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Doesn't Trump have to go through congress

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to get this shit approved?

I didn't think the president had this much power.
Thanks Obama
Democrats spent the last eight years expanding executive powers, and it has backfired.
They didn't think the pendulum would swing back so hard or so quickly.
No, the Prez can ban anyone he wants trying to get into the country for any reason.

Based Emperor


Obama bypassed Congress and enacted almost every bill via Executive Order. It was an unprecedented abuse of the power.

Trump is just using it to get things started, with the expectation that Congress will pass the laws in the coming months.
This. No one was concerned before.
exactly, the left will call Trump a dictator for using EO.
but Obama ran every fucking thing through EO.

And, with dems displaying they're going to block everything and fuck about in congress (like the republicans did to obama, lets be honest) Trump might as well go ahead an EO the shit out of everything.
The President can make people enforce the law
Half of his executive orders have been simply removing Obama's executive orders. The other half have actually been within his power. If he was abusing his executive orders the ACA would have been fully repealed by now rather than just halting one detail of it
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They all do this.
Executive order means he can do whatever the fuck he wants. So fuck you, fuck politicians and fuck the jews.
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Obama signing 23 executive orders on gun control with the sandy hook kids.
Guess you weren't paying attention to what Obama was doing for 8 years
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Well well well...
1 executive order to remove all 23

Trump can just remove 'em in bulk that way while not """abusing""" his """"power""""
immigration is an executive issue, not a legislative one
>Ban in ID
>W that low
He's king whitey now.
Oh you mean like Obama did? LMFAO how's that medicine tasting now libcucks?

I didn't vote for Trump but watching this shit is great. The left straight up created this beast and now must live with it. King Obama left Trump with a lot of power after abusing it for so long.
Immigration policies are decided by the President.

The muslim ban is acceptable under some sort of national security ordinance. Carter used it during the Iran crisis and FDR used it against the Japs. Basically the President doesn't need congressional approval to ban immigration from an area considered a "threat".
o fug
Add Obama's presidential memorandums and he would be in the top spot by a mile.
The border fence, and I'm sure a lot of other border security measures, are already law, so he only needs to enforce them. Doing that now will kickstart the wall before actually passing that bill and getting Mexico to pay.

Obama's first infamous executive order was one concerning illegal immigrants. Trump will simply undo it.

Lastly, most sanctuary cities are breaking federal law that Trump will simply enforce through executive order. Did you know that sanctuary cities were originally only meant to protect illegals that were victims of crimes by allowing them to come forward without risk of deportation? Democratic mayors have shamelessly stretched the definition to protect all illegals from ICE.
He didn't.

He passed less executive orders than Bush by far.
This. I think they honestly believed that there would never be another Republican president.

Trump abusing the system they created to destroy Obama's legacy is fine with me.
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He is the God-Emperor, and you will address him as such, cuck.
Regarding border security, immigration enforcement, etc it is well within the President's authority as they can be enacted through simple shifts in administrative policy.

The president is head of the executive branch and therefore head of all government agencies that actually perform active duties. As long as his orders are in line with the congressionally appointed duties of the agency in question he can do as he pleases.

To put it another way, since Congress already authorized the creation of the border patrol, the president has the authority to order the border patrol to increase it's patrols of the border without asking the permission of the legislative branch first. The legislative's check on this is that they control whether or not the executive agencies have the money to follow through on the President's lawful orders.
Obama did it for 6 months with Iraq.
isn't it great how karma works in politics?

The salt is real.

however, once the dems run in 2021 with their Latino/black mix race woman, it's all over for republicans.

too many spics to vote.

once they get in, spics without IDs will allowed to vote securing them the vote for 100 years.

Bush 291
Obama 275

>By far
>Obama pumps executive branch full of power while legislative and judicial branches just go "lol k then"
>This goes on for 8 years
>Suddenly an "opponent" does the unthinkable and gains control of the massive power you spent years building including your internal spy networks and ability to dronestrike citizens
>Suddenly have a problem with it
Unironic "Thanks Obama" goes here.

I do hope that after Trump gets his list of shit hammered out, he starts stripping away the excessive power Obama put in play for that branch, but not before abusing it a little more to ensure that once shut off it can't be turned on again.

He won't, but it would be neat.
The God Emperor does not need a congress. His will is the law of the universe. If it is said that the sky is green, so be it. No one is more wise and powerful than he.
Obama pretty much made president powers godtier and they got fucked for it.
>to get this shit approved?
Ask Obongo.
Executive Orders aren't even supposed to look like laws. Even SNL ripped Obama on his abuse.
>being this short-sighted
And when a Jew takes office after? You should be worried now.
If the democrats challenge this in court, they are essentially arguing against Brown v. The Board of Education
>once they get in, spics without IDs will allowed to vote securing them the vote for 100 years.

