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This triggers America

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>Based Japan

When I go out to eat, I go to buy and enjoy my food, not your wages.
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>tip the mover of the plate, not the one who cooks and puts food on the plate

Tipping culture is so retarded. I tip just to not get glares and sass from these entitled arseholes.
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Just thank us for stopping at two atomic bombs, and remember we can still wipe yall out at any time.
Look at that fucking bill. I would rather tip
Money is money.
No it doesn't?
This is how it should be.
yeah, you guys are chinks, you're insectoid penny pinchers that worship money
if that's yen, then the bill is only $2.50

so it must be dollars, but $285 is crazy
I love going to Chinese restaurants (real sit-down ones, not the takeout shit), and they don't care if you don't tip
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tfw you have never heard of Yen
>tipping reduces the prices of the food
cayman isle inbreds hard at work today
An entitled waiter faggot
Worked in a resturant and you tip out a portion of your sales to cooking staff. if you got no tips you would have to pay out of pocket.
Resturants are different. Some places don't give tips to chefs.
$243 for a piece of raw fish.


>mfw you think Japanese receipts are printed in English.
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>Instead of being able to choose whether to tip, in Japan a mandatory gratuity to the bill automatically.

You're a fucking moron. At least in the US, you can choose not to tip if you get shitty service. In Japan they just tack the price onto your bill.
They get paid because making sushi is hard as fuck. Americans have to be paid tips because they have an easy job and the employee knows they have an easy job.
It does. Restaurants in the US only have to pay servers $2 an hour if they make more than minimum wage in tips.

Without tipping, they would have to pay 7-14 dollars an hour, which would increase the amount they would charge for food.
We tried just raising wages and charging more, customers didn't like it.
>paying $250 for sushi
You are fucking retarded
Maybe that a la carte one is one of big sushi orders that you eat off a naked girl
>pays $285 dollars for raw fish
not a fucking chance bitch

sushi chef is a tradesman tier job.
If that was in yen that means his meal was a little over two bucks. Are you retarded?
>the american think-tank in action

Its printed in Yen you idiots

>being this retarded

if it was in yens, it would be like 2 dollars

also it's obviously American restaurant, why would restaurant in Japan told you what customs in Japan are
It's a sushi place in America ...
Stuffing raw fish in rice ball is hard now?

>285 dollars for raw fish

>He doesn't enjoy expensive fine dining
>He doesn't enjoy being a hedonistic socialite

Why live?
This is complete horseshit. There's usually no hard and fast rule on this and it's at the servers discretion if they want to tip out kitchen staff or not. Spoiler alert: they're usually not feeling too generous.
I have eaten at Yasuda and it is really, really good
Sometimes you can bring home 200$ in a good shift. If whatever place you serve at is popular and you are getting good hours or full time you can bring home 20$ an hour, and in a lot of states that is comfy money.
275 dollars for sushi

>no tax needed

well i wonder why
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No it's not. It's from a Japanese restaurant in New York.
If a restaurant has anything on the menu over $20 I leave

Fucking nips
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Youre child, faggot. Tipping well at local restaraunts i frequent increases the overall experience with time. For example, one waitress at my pizza shop gives me pint glasses when they get a new beer. Its more pleasant to eat out when staff seems genuinely happy you stopped in. Like i said, youre a fucking bitch and most likely a poorfag.
Bloody yanks and their tipping culture.
Fuck tips. Your boss can pay your wage, not me. I have worked ten times harder at jobs with no concept of tipping, but I have to put your dumb ass through community college? When I buy a product or service I pay for that product what is on the bill, nothing more. Get a real job nigger, I will not facilitate your criminal tax evasion.
Yeah sure it's the no tipping that triggers me, not the fact that the person payed $285.80 for an (albeit probably artfully prepared) meal of raw fucking fish.
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Fucking #fakenews op piece of shit
Tipping is fine and dandy. I usually give 15-20%. But the customer should not have to do so to get adequate service. That's on bad management.
you're retarded.

