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how's your progress coming along, /pol/? You.. you are

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Thread replies: 327
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how's your progress coming along, /pol/?

You.. you are working hard every day to better your physical fitness ..right?
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Dreamer bulking currently, thank god its winter so i can hide my gelatinous state under a coat.

Going from skelly 185lb 6'4", to hopefully 220lb, then I'll cut.
i swear i thought this was the cropped photo, pls mods dont ban
The fuck is wrong with this board
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Loosing weight I guess.
you skip incline chest?
you skip incline shest?
you skip deadlifts?
Go on, let's see what the men of the great white north look like below their mole skin t shirts and moose gootch-hair woven pants
I finally filled out this year, and for the first time in my life I became kinda over weight.

Went from 6':
145 lbs



Procrastinating going to the gym right now. Any routines you guys recommend and shit? I used to be fit when I was a freshmen, just gotta get back in the game.
No but I gotta start, doctor said I was obese =(
I hurt my ac joint (grade 1 tear) like 2 years, shoulder has never been the same. I have not clue how to rehab it, if its even still possible to rehap properly. Rear delt work? anyways, incline bench/db i can feel in my shoulder, so i tend to go low in weight.
Nice dick you fat cunt

>I'm gonna go show my dick to my friends at /pol/!
poor foreskin :(
Americans are so cruel
Of course
Dude, Jason Genova has lost some gains.
I would do anything to just lick the tip of your cock...
Where does one begin?
If you want to cut, this is what you do:

>google TDEE calculator, input your stats, out pops a number
>that number is your # of calories needed to eat every day to maintain weight
so to lose weight, you subtract 250-500 from your TDEE and eat at that level
>eat ~1g protein per lb of weight (this is overestimation, but fine)
>eat .45*(bodyweight) = grams of fat every day
>rest is in carbs
>lift minimum 3x a week, cardio minimum 2x a week.
>readjust your TDEE after a few weeks, then subtract 250-500 from new TDEE and eat at that amount.
>cut until you wish youd rather be bulking
but for you, its gonna be a solid 6 months of cutting. dont drink too much alocohol, itll make it harder

cut dick, baka
Hit 170kgx3 on my dl @75kg 6'1"
show boipussy
You get clicking on incline?
Had a buddy with tons of baseball injuries.
His incline bench clicked like a clock when I spotted him.
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mixed messages
5'9 125lbs here

Literally cannot gain weight, even with supplements, and being a naturally light eater doesn't help.

What should I do?

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For what purpose
nice BWC (big white cock)
no homo
Reminder that the only reason you lift is because you lack purpose in your life.
My job is pretty physical and I can lift and carry hundred pound loads some distance, so I'm probably only going downhill from here.
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nah, but i just 'feel' something in my ac joint bump. UGH, REEEEEEE I just want a healthy shoulder REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
i'm trying but it's hard
started literally yesterday
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Fuck off normies.

You don't belong here.
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The one with my dick cropped was to many megs

Stop lying to yourself. There is literally nothing stopping you from gaining weight except for your shit diet. Learn to actually eat calculated amounts of real food. No, eating a chocolate bar on top of 3 squares will not help as much as you think.

Here's a guide:
>1 cup whole milk
>1/2 cup steel cut oats
>1/2 cup 0% greek yogurt
>1 scoop whey protein powder
>blend it together
>drink it down you bastard

Add this to your standard meals, and you will gain weight.
>oh no, i made an autist think poorly of myself
go on argentina, lets see that body of yours
Bodybuilding isn't about health or fitness; it's pure vanity.
no you don't belong here
lifting is redpilled
If it's too thick, add another 1/2 cup to 1 cup of milk.
Lifting weights and being healthy =/= body building.
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>t. depressed fat as fatass koalaplugger

good goy, stay nice and plump, yes thats it make yourself less physically appealing to white women, hmmm yes good goy
Of course
The globalists are dead set on war
I would like to be in great shape to hit on all the qts left behind when the young men are drafted.

Having a meme body has no practical value. It's just narcissism.
Any respectable strength program.

Something like an upper/lower split, Push Pull Legs (PPL), Stronglifts 5x5.
And that's bad why?
have you done tension-band rehab?
check out rehab vids if you can't see a physical therapist
there's hope my man
No joke thanks for the tips, as you can see I really dont look morbidly obese, I was a little heavy after Christmas and went to the doctor

So I weighs in at 6 foot 215 lbs which put me right on Obese, im naturally pretty heavy but im getting older (turned 26) and I need to take care of myself more.
We need more right wing lifters.
>starting a PPL

Not smart. PPL is designed as a 4-5x weekly program.

Neither does brushing your hair, wearing deodorant, wearing nice clothes or any other luxury item you might buy.
>meme body
I didnt realize being cardiovascularly fit is meme-worthy. Or to be physically appealing to the other sex. People respect you if you have a good physisqye, its completely innate. People look towards those with implicit power, and no amount of money or whining or hand wringing will give you a physically appealing body. Its completely red pilled. Hard work and determination provides you with a nice physique.

Just face it, youll keep making excuses for the rest of your life as to why you wont lift. Kek, doesnt bother me.
thanks bro! ill look into it. Ill start off with a lot of rear delt work next shoulder day, hopefully something will work.

I'm a bit scared for my gains. I'm 6'5, 210 right now ottermode.

Gonna be starting a hard labor job though next week. 12 hour days 6 days a weak. Don't know if I'll be able to muster up going to the gym or eating enough. Here's to hoping
Get the fuck out of here you degenerate insecure fags. Keep this crap on /fit/ or /b/
I dislocated my shoulder back in June and there is a ton of shit that still feels weird. I've only been back to the gym for a month or two now but there is some stuff that is just really difficult because injured shoulders are immense cunts.

I have that on my knee, actually always had since my childhood.

2 months in the gym put the final nail in the coffin and now I can't barely walk 200 feet without disjointing my knee.

The doctor said a surgery was very much needed. Maybe it's not the same problem though.
attracting women is practical
increasing confidence is practical
improving your mood is practical
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>degenerate insecure fags
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you didn't have to post your cock as well
Didn't know that, never did PPL.

Having said that if you're just starting out do literally anything (without ignoring the fundamentals). You'll make progress regardless.
now look at this TRUCK that i just found
when i say go, be ready to mow...

This is the year it all comes together, OP.

