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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

Non reddit edition

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>Previously on /dbt/
First for now no other cunt can be first.
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What do you stupid freckle faced fucks think about the Hayabusa? Is it worth it? Are they fun?
honda a shit lmao
If they aren't molested like that one has been and you are over 6ft tall yes they are great bikes.
are camo riding pants a meme?
yes unless you ride an adventure bike
Why do you have to be over six feet tall? Thay don't look that big? It's not a big ass enduro. I guarantee my bikes way taller than a Hayabusa and my buddy fits on it just fine. He's 5'6.
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does this count?
>implying I care
>implying I'm not a meme anyways
because its a 220kg bike designed for people who are over 6ft tall.
compared to any litre bike it will seem like a pigfat shit and you will be stretching to reach the handlebars if you are a manlet.
>implying I'm not a meme anyways
then why are you asking
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so I can know if that makes me more of a meme or nah
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Yamaha got the Mt-07 (and 03), Kawa got the ER6-N, Suzki got the Gladius.

All proper, budget friendly, first time & easy going bikes. Good for young people with not a lot of money that want a modern bike that is cheap, but doesn't look or feel cheap.

Where the fuck is Honda?
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Is this the universal face of tt600 riders?
I'm 6'4 so I do t think that's a problem and like I said it's not a big ass enduro. I highly doubt you need to be over 6'0 to ride one comfortably.
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Cycle ergos reckon it isn't a huge amount more bent over for me than my 600.
yeah that's the whole point of those kind of bikes
Probably lots of fun but very ugly if you ask me
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I love how retarded /dbt/ is

you could be bothered making a collage of bikes but couldn't be bothered googling what bikes honda actually has.
unobtainable & dated
how is a cb500 shittier than an er6
I really want a Su-Four like Hane. How easy is this in the UK?
have you ever ridden a CB500?

the CBR650's are great the CB500 is a fucking pile that weighs a ton and has the most boring engine ever placed in a motorcycle (I shit you not redline is under 8k)

The stock pegs on it are hilariously low too, I scraped it IMMEDIATELY AND VIOLENTLY doing a 90 degree turnoff at an intersection.
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to be fair the unobtainable & dated bike is better than the cb500.
i heard this is the thread where the fags are
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I tell this to every new rider I ever meet. Buy a dirt cheap ass used gs500 or klr650 preferably the klr because off roading on a motorcycle is literally the tits and both bikes have more than enough power for a beginner rider.
whats it like starting to ride motorcycles as an adult?
i imagine its intimidating
It's the same as when you were a new rider except you're not a noodle armed Mickey Mouse cunt fuck who doesn't know how to properly ride a bike but that's not always the case.
Unless you're talking about the four cylinder one from the 70s you're plain wrong
Redline is 10k or 10.5.
Your body position must be shit if you are such a retard that you 'violently' scrape the pegs rounding a corner.
it's fucking fun
as a child you're ecstatic to ride a bicycle so you don't really feel the joy, but as an adult, oh boy
post your bike
yeah but i was 4 when i learned how to ride, i think 6 when i got my first bike with a clutch so its always been kinda natural for me, im kinda jealous because going through all those learning stages and actually remembering them would be neat, pretty much what >>15318245
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Why doesn't Honda make the best most reliable long lasting sport/crusing motorcycle ever to bless the earth and design a motorcycle around one of these bad boys?
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>previous owner needed a new rear every 15k km
>mfw I need one every 7k km
what's that, looks like a heavy bastard
They already did.

And it's a v4
I've helped move one of these motors and they're not heavy by any means.

No anon, I'm talking about the k20 motor specifically.
my pp3 is at about 7000km, is normal for softer tyres
>Redline is 10k or 10.5.


>2015 CB500F Horsepower Rating: 49.6 HP at 8,500 RPM

>Your body position must be shit if you are such a retard that you 'violently' scrape the pegs rounding a corner.

here you go, feel free to critique it to your hearts content, won't change the fact the bike comes with very little clearance and would require aftermarket rearsets if you want to go around corners.

