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When Leftists Attack!

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>tldr man getting harrassed in his own home for wearing #buildthewall t-shirt
>couple is abosultely enraged, screaming, mocking and filming him
>mfw the trend continues into the future and the world will becomes an incredibly contencious place (moreso than it already is)

op this isn't where you advertise
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build the wall because of the free wifi
It's not my video I saw it in my YouTube feed.

but it's really grating to watch. imagine if the roles were reversed.
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this video stirs a certain emotion in me. I can't quite place which one it is.
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please someone post more Jennifer Lawrence
Love trumps hate as always
No respect for this man. he acted like s cuck and got humiliated.
actually he held his cool in the face of an ultra cuck nu-male and a (probably illegal) mexican, although she sounded chinese, girl who acts like a fucking 9 year old with a cell phone filming other people

holy hell I am proud of that man for not even raising his voice. I would have lost my cool after 5 mins or so and started saying crazy racist shit

>so you want to build a wall?
>are you racist?

they never learn

Op you are fucking handsome

You seem like a cool dude

>Meaningful descussion

Scream and abuss him


Okay is this satire with actors?
If it's his own house why doesn't he tell them to fuck off
There's nothing to be proud about letting people insult you

He should've just told them to fuck off
fuck off
i think that's what E N R A G E S me desu

it's the total fucking hypocrisy of the left. they are so angry when faced with any opposition

most, if not all leftists live in intellectual ghettos
>He should've just told them to fuck off
he literally did that you idiot.. without even cursing.. he said "please leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you"


I think I lost a few IQ points listening to that awful fucking hag
i think it's like a general game room for a condo or something like that
It's the common area of his apartment complex.
>they go for the "you're poor and uneducated and you don't have wi-fi at home"-routine

Why do lefties hate poor people?
He should've gotten up and made the cuck boy back down
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ultimately, yes.
We should find where the cuckboi and his spicchick works and get them fired
I'M- I'M-I'M NOT GONNA TOUCH- I'M NOT GONNA TOUCH YOU BUDDY. I JUST WANNA KNOW WHY YOU'RE WEARING THAT SHIRT. WHAT ARE YOU A RACE CAR?!?! I KNOW YOU DON'T WANNA ANSWER THE QUESTION BUD. If I was that guy I would want them to get in my space. Fuck I wish I was an American just for a week.
I don't understand how that white guy, who looks rather fit and manly, doesn't just go apeshit on them. He's against a beta cuck and a woman, filming him illegaly, and yet he just indulges them. Here in Italy we aren't as retarded as americans in regards to politics, but everytime a stupid commie harassed me to the point he was doing something illegaly, i just beat their asses. You are the side with guns and masculinity, so start acting like it or things are never gonna change.
He stood there and took it all. Like a cuck.
>"P-please leave me alone"
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>couple people walks up to a person doing work on laptop while filming
>"are you, are, are you one of those comrades?"
>"are you communist?"
>reply: i'm doing work, who are-
>"nah, why are you wearing that che shirt, dickhead?"
>tells them to leave
>they don't

He should've called the police. Leftists shit themselves when cops show up.
>made the cuck boy back down
he did that when he realized that he was being a fucking idiot and harrassing a stranger.. oh wait he didn't even realize that he just got winded and walked away swearing like an idiot

he had to curse and used no logic whatsoever. he was BTFO by all official standards
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wasnt illegal and if you attack your enemies they win

Thats what guns, knives and bats are for.
Girl is jada stevens
I thought you guys had guns in the US

>they come up to harass you
>aim you gat at them
>"what're you gonna do shoot me? youll go to jail"
>"maybe but youll be dead"
>start counting down from 10


The chick's accent.

>Do you really think you're going to make friends

Why would someone want to make friends with those people?
>Are you racist? Why do you want to build a wall

>It's not racist and if it was racist to build a wall why is it ok for Mexico to have a wall on its southern boarder?

This stumps the cuck every fucking time.

There's literally no point.

His simple not reacting is driving them insane.

It's amazing.

When he laughs they have like a breakdown.

This is the awesome point we're at now.

