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We let a madman in the white house

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Thread replies: 307
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OY VEY, not the Feds!
its just a prank bro
Liberals remembered there was a 10th Amendment?
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>its real

holy fark

top kek
You know these statistics are fake right? He posted this and when he was called out he said he doesn't fact check what he sees on the internet
this isn't fascism lol. And why does everyone in the comments seem to want niggers in chicago to die?
Goddamn I hope he does. I cant stand that crime-ridden hell hole or its limp wrist faggot mayor
The 10th Amendment presumes that the State is protecting the other rights. When the State fails to do so, the federal government can and does (often) move in.

How does the left think schools were desegregated?
How is Trump the villian again? Since he won the election he has done literally nothing but improve America domestically. Furthermore why are women protesting Trump now and not say Saudi Arabia?

The third largest/most important city in the greatest country in the world is a fucking war zone. Not going to continue.
>preventing wanton murder and restoring law and order is "fascism"
well, then sign me up.
The statistics are only off by a few percent. It was a brilliant gambit that got the media to "fact-check" him by telling everyone that actually /only/ 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks.
At least he's doing something.
>stop killing each other or we'll do it for you
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This could be the most entertaining 8 years of my life. What a great time to be an American
it's real baby!

And this is the most educated the left has ever been about the constitution. Now if they could just stop skipping over the second amendment...
I'm curious what the actual stats are for San Francisco though.
They're not fake m8, even the "fact checkers" begrudgingly admit that black on black crime is much, much higher than any other.
>How is Trump the villian again?
>The left has no solutions. Ever. Because fixing the problem removes their bargaining chip.
I'm sure chicago residents would agree with trump. I doubt they like living in fear of being murdered by nigger gang bangers.

The only statistic which is inaccurate is the 'whites killed by blacks' one. The others are absolutely accurate.
Thank you God for letting me live in these moments
>Sending in the FBI to stop the ever increasing black death rate due to gang violence is fascist.
When will dems just admit they hate black people?
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You mean like states' rights, faggot?



-t. southerner
IDK. Chicagoans keep electing the idiots that let the criminals go free.
>low iq pleb can't understand >3d chess

no wonder your kin lost the election, simpletons.
He didn't tweet this out, but the facts are accurate except for White on Black crime (much lower).
>Spoken like a true fascist
Jesus Christ
>doesn't understand the 10th amendment

>what is a state of emergency

libtards are so fucking smug and stupid at the same time
>this faggot in charge of knowing what martial law is
Why does everyone on /pol/ want niggers to live?
And 90% of whites are killed by whites.
Time to take over Chicago and put a hard ass in power.
Chicago or nigger town is a fucking war zone according to the numbers. they should make Chicago has fallen the movie.
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>"Guns are evil. Ban them! Violate the constitution and send in the army to confiscate every last one. Soot the people who resist. BANNNN THEMMMMM!"
>"Trump wants to enforce the law?! FUCKING FASCIST NOT MY PRESIDENT"

My greatest shame in life is having ever voted for a democrat.
>When will dems just admit they hate black people?

It's Trump's plan to force them to do so. Federal intervention in Chicago will be condemned and black people will start to wonder why Democrats want the carnage to continue.
80% actually, but yes, most crime is within racial lines. However, when crime moves outside those lines, it's mostly black on white.

Who exactly are the "feds"? Wouldn't it make more sense to turn south Chicago into a giant army/ marine base?

>And this is the most educated the left has ever been about the constitution. Now if they could just stop skipping over the second amendment...

Hahaha rightwing faggots

If you actually studied your fucking history you'd realize most gun organizations such as the NRA were pro-gun control during the 60s-70s when most people buying weapons were leftwing terrorists such as Black Panthers and Symbionese. It was only when these groups were defeated did they do a sudden about-face and wine about "muh 2nd amendment"

I for one welcome Trump's initiative to introduce concealed carry for everyone. Can't wait to blow away you Nazis.
Why would they care about quartering?
niggers are going to die either way, this way Trump gets to BTFO weak Chicago liberals
>Implying school integration was constitutional.
for those wondering how bad chicago is, check out Second City Cop's blog (CPD officer's blog)


And HeyJackass.
Even 10% of white people, which is a low figure, is a ridiculous amount of people for nigger males who are 7% of the entire population to kill. Don't be fucking retarded.
niggers like you don't need concealed carry you can just buy your guns illegally Jamal
The NRA is pro responsible gun ownership. Why would anybody want literal retard terrorist to have guns? Also strong regulation didn't really start until that point so of course they weren't against it until then.

