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/dat/ - Daily We're Full Thread

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[ D a i l y A u s f a g T h r e a d ]
> Fuck Off With Your Shitty Car Decorations Edition

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> 'Strayan scenc as fuck

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Previous thread: >>14028368
First for Jimmy.
Second for BASED TONE
third for stale memes
> hurdur fur pura artesm!111!11one!
Sure am lucky to be an Australian.
> hurdur fur pura artesm!111!11one!
the fuck are you trying to say
Double bloody decker.
BVG please go.
>for real though I don't mind his channel

get some knowledge up ya, cunts
changed my oil for the first time today, also found out a problem I thought was the transmission is something different.

I've posted here before about my auto dropping to 1.5k revs and humming/vibrating, and I thought it was the transmission going bad. After I changed the oil it is smooth and doesn't drop at all or make a sound, only lets out a feint sound if it's struggling uphill.

Any ideas what this could have been?, the oil was pretty black so old/wrong oil?
yeah probably bad atf
No I changed the engine oil not atf
Should have been more specific
No. Bogans don't need knowledge
he said oil, not trans fluid

would you cunts recommend this?

i'd mainly be wrenching shit on my bike so I dunno if this would be overkill
how's everyone down in melb going?

My r33 GTR's gonna be out of commission till friday for a nismo coppermix clutch and some extensive dyno tuning, i'm missing it already.
>R33 GT-R
You the person who has the R33 with the RB26 out of an R34 Nür?
yeah get fucked mate
trans fluid is oil with different additives mate
sometimes people run it in their engine
>running ATF through the engine

the best way is to clean out the old oil with water first too
Most people still call it trans fluid, mate.
that is a derogatory term and you are a bigot
atf in the engine is a classic dealerscum thing for trying to do a quick and cheap fix
>clean out the old oil
My friend swears by running the starter with the injector fuse pulled with no oil. I can't even imagine how bad his engine is
>smoking a cone at friends house
>his room mate gets home
>it's my manager
>she sits down and joins us
Never thought I will be high with my manager, pretty chill
a mcdonalds or donut king manager lel
>go into work tomorrow
>'random' drug test
is she a qt
Almost rear ended by mental fucks in their shitty holden ve vs ss or whatever the fuck those trash things are called. Doing 150+ in a busy 50 zone on two way road with cop station a few minutes away.

happened 3 times in 5 minutes meanwhile I get 200 dollar fine for going 55 in 50 zone in the middle of fucking nowhere from some parked speed camera bullshit.

Fucking useless cunts I swear. See fucking 10 cop cars parked outside their station doing fuck all.

Where is a good place to get dash cam? I want one with long life since I dont have a port on my rear view mirror and I dont want a cord hanging down to my cigarette lighter port

90% of the store would fail. One of the janitors was a manager in a big Dubai hotel until he was fired for coming to work drunk.

Maybe if she lost 20kg
lol maccas managers are always hot chicks most of the time here in aus.
Most of the time lol no
All hambeasts

Only qt McDonald's workers are the teenagers in mccafe
Just use any action camera. I'm about to put a new mount in my car so I can use my GoPro as a dash cam.
btw here in aus maccas seems pre clean

do you do shit to the food

say yes so i can stop eating maccas, i eat it like once every few months these days so you wont put me off
Sorry for the late reply, yes.

I have a R33 with numerous mods including a brand new engine out of a r34 Nur.

Got it compression tested twice in the last week, came up near perfect!

I'm also running
>Forged rims with a set of p zeros
>Upgraded ECU
>Fuel rails and injectors
>Custom suspension from HKS
>Oil catch can
>Upgraded pod filters and turbos (the turbos are so fucking terrifying when they hit, i can barely keep the car straight with AWD)

And numerous other goodies (i'll let your minds ponder)

It's tuned to about 60% boost at the moment and i think i may have chopped someone else from here (if you're the guy in the red maloo who gave it a fair shot, i'm the black GTR that you never saw coming). You gave it a good shot mate!

I'm actually kinda scared to turn the boost up, but it's a nice feeling knowing you have that power on tap should a lambo pull up to you at the lights.
>mcdonalds in aus are clean
>mfw literally the dirtiest mcdonalds in the world was in adelaide, somehow being worse than a mcdonalds in africa and even making headlines worldwide
here in melb they seem ok.

maybe cos the building are nice and new lol
google "dirtiest mcdonalds in the world" bro. its every result.
the worst nz mikky ds here has been the guy who bought a big mac with a bite already taken out of it.
Don't eat at maccas. Most of the meat is hours old and it's overpriced as fuck.