You just have to exist and leftists have full fucking mental breakdowns.
iirc the guatemalan/mexican border was a meme, no?
you should say that israel has a sweet border.. and as we all know there is no way that israelis could ever be racist

check mate

just thought i'd ask - are these people centrists or leftists? or what are they?
For the people argung he didnt won:

>Why didnt he hick their shit in

The alien was filming in other words he had no choice to do anythng physical

>But his space as invaded

Even in Burgerland this isnt a reason to attack somebody. He could decked them IF somebody have laid a finger on them because he was sitting in the corner so backing off was impossible and looking at him i think he was ready to threw some punches

Look how they react they scream like liberals always scream but he keeps his cool head.
And after 10 minutes screaming around and making insults they leave.
The alien wont even upload the video because she knows she lost
that girl wanted to fuck him so bad

should have said that her bf is probably getting jealous over all this attention your giving me

she brought up sex and touching him lol

"oh you want to be touchheeeeed"

Any conversation with them goes nowhere. Film. Laugh. Ignore.

A beta cuck acting tough to impress an ugly mexican girl, a drunk mexican girl, and Keanu Reeves who wants the drunk mexican girl to shut up and leave so they can go to wherever it is they're going.

This is why it's better to just let them talk.

Just let them ramble on and on and on.
Just wait until they become belligerent. Then shoot them.
I was kind of getting the vibe that she was attracted to him desu


they built a wall in the south but don't want wall in north
I think the guy is just placating his 75 iq spic gf because he knows it's his only way to keeping the puss.

I might start wearing Trump shit just so I can BTFO of liberals and they can film their own butthurt.
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>whens the last time he got laid
>ouhhh... jjmtah...
kek She wants the D

>are you jewish
my sides
Why is she acting like that?
So? Be a fucking man and tell them to fuck off or he's gonna bash their fucking skulls in
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No respect. This makes me 110% livid. Nothing but the utmost respect for him being able to hold it down.
Leftist really have no arguments at all. They are just angry and bullies.

Assholes just CANNOT handle people not getting in line behind the SJW brainwashed fucking politically correct bullcrap. Their brains just FRY instantly.
>So? Be a fucking man and tell them to fuck off or he's gonna bash their fucking skulls in

The point is to show the harassment. The longer they do it, the more case he has against them with management.
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yes chimp out so you can get arrested and they can film the crazy drumpf supporters XD
>ask for their names
>complain to building manager that these guys are harassing you
>file a police report to document it, wear blue lives matter shit when the cops show up lel
rinse and repeat ad infinitum until they are trespassed from the complex or evicted
kek why have you forsaken me
>if you don't beat the shit out of a faggot and his spic wife for calling you a doodoo head and being a minor nuisance then you're a cuck
What is it with internet bravado? Uh... you're so cool for detailing every jab, uppercut, and piledriver that you would inflict upon these people. I'm sure that nothing turns you into a bloodthirsty killing machine faster than a 4ft spic questioning how frequently you get laid.
>>are you jewish
It's actually not surprising. He's realizing that he may have to be paying for his GF's legal bills in the near future.
She'll be the first to go back.
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How can we organize a mob to make these peoples lives miserable in their own apartment complex?
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Daily reminder that white men who race mix with chinks are just as subhuman as white women who mix with niggers.

My half mexican girlfriend wants to build wall. Ultimate red pill.
>Find her address
>send anonymous tip to government that she's an illegal
>faint shrieks of "das waycisss" are heard from behind the wall
Trump hate trumps love.

Yet more proof that the weaker you seem, the more they run over you.

> without even cursing
In a world full of jackals, the only thing they understand is raw force and lion roars. Your supposedly ''civilized'' behavior is a bunch of bull. Whoever the fuck indoctrinated you in pussification did you a big disservice.
Find out there names and where they work then get them fired.

A retarded shitlib harassed a chick fil a server and got fired from his job and ended up homeless.
oh fuck she's not a chink... my point still stands tho

Check this (not fully relevant)
>oh fuck she's not a chink

How the fuck could you have ever have thought this?

