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HEY YOU. It's time to learn Japanese and move to Japan.

7-Step Guide to move to Japan

1.) Start learning japanese. Doing so is not actually hard
a.) Download Anki: https://ankiweb.net/
b.) Download the 6,000 core deck for japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/anki.html and follow the instructions to install it
c.) Set up your anki deck for 20 words a day, and up to 9999 reviews a day (you won't actually see 9999 reviews a day). this way you can learn all 6,000 words in under a year.
d.) Join any of the countless japanese language learning generals on 4chan
>>>/int/69734214 (beginner)
>>>/int/69773127 (intermediate)
>>>/jp/16388812 (anime trash)
pick which best suits your needs

2.) Start tae kim's grammar guide which you'll be using in conjunction with Anki
a.) http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar

3.) Finish tae kim's grammar guide and all 6,000 words by September.

4.) It's time to choose which JLPT you're taking. If you took japanese seriously and started TODAY from THIS VERY POST, you could be N3 ready by October. Check the registration deadlines.

5.) Take the JLPT you useless sack of shit. N5 if you didn't study at all i mean what the fuck, N4 if you're a slowpoke, N3 means you actually studied. Good, N3 means you're on your way to Japan

6.) Pass the JLPT. If you took the N3, you will be able to get yourself N1 ready by next year by studying at the same pace you are now. Since your 6,000 core deck is settled, grab a 10k core deck. You will start practicing actually writing the kanji from here on out, so grab something like 'Remembering the Kanji' since you'll probably need it by now. If you didn't take the N3, you should aim for the N2 next year. That's right, you're skipping the N3 you didn't take. Up your study, bitch.

7.) With a bachelor's degree and N1, you can now move to Japan. Congrats. Post-graduate study is best method to do so
I feel so bad for your parents.

Okay NEET in mom's basement.
Step 1, have four year degree
Step 2, speak english
Step 3, be english teacher in japan
私はジャパニーズを勉強うし。君のおちんちんわとても短いですだ。go men a sai.
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>mfw I already know Japanese

I used the Remembering the Kanji series by James W. Heisig and A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar by Seiichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui (also intermediate and advanced)

good luck
Why the fuck would I waste my time learning a dying language?

I'm already fluent in the language of the future

Faggot weeb OP

I've done enough research to know I never want to spend my life in Japan. Its a nice place to visit though and I like the anime.
Married a Jap girl, and have a spousal visa application in process at this moment...I'm peacing right the fuck out of this fucked up rubix cube we call Western Society.... bye fuckers~
You speak Mandarin? Then Japanese will be easy for you.
This is a shit method. English teacher in Japan makes shit pay

If you going english teacher route, you either have to

a.) Job hop the second your foot is in the door (Job hopping is frowned upon in japan BTW)

b.) Marry someone and switch to marriage visa so you can get a job that isn't teaching english

Honestly, english teacher is waste of time unless you are heavily interested in working with kids.

Desperate virgins who still believe the "japanese women crave western white dick" meme.

LOL you fuckers are in for a rude awakening.
I thought they didn't like half breads over there?
>move to Japan
why? the Japanese despise in particular those who abandoned their country.
start researching the culture of the japanese city you'll be moving to

like, right the fuck now. go on google and figure out what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable

you DON'T want to fuck it up
i'll soon follow your steps see ya in grorious nippon.

we should work hard so they don't ruin their society like we did

Any knowledge if S. Korea is decent for ESL?
>Desperate virgins who still believe the "japanese women crave western white dick" meme.

They do. You can hear from Japanese Woman if you like


You have american flag. Start using it.
Fuck off weeaboo degenerate.
>b-b-but 4chan is a weeb imageboard!!!
No it isn't. It's an anime imageboard. You probably don't remember because you're a shitty nu-weeb but we used to roast the shit out of Gaia-tier retards like you. We like aspects of Japanese pop culture. That's it. Faggots like you need to fuck off.
It'd be far more efficient for Japs to learn English

There's fewer of them in toto, and each of them would spend less time learning the far more accessible language, English: language of the Gods
south korea is very easy to move to for americans. almost everyone in south korea already speaks english so i don't know the particulars.

however, if you're even remotely interested in south korea, japan will want nothing to do with you.
Dank cherrypicking, famalam.

You could watch a single video, or you can travel to the country and see first hand that you arent gonna drown in jap pussy.

What if I want to get the full Jap experience? I won't be able to do that on vacation.
>It'd be far more efficient for Japs to learn English


You STILL don't understanding Japanese is the only thing protecting Japan from foreign intrusion?

Japanese being a difficult language IS the reason Japan hasn't fallen -completely- to westernization yet. The language is their safeguard. Understand that.