Finally just at 8% bodyfat @ 205 lbs. / 6' tall after working down from 280+ when I used to compete in strength sports but was a fatty. Looking forward to being a shirtless Chad this summer as an old dude of 43 once the abs are fully showing in a few months. Life is good.
Not necessarily. You want to start slow. You were right in suggesting a 3x5 or 5x5 program like StrongLifts, U/L, or another one being Starting Strength. They're all beginner programs designed to teach you the basics and get you progressed for about a year or so until you decide which lifting route you want to continue with.
>People respect you if you have a good physisqye
>lifting to be a people pleaser

Does it get any sadder than this? The red pill is not to lift and accomplish real things instead. Nobody cares that trump isn't buff and nobody cares that you are buff. You're letting your life be run by insecurity.

>I can't feel good about myself unless I have these muscles to reassure me
PPL is only bad if you dont work yourself into it. My first pic i posted is after like 3 years of inactivity, ive been lifting since 16 so i have a bit experience with hypertrophy-related exercises.

For beginers looking for aesthetics, honestly PPL is fantastic. You try doing a PPL rest PPL rest routine, and youll be having high frequency lifts, hitting bodyparts twice a week (which is optimal for hypertrophy, after 48 hrs of protein synthesis your muscles are ready to be worked out again). Over the span of 2 weeks, a PPL will allow you to lift 5.5x a week. With a proper diet (slow bulking), and a starting body physique that isn't too fat, a PPL is completely excellent for visual gains. For strength, youll be getting stronger, but not nearly as fast as SL/SS/madcows/strength oriented programs.

He is right though that getting in shape will at least make you feel better in some way, shape or form.

At the very least it can discipline your mind to some degree.
Day 3 of no alcohol. So yeah, it's coming along I guess.

No it's not faggot.

Only NEETposting is.
>The red pill is not to lift and accomplish real things instead

Because being physically inferior is totally redpilled, amirite?

Something tells me that you, like everyone else, wastes time on stupid shit you keep validating to yourself as "useful" instead of taking care of the body you have to live in. God, how redpilled you are, leaf! I should have just stayed fat and would have totally gotten your respect.
not contributing to society is degenerate
you should go back to /r9k/ or something
you don't belong here
>youre letting your life be run by insecurity
nice projection faggot. Ive achieved a lot by the age of 23, earned a degree, got a nice job, nice apartment, all nice vain shit. I work out because its another checklist to improving ones situation, economically and socially. Who cares if youre some obese neckbears thats done well for himself at his first CSE job. Youll still be that butt fucking ugly slob on the street, with the only thinig differentiating yourself from the hobo on the corner being your money stored away on your plastic card.

Having a physique instantly elevates you socially, making your superiors respect you more and making your day to day interactions with people more pleasant

>The red pill is not to lift and accomplish realthings instead

No you insecure moose fucking faggot, the real red pill is to lift and accomplish things at the same time, theyre not mutually exclusive. Go huff your daily party sized pack of cheetohs and let the real men talk, go back to being a regular joe schlomo bitch.
My fucking God, I want you to sit on my face. Just fuck me already, please!
Women don't care about muscles. They will fuck scrawny bieber or scrawny one direction guy. The red pill is not to live your life trying to impress women.

>stupidly describing the ego and what self esteem actually is

You could say the same dumbass thing about anything people do to make themselves better. Whether it be money, job, status, looks, etc., it is done to impress others. If we didn't care about it, we would all be dirty monkeys making no progress cause there would be no point.
Please put your testicles in my mouth
Doing the >reddit bodyweight fitness program, finally hit 8 pullups (couldn't do one when I started). Still look like a skeleton but I should be a solid ottermode by the end of the year.

>tfw my main reason for lifting is to avoid looking like a school shooter stereotype if I ever go full Thomas Mair

Hey Colgate, this is a NEET forum.
We're taking down this corrupt society by not paying taxes. You just help keep this rotten system running.

Go kill yourself normie.
We have a whole board for this.
?? back to lgbt fag
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Is everyone in Europe a fucking homo or is this some maymay im unaware of?
But are you?

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>Having a physique instantly elevates you socially, making your superiors respect you more and making your day to day interactions with people more pleasant

Nobody cares what your body looks like you sperg. You have autism.
i only do 50 pushups 5 out of 7 days. thats about it
Benjamin Philip Myers of Gainesville, Florida, is that you?
I see you learned how to cover your gut with your hands
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If you train seriously, there is no way you will be able to train seriously everyday. You'd be overreaching in no time. I'm assuming you do some faggot bodybuilding splits where you train a different body part everyday?
>I'm assuming you do some faggot bodybuilding splits where you train a different body part everyday?
what's wrong with that?
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5'6 105 pounds, jealous?
whoops, meant to reply to >>105549353
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>Nobody cares what your body looks like you sperg
Now youre wrong there, actually. People treat you much differently, I was obese before the age of 16, and instantly noticed different social interactions once i lost the weight and had more definition in my limbs. Getting into shape, releasing endorphins as part of a daily fitness regime, improving oneself physically is entirely red pilled. Your confidence gains are indescribable. Maybe you'll quit sperging out at every /fit/ related post on /pol/, and try out and see what the fuss is all about

Your autism is excusing the reality of the benefits of being in shape. Keep on making excuses goy, go improve solely your mind and not your physique as well. Fucking kek, manlets.
Can you spread your asshole a little bit and post another pic? Not really wide, just enough so it makes an "O" shape?
The dirty monkeys are the plebs who think pleasing others matters. Money matters. Power matters. Control matters. Having people like your instagram picture doesn't matter.
Stop picking your acne, it only makes it worse.
>been lifting for 7 months
>thinks he is hot shit
Shut the hell up dickhead
good for you anon
I seriously try to imagine what its like to be small,

When I was 5'6 105 lbs I was probably like 12 or 13.
bro i wish, im like 15cm length, the shame of the family. >5" thick, which somewhat makes up for it, but im your plane jane dicklet that happens to be tall
It means you'll only hit each muscle group once per week. Muscles stop growing like 2-3 days after they are trained, so you go lots of days with zero muscle growth. You'll also never get strong, nowhere near as strong as someone training with either a full body routine or a lower/upper split. You will never reach your potential doing that type of training, you cannot apply periodization (look up this word if you don't know what it is) to that style of training.

