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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 88

ümläüt editiön

öld >>71954311
babymetal edition where
Reminder that if you intentionally try to make your albums sound "lo-fi" then you're the biggest poser that exists on the planet
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keep your gook shit out my general
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Do people really own shit like this? Are black metal fans as mentally disturbed as the fags they idolize, like Euronymous?
Hey, i'm not that into metal, can you guys suggest a band or a song that sounds somewhat like this.
Can be slower even.
I like drums and am not a fan of growling/screaming.
Hey guys, I'm trying to remember a band I listened to in high school (26 now). I thought they were Horus Rising but that apparently ain't a band. I wanna say it was deathcore but it was really goddamn good. But it was also really heavy so maybe not core. I know this is vague as fuck but I swear it had Rising in the band or album name. Any clues?
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>"well yes I love death metal"
>ümläüt editiön
watch this, kiddos:
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We get it.
it's from hel-looks isn't it lol
Threadly reminder that black and death metal are the two shittiest subgenres of metal and are only good when combined with other styles
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Djent is your best bet, lots of those bands are instrumental




Meshuggah was Mick Gordons biggest influence for the Doom soundtrack but they have growls

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>mfw 5-10 years down the road, a legion of Japanese girls will make metal inspired by them

Pepper ur angus.
I've listened to some Meshuggah, really cant get into the growling.
But Walking Across Jupiter is just what i was searching for, thank you!
Gonna listen to that album a few times now.
> ctrl+f
> Bölzer
> No results
> reddit spacing
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I own this shirt
Modern Day Babylon are also similar to Walking Across Jupiter. There's tons of bands like this around Youtube but they won't be as brutal as the Doom soundtrack


That's far from being the same thing as a shirt with a dude who just blew his brains out. I just listened to a podcast with Deads brother and he said that Euronymous dad gave the rights to the picture to him so if somebody uses that picture then he can sue their ass to Mars, and tons of Dead fans try to add his brother on Facebook and they have the picture of Dead up on their profiles.
Ohh wow, Modern Day Babylon sounds pretty great too.
Thank you so much.
> but they won't be as brutal as the Doom soundtrack
It really is quite amazing, never heard something as brutal before, i guess thats why i liked it so much.
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>Doom soundtrack
>never heard something as brutal before
Could you link the podcast, sounds interesting.
Hey, i said i'm not into metal.
Making your albums sound like they've been recorded in a brick shithouse isn't brutal, it just sounds whiny
It's funny, my 14 month old son likes metal and he loves the Doom stuff a lot.
what are you talking about
Why do people like Behemoth? Absolute shit band.
it's the image
lifestyle magazine satanism
I dunno what a "brick shithouse" is, but low-fi recordings aren't meant to be brutal, idiot.
It's in Swedish, the Swedish national radio did a documentary on the Norwegian black metal scene, they had Necrobutcher and Hellhammer in it too. Shame that it isn't available in English, it was really interesting to hear from Deads brother and the other members from the band.
Huh. I picked up The Satanist at a used shop yesterday. Only ever heard of em, not even aware of their image. The album is all right but the Rotting Christ record I got as well is much better.
Damn, thanks for the reply tho.
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The production plays a big part in how brutal a band/album/song is, and shitty trve kvlt bands sound like shit

This is a brick shithouse, it's just an outdoor toilet
why are you telling me this

where did i imply otherwise
Because the fella that said the Doom soundtrack isn't brutal is using an Immortal reaction image
>The production plays a big part in how brutal a band/album/song is
Can't argue with that
>and shitty trve kvlt bands sound like shit
Regardless of what you think, lo-fi production is not meant to sound brutal.
Should I drive three hours to see Lamb of God with Behemoth or see Amon Amarth with Goatwhore in my area?
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okay man next time i express my disdain for instrumental djent i'll be sure to use this image instead
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'preciate it

Have some instrumental djent

>Amon Amarth with Goatwhore
All the way. Amon Amarth can be pretty fun if you just don't care about it, it's basic melodeath with guys dressed like vikings beating each other with swords on the stage. Goatwhore is fucking awesome.
Why is AOR so good guys?

