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#MFGA General /frpol/ - Family Contrast Edition

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Thread replies: 138
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***name the generals thusly:
>/frpol/ General /fpg/ - X EDITION

frog/pol/ General thread about the upcoming French Presidential Election

We have to save France.


>Useful links:


>Does François have a chance?
Fillon consistently achieves ~30% in almost every poll. The only person coming close to him is Marine Le Pen with slightly smaller numbers, although he is completely crushing her in the 2nd round.

>What's the plan?

>I'm not French, what can I do ?

>capitalize on Hillary's #ImWithHer, both in the US and abroad in France to try to stir opposition for Le Pen (and expose her nationalist image as fake)

Only cucks use this shit. Nu-male mods banned politically incorrect stuff

>Guardianist cucks shilling against Fillon, showing how he is based

Previous thread: >>>100935708

OP PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/3udD1YfV

(btw guys give new links for me to add, of fillon being based af)
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>Mr Fillon, who has stormed ahead of his rival Alain Juppé in the race to become the conservative party candidate, said new arrivals must adopt French values, adding that voters were “on the brink of revolt” over the issue.
>In an angry exchange with the more liberal Mr Juppé, Mr Fillon said: “France is not supposed to be multicultural. France has a history, a language.
>“We have not made the choice of communitarianism, of multiculturalism. It is not the choice that I want for our country.
>“When a foreigner comes to our country, they must integrate and respect our heritage.
>“When you go into somebody else’s house, out of courtesy you don’t just take over.
>“The fundamental question is how to move forward, how to preserve our values, our culture and our culture, in the modern world of today.

>Mr. Fillon described radical Islam as a “totalitarianism like the Nazis” to the cheers of an enthusiastic crowd, adding that France would need Russia’s help to fight it. Catholics, Protestants and Jews “don’t denounce the values of the Republic,” he thundered — unlike the faithful of a certain other religion.
>“We’ve got to reduce immigration to its strict minimum,” he said. “Our country is not a sum of communities, it is an identity!”
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Uncucked discord: https://discord.gg/RzN8mEk

Unmoderated frogpol, you won't get banned for being redpilled or holding different opinion contrary to pic related. Le Kike shills at work.


> A politician does not have to take sides, especially when he is a candidate, but I can say that the political debate in the United States worries me. We see the signs of a form of radicalization that is also present in other countries and which is worrying. Unquestionably, I feel closer to the positions of Hillary Clinton
I'm a #Shillon for Hill now
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To be clear:

Jean-Marie Le Pen (Marine's father) is absolutely BASED and REDPILLED AF.

He has fought for this country, bled for this country and has honored our Nation in every way.

Marine has betrayed him on a personal level, and his political legacy as well. JMLP has done one mistake: supporting her candidacy to the party leadership.

As soon as she took over, she purged the party from all the redpilled people who fought for years to uncuck France. She replaced the party leadership with her leftist friends she met in college, literally former execs of the Socialist Party. Marine is compromised.

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, Henri de Lesquen, Robert Ménard are all based and are worthy of /pol/ support.

In the current race our best hope to uncuck France is Fillon. He understands that welfare is the root of all evil: it is what attracts migrants to France and what pushes shitskins to make so many babies (they are literally paid to make babies).

Cut the welfare and give some oxygen to the white working middle class - no more migrants (incentives removed) and more money for whites to afford making babies.

As for the EU: Le Pen has said she would consider making a referendum on the currency if the commission does not accept her demands. Fillon is more pragmatic: he said that the EU is a terrible deal and that we need to revamp it from A to Z in order to have it focus solely on trade.

Good news: either way, the EU as we know it is over. It will not be a supranational political entity. Merely a trade union of european nations. This is good for our sovereignity.

There are legitimate concerns that Le Pen has been compromised. This is not a joke, I recommend you just search the issue and see for yourself.

Do not listen to Le Kike shills trying to manipulate you. Think for yourself and do research. You will see we're right.

Fillon is far from being perfect but his platform is revolutionary right-wing politics for France.
Why do we support Le Pen?
marine followed her mother's footsteps and betrayed her father

if she can't be trusted to not betray her father, how can we trust her to not betray france? We can't
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/pol/ has been raided by leftists for the past few weeks. Le Pen made a bet on Trump and won. Fillon played it safe and wasn't known by /pol/ before he BTFO Juppé during the Republican primary.

