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Calling all KRAUTS - redpill me on German politics

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Everyone knows why Merkel is failing but WHY is Martin fucking Shultz doing well? Who will win honestly?
People hate Merkel so much that they rather have him in Office
I asked my sister who she would vote for and she said probably SPD because at least he isn't Merkel and the AfD wouldn't be an alternative.
I think most people have no idea what he stands for or just don't care anymore.
Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!


Soros is funding a German version of Correct the Record called Correctiv. They are in this thread shilling for Schultz and trying to discourage anyone from voting AfD. Fight back!




AFD lost my vote when Petry went after her own over the Holocaust Memorial remark
>but WHY is Martin fucking Shultz doing well?

Because Germans just don't give a shit anymore and have surrendered themselves to being destroyed.

RIP in peace Goymany.
More like AFD will rise up from the flames of your cuck politics merely to get rid of islam.
Historically the biggest Goys to be remembered will be the former allied Forces who all ended up worse than Germany despite not being brainwashed and beaten down for 70+ years

USA is mexico niggerland
France has been the jihadist Center of Europe for at least a decade
UK is pakistan 2.0
Soviet Union Collapsed
is there anyone else?

surely a christian party is better than a socialist one?
Dont speak about cuck politics after the shitstorm and aftermath that was and is your presidential election
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SPD is the ((Social Democrats)) - Currently Commies.
Merkel is a party by herself - Proxy Commie.

AfD truly is the only alternative for Germany.
US at least recognized it and is burning it all down. None of you fucks fight back.
The cucks lost in our election you are just voting the cucks best friend cuck.
Nigger, you're literally Turkey's colony at this point. You've got absolutely no right to speak.
>WHY is Martin fucking Shultz doing well
Because in germany the polling institutes are basically owned by the parties and german leftist media is trying to create the k-mart version of the trump effect starring a crypto kike with the charisma of a damp blanket.
>but WHY is Martin fucking Shultz doing well
he is new and unknown (people never gave a fuck about EU stuff here). this is literally it. Once people realise Schulz is just a drunk and uneducated version of Merkel he will be dropped as well.
Thema CSU are Bavarian Partners of the CDU and By now the Most intelligent Party. But Well... they are Partners with the CDU and Merkel
>US at least recognized it and is burning it all down

only took you 8 years of a muslim nigger president, lgbt normalization, blacks killing and raping whites on mass, normalization of radical feminism and white privilege becoming part of your academia with 24/7 anti white male shilling

but hurr durr if germans after decades of indoctrination and hatespeech laws being shoved down their throats dont fix shit within a year we are supposed to be nuked from orbit

get fucking real
Allied Forces forced turks on us in the 60s we did not want them
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You should be nuked from orbit not because you cucks are slow to recognize your earth but because in killing your country you decided to bring all of europe with you to hell.
Because she knew about the schulz shit
Did they also force the Syrians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Pakis and other assorted human garbage on you in the last few years?
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Not gonna lie, former [ insert variable "y" (object, party or person)] supporter here. It's hilarious watching her crash and burn like this. But in all seriousness we can't let this [variable "y" description] get her hands on the [political aim of "y"].
>you decided to bring all of europe with you to hell

You mean the War YOU caused that caused all the refugees to come in the first place? Refugees were already on European Soil long before Merkel placed Germany as the guilty one with her invite

And fuck that cucked shit when your own judges overthrew the "muslim" ban, police wont recognize a hate crime with the niggers torturing the retarded white kid and your young women are doing million cunt marches to demonstrate Trump
All of that shit came with the crap that is the EU
The niggers did get a hate crime and the courts will repeal judges stall on the ban very soon.
>there are 6 million refugees in a war Amerifats started, that means we have to unconditionally take them all and give them free money as long as they're alive