I'll have you know I'm a PoC you filty fucking racist. I'm going to report you for a hate crime.
I imagine I will wake up to find the Chicago PD graciously accepting his offer.

Gun control is completely irrelevant . If it were the case places like Vermont or Arizona would be havens for black panthers. It has more to do with keeping the group under control than by what guns they are allowed to purchase

>gay marriage and abortion should be left to the states
>I'm going to send in support to help stop the terrible black on black crime in Chicago
>urthermore why are women protesting Trump now and not say Saudi Arabia?

They dont live in saudi arabia
Glocks at dawn?
>who doesn't understand the 10th amendment

You fags while praising Obama for legalizing gay marriage across all the states.



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Implying there weren't NOCS -nazis of colour
Can't wait until antifa fags are declared terrorists.
>Trump: I want to help stop murder.

going to be a long 4 years
Washington quelled the Whiskey Rebellion and Jackson had the Nullification crises where Jackson basically threatened South Carolina to comply with the law or he'd send in US troops.
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Someone answer me.

What government force are the "feds" going to be?
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Oh NOW they care about state's rights.

Sorry bud but I'm whiter than you are most likely. I'm just not an autist like you.

>Implying PoC can't be fascist

Try harder retards.
the SS
Chicago is objectively a fucked up city.

It obviously needs help.
CPD is worried national guard on every corner would make the city riot.

They would rather have their hands untied by the democrats capitulation to black lives matter. Policing in Chicago has pretty much stopped because of all the lawsuits and 'community outreach'.
Bureau of land management. Be BLM vs BLM

Don't they have their own SWAT teams ? lol
Waffen or totenkopf?
Nobody, he's just doing his art of the deal thing and won't take any direct action along these lines.

And everyone would know it if they knew to read his fucking book.
And don't care about women in Saudi Arabia either. But I'm sure they care about muh Syria because the news told them to. Hell. I'm sure they thing they know where Aleppo is because the news told them all the smart people know about that.
The NRA was right. Our "leaders" want to declare martial law so they can disarm us. We really do need those assault rifles.
>10th amendment

These liberal morons literally spent the entire modern era trying to minimize states' rights and calling southerners antiquated bigots for wanting a smaller federal government.

Don't forget, if you support the 10th amendment that means you think that the states should decide the legality of abortion, so you are a sexist misogynist and you deserve to die.
Pretty much every government agency has something, yeah.
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He's not read this screencap. He will make an outrageous statement like having martial law, and then the cucked left will have to prove that crime and poverty in chiraq has gone up under obama. Its beautiful
It's January 24. Does that mean 2 people are murdered per day? Holy shit.
In his defense, that was a supreme court ruling. He appointed the justice but still. Not his legislation directly.
Obama had 8 years to do anything but instead let his home state be run by gangs. seriously when will dems just come out and say they hate blacks.
hopefully not national guard. Would look way too totalitarian. Most likely a combination of FBI and DOJ.
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>4 days inti presidency
>threatening martial law over twitter

do we live in the best timeline lads?
Why are they getting pissed off about this? Do they not want things to get better?
Well even the us postal service does, so the BLM probably have a few M1A2s on the go
To be fair, that could be a conservative "Never-Trump" person. Doubtful, but possible.
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But it would give the national guard valuable combat experience and target practice on those feral monkeys
>10th Amendment

Isn't every nigger city like this at any rate? Only smaller
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Liberals give me the bad thoughts
Oops, responded to wrong poster....meant for >>108899610
Sorry dumb shit but to follow the ideology of the Nazi I would need to be capable of some practices that you cucks think I'm incapable of. You know, that lack of power and privilege and all. How about you check your racist privilege on implying that I'm not allowed to hold my own world views.
Safety squad? Good. Pretty unsafe out there.
Revert to FFs reading of the constitution, restricting immigration, meeting mummy may first and talking about free movement for work between UK and US

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Bring on the feds Mr. Trump!
I thought you were joking about the postal service. You weren't.

