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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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>Previously on /dbt/

First for Aprilia a best and you fucked up the name, faggot
I literally copied and pasted from the last thread
First for
Why not?
Kitty kock kuck please untrip for OP so people who filter you can see the new thread.
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If it bothers you that much, don't let DBT get to page 5 before a new thread is made
>kit kuck OP

Make a new one pls
>ask dealer about financing options for the cb500f
>I'd only need to put 2500 down
>honda financing plan would cover 3500

>with an apr of 17.8%
I don't know guys it's kinda high
17.8%. Jesus Christ.
>still making threads with the trip on
You never learn, do you?
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>tfw I got my bike at 6% and paid it off in less than a year
fugg anon what did you do
Kys kit kat
>God bike
>not indian
1-800-Come on new son
when are you two going to just fuck already?
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Already did.
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What de fuq I got my meme mobile with a 36 month financing plan for 6.9% and a I have already paid it off after 8 months.

What the fugg anon where do you live
I got 2.8% on mine nigga
after the 36 months are up the total amount paid would be something like 4480

Literally absolutely nothing. That's my problem. I'm only 19 and my only credit history is a credit card with a $700 limit, and banks won't even touch you for a loan for a motorcycle
wow, gay

[spoiler]>tfw no bike bf[/spoilersdontwork]
Yeah that's a bit odd, maybe I just got lucky with my situation.

At 19 with a credit card with a limit at $600 I managed to get a 4-year loan with 6% APR and just paid it off ASAP.
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Nigger im 18 and had no credit history at all
Buying from a big Honda dealer? They usually try and fuck you pretty hard.
Where did you get your loans?
I might just try my bank and see what they say
Damn that's a lot of interest. What's your credit like?

You'd be paying an extra 600 just to finance.

Then kys

Done ;)
Except this one hasn't been fucked over.
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I did mine at a credit union.
I used capital one for the 6.9%, it was what the dealership 'recommended'
They tried to give me 12% and I said I w as going to walk so they gave me 7
What's best dbt pairing?
Octo and Kit Kat.
A trap and his bottom slut.
>For a seemingly mint Busa
God, i love US used market
I wish ours was anything like it
ZKRKeenoYo and n1gOctopie
Fireblade and EmVee
Baird and that guy he made out with in college
KKK and his sister
>Not the statue he made love to
Yeah. They're giving me $900 for my beat-to-shit nighthawk so that's in my favor at least. I think.

I'll be honest I'm not very wise or good at this negotiating thing.

I have near-perfect credit and a score of 740
The statue is just the side chick.
How the fug are you getting a 17 percent interest rate then? Mang hit up a bank or a credit union.
Which dealer?

Also remember you can always go somewhere else.
Hey Calvin, if you can get your parent or someone to cosign for a better rate, and make sure they trust that you'll pay your bills.
Here's what you should do: secure more reasonable financing and buy a bike elsewhere, walk back into that dealer, talk to the guy, say you really want the bike, ask him what the interest rate was run at, "gee, sir, that's a little high," let him spill his excuses, then lock eyes with him and tell him, "Stop. You and Honda Finance are full of shit. This is the rate I got elsewhere. Go fuck yourself."
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I really should be sleeping.
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Usually if you have a reputable person with years of good credit they will be willing to negotiate a more sane rate
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It's family owned but it's one of the biggest in the region and very highly rated

>pic related
Holy fuck I think I just shit my pants
I guess I should've expected you guys to browse /dbt/
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Should I an Empulse TT new on clearance for 7k?
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Wanna play some tf2 later?
Fireblade and MV
are you black?
sorry i dont play vidya with scooterpeople
Do you want it? If yes, buy it
>Buying electric
>Buying electric from a dead company
I mean, i probably would in like 5-7 years if battery tech comes out from the plateau it's in r/n, but this is a stupid purchase
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I'm still trying to figure out who it could be at the dealership. David?

fuck outta here stop masquerading as me
>dead company
>all bikes are still gonna be taken care of for the next ten years
>victory bikes are very reliable
Oh, ok
I can't afford an EBR SX.

