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Transgender person fired from funeral home

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>A federal judge ruled on Thursday that a Detroit funeral home that "operates as a ministry" was exempt from a law protecting transgender employees because of its owner's Christian beliefs.

>"Christian" beliefs
>Love thy neighbor

I'm pretty sure this isn't how Jesus would have acted, but okay. Let's keep pushing the notion that "Christianity" demands we preclude other people from having any physical rights. For a country that hates the Middle East so much, the U.S. sure has a lot of overlap with Islam's fundamentalist interpretation of Abrahamic doctrines.

I'm not contesting a private ministry's right to act as bigoted as it wants, but I think it's worth pointing out that these people are a bunch of jackasses.

>inb4 /news/ commences a completely frivolous circlejerk of tranny hate from the anonymity of their computer screens
That's sad. They are a multitude of other reasons you could of fired them but being a bigot is not a reason that should be enforced. Customer Complaints (about there being a TG), poor work ethic, Showing up late to work, Not working to standards, harassment or inappropriate language. I could keep going but I'm going to go look at porn now.
A private business can hire, fire, serve, or refuse to serve whoever it wishes.
Fuck off, retard.
nobody likes you
nobody feels comfortable around you
people put you in the same category as the guy in the nuthouse who wants to cut off his legs
nobody will ever accept you

deal with it

(p.s. anti-psychotics are much better at treating your mental illness compared to taking female hormones and turning your penis into a gaping open flesh wound)
This. If a tranny owned a funeral home, I'd support their right to not hire Christians.
ITT: faggots who have never fired someone

Shit is a nightmare, unfortunately workers have rights now. You'd think you can just fire whoever for whatever reason, but in reality you have to follow a robust and fair process.

This whole thing stinks of "my interpretation of the Bible > your interpretation of the Bible" which runs rampant through the USA, and is evidently baked into the justice system. What happened to Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

I am honestly surprised that a judge, and presumably a Christian could make this judgement.
i take solace in the fact you trans fags will eventually kill your dumb ass selves

Don't cut yourselves on that edge there lads.
LGBT people are wierd and the last thing I want to deal with while mourning the recently deceased is deal with the unexpected such as a non passing m/f trans
That isn't edginess like racism though, disgust of trannies is the default of all colours, creeds and races.

My community is not tolerant of them and that is putting it mildly.

I'm sure it is friendo.

And Jesus wept.
Fuck Jesus
People who view themselves as gay or who are transgendered are slightly less than four percent of the american population, but they receive so much attention in the media/pop culture, why?
Private owner.
Don't care why this person was fired, it is his right to do so.
I hope to have the same right when I am running my own business because I would like to hire people based on their work ethics, not their skin color.
Fuck affirmative action.
Media reports on stories relevant to the current special interest groups. This has been happening for nearly 60 years now with a wide array of minority groups. Have you been living in the woods your entire life or something? Or do you not understand such simplistic concepts?
This this this holy shit. The last thing I want to see when buying my late grandfather is a fucking troglodyte in a skirt.

> b-but jesus says
You have zero fucking concept of Christianity if you think trannies are acceptable. Don't preach to us you cunt. We're running out of patience fast

>The last thing I want to see when buying my late grandfather is a fucking troglodyte in a skirt.

Why? Does grief make you horny for men?

I really would like to know how the fuck does it affect you to see a tranny. Like, show me on the doll where it hurts. I'll wait.
It's incredibly disrespectful for someone to be enacting a fetish in fucking funeral home. I didn't think this was such a hard concept to grasp. A time and a place for everything as they say. You want to play dress up in private with your lover? Go right ahead. But show some respect for mourning families and keep that shit away from the public
Can i get a quick reference to the Bible where it states taking hormones and getting surgery to alter your appearance is forbidden and overrides the rule of "Love thy Neighbor"?
Pretty sure the tranny's aren't buttfucking the bodies in-between services, not sure why their existence is so triggering to you
so go burn down the funeral home and all the surrounding churches.
>dont sit on your ass and bitch
I bet the Christians would be a lot more humble if we shot them for being outlandish assholes
Love they neighbor doesn't mean you can sodomize your neighbor because you enjoy sodomy. Jesus will never be pro gay no matter how many pages you rip out.

>enacting a fetish

You make it sound like they have their cocks out all the time. But they don't.

I don't like trannies either but if they're doing their job properly you really have no right to complain.

Cross dressing isn't even a sexual activity in and of itself. You think trannies get off constantly by just wearing different clothes? That's actually all in your own filthy imagination. It's your mind that sexualizes them, not what they're wearing.

So you might want to exercise some self control, and grow a thicker skin, before demanding the termination of an employee based on clothing. It's ridiculous.
> bible talks of loving god's gifts and preaches morals needed to be a good human being
Better start with the mosques then. Last I checked they decapitate gays on a daily basis. Or is it just white people you hate?
>You think trannies get off constantly by just wearing different clothes?
You don't go to /g/ very often, do you.
I'm not demanding they be terminated, but I would not give the home my patronage if my late family member was against degeneracy. The funeral home has every right to fire and hire based on the needs of the company.
The fact that this is apparently news is proof transgender ""issues"" are about bullying christians. No one brings up the trannies denied employment by muslim businesses, but hey, if that bakery doesn't bake that fucking cake we'll ruin their lives

Maybe if the Christian community wasn't made up of such intoletant, self righteous, thin skinned and vocal people, crying moral panic over the stupidest shit (like this case), then maybe they wouldn't be getting so much flak. Maybe it wouldn't be so fractured.

Gays don't have much to gain by pushing acceptance on a foreign minority, and that's why Muslims get away with it.

But it is important to be accepted by the majority. And that's the Christians . Get it? It's not some big conspiracy, it's what you deserve.
Don't know about Jesus but god wiped two cities for this kind of degenerate shit.
mfw the logical argument is ignored by "fervent God-fearing Christians"
the USA is already doing a pretty good job bombing the muslims into the stone age
>but for some reason christians get a pass, fuck that
>preaches morals needed to be a good human being

You may want to read through the entirety of the New Testament, specifically the parts about Original Sin, Jesus' crucifixion and the nature of human salvation. People, by the very nature, are incapable of being good. They can be Christians, but they can't be good Christians. If we could lead moral lives, then what purpose did Jesus' crucifixion serve? Do you even know why Jesus was crucified? (beyond political reasons)

You entirely misunderstand what Christian doctrines are. In fact, I bet most everyone in this thread does.

>trannies can't go to heaven
>sinners go to hell

We're all sinners. There's not a single person in this world who isn't sinning with every breath of air they draw. Being a Christian does not rid you or anyone else of sin, and that will never be the case.
>citation needed
He wept because you're such a huge faggot.
Sodom and Gomorrah were accused (among other issues) of sexual deviancy prior to their 'judgement'
And modern scholars can't even agree that those cities existed, much less where they were

The bible, which is a glorified storybook, is not a valid source.
>sjw posts
Smh tbh fam
America is a country without a religion how is this allowed?
>> bible talks of loving god's gifts and preaches morals needed to be a good human being
I'm lost, I'm asking why people are saying that tranny's aren't allowed according to the christfags, not shitting on the bible/Christianity
This shit right here
The one with no understanding of Christianity is the one here who doesn't know to love thy neighbor. Why do you people give a fuck about what other people do? What people do in their own bedrooms is their business. Also, I could think of less attractive people than trannies. For example, the fat, deformed, or just plain ugly.
>but anon, they can't help that they're ugly/deformed
Trannies can't help being mentally ill. You fags are gonna have to deal with the fact that people are going to appear and act in ways different than most others. It may not be what you're taught in bible school, but we live in a free country where everyone can choose to live the way they want
Well then it's a good thing we're Christians and not kikes

Jesus Christ this. Who would want to bury their beloved ones by a funeral home that's run by clowns and freaks? It's disrespecting and sickening.

Soddom and Gomorrah
Racism is a natural reaction from all races though, its evolution not edginess

Look up babies are racist
>implying fags are human

That was your first mistake.
It can be classified under sodomy, due to the surgery mostly having to so with, surprise surprise, sexual wants. Not to mention it's defiling god's creation i.e. the human body as it should be.