>Trump's going to send in SS to shoot black gangbangers

Holy shit lads
Because Trump is the apex of evil duuh
aww yeah, keep speaking my language
The statistics are correct. The people that refuted the stats were using 2014's statistics to do so instead of the stats from 2015.
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Police Brutality Must End Now!

Look here /pol/ let's send a message to Donald J Drumpf this racism will not stand. The 3 million more people who did not vote for him will not sit quietly!

Let's ban the Star Spangled Banner! Get rid of this racist song!

The petition: https://www.change.org/p/roger-goodell-bar-the-national-anthem-from-the-super-bowl-and-sporting-events

The History: https://theintercept.com/2016/08/28/colin-kaepernick-is-righter-than-you-know-the-national-anthem-is-a-celebration-of-slavery/

The cognitive dissonance of these people breaks all levels of realism IMO
Imagine antifa performing a large scale book burning in chicago soon of 'the art of the deal'
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They were praising him, not the justices.
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No I get it. He'll get the credit as the president that sat over it. But the ruling was based on a supreme court case.
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Couldn't agree more
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I think the percentage of whites killed by blacks was supposed to refer to when a crime IS interracial on white, it's mostly black.
Look up any church community leader from ShitCongo and they have been BEGGING for the feds to get rid of the Chicago PD and police with the national guard if need be.

BEGGING. Obama would never do it because optics were bad having a bunch of soldiers on the streets in his old hood whereas Trump doesn't give a fuck.
trump would still win since they'd have to buy the book first :^)
4D chess
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Oh this wasn't the "something" they meant?
All of a sudden these communists care about states rights
This is /pol/. We never joke about the postal service here
I thought this was a joke but nope, real fucking article. I wonder who could be behind it?
>Jon Schwarz
Pure coincidence.
fuck off...it's called law and order and if the faggots that run chicago don't care enough about their people to help then we need to go in and start killin.
How the fuck exactly is the star spangled banner anything to do with slavery? Considering its about the bombardment of ft McHenry by us, it should pass brits off if anything - and I think it's beautiful
It was poorly put together and kind of a mess, there are better info-graphics and stats out there that accurately reflect how bad it really is. But they likely wouldn't have made the same impact.
He was off by a lot more those stats are outdated
>hopefully not national guard. Would look way too totalitarian.

Bitch do you know where you are?

what do you mean?
i was a power engineer in Chicago before sying fuck it and moving to Florida. That city is fucking third world. Saw at least 8 shootings outside the transformer substation over 2 years.
Literally every federal agency has an armed component.
>Clark riding into Chicago on a beautiful horse

Plz, do it Mr. Trump
>"Hey liberals, fact check my shit senpai! I know you have an ideology to follow, but seriously prove me right!"
Kek, be careful what you wish for...
>Live in the murder capital of Canada
>Chicago already doubled our number for 2016 by Jan 24th 2017

Granted Chicago is 4 times our size, but THAT SHIT IS HUGE
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Open season on you communist antifa scum, can't wait
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I know it probably seems silly to people who don't follow closely and/or just listen to the lobotomized shills in the media, but this is exactly what he is doing.

He does it time and time again and it's a very good technique. Conservatives in the past have not had the balls to stand up to the fucking insanity and popularity contest that is the left until Trump.
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not going to bother figuring out what the problems are, just go in point guns and suspend everyone's rights.

I'm sure that will work fine
Why are leaf posters objectively the fucking worst?
They did it in the south with integration
Leeds is not that bad. Birmingham however,....
I'm not a Trump supporter, and I dont find anything wrong with that.
You in leeds bro?
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>libtard leafs STILL on /pol/ in "current year"
how come if your a pillbilly they set up clinics but if your black you need to be taught about law and order?
this is basically going to be the left's entire narrative for 4 years
kek. racist trump supporter denied nigger lynching.
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This is a distraction.

