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When Leftists Attack! THREAD # 2

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>she has a crush on him edition


old thread: >>101187418
They won;t be happy until everyone around them shares their opinion. Remember diversity is strength- except diversity of opinion!
Tsundere: The Movie
I see nothing wrong in this video. This was public space.
If you want a safespace go back to your apartment drumpfkin.
Man, the way people just point cameras at people
no you are third and i am sixth
Beardy McFuckface is going to get cucked by #BuiltTheWall if that spic bitch is his gf
Sure you are.
>Hey, no one's going to be able to watch your video with your hand shaking like that

>I can wear whatever shirts I want, thank you

>Why do you people talk like babies?
she wants that BWC
No you are 7th and I am 11th
Real talk, I've been in a similar situation and I fucked the girl. I got hard because I know what a horny girl sounds like.

Also spic girls in general always try to start shit when horny, nothing says "I want to fuck you" more than a spic girl starting shit for no reason.

God I wish I had been that dude, would have railed her so hard.
She must go back
She would have sucked his dick right there if he took the shirt off
her sense of power over a white male that cant do anything except sit there and take it, is why she is horny.

y9ou are misunderstanding.
It's actually a storm drain
>hh..h...hey can... can you let me back inside? I don't seem to have a key...
They can barely string a proper sentence together and they're saying he doesn't have an education
It's a shared space (not public, people there are all residents) but that doesn't give people the right to disturb others and intimidate and insult people who are just minding their own business, especially when they ask you to leave them alone repeatedly

Reverse the roles and have a trump supporting couple harrassing a clinton supporter calling him fucking loser and telling him to get out while he ask them calmly to leave him alone
Build a wall t shirt???? fucking racist scumbag
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>do you live here? if you don't we're gonna kick you out.
>Man, the way people just point cameras at people
That shit would have you in a fight here alight.
But more importantly, who is that semon demon
sacred HH digits confirm for truth.
really looked like an little girl trying to poke the guy she likes
lol no wonder the numale with her is a c u c k

Yeah I was thinking something along the lines of:

>Her: You want to be touched sooooooooooo bad


>It ain't gonna suck itself

Either he gets a bj or she leave's him alone to shitpost in peace, either way it's a win.
>wears shirt
>isnt open to debate
I hope the bearded guy beats his ass
please don't be this new
>Build a wall t shirt???? fucking racist scumbag

Yup to keep illegal immigrants out.

You understand what illegal means?
Free Wifi
What would Beardy McFuckcuck have done in that situation?
This really feels like a start of a porno
The way they speak even sounds like bad acting
>You understand what illegal means?
its a codeword fore minorities
why a wall now?? because trump doesnt like mexicans hes a racist
Absolutely, she had to be fucking dragged away. She wanted it so bad.

No dude, I've been there and done that enough, she wants his dick. Never in any similar situations has the girl not wanted my dick, and it's a spic acting like that? That's their fucking mating ritual.

Italy knows what's up.


>t. MAGA hat wearer in CA who has discussions everytime someone approaches me as long as I'm not in a hurry
reminder that walls are racist, so we need to tear down every wall on earth! who needs protection from the elements

I don't even want to know. Guy was a nu-male and probably a fag as well.

But if you watch the video, it wasn't until after Beardy the nu-male cuck left that she really seemed to get turned on and her bantz became more sexual
>tfw i'm roleplaying myself as Nathan in my mind
>smell that mexiwoman scent while she "harasses me" with her phone
>smells like strawberry with a dash of taco
>she smells my manly, musky, wild scent while getting closer
>r... r u raycist or w-what
>her breathing accelerates
>cuck friend is freezing outside without the keys
>So.. your name is Alejandra :) I'd let you pass at the frontier if I was a security guard
>she climaxes harder than she ever did in her life only true the power of my words
>she gushes gallons of guacamole
>muffled "it's freezing out here" coming from outside
Anybody know where the girls video is?
>a codeword fore minorities
I really wish it was.
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no, shes just getting off on the power she has.
>I weel make more dinero than anyone in your familia ever weeeeeel
Oh god I am cringing
People are so pathetic now.

This was probably the most dramatic incident in any of their lives to date.
Holy shit, liberals are creepy.
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This. It would have been pretty easy to punch them down with some easy arguments. They had none
She's really not, she's getting off because she has an excuse to talk to and be close to a man she finds attractive. I don't think you actually understand women bro, also Finnish language is stupid and makes no sense.
tsundere spic
yeah i feel like i should be snorting coke and literally dying from fucking hookers after watching that

This guy is based as fuck.
They don't even realised how pathetic they behave.
shes getting off because she knows he cant do anything.

shes also getting off cos the numale supports her.

she then tries to use seduction to get a reaction out of him, to further demonstrate her power in this social situation.
i'm a messicaaan girrrl and
you're sooooo <3 racist <3
No but I guess I look at too many asses and not faces.
Is it Jada Stevens?
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>implying they were gonna listen to reason and arguments
How retarded are you? Their sole reason for harassing and filming him is to get a reaction out of him and he did the right thing by asking them to leave. Now the guy doesn't seem very persuasive and he could have been more polite which would have made them feel like dicks and made them leave but he acted a lot better than reactionary idiots trying to prove a point would have. You need to realize when a political discussion makes sense and when it doesn't.
Even with her insults (she doesn't believe them herself) she's still trying to prove her worth to him. She's aching so bad for it. Her body language is more friendly to him than her own man. She's in a huff over being eased away from him.
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Daily reminder that we don't know who these people are yet.
That reminds me of one of those scientology stalker videos.
Those leftist cuckholds really are like a fucking cult or some shit.