Worst is the fried stuff, the vats are normally filtered hourly. Once had two shifts in a row and the filters were still clean. 24 hours with the same oil is fucked
fuck no wonder you aussies are fucking criminals, that shit is nasty

bogan fucking cunts
its better than it used to be. because subway is in our part of the world they had to do the eat fresh crap. it used to sit ready made for about an hour then they had to throw it out
haha good

idk i just lost interest in maccas never crave it nymore or anything

last time i went was a few weeks ago to try those "loaded fries" they were fucking terrible. fake ass cheese and the chewiest bacon out.

I remember chatting the girl up at the drive thru and shes like "hehe ask for the secret one which is the guacemoly and the cheese mixed together ;)"

yeah nah bitch the shit was nasty on its own. would smash the cunts of some of those sexy muslim girls that work there tho lmao. do they handle the bacon too or they dont touch that shit> seems like every maccas as a few mussies
is your subway fresh?
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Brand new probably isn't the right word to use. Sounds like a fun car, although not what I'd go for personally. Crazy boost is fun, but most of my driving is twisties, prefer something linear.

If you're who I think you are it should be interesting doing some roll ons with my R1 next year. I'm getting the exhaust and electronics done before I take it to Melbourne.

It isn't literally the dirtiest McDonalds in the world, that was the headline used. I don't eat McDonalds at all though, heard the Hindley Street one is dodgy as though. Years back I had a burger from there and couldn't eat for three days.

I think the last time I ate McDonalds was five years ago.
I heard from a few people that saw the kitchen that rats were chewing on food and roaches were everywhere. I doubt there was a single piece of food served that wasn't tainted by piss or shit, either from humans or other creatures that lived in there.
yup. bread baked daily and made in front of you
I worked at McDonald's for like tthree shifts, never turned up again and stopped eating that shit
Those fucking patties soaking in that rank ass oil all night long yuck. And the smell of everything cooking god damn
lol this cunt talking about subway. subway is trash as well. most the indian cunts own them these days as franchises.

you have to go like before lunch before the salads and shit sit too long. even so its meh when fresh.

just go to a real deli or something
Are there Subways that don't do that? I've never seen one premake the sandwiches.
kiwi mcds used to be worse than it is now. but also now has food saftety hygene regs on the walls A =
i was talking about in early days before subway came in the 90s the mcds burgers used to just sit around now all the burger joints have to do the make the burger in front of you crap.
the reason subway has sprung up like weeds? because they only really need a power point not a big fat fryer like most fast food outlets
they dont.
A = the best food service F = worst wouldnt give to ya dog so thats why mcds in nz and all other food outlets had to step up its game
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/dat/ apparently i was supposed to ask here
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNRKlkL_JV0 [Embed]
I have been hearing people say that a top fuel drag car would flip if it were to do a donut for years, is this car specially built to do donuts or what?
It broke a wheel off doing that so i am assuming it was just a top fuel car someone wanted to hang some nuts in.
victor and ben bray have campained their doorslammer on the burnout pad before they used a doorslammer engine in a holden ute. the reason that hk would have broken the studs is because the doorslammer engine is too powerfull and produces too many torks, most street? cars that are in the burnouts put out 1500hp at the most.
>keeps going after breaking shit
absolute fukken legend
What's more important for doing burnouts, torque or horsepower?
subway truly is trash
anything i get from there my breath stinks all day and i keep burping it up
Do I buy a 128GB MicroSD off ebay so I can fit my 50gb of supereurobeat on my phone?

a big fat torque curve that starts early and solid high-mid rage/top end power, if you want to billow massive clouds of smoke while moving down a road sideways at 60km/h
Nah, put some nolesy on instead
p plate fag with 86 here

how to increase power legally
sell 86
Anything you'd do to add power would be illegal on Ps.


wb all these p plate fags in commodores that sound like fucking super cars

meanwhile 86 with an exhaust will just sound like typical ricer or generic wrx roar
Exhaust and intake are both not allowed on P-Plates.
this, sell your fucking ricer toybaru

get a real man's car like a fucking UTE

can't do skids in a jap car m8
in vic they are

meh still better looking than 99% of shit on the road

thinking of a hilux maybe in next few years


oh wait a fucking second.

apparantly it is from what ive read. what fucking bullshit. meanwhile see cunts in their 260-70 hp sv's on their p's

cops have never opened up my hood anyway
the reason they're allowed those cars are because holdens lose 40% of their power between the engine and the drivetrain!