Heretics go to hell, no exception. Stop beleiving the lefty "Church of Nice" heretical interpretation of Christanity.
>anything that draws a hard line against my post-modern ideology is edgy
Lad, as if making yourself look like a leftist couldn't be easier.
>or a country that hates the Middle East so much, the U.S. sure has a lot of overlap with Islam's fundamentalist interpretation of Abrahamic doctrines.
this isn't enforced from the government
its a private business.
>Classified under sodomy
So we're extending sodomy to include preparation FOR the act? Fuck off.
>The human body as it should be
Does that mean scissors and razers are the work of the devil? Since out hair is meant to grow, cutting it must be defiling God's version of Adam.
Man, get a lot of this (literally) butt ravaged faggo
I'm actually a conservative canadian. Sorry I don't fit your boogeyman buddy.
You can barely string together a sentence.
When did /news/ get so fucking fanatically religious?

Why not post the 'Good News' and source the Bible while every one is at it.

It's not racism per say, it's anything that is different, more accurately described as tribalism. Babies are also fucking stupid and shit themselves. They take every bit of knowledge at face value and will continue to do so up until age 7 or until they can think critically. These are not really the things that we should emulate later in life for any reason.

More like Jesus is coming back to wipe you freaks out a long with other degenerate scum

>Destroyed by fire and brimstone

They were scorched from the face of the earth faggot
Lol prove it faggot.
If that were the case then San Fran would have been scorched decades ago.
There are a few people who use extreme religious opinions to troll. But there are a considerable number of people on this site who actually believe that shit.

>Prove what isn't there anymore


It's day will come
This might be a foreign concept to you, but fire and brimstone do not erase entirely. If that were the case then Pompeii wouldn't have very visible ruins.

And yeah, that's how burden of proof works. You have to prove something exists before you can claim that it exists.

Christfags should just kill themselves already.
That's not really helping your argument. An event like that would leave plenty of evidence to support it.
Sandcoon religions, not even once.
/pol/ and /his/ created a lot of role players who don't actually know anything about the religion they pretend to be a part of.
Id wager he's just young.
Considering trannies have a mental disorder. Its called gender dysphoria and should be something to be discorouged instead of being encouraged like it is now.
I mean i don't really give a fuck about lgb. In fact some queers are quite funny and give me a good kek occasionally but transexuality just takes it too far. This isn't religion talking either. I am atheist.
why is it so hard to leave them alone and let them live their lives? what good is it for anyone to discriminate?
It is every bit his right to do so. But some people think that 'being a tranny' isn't grounds for termination. It's quite a shock that a federal judge ruled in favor of the funeral home imo

We have laws to prevent private businesses taking advantage of people, this is a case of the government ruling that a certain business needn't heed the law

Didn't study his Bible
Most likely never existed, but what would it change to the moral of the story?
>Babies are racist = I can be racist too

You people who keep building smaller and smaller barricades around yourselves will only end up self-harming
Shut up nigger.
Because anons like that are insecure about themselves to such a degree that they feel the need to shit on everyone else.

Because when these people breach into very sensitive areas like funeral homes with griefing families it's not funny anymore. You don't invite clowns and freakshows to funerals either. That's just disrespectful. There is a time and place for everything.
Do you know what this person looks like? Or are you just shitposting.
>clowns and freakshows

Can you not distinguish between the two? It's easy for most people.

Oh please. We all know how trannies look like.

What's there to distinguish? It's all people dressing up funnily to make a fool of themselves. Only difference is that one is funny the other is sad
So you're shitposting, cool.

No I'm serious. If you eant that freakshow at your mom's funeral, fine go agead and invite it. But don't push that shit on other people, especially not ones mourning the loss of a beloved one

I like to think of them as people. That's probably why they don't trigger me.

Enjoy foaming out your mouth for no good reason.
Anyone that doesn't believe a private business should be ran exclusively by the owner and who he deems fit is human waste in my eyes. I don't give a fuck who he fired. In his spot I'd sooner close my doors than rehire it. His business his rules. Fuck your discrimination bullshit. Start your own damn funeral homes if youre that passionate about handling the recently deceased
>a private business should be ran exclusively by the owner and who he deems fit

But that's NOT how it works. To be able to hire someone legally, there's rules to be followed.
Some rules state an employee can only be fired for a good reason.

And I'm not sure "he's wearing a dress" is a good reason, even if it's a sign of mental illness, as long as the employee was doing his job.
Why even respond to tumblr bait?
So if you were fired from your job for being an ignorant douche bag you would be find with it because it is within the business owners right?
See, I feel like an Americans right to be themselves is more important than the right of businesses to be "private."
There's a difference between "being yourself" and "being yourself, but without anyone else making decisions based on it". Taken to an extreme, what if "being myself" means being a really shitty worker? Certainly I should be fired for that.

What's the difference between being a shitty worker and being trans? Of course: "one is related to the contract of employment, the other isn't". But what if the job is customer-facing, and many customers are unhappy with the "self" the employee is being?

This isn't a new thing at all. This is just the old debate over piercings and tattoos, only now the public eye is more on sexual identity than deviant fashion.
God hates fags.
You sound like a conservative faggot.

Clowns are people too. I don't discriminate Clowns either. But keep your costumes at appropiate places.
>I don't believe in any of that Christ crap and won't hesitate to shame and mock you for doing so, but maybe I can use it as a prop to bully you into doing what I tell you to do
The businesses are run by people, too, and they have the right to be themselves, too. The customers also have the right to be themselves. If customers don't like the policies of a business, then they can boycott it, and the business will change. There's no reason to get the government involved because it is too susceptible to tyranny of the minority.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn. If a Pakistani Muslim or Saudi Arabian immigrant owned a halal meat shop, should they be forced to keep on an Islamophobic feminist trans female employee who owns some pigs? It's the same situation, but different ideology, than this one of controversy.

Actually, now that I think of it, I wonder how the public would react if a Halal meat shop fired an employee because they owned pigs. I wonder if the public would even know about such a happening.
Now you're just assuming the rest of the world sees this the same way you do. You are relying on "what if people don't like interacting with a tranny"

When in all likelihood they'd never even know
So this might be news to you but there's actual laws that govern how a business can treat it's employees. Firing someone because you don't like the fact that they are a tranny isn't good enough grounds for termination, frankly.

The newsworthy part of this story is that a judge decided the funeral home was exempt from employment law. Really surprising decision IMO.
>what is employment law
Jesus Christ are you fifteen?
Where does it say in the bible you can't be transgender?
Well I guess you're right, clowns must be sad since nobody wants a clown at there birthday parties anymore
I think you're an asshole. We might as well not hire people for being ugly right? Nobody wants to see an ugly person at a funeral, they're already mourning at a loss of a loved one right?
REALITY CHECK: nobody fucking cares who's working at the funeral home, probably the only person they give a slight shit about is the priest and I'm pretty sure there's no transgender priests
>refuse to serve
See title II, stupid faggot

I mean yeah you wouldn't let an uncombed stinking idiot who wears a dirty shirt and crocs work at a funeral home. That would be highly disrespectful too.
Nobody demands photoshop models but everyone can be neat looking at least.

I know you were trying to be smug but now you made it more sound like the Trannies are the clowns and the clowns are the people you should have compassion for
So now all trannies are uncombed stinking idiots who wear dirty shirts and crocs to work at a funeral home?
It's not necessarily a religious thing.
I support anyone hiring, firing, serving, or not serving anyone else for any possible reason.
I'm talking about what the law should be, not what it is.

In practice that isn't true, no business is 100% "private" in the modern world, since a business is essentially a contract with the government, so you have to abide by their rules.

>(p.s. anti-psychotics are much better at treating your mental illness compared to taking female hormones and turning your penis into a gaping open flesh wound)
Actually, they're not. Anti-psychotics have their uses, but treating gender dysphoria is not one of them.

Not everyone feels disgusted by trannies, stop projecting.

Where in the Bible does it say trannies are unacceptable? There are Christian trannies you know, not everyone has the same interpretation of everything as you do.

Trannies are not "enacting a fetish", any more than men wearing suits are.

Isn't Sodomy mainly about desire for sexual intercourse? Gender transition may be a want based around the sex of your body, but that's a different thing from sexual intercourse. Would you think someone wanting surgery to repair their penis after having it damaged in an accident is sodomy?