> Ohhh pappi, ching chong dong
>spic girl is CLEARLY recording and trying to bait him
>guy realizes that white men are always considered the bad guy and doesn't insult her or act racist, instead acts cool and collected

You guys are fucking retards and would have lost your jobs or got kicked out of uni by going full 1488 and sperging out. This guy was smart.
Wow, they sure showed him.
>fascists BTFO
I don't know why everyone's obsessed with filming everything these days. Beardman is the best guy in this video. You know why? Because he doesn't have a fucking camera. He has his hands in his pockets and that's all.

There should be a law that lets you shoot people's cameras if they're filming you. Not the people, just the cameras.

>aids skrillex avatar on twitter


It's California. Their gun laws are probably the strictest in the U.S..
Also let me just add that the girl is actually pretty attractive and I like her accent but she needs to lose the fucking cameraphone. Instant turn off.
Your autism is showing, he started filming because she had a camera in his face and he probably knew this shit was about to happen.
America isn't the old west, you can't just kill someone for talking to you...
Yeah and that's what annoys me. Fucking everyone has cameras these days. STOP FILMING THINGS. I'M TIRED OF IT.
The chick can't even fucking speak english
I wish he would have fucked with them a little more. That little spic girl was SO fucking mad, it would have taken just one little "you have to go back" to send her into a shrieking taco rage.

I understand he just wanted to be left alone though. It's great that lefties are this mad. I want to see them get angry, demoralized, desperate, etc. The further they're driven into insanity the more the right wing becomes seen as the ideology of sane, normal people.
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She has to go back.
The world doesn't revolve around you, your narcissism is showing.
You sound mad you fucking bigot, she is too busy making more money than you ever will.
Poor fucking snownigger baka.
They are so shallow and materialistic too-

"oh you have an Iphone 6 holy shit what a loser"

"oh you use free wifi in the nice center? YOU'RE A LOSER, FREE WIFI!!!"

Jesus fucking christ, these people suck and are major douches.
if you think a woman is about to assault you your only saving grace would be if it gets caught on camera
This is so ridiculous and infuriating at the same time that I thought they were actors at first. This people should better learn that right-wing death squads are always a REACTION against leftist harrasment and totalitarism
Shut up faggot, you don't even know what you're talking about. She's obviously an airhead gold digging whore.

Last (You) from me asshole, I've seen you around, you're a fucking cocksucker kike.
I have seen no proof that the world does not revolve around me. I think it's quite plausible that everything in this world is a simulation built specifically for me. You may think otherwise but how do you know that's not just part of your programming?

Or maybe just walk away dumbshit.
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He raises a valid argument, but here you are swearing like a sand nigger on fire.

t. poorfag who probably owns an iphone 6
HAHAHAHAHA, if these things matter to you..
You have proved my point, you really are narcissistic.
Are you posting this from iphone 6 peasant boy?
>a liberal acting like a child

Oh really?
Some leftie talks shit and get BTFO
Also what the fuck is a clubhouse? I understand it's some kind of common area for high-standing condos? Never seen this before
>Or maybe just walk away dumbshit.

rather be a dumbshit than a spineless cuck
This. I watched the entire video and throughout thought: please don't snap at her please don't snap at her.

Given how close she held the phone to his face, I don't think I could've been so calm as he was, so props to him.

Some people here suggest that he should've argued with them. I don't think so. It would've achieved nothing, they would've most likely turned violent and you don't want to have people say "Trump supporter attacks Mexican woman".

Just don't let them controll your mind and behavior. They are like little children. They can be annoying and sometimes you might want to slap them, but you shouldn't.
>I think it's quite plausible that everything in this world is a simulation built specifically for me. You may think otherwise but how do you know that's not just part of your programming?

It's not but let's have fun, take a gun and shoot yourself. If it's all built for you then it will restart :^)
That Mexican girl is cute but annoying. I think she wanted the dick though desu.
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I have to ask, where are the right-wingers to protect this man?
4chan, can we at least get his number or e-mail?
We can send him some words of encouragement, at very least. Show him he is not alone.
As the old Russian saying goes: "One man (in a field) isn't much of a warrior. Unless he knows he is not alone"
This is why you /fit/ senpai, why even have a discussion?
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stop talking to me poorfag I bet you're using your buildings free wifi right now on your iphone 6!!!
>turk is so verbally overpowered he has to punch the college professor
Hmm, really filtered my water.
I think this was like a solidarity rally for muslims after the Brussels bombing and some nu-male got decked
You can barely even see here you astroturfing faggot.

