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7-Step guide to move to Japan

Want to move to Japan? Here's how you do it, step by step guide.

1.) Start learning japanese. Doing so is not actually hard
a.) Download Anki: https://ankiweb.net/
b.) Download the 6,000 core deck for japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/anki.html and follow the instructions to install it
c.) Set up your anki deck for 20 words a day, and up to 9999 reviews a day (you won't actually see 9999 reviews a day). this way you can learn all 6,000 words in under a year.
d.) Join any of the countless japanese language learning generals on 4chan
>>>/int/69981612 (beginner)
>>>/int/70039975 (intermediate)
>>>/jp/16422715 (anime weeaboo trash)
pick which best suits your needs

2.) Start tae kim's grammar guide which you'll be using in conjunction with Anki
a.) http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar

3.) Finish tae kim's grammar guide and all 6,000 words by September.

4.) It's time to choose which JLPT you're taking. If you took japanese seriously and started TODAY from THIS VERY POST, you could be N3 ready by October. Check the registration deadlines.

5.) Take the JLPT you useless sack of shit. N5 if you didn't study at all i mean what the fuck, N4 if you're a slowpoke, N3 means you actually studied. Good, N3 means you're on your way to Japan

6.) Pass the JLPT. If you took the N3, you will be able to get yourself N1 ready by next year by studying at the same pace you are now. Since your 6,000 core deck is settled, grab a 10k core deck. You will start practicing actually writing the kanji from here on out, so grab something like 'Remembering the Kanji' since you'll probably need it by now. If you didn't take the N3, you should aim for the N2 next year. That's right, you're skipping the N3 you didn't take. Up your study, bitch.

7.) With a bachelor's degree and N1, you can now move to Japan. Congrats.
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Congrats. If you have a N1 and Bachelor's Degree, you are closer to Japan than 99.99% of /pol/ will ever be.

Now you must decide on which visa will get you into japan.

I highly suggest post-graduate study. Japan will actually pay you money to study in japan on certain degrees, so if you have a research major of some kind, apply to japan right the fuck now and get $1,500/month as long as you can pass the EJU.

Or, you can join JET to teach in Japan. However, 80% of japan applicants suffer from severe autism and ruin it for the other 20%. Hope you aren't one of those fucks!

Or, you can just job search in Japan right now. Go on a site like Gaijob and try to fish a job in japan. With an n1 and bachelor's, you'll be able to find a job catered towards your degree that will get you into the rising sun

Finally, your last option is marriage. While studying Japan, try to make friends with a japanese girl you met somewhere. Maybe a language exchange site? A marriage visa can technically get you into the country without a bachelor's degree, but you'll still want the degree and N1 anyway to make the jobsearch easier.

Just make sure you respect Japan's cultures or customs, or you can get the fuck out
Japanese women - yes.
Radiation - ... a bit of a concern.

How does this stop white genocide?
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This thread again? OK.

I hope you enjoy learning a language of people who, deep in their hearts, think all non-native people are retarded at best. Good luck, have fun.

Like any true nation should until proven otherwise because its probably true
What he said.
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I was a weeb at the turn of the millennium and naturally wanted to go to japan. Now? Not so much. I don't know if I'll have the skin thick enough to handle the racism as I'll be seen as the same way I see niggers.
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Right, I'm not trying to say that Japanese socialism and pride is something which needs to change for the sake of the rest of the world. It's been the main reason why they are still alive today.

It's just something one needs to keep in mind should they decide to truly try to learn the language. You will need several years of study if you ever want to have any kind of literacy beyond grade school level.
Or just marry a fucking Nip gal and apply for a free spouse visa..
this was mentioned in the second post

but the marriage visa method is prone to get you fucked up the ass by japanese society

using the marriage visa to skip the bachelor's degree will mean you are seen as uneducated and dumb, and using the marriage visa to skip the N1 means you are seen as a leech. you don't want either of those to happen to you.
>most difficult language in human history
>can't even consider moving there without a master
>no guns
>non-native are considered second class citizens, non-asians are only seen as laughable tourists, you will never be taken seriously and will be an hindrance as soon as they learn you are planning to stay
>awful society codes
>no jobs
>overcrowded tiny patch of land
>heavily polluted
>you will never find a job there
>you will never make friends
>you will never have a meaningful relationship with a woman

Really makes you think...
Stop making this shitty thread you faggot, Japan doesn't want you, you'll never make it.

The real dream land has once again become the US now that Trump has been elected. Crossing my fingers so that he makes it easier for white europeans to move there.
>wanting a childless marriage
>wanting to create halfbloods which will be deservedly shunned by the rest of the people and have even more obstacles to overcome in life to get anywhere

Sounds great.
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If you are not east asian and you move the Japan, you are just as bad as the muslim immigrants that move to Europa.

When your home is in danger, you fight to the very end to protect it. You don't abandon everything you have because the grass is greener in your neighbors lawn.
you sound upset.

i believe that it's possible to raise a halfie correctly

if i ever have a halfie child i'm going to raise him like a persona character that manipulates everyone around him to further his agenda

he'll make japan his bitch.

Those digits confirm you are a false prophet sent from satan.
i'd rather go to korea
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what if I have a felony for Distribution of Narcotics?

Isnt Japan super strict on no Drugs even though I dont use them and have no other convictions?
Japan hates korea. So if Korea is even remotely appealing to you, throw all thoughts of Japan out the window, you're fucked.


^ this is what you're looking at with korea
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The fuck are you talking about... I hold a spouse visa and live there 9 out of 12 months a year, and no one views me as uneducated or dumb.. In fact my wifes grandfather, who fought in the war has a lot of respect for me. Have you ever been there or do you just copy pasta infopedia's?
Oh look it's this thread again.

>watashi wa fagu-desu - OP
well, are you asian?
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Japan loves "haafu" now.

