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Eyes Wide Open /EWO/

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 94

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>Pizzagate primer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiLNkIiyKuU [Embed]

>Infowars video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw [Embed]

>Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ True DeKEKtives Season 1 in 3 Minutes:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itWsqzFMVo [Embed]

>Kek willed this to be included in the OP:

>Secret Police trying to SHUT IT DOWN:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXybotgqxY8 [Embed]

>Proof Secret Police exist from CA:


>Midland, Texas where Bush Family is from
>Texas Child Trafficking confirmed in the past:

>Missing Minors in Texas:


>Ex-Sherrif's Deputy dies in shootout with local police and feds:


>Tunnels nearby Buddy Webb's property heading towards Home Depot and a storage unit (digging on video)

>Suspicious deaths (like murder suicides) have been happening in the surrounding area

You have been warned that you may be in danger for helping this investigation. All evil requires to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Let's be good men and do something.

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redpill me on the tunnels

has anyone actually seen them

is Soros.. Orochimaru?
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Not sure how you wizards managed to get this far, but keep going. I believe in you.
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They're well hidden not many people probably know of them
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Let's make a proper good looking OP for this just like /cfg/ had a good OP
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oh god what the fuck
on comet ping pong's menu most of the pizzas have boy's names
>the jimmy even has 'comet tomato sauce'
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Comet isn't even 5 miles away from the white house. There are at least 2 subterrain levels. Check the instagram pics. I don't say it's proof, I just lay it here.

Ok, so now even argument man says somethings going on. This guy isn't exactly some nutty conspiracy theorist, so does this mean that pizzagate is real?

What does Molyneux know?
there were a couple photos from some instagram, though I forgot to save them.

Anyone remember that? there were some guys digging the ground, dressed in protective gear and stuff, there was a long trench in the floor, it looked very raw.
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Smoky is a term for a brand of tiny sausage.....known as Lil Smokies...
Will is close to Willy, slang for a dick, and Steel implies erection
Time Out is a phrase from parenting classes, used as an alternative to corporal punishment
slam is a euphemism for rough sex
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Why can't we recruit some suicidefags from /r9k/ et al to tear up besta etc?

This helps a lot for people who just started following this (me included), it's gonna save a lot of time. Thanks!
yes that one, I wonder what the fuck were they digging for.
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Dug Hole
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Wait what the fuck? I haven't seen this one before are we hypothesizing they're building tunnels?
Okay so this is our current OP. In what ways do you think this can be improved so that newfags can get up to speed faster and help us.


What's the likelihood it's something legitimate? Plumbing replaced due to bad leaks?

Except I've read they didn't have any permits for work...

So back to wondering why they did this without proper approvals/permits?
august 14 is the time when jewish judges overturned states ban of sodomy laws and in margo (((kaplan))) shes really jewish and a professor who did that "pedophile:disorder not a crime article on the newyork times and on her cover photo on fb is august 16 somewhere in what seems like a conference room ...with a child ofcourse in it
My theory is it's to transport the children between the other nearby pedophile fronts (other pizza stores and that one book store and also the immigration place that's nearby) without taking them outside and risking getting caught or one of them running away. Either that or a tunnel to some unused subway tunnel or station.
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I'm done bros, I think i should just submit and be a normie.

Ever since I saw people actively talking today about idiots who spread 'fake news' and I realized they actually meme'd the public into only being sheep.

Maybe were done for. I feel like there are vast forces at work and I don't really want to know what they do anymore.
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Pls respond. As this anon said (>>100013725) efforts to make this more newfag friendly will help us.

See my response to similar question here >>100014034
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
There's a lot of weird shit involved like alefantis' instagram, the emails and podesta's "art" but shit like this is A Beautiful Mind tier retarded.
>If you look it up... 'chocolate cake' means sex.
Some weird faggot hangs out with other weird faggots, a bunch of paranoid conspiracy nuts draw bizarre conclusions from logos, names, and hashtags.
Common words have plenty of meanings. Chocolate cake could just mean chocolate cake... or it could mean... chocolate cake!
It could all be true, but you still need more proof.
I start to believe all this satanic bullshit is actually intentionally used to mislead the plebs and make them believe that anyone pointing out the connections is just a tinfoil-hat or something, so it automatically discredits them because:
>you gotta be kidding me anon, still believing in stuff like that at your age... you have to go out more often.
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this was weird

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An anon's 'mind web' fitting places and people together
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Literally the only way to find out if that's true is to go down to the basement of one or more of these places. Why is this so damn hard when it's all so clearly connected?
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What the fuck does he know?
He's no Alex Jones style conspiracy theorist, so does that mean pizzagate is real?
>a living meme himself has visited comet ping pong
maybe kek is trying to tell us something?
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Holy shit you guys, it's a transmutation circle!
So why would a guy who is trying to destroy this nation actually be apart of a cult that is hiding beneath this nation and abusing it's government for its own gain?
Good theory and makes sense. We just don't have anyone to confirm..yet.
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Considering the fact that trump's base support has been fractured, this is the only way we can actually repair it. The NYT has already defended this case, this is good for us because if we find anything, it will go on record that the NYT was defending a pedophile (I know they already did but still).
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Found this in that shit show of Fuck Leftist

Short version is, keep pushing there's a reason the media is suddenly scrambling to make you all look like idiots.

