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Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.

Who the fuck puts a parkbrake there? That's where the clutch is supposed to go.
A lot of manual trucks have the parking brake in the same place
I pulled up and went to put the clutch in while still rolling, locked up.
Maybe I'm just retarded though.
You would have to be retarded to mistake that for the clutch.
I only ever drive manual though, then jump in this thing. Habit I guess
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Hehe idiot
Fugg you
Like I said many manual trucks have the parking brake in the same spot. What manuals are you regularly driving where the clutch is above the footrest?
They're not obviously, just happened to do it because it was there and was asking to be pushed.
Youre mistake then, and one I've probably made before. Don't hate the vehicle for it.
Anyone got any good resources on tuning ignition timing?
I still think it's a stupid place to put it.
rocker panel rust repair - cut and weld as needed or replace whole rocker? what would the cheaper option be?
Scrap dealer mate
not viable, need the car to last
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Here's a would-you-rather question: Would you rather have only power locks or only power windows? Me, I'd rather have just power windows, because I can pull up the lock button when I need to use the other doors, but when I want some air while cruising, it's not exactly safe or easy to reach over to the other side and crank down the window. With that in mind, I have to wonder why older cars would often let you have power locks and manual windows, but not the other way around (i.e. you had to get power locks if you wanted power windows.) Pic related, not my car but grabbed it as an example.
I mean get the part from a yard. If they have your car and the part is in reasonable condition.
I'd have central locking for sure
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Thinking about going to check this out tomorrow and possibly pick it up as a beater/daily. The price seems fair compared to other E46 wagons in the area, especially from a dealer with a 30 day warranty. I know the rear subframe can be an issue, but anything else in particular to look out for?
Mercedes - 0 merican 1
compared to thinner wheels of the same size, do wider wheels go further outward, inward, or both equally from the mount point?
I would've thought that it's both inside and outside increase, as the lugs on the rim would be central.
The sticky says the rx8 has high maintenance costs what is that referring to? There are some nice rx8s around me.
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>he doesn't know about APEX SEALS
calvin wan would like to have a word with you.
SHOULD I GET a mazdaspeed3?
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>thinking about going
>I need this fucking I6 manual RWD hoon wagon right now
That's okay, I've done the same. I daily a manual. Hopped into my parents' automatic to run some errands for them, and went to push in the clutch at a stop light and slammed my foot into the brake. Chirped the tires and hit the horn at the same time. Fucking embarrassing lol
I have little time to fix my own car, what is a trusted brand across or in the southern U.S. for oil changes?
Yeah tell me about it, lucky I was coming to a stop anyway.
Also they're fucking ugly.
shut your whore mouth
The wheel arches are disgusting and the rear end looks like shit. Also, what the fuck is up with that hood? It's like some retarded hipster was brought in to try and spice things up a bit but seriously fucked everything up.

Deal with it.
son if you dont shut your mouth i will shut it for you with my dick
they gon' fuck up ur car
>implying I won't enjoy it
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How much of this shit and man power do I have to use to get rid of window water spots?
Use a buffer
Recommend me a cheap one
Electric drill (if you have one) and a buffer attachment
bro get a fucking razor blade.
The dealer
And fucking slit your wrists.
Please though?
btw my dick is a dog dick
I am ok with this
I just wanted to know about rx8 repair costs, I didn't mean for anyone's dick to get sucked.
It's ok, it was going to happen anyway.
anon who is threatening dick suckening here, i considered getting an rx8 but it's truly a piece of shit car and you should avoid at all costs. it's quite literally just not worth money. what is the appeal of the rx8 to you, specifically?
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whats the furthest distance you've traveled to get a car?

i want a wagon for my next shitbox, and i'd like to get something manual, but it's proving really hard to find any manuals at all within even 250 miles of me.
There are a couple cheap manual ones around my area and I like the way they look. I'm probably just going to buy this sc300 that is haunted by someone's grandma.
How hard is it to sell a non working car?
Im sure it depends on a lot of things, but just in general?
Advance timing until you hear knocking, back off 5 degrees.
If you price it accordingly you can sell it in the hour.
If you try to get your maximum money out you might never sell it.
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has anyone here ever done the VVT-i oil replacement for a v6 camry (with the 2GR-FE engine)?

can it be done in an apartment parking lot?
step 1) find out what scrap value for that vehicle in your area is
step 2) list it at that price
vehicle will be gone in a week
whoever buys it can redeem their money by scrapping it
so no hard feelings if it's absolutely fucked
My dealer is back in michigan. My car has over 600k miles
First gear sometimes grinds and is difficult when my truck is running but it's smooth as butter when off
Dude an oil change takes like 20 minutes. You don't have 20 minutes of daylight every 3000 miles to change the oil?
Depends on the offset of each wheel. Have you ever seen something like ET +35 when looking at wheel specs? If the two wheels have the same offset, the wider wheel would "expand" the same outward and inward. If the wider wheel had a more positive or more negative offset, it would "move" more inward or outward respectively.
so close to 17777777
Not having power windows sucks.
>tfw someone comes up to your passenger door to talk and you can't roll down the window
>smooth as butter when off

no shit, nothing's moving. unless your transmission's super fucked then every gear will always feel smooth with the engine off

As for the grinding, just the syncro going out. Look up syncros and how they work
whenever I hop in an automatic every single time I left foot brake on accident because for some reason I think it's the clutch
dump the gearbox oil and refill with ATF to squeeze the last little bit of life out of your worn synchro.
when that stops working, it's time for a rebuild (or go back to ignoring the crunching)
except it's 7k posts off
math genius over here....
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Guys I've an aftermarket front bumper RS-like (I thought it looked nice, no hate pls) for the mk1 Ford Focus,
however I cannot find a suitable fog light housing to install.