Is there even a market for english teachers then? Or am I retarded and the fact that everyone speaks English indicative of a burgeoning English education system?
Why the fuck would you want that? Fucking weeaboo trash.

Here's an overview:
It's like every other first world nation, except everyone keeps to themselves and the food is shitty.

There's nothing special. It's not like your animes you pathetic weeaboo.
They hate americans and are trying their best to stay isolated from your degenerated politics

Enjoy wasting time learning japanese to find out that nobody speaks english because they hate your culture and you
Japan loves the white dick, anon.

You can thank your government for that. I mean we kind of invaded their country, toppled their emperor, and took over their education system, brainwashing their children into worshipping american dick and this is the result.
You can also buy your way in. You can purchase a business visa for 5 million Yen and start a business just wherever the fuck.

Probably at some point you can curtail that into citizenship.
yes goyim move to Japan and race mix
Fuck the White race
They like hot guys. Like all women in the world. A pathetic weeaboo sack of shit who thinks running off to a different country will get him pussy isn't going to get anywhere.
what I meant is, Gaijins are permanently Gaijins, aka Guests with no exception. fucking Japs never stop treating you like a rare pokemon
>Japan loves the white dick, anon.
lol its blatantly obvious that you've never been to Japan.

>inb5 ive been to okinawa and...

Hold onto that hope, though. Its endearing.

I don't watch anime.

I would move to Leafland for a few months to experience Canuck culture too. Then again, living in Minnesota I can't imagine we are much different, you and I.

Not sure how broadening your horizons can be seen as such a terrible thing. Experience the world and what not, right?
Supply and demand is in full force.

You can land a job in korea as an english teacher but you won't get the money english tutors in japan do.

I don't care about koreans in particular so I can't help you too much further on that subject. Sorry friend.
>Hear it from a Japanese woman
This probably has some truth to it, but it's a skit as well.

He's clearly looking for 'British', and she lists every other commonwealth (almost), even Irish, then French guys.
English teaching in japan is such a fucking meme, anyone who does that should off themselevs its shit pay and no one gives a fuck about you.
What good paying careers could I do with this?
There are plenty of jobs.

Public schools are very stable as far as overall workplace stability and pay.

Private schools very greatly, from horrible to amazing. Just a matter of finding the right .

>lmost everyone in south korea already speaks english

lol no, and I live in Seoul.

Oi ve. Retards coming out in full force.


>But, very interesting is the fact that when walking the streets of Kyoto, or Honolulu, there are in fact many mixed couples comprised of an American male and a Japanese female.

Any educated research into the subject yields that an american man often has less trouble getting with a japanese girl than an actual japanese guy. The research shows itself.
time to make japan great again
The accusations against the country of Japan are as follows:

>Shit housing
Coffin sized 'apartments' are the norm. Most of their public buildings are made of wood sourced from the US but they are too poor to fasten them together with nails, so every earthquake or tsunami they fall down.

Shit food generally. They eat uncooked tentacles out of vending machines because no one has space for a kitchen.

>Shitty work/life balance
People work 16 hours, do drunken Karaoke for another 4, then retire to their coffins to sleep 4 hours and do it all again.

>Bright colors
Degenerately bright colors everywhere and everyone looks like a cartoon character.

Flat chests and narrow hips make them unsuited as mates to white men. Our babies destroy their uteruses within 2 or 3 children.

That's fine. Proud American not trying to offend but also not trying to integrate either.

Young girls may like white guys, but the society as a whole don't.
If you are not Japanese, if you do not have the Japanese appearance, you wont never be accepted as one of them.

Be aware of this.
Keep on believing everything you read online.

lol how your dreams will be crushed if you ever decide to go.

Thanks for the response!

How much knowledge of the Korean language is expected out of these ESL teachers?
What if I just want to go there for 6 months?
Where do I live and what do I do/
How much wonga will I need to sustain myself?
are you talking to me or the people in this thread?

My hope is that the people reading this thread that are interested in moving to Japan do their research.

Japan is a hard country to move to that is a terrible experience if you aren't prepared, and everyone that gets kicked out of the country tells everyone else how terrible it was, creating this false perception that Japan is a bad country for foreigners.

Because you only hear the failure stories, not the success stories. Why do you suppose that is?


Although, you can learn to read Korean in one day, seriously.

I've learned basic phrases (Hello, thank you, goodbye, may I have, how much for.... etc.) and this, combined with being able to read, has been more than enough for my time here.