Long version is the op of these threads claims to be an FBI agent in deep on the investigation. CF is a giant global laundering organization dealing in everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. A phrase the guy actually uses is "they trade girls like cattle."

The entire Fed is implicated in this, which is why the FBI is moving slowly, they can't take on the whole government alone. Even if they tried it would all collapse leading to a prolonged civil war that foreign powers would get involved in.

Dig into CF and continue to bring this stuff up. Don't let the media just focus on the e-mails, those are chump change compared to whats out there. This is big so expend kick back the closer you get, the more the media tries to discredit us, the more raids that happen, only means we're getting closer.
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West Molokai Resort

Don't remember where this came up.
Those fucking illuminati satanic tinfoil bastards were right all along
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>does that mean pizzagate is real?
You come to that realization now because molymeme said it? Hasn't it been obvious for a couple weeks now?
Alright, what do you guys think of the new OP that I wrote up?

Just popping in to send some HIGH ENERGY

keep fighting anons and let's keep spreading the word about this shit far and wide
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he's probably talking more about the norway stuff.
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This show is exactly what first came to my mind when this pizzagate/twittergate shit started lol.

I think a good way to help new people would be to have the 5 pics (below) which summarize everything be posted toward the beginning of every thread. Identify the post as 1; 2; 3; etc. Then, have documentation/evidence/articles whatever related to pic 1 be grouped together; whatever relates to pic 2 be grouped together, etc.

Obviously, over time, more links could be added or changed (as some may disappear) but that way they can go read those articles and it would all make more sense.

* * *

Pics I am referring to numbered below:

1 >>100013176
2 >>100013267
3 >>100013347
4 >>100013454
5 >>100013588
Good idea. I also wrote up a new OP here >>100015535. I'd like some feedback on it.
But he said 2017, meaning stuff that has yet reach the mainstream.
What's the difference between a baby and a pizza?

You don't have sex with a pizza before eating it.
Pedophile rings have recently been busted in Norway, Canada and Argentina
The veil is coming undone, then you will see that the "tinfoils" were only just touching the surface

From anon on previous thread:

FBIAnon AMAs allude to all of the following having connections to pizzagate:

1) Search the e-mails for the following code words: cards, favors, extras, officers
2) “London Connection” to CF
3) Saudi Arabia and Qatar connections to CF
4) State Department officials who donated to the CF
5) The Bonner Group
6) Henry Paulson, TARP, major bank that went under as a result of TARP
8) CF investment deals in Africa, specifically countries that have poor records of births
9) Accounting firm who did the books for Haiti's earthquake relief
10) Majescor company
11) Muhammad Yunus (FBIAnon implied this one was very dangerous)
12) Scalia's murder, what he was looking into when he died, and it's relation to the CF.
13) Mark Lamont Hill
14) Barack Obama Foundation, and O'bummer's brother.
15) Projects funded by the CF, where the receiver was small, in a failing industry, and who had people owning/working for it that donated to the CF
16) A “certain Indian businessman” who has been “routinely accused of pedophilia”
17) Cheryl Mills (and where she worked before joining the CF)
18) The Cohen Group
19) Brookings Institute/2014 CHARGE projects
20) The company that put together the advertisement for HRC with all Avenger celebrities.
21) “What constitutes Mark Cuban's net worth?”
22) ALL members of the GOP who lead the “coup” against Trump.
23) Dirty money funneling to CF via 501(c)4, 527, and 4847(a)1 companies/trusts/foundations
24) State Department officials who met in secret with foreign officials
25) “Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and do they have ties to the CF?”

Bonus: Was the TPP fast-tracked to aid in transporting children across the Pacific, and why Trump said he would immediately end it?
If /pol/ exposed the biggest scandal in US history I would jizz Scud missiles
It's always looked interesting and seemed like it was worth looking into.

When someone like Molyneux says it's real (if pizzagate is what he was referring to), then it seems more likely to be real.
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amanda is a strange one
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looks pretty nice to me.

Good so far; If I may suggest you label the videos at the top. (My brain organizes better when I read the topic rather than just see a link--"I" would tend to pass that by until later even if I shouldn't do that.) Just a suggestion but I think it would be helpful.
but we might strike oil who knows
let's keep digging
Shouldn't it be "Eyes Wide Shut"?

This band played a Comet Ping Pong once before, straight up boy lover symbolism throughout the video. On the box.
Something tells me this is fucking real, but it's documentaries from the past that parallels the outlines made in the current story that's unfolding that's leading me to believe this shit
Reminder that you should not forget the Media, as they are helping covering pedophiles


>all these pizza comparisons
>all those different color meanings

My thirst for truth no matter how horrible is a burden.
I think it's too newfag unfriendly. One of /cfg/'s greatest assets was that they were autistically well organized. This showed in a well written OP that allowed newfags to jump write in after just a few minutes of reading. We should emulate that. As it is, our OP is cluttered and very unfriendly to people who want to just jump right in but don't know what to do. See >>100015535 for a new OP I wrote up.
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he does have a thing for "russian salad" after all.
Did any anons go into Comet as a customer at all?
Why can't bands like that be involved in fatal plane crashes?
captch Select all images with airplanes

Also...perhaps very important? (Not sure) but FBIAnon, what he said (I reposted anon's post from previous thread). I know FBIAnon kept bringing back everyone to focus on Clinton Foundation, that's a key. So, I think you should include some info about him, his suggestions, and include that toward the top, after the videos, as areas to focus on.
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I'm not going to an overpriced hipster dive that serves the blood of innocents
Feel free to dig away. Just don't make up nonsense like that
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I meant "dressing", getting a bit tired.

yeah I meant your looks nice, I think it should be used for next threads.
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I only learned of this now?

