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/bleep/ - GOAT edition

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praise hood
3th for harry

Please help

4th for bicep
lol mate unless you have a burning love for big room then IOMG is pretty much useless house circlejerk
So my youtube channel where I upload tunes was using my university email address and I forgot to change it, now I can't use that address any more so I can't access the channel. Does anyone know a way to change "ownership" of the channel?

7th for hi-hats

Innit, just garbage beyer-core tech house and very occasionaly a decent tune.

yeah i've had some pretty lucky ID's on there myself but it just clogged up my newsfeed with so many shares of edm festivals like 'WAIT FOR THE DROP, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED' like rahh llow dat

Where are my Junglist soldiers?
haven't been to these threads since last week

is /bleep/ for music again or is it still /danposting/ general
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GOAT edition
designated four/five tunes have been posted so its back to being /brit/ for the rest of the day

Well at least one person still thinks danposting is funny

>Well at least one person still thinks danposting is funny

And he has an IQ of 70


if you have a lighter in your pocket, light it up
lads I just finished Cormac McCarthy - The Road, solid slab of literature I found a lot of really memorable scenes and feelings, didn't take long to read at all
any man reading in here
gonna start Wild Swans about Chinese concubines next, big book will take me 5 years to finish
>if you have a lighter in your pocket, light it up
fuck off you degenerate

Read Blood Meridian

Yeah just finished Henry IV Part 2, bit underwhelming desu. Pistol is great but the play seems like it's made up of Falstaff scenes that didn't make the cut for Part 1. Onto Henry V next.

You'll be sorry if you pass me byyyyy

>not liking degeneracy

back to /r9k/ you go

shut the fuck up normie
get out of /bleep/
/bleep/ is the most """normie""" part of 4chan 2bh
/bleep/ will never be a safe space
keep telling yourself that you fucking normalshit

nobody wants your normie tunes or your normie posts

wew, just leave mate

actually fucking kys
is this a joke?
do people actually make tunes like this?
2bh might migrate to /metal/ until the wave of shitposting the past couple months has seen subsides

or at least until the danposter fucking dies
Finishing off Goethe's Werther

I find Werther so unrelatable that it hasn't been a great read for me. I don't like girls like Lotte either so I'm lost there too.

More of an intimate person myself and my passions don't surface that violently.

yeh I'm gonna :)
>be with dan
>some1 pushes button that rains down shots
>next thing u know
>batty crease lickin sesh on the dancefloor
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool xD

why are you so mad lmao

I'm not even close to fucked enough for tunes like this right now.
someone legit find the danposter irl and beat him to death
because normies ruined /bleep/ just like they ruin everything good on the internet

hope all you normies die
Werther is honestly one of my favourite novels, it's a cutting portrayal of the romantic sensibility, i.e. people like me lol.

i just hate danposting so fucking much
You can't appreciate Werther unless you read it in German and you understand the literary situation of its times, tho.
A translation can't really do Goethe's prose justice.
man need to be baxxed in the temple right back into midwestern pardland

>whining about "normies"
>whining about "normies" in a thread centred around going out clubbing

what the fuck are you doing mate? I can't even tell when people are joking here any more desu

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tfw going on a date on tuesday
d-do you like gabber me lad?
any drank so much last night today is a constant struggle not to vomit my guts out man in

That's like saying you can't appreciate the Greeks unless you know Greek. You sound like an idiot desu
you normalshits just dont get it
this isnt reddit
No, that's not at all like that.
any new coffee blend man in
Yeah I definitely get that, it's the same with every translation really. So sad that I'll probably never be fluent enough in German to read Hölderlin.

Werther legit made me cry at the beginning where he goes outside to read Homer and is giving sweet rolls to that peasant child lol.

good luck anon
Yes, it is. Sounds like you're repeating something your professor told you or maybe that you read in the introduction. Try thinking for yourself next time.
castrate yourself you fucking spastic
Why are you so fucking aggressive? Jesus.