Marine Le Pen can enjoy the prestige her father has earned after a lifetime of political action fighting the jews and for the white race.
Most /pol/acks do not know civil war going on at the FN. And I don't blame them it is far away after all.

Le Pen shills literally have no other arguments than "she made a bet and won it by endorsing Trump" and "look at what Fillon has said!!! Le Pen might be a kike commie but Fillon has said some random PC shit a decade ago", or call you a shill for using basic critical thinking. This is borderline cultish behavior.

And again, most /pol/acks don't know that Marine is plotting an alliance with cultural marxists and actual socialists (not bernie-tier... fucking STALIN-tier commies).

This is not a fucking drill. Le Pen is a meme that ought to die.
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wow I'm a #MarineCruiser now
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>avoid replying to actual arguments
>just call everyone a shill
really made me think.
>In the current race our best hope to uncuck France is Fillon. He understands that welfare is the root of all evil: it is what attracts migrants to France and what pushes shitskins to make so many babies (they are literally paid to make babies).
>Cut the welfare and give some oxygen to the white working middle class - no more migrants (incentives removed) and more money for whites to afford making babies.

This is completely ridiculous.

Do you seriously think that Fillon will implement a law that will make a racial distinction between those you can have welfare and those who can't...

This is dense
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Arabs and niggers are on welfare. Whites aren't.

Cut the welfare:
- the white middle class pay less taxes and has higher purchasing power (and traditionally makes a lot of babies when it is a bearable economic burden).

- the niggers and arabs who are french citizens either: 1/ go back to their shithole because misery is more pleasant under the sun 2/ chimp out and then we have our RACE WAR 3/ pull out the fingers from their arses and get to work and are forced to become productive members of society.

And incoming migrants have no incentives to come to a country that's pretty racist (based), that they don't speak the language and who has no welfare or handouts for them.
The shill already found the thread but in case someone is lost in this fake CTR edition

Answer this. go ahead. Explain yourself:


Tell /pol/ the truth you fucking leftist cuck

People are waking up. Karma is biting the bitch in the ass. Fillon will go full Pinochet on her ass.
it's not a lefty raid, i'm the one who made the pastebin

the story i got from frog bros and not a fucking leaf (backed up by polling) was that it'd probably be juppé vs le pen and that juppé was the french equivalent of hillary. at the time right after the us election, it looked like juppé was a shoe-in

I'd very much appreciate a light dossier on or summary of each candidate in the french election, basically le pen and fillon (who was not considered in the running when the pastebin was made and /frpol/ general was initiated

i have no allegiance to le pen and i'm sure our brothers don't, either; explain who fillon is vs le pen for us to help educate other readers in the generals to best focus our attention

i took german in hs and college, i literally only started learning french for this shit


don't be vague, actually be pedantic
>Arabs and niggers are on welfare. Whites aren't.

You are entitled to family allowances, regardless of your family situation and the amount of your income."

Everybody is entitled to family allowances your system will create the exact opposite blacks and arabs will still breed (like they need money to do it in Africa kek) but poor and middle class whites will stop

Well done genius
>family allowances

those are <7% of the welfare handed out. Most whites don't even claim theirs because they just don't need it.

You are playing dumb. What matters here is the RSA, the Universal health care for foreigners etc.
bump don't let shills slide this thread
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Fillon was the prime minister of France (2007-2012)
>he allowed the minister of foreign affairs (Douste Blazy) to gve 541 millions dollars of taxpayers money to the Cinton foundation : http://www.lepoint.fr/sante/fondation-clinton-les-liens-troubles-entre-bill-clinton-et-douste-blazy-12-10-2016-2075534_40.php

>he legitimated the agression on Gaddafi's Lybia in front of the French assembly

>He now finds himself in troubles, because he illegally earned a lot of money when he wasn't minister (2012-now) by giving expensive "conferences" (smells like Qatar money, same shit Sarkozy did)

Now you decide, is he a dirty globalist and why this ONE guy with French IP, Brazilian proxy and Canadian Proxy is shilling for him?

Your digits were witnessed.
Kek you're dead?
he was like trump, he had to do it to be able to get around the NY-dominated scene

gaddafi sucks, not supporting the Tobruk government was the real error

and le pen is literally bought and paid by the united arab emirates, and probably qatar

try harder shill
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Really gets your synapses firing
looks like a eternal beady eyed frank
eternal frank?
i believe the frog

fuck off monkey nice proxy

there's no internet in the favelas or rainforest
I beg to differ, how do we play csgo them?
That commie le pen wants to ban CS

Wymyn always fucking up
Wtf is this thread?!!!
This is the new movement. Get on the Fillon train or gtfo.