Holy shit. This is probably true, there was a very similar and controversial paedophile scandal in Portugal precisely like this a few years back. Only a few got arrested, tons of politics were supposedly involved and proof just vanished.

And now this fake news stuff?

4chan you are dealing with fire. After Trump won this is officially a war. I dont know what might happen.
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Guys she literally praise satan and talk about newborn abuse.


Could just be a spirally triangle.
Maybe putting the symbol on a cube alters the sign?
Maybe she's implying the Shrine at Mecca is for boy lovers?
and it's gay owned and operated, I don't want aids
Never said you had to eat it. We need boots on the ground here; We've done a lot of work here but this is the next logical step.
If I was anywhere near DC I'd check Comet, Besta, Buck's, etc. out.

Warning like this >>100016516
absolutely necessary!

And not just media screen captures, but any important document should be archived BEFORE posting on 4chan. Provide links TO the archive websites that can be used.

Doing this will ensure that 'they' can't remove it and claim it doesn't exist, or we're lying, or making up/altering stuff.

We should have learned these lessons after some of the fiasco this past week with the closing and deleting of accounts, deletion of webpages, etc. before they were saved/archived.
Okay so I've taken your suggestions and made a Version 3 of the OP. I'm not sure what to put about FBIanon and the Clinton Foundation considering we have a limited character space for the OP.


I've put in a small blurb about the Clinton Foundation though with Norway and Australia.
>she literally praise satan and talk about newborn abuse.
She'll be a big hit on >>>/b/
(captcha: select all images with Pizza)
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Well what are coathanger used for, in a running gag?
How about a Standard Operating Procedure pastebin to be put in the OP for newfags?

Someone can dig into this a pull out what they need for it.
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are australia's favourite ice cream makers secretly paedos?
>heart in heart
Son of a bitch, I'm seriously considering this now.
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Use multiple just in case
Can someone give me a quick summary of the evidence? What is the strongest evidence we have so far?
witches use them when they sacrifice first born children to satan
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I believe in you anon, I believe in youuuuu
That's a great idea!
If FBI anon was right Trump winning maybe the only thing that saved everyone. Although the clock is ticking because "every empire only last 250 years and they all collapse the same."
>schizophrenia general
>What the fuck is going on?
To find out the basics of what's been happening, we suggest you watch these videos and read this site.
-Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ True DeKEKtives Season 1 in 3 Minutes:
-Infowars video:
-Jumping into the rabbit hole:
-What we know so far:
-Pizzagate Primer:
Founded in 1930, so I doubt it
They haven't really changed there logo much sine the 30's either ,the pedo secret symbolism didn't appear until the late 60's early 70's
getting more eyes on this. if you have imgur please upvote so more people see this
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The logo looks just like Wall's:
Has Larry Kings names come up in any of this?

For those who don't know allegations against Larry King being involved in mass pedo ring a while back. I can't help but feel this all connected. Larry King sort of disappeared after all that shit went down.
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Lets go out with a bang.

Someone can dig into this a pull out what they need for it.

Correct. The FBIAnon post I was referring to earlier, though, was this one I reposted in this thread:

Sometimes a heart is just a heart, you guys.
That also predates pedo symbolism
Draw the lines man, shortly after anons started digging into pizzagate what happened? An immediate backlash from the MSM trying to discredit any news site that talked about it, when MSM had no proof of anything. Then we have a huge resurgence of shit posting and general nonsense.
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Indeed. Witches are cruel, bearers of life but then raping it with their witchcraft. Think of it - nothing is more evil and thoughtless as woman, as they have responsibility to be good and caring.

This Abramovniz has had 3 abortions for the sake of art, too.
>Dead Leaf Echo

then explain rome
>hollywood is infested with pedos...answers could be there...woody allen could be a good start.
oh wait it is the same brand, just different localized name.. shitty localized subs.
captcha has been trying to tell us this whole time
Stood out to me because I thought he was the talk show host, I know he was involved in Boys Town, but it was some other guy. What do you know about him?
Gotcha, I'll be honest I've seen this here and there but until I sat and read that whole thing I didn't pay much attention. I'm just a mechanic, most I can do is help bump threads and try and clear up messages.


Here its called Olá ice creams.
I really hate woody allen, and his movies are garbage.
I always wondered why famous people liked his films so much,he must have some kind of power in hollywood
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Revised >http://pastebin.com/E6pUjYvv

Thanks...will read now.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ttT6FrMosBk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ttT6FrMosBk
I'm through the first video. Only question is where the video from that first performance is from.
I remember watching this years ago.
Very sad, and very disconcerting.
Look of the Franklin cover up. He would fly boys out from boys town and elites would Rape them.

