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Croatia block's Serbia's EU accession

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Thread replies: 380
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Thanks lads, we owe you one.
Friendship when?
Wow Croatia is an asshole
Very soon baby, very soon.
This is a good thing.
Asking all Croatian men to post pictures of their dicks via an imgur upload so you don't get banned because by doing so you'd be making this board a better place for all of us.
Thank you horace
what did he mean by this?!?
he's gay
God bless
Once Shia-Orthodox alliance is done with Syria we ll move to secure Karlobag-Ogulin-Karlovac-Virovitica border
We ll save all the muslims, but only if they convert to Alawite or Twelver Shia

> Puerto Nigger

Didn't you get the memo that this board is only for whites?
Thanks broski, we have a friend behind enemy lines
Never thought I live to see the day Croats did something nice for us.
This guy always ask for Croatian dicks. What's wrong with you bro ? This is the 10th time I see you around here.
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No, this can't be happening. Come on Serbia, there's lots of gold hoarded that we can (((give))) if you join
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This is pretty funny, they are trying to screw over serbia by not letting them into the EU but instead it only helps serbia, also cucks like Vucic BTFO.
I always liked serbs but /pol/ made me like serbs even more.

One of the few based posters here, except for that 1 faggot CTR.
So are you all being sarcastic or are really happy about this?

Sorry lads, but I don't wanna open border our borders. We didn't have the last war just to become the same state again. Fuck the EU.
Serbia got its brexit without a vote cast!
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>So are you all being sarcastic or are really happy about this?

>be on /pol/
>be pro-EU

Do you know where you are, pham?
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gg wp
Wow. I never thought I'd see the day Croatians helping their neighbours.
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Not that it matters, if the trend of brexit continues the EU will fall in less then a decade.
You're welcome
Serb here, I'm going to impregnate a Croatian girl the next time I'm in Europe and come back to America leaving a crocuck to raise my seed. Jedva cekam!
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>oy ustaše genocide
Let's be serious mate
I rarely post to begin with. You should reevaluate your time and life if youve seen a poster so many times like that.
Why do you act like this is good for Serbia? Serbia is not fucking Switzerland it could so benefit from the EU it belongs there

Croats are fucking them over
Based Croats, saving Serbia from the Horror show that is the EU

Well done lads
The EU will collapse in the next 4 years, it's going to bring down the economies of all it's members, Croatia is doing the Serbs a favor
Would the EU just lead to Serb brain drain and increased kebab? I guess the gibs and trade would be nice.
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No problem,always here to help neighbours.I suppose Vučić is butthurt af?
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Posting picture of croatian dick
Well, at least I spend my time here doing creative forensics instead of asking for dick pics.
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>Why do you act like this is good for Serbia?
Joining the EU would entail open borders for rapefugees and being merkels bitch. Besides the EU is not in a good spot and will most likely fall under a decade.
It's a meme number just like 6 gorillion
> nigger gibsemedat mentality
> cucking for Germany
Serbia at least has potential unlike some other country down there.
Is Vuvic kill?
I'm literally laughing IRL at the desperation of Croat government
they need those nationalist votes so badly
that's why they are "bothered" by chocolate and this shit
maybe even in agreement with Pussylips
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They are doing you a favor. All the smart countries stay away from the EU. Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and now the UK.
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>Rarely post to begin with

Sure friendo. You were probably asking for an "acquaintance" of yours. No judgement
Its a shame then.
700k less sorfs would be nice.
Because we don't care.

We'd rather be poor and out of EU, than rich inside EU.

Not that we'd become rich inside EU, look at Bulgaria...
Why so gay PR?
Lol its because they're Turks
Refugees are the least of Serbia's problem, they pass their country anyway. Besides, Aleppo is liberated so waves will be smaller and smaller
yeah but realistically right now we don't have other options (both Serbia and Montenegro) unless Russians give us gibs
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>rape and genocide millions

>This must be an anti-serb conspiracy! We need to kill even more people!
That's some top tier mental gymnastics.
No, sitting in a pizzagate thread, which we now know were pushed by CTR to pass that anti fake news bill, is not useful or creative use of armchair forensic analysts.

That's the type of useful idiots we have here. Mein gott getting played until the end.
>this delusion
migrants are not Syrians for over a year now, it's Afghans, Pakis and Iranians
Why are you so gay, Texas?
Nobody benefits from EU except for the Rotschilds and their friends
this butthurt Turk, every single time
>and now he'll deny he's Turk
EU will lose its credibility once Britain officially leaves.
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So will Serbian Radical party benefit from this now that the Croats buttfucked the cucks?
What about us, nigger.
We are not poor because of EU, we are poor because we are shit people.
Look at ROMAnia, Poland, the Baltics. They all prospered great deal in the EU.

Fuckin serfhits.
SRS are a bunch of retarded fucks
How's that a delusion?
And how does your argument exclude mine? They are not exclusive.
Am not a turk, turk.
Man fuck the pizzagate. I don't give a fucks about kids nor pedos.

I just want that WW3 soon so Americans can use PR's as a human shield once again.
>we are shit people
you got that right, Abdul
>We are not poor because of EU, we are poor because we are shit people.

His point was that the EU didn't help you one bit, maybe even damaged your economy in the long run by over-regulating the shit out of it.
You still dont get it

The rich countries dont benefit but the poor countries benefit a lot.
Free movement, infrastructures and investement are just few things.
Dude,we have been in Eu for 3 and half years and literally nothing has changed because of it expect we have some better plastic bags.Yay.Also look at bulgaria,they are in it since 2007.
>being Turk is so shit Turks will deny it
can't wait for Bulgarians to boil you alive in a cauldron
You don't get rich in the EU, they plunder your country and make you like them or else. You'll be a province of Merkels caliphate, just like back in the Ottoman days.
You're a bunch of fucking idiots if you can't make your country work. Your wages are low af, all you have to do is work and undercut the Germs.
Romania really didn't.

The balts were always the best in SU

Poland did, but the money that went into Poland will never happen again.

It was a one time deal.

>tfw, Yugoslavia was offered the first place in EU before any soviet states
>tfw we couldn't reach an agreement, and said no.

Could have been us instead of Poland, but oh well.
Not true, just ask our government

WeI embezzled so much fucking money and it took the cucks of Brussels 6 years to say "p-p-please don't I-I-I guess"
(Why am I happy about this? I dont see a cent from it)
waves will not get smaller is what I'm saying
Thank you based Croats.
But it's not EU's fault, Dusane. Again, look at every other eastern country. They became richer.
>The rich countries dont benefit but the poor countries benefit a lot.

No. Some well-educated people in poor countries benefit because of the free movement, but not a single poor country benefits as a whole. Poland might be the only exception, they're milking Germany out of money like there's no tomorrow.

haha good b8 leaf very good haha
problem is we don't have an alternative
> Again, look at every other eastern country.

