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/truckerfag/ /tfg/ >Breddy Gud edition Brevious Bread: >>16487076

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 83

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>Breddy Gud edition

Brevious Bread: >>16487076

>Swift: Best In Class
>44 Tonnes
>Don't sign that lease
>CDL how do? Community college or private driving school
>All you can eat truck stop buffets= bad idea
>Crete driver is kill
>Pepsi's gambling fund is kill
>Here be trolls
>Peterbilt is best bilt
>Tire chains how do?
>Prime be boasting
You forgot
>Everyone is now Gundam
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>We Trucker Gundam now.

>TFW my current employer is jerking me around for my last week, electing me to do shop work instead of being out in the field with the crew I have worked with since I started
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So just quit altogether you dumb cuck
Not quite dead yet, just wishing I were.
This hotel room is comfy tho.
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>dat guaranteed $10 an hour
>dat 37% commision
>dat first truck mechanic job
>dat freedom from being a dirty NEETcuck
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>Texas regional driver
>Out of fucking nowhere get a run up to Iowa

How's iron skillet? I still have a few hours of sitting around at this Perto in jersey and feel like putting on some boredom- weight
I hate the headlights on these new Petes so much. They don't look like they belong on truck
They look like they belong on an insect.
Iron skillet is what got me puking and shitting all over the inside of my truck.

>Dat fucked back
>implying my back isnt already fucked from being a grunt in the Army

cant cuck me twice fampai
Aren't you a welfare queen already? Don't you get neetbux from the gubmint? Why do you want a min wage job?

>Implying that being a fatfuck neet sitting at home on the government dole, or a fatfuck otr driver sitting in a trick seat for 14 hours a day eating truck stop food will be any better of lifestyle choices
>Aren't you a welfare queen already? Don't you get neetbux from the gubmint? Why do you want a min wage job?

I don't get any free money from the govt right now and calling military members "welfare queens" is some edgy teenage retardation considering that the govt pays the military to perform a service.
Someone got triggered, welfare fuccboi. Did you hurt your back bending over taking too many cocks up your ass?

RV lights, imo.
>Someone got triggered, welfare fuccboi. Did you hurt your back bending over taking too many cocks up your ass?

>this response
>i'm the triggered one


>Shitty Troll appears
>I don't get any free money from the govt right now and calling military members "welfare queens" is some edgy teenage retardation considering that the govt pays the military to perform a service.

He's right though, you're a welfare queen.

But by all means keep crying about it my man.
>not receiving welfare
>a welfare queen

that makes you one too bud.
That's fine, the government is trying to outlaw all conv noses by 2018 anyway, so you won't have to look at them much longer
I'm never getting out of the K hole. I did too much.

Have a (k).

>[Citation Needed]

They can have my conventional chassis when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
Help truckerfags , ive driven nothing but class b vehicles but have an oppurtunity to do home daily class A runs twice a week

I barely backed the trailer and the instructor felt bad for me. Ill get two days training on the route. Someone help
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>TFG: off topic shitposting
In 2018, all combination vehicles on the road have to average 20% better fuel economy AND 20% less emissions than what was standard in 2010. Conv noses just can't compete with slope noses. The difference in aerodynamics is killing them.
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Western Star 4800 is one of my favorite trucks right up there with a Pete 281 needlenose
Holy fuck the bad luck of some of those people. Nigga almost got away
are lot lizards real or just a legend

A real legend.
They exist. Quite common in some places, non-existent in others. The TA in Ontario, CA always has them walking around. Remember, curtains up, don't make eye-contact, lest they slither, or waddle, towards you.
Srs /o/

Any tips would help
Help with what? You told a story, but didn't ask anything.
Everything but the salad is microwaved

Get out and look
Watch the tandems
Park early
Don't hit anything
Do you guys carry? Are there corporate policies against it?
How to back and not look like a retard.

How to watch out for four wheelers behind,around trailer.
One knocked on my door last night and interrupted my touchy feel-good time, so I turned her in to the truck stop and now she's cooking on the roller dog grills

>How to back
Get Out And Look
>How to watch out for four wheelers on road
Get Out And Look
Pepsi won't allow it. Technically I shouldn't even have my box cutter. I'm also not supposed to smoke in the truck but that will never stop either.
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Impostor, I would never use a trip code!
Be sure to post antics, pics preferably. Reminds me, the fuck ever happened to NCFag?
Order from the menu, never the buffet. You'll wind up like buttsplosion-anon.
Don't give him any (You)s. He a shit at his job.
This guy gets it.
The best help is to git gud. Steer towards trouble (which is where the trailer's ass is going in your mirrors) to straighten out, and always get out and look.
Could this be the skilled troll? Sauce, fool.
Generally corporate policies prohibiting firearms in the truck, and a lot of places prohibit them on the property, if that matters at all. Given states' wildly varying laws on the matter, I've chosen to arm myself with a telescoping steel baton and wishing upon shooting stars.
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This should be your starting position, unless you can get aligned straight. Note the approach path - ALWAYS park near-side. You can't see shit while backing in far-side (parking spot on your right). Approach the spot as close as possible. When the middle of your trailer passes the spot, turn hard right. Once the back end is starting to align, turn hard left. Your goal is this set up.
>seatbelt off
>window down
>left hand on outside of door, leaning through window
>head out window, looking back
>Aim with the trailer's rear-left outside wheel. It takes the tightest curve, so if it clears so will everything else on your left side.
>DON'T FORGET that you have a right side; if unsure, get out and check your clearance
>stay as close as possible on the left; you have better visibility from the driver's seat, and it leaves more room on the right
>use no throttle, only clutch; you do not need throttle at all while backing
>don't be shy, use all the room available. Block the entire road/alley, fuck everyone else, they can wait