Top goy. Blame everyone except yourself.
Huh, I didn't know Angela Merkel changed her name to "the EU". Thanks, pham.
Don't worry lads.
I'll be the next german chancellor.
I bet you think the middle east was paradise before the US started putting their boot on the ground
I don't recall you niggers taking Vietnamese refugees when we were busy burning their country to the ground so why that is our fault you decided to ransack your country is beyond me.
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Whats there to blame? We have been a puppet state for the past 70+ year. Idiots like you eat up the hurr duur germans and ignore legit facts dribble are the perfect example why they are getting away with it
>any chance to win
Schulz is on the payroll of open society NGO.
Somewhen last year the list of EU politicians he bribed was leaked. Schulz was on there.
Merkel 2.0 is shilled as the "alternative" for Merkel 1.0 since people hate Merkel 1.0 but cant say "why" because its illegal opinion and the are Afraid the whole "Trump Effect" will give the AfD too much attention. So they go the lets pretend the AfD doesnt even exist and put up another "enemy" figure.

Why SPD? They allways have been the "other" strong party voted for by most foreigner.
Fuck you shill.

Listen to our based LEADER.
I hope so. Your people have a goddess before them, and they're just ignoring her.
>Why SPD? They allways have been the "other" strong party voted for by most foreigner.

3 million russian always voted >50 % CDU
wont happen this time
will they heavily go to AFD?
>a neoliberal slut
Most of these nations were much better of in the past
She might as well.
That "alternative" arrow is just an erect penis.
Mostly non voting
of the people who will vote most will go to AfD
Some to Linke (old style commies) and some will stay at CDU. Nobody will vote Green
they were at least functional under people like saddam and qadaffi. they need the ottoman empire back to instill some order
This. I'll be voting Shultz now, especially since the SDP didn't let (((Gabriel))) run. Shultz is /ourguy/
AfD is controlled opposition, CDU's puppet.

Martin Schulz is the only option that is not Merkel, and he criticized her for the chaos she created.

Or if you don't mind voting for unelectable candidates, NPD.
Thats exactly what they need.
Hue hue, the best kind
>any chance to go above 15%
Fuck off Schulz SHILL.
Lets assume AFD got elected. They will bend shortly after anyways. They're much talk but no walk.
>Brexit can't win!
>Trump can't win!
>[you are here]
>Le Pen can't win!
>AfD can't win!
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Media manipulation
CFR (council on foreign policy) agreed to get rid of Merkel


For germans, a good video

SOROS is a member of CFR
turkey 2.17?

didn't expect that
so basically they need ISIS

Lafontain is strongly against this. Look it up.

Video Embeded

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Can a kraut give me the rundown over the different viable parties and candidates in Germany?
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>people hate Merkel
>but they don't want to vote in a true opposition party, like e.g. the AfD, because that would look like they are """Nazis"""
>Leader of the SPD (Fat Siggi) isn't liked by the people
>The ratings of the SPD gets worse and worse
>The party comes up with a new frontrunner (Schulz)
>Suddenly the approval ratings for the SPD are rocketing
>German people legitimately think he's an alternative to Merkel

Nuke us already

your greatest ally saudi arabia is way more distasteful than the ottomans were

I know Lafontain has other views, but hes gone
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>>111671765 I wouldn't worry too much about it. OP
Merkel electoral crisis as German far-right AfD party surges in poll after Berlin attacks



my humble analysis considering shitty polls, last elections and mood

he is still in Saarland active and has huge influence in the party
never said Trump can't win after he got primary

never said Brexit can't happen, actually Brexit was looming since 1990's, Brits were always eurosceptic, you just don't really know much about European politics, you think it's just like in the US
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Your only Choice of Support is for AfD.
Schulz and Merkel will do anything to cancel Brexit and the refugees will be pouring in by the millions again in October.