Polaris still offers support through any of their brand dealers. 5 year warranty, and parts support for 10 plus. I'd do the Harley but they're not available for another 7 years, and no zero dealers in the state.
Good guesses, but idk you in real life
Didn't know about this
Go for it then
7k seems ok, given you by-pass the risk of buying spent batteries
oh jesus fucking christ here I am having a panic attack thinking I told my dealer who quoted me $900 that my nighthawk was beat to shit

sure let's do some tf2
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>>>16712733 (You)
>oh jesus fucking christ here I am having a panic attack thinking I told my dealer who quoted me $900 that my nighthawk was beat to shit

>Americans buying everything on credit
Helps get credit score up, most of us just pay off the loans after a few months.
It's the smart decision, goy
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Anyone in SoCal wanna buy a 2017 Grom for cheap?
How much? Why?
Aslong as you aren't fucking yourself with APR rates it's a good thing to do.
My credit score is in the highest bracket and I've never bought anything on loan. I just use my credit card for some big purchases and monthly payments.

All my vehicles have been bought with cash.
Not everyone is a rich Jew like yourself
I don't make much money, I'm just not foolish with it.
If the industry treated bikes as transport, instead of toys, we wouldn't need to.
But anon I bought my last bike with cash
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Bought it as fun side bike 5 months ago, don't want it anymore. Just got the 2500 maintenance done yesterday.

Has Vagabond Fender Eliminator, Tyga Exhaust and Pro Grip Hand grips, everything else stock.
"Credit decisions are based on a variety of factors"
>2 cards, one fully paid 10k car note
>Come back when you're white
>he bought into the meme
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alright I'm the 17.8% APR guy here
I figure if I'm gonna finance a bike I might as well go big and get the SV650.
good idea? Bad?

also while this quote is a far sight better than 17.8%, it still sucks
If you did the 4 yr option and are able to pay it off before 3 years that good enough.
You just don't have an extensive credit history, I got a 6% Apr having paid off 6 cars and 30+ homes...
You say you are 19 so I assume you just don't have a long credit history
>17.8% APR
Don't do it.
Why are you buying a bike that you can't even do a trade in/downpayment for at least half the price?

Don't fuck yourself over with APR rates.
Get the sv
Or go buy one used on CL in cash
Just get a shitbike for 2k and save up for a better one in the future you dingus
RIP cb500f. SV650 it is.

It's transportation, not an investment.

Again. 1 year monitoring CL in 3 different counties. Not a single SV650.

I'm riding a $1500 shitbike that's falling apart. I want something that'll last.
where the hell do you live?

it's worth making a trip for a good bike. Don't settle for something shitty just because you're too lazy to drive a couple hours
FL. Cruisers and busas everywhere.
A "falling apart" cb of any year will last longer.
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still, 650cc vs (not even) 500cc is a big difference

I'm not saying no to the 500F yet but I've heard less than flattering things about it
then again it might just be the anti-honda meme team.
it's certainly a lot cheaper.
Would I notice the power difference?
Hello fellow cruiser rider
*Dick rider
You only make a new thread when the old one is on page 10, newfag.
I'm gay and I take offence to this statement

Hello my comfortable friend.


Is this voodoo because I go to church every sunday don't you bring these demons out of me.
Sweet fresh meme! Don't forget to tip that fedora big guy
When is it time to sell a bike? I've got a year on my 250 firstbike.
I love the shit out of it and could never even consider selling it when I'm riding.
However I've got a cushy job and the idea of a supermoto or dualsport is extremely tempting. It's like I could be having even more fun than motoing is currently, but it's currently super fun already. Plus I hate treating my bike like a precious object and feeling awful when I drop it.
I have a car and no garage so two bikes is out of the question.