He got away with it and has been hiding in a fucking hole ever since
They didn't realize it had already collapsed till 100 years after. They had no way of averting anything, it was just so monolithic in size at the time that it took that long.

I hate him as well but I cant deny he is incredibly clever.

Not a fucking philosopher like some call him, but nevertheless very smart, not because of his movies but books.
It's video from one of the events they hold at Comet Ping Pong, a so called, Family pizzeria.
You know it's the same organization as this pizzagate
It's sad that there are police and prosecutors saying they had the evidence too go after these fucks but it was all sealed by the DOJ
I think we are more at the time of the gracchi brothers equivalent.

Some Empires endure a bit longer the the average, but the cracks show early.
Looks good.

The paste bin can add into it all the other suggestions, right? And those things can be added in the beginning posts of each thread (but if they're all together in the paste bin, it will be easier to keep each section organized (and then more people would likely be willing to help with new threads if it's just cut and paste).

devil worshipers

That explains his immortality and hes a snake goes undetected
I'm sure pedophile symbolism existed in some form before it was officially recorded by the FBI, not saying that it was this exact symbol
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>very smart, not because of his movies but books.
I never learned to read
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People are dying so i dont think it will blow in the face, i am sure there is cover op underway and people with evidense or eye witnesses were already sacrifised to Moloch in the backyard.
what was scalia looking into?
Okay so I made a Version 4 of the OP.


Hopefully this will be the final version. Some of the news happening section might need to be pruned to fit the character limit though.
Normal reaction is denial, anger, disbelief because it's too awful to believe!
Loving the vibes in these threads lately. Lots of questioning, lots of inquisitiveness from new people. We're growing well.

If you haven't seen this you definitely should. It stands as a lesson to all of us what NOT to in pursuing this (giving up, caving to intimidation, letting them win the propaganda war and repress the evidence)
You are a solider of truth now brother, do not faulter do not bend, spread TRUTH, love and light be with you always.
>has a map that seems pizza-related
I cannot for the life of me figure out how that makes sense.
DOJ and FBI were hog tied by current administration and having to wait and see who would take power. If best case scenario comes about, slowly but surely the DOJ will start prosecuting, setting an example and hopefully forcing others involved to disappear.
Holly bannolli
Of course the Japanese anon suggests suicide
He is very knowledgeable of Mozart for example.

And some books like The Insanity Defense compilation are okay. However again, people give him too much praise compared to actual scientists and philosophers.
Holly pepperoni
There sure as shit is a cover up, what do you think the whole MSM suddenly taking an interest in "fake news" outlets was. Those are the only ones who reported on it, also the MSM immediately defended the place in question.
Nah, pedophilia wasn't illegal until the 60's and prosecutions didn't start until the 70's
You can find movie reels of lingerie parties with young kid actresses and older women actresses from the 20's-40's including Shirley Temple.
Also you could find CP movies at porn shops and buy them as there were no real laws against it until 1974 .
It makes sense to me and I'm a pedophile.
Does anyone have the Epstein island info graph
They cannot cover TRUTH, those in service to the One True INFINITE CREATOR will not budge will not bend. Victory to the true light.
iirc map is DNA as in semen and pizza would be he banged a kid.
Scalia was going to testify against the malta faction of the masons. He was subsequently murdered.
Really good; organized, and flows logically. You can move things around as they fill out or become more focused in any particular area.
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Both of my brothers nodded and said they are reading about it too, but it is not a shock to them, as it was "to be expected".

My mother just said: "Oh look another jewish trick, that is as disgusting as usual"

And my father: "Well son, world is awful place. There is also a lot of beauty, you remember to keep up the beauty, and fight against evil whenever you see one"

Thank you parents. Even though you are divorced you are still based.
Just taking a look at all the loonies here.
He's a soldier of paranoiac syncretism, a gerrymanderer of symbolic meanings.
Any word can mean any other thing. They are used for so many different purposes by various groups, professions, subcultures and even families.
You can find a definition of any word that makes it into something else, or an acronym for something else.
They use the handkerchiefs to collect DNA as evidence for BM.
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It's true. Our current attitude and perception of it all didn't really take a turn until the 90's it seems. You could still buy the stuff over the counter up till then.

It was explained in an excerpt in "The Politics of Murder". I'd appreciate if somebody could post it. I saw it either here or on 8.
You mean to tell me he left a semen-stained hanky behind at some joint and a realtor found it?
Thanks, I try. Like with the crash course for newfags, I tried to order them from most low brow and highly attention grabbing to more detailed as you go down the list. Trying to get as much exposure as possible.
You can become the inspiration they may need to have the fire to fight against wrong and evil.
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Deus Ex really predicted the Meme war.

is that in anyway related to this?
maybe it's covered in pizza sauce, that's the only sane explanation

if this podesta character is as crazy about food as it appears, it might nothing more than pleasant small talk.