This of course assuming you're training natty.
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>trying to kill the thread

fucking swamp krauts
You're dependent on false confidence. If your muscles go away then so does your self esteem. You're using a crutch. That's a bad model to use.
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pretty good
get banned faggot
Ga slapen kut
>It means you'll only hit each muscle group once per week.
the way I used to do it I hit every musclegroup twice a week
>the same damn dyel back picture every time.

Why do you never post a front pic, with your pecs and legs visible?
nee jij
>Money matters. Power matters. Control matters.

All of which is much easier to obtain when appearing physically dominant.

Those of you with pasty fat bodies will never know what it's like to have any of the following:

- Lesser-built men be afraid to look you in the eyes because they know they're physically inferior
- To know you can walk past most niggers without fear of them targeting you as "weak"
- Knowing you'll be ready to do physical tasks as needed if they should arise (I've helped more than a few people push cars out of difficult spaces when they've broken down on the side of the road)
- To know you can diffuse bad situations due to your appearance, such as when my walking up to some jerkoff who was screaming in his girlfriend's face after slapping her a few times made him put his hands up and walk off, letting her get away from being trapped by him
- Being able to negotiate better in business, as being physically impressive does in fact give you more bargaining power
- And, of course, knowing that women do regular double-takes at you because they find you appealing, which widens your base of opportunity and allows you to choose from higher-tier females than when you look unimpressive.

So many benefits, so much laziness from people here who make excuse after excuse. As if shitposting on /pol/ is a better use of your time than being physically fit, but whatever, enjoy your poutine gravy-stained t-shirt, it suits you.
>7 months
Good start OP but just remember that lifting between classes in college is easy as shit and it can be difficult to keep gym time in your schedule once you start working every day.

t. 3 years lifter who's fat but also fairly strong at least

No strength athlete trains like that. Only roiding bodybuilders and fitness faggots.
I started in June/July and have been doing 1 part per day. I see noticeable improvement but feel like I need to change things.

I think next week I will start doing this and see how it goes.
moar plz full body shot!
Girth is really what matters though, I have a girthy as fuck dick, it makes it look shorter. Condoms are always way too tight but always feel too long.
At least you arent small AF, just trim that body fat
>low carb
>shittonnes of water
>daily cardio

>Less pelvic fat .5inch
>Shave around your dick .5 inch
See? You just added another inch to your pecker
>false confidence
How can it be false if I exhude it every day?
>if your muscles go away then so does your self esteem
I completely agree, I once cut so badly that my body catabolized 2 years of strength/musclulature gains in the course of a few weeks. I was severely depressed b/c my progress that I had worked on was gone in less than a month. You know what fixed that? Going back into the gym, reapplying the knowledge I learned about hypertrophy/dieting/fitness, and getting back into a similar state in less than 6 months.

>using a crutch
The alternative being a low self esteem beta orbiter looking for social validation from those i deem better than me. Maybe once you leave the house on your own, youll realize that you interact with people every single day, with some hating you and others being just fine. Being fit and intelligent is the cornucopia to an excellent life.
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> /pol/ attempts a /fit/ CBT thread. Goes full homo in the first post
Holy shit you guys are living stereotypes
Show yourself faggot. >>105550747
You're pretty good
8/10 would mire agaim
you're a big guy
Sarah Silverman is fucking disgusting.
take it from an actual normie, people respect you way more if you have visible muscles

I can clean 140kg and deadlift 230kg for reps natty with very little time training. Show me what you look like faggot. I'm bigger than you and I don't even train to get bigger.
>only roiding bodybuilders and fitness faggots
and natty bodybuilders. And those that hold musculature and appearance over strength. I used to incorporate a compound lift at the beginning of my workout, then do a bunch of accessories. I got strong and physically intimidating looking at the same time, but of course at slower rates of strength gain if I had just done a strength-oriented program.

I hope you realize lifting for strength isnt the primary reason people should lift. If youve fucked up your l5/s1 and ac joint like I have, you kinda have to give up on the strength aspect and focus more on aesthetics.
>t. dyel

Wrong, dummy.

Stop being one of those people who think you can't get bigger/stronger unless you let your body recover more than it needs.

Fuck, it's almost like some of you don't realize that Olympic lifters train heavy every day, sometimes twice per day, and still make regular progress.

My best progress for gains without getting fatter came when I started hitting upper body 2x weekly and started adding extra leg work on my deadlift day as well.
Lol it's funny as fuck m8
im scared to step on the scale I know I pushed past 200 lbs (5'9'') :/ gonna start doing cardio I swear...
>STRONG chest
>pretty gud delts
>those legs.

Maybe its the angle, but legs arent looking up to snuff to upper body
wtf? he got the money to buy a new pant, belt and watch in just 45 days. amazing. economists hate him.
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6'4 205
2months into bulk
Ugly pose
All that stuff is rooted in insecurity and not needed. An MMA fighter has real power. A guy with a gun has power. You're just a Calvin Klein model.
>ugly non-white
>American flag

not surprised here
diet is 80% of the journey bro. Fix your eating habits, start counting with a digital scale, and youll be pulling qt3.14 stormfaggettes in no time.
>Fuck, it's almost like some of you don't realize that Olympic lifters train heavy every day, sometimes twice per day, and still make regular progress.

That is because their programs are periodized. With an accumulation, deload, and competition phase. Recovery is programmed into their training.
I train at an Olympic lifting gym, with a shit ton of current and ex national, commonwealth, and olympic team level olympic lifters.
>fictional country
>talking shit
>not posting body
Color me surprised

>Taking photos of self in mirror

This is beta as fuck anon. If you need the approval of others to feel good about yourself, you already have lost. Re-think anon.
I think a new rule should be having to post your current body pic whenever you shitpost someone in a /fit/ thread on /pol/. Let's see that supremely nordic physique, faggot.

Show me your pics twinkle toes. I bet you don't even lift, just fucking shit talk on the internet and fap to pictures of bodybuilders.
Your traps are joocy
Get off /pol/, non-white mongrel
thanks hombres, staying fit for what's to come
true. hurt my back squatting so i just run and hang clean. It's all good, kept a double knee cap though.
Go to /fit/ this isn't /pol/ related in any way.
health is absolutely the forefront to everything. Why bother squatting to 2-3x your bw if its just going to cause your knees to explode. If you have hills around your geographical location, hill climbs are excellent at building up legs. also, try smith machine squats, theyre honestly better than nothing.
t. michelin
>Kek, doesnt bother me
yet you bothered typing this long
i swear all these /fit/ sodomizers are closet fags
>being fit I would say is /pol/ related

its a part of being a positive man.