I really hate the culture of 4chan where everyone has to be angry all the time

I don't think you quite understand the cultural significance of Werther and why it happened. It could never have had happened if Goethe was any less of a Wordsmith. The novel caught everyone's eye and I do mean everyone who read books back then was reading it.

btw I'm German, I obviously read the original text.
Fuck off. That attitude is what makes 4chan better than other sites where you have to tip toe around people's feelings.
1. 4chan is shit
2. That's a very autistic thing to say
The problem is that what you say is garbage.
Spouting nonsense with such conviction and aggression is just embarrassing 2bh
have u ever inserted ur pecker between a cornetto batty crease m8s?
>4chan is shit
Yet here you are. Social ties and PC are the biggest obstruction to honest and truthful debate.
4chan is good because you don't have to watch what you say, sure.

but being an agressive knob isn't welcome anywhere

this isn't an american dick measuring contest

holy hell do you have your head up your ass

How new are you? We try and distance ourselves from the garbage that is the rest of /mu/ and 4chan.

Who said anything about Americans? Nice ressentiment though.
Neither social ties nor PC are even remotely relevant to the content of this debate.
So just go fuck yourself.

Or better yet, leave.
This clearly is not for you.
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Making more stuff, went a bit too cheesy, stuck it up on free dl

Stop being obtuse. That is clearly what >>68340909 alluded to.
cool art but not gonna listen
enjoy it mate, online date or acquaintance or what fella? give us the juice guy!
>Who said anything about Americans
no one did

but you seem to be espousing a confrontational attitude that young american self-concious males seem to have
did you link this ages ago in the whatsapp? :3
And you seem to be espousing a familiar European attitude towards Americans. One of ressentiment and, frankly, obsession. If you're sick of American hegemony then do something about it. Otherwise shut the fuck up and go back to being their oil dispensary you Nazi fuck.
loooooool fuckinhell lad ;) ;)
girl i used to work with

shes a student, went away for the summer (shes polish) and came back and we hung out and got on really well

asked her to go for a drink tuesday night and she said yes, buzzing tbqh

helena hauff closed with it at phonox innit

Just saw this posted on SLF too
loooool no but ive soaked my nutsac in a tub of neapolitan guess whose idea that was xDDDDDD
You need to understand that the United States are a symbol for a certain sort of anti-social, anti-intellectual behaviour.
Just look around, evaluate yourself.

This has nothing to do with ridiculous claims of "American hegemony" and whatnot, but rather the people themselves. You need to differentiate between the state and the interests thereof and the people who make up the state. Isn't this individualism what you love?

>go back to being their oil dispensary
Americans being clueless, as always.
Love it.
>saying that someone sounds like a typical pard is obsession
ok lad, I'm not even European

time to leave

>american education
lmao no wonder you're so salty
nice m8, congrats and good luck! :ok_hand:
What's the PS3 equivalent of a bleep genre?

I.e a genre that has N O T U N E S
thanks bruv! (y)
why would it be a genre then?
Fuck off please.

Fresh meme dude
Yes, I'm sure that's how you rationalize your completely irrational disdain for Americans unfortunately it's not true and youre being dishonest. Even worse, you're being dishonest about your dishonesty. You ask me to evaluate myself but I don't think you've ever done the same. I never said I was American. No one even mentioned America until you came in spewing your bile about the evil other. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Europe in crisis too? It's time you started looking around.
rip dj rashad

normies killed /bleep/ lbr
elaborate please, are normies responsible for the unfunny meme spam?
>I never said I was American
You certainly act like one.
I might be completely wrong in my assumption, but whether you a literal American or a figurative one honestly matters little.
This also was my first post in that particular debate.

You know this crisis thing is really funny. I keep hearing about it. Europe is in a crisis, terrible things are happening, the end is near, that sorta stuff.
But I'm not seeing any of that. I mean, I should be able to see, I'm living in one of the biggest cities in the country, so why is it that I don't see it?