When to switch?
I wouldn't be caught dead on a harley
Comfy rides=best rides my dude
Aww. I'm sorry you're so close minded, friend
You will if you buy a 750 nighthawk. Cheap and ubiquitous. You can find bodywork for it too, if you want fairings later.
Full, half, or bullet.
Do you want a new bike? Then buy a new bike.

Also if you're on your first and only bike I would recommend doing it, odds are (now don't get offended by this, it's just a generalization) it's not as good as you think, it may even be shit, you've just got no frame of reference.
What do (you) think of this bike?

The mileage of course is very high, but everything being replaced makes me think it might not be so much of a problem. Owner seems pretty smart from the youtube video that he posted.

For background, I have been riding a 250 for a year now and want something faster in the 2000-3000 dollar range.
>it's not as good as you think, it may even be shit, you've just got no frame of reference.
But yeah if it's great to me, why do I want a frame of reference?

I guess I'll start getting it sale-worthy and see how long it takes to get a reasonable price
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If you put on less than 8000 mi per season you don't get an opinion.
I've put on 8k and I haven't even been riding a year senpai

I've also got 8k on my boyfriend's asshole so again a fag wouldn't be caught dead on a harley
Sounds pretty good. The only thing if something goes wrong would be to engines swap and it would still be a good buy
>per season
Found the fairweather rider
Proving that actual buttfucking faggots ride non harleys.
Not paying 15k for a particularly tourquey vibrator.
I'll enjoy my winter, and the occasional corner.
-signed every UJM ever. And the occasional boxer.
They ride klx's and cbr250's

Just look at octo
I ride an 883 and love boipucci. Also the vibrations on a harley make me tingle.

Welcome to Canada where the weather hits -40 without the windchill and the roads don't matter.

Don't give two squirts of hot piss who you are you're not riding in the middle of a Class 5 Killstorm
Dual sport/dirt bike/sumos riders are mostly all the homos in dbt.
Sorry you live in a 3rd world country.
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Mates, how the fuck do I get this snap ring out. My snap ring pliers are not able to get around this metal body.
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>Hamin Choi the cb500f can't do 120mph and neither can the cbr500r!!!! It's okay at 70-80mph but you really feel if once you get past 80mph or so

why does buying a bike have to be so difficult
I rode a coworkers harley. It stopped vibrating as soon as I took off
Fuck off tripfag.
Rotate the snap ring with a screwdriver or something until it is at a position where you can get the pliers in there.
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Delet urself
AT ftw
(Probably. It doesn't snow in WA. Or lower BC.)
Has anybody tried the Kawi 2wd behemoth?
I don't know the proper name, but we could fix his fairweather problem right here.
Keith Code vs. Trail Braking
who is right
You're asking the internet?
What did he mean by this
This thing is a pain just because the ring is in a little valley in the area so you've got the piston I'm the way
And what would that do?

Your sportbike would be easier to work on, 50lbs heavier, a little more comfortable, have a boot under the passenger seat, longer maintenance intervals, better fuel economy at the cost of power, and extra hooks for bungee nets, but it wouldn't be cheaper.

1000 miles going in a straight line on a deserted highway, being so bored that you can look at the scenery
500 miles of twisties and city traffic

which one makes the better rider?
Did you like the vibrations on ur ass?
You should leave your mom's basement once and a while
Didn't really notice it honestly.
250 is always enough. You've never been to proper Asia?
Bikes go for dirt so they can serve everybody. In cash.
Instead of coming up with an elaborate rental scheme to maintain a long-dead shitbox industry.
Its probably because youre still thing and you just need somebody to spread that thight little hole
Sorry, I only understand that English
I can penetrate your arse if you want.
That's homosexual anon.
>Trail Braking
w8 is that for offroadish, because I doubt you can really use twist of the wrist on a trail
Don't do it man. Just save up more cash. It's not worth getting into debt. If you don't have credit, that's a better problem to have than being in significant debt.