So don't worry, they're slow as shit.
have to hand it to them they might be slow but some of the old ones with exhaust sound fucking beastly
exhaust is fine on any car older than like 15 years
as long as you still have your cat mufflers and similar size to factory the police cant really do anything. the original exhaust doesnt last forever
oh and why do i see a lot of p platers with their fart canon exhausts?

asif cops pull those cunts over
> in vic they are
No they aren't. They'd be considered a performance enhancing modification.

260hp doesn't mean much when the car weighs 1800kg. You probably have a better power to weight ratio.

Now come on. I don't really like them either, but it's more like 15%.

You can only replace it with an equivalent model as a necessary replacement. Even if your exhaust had rust holes all through it, if you go and throw a performance looking muffler on the car you'll be breaking the law.

It isn't legal, but no one really cares that much either. You'd probably get picked up in a GT86 though.
yeah 260hp 86 would rek a lot of shit apparantly

thing only weighs like 1300
fucking got my license late.

21 years old will be off my p's just before i turn 24

BVG is one of the better motovloggers out there, along with RJ.

>expected to drop $600 on presents to keep your family satisfied every year

Well that rubs me the wrong way, probably because I grew up in a pretty anti-consumerism minded family.

Sell it and buy whatever the fastest P-plate friendly car is. (S2000?)

>tfw don't have P-plate restrictions on cars here
>could drive a WRX or even a GT-R on my L's/P's if I wanted to
>They'd be considered a performance enhancing modification.
If it needs an engineer's certificate then yes
But exhaust does not
get dad to buy you a newer and more expensive car
eh s2ks are like 25+ for a clean one

idk maybe ill just wait it out, save my money for next 2 years then once im off my p's i can afford something 65-95 grand
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>"only" 1300kg
bought my own car, maybe you should have started working part time at 14 too m8
A VE Omega has something like 240-260hp. I see P platers constantly mention how it's bullshit people can buy those "high powered" cars. They're heavy cars and not fast at all.

Depends on state. I think they're legal in Victoria. Banned in most states though.

BVG used to be better when he had anger issues though.

>An exhaust system that is corroded beyond repair must be replaced with either a new original replacement from the vehicle manufacturer or an equivalent non-original (aftermarket) system that meets approval standards for emissions and noise.
Anything performance oriented would still be considered an illegal modification.
>slaved away since 14
>bought a fucking 86
>not even waiting until the 2.5 model comes out
working weekends and school holidays

got like 17k from that up until 18

what 2.5 model?
>meets approval standards for emissions and noise
Pretty easy to meet them
High flow cat, and something that's not a totally straight through system and it's cheers

The one that's coming soon, that they've announced, since everyone is bitching about the power
lol what announce. everytime i read some shit about some fake report of a new 86 coming out
>High flow cat, and something that's not a totally straight through system and it's cheers
Actually anything to do with airflow rates is considered a performance modification and isn't legal.
also i bet p plate fags wont be allowed to touch them as per usual + more cunts will buy them

fuck it ill import a cayman S from Europe once ford and toyota die and the import taxes fuck off

or maybe ill use my misses employee discount and buy a lotus lel
I seriously do not know where you are coming up with this shit
Victorias attitude is blanket no-modification. Whether you're making more power or not a high flow cat would be considered an illegal modification.

Would you get done for it? Probably not.
>30kW @14k
>16nm @10k
Could my mc22 do a burnout?
The one where the head of development said one with more power was coming
Will be n/a

With a shitty tyre aired up to 50psi yeah

how much more you think theyll charge
...Well yeah of course?
Can't be that much more, the Mustang will blow it out of the water and if they make it cost more it'll flop
lol mustang. every cunt wil have one of those on the road.

are you talking about the v8 version or the v6
ecoboost, we aren't getting the V6
Nice, friends thought it couldn't since no torks plus high revs.

Time to find some gravel and practice.
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what the fuck is eco boost

also general falcon looking piece of shit. every bogan and dumb cunt will grab one because of the horse badge

any news if we'll be getting good ones like the gt350 shelbs
What's the deal with the barra 6? I hear good things about them
also are we going to be paying 50 grand for it while the us pay 23? lol
How big is the rock you're living under?
It makes 16ft-lbs of torque by the way. Closer to 22nm. You'll lose it on gravel by the way, please don't do that.