Pic related. Wealthiest model in Japan and is half-korean/white.
I'm a white leaf.
Can we just turn a city here into animeland? Anime men and women just running around being kawaii all day, but in English?
fuck off we're full
Do you really want to see hundreds of overweight weabs in naruto cosplay in cafés that smell like catpiss?
the question becomes how you got to marry a nip girl without being in japan without learning enough japanese to even pass the N1, or being in japan.

did you hook up with some girl on facebook at an early age or something? figure that's something that only 1% of people will get the opportunity for.
University, Japan college of foreign languages has a sister exchange program with my local university... they send us jap girls, we send them white chicks.
>and using the marriage visa to skip the N1 means you are seen as a leech.

are you retarded? I have been here forever and have PR and I have never, ever, ever been asked by anyone what level of the JPLT I have passed. Not by immigration, not by employers, no Japanese person has even heard of the test
Ah so a girl came to your canadian college from japan for a year and you hooked up before she went back to japan

Smart. But to be able to meet someone, and get them to agree with you to marriage not even a year after meeting you, that's insane.

i like it.
>you will never find a job there

I thought English teachers were a diamond dozen

that's very offensive #triggered #literallyshaking #hidoi
>go to job interview
>future boss asks you what level of japanese profiency you reached
>"uhhh i can speak good japanese"
>[your employer has two job applications on his desk]
>[the other man trying to get the job you're applying for has an N1 certificate in japanese]
>"hmmmmm....who do I give this job to..."
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Hearty kek
It was a 4 year study visa, actually, and she also holds PR status in Canada. But we've been together for about a decade now.
more like
>go to job interview
>future boss doesn't even ask because the interview is in Japanese
>go to job interview

Why not have your own business set up that allows you to live in japan a couple months/year? Seriously you wageslaves are trading one master that kinda sucks for one that despises you.
Not this.
Big cities like LA and NY have a lot of young Japanese girls in their early 20's who are there to learn English. They are lonely, vulnerable and exploitable. They are eager to make local friends but they simply don't know where or how to begin. That's where you come in.
That's a risky ass situation though. If her dream is to stay in America you're fucked, but you won't find that out after like a year of wasting your time on her.
I dont really like the japs very much. Whenever I was around them thier veneer of politeness and shit seemed like more of a smug facade to hide the fact that they all consider themselves better than you.

Plus I got some tattoos and japs pretty much tend to assume youre a criminal if you do.

I always preferred koreans, they just seemed more sincere and friendly to me whenever I was amongst them. Like they werent just faking it for traditionas sake ya know?

Tip for dealing with koreans, they tend to give unwarranted advice which is pretty rude by american standards but by their standards its considered rude not to.

Like, im kinda skinny and have bags under my eyes they would just straight say shit like "you should sleep and eat more, you look like a junkie."

If you are fat koreans will openly tell you so, then give suggestions on weight loss. Seen a few american expats go nuclear over it, its not an insult so much as a genuine concern for your health.

Then theres mongolians, who fucking hate white people and will gangbeat the fuck out of you for a hobby. Dont go to mongolia.
this is garbage there is no repeat feature.
Japan's is in dire crisis as a result of their low birthrate.
With the increase of immigration Japan's will surely be able to mitigate the damage resulting of it.
Thank you anon for your contribution, surely I will pass this information to my friends and relatives
what kind of shitty jobs did you guys even apply for?

a boss willing to sponsor your work visa without even an N1? what kind of fairy tale job is that
I was talking about real jobs. Being some school's foreign clown for a year isn't.
I'm a professional translator.
I guess you haven't even been to Japan.
How much would you charge to translate a 200 page book?
hmm good point
I see. So your job and pay relies on people NOT learning japanese

I can see why you would try to dissuade people from learning the language, it puts you out of business.

However, this is a world where you have to learn japanese to go to japan. Deal with it.
Fees are based on content type and character count. I do documentation and business communication, not literature
>Not having military experience or an IT/Electronics degree

JET is for fucking children. Get a real fucking degree or some experience.
I got hired right out of the Navy for 90K a year as a field service rep starting in April in Osaka. With no degree and only experience.
did you forget your proxy today?
Did you ever listen to the song "Guren no Yumiya"?

There is a line in that song that still rings true

> 何ひとつリスク等背負わないままで何かが叶う等

You need risk to get anywhere in life. It just sucks your only real options for the marriage visa method to even be VIABLE is to find a japanese girl IN AMERICA. But I guess that helps you find a girl that actually has money in her pocket, too.
My expierience is that a LOT of japanese see america as a party-place too.
I mean theres lots of work and a lot of professionals trying to get better positions easier than in the overcrouded job markets back home, but I think like 60 to 70 percent of the young people I run into are here to party.

Gotta give it to em though, I couldnt go to a different club every other night and hold a 4.0 GPA.
Fuck off seen I hate immigration to my country why would I do it to someone else's
I don't see anything wrong with them treating foreigners badly. Why should asians want white people coming to their countries? If canucks could bring themselves to act like that instead of cucking maybe our west coast wouldn't be a Chinese colony.
i only speak anime desu
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Where did the "Japan hates white people" meme originate from?

Japanese hates foreigners that don't learn Japanese.

pic related
Just because DJT was moved from /a/ by faggot mods doesn't mean that it should stop being for "anime trash" you fucking リア充クズ. Kill yourself.

>wants to move to glorious Nihon
>calls others weeaboos
>my job as a translator in a corporate environment is going to be endangered by weebs taking the JLPT
Studying for the JLPT does not in any way provide you the technical or language skills you need for my job. The best it can do is open the door for your first position when you have no documented job experience.

I'm guessing you're a university student majoring in Japanese, right?
Can confirm, chinese is impossible to learn. Plus every single Chinese person I meet tells me my accent makes me sound like I have a mental disorder.
Why move to Japan when the Donald is bringing anime to America?
Bruh, the chinese dont give half a fuck how you treat em, they'll come anyways.

Our county was primarily mining, the local foremen used to "accidentally" blow them up during blasting to avoid paying them, within 2 years of the first few showi g up back in the 1890's like 70% population of the area was chinese.

They only left when the mines closed, chinese dont give half a fuck how rude you are, if theres money to be made you can rest assured several hundred thousand more will show up after the first couple hundred.

No shit, our county history shows we were blowing them up, hanging them, burning down thier houses and buisinesses. Didnt matter, they colonized the place until it wasnt economically viable then left.

Theyre basically locusts.
>majoring in Japanese

Nice meme, do you think i'm retarded?

CS Major with -maybe- Japanese major.