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Look at my shitbik
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those aesthetics
>not round headlight
Absolutely disgusting
more bike than a few anons
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Just what are these supposed to race in? Flat track?
Super Hooligan, basically modified bikes instead of purpose built flat trackers
Indian is officially Satan approved.
I'm ok with this
Where are the front brakes
Displacement doesn't really affect cost, in case you haven't noticed the mere double disparity between liters and 600s. R&D always costs the same.

Those 250s that are totally enough that go for dirt cheap are slower than the ninja 250s americans take for granted as the classic just-get-around shitbike.
>mfw i kept scrollin past /dbt/ not seeing it because kitkat is filtered

they're on the back
where we're going we dont need brakes.
>front brakes
>on flat trackers



You shut your whore mouth, those things are fucking legendary.
>tfw we'll probably never get a production flat track style hooning bike based on the scout but with real brakes and suspension
It's a shame cause that motor has potential.
Still better than a Harley
It's good to see more and more anons talking about the new indians. Makes me feel all warm and squishy inside
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Don't get me wrong the bike runs like a champ still and is a beast through the woods but the thing has seen better days in the looks department. I just don't feel like replacing any plastics since I rarely take it anywhere
My CB500F can do 115mph and that's good enough for me because my cbr250 wouldn't go past 85mph unless it was downhill.
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>moving from a cbr250r to a cb500f

Please just tell me you didn't buy them new.
Makes me happy too, America deserves better than Harley Davidson.
cbr250 was used at $2800

CB500F was new at $4700 and I used the CBR250 as a downpayment to cover 1/3rd the cost
>yfw soon Indian will have the market presence and grandfathered in heritage to ditch the Harley model and actually make good bikes for people who aren't leather fetishists
If Indian acquires EBR I would jizz uncontrollably.
>He rides literally 500 miles of twisties in a reasonable timeframe

I commute and hit the twisties on my off days and I'm probably something like 30:1 traffic:twisties.

>the better rider

At what?
It's important to keep a frame of reference.
If you're only riding twisties you'll be shit at reading traffic just like if you only ride highways you'll be shit at riding twisties.

Try going on a long trip.
It's not easy.
Riding a motorcycle for 6-8 hours in a day is exhausting, especially if you're going through multiple climates and dealing with traffic, construction, weather etc

I'm not saying you don't have a point but disparaging other riders for their preferences is pretty asinine.
Agreed. Or at least a rival company to force their hand in bettering the product they sell.
Now let's just hope they stay in business this time lol
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Niggers pain me
How much? I might be interested.

You could clean up most of those plastics pretty cheaply, a razorblade/heatgun/sandpapwer is all you really need.

Get a fresh seat cover, maybe some new gaiters and it'd be a marked improvement for a pretty minimal investment of time/money.
There was already talk of them toying with the idea of a sportbike. Also in the future they want to have more performance oriented stuff coming out after the completely merge the victory folks in why the rest of the Indian company.
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Why don't flat track bikes use front brakes? Serious question.
>Front brakes
>On dirt
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>yess, good goy, enjoy your hip, efficient, sporty electric scooter, so much better than that nasty uncomfortable old K5 Gixxer!
how about you eat my whole ass
2800 shekels and it's all yours friendo.
>piece of shit hurrley
>pro god
redneck detected
-Solve traffic
-Exponentially cheaper than a new car
-Lower fuel consumption
-Darwin awards

You can make anything feel fast around a corner. Moreso when you're actually using the whole engine. But that's still "toy" thinking.
When was the last time you saw anything go 180mph on a public road? The standard 600 breaks highway speed in third gear.

Treating bikes like transport would bulk out sales to pay for further R&D. Making your penis pump go even faster.

I am still listening, though. Tell me how catering exclusively to the rich and stupid will save the demographically doomed US motorcycle market.
Dirt bikes literally ride on dirt and have front brakes.
They don't need them, they used to not have brakes at all, just engine braking.
these are the tyres they use, now imagine trying to brake with the front at high speed on dirt on those.