>what the fuck is eco boost
The four cylinder turbo.
ive heard the eco boost shit name for a long time never bothered to look it up lol

fancy name for fucking nothing
>fancy name for fucking nothing
Yeah, keep thinking that.
There is a replacement for displacement.
let me guess its economical because its a 4 cylinder and its boost cos its turbo!

what is it like 170 kw?
310 hp and 320 ft/lbs
And it's so easy to make more power it isn't even funny. Never underestimate a turbocharged Mustang.
thought we were talking about the eco boost falcon
>what is it like 170 kw?
230kw. The V6 makes less power.
should i buy a gtr in 3 years

the 2010 ones are going for bout 90

brand new they are like 200
'scuse me, I'm a lost American
can i give you 60 grand via paypal and you send me back a new corvette?


land of the free indeed. fucking pay 3x as much here for the shit over there
Who needs to know that shit, just weld the fucker closed.
It broke a wheel due to the fuckhead hitting the wall in the first 10 seconds
Going to u pull it tomorrow to grab a muffler so I can fab up one that doesn't leak. Do mufflers make much of a difference to sound on a flat 4 engine?
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Tried asking in last thread, didn't get much of a response. I need a new car, mine shat itself the other day. Currently looking at this one.


It's a 2006 Subaru Liberty GT, tuned by STI.
It's Auto, has 161k kms, 3 months rego, RWC.

They are asking $13900. I'm hoping to get them to $12k, lower would be even better, so I can take it to a shop and get anything it needs done, done, which is hopefully not much.

Question is, is this car worth it for the cost? Does anyone own it, or very similar and have advice? Is it too pricey for the upkeep of one of these beasts? Or is there another car that I would be better off getting for $12k?

What are you some faggot who can't control his braking properly?
Surprised the first insult wasn't about it being Auto. I don't care if it has ABS or not.
>161k kms

Its fucked
MX5 is actually fixed this time I swear.
>Alternator to Main Fuse connection was ded.
Although one of the front brake pads has completely gone so going to pick up some cheaps at work tomorrow.
Huge downgrade from the XP8s but new rotors, calipers & pads will be coming in January anyway.

S.A. /dat/ meet where people actually show up wen??
Don't bring that shit in here.
I'm in. Didn't make this one but was up the week before.

I've still gotta do the exhaust on my bike, but it runs fine at the moment still.
>What are you some faggot who can't control his braking properly?

ABS stops quicker every time, stop spreading lies...
Next year mate, this weekend will be suicide for our bikebros and past that is christmas
Just ignore it. It's spill over from /dbt/. VicCB400SF made some uninformed comments about brakes and someone has turned it into a shit posting storm.
LOL, faggot who needs a computer to drive for him.
He is a deadset loser.
Clearly you need a computer to talk for you.

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41C means nothing to me, can't speak for yellowcbranon though.
Sory faggot, /dat/ is where shitposting belongs. You dumbfuck
Fuck off with your spam
So definitely not something with that many k's?
not spam mate, i only made it for this post
thanks for not helping, JEEZ
It is spam, you are advertising for your shitbox.
i bet you drive a ba falcon ya zub
No, only pussys drive cars.
i got a bike aswell
does that count?
> Be writing paragraphs, time to post
> Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Then there is this tripcunt posting his spammy like-whoring posts.
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Want to cry abit harder?
damn fucking straight
Just report his shit for spam
its only 16k km a year, so mainly commute. But who owned it before? Has it been flogged?
You can just go back a page
you nub
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> tripfags wanting attention
hahahaha, fuck i miss that car

i wont "spam" anymore

Fucken Straya m8
Yet to go look at it, just some random on carsales.
fuck, and I thought that lancer wagon was a cool guy

welp time to filter the cunt
I am a cool guy
what a fucking disgrace


How about this one instead?
It's two years older, but has over 10k less km's, and is up for $9500, instead of $14k. Sure, it's missing a few touches, no lowering, no nice wheels, spoilers. But otherwise, it's the same car on lower km's. But it is in werribee. Maybe dodgey?
What the fuck, some of those sounds that were made, and the dozens of animals around

Re: >>14042367

lib by sti for 14k is CHEAP
lib stis are normally 20k+ easy
but at 160000kms thats alot and if it wasnt maintained well with books, might be full of issues.

looks good
are you looking for an economical daily?
because subarus are not economical at all
average 10l/100km is bad for a daily i know ive had 2
The add for the 2006 by STI reckons he has full service history and logs. There are three of the same year/model in Vic for the same price, so they must be having a price war with each other.