6 min ·

How do we stop him?
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>the fire rises
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>tfw he became the villain
What if the album ends up being terrible? What happens next?
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*blocks your path*
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>mfw these guys are a better Venom than Venom themselves
I do believe that those who gave him money will eat it up anyway
What's the most fun metal genre and why is it buttfolk?

Wow periphery sounds great. Any other tracks you'd recommend?
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>teleports behind you
Glam is fun too but come on, they're not close to being on the same level as some Finns in the middle of nowhere with more alcohol than blood in their body

Why are they still not on Metallum?
Its better
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*blocks your path*
That's technically not Periphery, that's Bulb, he made a bunch of stuff under the Bulb name and then went on to create Periphery which is a proper band. This is what that song sounds like when they rerecorded it for their new album.


The vocals have some growling but all the albums can be found as instrumentals too.

Steel Panther > Any 80s glam metal band

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delet this
dude 10 minute guitar solos lmao

What the fuck did I just find


>Russian Turbo Polka Metal
sp is butt glam
>implying there is non-butt glam
yes im implying that. Glam is musically better than all your extreme cuck bans
What the JEJ was that?

Russian Glam
Okay, nu-male.
been looking for this album in nice quality for forever, but can never find it :(
Its true
>death metal
Idiotic vocals
>black metal
""""""""Hypnotic guitar un-riffs""""""""
varioations of this song https://youtu.be/7JruuMkV0gM
>trad (including power)
Actually good
guitar gods and singers with actually good voices creating melodic enjoyable songs
Stop liking what I don't like, please.
what's wrong with that ?
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Now that the dust has well and truly settled, what's the verdict?

I thought the production and dark aesthetic were nice but they got a bit too heavy handed with the buttproge and there were not enough ebin riffs like OBaB.
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top opinion
If you can't figure that out for yourself then you're as much of a retard as Euronymous
i'm euronymous
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Where do I start with Mercyful Fate?
from the beginning my dude
Okay Satan
KPOP will get it as always
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What do you guys think of this band? Bit too sing-song for my taste.
mediocre as fuck nu-male prog, there is like 5 songs total I liked from their entire discography
Rate Vorna


Their early, early demos and shit aren't great, but the studio albums tend to be fantastic. To get the full effect, listen to King Diamond too.
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can somebody post a source to this album?
I've checked all the usual places and ended up with no result
pls halp
It's on rutracker, what are you on about
its flac
torrent also doesn't have enough seeds
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The riffage was immense on OBAB, borderline buttprog imo, not a bad album overall I guess. I still prefer Insomnium discog over this because it's got a lot more melody sections tho
Back in the day I had no money and stuck a microphone between two couch cushions so it was at the right height for my shitty 5-watt Ibanez amp. Everything was done in one take, though I double-tracked guitars.

How fvcking trve was I?
>numales still confusing punk for metal

why though? why not just admit you like punk?
Trver than Mayhem
>technical melodeath

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>we old men hollering now

what do you faggots thing of high on fire?
define nice quality. I have it in 320 ripped from my own copy and can upload it if you need.
technical melodeath perfect example of oxymoron
>What is Arch Enemy
early or now days ?
the point that person is making is the the differences between melo and techincal is that the riffs in melo are melodic, while in technical they are technical.

they are not meant to be combined.

both of the bands being mentioned here are terrible imo so I cannot make a comparison
Both, I guess, they have Jeff Loomis on guitar now who's one of the finest shredders out there right now
Technical and melodic riffs aren't mutually exclusive
>tfw people shitpost about BRING MUH ANGELA BACK all day but no one ever rememberes Johan
okay then retard. enjoy your lack of normal conversation because you've shoehorned two genres to mean something they do not.
>not Knowing Arsis and Allegaeon
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who the fuck wantss angela back ??
Who cares about Angela, the new chick is hotter
Melodic and technical aren't genres, the only person here who can't have a normal conversation is you

You can just stop now, we're not going to conversate about the topic, just dont even reply to this post
>Kreator is now a LGBT band
just fuck my shit up
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kreator is what ?
come on man
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Melodic and technical are styles, not genres, and riffs can be melodic and technical at the same time. Case closed.

why do you keep replying?
Overwhelmingly playing in a certain style is what a genre is
No, because melodic metal and technical metal isn't a thing, it's always combined with a genre like melodic death metal or technical death metal
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>Amon Amarth
>Sacred Reich

Find a better lineup than Summer Breeze 2017
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just fucking stop posting faggot.
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Post edgy lyrics. Hard mode: post edgy lyrics you relate to.