any one of these emails could be dismissed on their own, but there is something really weird about the way that people talk. also, the whole thing that started the "pizza" thing was that people on chans used to call CP "cheese pizza". but do we have any indication (maybe through FBI docs or something) that this has adoption outside of the chans? i've only seen it used that way on chans or on youtube videos, not really in news stories or anything. is the whole "pizza" thing really something used outside of chans and people who are chan-literate?
get out you european spic
Holy shit, I dismissed this shit at first, but that primer video's got some stuff I hadn't seen before. Particularly, the Andrew Klein thing was really fucking sketchy.
it's from a very old thread that got slid hard at the time this was posted, I'm not even at 20% of the archive kek I wonder what other missed wonders I will find.
You seem to be mixed up leaf. Cheese pizza wasn't a chan term adopted by pedos. It was the other way around.
>Nah, pedophilia wasn't illegal until the 60's and prosecutions didn't start until the 70's
Huh never knew that
that moorish blood has fucked your mind, paco.
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Oh shit
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And Old Bob before Y2K.
>if you can read this, you are a pope!
He left DNA at a site related to this stuff, as to weather it was an actual realtor I doubt it. Code words are the game my man, its why there is an explanation here >>100013588 the black box
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Euro-Atlantic (the West) states have rejected their own roots, including the Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied—national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.

The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote even the propaganda of paedophilia.

People in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliation and are indeed frightened to speak about them. Meanwhile, Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or "neutrally" renamed as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. With this method one hides away the deeper moral nature of those celebrations.

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without the rules and moral values which have been formed and developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity and become brutes. We think it is right and natural to defend and preserve these moral Christian values.

We must protect Russia from that which has destroyed American society.
>"every empire only last 250 years and they all collapse the same."

What are you talking about?
The Roman Empire lasted for almost 1,500 years total.

A lot of Empires have lasted for much longer than 250 years.
That is the best way. Grab their attention on things that are most concrete and obvious, not too much info to be overwhelming (which is why those 5 pics are good: pictorial summaries that lead to a logical conclusion). Enough to open their eyes in disgust. Then they're either all in or in denial and, because of that, they'll make claims that it's fake or whatever. They can go their merry way and the cause is better off with them gone. The others will fight and tell others.
Read this, I know it takes a while but if you're willing to have an open mind it fits too well. >>100015163
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Could an underground structure like that really be possible if it's built into a mountain? And how could it be built covertly?
okay this one seems like normal construction. I work in home renovation and construction and the digging going on in the picture highly resembles putting in new sewage plumbing, ive seen this type of tunneling before, theyre just putting in new piping. completely normal
Is soros connected in anyway to this at all?
Dude, you never watched old movies? Where a young girl has a suitor that's in his 30-50's
Suitors back then had a tendency to marring there child wards....
The past is neat, also begs the question of why they really made pedophilia against the law, or drugs for that matter. It was normal and widely accepted before the laws, maybe it was just to black mail men in power.
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>about two years ago, NYT releases article defending pedos
>5 months ago NYT mentioned again along with cheese and pizza
>a few days ago, NYT along with several other MSM release articles about Pizzagate being fake news
Something smells rotten here. Not to mentioned Podesta (friend of Comet's owner) and Brock (owner's ex-bf) both have connections with NYT and other MSM.

Also the head of the NYT used to work for the BBC and left when the Jimmy Savile (another high ranking pedophile) accusations exploded.

hory sheit


I think I'll just slip this in here.

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Most people in Finland know about this, there is only small bubble of like 300k people in capital city that believe NYT and Clinton News Network, and try to spread it around.

Everyone knows about shit talk, and we have a tightening grip coming towards globalism, as it has started already. Politicans are beginning to change. I have faith in this country, regardless of it's faultries and small unjustices.

Of course we have to remember that not every jew is "in on this", it is those few fuckfaces on top of the system - actually Soros himself said he doesn't believe in God in that interview that was deleted from the internet until one anon found it like 2 weeks ago and spread it.

This things affects many, and changes world views, if used with precision and right kind of manipulation. Already the SJW group from local uni grumbled down thanks to this pizzagate, as 2 "leading" idiotwomen heard of this, and believed it when let to think it by themselves. I love this thing - I just deep down hope it is NOT true, but blood libel is... well, tradition, and not even unbeliveable :(
People have carved more intricate things into mountains before. From the top down.
umm, no, it wasn't. it started with "mods are asleep, post CP" threads on /b/ back in like 2008 or some shit and people would post pictures of cheese pizza instead of child porn. i guess some people say now that there were rar files hidden in the pictures but i never really checked it out because i had no interest in posting in looking at anything in those threads
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Related. I wonder if Ding anon is still alive.
The Eastern Roman Empire (aka the Byzantine empire) lasted for about a thousand years, but the Western Roman empire from where most of our modern Euro countries derive from lasted in two parts, the Roman Republic which fell in power and then quickly militarized and turned into the the Western Roman Empire.

"The Roman Empire" as you imply as a singular entity did not last for 1500 years. There was a lot of ups and downs and crashes and rebuildings of the empires.
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oh shit is right.

I am finding out more about the occult and magic then I wanted to and it scares me that these people exist and run things.

Who would have thought that we are living in a BLADE world? We need Wesley Snipes!
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He has really show his face and now I dont fear him as much as I did, because Russians are fucking crazy believe me, its a world of difference between them and a Ukrainian.