I know /dbt/ are body position experts so this will be fun.
>8k rpm
let's just leave it where it is anon
Imagine how easy it would be to mod the motor with all the aftermarket parts available for these and no worring about valve adjustment bullshit and the parts would be hilariously cheap compared to most motorcycle parts.
>500cc twin
>10k redline

You wish
crossed up, your head should be closer to the mirror
8k isn't a big deal when you got 200hp anon. Even in a car it's pretty quick.
So it makes its peak power above the redline?
> says cb500, means cb500f
Retard confirmed.
if I go further out it'll actually be getting further away from the mirror tho
well we were discussing the cb400sf, cb500f and cb650f.
but why would you want an i4 without the joy of revving it to the moon
This is a bone stock k20.

24y/o here, aside from a couple months ago riding a friend's bike around the block, I just finished my msf course over the weekend.

It was only intimidating until I realized it's like riding a bicycle and finally stopped overthinking things. I'm sure it's much more intimidating for those who've never driven/aren't comfortable with manual cars though.
fuck off street rossi, keep it on a track
i tried leaning off my bike by holding onto the other side with one leg and reddit scraping along the ground, felt like a bit of a spanner but i also felt like i was really fast while doing 30km/h slower than i normally would through corners
Sorry forgot link
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read the comment chain you were replying to


Do you see how it both says CB500f and has an image of one?

then again, don't trust me.

I'm just a "retard" with bad body position after all.
so its like i thought then, understand how the clutch works and all is well, i do still remember when i was a kid and learned that you just let the clutch out slowly and smoothly and i felt so good i just did that until i was out of fuel lol
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I got my first 50cc bike at 16. God must have had something really special in store for me because I crashed that thing so damn much.

Made it go fast, did 95km/h opposed to the standard 45. And it was wide open throttle always.

I feel like that's the worst age to start riding. You're not young enough to hold the machine in regard because your parents said so, nor old enough to fully grasp why you should do so on your own accord.

Started again at 24 (this year), so far a wholly different experience. Much more leisurely and calculated.
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see picture

In >>15318219 you literally said CB500 several times.
>comes up with a bike produced over a decade ago that no one is talking about
>calls others retarded
You can easily get over 200k on one of these motors with horrible maintenance and consistently being on the throttle.
I SMIDSY'd a hi-vis uncle on his big adventure bike to day when I change lanes in my truck. Proper truck too, not a fucking ute.

Funny shit. Stupid cunt shouldn't have been doing 150+
that crash into the side of a truck seems to have done more damage than we thought lads.
well sorry. would you think we are talking about a 1970's cb400 if we didnt add the sf?
No one cares about your shitbike
> no one is talking about
> they're literally calling a bike by the name of another
> somehow I'm the retard
Hey wanna buy a brand new GSX1000R?
> it's a GS 500
> lol whatever nerd it's only a name llol get over yourself
What if i call it an RMz1000? would you be triggered?
Havin' an autistic tantrum there, m8?
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Then you take into account it wouldn't be hauling a three thousand pound car around but a light ass motorcycle. These things would last forever.
just admit you're wrong for jumping to conclusions without reading the discussion anon, it's not shameful
at least not more than this autistic refusal you're babbling out
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Your body position must be shit if you are such a retard that you 'violently' scrape the truck rounding a corner
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> I'm an autist and jumping to conclusions when I assume you're talking about the bike you're specifically naming
> I only had water and cabbage for lunch, why am I getting fat mr. doctor man?
> uh yeah, I meant pizza and coke obviously, duuurrrrr wat r u dum?

That's indeed what happened, yes. Unlike you I don't blame my mistakes on the bike, however. And if I did, I'd make sure to name it correctly in order to not call a completely different bike crap.
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I like to imagine he is foaming at the mouth when he starts posting gs500's
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come on it's time to pull the "I was only pretending to be retarded" card, this is getting boring
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Not even me, look at the post times.

Where are you from, friend? Just curious.
Truth is it would be too good of a bike

>minimal maintenance
Less money for the Honda dealerships

>extremely long lifespan
Wouldn't sell enough bikes every year

>A lot of power
Owners wouldn't get bored of the bike and therefore wouldn't want to sell them and buy another.

>Easy to work on and dirt cheap parts
Once agin, less money for Honda dealerships

Etc, this new sport touring bike would immediately be the best one on the market but they'd loose way too much money in the long run.
oh I don't mind, I'm just reveling in the knowledge that a guy who rode into the side of a truck has bothered to suggest anyone else might have poor body position.

It's the most /dbt/ thing that has ever occurred.

Everyone's an expert, nobody is able to back up anything they're fucking saying.
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I've been driving manual since I learned to drive so the actual shifting/clutch shit wasn't a problem whatsoever for me, aside from building the muscle memory of where everything is at.