Great. So up the pay at American eateries to make up for the tips. Like this restaurant clearly has.
You must be the creepy guy trying to get ass from one of the waitresses so you over tip. They act like they care you're there but are really using your retarded ass.
>I should not have to pay for the services rendered to me

go back to the USSR, you fucking faggot. You're a disgrace to that flag.

>it's at the servers discretion if they want to tip out kitchen staff or not.

......just stop
No, THIS is complete horseshit. Ive been working weekends in the service industry as supplementary income for the better part of a decade and I've never worked ANYWHERE where you don't have to tip out both the kitchen and the house, as well as your barback and bussers. Like it or not, failing to tip is tantamount to theft.
why does one a la cart sushi cost $243
That's not a argument, faggot.

It's a simple fact that in countries that don't tip, the cost is added directly to the bill.

If you have shit service, you have to way to punish the server, like you do here in the United States.

I've seen this in both France and Italy, lazy rude servers who don't give a shit.
>no beverages with sushi
fucking hell
I bet you also think building roads is simply pouring asphalt or concrete on earth.
I do pay for the service of my meal. It's called the bill.

If restaurants depend on tips they should charge more for the meal.

Men, kinda expensive. masa in new York is $600 a meal

That's nice. I really hate that tipping is creeping into Europe, especially welfare states where people are already highly compensated for shit jobs.

Some fucker is going to cop an attitude about the tipping at any moment it seems like. The tip was included on my taxes.
Getting rid of tips is against the customer's self interest. When you tip people they work in part for you. Servers who get tipped will do work that is against the immediate interests of their employer, but favors the customer, such as getting a larger serving, getting a substitution that normally costs extra, etc. When they receive no tips, they are indebted to only the restaurant. You are guaranteed to have worse service in a purely capitalist, non-religious culture. Thems the facts.
>300 dollars on a single meal.

God, I didn't know americans were that fat.
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>>10096916 5

$9 for Edamame..

Why doesn't the employer just pay them better
That sounds more like a bribe than a tip. A server that goes against the interest of his employer would and should be fired.
I like this and want this to come to the US
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Europoors don't understand this concept.

For example, they would rather pay for shit quality "free" healthcare as long as it's included in their taxes.

They don't understand that competition and incentives produce a greater level of quality.
>Like it or not, failing to tip is tantamount to theft.
No it isn't.

You've never been to a fancy restaurant with several people? I've seen bills twice the size of that for social gatherings.
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>cust 2

alright then, 150 per person. I guess he's just obese and not morbidly so.
The employer has to pay servers more if there are no tips. This would increase the cost of your bill anyway.

Tips are just a handy way to punish a server for any issue that may arise.
You want a mandatory 20% tip added to the bill that you can't choose not to pay if the server is shit?
Americans will never understands this, but there is a reason tipping isn't common everywhere. Here it's because you are basically saying "You are poor. I pity you. Have some money". That's not to say that nobody ever gives tips. One time I had a pizza delivered in the middle of a storm so I gave a tip. He had to do an above-average job so he deserved it.
anything "a-la-carte" is bound to be expensive as fuck, but as fresh as it can get (usually)
>Be a regular customer that does not tip
>Commonly get the same server
>In a country where tipping is a custom

Yea, I bet that won't impact your service. Tipping might not always be appropriate, but your being a retard about one of the times it is.
I would pay that bill if Blue fin tuna was on the menu,
In America you're even expected to tip car "valets" who literally just stand at the car park timing your entry and exit but they still request your car key. If you don't tip and use that same park several times they will literally remember you and steal shit from your car. I got my fucking sunglasses stolen because I didn't know Gonzalez the """Valet""" was entitled to 20 DAHLLAS on top of the fee I was already paying to park there.