Which eastern countries? The Baltic ones? They got richer because they got rid of communism, not because of the EU.
The EU is evil goy, hehehe, stay here and be a doctor for 10 rubels, don't wash dishes in Germany for 50k euros
Lmao yes he stormed out of Bruxelles literally shaking right now.
>literally nothing has changed

All the new highways? The boost of turism?
Yes they will. Maybe not much smaller, but smaller nonetheless
Lel wat.

What? EU is a stagnating economy at best, downright collapsing at worst. At this point, closer economic ties to fucking Africa might be a better alternative.
they built highways before EU m8
now they have twice the debt of former Yugoslavia as whole, alone
Croats are just incompetent and corrupt, it's not EU fault, I agree
>All the new highways?
Our highways were top tier before the EU.

>The boost of turism?
Kind of, but it's been growing steadily since before we came into the EU.

We also barely broke even with what we're giving and taking from EU.
>romania didin't

4-5% anual gdp growth.
IT center in eastern Europe.
Reformed juridical system.


Its not that easy.
give a realistic alternative
>We'd rather be poor and out of EU, than rich inside EU.

Britbongs and Serbs are the only two countries that have this mentality.

Germans get so ragey when they find out money isn't everything a person is obsessed with, but it's their only argument.
Anyway, I'm from the future and let me tell you that we're never joining the EU but unfortunately we're going to be stuck with Vucic for life.
What a bunch of fucking whiners. Several countries did that to us when we were trying to enter the EU. Fucking deal with it. Fucking crybabies, no wonder the Turks ruled you for 300 years.
>croatian government dont understand they did us a favour
All highways were built from 2001-2010,we entered in 2013,and there was boost to tourism in recent years but that is mostly because of arab spring.

The eastern (Eurasian) market. We're a small country with a small economy, we don't need that big of a market share.
problem is your government is acting irrationally and is doing this for political points
sooner or later Germans will get mad and slap you
Do you fags use the Euro yet or do you still use Kune?
Croatian government is in your service anyway, just a bunch of commies taking revenge on their own people for ??? reason. Either that or more likely they all are so fking stupid to think we could actually benefit from this EU crap.
It is. The problem you have is the corruption and your elite thinking they are your feudal lords.
What political points? No one gives a fuck Serbia here. Literally, no one gives a shit.

You don't think Slovenia did it to us for political points? Actually, the outright tried to blackmail us to get a piece of our territory. Britain and the Netherlands also whined about something if I remember correctly.
Russians don't seem to be cooperative enough in regards to compensating us in that way
>sooner or later Germans will get mad and slap you
And we'll get mad at both our government and Germans. I welcome it.
Croatia, entering the EU - lost 100000 people. The Energy prices went up. They are leasing their highways because they cannot pay back their debt. The only one who benefits from EU is the European Central Bank and IMF
Debt is 84% of the gdp and its falling down for some time,and serbs have 75%.So i dont see how it is more than whole yugoslavia.Also gdp is growing steadily for 2 years now.But i agree that we are corrupt but not incompetent.
death tbf
if our autists supported by the Brits could do it back before ww2
we can do it now

If we had a referendum today whether to join EU i'm quite convinced No would win

Seriously, fuck EU. Their politicians are just as retarded as our politicians, just they have more power they have inherited from their ancestors
We are helping them

Down with EU!
don't lie
there is a big minority that is obsessed and they need their votes
and yes, Slovenians acted irrationally too
but point is Germans want to snatch Balkans before Russians do
they want Serbia and Montenegro in EU
you already lost good boy points by refusing to extradite those UDBA assasins
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Thanks famalam for helping us in elections next year.
Wtf i love Croatia now
Eat shit faggot you don't know anything about us

I'm sorry I don't jump on your one dimensional bandwagon
Kuna,one of few smart things our goverment did is keeping the kuna.
You might have a point, the relative wealth of Bulgaria vs the rest of the Balkans is the same as it was in the 80s, except for ROMAnia, though that could be because Chaushescu was a shit leader and kept them poor, because they're a lot richer now,
I don't think you understand how precarious your position is
just convert your debts to 1990 dollar value
Yugoslavia had 20 billion
right now you're more indebted than Yugoslavia was
yeah that ended well
There's much more to Eurasia than just Russia, pham.

'Sides, you can't expect a country to be cooperative if we're dead-set on joining and kissing ass to their rivals/enemies.
That's great, go to war again, see how that works out for you.

Actually, people here don't care enough, because we should care about the fact that Croatians in Serbia don't even get Croatian textbooks in schools while Serbs here get a shitload of money and parliament seats. Other than that, no one gives a fuck.
>you understand how precarious your position is
I understand perfectly that people want a strong right wing, almost fascist government and that it can be achieved only by force. The more we get mad at EU and the bigger the collapse, there's a bigger opening to do something.
meant to quote >>102715011
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Croats ITT: "EU is bad Serbgoy we are doing you a favor, you don't need the EU Hrvoje has your back"
Dude are u retarded my country got more problems because of the EU the only good thing was that gypsys moved the fuck out to western countries.
We want the favor too, Croats, fuck the EU.
but we don't want EU
>Croatians in Serbia don't even get Croatian textbooks in schools

Why the fuck should they?
>retarded putinbot spotted.

There is nothing to know about you. No history, no identity, no own language. You are a made up hybrid wannabee country.
You're no some kind of mystery you know. You are the standard nigger who thinks his new EU overlords will notice them once they help them to get into power. We euroshills here too.
Slovenia and Croatia were always richer than Serbia, Bosnia, Romania and Bulgaria.

Why should the Serbs here get Serbian textbooks? They can even take the state exam in Serbian, they get their own newspaper financed by the Croatian government and parliament seats. Now even you got seats in big national companies. This is why you should be blocked, unless you can make things right in Serbia.
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Feelsgoodfamalam but that is not because of the EU.
>Croatians in Serbia don't even get Croatian textbooks in schools
What? They get original version of modern Croatian language, thats even better.
kk np bro
but drop the "Croatia is arming themselves to destroy Serbia" meme

Aint no one got time for that war shit
maybe you're right
still some guarantee is necessary
both of us are in awful position
sure I don't disagree
but "muh Serb chocolate", that's fucking pathetic and outright idiotic when you consider how much Croatian capital is in Serbia
Start sucking Chink dick hard, I naravno imate jebeno 20000 Rusa kod sebe, pokupovali su pola Crne gore.
This is why no one likes you and why you're not going anywhere as a country, you only focus on your historical myths and lies.

The chocolate things is embarrassing, I don't even know who started that. Our president should've reacted better too.
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>Croatians in Serbia don't even get Croatian textbooks in schools

Is this what you want?

I'd be glad if I were a Croat in Serbia. At least I'd learn my language properly.
You know its true, my dear shtokavian friend.
>Slovenia and Croatia were always richer than Serb, Bulgaria and Romania
>Romania and Bulgaria still have shitty wages

ne pričam ja samo za nas nego i za Srbiju
mi smo od Rusa dobili dosta realno
Thats just our retarded president,most people dont care about that.Bigger problem is that she was giving them her picture like shes stalin.
lel you think I can read cyrillic? I want Croats in Serbia getting the same treatment as Serbs get here.