And no, i don't plan on studying japanese language in college. I'll do that on my own. I will however be taking japanese society classes in college.
Being from the south I think I could appreciate the koreans, but I kind of understand the fake politeness the japanese do as well, its similar down here.
so, as I expected, you have literally no experience in this country or with the work environment here, you're probably not even 20 and haven't even completed a degree program in your own country, yet you're posting anime reaction faces and trying to lecture me on the line of work I've been in since you were in elementary school.
Can I bring my guns to Japan with me?
You're fucking retarded. Companies don't hire non Japanese speakers, ESPECIALLY IT. And if you don't have at least Security+, don't even fucking bother. Japanese kids get that in school.
what are some racist words in nip?
like any equivalents to niggers, spics, or chinks?
Jap women are ugly.
IT positions in Japan are below the poverty line unless you work for a foreign financial institution in Tokyo.
Same with software development.
t. expat english teacher
You telling me programmers and sys admins are treated like shit?
Do you see what you've one OP? Now German niggers are going to taint Japanese ethnic purity. We truly are the Jews now.
I just got hired out of the Navy for 90K with a Japanese company.
I don't know if the average Japanese hates white people, I just think they're right to object to a bunch of us moving there.

I guess I'm either going to have to learn Chinese or hope Trump will accept white refugees from Canada because there isn't even nominal resistance to them taking over our country. In some parts of the country white people openly look forward to the extinction of whites.
>don't hire non-japanese speakers

that's where the N1 comes in you fucking retarded dickhead
For blacks the typical "racist" words are nigaa, kuronbo, or kurochan
For Chinese there's shinajin, for Koreans chon, you can provoke them by calling them chousenjin sometimes too
Governor Ishihara got in """trouble""" for calling people sankokumin (kind of like third worlders).
But mainly racism is defined in terms of context and not just the words you use. For example they're not allowed to say "gaijin" on the news anymore I don't think, but it's a normal word in conversation.
Don't know of any words for spics off the top of my head as there aren't many here, plenty of Brazilians though but the most insulting term for them is probably "Brazilians"
Absolutely, you do not ever want to work as a programmer for a Japanese company. I know guys who have done it and they have bailed for foreign companies at the first opportunity.

Read the thread
Can I trade you frog-man?
t. english teacher
>interest in japanese translation waning
>english wubs dying off
>everything is subbed
>japanese GDP falling down
>stocks dropping
>machine translations becoming more accurate

>the markets that were relying on japanese translators for the past 10 years is now learning japanese and no longer needs you

I can see the frustration within you. You're in a dying market, and slowly seeing your decades of work experience slowly come to a stop.

but why vent your frustration in this thread of all places?
Tokyo? Hired as a "foreign professional" at a multinational?
if you went into the same career path as a Japanese person you would be lucky to get 50k a year starting, typical pay for an office worker just starting out is probably 18 man a month regardless of whether you're a software developer or the guy who pushes the intra-office mail cart around.
a multinational. I have 6 years military experience and a lot of certs, as well.
you're alright, senpai. i'de share a burger with you sometime
>start learning words before the alphabet (hiragana / katakana), great advice.
>If you are not east asian and you move the Japan, you are just as bad as the muslim immigrants that move to Europa.

Only if you get there via refugee status and refuse to integrate/contribute to the country in any way.

If you achieve N1, you're actually better at Japanese than most of their college students. N1 is supposed to be a HIGH standard of language skill. It's a blockade against people who don't really have the skill or drive to work and live there.

The degree is also the same. It shows you have a level of education, and therefore desirable skill to be gainfully employed.

If every muslim immigrant was coming to Europe via proper immigration channels and brought with them a college-level understanding of language and a college degree that was recognized in Europe, they wouldn't be raping people all day and taking dole.
i just want to get my dick sucked by a japanese girl,where i should go,roppingi?
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>They're not allowed to say Gaijin on the news anymore
Well that's fucked up, they have every right to call us Gaijin. It's not like the label is wrong.
>1.) Start learning japanese. Doing so is not actually hard
The only language that may be harder to learn is Japanese. If you don't have a 140+ IQ it isn't possible.
Meant to write Chinese.
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The thing is, those muslim shitskins are incapable of having the drive to do such a thing. They are animals with an animal mindset.
I have an N1. Lived in Japan but New York is actually better especially for jobs. I worked for the government as a translator and now I work for a Japanese chemical company and work here for 6 months and 3 in Japan with a month off, full benefits, 70k a year, QT waifu. Moving to Flordia in a couple of months to head up the new branch there, as they are looking to get into nuclear. Also I taught English in Japan and if you think that's a good job you're a fucking loser. Their jobs are shit and you get ducked constantly over contracts and shit like that. Stick with a STEM degree and study JP on the side, and do a study abroad and you'll be set. Plenty of good JP companies here looking for native speakers that speak Japanese and have a idea of JP business culture. They know white propel think they are shifty hooks so a lot of them want Americans that can speak the Nip.
>some people openly look forward to the extinction of whites

That is across all of western civilization right now man. The best you can do is hold your ground and never miss an opportunity to remind them its your country and you still run it.

Whites are fleeing to the USA from all over europe too. Not only is it surrendering thier land to the silent invasion, but its concentrating us in a smaller easier to control group.

We need to kick em out of our turf, and bring back colonialism to remind them all why they used to hide in terror when the white fleet showed up. (Seriously, americas colonial protection force used to literally be called the white fleet)

I prefer white immigrants to pakis and mexicans, but it really only represents slivers of territory that have been surrendered elsewhere.
>interest in japanese translation waning
"Interest" has nothing to do with international business
>english wubs dying off
You mean "dubs?" The real world is not your anime bubble
>everything is subbed
Again, your only experience with Japanese is anime. I have never translated anything even remotely anime related
>japanese GDP falling down
Which means Japanese companies do more business overseas, which means more work for me
>stocks dropping
Good, break up some of the keiretsu and get some of the rigid business structures broken down, more opportunities
>machine translations becoming more accurate
no, based on the amount of complete rubbish I see daily and end up retranslating I can assure you that machine translation is no threat to my industry. Especially with Japanese to English, translation for complex documents requires research and investigation due to the totally different amount and types of information encoded by the language. TRADOS makes my life a little easier though
>the markets that were relying on japanese translators for the past 10 years is now learning japanese and no longer needs you
Again, you're thinking of anime. Do you think factory workers in Kansas who install laser welding robots are learning Japanese? Your lack of knowledge is comical

again, you are a college student, and you have no real-world work experience. You live in an anime-centered millennial nerd lifestyle and you're trying to give people life and career advice based on the whimsy of a child
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>he lives in Japan
>he has a job in Japan
>he works a japanese translation job