Schulz and his Party basically have big donors that run Media and Polling so its Hillary 2.0
>Poland in EU
>They refused to take any refugges
really makes you thang...
Go the fuck back to your safe space you stupid faggot. Who in the fuck gives a shit about holocaust remarks on /pol/?
Politics in Europe is indeed simpler than the US because all of you vote on single issues.
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She is quiet a Hottie.
Poland doesnt suffer from decades of white guilt being shoved down their throats. Besides Eastern Europe is shit and no one wants to live there
why are people falling for it?

for who though?

whats merkel 2.0 compared to 1.0 and is it better than shultz?

he a EU autocrat though, why do people want that? and he's a leftist - surely this will only worsen germany (even compared to merkel)?
gotta work on that english comprehension sasha!
>not our fault, slavs are shit
Just as I predicted, kill yourself we should have nuked you after WW2.
Brexit and Trump already had momentum behind them, it was just the media trying to cool their flames through deception. Once people caught onto that, the flames burned fierce. Though I don't see that with AFD, just looks like Germany either stopped caring or actually likes mass immigration.
Unless all the polls are lying. Like, ALL of them.
t. country who beats up poles but lets pakis rape their kids
If Le Pen does win it will burn bright hot because most will worry on the state of EU. Macron is barely held up by the media and is a nobody which means they have nothing to stop her.
there are 2 parties that arent 100% us puppets

links and afd

both will never get elected
whats soros' plan with germany?

can they win though?

>Hillary 2.0
isn't merkel that too?
I find this description to be accurate, but I cannot imagine anyone falling for a fat EU kike as being 'charismatic' when they've openly stated they hate nation states and want more immigration; ie: the thing Merkel is already unpopular for.

I've heard the phrase "turd polishing" before. I'm not sure there's a German equivalent.
shoo shoo anglo scum
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>I hate current situation in German that I will vote for someone that will spend much more money on refugees and will invite more of them. He will also completely ruin relation with Poland, since he has personal butthurt towards Poles. And same applies to USA and UK. But at least he is not Angela Merkel.

Germans are truly retarded. After 4 years of Schultz in charge you will miss Merkel so much. Oh, and German refugees are not welcomed in Poland. We're full, go to Switzerland.

> In Saarland

The LINKE is blind on one eye
Putting so much afford the fight so called "right" - a ghost -
Instead should focus on their work, to bring down the plutocrates and give the GERMAN people their fair share

>afd not a us puppet
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In case people doubt this.
Remember the soros leaks last year?



Schulz is literally on soros' payroll.

>more than 70 year of social re-engineering
>literally designed post-war Germany to have politically weak people
>US government causes problems due to nation-building bullshit worldwide which caused islamization of europe

Gee, I wonder why germans are not uprising.

Shut the fuck up.
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also mostly because he's an alternative from Merkel, the elections are still far off though and his wave will subside
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>he a EU autocrat though, why do people want that? and he's a leftist - surely this will only worsen germany (even compared to merkel)?
I don't see the world through a left-right paradigm. He advocated improved vetting for the refugees. This is what I agree with.
Fake news
>They're much talk but no walk.
How do you know? They never were in Power yet. But we know that all their attempts for change are blocked by all other Parties. And that all others want to destroy the Country and are known to have lied and made People poorer
Also (((polls))) for the AfD """suddenly""" dropped almost 30% for no real reason but the second the Schulz hype campaign dropped. Its absurd votes from AfD would flipflip from "right" party straight to commies doing the exact opposite with an unsympathic ugly crypto kike as the head.

They probably got a call from Merkel.
Normies don't know Schulz, so they think hey, we have had Merkel for an eternity and she's screwing us over so let's vote for the only other guy that has a chance of winning and that just happens to be Schulz. They think: "How bad can it be?" Normies are also in favor of EU so Schulz is their man.
Shultz is getting shilled by the elites.
He's a pro EU, pro-immigration jew that most of Germany has a neutral view on because they are not up-to-date on shit.
Electing him as the new leader of Germany makes Germany COMPLETELY controlled by the EU elites.

Germans on /pol/ should cast their vote on AfD, they won't obviously win the election but they can grab a foothold in german politics. Just like we in Sweden did with our only anti-immigration party SD and look at us now, the immigration question is dominating political topics 24/7.
How can anyone even claim he's a crypto?
I can look at that face, that beak, and those soulless eyes, and instantly see a Jew.
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You forgot about 1 thing - Germans have no such thing as common sense.

>Hurr durr we are 3rd Reich, we can fight against USA, Russia, UK, France, Poland and another dozen countries at once, while our greatest ally is fucking Italy.