Do some of you know of a foglight that's around 43mm in diameter? I don't really care as long as it fits the hole.

pic related is the official part for the mk2 focus but I cannot find any specification for it.
on /o/ that's like 3 months kiddo
Do you live in a place where the fog is bad enough to warrant extra lights?
Are you enough of a reasonable human being to not use those motherfuckers in the rain so you don't blind everyone?
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Actually yes I do need foggy lights. Here you can't see more than 50m when is real bad.
Also I want to fill those holes, they're pretty unaesthetic.
Hey guys, question. I have a strange shaking in the back of my car, only around 30-35mph. The whole car shakes, and sounds similar to a washing machine. My struts are fine, my tires are new, and I replaced them when I first learned of this problem, and my rear brakes are fine. Any ideas? I'm going for an alignment tomorrow. I drive a 2006 Toyota Avalon.
rear wheel bearings
Should I get an 01 Saturn sl2 or a 94 aura integra
The integra has a ripped cloth seat though
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I have hard rubber/plastic flooring in my truck. Can I use a hose to clean the cab? It's dirty as fuck yo and a hose/power washer would make quick work of dried mud. Is there a drain in the cab or something?
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>be a n/o/ob
>shopping tires for my trucc
>find X Brand of tire that's the same size as my truck's current tires
>when doing the "See if it fits" on the new tire's website, it tells me it won't fit when I search by vehicle/model
>even though they do sell the exact same size I'm using

Vehicles usually have drain holes, so yours should too. Then again I shouldn't make that assumption given the fact that I'm not psychic and you didn't even think to mention what make and model your truck is. It goes without saying that if you electrical connections in there running along the floor you should remove them along with the upholstery before you proceed.
My truck has it there >>17769764

I accidentally push the air, manual or not, cause I'm so used to my parking brake being there. My feet get confused at first when I hop in a auto tho.

This guy thinks riding the clutch is pushing the pedal all the way in while coasting in gear. The users in the comments disagree though, they say riding the clutch is coasting with it at the biting point.

Who is correct? I know it's most likely the users in the comments. As far as I know there's nothing wrong with pushing the clutch in all the way while coasting in gear, provided that you rev match where necessary.
"Riding the clutch" is very understood as having the clutch partially engaged.
Unless the cables/master/slave is fucked, clutch 'bite' to fully engaged is only an inch of pedal travel, leaving a good 2-3-4" to the backstop, where the clutch is not engaged at all.

A clutch pedal fully depressed is not riding the clutch, because the car does not move when in gear.
how do i keep my windshield from getting FUCKING dirty and impossible to see through at night??? I clean it and not a week goes by and it's dirty as fuck. any products or just clean it again?
His poor parents.
Put some kind of cleaner in your windscreen wiper bottle. Squirt as needed.


As for water spots, only solution is to clean it when it builds up. There's a lot of 'water spot remover' products that are essentially a polish that removes the dried minerals.

It could also be that you have thousands of micro-chips. Can you see a shitload of specs during sun-strike?
2002 f150
My Stagea RSFour had one. Creeped me out.
Can't recall seeing anything like that but can't be sure either. I'll take a gander tomorrow.
Anyone ever think of putting a competing manufacterer's license plate frame on their car just for laughs? Like an amg plate frame on a bmw
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What happens if you upshift 1000rpm past redline?
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Looking for some double sided tape that will work well when sticking 2 painted surfaces together. It'll be sticking a painted fiberglass piece to the painted metal body of the car. The fiberglass piece has a little bit of tension pulling it away from the body, but it doesn't require more than 2-3lb of force to push it into place.

I've tried 3M 15lb double sided tape, 3M 30lb double sided tape, and 3M 6mm foam acrylic double sided tape, and none of them have held. I made sure to thoroughly clean the surface with rubbing alcohol shortly before applying the tape. Anyone have any experience with a tape that actually holds, but isn't permanent?
Goodbye clutch
Velcro tape
A few days ago the pickup truck I was driving at work broke down. The fuel pump went out. The mechanic decided to PUSH me back to the shop. He had a bumper with a piece of rubber on the front of his truck. It was only a couple miles but it was scary as hell with no power brakes or steering.

Was this a reckless decision by the mechanic? If someone did something stupid like pulling out in front of me, then I would have never been able to stop with no power brakes.
Why would you want this?
Would a 12 inch tire wear more than a tire that was like 20 inches? Since there is less to be used?
Well not more, i mean faster
Yes, because of the smaller radius it rotates more often to travel the same speed.
but yeah, sounds dangerous
shoulda bit the bullet and paid for a tow

just sign up for AAA
you get a free tow and membership is less than a tow normally costs

Meh, I was at work, so it wasn't really my call. I work for the City, so I was kind of surprised by the sorta redneck method. I guess they wanted to save some taxpayer dollars on the tow truck.
Well where was the nearest tow truck?
Are there any cars named after wolves? Of the animal names, would seem like it might fit in somewhere.
can you remove tyres from wheels and put them on new wheels?
It's not my car, so I can't modify the handbrake. If that's what you're getting at.
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What's the best stealth enthusiast car?

I need a car that can beat retards, on a budget

100% normal. No engine uses zero oil, even if the amount consumed seems to be zero. Oil will always get past the rings, valve stem seals on older cars will weep just a bit, etc.
What can y'all tell me about Chevrolet Cruze?
Found a 2010 2.0 manual diesel one with 70k km for 7k euro. Should I go check it out? Is it a good car? Is the price any good? I know nothing about them basically.
Got one. People will take the piss on you but it's a interesting car for the price. Has a great chassis and good brakes.
If you are looking for something "Original" (if you dont want to let it stay stock) then look no further.

I dont know which part of Europe you live in, but in Portugal I got mine for 9,5k with 270k kms already..
I live in Albania
Is it any fun to drive? It looks interesting to me and since its new I kinda like it. Before finding this I was looking at an 2007 e90 320d not sure which I should look first.
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How much do they usually go for in Albania? Is 7k the price you usually see? Here we usualy see costing about 12k.
It depends for how much cash you will pay for a e90. It's a BMW and probably a better car, but I don't know.