My biggest problem/intimidation factor so to speak was overthinking everything and mentally getting caught up in the process of doing it, rather than just outright doing it like I know how to on a bicycle. Once that clicked it was smooth sailing
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This, if worst came to worst and you somehow magically blew one of these motors you could literally replace the entire thing for around 2k and be set for another 20 years.
>ot even me, look at the post times.
Its easy to post on your phone and use lap top to post your best bike
Knowing what good BP is / knowing the results of bad BP and having it are two different things.
It's like how you know what not-shitposting is, but you can't not shitpost.
> people's knowledge and abilities don't change in a year
yeah with bikes like everything its all about trusting your brain to do the right thing if you want to do well because thinking about it will only fuck you up, thats where things like target fixation come from
Victorian cunce and their false flags.
but most of the times the engine outlives other components of the bike, and people buy a new bike to try something new rather than "I'm bored with my liter bike"
I'm not THAT autistic.
>implying you arent spamming gs500's to derail the topic
Why do have such a hardon for dropanon? You victorians are fucked in the head.
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Fuck this thing has aged well,

anyone owned/rode this glorious biku - what's it like?
>gets triggered
>starts spamming shit
>is not even funny
gee I wonder
you always accuse whoever calls your bullshit out for being dropanon.
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keep reposting this shit, maybe somebody will believe it
It's true you fucken retarded fuckwit.
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drop anon i have posted the OP, the first comment and 1 reply to you so far in this thread, relax m8 you do this shit to yourself.
stop being so paranoid.
>he doesn't know all of /dbt/ thinks he is a bigger fuckwit than Paul Gallen
you are the dumbest cunt here, fucken no idea.
you just described the hayabusa
A lot of the time people want to sell there bikes around the time valve clearance is due or some other maintenance issue because it's a pain in the ass. Believe me anon when I say people who bought these bikes would want to keep them after they paid them off and just buy another bike all together because they would literally be able to do almost anything and and backyard machanic with 2% knowledge on how motors work could literally fix anything on the motor.
That's not necessarily true anon. I guarantee most people sell thir bikes around the 5k-10k mark because they're scared of racking up miles on the bike. There's tones of people who would never even dream of buying a bike with over 20k miles because they'd think the motor is pretty much almost shot at that point. Not with this motor.
as soon as you get on it you can't make any other face
does the truth hurt
It's like I said, even with garbage maintenance you can pull an easy 200k miles on one of these and that's pulling a three thousand pound car around.
And that's even if you drive like fucking ghost rider or some shit being on the throttle all the damn time.
idk it seems unlikely that somebody who thinks checking valves it an impossible task suddenly starts doing all maintenance to his bike because it has a different engine
again it seems to me it would require a completely different mindset on the owner that would just happen overnight.
which one?
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could I aim my bikes exhaust at the jackhammer and tune the engine to cancel the noise?
wr dedecded :--DDDD
Anybody who knows what a k20 is would instantly understand and people would be reviewing the bike like crazy. It would be a big deal.
jackhammers arent actually that loud, they just vibrate the fuck out of your everything.
I know a guy who wouldn't buy a hayabusa because he thought 40k miles was basically meaning the motor was kill or about to be kill.
so installing a sybian in my chair could resolve it?
Friend bought a 2015 Cb500FA. It's actually got a red line at 8500. Maybe it can go to 9 but the Rev gauge is red between 8000-9000.

It's also hilariously underpowered compared to other bikes of similar size.

Very nice bike though. And cheap. It is a good beginner bike, but he's 6ft and a bit of a boy racer, he'll be looking to upgrade soon enough.
oh shid u god me :-DDD
personally id expect around 100,000km out of most bikes before they need pistons/rings then 200,000+ before valves/timing chain/bottom end bearings
its just a cbr500 without the fairing on it and the cbr500 is renowned for being a pigfat shit with a boring engine, good beginner bike sure not anything special though, id personally say a cbr650 is a better beginner bike
I squidded to uni today. Should I go for a ride in 35° weather and melt, or go home and drive the digital Punto / RX-8?
wr anton your helmet looks comically small after seeing so many shoops of you
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>tfw can neither drive the digital nor real Punto
>or rx8 or ride
I'm sitting here in 32 degrees Wetter outside
having to work