It's unbelievable how backwards that country is on so many things. And this coming from someone who lives in a pretty backwards country.
I've legit never tipped in my life before.
In the bill they already include their wages so I'm not giving them extra money.
This. i have to wait months for shit if i ever want anything done, people take advantage of the system.
It's just completely different here. It's almost indescribable.
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Just get your car yourself you pussy
You don't include bus boys and chefs into your tips they think you're a dick.
I used to cook for a place that the average plate was 60 for an entree and one side.
>$18/glass of wine
Tipping is retarded. In Australia you only tip if the waiter gave exceptional service. Why the fuck is it my job to pay the wages of your staff directly?
Are you retarded? Where do you think the money comes from, you either pay it in tips or pay on the bill it makes no difference except for the tip method being much less consistent. The tip model only saves money for boss if business is slow in which case the workers all quit pretty quick and he goes out of business a bit more slowly. Fuck your tips nigger
It's not a mandatory tip though.
The servers are paid a reasonable wage without requiring tips, and the cost of employment is built into the cost of sale

As it should be. As it is in every other fucking industry.
To be fair I've seen many tip cos they're too drunk to give a shit about working out exact change too :)
I love that place. Totto down the street is good too
I used to be a waiter and would manipulate drunk people into tipping me. It was easiest for men on dates who want to impress their thot.

If you talk to old people for a while they tip nicely but I would refuse
Americans are just too nice, as well as capitalists to a fault

tipping started out purely as something nice to do extra for a server that gave you exceptional service, with time this became expected and obligatory, with more time restaurateurs caught on and started factoring tips into their actual wages

what we have now is a bastard child result
You spent $243 on Sushi?!?! wtf
What beverage other than water should you order?

And no, not alcohol. That's the wrong answer. Alcohol is degenerate.
This is bullshit though, if you get rid of tips in the american sense, waiters get paid consistent income and if they do an outstanding job you tip them. Somewhere inbetween Jap and Yank is the sweet spot, I fucking hate mandatory tips the whole concept is retarded.
Alcohol isn't degenerate, drinking solely to get shitfaced all the time is
>Alcohol is degenerate
Only if you're not of European stock and don't have the biological ability to process it properly
This, what about dishwashers? How much do they get tips?
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like you fucking neckbeard had anything to do with it.
>doing heroine isn't degenerate, banging heroine to completely get wasted is
>snorting cocaine isn't degenerate, snorting coke to get blasted is
Sapporo and then crush the can with one hand to show your dominance. Unless your some teetotal faggot that is.
Wrong. Part of your bill is a mandatory gratuity.

I've been to numerous resteraunts around the world that don't even try to hide it in the meal cost, they just flat out print "mandatory gratuity" on the bill.

The pre-tip meal bill is almost always lower at in America, because the actual restaurant is only paying servers $2 an hour, which allows them to set a lower price.
fucking autocorrect
Sushi Yasuda, New York
I don't think so
>Not tipping is tantamount to theft.

Fucking kill yourself you miserable piece of shit.
Even Jesus drank wine with his meals.

You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
>you don't have to tip because they take it directly from the bill instead
I don't tip at all in US :^)
Your attitude is tantamount to being a little bitch who doesn't deserve a tip.
i forgot patriotism doesn't exist in yurop. you "people" have no culture, sorry =/. also the usa won vietnam by losing vietnam. we always win, friend haha. go to vietnam today and you will see
If you go into an expensive resteraunts, where you are %100 aware that a tipping is considered mandatory, it almost is.

You chose to go their knowing full well the state cards and policies of such an establishment. If you didn't want to tip, you should have gone elsewhere.
>If you go into an expensive resteraunts, where you are %100 aware that a tipping is considered mandatory, it almost is.

Um in both the bill pictured and in AU its not a mandatory gratuity it's built into the operating costs.

Mandatory gratuity is doing it wrong.