I really don't care much about these Diesel cars, I just don't want them to malfunction.

Here in my country atleast for the Same price (+/-) the competition is: Audi A3, Golf, Alfa GT, Opel Astra GTC, BMW 120d, Skoda Octavia (rare but could work) and the Ibizas.. nothing else to be honest.. So thats why I chose to buy a Cruze.. it's quite original and I really like it.

The car is good and fun for the price. Great chassis and brakes. The interior isn't for everyone's taste but I like it, it doesn't get boring to see it. If you choose the correct version you'll get a cruze with the basic Camaro model Steering Wheel which is always a cool thing to have. For a FWD for the price it's probably one of the best diesel shitboxes you can get.

It's ideal if you want something Original and with some more power than other shitboxes from our european shit countries. Here's a pic of mine. Got it to 200hp
I literally saw it first time today you dont see much of these the market is mostly germans
I like how it looks too and yeah it is unique
But I will probably look at the e90 first because its probably more fun being rwd and all
if the e90 im looking at is in bad shape ill look at this
link related: http://www.merrjep.al/Njoftimi/Shitet/Vlor%C3%AB/AUTOMJETE/Makina/Chevrolet/Cruze/Chevrolet-Cruze--2-0-Diesel/3556000
yep that's exactly how mine looked. Really like that.

It's your choice, try both
should I go for a nice Celica T18 for aesthetics or get a 2004 Fiesta ST as 150hp shitbox? I still have a bike tho
I have neither but powered windows > powered locks

t. miata fag who almost died trying to roll down his passenger window
absolutely false. power windows are a waste.
and maybe you shouldnt try to roll down your passenger window when you're driving you fuckin fool
>and maybe you shouldnt try to roll down your passenger window when you're driving you fuckin fool

>crank window cucks have to pull over so they can roll their window down
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Just bought a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. Car has 190k km on it and body is in decent shape.

When I turn it on it idles high at 1600-1700rpm then after a minute or two drops to 1200rpm, then after another minute it settles around 600-700rpm. It just started doing this a week or two after I bought it.

Someone suggested before to spray break clean around the headgasket to see if there were any leaks, so I tried that and there was no rise in revs. Any ideas /o/?
that doesn't sound like an issue? My car starts and it can hit 2k and then after 2-4 minutes it'll settle around 800 rpm. could just be the car warming up.
check transmission vacuum pressure
really? It is a stock motor, any other car I've driven has never been like that. Weirded me out.

Its a manual, I don't know if that effects that. I didn't know how to check transmission vacuum pressure but when I Googled it was all about automatic transmissions.
A few things off my head..
E46, varies between engines but main things are to listen to odd ticking or knocking that could be vanos/vvt issues. All rubber seals should have been replaced around year 10 or not long after. Trunk cabling breaks at the snorkel. Rear light clusters have bad ground and connectors have melted, see if fixed with ground wire bypassing connector. Coolant reservoir tends to crack, if losing coolant use a flashlight and look for hair-thin spray under pressure near bottom corner. Read fault codes and google, maf issue could be vacuum leak, etc. And a general tip, never let silicone touch door seals or squeaking will drive you nuts. (To fix clean seals with IPA and use dry ptfe spray or something suitable.)
Anyone know why I'm not getting the fuel economy I'm advertised to be getting? My matrix supposedly should get 22 city and 29 highway. I still have to fill it up frequently. The tank holds 13.2 gallons. Is it possibly just because I rev it out and have a slightly heavy foot? It seems like I have to fill up almost as often as my fox body that gets about 14 mpg on a good day. That has a 15 gallon tank.
if you aren't in 5th gear by 30mph, you're doing it wrong (If you want good fuel economy)
why do my brakes make scraping noises only when the car is cold?
I hear a grinding sound every time I turn to the right. Happens once per wheel revolution. Kind of a sound like a sword being drawn.
UK Here,
Had a serious crash yesterday with a drunk driver and my car is most likely gonna be written off. I had it on finance and still got about £7k to pay off (£3k already paid).
He was insured, but what happens if his insurer won't want to give me at least the amount required to cover the cost of the remaining loan?
did you buy gap insurance?
Has anyone figured out how to get slow drivers out of the left lane of highway traffic?

I've tried politely flashing my high beams, beeping my horn, leaving my high beams on (when there isn't oncoming traffic), laying on the horn.

I've considered buying a window decal like https://paytrace.com/cart/product.pay?id=211&mid=000000405963&pid=2665&categoryid=&minimum=0.00&maximum=999999.99&start=1&results=25&format=0&sort=0&order=0&status=0&buy=https://paytrace.com/cart/images/buy14.gif&checkout=https://paytrace.com/cart/images/checkout14.gif&buylabel=Add%20to%20Cart&checkoutlabel=Checkout&search=.&frame=N&DS=Y and even getting sirens/police lights even though I know this is probably a felony.
In Ontario, Canada, it's legal to put flashing orange lights on the top of your car for no fuckin reason. Turn them on and people generally move out of the way. Alternatively, after trying flashing your lights, just pass on the right.
you should just tailgate them
I've tried that too when I've felt ballsy. Literally got inches from their bumper. Didn't work. They still think it's cool to go 60 when left lane traffic is going 85.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into the local laws for that one.
How do things like recent repairs and maintenance, an engine rebuild, or body damage affect a car's value during a private sale?

Would something like a dent on the car or a recent maintenance/repair translate as a 1:1 drop or increase in the car's value?
depends on person, i personally like if shit has taken care of (considering an older car), especially if its backed by receipts

but i also know a lot of folks, who considered it a dealbreaker, expecting everything working as new (this might be correct if the car is newer)
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Why don't I see much about kei cars on /o/? The Autozam is 600cc DOHC turbo, mid-engine, rwd, manual. Seems like /o/'s wet dream. It looks like you can buy one and have it shipped for 5k?
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what kind of audio plugs are these?
what do i need to do to hook them up?
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so why don't these work?
or are they supposed to stick out?
Likely just availability and market presence. Americans have never really valued cars for their small size, although a misconception that smaller cars have inherently good gas mileage did make them a mainstay. Kei-cars are essentially sub-sub-compact, and only a few enthusiasts would consider them. The AZ-1 would be a nice poor man's Lotus, weighing less than 1600 pounds, but most of /o/ isn't that special mix of hardcore and budget-conscious.