I don't think this will happen because it's perfect time to enact nation wide voter I.D but I do agree the future of America, even if Trump fixes it, is still not pretty.

I live in bumfuck Alaska with my wife, dogs and guns so I don't worry about politics but I do feel sorry for the future generations.
Blacks would never vote for a latino

Neither would vote for a fucking woman because they're more sexist than FUCKING WHITE MALES by a huge margin.
so long as it's legal, it has to be done
I'm actually pretty sure that these orders are less abusive of power than Obama's were as ordering that federal laws be followed is more in line with the intentions of executive orders than Obama's using them as an end run around congress.
You can enact nationwide ID laws, it only takes a single dem to appeal it.

88% of nogs voted Hillary in the election.

Believe me, they would.
No, because the laws are already on the books. Obama simply hadn't been enforcing them. His EO's are likely just going to be directives to ICE about how they should enforce immigration laws.
>The God Emperor does not need a congress. His will is the law of the universe. If it is said that the sky is green, so be it. No one is more wise and powerful than he.


Triple 8's speak the truth.
88% of nogs who voted.

Nog voter turnout was still shit.

And I guarantee you half of them only bothered because the opponent was called racist.
No he should sign 23 executive orders, one each day, to remove each of Obama's 23
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stop shitposting on /pol/ Mitch
>You can enact nationwide ID laws, it only takes a single dem to appeal it.

But how will a dem get elected if they can't import voters anymore? Even if they do, it will just expedite the degradation of America. It's the same outcome either way.
>If he was abusing his executive orders the ACA would have been fully repealed by now rather than just halting one detail of it
Even "abusing" EOs wouldn't be able to repeal ACA. At best, maybe he could direct the IRS to stop collecting the individual mandate tax, but the ACA would still exist until Congress repealed it.
It was obama who figured out you could do this

No because a lot of it will be undoing Obama's illegal actions and the president can shut down immigration from wherever he wants

but you cant just legalize millions like O did
Why not 1 to remove all 23?
keep your EO count low.
save yourself from press bitching.

This is true, the dems will still play identity politics to appeal to them, but I bet their target audience will be spics because of Trumps immigration stance.

pandering to nigs is worthless because they don't vote, I think dems have realized this.
primary target will be beaners and faggots.
Well Trump only converted, but doesnt this count as jew anyway? Not the orthodox kind but low Tier ones.
Yes finally! Dealing with the fuckng spics was the number one reason I supported trump. Finally he's gonna do something about those uncivilized lowly dirty monkey spics.
>And when a Jew takes office after?
How cute that you think Americans like Jews.
It's pretty terrifying actually. Government should have checks and balances. This is getting to dictator level and it's been 4 days.
>It was an unprecedented abuse of the power

i dont get it. what are executive orders supposed to be used for and why hasnt someone tried using them a long time ago to become a dictator like during the war or depression or something

why would some country who circle jerks all day about being so inefficiently democratic about everything to the point where even dog catchers are elected have any kind of a way for the prez to just sign exec orders?
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The president has an incredible amount of unconstitutional power. Thanks to Obama, he can now even declare wars without congressional approval.

You can thank the establishment slowly installing a dictatorship for the last century.
Fuck off Tanae Te Puta

Kept awfully quiet when Obama was using it.
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>signing non-stop executive orders
>people will jam up the judicial court
Something is going to happen in plain sight and everyone will be looking elsewhere.
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I think I know where this is going....
Good thing Dems don't have any power
Anybody doing it is fucking bullshit, mate. I enjoy freedom not following whatever ONE fucking person wants.
>why hasnt someone tried using them a long time ago to become a dictator like during the war or depression or something

They are limited and we have an impeachment process so even if someone did try it we could easily remove their power from them. It's just written law, only power it had is the power people give it by following it.

Pretty much the only thing anarchists are right about is bad laws shouldn't be followed. Just depends on what you consider a bad law.
>they control behind-the-curtains
>"we would never elect one"
Maybe King Nigger shouldn't have abused Executive powers.
they have enough to stall the house.

and stall it they will.

He can't sign an order to have you shot in the head, it's not that kind of power.
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Wrong planet mate
didn't he fuck Trudeaus mom?

its ok cause its trump

remember, /pol/ is liberal now
Trump is the executive branch now. It's amazing how expansive that branch is and the entire thing operates on his orders.

