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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
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redneck edition

old >>71965138
t. nu-male
more like downs
post nazi metal now!! whyte paaawaaar! 14/88!
t. Phil Anselmo
Phil Anselmo is /ourguy/
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gtfo inbred redneck

>(White) Power Metal
What did they mean by this?
metal is aryan and therefore racist by nature, 90% of metal is white, and the other 10% is japanese (honorary aryan)
metal is blues (nigger music) with distortion pedals
it was distorted into whiteness
metal is hard rock + autism + military marches
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riifs aren't aryan
anybody have the space metal chart?
archive is being a piece of shit
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Reminder that Jari can't be stopped. The crowdfunding has been extended.
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I have the space black metal one, if that's what you're thinking of.
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>when a band wants to do an interview
>you send them questions
>they dont reply
Are there any bands with "fun" metal songs like Gargoyle? They usually have one or two per album.
I already know Mr Bungle.
Who redneck here, Alabama reporting in
that works, though there's a broader one divided into categories and includes more genres
i'm not even from the south but this album sounds like working a shitty manual labor job all day in the heat and humidity, then coming home and getting wasted on light beer and cheap whiskey while chainsmoking cigarettes on your porch every night
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Childhood is idolizing melody. Adulthood is realizing slam makes more sense
Is there any DSBM that isn't whiny as fuck?
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>any depressive suicidal music that isn't whiny as fuck
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no, by definition
Bodily Wastes - Mucous Membrane Irritation and Corruption of Pupil Functions due to Facial Ejaculation Which Resulted In Hitting The Retina With Squirting Seminal Fluid
How useful is encyclopaedia metallum's similar artists functionality?
Ask them about their views on "cuck", "t. Nu-male", "t. Cuck", and "nu-male".
That will surely get some good discussion going.
If that doesn't work, tell them to "go back to r-ddit".
Is Jari /ourboy/ ?
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is Apollyon /ourguy/?

the fuck does that even mean
dsbm is literally the only music genre that i can't listen to because of the lyrics and imagery. even emo isn't half as edgy and embarrassing as dsbm
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What's the second album on the fifth row? Been looking for it for ages.
t. actual nu-male
mithras - worlds beyond the veil

really good shit
Damn the guy who posted this earlier today
it's so infectious
this chart was made by a nu-male faggot
please feel free to return to reddit with your tired racist ideology
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t. nu-males
Saying "nigger" doesn't make the guy a racist, to me it seems like he was arguing against the faggots who said "METAL IS FOR ARYANS !!!!,,!!!!1!,!1" so that makes him not racist
Metal is for aryans
Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't
porn doesnt load
metal for this feel?
What are some good symphonic death metal bands that don't use symphonics just as a way to hide shitty riffwriting?
t. nu-male
Septicflesh before The Great Mass
enjoy auto killing youareself.
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this answer won
I am super new to stoner metal
What bands are as heavy as electric wizard?
Sleep kinda bores me, not heavy enough
Saaaaaaaint viiiiituuuuvuuuus
Torsofuck has the best lyrics.

>Craving for a Fresh Shit

>There is nothing better in the world than fresh shit
>With my wife we used to eat shit every day
>She liked it more when it came in diarrhea format
>She loved it when my wet load of shit splattered all over her face
>One day we had a really great shit eating session
>Both of us ate much food during the day
>We waited until the evening, I was so excited
>When it was about 9 PM, we decided to begin
>We undressed ourselves and I was ready to take her shit first
>I masturbated and watched her anus started to open
>Few smelly farts filled the air, then came the first lump
>It dropped right into my mouth, the taste was perfect
>I took some into my hands and continued masturbation
>My dick was covered with shit too, I told her to suck it
>She cleaned my cock perfectly and I ejaculated into her mouth
>Now it was my time to give her my load of assfood
>She sniffed my asshole and I farted
>But when my shit started to fall, she didn't want to eat it
>She wanted to fill her cunt with my shit
>After her cunt was full, I started to fuck her
>It was so great experience that we wanted to do it again
>But few days later my wife passed away because of high bacterial infections in her cunt
>Her corpse is still in our apartment and I am shitting in her mouth every day

I expect that Bob Dylan won't be the last musician to win a Nobel.
the part of the story we didn't hear is that Phil was just saluting White Zombie by saying "White Power"
'splain nigga
What's some fun metal, like Dethklok? I guess similar to the shit song above but not as nasty.
>tranny hunger and De Mysteriis