>he doesn't have the kentei 1 or even an N1
Haha when I was living in JP I translated a bunch of hentai games. That was probably try most fun I had in this field. My best friend there was a Jap with decent English skill who was my superior because he was Japanese. I had people that translated from J to E that were Nips that couldn't speak a normal English sentence in their life. Most likely because titles never had been around a native speaker that wasn't me. And I spoke Japanese at work everyday so that didn't help them.
That will do it, you got a job with a company who recognizes the value of skill and experience. Unfortunately pay Japanese companies aren't like that, IT and software developers are typically considered the same as general office staff and get the same dismal career path, which is one of the reasons you don't see many global software applications developed by Japanese companies, although there are a lot of Japanese who flee to foreign companies like Adobe and Microsoft where their talents will be appreciated.
Also one of the reasons Japanese companies get hacked so much, their IT guys are in a bubble with blinders on
Whito piggu go homu
But I will say you are 100% right. 99% of these favors on 4chinz only know about JP from anime and have no actual real idea of what the scene is there.
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Programmers: Yes. You are a dime a dozen code monkey and you will be replaced with a Filipino who works for bananas if you step out of line.

SysAdmins: No and Yes.
Your position is treated with respect and your requests are taken seriously, but any and all fuck ups are going to be your fault, and you will need to be able to work odd hours and be on call to fix things at 3AM. Luckily, your position will afford you a car, or your company will loan you a car.

SysAdmin is a fairly good job in Japan, so the competition is INCREDIBLY fierce.
In your favor is that there's like 250+ foreign companies with offices in Tokyo and the surrounding cities and they all need 2-5 SysAdmins to be there in person to keep things running 24/7.
it's really not that hard, it looks hard at first but it's really not.
the barrier to entry is kind of high because of how intimidating it looks, but it's not so alien once you get a good look at it.
Translation brings me endless pain because of the radically different sentence structures, although reading itself is pretty simple.
I've been learning chinese, how much overlap is there?
>it's really not that hard, it looks hard at first but it's really not.
No, it really is. I actually tried and put hours into it for a few months before giving up. I couldn't even understand and remember basic grammar and Anki was killing me at five words a day.
I took the JLPT before the N series even existed.

I was learning at least 150 kanji a day for like five days. My record is 260. Twenty is far too low, please try to do more.
I do gotta have some sympathy there. I would get really annoyed if foreigners just assumed the only industry's in my country were driven by cartoon fandom.

Also ive used interpreters and translators a LOT.

Machines are only good at literal word to word direct translations. Great example from trying to negotiate with some muslimes in the mountains of sfghanistan who spoke some obscure mixed dialect of pashto and dari with bits of farsi thrown in.
Gave it the input from what the guy said and it spits out "you are my dearest and most esteemed uncle"

A human interpreter can actually do context and interpret idioms so im sitting there going "why the fuck does this guy calling me his uncle" and and my interpreter tells me "he is saying that he respects you and defers to your judgement and seniority in this matter"

Machine translators are still very shitty and literal, human interpreters are important to make sure that the context and nuances of the phrase are communicated properly.

Especially in delicate situations where its very easy to accidentally tell them they are trash and you are going to burn thier village down when you were just trying to ask what times during the day the villagers burn their garbage.
It really isn't that hard. Start off with basic grammar and vocabulary. Start writing right away. You can learn kana in a week or two and basic kanji within a month. You have to put the time into it though. the problem though is that you don't use it. Try getting a teach or since you are a Canuck just go there for 6 months on a working holiday visa and work at a language school. I'm telling you, your skill will skyrocket and it will give you a huge motivation boost.

I automatically recognise Kiko Mizuhara
This. If you wanna travel don't try and wagecuck yourself around the globe. Just make your money on the internet.
Probably not the accent anon
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Nope, kek sent him

Fuck Japan
Praise KEK
Doesn't Koreans hate them right back? Like they want to unite with Best Korea to attack Japan if shit goes down?
I just want to get a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf and live a comfy life in japan

maybe it will teach you to stop worrying about skin colour so much?

At least with the fact that Japs ARE white in a way?
Kinda makes you think a bit - if you aren't the way the Japs see you, then maybe it's incorrect to see black people the same way?
So who here has the guts to buy himself an apartment in japan for 80 bucks?

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I'm trying to import the files to anki, but I can't find the file. Is is somewhere Program Files or Program files (x86) Or is it in User?
Also, that's dime-a-dozen. If you want to be an English teacher...

Wtf flag is this? Not on PC
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>completely gloss over wasting 50K+ on a BA just to get a shitty gaijin job in Japan
>t. clueless weeb

The barrier of entry to Japan little to do with learning Japanese, no Jap employer gives a flying fuck what your N1 certifications are, they probably don't even know what the fuck that is.

The barrier is that the only reason the Jap government will allow a foreigner to stay for an extended time is if you are going to do a few years of ESL for peanuts or if you are HYPER specialized in the engineering and science, which even then is competitive compared to Koreans and Chinks who are smarter and applying for the same jobs.

The shortcut (and much easier) is getting a Japanese spouse, which doesn't guarantee you residence but requires a lot less legal hoops to jump through compared to a billion years of specialized expensive education and near-native Japanese levels.

All that aside, Japanese culture wont jive with 4/5 degenerate animasturbators because of how rigid, exclusive, and conservative it is. Marrying into a Japanese family is like signing up for a lifetime of psychological torture as you are held to the same standards as a Japanese husband with absolutely zero recognition as part of the in-group. You even have to join your wife's family registry and officially take her name like some emasculated beta. Its the worst of both worlds.
Which files? the .apk or the pictures?
This. Face it. Respect must be earned. I'd only want them to think much of me If I have excellent hygiene, good work ethic, and already on a promising career path. Nothing else matters.
I'm still on the deck I downloaded from MEGA.
if it's a single .apk you just double click the file and it automatically opens in anki

or, in anki you click file-->import and choose the .apk

once it's installed you go to
and suffer with the rest of us
Fuck off nigger. Japan is for the Japanese.
Japs are not white in any way
That sounds fine by me, desu. Honestly that doesn't sound that bad. But then again, I'm not some fucking unhygienic weeb who only wants to put the minimal requirement in everything he does.
Yea skin color
Neither are you.
Exactly what part of any of this sounds good? Having to deal with an abusive wife and her family? Having them hold divorce as a way to eject you from the country over your head?