Sometimes, your position is just fucked and nothing you do can save it. Give up, go around and start your approach again.
How do you guys not know this? I thought it was pretty common knowledge. Just Google "finaltrucksreport.pdf" the first link is a WhiteHouse.gov link
>jus dybe x_c50.tiff_finaltruckersreporty001596i79235ac_001-13-01-15.doc indo asgjeebs.gom and id wil b de ninedenth ardigle vrom de boddom :DDDDDD
t. triggered long nose dinosaur facing extinction
That is so helpful. I hate my illiterate trainer.
>Be sure to post antics, pics preferably. Reminds me, the fuck ever happened to NCFag?

Well today was my first day, did my new hire paperwork, and met the day shift, they seem nice but I'm surprised by the amount of morbidly obese people they have working for them.

GM said the night shift is repeatedly fucking up so he put me on it to "bring in some new blood", I would think most truck stop hi-jinks happen between 12am-8am, right?
Alright it's time for truck stop power rankings

1. Petrol
2. TA
3. Flying J
4. Love's
5. Pilot
6. ???????

I'd wager as much, or at least the hijinks increase in volume and intensity during the late afternoon and leading into the night, as that's when all the truckers come in to roost.
>1 Rest Areas
>2 Mom and Pop truck stops
>3 Petro
>4 All Else
>9001 TA
I swear to god fucking 60% of every TA's parking spaces are 'Reserved' $14/day bullshit.
Mom and pop places aren't usually places you want to take a dump in my experience. Gross bathrooms.

Also no wide screen TV with the game or Bruce Willis saving planet from asteroid
>>9001 TA
>I swear to god fucking 60% of every TA's parking spaces are 'Reserved' $14/day bullshit.

Reminds me of something the floor manager told me today.

>If you splash old oil all over a customers engine compartment while doing an oil change be sure to try and up-sell a pressure washer cleaning for some extra $$$

Really thankful they are giving me a chance there but that sounds sort of Jewish to be desu
>Not dropping your deuces at rest areas or on your shower break
>Watching TV
I don't understand why I enjoy this job sometimes. Today I literally woke up, drove to the receiver, shitposted for an hour while unloading, drove to the next shipper, shitposted for an hour while loading, drove to a Pilot to fuel up, at some fast food, drove for six hours to this rest area, shitposted for an hour before calling it a night. I should get a basic feature phone and put this smartphone in a bag. Maybe then I'd actually play games or talk to people instead of sleep and drive with occasional shitposting wasting what precious little free time I have.
What do you faggots think about Allie Knight?

>tfw no pale skinnyfat moderately big titted gf to drive me all over the country while i smoke weed and browse 4chan in her comfy bed

Ultimate. Independent
1. comfy as fuck dirt lot that's got three trucks in it at 0300
2. Petro
3. New Loves
4. The few TAs that have opened in the past couple years
5. Flying J
6. Old TAs
7. Walmart
8. Old Loves
9. Pilot

>pic related 2nd best stop on i44 in Missouri
Allie annoying.
Based Jack and his dry humor and creaky volvo.

>Not being flatbed and done by 3pm everyday
>not being able to manage your clock and day to park before noon
>Driving all night
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>rookie doesn't know the 8 hour recap trick yet
>Desire to know more intensifies
Walmart master race. Petro is good but most don't sell beer. I just love how Petro is layed out and big, so driver friendly. Flying J is your most vanilla average truck stop. It's shit but you can usually do worse. Loves/ Pilot is hit and miss and usually way too small. I don't stop at TA because I'm not a richfag. Indies are hit and miss but at the end of the day all I really ask for is a spot to legally park my truck and get a good night's rest. I don't think that's too much to ask for, but sometimes it's hard to come by.
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>saw this badass on I-85s towards Atlanta
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>Doing anything besides shitposting and frantically refreshing Clover for precious (You)s during free time

>Incoherent screeching begins


Well, I can't get in for orientation until next week with the new company, so I guess I will stick it out for a week and get paid a little bit more instead of having a week of nothing.
>Hit pot hole or speed bump
>$20k repair bill
It amazes me how every time my teammate farts, it sounds like it's nothing but pure water splashing out his ass. Like they last for more than 10 seconds and the amount of plops, pops, and so on is absolutely disgusting. There is no way in hell he isn't shitting himself.

