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This is the greatest slavic country >Touches the med >Warm

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This is the greatest slavic country

>Touches the med
>Warm year round
>Every part is developed (see street view)
>Strong war-ready men
>Gun culture
>No squatting/vodka culture
>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
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All the other slavs will never be Yugoslav
>totally dependent on one guy's personality cult
>dissolved five minutes after he died

>Touches the med

You wish. Check the map.

>Every part is developed (see street view)

Croatia and Slovenia maybe. The rest are third world shitholes. Be honest to yourself.

>Strong war-ready men

Oh so that's why it didn't manage to defend itself against the Germans in WW2, or against the NATO in the 90ies?

>Gun culture

Everybody having an AK at home is NOT << GUN CULTURE >>. There are no shooting ranges, no clubs, almost no gun shooting as a sport. That would be gun culture.

>No squatting/vodka culture

What is Rakija. Check death statistics by cause for example in Serbia. High percentage of alcohol abuse.

t. Croat Disapora
Serbians created Yugoslavia.
right in the feels :(
>Serbians created Yugoslavia.
US did it for Serbia using a half Croat half Slovenian leader.
>i must unite the macedonian and albanian peoples under one flag
-Nikola Gruevski
drinking rakia and hunting animals with your peasant relatives is all the gun culture you need
history goes past last 70 years u know

anyhow fuck off all of u statist scum and recognize ur slave mentality
I've always thought you people don't see yourselves as slavic but as descendants of alexander the great?
fuck off with that shit. IT DOES NOT WORK
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No, this is the greatest slavic country.
your ethnicity does not exist
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i thank god every day for that
Under no circumstances should you allow a Serbian to die in your country. If that happens, expect that thousands of Serbs appear next day on your doorstep shouting: "THIS IS SERBIA! THIS IS SERBIA!" For some obscure reason Serbs believe that wherever there is a grave of one of them, they have the right to claim the land. Be very suspicious about Serbs traveling in pairs. It might very well be that they just wait for an opportune moment to kill one of them and claim your country. If you need to kill a Serb, it makes sense to take it outside.
Literally the melting pot of all lesser slavic races, excluding croats, who are almost european.
A nation made up by murderes,bandits,thieves and looters.
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Ante gamisou, malaka.
Ήταν ειρωνιkό το ποστ.
Σιγά μην ποστάρω στο /pol/ στα σοβαρά.
whats wrong with being murderers, bandits, thieves and looters?
Yugoslavia was a shit country and it's only good that it doesn't exist anymore.


Fuck off with Yugoslavia, all countries are better off independent, except B&H, it's a non-country.
>history goes past last 70 years u know
not for FYROM lmfao
t. Bulgarian
yugoslavia was a meme country
>all countries are better off independent
yeah it can be clearly seen that we're better now than we were ever in yugoslavia... NOT
You aren't macedonian. Stop ripping off Alexander's legacy, You're some kind of jugoslav who can't even fight off Muslim refugees who're trying to steal your territory in 21st century and got cucked by NATO/OTAN.
Not really. Tito and his wet dreams of greater serbia created that mess. Not to mention there was never such thing as great serbia in the history to begin with. Milosevic was product of that bullshit. Even USSR dissolved without blood.
well i live better then my parents did tho that doesnt mean much
anyways biggest dmg yugoslavia did wasnt even people killed under regime but long term indoctrination of population to anti civilization marxist policies and inheritance of socialist economy
>Tito and his wet dreams of greater serbia created that mess.
tito was the cuck who wanted balkan federation
wasn't he the one who invited albanians in kosovo?
Tito wasn't really America's first choice, and wasn't at all pro-Serbian.
t. Ujko
This, even today only one third of Croatia are taxpayers, everyone else just leeches off them.
our countries became irrelevant utter shitholes

if he was really for serbia then why he split the country in three parts and invited albanians to infest kosovo?
you are bunch of idiots arguing about how your masters cucked the only relevant non-block independent country in europe. its fun and sad to observe how you shit on each other for the interests of your (((governments))) and (((states))).
i hate southern slavs, bunch of fucking cucks, in 20 years your children will shitpos on /pol/ about how independent voejevodina is good and how they dont want to live under "imperialistic" serb rule
fuck you
fuck us for not learning from you
yugoslavia is dead(just like russia) and you are not yugoslavians(just like im not russian, but "citizen of federation"), fuck off delusional tards.
there is good term i dont know if you will understand
вeдoмыe пидopы вы, иcтopия пoceмялacь и выeбaлa вac, мнe вac нe жaлкo, кaк и poccии. гpycтнo тoлькo
Tito Dickman baby
>Tito, a croat-slovene communist
>wet dreams of greater serbia