That shitskin bitch was ugly as fuck as far as I can tell.
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Voices in you head are not my words.
fucking wrong image reeeeee
I would fuck his brains out. Omg is he gorgeous. Latina bitch just wanted the D.
can't they shoot him?

what's wrong with you americans, stop tolerating this crap!
Fucking California.
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Would it be legal to cough in her direction repeatedly when she gets in his face?
Sean Bean didn't like Joss Whedon running his mouth to him.
That's rape anon.
I think its good.
You're the second Australian itt to suggest shooting them...

Let me explain, in America you can't kill people for talking to you, you can only shoot someone who poses a threat to your life. Surprisingly there's a middle ground between being an Australian cucklord who can't even use pepper spray to defend himself and being a Somalian warlord who slaughters people who look at him funny.
This. The Mexican bitch is angry and her cuckish white boyfriend is there to back her up.
>you can only shoot someone who poses a threat to your life
This is wrong though. I can shoot anyone who illegally enters my house. He can't shoot anyone because:
1. It's not his house.
2. He lives in Commiefornia.
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The point is grow some balls you faggots. This is America. If someone gets in your face and wants to start shit then shut his faggot ass up and teach him some manners
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He should fuck up the beta cuck and take the spic woman for himself.
He's just a self-hating cucked white. You hear him accuse the guy of being "an uneducated white guy"? Total race traitor.
what's stopping you from luring people into your house and then like.. flipping on them and shooting them in the face?
>luring people into your house
You can't "lure people into your house" any more than a store can "lure people into stealing". At some point the person has to consciously break the law.
No its just your thinking that any women who talks to you wants the D.
> trump support assaults mexican woman and cis male ally.

>the whole internet then collapses on the "alt-right racism"

Good idea dude!
Ya, I woulda snapped and beat the shit out of both of them and got arrested and lost my job. I don't get how people can keep their cool like this.
Can you ask a jehova's witness to step inside then blow them apart?
No but like for example, you hate Dave

You invite Dave to your house

Once Dave is there you hang out for a bit then shoot him.

Cops show up and you say he trespassed.


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Nice projection faggot.
>guy at the very end
Men don't let females abuse other men in this manner. Its degrading to all involved. In fact I would not respect any man who gets his cameraphone out during a 1vs1 altercation.
I mean you could. You gotta keep it a secret though. Bury them in cement in your cellar or something.
Yeah, exactly this. Best to leave IRL trolling to people like in the video or Milo.
Amazing patience from the guy with the shirt.
I'd probably get beaten up and arrested, but I could never contain myself for that long in the same situation.
Your word against his, though you'd have a tough time convincing the police.
>you knew Dave
>his friends/wife knew he was visiting
>phone records exist

Oh well. Just do it. Dave was a cuck anyway.
a white person is not allowed to resist the will of minorities. being too aggressive would land him on the 10 oclock news
Been up for an hour, so not surprising, info(mercial)wars will probably be jerking off to this within 24 hrs
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lol. exactly.
thanks doc

What fucking nut cases
god she wanted his dick so badly

What did she mean by this?
"when was the last time he got laid"
This is really upsetting.
The guy has the patience of a saint, holy shit.
what's you're name

Baby, baby you wish

You want to be touched soooo bad

>women love a challenge
>bitsh was gushin between her legs
yes you can, you'll just go to jail for it
sean bean has had enough
The guy is like the poster child for cuckoldry

She is so educated, that she filmed the entire thing in portrait mode.

Guess they don't teach proper filming techniques in liberal arts classes.
A violent reaction is exactly what they want. That's what she was trying for over and over and you could tell she was really getting frustrated she didn't get it.
No a violent reaction is exactly what he should want. Its very easy to trigger people like that.

He should of just laughed at him while telling him to fuck off, and gloated about Trump winning. The dude would of probably hit him and then he could sue the shit out of that faggot in civil court.