Hell we oil up the tracks in australia I shit you not.
Maybe no good for flat track but so many shit dirt riders claim things like they only use the back brakes when in reality theyre just afraid and dont really know how to handle the baik
I hope so, Harley disgusts me and I either want to see it die or force them to innovate.
Dirt bikes are for


Riding as WOT as you can in a circle on loose gravel
do you know how I know you're lying?
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damn skippy

>Treating bikes like transport would bulk out sales to pay for further R&D. Making your penis pump go even faster.
see, now you're speaking my language
I don't know if you're right about this, but I'd be happy to see one or two companies try, with more to follow if the first succeed.
This actually looks fairly grippy compared to some tracks I've seen. The Springfield mile track is entirely clay and smooth as butter on a kitten, I actually saw people slipping and falling on it.

speedway a best
That bike is hideous.
I highly doubt harley will die off anytime soon. Too much of a cult following. But they need to innovate fo sho. Their new engine is still sub par for the price and can't touch the Thunderstroke.
That new cub prototype is fly as shit, tho.
Speedway goat
they're not meant to look good they're meant to go nearly perpendicular.
>Harley's new motor can't touch a motor which is so outclassed by its European rivals they literally have to put them in another class
This is why I hate Harley, look at what they've done to American motorcycling.
I see that, gp100 bikes look cool, trophy trucks look cool, even trials bikes look cool, I guess form doesnt always follow function.
>Somehow manage to lock my keys under my seat this afternoon
>Had to remove the gas tank and go backwards through the bottom of the seat to get them out
How can one man be so fucking stupid? I surprise myself sometimes
Lol. Calm down fella, other murican bikes are picking up their slack
>Harley's new motor can't touch a motor which is so outclassed by its European rivals they literally have to put them in another class

> a motor which is so outclassed by its
European rivals

Whats does he mean by this?
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You must be fucking retarded.
Who? Zero? Buell is dead
Indian silly
you must have shit taste
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im glad this site exists
It ever occur that only being able to name two major manufacturers is the problem?
Maybe we'd be more successful if we did the indiabaik thing. 20,000 smaller places, throwing designs until something sticks.
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it's a blessing
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You rest your heels on the pegs?
(Real question. I've been doing the American horse thing with them in my arches, but I heard somewhere balls make better control)
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this doesn't seem right
I'm a stickerfag.

What types of stickers would you like to see on your bikes?
Something that looks like the bicep from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Cool story.
The important thing is im Happy with the bike is have now. I honestly don't care where the bike is made. If I like it, I'll buy it.
I keep shit simple nigga
>When was the last time you saw anything go 180mph

250s get shit fuel consumption and may even burn oil if you run them at normal civilzied highway speeds (85mph) for long periods of time. Engines aren't actually meant to be wrung out all the time.

What you're talking about isn't treating bikes as transport. It's the transport needs of bumfuck asia being less developed than the transport needs of texas, so they buy cheap shit bikes that get good mileage at the speeds they normally drive at (30mph).

Treating bikes as transport would be making them more convenient and functional for transportation, and holding off on the extreme suspension geometry and riding position that only makes sense on a paved track

Not making them all underpowered as fuck because asians don't have the autobahn, you hipster minimalist faggot.
balls on the pegs, heels clenched against the bike for max control
arch on pegs for max comfy
Dbt stickers
fuck off project hoon
fuck off project hoon
This tbqh, america has its transportation motorcycle, its the pig fat long distance cruiser/tourer
A vinyl wrap of my waifu
Cruisers are our scooters, adventure bikes are our standards
a set of bosozoku stickers, 「ぼうそうぞく」, katakana 「ボウソウゾク」 and the kanji version 「暴走族」

if you can only do one, do the kanji version
seems to me, at this point the question becomes
>well, why don't you?

or weestroms, bmw sport tourers, etc

but desu I still think all this "practical" talk is a bit faggy and counterproductive, except perhaps insofar as it may subsidize the construction of cheap fire-breathin hoon machines
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>Poor ol harley
No, you don't get it man, like those asians are like, enlightened, what more do you need, it's the zen of the honda cub man, you don't get it maaaan, you're too, uh, burger oh essie, maaaaaan

I can do all three. However, do you want slaps, or die cuts?