kill me

you should ride imho
that's the real deal tho lel
Do you guys ever get comfy and lie on your fuel tank?
can you ride that bike yet?
sometimes on long rides i put my feet over the passenger pegs and stretch out
>having to work
Welcome to the real world, you have 40years left then death.
Nobody here has a fuel tank in the first place.
Yea and even though you're throwing down numbers most people would never take their bike up to before selling them that's still a fuck ton of maintenance compared to what this k20 designed bike would need and way more expensive.
don't you mean 30 years then your parents die and you can quit your job and live off the money they leave you?
I sometimes rest my legs on my forks while riding
is comfy
more like 3 years left
yes I can ride it, but not legally allowed to, no.
5 days until test - 28th is the day
I used to sit on the rear seat, and steer with my feet, had a throttle lock so was easy to do.
Spooky at first though.
stop hurting the no-bikes feelings.
nah most of that money goes into taxes
people generally hold onto bikes for around 60-100,000km where i live, i guess they just expect things to last longer than people do from where you are from.
most cars are held onto until half a million - a million kilometers
>more like 3 years left
are going to ann hiro?
And the cheap maintenance and long lifespan and power of this motor wouldn't even be the biggest selling point in my opinion. The thing that would make me the most happy is you could literally ride like a bat out of hell any time all the time and never worry about being to hard on the motor or worrying about dramatically decreasing the lifespan of the motor as its a thought we all have in the back of our minds when hot roding our bikes, don't even try to deny it.
was that the first real bike you rode?
or no you have ridden 450's and shit havent you?
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nah, I'll get my A (open) with 22, then ride muh SMILING NINJA with 140 HP and then some day I'll think I'm street Rossi and die I guess.
The main thing it had going for it was being cheap for a new bike. It was a bit cheaper than a 300 from any other brand, and has a bit more power than the ninja 300.

It's also pretty torquey and cruiser like to drive due to the low rpm range. Good to go to work and back, which is mostly what he uses it for.
you're working at the motorradladen wieder, right? what are you doing atm?
But I feel quite nervös without gear and it's so hoooot. Maybe it'll cool down by the time uni ist zuende.
i believe an mt-07 is cheaper, as much shit as everyone gives them they are easily a better bike than the cb500 having ridden both
fuck off cuck
post your chicken strips slow fagget
>he thinks chicken strips mean anything
I was riding some KTM mx bikes before, but the first street legal bike with more than 125cc
even before the riding school big bike lel
>riding without gear
Ausbildung fängt am 01.08 an, now I'm still at a Berufsvorbereitungsjahr
>being this much of a retarded cuckold

no i mean, why are you outside at work right now, what bikes are you working on etc
why do you do this for viccb400anon
I know this feeling all to well. I always feel guilty after laying on the throttle and even hold myself back a lot of the time.
I'm not at the bike shop until august, I'm painting and repairing boat trailers, Tischtennis platten and moving objects into a truck for the Berufsvorbereitende Maßnahme in cologne für Flüchtlinge
> blackboard
> chairs
> Regale
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Swing and a miss, you said you guessed these right all the time m8.
Exactly, you would literally be free from this guilt with a k20 running that bad boy.
MSRP FZ-07 (they don't sell "MT" in Canada, this looks the same though): $7300.

He got his CB500FA registered, on the road, taxes paid (not including insurance) for $5700. I think the sale price was just under $5000.

MSRP for it is apparently $6700 but nowhere we found was selling it for that much. He got a good deal but pretty much everywhere we went, they were sub $6k, whereas other bikes were around their MSRP.

Maybe it's a temporary market thing, but it was definitely the best bang for buck in Ontario last month.
heavy and wide, good for a cruiser, not much else
FZ is MT
Nice shoop m8
> working for flüchtlinge for free
top hahnrei
nur spaß, mein vater macht Deutschunterricht und Praktikumsvorbereitung für lernwillige.
> herr anon wir nix können kommen zu Unterricht am Freitag, wir mussen beten
> Tja, Sie sind hier freiwillig und ich darf Sie nicht festhalten. Das gibt dann 6 Fehlstunden jede Woche, bei 12 (?) Fehlstunden fliegen Sie aus dem Programm :^)
damn that is a pretty good deal 5 grand in canadabucks for a new cb500f, i wouldnt be complaining either i can understand why he snapped it up
Don't you mean a fast as fuck sport/touring bike with all the power you can want and low rpms at freeway speeds with an easy and I truly do mean easy motor to modify whise motor would easily outlive any other bike on the market even with garbage maintenance and dirt cheap parts and one of the most easy to fix modern motors on the market?
i know right?
im getting good at the ms paints
I mean Christ a easy eBay turbo kit with a tune could have this bike at 500hp easy.
I never wanted to """""work"""""" here
I only get 200 euro a month and work from 7:45 to 17:00
my life is a failure
It was either that or a CBR300RA for just under 4k. I think he's glad he didn't settle on the 300 (since it had the same underpowered for its class problem as the 500).