Olympic lifting has the lowest injuries of any physical activity and I'm not even memeing. People that get injured don't recover properly and don't queue technique. And of course, accidental injuries can happen, that can happen with anything.
I've gotten fat AS FUCK during the last months, fucking holyday season, my goal is to have my abs visible again before the summer is over also I need to even up my tan, my forearms and head are way darker than my torso
Some of us can be narcissists without needing the muscles. Until you cut out the middle man you will always be pleb tier. Fakers like you are easy to see through. We can see that you're severely insecure at your core and it's all facade. Pathetic.
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Because there's bound to be some impressionable underage nerdlet reading this thread, getting the idea that cultivating one's mind is the only thing you should be bettering. If I can offer a rebuttal to an aspie's incistence that one doesnt need to lift to have a better life, ill do so even it takes a few minutes to write.

and it doesnt bother me if that other faggot never improves himself physically. Because it really really doesnt, it just means 1 less chad to compete against in the world's limited stockpile of white women.

One of the lowest**
Fuck you, we /muttpol/ now
I hope Sweden files a copyright claim on you, flag stealing fuck
looking positively skeletal, my man. Hope you're doing GOMAD.
When the fuck did /pol/ become /fit/? Or /k/? or /b/? Jesus fuck.

you got a nice, kissable belly, handsome
Hang cleans absolutely blast the traps lad.
I don't feel like blowing out my ass every 30 minutes. I went the mass gainer route
Go to /soc/ catalog. Ctrl+F for "soft penis ratings". Profit.

getting back on the horse after the holidays and a couple of months of low intensity workouts due to a shoulder injury.

legs and back are still in good shape but i will need to regain strength in my chest, arms, and shoulders. i'm an olfag so i know the road back isn't so hard. gains incoming.
Im not trying to belittle powerlifters/oly lifters, because youre right, injury occurence is very low compared to other sports (futbol being a large one).

But injuries that occur when lifting with compound lifts can be brutal. I tried to get back into deadlifting/squatting after my l5/s1 strain, and its just never been the same. I spent the time perfecting form, judiciously doing direct core exercises to strengthen it, but i always feel a twang with vertical compressive load lifts. It sucks man, deadlift was my absolute favorite lift to do, when i was younger id be supersetting squats and deadlifts. Maybe i need to incorporate mobility/yoga into my fitness regime? maybe thatll help? in the meantime, ill focus on aesthetics and maybe one day improve to some a physical condition that squats and deadlifts wont bother me anymore.
This is bullshit. if you do a 3 day split, your body will have recovered enough for you to do an ABCABCD routine. Just run on D days.

>inb4 cardio kills gainz
Keep at it bro, remember we, your friends from the internets, are supporting you.
Great way to rehab from sports injuries or other accidents as well
Oh, I forgot you're not white and can't drink milk. Sorry.
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why do /fit/lets always get mad when fat people are comfortable and happy being fat ?
All of you are fucking retarded. Don't need more than 20% of total calories in protein a day don't fall for the protein jew or dairy jew. Only redpilled dairy grass fed low fat probiotic yoghurt and real butter. Eat fruit don't be a fucking retard. Eat spinach and broccoli ffs. Eat good quality fat like organic bacon, sirloin steak, lamb all has to be organic you fucking poorfags. Don't eat nuts except brazil nuts and if you must macademia don't fall for the PUFA jew. No fucking vegetable oils you idiots and refined sugar. Eat organ meats you pussy.
Now for the list of pure genius.
Vitamin E
Cod liver oil high quality
Vitamin D3
Garlic supplement
Mucuna Pruriens
You're not reaching for your full potential

Cause fat people are gross and should be exterminated. Drain of resources.
>An MMA fighter has real power.

Seen only in a fight, dummy. "Secret power" impresses nobody unless it's used. Wanna see me do math in my head? Prepare to be amazed!

>A guy with a gun has power.

I'm also armed for the times I need to be. So, I'm already now more physically powerful AND better armed, what's your excuse again for being lazy and letting your body go to waste?

It's okay, just admit your laziness instead of making excuse after excuse. It's better to be honest with yourself and others than keep trying to make your little ego feel better by pretending you have a valid reason to neglect the vessel in which you live.
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Why do /pol/lacks always get mad when white people just want to open the borders, convert to islam, race mix and be happy little cuckholds?
Nice, dude.
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10/10 leaf post
Because a little bit of willpower and perseverance can change all that. You can be as fat as you'd like, unfortunately there's no laws or legislation dictating that you be a certain level of healthy. But, being fat is unproductive. You're cutting away at healthcare expenditures because your fat as fatass existence requires a lot more healthcare related resources. You'll die sooner, likely requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of healthcare expertise and equipment to keep pumping blood into your pathetically weak heart, to pay for your insulin as youll likely become diabetic, to pay for the crutches and wheelchairs that will hoist your gelatinous ass to the far reaches of the globe if you didnt change your eating habits and gangrene set in to your diabetically affected limbs.

Fat fucks only have themselves to blame for being fat, noone else forced them to eat excessively or to be sedentary. A little willpower, a little motivation, a bit of perseverance, and you can be physically fit yourself.

People with mental dissabilities they acquired from birth? I truly pity them, feel sad for them, because they had absolutely zero hand in their state. But fat fucks? That's completely on them.

And I train with people who are high level in multiple strength disciplines, ranging from O-lifting to strongman (we have 3 pros in our gym), pro bodybuilders (I've enjoyed cocktains post-training with the former Ms. Natty Olympia) and even Highland Games athletes.

Of course, they'd say you have to periodize for most in order to avoid beating your CNS into shit, but that doesn't mean "take a week between each body part", that's old shitty info that doesn't apply to most people, and many can train the same parts multiple times per week AT LESS THAN 100% MAX and do well for continual progress.

So, in essence, you didn't refute that you can make progress with hitting the same part multiple times weekly, rather, you just stated the obvious that you can't go all-out all the time without burning out.
going straight into lifting without a cardio template doesn't seem like the best idea so i'm waiting until I run 6 miles easily
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not bad
the meme pills the trannies push on /lgbt/ work pretty well
you forgot
>your boyfriend's semen
on that there list sven
organic faggot
>i was younger id be supersetting squats and deadlifts

I'd never risk that personally.