That's plain wrong. Second wave classics are patent nu-male repellents. Except Filosofemale
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Tapping the Riffs
It's a meme chart you dip
that's war meal
Give me war metal recs please
pizza thrash
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metal for this feel?
Top quality lyricism
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What album?
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Everyone in this thread is a nu-male

i am seriously asking, what are the criteria for /ourguys/?
but you're here too
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>every Blind Guardian album before 2006 is a free, legal download on archive.org
But you (((L I T E R A L L Y))) can't call yourself a metal-listener if you had not listened to all of those albums at least once.
Fight me
remember when /meatl/ shitposts were not so lazy?
You're mostly right.
swole af
I can't believe they cancelled their tour because of that shit
I really wanted to see them
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>replying to a shitposter
>>71972410 (You)
Didn't know "nu-males" had such great taste!
power is colorless
unless it's an electric charge

Its awesome because bands like MW don't take themselves too seriously. So inclusion, not being an edgy tryhard = fun music dudes
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More like
Tapping the Ass
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Legit dude?
more like wew stale memes
t. falsie
It's shit
Glad you asked
Only falsies like DSBM
Where are my NatSoc friends at?
here >>>/pol/
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True metal time. Falsies out.

pick one, /pol/ is a fucking neoconservative pro-zionist board (they elected donald trump, a jew)
nah Demonbitch is
Great thread
Early Helloween is the only passable POWER MEAL
hearty kek
ya rly
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when you realize grind and sludge are the same genre
wow, how wrong are you ?
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yfw you realize all extreme metal is shit and doesn't follow the real essence of metal
thanks god it doesn't follow it because "real essence of metal" is being a fag with girly hair in clothes from sex shop
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t. gay extremecuck nu-male
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What did I just listen to?
t. falsie in denial
extremecuck metal
Thanks fellas.
Great choice.
>tfw back from a ban
metal for this feel?
can't wait for these faggit post-ironic glammies to leave
Infant Annihilator
i'm not a glammer, but glammers are my brothers, NWOBHM 4EVER!
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nothing personal kid.jpg
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how about killing yourself? you fucking nu-male
>can't access it on my phone and no computer for a good while
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here's another entry to the pink metal chart

This is actually pretty good so far btw
why do you care, why not download it "illegally"?
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The blackies they bow to the glammers
t. faggot
glammies blow cocks
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nu-male memes aside, can we all agree that pic related is the best Agalloch album?
yeah, i'm downloading battalions of fear!!
Do you guys like Destruction?
current Destruction is shit, it sounds like a fucking generic shit tier thrash band, good ol' Destruction was better
I prefer the Mantle mate
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pop-power metal > anything else
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literal children
i looked at that quickly and thought it was a stratovarius cover
stratovarius are untalented hacks
I can only listen to blacken power metal
So Children of Bodom's first album?
Does this count?
>Finally plays In the Shadows live
>They ruin it with meme tier vocals
Being found dead with their brains all over the floor like Dead from Mayhem on the cover of Dawn of the Black Hearts would be the closest Amon Amarth will have ever come to well-written metal music.
Idk but I get really pist when people say Carcass invented melodeath when this came out almost a year before and is million times better than that borefest Heartwork

How's Drawing Down The Moon space related other than in cover art and title?
you want sludge
I don't know what "white" refers to, but here's some fun power metal.
try again anon, you almost had a well formulated thought going there
>I don't know what "white" refers to
white metal = christian metal
>a woman
into the trash it goes
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>Zombie circle pit, show me show mee
>come on everybody
>let me see some hammers
Good starting album for them?

Slaughter of the Soul from the same year is was my first intro to melodeath. Also miles better than heartwork.
I will but I mean direct links are so fucking handy.
A lot of stuff came before Carcass. Like this:

Slaughter of the Soul came two years after these.

"nice bass drum sound" he said sarcastically
Cheers man
if the download button doesn't appear, add russian to your firefox settings
what is the best VOIVOD album? i'm really liking Dimension Hatross right now
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I haven't listened too thoroughly to their discography, but that new Post Society EP fuckin blew me away. Definitely one of my top 10 metal recordings of 2016.