And his face is Eurasianism, he really wants to heal the differences between the Western Europe and maybe create a super alliance. A dream I say.

After all all that mineral rich territory next to China...
You're right.

You see, what we are fighting that most people don't realize is a spiritual problem. The cure for which is not more laws or arrests. That can only stop the attacks on some helpless victims but not eradicate the problem of a man or woman's dark and evil heart.
Don't forget twittergate we need Twitter stock to drop
I remember him. I think I still have some of his stuff.
I just want to let you know that Religious Jew Conservatives are also not always trustworthy.

They may agree with you at first but they get really creepy later on. Always asking for the US to start a war on any of Israel's enemies...
Except in our cycle, the Gracchi won
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This is tangential to pizzagate. But for those doubting the total depth of human depravity and US Gov cover-ups. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731

>Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II.

>Though "a large number of babies were born in captivity", there has been no account of any survivors of Unit 731, children included. It is ___suspected___ that the children of female prisoners were killed or the pregnancies terminated.

>Instead of being tried for war crimes, the researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation.

So the evil people are protected by US Gov and the victims are missing still.... elite aren't evil at all, nope.
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It has always been the problem. Always.

Hence why the most dangerous people on Earth are Prophets and Poets.
Also forgot the mention that the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire both lasted less than 300 years.
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Anyone on Trump's team looking at these threads, please help us end this
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I wonder what ley lines are around these places?
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> cares about Twitter stock
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>that ping pong in a public place video
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True. But whatever came of it.
This is what we need Memers for. We need people to distill our info and spread it on social media. The Feds won't do shit unless there's public pressure.
I need to use twitter tho, where else can i follow trump's inane thoughts?
Finnish jewish community is very small, almost non-excistant and they have no power around, as they are not focused on investing and/or politics.

On the other hand, we belong, for now, to global banking.
General Flynn tweeted about this once.

He is one of Trump's top advisers.
Btw, just a thought, but Pizzagate is a stupid fucking name for this. We can't just put the -gate suffix at the end of everything. I like our name for it, Eye Wide Open.
I defy you to draw a star with five points on any map and find it doesn't cross or enclose a place where something bad or traumatic happened in all of human history.
It must be said however, that such as the Greeks the Romans with the republic showed incredible elasticity after it already had no power.

Laws continued to pass, favours continued to be made, and the people still benefited from even if the sole figure of powers was indeed the Emperor.

This is unique to Western civilization, tyrant and dictator are ugly words even by absolutists.
Nope, pizzagate stuck, it's too late
I know, but we don't have to call it Pizzagate ourselves. We can always do our own thing like we always have.
But he's from Rhode Island, and they have serious satanic troubles.
In the General's hometown they have Fecal Occult Blood Rites...
Someone did, they got kicked out when it was found out that they where filming.

Although I think Trump knows because in the last week he's met with the DIRECTOR of the NSA, and a Hollywood super-agent.....

And Katrina openly thanked us the other day
What about pedo paintings and teddy bears at Podesta's
What about the logos on several shops in the area of Comet and Besta Pizza
What about the same logo on the video of the band Sex Stains that is connected to Comet Pizza
IDK dude, call it whatever you want, just don't expect people to know what you are talking about
>"He had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him," reveals a source who befriended Brock last July at the hospital.

>Brock told fellow patients that he did not feel safe -- even inside of the hospital's secure medical setting! "


Who is Brock again?
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Then we'll have to draw a pentagram on your mom's pussy.
He's saying that cheese pizza was related to pedophilia before /b/, and /b/ was just another front used to exchange it
Kill yourself asap.
-gate has a particular short and obvious meaning, it is perfect for the Twitter age. The population as a whole isn't informed, sound-bites are needed.
Jesus Christ save us all.

What's our end game? If the upper echelons of our world are in on this what do we do?

I'm scared anons, hold me. :(
Can someone look up if there was some plumbing work gng on there at Comet?

Cuz someone said that they had no permit to dig holes in the fucking floor.
Are you trying to say that the hyperholocaust of Nereidum Montes never happened? My parents are survivors and still have their scars! REEEEEEEEE!
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It was indeed a rather "smoother" transition from the republic to the empire, however, the fall and collapsing of the empire was quite ugly as invasions were happening by fucking everybody and social and cultural strife was rampant with Roman culture being overtaken by the native populations of which they ruled. It was during this time that they started transitioning from the dominant Roman culture and rule to the current areas comprising of Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and to a minor extend Eastern Europe, but Eastern Europe was more comprised of the Byzantines which was only gaining power as the Western Empire was already beginning to fragment and tear itself apart. From this we can also see where and how Catholicism became dominant in the West and Orthodox became dominant in the East.

Hmm, sounds kind of familiar.
Da fuck up faggot may the One True INFINITE CREATOR forgive you.
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The upper class has always had people with weird taste, and unfortunately the power to pull it off. Its not ALL of them however.
I don't have the screencap. Search his Twitter if you don't believe me.
Wow, that's fucking disgusting. I remember that Flynn's son is basically confirmed /pol/ user. MSNBC or CNN or something attacked Flynn because his son was posting "obscene memes and conspiracy theories" on Twitter.