Congress consists of 535 people only in the House and Senate. The Supreme Court is only 9 individuals. They are the totally of the legislative and judicial branches.
but Bush did executive actions too.
Jesus Christ you're all so stupid. Obama wasn't the first president to sign executive orders. Washington issued executive orders. The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order. And the Imperial Presidency is a concept going back to T. Roosevelt.
Obama also issued a relatively low amount of executive orders. Compared to both Roosevelts, Wilson, Coolidge who numbered in the thousands. Obama had 279, less than the the past 5 excluding HW Bush. Donald Trump will have hundreds of executive orders, and the left will shit on him for it, just as the right shit on Obama and his use of executive orders.
I appreciate that you're trying, but you have to be correct.
You can literally thank Obama for abusing executive orders to the point where this is OK.
We don't recognize royalty here, criminal. If he did anything unconstitutional, you take it to the supreme court and it gets slammed.
Bush was also a bad president anon. The fuck is your point?
Both of you new faggots need to go.
>you have to be correct
Pick one.

Can someone explain what Obama has done that has increased the power of the executive branch?

Did Obama just set a precedent for his use of executive orders, or did he irrevocably change or legislate more power for himself?

>left always claims W abused executive orders

Gets the noggin joggin.

nobody knows
>Did Obama just set a precedent for his use of executive orders

This, Bush did it too and for some reason that is a great excuse for the left. George W Bush did it so it's ok kek. I can't believe the left has gone this retarded.

Remember when Bush was a shit president? Now he's the standard for presidents apparently.

Fuck off you fucking imbecile. Trump uses his executive power to the maximum extent possible to crush leftism forever, then before leaving office takes steps to severely limit the power of the president.
The former. He did s lot of questionable things through EO that should have gone through congress or at least the House.

>right always claims obongo abused executive orders
gets a pass because of wartime.

>Roosevelt senior
Gets a pass, because based as fuck.

Literally who?
yawn, low energy president.
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He didn't. The only thing Obama did different was he often used the media to ram his political agenda into public attention. Think crying on camera about Sandy Hook. In terms of executive orders, Obama has less than the last 5 presidents, including HW Bush
That's hilarious
Well Obama only did 277 so that is actually less than GWB did

I will say that Obama's were a lot more impactful though

>tfw he's going to defund sanctuary cities
Hmm, maybe both abused it when you look at what they used EO's for.
good goy
>doesn't give a shit being ruled by a dictator

Some people like their governments to represent the people, not the latest guy who took advantage of the system and installed himself
The President can restrict immigration to almost everyone.
>Bush 291
>Obama 275

I don't think you know what the word unprecedented means
every president abuses executive orders more and more. Obama's military actions are unconstitutional since he didn't get congressional approval. It doesn't matter now though, because congress sat down and took it. Now Trump, or any president, can declare war without congressional approval.

jesus CHRIST
Trump is something like 286 orders behind Obama so it's fine
Nah that ain't how it works.
>Wilson gets a pass because wartime
He wouldn't need more exec orders for war, pres has all the power once Congress declares war.
Both significantly increased presidential power and EO's were a big part. Look up T. Roosevelt's stewardship theory.
It doesn't matter, he still issued over 1000 EO's. You can't criticize Obama over his couple hundred and not criticize Coolidge
I said roosevelt SENIOR

Teddy Roosevelt.

Born 1858.
FDR 1882
I'm pretty sure he was worried about it many years ago, which is why he finds it apt to mention.
You're also talking about presidents from
>literally fucking 100 years ago

Those cunts did shit different then.

I think it's probably fair to judge based on the past 5 presidents, versus past 40.

and I don't criticize Obama for doing it.
it's what he did it FOR i don't like.

It's not about the number of executive orders it's about what they were and why they were used. Obama was using them to try and purposefully bypass congress. Trump isn't, he has a majority he doesn't need to bypass congress. he's using them to expedite the process of action. If you read the text these are things that are very reasonable
Just to clarify, although there are certainly many who already know, executive orders don't create law. They simply clarify existing law.
executive orders are supposed to be used for things the executive branch has power over, like defense. If you want to tighten the borders, that's an EO. if you want to change security policy that's an EO. That has largely been abandoned since FDR, and presidents just EO anything they damn well please.
FDR's entire agenda was "If Congress won't pass my agenda, I'll do it for them". Pretty crazy for the times, the only reason he wasn't impeached was because Democrats were in the majority because of him, the public was scared as fuck with the Great Depression, and the public hated Repubs because they blamed Hoover for the Depression
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Trump is just signing all these EOs to show good faith that he'll do his best to fulfill literally every promise he made on the trail. What he can't afford to do is wait until after the mid-terms to get tough like Obama tried doing after Republicans regained control of the House while the Democrats retained a steady Senate majority in 2010. He needs real legislation to pass through congress to make this stuff official. These first two years are going to be the most important of his life, even though I think 2018 will be a banner year for Republican voters. I don't want him taking a chance though. He's impressed the fuck out of me the last 4 days, and I don't want these policies to be temporary.
>it's okay when we do it
Is the eternal refrain of politics. See the rest of this thread for evidence
>Trump isn't, he has a majority he doesn't need to bypass congress. he's using them to expedite the process of action.
I support trump and his policies but that really doesn't make it any better. He should just go through the normal channels of government.