Republicans in South Dakota just removed all the ethics laws of the state and LEGALIZED corruption.

The corporate takeover is now complete. RIP

You really expect American leftists to have a clue about anything?
gee, it's almost like they did an about face when the NRA-ILA (their lobbying branch) was instituted.
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This. Reading all the bitthirt leftwing nutjobs trying to deflect it towards racism and facism is saddening. How can a black person not see how the left only sees them as a tool?
I was in the past, not anymore.
I think he is reffering to corruption or something in that area and he will send the feds to see why exactly one of the most important places in the US is acting like a third world.
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Where do I sign up for the Trump SS

>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

does this really apply to sending in federal police to assist the regular ones?
this is why it annoys me when wingnuts preach about morality. they won't care about this but everyone should take them seriously when they talk about abortion
working outside of Bradford atm
is anyone seriously going to argue in favor of a place that averaged two murders a day last year?
Sheeeit I did my undergrad at Bradford. How is your Urdu coming on?
what's your point? being republicans I think they'll go in in a reckless way, does that matter?

I didn't see the applications tab thanks bro
The difference is I don't side with s criminal just because they have the same skin color as me unlike niggers
As a Chicagoan I'd love to see a military occupation of the south side. Shit is retarded ugly. Don't think many of the white peoples here feel any type of sympathy for the niggers it's obvious theyre the fuck ups not the system.
remember when republicans said they'd fix the water problem and then ended up covering up their fuck ups?
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Untouchables for niggers?
Do they want people shooting each other or what? Are these people legitimately retarded?
How can it be outdated if it's dated 2015?

Hello, CTR.
Trump knows that chimps will chimp out enough to declare martial law.

That's when the real fun begins.
Awesome, isn't it?
what if they make the situation worse, martial law, just start shooting?
Man what a shithole. Don't go into the place unless I absolutely have to. Like fucking Beirut. Only good thing is you can be out in the country pretty quick. Saltaires not bad, though
Fugg, need sleep, meant for
What about the blacks that support trump? Yall just gonna shoot them too ?
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Yes. On the other hand, it also applies to gay marriage, but they won't mention that
>send the Feds
Okay faggots if he means the NG it's okay but if he's talking about federalizing the police that's a yuge fuck up towards a police state that's literally what Hillary and Obama wanted
>Yall just gonna shoot them too ?
Don't give us ideas now
I keep thinking this wall is gonna backfire on the us
Yea a wall with Canada is next


Clearly not what he said
Reality has truly become hilarious. Things were so boring for so long.
What is crazy is his enemies didn't even read his book, or worse read it and don't understand it. This is the most basic primus of combat. Know your enemy.
thank you, when will you start?
uhh because they're niggers?
What timeline is this?
After the first term
Holy shit, the liberal tears in his comments section for this tweet. This one really riled them up.
Used to live in Chicago. Place fucking needs some martial law. The people will hate it though so expect a US version of "The Troubles".

If he does I hope it's just robot g-men with future tommy guns, fedoras and brown trenchcoats. Gotta use some new and old aesthetics the current locals can appreciate.
theyre just alternative facts
>Trump fixes Chiraq in four years
I will be fucking blown away if he actually manages this.
Yeah it's almost 4 need to sleep. Bradistan is a shithole, one of my friends was kidnapped and held hostage by drug dealers for a week when we were 18
By Feds I'm pretty sure he means FBI and is referring to the sweeping changes in the early 90s that happened in NY where the crime rate halved over 5 years almost solely because of the FBI.
Wow he wants to prevent blacks from killing each other... Racist!!!!!!
Alternative facts are best facts
>white people solve our problems
>white people do everything for us
>fuck you stupid racist whitey
that's how it'll be seen if even more ppl start dying
Please almighty God, let Trump create a new Schutzstaffel. I am pushing 40 and too old to join, but I will cheer them on as they march in to rid American cities of liberal degeneracy.
RARE. Almost went unchecked
>New Schutzstaffel
What's going to be their anthem
How the fuck do you have internet?
No, you like to "pretend" he knows what he's doing when he really doesn't have a damn clue. We are doomed.