Still though,
>buying new
Grabbed a perfectly working 06 Suzuki SV650 for $1500. Weak battery, probably need to replace soon so I don't get stuck bump starting it, that's it's only issue.
how do they pay you 200 euro a month?
quit and go get a job at mcdonalds they will pay you like 3 grand a month.....
"""""Ausbildungsvorbereitung""""" tho
I need that shit
Jesus Christ
Keep at it m8 only 6 more weeks. Ausbildung will probably be shit as well but better than wasting away on hartz 4 with nothing to do all day. Also monies.

> 3 grand a month
Not in germany, also taxes. He's lucky to get maybe 1500 before taxes, so around 1k net income. then he has to pay health insurance and income tax, with no option to get increased pay because it's fucking maccas. I bet in a few years there won't even be jobs left as mickey dee's because all the refugees want monies as well and some are even willing to work.
dude there's no reason for it
a lot of people downgrade from literpeters because it's too much power
plus that thing would have the handling of a turd
pretty good for a tater farmer
What does this say in english?

> Working for refugees for free
top cuckold
just fun, my father makes German lessons and practical preparation for willing to learn .
> Mr anon we nix can come to classes on Friday , we must pray
> Well , you are here voluntarily and I must not hold . The then 6 Missing hours every week , at 12 absences fly from the program ( ? ) : ^ )
It's honestly not even a heavy motor anon. Around 400 pounds.
gas all the jews

I'd love to get Sozialhilfe desu
maybe I'll get an arbeitsunfähig Schein so I can only work 3 hours a day
would be good
so k get full pay with less work
dude the engine of a k7 is around 132lbs
Just because your gf weighs the same does not mean it isn't heavy.
Spar einfach auf ne Busa und wickel dich um nen Baum, dann bist du arbeitsunfähig :^)
What 400 pounds is considered heavy now? It would be considerably lighter than a boss hoss.
It honestly wouldn't even be a big deal anon. Just a lot of manlets here, it's 4chan.
a boss hoss is considered a good motorcycle now?
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gute idea
Vater meint sowieso I'll die wenn I get a ninja also lel
No, but a sport/touring motorcycle powered by a k20 would be legendary

I bought a 2015 R3 for $4100 Kanuckistan two weeks ago in Ottawa. It's my first bike, so it's the greatest thing ever, but even still... to my noon senses, it felt better than the CBR 500 I test rode.
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you know it, gotta use the old noodle to grow them big spuds
so you like fucking the fatties eh
pls stop posting bairds crusty used old sex toys
anon the engine alone weights almost as much as a complete sport bike
how do you think you can make a bike like that brake properly, let alone cornering
what is goldwing
Great argument anon because my body isn't fail and I can hold up a decent sized bike means I like fucking fatties.
That's a FRESH image, you at work?
fattie fucker
not a sport tourer
and still the engine is what, 250lbs?
You realize we're talking about a sport/touring bike right?
how'd you get that picture of michael schumacher
>32'C outside
>sitting in front of my workstation reading a book about riding
>3 weeks till the first of my superiors comes back from vacation
>gonna die of bore-out-syndrome

Is versys-anon here? Is a versys good at cornering or will you never get rid of chicken strips?
we heatwave nao
Nothing to do with holding a bike up. You can just support such weight while she rides you cowgirl.