Assuming that these orders are more than just "hey remeber those laws we have? we're going to start enforcing them again". Because that would be totally fine as his job is to enforce the laws.

But you're forgetting executive memorandums you fucking cuck.
Congress got in the lazy habit of writing laws for some vague purpose or another, then including clause to allow the Executive to pursue those ends through "appropriate regulations." This is the coward's way to legislate -- "Hey, WE didn't write that, don't blame us."

Presidents have taken advantage of his ceding of power by Congress by ruling more and more through executive orders. This tendency peaked (so far) under Obama.

It would be great if Trump, once we get past this flurry of EOs largely directed at cancelling Obama' s EOs, would stop playing along with that, or if Congress would stop punting on their delegated powers.

We'll see...
It should mean more that we're talking about presidents from 100 years ago. You're right, things were different, presidents had significantly less power. And if you look, the past 5 presidents, with the exception of HW, had more EO's than Obama.
>it's what he did it FOR that i don't like
This is a fair point. But then have to accept when the left inevitably shits on Trump for what his are for
Yeah, I know man. Just weird people argue over who abused power less when both abused it more than they should have. Starting to see why nothing ever changes.
Read the Patriot Act
And SCOTUS can overturn EO's. Doesn't happen very often but it's a power
>the past 5 presidents, with the exception of HW, had more EO's than Obama.

Quantity is a false measurement when it comes to EOs. It was the quality of the orders that rustled.
Jesuschrist so it really was a setup

yeah, the people that bitch about it doesn't even know what they were
>defending Trump using dictatoral power

>liking Obama
Fuck off

The left has criticized Obama for using it and they are being soft on Trump for some reason
So only 10 presidents have used them? BIG WHOOP
>(((supreme (((court))) )))
No, every single one except William Henry Harrison
>protip: because he died after a month
Look up the Executive Order Wikipedia page
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>tfw you tried so hard and got so far
Has Trump actually said anything on EO's before, I know that they aren't very sexy to low info voters, but it would make a lot of sense to both remove the more offending Obama EOs and then work with congress to limit the scope of their power?

That way he would BTFO out of the "He's literally a fascist crowd."
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You are an idiot.
>many years ago
Hundreds of years ago? Don't think any of us were alive then.
Quality over Quantity, Obama's EO's were sweeping bordering on and surpassing abuse of power and constitutionality.
Demograhics will only start to be severe from 2032 onwards, Republicans have until then to win over latinos.
Believe it or not, the majority of the spics cares more about their jobs than about illegals
Yeah but at least only use exe orders when needed. Not because you want to speed up your dumb abortion law. At least give Bernie Sanders to spread some logic around
Better take a trip to anchorage and witness how many niggers and asians there are.
>then work with congress to limit the scope of their power?

Kek, they don't want that. EO's are only bad when they other party has the power in this political game. Neither party wants to limit them when they have the power.

It's like the Electoral College, people are only against when they lose. If democrats won through the EC next election they would love it even though they hate it when it costs them elections.

Let's not forget Fox News got all its anchors to cry foul every fucking time he did an executive order and acted like it was some great overstepping of the executive branch's powers and that they needed to reform the branch.
I go to Anchorage everyday. Please don't remind me. Samoans are still the worst even with all the new niggers.

"I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."

This was his threat about not getting his way- to do it anyway via executive action.