I'll drop some ideas for die cuts, slaps are a little more tricky since it's hard to find something everyone likes. Getting to work on die cuts right now. If you have slap ideas, drop them.

Do any of you want anime girls? In lewd format?
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just do what all the other stickerfags do and infringe on others copyright for personal profit without credit.
I'm not up to date when it comes to the terminology. What's the difference between the two
slaps and die cuts refer to what normal people want to do to you after seeeing your weeb stickers.

How many nico nico niis do you have? I need twenty.

Slaps are a full rectangular printed sticker, while die cuts are usually just text, with fancy outlines, or text inside rectangles.


^This is die cut


This is slap.
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WWII fighter nose art would be dope

but a lot of anons seem to think it's shit, at least when taken to extremes as in pic related, so ymmv

I saw some great vaporwave DBT stickers in one of these threads a while back, does this ring a bell for anyone?
I feel like die cut would look better on a bike, with kanji and all.
maybe just plain black text with a white... I forget the term. A white outline so it stands out on any paintjob.

White glow, or outline haha.


I prefer making die cuts more as well, people always find things to nitpick on slaps in /osg/.


That's a little too big for my skills, plus I'd need the exact size of particular bikes. Too much of a hassle, however, I could make mini ones that go right to the front of the bike. They still wouldn't fit perfectly, but I could make them two stickers, and you could position them yourself based on how your bikes nose is angled.
correction on the katakana one
I thought something looked off
-The fuck is in texas?
-cb500f gets >80mpg. check fuelly.
How about the transport needs of DC, LA, ATL or SEA?
Places where people's car fetish makes 15 miles take 45 minutes.
And, by all means, bring your FUCKING ROADKING to filter on the interstate.
But from the exit on, we're not talking about IBCM sized lanes. Maybe settle for a magna 500 sized thing?
>wreck bike because shit rider with a month of experience
>fairings off for repair
>realize a whole fairing bracket snapped off
>bike is terribly ugly without those fairings

well fug

That's not a grorious 250 that is arways enofu
>it's a practical, upright, all-purpose motorcycle that gets good mileage
>it has as much wind protection as a very small umbrella

>it's a pigfat tourer or ass up, head down sportbike
>what's wind?
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So the Kanji and the other one (not sure what it's called) is correct?

This is the test.

What I can do is have them printed via dual layer, so one layer is black, and the other is white, or vice versa, and they can be stuck together, to give you the color combination you want. (Has to be done at printing time, it can't be done custom).

Something like this is what you had imagined?
Is this dude legit retard?
So just replace the bracket.

If it's on the fairing you can just weld the plastic with a soldering iron.
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>$150 levers don't fit
>but the $20 shorty ebay levers everyone else gets
>it's longer than stock
>doesn't even fit under handguards
Now I have four levers I don't want...
>Aftermarket levers

Did you crash it already or are you just an idiot?
Cultural differences. I'm not going to cry about living in a place where top highway speed is 70 instead.
The point is pushing something cheap and dipshit-useable to increase market size. Again, selling suicide machines only will just let the customer base age away.
Manufacturers need to appeal to the broke and crowded to see significant growth, instead of just swapping customers like you do cumshots.

Every rural joe who wants a bike already has one. So do all the rich douchebags. You can't attract people if you ignore where the people are.
(physically, financially, or demographically)
Honda, suzuki, yamaha, and kawasaki all do that
Well, I agree that cheap is good.