Is this shitposting or just retarded?
>edgy Bulgarian thread

Oh boy, prepare for memes
>NdKVD in ID
EU is USSR confirmed
>that flag doe
did europe became a country?
indeed, think of the glorious former economy:
1. military
2. military-industrial complex
3. suppliers to military-industrial complex
4. state-mismanaged enterprises
5. pleb black market

it would've died one way or the other, you cannot motivate people to slave away and not have anything (personally owned) to show for it
Yeah, only if Croats, Serbs etc aren't total nationalistic assholes arguing about who is who.

We are basically same people, and we choose to go to war over shit and push our countries 50 years in the past.

Instead of one powerful country, or even a balkan union, now we have post socialistic shitholes with retarded people which thinks that government is directly responsible for all jobs.

T t t thanks Tito.
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this is the best it can get
>inb4 butthurt yugoslav jews AKA slovenes
>>inb4 butthurt yugoslav jews AKA slovenes
you forgot kebabs too
fuck you and your retarded """nation"""
it'll take you generations to even touch upon what we enjoy today (built by ourselves)
>Yeah, only if Croats, Serbs etc aren't total nationalistic assholes arguing about who is who.

This is just a commie boogeyman, maybe 1-5% of both countries is like this, the others don't really give a fuck.

There would never have been a war if it wasn't for socialism.

Hrvoje, please, you know we're much better than you, don't be butthurt about it. Now, please go slave a whole month for what I make in 3 days.
>zaba titov pionir

non country
this man speaks truth
we're doing just fine, and croatia is catching up too. it's just you and bosnia that are shitholes. must be all the turk rapegenes.
must be why you show your inferior documents upon crossing the imaginary border then
>we're doing just fine, and croatia is catching up too.
don't lie janez, you are doing "good" only cuz you suck dick to germans. else nobody cares about your microbe country really, it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the world

What are you, if a non country is doing so much better than you?
>suck dick
more like supply value-added export products that are fit for purpose and built to spec, you'll get what I'm saying one day
Dude, each government you had since Slobo has sucked both Russian and German dick extensively, yet you're still not doing "good"? I know you can't be nearly as good at sucking dick as the Slovenians, but are you seriously that bad?
What ethnicity of people reside in Macedonia?
your average wage is like 200-300€, every serb that knows how to do anything useful escapes serbia to come work in slovenia.

I know lots of serbs in real life and they all prefer to live here. All of them get citizenships and move their whole family here as soon as they can.

>one day

I wouldn't count on it. Look at Africa, if we left them alone they'd still be living in huts and mud. Serbia isn't really better.

>greatest slavic country

That's nothing to brag about.
What is wrong with those russians?
non country
ITT balance slavs fight over which country is less shit
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tfw the Serbs will conquer Slovenia through demographics in order to attack Croatia on two fronts
srbi su cigani
>>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it

uh the first live sex show I ever saw was there
>>more like supply value-added export products that are fit for purpose and built to spec
So whores?

That's why I keep saying they gotta go back.
>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
I didn't even notice this one! Urban Yugoslavia was just as degenerate as it is today, only rural Yugoslavia was arguably less so.
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>No squatting
>slav country

Yeah, no.
balkan is a mountain in bulgaria 2bh they shouldn't fall in the balkan slav category
>5. pleb black market
This is pretty tbqhwyf, also after Tito's death DM became more or less main currency.
>t. Ahmed Bin-Sharia
>speaking about whores

croatia is probably the only place on the planet where you can pick up girls on the side of the highway for 10€.

oh wait, its 5€ in serbia.
but serbia doesn't have highways.
>le epic boris memes xD

I honestly don't know whether I should be mad or glad "slav" is some sorta cool thing kids look up to nowadays
It was the main currency before that too.
hookers in Split are about 10€ a pop, tried and tested.

atleast in slovenia they charge 50-200€/hour.
>kids look up to nowadays
what the fuck are you smoking

>EU Flag
>Being this obvious about being a faggot

You are the reason we have sandniggers in our cities. Hiding behind the EU flag won't save you. We all know you're a globalist Jew.

It's kind of funny, because slovenian whore houses have only ukrainians and romanians in it. The whore house I went to in Vodice in Croatia had pure Zagreb girls, they were telling me how they make money this way over the summer so they can study in Zagreb over the year.