It wasn't that he wrote too many EOs, he didn't compared to others. It was the brazen attitude about his way being correct.
its what happens when the left forget they can lose. they gave obango so much power so that when hillary won they could cement their position as the ruling party. lol look at it now
>Obama bypassed Congress
um, no, if he had done that he would've been able to do more then just get ocare past them and make the rebs throw a tantrum

but couldn't due to congress having more rebs against the left rather then ones that want to help the people of the country

even if he did congress can still veto it but it takes longer

"oh no gun laws my mortal enemy"

that explains how bush got the war started even though the pres isn't supposed to start wars

also,rebs, act happy now, because at some point, it's going to affect everyone, even the ones who voted trump

though, i find it ironic trump won after going reb, bet you people wouldn't touch him if he was still dem like he was a few years back

as for me, i wish someone like JFK or teddy roosevelt would come around, the US was truly great with them around

Just expect it for the next 4 years assuming Trump doesn't get impeached because conservatives set the standard for complaining about every executive order.


what is the legislation that did this?
You couldn't handle TR.

if you're even slightly left you'd break down in tears if TR was elected today.
I smell fake news.
>conservatives set the standard for complaining about every executive order.

As a conservative I will say this, complaining didn't accomplish shit for us kek. It'll be the same outcome for the left and hopefully people realize this instead of getting in pissing fights with upset democrats. Let them complain, it won't change anything.
He's using it to enforce law which is the fucking point of exec order. He's not creating laws with the pen he's enforcing the Constitution. Libs are retarded.
>Doesn't Trump have to go through congress
this will explain everything.

only fox news complained. the rest portrayed him as a hero

i said what legislation
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No legislation, Obama has as much power as Bush had and as much power as Trump has.
Can you guys imagine how historians in 500 years will write this shit down?
>Donald Trump was elected in a tumultuous election, to be sure. He faced a somewhat guarded southern border that funneled millions of illegal immigrants who caused tremendous damage into his country, but in attempting to stymie the flow of these immigrants he was met with chants of "Make America Mexico Again." In attempting to take action to save his nation, he was lambasted by the elite of that same nation.

thats not what was stated
Presidents have authority over foreign policy for everything short of treaties. He could legally nuke mexico with out talking to a single congressmen.
EO are simply a "re-envisoining" of how current laws should be implemented. They are not new laws also this>>108878112

Lol at retarded conservatives thinking history won't record them as unequivocally wrong and also evil

How do you even reconcile with this flustered logic?
>Democrats spent the last eight years expanding executive powers, and it has backfired.
This. They were quite sure they'll have a Democrat at the helm because the Republicans really don't have anyone. Rubio or Cruz would've been Romney 2.0 when it comes to failure. Then Trump came and fucked it all up for the Demshits.

It's like the old saying about giving your enemy enough rope to hang himself with.
>And when a Jew takes office after?
Then the Day of the Rope comes, if it hasn't already.
>JFK or teddy roosevelt
>both social conservatives who favored a strong military and aggressive foreign policy

phone and pen
>personally disgusted by this, but can understand the reactionary position
No you dumbfuck. These are just the top 15, by number of issues. Holy fuck are you stupid!
Sorry! Ment to respond to 108878708.
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Anything Obama did by executive action, Trump can undo.

The southern border wall has already been approved by congress. Obama and Bush spent the last decade obstructing it.
>giving your enemy enough rope to hang himself with
>because the Republicans really don't have anyone
This post doesn't make any sense.
Especially considering the Republicans distanced themselves from Trump for almost the entirety of his campaign. They only supported him when they realized they would get a slice of pie.
welcome to the precedent that obama set. all the libcucks who praised him and defended him now get to watch this happen
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Did someone already link or describe HOW Obama expanded executive order powers? Because I'm seeing posts that point out that's bullshit.
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FDR confirmed worst girl.
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>The left has criticized Obama for using it and they are being soft on Trump for some reason

Fucking lol no they didn't. Liberals always said "Well GW Bush used way more executive orders than Obongo did, so it's ok!"
they expanded under bush and obama didn't close them
Because all of Trump's executive orders have been completely sensible or completely within his power so far. He's basically just green-lighting shit that already has a framework set up. Not even Dems like Obamacare outside of the Warren/Sanders branch. The only EO that would cause Democrats to be upset would be the immigration/refugee ones, but the President has complete constitutional control over that anyway.
most informative info i've gotten about immigration this election cycle
Oh, well that explains everything, no need to delve into that any further, we have all the information we need to thoroughly understand how executive orders were expanded.
Most people don't understand that anti-discrimination laws don't apply to immigration. We are within our rights to discriminate on whatever grounds we please, and the president has the power to unilaterally halt immigration of anyone, from anywhere, at any time, and for as long as he is in office.
full read for those interested>>108895851
why does this look like an old BIOS?
you're welcome

This is almost like a perfect anime
>go through congress
Only if he wants new laws passed. If an existing law gives the executive the authority to take an action, Trump can take that action with no new laws.