He has probably never been in a fight before so he is too scared to get punched. Always stand up for yourself even if it mean you are going to get a beating.
The police state is too powerful here. Any kind of violence is pointless until the majority of white men have been redpilled. Irritating shit like this helps a lot.
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How much money do you think it would take to turn this harassment into a porno?

She seems obsessed with making money. Maybe we can get a pool going to fulfill her needs.
Member liberals, when it becomes a national tradition to start shooting you in your homes/public, these people are why it happened.
Dude with the Trump shirt came off as a beta cuck.
Nah he wants his wife to get punched.
So he doesnt actually do anything, it makes him look sympathetic and it saves him the trouble of having to do it himself
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This video makes me want to go on a:

Thanks for Correcting the Record.
>leftist banter
I wonder how much time will it take for globalists to actually go full commie. They're leaning exactly the same way the eastern block commies were. Imagine dropping a hint at work about something even so slightly politically incorrect and being fired, your home given to "better people" and your children banned from entering high school.
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his other videos are actual pretty comfy desu. I subscribed to him when he had like 15 followers. cant see him getting big tho, his channel is pretty niche
jlaw is an ugly piece of shit for a woman.
Probably a college area
you do know wisdom is the virtue that separates the generals from the niggers right?
>chimping out is wisdom
>calm and collected is nigger behavior
that mouthy bitch is begging to be raped
AND... if management for some reason tells him to fuck off then he can sue $$$$$$
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>#buildthewall t-shirt
That cuck wasn't even her boyfriend. He's a mega cuck.

The girls real boyfriend show up at the end.

Her boy friend is obviously that guy who says "you've been here for 20 minutes let's go, he's entitled to his opinions and takes her away".

He's going to raw dog her while the other cuck sheds tears about all the justice he dealt out.
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>abloo bloo this proved my point
Fuck off.

Even in a simulation I know better than to fail this test. Nice try.
Why is it always liberals who harass other? What happend with "peace and love"?
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>tfw he stands up and puts 3 in each of their chests
Kind of amusing watching her get wet after he shows she can't offend him.
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>self-radicalization intensifying
lol you wont get a recount no matter how hard you shitpost, hillshill
That's a huge part of why she was so angry. Deep down she would love to get dicked by Nathan but not only does Nathan not give a single fuck about her, he wants her illegal immigrant family members out of the country. She is so used to playing that pussy card that men with no chance and ever getting inside her will bend to her will and carry on like huge faggots just to be her friend. But here is a guy who she would engulf in her mexicunt with no interest in her at all. This feels like the ultimate insult to this histrionic whore because she has never been turned down by a man before.
It's a good video though.

I don't care who made it.

Someone should tweet this to anthony cumia and gavin mcinnes.
>man getting harrassed in his own home
So, he should kick them out.
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He should have responded with "not an argument" to everything they said.
Seems fake desu. Way too calm with randoms in his house.
Well that was infuriating
Good on him for not losing it
What is this place even?
Only for the first minute or so. I thought the same.
It's not his home. OP was exaggerating.

It's a common area in an apartment building. I'm guessing there is a gym and shit there.

Guy worked out for a bit and sat down to use his lap top.

A cuck and a mexican slut came and started harrassing him because he is a trump supporter. He laughed it off and asked them to leave. They made every effort to get a rise out of him so they could catch him on camera and have the villain they want so bad, he refused the bait so they just looked mentally ill. Some other cuck walked through and gave them a vote of support until finally the guy who's actually fucking the mex pussy came and told her to leave the guy alone.
ok I fucking hate Trump but I hate this shit more.
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go to 7:14 and 10 seconds later was the moment he was supoosed to say "I'll go to my apartment, how about you come too and we'll take our shirts off together" [winky:smiley] [steam-train] "yeah, we're gonna build a wall and you're gonna pay for it"
So how's the Arabization of Greece going?

You guys on schedule?

Have fun being a loser in a loser country.
There's about a 90% chance that Mexican bitch wanted his dick. She was probably acting out in cognitive dissonance.
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amazing how patient this dude was, I would have snapped from the start (and that's what these scumbags were waiting for)
the dreams of a white Californian man
The part where he's like "You've been here for 20 minutes, lets go" and has to force her to leave.
not to mention all that TEXTBOOK kino he didnt even have to work for.