Plus, like 90% of The people here don't buy cars at all.
>so why don't these work?
Yes, that's just some dual connector. That looks fine.

That's a 5 way binding post that can take more than just banana plugs.
>if wet area
scraping rust off rotor/drum

poor inventory control, call and talk to IRL person
OK, thanks for help
>even more stupid questions time
like, um, what are the other 4 ways?
do those connectors have an up/down side?
>all that open metal
this is going in a grills car, should i tape it up so she don't get electrocuted?
or will it be fine?
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durr how do I google
A few years ago, Fox Mustang, but they're climbing fast and becoming well-recognized. Same for the Mazdaspeed3.
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>I don't know what i'm talking about
>so use the same source i do
If you have this much trouble plugging in a fucking speaker I don't know how you manage to wipe your own ass every day.
Does anyone here own a newer nissan versa that could tell me how good it is? I'm about to go to the dealer to check out a manual one for 9k new. It doesn't even have power windows which is my type of car.
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Probably a retarded question, but is it normal for a city car to feel like it has no inertia at all?
It seems to slow down too fast when I ease off the throttle, at least in comparison to what I used to drive, then one is 825 the other 1429kg so it's probably due to it having less mass more than anything.
I'm wondering if it's indicative of some other issue or just normal behaviour.
The smaller the vehicle, the swifter it decelerates because there is simply less mass to maintain its momentum. Seems pretty natural to me.
Yeah smaller cars slow down quicker. The flywheel is smaller, the wheels are smaller, basically everything that rotates and stores rotational energy is smaller.
Thanks, thought so
What would be more fun to drive a fun car but automatic or an econbox but manual?
So say a 2010 Chevrolet Cruze 2.0 manual or am 2006 e90 320d automatic?
my summer tires are down to 5/32 in front and 3/32 in back. I am looking at buying the firestone firehawk indy 500's to replace my current set; I can have them mounted and balanced for under $500. Does anyone have experience with these? The reviews are pretty good for the cost.
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I fucked up. Do I need a new radiator or can replace the neck? This is a 2000 Jeep Cherokee
pontiac G8 or GTO
they look like 2000s gm cars, but have LS motors and 6speeds
sure faggot

Like this guy said, glue or you could try to tap the plastic for a barb fitting. Barring that, a new rad is the only other option I think
He could try it I suppose but imo it'll never hold against the pressure and heat. A new radiator is the only thing you could trust.
Thinking about a new weekend car. S2000, 987 Cayman, or something else?
How long until driving manual is natural?
I bought a manual car yesterday, but haven't drove it till today.

I ran an errand with it and stalled about 17 times in total, its a downtown area.
I also stalled out in the middle of the road in front of my house trying to 3 point turn into my driveway.

I only really panicked twice on a upward slope redlight and time I stalled out like 4 times in a row and cars started honking.

I total I drove about one hour in manual.
already feels pretty natura to me, it's only been a week since I first started. still feel a bit shaky about fine / slow movements while on inclines / declines, but I think that just comes with a lot of driving that particular vehicle.
Anyone know the how decent the radios that cost around £15 on eaby are? Just looking for somthing to replace the broken radio in my car
curious. ignore

>changing the oil in my pushcuck v8
>filling oil back up
>oil starts coming out of the valve cover
what did it mean by this?
Ok so my distributor doesn't have any markings on it, how am I supposed to know which wire goes where?
I want to learn about the fb and fc RX7's. Anybody know a good source of info about them? I want to know everything, but good technical shit is the main thing I'm looking for. Everything I can find is either super basic shit or mods.

Allpar is just the type of thing I'm looking for, except for Mopar stuff. Is there some kind of Mazda equivalent?
I screwed up. Was trying to connect the backup camera to the new headunit instead of using a separate screen. Not sure what I did, but
>turn signal
>speedo panel
>power windows (all side)
>toggle for high beam (not pull and hold one)
>reconnected to original screen
are not working.
Is it just the fuse are blown or I truly fucked? I felt some braking by itself when I lift my foot off the gas pedal too.
hayne's manual?
Ah hell. You must've blown your main relay. Did the same to my car, all my gauges stopped working, no interior lights. Not fun. Still haven't gotten around to fixing it
damn, how hard is it to fix that? I don't even know what I did specifically that caused the problem...
Must've crossed a wire without realizing it. You gotta pull the ecu and re-solder a new relay in there. Not something you want to b.s.
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I drive a 2002 x type 3.0l and the oil light just came on. I've read that the sensor could be bad and there's 2 fucking sensors. I've changed my oil 500-1000mi ago do you think that the filter may have came loose?
but it doesn't take long if I were to drop off at a auto shop?
Idk man. You'll want to call around and see
besides there might be other cars in line to be fixed, just the labor time of fixing the problem? Sorry if I'm asking a stupid question
How is the reliability on the different bmw e30's
Is there any reason I shouldn't debadge my 3 series?