Can't you just call the cops for harassment or something? Filming people without permission is illegal here tho.
i think youre insane, none of them have any actual power over the guy. He handled it way better than I would have.
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>i don't want to discuss
>then why are you wearing the shirt

this is a valid point desu
don't openly flaunt your political opinions if you aren't prepared to have them criticised.

consider the alternative.

in a rational society he could have reached out and beat the living shit out of both of them.

that wouldnt turn her on, would it.

what is turning her on, is that society has emppowered her to act this way towards a white male, whilst he cant do anything except sit and quietly protest it and take it.
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Fuck those people are obnoxious, im so triggered right now
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Is mexico in asia?
I like you, short-hair-master race-posting-Hans.
good god that's disgusting
like a mixing a spic with a chink or something
it was 20 minutes of harassment, not a little criticism.
wearing a shirt does not mean you have to discuss the matter with any cunt/cuck that tries to.
>women shouldn't wear revealing yoga pants unless they want to get fucked on the spot

Are you body shaming?
imagine some person of color wearing a BLM shirt and recording some white people harassing them like this.....go ahead...
Check her wank bank
idk, i have a shirt that says "trash of society"
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i kind of agree.

it's the old whore/rape adagio: if you're not ready to have guys look at your ass, don't wear a miniskirt.

still, they act like shitters. i would refuse too to discuss with anybody filming me and acting like fags.
>implying anyone with half a brain cant get leftists to BTFO themselves and awkwardly leave in embarassment
I wear a MAGA hat in CA. I get in arguments where I remain calm and BTFO raging leftists AT LEAST once a week. DO NOT WEAR SHIT IN PUBLIC THAT IS CLEARLY TO TRIGGER PEOPLE IF YOU ARENT WILLING TO TALK TO THE TRIGGERED PEOPLE. It's like walking around flipping everyone off just because you can. Yeah it's legal but when you get knocked out, dont expect sympathy or help
do u want to fight? ill meet up
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Sorry I'm Russian, here for family.
>in a rational society he could have reached out and beat the living shit out of both of them.
>that wouldnt turn her on, would it.

Depends on the woman and the situation but you'd be surprised.
Need to find these fucks
Wet'n'wild? it's pretty humid so it would be a good place

Mr and Ms Hillary Clinton voter 2016
He's probably a legit cuckhold waiting for some action so he can jerk his micropenis
i'd blow my sour cream in her taco
Beard faggots are the worst... Just buy the look at his fucking stupid face you can tell he is a cock sucker. What's he going to do? Cry on the dude?
yeah were doxxing this taco smuggler and cuck nu-male about to post their facebook info

They weren't criticizing his political opinion. It was just typical shitlib childishness. A lisping nu male faggot trying to be tough, cursing at him, telling him he only has a 6th grade education, and a spic woman sticking her phone in his face telling him she is smarter and makes more money than he ever will and that he wants to be touched soooooooo bad.
you do slav squat? is Borris western spy?
I discuss BLM with any idiot wearing the gear as long as I'm not in a hurry. I just dont harass like these people, but they are usually open to discussion.
I agree with building a wall and i support trump but wearing a political slogan t-shirt or one of those stupid fucking hats is just obnoxious and an easy to mark yourself out as infantile moron.
It's one of the many reasons i will never even visit america. You people have issues.
Always with the beard and receeding hairline.
haha typical latina women. they will try to piss you off until you hit them. kudos for the guy not snapping.

and you would get the living fuck sued out of you and your life destroyed

you are living in a fantasy
>in a rational society he could have reached out and beat the living shit out of both of them.
Once pinned a girl to a wall and told her I'd fucking rape her if she didn't stop fucking around after she grabbed my phone I had left on a desk.

We dated for like a year after that, turns out chicks dig being dominated.
Go back to leftypol
deal. if im not there in 2hours start the fight without me.
lmao she was so fucking horny it's unbearable to watch
had a very similar experience with a shitty counterfeit MAGA t-shirt I had pre election, she wasn't recording but she was all over trying to get a reaction and I ended up just saying "take if off yourself if you hate it so much" and she straddled me to do it

she wasn't a goblin like this though, can't say I wouldn't fuck her anyway with that attitude anyway
I wonder if she pokes guacamole
That's sexy
Nope I'm basing it on real life experiences. Women sometimes create these situations themselves pitting two men against each other to fight over her.

BTFO them on their own livestream with logic, thats what I would do. You cucks need to debate jews more and increase your verbal IQ's beyond racist name calling. Once you get good you can leave them stumped with their own words.

Just run them around in circles until they yell something like YEAH I WANT TO FUCKING KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE then wait till they go WAIT WAIT I MEANT SOMETHING ELSE
The mexicans name is Erica/Erika some variation, one of the guys says it around 8:30~ ish

100% if you held a camera like that in someone's face and got in their personal space like that you would start a fight here
The girl in the video said she was going to put it on youtube
Can anyone find it?
which city do you live in?
I thought this was a porno for the first couple of minutes. That's how bad it was
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>she's totes gonna have sex with me tonight. This time I KNOW IT.

>sips $8 latte
k, i got some cigs and a cone or two to get me revved
He mentions in the video it's just a shirt he pulled out of his workout bag and he's obviously relaxing in the commons area, not like he's out at a bar or event.
Can anyone find the spics vid
She wants his dick, and her buddy wants her vagina
Ca we please find out who these people are?
I mean this bitch talks about money she earns so there are two possibilites:
1. She really earns good money and loses her job due to her behaviour in this video
2. She lied and maybe even loses her minimum wage job due to her behaviour in this video

She can't win. In both cases she looks bad.
Why do Americans film each other?