>it amazes me how every time my teammate farts, it sounds like it's nothing but pure water splashing out his ass. Like they last for more than 10 seconds and the amount of plops, pops, and so on is absolutely disgusting. There is no way in hell he isn't shitting himself.

He's shitting himself every time and is almost certainly wearing some sort of adult incontinence apparel.

That will be you in 15 years anon, congrats m8.

>this is the life you chose
He doesn't wear diapers, he wears fucking pink lacy thongs. He is definitely shitting himself. These aren't farts, they're small escapes of diarrhea.
>leaving the TA service station I just got hired at
>trash can at the corner of the building
>when I get about 50 feet from it I'm hit with the overpowering stench of rancid old man piss
>think back to /tfg/
>that trash can is probably full to the brim with truckers piss bottles 24/7

Welcome to Hell.
>Welcome to Hell.

Hell would be doing cab electrical repairs in a sleeper with bedbugs.
What are u doin with ur life m8
Grubs m8. I at least empty my piss bottle in the shower/toilet and rinse it out. Then throw it in the bin.
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7pm straya time and I'm the only truck parked up at the truck stop. It's easy mode truckin here.

I also bought some shitty american beer, it does the job I spose.

Posting alcohol in your truck upsets the americans. It reminds them that they really dont have freedumbs.
>easy mode truckin
I dunno. Majority have to use shitty viesa (swamp box cooler). If you're lucky you get an icepak/apu.
>Trucker Gundam ver. Ka
Should be: ver K
It's a small price to pay to be able to live in a global superpower. You can drink all the cheap horse piss you want, we've got more important things to do.
You upset the murricans.
>we've got more important things to do
like get rubber gloves shoved up your butthole by tsa at every state border?
>we've got more important things to do.
Like not be home every weekend?
Ayyy lmao

6 tasteless beers of the very best usa had to offer. Actually it was very sweet for a lager and had no bitterness like beer should.
Questioning my current choice of work, really.
>we've got more important things to do.
like elect clowns into power, yeah you guys are real smart. Just dumb sheep who are scared into corrals.
You can always fall back onto cocks.
>we've got more important things to do.

like sign truck leases


only in murrica, home of the jew
What, become the first male lot lizard?
You sure won't be the first, my friend.
you might do well, alot of us are secretly homo. just look at ur faggot co driver. he wants the d bad
I don't feel like setting a PR for deadlifting his gut to find the micropenis
You'll never be no 1 rent boi with an attitude like that.
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If I want to be a truckerfag what do I do? I have no idea where to begin. Do I just ask around or what?
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guys look what i found in moskow
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I am though
assuming it's your picture, we should create WATxMoscow branch. Do you live in Hovrino?
>Get loan
>Go to community college or technical school
>Get CDL
>Find suitable company with tuition reimbursement
Trucking looks comfy as fuck. I bet it gets boring at time though.

>Get WIOA grant and don't pay a dime
>Go to private school with job placement assistance
>Avoid swift, cr, and werner like the plague
>Get full endorsements
>Fight for flatbed
>Truckerfag with best career entrance
Can't be anymore boring than sitting in a cube all day.
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I love blowing my load.
TWO spare tires, what is this?
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I am the shit man
I like to roll in poop and pee

Looks like a normal 11R and possibly a 385 for a steerable lift.
Any job is boring. If you want to stay busy, do driver unload. 40klbs of boxes stacked 13' high, three trailers a week. I kinda miss OTR though. It's super easy work in comparison.
>work in cube
>same commute every day
>stare at same cube every day

>drive truck
>different road every day
>stare at different scenery every day
Chicago rush hour is a complete shit show. Why do people put themselves through this everyday. I actually miss my shitty lil town in Texas.
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Another thrilling evening awaits.
Didn't you run into school bus?
>drive truck
>work 14 hour days and don't get paid for half of it
>piss in bottles and bathe with babby wipes
>eat fast food or canned ravioli all the time

Don't get me wrong I like truckin but let's not get excited about it being better than a cube job. It's mostly dull and I do it because I'd rather shit in a can than deal with other people.