>Not to mention it's defiling god's creation i.e. the human body as it should be.
So is basically every kind of surgery. Not to mention that this line of reasoning totally rejects "god helps those who help themselves".

nice argument

It's not something that can be "encouraged" or "discouraged". All that can be done is try to treat it

It should only be based on things relevant to the job. I'm actually okay with people being fired for behavior off the job, but only if it's relevant to their performance at their job. If it has nothing to do with job performance, you shouldn't use it as a reason to fire someone. If customers complain that a worker being trans makes them uncomfortable, then it makes sense, but otherwise, preemptively firing them for basically no reason makes little sense
So basically fuck people's rights, Muh Freedom, Muh something something

Good work anon
>fuck people's rights,
What about my right to serve whoever I wish?
My private business should be able to do whatever I wish.
If you aren't served, you can always go to any other similar business.
>Trannies are not "enacting a fetish", any more than men wearing suits are.
Men wear suits to be respected by other men, trannies cut off their dicks to feel good.

You can't change your sex, trannies know this, so why do they still try?
Because they're perverts. Perverts I don't wants to serve. >>68712
>not everyone has the same interpretation of everything as you do.
What if my interpretation says that God hates fags?
Should I have to make cakes for a ceremony I typically think of as holy for those I think of as unholy?
Why can't they get their cake somewhere else?
>trannies cut off their dicks to feel good.
So? Other people might shave, wear different clothes, etc, to feel good.

>You can't change your sex, trannies know this, so why do they still try?
Because changing your body to be more like the opposite sex is good enough. I mean, I might have zero chance of ever becoming a millionaire, but that doesn't mean it makes sense for me to not even try to rise above abject poverty.

>What if my interpretation says that God hates fags?
>Should I have to make cakes for a ceremony I typically think of as holy for those I think of as unholy?
>Why can't they get their cake somewhere else?
All of this stuff is a non-issue if you keep it to yourself. But the moment you open a business, you're agreeing to follow the laws regarding businesses. If your religion prevents you from following those laws, you shouldn't open a business in the first place.
>Should I have to make cakes for a ceremony I typically think of as holy for those I think of as unholy?

Do whatever you want, but if this is your interpretation of what it means to be a Christian, you're completely misinformed. There's nothing holy or sacred about this world or anything that occurs in it. You, trannies, thieves, murderers and everybody else are all on the same level. Doesn't matter how much you pray, repent, or try to be a "good" Christian - you are as equally with sin as everybody else, and always will be.

Preserving the "sanctity" of some institution on this earth is utterly without purpose. There is no sanctity in anything. Everything in this world is sin. Every. Single. Thing. Your only purpose in this existence is to find Jesus, receive salvation and await your death. You cannot make this world a better place. You cannot better yourself or others. The *only* thing you can do is accept Jesus and wait for death to remove you from this sin-ridden, hopeless environment. This is the entire basis of Christianity.

God does not care about the sanctity of your wedding cakes. God does not care about the existence of gender dysphoria. God does not care that you are making confections for people dressed in a specific style of clothing. In the totality of your mortal life, none of these things will ever matter. What does matter is that you've accepted Jesus. Have you accepted Jesus? Well, there you go. That is the only thing that being a Christian entails.

I can't stop you from wanting to go out of your way to make this already shitty world an even shittier place for specific individuals, but you're definitely wasting your time with this attitude.
I'm not religious. Frankly I'm gearing up for the inevitable conversion to Islam we're probably going to have to perform because we're a bunch of guilt tripping pussies and they're going to stomp the shit out of us while we thank them for doing so.
We need to get away from this "I can serve or not serve whoever I like because freedom" business, that's an entirely different conversation.

We're talking about firing someone. And even though you seem to be having trouble understanding it, people other than you also have rights, and are protected by laws.
Including for racist reasons? That's retarded.
Well, /news/ is officially /new/ now.
>Christian trannies

>Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. Philippians 3:2

>In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Romans 1:27
Why do trannies cut off their cocks? You don't need a vagina to be feminine, and having a fleshwound for a vagina is unattractive as all hell. I could date a tranny as long as they still had their cock.
>>Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. Philippians 3:2
"Mutilators of the flesh" isn't specific to trannies, it could cover basically any form of surgery, or even circumcision (which is the norm in America regardless of religion).

>>In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Romans 1:27
That's more about homosexuality than being trans. Trans women see themselves as women, so they wouldn't see the issue with dating men (the same reasoning is how they get around the biblical prohibition on crossdressing).
this is good. transexuals are an abomination. they need to be wiped from.the earth. no worries your refugees are coming to help with this.
like I give a fuck about 1% of the people over the other 99%. transexuals are disgusting. kill them all
I love how all of you liberal fucks are so quick to defend Muslims even though they stone gays and force women to follow strict rules of submission to an actual patriarchy, as opposed to the made up one that feminists fantasize about in America. Muslims could kill this employee in the street and none of you would bat an eye but a Christian fires him and everyone puts on their fedoras and gives the big anti Christianity speech because you're butthurt that your parents made you go to church a few times a year. Look, I'm an atheist and I think they're both rather illogical ideologies, I just think you guys are fucking hypocrites.
maybe because america is a christian majority country and not a muslim majority one you burgerizing moron? Why would americans care why some some sandmonkeys stone women or trannies to death?
>I love how all of you liberal fucks are so quick to defend Muslims even though they stone gays and force women to follow strict rules of submission to an actual patriarchy, as opposed to the made up one that feminists fantasize about in America
Liberals are opposed to discrimination against Muslims, like banning them from the country and so on. That doesn't mean they think it's okay for them to actually go around hurting people. And western culture is a patriarchy, it may be less explicit and more liberal than what you see in Muslim majority countries, but patriarchy just means a society where men are "the norm".
>a society where men are "the norm".

Yeah, that's why women get special treatment, programs, and fucking laws while men get told to "Toughen the fuck up" and "Be a man".

Women live longer, get better educations, and are hired into positions with less experience and skills than a male counterpart due to the bigoted "Affirmative action". Get bent.
>Yeah, that's why women get special treatment, programs, and fucking laws while men get told to "Toughen the fuck up" and "Be a man".
If men weren't the norm, what women would receive wouldn't be considered "special treatment". And by your reasoning, being royalty was the norm in medieval Europe, since they were better off than non-royalty.
No one said anything about your right to serve whoever you want. That's another discussion that I'll get to later.
>what if my interpretation says that God hates fags?
You're wrong if you think your God hates anyone, or wants you to hate anyone for him. Also, transsexuals aren't perverts; they're mentally ill. They can't help the way they are, and I'd be willing to bet their illness doesn't harm/inconvenience anyone around them
>I can choose to not serve fags
You're wrong. Just as you aren't able to turn away blacks, you're also not able to turn away gays.
>b-but my rights
Correct. We all have rights. We can worship whoever we want, and practice whatever religion we choose. However those rights have limits. We are only allowed those rights so long as they don't interfere with the rights of others, or cause others to be treated like second class citizens.

Honestly we shouldn't be having this conversation. Others may disagree, but there is only a 50-50 chance your god exists. Based on that assumption, I'd say that hating certain groups because he mandates it is the dumbest fucking thing you could spend your life doing. You all hate fags because you want to get into heaven, but never considered how to make a heaven on earth
Marriage is a sacred bond on earth and in heaven. I'm sorry to inform you that homosexual marriages are not recognized by God or Jesus Christ by old and new testament standards and are an affront to Christianity. It's important to note, Jesus loves the people who are going to hell. They will still be punished if they can't turn away from their sin.
I'm afraid to say that churches the world over are marrying fags left right and centre, move with the times or be left behind
There is no normal. Life is not a zero sum game.
>I'm pretty sure this isn't how Jesus would have acted, but okay. Let's keep pushing the notion that "Christianity" demands we preclude other people from having any physical rights. For a country that hates the Middle East so much, the U.S. sure has a lot of overlap with Islam's fundamentalist interpretation of Abrahamic doctrines.

You know what's worse than a Christfag? An Atheist who acts like they understand Christianity.

Fuck off, take the Christians with you, and neck yourselves.
>It's important to note, Jesus loves the people who are going to hell. They will still be punished if they can't turn away from their sin.
Does Jesus not have the power to prevent them from being punished? If he does, then why is he choosing for people to be punished simply for loving who they love?

"Norms" do exist though. Every culture has a notion of what is "expected". It has nothing to do with life not being a zero-sum game.
Why is /news/ so filled with sjws ?
Why would he? The abrahamic god is clearly against your deviance. And unlike liberal values, actual traditional values teach you that actions have consequences.
He most likely can considering he is god, because christianity isn't some degenerate neo-hedonistic philosophy.
>The abrahamic god is clearly against your deviance.
If the abrahamic god wishes harm on those who harm no one, he cannot be said to be good.