And 10L/100k is the same as my current car, it is a bit pricey, but I can live with it.
durp, did not see
looks good then , rare car for sure and its a good price
Are they reliable enough? Won't be having too many repair costs? And what about the turbo? I've never had turbo before, does it cause issues a lot?
God damnit i lost my post

long story short

Boxers are not reliable, they drink fuckloads of fuel, the engine is a fucking asshole to work on and will cost you a bomb in labor.

Turbo cars are efficient but it increases wear and tear on an engine. I Wouldnt be suprised if that lib sti has had a new turbo or a rebuild by now.
So, you're telling me not to get this car?

Right here you say it looks good and good price.
Its a good car no doubt,
but its not a car for a daily driver if that is the sole purpose it will do for you.

Soz for contradiction
May i suggest

Accord Euro


All of these cars are super reliable Honda being No.1
Hello Japan Here
I am making anime called Bogan Cunts.
Is like Initial D but is VN Commodore and rotary van doing hektik skids.

How I can make it more realistic ?
Thank You Very Much
>Not VL
>Rotary instead of SR20
Don't know what it's like where you are but the only people driving VLs here are bogans with no money.
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>banana on wheels
>Australia's top bogan
>car has a cold, it keeps fuckin sneezing or something
>be american
>get shot
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Can anyone of you fags call Goleby's Parts for me at 0421 087 507 and ask them if they will ship to the States?
I emailed them twice in the last week, heard nothing back. Tried calling myself, but cant figure out the damn number shit. Queensland supposed to have an 8 digit number and a 1 digit area code, but their number is 10 digits.
Their site says they do international shipping, but when ordering its not an option.
Been skidding my mx5 like every other day m8
that's a cool floss hat
So.... Melbmeet before crissy anyone?
that's a mobile number so replace the 0 at the start with 61 and try again.
Want to increase mx5 power, don't want to spend money on my best up mx5,what do.

Se engine swap?
thanks m8. that worked.
Beat up*
I don't understand this recent meme
Give us a spin cunt
add lightness
otherwise, a free flowing exhaust is probably the best $/hp improvement on the cheap
depends on how restrictive it is from factory
Remove shit to save weight.
Rebuild engine
Already have hi flo cat onwards in the recommended sizing for The car. got a cai too. Should probably megasquirt it to remove the maf, but it seems pretty complicated.
Surprisingly difficult to remove weight from an early Mx5. Your biggest Boon would be to take the spare out.
what do you mean reccomended sizing bro, just go full 5" system bro, straight pipe bro

he can chop the roof off
hit all the electronics with sicaflex and put drainholes in the floor and you're golden
otherwise, maybe look for aluminium bonnets and guards and stuff
What about changing from pop ups to solid? I think the pop ups are the reason they're so popular
that coupe to top (I think from flyingmiata) is fukken awesome, shame it costs so much
I think it's all fibreglass though
nah mate i love holdens but our drivetrains are fucking trash
it's funny cause if that actually was a "shit jap turbo box" facing off against his aussie muscle, he would get raped a new asshole.

god, holden and ford drivers are fucking deluded as to the capabilities of their vehicles.

makes me fucking ashamed to love holden, i share my passion with a bunch of bogans who go starting fights with cars they simply can't beat.

I'm grabbing a muffler for my car today from u pull it, should one from any 4 cylinder car be good?
m8, your engines and and gearboxes are the best thing about commonwhores
4L60E is a pretty good box for what it is
Can't get over just how good the XR250 is for a learner.
I rode my brother's CBX250 for 40 minutes one night and by the end I still was very uncomfortable with riding it.
I was totally fine with taking the XR through daytime traffic after the first time riding it. It's just so placid and soft and all the controls are perfect.
Money well spent I think

What was /dat/s first bike?
raleigh drcbz1600rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
fucking weak skid

such a boring gearbox
reliable as fuck though
exactly, boring but bulletproof and simple
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>Banned in most states though.


>BVG used to be better when he had anger issues though.

Too right, he's too namby pamby can't say anything anymore because the internet won't like it nowadays.


First bike I ever rode was a Braaap 125/150, thing was light as fuck. Dirt bikes are heaps fun, wish I knew people who owned them.
>parallel twin club

is this a thing?
Probably not, but who knows.