Its ok anon. I don't mind the occasional hamplanet myself.
The boss hoss weighs 1300 pounds with a v8 anon. I'm sure Honda could get the k20 bike down to 800 pounds.
>>gonna die of bore-out-syndrome
going to turn your 125cc into a liter peter?
yes, the goldwing is 900lbs with a 250 engine because they felt like making it heavy
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nah its 10:30pm and i have a long weekend, i just have taters around.
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Yea it must just be the motor that makes that bike heavy.

then engine weighs 278lbs according to the service manual
damn thats less than your mom
ofc anon, 400lbs of the lightest engine known to man will be lighter than plastic shit
you'd have the godmachine that weights twice as a proper bike but hey, at least you have power nobody needs and engine life nobody gives a fuck about
Holy Christ that's not even a big difference than you stupid fagget bitchface.
Is it bad to leave a bike out in the rain?
why not just merge two 450cc dirt bike engines together instead of making litre bike engines?
it would be lighter and the same power but noooo they don't do it.

bike companies are boring it is simple.
How would you like if I left you out in the rain, when all you wanted to do is lay down and sleep?
Bikes should be cared for and provided with a safe environment to sleep in, not doing so is an act of cruelty in most countries.
I dont have a choice unfortunately. All the garage spots are taken
Because that's literally twice the maintenance and less reliable then just one with expensive ass parts Einstein.
>Not parking him inside your house/apartment
usually if you can miss a certain amount of hours in any programm before you are kicked out

he's basically telling them that he can't keep them from praying because lel german laws but if they don't turn up he's going to fail them
you would think they could do it with their race bikes at least, they make the racing dirt bike engines that nutty, no reason they can't do it to the road bike engines and then also make them publicly available, but as i said the companies are boring.
Get a cover for your bike then
put it inside somewhere, if its dirty clean it.
You gay or something?
you a homophobe or something?
Yes I am. Do you have a problem with that?
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nah, we'll bang ok?
Meet me in 15 @ your boypussy
nah ill be fukken u my dicks bigger.
How does /o/ feel about KTM? I see a lot of conflicting opinions and would like a straight answer
everyone i have seen on /o/ that owns a ktm loves it, everyone that doesn't own one seems envious of that persons ktm so they say they are shit unreliable bikes
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all you need to know in one image
KTM is a meme here
but srsly they are some models that are OK and on par with others on the market....and some that just seem to be assembled by a toddler in the poorest area of china and will split in half on you at 7k miles
maybe the 2015/16 models have rectified this.
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>Built so strong the frames break the strongest triple clamps on the market
meanwhile with japanese bikes.....
Never owned one but I like how most of them look
Two coworkers ride/ rode ktms, only things I recall are:
>when something breaks it's cheap to fix
>pulled it out at the start of the season and [some electric component] was broken, can't ride before getting it fixed
>maintenance at the shop is expensive
One was a 950 SE, the other one I don't know
I see a lot of dirtbikes in these images. What of the streetbikes? Namely the newer naked bikes?
They catch fire
very orange
talking dirt bikes, owned 3 KTM's, first one blew up after 75 hours, bearing blew up in the gear box and sent the gears through the top and bottom end of the engine.
second one lasted 300 hours on the original everything, did a rebuild at 300 hours and it has transferred oil from the gearbox to the engine ever since the cases were split, replace the gearbox seals, re seal the cases, fuck the gearbox seals, start over, costs thousands in labour to get the shop to do it and its more than the bike is worth at this point.
third one i still have after 7 years, final words would be they make good 2 strokes, shit 4 strokes as far as reliability goes, if you don't care about reliability they make the best bikes in general for dirt riding.
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I love it.
>300 hours on original everything
That's your problem

You have to change the oil every ten hours and check valves every 20 hours and rebuild the motor every 100 hours.
>mainly dirt bikes
you don't say?
oh it was maintained regularly, the piston, crank, bearings, valves and even the timing chain were all fine after 300 hours though, only replaced everything because the engine was apart.
its just a cunt of an engine, ktm stopped trying to separate the oil in the 4 strokes after 2008 for that sharing oil problem which is funny because they did the separating the oil thing because of the exploding gearboxes that killed my first ktm
stop fucking things up then you screwdriver
I'm just going to basically keep up with the regular maintenance and pay to have the motor rebuilt every 100 hours on the dot because fuck that and after around 200 hours I'm going to sell it with proof it had the correct maintenance on it with the documents for every drop of oil I bought for the bike and the two rebuilds etc. Having all that shit really helps sell the bike.
have you tried going right?
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I love the smell of fresh tires and now I can actually pass the inspection with a 120/60 tire
Also I got it for 50€ shipped to my door. What a day to be a happy merchant.
there is a choice to be made, new piston and rings at 100 hours and sell it.
or keep it until 300 hours, do piston and rings at 150 hours, at 300 hours the bore will need doing and you may as well do the bottom end while you are at it, if you keep the bike that long you are at the stage where its always more expensive to buy a new bike than it is to just fix the old one is the downside because they hold their value surprisingly well mainly because of what the parts cost to fix them
congrats m88
Just got this through and not sure if it's too much or not
>shit 4 strokes as far as reliability goes
What about the 690 and 500?
Friend wanted the R3 actually. It seems like a great bike.