Spend time doing back extensions, ab-rolling, chin ups, good mornings, etc. to strengthen the glutes, lower back, and the general core region. Don't go overboard with the weights, just do 8 - 10 reps with complete perfection. Do squats and Deadlifts along with it, but with small weights that won't cause pain (even just with a bar) and absolutely perfect form.

Also stretch the fuck and foam roll the fuck out of your hamstrings, glutes, and hips. Do that along with the bodybuilding fluff for some time and I think you'll be right.

How did the injury happen? Was it sudden or did you feel it the next day?
Forgot to say no bread / grain jew replace with bananas, potatoes etc. 20% protein 40% fat 40% carbs.
Been lifting at a gym for 6 months, shifting my focus from "getting big" to calisthenic functional strength.
No I can drink milk, but fuck a whole gallon a day, thats just dumb, GOMAD is fucking dumb. Rippletits is a meme
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What the fuck I'm 5'6 and 130, no way you can be 105 because I'm a skelly.
Thanks! Come join the fun you queers
Enjoy your grain fed gmo never seen sunlight pumped full of medicine meat and 13 pesticide spray coated fruit and vegetables goy.

Well then it seems we are in agreement?
>fictional country
Yes indeed, Swedish clay, kill yourself Norwegian faggot

Seems to be that way, but since this is /pol/, we inevitably have to argue before we actually find out there wasn't anything to argue about.
>you go to beat up some kid with inferior body
>you go to hit him with your beach muscles
>he steps in and hits you with fast strikes
>you drop and get BTFO

That's called real power. You're a paper tiger. You wouldn't know what to do if someone pushed you. You depend entirely on your image.

>what's your excuse again for being lazy and letting your body go to waste?

My body only needs to be functional. I'm not a vain retard like you. I don't waste my time on pointless shit.
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>tfw to smart four working out
I would post mine but I always trigger fatties and dyels when I do. So I shall refrain
but a lot of them are successful and wealthy too, so it's not always willpower and perseverance. maybe they just don't see appearance as a really prioritized thing ? when you try to attract girls with your physique, they'll be attracted to you mainly for your physique.
Why are you acting tough on the internet, leaf? Miss out on your protein shake?
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>i would post mine but you guys would be jelly

kek fuck off homo.
>trying to justify being a lazy fatass by calling those that take care of themselves "insecure", the favorite insult of garbage people
checks out
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Oops, pic related
thats actually a depressing OP pic... 6 months for that?
Are you really arguing that being healthy and fit isnt important?

Thats just so fucking retarded it doesn't even merit debate.

ITs is objectively better to be in good health and fitness for your life.

And I haven't even posted yet

>wash your veggies
>even grass fed meat is fed grain for the last 90 days or so to marble it, otherwise it would be tough garbage
>muscle doesn't store medicine

You are a dipshit.
>tfw when best student of my college class is fucking massive

MMA larpers are always interesting to watch, because they keep making the same claims of how "a real fight happens" as if things play out this way in the real world.

I've watched guys who are 600+ lb. deadlifters punch, daze, and then toss MMA tough-guys across the room before they knew what happened, all because they had the strength to do so.

Somewhere, I think you missed the part where I said that I've been a strength athlete for the past few decades, but whatever, stay fantasizing about rescuing a damsel in distress in the Octagon, I'm sure it's pretty kewl. Stay cucked, unimposing, and powerless, bro, since whatever "strength" you have is known only to you and you alone, all should fear the mighty MMA leaf!!!
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>calling out your bullshit

you are a bad person
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I don't doubt it.

Was poking fun at the leaf.
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>functional faggot

it all makes sense now
>you probably have a sword collection
>you've probably been snubbed by chad's your entire life
>you've built your existence on being better than those that are naturally better than yourself.

jesus christ anon, the first step to realizing you have a problem is to acknowledge it.
What do you mean by "functional strength"
>being even more mad

Woah dude relax I won't post it jeez.
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>he thinks protein shakes do anything

you gymfags sure are dumb
Estrogenic af too the whole industry is fucking retarded don't fall for it they tell you to eat lean meats, dairy and overtain. What you should do is eat good animal saturated fat no milk ffs that shit is poison it has been cleaned of all the good stuff and the entire dairy chain is full of mammalian estrogen especially un organic stuff still eat organic butter and yoghurt with acidophilus though.
Jason Genova when's your next IBFF meet?

your biceps look shooped.
Frankly, youre better off bulking for the winter, and cutting starting around march to be summer ready. Dont cut just yet, you dont have enough of an underlying musculature to make it worth it.
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Major progress
Protein shakes work just like any other source of protein, but they are a waste of money imo.
Post your body pic, let's see if you practice what you preach
Are you twink/otter masterrace or just a fatty
Shut up blue pill washing it off no chance. Go watch Bill Mollison and get into permaculture burger boy.
>I've watched guys who are 600+ lb. deadlifters punch, daze, and then toss MMA tough-guys across the room before they knew what happened, all because they had the strength to do so.

Nice autism fantasy. Was sonic there too?
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Progress has been fucking great.

January 4th marks my 1 year anniversary since I started trying to lose weight. 185lbs in just a year. Am currently at 20% bodyfat. Was easy as fuck. Anyone fat has zero excuse.

I give all credit to /pol/. Turns out white nationalism makes one take pride in ones self, and want to do better in life.
yeah but is bodybuilding necessary ? a man should be busy making money, not being attractive and avoiding death. just eat right, sleep right, and be full of activities is good enough.
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bretty guud
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>classic pseudoscientific retard response

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Second pic.
Hell yeah my dude
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atleast I'm not on the internet trying to pick fights with people
>you small fags sure are dumb
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Im proud of you

Strength is up pretty good. Started with 20lb Dumbbells a few months ago. I just bought some 35lbs and am feeling pretty good.

Get a good bench and anyone can lift even in their own room, apartment etc. It is great way to start, get into the habit of lifting.
Nice aggressive cancer and impotence in a vial, you farm animal.