Yeah, go on about how glorious you are while sitting knee high in mud and shit.
>Britbongs and Serbs are the only two countries that have this mentality.
Most of eastern Europe has that mentality mate
>Why should the Serbs here get Serbian textbooks?

Because percentage-wise, there's much more Serbs in Croatia than Croats in Serbia.
>lel you think I can read cyrillic?
Underage detected
But he is literally right.

Croatian is just Serbian with archaic words, like tisuca-hiljada.

Tisuca is used in Dusan's Code, https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA

Also, we can talk to each other directly with 0 problems, all you are doing is furthering the divide with separate (but completely same) languages.

That's how you evade multiculturalist bractvojedinstvo bullshit.

Be an enemy but stay away. That way we can be good friends.
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>Croatia block's Serbia's EU accession

Maybe Europe asked to Croatia: ''Hey Croatia do us a favour please..''
do you really need that? It seems we are all milking the "we r oppresed" cow on both sides

I dont even know why do we even have those convos, my best friend is a Serb and he never even tought of the idea of having different textbooks

I'd rather be hungry and free than fed and under German rule.
That's not the point. Serbs here have constitutional rights. Other minorities in Croatia that are miniscule here also get their own textbooks and can take the state exam in their own language. I know how Croats in Serbia get treated in this regard, so don't bullshit me. You should be blocked for that alone.

I'm 25. Yes, you as a people and a country are that irrelevant to me.

I don't give a shit. Go get a job.
probably not, since EU wants to tie Serbia from the "evil Russians" meme
Fuck the EU, even our relations with Russia are going to shit due to their bs
And Russians really dindu nuffin to us to deserve that disrespect
if chakavian is croatian, kajkavian is slovenian and shtokavian is serbian, then torlakian is bulgarian, right? we agree?
>get proven wrong

>hurr I never cared

Come the fuck on...
Btw didnt you have elections a few days back,who did you choose?
>do you really need that?

I literally couldn't care less, I'm just giving you a reason for the sake of discussion. Besides, you're EU now. You have to much more respectful to minorities and shit.
Unlikely, the EU will stop at nothing to expand it's political reach. The more serfs the better.
>>Romania and Bulgaria still have shitty wages

They don't retard they were 300% lower 10 years ago now a toilet cleaning job in romania pays 600 euros
>They became richer

No, they haven't. All they did is get gibs for the public sector.
Stop, you're embarrassing yourself on a chinese hentai porn forum.
Opposition won Skopje
Govt won the province

Both 50 mandates each and 10 mandates for albanians
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Who in their right minds would want to join EU at this point in time?
Why would you take the Serbs into EU when you can take the Turks?
So the Americans still didn't get their way?
Another election coming right up senpai

>Be in the EU for nearly 10 years
>Barely have wages better than none EU Balkan countries

Yeah really good. Kys you gibsmedat nigger.
fucking montenigglet i will beat the fuck out of you
Actually Croatia and Slovenia doing better are thanks to austria being just up there and relocating a lot of pharmaceutical and industry factories to those countries to benefit from more competitive salaries. Since that happens since the 1970's-1980's is has a good influence on the long-term.
Actually the poverty rates and actual-well being are higher in Serbia and Albania than Bulgaria and Romania. Don't trust the statistics, most of Romania's and Bulgaria's administration were purged of corruption after entering the EU. The economies of Serbia and Albania, and Montenegro, still are heavily underground and not declared to avoid the fisc. A quite high percentage of workers and rents and other stuff are done in the black market with no declaration to the State, or people often hid their true wealth to benefit from state subventions, even if they are very small, and thus are counted as "poorfucks". After doing a Balkan Tour for 1 whole year I came to that conclusion. Also keep in mind that Montengro and Albanian coast are frequented by huge numbers of diasporafaggs who got rich abroad or easterners like russians or ukrainians or polaks, czechs, etc with a shitload of money and most of them pay in cash. And the touristic business mostly operates in secret and doesn't declare shit neither. Same shit happens in touristic spots over Serbia like Beograd or even Bosnia, like Banja Luca (even if serbians though). And prices in the Croatian coast jumped sky fucking rocket since they joined the EU, which caused some kind of exodus of tourists down south, to non EU member countries.
To put in other words, the EU is a good deal if you have a respectable size, with an actual industry like Poland. If you are an almost irrelevant little country heavily relying on underground economy, tourism and maybe to a lesser extent in illicit activities money, the EU is definitely a bad deal, since you lose all of those and become a leech country like Greece trading votes for gibs
25 year old kids like your countryman here >>102717674

Please talk to him, he's embarrassing himself.

Fiver says he or his parents are on government's tit.
>ITT autists using arguments like "REFUGEES" if Serbia enters Europe

You dumb faggots don't know that they already mass flood Serbia hoping to reach Germany and other WE countries. The point is that they're avoiding Bulgaria. Because we've been in the EU since 2007 and we're not progressive refugee lovers. Refugees are so afraid to pass through Bulgaria that they take the long route through North Greece - FYROM - Serbia
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what a shit attempt to derail a pretty nice thread

I honestly wonder if that guy was just using a proxy.

Never saw him respond in Serbian.


The common people are happy.

Politicians aren't because they get less chance to embezzle money.
This is only thing I like about Croats.
That they will save us from ourselves.
Also Kosovo gross and net income being higher than Serbia's and Albania's is plain bullshit. It's just that since Kosovo is UN-ruled, all of their economy is declared and counted in statistics. In Serbia and Albania like at least 50% of the actual GDP and revenues isn't counted because it's done underground and not declared.
Anyway, Bulgaria and Romania doing barely better than a country that exists since 2008 and was btfo to the stone age by serbians even though they have huge lands, population and resources is a fucking disgrace and should convince anyone that the EU is just a fucking scam by germans to fuck with Europe for the third time in a row.
>The common people are happy.
Are they mad at Croatia regardless or they couldn't give less of a shit?
Everyone pays in cash here.

Also, any Balkan country joining the EU means the young folks with degrees leave the country to go work in Germoney, and never come back.

This is a really bad deal for our countries, and is the primary reason why joining the EU is bad from our perspective.

Also, yes, people still leave even without EU membership, but they work on tourist visas, instead of legally, which means far less jobs, so the numbers are smaller.
Hopefully, we, the non-eu, countries will attract the Ruskis and the Chinks and get some nukes for stabilizing the region.
A man can dream and hope.
Post of truth
He's a shiptar, posting under proxy.

Nobody gives a shit about Croats, they have their own problems to deal with.
>but unfortunately we're going to be stuck with Vucic for life.
color me surprised
Nobody here pays the taxes, dont trust the statistics.
My monthy wage is 500e, and only 200 is taxed + I do some freelancing jobs for additional 200,250e per month.
With 700e per month I live like a God here.
>and get some nukes for stabilizing the region
>mfw imagining macedonians with a nuke
Is Serbie the official nation of /pol/?