Get your country together.
>The capital of Zagreb was especially popular as a sex-selling destination, as virtually every house of Tkalciceva Street used to be a whorehouse. In order to open a bordello, owner had to register in the town hall and receive a trade license, assuring the quality of services and professional approach to business.

>only rural Yugoslavia

yeah, rural Yugoslavia wasn't degenerate because they were still in literal stone age, so the concept of degeneracy didn't yet come to them, as well as concept of concept
I'm not sure you're being honest here, 10€ barely buys you three packs of cigarettes.
Why would you be mad? Slavs have their own culture and squatting isnt as unnatural as you might think.
You dont need to be cool to look up to us.
it's 10€ Šime, trust me. well, 10€ for a blowjob atleast. they usually charge about 30-50€ for the full package.

don't be too mad though, in serbia you'll get the whole thing for 5€.
why so salty senpai?


Funny thing is I lived all my life in Croatia, have lived in both Zagreb and Rijeka which are supposed to be peak degeneracy as far as Croatia is concerned, and I haven't seen a prostitute in Croatia my entire life.

TL;DR you're full of shit anon
im not salty, it's the truth. I worked in Ruma for a while teaching lazy serbs to use CNC machines (the factory since closed down, go figure).

5€ is what your average prostitute charges in serbia.
Doesn't make any sense at all since any female attractive enough to be a whore can find a better paying job during the summer which doesn't include sucking dicks.

Of course you don't see them on the street, it's illegal in Slovenia and in Croatia. You have """night clubs""" where you can fuck em, even thought they offer "only" striptease.

Are you 12 or something?
Mate, there's a big outbreak of vloggers, websites, channels, facebook pages and shit about "slav" stuff. It's "cool" to claim slav ancestry now and squat for a picture or post slavmemes.

>You are the reason we have sandniggers in our cities

Watch me give a fuck :^ )
>Strong war-ready men
>56,594 km2
do you even land?
shittiest map ive seen, what about ethnic bosniaks?
While I'm open to the idea that Dalmatia is a third-world shithole, I still highly doubt it.
Ban Jelacic square, you can get anything from girls to boys.

You doubt it you can get a hooker in Dalmatia or Zagreb? Mate, just how fucking naive are you?

You won't see ANYTHING hooker related anywhere in Slovenia, it's banned and punishable by prison, but believe me you can get a hooker in many, many places. Mostly Romanians and Ukrainians.
Can't wait for a Yugo footie league so I can beat the shit out of Grobari and Delije
t. not even a hooligan
Prostitution has been decriminalized in Slovenia since like 10 years ago, dude.

Still, it's just the Ukranians, Bulgarians etc. that do it. Last time I went to Turjak I was offered a few nigresses aswell.
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>beating ANY serbian football firm
I don't doubt that prostitution exists in Croatia (there's even ads in the yellow pages for it), but that you can find college girls giving 10€ blowjobs so that they can afford college is bullshit.
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We are not slav.

You're not slav either.
Can't believe you got cucked so fast.
teach me how to be as cool as you senpai
It was around the same size as Italy and BRD
we need a balkan footie league


we need evenly matched countries competing

competing in europe is pointless

>warm year round

fuckin dropped
oh wait were you being serious?
>Oh so that's why it didn't manage to defend itself against the Germans in WW2
But it wiped out an entire german army group, shat on the Italians and the puppet governments they established
>we are not slav

Why would anyone think this.
Fucking this though.

No Turkey though, that's pretty retarded. Stretches it too far and lots of Turkish teams have far too much money. Plus bombs on the stadiums.


>Kosovo (inb4 triggered serb)

Greece maybe.

It'd finally breathe some life into our respective national teams.
>being a slav and not 100% bulgar

russia is that way slavshit commie
Well, we do have mongol/Thracian ancestry as well.

Lotsa Greek blood too.
>Oh so that's why it didn't manage to defend itself against the Germans in WW2, or against the NATO in the 90ies?

JNA was a big army that was almost independent of other countries for material.
they have morals, work ethic and aren't impressionable peasants whose ancestors coveted (and wasted through bloody civil war) others' wealth?
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How about a albano-macedonian union?
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First of all, kill yourself diversity shill.
Second of all....

Have you, in a point of your life, read about Kubrat, Asparukh, etc?
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>this thread
Like it or not bulgars have strong slav roots, denying it wont make it right you faggot. Fix your flag already.

Denying things wont make them go away tho.
what do you expect from the mountain jews
I-d rather have an A-H football league if it's for sports only. But the balkan nigger in me wants a balkan league just so we could nig.
>First of all, kill yourself diversity shill.