Or are you planning on going the route of most ESL teachers of having your shitty school fire you after 1-2 years and put you on a blacklist so you can't get another job and are soft-forced out of the country with no savings and no prospects?
what did he mean by this?
Because you will fail. No Jap is going to by from a white owned business if there is a jap business nearby.
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Gomenasai, my name is Barron-Sama.

I’m a 10 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors in Trump Tower and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!
>Gave it the input from what the guy said and it spits out "you are my dearest and most esteemed uncle"

kek, I might have to start saying this to people
Can you stay in Japan if you marry a japanese girl? Serious question.
>Implying I won't seduce a nip and bring her home to America with me.
Fuck moving to Japan. Visiting would be okay, but no way would I stay there. I just want to learn japanese for the career capabilities it would open. Everyone's learning Spanish or French or some other popular language. Nips are a mostly untapped market besides gamer fags and weeaboo fedora tippers.

But fuck you if you're trying to convert her into your country's culture.

You should be the one conforming to society, NOT HER.
What's the best career for someone wanting to deal with Japan?
This is why the "go to Japan for a better life" is a load of shit:

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Don't worry, I'm using this movie as a guide
Usually true but it depends on the business.

If the business sells food or clothes, being white would actually give you an edge, especially in a trendy part of the city. Its still expensive as fuck to open a business in Japan and virtually impossible without a few upstanding Japanese business partners to vouch and co-sign for you, as well as cut through all the red-tape and Japanese nuances.
>being a salary man
Not even leafs are that stupid.
Dude, this is not a fucking joke.

If you're going to japan, you're going to have to stop acting spanish and start acting Japanese.

Japanese society has a way of filtering out people who cannot conform. You DON'T want to experience that first hand.

Don't fuck around.
I think the highest paid positions for gaijins are generally finance related ones at international or foreign conglomerates in Tokyo.
If you want make good money, get a job with a foreign company and get posted here at their Japan branch, the foreign company will pay you mad insane dosh compared to what Japanese companies pay for domestic hires.
Come to think of it, Japs are a perfect example of race NOT just being skin color
Japan, as in the country of the Japanese?
Why the fuck would I want to move there?
Oh? what kind of career is that though? Like, for instance, what would my major have to be?
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Not sure if serious
the original comic was sort of funny in an idiotic way
the real gaijin husband guy it's based on used to be a friend of Debito until they had a massive falling-out at some point
but then I think everyone had a massive falling-out with debito at some point

But I have really good spanish manners... Anyways that movie show me that too because the guy need to be japanese as fuck with the girl's father to get some kind of approval which wasn't full at all... Maybe I should try to find an orphan one...
>still wanting to move to japan
dude stop, nobody gives a shit about japan anymore, its all about korea now, fuck off
This, I meant to include this point. The best Japanese jobs are posting by foreign international companies with japan branches. A lot of the time they have a hard time giving those jobs away because most people don't want to relocate their life to a foreign country.

I would look at multi-nationals that have recently expanded into the country and probably are short-staffed and join that company in your own country and kiss ass for the posting.

This is the one route to living in Japan that actually would require some level of language proficiency, but it is the most idea.
Alright, I think I got the Deck downloaded then. So I'm on the images now, WinRAR. Where do I extract the files?
>he still wants to act spanish in japan

Welp. Here's the difference between a smart spic and a dumb spic.

Here's a dose of reality, faggot
>The second you give any girl an inappropriate glance she just texted about the experience on her phone and now everybody in the entire neighborhood knows about it
>Everyone in japan is connected. that's what makes it a collectivist society. so when you fuck up royally, EVERYONE knows about it

>Nobody will shit talk to you in your face. They'll just stop talking to you. You'll notice slowly how everyone stops interacting with you and you have no idea why or what's happening

>you get lonely, your gf leaves you because you aren't wanted or desired by her friends anymore, and you leave japan

this is how it happens.
you think i'm shitposting, but it happens every fucking day.

do NOT fuck around in Japan.
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Enjoy being disemboweled by TDoM
I'm really not sure, as another guy said those certain IT jobs pay well... maybe IT and Finance? I really don't know much about how to get into those lines of work, but also people who are business administration / management people at foreign companies or independent overseas branches of Japanese multinationals who then get posted here get paid a lot. But that's less of a "Japan career" and more of a "career that includes Japan"
I'm probably using a different deck, but media files go into %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Anki\User 1\collection.media
t. beta
some of those people have fairly limited Japanese skills (I've worked with them and interpreted for them) but yes Japanese language skills and - in that case - certifications such as JLPT N1 would be great to have
How get? I want. I want to know Job requirements for those kind of jobs.
My Documents->Anki->User 1 (or whatever your user name is)->collection.media

dump all the pictures in that folder, overrwrite. reboot/start up anki

you're done

start with the default 10 words a day until you're comfortable, then ramp it up to 20 words when you start feeling the learn japanese steroids kick in.
>heavily polluted



Damm, then a better plan is find a japanese girl before going there... Better monogamy than alienated. Extremelly more difficult but who knows... Here comes japanese tourists girls time by time. I had the chance once but I failed to guide them around the city... Nothing would have happend but at least would have been fun the experience however it ended.
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idk, my gameplan is to minor it in college/ take a few courses and if my major doesnt go well, i could try my hand at freelance interpreting. my best friends uncle is also an interpreter so he said he could line me up with offers if i went through with it. apparently japanese is like the second most used language in the business world besides english. im skeptic about that, because of the chink population, but if hes willing to give me shit i might as well try it.
can confirm. Japan allows no room for error. Westerners with no sense of tatamae and how to cultivate it will end up feeling like completely out of the loop.

If you ever wanted to know what it feels like for an autist to fail at social functioning, move to Japan where you will immediately become the autist who has to manually re-learn social interaction.
You realize this thread is 2 hours older than the one you are reffering to? I guess you don´t.

Is it a good idea to start selling Geiger counter in japan?
Alright, I think I did it. Now, how do I know if it worked? I don't actually know what this files is.
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wasted get
Why would I want to learn nipspeak?
Not understanding the nonsensical squeals that come out of Jap whores when I bang them is half the fun.
How hard is eat to get a health care job in Japan as a foreigner? I have a nursing degree as well as an associates as a physical therapy assistant
Its pretty fun messing with people.