I have one of the slowest models but I like the clean look and the fact that normies can't tell what it is exactly. The downside is that some people may think I debadge to hide what model it is (not true I chose this one for mostly DD), also if I do drive fast on the track or elsewhere it would be more impressive if people see that it is low power.
It's up to you but some people think it means you have the base model but I think it bakes the car look cleaner.
Where can I find the official Honda repair manuals?
>instead of the haunted S30 Devil Z that goes way too fucking fast and wants to kill its owner, the haunted SC300 goes too slow and always has a plate of cookies in the back seat everytime you drive it.
Thanks guys
I'll try the glue
It does make the car look much cleaner, so I'd say go for it. But with a lower model 3 series you are going to run in to fags who think you are doing it because you wish you got another model like you said. Either you do it because you like it or don't do it because you are afraid of what some other dude thinks.
not good / 10
Why are nissan drivers considered scum? I haven't had any contact with one personally so I'm curious
my mom's car does this and I've been trying to figure it out for ages, has continued even after full replacement of pads and rotors, happens even when there was no chance of surface rust forming.
Coming to accept it as a "weird quirk/feature"
if you britbongs have a civil court, sue for the difference if insurance stiffs you
What is the single best two door Japanese car of the 1990s, taking into account primarily comfort and tech, secondarily reliability and performance, and not taking into account price?
posted in the wrong box bud, this is for questions that DON'T deserve their own thread. That's some spicy thread material you got there
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but just wait, you will be amazed when you hear some of the other crazy things a manufacturer can cram into their car nowadays
replaced the spark plugs in my 95 camry yesterday and the spark plug wells had a lot of nasty oil in them, i probably shouldve tried to soak most of it up with a rag so i wouldnt blow so much smoke. anyway i assume that oil shouldnt be getting in there in the first place. if it makes any different, the outer 2 plugs had much more oil than the inner 2 (i4 engine)
H-how do I choose a used car with no regrets?
There will always be a what if I had chosen this other car thought after wont it?
I can get a fun car that will probably cost more to fix or get a reliable and cheap to fix one that I will find meh to drive. Ive been at it for months and cant decide which to get
What's a ecu? What's an engine chassis? How does an engine block break? Where do you cut to fit a transmission into a smaller engine bay?
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Europoors : Which 4 door petrol saloon would you recommend for our crowded cities ?
I'm currently stuck between the VW Passat B6 2.0 FSI, the BMW E90 318i, the Toyota Avensis T27 1.8 vvt-i, the Mazda 6 GH1 2.0 MZR and the Mk 4 Mondeo 2.0 petrol.

My budget is in the 6-6500 euros area, so all the cars mentioned above somewhat fit the criteria ( with the Mazda 6 being slightly above the budget )

I do less than 10k km yearly, and most of them are done in the city.
I may be about to buy my first turbo car, a Civic with the 1.5 turbo engine. Is there anything I need to know about owning a turbo car?
make sure you give it whatever gas the manual says, generally 95 at minimum. don't lug the engine. don't thrash it until the engine is warm.
I think those Civics only need 87, but I'm not looking at the manual right now.

Honestly I may reconsider if I have to feed it nothing but premium gasoline. That would kind of cancel out the mileage advantage over the Mazda 3 2.5.
I mean 95 in the proper octane rating.
Translate to freedom units please.
95 octane in RON is 85 is freedumb units
which car is a better deal?

2009 toyota tacoma regular cab
110,000 miles
good condition

2005 dodge dakota club cab
86,000 miles
good condition
Go for the Toyota.
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I'm willing to get a cheapo used dirtbike to not worry about breaking something either when riding or when I try to repair it.
So I found a used Orion agb-31 and the description says it gets fuel, sparks, has compression, but doesn't start.

So my question is should I stay away from it or could this potentially be an easy fix? I do already have some experience with quads.
Do I want a Lexus IS200 for 2500 bucks?
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Anybody tracked equipment here?
Wondering were the hell do I get new tracks and pads for a 1969 international harvester model 175 series b
You must really get confused when the high beams is on the floor next to the parking brake.

Left foot is for high beams, clutch and parking brake.
You don't.
If the pins are worn, have a guy press them out, turn em 90° and press em in.
If the pads are worn, just weld new grousers on it

You may need new drive sockets as well.
I understood some of those words..
Thanks for response I appreciate it,but I'm way past that I actually need new tracks and pads and I can't find it anywhere
Uh, basically, pay someone to "recondition" them, because it will be cheaper.
,new tracks from international will probably be somewhere around 6-8k
Not even from international themselves?
You should be able to rebuild them unless your chains themselves are done.
Yea chains are done,so am I sol
Yeah, then you're going to have to find some used. Either if someone is parting one out, or if you buy a whole tractor just for the tracks.
There's surely some forum for old internationals, they usually have a for sale section
Got an '03 Civic the owner fucked up by running low on oil. Engine's fucked, but interior's clean, clutch replaced 3 years ago, generally a decent car for the ~$500 I got it for. Do I bother buying a rebuilt engine online, or go to a local scrapyard? Scrapyard near me charges about $150 less after shipping, and has a 6 month warranty on used engines. Rebuilt engines online have a similar warranty, only real difference is going to be new gaskets (which I don't really mind swapping out myself). Also mileage is pretty similar on the engines.
>car makes noise, runs like shit
>mechanic suggests siezed lifter, do a compression check
>buy compression gauge
>successfully use it once
>gets stuck in #2 plug well
>can't get socket, pliers, or anything on it

how the fuck can I get my compression gauge off?

also is 190psi and 145psi good for the first two cylinders?
2004 Dodge Neon. Car is in immaculate shape and bought it with 112k on the odo. Only issue is, a few years ago the radiator busted and leaked coolant into the transmission and since then, the tranny has been acting up. I only paid 400 for the car and have another trans in the old one I just scrapped.

By acting up I mean sometimes it feels like the car has to hit 2500 rpm to shift to the next gear and the shift feels slow and sometimes rough, but otherwise the car runs smooth as butter. Mechanic flushed the trans once more when I put her in to get inspected, and it's been flushed a few times beforehand according to the mechanic and previous owner. My question to you guys is, is it possible there could be something the mechanic has missed? Or is the tranny getting to be on its last legs?
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I saw a car that has an end like this. What car could be it?
2000 Civic EK Sedan.
Whenever I turn the AC on the car struggles. If the car isn't moving and the AC is on there's a good chance the engine will die. It's not as bad while the car is moving but there's still a noticeable difference in performance. The air it puts out is not cold as well.