>parallel twin club
>v-twin logo
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Top kek, nearly took out my oil pan in this rain. started to understeer on my way out of a small roundabout, over corrected a tiny bit too much and got a sudden burst of oversteer and stopped just before rekting my shit on an island.

pic related, the part of a round about I nearly rekt'd my shit on, in green. Not the actual roundabout
1993 CBR250RR

Yeah I miss him flying off the handle at the smallest shit. I'll never forget when he compared insurance companies to 'vampires sitting around jerking each other off and discussing how they're going to rape the public'.

I think everyone I've met with a parallel twin has complained about it in some way. Usually about it's sound.
He has been pretty angry recently, going off about the motorways, he was fed up with insurance recently and cunts stealing bikes, other stuff too. I don't think he's changed all that much except the fact he's a bit more professional.
Why, because of shitty roads? The roundabout had a really dodgy spot on it that I haven't touched in the rain before
a lot of roundabouts are like that in the wet, I'm guessing it's rubber buildup and the road surface just being shit

I got my front wheel drive shitbox sideways last night for the first time in a while, feelsgoodman
Not them but you've gotta be driving pretty badly to crash on a roundabout.
I was doing a u turn on a small round about, I think I handled it alright and didn't hit anything at all. Managed to brake properly without locking the wheels up, car doesn't have ABS or any form of traction control. But yeah, it was my fault for trying to gun it out of a roundabout in rain, under estimated how much understeer I would get
>tfw just spend $2,000 on something that isn't car related

now left with only $1,000 in my savings (tfw neet)
peugeotbrah, can you post a pic of your engine bay?
also do you wrench on it yourself
I used to practice controlled slides on a double lane roundabout near my house in the rain. Had a second set of wheels with bald tyres. Fun times.

Just drive safe anon, don't try to drive beyond your limits.
I haven't even been driving by myself for 4 months, hardly any proper experience with rain. even on my L's
Like I said, don't try to drive beyond your limits. Practice and drive safe.

Last thing you want to do is become a statistic.
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muh plastic intake manifold, I think the gti had a metal one

I only do relatively basic stuff, as I'm too scared of making a mess of anything somewhat complicated

in the past year, I think I've just replaced the rear shocks, the harmonic balancer, and done an oil change
>I only do relatively basic stuff
>rear shocks, the harmonic balancer, and done an oil change
More than most people do anon, good job.
that being said, I did take quite a while to do the oil change

the positioning for the oil filter is on the front of the engine (which is tilted backwards rather significantly), under the intake manifold, and above the a/c compressor

the clearance from the radiator on either entry route is just enough to fit an arm through, touching the radiator of course

combine that with my skill level and you're in for a kekworthy oil change
if its a tu engine the 106 rallye was the only one that came with a cast ally intake
noice, not as spagetti as I was expecting though i'm sure it's worse when you're elbow deep
What did you buy?
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well lads the camira and i had a good run

it caught fire when trying to fix the fucked air conditioning.

rest in peace you lovable sack of bolts
I paid for the course that I'm going to start soon.
xu engine m8

I think the tu was used for the smaller engined 306s, the xu engines were the 1.8 and 2.0

taking the accessory belt off was fun, given the amount of clearance to the side of the engine bay lel
Seriously? how much did you buy it for?
>already rusting
>never posted a pic in the first place
whatever you say cunt
>5 lug

Funny looking Camira...

>I'll never forget when he compared insurance companies to 'vampires sitting around jerking each other off and discussing how they're going to rape the public'.

Heh I remember that as well.

>Usually about it's sound.

Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, 180 degree crank parallel twin engines sound like ass no matter what you do.

I've heard doing something with the baffles in the airbox (taking them out perhaps? idk) improves the sound but I've never bothered to try it myself.
>toilet flush sound
I know but at least it will give me a career and shit to do so I won't be a neet.
>be neet with little money but the freedom and time to do whatever you want
>or spend money that you have on pointless bit of paper so you can be a wage slave trying to pay it off for the rest of your life working 8-6 and no time to do anything ever again
>tfw I learnt how an open diff works by building a lego technic f1 car
Actually my job would most likely be 4-9 and I'd only be working 3-4 days a week.
>won't have to pay for housing
>won't have to pay for transport
>can spend all my money on KFC and hookers.
>he thinks a course actually has the guaranteed job at the end
>going into a field with literately thousands of available jobs.
What would make my rad fans never turn on when the cars hot? I have to turn on the aircon that doesn't blow out cold air anymore to make the fans spin to cool down the car