Im from the western US so we have a lot of figures of speech that just leave foreigners mouth open speechless.

>hotter than two rats fucking in a sock
>wish in one hand, shit in the other

"looking a gift horse in the mouth" is a fun one. People from other countries are like "what the FUCK does looking at horses mouths have to do with ANYTHING!"

(It means getting picky about a service you recieve for free. Like, somebody gives you a free horse and you are such a jew you check it's teeth even though you arent paying for it in the first place)
Aus in nip land

Why is that triggering? I hate chocolate ice-cream and don't mind strawberry since vanilla is untouch. Check mate
If you added the .apk to anki and start a learning session with the deck, depending on what cards are in the deck, it should read the media files for the cards, so you have images/audio.
>Learning Japanese
>Moving to Japan
What a bunch of fucking losers. A much more honorable route for all of you would be suicide. I'm quite sure the nips would agree actually.
his use of wubs is because the word you correctly huessed cannot be posted here without altering it because it sets off the spam filter
Oh, yeah. That seems to be working then because when I started it up I heard a lady's voice.
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The fuck nigger?

The answer is simple. You become japanese.

Japan is a great country to live in as long as you learn japanese and act japanese.

If you act spanish you will end up like the 1000 or so failed anons that shitpost about "Japan being terrible country to live in, here's my failed experience" all day long.

If you are comfortable becoming a wageslave, changing the way you think and talk, open to new perspectives, and enduring many hardships, yes, it is possible to move to japan, work in japan, have a japanese wife, have japanese children, and speak japanese for the rest of your life.

But if you have EVEN a single IOTA of hesitation about any of the above, get the fuck out of this thread and save something from your life.

Moving to Japan is masochistic. It's only for the extremely determined. If you don't have determination, it's not for you.
you should see a picture with the card

if you don't see a picture, it's possible you fucked up the image installation.
A picture? don't know about picture, but I do see words and sentences. Is that what you mean?
ah right, you need to do step 6 for the images to actually appear

>Step 4 (optional step for images):

>Download media the deck uses (Card images):

Step 5 (optional step for images):
>Unrar the media content and paste into your Anki 'collection.media' folder (remember to paste files, not a folder with files). Every file should by default have following access path:

>Step 6 (optional step for images):
>Add the card images to the card format: Hit "Browse" -> Navigate to the Core deck on the left sidebar -> Hit the "Cards..." button -> Add {{Sentence-Image}} under the
at the bottom of the "Back Template" section.

you did step 5, now do step 6 and you are good
God so much this.

Asians in general are utterly devoted to social media. I check my facebook once a day, these people?

They will have 20 different social media accounts, and literally every interaction you have will probably be video-messeged, photographed, and documented.

Forget to take your shoes off? Mispronounce a word? Laugh inappropriatley? Fart in an elevator?

Now your neighbors, peers, coworkers, thier distant cousins, thier distant cousins distant cousins ALL know about it.

Also when you leave a girl its a pretty good bet shes going to sit down for 4 or 5 hours and document every embarassing thing about you to all 3,5pp "friends" across 20 sites and blogs, and its a good bet they will share it amongst themselves.

And yeah, you are just minding your own buisiness and slowly begin to notice you have become invisible, and when people do interact with you they have a thin forced smile and exaggerrated politeness of one who is being forced to deal with somebody and cant wait to bitch about it to everyone they know as soon as you leave.

You dont even have to be a total autistic moron, you just gotta be a hapless foreigner who doesnt understand thier social structure. Like, people give you a pass at first, but its got a steep learning curve and if you dont keep to it you quickly become an outcast.

In america somebody will just tell you to fuck off, in japan (or most of east asia in general) the guy who fantasizes about you falling to death down a flight of stairs will give you that same pleasant artificial smile and not say jack shit about something you do that pisses him off.
You make it sound like learning a new language is a bad thing.

Would you be kind enough to stick a baguette up your ass and cough out crumbs while jacking off to the Mona Lisa while dressed up as Madeline, frenchy.

>inb4 he's an imported from buttfuck-istan.
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Anyone have experience using a CS degree in Japan? I know CS gets memed, but it's all I enjoyed enough to pursue a degree in.
It looks like they get paid a lot less in Japan than here in the US. Should I bother trying to work there, or instead get a masters there as an excuse to live there?
never stop making these threads
>>non-native are considered second class citizens, non-asians are only seen as laughable tourists, you will never be taken seriously and will be an hindrance as soon as they learn you are planning to stay
Yes, because a mindset like that certainly wouldn't help the west...
2 in the pink, one in the stink
If you even remotely care about money, stay the fuck in America

people moving to Japan aren't doing it fort he money.

Also, a computer science degree is one of the easiest ways to get into Japan on an engineering visa.
>never stop making these threads
The weeb wars are fun to watch.
I am not concerned with making shitloads, I want to try working in Japan because it's the only foreign language I know and I want to spend some time out of here.
The job listings I looked up had salaries for 3 million yen, which seems like an ammount you couldn't live on there. Though, so many sites I look at combine IT and Software in the same category so who knows what the fuck they are doing.
There are multiple types of weeaboos

1. The lifeless weeaboo that loves japanese anime

2. The semi-normie weeaboo that only wants to fuck a japanese girl. That spainard from earlier probably falls in this category

3. The mascochistic weeaboo that wants to work in Japan. It is people in this category that actually make it and go to japan, while people in the other categories just get angry from afar.

Arguments between weebs creating these so called "weeb wars" are just people from branches 1 and 2 yelling at clouds.
>That spainard from earlier probably falls in this category
Any darkening of east asian countries should be a sin.
You can do english tutoring on the side and literally make $50/hour

i'm not joking. $50/hour as a sidejob tutoring. People will pay you money out the ass to learn english.

This is why JET is a meme. You make far more money in the tutoring business (which of course is under-the-table)
Its what created the phillipinos. Its like spaniards cant help but create trashy half-breed permanant underclass cultures wherever they go.
Damn son. I would probab,y save up like 2 or 3 years and move there to have a good financial foundation anyway.

I know a person who fell for the JET meme and now lives with his parents.
How easy is it get a healthcare job in a US military base in Japan? Do I have to enlist or can I just go as a civilian? If I do need to enlist, what branch should I join? PTA/Nurse here
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>wanting to actually go to japan

they have no guns, small land, exhausting commutes, nobody wants you there and you can be refused service
you faggots should trying to get to Alaska
Sooner you move to Japan, the better, friend.