The only people who ever suggest this is unconstitutional are very right-libertarian types. Democrats have no issue with it at all unless it's a Republican doing things they don't like. Then they suddenly pretend you need the express written permission of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations for the exact and unique action you intend to take.
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>Democrats spent the last eight years expanding executive powers, and it has backfired.
>They didn't think the pendulum would swing back so hard or so quickly.

That shit is hilarious, picture related is backfiring hard, too.
That was Bush you nigger.
The wall being built is already law, Obama never enforced it.

Trump will.
>I didn't think the president had this much power.

Gee, did you already forget about the last guy who forced everyone to have to get healthcare coverage or be penalized if they didn't?

Did you hit your head recently?
The fact that he set a precedent of using them to force law was a problem, but not the biggest one.
The biggest one was that the democratic party refused to give congress the teeth to force the president to execute the laws they pass. Instead they cheered Obama on.

Now it's swung around and they've neutered the ability for the minority party to stall/block and given precedent for what would have been considered massive overreach and drawn flak.

Here's the issue now: It's most likely going to swing back to the left again in 8-12 years. Are we going to reduce the power this time around, or are we going to elect a near dictator.

Obama made extensive use of Presidential Memorandum instead. There are a few differences, but the biggest one is that they aren't numbered or required to be published.
Memorandum have to be altered or rescinded by Memorandum, which is why Trump has already used them.
The dnc should have never played with identity politics. They're a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves, but they'll never learn.
Congress can overturn huge excutive orders and the Supreme Court can overturn them through judicial review. The president can overturn every executive order that his predecessors issued. So no, Trump doesn't have to go through congress unless he wants to make an order law.
>This. I think they honestly believed that there would never be another Republican president.

Well demographically Trump shouldn't have won.

The Democrats had finished America off but a miracle happened and Trump emerged.
Lets be clear. There was a coup this election. Comey is proof as he kicked Hillarys shit when it mattered.

If Hillary won a republican would of never won the presidency again. Her policy and way of giving away secrets was not going to be tolerated any longer.
Barring legislation specifying otherwise, the President can direct the department handling immigration to behave in any legal manner.

If there was existing law contradicting it, it either wouldn't be happening or would go to court to block it.

If someone wants to stop it before the end of Trump's term, then they need to get legislation passed.

This is the way your country works.
Fox is fake news. They're no better than the rest.
He was president for 4 terms and throughout the duration of WW2. I'm actually surprised it's not higher.
Bannon and Miller are literally /ourguys/ and have lurked /pol/ in the past.

We're the Jew now.

He didn't, really

Presidents have had dictatorial powers for quite a while, /pol/ is just retarded and likes to ignore any history that doesn't allow them to bitch and moan about MUH LIBERALS
>I didn't think the president had this much power.

Not trying to be a dick, autism flared up
The presidential range hasn't significantly changed, it's more that the politics of the US has become more polarized lately. The right are more likely to see a left president's actions as overreach and the left are more likely to see a right president's actions as overreach.
Thanks to Lincoln, Presidents have ungodly amount of power.
Honestly I'm a liberal, but Obama really helped create this perfect storm.
Congress was being obstinate and so he set a precedent for a lot of executive overreach. I was one of the few liberals calling it out... Most of us were just like "but we don't care about overreach because he's a Democrat! It's only shitty when Bush does it hurr durr"
That's another issue. What used to be considered soft rules or guidelines are now out the window.
In the 1900s our two parties were extremely close and both liked each other in comparison. Now that there's no easily identifiable world enemy they are at each other's throats like most other countries in history.
If you support democrats, this means you are not liberal. It`s exactly the opposite. That`s why they created this in the first place. Because they do not want people to rule themselves as political nation. Which is the essence of liberalism.
> any decision is made by people or at least approved by people

This is why they sabotage direct democracy with intrusion in hacker movement and maker movement with their shitty ambassadors and cringy performance people. This is why they leach out the pirate party with mentally ill faggots.
>Obama really helped create this perfect storm
>just spent the entire thread proving it was Bush that made executive orders the way they are now
>to get this shit approved?
No, the laws already exist and the authority was already provided to the Executive for these.

We've been telling you this for a year.
>that explains how bush got the war started even though the pres isn't supposed to start wars
Congress voted on that war and voted YEA by majority. Hillary included.

Syria and Libya however were never voted on.
>I said roosevelt SENIOR
They were cousins.
>That`s why they created this in the first place.
"this"? What is "this" that they created?

>Because they do not want people to rule themselves as political nation. Which is the essence of liberalism.
I'll agree that there's a lot the US could do to make its government more sensitive to the will of the people, if that's what you mean.