They don't know their enemy and they don't know themselves. That's why they lost and will continue to lose. You see that with their doubling down on everything after their loss. They threw away their base and they think they're still in a strong position against Trump. The left is the best enemy Trump could possibly have. An enemy that defeats itself.
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how's trump gonna do it? I bet republicans haven't even thought it threw yet
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If you think fantasists are bad wait till you see communists!
Except he's fucking president, he can propose an amendment to revise/remove the 10th amendment.

Pol Pot really deserves more credit than he gets. Per Capital he's the worst dictator that's ever lived. It's not his fault he didn't have a billion Chinese to work with.
WE WUZ FURERS, Blacks holocausted the Jews, the white man stole our history.
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Just like he didn't have a chance of winning right?
>Hitler 17 million
Oh fucking vey
>liberals are now pro-states rights
the USA is not pol......yet
Any Illinois fags here I'll fucking the National Guard to keep these chimps in check
Im not having fucking no go zones in my country.
Didn't Obama send in the Feds when there was supposed racism everywhere? Why was that ok, but not this?
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>trump wants to stop black-on-black murders
>now liberals want to see more niggerdeath

You realize this is why you lose right? No matter how many times Trump comes out ahead you keep underestimating him. No matter how often he gets what he wants you still call him an idiot and a rube. You're too in love with your own ego and your own smug sense of superiority to realize you're getting played. You've been getting played and you keep getting played. As long as you keep doign that you're going to keep losing. You're not a player anon. You're the game.
what do you mean, you'll make everyone behave they way you want?
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FUCKING THIS holy fuck I feel like a new person.

Because the anti-American lugenpresse didn't call out Comrade Obama on it.
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This wouldn't be the first time the feds had to take over Chicago.
They need to be allowed space to destroy
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>10th Amendment

Seeing that congress is mostly Repub, there is one solution to this...
This looks like demon hordes from Berserk.
I love it.
And we have a winner.
excuse me, you will never be allowed in my bagel store.
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>liberals are now pro-gun
So they can kill FASHUTS
>liberals are now patriotic
Only patriotic in the sense that they believe "true" America is lefty America, rife with prog degeneracy. Beyond that they despise patriotism or nationalism

Basically they're whatever they need to be to serve their own interests. Ours are no different. Canadian liberals love diversity and uphold that Canada is a multicultural nation right up until they need someone to blame. Then, and only then, is Canada a "WHYTE MAN'S COUNTRY"
>fags who say 'muh 10th amendment' also wanted the 'tax' of Obamacare
excuse me air head, I forgot what wonderful and thoughtful ppl trump supporters are

No it's only gonna backfire on you because your cuck PM will take in 10 Mexicans for every one we deport.

Hope you like tacos.
They rule on what is presented to the and are just as likely to bend to what they think is politically correct as an elected official.
build wall around chicago pls master trump
> "he doesn't know what he's doing"
> somehow still becomes president.
yeah as a matter of fact I do
why is this bad?
Would have to agree, also because of the ruthlessness of his slaughter and total lack of pretence.

He killed anyone who *looked* intelligent, and decided that he only needed a certain number of people in the country, and the rest were to be simply liquidated.

He was less human than any soviet.
Closed door negotiation
the dude killed motherfuckers with plastic bags

I think we're going to start seeing a LOT of infighting amongst lefties.