/pol/ is more like Yugoslavia except it's not a commie
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>With 700e per month I live like a God here.

Your definition of "living like a God" must be pretty fucking modest, pham.

>Refugees are the least of Serbia's problem

True. But they're still hunkering down in the center of the capital, burning fires at night to get warm, shittying up the place, and making the cops watch over them 24/7 in case someone feels like purging the place.


Balkan Union. Not federation. Just a union of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.

First we have to invade t*rkistan and kill everyone there though.

Every alliance needs a common enemy and nothing more unifying that muslim invaders occupying rightful Greek clay.


Don't give a shit.
eh /pol/ is not for yugoslavia with all the kebab

serbia #1 /pol/ country
he can drink every day a few zajecarca
and have a decent meal
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Thread theme
>Just a union of Croatia, Serbia...
Hahaha, no. Croatia will got with Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and maybe Slovenia.
At least we will keep the nato eu shiptars incheck
This is the kinda degenerate you get when you have 20+ years of brainwashing pro-EU from both major pollitical parties in the country
Are you the same guy who asked for my dick pics a month ago?
t. Shiptars

What, trying to make V4 into V6?

Dunno if that'll happen, but best of luck about it.

My post was only a suggestion, I don't really care for any sort of union, in response to that one guy asking for alternatives.
divide Bosnia when?
I'm not complaining.
>>102719555 (Checked)


First we have to kill off everyone who proclaims "bosniak" to be an actual ethnicity.

Then we kill every non-Christian.

Then we divide the place fair and square.

Seriously though, after the Ottomans were no longer ruling these lands, I have no idea why the local Serbs and Croats didn't just straight up genocide the faggots and their descendants who converted to islam.
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>a few zajecarca

Beer is pleb-tier. Žestina or get the fuck out.
Every single person who remembers the bombarding in Serbia, the war in 2001 will never love EU or NATO unless you are a shiptar or underage libertard
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Thanks for agreeing balkanbros.
>tfw albanian and have to post under proxy flag so others actually read your post instead of posting the memri tv shitskin maymay
Actually the US and Russia influence zone are a good deal for now if we consider Trump being president for the next 4, maybe 8 years. If Trump and Putin make USA and Russia bros, an appeasement is possible in the balkans as well, and we can even dream of a normalization of relations between slavs and albanians, ban of religions, or at least muslim one and putting in jail orthodox and catholic undercover kikes who shill for lobbies (there are some, to a way lesser extent that muslim influenced fucks but there are) and the creation of a free trade zone in the Balkans, like that czech economist once proposed, without all the political bullshit like the EU or Yugoslavia.
Peace among balkaniggers bro please.

>inb4 gib kosovo before normalizing relations
This is an extremely controversial question and at least we can agree that we'll never agree on that one, so let's not go down that road and leave kosovo bullshit out of a balkanthread for once, else the discussion turns into a shitfest with faggs on both sides posting muh dedd cuntrymen pics and other stuff.
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Yeah. I just don't think we can work with Balkan well. After 200 years of gravitating towards Rome and MUH CATHOLICISM, then 800 years of Austro-Hungary and now the last 100 years... It's a lost cause to go that way. I think it's fate that pushes us the other way.

Gib sve od Neuma do Mostara.
yugoslavia when?
because (((they))) won't let us
when you give the 13 colonies back to england
>not realizing that the orthodox church kept our hopes up for 500 years
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Bosnia is ours
Now that Trump is prez, he wont give a fuck about Dayton and Republika Srpska can secede, its pretty much done.

You can take Federation, but please note there is a muslim infestation. No takebacks!
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shit map, here's a better one
>Croatians in Serbia don't even get Croatian textbooks in schools
oh no, how will they learn croatian then
you should bomb them anyway. this is still a slap in the face
>note there is a muslim infestation
Muslim infestation gets serious only east of Mostar. I'm content with stopping there. The rest you can purge.
The question was whether people hated the Croats or didn't give a shit. I said people don't give a shit.
You interpreted this as aggression.
I'll kill you

You too
good plan but you have yet to plan for debalkanization, yugoslavia must be reunited.

As a Bosnian Serb from Posavina I honestly consider migrations a better solution.

Koridor is a big problem for RS which will need to be solved at one time or another.
I think people would easily agree to v6 here,i dont know why our politicans dont go for it,same with slovenia.

>yugoslavia must be reunited.

Fuck that shit.

Only diaspora and nostalgiafags think that was good.

Protip: it wasn't.

Not to mention the shit that Tito pulled with Kosovo and Vojvodina.
the le gommunizm :D meme didn't help either
Heard that name few times but dont know what it means,what the heck is Koridor?
Are you still here?
You have been visited by the Hrvoje of Cuckblocking
Good luck, kebab removal and healthy society will come to you but only if you post "BOG TI POMOGAO HRVOJE" in this thread.
and how do croats get treated here?
Serbia provides textbooks for its minorities, like Croats, just not textbooks published in the neighbouring countries (eg. Croatia).
They have to follow the same state curriculum, but they are defined together by whats called minority national councils, Croats same as any other minority have one.

This EU roadblock is just more nationalist bullshit from Croatia.
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This brave savior
Actually albanians are legit in macedonia, just like greeks and serbians. Bulgarians are invadors t b h. That region was called "Emathia" for the western part and Makedonie for the southeastern part not so long ago, one term meaning "the great one" in albanian, due to that region being mostly flat and not fractured by mountains like the rest of Albania and the other one being in greek.
Now as an albanian I don't give a fuck about getting albanian part of macedonia back, we have enough problems in our tiny piece of land to import other problems from macedonia albanians, who are mostly brainwashed by saudi and turkish propaganda and money during the last 15-20 years to be honest, and being considered second class citizens by bulgarians larping as your ancestors and ancestors of your greek neighbors doesn't help either. I'll be ok with a repression of islam in macedonia, and actually giving away your we wuz bullshit and create a federal like country like belgium or switzerland to turn albanians and makedon bulgarians into decent human beings again. That would mean one more country of albanian language and one more country of slav language, ,and it would serve the interests of both our races in the international field, instead of stupidly separating the country or going on a genocide path, which never has worked and never will in the Balkans, it would only spark a new devastating war to keep us retarded some 50 years more.
no, Serb lands need to be reunited. Ethnic principle, Kosovo goes to Albania, Hercegovina to Croatia, Krajina to Serbia
Only fair
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>be poor and out of EU, than rich inside EU.
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Why so modest senpai?

>ethnic principle

Tonibler detected.

You're quick to claim land on ethnic stats now that you've expelled the Serbs so thoroughly.

No deal.

You're getting genocided and that's that.