Nothing has really changed much in the past five years or so, I don't know what crisis these people are talking about, wherever this crisis is, it's not here.
>Werther is my favourite book
heheeheh abandon
what do you read?
...yet. I'm a pessimist about these things though. I think things are going to get much, much worse.
Where can I get me some of that cornetto batty crease??????? xDDD
(list of authors i've never read that make me better than everyone else)
I-I was actually just curious

but he probably was a shitposter, sure
I have terrible taste when it comes to literature as I haven't read as much as I should, I like Joyce atm
rec me some neo house please

Yeah, I can't sign into the account any more though. Guess I'm fucked. Might as well just start a new one.
Thanks, I guess
Made it myself lol
whats the best music to listen to while youre trying to sober up after a b i g night???
anime juke or anime grime lads?
Random one, but is there a /bleep/ or general lofi discord?
loool cycled past CS at 3pm and saw a load of wops pouring out hehe
post broper tunes lads

why aren't you vegan yet lads?

big new grime tune from adidas
it's called cold it's produced by swifta
hold tight
Morleys loooool
wait, you drew it?
got a mad new invention/foodie craft that caters to such people but i dont feel like unveiling it atm.

it involves a lot of planning and I dont feel like going through with it, also I probably need classical french training of the culinary arts before I could proceed justly.
i dunno
he has no presence he has no flow and his voice is shit
the instrumental has potential to be good.
sounds cool breh
why dont you just frigg off mr. lahey
on the real i might start a grindcore band and be the vocalist
why are americans so mad all the time loooool

like you tell them they suck and they're all hey dude we saved your ass in ww2 you'd be speaking german if it weren't for us

and im like hehe but you're speaking english though and they fly off the handle every time and start talking about aircraft carrier ships like loooool wtf
Ahmed pls
fucking pards
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I've heard this grime medley tune with all the well known classics (creeper, i luv u, pulse x, eskimo, oi etc.) a few times, does anyone know if it's an actual release or something?
Lad shouldn't you be in the dole queue lls

Very similar to that but the tunes are a bit longer. I've heard it played mostly by dubstep DJs
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instrumental is called one take, dunno if it's out
Yeah, doing inktober & using some of the pages as coverart as I go
didnt you mum go bankrupt after slipping on a gopher looool ambulance cost 4 million
who's harry?

Nah, wasn't this, I know one take. It was the actual original tunes just mixed together quickly.

the northern memester

These are great, nice work

why is grime presented as this underground gritty dark anti establishment rebellious youth music movement when its biggest artist is literally an adidas marketing campaign

you bongs are fucking liars i can't respect this genre
do you have cancer m8 :(

Like with every genre, the most popular artists are usually among the worst. And it's just fashion anyway, who cares.
people that have genuinely come from nothing tend not to buy into petit bourgeois 'sellout' rherotric
any south man in? wish I grew up in north desu
Nah, just lost all my hair senpai
all of it or just on top
any man at Make Me last night? Gimme a run down, couldn't make it in the end ;'(

I love being from up north

are you on about one of the zomby tunes off his new album, all the 2 minute interludes are grime medley's
Just shitty hairline, rest is fucking lush, trust me.
Go like the track to console me on my loss
same mate my hairline is atrocious now but still will not listen to your track

Nah, it's like this: >>68343285 but each tune plays for more bars.
baka desu senpai when did the word filter come back?
Good night, Regis was solid as you'd expect. He played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dhVXLUpY4s near the end which was nice
I actually meant north LDN
me neither >:-(
should be able to catch regis next month @ the steelyard at least
worklife killing my clublife
Top lad
Was anyone at lovebox this year?
2016 is the worst year for /bleep/
how ironic that the year of the bleep has been bad for /bleep/
I have a few btc left in my dnm account, what should I buy?

feel like taking some mescaline and listening to traumprinz

fucking loooooooool

sling me a couple g's speed la
buy some al-lad
yeah... yeah. 2017 though. I have a good feeling about it! ;)
jesus these are incredible

you're seriously talented man
>It's a went to a bleep show, did coke, didn't sleep, and have to go have dinner with friends and family in two hours episode

best Song of 2015
ey thats business as usual
BEst tune of 2016 Just bagged the wax lads

Probably because 12 years ago it actually was underground. It is now exclusively pre-freshers music.
because that's what it was.
Listen to discarda or something if you want anti-establishment or anti-corporatism or anti-everything, really.
ay i just got a polish gf aswell

but she's a pleb, and she's given up on showing each other music because i only listen to fucked up shit :(
idi nahui
ofc not
they're using the "crisis" as an excuse to reform europe into a totalitarian shithole and nobody notices it
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when pardos think europe runs under sharia law now
mine will listen to house/disco stuff but isnt really into techno

shes mostly into jazz but i think i can convert her
Posh wetty boy detected. The poor always feel it first
y im trying to convert her aswell
prob also gonna start with showing her the orb or some classic house
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any hardstyle for this feel looool
why the fuck would you want to convert someone from jazz to techno
why convert too? it is possible to listen to more than 1 genre of music
You know what he meant.
loool why are you jumping to his defense

anyway if your gf hasn't already adopted all of your opinions and tastes in music then she's not gonna stick around
Because you were being overly pedantic.