>And unlike liberal values, actual traditional values teach you that actions have consequences.
What consequences of being trans are you referring to here? The consequence of going to hell for being trans, is, by your own admission, not something inherent, but rather something God CHOOSES to do. It's the equivalent of a shooter targeting people who wear blue, and then turning around and saying "See? Wearing blue has negative consequences." You wouldn't say the shooter is "teaching people that their actions have consequences", you'd say he's a madman. Why don't you apply the same reasoning to your god?

>He most likely can considering he is god
Again, if God is choosing to harm those who harm no one, that basically means he's evil. He's no better than a dictator who murders anyone who disagrees with him. Actually, dictators like Hitler and Stalin have a better claim to being morally good, because those rebelling against a dictatorship tend to use violent methods that can potentially harm innocent bystanders. The same is not true of trannies, however.
Because the last decade or so was the fruition of long fight for equal rights?
>If the abrahamic god wishes harm on those who harm no one, he cannot be said to be good.

The Abrahamic tradition answers you in the following manner:
>“Who is this that obscures my plans
> with words without knowledge?
>Brace yourself like a man;
> I will question you,
> and you shall answer me.

>“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
> Tell me, if you understand.
>Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
> Who stretched a measuring line across it?
>On what were its footings set,
> or who laid its cornerstone—
>while the morning stars sang together
> and all the angels shouted for joy?

More specifically Christian tradition answers you with:
>"No one is good--except God alone."

In other words: you have no right to question God. There is a strict moral hierarchy, and no matter what conclusions you reach, no matter what thoughts you think, anything you balance against God's will must (in the Abrahamic tradition) come out as strictly less. It is not possible to prove that God is evil, or that He is a hypocrite, or anything like that in the Abrahamic tradition, because above everything is the axiom "God's choices are worth more than anything else". If God chooses to damn uncountably many souls to unfathomable, eternal torture, then that is just, because God chose it.

If you choose to view God's actions from a non-Abrahamic moral standpoint (while still accepting the existence of God, which is rather odd, since it is rather difficult to define the Abrahamic God in a way that does not include being the author of morality), you get a paradox: any hypothetical existence similar to our own involves some pain/death/waste, therefore if God made any of them, he would be morally culpable, therefore he shouldn't have. Then the only moral thing for God to do would be to not make the universe, or to make something so different from our own that we wouldn't call it "existence". This conclusion is unappealing to many.
I've lieterally never argued with a degenerate that has any imagination. Which is quite surprising considering the lengths to which you all go to convince others that you are in fact not the scum of the earth.
What you think is good or bad is completely irrelevant. You as a mortal cannot judge a deity to be good or bad. Whatever god does is neither good, nor bad. It is divine and it simply is.
Consequences like damning your soul by being a sinful degenerate. One thing we know for sure about god is that he gave us free will. It is trough this freedom that he cannot pluck your nu-male ass from eternal damnation. Consequences are the price of free will.
>>“Who is this that obscures my plans
>> with words without knowledge?
If God is unwilling to explain his plan to me, I want no part in it. It's an insult to my intelligence. Anyone can do anything and CLAIM it's for your own good. If the government seperated you from your family and sent you all to concentration camps, saying "it's for your own good, you don't know enough to understand" would you believe them?

>>"No one is good--except God alone."
This definition of "good" is utterly ridiculous. By your logic, if God decided it was right for people to massacre thousands of innocent civilians, you'd say that was the moral thing to do.

>If you choose to view God's actions from a non-Abrahamic moral standpoint (while still accepting the existence of God, which is rather odd, since it is rather difficult to define the Abrahamic God in a way that does not include being the author of morality), you get a paradox: any hypothetical existence similar to our own involves some pain/death/waste, therefore if God made any of them, he would be morally culpable, therefore he shouldn't have. Then the only moral thing for God to do would be to not make the universe, or to make something so different from our own that we wouldn't call it "existence". This conclusion is unappealing to many.
I think it's much more satisfying and logical to view God the way the ancient Greeks viewed their gods - as superior beings, yet not infallible - neither infinitely power nor infinitely moral.

> One thing we know for sure about god is that he gave us free will. It is trough this freedom that he cannot pluck your nu-male ass from eternal damnation. Consequences are the price of free will.
So then here is my question. Does God look at us and say "He's a degenerate, I'm going to send him to hell?" Or would degenerates go to hell even if God wasn't in the picture?
Ignore this poster. Classical SJW. Either spouting retarded analogies to make himself look right in completely different situations, ignoring unrefutable points and moving goalposts.
>If God is unwilling to explain his plan to me, I want no part in it. It's an insult to my intelligence

God has explained His plan to you. Or at least the part your tiny brain can understand. You're literally trying to comprehend something for whom time and space have no meaning with a sack of meat originally intended to get bananas out of trees, and you're complaining that it isn't all perfectly laid out for you in apespeak, and that other apes might be mean so that means God must be too. Get off your high horse.
what is the means of transmission of God's plan to you, or anybody? is it the Bible? a work of man that has been edited and re-worked and re-re-re-translated for a thousand years? is it your pastor or priest? a fallable human being, no wiser or more divine than any other human being? or are you just pulling this stuff out of the air?

bitch all you want about SJW boogeymen, but conservative Christians have their own unfathomable bullshit. your entire worldview is predecated on believe of a particular set of myths. if someone else doesn't believe, let alone know about, your set of fantasies, how are you supposed to judge them? it's like shouting at baseball players for not dribbling the ball.
Ignore this poster. Classical nu-evangelist. Either picking and choosing pieces of the Bible to make himself look right in completely different situations, ignoring unrefutable points and moving goalposts.
>Religious people

Not even once, fucking mentally ill freaks.
What is "SJW" about that post? Admittedly, I am what many here would consider a SJW, but I don't see that having anything to do with my post above. I just think saying "anything God says is right, is right, regardless of whether it helps or hurts people" is absurd. In fact, I've seen people accuse SJWs of similar logic, using sarcastic strawmen like "there's nothing wrong with Muslims raping people, it's part of their culture!" Or of course the anti-SJWs who accuse SJWs of viewing feminism like a religious dogma, saying that if you think it's flawed that's just proof you don't understand it.

Any practical system of morality should be based on how actions affect ourselves and others. Anything else, like whether or not we will be rewarded in the afterlife, is pretty much unknowable. You may feel confident that your beliefs represent God's true will, but Islamic terrorists who expect to be rewarded in the afterlife for slaughtering innocent civilians feel the same way too. And you probably think "Well, they're worshiping a false God". But they think the same thing about you. We cannot know, just from the words written in the Bible, that they represent the truth about God, most people with deep religious faith feel some sort of "spiritual sixth sense" (for lack of a better term) that reveals to them the nature of God. The problem is that many people feel this spiritual connection with God, yet have differing beliefs about God. That means either God appears radically different to different people (telling some that killing is wrong, telling others that killing is right) or that there is one, consistent God, and most who feel they have knowledge of God are wrong. If the latter is true, it is very unlikely that any one person believes in the "true" God.
No. You're missing the point. The transgender crowd are the outlandish ones, and not a day goes by that they aren't increasingly asshole about it.
I suppose LGBT and BLM are never going to understand that their agendas are more domineering, oppressive, aggressive, and intolerant than the false victimhood they parade around because they get their jollies from doing so.
Fuck 'em. Let them keep pushing for societal collapse, let the revolution come, and let the chips fall where they may. Pretty sure the trannies and BLM crowd won't last long.
These questions have all been debated by theologians over the years: Christian philosophy used to be the practice of very detailed scholarship instead of the contents of smug bumper stickers. I'm very ignorant myself, but here are some things I've read, distilled:

- God judge the ignorant innocent, He may judge them guilty, or He may judge them according to some other rule. This is not terribly important, because since we (the theologians who wrote this down) are not ignorant, and neither are you (who is reading something written by theologians). God sees no reason to explain this part of His plan to you; this is question that should never really come up, because:
- Believers should evangelize to the ignorant, because this is God's will. Believers should not try to game the system, either by refusing to evangelize on the grounds that perhaps it might condemn someone who might otherwise be ignorant, nor should they take the approach of Westboro Baptist Church and evangelize in a manner intentionally calculated to repel the ignorant. Since it takes something like thirty seconds to say "You are human, therefore flawed, and you will be held accountable for these flaws, which are impossible for you to fix on your own. Luckily, God loves the world enough that he exploited a loophole in his own system to save you if you just accept that salvation", believers should spend their effort doing that, rather than worrying about what will happen if they don't.
- God has probably ensured that the early church collected the works he intended to be preserved. Translation errors probably exist, but where critical (ὁμοούσιος vs. ὁμοιούσιος, for example), we're pretty sure it's correct now, and leave it up to God to deal with the mess that came from the confusion before.