Well, it is certainly feasible assuming a big weight difference. After a certain point, size helps a lot and if he just popped him quick with a sucker punch, certainly an expected outcome.
Great job big dog, way to push yourself.
Nice 1 lad.
You are describing how I feel in everyday life, I don't even exercise much, My natural life style and genetics have made me an imposing presence in all aspects of my life. I feed off manlets being afraid to be around me, Most satisfying feeling in the world.
Are Bloody Marys a /fit/ minded drink? The sodium content is scary but other than that they're pretty much a balanced liquid meal, especially if you throw in some beef jerky or a shrimp/craw for garnish
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good job bre
Average body. 6'2. Caring what your body looks like is feminine. You're one step away from makeup.
>that ID
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My nigga
Dude i find it feminine to be straight and not get naked with your male friends
Deadlifted and bent over rowed one day, and really felt it on the bent over row. Felt strained. So, the next day, since it was leg day (I had moved deadlifts to pull day), I instead did leg press, which completely fucked up my l5/s1, just made it feel SO FUCKING BAD. Apparently, leg press machine is very bad if youve had a back injury, because it crushes your spine into a C-shape. It literally felt like my lower back had a peg (being my sacrum) and a long rod (my spine), and they were missalligned, and the area of misallignment was giving me lots of pain. It started getting better after 5 or so days. Doing direct core work was like a magic erasor, it completely fixed me, but compressive vertical load lifts make me feel it. I tried doing leg press like 1.5 years after the injury, AND THE EXACT SAME PAIN REOCCURED. So im never doing leg press again in my fucking life, instead im doing bulgarian split squats, hill climbs, faggot machine accessories for hamstrings and quads, and slowly be incorporating upper trap back squats. Ill probably just start with the bar, and progress from there.

>was it sudden
Ill be frank, i felt twangs and had a sore back in the months preceding the injury, I had never had a serious injury before so I didnt realize they were warning signs of accumulated stress. It finally concluded after deadlifting and pendlay rowing the same day, with leg press the next day making it 10x worse.
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Endurance and strength and flexibility/maximum athletic ability/able to outperform the majority of folks/ability to survive in a disaster scenario... its not important to me to be able to lift a heavy thing 3 times. Id rather be able to lift a heavy load for 3 hours.


Not shooped, i have short bicep muscles. Idk what IBFF is or what the comment means. I was trying to bulk but its hard to consume more calories than i burn. I have lost 15 pounds of fat in the last 6 months and i am always hungry. I eat a primarily plant based diet because meat makes me sick. Its hard to not just eat shit carbs on a plant based diet. OR im just lazy...
On the stationary bike right now because I can't sleep.
> in the coming war the cardio fags will survive and the purmabulks will die

Not that guy, but at sane doses roids have few to no lasting side effects.
> (((THEY))) will load up 12 year old girls, and our drinking water, with female hormones, but male hormones cause bad things.

Lol, manlet.
You look legit pham

Keep up the healthy living
How tall are you?
>tfw i already look like the guy on HRT except with no titties and I'm not taking any hormones

I don't want to be a fucking girlyboy baka.
>drain of resources
Fit people eat more than they need. Bodybuilders especially.
Holy shit... work out/eating plan????? I'm trying to drop 80lbs this year. I'm on the verge of obesity, and every time I try doing the shit I did in the army, I hurt something.
what is this, impostor finland?

Bodybuilders are fags, fat people are huge health drains, costing way more than some food. Tons of food is wasted.
Current stats:

207 lbs
Bench 200
OHP 140
Squat 315
Deadlift 315

215 lbs
Bench 275
OHP 180
Squat 405
Deadlift 405

Other goals:
- Improve shoulder and hip mobility
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKc6hwPvsHg + shoulder dislocations, hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches
- Improve posture
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT_dFRnmdGs + foundation training
- Work out back more
What the fuck am I looking at here?
A trap? A twink? I often forget how fucked up this place can be.
Being fit isn't that hard.
4 hours a week is plenty to get a decent body, hardly a full time job.
And it improves everything from discipline to memory to how others look at you.
In terms of time expended vs. gains there's not much better than doing a basic workout.
Ofc I am. 6 months ago I was so fat it took effort to get out of my chair. Now I barely have any stomach and can bench 1.5 times my weight. With my current trajectory I will look like JoJo by august at the latesst
Word. I trained for BUD/S while in the Navy, made it through Hellweek but dropped in second phase. I was the scrawniest I've ever been but I was probably in the best shape of my life. I felt like I could tackle anything no matter the obstacle. The problem was, when I got out, keeping that level of conditioning. It's a lot of tough work. Those big lifts are great to kind of condense some of the endless training you end up doing. Good luck though.
yeah dont cut man, you need some more muscle mass on you.

>hard to consume more calories than I burn

Well, you need to if you want to get bigger/become more defined. You could slow bulk, by eating +250 calories over your TDEE daily, and slowly increase weight. Also, try drinking several bottles of water each day, you want to expand your stomach. Itll make eating more easier

>plant based diet because meat makes me sick
What about fish? whey protein shakes? Youre not eating enough primarily because your diet choices make it hard to consume enough. You need calorically dense foods. Try natural peanut butter/unsalted nuts for your fat macros. For carbs, rice/oats will help a lot (the latter being more satiating). For protein, 2 scoops whey protein every day will make it easier, and cans of tuna will as well. You CAN get your caloric needs based off a plant based diet, but its going to be hard man.

definitely look into expanding your stomach with bottled water, itll help you a ton
>uses picture of fat loser to mock people who aren't fat losers
>a fucking leaf
I can't wait until Chinese becomes your national language and I won't be able to read your shitposts anymore
>4 hours a week
but what do you do ?

A trink.
fuck, not meant for you.

meant for >>105556153
What the fuck are you doing up lad?

Funny talk coming from a LARP'er.

Let me guess, your last name is Chang and you think you're the Canadian version of Bruce Lee, right?

Holy kek, what you teenagers say never really ceases to amaze me. Just because I've seen guys who think their MMA skills get beaten up by guys who simply pick them off the ground and toss them like ragdolls, it doesn't mean you should get so upset. Go hit the dojo, get some of those LARPer frustrations out before you explode.
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Lmfao. She's clearly a woman. Also navel over waistline is woman. Navel under waistline is man

Enjoying time on /pol/ with my friends
>I love being fat
>change your beauty standard for me
>change your media for me
>pay for my healthcare
>higher healthcare premium is fat discrimination
>believe that being fat = health

Haha no.
Whenever I see someone post a pic on here and they resemble a woman in some way, I always have to assume it's a tranny. Since 9 out of 10 times it is.