Also, I've been with my gf well over five years now and we like very little of the same music.
loooool trust me mate your finished
but i am famalam
i also use only cruelty free, vegan cosmetics and make up
y tbqh it sucks
think i might be gay lads
hang in there lads
what is bleeps opinion on m1dy and speedcore in general?

that was shit, being honest
It's awful
you just cannot handle the speed.
is this hell in audio format?
are all girls possessive psychos?
there are no drugs strong enough for this
what does /bleep/ think of flashcore

we can go even faster if you like
>Knife Party
get this horseshit outta here
its a remix of a knife party song made to be extremely fast

also these threads are less patrician than I thought if you can't unironically appreciate good extratone.

htf do you even dance or headbang to this
no wonder you don't like speed music, you're so unhip and uncool you can't even get down with the slang.
go back to /mu/ you filthy refugee

cold pizza and 37 dicks are jokes tune but im just saying that cus i was exposed to them at an early age through weird niconicodouga mcdonalds remixes
there's a steady rhythm halfway in
whats /mu/? do they like speedcore?
someone is gonna make speedcore good just like grimes made witch house good, just you wait that person is gonna be ME
already done m8, see >>68348394
That's not even 500 BPM you call that speedcore?

/bleep/ quality control is clearly too busy snorting MD tonight
i low key wish hardstyle was a respectable genre to any degree
i sincerely love those inspirational reverse reverb braveheart speeches each track seems to have
500 bpm is splittercore not speedcore you numb
My braincells...
speedcore is 400-999bpm
Fast does not always equally edgy, look at gabber.

However this speedcore shit is horrendous.


why does no other genre have this its so fucking sick
>just adding harsh noise to terrorcore
there's nothing even novel about that stuff.
I remember the day I first heard electronic music. I knew back then this illegal computer sound was gonna be my call. My heart got hooked on 4 by 4 beats, when house took his journey with Jack Chicago and Acid House.

Now my heart is hooked forever. I don't care if it's french-tek, hardstyle, hardcore, old school or jump. I don't understand people who are satisfied with ordinary pop music, they just listen to whatever radio stations decide they should like. Followed by an overkill of ring tone commercials meant for kids... And my god, they like it!

Some people even think that house clubs are for weirdos only. Maybe they're right, maybe we are weird. Maybe this music is weird and maybe the clubs are overrated. But we're in this together.

If you're in the scene, being a DJ seems like a natural path to follow. And back in the days DJ's were weird people who liked music in a weird way. Back then you would have to be a nerd to become a DJ. Nowadays everybody wants to be a DJ, nowadays everybody wants to be that nerd.

It sickens me, I hate those smart asses who think DJ is an easy way to get laid... Well... get a life. If you're not in it for the love of the music, would you please fuck off!
none of those tracks have harsh noise though
they are all harsh noise backed with a bass drum kick and semi-toned hihats tuned to e-minor.
trust me, i have audacity on my computer.
>i have audacity on my computer.
Please stop posting.
Still true of the underground scene around me, even among students.

You can tell the difference between those who like to drop mandy with friends and listen to wub-wubs and the true bleep heads.
if you think those are harsh noise then you've never heard actual harsh noise in your life

i'm amerifag and it's totally true lmao, we're fucking babies
If people can post mainstream EDM shit tonight then I'm going to go ahead and spam bait Jungle.

had a shit that didnt touch the sides lads

came out on a cushion of fart loool
who's the trickster?
house or techno

hillary or trump
I'm so sorry that I brought this storm of shitposting, bleepers. I just wanted your opinion on speedcore.