Also, clutch gets shitty when the car gets hot and it gets real hard to push in
clutch - fluid boiling maybe
fans - check thermo sensor, consider wiring to switch or hardwiring to accessory
will jimmy come back next year?
which is?
sucking dick.
april hopefully since he insists on spamming "jimmy is kill" until he gets his liscense back
surely theres millions in that industry
No, Jimmy will not be returning next year.
ps; Jimmy is Kill.
>implying I'd suck fat guys dicks, nigger dicks, micro penises etc.
Jimmy Is Kill.
i think he gets it back in feb
but didn't he lose it for a year he went to the meets in march didn't he? or did he go with out a license
I wonder if he's finish installing that new sub and amp he was going on about 2 or 3 months ago in those audio threads.
Also I wonder how much he spent fixing the Astra roof. He still posts about it on the Astra forums so it looks like its still broken.
I've heard real shocking bikes. Know a couple guys with LAMS restricted 600s parallel twins. Both of them have those Axil Silencer pipes with no baffles. It combines that farting noise with some run on and makes it loud as shit. Sounds terrible.

He was at a meet in Easter. Seem to recall him saying it was a six month suspension. Who cares though? If he comes back he comes back if he doesn't he doesn't.
>opening link to jimmy testing his sub in a webm
>look at filename
>jimmylives backwards
i dont understand the jimmy is kill shit he keeps posting. is it because his license is "dead"?
no it's because Jimmy is dead
>6 months
then wouldn't that mean that he's got his license back
so jimmy IS alive but isn't posting here anymore?
why did he leave us???
>who cares though
fucking 90% of the people in this thread maybe?
hey jimmy. still posting in those audio threads and on /soc/?
asia pacfic wont be getting the v6 or ecoboost v6 or shelbys america only. but that being said hit the lottery and everythings for sale.
dont go to sleep on the ecoboost 4 cylinder now if i was you... the fastest one at the drags at the moment is tuned by SCT pulling 10 seconds, and bisimoto has been playing with a 900hp mustang as well
says you till a driver doesnt or pretends he doesnt see you and lickety splat. you are a road fatality
actually toyotas number 2. second to the ford ranger because in aus drive ute.
>fucking 90% of the people in this thread maybe?
More like the loud minority.
not Jimmy.
Jimmy is kill
Can someone T bone me so I can claim my insurance?
>pretends he doesnt see you
So two tonnes of metal wasn't enough to make them feel like a big man? Sounds like a pussy to me.
maybe you should talk to 318i guy I hear he's great at crashing
Yet somehow he's been posting on /o/ threads and in /dat/.
Someone also linked to him posting on some Astra owner board about his sound system and roof.

I've no doubt he's the one posting the Jimmy Is Kill posts to drum up attention like a typical ol' tripfriend.
Recommend me a car for under $2k that will get chicks wet. Dead serious.
not any more most of them been skylined with big turbos at least all the good ones. if they havent got a ls by now
nobody cares about those pics autism poster/jimmy
why would he want the attention anon? wasn't that the reason he left? fatcunt went full asstard and wouldn't stop harassing him
He wants a car that gets girls wet, not something good
Jimmy's Astra and/or MR2
i didn't mention anything about pics 31i guy no need to get your panties in a twist
Falcunt left a long time before Jimmy left. There was no harassment when Jimmy did finally leave, he went to one last meet before he had to hand in his license and then left /dat/ since he has nothing to talk about.

If you're reading this Jimmy (which we know you are), you can still post about your Astra and we can help you fix that roof/install that sub. Or you can just post Jimmy Is Kill as you usually do, whatever you prefer.
Whats the reason behind old turbos being so loud? Is it the old technology or from twin turbos? Talking car like skylines and supras
>Jimmys Astra
I said a car that gets chicks wet. Not a car that wet chicks drive.
nope its the blow off valve the more pressure the bigger the sneeze. if a turbo is louder its because its bigger.
>blow off valve
Thats not how you spell dose pipe
>there are dedicated unironic threads about stance now

didn't jimmy own a stanced BMW a while back?
luckily he made a smart decision and got rid of that thing ASAP before it burned through a set of tires with each trip.
it was a nice beemer but it was wogged and became shit.
anything I should know before changing my fuel filter on my commie?
expect some form of massive crap buildup, being a commie hasn't probably been changed in its lfe
disconnect battery. fuel will be under high pressure so expect to get sprayed with petrol
I've read to disconnect the pump and run it till it stalls, to take away the pressure
that doesnt sound like a good idea to me.
burn out the pump?, should I just throw a rag over it?
That's how you do, disconnect the fuel pump then try to start it, the pressure will be gone,
>Check out facebook for first time in months
>Everyone posting ATAR results
Just when I was feeling good about myself. Being a dropout hurts sometimes
Good ATAR doesn't mean shit at the end of the day, doesn't mean they won't end up like you or worse
>doesn't mean they won't end up like you

At least I dont have any expectations from life, a mediocre job and an engine to play with is all I need.
Didn't mean that in a bad way man
Seconded. I got a 93, which I guess isn't hugely fantastic, but everyone expected me to go and do some crazy engineering course at university.