There can be no peace with albanians. We learned that the hard way.
>Balkan Union
i think the same, balkan union would be great for us to become relevant like in the yugo times. fuck eu, let's have our own place with blackjack and hookers
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>Kosovo goes to Albania

The fuck?
>what the heck is Koridor

The actual corridor in NE Bosnia which, if fortified, cuts off western RS from eastern RS and Serbia.
>Kosovo goes to Albania
>Serb lands need to be reunited
SDSM promised to cantonize it for "muh direct democracy" and won a ton of the albanian vote


This confirms we will never go to war with albos
>if fortified

unless fortified*
Literally no point in doing that....
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Best one here.
Kosovo today is full of šiptars. I don't even understand why you'd want it back
be realistic. we should give it to albania with mitrovica going to us, and perhaps a few enclaves (to protect the monasteries and churches). Only problem is Prizren, with Bogorodica Ljeviska.

We should take all the lands where Serbs formed an ethnic majority in 1991, inlcuding Montenegro with the meme "Montenegrin" ethnicity.
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>ethnic cleansing doesn't exist

You of all people should know that's not the case, Hrvoje.

We remove the Toniblers, then we move back in.

Simple as that.

I mean, do you abandon your home just because there's cockroaches in it or do you exterminate them and keep on living there?
Can someone explain something to me.

Ok, people were killed on basis of ethnicity, religion, etc. They were relocated. They were driven out.

Since you already did all that, why the fuck didn't you just make a map that looks like a normal country instead of this shit? It looks even worse than reverse Croatia.
or fuck it, let Croats keep Krajina, we get a bigger chunk of Bosnia in compensation. Fuck """""""""""""""""""""""bosniaks""""""""""""""""""""
When you stop you aggressive behavior, when you stop sucking Saudi's dick, when you stop with the blood feud, when you stop fucking us in every single opportunity you get, when you stop building mosques on every corner...

I can go on but you see my point, I can name tons of more reasons to hate and not a single reason to like you. And yeah, nobody will buy that shit "prosperity"; "better live" ; " EU NATO", I mean nobody, speaking for serbs too, after all the things you did here and on the balkans.

You have just realized what shit have you done to us all and now you are calling for peace?
Be honest guys, that land is 95% albanian now, give up. Having some extra land will not help you being relevant againt. Hong Kong is fucking tiny and is far more relevant than all balkan countries put together. Worl towards an economical union of the balkans, leaving back the old feuds and see how this works out. Serbia is already huge and not that density populated to need a new expansion pack.As for history and stuff, any balkan country has its own stories, some being true, some being myths they pulled out of their ass. We can never know who was first where and who sparked war first with who. It would be pointless just like vendetta shit, that never stops. Get over it, learn to hate the other in silence and eventually when things get better due to economical union, your kids and grandkids will learn to cohabit with the former enemies just like france and germany.
It's the same as our Vojna krajina, a bunch of Serbs migrated there and a couple hundred years later say that it's their land.
e nebu išlo
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>be realistic

I am being, Tonibler.

I am thoroughly willing and capable of killing your kind for a whole year, with knife or bullet (manually inserted if need be), to make sure that Kosovo is rid of your kind.
We'll break up before that happens, god willing

Can't wait for this to happen to capitalize on €'s demise and buy a bunch of real estate in our beautiful homeland
>be realistic

I am. If Croats managed to pull off "Oluja" and the international society saw literally nothing wrong with it, we should be able to pull off our equivalent of that operation on Kosovo. It's not like ethnic cleansing on that scale never happened.

It turns out UUUsomeoneUUU was helping kebabs fortify the Tuzla-Zenica-Sarajevo line so we couldn't form a rough neck in that region.

>give up


It's not about having extra land.

It's taking back what is ours, what has been rightfully ours for a thousand years, back.

I'm not about to let some mongrel infested shitstains of a people hold over land that is ours.

And you're clearly a Tonbiler in diaspora, you're not good at hiding your shiptarness.
>Hong Kong is fucking tiny and is far more relevant than all balkan countries put together

No its not greece has twice their economy and they're a tax heaven
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>do you abandon your home just because there's cockroaches in it or do you exterminate them and keep on living there?
Cockroaches are virtually impossible to exterminate. If you think that's a good analogy then I suggest you don't even bother.
I've ust noticed something, especially in these threads.

Serbo-Croatian relations work pretty good, there's some hatred and banter but we can stay distant-enemy kind of friends.

Until kebabs roll in screeching. It's true what they say, three's a crowd.
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The EU has fucked up enough by including anything east of Germany.

Trust me Serbs, we're not gonna make that mistake again. If not the Croats, someone else will veto your ass out. We have enough gibsmedats niggers as it is, including the Croats.
u serbs are still in denial that we cleansed u while ur commanders wanted to repopulate kosovo with serbs after losing the war
on the other note there are no civilians in kraina since u commited high treason and should be shot vlasi in denial

Albanian diaspora is fucking everywhere.

Most of the time when you see a non-Balkan flag shitting on Serbia/Serbs, it's diaspora.

And I find that fucking hilarious, because there they are, all the way over there, defending their shitholes, but still running away and from it like rats from a sinking ship.
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The Eternal Croat
>pic rel
We should have left them in a smaller Austria-Hungary, to do their favorite thing, suck German dicks for eternity, and accepted the deal offered in London in 1915, with the clay in green going to Italbros
>land border with Italy how based is that
But noooo we had to save our """""""""""""""""""""brothers"""""""""""""""""

Trecherous german cocksuckers
>enough gibsmedats niggers as it is, including the Croats
We didn't pull more from the EU than we gave in. We're basically at zero.
Kada god vidim bosansku zastavicu zamislim si nekog smiješnog, simpatičnog, debelog momka koji ne bi mogo ni mrava zgazit. Također je malo gluplji, sa sela ili tako neke pripizdine te se po cijele dane zajebava. Ima +25 i djevac je.

Kada vidim srpsku zastavicu zamislim si neku alfu, normija koji je zao, agresivan i koji bi te sjebao samo tako. Također da je crn i ima puno dlaka na sebi. Obavezno je navijač crvene zvezde ili partizana te je nacionalist

Kada vidim hrvatsku zastavicu zamislim si uvijek neku mršavu pičkicu koju bi prebio samo sa par udaraca. Nema skoro ništa dlaka na sebi, nikad nije jebao niti se socijalizira s ljudima poput Bosanca. Netko tko je ljigava osoba koja se pravi da je dobra, a zapravo je zla.

Što se tiče slovenske, zamislim si nekog blijedog bogatuncica koji gleda odozgo ostale ex-yu cigane koji su crniji od njega. Inteligentan je i pičkica poput hrvata

Crnogorska i makedonska - neke chill tipove koje boli kurac za sve. Lijeni, ciganoliki poput ostalih, isto su pičkice, ali ne kao slovenac i hrvat
Based. Europe needs less shitskins, not more
it's shitty thing to do. why we can't just stay normal enemies like we used to? same shit zlovenia gave us.