You Le Shills have been shilling to much, so much btw that I think we are being raided.

But now there's a new guy on the block, one who isn't a commie and is based as fuck and






You shills like it or not.

All of /pol/ will now that they're surrendering their country and their people to the false song of lefraudster, and will know there's a better option to put France First and save it's culture and economy.

Fillon 2017
>Get on the Fillon train or gtfo.
I prefer to gtfo.
>le peniste patriotisme
you indeed have a lever with the distinction between foreigners and citizens, and if I'm not wrong Le Pen want to deprive foreigners from those benefits

> What matters here is the RSA

There are a shit ton of whites on RSA

I had that Penthouse where Le Pens wife appeared.
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(citation needed)
>(((citation needed)))
i'll fuck you monkeys tomorrow

ya done goofed
so who are we side with again? I thought /pol/ would vote for le pen until this fillon guy shows up.
most of pol supports le pen, even though some have proven to not even know what her economic policies are

I and some 5 or 6 other guys support Fillon, so pol made a conspiracy theory about french ctr with proxies paid by brussels, as always
Based Brazilflag keeps delivering. Meme magic is shifting and Marine cultists start to feel the panic.

On a more serious note, frogflags, Fillon fags like us are here to help. Marine is not getting elected, she doesn't have the numbers. We need to uncuck the French right and protect the redpilled parts of Fillon's platform, the Left is going to try to hijack them and make his mandate a Sarkozy II.

We are not against you, you can vote Marine all you want. She is useful to keep the pressure on nationalist themes. She just won't get elected and the battle is now shiting around the nature and composition of the future Fillon administration. Fillon will still make his platform evolve, the goal is now to keep it as anti-EU and anti-immigration as possible.

>inb4 muh polls mean nothing
Get real here, she is 35 fucking points behind in the second round and the first round is in less than five months. Whatever we do here on /pol/ won't change the final results, the spread is too big.
I'm giving up, there's no hope trying to convince them. Half of the people didn't even know Le Pen supported very far-left economic policies, and know nothing about Fillon but what they saw in some dumb memes
Certainly not, it's just the beginning and I'm seeing more and more anons asking questions. Give us time to get a little more organized.
shills are also trying to affiliate fillon with nazism so they make their literally hitler candidate more palatable, we must not let them convince frogs of this or they'll elect a commie
why do canadian keep shilling for fillon, guy literally said islam is a religion of peace
source or it didn't happen
He just released a book called "Vanquish islamic totalitarianism"
Marine however keeps pandering to muslims as hard as possible because she needs the voices of the French muslim community to get rid of the racist stigma.
fuck you scum faggot. /pol/ will support lepen. you leftist whore have no power in here. kys
you piece of shit
either you're massively ignorant or you're a leftist yourself
/pol/ was a Marine board as long as it was against Juppé
Fillon has crushed him and has a clear mandate from the right to stop the cuckening. He needs help. We're not letting this opportunity slip away for a failed candidate who's gonna get crushed in the second round anyway. So get used to it.
Warning about saging is against the rules. You're lucky le commie isn't president of pol though, no gulags 4 u
Literally who?
FFS stop your shilling.

Daily reminder that Fillon is a weak globalist pro-EU.

He is the Merkel of France.
Next french emperor
Emperor of the weakness and Islam.

He is the first Prime Minister who inaugurated a Mosque.
Y u always lying? Read his book
Lol ffs
He just released a book against Islamic totalitarianism
Said publicly France is no multicultural country during his prime time debate against Juppé

What does Marine Le Pepe, Muh Savior of The Eternal White France, have to say on the matter? Oh there it is, I remember: "Islam is compatible with the French Republic".

Stop being so gullible, anon.
the shill thread died, ours is still strong. gg lads kek really is on our side. we're high energy
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Fillon is shit
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Of course any mainstream politician in France would say that, especially when you think odds are high you're going to have to work with her. The French press is even worse than the American one if that's possible, and smoke screened the whole political class on the matter, being 100% certain she would win.