The belt running to the AC compressor looks fine. Could it be that I need to add freon to make it cold and it will run well again? Or should I get a whole new compressor?
Probably something seized in there somewhere, Anon. Any weird squeaks or burning smells?
once you've tested all the cylinders, the lowest compression shouldn't have more than 15% in difference to the highest compression I think
1st gen challenger?
Nope, no bad smells or anything like that. Just the fact that it struggles/stalls the engine.
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how do I get this out?
nah man you're fine, just give me the link instead.
whichever option ends with you getting a jap import type r engine
It doesn't look so big. The one I saw was long as fuck, the Challenger looks so smaller compared to what I saw.
Can engine breaking cause any extra wear or damage to a car, specifically an automatic? Most people say no, but I've got some conflicting answers.
I need this answered as well. Do I engine break + break or just coast in neutral + break
My 2008 nissan sentra needs new tires, new front passenger control arm, and new front and rear brakes. The mechanic quoted me 500 for breaks and 160 for control arm. Tires would be 400 where I could find them. Would it be better at this point to sell or fix? Also, the mechanic is charging 100/hour for service, and thats 3.5 hours for brakes and 1.2 for control arm, does this seem fair?
How do I make a 2.5 hour trip to pick up a car if I can't find someone to give me a ride? How would anyone make a trip like that? A cab would be murder, there must be another way.
because nissan cars are awful shitty plastic things

>t. nissan driver

Those are all things you can do yourself. Except for mounting the tires. Maybe get those done somewhere with cheaper labour. Price parts out at whatever your local parts stores are.

Honestly if the car has no major rust problems and its under 200k km I would say just do the repairs. Its nothing major. Wait until there is a big issue than dump it for an MR2.

Where are you located? Post an ad on Craigslist or Kijiji saying you just need a ride to go pick up a car. A lot of people are cool about it. Check your local car groups on Facebook too.
I would, but then I have no tools, and after tools It would end up costing the same. Moreso than tools though I live in a major city and have nowhere to do the work. Given how much the guys are charging me should I still get it repaired then? also, can I do tires before control arm, or should I def wait and do control arm first.
It's 2 hours and some change from my town to the car town if I drive, 24 hours if I take a bus, I NEED a ride or it turns into a 2 day thing...I'll try that but I doubt I'll get very far, I'll be one lone dude in a strange car carrying large amounts of cash, and they'll know that (my story is I'm going to buy a car to drive home). This is gonna be tough. Might be the bus trip.
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Does anyone here live in snowy, mountainy areas?

I'm moving up to VT this year and I need a heads up on some good winter tires. I've got an FF so I don't have the AWD advantage, need to make up for that with some aggressive tires.

Also don't want to pay too much, so I was looking at Costco..but not if it would kill quality.

Pic related, the boring slushbox I'll be driving.
Turns out it was the lateral link
> Drive a 99 528i
> Decided time to get a second car

Been looking at a 2014 Optima from a dealer I can get good deals from. What's the general consensus on Kia?
Its shit, but slightly better shit than what it was in the 00's

Why do you need another Sedan? Usually second cars are sporty or utilitarian like trucks.
Box end wrench.
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If you were to vacuum seal a car completely, would it still rust?
>He doesn't know that FWD is better than RWD for snow
>AKA a good middle ground
get some chains and excellent all weathers, you'll be fine
>he doesn't know that rust is basically a slow fire
if it wasn't already rusty, no

Boomers already do this.
It would work but I'd worry about the vacuum causing something to break, if you keep it in an oxygen free environment that would be easier and probably work better, just have a bubble that you purge via a light vacuum and then fill with nitrogen.
Have you lived in VT? They all say "AWD isn't a requirement, but..." Every local I've talked to says I need good winter tires at a minimum for when the highways ice over. RWD isn't an option if you don't want to take the bus from October to April, don't lecture me about middle ground. FWD is minimum, and then winter tires are needed.

I was hoping for some tire brand advice, thanks for the projection instead.

What is this noise?

Eliminated all of the serpentine belt items.
not surprised if it was an auto base model
some retarded boomer did something similar to an automatic c5 because it was the last one off the assembly line
Got some hangook icept evo2 snow tires last winter for $98 each. They have been really good I'm happy with the purchase. Pretty decent in snow and excellent on ice, not too noisy like a lot of others. I drive ff too, I live in the mountains in utah so not quite the same but we get quite a bit of snow.
Thank you!! I'll look into those.
I'm in the Houston area right now and many surrounding streets are flooded to the sidewalks. Can i safely drive through water that submerges the rear diff breather? or will water enter due to temperature difference? Vehicle is an 08 tundra if that helps
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buying this mazda 2 in the cumming weeks for my first car. what do you goyims think about the car? any experiences with it?
>inb4 buy honda/toyota
everything around me that are the same prices as the mazda 2 are only in a/t and i would prefer a manual
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What car should I get around 22,000 price range? I was looking at a golf gti (used). I want a fun fast car, and is that the best I can get for my money?
I don't have an answer but I really hope you get one...stay safe
would not risk it unless absolutely needed, there could be a dip in the road and you can't tell is there and end up flooding the car.
why are trucks not popular for drifting if they are RWD?
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>manual trans mazda 2
weight balance is shit m8, no doriftos for trucktuk
My best friend had one for a little before he totaled it on a high curb. He absolutely loved it though. Mazda is IMO on the same tier of reliability and overall user-friendliness as Honda or Toyota so I don't honestly think you could go wrong as long as there's nothing glaringly wrong with the specific car you're looking at. He drives a 3 now, but he'll say any day how he wishes he could have his 2 back.
this. Don't submerge it if you can help it. If you are going to do it anyway (don't) try and keep the center as far up as you can (drive up on curbs and the like). Really sketchy because of dips etc like anon said.
Thanks for the tips. I may need to help some of my friends leave their houses or possibly even leave mine. If it comes to that, i will just check gear oil condition afterwards.
now im excited. thanks anon, wish the process is fast. i want to drive
How ideal are the Inline 6 E36,39,and 46. I was considering getting one as a first car in manual transmission and I wanted to know how solid the inline 6 models were.
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99 Jeep Cherokee
I lost the upper bar pin mount for my rear shock and the spare I had is too short (for a front shock)
Do they sell these at OReilly, Advance, Napa, etc?
Please don't tell me I have to buy a whole shock for this stupid mount piece.
How bad of an idea is it to buy calipers from a junkyard? There a way to test them manually? They're like 10 bucks
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How do I buy a manual car without knowing how to drive manual?
Should I just ask the dealer to do the test-driving as I ride shotgun, then get a flatbed to bring it to my place? Haha.
don't you have any friends or family that can drive stick that can spend an evening teaching you the basics, after picking up the car?
not exaggerating by the way
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What wheels are on the back of this beetle
So, after owning a 90s Jeep Grand Cherokee for most of a decade, I've come to realize that it probably isn't normal for the gas pedal to rest so much further back than the brake pedal, nor is it normal for me to be able to pull the gas pedal to the same distance as the brake pedal before letting it go and it falling to its normal resting position.