Christian apologetics probably has an answer for any question you could ask, and some of the answers are even pretty reasonable - it's not all "Credo quia absurdum" and such.
>Let them keep pushing for societal collapse
They're not "pushing for societal collapse", it's their opponents who would rather burn society to the ground then allow equal rights.
Expecting not to be fired for your identity as a person is hardly outlandish

If anyone is the asshole it's the guy who turned his back on his employee

You don't know what you're talking about. There are states in the US wherein you can be terminated without any formal, official reason and there is nothing the employee can do about it.

I don't know, society was functioning pretty damn well before. The entire 'equality' movement has always been at the expense of others and there is no hard data to support any kind of benefit.
Although there is such a thing as "at will" employment in the US, this is far from the norm, and is contravened by normal employment agreements. Federal anti discrimination laws do protect employees from discriminatory termination, even at will employees.

A competent civil lawyer would point out any lack of evidence of poor performance, reviews of said performance, disciplinary procedures, etc... does not support a lawful termination.

An employer is not protected from lawsuits by at will employment anyway, and can be required to show their termination was not discriminatory in a lawsuit.

The real story here is the judge overturning the tranny's very real complaint of discriminatory termination. Pretty much saying "federal law does not matter in this case."
>no hard data to support any kind of benefit
I gather you see this all as a zero sum game, if someone benefits, then other people have to suffer. I disagree, at the very least you should be able to agree that having people fired from their jobs for no reason is bad for the country.
do you have any hard data to support your position that everything was better before, and that these darn equality mongers are the cause of all ill?
Hope you guys have your tetanus shots, 'cause this edge is twelve years old.
>I don't know, society was functioning pretty damn well before.
You could say the same about pretty much everything - society was better before the internet, automobiles, airplanes, electricity, indoor plumbing, steam power, etc.

Love your neighbor by not tolerating their disrespect of God. Doy.
There is a 50-50 chance your god even exists. Why in the fuck would you hate/discriminate against someone just because he might dislike it?
cry more faggot
>crying moral panic over the stupidest shit (like this case)

This mental illness called transgenderism is not stupid and should be taken VERY seriously.
t. never read Leviticus
>This mental illness called transgenderism is not stupid and should be taken VERY seriously.
It is taken seriously, by the professionals whose responsibility it is to help people who have medical conditions. It's really none of the employer's, or random Christians' business unless it affects their job performance or is putting others at risk.

No, it is everyone's business. People do not live in microcosms.

Because they all got kicked off of /pol/.

Just try posting something "offensive" to them and it's a dead thread, /news/ or not.
I love it how quick you wastes of breath jump to attack a private business doing what it wants, but if it were some business forcing people to call shemales by whatever pronoun they want, then you'd applauding it ovation.
Perfect, be whoever you are. But if I don't like you I'm not hiring you

t. Business owner
So if a normal person tried to go to work buck naked would we be having this conversation? Nudists believe that they should be naked as it is the natural state we are born in. Nothing sexual about it but it's not appropriate at a funeral home.
Because of the freak acceptance movement Christians are watching the fall of a once great nation that they built. If you don't like Christian beliefs why don't you go somewhere that is more to your liking or go start your own country. I hear there's a giant ball of floating trash somewhere sounds like that would be a perfect place for you to start a colony for all the phobia sufferers. You can take the Islamists, the fatties, trannies, genderqueers, all the xirs, shims, whatever the fuck else and leave this Christian country.
I have hired and fired my share of morons and freaks. Never had to fire a tranny though. It's actually super simple start writing them up for the simple violations of company policy.

No smoking within 25 feet of the building violation 1

No using company time to play on the face books or tumbling websites violation 2

No sodomizing other employees in the restrooms on company time violation 3

You're being given an opportunity to find a job that better suits you have a nice day.

P.s. Sodom and Gomorrah were leveled to the ground in brimstone and hellfire because normal people were having sex out of wedlock. What do you think his stand on dudes mutilating the cocks he gave them so they can have two holes to get sodomized.
Sodom and Gomorrah was about normal people doing it out of wedlock and he got so possed he levelled the place with a fire so strong if you saw it burn it turned you into salt. WTF do you think his stance on genital mutilation to have extra fuck holes is?
There's a difference between a sinner and someone who is flawed. A sinner doesn't give a fuck he sins because he likes it he has turned his back on the lord for carnal pleasures. A flawed man sins and repents realizing he has sinned and asks for forgiveness for his transgressions all the while working to better himself not get the dick God gave him split in two and stuffed up inside himself.
>No smoking within 25 feet of the building violation 1
whats with this 25 feet meme?
don't you guys have a
Of course it's a fucking storybook moron it's just like grims fairytales you use it to teach kids not to do stupid shit or they will burn either in a witches oven or hell.
Trannies are the embodiment of sodom mans lying with man. Which is a no no Leviticus 18:22.
And if I choose to be a righteous man you have to accept me throwing them off your roof or are certain things not ok to do in public?
That's the difference between science and faith one you have to prove the other you have to have. It's fucked up like that but if they're right or wrong they won't burn if you right your ok if your wrong your in for a world of hurt.

Personally there's not much that can break me down any further so fuck it im going to enjoy this go around as much as I can.
I can build whatever walls I want this is Amurica I'm free to do what I want
It's pretty easy to distinguish between a clown and a tranny one is fount at a rodeo being chased by a bull while the other is found at a bar being chased by a bull.
I highly doubt if it had been good at hiding it's dick and doing its job appropriately we wouldn't be having this convo.
I've been written up for being an arrogant douche bag and realized I needed to change my personality if I wanted to have a job that involved interpersonal interactions.

Maybe the tranny should have made that same self realization instead of going crying to the newspapers.
Nope we had highly combustible materials and the county ordinance said 25 feet
It got fired because it didn't want to wear a suit. Clearly everyone would have interacted with it because the issue was a company dress code violation.
Fired for violating the company dress code not for being a freak.
Leviticus 18:22 don't fuck other dudes that applies to cutting your dick I two stuffing it inside of yourself and getting dudes to fuck your new dick hole
Fired for the same reason you wouldn't let a homeless person be the greeter at a Walmart. They have to have a uniform.
Neither of these say sexual identification gender yes but not sexual identification. He was hired as a man and is expected to continue to show up to work in a suit. If he decides to change his appearance they can choose to change his employment status.

"race, color, religion, or national origin"
No they're dudes and gals that want to show up in the opposite clothing.
Meant for>>68551
Wouldn't abide by a company dress code got fired seems like a reason to get fired.
Trans women see themselves as women

But the lord sees them as the men he created them to be
Then leave go to canada if you don't want to live in patriochal Amurica. Do as your forefathers did and GTFO if you're feeling oppressed so damn much
He gave us a rule book and said follow this or burn. You can choose whichever you like but when others don't want to associate with you because they think your going to drag them to hell with you you can't cry.

Drivers manual says
"Don't drive on the left side of the road or another car will hit you"

You decide to drive on the left and get into a head on collision and then get out crying 'why did that car hit me! I was clearly driving on the left why didn't he go around!'
So all the towns BLM has burned to the ground didn't happen? I guess that CVS in Baltimore spontenously combusted?
But you should expect to get fired for not following company dress code
The ruling said federal law doesn't matter in a case of repeated company dress code violation
Stop bumping this thread you trannie niggers. This was barely news 2 weeks ago when it actually happened.
No one is fired for no reason they might get laid off of the demand for product is lowered or for poor performance but I can guarantee no one has ever said I'm going to fire Steve today I feel like he needs to get fired.
I'm trying to love my neighbor by showing him his evil ways are going to send him to hell
To be honest I could definitely suspect the pastor was already looking to get rid of the tranny, and just needed a good excuse. This whole thing would be a comedy of errors if that was the case
Workers have rights too anon, trannies are the flavor of the month right now, but the same stuff happened with niggers and Irish too. Also
>private business flagrantly breaks the law
>ends up in court
>judge acknowledges lawbreaking then rules in favor of criminal
It's a pretty interesting story
Some people believe that you choose to be a nudist, but you don't choose your gender
>Christian country
>doesn't banish people who have sex when she's on her period
What kind of Christians are you if you don't even follow the word of God?
Bible is very clear on guys who have their dick or balls cut off in Deuteronomy, he may never join the assembly of God.