Jel neko ozbiljno misli da ova šiptarčina ili proksi govno može da zavara nekog da mislimo da je Hrvat ili uopšte neko ko pripada ovde na Balkanu?
>We have enough gibsmedats niggers as it is, including the Croats.
We get the same amount from the EU as we put in. Of all members we're the closest to a net zero.
If you want to complain about gibs, i suggest you talk to Poland.
Why not just make a vertical line and give up the entire northwest part then.

When you do a territory grab with hopes that it will some day become part of the main country, it has to make geographical sense, something that doesn't make the college trainee who's supposed to stamp it for approval in whatever bumfuck CIA office for the third world go crosseyed from looking at it.
I have no clue of what happens in Macedonia but I guess that's a good thing. Keep normalizing those relations and our economical situation, just like the economical situation of all balkan countries will improve.
We are not, in any sense, even related to turks. At most some turks have albanian blood, just like some have serbian or greek blood, due to superior janissaires cock. The bastardization of races between balkans and turkey happened from balkans to roachistan, not the other way around, since a lot of our scholars and army men moved to turkey for better job opportunities while turks had no interest in coming here, plus all of our lands, from serbia to greece were administrated by locals and order was kept by local soldiers and policemen. Not a fucking turk ever set foot on the balkans except for ranged battles. Even fucking Constantinoples was mostly taken with stolen kids of greek, albanian and slavic stock.
Look dude, WE are not doing shit. WE are albanians from Albania, mostly atheists, never involved in any balkan was since 1913 and WE never agressed you. The albanians living in your lands were treated like niggers and spoiled of any little coin, so no wonder when a shitskin with a hugeload of money comes and gibs it to largely uneducated peasants since albanian schools were prohibited for a long time, and actual administration jobs are forbid to albanians, they tend to be brainwashed. Then again, with the Hoxha mindset and a religion ban like we did, things would go fucking better, and if you stopped harassing them they would be more willingly to shil for Macedonia and feel Macedonian.
Oh, it's le Romanian "everybody thinks that I'm Anglo" subhuman

The only Albanians that aren't related to Ottoman Empire are the ones that fled to Italy in the wake of Albania getting conquered. That's it.

The Albanians in Albania and Kosovo are nothing but mongrels.

Degenerate bloodlines. Weak and cowardly and treacherous.

Filth that should be expunged by any means.

You're the kind of people that should be slaughtered by a cleaver or a knife. A bullet is not wasted on animals like you.

Bottom line is, once there's a war going on here, once you have no support left from the USA/NATO, you're getting removed from the Balkans.
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>serb is the only alpha
only one of that sorry bunch who liberated himself from foreign opression every single fucking time
Where is your Karadjordje, Ustaše and balije?
Only thing you know how to do is slaughter Serb women and children, while under protection of a foreign great power
>ottoman empire
>third reich
One on one you get your pussy ass handed to you
not an argument
>Why not just make a vertical line and give up the entire northwest part then.

That's what I mean by migrations here >>102720179

Imho the best bet would be to move Croatia/Bosnia Serbs to Kosovo/Sandzak and send kebabs from there to Bosnia.

That way kebabs can have their little containment country and we can avoid getting pitted against each other every now and then.

I'm gonna need some evidence of that, because as far as I'm aware, there's not a single East-European country that puts more into the coffers than it takes.

Point by point, same.
Fucker, read the thread I clearly said i'm albanian posting under proxy in my second post.
And we also have our bullshit theory like you about being here first. The truth is those lands were never of one single ethnicity, no such thing existed before, there were greek, bulgarian, romanian, croatian, german enclaves in kosovo, serbia, albania all over. Prizren has always been albanian. Gjakova as well, it fucking is in albanian. And going by that thinking, you own nothing in the Balkans, since you came here in the 10-11th century. If you bring up that retarded caucasian theory, 1 you're wrong, 2 well let's all get the fuck out of here and live the whole balkans to greeks who at least are well proven at being legit here.
Greece has no fucking lever over politics anymore since germany owned them by the balls. They are living under constant threat of being shred to pieces by (((banks))).
>cantonization good thing
Yeah sure...

>albanian muslims shiptars but we atheists gud shit
Why dont you keep your own people in check? They werent our problem but they are now a big pain in the ass.

>we treated them like shit
You dont realize that we were forced to accept the Kosovo niggers and gave them a place to stay, but what they did we get in return for this favor? They made a war supported by the same people who forced us to acccept them.

You know what, why dont you fuck off from this thread and make Eternalo Albo thread on /int/
>that pic
>We(Kosovo) are that close to Bulgaria
That can't be fucking right
Mozda stvarno jeste Hrvat, imas takvih jebenih morona kol'ko hoces u Ljepoj Nasoj.
>americans tell milošević they want united yugoslavia
>milošević attacks
>serbs get rekt
>americans force us not to annex bosnia
>butthurt serbs cry until americans have to bomb them to accept reality
Well there you go then, why couldn't this be solved even after the war with peaceful relocations.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that they knew very well what they were doing in Dayton and they set everything up so that there's further complications that can be exploited in the future.

I fucking consider serbs to be bros, I don't give a fuck what betas and cucks think about that.
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That's plain retarded and nigger tier speaking. Muh I iz a psychopat, muh me stronk, me slaughter u wit cleever or nkiffe. Muh animalz mongrelz.
tebe bi besplatno prebio štapovima od svih exyu zastava. albanska ti je ionako u šupku odavno.

The key to Balkan geopolitics. Now you understand everything.

Yes, there were plenty of people living in Kosovo over the centuries. No one is disputing that. But Serbs built it up. All of it. For all the time you were there, you did nothing with it, there is literally no proof of your presence there, other than scripts from ages past that mention minor tribes living in the mountains and hills. That's it.

I honestly don't mind living with others, coexisting, so long as they prove themselves to be decent people.

Albanians have proven to be anything but decent.

There can be no peace until you are all dead at our hands.


Ma kurac. Ne odgovara uopšte ni na šta sem na engleskom, čak i kad sam ja pisao latinicom pa bi mogao da razume.


You've acted like animals and you'll get slaughtered like them.

You imagine that me being willing to exterminate your people makes me some kind of monster or a psychopath.

It doesn't.

Because at the end of it all, once your kind is gone from the Balkans, I'll just settle down and live a normal and peaceful life.
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This is for 2012. Can't find more recent data but I've seen it posted around and not much has changed.
You can dig up raw data at http://ec.europa.eu/
/ex-yu/ pasta lol

Ja sam dlakav za sve pare, al' bole me kurac i za CZ i za Partizan (a i nisam neki alfa).
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All these beautiful flags in once place.

if ud ask somethin mby id answer

Although there is one thing: when demoralized to this point, people would rather get slaughtered in an enclave deep into enemy territory because that's where their grandparents were born;

than move to a different territory and ensure a prosperous future for their children.

On the other hand though, many will up and go to Germany/Canada for the same reason.