The super single is just a spare for the triaxle trailer, no fancy lift or steerable, the 11R is an all position spare for the truck.
Better to carry spares than wait a day for someone to come change them when you are in the middle of nowhere.
>american trucking
What was our consensus on Schneider? I've heard mixed opinions on these threads and the people I've met irl have matched that sentiment. They do seem like the best of the mega carriers, just curious because I almost went with them. Funny story when I was talking to them back when I was considering going there I must have accidentally called them a "starter company" when talking to the recruiter. She got fucking buttmad and insured me that Schneider was NOT a starter company and went on a spiel about how hundreds of drivers had made a career there working decades and about all the husband/waifu teams. Lol she was pretty upset.
If he didn't speed up he'd be alive right now. Still brutal though.
Forgot to watch that before. Dayum.
Poor dude got put down like a fly beneath a swatter.
My uncle worked for them for like 6-8 years, so I'm guessing they aren't too bad. I'm sure if he didn't move on to flat bed/heavy haul he'd still be there.
Well holy fuck, why wouldn't you pick them over Swift? I've heard my share of disappointing Schneider stories but they weren't too bad. Did your uncle really fucking drop the ball?
I don't understand what you're even implying. He started at Schneider and moved to a small outfit that does flat bed and heavy haul. I have no idea where he dropped the ball on that.
I guess I was just wondering why you didn't go work there instead of Swift, since your uncle did his time there. I didn't mean to imply much.
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Do you guys know anything about the heavy equipment trade? I'm having a pretty hard time finding any work as an apprentice electrician but I've got a few shekels and am considering going back to school for 6 months to learn how to operate these things. Is this worth it?
I only went to Swift because the dedicated account that was offered to me. .42cpm plus $100 a week bonus was a pretty good deal right out of school. Schneider was actually my second choice.
>Avoid swift, cr, and werner like the plague
There's no point in telling new people this. Every company that hires student drivers sucks for student drivers. Everyone always says the exact same thing about any of the big ones, including Schneider, Averritt, PTL, JB Hunt, CRST, Covenant, Crete, Prime, etc. They either love it or hate it. But, there's no good student driver program. You're going to over worked, under paid, and unappreciated. But all you're there to do is get your foot in the door, drive for a year with no accidents, then you go wherever you want. If Swift has a position for someone in their area, you're only hurting that person by telling them to avoid Swift or whatever.
If you could just pull up stakes and move to wherever would be most effective for an OTR driving career, where would you consider that to be?
Yeah I was pulling my secret stainless reefer.
Dispatch says 84 is open finally. ORdot website says still closed.

Somenody is lying and i cant into scrying crystals

State patrol?
dispatch is always wrong when it comes to shit like that. do you have the road conditions hotline? that's about the most accurate you'll get ahort of asking the guy who closed the road down
Get Cucked
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Quad stacks m8. Goes faster.
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if youre having trouble finding a job as an apprentice electrician then youll likely have trouble finding a job as an apprentice operator. which probably means youre a lazy nigger whos not trying hard enough
Fucken cunt. Stop curling your bucket so fast that it drops the rocks in so bloody hard I get thrown out of the seat.

Nice freedoms.
What I do during my private life is none of my employers business. As long as you arent at work and high there is no problem.
>Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS)
>so the prison planet thing really isnt a theory

Why do I even bother talking to other drivers?
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as someone who drives truck as well i usually lay rock in there as gently as possible.. only so much you can do with a loader to soften the blow though. unless the driver is a total faggot in which case better hang on to something
Needs a WAT Racing Development sticker.
NWI- lots of freight comes through Chicago, but I can't advocate for anyone living in Illinois
So much butt hurt over a few reserved spots. Never seen anywhere near 60% usually more like 5-10%. I'll reserve one if I know I'm gonna need it. It's nice, usually easy backs even when lot is full,close to door,only 14 bucks so any non nigger can afford it. Worth every penny to know I'll have a spot and can roll late into the night instead of shutting down with the sun to get parking.

It's like telling people to avoid minimum wage jobs for thier first job. Gotta prove you can clock in on time somewhere before you can get a good job unless you have an in. Personally I started with Prime. Told plenty of white lies but as long as you're not a retarded sheep the lies are obvious. Made 50k my first year(annualized only worked there for 9 months first calander) driving newer equipment...can't really complain. Really depends on your trainer and fleet manager. Also most guys have no business signing a lease. Can make decent money on lease if you understand that you're a business owner not an employee and act/work accordingly.

Now have a regional gig at NFI home every weekend, treated like I'm valued at least by my direct management, 75k this year (again annualized) auto .5 cent raises. Again new equipment cause fuck that old busted shit. Anything goes wrong it's NFI that pays and if we get delayed we usually get a day rate pay added on the weeks check no need to ask.
It's my second week at schneider. It's definitely a starter company. But probably the best choice to do so.
Never piss in bottles here. Got a fridge,micro,stove...can eat shit ravioli if I'm lazy or cook just about anything I want just like being at home. IDK every guy I hear say you gotta do fast food cause it's the only option also goes to the drive through on their home time.

The job can be as neet or normal as you want though long haul stuff does make it harder than regional or local dedicated where you get to know all the good spots to stop and find parking with access to better amenities you may never find or at least I never did when doing otr.
>Second week
>relevant opinion

Pick one.