How the fuck am I shilling if I'm stating facts that we both know are true?

Bulgaria has proven ancestry outside of the slavs who inhabited these lands.

Ain't nothing fucking wrong with that.

Most Aryans have 2-3 types of blood in them, so what?
And have you ever read about the founding of the frist bulgarian empires? Its in our history books.
>not exploiting your country's women for monetary gain

what kind of a degenerate subhuman are you
I just realized your ID starts with sex
North Korean Vanarial Disease
is your ass ready?
your nubile chicks are like 30lv a pop in sofia, raise them better bratko
Like my ID says, I like it raw
>strong slav roots

Strong slav roots =/= 100% slav.
30 lv for a prostitute in Sofia?

Fuck man, don't bang gypsies, it's not worth it
what are you smoking you'd get a fat toothless gypsy for 30lv and they're all solo on the highways

we have high quality hookers for all your tastes but 30lv won't get you shit son, it's all organized
Angel Dzhambazki, is that you?
yeah that's what people get by dissolving their monarchies
>needing 100% to be slav

90-95% is just as good, when we migrated to the balkans we had to slavicize some Thracian and Vlach tribes.
>It's "cool" to claim slav ancestry now

I do it to obfuscate any claims of me having white privilege by white feminists and nu-males so I can point out all the shit Western Europe has done (really helps to point out WESTern Europe since they're programmed to hate the west in all its forms) has done to Eastern Europe and call them out on trying to remain ignorant about everything because they don't want to admit there is ANOTHER race they oppressed because they can't bare the full brunt of their evil. Key thing to do is always play down what happened to Slavs in comparison to black people, because once you get these fucks in the throes of white guilt about slavery, you can pick away at them emotionally. Plus it makes you, because you care so much that you put other's oppression before your own, look like a good guy which makes them feel worse and thus more apologetic.

Don't get me wrong. I don't give a fuck about ANY of that shit. But I honestly get hard at the thought of these people going from treating me like a piece of shit to kissing my arse and apologizing.

I feel like this is really disingenuous, but I don't give a shit. Is this how Israel feels all the time?
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>controlling 3 'slavic' tribes in your empire
>they're now "strong roots" of your nation

Culturally slavic, to a degree. Else is memes.
I bet you all faggots still believe the "proto-bulgarians" meme.
nope, granted this was 5 years ago so things might be different nowadays, although I very much doubt that
I did befriend the guy who turned out to be their pimp beforehand so could've been a factor
also do something about your tap water, it has color, a smell and taste
>high quality

Lets not kid ourselves, hooker scene in Sofia is so fucking fucked. Pimps are more than retarded and try to scam people despite prostitution being ab usiness that thrives off regular customers. Most hookers are very disillusioned ones who are just abused or waiting to get taken to Germany where they think they'll make more (lol no they won't) or are returning hookers who are too pretentious.

There's gems in there if you look, but I was surprised by how shit the scene is in general.
Are you just a turskish gypsy thats shitposting?
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I bet you're a russophile, too.
Nah he's in Strasbourg to sign his 3000 euro paycheck. If he can manage to reach high enough to sign it or has brought a ladder.

It's....really not 90%....


Oh yeh, a lot of us do. Whenever I get bored of some bullshit over here about how "we" Europeans have done this or that or any general shit about privilege, I'll usually just say I'm slav and we've been under slavery for 500 years. Usually after they're just done defending turks.

It's hilarious looking at their liberal logic go in complete loops as they shut up and can't say a word.

>but he's white
>but he's oppressed
>but I have to tell him off
>but I have to feel good about myself by defending him

It's the best thing ever


60 leva is the absolute minimum of any non-gypsy prostitute, that is a fact. You probably got very, very lucky.
Here in Plovdiv the hooker game is top-tier if you have 100+ lv on you m8.

Nope what? The fuck are you talking about. Toothless gypsy fat women go for that kinda money. That's very cheap. You won't find anything for 30lv except for what I described.
So I've heard desu. The problem with 100+ ones in Sofia is they're pretentious and usually shit attitude.