Is there an easy way I can fix this?
Goodyear drag radials
should I buy this 91 sr20det s13 for $7000?
does driving your car destroy it?
will my car inevitably be financially impossible to sustain? what all maintenance needs to be done to daily drive/ hoon 100 years?
Is there anything wrong with taking fuel that I siphoned from my motorcycle (4 stroke) gas tank and putting it in my car's gas tank? I had to empty my motorcycle's gas tank to get it ready for shipping and I don't have anything to do with the fuel.
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Hey /o/. My camry needs new brake pads. The squeaking turned into a dangerous sounding low groan while I was out on a delivery yesterday. I went straight home and didn't go to work today. I wanted to take my car to my mechanic tomorrow but they charge 90 bucks to do the brakes. Should I attempt to change the pads myself? I've never done it before and would have just a few hours to do them before I would need the car. If it takes me more than that to change them then I will have lost the 90 bucks just by not going to work/being able to make deliveries. The most advanced thing I've done is changing a water pump + alternator.
brakes are pretty simple to do but could take a while if you have any stuck bolts to deal with and not the correct tool set
Thanks. I'll probably just be safe and take it to to the mechanic then.
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>bought a manual '03 Rav4 with 125,000m/200,000k
>starts getting hard to shift into 1st unless at complete stop
>hard to shift between 1st and 2nd
>start reading about problems with the 01-03 models ECM/ECU(computer) going bad and killing your tranny(to the point Toyota issued a 150,000 mile/10 year warranty)

Is it worth paying the $250 or whatever to ship it off to get the ECM repaired?
a lot of dealers will teach you the basics of manual before the test drive

I'd watch some youtube videos on how to before hand so you at least kinda know what youre doing
I want to be a good anon and tell you no that isn't smart, but
GOTDAMN that bitch is sexy
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the actual inline 6 engines are fuckin bulletproof, but the rest of the car suffers from muh german engineering
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what are some good brake pad brands to get in eurolands? i dont want to cheap out on motherfucking brakes, but my 20 year old hit nippbox needs some and brembos seem like a fucking overkill.

>starts getting hard to shift into 1st unless at complete stop

youre never supposed to shift into first moving, thats why most used cars have that fucking issues from people doing that. ive owned 250hp and 50hp manual vehicles and not one have i had to shift into first moving, 2nd always works fine

i worked on many Toyotas when i worked in a shop and never heard of the ECM issue, thats probably for auto trans because i doubt the ECM controls much for the 5spd trans. change your trans fluid out with Redline or OEM Toyota and see if its better. every 5spd Toyota ive owned from my old Hilux to my Supra 1st-2nd is notchy
I have an autotragic with awd how do use the e brake to skid
Not that anon, but have heard this many times and curious.
When I'm in stop and go traffic I can roll slowly in first, way slower that I ever could in second. Say I'm going slowly in second, traffic slows up - I need to downshift to first so that I can keep rolling without stalling (no need to completely stop and ruin traffic for everyone). So does the whole don't shift to first while moving thing just mean while moving quickly or something? I mean shit I need to throw it in to first every time I pull up my steep driveway into my garage, I usually do this around 5mph. Surely the trans is designed to handle that sort of thing right?
K thanks mate. I was just starting to double clutch to alleviate the 1st into 2nd being 'hard'.

'Notchy' is the perfect word.

Any additives or no? I have a friend who swears by Lucas tranny additive but I think it's just wank.

i use redline MT-90 gear oil, my 1979 Supra grinds going into 2nd and was notchy in 1st-2nd and gear oil made it better. same as my 1997 Subaru Sambar, notchy going down to 2nd cold and switching to Redline gear oil completely got rid of the issue


trans is designed to go into 1st technically but old vehicles especially dont like it my Subaru Sambar literally has 55hp with a 6spd manual trans, i never start off in 1st gear because its useless. i can start from a stop in 2nd fine, i just do that in rushhour traffic because i can go 0-40ish kmh without shifting
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Should I get a Dodge Neon SRT-4? They're cheap enough, they're fast, and I think they look nice.
Na. I'd go with the cobalt SS/ion redline instead because they share parts.

Unless you find a great deal.
I'm going to only start in 2nd tomorrow and see how it feels, I do hate having to shift right after I get moving as I have really short gears
Just remember 'feel' and clutch. Like if you feel it start to conk give it more gas.