As a /grimes/ poster i know how annoying it can get when a thread is ruined. Have a classic:

russian nukes
Now for some actual ruffneck darkness though
If you have to ask you haven't been with many girls desu
good meme
never "been" with a girl
had a really close friend that i was sort of in a relationship with (ie. slept/cuddled together but never progressed to sex before she moved on)
how do you share the same bed with a woman and not stick your dick in her lls wtf this nu-male phenomenon has to cease desu
why do you care?
because we were close friends n taking it slow?
took it so slow she fucked off. worse part is that you dont seem to have learned your lesson. believe it or not, even the auroras of the world expect you dude to take a little charge once in a while especially when you are literally in bed, together. but hey, at least now you can make feels posts on 4chan innit

what prescription are your black framed nu-male glasses and how long has its been since you trimmed your cuck-beard?
post sexual bleep
Fucking cuck lmao
>believe it or not, even the auroras of the world expect you dude to take a little charge once in a while especially when you are literally in bed, together.

Tbf tho she was younger than me and pretty damn childlike/immature mentally (chinese innit). Pretty sure she was still a virgin.
>Tbf tho
here comes the rationalistion part
wew lad listen to yourself & learn from your mistakes
kys you fucking cuck nu male faggot

God neo-/bleep/ is awful
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how can people listen to this sampling borefest?
Whoops meant to reply to>>68350007
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>Pretty sure she was still a virgin.
>immature/childlike mentally
>chinese init
gassed t b h
>Pretty sure she was still a virgin
Pretty sure you still are lls
Woman is the devil
I was cold at night
had no one to hold on to
then you came along
you pulled me through
darkness fades away
and I feel no pain
the sun will shine again

when I close my eyes
you're everything I know
you make me feel
when I close my eyes
it's you I see
you are everything and anything to me

[ardcore noises]
I quite like Speedcore desu but I haven't heard loads, mostly Jap producers like m1dy, Warst, Akira Death, Myousuke, moro, Ozigiri and the guys off Psycho Filth, Maddest Chick'ndom, JSH, Solidbox etc.

I do also really like pretty much every release on Canadian Speedcore Resistance.
>caring this much about other people's sexual lifes

wew lad. you dont get laid regularly if you value it this much
I don't tend to like tunes above 220, and even that is really pushing the limit
youre projecting so hard - i encourage you to think for a second before typing again senpai

im not the one sharing my sexual life here, but man did, and man has the freedom to respond in anyway man pleases and man pleases to tell it how it is so man can get better but if man has a problem with that, man can fuck off
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link m8 :)
if man gets angry over some random guys sexual choices thats just sad.
mans not angry about anything tho..man would ask why man is projecting ???
im not projecting mate. youre the one spewing buzzwords and acting like a cunt because a guy made a different choice which has nothing to do with your life.
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you got your cuck-beard tied in a notch there m8?
I know you niggas heard of us, Raf Simon murderers
are you seriously expect me to take your argument seriously which contains nothing but buzzwords? kek
i dont get your logic though, i dont think it works at anyone honestly
theres your problem tho fampack
i dont want to argue with you lls
i honestly think most of you /pol/ people have some sort of autism
s/t loves jews lol
>most of you /pol/ people
once again youre projecting. im not /pol/

but -----
>/pol/ people

are you seriously expect me to take your argument seriously which contains nothing but buzzwords? kek
y'all niggas sound triggered
>using the word cuck and nu-male unironically
>not /pol/


>are you seriously expect me to take your argument seriously which contains nothing but buzzwords? kek
autism is an existing thing though. but fair point, is there a word for people who spend so much time on imageboards that they start to believe that the entire society is made up from internet memes?
Well that's the last time I post about my gyal experience from freshman year

Can we just get back to posting tunes?

what do you gays think of emika
of course you post some nigger tune you fucking cuck lmao
this is what a top lad looks like
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4got pic lool
Shut up you literal virgin faggot
You deserved to get dumped for being such a bitch you disgrace to mankind
what's some good one shot packs lads /prod/ is utter useless
"lol" "desu" "lmao"
jokes xD
The fact that Jeff mills isn't regarded as the best dj is an absolute something to people everywhere need to understand that Jeff mills lol
>gyal experience
you're literally gay if you sleep over with a girl and don't have sex
Who norwood soul patrol here?
>listening to shit brit radio station
fucking dope genre. I mainly like it because bleep hates it though
literally nobody on bleep likes you
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