5'9" 328 pounds. My tits are larger than my sister's and I haven't seen my penis basically my entire life. I was 230 pounds at the start of high school, and I just keep getting bigger no matter what I do.

I've had 2 of my chairs outright collapse within a month of buying them, and the piston in my current heavy duty one sinks down as I sit in it. I have no gf, but I work full time in manual labour (believe it or not).

Feels good man.
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Hiding that good jaw behind fat was pretty bad. Ya did good bra.
How much you cycle. I do 1ml Monday and 25iu HCG on Fridays. Getting great results.
How strange is this. I dont sleep with them but i recognise them better than you straights. I love being a skinny faggot. Hung to knees. Smoke weed all day. Read Bible. Get hit on. It's nice. A man can bring me to gym. Aint no woman doin shit because i do all her things. She can be the surrogate
If you're really heavy you should eat at a caloric deficit while doing low-impact muscle-building activities. Also lift.

Eating at a deficit:
Count your calories. If you find yourself hungry, fit in more vegetables and drink more water. Try to fit in some good veggie-rich meals like lemony red lentil soup. It's good for you, packed with fiber, and not super high in calories.

Low-impact exercises:
Biking is easy on your knees. Swimming is easy on all of your joints. Snowshoeing is a good sport, too, if you need to do a walking motion. Start slow, build up from there - don't burn yourself out. Pacing yourself is okay so long as you're working towards a goal.

Squat, bench, OHP, deadlift, rows. When you're light enough add in dips and pull-ups.
Eat more beef. Do squats and deadlifts.
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Thanks for the tips, m8. I just moved and have access to a lot of sea-fresh fish. I drink a hemp protein water every morning, i slam it first thing to junp start my metabolism. I was kind of broke the last two months which had me limiting my grocery costs but im in a situation to start being able to buy what i need. I try to drink a gallon of distilled a day. I recently started prepping big batches of oats and rice and i try to stuff my face with some kind of grain and legume dish every night before bed. I love eating seeds/nuts. I just havent ever sat down and counted lcalories--the fact that ive lost weight just tells me im in a cal deficit for the most part. I recently quit smoking weed every day which also fuxked my appetite for about 3 weeks. Is sleep super important to gains? I dont drink alcohol. Im afraid of increasing loads because i have a torn meniscus and one of my shoulders used t disolocate all the time, and i suffer from carpal tunnel in one wrist from carrying heavy trays as a waiter.
>Not that guy, but at sane doses roids have few to no lasting side effects.
>> (((THEY))) will load up 12 year old girls, and our drinking water, with female hormones, but male hormones cause bad things.

Exactly my levels are at the high end of natural. I blood test every 6 months. Last test was 1350ng which is high end of natural levels. Plus I cycle with HCG that allow your body to make natural test. It's people that get insane levels that is unsafe.
Eat more. Oats, milk, rice, potatoes, beef, pork, broccoli. Eat until you feel just a little bit come back up or until you aren't comfortable. You'll gain weight.
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If you don't hit the gym at least twice a day to prepare for the upcoming day of the rope you should honestly kill yourself.

Yes, i want to be physically fit as if i was at war and my life depended on it. ITs a lot of hard work and it sucks.
6'0" exactly

Eat less, exercise more. I started out going into ketosis, as it naturally lowers your appetite. I was at 4.3k calories a day to maintain my weight, so when I cut down to 2k or less a day, along with exercise, my first few months were crazy fast, lost 90lbs in 3-4 months.

I got into a routine with eating. 2-4 strips bacon depending on thickness, 2 eggs for breakfast. 250g of broccoli tossed with some minced garlic and ginger root, along with some sort of meat/fish for lunch. Larger portion of meat/fish for dinner. Kept that up for 9 months.

Still in ketosis currently, but I branched out. I currently super in love with spinach salads with 2tbsp of light italian dressing, 2tsp of grated parm, and a tin of sardines.

For exercise, I started out hiking in the trails in the mountains near my house. First couple of weeks I could only do the 2.2mile loops. Then after a month could do the 4.2mile loop. Did that for a few months, then started doing the 8 mile loop. In april of 2016 I joined the YMCA, and started lifting as opposed to cardio every other day. Fast forward to September, I learned I can run now. Stopped hiking, as that was taking like 2 hours a day, and started jogging.

First day I ran I could not run for a full mile. Literally the second day I went running I was able to run a mile. Third day I could go 2 miles. Fourth I could go 3. Stayed at 3 though I could do more, as I wanted to work on my speed. I stayed doing 3 miles, and after about 2 months, I started running to the gym instead of driving, so was running every day now. On cadio days, which is when I time my runs, I got down to 8min first mile, and am still working on getting 8mins accross all 3 miles.
lmao that was adorable.
thanks for the foreward head posture video, I've been meaning to fix that shit
I literally can eat an entire bag of chips a day and not gain any weight. 5'9" 135 here.
just do hundreds of pushups a day then. navy seals can do 500 a day
Try it out right now man, it takes like 4 minutes and you feel a change in your posture immediately. Just a warning but might make your shoulders feel a bit uncomfortable.
I'm just starting. I have awful willpower and I'm very lazy, although I have successfully lost weight twice.

5'10" and 285lbs, fucking fat

Herniated disk so I'm afraid to lift again but I know I'm just being a pussy
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>tfw to intelligent to be concerned with muscles.
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21 yrs old
160~ Lbs
Bench 145
Squat 165
Deadlift 185

When I started I couldnt even bench with the 25 plates, legit skinny fat legend.
I can never decide if I wanna cut or bulk, which makes my gains p shit.
Wanna introduce more cardio like hiking to get rid of the perma belly fat, but it kills gains.

Gonna try to break body weight bench before the month (wont be too hard if i go often)

I think imma make it :)
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My current diet
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I smoked 5 years all day every day, trust me its the best change youve done. For me, it ruined my will power, caused me to go years without seriously hitting the gym. Quitting weed will drastically improve your confidance and self-improvement, your motivation (!!!) and your willpower. The appetite fuckery that weed does can be pretty serious, but thankfully its temporary
sleep is very important. You need minimum 6 hours, but 8hrs. should be what you strive for. If you can get more, even better, but that cuts into being a productive adult. Sleep helps immensely with recovery, and you dont want to injure yourself my man, that will put a wrench into things
>torn meniscus/shoulders
Ok, youre going to want to go SLOW on increasing weight in your lifts. I hihgly highly highly recommend doing a strength routine, itll give you the time needed to recover (every other days like Starting Strength and Stronglifts), make you stronger with compound movements, and improve the strength of your joints and ligaments. At the end of, say, stronglifts, add some accessory workouts like chinups/dips to help with biceps/triceps that arent hit as often as say a PPL or arnold split.