Remember -- Japan's relationship with America could potentially sour by the end of the Trump administration. A souring relationship means increased scrutiny in your future visa application to Japan.
Still better than living with niggers
Do you think translators for Japanese will become obsolete as computers better at translating?
I doubt Trump will do much of anything in Asia during his first term.
Ivanka will.
Just don't procrastinate your japanese learning

Remember the JLPT is only offered once a year in America. If you started TODAY you could potentially take the N3 this December.

This is what i'm doing. My move to japan is about 3 years out, but i'm gonna get that N1 by the end of next year.
>translators for Japanese will become obsolete as computers better at translating?
You mean if computers become better. Machine translations are still horrible for just about everything that isn't spanish.
What a bunch of hedonistic cunts.
>My move to japan is about 3 years out

Or you could earn 250k+ in these 3 years and not give a fuck about that N1.
Yes, move to Japan goy. Marry and racemix with them. They need to be enriched.
I have already been studying the language for 3 years. Planning to get to N1 this year. Good luck on your studies man. That intermediate plateau is a bitch.
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>Want to move to Japan?
>I have already been studying the language for 3 years
Define "studying". Like how much work do you put into it?
Enjoy working 12 hours a day and expensive everything.
>tfw to intelligence to learn a different language
In Japan you are the niggers.
Better to live in a world of intelligent people who think you're retarded, than to live in a world of retards.

How to live in japan
>be japanese

One fo the few thinks they have right.
How hard is to migrate to Japan having japanese heritage?
3 years have colleges courses for my Japanese minor. About 2 hours a day sometimes more, sometimes none. Most of my time now is spent doing vocab and reading practice. I dont consider the Japanese films I watch to be study because they have english subs, but it still works.
Considering you are from brazil, if you have anything other than white heritage with that japenese heritage, it will be impossible.
No, not really

What would you know about living with intelligent people?
I imagine turning the subs off would be better.
its a meme
Alright, I think that worked. Though, honestly I don't think the images add much.
the images add visual context for your brain to understand

basically make sure you do anki every single day for the rest of your life and within 2 years you'll have a japanese vocabulary of 10,000 words or more

just don't forget tae kim and other shit.
Why would I want to live on a shitty suicide island like Nippon?
This is not "Why move to Japan" thread
This is "How move to Japan" thread

if you don't know why you want to move to japan, this thread is not for you

please leave
Nice dodge asshole.
>japanese highschoolgirls

I have no clue what other reason there might be. Some people might argue culture and food but that´s tourist level shit right there.
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I kek'd
Kek, realised that too after posting.
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>learn one of the hardest human languages
>reward is 12 hour workdays on suicide island

No thanks.
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>implying any school is looking for an Italian teacher in Japan at all
not going to happen in the near future because the languages are so different; Japanese is contextual so you need to understand what you're reading and rewrite it in English, you can't do a word/phrase substitution like with two Romance languages.
machine translation can work with words and phrases and sometimes you can get sentences to machine translate correctly but you need a human to check, correct, rewrite and retranslate.
I knew an Italian guy working here teaching, but yeah in general it's not in demand.
>If you achieve N1, you're actually better at Japanese than most of their college students.
No you are not. It tests reading and grammar skills basically at high school level.
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>spend years learning nipponese
>move to japan to work as english teacher
>still called baka gaijin everywhere you go
>move back home in a year and wipe my anime collection
Sucks 2 b u
post more gifs
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Yeah, that was expected
Only got that one gif, but I have other 2 if you want normal pic of her
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not sure about the current test but back when it was called 一級, 50% of the test was basically kanji ability so Chinese students could pass the test with about a year of study while still being functionally unable to communicate
The JLPT has traditionally been aimed at Chinese students who want to enter a Japanese university, and that is probably still the vast majority of people who are taking the test.
>Some of them have amazing bodies
>Always ruined by gookface

No, because niggers commit 45% of all crimes despite being 12% of total population.
>tfw learning russian
He still has the job tho
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>implying most of /pol/ would give a fuck after all this time of sexual abstinence anyways
no problem m8
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>Fumika Baba (馬場 ふみか Baba Fumika?, born June 21, 1995, in Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, Japan)[1] is a Japanese actress and model who is represented by the talent agency, Name Management.

I can see a lot of talent here, actually both of them.
Goddamnit I don't want to go study in fucking Japan

I just want to crush some sushi
he's from an older generation

i think he's a Generation X'er

the rules were different back then
we fuckin' yo women boy!

you are in branch 2. there is STILL a path for you to enter Japan if you manage to get a japanese girlfriend

but its very very difficult to get a japanese girlfriend without learning japanese since the best method to getting a japanese girlfriend is to learn japanese

good luck anon
How reliable is Tae Kim's Guide? Is there any other better source for Japanese?
Tae Kim is the de facto way for a beginner to learn Japanese

It's better than fucking college courses.

once you clear tae kim's grammar guide, you will understand japanese. From there, you put the dictionary of japanese grammar deck in your anki and start studying that as you prepare for N1 and cram vocab.
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7-Step guide to be a good goy by leaving white countries as race mixing with nips.

Want to move to cause the downfall of western civilization and the white race? Here's how you do it, step by step guide.

1.) Start learning being a good goy. Doing so is not actually hard
a.) Download Anki: https://ankiweb.net/
b.) Download the 6,000 core deck for japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/anki.html and follow the instructions to install it
c.) Set up your anki deck for 20 words a day, and up to 9999 reviews a day (you won't actually see 9999 reviews a day). this way you can learn all 6,000 words in under a year.
d.) Join any of the countless japanese language learning generals on 4chan
>>>/int/69981612 # (beginner)
>>>/int/70039975 # (intermediate)
>>>/jp/16422715 # (anime weeaboo trash)
pick which best suits your needs

2.) Start tae kim's grammar guide which you'll be using in conjunction with Anki
a.) http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar

3.) Finish tae kim's grammar guide and all 6,000 words by September.

4.) It's time to choose which JLPT you're taking. If you took destroying the white race seriously and started TODAY from THIS VERY POST, you could be N3.

5.) Take the JLPT you useless goy. N5 if you didn't study at all i mean what the fuck, N4 if you're a slowpoke, N3 means you actually studied. Good, N3 means you're on your way to destroy the west.