In any country pointing a camera at someone is likely to get you a punch in the fucking face!
this guy is a faggot, he could have railed this mexican qt. She was so obviously trying to flirt
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>you stoopid
>you racists
>no shooes
Also kill the faggot, fuck the spic, she is kinda cute.

You'd be surprised how many legitimately don't. The phrase "law abiding illegal immigrants" is used unironically on our national public radio.
what are you a fucking sjw
3. She goes back
>"OMG your iPhone holds like two minutes of video"
As if cool blokes can't afford a good phone. Fucking brilliant.

>"you can't handle us because we come with meaningful discussion"
Jesus fucking Christ
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Verbal arguments are ENTIRELY pointless if you have two completely entrenched political sides facing off. All you're gonna get out of them is
>That's not true
>Can you prove it
>But this is how it really is : <insert any half truth supporting their side>
Sorry if I don't believe you. Wearing a shirt doesn't make him or anyone else a target of harassment. These people are scum and should be ashamed.

Ктo знaeт? Я дyмaю чтo люди пpocтo пpocыпaютcя.

Same here. Where I live I could have smacked the phone out of her hand so that she dropped it and it broke, cops wouldn't give a shit.
Why are you asking?

Because we're retarded, they even take away phones at anger management now because some retard was filming people and putting it on youtube.
>being so autistic you dont even realize what shirt youre wearing
>not being ready to discuss a shirt you might have accidently put on
He has no excuses. Wear a shirt with a triggering message, expect triggerings and be ready to discuss.
Yes. We jew now. Haven't you read the memo?
Stop harassment!
no, the power is what makes her vagina tickle.

she gets off on being able to treat a white hetero male 3 times her size like this, with being unable to do anything about it.
I'm up for ruining their lives..let's get some phone numbers and facebook accounts.
I'm in love with your girl satan, who's she?
Is she Mexican? I thought she was a gook
Did she ever upload her video?
ok so these are college educated people in usa? their are using arguments like 10 yr olds. i dont get it, how can someone be this out of touch. fcking cringe fest m80
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The woman seemed drunk.

And pretty much acted like a woman.

The first guy was an absolute faggot tool though. A full bore beta cuck orbiter loser.

The last guy is how normal men behave.
>Verbal arguments are ENTIRELY pointless if you have two completely entrenched political sides facing off.
yeah but what if they lead to intense hatefucking
i'd totally colonize that booty with superior conquistador seed

>I see nothing wrong with acting like a cringe worthy loser in public

No shit. That's why you're a virgin.
that hairline
trying to make it even smaller by closing himself out in the freezing night...as cuck as a cuck can get, he probably get off by hiding his micro-sized balls and penis behind his legs at the mirror

Get good faggot, I've talked to plenty of retards. If you cant beat a retard in a debate, youre the retard.
In your home though? I know I have the "inside only" cloths drawer in my house that I just pull cloths from when I get in too. What's autistic is picking out an outfit to laze about in.
pls be real
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That's totally fine by me as well!

Remember she's for fucking only, she's still a spic and she still has to go back afterwards. No exceptions. Exceptions always cause trouble.

Spic girls like it when you make them angry. The angrier he made her, the hornier she got.

Lebanese girls are like that too.

If you ignore their drama they get madder and madder and then accuse you of doing it deliberately to lead them on.

It's retarded and weird. Must be a Catholic thing.
If she did it wont be it wont be beardy who she thinks about when fucking.
>Fill me up with all your racism.
Why not just punch the fuck out of the fat Canadian?
if he had done anything, ANYTHING except sit there quietly taking it, she would have ruined his life over it.

surely you can see that.
Jokes on you, I'm doing bumps to recover from a night of same so I can make it through a meeting

t. white collar degenerate
Women give shit tests. Each time you don't fall for the bait, the sexual attraction builds
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Giving them attention is what they want.

That's what made the video so funny.

His lack of engagement just made them go crazy, and because they're leftists they won't do anything other than get more and more mad.

If it had been a bunch of Mexican DUDES, then they probably would have just stomped his ass.
In a public place?
Have you never been to a common area in an apartment?

One of the places I would never wear my MAGA shit is at a cholo apartment complex. Why? Because they won't debate me, they'll just stab me in the kidney when i'm not looking.
>because she has an excuse to talk to and be close to a man she finds attractive
Because she spends the rest of her day back at the nunnery? What the fuck are you talking about? Literally she could walk into any bar/club/bowling alley she wanted and start a conversation if she was that mad for attention.

It's not talking to the guy. It's fighting with the guy. She's getting off on the drama and conflict. You don't understand people.
He only came in again to make sure his bitch wasn't fucking him.
dis gun git gud.
>he's making me do something I don't like
>must means he likes me
>time to put out for my boy

It's their default state of comprehension.
They'll kill for a man who's lead them on.

she isnt going to suck his dick

she is just horny off her own power

if he had even lifted a finger or said anything in a loud voice this whole situation would have blown up in his face.

What's he going to do?

Arguing with people like that is a waste of time and gives them exactly what they want. It's better to just ignore them and let them stay mad.

But she was desperate for dick. Probably because she's used to having that Beardy McFatFuck hang off her every word and whim.
Heck of a sniper rifle there is it belt fed?
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We already know she lives in cali
Her youtube page is probably linked to a twitter and crowdfunding website like all good goys
>Lebanese girls are like that too.
This guy gets it 100%

If he had made a move he would have fucked her, fact.