Trump's administration is /ourguy/ as fuck.
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This is the greatest year of my life. We actually pulled it off. What we call meme magic has a scientific explanation. The left had 100% of comedians on their side, lock stock and barrel. Any comedian who criticized/trivialized/patronized the progressive agenda was unable to get a gig to ever tell a joke again. /pol/ delivered dank memes and triple A bantz into the mix. Our jokes were more honest and made people laugh harder. We literally saved humanity by shitposting.
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>Trump winning might be the only thing that saved everyone

Except it isn't.
There's a likelihood that Trump is involved himself.
He's a Zionist shill, he works for the Jew, he's been on the Lolita Express with Epstein.

He's one of them.
Trump has been clean no matter how far we digged. He really is our last hope to put down these dogs.
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KEK! Nice one
look at all those crater holes
clear traces of gods wrath
what Satanism occurred there, I wonder
and why is Terra, or "EARTH" the center of the star...?
actually stimulates one's little gray cells
>>Pizzagate primer

This video is very good. OP should link it first every time.
>What's our end game?
We expose them and get this shit to the normies once and for all.
>If the upper echelons of our world are in on this what do we do?
Day of the rope.
Same here anon
See >>100020867
and then kill yourself you fucking shill

yup...saw that too...this shit is too obvious
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Were they brainwashed?
>Use multiple just in case

Thanks. I only knew about web archive and .is
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Aron rao

r/pizzagate was deleted

I REPEAT, r/pizzagate was deleted!
Why are people laughing at this shit? Is is a community event, and they're telling inside jokes with each other?
Imagine being a first time customer, going to this restaurant just to eat some pizza after a hardworking day/week, and stumble upon this shit?
i've read through it, it doesn't talk about comet ping pong or pizza, just vague scandals in the clinton foundation. it's not out of the realm of possibility it has to do with child trafficking, but it's not like everyone in north america doesn't eat pizza all the time. they are weird people, i will give them that... but i'm not seeing the pedo connection to CPP
Why Iceland and Faroe though?
Butcher them all in a public. An exhibition of bloody justice. That's the goal, friendo.
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Amen, I'm totally on board.

I guess a "mass awakening" of the public is our goal, perhaps someone needs to start making and spreading bitrsized memes that communicate this.. but I'm shit with photoshop.
It's the Pizza Party dimwit,
is right, it wasn't a chan term at 1st, CPers made the term

And then came the Byzantine Empire 1000 thousand years struggle to fucking save Europe. And then got backstabbed in the Crusades.

History rhymes and all that jazz. But now we have different factors.

Christianity had the "internet" called Roman roads to spread, but people give it too much factor the the fall, in fact Christianity had already been abducted from its original meaning and became immersed in neoplatonism and western philosophy.

We are in a very different background right now. It may spark different things.
You do know what ley lines are don't you?

The ley-line system exists as an independent circuitry with the capacity to affect consciousness. Ley lines are part of the Earth's energy system. Monuments serve to reveal or mark the network, making the sites more special by connecting and networking them together.

Ley lines and light are very closely related. Ley lines are cosmic forces originating outside of the Earth. They penetrate and leave the Earth vertically at nodes. The penetrating nodes are called power centers.

From here a vertical field extends up from the ley line through homes and buildings. The nature of this field is yang or energetic. A person who sits or lies over a ley line for an extended time will tend to be hyperactive. This can work to advantage in healing or in situations where extra energy is useful, but if someone is already very energetic, the ley line may cause an unhealthy situation. And if the ley line is negative, the negative aspects of extra energy will be manifest in tension, anxiety, and neurosis.

You might not believe in this but the elites do. That is why they build monuments on those lines.

That is why so many of these things are connected.
Thanks anon. Just getting caught up on comments; sorry for delayed response
What a thread when a fucking leaf has the only sane explanation for anything!
Maybe it was a bit of promotional merchandise with a pizzeria logo on it or something?
Here's another protip. Websites can see where they are being linked from if you put the link normally. To keep where you're coming from a secret, split up the url.



https: //www.goo gle. com/
No problem. My eyes glaze over too sometimes.
how do you know pedophiles had it first? do you hang out in pedophile groups?
I'm glad if some good is coming out of this evil...but I think we're in store for some really awful discoveries yet still.
No but its putting the implication out there that a huge trafficking operation exists and that the very top uses it.Notice how the moment this stuff was getting dug into the media suddenly took a big interest in discrediting it with no facts?

Or how Obama has been to these places and the Fed from the top down is being hinted at being involved. I dismissed this all as anons being anons, but with the shit that's gone down recently it all fits far too well for comfort.
>if you re-arrange the letters in "James Alefantis" you get...
Salami Jean Fest
Amass Jan Leftie
Sateen Fails Jam
Safest Name Jail
Fates Aliens Jam
Safest Mean Jail
A Leaf Main Jests
and many other surprising clues...
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I'm hoping for mass executions on the White House South Lawn desu senpai, Live on C-Span of course

And streamed on YouTube, while Trump live tweets the event

>tfw listening to RightSideBroadcastings intro music blasting at 100% while thousands of societies elite/Pedo's begin the march out onto the South Lawn to shot by an SS firing squad, 10 at a time.