>Hurr durr we are Germany with strong economy and shit, we can take in half of Africa and pay for social welfare for them
>70 years of social re-engineering from America turned you into an islamic caliphate
Great Job Kamerad.
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A little meme magic! anything is possible!

Destabilize it, to secure a jewish power house in the west
The only way the jews can operate in the west is, when the west allows foreigner to do it. Those, multiculti for jews is very important, but they destroying their own host (animal) and themself with that policy
kek as much as you want, faggot, but this whole thing was planned by your kikes long ago
Meanwhile your young women are in the streets protesting begging for third world cock
>isn't merkel that too?
Merkel is already in Power but her Support is artificially dwindling now.

She no longer has Support of her puppet masters. Now its Schulz Term
I hope so. This will be a glorious worldwide Renaissance if the EU collapses. France will probably get it done.
But I fear too many Germans are amoral towards their politics. There's definetley an outcry, but it's not big enough. I'm just thinking the EU has too strong a clutch on Germany, even if it does begin to fall. Germany seems like it wants to go down with it.
Really hoping I'm wrong though.
The (((polls))) in Germany are just as fake as the (((polls))) before Brexit and the (((polls))) before the US elections.

Whatever value they had in decades past is non-existent now. They're purely a propaganda tool meant to deceive and demoralize. SPD was tanking last year, and suddenly their approval skyrocketed 35% in one month. Fucking bullshit. I hope Germans can understand the agitprop being used against them. You all better vote AfD no matter what, don't try to be all tactical and shit voting for Merkel to keep the kike out, because he does NOT have a following. It's all invented.
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Frauke Petry
Make sure to contact all friends and relatives on twitter, Facebook and any Popular social Media in your town. introduce them to Frauke Petry and the AFD
I never asked my parents what they voted for, but I will now and I will probably beg them to vote AFD.
But they might be red-pilled, anyway. I'm the first man to ever visit university, everybody else is a blue-collar guy, craftsman, etc.
I might try to make my whole family vote AFD.

Gott mit uns.
Enjoy being put on the list by former KGB Agents

Immer gerne
Die Situation is ziemlich ernst
Wir müssen unsere Verteidigung mit allen notwendigen Mitteln organisieren
Gruß aus Bayern
The quote is from '14 btw
I never have seen Linke critizising AfD.

There was once a talkshow petry and wagenknecht bashing the other together
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Thanks Correctiv I'll take precautions.
Meanwhile... check this out!!
Merkel Party that was centrist but now is far left
Social Democrats, Party of that Schulz Guy they keep shilling for
Our Party. Against Refugees and Islam. Pro Brexit, Trump and Russia
Antiwhite filth that want to get your children raped by Muslims
Basically Communist, but they are actually on the 2nd Spot when it comes to the Refugee question as they know the Fugees are there to drain our Social System and for Slave Labour
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As much as I want AfD to win, the chances are incredibly slim. Many Americans won't know this but the political system in Germany is very different. Nobody (except maybe the NPD lol) would create a Union with the "racist" AfD, that's why the only way for the AFD to win is to get over 50% of the votes, which is very rare and pretty much impossible for them to achieve.

The only way I see AfD win is if there will be constant islamic terror attacks in the following months in Europe. The German population is this brainwashed, Germans are anti nationalists and that's what everyone in school is being taught; Germans are the bad guys and Multi Kulti is not only good but needed.
islam is not the enemy its a distraction. treat the source not the symptoms
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Gruß aus NRW, dem Herzen der Bestie.
If thats the case you need to start a twitter account anonymously and follow other supporters and call out those Fake Polls.

This doesnt make any sense since the AfD is still the best we can get.

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


>islam is not the enemy
>Czech Republic
You are probably a Proxy.
With 5 Million Muslims Islam is a Problem for us. The Source of the Problems is clear but its too late for that.
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found the kike. Nice kosher pasta though
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>high fertility rate is a good thing
is it opposite day already?
All of Europe is demographically still much better off than the USA.

Fuck your sisters.