You don't understand spics or women.
point being she wasnt doing this out of sexual attraction.

she was doing this out of power tripping.
haha holy shit they make it seem like hes wearing a fucking swastika on his shirt

Not if you're just sitting there chilling out or obviously busy.

Maybe if he was out protesting/running his mouth or something, sure. But it was the cuck and the spastic loud whore who were starting shit, what a surprise.
Mexican loses her shit because he is not wearing shoes on the couch.
Talks about how he is a loser who is not getting laid but spends ten minutes touching and filming him while her boyfriend (cuck) waits next to her and her bull waits outside.
>bro totally looks like channing tatum
>mexiturd bitch roll with numale cuck
>get aroused by channing-tatum-grab-em-by-the-pussy-bro
>harass him in hope he will lay an hand on her, if anything at least with a slap, a spit, a kick in the shithole
>alpha-tatum-bro keep laughing at her
that night she probably fingered herself repeatedly in the bathroom while her cuck friend read some bernie speech in the living room
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>arguing with people like that is a waste of time
>liberal logic
>literally films nothing for 10 minutes and shows they all have plenty of time to waste
Debate or else you are just a reverse SJW
if he made a move all hell would have broken lose, he would have lost his apartment, his job, his reputation and who knows what criminal charges ontop of that.

all while she fingers herself in ecstasy of how society has empowered her to be an utter bitch.

>i think youre insane, none of them have any actual power over the guy. He handled it way better than I would have.

Actually, pizza, they do.

Back in the day, harassing someone would have gotten your ass beat. Today, the dude has to sit there and put up wth it, because he'll go to prison for assault if he corrects their stupidity.

They both know it, hence why they're being so fucking obnoxious.
She is the daughter of one of the Chinese soldiers in Mexico waiting to invade the U.S.

Alex Jones it

>don't openly flaunt your political opinions if you aren't prepared to have them criticised.

They were harassing him. There is a difference.
should have grab her by the pussy and throw her back over the border

I think at first she and beardy got triggered by his shirt and just wanted to start shit with him for being "racist", but as time went on she found herself becoming more and more turned on, especially since he never really engaged them and remained aloof. Her bantz became more and more sexual in nature and she basically had to be pulled away from him at the end.

That's the shit test.

If he "breaks" that means he's a bitch and she loses all respect for him, and her pussy goes dry.

I don't know about Finland, because you're all Lurch looking motherfuckers, but here that's relationships 101.

They will push you and push you to try and get you to break. The minute you do, she regards you as weak.

Anyway, she's still better than Australian women.

>muh debate

You have a one track mind.
>don't you have any friends to be talking to

bf comes in

>yeah, me

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I found out when I was living in the US, if there's one thing that sends hot Mexican bitches crazy, its some assertive Anglo blood.

Having a British accent works really well too, but what can we say? The British accent gets women the world over wet as fuck.
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>maybe if i insult this guy enough he won't be racist anymore
The dude is a champ to putting up with that shit
He was in the community area of his apartment complex. Those are places where people go. What the fuck did he think would happen if he wore it around mexicans?


The only thing I hate more than those 2 annoying libtards is the cuck who wears a #buildthewall t-shirt in the common area and refuses to talk about it
>swastika on his shirt
>tfw I'd be arrested if I were to do it in my country
>tfw actually got arrested once in germany because I made a roman salute to police troops
>mfw yurop is cucked with no chance of surviving
she is turned on because she has power.

if he had even lifted a finger or his voice, all hell would have broken lose and he would be risking his apartment, reputation and livelihood.
Hopefully we're getting to that point. If i was that guy I would've hit the bearded fagaloid as soon as he insulted me.
Yeah i'm an Internet tough guy, but I aint no cuck thats gonna take these leftists shit
Good old jada

Yeah, the sexual attraction came AFTER he refused her shit test.
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I have no idea. but I do know that nathan just posted this video like 2 hours ago. maybe she will do so in response.
i thought 2016 would be year of the flying car. instead we have this
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>Tfw Everybody's posting hot fucking women but i'm trying to go on a nofap

>What a pussy! He didn't want to fuck a disease ridden taco
in Zed fight? Or are they Aussies? Can you fucking sort your flags?
Just because he is wearing something does not mean they have a right to harass him. What next, you are wearing white and that offends means,so I am going to harass you? Fuck off.
That is fucked if people have to be worried about what they wear to that degree.
Clearly has a misconception of how much a prostitute makes.
jordan peterson has literally butt devastated leftists for as long as this video exists.

you annoyingly agreeable totalitarian fucks and your shitty ideology are proven trash.

> muh different communism
> muh soviet union, china, cambodia, cuba, vietnam, north korea etc. etc.

Alec Knight kek
Is there a thread about this somewhere else?
He did piss me off by not making them cry
the attraction is not real or relevant.

she isnt going to fuck him or suck his dick.

it just makes her feel even more empowered and powerful. thats why she tries to seduce him to get a reaction.

What debate?

It's just going to be two lefty fags screaming and carrying on while you say;


It's literally a waste of time and serves to purpose. It's far better to give them the rope to hang themselves with and let them make fools of themselves and get increasingly upset.

It's not a fucking tv talk show or an internet forum.

I would be rock hard if I was him.
Getting bullied by girls is my biggest fetish.
Many such problems.
>if he made a move all hell would have broken lose, he would have lost his apartment, his job, his reputation and who knows what criminal charges ontop of that.
I would have never gotten laid if anything you just said was true, I wouldn't even be posting right now because apparently I'd be in jail. I think we must live in different universes.
You are revealing yourself to be MGTOW
We aren't talking about rights. Were talking about social interactions in an apartment common area you sperg. Analyze your audience you autists. DONT WEAR A TRIGGERING SHIRT IF YOU WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE
findland can u seriously just shut the fuck up
He could have bantered and be fine.
Now he did nothing and his assailants made themselves look like mugs.