Where do you work that kitchen staff and dishwashers get part of the tips lol?
Jorge, isn't that like your whole year salary!
Tipping is stupid. It's a superiority thing to make restaurant jobs seem undignified
how poor are you?
>al a carte sushi
>$9.00 Edamame

Good good gaijin
While we're at it, why the hell do american prices not include tax? What kind of insane system requires people to work out all the relevant taxes on things in their heads when buying stuff?
But tipped workers' wages are payed by their employer. It's why you shouldn't tip.
Tipping is nigger tier.
REEEEE TAKE MY MONEY *claps internally*
t. never eaten a good meal in his life
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>asking ozzie convict if he's retarded
what do you think?
so it it unlimited sushi or what?
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Sushi as a white person is fucking nasty though
.t person who's only experience with sushi is shit tier crap rolls
Less than $30. I don't get what's wrong
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Anything that's not chicken nuggers or plain burgers makes me gag desu
well you're defective and should off yourself

You have never had real sushi. America is the tail end of the Human Centipede of world culture.
A real american. Do you own a bald eagle named Freedom?
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It's just an expensive high end sushi restaurant as you'd expected from an authentic Japanese restaurant where sushi is actually more of a delicacy than fast food you'd get at your local mini-mart/grocery store.

Over $200 dollars for a meal still sounds crazy if you aren't feeding 8 or more people.
This. When the waiters/waitresses are making more money than the cooks in the kitchen, then there's a very big problem.
Sushi Yasuda is a restaurant in Tokyo. It services mostly Western clients because it's more famous overseas than domestically.

The chef is one of the best in the world, though. He worked in New York for a long time, but he hates both Japanese and American Sushi chefs.
Some of these sushi places order in the cheapest shit excuse for ingredients.

Thaw-and-serve frozen sashimi is a thing.
>said the shitty offshoot of American culture
If we're the end, you're shit coming out of our ass and plopping to the ground.
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Why would this trigger me? If I want to tip them for their service then ThEY WILL TAKE MY GOD DAMNED TIP. FUUUUCK
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Ah yes let us take the time to appreciate the apex of Cucknadian cuisine.

>Alcohol is degenerate.

kill yourself Achmed

a true European male should only consume water and alcohol, like his ancestors
Just sounds like you've never had good sushi, or you just don't like seafood.
Have to pay out of pocket anyway. Your tip came out of your pocket. Arrrgh.

Fucking LMAO at you poorfags who just can't fathom how food can cost $200, which isn't a lot of money btw if you aren't poor. Have you peasants ever been to a nice restaurant in your life??
>9 dollars for fucking beans

That better be a god damned bucket full of them for that price.
Different fish though compared to eating steak just from one single cow.
200$ is for 3-4 people if its high end but not ultra high end.
$200 is enough to buy food for 50 people here, assuming that food comes covered in caviar.
9 dollar edamame? How much did they get, and how big was the bowl?
Pretty sure white people ate fish longer than they ate beef.

It took decades of scientific and technological process before a Farmer would ever consider butchering his cow for meat.

Back then, cows were worth their weight in gold.

Our ancestors likely ate Goat or Sheep Meat more often than they considered Cow Meat.

Also, the Ancient cities of Uruk mentioned Fish in their stories.
Shitpost harder, why don't you.
>Like it or not, failing to tip is tantamount to theft.

No it isn't you fucking leaf. Kill yourself.
That's $285 USD, $382 maple leaf fun bucks, add tax on top and it's $432.

When was the last time you sat down to a $400 meal?
To be honest, a lot of that bill is due to the middleman responsible for transferring the fish from the fishermen to the restaurant.

If you could cut the middleman out somehow along with the delivery expenses, the bill might just be a 100 dollars or less.
My average is right around $24/hour, highest I've gotten is $37/hour.

Comfy indeed, this was supposed to be a short term job but I enjoy it a surprising amount and the pay is quite decent.
>When was the last time you sat down to a $400 meal?

The closest is stuffing myself at a Las Vegas buffet.

A lot of fancy meals are expensive due to the Truffles Meme though.
>paying near 300 buckaroos for uncooked food
This is why the jews fear the samurai.
Hey, at least it isn't as bad as Germans and their love affair with Raw Pork Meat.

Also, it is raw fish from several different fish species so you are literally tasting the ocean.