I don't know--if that's what it takes to keep the cheaper liter peter alive, fair enough. But this
>Every rural joe who wants a bike already has one. So do all the rich douchebags.
and this
>selling suicide machines only will just let the customer base age away.
seem a bit like conclusions from the good old argumentum ad posterior. Sales took a dive during the recession and have had a lackluster recovery since, as I understand the data--beyond that, it's mostly just speculation, as far as I can tell.
Fuck off project hoon
Too whichever anon recommended boiling the carburetors in lemon juice and water. That seriously made a difference. Once I get this clutch master cylinder rebuilt, she'll be good to ride.
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I remember my first kiss. Shit was cash.
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My first kiss was with a girl that was 10/10 and liked anime more than me. I still think it was gay as fuck but cute.
It is an exaggeration, but the issue we're talking about is the cause of the drop. So long as this is a luxury, sales won't pick back up.
Marketing manipulates culture, and the cultural paradigm needs to be shifted from toy to transport. The beginning and end of this point.
Price and filtering are other means, with larger societal impacts.
I want short levers so that I can use two fingers without crushing my other two fingers.
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First ride of the year!
It counts even if it was only on the cheeks right?
Cut the chink ones to fit.
Butt cheeks. Git gud fagguette.
Move the master cylinder inboard you tard.
>So long as this is a luxury, sales won't pick back up.
OK, but I'm also interested in increasing interest in fast bikes, not just commuters to subsidize fast bikes.

>Marketing manipulates culture
but it looks like your entire point is that marketing doesn't manipulate culture--that Suzuki can't market a Gixxer (as much) since the demand isn't already fundamentally there (as much as it used to be), but they CAN market a GW250 because the demand is there.

IDK. It's a difficult problem and fills me with trepidation when I think about it, and the only reason I'm thinking about it now is that my bike's in the shop because I can't into balancing carbs.
once again I have to ask, doesn't the bike have brembos? this shouldn't be necessary. I had to do it on the SV but that has 2 pot nissins and an axial master cylinder.
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This picture pleases me
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indeed am big pussy. But at least i live on the MO side of the river. fuck that shithole Illinois
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I'd rather live there than in MO
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Harley fella with the FXDB earlier... posting other shite.
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no liter no peter tbqhwufam
The f4 is so sexual
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Noice m8. I like the kustom work. Also got the vt700 running, just gotta get the clutch mc rebuilt.
also a nice pic
someday. Only liter I've ever been on was a friends gsxr and that was 2fast4me
I can't, it's the mounting point for the handguards.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I want to use two fingers on the levers so I can hold the bars while I'm doing wheelies and shit, and my fingers are in the way with the long stock levers.
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lol slowfags
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Does it /o/ excite you to know the woman who owns this is 29, she's 5'2", weights about 80lbs, looks like the lead singer of Halestorm and has put more miles on ler last two bikes than most guys would put on in 5 years?
Did you have to rebuild any master cylinders on your gl? If so, was it a cunt or mildly easy?
Spending time at home with gf, but I feel the carb problems. Maybe I'll get out later tonight, but the lights on a '91 cb250 are pretty shit.

I'm trying to hone this entire argument, present it to a couple state congressmen, industry leaders, etc. as a "save the environment, cut traffic problems" deal. With extra democrat flavoured sprinkles on top. (WA) Thanks for the assist.

Manufacturer contribution was an interesting rabbit hole to follow. I'm still working out what kind of role everybody involved can play to get another mass adoption ACCOMPLISHED.
It'd be a fucking tragedy to have motorcycling become a privilege of the super-rich only in a gas-less world. More riders could keep that from happening.
My point was directionality. "How to convert car people" from as many sides as possible.
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Forgot pic, lol, chicky owned.
Looks too clean to be ridden a lot.
God that pan is sweet
The woman who owns this woman?
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forgot pic
>lol slowfags
I know it actually hurts me inside deeply
I've just never been on any bike with a decent front brake where that was a problem even with full length levers, even on a 450 exc with the dirt front brake I could put it on it's nose with 2 fingers without needing a shorty.

I am finding it surprising you would have an issue with this on a motard with a brembo unless the master cylinder is not a brembo or something.
Aw you make me blush
I wouldn't care. I ride because I enjoy it and it's cheap.
Not to get my dick wet.
>Related: How I heard your post.
I rebuilt the front master, I absolutely needed circlip pliers and got brake fluid everywhere because I was working on the sidewalk but other than that it was fine.
I already use two fingers on the brake, but the Magura clutch pulls almost to the bar, and I want my levers to match.
Must you wank on about this chick every single day? Ok, Sperglord, you are in love. Fine. Whatever.