It's good either way.
Welcome to CA but thats just the way it is. Adapt and own a gun incase they try to kill you
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inb4 dox
>I wouldn't even be posting right now because apparently I'd be in jail.

You are lucky you arent, cos according to the stuff you say you have said, anyone of those women could easily have ruined your life, and infact still can until the deadline for investigating the crimes.
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What day you on? I thought that shit was a meme at first but it's really not.
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>the guys voice cracking

Wew, the projection.


How about they don't start the fight?

He could lift his voice, but here's what would have happened;

>He yells

>They ignore everything he says and yell back

>They film it

>They put it online

>"lol stupid Drumpfkin gets mad!"

His course of action, regardless of any potential legal or social consequences was by far the best.

The situation would only change if it was, as I said, a group of Latino or Black guys. That's a different ballgame.

A fucking beta cuck and some mexican girl?

Let them scream.

I dunno. Maybe it's an Australian thing. The best course of action is to say as little as possible, but just not enough to make them impotently mad.

Especially women.
Anyone get the details on these faggots yet?
>aussie retard that cant have an intelligent debate
Stick to shitpsting m80
The whole joke is that Beardo Mcfaggotface and Picante O'salsa were only there for the free Wifi. Remember libtards always accuse you of what they are guilty of.

Hello Beardy.

Try to control your emotions in the future. You're not a teenage girl.
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>YOU HAVE TO GO BACK (to another thread)

plz go

some women get off on being controlled.

others get off on controlling others.

this is one of the latter.
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Can I see your membership card? How the fuck did you people get into my clubhouse? This is a gated neighborhood.. ffs
I'm already there loaded on goon waiting to film the cunt and nobody else is hear.

Might as well enjoy some slides I guess.

But yous cunts are fucked.
Day Two. Only just started desu.
I'm trying it out myself to see if the myths are truth
If it really does make you more energized
The bearded guy is obviously drunk too. Listen to him.
>I am more educate than u will evah bee xDDD

Said the spic who can't even speak English
finlandbro is a huge cuck
>who put those sluts on my nugget
Did somebody lighted her? I can't see if she's a qt or not :(
Aren't there any laws against provocation? So someone can just keep swearing at you and you're not supposed to do anything?
I am sure there is something the guy can do in this case or if he snaps and beats them up
No shit they shouldn't start the fight(this is IRRELEVENT). But if you wear a triggering shirt in the common area of an apt in CA, YOU ARE ASKING A LIBKEK AND A MEXIBITCH TO HARASS YOU OBVIOUSLY
The Cuck who had to retreat to his own safe space proves it, as soon as he left she started trying to control our victim.
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Your fashion choices end where my feelings begin.
A cuck and a Mexican qt seems kinda random. I would mostly have to deal with a bunch of niggers and their coalvurner/niggress

What should I do in that situation aussiebro?
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Anyone else wondering why she says she is Mexican even though her accent sounds like fucking Changlish. Or is it just me
look the top of the thread moron

It's not real power though, just the power to be an annoying pest, like a little kid cutting up in class because she knows the teacher can't hit her. And he had that "power" too. If he wanted to he could have stuck his phone in her face and responded to her childishness with bantz of his own, but there was no real reason to stoop to her level.
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tfw all the white men are cucking these little guacamole taco bitches and leaving the mexican males single. why are white bois stealing our women. even our women are running to the bwc
are you so insecure that the thought of a woman being attracted to another man makes you uncomfortable you cuck?

I don't think you into human emotions, or at least Anglo-Sphere emotions.

She wasn't empowered. Both her and Beardy were enraged at the their impotency.

Their desired reaction was an angry defensive response from him.

When he refused to engage, it put them into an anger spiral. That's why she had to be dragged away. She couldn't stand the thought of that having generated the emotional response in him that she wanted.

This is exactly like fighting with your girlfriend.

Or, as we learned as kids, dealing with police.

You shut up, nod, grin and maybe throw them;

>If you say so Officer

Like I said, maybe it's an Australian thing - The whole point is to not show someone else they have rattled you emotionally. It's the whole point of shitposting irl.

You say offensive, aggressive stuff. If a person responds with genuine passion/emotion, you laugh at them for not being able to hold their composure.

It's like when you bullied the fat kids in school. It wasn't the name calling and poking that was the fun part, it was the part where they cracked and started swinging.
sounds like Vietnamese to me too

ugly bitch as well
No law against it retard. This is just social interaction where people dont act rationally.

They can still be BTFO with logic unless youre an idiot that is on their level
Be the nigger and chimp out before of the know what hit them.

Be the silverback.
Mexicans are buying guns and getting ready for war most likely
Same here, I swear she's a thai ladyboy or something. Definitely didn't sound like a beaner

t. long time long beach resident
How is that different from talking to someone wearing sports jersey about how shit their team is how can they even support them even when they ask you kindly to leave you alone
Free Wifi
yea disturbing the peace

What intelligent debate are you going to have with a drunk Mexican woman screaming "RACIST RACIST POOR PERSON RACIST" over and over while her orbiter stands around yelling "FUCK YOU MAN FUCK YOU RACIST".

You're literally just going to be an idiot pissing into an ocean of piss and giving them what they want.

If someone mugs you, you don't HAVE to give them your wallet.