My mate once told me in Plovdiv even in clubs its ok, is that true?
>My mate once told me in Plovdiv even in clubs its ok, is that true?
In clubs what? To fuck hookers? Sure, if you have your own ceпape, why not.
No, like striptease bars, whorehouses, etc.
as I stated, I wasn't even looking for prostitutes, I just befriended the guy, we ate and drank and had a few laughs, he kind of made it look like a part of bulgarian hospitality. I was buzzed and went along with it, he presented me with like 10 chicks and I chose a hot 20y.o. that definitely wasn't a gypsy, none of them were; I've seen gypsy vermin all over the balkans so I'm 100% sure of that
in retrospect this was kind of seedy of me and the sex wasn't all that great but you know what they say: even bad pizza is good pizza
Bad news - you fucked a gypsy. Avoid anything below 100 lv. Maybe 80 lv if you have a local help you, bit it's a long shot
Soviet Union died a while ago, so I cant say I dislike their methods in Syria.

How can you even tell? Youre fucking europe.
You don't have strip clubs in Sofia?
>that definitely wasn't a gypsy, none of them were; I've seen gypsy vermin all over the balkans so I'm 100% sure of that

Sure buddy, sure

She totally wasn't

Just like all those women they present as part-Spanish in the whorehouses
We do, but they're pretty shit.

There was one awesome place, the old Kleopatra, best bar ever in the world desu, changed ownership, became absolute shithole.

There's another one that used to be so great but its in a shit place and few customers, quality of girls goes lower, etc.

Then there's one or two good ones, but they're too packed and have issues each.

And there's the biggest problem - it's always expensive as all shit. I'm down to give 200 to a good hooker, but they'll usually ask you for 120 for an hour, on top of the drinks you already bought and a hotel room...
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Shoot a nigga in his dick
Give me one reason why Yugoslavia shouldn't exist and I will end my life today
because it was shit
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Best thing to do is point out how Britain just left the EU because of a party that's all about complaining about the Polish.

Since the EU is the sacred baby that is supposed to usher in an age of multiculturalism, watching white people kill it because of their racism towards slavs gets them real fucking mad.

Great thing is I am actually half slavic, though I usually avoid mentioning it in this situation because it makes me Less Oppressed. But if it ever comes out I can always mention that my Australian grandfather was real fucking mad about it.

A white man trying to prevent race-mixing? The fact that I can say racism almost prevented my existence, which I then immediately make seem like the greatest evil by pointing out how many mixed race people were simply denied a chance to exist because of laws against race mixing in the past, makes me look more oppressed because, especially if both their parents are white, I can say they've never needed to imagine a world where their parents wouldn't be allowed to love each other and create them together.

I'm just really good at playing this shit up for guilting people. I've outright said to one that Western Europe is falling and we're going to take over their countries, and they said we deserve to. Can you imagine what it's like to be told by someone that your people deserve to conquer theirs? It's pretty damn great.
It's not about the Soviet union. It's about Imperial Russia stifling growth of Bulgaria and trying to smother us, meanwhile supporting Servia's every claim.

Look, just consider that we can't we have 0 grounds for strong ethnic nationalism, claims to land and everything else if we support this "slavic" meme so blindly.
What the fuck are you ranting about
Time to remove yourself, zergling
Basically how to get SJWs to kiss my white arse and call me an oppressed minority.

this is true. Serbians are fucking crazy, i used to work with one and he does not think human.
You really figured them out
shut the fuck up you little faggot kid
you wouldn't say that kinda shit face to face

>Fuck off with Yugoslavia, all countries are better off independent, except B&H, it's a non-country.

Fuck you Mongol twat.
The russian post was funny

i figured out that they're hard to relate to. dude barely spoke a word but his twitter was riddled with Serbian nationalist shit, even though he lives in canada. thought he was the boss and didn't have to answer to nobody. got fired for getting caught outsourcing his system admin work to some sort of eastern-european network.
Wow, your reading comprehension is shit. I linked to your post to emphasize your fucking point so that the (((macedonian))) zergling could remove himself, as promised
Serbians are really nationalistic for a country that lost a war and then most of its territory as more and more of it pull a Kosovo and strike it out on their own.
It would be fine if they were nationalist, but not butthurt. Anyways, Serbs, Croats and Argentinians are probably the most butthurt people out there.

You have to go back Mehmet.

Lol, Slovenia, unlike Croatia, is a country. Your entire country is basically a gift from Hungarians because they didn't want to have anything to do with you retards.

You're nothing but lesser Serbs who kept catholicism. The only reason we're shilling for you fucks having a country is that the amounts of butthurt are smaller this way.
Yeh, all serbs are very dramatic and heavy
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We work with shiptars now
Why do you relate being slavic with Russia? It has absolutely nothing to do with them apart of them being slavs aswell.