But then this is the same book that says someone who is raped must marry their rapist only a few verses later, and that you must kill anyone who isn't a Christian.

And that's not mentioning what it says about beards, divorce, or wearing multiple kinds of cloth at once.
I hope you don't eat shellfish anon, Leviticus 11:10

And make sure your always wear a hat, Leviticus 10:6
You should probably read the article before posting fam
You should definitely read the article before posting
I sure hope you don't own any land or property anon, it is forbidden in Leviticus 25:23

And 18:22 forbids gay sex, not self mutilation
That's not the reason they were fired tho, they were fired because they announced that they were going to transition, and apparently the pastor couldn't abide that
You should have read the article before posting
Then leave go to canada if you don't want to live in sjw Amurica. Do as your forefathers did and GTFO if you're feeling oppressed so damn much
Do you follow your own rule book? Or do you pick and choose which rules you want to follow?
Not what the tranny was fired for, Jesus Christ did anyone read the actual article?
I dunno m8, this pastor up and decided he was going to fire this tranny for being a tranny just the other day
why do people focus so much on love thy neighbor? i mean, god created an ENTIRE nation just to be slaughtered for the isrealites or whatever just so they wouldnt get lax in their combat skills.

knowing how bloodthirsty god is compared to satan id interpret love thy neighbor as "support your local businesses" in modern terms.

basically, you cant just ignore everything else god and jesus did just because of a single sentence. you become just as bad as the christians who ignore their own entire scripture and focus on a few specific sentences.
>for being

thats a reason. a shitty one or not, its literally, the why
It's in a completely different ballpark to
>demand for product is low
>poor performance
Which are completely reasonable and happen all the time. This tranny was fired because the boss doesn't want to have a tranny around
I know right, people should go back to the old testament to inform their world view, gas the kikes, race war now
Why is this thread still going on?
It looks like some faggot got online Thursday morning and replied to just about every post in the thread one by one

Then more, should just sage every post
By that logic, we might as well start firing people for preferring Star Trek over Star Wars.

No, actually I wouldn't.

You might have grounds to fire/not hire if they're unable to meet the dress code requirements.

America and Europe aren't really Christian countries, not in the sense they're talking about. They're largely secularized, the law and much of the culture is separated from the Christian faith. The Islamic Middle East has more in common with traditional Christian values than the secular West does.

By running a business, you're agreeing to follow a separate set of rules. If they conflict with your religious faith, you have to choose one over the other.

>I'm trying to love my neighbor by showing him his counter-revolutionary ways are going to send him to the gulag
If you truly loved your neighbor, you would sacrifice your life in an attempt to destroy this unjust "God" who wants to sentence people to eternal punishment for actions that hurt no-one.

BLM is composed exclusively of trannies?
>I'm pretty sure this isn't how Jesus would have acted
You're absolutely correct. He wouldn't have acted at all because he never fucking existed
But let's ay your imaginary Jew comic book character did exist in the fashion said comics portray him for the sake of argument.
More than likely he would have forced the Christian to give in to the degenerates because Jesus was a commie shit that opposed violence, self defence, and loved tolerance(ie: he was the country of Sweden)
absolutely. but its still literally a "sport", if we are talking different ballparks. we WERE talking about
>No one is fired for no reason
not even the old testament. jesus flipped tables at people selling jewellry in churches, and the saying "turn the other cheek" was actually most likely considered the most offensive thing you could do. he also condemned a man to hell, despite probably being able to spend like 60 seconds more explaining what NOT to do.
Goodness me, it seems like you'd be following a completely different religion if you took the lessons in the Bible at face value
>not existing
someone get this hothead outta here

>" im.pretty sure....."
>goes on to show anon knows nothing...

You think the right of one person over rides anothers right? Cretin.
Imposing yourself is a physical right :D

Not associating with things your faith say are abominations is bigoted
Believing you were born the opposite sex with no knowledge of what opposite sex feels nor their biology and solely due to social constructs only, isnt a mental illness and should be encouraged....
Call me Mr furry...im a fox born as a human...dont be bigot. Change all government forms to male female trans amd foxman....
Two hols better than one?
>with no knowledge of what opposite sex feels nor their biology and solely due to social constructs only
False. It's largely due to hormone levels in the womb, causing the brain to be more biologically like that of the opposite sex. Even before they really know the difference between boys and girls, trannies realize they have some kind of "hardware conflict".

op is the nigger who bitches about xtians then imports isis because of a pic of a dead kid.
You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
[Citation Needed]

is a pretty good overview. Yeah, it's Wikipedia, but it references and cites various studies. In any case, the theory described by >>70521, that transgenderism is purely due to social ideas about gender, doesn't seem to be considered credible by the academic community. Blanchard's theories (discussed in the Wiki article) are kind of an example of the "social ideas about gender" theory, as he believed androphilic (attracted to males) male-born trans people ended up that way because they felt that gender transition was more acceptable than being gay. His theories aren't really considered credible any more though, because they over-emphasized the connection between gender identity and sexuality.
You should look up studies on mice in the womb, females who receive more testosterone, because they have males on either side of them end up behaving like male mice, and vice versa
So I did a bit of reading around this whole thing.

Churches and other religious institutions are specifically exempt from anti discrimination laws in my country, so they can refuse to hire a priest because they are gay, etc.

It's not a big stretch to imagine that funeral homes and churches are similarly protected in America.
Are funeral homes inherently religious institutions the way churches are? In any case I think exempting religious organizations from any laws is a slippery slope, because once religion is acknowledged as a LEGAL entity, true separation of church and state is no longer really possible.
The funeral home wasn't exempt from a protection law 'because of it's owner's Christian beliefs' you moron.

A MINISTRY that ALSO operates as a funeral home (as part of it's ministerial services) had it's intended operation as a place of worship protected by it's rightful religious liberties, respectively by not being forced to include non-believers into it's operation (namely, a scripturally immoral transsexual), which would be tainting and unlawfully interfering with it's parishioners' faiths.

The little prick can go work at an unaffiliated funeral home if he wishes, where he isn't liable to offend the customers by his actions.

That said...
That is exactly how Jesus would've acted, except he might've been able to redeem the tranny dolt right there and then.

1 Corinthians 5:11
"But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people."

We have an obligation of non-association with certain degrees of degenerate, beyond helping them back into the light if they show willingness.

So yes, those are 'Christian' beliefs, and morons like you who don't know jack about biblical morals shouldn't presume about what Jesus would or would not do.

Love thy neighbor didn't include the unrepentant immoral barbarian peoples of the promised land when Israel was ordered to destroy them, and neither does it include extending anything beyond common courtesy to similar corrupting scum today. Forceful association with them is certainly not included in this. They are also free to stay away from us, given our differences.

We treat them with a DISTANT basic respect because it was not assigned to us as with the Hebrews to dole out punishment in God's name, but rather to spread the message of redemption only, and He himself will sort them in the end.

Good luck with that, OP, being a faggot and all.
nice bait
In this case I think it would fall under the umbrella because it's an actual pastor running the show. If he wasn't an employee of the church then maybe the judge might have gone the other way

Where I live the Anglican church is in the middle of going through marrying gays. The way the law that legalised it was worded left churches able to decide not to marry faggots if it's against their religious beliefs.

I guess it's immoral to pass a law that says "you have to do this thing even if you believe it's wrong."
I sure hope you haven't been wearing mixed fabrics anon, the Bible is pretty clear on that.
>I guess it's immoral to pass a law that says "you have to do this thing even if you believe it's wrong."
Pretty much all laws are like that though. Murder is illegal even if you think killing people is the moral thing to do.
Perhaps more complicated philosophically, but in the real world there's a tangible difference between Christianity and some made up religion where you have to murder people.