Also, what are people's favorite metal albums from 2017 so far (pic related)?
Just listen to Killing Technology and Nothingface. Those three are all you need.
Any good sites like Hells Headbangers for cds and merch?
>listening to new releases
nigga metal died like five years ago didnt you hear
I haven't really listened to much from this year, so I guess I have to give it to Mastodon by default
I thought that one was pretty boring. shame, i liked their ep
This kills the nu-male
Metal recs for a DXM trip? I prefer black metal but I'm open to other genres
manilla road is nu-male bait
t. falsie
Is pizza thrash nu-male proof?
t. gay nu-male
you tell me
post-1984 thrash is nu-male
I dunno man, Slayer and Sepultura released good albums in 1985 and 86.

this guy's baiting right?
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Kill yourself
>Slayer and Sepultura released good albums
What the fuck are you saying? Only Slayer's first album was good (1983) and Sepultura was always shit tier thrash
t. thrashie nu-male
t. middle-aged virgin

I know you all think CoF are Disney meta, but how the fuck did this happen? I guess Australia has no freedom?
that's what you get for having shit taste
>The boy, 16, was stopped by police in Biggera Waters after he was spotted wearing a t-shirt which claims "Jesus is a Cunt" and depicts a nun masturbating.
He deserved it then, fuck fedoras nu-males, Hail Christ!
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this is rock solid
more proto-metal than metal, though
Hell Awaits and Morbid Visions are good you fucking nu-male.
This is from 2008, hipsters weren't wearing fedoras then.
You have to admit that Hell Awaits is shit compared to Show No Mercy
the "fedora" meme refers to neckbeard gamer types and yes they were, i was in high school then
Who /metalpurist/ here?
And remember, the purist faction will conquer /metal/!
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>went to bed (its three in the morning here)
>rolled around, couldnt sleep
>woke up just to shitpost on /metal/

mealt for this feel?
No. Slayer shed away lame NWOBHM influences and one upped an an already great album in very way possible.
Well I was born in 2012 so idk.
Son you didnt even post the best song
W2c that watch
There is nothing more nu-male than a metal fan who is also a Christian.
>Slayer shed away lame NWOBHM influences
that's the problem then, slayer fucked up everything
nu-males are anti-christian though, the word doesn't mean anyone you don't like
Fucking wew
Axeslasher is ok in my book

Can one of you fuckers get this idiot to re-do this video so it's actually accurate?

>the word doesn't mean anyone you don't like
it literally does tho. You see someone who has "wrong" taste, they're a nu-male. First day ITT?
i'm clerical fascist, and i like metal, what's the problem?
It didn't originally, is this your first day?
>the word doesn't mean anyone you don't like

Actually it does on 4chan.

Anyway most of the metal discussed here is anti-christian in nature. If you're Christian then why do you listen to music that opposes your way of life? Or you are not devoted followers and just call yourselves Christian in order to fit some identity.
feels post-ironic
is your first day in /meal/, right? you're the nu-male then
And 4chan was originally an anime board for Something Awful users. What the fuck is your point?
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>that's what you get for having shit taste
Well it does now. Who cares what it "originally" meant?

>If you're Christian then why do you listen to music that opposes your way of life?
How can a song "oppose" someone's way of life? If you mean the morals espoused by a song are against a person's own morals, who fucking cares?
only black metal can be considered anti-christian
>How can a song "oppose" someone's way of life?

Lyrical content?
>Who cares what it "originally" meant?

actual nu-males who try to strip the term of its original meaning because it upset them
>"oops the writer of this song disagrees with me on something better shut it off XD"
this is the ultimate pleb filter
Only black metal matters.
>those death metal and grindcore riffs
>black metal riff sounds like a bad emperor rip off
Did this sentence sound alright in your head? retard
by that way nobody would listen to sabaton because they are anti-fa cucks
The people who listen to Sabaton are cucks themselves.
yes, but i've also been drinking. pretty sure the only retard here is you. also you seem pretty upset, are you a nu-male by chance?
>who cares
so... focusing on the original definition makes you a numale?
This so fucking much
Death and prog are for nu-males.
>Germanics of any sort

ya got me
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nazis confirmed for shit music taste
I wish, he would cuck the numales into oblivion. Can't hamper the cuckmaster
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post Christian metal
They had shit taste in everything except for uniforms and symbols. they had an exhibit of examples of "degenerate art" that was so much more popular than the art museums showing Nazi-approved art Goebbels was embarrassed and shut it down.
georgia reporting in to say you cousin fuckers are alright.
Italian fascists had better aesthetics though nothing really beats Third Reich uniforms.
fuckin land of the great southern trendkill reporting in
I just don't really care for that Modernist aesthetic to be honest. It can be cool in architecture, but Modernist painting and music are almost all just totally unappealing to me.