Just take it slow and easy, increase weights periodically, and dont lift through pain. That is so very important, do not ever lift through pain. Soreness and pain is different though, and with Stronglifts youll be squatting despite being sore - that's fine.

Google "stronglifts", and follow that. Buy a digital scale and start weighting the (dry) foods that youre eating. Start counting macros, and youll be dieting and lifting properly in no time. You got this
that was me a while ago. now im 185/5'10 skinnyfat and it sucks. it happened over a period of months.

That isn't a lot of calories bud. Why is everyone so fucking stupid? If you eat less calories than you burn, you won't gain any weight.
I mean the big bag plus eating like shit in general. I just turned 18 tho so maybe its because Im young.
Nah, Asian sloot - in the full photos you can see the goods.

I'm not the guy you think you're replying to.
I'm 6'4" and have enough muscle for any normie, I really need to fix my cardio.

I don't think my 255x5 bench will help in a gun fight.

The gore and generally horrible shit on this site does nothing to me, but the love for faggots and other mentally ill disturbs me greatly.

Fucking (((Media))) and birth control leaching into the water - I'll say it again.

Those digits & your message inspirie me, fitbro. I will look into stronglifts. Bretty soon i will be working 60+ hours a week and it seems i may only be able to
get 6 hours of sleep in. Do naps during the day help or should i skip it? Also plsase tell me more about macros. What are your favorite staple foods?
Ok rambo
only posting one
I didn't take before pictures but I have shed over 35 pounds in four months. I was already exercising daily (3 mile walks every day, yoga and weight lifting three days a week) but then I cut my caloric intake from in the 2200 cal+ per day range down to around 1500 per day. No booze, no beer/wine, and no soda. I am back down to my 1999 weight of 210 pounds and I can see muscles in places that were covered in fat before. Not bad for a guy that is turning 46 in Feb. I want to get down into the 180s or so. I have also noticed a large number of guys hitting on me now that I have lost weight. I am coming to grips with being more than nominally bi curious, had a few one off incidents with oral years ago and now I think I might give bottoming a try.
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Also, does any one have experience with obstacle course races? What can i do to prepare myself to run one in february? (Warrior dash) i used to run XC in high school but my cardio these days comes from the elliptical. My gym has a rope to climb, & i figure pullups and squats and deadlifts will help prepare my physique.
I'm 19 and go to a gym that offers a free "cross fit" style class Monday Wednesday amd friday with weightlifting on Thursdays. On Tuesdays and Saturdays I lift weights at the Y and focus ,ain't on arms. I've went from 140 pounds to 155 in like 3 months. I'm 5"11. Yes I know I'm still skinny, but I'm joining ten marines as a grunt so I just need to focus on cardio. How can I bulk before bootcamp though? I leave now June, and don't wanna be the lean toned guy, I wanna be buff. I've always had a problem with weight gain, and my grandpa said before he joined the marines in 1962 he was 5"11 and 130, after a year in he weighed 190. Could it be my genes? Like maybe I'll grow and get big while I'm in like my grandfather, I hope at least.
Go to bed michael
What you guys crave for cheat meal? I've been obsessed with Deep Dish Pizza and beer lately for my once a week cheat meal.
Why is she going potty with her panties on?
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Are you leafs so weak that you think a 225x5 is particularly strong? It's solid, but you won't stand out when clothed.

Trudeau please Geau

Funny bc i was supposed to be named Michael, but im actually Anon.

He called you rambo cause of your stupid gunfight LARPing you faggot.
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>tfw to intelligent to read Forbes articles.
Skip the naps, you need 6+hrs uninterrupted sleep, getting into REM zone helps with recovery. Gotta do what you gotta do, thankfully with stronglifts its 3x/week so youll have time to recover properly.

ok man, this is the tried and true macro allotment that people on /fit/ ascribe to. This is how you want to diet, whether to lose weight, gain, or maintain:

>google TDEE calculator, find a couple and input your stats to get a #
>that # is the amount of calories you need to eat every day to maintain weight
>+250-500 from TDEE means youre bulking, while -250-500 from TDEE means youre cutting
>as you cut/gain weight, your TDEE changes so be sure to recalculate every 2 weeks or so.
>you want 1g protein per lb of bodyweight (this is an overestimation, but its ok)
>you want 0.45*(bodyweight) = grams of fat every day
>and the rest are in carbs. So if you calculatue your TDEE to be 3000 (and you weight 200lb), youd eat 200g protein (800 calories), 90g of fat (810 calories), and the rest in carbs (3000 - 800 - 810 = 1390 calories in carbs, which equals to 347g carbs).
>remember, 4 calories in carbs and protein, 9 calories in fats
Since youll be bulking, try slow bulking. Its eating +250 calories over your TDEE, allows for slower gains at the expense of lower fat gains, which I enjoy a lot for my 6 month bulks.

sweet potatos, white/brown rice, oatmeal, legumes, i think youre alright on this one (remember to measure the weight of dry foods, not cooked)

unsalted nuts, natural peanutbutter, olive oil, avocado,

salmon/tuna/mackeral, whey protein shakes, nuts, lean meats (chicken/turkey), beef on occasion, greek yogurt, certain protein bars, cottage cheese (my favorite, tastes bleh but has tons of slow release casein protein perfect for late night eating), eggs, milk, honestly a lot of options.
>go to work in illegal fertilizer mine
>swing pickaxe 10hrs a day with lost cousin Tygo-Jan

is this not an option for all dutch guys? until now I thought this is why every one I see in USA is a ripped ubermensch
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Thank you very much for taking the time to give me some knowledge. i appreciate you. Ill research this TDEE calculator
thing as soon as I can. Cheers to you, Anon.
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Going to the gym is now Rambo LARPing?

Being prepared to take arms is anything but the solemn duty of every American?

Is lefty-pol intrusion that pronounced?
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