I'll gladly concede that Obama didn't set the precedent. But I think the statement "Obama really helped create this perfect storm" is correct, as that is really a pretty modest claim. All I say is that he "helped"; I'm not denying Bush's role. But if Obama had not followed in Bush's footsteps, then we wouldn't have so much egg on our face when calling out Trump for doing the exact same thing. In that sense, Obama made the storm more perfect.
>untill te aliums show
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List of what 5 he can and cannot do on his own
Didn't he use less EOs than anyone else?
>"women w/children killed by undoc"

fire up the ovens, men.
Presidents always have had the power, but Obama contributed to normalizing the use of executive powers
>Gender neutral bathrooms
>Paris agreement
>Syrian refugees
>Land grabs, including a massive one only a week before leaving office
>Using executive orders to delay implementation of Obamacare until after a midterm so healthcare rates didn't influence election
>Amnesty to migrant children
>defending Trump using dictatoral power
doing what he promised and people voted for is somehow viewed as dictatorial in Canada.
trump will be the last president.
Yep. His last executive order will be to repeal much of these powers and hand them back to congress.

Can you stop perpetuating that retarded impeachment meme.
>defending Trump using dictatoral power
He pretty much fucking has to. It's the only way to undo these 16 years of damage
Immigration is considered under the supervision of the state department and homeland security. He can regulate it all he wants so long as he doesn't need any additional funding for those regulations, at which point the ball is is Congress' court
Nope, Obama made it pretty fashionable to just get after whatever he wanted with executive orders. Left really has no room to criticize
Obama tried multiple times to use his executive powers to grant amnesty and LEGAL benefits to immigrants WITHIN the country, that is the controversial part (which was already struck down twice lel) Although it has always been a commonly held executive power to regulate the immigration process
And then it was Obama

We literally elected him with a supermajority to get rid of the patriot act and the like.

Of course he didn't because he was a shill the whole time, reading his pre written focus tested speeches so he sounded like a great man. Literally an actor
Can Americans explain this wiki article on executive orders per president? Why does Trump, who according to this list has only done 6 EO's, have the highest rate of orders per year? Just a mistake or liberals scheming again?
As amazing and incredible and good all this winning is, I am a bit worried about the long term consequences of this

I hope Trump fixes this after his next term is over.
At a guess, it's pro-rata, because of the initial burst of executive orders any incoming president issues...
It should settle down in the coming months I think
Didn't close gitmo and expanded what can be considered a terrorist.
Expanded killing people with drones to include american citizens
Expanded who they can spy on without a warrant.
Expanded espionage act to a vague definition where they go after whistle blowers and people publishing said information

All this started under bush and Obama campaigned on stopping this but really just made bush era rules worse.
Do simple maths you fucking leaf, it's measured as "per year" and Trump's been in office for less than a week, so just by issuing a few EOs his per year rate looks super high until more time passes.
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Obama forgot he left his magic pen and phone in the Oval Office desk drawer. He probably wanted Hillary to have it, but accidentally left it for Trump.
Odd we would bring this up after 8 years of silence..
Protecting your border is already legal. Doesn't really need congress to enforce an already existing law.

Couldn't Trump just pass the orders through congress once the infrastructure's in place?
Undoing EOs don't count
can any of you answer how this is going to be paid for? You can't actually make MEX pay for it, you know that right? That was a gag.
It'll be coming out of your paychecks.
>tfw off all day tommorow.

finally. now i can watch that and the laboof stream live.
So all of our taxes are going to go way up then? Fantastic. /s
pretty much only 3 terms seeing how he died early in the 4th term. over `1000 executive actions over the course of his presidency, although to be fair i am sure many had to do with world war 2.
Even I was believing dems were going to control the white house for the next 12 years. Republicans really fucked themselves with all the monumental chucklefuckery during Obama. Dems pretty much capitalized social media, digital media, and the manstream media.
Besides Trump, all the runners over the past 3 elections have been hilariously bad and impossible to vote for.
The pendulum was going to swing back, but I was expecting a neutered european-style "conservative" when that happened.
Glad to see all the fuck you Trump is doing.
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his power is not rooted in the material plane
Why would this theoretically matter to me as long as I'm not paying more actual dollars in taxes?

Obama made it legal for the president to literally murder people without trial or proof of guilt. And he used it to murder US citizens. Trump now has those same powers.
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At least try to blend in
As long as you are pro-wall, then you shouldn't be upset that your money is going to it.
>Here's the issue now: It's most likely going to swing back to the left again in 8-12 years. Are we going to reduce the power this time around, or are we going to elect a near dictator.

We change it just before the next election.