It should be pretty easy, just don't lug.
I just looked at my local Craigslist listings and the Neon is selling for the same price as the other two. Is there any benefit picking one over the other for anything aside from cost?

yeah almost every manual car ive owned i start in 2nd, my Sambar 1st gear gets you to like 10kmh if that so theres no point in using 1st unless youre going through a ditch or something. i hate constantly shifting, ive been in 5th gear at 40kmh before after getting off the highway no issue
Are late 90s-early 00s Saabs, specifically the 9-3, reliable or cheap to maintain?
I'm looking for a cheap, fun manual to drive that isn't a typical econobox and I've always liked Saabs for some reason.
cleaning my car the other day. scrubbing the pedals and I noticed my gas pedal can also be pulled up an extra inch or two. I think it's normal, maybe even a worn spring but obviously the accelerator isn't being pressed all the time.
my god

i have only ever owned manuals (note, im from europe, its much more common here) and i have NEVER done that. perhaps sometime on a downhill slope tho.

jesus what is your problem
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>want to check ignition cables later today
>looking for replacement parts while at work
>they only offer parts for the predecessor (for like 20€ a set)
>dealership wants close to 200€
Is it hard to build replacements myself? I wasn't able to find the right plugs as well. Alternative would be buying used parts from a car that has 35k km/ 22k miles.
My car is currently at 145k km/ 90k miles
This is hilarious: https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/cto/d/1998-honda-prelude/6282036328.html

What does it mean when the seller can't be bothered to go outside to take a picture of the car?
that means it's covered in rust, is dirty as shit, and probably has some major dings.
Anyone ever have the gm passlock problem
are police cars usually manual or automatic?
Piston rings are going.
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Is there a list of recommended parts to buy if you plan on owning a certain vehicle well past its support by dealerships, such as common wearing parts to stock up on?
considering they've got a laptop that sits right on top of the shifter I'd imagine it's an automatic. I think the transmission is special though, I've heard that cop cars are designed to skip gears better than a normal car.
check the manual. there's usually a page with a list of common wear items and their OEM manufacturer id. search that up on amazon, see if you can find an aftermarket piece (motorcraft) that fits for cheaper, and click order. If your manual is lost you can usually find a pdf of it online
Admittedly I'm somewhat new to driving stick but I'm having an intermittent issue with my car and I'm not sure if it's me or something wrong with my clutch/flywheel. If I am driving in bumper to bumper traffic sometimes I release the clutch only halfway while giving it a little bit of gas to inch forward then I push the clutch all the way back in. Problem is, sometimes when I do this but release the clutch a little to far the car will start to shake like it's about to stall so I quickly push the clutch back in but then I hear the flywheel/clutch or something banging together really loudly for a brief moment. What exactly did I do wrong?

My car has a brand new lightweight flywheel and brand new clutch in it.

manuals common here in Canada too. ive been to Europe many times and have family there, you guys drive 1/10 of what us Canadians do. i put like 20,000km a year on some of my cars. high mileage stuff means worn parts means my 30 year old 400,000km Toyota Hilux is gonna shift shittier 1st-2nd than your 20,000km BMW

like i said my Sambars 1st-2nd is so useless i may as well just not use 1st, my Supra 1st is long enough i can actually use it


hiding body damage


99% in North America are automatic, Europe and Asia have some manuals


did you change the throwout and pilot bearings while doing the clutch?
Yes I changed the throw out bearing pilot bearing, slave cylinder and master cylinder. I'm thinking it's clutch chatter, am I fucked?
Say what you want about the seller, I wonder what moron would even think of contacting a seller who is too deceptive/dumb to provide halfway decent images.
I don't THINK premix In a regular car every now and then will ruin anything but honestly I'd google it for a second opiniom
How do you get over depression when you call a listing and set up a meeting at 4pm but get a call at 3pm saying it's been sold?

I'm never going to find a fucking MR2
Drop your standards and buy a real shitty one
This one was real shitty. 1k dollars, 1988. Fuck man, if you know it's been sold don't get someone's hopes up, jeez.

Are there better places to scout for mr2s than Craigslist?
How far out of your local area are you looking?

I had to travel 500miles to find an e39 540i that was neither silver nor black.

You might want to find search tempest and do the same.
You unscrew the thing and then put raw wire, and then tighten.
I'm sorry, are you asking how to make spark plug wires from scratch?
which drivers are worse, Californians or Floridans?
>What does it mean when the seller can't be bothered to go outside to take a picture of the car?
Besides the "hiding problem" situation, this also implies the seller was too lazy to take care of the car.
>Is it hard to build replacements myself?
The cost of individual ignition wire parts purchased ala carte is not cost effective. You be buying the connector, hoods, and the wire itself. But you can't just buy anything. There's resistance wire, inductance, and length to consider. You have not identified if you have a car model with coilpacks or not. You cannot build coilpacks.
>which drivers are worse, Californians or Floridans?
Look that up at the Rate Driver website.....

the absolute worst driver seems to be a Californian, but Floridans have more representation on the list
>immaculate condition, no scratch
fockin hell m8 kek
As long as my car's plates aren't listed there.
any oil change can be done in a parking lot or a street if you have ramps and man-length arms
Drive better
DDing a 2013 Ford Escape with the 1.6 ecoboost.

Will it catch on fire like the Ford Kugas from South Africa and Australia, or are these slightly different?

I have run into overheating problems in the past, and the car goes into limp mode. I also had it taken in for a recall related to the issue a few months ago. Need to take it in for another recall related to the door latches...

I'm just hoping for some longevity out of this car.
That's how fast talking forceful scammers can be.
People sometimes change oil in the walmart parking lot. Several weeks ago, I saw someone doing that at night. They didn't have enough light so I brought mine over so they could change the filter first. But they had the car up on two bottle jacks. No jack stands and no blocks in case the car came down or chocks in case the car might move.

When they got to going underneath to change the oil is when I left. I didn't want to be around in case of an accident. There was two of them so one can call for help if needed. But if I was around and they had an accident, I didn't want them scapegoat suing me to pay for their medical costs.

Changing oil in a walmart parking lot is dangerous because if another car backs into the car or otherwise hits it, the car will fall off the jacks, the jack stand, or the ramp.
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