I mean seriously have you even in a truck yet? Certainly don't have yer cdl week 2. Get back to us when you've got a few paychecks and been to all the states at least. If you haven't hit 40/48 lower then you're to much a rookie to know anything.
Are American truckers not allowed to have booze in their cabin or something?
Why don't girls feet ever go straight out.
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>26 neet cuck
>brother works at truck company
>tfw I want to be trash man
>there's a program that will pay for my trucking schooling class A&B
>all I have to do is turn in the paper and get into a great trucking school, teacher willing to help slowfags
Should I do it anons? I'm kind of pumped to do it.
You'll probably smell like garbage when you get home every day (assuming you don't already being a NEET), but I hear they pay is decent enough to make a living.
Haz mat good?
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girls have feet?
Is trump going to be good for the trucking industry?
Lmao well I mean it's my second week out on the road. It's funny when truckers act hard like you. This job is so easy, it's going to be automated before McDonalds cashiers are.
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fuckin do it faggot, its not a bad job. maybe you gotta shower every day, but you should do that anyways
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Fuck it. I'm gonna do it anon. I'm ready!
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make us proud
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Yeah, running equipment pays pretty well. You should do it.


Must be a high performance machine.


Ravioli, ravioli, sounds like you aren't a cuckioli.


Yes, you should do it. It usually pays pretty decently for a townie job.
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>day 1 in Trump's America
>parked in front of this
>base station blasting the inaugural address on channel 19
If I lived in a state with unions and pensions and shit I'd drive a trash truck in a heartbeat
at least they didn't misplace an apostrophe
I live in CA. Is that a good one?
Get Cucked
This pic was so confusing until I realized you didn't roll down your window before taking a pic.

Is that a gap between the cargo box and the cab?

I can't tell, which side is the cab?


Too bad Florida doesn't have a plate generator, I'd make one for Michael.
Iron skillet is actually the last chain greasy spoon I'll eat at.
>dat double chicken fried steak with 4 eggs over medium and cottage cheese with coffee

RV lights are usually just off the shelf parts from something else on all but the tippy top luxo barges that snowbirds keep funding.

Either start smoking or stop breathing. That's the only way around it.

>implying water buffaloes haven't existed since the dawn of the CB

80/90 east of Chicago.

I've been avoiding a microwave due to a lack of space the last 4 years. What power rating is yours and how big is your inverter?
>tfw fucking around with the stove for 12 minutes to cook frozen vegetables that would be done in 2 minutes in a microwave

Not even closed containers.

If he actually goes through with general deregulation of industry it should be fantastic. EPA implications alone are going to cut maintenance costs in half.
Dallas if you don't want to live in a shit state.
Not who you were asking, TF, but I ran a 1000w microwave on the 1800w inverter Skyline outfitted the truck with. Worked fine, microwave pulls 1500w when it starts.
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Tractor is on the right
I kinda wish there were a truck that had one of those fucking brutal utilitarian dashboards that yard dogs have.
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That's just a shitty old 8100
I could tell it was an older truck dash, I'm talking about a modern yard dog dash. Literally a flat panel box with gauges all across it. No molded dash panels and curved shape and 'minivan' gauge clusters.
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You mean like a Mack?
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Pepsi when are you going to quit that shit job and start driving for Bepis?
>wake up tomorrow
>message on the Qualcomm
>"Trump dissolves FMCSA. No more HoS. Drive safe and have fun."
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Trumpfags are retarded
Suddenly coked out meth head truckers running their second 24 hour shift in a row crashing into stuff killing people everywhere. If you think driving hours deregulation is good you don't belong behind the wheel of one of these things.

>If you think driving hours deregulation is good you don't belong behind the wheel of one of these things.

Personal responsibility would still exist. Consequences for collisions would still exist.

Has there been a study of collisions since regulation? I'm genuinely curious what the impact has been.
Personal responsibility has always existed, dipshit. It's not a magic phrase that makes anarchy desirable.
The hours of service create more driving accidents than they prevent. It's a constant distraction to every driver. No one on the road is thinking about being a safe driver, they're just stressing over their clocks. When you start running out of time, you stop driving safely. That's when accidents happen.
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I'm not sure why I'm still there. I just don't want to start from the bottom again.
You'll be higher up starting at the bottom anywhere else than getting to the top at pepsi
Kek. I don't even want to go to the top with Pepsi. I would be down to get a bulk job but they never open up because it is local and ~$27/hr to bump docks and the drivers stay there until they retire. There are some transport jobs but they are either regional where you gotta sleep in hotels sometimes or others that are local but not full time with benefits.

Honestly tho today was straight at work. Went to the airport with 700cs, just watched them pull them off with a forklift. Then dropped a pallet of 100cs of 12pks off at Publix, then brought 20cs of Naked Juice to a hospital down the street at a warehouse. The 20cs of juice was the only thing I had to lift and that was one small handtruck.

$126 base pay + (820cs x 16.6¢/cs) = $262.12

I clocked out by noon so that was ~$43.70/hr. I wish every day was like that. We just got a decent raise for the new year tho and that helped. It's $13/day raise on base pay and 1¢ per case so like $16-18 more a day and close to $100 a week if you get some cases and factor in the slightly higher Chinese OT.
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Bruv that's an old Inter-trashional dash. Pic related.