Trump will have pushed through a lot of his agenda by then, and things can slow down to normal political system.
Who the fuck is William Clinton
>stuff he wants done
>Congress blocks it
>stuff he can get done
>devil incarnate
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Bill Clinton.

Time to die Jew
Mind = Blown
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The President can issue an executive order without Congressional approval. It's designed to counteract a congress which is disfunctional, however congress can over turn any executive order with a two thirds vote.
Congress can override any executive order with a simple majority to pass legislation. The two-thirds is only needed to override a presidential veto (which a president may or may not use)
Reagan signed more EOs than any other recent president. However, in total Democrats have signed more in aggregate.

Clinton signed many more than either Bush or Obama if we consider a time frame of the past 25 years.

Meanwhile, Kiwis can go to prison for seeing this image.
>thinking of the spergs who literally update this table every day


>And when a Jew takes office after?

Which kind of jew? Second generation from israel? Or some leftist faggot who claims to be 'jew' to score oppression points?
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What about getting US to no bully Russia?
This. Repulicans did fight Obama on lots of stuff tho.
This. I'm eager to see Cuomo shit himself when his pets in NYC and Albany get cut off.

You misspelled WALL
>Bernie Sanders
The wall isn't a law yet. The fence signed under Bush is.
wont ending sanctuary cities stop mexicans from becomes nigs because they will respect the law
You tell a lie enough and ppl start to believe it.
>to get this shit approved?
>I didn't think the president had this much power.


As the Chief Executive, he can prioritize the efforts of every organization that works for him, which is what he seems to be doing.
>thanks to Obama


Executive Orders

In times of emergency, the president can override congress and issue executive orders with almost limitless power. Abraham Lincoln used an executive order in order to fight the Civil War, Woodrow Wilson issued one in order to arm the United States just before it entered World War I, and Franklin Roosevelt approved Japanese internment camps during World War II with an executive order. Many other executive orders are on file and could be enacted at any time.
Also why not go after shitty employers who hire illegals? They are literally enabling this whole problem, but you never ever hear them being critiqued by Trumpets. It's always blaming the worker, who actually benefits society by providing cheap labor and free tax money.

Makes no fucking sense at all.
Right out of the gate though? At least give us an opportunity to think you're not going to go full fascist
>who actually benefits society by providing cheap labor and free tax money.

Reducing the value of labor by working for less than what it's worth is NOT "benefiting" society, you dumb fuck.

I 100% agree with holding employers accountable for exploiting illegals, but the "innocent worker" shit is just garbage, and they're fucking ALL of us just to benefit themselves.
this is what happens when laws are selectively enforced
These were part of his manifesto that people voted on, the people voted, this isn't like Britcuckistan where it goes to the representatives votes ignoring the will of the people.

here, read this

Is /pol/ being rated by reddit.
Well, that and the Democrat controlled house/senate. They concentrated it, and now it's backfiring hellaciously.
I liked /pol/ before all this bullshit

now it's all just hilter and nazi symbols
So now you *love* /pol/?


Blame Congress for that. They gave the president enormous leeway to interpret laws. The president is allowed to prioritize who gets deported, which is why Obama can do stuff like DACA.
These idiots serious project his current orders over the rest of the year instead of waiting for actual reality to happen?

Fuck, his Orders Per Year is currently 6. I knew wikipedia was always garbage.
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>I want a future for our children too
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Sign this petition!
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This is our time to shine. The goal is to get as much done as possible in this perfect window where the Republicans control everything.
Not really. This is already federal law. He's signing orders to enforce pre-exisiting laws.
>He should just go through the normal channels of government.
And that's why you don't run big business anon.
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now he *really* loves pol

a little *too* much
Border laws are already on the books. He's just enforcing the law.

Obama just blatantly chose to not enforce the law. As results the left is in full panic mode.
I'm friends with Robert Costa's cousin.
I could probably meet him if I tried hard enough.
>It was an unprecedented abuse of the power.

FDR did it too, and he beat the fuck out of the Nazis with it.

But you are probably sad a "degenerate democracy" and "Jewish Bolshevicks" beat the Nazis aren't you cuckold fetishist?
King nigger set the president for spamming executive orders
this comic makes me feel kinda gay, but its probably just because its been over a year since i broke up with my last GF and im just craving the good feels again

>inb4 im a fag

Yep. Eventually the left will win it over and probably take it for good. Liberalization is inevitable.
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That sounds awfully familiar.
unlike Kennedy and Reagan, right?
>bitch about the wars bush started
>unironically support jfk who is probably one of the people most responsible for dragging the US into Vietnam.

hilarious how hypocritical a lot my fellow americans are on /pol/
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