You cant deny being a slav just because you hate another slavic nation.
You are shiptars. Always were.
Don't bother with him, he's one of those neo nationalists who equate nationalism to hating Russia and instead of fighting turks and gypsies fight Bulgarians abroad.

All the while making a coalition with fucking Siderov.

It's just another load of spit in the face of real Bulgarian nationalism and people like that guy are those spitting at it and trampling it.
>looking up to somebody that is squatting on the ground

Actually it's the shittiest people from Serbia who come ehre, you now that Janez.

When we're at it, Croatia is by far the worst dick sucking country in the Balkans.

Your entire economy is based on sucking dick, be it Slovenian, Italian or German. Tourism is the only thing you really do, which is 9/10 cases sucking dicks to the superior.

You are a non-country with non-economy.
I fuck your mother subhuman
All things aside, it had much better music than what we're currently listening.
Wait... How did you get that flag?
nah bro you're backtracking now bro don't fuck around dont make excuses
he let sandnigger fuck him and his wife
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you mean your wife
No, I'm serious. Where should one post from to get the EU flag? From a plane? From some territorial waters? From Brussels?
There are no migrants for a year
What's that?
reffo path

hungary and bulgaria cuck them so they have to take longer routes
I am not the one having GREEN color in his flag you fucking post-muslim turkfag
Kek,how the fuck is that our problem if they don't stay?
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Bulgaria exists before islam
Brussels, EU institutions wi-fi

There's also some android bug that can cause it, idk how though
they fuck your wife
who here /BAJAMALIA/
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No they just sleep at Jewish graveyards and shit kek.God forgive if they stray out of one of the major city's and wander into Vukojebina village #25252,they are also very good land mine cleaners.I also bet the criminals kidnap them for SNUF films.
no, serbs are very liberal about refugees as shown by last year's complain to hungarian and bulgarians for mistreating them
They spread diseases that are unkown to your nation. This happened to us, we put those niggers in a quarantine camp and they started chimping out.
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I am sad, WW3 will be coming soon, but Germans are such pussies now there will be no SS this time.
anyone have the pic of what happened to them after they chimped out? i lost it

the one where it showed their broken skulls, teeth, batons etc
Serbs are trying to play the good guys after being the villains for 200 years.Problem is we have no idea how to be good so we just let our goverment copy paste European ideals.Do you honestly believe anyone gives a rats ass about them?
>Oh so that's why it didn't manage to defend itself against the Germans in WW2
What are you talking about? Besides the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia was the only country in Europe to liberate itself, except for some small areas in the east. That's exactly why Tito could tell Stalin to fuck off.
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>That's exactly why Tito could tell Stalin to fuck off

He was an elitist slovenc who dint wan no east partnerships

xaxaxa when the fuck have you ever been the villains your people were genocided hard as fuck in ww1, then genocided hard as fuck in ww2 so much so that women became the majority in serbia because so many men died

now in the past 30 years you've been cucked by muslims and after you fought back they played the victim card and you got bombed, and then you lost kosovo, and then montenegro

and now you're liberal cuck shits lmfao
fucking shameless 2bh
>serbs are very liberal about refugees

ahahahahahaha best laugh i had all day, our government doesn't wanna have problems with the eu, they know that refugees don't wanna stay in serbia, so the government just says to them "move along, move along, you're not our problem, the police is not gonna beat you, just get the fuck out of my country". also, they reached serbia through bulgaria, how did that happen, m8? if you think that anyone in serbia gives a fuck about them (besides a couple of eu/soros funded ngos) you're delusional.
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He knew Yugoslavia would be under Soviet heel, just like Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and the rest of the Warsaw Pact.
Junački sin.
Well no shit,that's what being a villains is these days don't you remember,also 30 years isn't even close.Ket at the liberal comment.You got cucked harder you midget tier country.
>when the fuck have you ever been the villains

you seem to have slept through the 90s, my man, we were the main boogeyman before before bin laden and al kaida came along. we had western sponsored sanctions, we were ousted form every international body, nato bombed us in 1999 and destroyed our infrastructure, and in 2000 they bankrolled a colored revolution against milosevi and installed their puppets.
how the fuck did we get cucked harder lmfao we have an EU funded barbed wire monster fence, we beat the fuck out of refugees, our government openly hates refugees, we now have a new pro-russian president

meanwhile you're autistic liberal faggots who love refugees because you wanna impress EU xaxaxaxaxa

>midget tier country
xaxaxa what a dumb fuck your country is smaller than bulgaria retarded libcuck faggot
slav infighting is the best entertainment u can buy
Lajknete go ova video na Don playa