Death's pointed at your head
Your mind on the trigger pull it
Bludgeon bodies give up their muted horror story
Scene of your rage
Death is not strange
Blood on the walls
You stand alone satisfied
I'll wake the silence in you
I'll shoot the violence through you

Terrified by the thought that you are all alone
Paralyzed by the fact that you are not alone
You're losing your mind, I'm losing control
You're losing your mind, as I bury your world

I'll wake the silence in you
I'll shoot the violence through you

I can't remember yet someone always seems to die
You are the reason why I became the chosen one
I've got the right
God makes no sense
I've got the right
I feel my back against the wall

Death's pointed at your head
Your mind on the trigger pull it
Bludgeon bodies give up their muted horror story

Scene of my rage
Scene of my rage
Death is your name
You're facing your grave

I taste your tears caress your face
I watch you lie insane
Dying for love
Praying to die

I want what's inside you
Dressed in your blood
You wear it well
Dying because I care

Your eyes are wide but you can't see
Rotting my lust away
I'll shoot the violence through you
And wake the part that's dead
I hate the silence in you
I want what's in your head
this is hardcores lineup is easily the best lineup I've seen for a festival in a long time.

but thats offtopic and likely bands not many people in this thread give a fuck about.
Almost like the words mean different things
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I can use Wikipedia too
"progressive" music is a spook, son.
and yet you continue to reply.

why though?

what is it in your generation that pervades common sense?

you have been wrong right from the start of this conversation, outright admitting that you wont look at facts for facts. have been arguing with what appears to be three different people, and continue to bring in shit to a conversation that is not even on topic to prove what point?

its called humility retard, just stop posting, just stop replying, its okay to be wrong my man.
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i have never watched this movie.show

is it worth it?
yeah, i get a good belly laugh at least once an episode, which is far more than i can say for most things.
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Any room for a Trashfag in dis threado?
i don't know what that is, so no.
hell yea, will look into it after finishing opm
Trash/speed metal.
>Summer Breeze
Gorguts, Suffocation

>Obscene Extreme
Age of Woe, Anal Grind, Anarchus, Brodequin, Cytotoxin, Full of Hell, Haggus, Infest, Razor, Wormed
if you're asking for permission to talk about metal in a metal thread, you're a pussy.
Seems unfitting when everyone's glammerin about Death/black metal.
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I only know speedwolf and enforcer and I am not even certain enforcer fits that mold that you are trying to discuss.

I have been into dbeat and crust for ages and it seems speedwolf is a good mix between dbeat style punk and taking meth and burning your penis with cigarettes
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nah it's cool thrash is good
We dont. Wintersun is legit one of the best bands from finland. Id happy to give my money to Jari than nuclear blast.

This is one of the records that thaught me Megadeth and Slayer weren't the be all end all of thrash metal when I was younger.
>that tone
>that voice
>them RIFFS
Great shit.
How am I wrong when >>71967475 literally proves my point, that it's only referred to as a genre when it's combined with other genres and not on its own?
stop posting faggot.

turn off your computer, take a deep breath, stand up, walk away for a few minutes, shower, whatever.

you're having an internet argument, and you just cannot stop yourself from replying to people who dont give a fuck what you're saying.