Meanwhile, at a steakhouse, you are mainly eating meat from one single cow
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i don't think transport is the issue. a high end restaurant pays high rent, high wages for qualified waiters and authentic chefs. also they have high profit margins, the people who eat there don't really care if its 100$ or 200$.
Is this bill really for just one? Jesus Christ that's expensive.
What does sushi taste like?
Oh yeah, I forgot about land prices.
bring this practice to USA ASAAP!!
start in los angeles!!
mana from heaven
The absence of tips was something I really liked in Japan.
it says Table 7, Cust 2.

so probably 2 customers who shared some sushi.
You had smoked salmon before right?

Raw salmon is basically unsmoked salmon and depending on which part of the salmon you are eating from, it can taste lean or fatty.

Also, different fish can have different flavors.

Like for example, you obviously know Sardines don't really taste like Salmon right
when I was a dishwasher at a nice place the bussers and barbacks would sometimes slip you $5 or $10 if you did good. they didnt have to though and often just got paid like a buck more than we did
This restaurant is in New York City. That is why it is so expensive.

Sushi is usually expensive anyway but NY prices are just absurd for everything.

$18 for a mixed drink is a good deal in NYC

Chicken and rice off of a sand niggers dirty cart with no health inspection license is $15

Hamburger and Fries from hipster "gourmet" burger joint= $35

When I travel to NYC for work, my per diem is $125 A DAY for meals.
But pork sashimi is great for getting intestinal worms for a great weight loss program. Uncooked raw meat is still dangerous, regardless of it being sea life. And steakhouses cook all their meat they serve. Face it, uncooked foods are a meme, and sushi is the biggest scam to overcharge someone for "exotic and rare fresh/salt water life" that they half ass by chopping up with some rice.
Looks like one of those restaurants where 10 people sit around the grill and the nip flips shrimp into your drink.

For a party of 6-8 at a place like that is pretty reasonable.
Not in my experience
sushi in the midwest is about 50 per person, 3-4 adults can easily become a 200-300 meal
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>Implying you've been to Japan

Just typical NYC virtue signaling.
>But pork sashimi is great for getting intestinal worms for a great weight loss program.


Uncooked raw meat is still dangerous, regardless of it being sea life.

no you fucking cunt
I trigger people all the time. I get groceries delivered because we live in the fucking future and I never tip ever. I get pizza delivered because I am American pig. No tip, but thanks for the delivery :^). Restaurants only get tips when I'm out on business and expensing it to the company anyways. The stupid """"""""custom"""""""" will never change until everyone stops tipping.
That restaurant is in New York City. Most of the fish was likely flown in from other parts of the world.

I can get a full sushi dinner in Tokyo for under $15, no tip.
I hope that's in yen and not dollars.
Otherwise you got screwed.

what in the goddamn?

do they suck you off for the entire duration of the meal?
>$285.80 for fucking sushi
id rather having tipping
Wouldn't it be faster to say it tastes like fish
The FDA shows more people getting sick from dirty vegetables than dirty meat though.

Even sauces made from plants aren't safe.

I think Sabra Hummus is in recall mode right now
The type of fish they get is diffrent from the canned tuna you get.
Pay your taxes
It ain't cheap to eat in NYC. Japan, however, is much more reasonable. You can get a good noodle bowl and a few beers in Roppongi for around 1500 Yen.
7-11 Sushi in Japan can be pretty decent

Also, Costco Japan is all about Seafood
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its not my fault they picked a shit paying job for a living,i enjoy my food also.regardless how much bitching they do
Fuck off commies the tipping system is great. Shit service no tip.
And there's a 7/11 on every block with pretty good prepared meals
Of course you do. You complain to the manager. You get money taken iff your bill. You leave a bad review. You bitch about it online.

If you are too pussy to complain in the UK you are too pussy to withhold a tip in the US. I've seen posters on here:

>service was so shit I only left 10%

This is one custom no American would object to. However, some Japanese restaurants do not list prices clearly, which is nothing short of insane.
but with a shittier pay
chef is a really shitty job. long, weird hours, high pressure and shit pay.
Theres literally nothing going for it
I get good quality healthcare personally.