Now if you look at his platform it's closer to Trump's and they are aligned on several key topics. They'll work together rather well. Even Marine wasn't too vocal in her support of Trump until he won, it's costly to do it in France.
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Shrill hysteria from 3 proxies surrounding globalist Fillion doesn't equate to meme magic

Can't stem Le Pen

#ImWithHer #LePenCestMoi
Wtf. Is Fillon "our guy" now?
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Books mean nothing, only acts does little cucks.
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No, shill thread.
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Incredible the energy we manage to deploy being only three innit? Good luck with your commie faux nationalist, Fillon will be elected in a landslide and we are going to push him on the important topics.
He is. Surprisingly good platform for a cuckservative and Marine is a subpar nationalist leader that the French don't trust.
Nice memes nonetheless anon.
As has been noted before, it is always:

-A leaf
-A guy from Hong Kong

These three are in every Fillon thread. Are they all the same person, using a proxy? Hard to say, but they are, without fail, always in the same threads.

Regardless, based on Fillon's history as a politician, he is a poor choice, and will support the EU. Marine, regardless of whatever anyone says, is still a relative unknown, and has never been in power to the point if being able to make significant change, and has repeatedly stated in the past that she is against immigration, the most important issue at the moment. She has stated before that the EU is a negative influence, and that France should leave it,which would be a good start to fixing many of France's problems.

Fillon has had many chances to have an impact and actually help France,but has failed to do so. Just like sarkozy he is promising things that his history says he will not deliver on. The strategy employed time and again to keep the FN out of power by stealing votes is being tried again. Don't believe his lies.
Yeah well that's precisely the problem with Marine.
Since she never acted otherwise than for increasing her personal power in the FN, to the point of openly throwing her based dad under the bus, it's pretty doubtful what she would do in a real situation under tremendous social pressure, isn't it?

At least Trump was a successful businessman. Marine is just a heir, with no other credentials than happening to be the leader of the nationalist party at a time where nationalism is on the rise.
>Incredible the energy we manage to deploy being only three innit? Good luck with your commie faux nationalist, Fillon will be elected in a landslide and we are going to push him on the important topics.

The only thing you can do is to buy a time machine and to shill RPR threads in 1988. Fillon is a EU subaltern. Until proven otherwise, you're just some civil servants lovers.
It's real. I can't believe people fall for this walking true cuckservative meme.

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remove Islam
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Yes, Marine has a stronger stance than Fillon on the EU I'll give you that. But:
>She won't get a majority in Assembly or Senate, forcing her to compromise on the matter. Chances are they will block a Frexit as it will mean the end of the EU, and she can't impose it all by herself.
>She will face an insurrection if elected and will have to deal with it first before acting
>Frexit and getting out of the EU means immediate devaluation of the currency of ~30%.
Can she take the heat with the whole state apparel against her? It's doubtful isn't it?
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Fillon = Hillary Clinton + Merkel combined
Interesting that you suggest that. It remains to be seen that she would collapse under pressure, because at the moment we have no way of knowing, but she has been a competent politician for years and hasn't given up, so I am more inclined to trust in her than in someone known to be an EU supporter who will do nothing to directly stem the tide of invaders.
>civil servants lovers
I missed that one. Coming from a supporter of radsoc Marine who will campaign on muh public service that's pretty rich, ahahah
this Brazilian + Leaf + HongKong ching chong shilling so hard for fillon (fillon =anus)
They have been for a while.
Stage 1: denial.
A competent politician? Are you fucking kidding me? She made the FN her personal toy, purging every divergent opinion up to her own father and shilling left and center to the point where she no longer openly campaigns on immigration to keep the pandering.
Give me a break. In the current state of affairs in France a competent nationalist leader would poll 15% higher than her and we wouldn't have to balance it vs a cuckservative platform.
Stage 2 : Oven Harlem SHake?
shut up hongkong faggot
And yet, she is still the head of her party. There is no other nationalist party. Her party has remained a relevant party for years, getting a not insignificant portion of the vote. This by itself shows she is competent enough to run a political party. Perhaps another nationalist party would get more votes - but this other party does not exist. She is the best choice, and Fillon does not even compare.
You must be a huge faggot to think that. FN is no longer nationalist, and Marxine Le Pen has always denied she was a nationalist.
Fillon is completely owned by money and big companies. His only goal is to ensure they can do whatever they want and that him and his loyal followers get their share of the money. On "immigrations/security problems" he just uses close-to-far-right argument to win the people who are afraid to vote for Le Pen because muh fascism. He gives no actual fuck about the situation and will only take some measure every year until mandate is done so that conservatives are happy and leftists are butthurt, and a new polemic is created. Kind of any of his predecessors.