For those of you that haven't read coach corey waynes shit. Women tend to say what they dont mean but do what they do mean.

So the fact that she has to be pulled away from the dude, coupled with the fact that she touches him multiple times after being warned against it AND bringing up sex on her own.

damn dude.
The real cuck was the dude who was getting ignored by the girl
This is a clear case of histrionic personality disorder.

Fuck man, stand up for yourself. I would have punched that fucking nu-male in the face, I swear to God. What he and that woman were doing is borderline assault, probably disorderly conduct too.
She probably wants that wall as much as he does, but wants to make sure shes on the RIGHT side of it.
This is correct.
if you kill them, they win
Very impressive that he managed to keep his cool. Those two were the ones who came across as fucking douchebags.

also would have broke that dumb mexican sluts phone.
Nope. That's what they were hoping for. They wanted to catch him on film doing something violent or saying something racist. Then they get him kicked out of the building and he is the bad guy.

Instead he looks like a nice normal calm person and they look like irrational assholes.

He played it perfectly.
she looks flip to me
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i know what you are thinking
flips are just mexicans on a small island in the pacific.
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Is this common in America?
probably would have to stop filming to call police
Shocking that the angry white knight backing up the girl isn't getting any.
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he didn't want to stoop down to their level of immaturity

>I am more educated than you will ever be

If the apartment would kick me out for using violence while defending myself against a nu-male getting in my face and shouting threats and obscenities at me, then that's not somewhere I would want to live anyway.

Yeah they look like irrational assholes, but he looks like a weak milquetoast. Appeasing bullies like that only makes them more aggressive.
dude... it sounds kind of erotic when she talks like that. It's like, that's the kind of stuff she's into
>implying the OP isn't a total pussy, the 4Chan version of a SJW.
Pathetic and weak. You should make a rope out of those t-shirts and an hero already

I looked on google earth and couldn't find it.
>Liberals making fun of poor people again

It is almost like they never want to win an election again.
>Being edgy
>Surprised when people react to you being edgy

Why do white people have special snowflake complexes?
I know quite a few flips on the west coast.
They are way more conservative than I am, very family oriented people. But warm hearted still. I kinda understand how they voted in Duterte

>this beta potato nu-male trying to be "manly"

I'm talking about the guy in the build a wall.

He was trying to get all kinds of excuses.

He should have been like

>yeah I'm wearing a shirt like this
>no I'm not a racist
>"I'm a mexican"
>then you have to go back

Faggot. He deserved to be humiliated.
because we are special snowflakes
>doesn't google communist pepe or comrade pepe
He should show her his erect wall in his bedroom.
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excellent desu.. excellent post.
He's an idiot. Acknowledging the existence of people harassing you is not how you get them to stop. You just ignore them. They'll either stop, or they'll assault you at which point you can retaliate and end it.
>random cucks can come near you and film you, and you can't do nothing about it.

Just like those half life 2 drones
How'd they get into his house?
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Apparently it's an apartment complex with a community center, which is free for all residents and guests. His actual apartment is probably somewhere on the 2nd floor. So they didn't break into his apartment, but they happened to meet each other in the common entrance area, or so it seems.
It's a hangout area for townhouses, is what it appears to be.
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This girl did not have a mexican accent. At all. I bet if she gets doxxed it will come out that she's not mexican and she was just saying that.
does he live in a fucking commune? disgusting trash


Film it. Give it to the internet. Let the internet dox them. Let the dox meme them to suicide.
I have had an even better technique taught to me by my dad. Breathe through your nose just a little harder than usual, not enough to snort, just enough to drag a little mucus into your mouth. Once you have collected about a gumball sized wad set up a fake sneeze and just blast snot all over the person. If they complain your defense is "sorry man, sneezing causes a reflexive motion, couldn't have stopped it."

Read the thread. This occured in the common area of his apartment where people go to hang out and get free wifi.
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>She fucky
>She sucky
>She shmoke cigarette is pusshy
Bomb California into oblivion. These fuckers should not be reproducing.

Have these fuckers come up to the midwest. They would have been fucking DROPPED after the 3rd time of being asked to leave him alone. Fuck the cameras - he's got evidence of harassment and that he asked to be left alone.