>Brags about electing a pro-russian president
Top kek,ok Stalins bitchboy country number 8,You are really independent i see.
No one gives a shit about them cause they don't do shit,you clearly have been molested by them since you had to actually show them who's in control hahaha
>serbia making fun of somebody for being Stalin's bitchboy

fun timeline, this is
>beating the fuck out of refugees is bad, it's good if you let them flood your country unopposed
serbian mentality everyone
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>ex yu
>great country
>bratstvo i jedinstvo
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it's hilarious how salty bulgarians still are about everything that is serbia-related, serbs, on the other hand, have completely forgotten that they exist. yes, we cucked you at the battle of velbazhd, created a short-lasting empire, took your favorite macedonia, and turned you into vassals, you also got rekt in the second balkan war after you got greedy, get over it, lad.
jel su ukusne srpske čokoladice? al ste popizdeli jebeni iskompleksirani majmuni.

Odd way to spell Bulgarian
i'm making fun of you for being liberal cucks, not the fact that you've been bulgaria's cum rag since the medieval ages, you're the one bringing them up, shameless libcuck
Fucking this
Lol we hated commies you should read on Kingdom of Yugoslavia policy towards the USSR before 1940 it was your bitch boy who made brought it.
Bitch being cucked enough for refugees to even try to start shit in your country is bad,you know your in shit when you have to brag about which direction president did you elect and and about fences kek
you pathetic fucking cuckold lmfao

>mmuh refugees you s-shouldn't b-beat them

serbs are cucked beyond redemption
Top kek who ever said you shouldn't beat them?
Your cucked if you HAVE to beat them.
We dindu nuffin
I saw a serbian man beating a 7 year old syrian once
The fact that this autistic sperg of country exists is another proof you got cucked Staling bitch boy country #8.
>Your cucked if you HAVE to beat them.
>if you beat your enemies they win
xaxaxa fucking serbs m8, cucks of the balkans
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Both of you are shit
Top kek i don't see the word win in my last post,but at least you have fences.Too bad they won't unrape you cause you got cucked in a police country.
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Will you fight him
Croatia is dogshit, and Macedonia is eternally cucked by Albania
t. Serb diaspora
Lost kosovo lost montenegro and eat shit about my ethnicity have better standard than you maybe that is why serbian prostitutes are increasing here all serbs i ve met look like gypsy
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2017 world bank ranking'.png
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>tfw Macedonian
>Everyone sucks your dick abroad
>Country with highest growth
>liking hot weather
Into the "nigger tier" bin it goes.
your cuck mentality tells me everything i need to know about your cunt

degenerate fucking libcuck
Nice projecting,not my problem your anal rectum will never grow back after you got raped a by infested Syrian monkey cause they had 0 respect for you.At least it wont happen again.


Fuck you Bulgaria Jr.
Are Russians consdired to be slavs even though after what the mongols did?
It doesn't matter they will still remove you,mehmet.
Jokes on you, I am Serbian.
Yes,and i am Peter Pan,a fairy dust dealer.
I thought the greatest slavic country was Russia since they managed to attain a forever relevant role and spar with the great powers/superpower.

Or do the rest of slavs not see Russia as slavic? What is Russia's relevancy in slav relations even? I remember reading up on how back before ww1 they wanted to be the big brother slav nation.
Always in denial.
That's some ukrainian-tier bait, m8.
what the fuck are you talking about
syrian refugees are actively avoiding bulgaria because they're afraid of bulgarians, so they choose to break their legs from walking from north greece through fyrom - serbia

your cuck brain tries to spin it in a way that fits you, but the fact is, we beat the fuck out of refugees, we don't give a shit about them, and it works, most of them avoid bulgaria and choose serbia because you're autistic liberal cucks, and your people are the type to get raped by refguees

in bulgaria, we rape the refugees you dumb pussy motherfucker
What?You don't believe me?I also own best whore house,just come to my island,It's filled with little boys just the way you like it Sweden.
I was being genuine. Most of the time a Russian talks about slavs they always get replies from Poles and telling them they are mongols. I just don't know what to think.
Sure you do,that's why you have so much ass pain in your right now.You just admited that they where in your country and that you had to resort to police to help you.Get your rectum destroyed isn't raping them no matter how ugly you are.
Russia is huge. They have Slavs, Muslim-Shitskins, Mongol-Shitskins, white Mongols and even Germanics.
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Macedonia wasn't relevant before 2016 election.