As I said before, a cuck who doesn't complain about poor service is the same cuck who doesn't withhold a tip anyway.

There's no 'punishment' of incompetent servers. Weak cucks make up for niggers who don't ever tip.

I don't put up with bad service and you must be crazy if you think the French do either. They take their wait staff seriously but don't grin inanely at you, introduce themselves by name and annoy the fuck out of you all the way through your meal. Cultural differences m8
Have fun with shit service you Jew

>Eating out

I am single and live alone. I make my own food and keep leftovers for the week. I spend so little on food that I don't budget it.
That is one of the most exclusive sushi restraunts in the whole fucking world. It take a year in advance to make a reservation. The tip isn't necessary because of the expensive as fuck price.
Gr8 b8
You're not coming to a $400 meal of Sushi with me.. Dickhead
This. So fucking irritating
granted the whole concept of tipping in america is that you have an incentive to do a good job and make the customer happy, instead of just dicking around. if you know you're just going to make the same amount of money whether or not you're doing an awesome job, you most likely wouldn't give a fuck about your customers.

this is compounded by the fact that servers are allowed to be paid WELL below the minimum wage in the US. both the government and restaurant expects that they reach their minimum wage requirement, mainly through just tips.

if they don't, the restaurant is required to pay the server the difference... which from what i've seen typically ends up in that server getting fired.
Tfw Aussie is too retarded to realize this is an American restaurant that is following a Japanese custom.
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Because we like to remind ourselves that the government is taking money out of our pocket in each transaction.
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Yes, we're all very impressed with someone drawing on the customer copy of a receipt. Sure showed their pocket after it was crammed in there with a pair of keys and fries crumbs.
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>Americans would rather pay the wages of employees of the places they're eating at instead of having the company do it
The fuck do you know about yen you kangaroo eating piece of shit
Because it can work better.
most places dont do that
t resteraunt cook
Okay, keep paying their wages while the business owner only pays them $7 an hour and goes home to his mansion while laughing because he can get away with slave labor cause poor people like you are willing to "chip in"
at a high volume restaurant, waiters can easily make an extra $100-$200 a day.
most resturants make thousands per day.

then they pay their staff minimum wage, and expect customers to pay more

the system is built for those who have all the assets already

> Salary
> Not just a way to get you to work more for free.

Fucking hot waitresses make about twice as much as I do on a good day though. It's a job for those that can exploit it properly not those that want competitive pay for the easiest job int he world.
Any job dealing directly with customers rightly pays more. People are unpredictable and you need to be adaptable to deal with them. Following a recipe will give you the same results every time.
japs have a lot of honor. how do we bring this to america?
this. lets brainstorm how to change this /pol/
>I've never worked ANYWHERE where the kitchen didn't realize I was so retarded that they could demand a cut of my tips and I would actually do it

holy fuck lmao
>Travel America at least once a year
>Never tip once

Seriously fuck off, the restaurant is charging you for 2 services. The food and paying their staff. How this is even legal I have no fucking idea.

Probably just the take home copy because who the fuck brings correction tape with them everywhere?
This was one of my favourite things about Japan
Dunno. Even among the right people don't care for it.
Do they even have that much money there?
Why are other nations so obsessed with American traditions?
If it is Jew York then the person is a dumbass for getting what is literally the japanese culinary of raw chicken tenders.