As basically any french politician, he's not based in any fucking way and should be meme'd to oblivion.
>implying that since 1945 gaullists are not in bed with communists

And they dare to lecture us. fucking libs
And who claims to be Gaullists now, whilst the party has been brutally anti-gaullist for ever, hmmm ?
If he didn't we wouldn't have to argue with /pol/ autists, but the reality is, she won't win because she's actually a shitty leader who's going to get crushed in the sole objective she based her authority upon.

So we are now reduced to defend the redpilled parts of the cuckservative candidate to avoid the next five years being a complete disaster that will end the country.

>Muh de Gaulle in bed with commies
How about you take your old collection of Rivarols and go wipe your ass with it instead of talking shit. The FN keeps attracting people from the old radical Left to the point of being a 2016 version of Georges Marchais' PC.
bla bla trump won't win. gtfo off
Bla bla polls are shit, Marine isn't 35 pts behind and actually 10 pts ahead, she will make France great again with her magic dust and btw the tooth fairy came for me last night.

Try harder.
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Wrong, shill.

This is not a Trump vs Clinton situation. The white middle class who elected Trump is NOT going to vote Le Pen against Fillon's program. As wrong as polls were for Trump he was never crushed by Hillary like Marine currently is. Just look at the two latest ones for the second round:

>Odoxa: Fillon 71 - Le Pen 29
>Harris: Fillon 66 - Le Pen 34

There is no way she gets elected. She is not a competent leader. This election is actually the opportunity to get rid of her and replace her with someone with the skills to carry an alt-right revolution in France. In the meantime Fillon is not a bad compromise considering the options at hand. That's the reality of the situation, like it or not.

>inb4 muh shill
No, Fillon is no alt-right candidate. He is mainstream. But considering the current situation his program is good enough if he can stick to it. More importantly, he is a pragmatist. He is the kind of guy who may be able to make the trend his friend. Read, working with Trump and Putin efficiently, and take into account the nationalist
>This election is actually the opportunity to get rid of her and replace her with someone with the skills to carry an alt-right revolution in France.
Fillon was prime minister for 5 years. Why didn't he fix france back then and instead brought 1 million shitskins in France and cucked us with EU ?
>Fn attracts former commie workers
You have clearly never heard of Boulangisme.Do your homework, baka.

Besides fn has always attracted rightwing blue collar workers.
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Honestly people who still believe cuckservatives must be mentally ill.
Because Sarkozy and him were backstabbed by treacherous advisers like Buisson and Guaino who persuaded them not to change anything in the socialist hellhole. (Just read what they say of Fillon's program now). Sarkozy didn't help either, doing shit all by himself and making his PM basically his secretary instead of a decision-maker. French people are aware of that, which is why they sanctioned Sarkozy in the primary but not Fillon.
Jesus Christ you are too far gone.
Yeah, so he doesn't even have the spine to not being a cuckold. What tells me he won't be persuaded to be go full cuckold once again ?
nice pro-cuck campaigning, french CTR
> Fillon is not a bad compromise

Acording to who ?

He proposes nothing against immigration , and nothing against islamism, except less policemen and more net censorship.
No one. But we have no choice, he's the next president. Better influence his campaign while we can.
>we have no choice
We do.
>being that clueless
Leave the /pol/ memes for a second and go read the programs, at least Fillon's since Marine won't release hers before three months, then do come back again and talk to me.
We don't. Marine is shit and she's getting crushed.
> Buisson backstabbed by the treacherous and liar mentality of Sarkozy
Accepted. But Buisson doesn't help either. Just look at what he says, the moderate program of Fillon is too much for him already.

The Sarkozy administration was a vipers nest
I'm voting Dupond-Aignan and you can't stop me. I'll vote for Marine in the second turn.
I want the legion on Mars !
Which candidate is the more pro-space exploration?

How is France's space program these days? I've heard much talk about the EU and immigration but nothing on French NASA.
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I need a realistic estimate of my chanced to win here.
Will she win?
We work much more on the European level for all that pertains to science.
I've got to say, I like that about the EU.
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I forgot the ESA was a thing.
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35KB, 480x720px
Theme of the thread

Trump is successful precisely because he is not a professional politician.
On the other hand, Fillon is a professional politician since he is 27 and is a man of the system as his CV long like an arm can attest.
Comparing him to Trump is at minimum doubtful.
this is incredible to see these odds. who would have thought 10 years ago

Thank you for surrendering the record

imagine what they would be with an actually competent nationalist leader
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File: zahia.jpg (128KB, 600x798px) Image search: [Google]
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need more qts and prostitutes with french colors please
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