6.) Pass the JLPT. If you took the N3, you will be able to get yourself N1 ready by next year by studying at the same pace you are now. Since your 6,000 core deck is settled, grab a 10k core deck. You will start practicing actually writing the kanji from here on out, so grab something like 'Remembering the Kanji' since you'll probably need it by now. If you didn't take the N3, you should aim for the N2 next year. you're skipping the N3 you didn't take. Up your study, bad goy.

7.) With a bachelor's degree and N1, you can be a good goy and destroy the west and the white race.. Congrats.
What about french ?
Are the nips still gobbling up "muh beautiful France" propaganda, or do they already know France is a doomed third-world shithole ?
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You'll be

> "You make it sound like learning a new language is a bad thing."

He speaks english, don't be a shame to your country and stop playing dumb.
They were until the Second Empire fucked it up against the Prussians. Now even Finnish is probably more important over there because of the Moomins.
do you hypocritical fucktards realize what you're doing
>Implying gookface is a bad thing
No. No one move to glorious Nippon, it is for the Japanese only, all non-Japanese can fuck off.
Good. Japanese people are the only ones who are uncucked in this sense in the modern era, non-Japanese have no business being in their nation.
Yeah, our schools english tests are kinda the same.
Rich chinese buisinessmen's kids just pay somebody to do the work for them while they party, come home after 4 years with a big exciting american degree to show off with, then take over a department of their dad's company.

Universities know its going on, they just dont care because the chinks are paying and since all the people who took out loans and went back to college have either graduated or dropped out now the nation's universities are facing huge enrollment drops.

I got into my state university on the GI bill with waaaay lower highschool scores than minimum, and got all the aptitude and placement tests waived. They really didnt care about anything except the fact my tuition was garunteed to be paid.

Enrollment dropped 15% from last year, and a lot of these useless basketweaving degree millenials didnt pay for thier last semester so they gotta balance the books.

Nows a great time to apply for college in the US (if you can afford it)
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>German not on the image at all
>Written Korean using chinese characters

This image is so wrong on so many levels
borderline genx/millennial so the rules haven't really changed
I think most of them know that France is fucked but they don't want to accept it. However the terror attacks opened a lot of eyes.
But they also know how so many young French are superweebs and they appreciate that.
I know a lady who married a French guy and moved to the French countryside, she seems to be happy there
Is this post real ?
Do you have autism or aspergers?
So there is a shot, noice.
I need to hurry though, since France is getting stronger in diversity by the day and will make sure to advertise this fact with more example of cultural tolerance like Charlie Hebdo playful critique and the Nice run of the bulls.
Holy fuck, there's internet in Liberia?
Is General Butt Naked still around senpai?
Japan is gayer than Sweden
Fuck that nuclear wasteland shithole
where do you think the doctor-jews picked up the "treatment over cure" philosophy?
Or just apply for an eikaiwa job without knowing any Japanese. Much simpler, then just learn Japanese when you are here

No one there will have the courage to express their racism towards you unless they're an old salaryman. If you're not autistic and know how to be polite people actually treat you quite well
Fuck, what a beauty
It's as real as it gets: after forced to open to Western powers, Japanese were desperately trying to reform their country. First they were impressed by French because of muh Napoleon, but after getting annihilated by the Prussians in the Franco-Prussian war they started to model themselves after the Germans.
Also, they really like Moomins.
why would you want to move here?

This place sucks for making money. You can't get a good salary until you put in years of time. Even IT guys I talk to here have to take starting salaries of like 250,000 ~ 280,000 yen per month. And you are not gonna advance higher for quite a while or be able to jump jobs like you can in the states because you are a foreigner and it looks bad to job hop too much.
The correct response is supposed to be
>fuck off we're full
>ruining Japan with your foreignness

I hope some nationalist Jap goes on a killing rampage against foreigners.
>he doesn't get it

It's not about blood. It's about the mindset. Fuck off.
Okay Ken-sama
when will you realize japan is the only country on the planet that does immigration right?

correct immigration is NOT locking the country, correct immigration is heavily vetted immigrants. Japan is the only country that does this.
Fuck off retard. If you are not racially Japanese you don't belong in Japan.
Better to have them in one place

that too.

fuck off we're full!
>invading a sovereign nation with your foreign race mixing degenerate seed
Kill yourself
This requires a lot of willpower but I know people who have managed it.
Not true, it still allows spouse visas.
You do realize those spousal visa's are for the children's well-being, and not the immigrant's, right?


this is you.
Japan does it best, however it'd be better if they didn't let anyone in.
does anybody have a link to that video of that guy who is a english teacher in japan and how he redpills on how you will be mistreated while living as a foreigner?

got you senpai
Are koreans as racist as the japanese?
koreans love americans

if you're looking for an easy asian country to move to, please go to korea.

however, korea is a very western society. you really won't find much difference from a place like new york.

japan really is the last stronghold for traditional asian culture.
Depends on what you mean by worse. The Koreans don't have the manners to hide their racism as much. That can be harsher but it's more honest.
>koreans love americans
>you really won't find much difference from a place like new york.

How sad.
no not that one unfortunately, he had a really a small apartment for a while then moved into a bigger one with his qt nippon gf
when the american military asked to help japan, they shoved the military on a containment island called okinawa very very far away from the country

what did korea do? they let the americans right into the heart of their city. what could go wrong? the entire country got okinawa'd.
That would be worthy of tears if it weren't so stupid.
nvm it actually is the video, thanks
Unless you grew up in a Japanese immigrant family, you're not going to get N1 unless you live in Japan for a while.

N1 is really hard to get, even the best non-native speakers have trouble passing it

Just do some good research while you're in school, that scores you lots of points.
Everyone going to Japan already knows it's cruel as shit when you get BTFO

the objective is to not get BTFO. everyone complaining about how terrible japan is are people who were filtered out. If you play it smart, you will never have to worry about that..
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I did this already worst decision i made in my life. I am now a NEET and ironically trying to improve my English vocab + grammar skills. I discovered western literature is a million times better than chinese love novels and you'll probably have a better chance finding a job if you stay where you are.
Well, you do realize Japan's society is the only one actively rejecting western expansion at every front?

Why do you think they put the military at okinawa to begin with? They think about this shit relentlessly.

Every asian country got tricked, except Japan. They were the only ones who saw the cultural dangers. And this is the result.
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