If some fags want to have a screaming match and film you, you don't have to engage them. You can just sit back and let them get angry as fuck and feel like failures.
>arrested for roman salute
what was th charge?
Not worried, spics don't call the cops.

She wasn't even in control of herself.

I accidentally did it due to work schedule, on day 7 I was banging on some dude's door because he ran away after I started running towards him yelling at him because I thought he called me a schmuck. Had to jack off to just be able to socialize at that point. Honestly made me consider that porn really is a jewish conspiracy to control the white man.
its power, because if you respond it will be used against you

this is how society operates atm.
youd be a fool not to recognize the risks.

both the cuck and slut made full use of their social entitlement to try and cause him to react in a manner which they could use to destroy his life.
>Free wifi is her argument
What's wrong with free wifi?

If that shits free then take it
lol. Fucking psychopaths.

These leftists still don't understand that this is why they lost.
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>btfo with logic

you haven't talked to another human in at least a week.
Wait just one fucking second, retard. You're now saying that he is obliged to engage in a debate with irrational people over a shirt which has no racist connotations and should therefore not be inherently triggering. They were BTFO by logic without him saying a single word, and it seems you were too.
Where is this interaction taking place? Is the guy in the sports jersey just sitting on a couch literally alone doing nothing and begging for someone to come give him attention?

Did any of you even see what a nobody this youtuber is? Like 60 views on his related video. He wore the shirt so maybe someone would care he existed even if it meant yelling at him
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>"do you live here?"
>"if you don't we're gonna kick you out!"

Do these people even know what irony is?
Thank god I am not the only one because, I was getting seriously fucking confused. All my years of going to Mexico and living in Arizona, I never heard the most chink like accent from a "Mexican".
cuck guy sounds like the dude kinda
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I think that shit's gonna happen to me soon, it's only day two and i'm already losing it
It's not even free, it's paid for through his rent
you are the most insecure cuckold I have seen on /pol/ (and that's saying something)

why are you spending so much time analyzing this woman's behavior? the consensus on /pol/ is that she is hot for him. you are alone in your opinion. please stop. go find another thread
Dont escalate with them

Say things they dont understand until its too late and they BTFO themselves with their own words. When retards want to talk, lead them to their retardation. 4d chess kid, study Trump.
She's implying that he's poor, which triggered me because that's classist and mean.
Well, that's just like your opinion, man.

there is so many levels of irony its awesome
Weak as piss mate.

You're struggling and it's fucking friday night.
You shouldn't be lurking here, you should be lurking around your local town and look for drunk slag who is separated from the herd.

I'm an old man with kids and a woman I can fuck if I want. You should be tearing up some strange pussy, even if it's some fat little bitch.

When you're old you'll fantasize about wrecking some young fat girl's pussy with your virile cock. God knows I do.

Happened in Penngrove, California

Shouldn't be too hard to discover more.
whatever, leaf
Talked to about 20 yesterday you dipshit
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dooooo eeeeet!! I want leftist blood and agony to flow like a river
This is what she has.
Her comments about education and socioeconomic status were also elitist. As a fellow man I actually found the comments about his family more egregious.


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Chinese Mexicans yikes

>claims to be mexican
>sounds like a vietnamese hooker
mind blown

Fucking run?

Here, if SJW's go you, you do what this guy did.

If pissed of Lebs or Aboriginals want to start something, it's got a good chance of ending with you getting jumped by 5 dudes looking to turn your head into a smashed watermelon.

I had to deal with a lot of Islanders and Maori's as a kid - Basically unless it was really worth it to you, you didn't start shit.

You will get into a potentially threatening situation and you could very well end up in jail.

I also have quite a few Islander bro's who are bouncers/security. So they always talk about this stuff. Especially drunk women.
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What's her name, /pol/?
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It will happen bro and your fellow aussie bro does make a fair point
Your standards will drop and you may or may not end up balls deep in some one step past thick bitch.

Disorderly conduct.
Capitalising words doesn't make your bullshit opinion any more valid. He wasn't obliged to say a word and it's time for you to stop.
>You should be tearing up some strange pussy, even if it's some fat little bitch.

Hah. I wish. Sex is fucking shit if you're doing it with somebody you don't have an emotional attachment with desu. I also don't wanna get an STD aswell, Living in some shit little QLD town.
2 years from now she will be 360 pounds and cleaning motel toilets.
Free wi-fiu
Free wifi.
Changlish Spic
In Mexico.
racially ambiguous girl that wants to be dicked down
For such highly "educated" people they sure do seem to miss some obvious contradictions in their thought processes. I think they should ask whatever school they went to for their money back. They got ripped off.
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>Free wi-fiu
>That JOI shit that it turns into towards the end
She's fucking HUNGRY for him.
triggered tina tequila
just a funny reminder of how this people are crazy
Manuela the Wall Builder

Anita the wiener cleaner
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>triggered tina tequila
>Mfw the real Tina Tequila gets mad and whales on her on Twitter
please god let this happen to me in real life

this desu
Does this get good at some point or is it or is it 10 minutes of the guy being an autist and getting completely obliterated by them?
Leaf Blower

Buddy, this isn't a movie or 4chan.

It's impossible to avoid escalation with them if you begin arguing with them. There is also no purpose in arguing with them, as they have a fixed position, and merely want to vent on you and hopefully provoke you in to embarrassing yourself by losing your composure. Which is precisely why they were filming it.

This isn't like speakers corner or even outside a political rally.

There would be no debate. No argument, no "blowing them the fuck out" with you wit.

It would be;



While, invariably, you yell back garbled sentences and they film.