It's actually funny, they promoted this almost futurist art style in general, but a lot of their iconography and military symbols were in a more neo-gothic style mixed with all the touched up nordic/germanic symbols, and it looks sooooooo much cooler. Just imagine if they'd structured their entire society's aesthetic like that, I'd love to read their musical guidelines then.

...is it considered edgy to unironically think any Nazi shit looks cool?
No it's mostly agreed that fascists had good sense of style. The movement is in large part about aesthetics so of course it looks fucking cool.
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rec me something lads
how many fucking strings does this dickhead have anyway
So, would /metal/ be interested in trolling Metallica?

I know, I know, NYPA, but a local band with a song literally called "dick and balls" has the opportunity to open for Metallica for 5 dates... and we can make that happen.
How do we "make that happen"?

Also any sample from the band in question?
Carnage - Dark Recollections

Did anyone listen to this? What did you think?
Do we just have to rig a poll?
Sure. Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre. I've had a few beers with them and seen them open for a few people. They're alright, but them opening for Metallica would be pretty fucking funny.

My personal favorite of theirs:


Song in question that they stated they'd play:

Voting thingy:
thanks lad
is this the logical conclusion to pizza thrash?
While I like Metallica, the thought of the normee fucks who think its the only metal band in the world having to sit through that is too good to pass up. Voted faggot.
just voted ;^)
i hate pizza thrash and clicky/artificial bass drum so much
Voted f@m
I actually dig it
First half of Mantle is better, and so is most of Pale Folklore

Also prefer a lot of their ambient work
The new Orbs sure is... odd. Were they trying to go mainstream?
>when the bass drum sounds like a typewriter
meal for my feel?
Lol wtf is up with George scream nowadays?

Is this the end of Deafheaven?

>tfw could have gone to see BMTH but is at home playing Persona 5 instead

Music for this feel, /meal/?
Past Life Regression?

Thanks for reminding me that came out. Never gave it a listen.
You dont deserve any, couldve gotten a ton of 18 y/o scene girls but instead chose to play your /v/ approved weeb vidya.
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What's the consensus on Gojira here? I recently got their new album and I am loving it. It can get a little djenty at times though.
Does their new album have fucking djenting
Magma is their worst album imo, their entire discog is pretty consistant. Check out their godzilla demos.

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someone post a dl link
those are incredible thighs
A little.
Must be all the communion wafers
they give you one of those little things in the cass of their demo so you can piss on it
need black metal like mgla and worsen plz help its the only kind of black metal i like all the other shit is way to overproduced or sounds like garbage
Hb Cut Up? Relatively new Swedish deathmetal. Really been digging them.


It was pretty good. Its extremely proggy and experimental, which means it will divide people pretty hard though.

>Who else here /weebmetal/

I sort of have it out for Metallica fans. Testament basically has the same sound, is consistently good, and released a far better album this year. Yet everyone outside of metalheads suck their dick just because their fucking Metallica.

>tl;dr voted. Dick and Balls their shit up.
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I fell off the death meal train

Has anything this fun come out in the past few years?
fuck off pleb

I have those glasses. They're very old.
Cut Up >>71981026

Amputory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcoFXco_Lkg

If melodic is more your deal, I've enjoyed new TBDM and Fleshgod Apocalypse's King.

Fucking rad
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>Anon....do you like Taake?

What do you say, /meal/?
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he was never good to begin with
Sure now be a good girl and let me taake your virginity

He was on Sunbather. This is just sad...
Fuck off, poser.
Carnifex- Slow Death

Also I've been enjoying new Once Human

>implying Taake weren't considered trve a decade ago
Neither of these are death metal
Because they weren't
sadly this >>71980613 I dug the singles tho.
Wimps and posers do not entry
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I like the Amputory vocals more than the BDM vocals and the BDM music more than the Amputory music. I usually listen to sludge/doom stuff and I'm pretty picky about metal but Amputory is sounding good so thank you. I'll keep listening.


Wow Carnifex is like a less "melodic"Arsis. Good recommendation thank you. Once Human looks so lame hahaha but I'll check them out. Thanks anon

You know Weedruid? I'm more of a death/thrash guy myself, but my buddy sent me this album and its one of the best things I've heard in a while.

I feel this is implied in a metal thread, but NSFW


No I don't but that's another potential weed/metal band name I can cross off the list. About to check it out. Thanks

This is actually really good. Thank you.
Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 53

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