Also fuck the rain.
Close. Too bad I'm not fond of Macks. Then again I know little about them.
I don't have valid information for you, but I wouldn't doubt HOS regulations have had a positive impact on the number of trucker-involved collisions. Still, HOS needs a tweak. Maybe ditch the 14-hour for some sort of '11 hours within 24 hours span' rule, idk. Just something to let us take a decent dinner break without worrying about the 14 clock digging into our 11 hours.
>t. supertrucker running three log books and staying awake by bumps of cocaine
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>justifying shit job
Yes your semi skill earns more than being unskilled, still should have paid attention in school and gotten a stem degree
Regardless of whether or not you think the hours of service helps, why are you such a cuck that you just love the government squeezing your balls?
>wow you mean you don't like everything you do being regulated so it makes your life harder for no reason haha you must be an idiot
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How do people live like this? Some go back 6 weeks.
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Are all truckers sloppy perverts? I love my job.
Sloppy 99% of the trucker population, perverts 100%
Go away
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We stepdeck now.


Literally every cdl holder, including myself.




They do have a cool dogger as a mascot.


Gogaine sales will be through the roof.
As long as there are cars and trucks, someone will need to build the roads.
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that v12
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Help me /tfg/
I bought a ice coffee and bacon sandwich from star cucks and I violently threw it all up after an hour of driving. Haven't eaten anything since. Now I have a terrible stomach burning sensation that barely lets me walk. What do?
I literally feel like I'm dying here.
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To hold the piss flaps in.

>Prison planet
>water buffaloes
Is that what they call them, I've always know them as plain faggots.
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Tip top kek

Get some immodium and pepto bismol to help with the nausea and probable diarrhea you will have later. Get some Gatorade, ginger ale and bread to help maintain your electrolyte balance and keep your stomach settled.
>all of california right now

kill me

I know what you mean. I was off loading a delivery on my forklift and it started hailing. Where you at anon?
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>Scrawny, schlubby nerd grinds her way across the countryside

>Unironically talks to GPS like it is a person; highly indicative of mental problems

>Has dog and cat crammed into an 8x6' box

>Cab likely smells like cat shit, dog fur and rotten tomato soup
Nah, if everything weren't regulated for him, he'd have to actually consider the minute choices he makes in life, and that's just *too hard*

Wew lad, I'm almost out of this trash fire. I'm in Indio headed to Phoenix.
Do you know what the word mechanic means?
Also,fuck you.
Dude,never liked coffee or menthol until trucking life.

I think in the first year of trucking I peed outside more than everyone I've been friends with, including high school,combined.
>trucking milestones
>first piss bottle
>first babywipe bath
>first fap session behind the wheel
>first shit in a trash can
>first full day at work without shoes, pants or underwear
>first day eating nothing but dry ramen
>first time manning the glory hole
>first three-pack day
>first gallon of coffee day
>first day you can't remember any of the 700 miles you drove
>first time staying up fapping for 8 hours makes you late
>first death threat given to dispatcher
>first full month without a shower
>first weekend bender without getting out of the cab
>first murdered prostitute
Uh, neat?
just want to blaze and truck all day
>TF txt
I love my aerocab kenworth, can perv on female car drivers on either side.
>>Cab likely smells like cat shit, dog fur and rotten tomato soup
Indeed. Only basket cases need companion animals.
HoS came in due to idiots like you falling asleep and killing 3 generations all living in a minivan.

Speed limiters will be in your foreseeable future too.
Why is the Wapakoneta TA so comfy?
I'm glad we live in a world now where no gets in accidents any more.
Oh wait. Now we just have truckers killing vanfulls of people because they're pushing themselves to beat the clock instead of watching the road.
Their clients are plain faggots. The ones that do it for free ate plain faggots. The ones that expect money are water buffaloes.

Fucking hell, which one of your beta orbiters is this? Did you get a new one in the last 2 weeks?

Nope. I use actual words and sentences. I've got a few good ideas on who she was talking to, though.

It's the first TA they ever built, so they keep throwing money at it and keep an eye on the staff.
Same dedicated bae who hits me up every couple months.

I love your aerocab kenworth as well. Pics?
>he doesn't have a supply of sidewalk chalk to write messages to his waifu on his sidewalls
>3500 RPM
>10 volts
You may want to get that alternator checked.
>went to bed for am hour nap around 1300
>woke up around 0800 the next day
Good thing I've still got 48 hours to drive 400 miles.

Thought so based on the letters you didn't quite scribble over. What kind of truck does he drive? I see trailers from his company every day. Heard from his brother since you creeped them out that one day?

If I had a waifu the whole truck would be chalkboard paint and I'd let the kids draw all over the truck every weekend.

>long hill pull at 78k lbs
>see one frame of capture data spike at 35.1v
>at the ECM
>alternator is less than a year old
Fugg. Can't decide if I should clean the terminals or just replace all the heavy cable.

I'd clean them first and see if that helps.
A century I believe.

Ie electrical: You should also probably just get a new to you truck. I sell those.
We talked about this. You're lucky I'm too lazy to drop my trailer and come smack you upside the head for insisting I buy a new set of problems.