Cuckifornia is bar-none the worst place to live in America - when it comes to the people.
thats EXACTLY what they were fishing for.

dude kept his cool.
this. if he woulda got violent whatsoever his life would be over right now. now this girl's life is going to get pretty interesting if any /pol/lacks get too triggered over it.

Yeah, this.
That Mexican chick gives me frenulum tingles.

I would have kept goading her to talk about how she wouldn't fuck me.
Oh, thanks.
>He's going to raw dog her while the other cuck sheds tears about all the justice he dealt out.

That's funny because the girl accuses the Trumpet for being sexually pent up when it clearly explains the cuck's asshole behaviour.
>white knighting for a girl on a youtube video who will never even talk to you or touch you even if you did meet
>being this much of a cuck

gas yourself stupid cunt

Alternatively, he should have antagonized them instead of trying to get them to leave.

>Sit there calmly
>"are you racist?"
>"Well, I'm mexican"
>Tell that bitch to get back behind the wall
>watch nu-male go rage mode
>the minute he lays a hand on you, break his arm
>watch him cry and tell you he's getting you kicked out for attacking him
>too bad - you have video evidence

That shitskin's face is precious, though

>Oh shit, these guys -do- throw punches
We must find these libtards names and unleash Kek on them.

Only OP can get that info.
let them fade into obscurity with the rest of their retarded "movement"
That is what a true red pilled man is like
love this webm
numale cucks have never been in a fight its why they're such pussies
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>You wanna build da wall? Are u or have you ever been, a racists?

Loaded question, next!

I think this would be the best tactic. Yell back at them so loud and so intensely that spittle flies from your mouth and lands on them. Then the Mexicunt gets spit on her phone and hopefully gets on the nu-males face and provokes him into throwing the first punch so he can get stomped.

Regardless, he should have flirted with her while her cucky numale boyfriend was standing right fucking there.

Shit would've been cash.
they actually got more annoyed because he didn't engage with them much.
What's wrong anon what happened in your life that you're triggered by camera phones
>"Yea iphones can only shoot like 2 minutes or something before they are full"
What did he mean by this?
I honestly just wanna prove that bitch isn't mexican. She's not.
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Don't dox them. That makes them victims and they can cry about the evil Trump supporters.

Just make the video go viral. That way they have millions of people around the world making fun of them and they can be drowned in the shame of being huge faggots with no way to claim victimhood.

Let's not let them be martyrs. Let's simply make a mockery of them so they are ashamed to show their faces in public.
>op this isn't where you advertise
It is now.
kill them all.
She must go back.
>Weak face
>pointless beard
>High style hair because he's a manlet
>220lbs, sub 1plate bench press
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a video going viral and getting doxxed are pretty much the same thing.
Yep, he's not fitting the role of "evil aggressive racist" from the narrative they all believe so the cognitive dissonance is having its way with them.
>that voice
>constantly moving around and randomly ducking to get different angles of a dude sitting
>every second word is drawn out or slurred
Is she retarded?
>rasist teanigger
>falling for the female meme
>1 pl8 is achievement
thanks anon i always thought i was a bitch on bench
Wtf? Any iPhone with 16gb can record for hours. Unless they've got only 20mb free.
Oh. And.

>using the big boy voice
Beard man had no camara because he was livid, ready to attack him, hands on pockets was just a way of restrain himself. The girl had the phone for shaming and extra cookie points on social media white the guy had it as defense mechanism
The best tactic was the one he took.

The second best tactic would be to let out an ear shattering "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" drooling on your self and spraying spit everywhere until they left.

Serious question. Are you mentally retarded?
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They WILL still be martyrs to the roughly half of Americans who voted for the Hildebeast, even though they were clearly acting like aggressive assholes here.
nu male
>The male with the Mexican thinks he's The Dude

It was more an emphasis on just how awful that is. But it's okay, bro. We're all gonna make it.
She wasn't getting the reaction she wanted so she was desperately trying to get in his view space. In the end she was trying to stick the phone directly in front of his face. It was literally "I'm not touching you" while holding your hand in front of someones face like an 8 year old bully in the end. Are you really meant to stand up and punch someone like that in the face or just film them, laugh and put it on youtube?
Just admit that the wall is a fucking retarded idea
bitch is ugly yo

mexicans are so fucking ugly man, fuck that damn race
holy shitttoo dat BITCH
>don't understand how that white guy, who looks rather fit and manly, doesn't just go apeshit on them.