Even in the past, the more moderate leftists were ridiculed by the more radical ones. "SAYING 'I DON'T SEE RACE' IS FUCKING RACIST AND WHITE PRIVILEGE!" was a common insult from the SJW left toward the naïve do-gooder left and the moderate virtue signalers. There is going to be a lot of finger pointing and accusations and arguing over who is "more progressive" or who is a "REAL progressive."
the one where you are from turkmenistan instead
what a load of crap, how many splits have there been in the right in the last 3 months?
It's hilarious that he still uses his old twitter
His new twitter only has 1 tweet since the inauguration that isn't an @realDonaldTrump retweet.
Oh my god my sides
Forgot about that old article xix in the constitution forbidding personal twitter account usage
Can someone explain this wiki article on executive orders per president? Why does Trump, having only 6 EO's so far, also have the most EO's per year? Mistake or more?
it's called math
You're right.. it's ONLY 89% of black deaths that's are caused by other blacks. Glad we cleared that up.
CBS 60 minutes did a segment on Chicago a couple of weeks ago. THEY BLAMED THE POLICE FOR THE MURDERS. Lugenpresse at its finest.
See >>108915242
probably because it's his 6th and he's only been in off ice for 4 days
He's 0.01 years in office
Can you even divide
So its just due to the algorithm and not someone editing it so he appears like he's the most dictatorish? Also is FDR loved or hated by liberals? At 3500+ EO's, for FDR, seems like Trump could get away with quite a few, without coming close to FDR.
10A didn't bother liberals and blacks when the feds went into Mississippi to force integration.Maybe black lives really don't matter when blacks do the shootings
Detroit is next.
Yes, once he has been President for a year or so, the number will decrease significantly.

FDR will be praised by liberals, however they willfully neglect the means by which he was able to achieve his agenda. They always love talking about letting the people rule themselves and all this other nonsense, but at the end of the day they are the most dictatorial of all.
>Also is FDR loved or hated by liberals?
They love the shit out of him.
Just don't mention how he put japs in internment camps.
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He's winning so hard.
Detroit has already been destroyed by republicans.
Walmart's business model relies on their employees' receiving welfare benefits.
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jesus if obama did that it would have been absolute proof he was a dictator
>by republicans.
Nigger you what? Detroit had a democrat mayor from 1962-2014.
Totenkopf + Sonderkommandos (criminals that will take the corpses of their criminal friends)
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
>Oh fuck! If someone stops all these black people from killing each other, we won't be able to inflate anymore statistics to push our gun violence narrative.
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9/11 would CTR again
or the integration of the Little Rock 9 into Central High School.... these are precedents
I see no problem with letting in a few right wing (white) canadians. Let Trudea enrich his country, so he can bring his best men and women to ours.
>implying it wasn't destroyed from the governor's mansion...
that's most retail in general. think walmart is bad try ross. ross puts walmart to shame in that regard. jcp is getting near walmart bad and kohls has been going down the path of ross.
What game is that?
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>mfw the DNC is literally adopting a /pol/ meme hashtag as their party platform.
would have been so much better if he posted the full pic with "america doesn't have a gun problem it has a nigger problem" along the bottom
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So libs bitch about funs violence all the time but suddenly now that Trump is sending in the alphabet army to stop the funs violence, it's a bad thing?
Oh, it's because they realize niggers getting arrested is all they're going to see on the news as gangs get BTFO by RWDS.
>stopping hundreds of murders is fascist
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I must say I am not disappointed with him so far
So why is this a good thing?
How about instead: #notdemocrats? Can't these idiots see where the problem is coming from?
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>Niggers dropping like flies
that white guy looks asian
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Chicago fag here. I agree with Trump. I want to see the feds remove Tyrone.

I really hope they don't drive the blacks in the bad part to the white parts.
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>Does that mean 2 people are murdered per day?
please send help

trump would be helping this city

its a fucking shit hole, i live on the southside, pretty much mini mexico
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>telling your citizens to stop murdering each other is fascism

I'm going to enjoy the next 8 years.
Those percentages dont even add up
Yeah, they were off by about 2%.

Still incredibly fucking high.
Exactly this. National guard time.
Erm.. yeah they do.
(Blacks killed by X) 2+1+97 = 100.
(Whites killed by X) 81+16+3 = 100
Post disregarded
They do if you're not a fucking retarded leaf
>responding to bait
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it needs to happen.

Chicago is super segregated (thankfully) but the killings and violence need to stop. just blocks and blocks upon miles of hood-rats killing each other off for some heroin or $10 dime shit bags. whata mess
Hey look at it this way, at least he is shitposting from his own twitter handle and not the official @Potus account or through those text messages we can't block.
Do you not?
Do you mean crime or aids?
Looks like Liberal Crime Squad
I really wish I had the original version of that song.
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What did whore mean by this?
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