How is Schulz an alternative. He is the embodiment of everything shit in the EU. Merkel is a saint compared to him. Everything will go down the shitter if he is elected.
its not too late at all, you are just arent aware of the battlefield
>Muh, die bösen Russen!
>Kalter Krieg ist nah
>In Deutschland wirds Lebensgefährlich
Was ist das denn bitte für ein Trottel?
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Holy shit end me already.

I have to leave this shithole asap. Future is dark.
Wait so Soros wants Merkel gone now?
Its too late! we have chosen AFD.
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>The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty
Thank you correctiv for correcting the Record.

>pic related
AfD hates National Sovereignty

And in regards to the shilling for Jewish Support - its Standard Practice for any right Wing Party that wants to go somewhere. And after the Holocaust Thing the Jews are now distancing themselves from AfD
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>send the white women to the interracial breeding camps
My town has a population of ~34k
FB page of the town part of AfD has 10k likes
CDU has 1,5k
SPD 1,5k
FDP 300
Linke 400
Green got no page

WTF is this shit?
And if i go through the people who liked the page I cant find anyone whos from here, all likes from all other germany...


>daily propaganda on every layer

there exist no real party to free germany or the german people

AfD is also a fraud by masons
notice their party colours red & blue
media is shilling hard for (((schultz))) who is literally one of the (((chosen))) people and will bring communism
>Its too late! we have chosen AFD
Thanks. /pol/ will always support those who deserve it.
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This is >>111671873 anons Sister.
It explains a lot.

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It will go on like this until finally you reach a breaking point and there will be 6 gorillas arabs murded in Polish death camps once again. So called eternal Kraut cycle.
Germans still have it too good. That's literally it. Once money dries up... well...

And yeah, I know we had 70 years of social engineering but tribal bonds and genetics run much deeper than that.
Because the German left wing smells blood in the water.
A few years ago the CDU was looking at the possibility of not even needing a coalition partner. SPD was poised to fall under 20%. Greens and Left each near 13%.. FDP under 4% and thus not in the Bundestag.

When Merkel was busting Greece's balls the public loved her. Then she decided she would let the country be invaded by a bunch of shitskins. This was popular with her opponents and very unpopular with the people she depends on to get elected. Imagine Donald Trump going whole hog in support of gun control..

AfD is now looking like it will be a serious fraction within the Bundestag. In German politics working new parliamentary fractions are considered to be something of a taboo. For example for about a decade Die Linke (formerly PDS, formerly East German Communist Party) was not involved in forming governing coalitions in various states because the SPD feared that dealing with them would taint their own image.

It's the same for the AfD. Not only is support of the AfD at the expense of the CDU but it isn''t even possible to gain their support at the negotiation table. In contrast, if these voters had defected to FDP they still could be wrangled into a coalition that supports Merkel.

This leaves Merkel with a CDU-SPD coalition as her best case scenario, but now those left wing parties are losing votes to the SPD because if Merkel is stuck near 30% then leaving the Greens or Die Linke for the SPD could swing the SPD into being the bigger party. So CDU-SPD coalition becomes SPD-CDU coalition.

TL;DR Merkel has alienated enough of the CDU/CSU base that they have defected to AfD, leaving her in a position where she may well lose to Schulz
do refugees even want to go to poland? I mean, they're skipping Denmark and we're a 1st world country.
>WHY is Martin fucking Shultz doing well?
It's plain and simple propaganda. Merkel fucked up and nobody likes her anymore. They are simply preparing a quiet resignation for her and putting a pro-EU shill into her position. But since SPD polls even worse than CDU, they have to artificially inflate them.

These polls are absolute bullshit. SPD isn't popular, Schulz isn't popular either, EU is at most tolerated. How the fuck adding an unpopular politician associated with unpopular concept to an unpopular party can create a massive surge in polling?

The ZOG is scared of AfD and growing dissent from the ruling party and E, so they move in everything to manipulate the elections and censor the opposition. Fuck this, this is slowly getting really scary.
If Germans are concerned the POLLS are rigged..then you should be calling them out on social media...make sure to compare them with the Brexit poll and Trumps Poll as well..Send messages to all media and politicians demanding public scrutiny of polling booths and polling practices .
>WHY is Martin fucking Schultz doing well?