Only a colossal moron would fall for the b8 they laid out.

Engaging these two in an attempted debate?

That's like responding seriously to copypasta.
Here is your (you)
Holy shit I live 10 minutes from there
I never said he was you retard. I said he's worse than they are for triggering retarded children and then refusing to try and do anything other than film them, post it to /pol/, and then farm (you)s. This isnt someone famous. This is a loser attention whore who triggered some libcucks intentionally for views

t. Reddit
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Holy fuck Aussbro

If only your kind weren't shitposters





I don't know Mexican names.

Chinese Chicano?

Rich Girl Rodriguez?

Sorry. I'll stop now.

Classist Cathy? Is there a Mexican name like Cathy?
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Buddy told me to listen to this last night - A fellow Aussie. Checking it out now.
>its so hard to not jerk off
Jesus christ man, just don't fucking jerk off, no one give a shit if you are nofap.

This is good.

Can we Mexicanize it somehow?
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Is she Chinese?

She sounds Chinese

Debate and use high verbal IQ

This guy is low energy. I would've put that white knight fatass in his place.

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>Touchy Tequila
I like
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>muh asian are best waifus
>muh angry Big Lebowski sounding faggot

Hope these faggots get gassed.
I like touchy tequila
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>sperging this hard
Caps lock is cruise control for cool
Irrelevant. You can still deny having a discussion with someone.
whatevever you do make sure you dont DOX THE MEXICAN GIRL it would be very bad if you did so i repeat dont DOX THE SHIT OUT OF HER
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For real wait till you've had sex with 30 or so bitches and realize it's only marginally better than masturbating, especially if you have to use condoms. Not to mention once you get a reputation for slopping around with fat desperate hos, kiss your chances of finding anyone worthwhile goodbye.
So I guess that's a no.
Tina the Taco
Jacinta the Jalapeño
Buffy the Burrito

ft. Tyler the Tike

m8. It's because we are shitposters that we know how this game works.

Behind every shitpost that isn't met with a wall of angry (You)'s is an Australian who knows he's failed to catch a fish for the day.
While it's possible that he is a beta cuck trying to white knight the FREE WIFI girl I think it's likely that beardy is a literal homosexual. I've seen faggots IRL get triggered and start chimping out like that and, like women, when you remain calm it makes them even more hysterical.
Why didn't he ask the cuck why the mexicunt was touching him?
Yeah this. Just don't find her facebook and sperg it all over on here. We don't need photos of Touchy Tequila, that would be very bad of us.
Anger is a valid emotional attachment.

I've got a bad feeling REDDIT is going to expose this poor girl and we'll have no choice but to blame reddit when she gets doxxed.
Kek it sounded like it was turning into a porno at the end with all that 'touching' business.

They should definitely fug.
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>Triggered Tiana could work as well
Hence why I limit my responses to you guys but as you can see I still engage. When you resort to just blatant namecalling, then you get rightfully ignored

Yeah... but triggered has already been used. We need something fresh.
True but, touchy has a better ring to it. We can't name all the spergs we see Trigger. That would just be uncreative and lazy.
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It's breddy gud.

Peterson is a little autistic and spergy and over the top, and Joe is...a little slow...but it's a nice listen.


Explain to me how you believe this debate will go.

They will not engage a single one of your statements or ideas. Every single remark you make will be shouted over with;


>Use high verbal I.Q.

They will respond by mocking you and saying you talk like a fag.

You will be filmed and added to a cringe compilation.

You are the IRL version of pic related.
>guy randomly asks him if he's jewish
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She looks southeast asian and she sounds like a gook (lived in California for half a decade). Seeing as how yellow fever fags run this site, people just assume she's a spic.

In my experience living in two huge multicultural hell holes (NYC & San Fran). Spic girls are by far much more easy going than chink girls. Asians are rabid lefties and make no issue in publicizing it. I've met many lefty latinas (mostly Puerto Ricans) that were pretty obnoxious but none where Asian tier. They are downright vindictive.
She sounds Lao.
We have a shit ton of those here in commiefornia

lol good j0rb with the accent

what did he mean by this?

>3 hours of listening to rogan's mindless slurring

How about no.
>I listen to radio head and like the people in the band but wearing a shirt with their name on it is fucking obnoxious

Fuck outta here Abdul, people use clothes as identity, just because you're a sperglord who's afraid to proudly display something you like doesn't mean it's wrong
You are like a little baby.Do you not realise that it is only in your head that the women is empowered?

She is literally gagging for that dude. Doesn't mean anything is going to happen, but all of the sexual capital is with him.

Wake up bro. You're making yourself a slave. She wants the cock.
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Fucking hell, if these people were my neighbors I'd make it my hobby to make their lives as miserable as possible.

She says "I'm Mexican" not even a minute into the video fucking retards.
Islanders are better than lebs or abos.

With abos you just up and smash the shit out of the toughest one immediately and problem solved.

With lebs you have to be more strategic, same strategy as with abos but GTFO straight away before they all show up and watch your back for a few months. Get your boys in your pocket.

Islanders are usually good unless they are some rowdy types full of piss. But even then the older ones tend to knock em in line. Islanders tend to go around looking for a fight but not so much for a random assault. But that's sort of changing.

It helps if you're not a little bitch too.

Catching STDs is an overrated fear. Most the time it's not a very big deal. You're diluting yourself too. You should fuck some random fugly sluts who have youth now and then later you will appreciate the shit out of your wife and have the real good sex and never want to stray.

>shit little QLD town
To be young again. I am trying to get a home in such a place to raise my kids in. The cities are absolute garbage dumps mate.