just stop, just walk away.
>Proves himself wrong with his own argument
>Lmao it's just the internet man you're so mad bro :)
This is an 18+ website
>holy fuck he's still replying

why though?
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Post your best Jari memes
stop baiting the autist
No one in this thread is with you on this. You lost the argument the second you went from "hurr durr it's not a genre but a style" to "w-well it's a genre but only in combination with other genres"
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get a room already
So what's /meal/'s consensus on new Mastodon?
do you really have to ask? it's nu-male buttrock
Do you have Downs? "Melodic metal" and "technical metal" isn't a genre, melodic death metal and technical death metal are. Or do you unironically think melodic metal and technical metal are genres?
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>mfw when decent thread turned to shit because of wintersun memes and """"""discussion"""""" about melodeath and techdeath
With the money Jari is asking for he could record an actual, real orchestra. Nightwish took in the London Philharmonic Orchestra for Once on a budget of €250 000, and Wintersun and Nightwish are friends with each other. How autistic on a scale of 1-10 is Jari when he feels the need to have a trillion tracks with his orchestra VSTs to get it "right"?
I can't find this band for shit.
That's fuckin GRIND you big falsie
Didn't even know do this until now.
Thanks anon
Shit, like everything else they've made.
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But Wintersun is bretty good

ONE STEP!!!!!!
Ambient Black is the only good subgenre of Black. And no, I'm not talking about atmoshit.
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I like atmospheric melodic symphonic blackened technical death metal
Satan trips

Also dissoshit is good.
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Thoughts on Sig:ar:tyr?
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What are you BLASTIN' right now /mu/ ?
>Caring about lyrics
deathcrush op
*record scratching intensifies*
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Give me some albums to "download" on Spotify to listen to on the way to work. I like death metal (OSDM and Melodic), thrash and power. Bonus points for female fronted because it makes my cock hard.
>but not gays no, that's racist, that's bigotry
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>because it makes my cock hard
I haven't heard about that dude in years. What's he been up to?
Aphasia - Wild and innocent
Protesting against Trump and raising awareness for muh third world shithole he originates from.
His last album was like 2013 I think
Not on there but thanks.
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>I like death metal (OSDM and Melodic), thrash and power
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>genre: techincal thrash metal
>descriptors: science fiction, technical, complex, futuristic, space, concept album, epic, dense, male vocals
Dumb weeaboo

Dumb cuck poster
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>i like death and black metal
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>How do we stop him?
We can't and we shouldn't.
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You cannot stop the sauna man
why the shed? and is that a chastity thing?
>originally 1 out of 3 campaigns
>raised so much money that they only needed
>now extending the campaign so he will only need one
Can you rephrase that in a way that makes sense?
Having a studio forever is better than having an orchestra once. I'm pretty sure that if Nightwish had to choose, they would rather stop using an orchestra than let go of their training house. They also have enough money to rent a studio practically indefinitely, if they needed.
Don't get hung up on the sauna. It's like protesting showers, if you're used to bathing in a river. Sauna is pretty much standard in every building in Finland.
you are just jealous of Jari and his private house/studio/sauna combo.

When you think about it its pretty much every musican dream. Your own studio/home
When the bull comes for a few days and when the cuck is done prepping him he gets to stay in the cuck-shed while his woman gets plowed to oblivion
new vital remains when
I'm pretty sure actual cuckold fetishists get off on watching, not on staying in a shed while thinking of their wife getting fucked
ugh I wish
He gets to stay there in the between time, even a bull needs some rest
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I accidentally omitted a word, but basically Jari is going to get all the money he needs from one campaign.
Oranssi Pazuzu reissues and a new EP this summer.
that new mini documentary on their last tour has necrobutcher talking about how he hares the shirts and used to fight people who wore them. it's on youtube.
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Darkness 17.gif
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>when the riff hits just right
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>>when the riff hits just right
Is this Apollyon?
What the fuck is Lamb of God considered? Just heavy metal?
You would know huh bro?
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It's the only good metal
yeah, whatever pantera is/was. post-thrash/groove.
Is he /ourguy/?
>when you're so unoriginal that you have to take an existing band name and add SS to the end of it
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no doubt
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Death SS is older than Death you retarded baka.
He's obviously talking about Death SSSS you stupid shit
i can't enjoy them, though. their singer seems like a nice dude, but

maybe i don't want my bands coming across as nice guys.
What a faggy post
Wait what? The singer seems like an asshole but never seen em live so wouldn't know.
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you're a fag
well, he kind of is an asshole. he killed someone.
I'm the fag? Kek. You have anime reaction pics joto
Yeah how that happened again?
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albums you don't enjoy purely because of the production