Uh, he's not a nigger anon this is what a true red pilled based man is.
Doesn't matter, seeing millions of comments calling them assholes is enough to shatter these types of egomaniacs.
You sure know about being a cuck, don't you, piece of shit?

I actually am impressed he was able to keep his cool after being harrassed like that.
Politics. Not even once.
I will personally build the gas chamber for that annoying ugly chinkalita that keeps repeating
>free wifi
>stopping a mass amount of drugs and illegal guns from entering America
This, she sat there and gave him shit loads of attention and thought about his dick, fucking, and him being touched. If you know anything about women then you know this girl was legit horny, probably shoved some fingers in her gash watching that video she took as soon as she got home.

I mean look at how needlessly close she was getting too, she just wanted to be manhandled.
Hahahaha that fags face as his girl looks like shes climbing onto the Trump guy haha
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>she films vertically
my fucking sides every leftie ever
He would have seemed like a chill guy if he had come in and dealt with the hysteric women in the first five minutes. The fact that he didn't means he's likely trying to get it. Turns out his biggest mistake was coming back for her. He should have left her there.
This is a pretty limp wristed way to handle this. Should've been asking things like "are you here legally? Do you have a green card? If so then you're fine you're not part of the problem" that kind of shit really gets them going and is heat for banter.
He should have said he already has a girlfriend.
They were goading him into violence, he should of just flipped em off and ignored them

Jesus, she was salivating.
Honestly I think he just wanted to be left alone so he could shitpost on /pol/.
he isn't forced to engage in a discussion after they approached him so violently

It's also funny because it's clearly an expensive rental space. Everybody in this video (except maybe the Mexican) has money.
At least my chink ex would have clawed that mexicunts eyes out if she saw a woman pull that shit towards me.
Nah he did the right thing. He'll get them evicted eventually.
>How are we harassing you
>We're just engaging in meaningful discussion
Yeah, you sure told him. That place is COMFY though holy shit.
I don't think she hates poor people, she's just revealing her own insecurities. Her self worth is determined by how much money she has, so she attacks him in the same way due to projection.

it is a good video...even though I wish he would have ripped into them more. Who cares if it is his or not? Stop being jealous.
>not taking her phone away

This is why the world laughs at you.
Just a place where you go to hang out with the neighborhood, common in planned communities and actually pretty nice. Usually for 20-40 year olds, good place to do coke.
Nah, it's lefty meme based. They have memes that all Trump supporters are poor, uneducated racists.

They just run with that and believe it to be the ultimate insult for Trump supporters.
California law for home invasion is you have to match their weapon with a equal weapon to defend yourself. You cannot use a gun on them if they have a knife or bat.

Of course people aren't fucking morons, and live in the real world so gun owners would most likely say fuck that shit.
So says (((snopes)))
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lolololol good screencap anon! ha

Yeah I think she wanted some D. Women who are getting fucked regularly by their bf don't act like that with random strangers.
There gun/self defense laws are basically what we have here. They are so fucking shit.
He doesn't have camera
>She edits video to make it look like he was the aggressive one.

He films tgem
>They know they are being watched and can't chimp out on him when they are trying to look morally right.

>If she edits the video he can post his own video to show what really happened.
>iirc the guatemalan/mexican border was a meme, no?
The wall might have been a meme. But its highly guarded and they routinely torture and kill trespassers.
make a new thread instead its page 8
how do I link this thread?
holy shit top kek
it's past bump limit

make a new one
copy the link
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audibly keked

Make new thread, maybe there is a /pol/ack who lives in that area and knows who they are
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>NEW THREAD HERE: >>101189447
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>gets locked outside
>has to bang on door
>girl finally lets him back in
>he starts yelling at the guy again
>>10117627 been thinking that for awhile, or a Maga hat. Although I don't want to get jumped and killed for it because I live in cali with some pretty low impulse retards
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