Yeah, I just remembered the dumbass at TA put steel washers on the battery shutoff terminal when I had a new lug crimped on. That should be pretty crispy by now.
nope, im from Vladimir, 170 km from moskow.
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Gonna be muh Myspace pic!
get cucked
Top lel.

I'm a couple miles from downtown Houston.
The most 'Murican picture I've seen in a long while.
What "top lel" about this pic?

What so murican about it?
You on Wallisville? I'd see that kinda shit all the time off of Wayside and Wallisville
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The wind was really bad yesterday. Blew over stacks of empties at two different terminals
What kind of reply is that? You come off like a little bitch.
Damn this dude has issues

>What so murican about it?
Horses, flags, etc.

Though it's actually more Texan than 'Murican. Notice the Lone Star is ever so slightly higher than the US flag. Texas is the only state that has the right to fly their flag at the same height as the US flag but that doesn't stop some from getting their little digs in now and again.
They have horses in other countries you know.

>Texas is the only state that has the right to fly their flag at the same height as the US flag


>then why you looked for me

Damn no wonder you drive a truck. You're really stupid.
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Trump warned me about you people.
Yeah, he's cancer.

Sucks, because these threads could otherwise be comfy as fuck.
People that arent stupid and don't believe everything they see posted on facebook? It was a really stupid thing to say. Like right away I knew it was bullshit, because I'm smart and have common sense. The moron trucker actually believed it because thats how stupid and worthless he is.
Ex pump bro here just put some apps in for heavy crane operator/lowboy drier...guess I better learn some dot tie down laws
Yep, in that area. That's where my dropyard is. Interesting part of town lol.
>driving on us395 between boran and Victorville
>bumpy as fuck
>loud metallic grinding noise starts coming from right front
TA seems to thinks it's something loose on the inside of the steer tire. Sounds like BS to me but I really don't want to go to Washington so I'll play their game.
Yeah, name fags are really annoying.
Yup that's why he's passing the dude that posted the pic

Her car is fucked.. He had a bent step and was merging into fucked traffic with us 3 minutes later
Kill yourself roastie
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Third time I've seen this guy in Saginaw.

Believe me, there's nothing roastie about her pissflaps.

Make sure you pull him over to give him your card. Insurance is probably cheap.
Go away
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how come youre not pepsifag no more

fuck that musta been loud

>that fog
At first I thought this was a picture of a TV screen or monitor. That's some serious fog.
Hit all the switches. All the lights!
I'd drive that.
>The ones that expect money are water buffaloes.
Who says you don't learn new thing everyday.
>>went to bed for am hour nap around 1300
>>woke up around 0800 the next day
You might have sleep apnea

Some mine sites banned those cabovers as they reckon you couldn't maintain 3 points of contact when entering and exiting. They also mumbled about it being dangerous as the ladder was offset to the door.
Took 6 hours to change tire, found a valve stem in it. As soon as I pull out of shop I know it's not fixed. Sure enough noise comes back as soon as I get up to speed. Take it back to TA. They're at a loss, suggest I take it to Volvo. Nearest Volvo 70 miles away, and it sounds like my wheel is about to come off.
Did they check king ping and bearing freeplay, hell did you or them even look at the oil in the bearing?

> being this much of a newfag

You can change the name but the tripcode is still the same.
I just checked there is oil in the bearing. At low speeds going over bumps, it feels like something is broken. Once I get to 55 60 it occasionally grinds. It will grind every time I lift off the throttle, but stop if I reapply throttle of hit the brakes.
Did you dip your finger in it and look for metallic particles?
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>TFW I take a wrong exit and end up in Silent Hill
Considering you take vertical pics/video, I'd say you are genuinely retarded.
is that guy on the bicycle ok?
He was a perfectly ok organ donor.
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Well I was PepsiFag for a long time but too lazy to always type in the "Fag" part so just shortened it to "Pepsi". Kinda like Puff Daddy.

I never take vertical pics specifically because of 4chan and muh iPhone. If I take them vertical, they end up posting sideways unless I edit them. If I rotate the phone clockwise, they post Aussie mode. So I always rotate the phone 90deg counter clockwise to take pics in landscape and they will post the right way (hopefully).
>90deg counter clockwise
Yes, just have the bottom of the phone in your right hand with it horizontal and it always posts the correct way.
New tech looked at it and immediately noticed the air bags were deflated. He is now going about replacing the leveling valve. He said they deflated while driving and was causing "everything to bind up"
Not always. It depends on the camera. Some cameras store the orientation as metadata, which 4chan discards on uploading, giving you sideways pictures.
Always worked on the several HTC/Asus/iPhone/Samsung phones that I have used over the years.
Oh, you a fancy trucker with air-ride front axle. Also how did you not notice that?
didnt know there was air fronts.. yeah youd think it would be pretty obvious
Did you not notice the lack of springs when you have the bonnet up?
What right wing talk radio programs you truckers listen to on the road?
Lunch Meet on the brewing network.
Yeah should have caught it but all my attention was focused at the front suspension and steering bits. Tech didn't seem to think the front bags would have deflated.
Oh, okay, I didn't know you had so much anecdotal evidence.
much like yours
So you don't know what anecdotal evidence is either. Anything else you want to be wrong about? I can do this all day.
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>Being this autistic towards something absolutely unimportant that the majority of the world's population doesn't notice or care about



How was the ROC? As intense as the website made it out to be?