We need some kind of middle ground here.
>there's not a single East-European country
That's okay because Croatia is Central-European ( ͡ ° . ͜ʖ . ͡ ° )
not rly and argument since wer so nigger tier that we dont know what to make projects to pull money out of EU
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Since when pol is a fucking bulgarian/serbian albanian haters board newfagg?
I've been doing raids here since some of /b/tards first moved to news to avoid the cancerous path of that degenerate board. I've been rickrolling people when it first got trendy and contributed with 1k votes to the hitler did nothing wrong mountain dew campaign.
You fuck off and come back with real arguments instead of nigger tier bloodthirsty gibberish. I spoke nicely to all of you and all you can come up with is muh tinobler muh cut albanians wit knives. Fucking subhuman monkeys. I really wish Hitler would have made it through and kept you in check.
>I'm gonna need some evidence of that, because as far as I'm aware, there's not a single East-European country that puts more into the coffers than it takes.
Yeah, and Star Wars didn't make a single dollar of profit. Who still believes Hollywood accounting?
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I only see one flag

Koliki ti je kurac pri punoj erekciji?
The reason behind it is irrelevant. The fact remains that we contribute just as much as we take, so complaining that we're leeching off of EU is plain false.

>Yeah, and Star Wars didn't make a single dollar of profit. Who still believes Hollywood accounting?

Wait, they said that?

I know they tried to fuck over Peter Jackson with LOTR. They told initially how the LOTR trilogy made no profit.

I have no idea who could believe such a ludicrous claim.

summary: Croats adore American cock.
why is cuba so fucking gay
>Also Kosovo gross and net income being higher than Serbia's and Albania's is plain bullshit.
I'm pretty sure at a "per square mile" value we're richer than Albania

But yeah the higher than Serbia thing is total bullshit
slavs are such disgusting subhumans

thank god im a pure descendant of alexander the great and not a lowly slav or some shitskin greek
Either I don't understand the joke or you're terrible blind. I'm sorry, I'm very tired.
Everything what you say are lies, just a big shit pile of lies and as you can see nobody is buying that.

Fuck off snake and take this conversation to your people and lecture them how to be a decent people.

>Wait, they said that?
It was a famous case when David Prowse didn't get a single cent in residuals for playing Darth Vader.


You can find the same for pretty much any mainstream blockbuster. It all gets funneled out of the "profit" column in Excel by various means.
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I think I found your pic, pham.

God damn, there really isn't a bigger group of Jews to be found than Hollywood.
You come too late I took all the (Yous)
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iktfb, thank god I'm germanic aryan

Jebote vidio sam ovoga pred par dana, tero bicikl na črnomercu
Every country needs a token nigger to play the local fool.
Don't you mean "E Madhja"
What kind of Albanian are you speaking dude?
Or is this some kind of archaic quirk
What are Prizren, Gjakokva, Peje, Pristina, etc,..
Right, all built by serbians in albanian fashion for fun.
Also our catholic churches in Kosovo are older than your orthodox ones.
Look mate, I really don't hate serbians, one of my best friends is a serbian half from Kosovo half from Banja Luca, so his family lived through that shit, and still his father, from Kosovo, told me his family moved to Kosovo from Montenegro (Pesic, which you can agree is a montenegrin serbian surname) and got along well with his albanian neighbors up until milosevic started paying ultranationalist shills to spark ethnic conflicts to later exploit to get in power of yugoslavia. I know serbians suffered a lot during WW2 as well, but they also burned albanian cities and villages and killed our people prior to 1913 and after that. I still don't hate them, it's not their fault for something their ancestors did. But I still can't stand stupid people who still buy into that half gypsy half muslim Kusturica kike (he converted to christian, look it up) propaganda and don't find out how things were by himself. You are drowned in a pool of hate, and need to get your head clear. If you hae with that much passion, people on the other side will hate you just as much, and you'll end up destroying eachother.
>Croatian is just Serbian with archaic words
this doesn't make any sense. couldn't it also be that serbian is just croatian? how do you know which language was used first, and also what language did croatians used to communicate before ''learning'' serbian? makes no sense, it was most likely almost the same language that split during the centuries. and it had a lot of the same panslavic words
EU is socialist shitshole and our country by constitution is socialist shitshole(it rly says in constitution) and our lands will never be prosperous until we remove tax opression same as EU is economy will go only downwards
if u consider not being retarded enough to oppose americans without any leverage then i concur
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Thank god Nato exists to put you savage toddlers in your place
It's not yours you dumb nigger

Deal with it
>EU is socialist shitshole and our country by constitution is socialist shitshole
I agree but fail to understand what that has to do with the point I was making?
>and it had a lot of the same panslavic words
Speaking of. How much of this do you people understand?


A Polish guy I asked a while ago said he understands pretty much everything, so do I.

Do you think projects like that have any practical significance anymore or are they obsolete by default (due to English)?

Who mentioned anything about Kusturica? I don't give a shit what that mongrel has to say.

My views on Albanians are my own, formed through experience and actually reading through history books.

Look, it's clear what's going on here.

Some time in the near future, you're going to get support pulled out from under your feet. Or the world in general will go to shit. And then? Then it's justice time. Justice for every single thing you did since moving into Kosovo en masse back in WW2.

I don't care who your friends are.

I don't care that you want peace now.

Peace is a lie.

Peace is not a possibility with you alive.

You crying for peace when your demise is on the horizon is fucking hilarious.

No, we will not give up Kosovo. No, we will not forget what you have done to us.

Say your prayers, goatfucker, you're getting butchered and there's no stopping it.


It's not savage to kill animals.

It's natural.

Also, the sheer gall of an albanian saying someone else is a savage, after the shit that happened in Kosovo, after the yellow house.


Get butthurt.
>Most of the time when you see a non-Balkan flag shitting on Albanians, it's Serb diaspora.
Fucklord it was albanian of 15-16th century. It comes from E Madhja, written emathia.
That's why the athleta chisti Skanderbeg got from the pope read J.N.P.E.R.A.T.O.R.E.B.T. --> Jezus Nazarenus Principi Epirus Reggi Albaniae Terrori Osmanarum Reggi Emathie Benedictat Te.
Now go learn our history and stop being an edgelord correcting the record over grammar while giving a free pass to bulgarians and serbians who call you animals to slaughter. Just say something, civilized and well spoken to prove them wrong and make our race shine like the civilised people we are compared to other neighbors.
Tani mo më çaj më karin duke më kapur gabimet para shkijeve, edhe pse e ke gabim dhe nuk e njeh mirë historinë çunak.
>You've acted like animals and you got bombed by Clinton
tito's pioneer bro

fuckin rekt
to bring peace and prosperity in balkans we need to ship people of this kind >>102723761 to mars

>USA government establishment supporting muslims terrorists

Truly, I'm surprised by such an outcome.
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So, about dem Albanians. Doesn't look very Illyrian to me. So what are they?
>tito's pioneer bro

>no red scarf
>hat isn't blue
>shirt isn't white
Yeah I'm guessing it was in "Arberisht"

>It's not savage to kill animals.
Yeah I agree
It wasn't savage for USA to bomb you in 1999
Well, well, well. This is mega interesting.