But for whatever reason, every insurance company classifies it as a pure Sport Bike, whereas most others of that type are Sport Touring. Best quote he got was about 4k a year in Ontario. Honda is just over 1500/yr.
Sorry, was more asking for opinions from people who ride motorcycles
No opinion never owned either, heard great things though
ill elaborate on that, the new 500 and the new 690's, the old 525's and 530's are unreliable cunts and so are the older 690's
i should elaborate on that too...
all 4 stroke dirt bikes built with performance in mind pre 2010 are unreliable cunts.
they were still new technology and working the bugs out really, wasnt until around 2012 that any 4 strokes really started getting good


You don't think it's a bit... much? I use this bike to commute to work and the motorcycle parking is next to the smoking area.
and do people at work know you are a weeb poofta fagget? if yes who cares m80? what ever floats your boat and all that.
No, I think most of them think I'm a drug addict of some description. I've worked there for about 8 years, though.

Would be too much for me m8
On the other hand, I'm a normie, living with my gf and have to park in front of our office building
is that pollution or a storm in the background?
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>not sure if it's too much or not
It is

I know the 690s have a few small issues but nothing big seemingly, can't say years really I don't know them that well.

>Washed my bike for like the 2nd time since I owned it.
I like.
id pick on you if you showed up to work with that on your bike but im a workplace bully
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This guy obviously doesn't care, stop being a phaggot and weeb that bike out.
No one can pick on me at work. I'm a serial reporter of bullies
Holy Jesus Christ...

Hahaaa your bikes stupid.... Can I ride it?
You are a THAT guy
Your anti-bully-ranger at work will pick on you

You secretly wish to be a normie wr
I don't get paid enough to put up with people like you.

I will report anyone. No fear.
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It's a storm. I live innawoods on the mountain footsteps. I got very wet shortly afterwards.

thats a good way to get your head kicked in uleh, you are supposed to grow a spine and bite back, then it becomes a game and everyone has fun.
>I don't get paid enough to put up with people like you
Or you could just stop being a cuckbeta and being a target
An in this post we see how people who are 'pro-bully' are so only out of fear of the bullies. The braver course of action is to always report a bully.
>he worries about being a target to people who aren't going to be there long anyway
start selling meth.
the mark up value on that shit when you buy it in pounds then sell it in points of grams is insane
I'm actually glad I am not
nah its just weak spineless cunts can't be trusted and are generally shit workers.
This individual actively complains about bullying, yet them actively does something really weird and is ammo for bolting and wonders if he should do it

Sure m8....
I don't even know if there's meth here in Germany
sounds like a plan, but it's also fucking dangerous.
>i'm scared of bullies so I pretend to support them
>I have a spine
Pick one.
Get a shitty mini-job or something normal you can do besides your ausbildung
>paperboy on weekends, riding your TT from door to door
>smiling ninja pizza delivery boy
start growing and selling weed, its less dangerous and the people are generally nice people, its just way less money.
You could always just not bully? What I do with my time is none of your concern.
>Worrying about bullies as an adult
That's pretty pathetic no matter what side you are on
dis you?
you can judge a man by his handshake and i bet your hand folds like paper.
See you might see it as bullying, the tray of us just go
>hey anon your new sticker is pretty gay

And that's the rest of our thoughts on it
Send a bik pls
I'm a HGV mechanic, strong af I'm afraid. Being strong doesn't stop you being a weeb.
>turns bolts
>thinks he is tuff

It's too late but I pay $1350 a year for full coverage with 500/500 for collision and comprehensive.

26 years old and with an M2...
23 with an M1 lol. Trust me, we both checked around for a good 3 weeks leading up to our M2 exit course etc before buying our bikes.

I ended up getting an odd exception for my Hyosung Gt650 with my current insurer who normally doesn't insure bikes, and he went with some broker who quoted through Aviva I believe. But even he couldn't do better than 4k for the Yamaha.

Which insurer did you land with? Comprehensive for 1.3k is still very good for 26+M2.
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