The most important thing is the ability to be flexible and an open mind. Too many people come here and start complaining that it's not like home. Well, no shit.
I've been there 3 times now, it's quite a different atmosphere. Honjo Saitama is a much more racist / traditional environment, which i can certainly respect. I've helped the older family members deliver rice, when their native family didnt give a fuck... im in there like swimwear~
We should keep in touch, big fella~
I'd rather be a tourist, living in weebland is complete shit.
I love Japan!
weeaboo faggots should kill themselves
Youre nuts bro, The women love the white guys, the men hate them for obvious reasons... but ask me if i give a fat fuck... in terms of offspring, halflings are exotic.... i'm looking out for my potential sons whore slaying.... cant do that in North Amercia...
for me personally, i'm not beliving what i read online, because i actually learned japanese and i'm talking to a few japanese friends right now about a good school to attend in a few years.

i'll be fine. i found my bridge.

my best advice to new learners is make japanese friends as soon as possible. even if the only thing you can say is 'sumimasen'
But I already did. I work for a major heavy industry company and enjoy life.
you know what the next step is

get citizenship
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>Worlds easiest language according to every study.
>You can be proficient in it in 150 hours compared to Englishes 2000 hours.
>Millions of people and intellectuals around the world speak it, so you can literally visit any country and be able to speak fluently to people.
>Free to learn using programs like Duolingo.
>Great community.
>THE WHOLE GRAMMAR INCLUDING ALL EXCEPTIONS FITS ON 1 A4 PAGE! Seriously, that's all you need to know, then learn root words and you're good.
>It is red pilled, nigrulo (or nigra persono will do) is black man/person.
Do 6 years in the military as a technician. Get out and get hired at a company in Japan making 80k a year.

That's what I did.
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>Romance language
Why move there? I mean I would love to visit for a month or so but to actually move and live there? Fuck that. It is not home and I am not Japanese, I won't do the Jews work for them
To experience yellowpilled society firsthand.

It's better than the redpill
And I can experience that by visiting. Asians are based as hell and very interesting however I do not need to move there to know that
>not getting a japanese wife
>not having a japanese marriage

shame. the market for women in japan is thriving right now. it's easier to get a woman in japan now than literally any other country.

oh well, you know what they say

Victory to the slave that runs
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>one month in and I'm at 350 kanji
I'll marry a Jap I've no problem with it but I'm moving to goddamn Japan. I was born in an icebox in North America and I'm gonna die in it
GTFO weeb
Lol forgot to say not* moving there
I'm not even a weeb but learning Japanese because its fun
Is learning another language degenerate, /pol/?
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>Person wants to learn a new language with thriving and solid culture.
>get's called weeb because said culture makes some good cartoons
No wonder everyone hates normies.
>Desperate virgins who still believe the "japanese women crave western white dick" meme.
ex USMC, there is a nice number of jap girls who want american men. Its not all, not by any means, but a good number. In my limited experience I'd say 1/3 would take an american over a Japanese man. Maybe 1/2, but I think you'd only see those numbers in a major cosmopolitan center like Tokyo. The more rural the area (and further from a major population center) the less likely Japanese women will be interested in an American.

There certainly is a degree of FEAR of foreigners in Japanese women too. So while 1/3 might want to bounce on your dick. a solid 1/3 will literally treat you like an armed crack addict and cross the street when she sees you coming down a sidewalk, as if you can (and will) rape her just by brushing up against her.
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Only if it's shit like French or Spanish. Or Arabic.

I much prefer my languages to actually sound pleasing rather than be nasaly and sloppy fuckfests.
Why do you want to move to Japan
though Trump will make US great from now?
Do you really know that he is not better president than Obama?
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>315 cards due today
Japanese women who want western men are westernized and, thus, sluts. So, it's the same shit you get here.
>i'll marry a Jap but i'm not moving to Japan

So...you're not going to marry a nip. you have no idea how fucked you are if you want to marry a nip without actually learning nip or moving to nipland

don't choke on your dreams, anon
souce on image?
i'm beginning to suspect the "weeb" spouters are either false flags to try to stop people from leaving western society behind, or a sign of true misunderstanding about the values and merits of japanese culture

Accepting foreign ideals and being open to foreign perspectives should be welcomed with open arms, not sneered or jeered at.

He only spouts "weeb" is the true degenerate.
Even if american government improves, american people are still stupid.

Heavy focus on Individualism still in America creates a bad culture.
>Enjoy wasting time learning japanese to find out that nobody speaks english because they hate your culture and you

Why would you learn a language to go and speak to them in English? Besides, Japs usually have enough English understanding to ask where the bathroom is and other basic shit.
A lot of deluded weebs think their life will become an anime once they move to Japan. Its pretty sad. It sounds like an interesting life I guess but they set their expectations too high and usually end up sperging out.
I said that I would not that I wanted to you fucking weeb. Also you don't have to move to another country to marry someone from said country, my cousin married a nice Chinese girl and they live on the west cost of the US.

All your study of language and you still fail basic comprehension,. Disembowel yourself in shame faggot
so basically, you would marry a nip, but you're not willing to work for it.

typical american.
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