Now I'm an electrical tradie that works nights and weekends at a supermarket driving a couple of 30 year old cars. Livin' the dream my man.
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hey man, ATAR doesn't mean shit. mine was a bit above 50 and i'm now an ultra-successful neet, I spend all my time on neet stuff like lifting and I earn lots of gains
I also live a much healthier life than most cunts, just woke up from a good sleep
How many gains do you earn an hour?
bout tree fiddy
nah but really, I do make good gains, gone from spooky skeleton at 63kg to less spooky skelly at 70kg in about 2 months
This nigga serious?

can guntree-lowballer-anon give it a go?
>$50,000 for a fucking Mitsubishi Starion
>YES, PRICE IS $49,950 (not a typo),
>redbook value: $2300 - $5200

someone just send him the redbook link.

>Please call or SMS the word "Starion" to mobile and call shall be returned. (Please - only serious buyers. Thank you)
What is this Craigslist?

That's hilarious though.
>Showroom condition
I sent him a message as Jimmy.
why the fuck would he think his shitbox is worth 50k?
is there a way to report ads on carsales? I know there is on scumtree
I want to report this shit and get it taken down because clearly the seller is insane.
There's an immaculate one up for just under 13k.
Still way more than a Starion is worth but at least it makes sense.
He thinks it's "museum condition" but the fucking wheels are aftermarket, it's engine looks dirty as shit and it even has aftermarket speakers drilled onto the doors which looks awful.

Just because it's tidy doesn't mean he can add over 40k to the price, especially if it isn't even all stock like he claims it is.
>aftermarket speakers drilled onto the doors which looks awful

i just saw. they're those big and obnoxious SONY XPLOD ones you see in riceboxes.
buy it then try and sell it to this cunt for $80,000
/dat/ I have 730 days to finish the course I just started. it will probably only take about a month of actually studying to complete. do you think it would be at all possible to get centrelink to give me any money for studying?
worth a try, but idk if they do it for those online courses
yeah, I have a feeling they won't as it's not classed as a full time course. but I guess there is no harm in giving it a try. right?
can you do the course in an actual classroom? they'll pay you if you do it in person instead of online.
How much would it cost to get one with no or a fucked engine?
It should be like $2000-3000 for a good working one, but like MA12 Supras, Gazelles, S13s, Laurels, R31s, etc - drift/track/rally fags push the prices up.
Something like $1000 or so probably. People are generally desperate to get rid of a car that doesn't work.
Thanks guys, would one take a 4G63 without any major work needed?
i've seen ones for about 3-5k on gumtree in average 30 year old car quality

they're insane though. there was a guy who did the same with other cars. there was an ae86 ages ago that was up for 50k or some other stupid price
>buy dirty car
>clean seats, vacuum floor, clean dash and other little cosmetic bits
>value obviously increase by $30,000

Who knew there was so much money in detailing a car! Now I know what I got!
I hope french cars are never popular with youths in this country

although I guess if they were, the value of mine might end up exceeding $3k
there is a 5 day in class session. the rest is online.
that wont be enough. you need to go in at least 2 or 3 days each week instead of just 5 days overall.
well they came with 4g63's iirc, but if you're wanting to upgrade to a more modern model i think there an issue with the transmissions not being able to hold above 250hp and also finding decent rwd trannys
>Drive around everywhere looking for a tailgate latch
>can't find shit
>go to pinch-a-part
>find my car
>everything is on it except the latch
>got full licence last monday
>"yeah you should receive it within 5 working days 'cause we're lazy cunts"

>still haven't received it

when should I call them up
how many days has it been? i'd wait at least a week anyway. dont forget its christmas time too the post office is really backd up.

I'm up for that, wasn't able to come to the last one
Hey is there anything wrong with having 6.5" speakers in the front and 6" in the rear. Got them on sale and couldn't be bothered waiting for them to restock.
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