>inb4 Christianity is all about murdering nonbelievers
>inb4 blood for the blood god
The point is that there's no real concrete distinction between what's a "real religion" and what isn't, so if you let people do whatever their religion says, it's possible to justify literally everything. So rather than having moral exemptions from the law, for the law to be consistent, the law has to stand on its own, and be followed regardless of whether you agree with it or not.
Holy shit fucking ayylmao
>not understanding why they were forbidden to mix clothes and actually believing it was about clothes....
>implying you shouldn't take a similar approach when interpreting what the Bible says about homosexuality etc
The reason gay sex was forbidden was because it could not lead to reproduction, and was a waste of time. So honestly, if you're going to follow that aspect of Leviticus, you should view watching porn and using any kind of birth control (including the rhythm method) as just as bad.
The real reason why gay sex was forbidden was to protect young boys from predators
No, that wasn't the reasoning in the Bible. The notion of "sexual predators" barely even existed back then, but the notion of "sex is for reproduction" definitely did. Also note that Leviticus SPECIFICALLY forbid men to lie with men, it said nothing about men lying with boys.
so they magically understand exactly what its like to be in a body they have never experienced.
That's what their brain is telling them. Think of it like a computer, if you start it up for the first time without the keyboard plugged in, it will say: KEYBOARD NOT DETECTED, even though it's never had the experience of having a keyboard plugged in.
But Ezekiel said that THE besetting sin of Sodom was that it lost charity for its own old and poor, and that's why it was destroyed. The Bible itself doesn't say sexual deviancy was first on God's list, or even one of a number of sins that added up to enough reason to destroy the city.
According to the Bible, God didn't destroy Sodom for a number of sins with "X" among them, He did it for one big sin, and it wasn't teh gay sex. And the book of Ezekiel is still old testament, not even the gentle Jesus part.
Leviticus doesn't forbid women laying with women either. In fact, it is careful to say that both men and women should not lay with beasts of the field, so surely, if there was supposed to be some verse to forbid Lesbians, it would have been spelled out right there. This doesn't stop some people from interpreting it out of nothing.
You're quite right, that's exactly what it says in the Bible. But you have to view it through a lens that existed at the time, not with your own modern point of view.

There were not monogamous long term homosexual relationships when it was written. However there was rampant predatory homosexual paedophilia.
in some of the non-canon gospels, it does mention lesbianism as a sin. for some reason, that was left out of the final versions.
So basically rich people being assholes ruined everything again. Timeless.
You're sick. Christ saved you.
Jesus loves everyone, why do you think he died on the cross to save us?
I agree with that verse, but where does it say homosexuality is necessarily immoral, I believe people sleeping around and having many partners is immoral, but a loving monogamous relationship is anything but moral.
*anything but immoral
>actually believing someone died and came back to life
>believing in magic
So /mlp/ was a problem even then? Poor Jesus had his work cut out for him.

LGBT people are accepted by mainstream western society. It's mostly just the the alt-right degenerates and the mentally ill religious extremists that disapprove. But they're largely irrelevant because the alt-right and religious extremists are social lepers that will forever remain the backwards bottom-dwellers that normal, civilized people reject.
yeah like Milo
L,G and B are accepted, and only begrudgingly in many instances, however NO ONE considers trannies to be normal or acceptable
Damn, you wrecked that idiot. Anyone who cites Leviticus for LGBT issues always turns out to be such a retard.

That's a bold claim. Got a source?
I'm with his standing so you have me for it
>homosexual men
>loving monogamous relationships

Pick one.

Why is /news/ so pozzed
Because this isn't /pol/.
How can Christ save someone who rejects Christianity? Acceptance of Jesus is a necessary condition for salvation in Christian theology. Christ may save anon in the future if he accepts Jesus, but at this point salvation has not yet occurred.
He's right, though. Homosex men are notorious fuck-arounds.
Look at that, an anti-Christian edge lord hating on Christianity for the acts of a select few people, I personally have never fired a transexual person, and I don't hate them.
so, you're a cathar, then?
>but patriarchy just means a society where men are "the norm".
1) no it doesn't, a patriarchy is in which males are the only ones who can attain legal power in society.
2) [citation needed]
>America and Europe aren't really Christian countries, not in the sense they're talking about.
Europe isn't a country at all, dipshit.
here's what i wonder, though. as far as i'm aware autism is also caused by having significant amounts of testosterone exposure during early pre-development, excessive amounts which alter brain structure (which makes sense, autists are bad at things like social situations and understanding subtlety, which females are better at, but are hyper-logical, a masculine trait). why aren't all female autists trannies, if this is the case?
The last thing I want to deal with if someone in my family drops dead is some guy in a dress.

Trannies are degenerate no matter what way you look at "them". I'm having a hard time to refer trannies as people because for the simple fact they are not.
The cause of autism is not known, all the more reason for you to donate your body to medicine after killing yourself though
>>73374 (You)
They are people by the actual definition of the words. I might as well call you a birdhouse since you clearly don't care about what words mean.
fcking muslems
An d that's why I can't stand the gay community. You push and scream and birch and moan if you don't get your way 100% of the time. Not everyone likes or supports you and in reaction you should take your business elsewhere, not jeopardize people out of spite you entitled children.
And there best thing is, I fucking support gay right most of the time. But when you cunts go out of your way to put others in hot water because they don't support you then you lose my respect.
This is your fault nigga. You're the one pushing the 'offended people have value' system. Now you have it set up for 'cultural offensiveness' has value via Muslims.

Christians are now just playing by your rules. This is the exact same thing Christopher Hitchens warned you about. 'What will you do now, having dug this hole for yourself?'
Yeah, the Christ kept the Hebrew law which expressly forbids cross dressing and sodomy.

Christ would have told that unfortunate soul to repent or perish.
What I see is dumb faggots taking Scripture completely without context or some false interpretation based on what their pastor says.

The Bible is against sodomy and all sorts of unseemliness. Business owners can hire and fire whoever they want and this "tenure" bullshit is just that - shit.
If you're competent, why would you fear for your job?
>An d that's why I can't stand the gay community.
>"One person is everybody"

How is this any different from the other anon generalizing that all Christians are bigots? You can't hold all people who share a single common trait collectively responsible for the actions of a few individuals.

No one has any reason to take your argument seriously when you contradict yourself on such a critical level.

>You push and scream and birch and moan if you don't get your way 100% of the time.
>"Gay people always get what they want"

Except gay people still have fewer rights than straight people.
yah private owner can fire and hire who they would like, also you should know that if you are transgender its going to be fucking hard to find a job just like it is for people with giant marijuana face tattos thats how the fucking world works it sucks but some asswhole decided to bring in millions of immigrants who will do the job so theirs millions withought jobs
If you had any knowledge of the Bible, you would know Jesus would not be shedding a single tear for fags.

You know, Biblical son of God? The same God that destroyed an entire city full of Homosexuality?

Apple doesn't fall far from the literal tree.

Sodom and Gomorrah weren't targeted because of faggotry. The story is pretty vague and says they were wicked. Most people assume it's for being gay because we get the word sodomy from it.

And namely the people were punished for trying to fuck angels, not trying to rape the guys. Basically repeats the same shit in Judges where people storm up trying to rape some new guy and nothing happens. But wanting to fuck a holy being is considered an abomination as it'd be defiling a sacred being and messenger of god. So, god was more pissed about the angel fucking like he was in Genesis when he found it so bad he flooded the Earth for it than anything else.
why would someone else have a right to work at a private company? which right is that?
what about the employer's right to choose who she employs, given that the company is her property?
>Business owners can hire and fire whoever they want
Not in a civilized countries. You can't hire underage children, for example. And if someone believes they were fired / not hired due to discrimination or bigotry, they can take you to court (but of course aren't likely to win unless they have evidence).

You don't have "a right to work at a private company", but employees don't have the right to discriminate against people for being gay or black or female whatever. So if someone thinks they were not hired for that reason, they can take the company to court.
>companies don't have the freedom of association
>not understanding what freedom of association is
>freedom of association means I can hire 9 year olds and make them work 18 hour days
No you fucking cunt I cannot stand the gay community collective because its comprised of shit starting divas and bitches looking to "prove a point".
A gay person on a singular basis and go either way just like anybody else.

Do you get it now? Can you understand the words in front of you dumbass?