MSM bias. He is the come again messiah of german left-wing elites and intelligentsia.
They are projecting everything they want to have/be onto him, all the while he is just a blank paper with no political course or stance other than further European Integration.
rigged polls just help us

they think they will win and wont go to vote like it happened in the us and uk
yeah vote a literal ((())) who will to destroy us even faster than merkel, fuck off shill.
also you have the wrong proxy
Schulz can win for all I care. It's gonna make people realize how, unless they vote AfD, nothing is gonna change. Good PR!
Just leave /pol/ already you fucking reddit whore.

But where she fucked up (Immigration) He will let in even more. He would have fucked up the situation even more. CDU/CSU have some decent plans how to limit immigration. SPD and Schulz are against any plans to limit immigration.

Explain to me why Schulz is a better choice ? Merkel improved the economy. She did not just fuck up. She made one fuck up that they now atleast try to correct. Schulz will fuck us and give the german soul completly to the EU. Possibly taking all of Italys Debts and all of Frances Debts and transfer it to us.

Fucking Kike Nigger.
You seem well informed, are you from Germany or do you just care so much about German politics?
I don't know where his hate for the polish vomes from.
He literally stated that the refugee crysis is Polands fault.
That's a very Trudeau-esque viewpoint
>If our opponents win, we win
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Thanks for the Idea

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


If you fools wait till everyone has lost enough to panic then you waited too long.
It's true though (in this case atleast). Chances of AfD winning are relatively slim this year.

Some good people at the LINKE should join AFD
But AFD shouldnt get undercut
They are too chaotic, still
>ID literally Zug
>Schulzzug = Schulz train

Even the IDs are exposing you as Shills.
Yeah make sure your vote goes to the 0.5% Party
autism is strong with you
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MG 42 needed for this pic.

But seriously, Germans are done.

You can have Germany when we are gone, polan
You don't have to win outright..just have a good percentage of the vote to have some power in your country.
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>do refugees even want to go to poland?
-Absolutely 0 welfare for them here
-Very hostile society towards them
- >99.5% white
- >90% catholic
- >our government hasn't accepted a single one refugee

Why the fuck would they want to go here, if germany is next to us? It is not like Poland is too poor for them, but you have to fucking work here. And why would they move to Denmark, if you are in between Sweden and Germany?
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>leftards copy pasting from the right again
You disfunctional retards are pathetic.
I swear to God, Polan, if you don't cease this shilling you'll see the panzers rolling again to fuck your ass.
Best chance they will have is this year when all the no chancer choices came from nowhere while people still hate islam.
I lived there for a while.
>you decided to ransack your country is beyond me
i didn't decide shit you stupid burger. if i were in charge none of that would have happened.
so stop blaming german people instead of their politicians you fucking shill
I don't know, but this guy might have something in common with the reason for his hatred

we keep electing them.

Are you too afraid to say openly that Hitler was right?
The great Coalition (CDU + SPD) will win.
>I don't recall you niggers taking Vietnamese refugees
let me tell you about germany

there in no such thing as a free german

opinion of a german does not matter, germans are easiest to mislead right now, you offer no choices for them yet they are keen to choose. its like bowl of m&ms, instead of some being poisoned, they all are poisoned. and instead of not taking any of them and going to healthier path, he proceeds to choose the least poisoned one.
Eh it'll only get worse. I think as pressure builds we're gonna have all of Western Europe vote being ruled by nationalistic parties in 5 years and we're probably gonna get stuff like Operation Wetback only large scale. If they're kept out longer then we're gonna get the Ultras into power and shits gonna get nasty.

A lot of it also depends upon Trump clearing out the deep state. If (((they))) still control the USA and UK when Europe gets nasty we could have a large scale Yugoslavia going on.

I think the AFD is not bad, yet dont have a Gestalt
They could push more against immigration
Hoecke seams to be ok but saying "I want you all to be Prussians" to sachsen was strange

Okay listen up bong.