>Do you think projects like that have any practical significance anymore or are they obsolete by default (due to English)?
Not yet, but one day probably. Once Višegrad, Balkan and Russian groups form, this could be a way for us to have another cultural bulwark from the west and the east.
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no idea
they are manlets
Really being that retarded to thihnk serbians could overcome superior albanian warriors.
Look, don't mistake my education and politeness with weakness Arkan. I'll take the guns and defend my homeland any time. My forefathers didn't stained our flag with turkish, serbian, italian and bulgarian blood for me to give up that easy.
If shit hits the fan, you are the one in danger Radko.
Also daily reminder that UCK rolled over Macedonia and captures Skopje but it was only thanks to westerners intervening to calm things down that the withdrawed.
that we are lechers but we arent even doing that good
and continuing that any country with long term socialistic sistems will destroy productivity and create generations of lechers and entitled classes which believe their privileged access to resources are their human rights
>reading through history books.
>basing your views on serb propaganda
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Go back ~400 years and look up various literature in both languages.

Serbs at the time spoke a language which was a hybrid of bulgarian and russian.
At the same time you could go to any library in Europe and find a Croatian dictionary, with the almost identical language to what both Croats and Serbs speak today.
Despite this, they were both slavic languages so we could still mostly understand each other.
Then Vuk Karadžić showed up and "reformed" the Serbian language by modelling it on Croatian.
200 years later and you have Serbs on a mongolian throat singing forum ignorant of their own history, claiming it was us who stole their langauge.
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>tito's pioneer bro
Sometimes I feel stupid, other times I actually am.

>Really being that retarded to thihnk serbians could overcome superior albanian warriors.

Given that your bitch ass cried for help and whined about getting killed in Kosovo when the army rolled in, I don't think your "superior albanian warriors" will be giving anyone any sort of trouble.
No they supported the victims you fucking animal

Keep painting a false image of Albanian People as muslim terrorists if that makes you feel better about your life even if that's far from the truth
Yes because a sample of a hundred or so people is an accurate statistic
>Speaking of. How much of this do you people understand?
i understand pretty much, it looks like someone tried to make a proto-slavic language. interesting
>My forefathers didn't stained our flag with turkish, serbian, italian and bulgarian blood for me to give up that easy.
your forefathers would be ashamed of what you have become today
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>muhh height
nice meme map friend
hows the weather down there?
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Dude, you are aware the war was purely ethnic and a lot of catholic albanians fought in it. In fact, the two major leaders, Rugova for the peaceful way and Haradinaj for the military harsh way, are both catholics.
Now sage with you false bullshit you lying serv prick.
Most likely.
The two major Y Haplogroups of albanians originate from Kosovo area.
Maybe not illyrian, but who cares, stil autochtonous.
probably a dumb question, but why are dinaric alps separated as a different country?
because people from the dinaric alps are the tallest in the world
so the region is kinda special
>what I dont like is a meme what i like is not

want a lift to see the weather yourself?
But we "WUZ" and our language having a shit-ton of words in common with Illyrian and Ancient Greek languages clearly proves that shit and there's nothing you can do about it

You can lie to yourself for eternity if that makes you feel better
>Implying serbians weren't heavily relying on bigger sister Russia to fight dem wars for them
wew lad
Like, being able to keep our language and culture intact even after millenials of foreign invasions ?
>common with Illyrian and Ancient Greek
there's literally no preserved illyrian language today and nobody knew how it looked like, also ancient greek being proto-albanian is debunked bullshit
Haplogroups are bullshit
Check the sample sizes
There's about 100 people sampled so it's cherrypicked bullshit

Albanains from Albania are "Proper Illyrians" as deemed by Pliny the Elder
The ones from Kosovo(including me) are from the Dardani tribe
take a look for yourself :^)
you became muslims
old Georgie wouldn't be pleased
What did they mean by this?
>Albanains from Albania are "Proper Illyrians" as deemed by Pliny the Elder
yeah, he speculated that by no proofs and he actually never stepped on balkan land
>there's literally no preserved illyrian language

The whole language obviously hasn't been preserved but there's a lot of remnants that have still survived
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You are so funny :')
Dude, thy still prove the three major haplogroups originate from albania, which would make sense considering we come from a mix of macedonians, illyrians and thracians, all living in the region. Our language is most certainly derived from illyrian dialects though.
King names and toponyms,
Bardhyl - white star in albanian
Agron - still a common name in Albania
Dardan - peach in albanian
Illyian - free folk in albanian
Teuta - Tefta, due to shift to Tevta the Tefta, mu grandmother is called that, so it was a common name long before commie propaganda.
Arian / Arjan - common name, tribe = arianit
Albanaios - literally a fucking illyrian tribe
Sica - thracian weapon, used by thracian gladiators, small incurved dagger, Thika in albanian.
no there are not, stop deluding yourself
>trowing some random names in

nice argument
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We never really were though. Bektashism is more of a syncretism between paganism disguised a islam. The mufti of my tow is married to an orthodox woman and drinks all day.
Not. An. Argument.
I doubt he made baseless claims

I'll trust somebody from the Pre-BC era who was closer to that age over the so Historic Revisionists nowadays thank you
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Do you expect me to write a thesis just to convince a serv who wants to slaughter albanians we were illyrians ? There is a reason natsoc scholars called us aryans and of illyrian stock, they looked shit up you know.
Also pic related, find a turkish looking guy. Pro tip you can't.
Also it wasn't just Pliny
Pomponious Mela also said the same and he said that Proper Illyrian in the Strictest Sense of the Word lived North of the "Taulantii" and "Enchele"
>random names
those are the names of illyrians kings that have been used for centuries
its dumb as shit to think that we are direct descendants of them because of mixing with other races but for the majority part we are
>literally showing WE WUZ nigger tier propaganda
>find a turkish looking guy. Pro tip you can't.
dude turks can vary more than americans
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how is that different from you nigger tier claims and nigger tier threats ?
More like few are actually religious here(mostly peasants) and the stats completely misrepresent us

I doubt there's more than 5% who read the Q'uran/go to Mosques in all of Kosovo and Albania combined

Most people just say they're muslim and like most people who say they're "insert religion here" they confuse family values taught by their parents with Religion and are ignorant of the Evil of the Islam religion(and by extension all Abrahamic religions)
>natsoc scholars called us aryans
you mean nazis?
>they looked shit up you know
kek you are either dumb or trolling
>Can't argue
>I know I'll just post a meme
The average white looking turk is of balkanic origin. The average shitskin turks don't even remotely look like us.

there's still a hope for you, but this poor spain proxy soul can't be cured of albanism unfortunately

i'm sorry but you're retarded, you still don't get it
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