>gay people have fewer rights

Name a law put in place that directly inhibits the lives of gay people. If you can't than shut the fuck up.
>I'm talking about what the law should be, not what it is.
>Anyone should be able to be fired completely arbitrarily, at any time
>No-one should ever have any kind of job security whatsoever
This sounds great for a functioning economy, yeah.
I dont need a reason to stop doing business with someone. Giving your employees job security is good forcing the government to do it is bad
>Name a law put in place that directly inhibits the lives of gay people. If you can't than shut the fuck up.
There are still plenty of places that don't allow gays to get married or to adopt. And there's still the issue that trans people are often forbidden from using the bathrooms of their identified gender.
>implying people choose to be transgender
>implying straight people don't also fuck around
Listen you dumbfuck. God specifically said that transgender is an abomination. Ie worse than worse. He does not condone it. It's very Christian to fire such a stupid fuck. If you haven't read the Bible then please don't comment on it.
>God specifically said that transgender is an abomination.
[citation needed]
Dut 22.5
King James Version
Specifically talks about crossdressers, not necessarily trannies
Which is specifically what trannies do. It counts.
*Specifically what crossdressers do, you mean
I think you need to look up the concept of ethics. The market forces companies to be ethical, if society gets ass blasted over racism and transphobia. People will stop doing business with them.
It's what trannies do. Wear the wrong clothing. Wear the wrong hairstyle. Pretend to be the gender they're not. That is the sin. Thinking you know better than God.
Why would God make people trans then? Either he intended them to be the opposite sex, or he intended them to live a life full of suffering. If the former, they're wearing the clothes of their true gender as chosen by God; if the latter, they have no reason to follow God's rules as God has intentionally caused them needless suffering.
That's like asking why god made schizos, and desu there's practically no difference between schizos and trannies, it's just one is inexplicably being pushed to be accepted by society.
So what should trannies do? Just spend their whole lives in misery and commit suicide at the age of 25? Only a fool would think God would give people the means to improve their lives and punish them for doing so.
No, that's crossdressers

Kill themselves like they already do
Find other trannies and make sex, protest lgbt rights and either live out normally or be an ugly person in a drag.
He didn't make them trans. They did that themselves. God doesn't create you like that. Your sinful nature makes you act that way. We are not robots. We have free will. God gave the ability to do what we wanted. He's not looking for slaves. He wants people who willingly accept Him and obey His rules out of love and not duty.

Most don't do that. So they are left to their own designs. And they will end up in Hell at some point. Don't choose to join them. You have a choice. You can be your own God. But that's the wrong way to go.
We have free will huh? So your god has never had a hand in what happens in the world? If he's ever altered the outcome of anything then that negates your claim that we have free will. Furthermore, why do you pray, asking him for things, if we have free will? By definition him answering a prayer would go against free will.

According to your doctrine, assuming you're christian, he sacrificed himself for himself to serve as a solution to an issue that he created. Makes a lot of sense....
Okay to all those 'jesushatesfagskissassers', You preach the 1st amendment and shit but only care for a discriminated person if they are either straight or a Christian. So why should them trannies care about what you fucking say? If a gay person fired a straight person just because they straight, would you say 'that's messed up to fire someone because of what they are' or 'meh not my problem unless it happens to me' (I'd pick this bc humans suck ass), or 'so what most straight people I've met aren't nice to me)
>He didn't make them trans. They did that themselves.
He made them to be uncomfortable with their physical gender.

>God doesn't create you like that. Your sinful nature makes you act that way.
So I suppose my "sinful nature" is what caused me to be born with a genetic disorder that leaves me unable to walk?

>We are not robots. We have free will.
Free will doesn't exist in a vacuum. We respond to stimuli and are limited by the nature of reality. Do you think the only reason humans can't fly by flapping their arms is because of their sinful nature?
Everyone has fucked up shit to deal with. Everyone. I've had 7 strokes. I can't do shit anymore. It's how you deal with it.

Trannies chose to be like that. They chose to be a different gender. Even if they lie to themselves. They chose it. Maybe they were molested and liked it. Who knows? But it's their choice. Being gay is a choice. I see guys here chose to be gay and deny they're gay but they still chose it.
God didn't create you as a person who would have 7 strokes, your sinful nature made you that way.
>Trannies chose to be like that.
They don't choose to have gender dysphoria, they just choose to live as the opposite sex to minimize the feeling of dysphoria. It's like saying I "choose" to use a wheelchair because I was born with a disability that prevents me from walking. Yes, it is a "choice" in a literal sense, but there's no real reason to choose otherwise.

>. Maybe they were molested and liked it.
That's more commonly claimed of gays. Trans is believed to be caused by irregular hormone levels in the womb during early development.
We're using right in two different senses.
You seemed to understand the distinction here,
>people other than you also have rights, and are protected by laws.
but then immediately pivoted to legality as a justification for your answer; it's more is-ought.

I was alluding to how it's immoral for an employer to not have choice in who she hires and fires; it's similarly unjust for an employee to be unable to quit. I didn't mean right in the sense of what is legal.

No person has a right, in the first sense that you used, to remove choice from an employer to hire. Calling it discrimination doesn't bestow upon it any further nuance: to discriminate literally means to choose. That the choice is inconvenient, or even stupid, doesn't change this.

So, what right, in your first sense that you used, does one have to work for an employer? How is one entitled to compensation for labor that the employer doesn't want, or need?
What if they don't, and have no interest in, having sex with men?
This has actually been a thing historically. As views on women's sexuality have shifted over time, women have been seen as inherently non-sexual. Men being attracted to men is a problem, but women can't feel sexual attraction or arousal period right? So women lying with women can't be a problem!

This is how there's lots of picture's of lesbians from back in the 1800s early 1900s but not gay men
Yeah, how dare they demand to not be fired or assaulted for being gay, or wanting to get married like us straight people! Greedy assholes, what's next, am I right?
God sent two angles in human form to warn the one good man in the city. When they were in his house a mob arrived at his door. They demanded he hand over the extremely beautiful two men in his home so the crowd could have forced sex with them.

He sent out his two daughters out instead.

(Before you say "his poor daughters!"
Know that later, after he and the two daughters escaped the cities they hid in a cave. The two got him extremely drunk and made their father have sex with both of them.

So I'm preeeeetty sure the deserved rain of fire had more to do with the whole "casual rape" thing and other horrendous acts more than sex before marriage.
>but then immediately pivoted to legality as a justification for your answer; it's more is-ought.
I'm talking about "rights" protected by law, the other notion of rights as some inherent thing beyond the law really isn't relevant, since they have no actual power.
The difference if this person was living in the Middle East he would be killed, not fired...
>Marriage is a sacred bond [...] in heaven
source plz
transgender people suck.
Businesses are hardly run by people. Theyre run by cold hearted psychopaths with a strong desire for profit and close to no incentive to be a good person about it unless its a mom and pop joint. The only reason this place isnt a hellscape is because we set up laws to stop businesses from doing stupid, awful shit, like running monopolies. Every once in a while, you see the awfulness leak and some dickhead sells pills for 1k a pop. Businesses are not more important than people. People first. Business second.
If faggots weren't such massive faggots nobody would care.
>buisnesses are hardly run by people
t. Fat NEET with no goal or direction in life and hasn't taken a single economics class
That article doesn't seem to even be saying gays would have less problems if they "weren't such massive f*ggots". Rather, it seems to be saying the concept of "mental illness" is inherently subjective.

>t. Fat NEET with no goal or direction in life and hasn't taken a single economics class
If you'd taken a REAL economics class, you'd know that business owners aren't expected to act for the greater good. That's how capitalism is SUPPOSED to work.
Just say "faggot" you fucking faggot.

hey OP, If the religion of Satanism is allowed by law to uphold their beliefs, then Christianity must do so with their own... the LGBT is a disease, A sexual sin, We respect the LGBT, but please respect our belief. YOUR'E NOT ALLOWED IN THIS WORLD... FAG
Of course not they are not supposed to work for the "greater good", they are not a Goddamn charity.
Yet >>77491 seemed to think they do.
I'm not aware of any laws based on Satanist beliefs. The fundamental principle describing interactions between religion and the law is that you can't use religious belief as a basis for depriving others of their rights. If Christians had a right to make sinning illegal, than atheists would have a right to ban churches. And trying to stop others from sinning is not you duty - informing them that what they are doing is sinning is fine, but no more than that. God gave them free will for a reason, and if you try to deprive them of that, you are going against God's wishes. God did not give people the ability to sin so that other humans could take that ability away from them. And furthermore, one who chooses not to sin only because secular law forbids it does not deserve a place in heaven, as they are not obeying God's law, but a law created by other humans.

What about mental ineptitude?

>unless it affects their job performance putting others at risk

I wouldn't trust someone so mentally warped with much of anything. Doubtless they'll go insane one day and shoot up the place in a final hurrah before killing themselves.

I mean, best case, you get an employee that'll work for a couple months tops before giving its revolver a BJ. Why not go for someone with life expectancy?
>sauce please
The fact that marriage existed before sin and jesus attended and honored marriages while on earth (the place where he turned water to wine was a wedding)
>The fact that marriage existed before sin
Haven't you ever heard of original sin?
This one is quite small, a situation well worthy of the, cliche, "pick and choose your battles" spiel. It is fucked tho, and also well worthy of being pointed out.
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