If you really can't get out but, and it's a little late for prime pussy pick up anyway, you might as well have a wank.

But at least do some bare minimum weight lifting first.

If I were you though I would just lift and get my body jacked and go out all day tomorow and strut around town looking for something to bury myself it.

Squeeze some tits and pound ass on a practice girl so you know how to fuck good. You can do it mate. Even if you're fat and ugly.
>porn really is a jewish conspiracy to control the white man.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
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by far the best part other than the Mexichink coming so close to cucking Beardy McFuckboi
In the next thread open with one of their retarded statements and I'll respond

The key is to never get mad yourself. When they're triggered and you are not, it's comically easy to run circles around them like a kike. Ever heard of divide and conquer? Turn the cuck against her for sounding sexual and touch leg. Turn her against him by reminding her that his ancestors killed hers and through her on the other side of the border to begin with. Once you weaken their alliance you can start to get cruel and ruin their relationship if you really want.


Wait where did he say that?
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>why would a manipulative female lie to try and prove her point?

Couldn't understand half of what she said. So I'm not surprised if I didn't catch it.
Look how ragged her breathing gets. Watch her chest towards the end of the video. She cannot catch a breath.
some of the posts on there are straight out cringe worthy.

>I would have decked him

You would have been thrown in jail for assault and then your mom would have to pick you up.

Why do neets talk like they have nothing to lose? Oh that's right, they do have nothing to lose.

Half of you faggots right here wouldn't have the balls to do that and not get into a fight.
Are you Aussies alright today?

You don't seem yourself
"educated" is a jewish meme
>Says Mexican
>Speaks Changlish
Yeah I am betting 10 bucks that was a lie.

Touchy implies she was doing something sexual and wrong too. Makes her seem sleazy and a violator of personal space.


Seeing an Australian resort to angry name calling is like watching a former millionaire, now broke, digging through the garbage for his dinner.

I'm not going to begrudge the man for needing to eat, but it's a pathetic site to see someone fail so hard.
AIDS Margarita?
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I can smell your cunt from here.

You know the rules femanon. Timestamp those titties and post them
Again, it's CA. They racemix here, but who knows? It's been awhile since I heard a taconigger with that accent.
>she gets doxxed
>she's not really mexican

I would jizz in my pants.
And if I were a lefty arguing against a Nazi I'd say I'm Jewish, even though I'm pure-blood white Dutch.

I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, but I maintain that it's just a tactic she tried to use to get our victim to respond.
we already did aids
>I've got a bad feeling REDDIT is going to expose this poor girl
Yea those fucking redditors always do shit like that those racist, sexist, bigots.



>Touchy implies she was doing something sexual and wrong too. Makes her seem sleazy and a violator of personal space.
Then it makes more sense to call her that. I bet you money she will get more flustered by that idea more than being called Triggered Blank. But, then again she isn't bright so it's best to let her ask herself "why the fuck do they call me touchy on the wi-flu"
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Her name s Lupita Wong. free wiiiifiiii
I like when you guys do the clever one liners. For some reason even the "lol holohoax" ones sneak in and make me giggle.
I'd make it 1000. Bitch was definitely asian

I know my Latinas and my asians. Other than whiteys, that's who's around these here parts.
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8 min
I don't believe it.

I don't know what you guys are talking about she sounds just like my mexican female co-worker from my last job.
We're always like this, you've just been falling for basic ruses and paying attention to faggot bait threads.

You see when we make the lamest bait insults and such at others it isn't to measure our worth, it's to measure the worth of others and weed out faggots by baiting them in to shit conversations about nonsense and keeping them away from real discussions. While the cock sucker becomes completely engrossed in the nonsense bait conversation we are off elsewhere participating in two or three other legitimate conversations.

But of course we also have a handful of our own faggots, but they are a minority. Canada is the same DESU. There's really barely any difference. But don't tell anyone I told you this.
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Maybe they should build a wall to keep people who don't live there out? Oh wait, it's a gated community.

>reminding her that his ancestors killed hers and through her o-


>...border to begin with, Once yo-


*They put away their phone and leave*

Two days later you see it on youtube with;


Maybe you can go into the youtube comments and describe how no, it was actually you who intellectually checkmated them.

To which everyone will respond with;

>lol Drumpfkin got triggered

But go ahead, give them what they want.


I'm married to one, and what you described is the exact opposite of what they would do.

Like Hugh Mungus, the point is to provoke them, and then instantly revert to the incredulous victimhood staunch.

>Huh? You're mad? Why? I'm sorry, I'm not interested in a debate

To which they respond with much anger and look like fools. You then mock them at a later date.
So I can have an idea of what the women are like in whichever city you live in. Don't come at me with some smartass shit, just answer the god damn question.
this, people saying she's not mexican are literally retarded. she sounds exactly like the 'columbian' actress from modern family.
Some do, but it's they're pretty rare in my experience. I had a manager who talked sort of like that and it was annoying as shit.

>Then it makes more sense to call her that. I bet you money she will get more flustered by that idea more than being called Triggered Blank


That was my intention.

The idea that she was turned on by his non-engaging response and couldn't resist putting her hands on him would send her around the twist.
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This dude is beta as fuck. Imagine letting a little Mexican bitch and some fat bearded faggot talk to you like that.

Honestly she looks and sounds Asian at times.

But as you said, when she was saying "Free Wi-Fi" it was like a full blown latino accent.
This left me laughing speechless, honestly
public display of un-democratic symbols
800 eur fine
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ever heard of something call proof
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>Fins teaching us about social interactions.
Thread posts: 399
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