Can't think of anything better myself
They are either dangerous or in danger as many have been killed for stating truth.
It would be stellar if someone could sort of consolidate all of the evidence and I formation into digestible youtube videos.
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JIDF please go, we know it's you
I just want these fucks to burn, I don't care how much of civilization has to be tore down in the process.
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I saw someone posting like that earlier; I thought that was likely why he was posting that way. That might be another 'tip' to put under SOP in the OP

Thanks for that
you're really late to the party
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The Rose and Kennedy Garden is where all the victims are hidden. lol

Makes me think of Mel Gibson's Rose Garden, and Kennedy assassinations.
Actually, the monuments appear on those lines and their human construction is all staged to make the public think we build them.
go back to scrubbing toilets, this is not a thread for butthurt white niggers.
Can some gifted anon please make flyers so we can increase public awareness on a street level?
New thread?
>posting your disproven shill charts even though you already got BTFO this election
Fuck off
I feel the same way anon. These people are worse than a cancer. I want them to pay for what they've done.
I wonder what Podesta is thinking about all this
That image deeply horrifies me
>Fates Aliens Jam
thanks for the new jam band name anon
Theosophical Society,Helena Blavatsky,marina abramovic,Lucis Trust,new age movement,Jean Houston and Clintons are same shit?
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Make one yo
Believe what you want if it makes you feel any better you fucking kike
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he forgot the closing parenthesis after map

here's an example of the sentence with the paranthesis: "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map) that seems pizza-related."

pizza-related means they found it somewhere and they think it was probably left over from a pizza fundraiser
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>when I connect the dots, I draw the ley lines
>when you connect the dots, and I disagree, they're arbitrary and you are a shill
Are you literally shaking?
Where do you think Soros gets his new hearts from?
He goes by the moniker James "Achilles" Alefantis

Achilles is derived from the Greek word meaning 'pain'.

James Achilles Alefantis
J'aime Achilles L'enfants
I love hurting children
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I just make a new one each time, feeling lazy, this one seems relative enough.
Considering the richest and most powerful black nobility family is portugese and still resides there.
No surprise there.
True he has a passing connection because that's what it takes. However Putin doesn't trust Israel at all yet he's willing to immediately bring tensions down now that Trump is president elect.

If you want read this >>100015163
It'll give you a broader picture if you're of an open mind. I will say in that it states Jews are attempting to be the puppet masters, but so far Trump is wanting to do everything opposite of what they desire.







Okay, anon suggested as a tip to split up web site names so they can track back to the thread. >>100021303

That might be good to put under the SOP
Then what? Who's going to prosecute?
Achilles as in Achilles' heel.
He steps on them!
Probably been hard at work deleting millions of emails and shredding documents while throwing his hard drives into pools of acid.

We should watch out for the staffers, I wonder if any campaign/DNC/Foundation aids are missing yet........

Something fishy is going on with the election, martial law maybe. Dec 19th.
This. We already know that Trump walks among them and despises them. He has given us his all to defeat them. He is our best chance at bringing it all down; why else would they have tried so hard to stop him?
Can tell from the picture its Wayne Lambright in the vid. Can tell from your digits you are Wayne Lambright. Day late and dollar short.

MAKE A COLLAB OF THIS AND SPREAD IT TO THE NORMIES, you should ignore the Media, if people distrust media you will take advantage
Podest@ is a totally sick Moloch-worshipping sack of shit
Buzzwords don't work anymore, shillfag
That's a map of the DC Metro system.
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Where is this picture from?
How can you prove it?
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David McGowan - Programmed to Kill - The Politics of Serial Murder?

you can torrent is off thepiratebay if you want that book
Oh I have it. Bought it. Just don't know where that particular section is as I haven't begun reading it yet.
This Shit is fucking retarded anyway. If They were building "secret tunnels" why would they post images of it on their fixing Facebook? "Wink wink nudge nudge" pictures aimed at their "fanbase" is one thing, "hey guys check out our secret kiddie rape tunnels" is the kind of dumb shit that makes this theory look like a joke to people reading into this for the first time.

Sometimes you idiots do all the work for the shills.
Always fun to watch a pedo squirm.
oh right
i havent read it either :|
wait a minute... are you saying the thing in your picture is real? that demon faced thing might be a literal demon that someone has seen??????
No, the real question is why would they post photos on their Facebook of illegal construction work on their secret child trafficking tunnels?

I'm just saying we need to quit grasping at straws and making connections where there aren't any. It makes the whole thing look stupid when we start saying things like "Guys, did you know they had PIZZA on their menu!?!? PIZZA IS CODE FOR CP, ZOMG!!!1" Or suggest they themselves posted images of construction on secret tunnels happening in broad daylight. The true connections and coincidences are all a lot more subtle to anyone not paying attention.
The... Pizza party.
I say we just go from simpler easier to digest crimes and move up to the pizza. We can start with the Clinton foundation.
What about trending a hashtag about that pipeline they're conspiring to build in the middle east?

Or hell, what about that million dollars Chelsea clinton took from the Clinton foundation to pay for her wedding? Make an infographic of simpler crimes, then lead up to the pizza.
What are those red geometrical figures on the floor? The ones on the left.
disgusting. This needs to spread.
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