>Martin Schultz doing well
He gets the Bernie Sanders treatment from all the young "totally educated" people that love to show how progressive their own attitude is without knowing what he stands for though.
Unlike Bernie, Schultz is a raging champion for globalism and corporatism.
Doesn't matter tho because it's not what he stands for but rather what he stands against. The AfD. Just spew some "LEL AFD SO STUPIDO XDD" phrases and you got all of the university and school students which I think are the majority of voting people between 18 and 30.

>Who will win honestly?
Merkel. Yes it sucks. You can't help it. The people who vote are delusional "but that's not affecting me right now so why change anything?" type of fuck.
Germany is doomed under democracy. Never worked. The basic flaw in the german character doesn't allow democracy.
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Thanks, I hope I will see crusades to take Berlin back from muslims in my lifetime.

The AfD is actually a subversive puppet party supporting left totalitarianism and authoritarian progressivism and hates every form of national sovereignty, it wants the United States of Europe, flooded with migrants (literally). It is controlled by a CONSORTIUM of powerful establishment members.

They are stealing certain positions of true right wing parties (like the NPD), but they are definitely not (alt)right, they are simply a controlled opposition party created by members of establishment parties. They supress everyone wanting to lead the party away from "THEM" (Example: Björn Höcke, one of the only true right wing leaders, currently secretly being bullied out).

They are basically Merkel (probably even worse), except that they are just pretending to support right wing positions. And they even fail at that at some points.

Here are some links to the Wahrheitspresse, revealing this full blown government funded conspiracy to the public (suppressed by the MSM).


Also, Germany now officially has its own CTR which is funded by Soros (They're trying to discredit the AfD, but it's easy to see this as an attempt to drive more people to the AfD, DONT FALL FOR IT ITS OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE AFD):


They started to cooperate with facebook in order to distribute their propaganda and people are rapidly falling for it. This propaganda is funded by the government and zionistic/jewish supporters. They are even directly targeting jews to get their support (http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de/afd-front-national-und-co-rechtspopulisten-buhlen-um-juden.1079.de.html?dram:article_id=360241)


theyre commies /thread
>The basic flaw in the german character doesn't allow democracy.
?????????? That you're backward Muslim-tier savages at heart?????? Please enlighten

Fucking double sigh.
This is like Trump Vs. Hillary.
At the end of the day, no one wins.
>very effective shill tactic

What is a concern troll? These Euro shills are better than CTR, I'll give them that.
At least we voted for a man, faggot.
just stfu you fucking imbecile
>How do you know?
Because thats always the same shit with parties like them. Pandering to fear and doubts, nothing more, nothing less. Look at Trump, already backpedaled what he said and made. Their "meeting" with other populists at some kind of a "We Are Europa" convention showed me that they work and live only for the pre-elections.
>But we know that all their attempts for change are blocked by all other Parties.
Pandering only to a single part of the population while alienating and angering the other parts is a perfect recipe for a civil unrest or even a war.
>made People poorer
AFD is all about refugees. They don't have a plan how to improve the living standards of the lower and middle class.

I think so
The establishment knows, that Merkel lost ground in the public
The best way to secure the leeching of germans and constant immigration is red-red-green
Its a strategical decision
How the fuck is this like Trump vs. Hillary?
Trump is a nationalist who's interested in the well being of his country. We have two EU-shills who want to force more immigration onto us.
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>doing so well
>only one POLL says that


Quuzo = Kuso = shit
QuuzoZug = ShitTrain
>AFD is all about refugees. They don't have a plan how to improve the living standards of the lower and middle class
Yeah Sure. You should read their Program. And not the One you Correctiv guys have faked.

Meanwhile how does destroying every Neighbourhood (besides those were leftists live) with refugees do anything good for middle and underclass?

There will be a new welfare System thanks to the Refugees with even less Money for everyone.

And its supported by every Party in the Bundestag. Not to mention the Mindestlohn who created excuses for companies to pay lower wages cause now they can always say "look we pay Minimum Wage"
I hope you are right, my Kraut brother from another mother.

