavior, right?
go home Mohammad
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>i-if I cut his head not perfectly it sure will seem authentic
bad bad, very bad anon. You are not getting it, are you?

1/10 this time, you didn't even try
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!
hitler tried to make europe great again but he failed. he made too many enemies with his violent racism and thought could trust the anglo scum not to betray him
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Ist das nicht was gutes?
>total meme
>no chance
Sounds familiar
The were always going to be target of secret services and the Liberal mainstream media. If it's true, they should have been more careful. Not sure why you are happy about it though? Seems a bit retarded because the AfD need to be strong to save Germany from the Libtard Germany killers. I think you are part of the ongoing shill operation that been going on.
can someone explain whats happening.

did the rape go down
can anyone confirm OP is bullshitting? just googled AfD and the name of that guy in the OP yet there's nothing
this is sad, now they even copy our info dump beat by beat, no actual arguments, only propaganda, schulz posters are retarded cucks
have you not noticed the 24/7 shilling against AfD and for that kike Schultz faggot?
Thank you Germanbro. Playing the victim is their last card.
3%, here they come.

Based Schulz will take over. Fuck the AfD. The only protest vote is a Schulz-vote!

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Does this qualify as manspreading? Even though there's no man and no spreading?
Also, what would you do? What would your reaction be?
these pics make me cringe so bad
>can anyone confirm OP is bullshitting?
bullshit is what it is I think. There haven a regular stream of the pro-globalist orientated threads. My guess is that's a paid shilling operation.
OP is bullshitting. They faked a Link which just leads to an article about AfD not only wanting Frauke to run.
>worst fake news in germany
>BTFO anyone
>Schulz is a pedophile

top kek
of course its bullshit

every German Poster shit-talking AfD and spamming their cringy Schultz shill posters is not from 4chan
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AIDS, CANCER and AIDS to you and all your kind forever Amen
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Nien to you Juden
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EU regressivism.jpg
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>of course its bullshit
mods delet this thread.
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fancy handsy squidward.jpg
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mien neger :))
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scheiße, sie sind uns draufgekommen!
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swden not even once.png
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Shill bot nigger fart spotted. Sweden, not even once.
Media did the same here. Just before the election.

And against our "AfD" they did some thing about how Jimpan had gambled fopr some money. Just before the election. There are no word for how much I hate media.
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ahhh ha haaa haaaa ha, oh m8 your country is going to be fucking destroyed by Mercuck and Gruppen Fuhrer Schultz, and within the next 5 years too. I will be around long enough to see it.

2017 in the middle east is going to make 2016 look like a village tea party. Syria, Gaza (look our for an intifada in june), Yemen, Iraq War 3.0 Trump Edition.

What a time to be alive!
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good commie is a ded one.gif
2MB, 420x315px
neger is neger, copypasta from actual oc post in this thread just rearracged like a total virus. Obvious handwork of unoriginal parasitic jewish shill linked/(you)d above. Disregard and sage
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two seperate posts right after one another from as of late from shit posting Serbia and niggerdom-london GB. DISREGARD THESE FAGGOTS
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Those AfD fucks are literally too stupid to breathe. Thanks to those braindead morons, we're going to become the first postnational, multiethnic full blown islamic commie state, holy fucking shit, what a time to be alive.

Oh well, whatever...

JESUS. Why can't these guys keep their power level secret? You just need to talk moderate and reasonable in order to get elected.
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Fake news. Reported to Facebook and Merkel.
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Kill your local ZIonist or Commie rabbi and redeem yourselves in light of your founding fathers who advocated for a enlightened and righteous society of Jewish origin.
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AfD will do fine - people just need to be told to lie in public with support for Merkel, then in private bite AfD
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>we're going to become the first postnational, multiethnic full blown islamic commie state, holy fucking shit, what a time to be alive.
Cheers. Tired of winning yet?
Leftist can't into memes
It is always stale and forced
File: ich will mein shekels.png (1MB, 944x820px) Image search: [Google]
ich will mein shekels.png
1MB, 944x820px
nicht dass wetter

diese ist nicht reddit diese ist pol

shulz shills out in full force i see
>with his violent racism

Don't fall in this meme, please.
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This is illegal in Germany, non German shill, report!
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!
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Fake fake fake
the only meme is that he wasnt. nazis were racist, violent, and proud of it, its only cucks like you who pretend otherwise
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ich bin hier

are we being riaded by shulz shills?
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Fake in German
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Google translate the article.
OP is nothing but a lying jew, and all these Schulz shills are from reddit.
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communist in the weimar republic.jpg
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Just use paper propaganda, and redpill villagers using videos...fucking neokrauts
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922KB, 400x225px
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA [Remove]

what point are you trying to make?
DAILY REMINDER: SCHULZ is a PEDOPHILE, ALCOHOLIC and didnt even finish HighSchool

But for real now, this is the nail in the coffin for the AfD
Martin schulz can only win at this point
Martin Schulz is a pedophile, no wonder he tries to recruit people from 4chan. :^)
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Will God-Emperor Schultz write off our debt? I for once welcome our new overlord.
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>der juden

er gassed das sie fur ein Grund

he gassed them for a reason meine czech
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nein du dummkopf
he had a reason, but his solution was clearly not a practical one considering how things went.
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Why is he being criticized if he is right about everything? Höcke is barely scratching the surface of the holohoax. He is mild and holds back his power level i would assume.

>Well we should take a closer look at Hitler. We should investigate everything.
>WAWAAH. He is a nazi, got you!
>Will God-Emperor Schultz write off our debt? I for once welcome our new overlord
Nah. He will do what his puppet masters tell him to do.
And open the Borders to the biggest savages of mankind
he tried to deport them ivan
look up the haavara agreement

Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939.[1]
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Soros/Rothschild are promoting Schultz. This is a shill thread.

I say fine. Let the whole post-modern cluster fuck come completely undone. Schulz is a hapless traitor cuck (and possibly partially Jewish.) He will pack Europe as much or more than the pig bitch currently playing the part of occupational leader.

So fuck this whole nonsensical satanic anti-order. If we ever see any real change, it will require first a catastrophe and a complete replacement of our governing structure, politically and commercially.
kann du ein citation geven fur der schwarze whermacht trupen?
>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

>Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
>SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!

Ass-blasted virgin NEET CREW CTR cuck shill detected.
SAGE and SLIDE all Schulzcuck threads!
>I'm convinced ~90% of all german flags on /pol/ are just proxies shitposting. Even the Swedes recognise the shit state their country is in but you Krauts seem to enjoy being so cucked.

German humour is about acting like a thick skulled retard with a complete deadpan attitude and you're supposed to feel the whole situation hilarious.
>tfw anti afd shilling is the norm everywhere, even in classrooms
>tfw people fall for the 24/7 anti trump propaganda
And the people I'm talking about are pretty clever.
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>acting like thick skulled retards with deadpan attitudes
you micks can be pretty funny sometimes
>According to the paper he denied the Holocaust.
Whats wrong with it?
this is such a cheap try
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I seriously think the Nazi Germany is a smaller threat to Poland than pro EU, globalist Germany. We are living in a strange world.
>>According to the paper he denied the Holocaust.

In Germany? RIP
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This. Source has nothing to do with greentext.
how do we sink the rest?
fuck off

No one supports Shlutz on this board
probably said 5,999,999 Jews were gassed to death in nazi death camps by Hitler himself
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Schulz can win now, no doubt, just remember to vote Germoneyans
Fucking good, AFD is an anti-American, pro-Russian party. Fuck them
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