I could get a bowl of real ramen with 4 chashu pork slices, scallions, toasted seaweed and a seasoned egg for about $15, and in West Harlem along the river to boot
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>be me
>go on road trip to places I'll never actually go to in the next 20 years of my life
>never tip restaurants ever when on these trips
Most places I go to are in high-activity places so me not tipping is really a minor concern most of the time anyways.
i think go full libertarian...
i could make a better cup of coffee than starbucks.
I could make a better burger than mcdonalds.
I could make a better sandwich than subway.
I could make better beer than bud-wiser.
I could make better drinks than cocacola.
... But youre not allowed to unless you pay 100k in buisness fees.
You ever eaten pussy?
There are actually a few restaurants like this in NYC, the restaurants that started this trend are owned by Jews interestingly enough. It's basically a scam to inflate the food price, you actually don't know how much they are paying their workers, and generally the food price is inflated about 20-25% on average over the same quality food at a tipping restaurant.
$9 for edamame

fuck, that's absurd

I hate to tell you bud, but John Galt is not shitposting on 4chan.
Awwwww..... Tists.
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How devilish.
the margin of a restaurant is like 10%. Its nothing.
Most of the money they earn goes to the landlord
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/biz/ here sorry they did a pretty good study on this. people tip randomly. Service does not align at all with tip amount.

What is does do is signal to others your status.
If its high end and it was one guy eating 20 pc markket price o'toro he'd have gotten off easy.
were talking about popular restaurants in the us, not random ass backalley restaurants in singapore
I work at Wal-Mart breaking back spotting loads and having to keep store full, clean AND deal with customers. Why dont I get a tip? I get minimum wage yet these servers who simply bring a fucking plate food to a table expect you to give them more money ontop of their wage. Ridiculous.

When pizza man asks for a tip i say "take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue.
We weren't even born kiddo
You mean flown in from that ocean that's literally right outside? New Yorkers are the worst kind of insufferable faggots
I've worked at a lot of restaurants, and for the ones where the cooks got tips at all, the dishwashers would usually get a little kickback from the front and the back of the house. I've also washed dishes at a couple restaurants and gotten nothing. It is what it is, and I disliked the hours more than the wages whether I was cook or dishwasher. Tips are nice.
>we charge 9$ for a plate of salted peas so you don't have to add 2$
Not the guy you're replying to, but I've personally had it in the French Quarter in NOLA and several places in Milwaukee. There's also a joint in Jackson Square New Orleans where the Chef pays expediters a percent of daily sales. We did about 2000 covers in an 8 hour shift on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Served good, fairly expensive food too.
pretty much this >>100985475
Tipping is simple classical conditioning. It promotes good service, and if you get bad service you can withhold a tip.

If you go to a place without a tipping culture and you get bad service, what do you do? Go to the manager and ask them to take 15% off your bill and that amount out of the employee's salary? No, you pay full price and grumble about it.
204 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017


Idiots its actually really good
Read carefully though

They actually pay their servers a proper wage

Nah, I worked at a place that didn't give tips to the cooks. Quit pretty fast after I realized the waitstaff was getting paid better than me after tips for doing an easier job.
your a dorable
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New thread lads.
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I looked at their menu online and it's reasonable. Must have been for group.
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>posts American restaurant

The receipt specifically says it's not in Japan.
I'll say that you get raped for the prices of sushi in the US and it's not as good. At least it's not radioactive though
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care to show me on the receipt where it "specifically says it's not in Japan"?
most underrated post of the week
>patriotism =/= a dumb fuck like you in control of the nuclear missiles
lmao, delusional burgers angrily tipying that they can kill something
t. broke ass that only eats shit murican' food
ughhhhhh. it does
Then your final will be

Food Total: $285.80
The TIP you really want to pay (which is 20% at high-end places, soooo $57.16)

= $342.96

Lol, feel free to tip.
I might be wrong her etho
>add tax on top it's 432
is food taxed in canada?
Is this good? If yes then Fillon will probably do this in france too
It's en English and says "according to Japanese customs we pay our people a proper wage"

Implying it's not in Japan

Also it's in English
Only plebs go there for dinner, non baka gaijin patricians go for lunch - same food 1/5th the price
I used to think tipping was probably a bad idea.

Then I visited Europe and almost got into a fight with the waitress at like every other restaurant I visited.

They're really, really bad.

Rude. Obnoxious. Slow. Stupid.