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>That you're backward Muslim-tier savages at heart

had to chuckle at savages when I just watched a documentary about philadelphia crime streets.
Anyhow enough name calling.

Basically it's german angst that forbids democracy to flourish to its fullest in germany. That's why Hitler thrived in a time when everyone else had lost hope. Was the majority of people protesting the seize of power by the national socialists as they de facto get rid off democracy? Not really.
Why did he succeed? Cause he managed to project all the angst and discomfort germans had onto something and took away that fear.
Germans sacrifice other germans just so they can live better OR maintain the status quo if it's alright for them and believe me for most people right now it's very alright to live here.

So they vote for the stuff with the least risk of change. Because change is always bad. If there's the slightest chance of not knowing something to a fact, it's bad no matter how small that chance is.
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pretty uncommon - interesting
how popular are afd really?
>But where she fucked up (Immigration) He will let in even more. He would have fucked up the situation even more. CDU/CSU have some decent plans how to limit immigration. SPD and Schulz are against any plans to limit immigration.
>Explain to me why Schulz is a better choice ?

He isn't. But most people do not realize that - not everyone followed the developments in the EU parliament to know his positions well. Some people will just vote for him because they will think he's a viable alternative to Merkel (and they WILL be supplied a shitton of propaganda to make them think that).

It's not about positions of each party and what a specific politician did or did not. Merkel isn't popular anymore, so the ZOG decided to get rid of her and try with a fresh new tool. They are manipulating the unaware voters.
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> Pandering to fear and doubts, nothing more,
>AFD is all about refugees. They don't have a plan


Read the progam and come back when you are just half as educated as an AfD voter.

If you already have, no you are just a blatantly lying leftist cuck.
will this really happen?? he's a socialist (and therefore most likely a no-borders marxist, which is confirmed by his love of the EU - the ultimate marxist pillar of the 21st centuary )

I fear for Germany. Why are the masses so easily manipulated ? If I have ever children the consumption of TV will be forbidden no propaganda in my house.
>t. unemployed antifa cuck living in moms basement and collecting leftist gibs for shitting up the internet

A pessimists opinion, sad
There is no hope. Even if voters weren't flocking to the SPD we are heading for a war. Also our (((christians))) are just as bad as the socialists only now they are putting up (((Schulz))) who is a fucking europhile who is known only as Farages punching bag.
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I get an error message everytime I try to type (a free-floating) [reddit]
I wonder why
>crypto kike
>a shekel snorting nose hiding in plain sight
get rid of the TV completely
I did almost 10 years ago and never regretted it.
Even their rightwing nationalist parties are 100 percent subservient to Jews. The left/right paradigm is bullshit and anyone who is legitimately "redpilled" can see this. The left will wreak havoc by taking in refugee vermin that solely exist because of Zionist wars and then the right will demagogue to the anti refugee populace and say that they will "clamp down on immigration"

Both parties serve a unique purpose. The left is the purveryor or subversive cultural/social engineering on the Homefront while the right mowing conservatives are more focused on fighting wars for Israel. Both are arms of the same Jewish beast.

The entire populist far right sentiment that is gaining traction in Europe is legitimate grassroots dissent but it's being mutated into useful idiocy that plays along into the Zionist agenda.

Look at the people backing Brexit, its not just some garden variety zionists, its the hardcore arch zionists.
"fight against Poland"?
Kurwa weź spierdalaj na kara albo inny wykop cebulaku yeabny, nas nawet szczury nie traktują poważnie.
Get more and more people aware of the problem of Islam in Europe, deal with that situation and then find the actual source and deal with them.
The NPD and literally all of their members are as dumb as bricks. I wouldn't trust them to operate a fucking microwave. And I am NatSoc.
well, that's playing out exactly like the US. Ain't it.
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Who cares, Germany is already dead and buried.
Fuck off we're full. Besides we can't fucking stand Krauts.
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How do we fuck up Germany even more than it already is under the idiot Merkel?

I know! Shultz/SPD + Green Party/NAMBLA!

What a shitshow...
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