I'd drive it.


>Dat old style sow bulk trailer
yes, you only provided hearsay as well. I can do this all night.
>majority of the world's population doesn't notice or care about
Nice anecdotal evidence.
And you don't know what hearsay is, either. God damn, you're dumb as hell. I can prove my claim, there's ample evidence of it. It's a matter of fact that that's how some cameras function. It's also a matter of fact that 4chan expunges (that's means "erases") most exif data when you upload an image, except on /p/.
Your claim is based on personal experiences with nothing to support it. It's like saying "No one ever dies in car crashes, I've been in 3 wrecks and I never died once"
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Please note the orientation of the attached image.
You are one retarded motherfucker, it is hearsay until you provide proof.
No wonder you drive a truck.
>I can prove my claim
still hasn't provided proof

is see you chose the mass consumer orientation option
>using snapchat

>all these words
>all of them wrong
>It's also a matter of fact that 4chan expunges (that's means "erases") most exif data when you upload an image, except on /p/.

Correct, and that's why if you use a cellphone camera horizontally with the bottom in your right hand it will upload to 4chin the correct orientation, lurk moar faggot.
>he is furiously googling right now
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Wat. I used Pixlr to add the fruity script. Its the least garbage photo editing app I have found so far for mobile use.

>Implying implications

>TFW this bbq dinner is 16.99 Canadians

What the fug. How am I supposed to maintain my truckish figure like this?
>Implying implications
Thats what the last posts here have been about tho.
what the fuck 17 bucks for that little bit? did you eat anything yet as of this pic?
Replaced leveling valve, seems good as new. Unfortunately I have just enough time to still head up to Washington. :(
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Not one bite.

It was tasty, but not exactly the portion size I had in mind when I imagined the phrase "bbq dinner plate".
This, you got ripped off.

Chimp out!
yeah man thats pretty brutal, surf and turf money for a sausage(?) and shredded construction paper
I also might have been up for 38 hours before the hour long nap.
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I thought Australia was bad. I paid the same for pic related.
>2 sausages, 2 eggs, 3 rasher bacon, 2 slices toast, 2 hash browns and there is a peice of steak underneath aswell.
>been up for 38 hours
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>how was the ROC
Honestly it was better than expected. I would definitely go again. It was like a tournament bracket style and they raced one vs one. It was basically a big figure 8 type track where they cross over to they race on opposite sides but start and finish at the same time right next to eachother. 8 different cars so they were driving all different shit like the Polaris Slingshot, KTM Crossbow, Ariel whatever, and this dune buggy that was wild on the short track.
bit steep but not bad, looks filling at least
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I'd have imagine it's pretty hard to get a xbow to do that.
New bread:

For australian prices it was pretty average. I was out at Roma and paid $13 for just a steak sandwich, literally two slices of bread (toasted) with some steak, onions, lettuce, beetroot and bbq sauce. Before all the mining and gas work going on out there it was like $6, now they just jew as much out of the fly in fly out workers as possible, as their companies usually pay for all their meals and accommodation.
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Looks breddy bad ass.


Sounds familiar.

>At least the local micro brew is pretty good.
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That was the Polaris Slingshot. Pascal Wherlein fucked up and came into Felipe Massa and rolled the thing down the straight
I'm not going to provide proof because I don't have to. That's the cool thing about being correct. I'm still right whether or not you believe me. If you really care about the proof, you can look it up yourself.
Really, there's not anything to "prove". Some cameras edit the pixels to correct the orientation, some cameras just use exif data for orientation.
ok, nice to know you are wrong and can't prove it.
>I'm not going to provide proof because I can't.
Nice hearsay.
Looks like you googled and it didn't confirm what you said, so now you just claim the "I'm right and don't need to provide evidence of my claims as my head's so far up my ass it came back out on my shoulders and looks normal".
Sounds like someone isn't doing his pre-trips.
Because the fat ass has sleep apnea
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might be starting a class A cdl program on the 30th at a community college.. im a weeb neet and my anxiety is acting up just thinking about it..idk.. any tips or anything?
Because ZF wanted sum fuk and I had work to do.

Get used to southern accents. You'll be hearing a lot of them.
Alex jones and Alex jones archives, 24/7, even when I sleep
>Fucking hell, which one of your beta orbiters is this?
TFW I'll never be cute and girly enough to have beta orbiters...

Well, I don't know anything about trucking, but when a car of mine had that issue, it was a fucked wheel bearing.
mornin' lads
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