Now you losers are spewing disinfo and framing Trump supporters

Fuck off
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>You just admited that they where in your country and that you had to resort to police to help you
they had a riot and police beat the fuck out of them in their camp

we've been beating the fuck out of them long before that, libcuck, pic related
>Get your rectum destroyed isn't raping them no matter how ugly you are.
again, a pussy serblet who doesn't mind refugees might get his rectum destroyed, like in your fantasy

here syrian rectums get destroyed, i'm amused at how cucked your country and mentality is
It's Polish butthurt anon. Dont be daft.
Russians are some of the slavest slavs to ever slav.
Hahaha you fucking gypsies now i get it.You are so poor you have to get money from refugees so your whore your self out,but when they don't have money you call police to beat them up and use the cum in your anus to prove your services to them.Than you beg EU to make you fence.Thanks for clearing up.
holy shit what an absolute cucked up pussy
go suck some reffo dick you dumb aspie
I am not the one who has to whore out to goat-fuckers cause i am poorer than dirt,is your net payed by refugees too?Watch out there you might waster your 10mb packet on all those letter your are writing.Maybe next time ask them to buy you aspirin instead?It will relieve you of your ass pain much quicker.
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Kek,your economy is only 4% less service based based.You have some more industry but we have more agriculture.You are not fucking switzerland compared to the rest of ex-yu, especially us.Maybe compared to bosnia but they are africa-tier.

Someone is salty
>haha i will be LE ebin b8 master trolle xD while my cucked country freely allows refugees to live there without a problem and rape our wives and boys
Lying on cold a cold floor and marching for 16 hours is not living.
Oh wait i forgot you are so poor you have to whore yourself out to refugees.I guess this is the definition of life in Bulgaria than?Why not make sewer colonies like Romania?At least you will have walls and shit.
look, not matter how hard you try to b8, the fact is your politicians love refugees and want to impress the EU, our politicians hate refugees and don't give a fuck about EU

our people beat refugees, your people feed and give them clothes

our patriarch stated that refugees don't blond in europe
your patriarch probably wants to suck their cock

accept it, you're cucked beyond redemption
>This is the greatest slavic country

which country is that?
>Serbians created Yugoslavia.

wrong. it was a project of the big victors of WW1 and WW2 (France, Britain and USA, and then again Britain and USSR after the second world war) noone wanted to be part of it. not even the Serbs.
The fact is your rape rate is 2.4 while ours is 0.7.Is it the roach genes or the fact that you are getting cucked by refugees matters little to me.
>Not even
It was made to bend us over,not to help us.
is this schitzophrenia? YOU'RE the ones getting cucked by refugees, you demented fuck lmfao
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>serbia talking shit

We are the best
Oh look its the same ass australian autist that posts in every yugo thread.
also best rap

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VMRO-DPMNE = authoritarian criminal gang, nationalist rhetoric but suck minority cock. pro russia rhetoric but suck eu/nato cock, populist swindlers

SDSM = Multiculti cuckolds, communist slime, directly subservient to eu/nato

DUI and all albanian parties = albanian filth, directly subservient to eu/nato

VMRO NP = nationalists and bulgarians
you're no different to him, you fucking kebab
Samo krisko od bugarija

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What does GDP have to do with refugees raping women?Oh and are you also bragging about having a smaller GDP than your autistic brother who isn't even a part of the European union?>>102744348 Very funny.
Aha,Guess who really is meming.You only have a 3x rape rate than us.
Fuck vmro np and fuck your mother
fuck you
drisko is shit tho

This is shit
well, of course you won't get it, it's about junkies in Sofia, you need to have a really shitty life to appreciate it
Do you hate Serbs?
What is this, war game red dragon?
Kek,what game is dedicated enough to have Yugoslav tanks?
Historically, yes, I also blame them for the brainwashing of macedonians. But serbs today are not responsible for this, so I don't have anything against them, I even have serb friends irl.
Is it true you spin dogs in Bulgaria?

This one:

kek, I didn't even know about this before the clip, I think it's an obscure tradition in some small villages
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>mfw Slovenians think that Slovenia is a real country
>mfw they think they are Carinthians
>mfw they think Istria and Krain belong to them
>mfw they think they are anything else but mountain Croats with a weird accent
>mfw they unironically believe that they are better than the rest of the ex-yu countries
We wuz here before ya you god damn purgero. God damn northern turk !
you do realize nobody gives a shit what you say?
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I will never understand that retarded serbian chauvinism, when were they ever great to begin with?
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