Her husband is a 40 year tech, 10 of which has been with Harley...Alot of that pan has been "When I get to it" as home service is two baggers and two dynas as well as a shovel.
What Amine is that.
baka on pico
good agenda!
>It'd be a fucking tragedy to have motorcycling become a privilege of the super-rich only in a gas-less world. More riders could keep that from happening.
I feel this hardcore. Well, there's lane splitting, of course--is that what you're working on specificallly? I understand WA had a somewhat-neutered lane-split ballot initiative pass a few years ago.

how many miles we talkin senpai

we dont ghetto rig our bikes like you do, trailer trash.
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I make things work if I want them too and Im not trailer trash m8.
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>It'd be a fucking tragedy to have motorcycling become a privilege of the super-rich only in a gas-less world.

To add to this, I agree that this is important and more riders are a great step, but I've been coming at it (until now) from an angle of wanting to preserve hooning on bikes rather than bikes as such. A racebike in every garage and a track on every...well, you see the problem. Lots of hard-to-shape macro trends at work here. But starting bottom-up by pushing Groms and 250s could be a pretty good approach!

(I wrote up some gay shit a while back about this if anyone cares: http://pastebin.com/HTseg7PQ)
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>someone saved your OC

This pleases me
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Nice bike fag
It's actually an extension of a hs-rail social initiative I was dicking around with in community college.
Motorbikes started as a "last mile" solution for me, but the social problems with lobbying both are similar. I started on a shitty scooter to test viability, but I'm only getting serious about lobbying this recently.
I'm pretty much scumming around the internet for research right now. Reading the hb after I finish this next java thing.
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Come jerk me off, papi.
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Any time bb
Would you ever consider riding to CO? Just wondering :3c
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you are more gay than braid.
this 2bqh
's pretty funny. The characters are kinda matched to design philosophy for the bike each rides.
Including nonsensical Suzuki fanatic and thick in the head honda rider.
People smear it as "cute for cute" Just watch more than the pilot.
The fuck is this shit? Which one of you autists made this?
Bakuon is excellent. You have to be into motorcycles to really appreciate it.
Exploding Kawasaki
How is riding in the snow? Do you need different tyres or are knobbies fine? Looks like alot of fun, maybe a bit slippery
I want a more comfy commute on a bike.

I have a 2015 cb500f.
Its flaws:
Very little wind protection
Highway speeds are near max rpm
Seated position feels odd
No luggage (backpack gets heavy when you cram 12 beers in it)

Looked at a 14 vfr800 dlx(new)
Felt really small
Legs felt cramped

Looked at 09 triumph Sprint st(15k miles)
Seat was amazing
Felt really big
Legs felt natural

Any other bikes I should look at?
Looking to sell my Cb and not spend anything extra.
BMW K75 or K100
You think that somebody is going to buy the 500? You can buy brand new left over models for 3k.
>20 bucks
Not that I can find. Found one like 350 mi away with 4x my mileage for $4500
Why would you want one? Just buy a used cbr600rr or gsxr600 for 3.5k
Because I don't want my wrists to hurt after a 30min commute?
What do you use the bike for? Distance for longest regular trip? Prefer regular controls, not forward?
The vfr1200 goes for the same price, used, w/ DCT if you buy from a non-honda dealer.
Further down, you could look at an older sv or cb750, slap some universal fairings on that bitch.
Katana are cheap too. Because nobody wants them.

Otherwise, pick an older cruiser and slap windjammer on that bitch. Again, a honda is unkillable, but suzuki is cheap.

Or, buy a versus/teniere like a bitch. They're popular.
What a faggot, you sound like a beta cuck, my tiny baby wrist hurt so cant buy a fast bike. Just buy a harley you limp wristed cuckboi
>Versus/ teniere

Ayy lmao!
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