I've always slammed anything remotely "white knight"ish, but their eyerolling whenever my gf asked a simple question made me surprisingly angry.
>specifically says

Why the fuck would it be yen? This is clearly in the united states or the reciept wouldnt be in english and say "following the custom in japan"
That picture is has a few problems, the first and most glaring of which is the reference to the entirety of the US military as the 'army'. There are several branches of service, a few of which pictured are the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. That's not inclusive of others such as reserves, national guard, air national guard and the coast guard.
Stupid gaijin must be educated on how to eat at a restaurant.
You stopped because you ran out of bombs you fuckwit. Japan was negotiating surrender when you dropped the first one.
12 pieces of sushi 36 dollars? LMAO japanese food in US sucks

In here you can go to a really good jp restaurant for 25$ and enjoy all you can eat sushi, temakis, gyozas, yakissoba, breaded shrimp, spring/cheese rolls, shimeji and some other shit
>paying 285 to eat raw food that youll shit out five hours later
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>call pizza joint 5 min before they close
>take 3 min to decide what to get
>delivery boy is 20 min late
>don't tip the delivery boy, thank him

As it should be. They are already paid.
And that's why it's
200 bucks not 100
Dumb ass

Oh and when did Japan use usd?
Japan uses English too
>pays 300$
>could have paid less plus an optional tip
>hates tipping culture
>being this retarded
Ive been making 35k a year working 15 hours a week
Stay mad
You've never been to Japan, the service is fucking incredible because they take pride in their work.

They're already compensated, though.
That would have probably been $200 with a $40 tip instead. Or $200 with no tip if their service sucked. So yeah, enjoy paying $300 for shitty service.
Nips ALWAYS tip when they come to America because they understand culture. Leafs are only topped by Israelis By not respecting American culture and don't tip. That's right leafs, you're only a notch above the worst people in the world in the eyes of your superiors.
The only people getting "nuked" are the drug addled table servants everyday.
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English receipt... It's from merica faggot.
We don't tip to compensate for a person's salary though. We started tipping because we're the most generous people on the planet. It wasn't until the jew business owners realized they could pay their employees less if it meant extra money for them from tips.
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>Not abolishing the minimum wage so restaurants have to settle for no-skill teens or pay better wages to compete with other restaurants
It's not a meme if you actually go there, anon. You've never seen the power of a homogeneous culture before.
1.00 us =113.80 yen means total less than a happy meal why tip

You can get that kind of price in many sushi restaurants here, but this is a Manhattan fancy place so the price is much higher.

Except the receipt is from an American restaurant. I am sure the service is still good bit I bet they don't have that same internal motivation to please.
At most restaurants I agree. But I Assistant Manage at a pretty fancy restaurant and a table of two will come out to ~$300 easy. There are over 65 wines on the menu (cheapest bottle is $60, most expensive is $2,100) from all over the world and our waiters have to know everything about each of them, flavor profiles, the viticulture, COO, etc. Not to mention the cheapest dinner entree is $35. Have a $200 steak

Cooks here get about $15 an hour. A couple get twenty and the head chef is salaried. But our waiters last year made an average of $46,000 between tips and their "wage" (lol). But it literally takes 2 months to train them and send them out onto the floor to the point where they are self sustainable.

I've worked pretty much every position in the restaurant industry from corporate gigs like Chili's and Bonefish Grill to 5 star suit and tie's. I've sautè'd, been line chef, salad chef, host, waiter, dishwasher, and now manager. I think line cooking was pretty hyper active but a God send because you don't have to deal with customers, and if you're head chef is chill can be fun as fuck. Being a waiter can be socially exhausting and even if you give good service you can still get stiffed. From all my years, I am under the opinion that any idiot can be a line cook. Not everyone can be a waiter.
In those European countries, especially Europe, it is so hard to fire people that the managers don't give a shit either.

That is why the servers don't give a shit to begin with. If firing was easy, think they still wouldn't give a fuck?
You do realize that you are still "tipping" them because part of what it takes to pay them goes into the price of your meal, right? Lol edgy dumbass.
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