>anything scott burns
>anything andy sneap
>most black metal
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rape rape rape rape.gif
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but animu ist krieg
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now listen here, you dirty nigger
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who the hell is joto
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>caring about production this much that it interferes with your enjoyment of good RIFFS
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I never understand what the fuck you guys don't like about scott burns production
>hating on based Scott burns
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I'm Euronymous and so's my wife
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he didn't
the guy fell on some broken lamps
'splain nigga
don't spoonfeed this man
hi preacher
'splain nigga
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splain NIGGA
>clicky/artificial sounding kick drum
'splain nibba
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saplin nibla
cut them some slack; it's good for a live recording
Not a problem.
this 2bh
Dank Nazi riffs
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>those runescape drums

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Redpill me on this album, /metal/
Do I have shit taste for prefering this over Storm of the Light's Bane?
It is to Dissection what Battlefield Earth is to John Travolta.
you always have shit taste. how new are you?
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Fairly new desu
I just want to discover more metal and maybe talk about it with fellow anons
Pic related is my favorite album, and "Dead Eternity" is my favorite song from that album
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I took that bait.
>"Dead Eternity" is my favorite song from that album
was pretty convincing bait until that part, nice try
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Guys, how the fuck does this picture even work? Where is his face?
This is how I've been seeing it. Reminds me of Rocky Dennis.
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I weren't even baiting
I don't believe you.
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any1 kno where i can giv da new wampyinacht lp a lissen???
It goes against my better judgement, but explain to me what that album means to you and why you like that song. Then I can kinda direct you from there.
>flee to united states to escape genocide
>make a music career out of bashing the u.s.

fuck this cunt
Burns' production sounds sterile as fuck.
you retarded m8?
Is France the world's shittiest country when it comes to metal? Even Poland and the Czech republic (two ex communist countries) released more quality material in the early 90s than France did in its entire history.
>but muh gojira
>muh peste noire
>muh deathspell omega
Yeah that only proves my point.
is slam nu-male? it's basically deathcore, which is a nu-male genre right?
Reminder that Scott Burns single-handedly conditioned metalheads into accepting inaudible bass, robbing metal of the THICCness it deserves. He is a criminal and should be executed.
I must be because I don't see the proper angle.
>caring about production
t. Scott Burns
t. bassist
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>He doesn't know about Les Legions Noires
Anything Scott Burns and anything Rick Rubin.
Ever heard of Kreator?
maybe dig a little deeper than hipster meme bands?
They're even shittier than those I've mentioned
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Burns never worked with Kreator
nice try but I won't spoonfeed you.
Yeah but they came before him yet they had almost zero bass.
Inaudible bass had been a thing before Burns came in.
>inaudible bass
effigy of the forgoten says hi
Black Dragon and Dark Mother Divine are great
i.e. the album they were most passionate about?
everything that is not produced by Devin Townsend, Peter Tagtgren or Dan Swano
Effigy's bass is more audible than the average Burns record but on its own it's a terrible example of audible bass.
>Dan Swano
I just remembered I wanted to check out that guy for ages
What the fuck is this
it's not worth it, he's a meme like Devin
I still don't know why some people care too much about bass in extreme metal. Black Fast had fuck tons of bass on their latest album and it sounded fucking horrendous.
Some bands do bass well, but I don't see how putting more bass in something like Beneath The Remains would've made it any better.
Don't fucking do it he's the embodiment of nu male metal.
the extra thickness complements the sound A LOT, not even memeing.
doesn't matter nu-male or not the absolute majority of $lam bands are garbage cephalotropsy clones with zero talent. no point to listen to shitty doubles instead of original, seriously.
>Peter Tagtgren
lel this, scott burns is a genius compared to this hack.
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Give an example



>i.e. the album they were most passionate about?
I.e. the album they did due to religion/philosophy/ideology but it turned out that no one listens to gospel music because it's good.
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