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Homo Horse Hangout #39

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Thread replies: 137
Thread images: 68

Death by Glimposting Edition

Welcome to /hhh/, your international supplier of horsecock!

Previous thread: >>30303192

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/9gnUFz7E
Discord: https://discord.gg/NH7DVEW (18+ only)
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What are their names, /hhh/?
Cute Hors and Cute Pon

Edgar Allan Pone?
>raven cutiemark
>from Baltimare
checks out
Well who's the blue fatty then?
His cutie mark's a sandwich.
Do you guys know of any pastebins worth putting in the OP for this thread?
I'm so glad you're back, /hhh/. I thought you had gone the way of /ccg/.
Didn't /ccg/ just change their name to /hhh/?
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Where are all the homos
They were outbred by straight guys
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>international supplier of horsecock

Like a castration factory that ships crates of cut cocks across the globe? That's something.

Captcha: No ball games
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We're not dead, just got bumped off the thread the other day by glimposting and everybody who knows the trip was distracted for the past few days.

Yeah, it's the same collective, but it's changed about as much as you can expect a group of people to change over the course of a year.

I thought /ccg/ died for a while before /hhh/ started.
>rainbow cutie mark on purple and gay ass haircut on orange.

Has there been porn of these two?

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Dont die on me
I want them to double team me so badly

that comic first got me into brae's work, All Aboard and Comic Relief are great but there's just something special about that one.
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Me too, desu. I think Brae's got a knack for lewd story-telling. It really showed through in this one and Comic Relief - they're less rapey and have a certain sweetness to them
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It also firmly made shining my Horsebando. Although I found All Aboard really fucking hot, it agree it was kinda rapey with how they springed it on Mac. Kinda odd for someone who's all about consent.
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Yes, there has been.

It takes a certain talent to make consent explicitly sexy.
I'm bisexual now
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Fundawayne's a qt
Can I get a source on that comic senpai
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It's a reeeally old Braeburned pic
Thank you
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>hwn cuddle you sweaty on a barn floor
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Can Sunburst study himself to figure out what makes him the perfect horsebando?
Where does the magic come from??
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Cannon Homo when

never ever, they might do lesbians but we won't get a m/m pairing.
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Did he ever actually become a wonderbolt?
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Does wanting to give a pony the succ make you gay?


fuck off whitley.
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nothing better than a stallion whose work keeps him busy enough to accidentally grow a beard
Any good R63 stories? Love me some Stallion Mane 6, especially bubble.
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Post cute stallions
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No faggot will ever experience love as pure as the one between those two
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Oh god, he's going to get sexualized even though he hit the hayindefinitely.
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Bright Mac and the wood cutter pony could have had a small bromance.
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Did he get his cutie mark for mooning?
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What's he saying, /hhh/?
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Consider suicide.
Silly homogays.
>"Anon, I don't think you understand the realistic cost of this..."
>Filthy Rich glances down at your business proposal
>He sighs
>"Raunchy Stallion Sex Dungeon."
>"First off, land is expensive in Manehattan."
>"Second, I don't know who you intend to staff this establishment, and I'm not sure I'll want to meet them when you do."
>"I don't think they'll 'work for cum like the sluts they are,' like you say they will here."
>"Third, I don't believe you're ready and willing to clean such a place."
>He closes the folder you brought to his office. You'd drawn several dicks on the cover, hoping they'd help sell your image.
>He yells to his secretary.
>"Miss Penny? Please show Anon the door. Please don't let him back in again."
good night /hhh/
No anon giving Filthy Rich a BJ to convince him his capability and passion for the job?
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>Dismisses the client's sex dungeon business proposal
>Continues thinking about the idea though out the day, and feels a bit disgusted, but also curious and slightly turned-on
>Later that night decides to go cruising for stallions in secret
You don't get to be a successful businesspony by giving away your fortune on sloppy Anon blowjobs.
No matter how nice it must be to hide out under Filthy Rich's desk
Or how much he really needs the attention since his wife isn't putting out
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So now that the Apple parents' romance BTFO'd every piece of lgbt fan art and story we had, how do we recover from this tremendous defeat?

Before this we could look down on breeders and their deathly boring antics, but now they have a better love story than anything of ours! The canon dealt us a coup de grace. Absolutely savage. What's the point of even trying?! How can we ever hope to create something more pure and relatable? We can't. Let's face it, it's over.
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I've just accepted that there will never be a gay character/couple in the show, except for a whole lot of filthy lesbians.

I'm calling it right now, braeburn will be made straight in the show because the writers dont give a damn.
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I want a stallion to piss in my coltpussi
Romeo&Juliet isn't the only love story, and it's possible to make other pure and relatable love stories especially when it's about gay love.
Don't think like Apple parents are the only special couples.
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>How can we ever hope to create something more pure and relatable?

It's not a competition, desu. What ever made you think that it was?
>I'm calling it right now, braeburn will be made straight in the show because the writers dont give a damn.
He already is, they tried to hook him up with that disgusting she-bull, remember?

>Romeo&Juliet isn't the only love story, and it's possible to make other pure and relatable love stories especially when it's about gay love.
Care to name a few?

>It's not a competition, desu. What ever made you think that it was?
Tis too! Straight people have everything made in their lives, now they try to make it so their love is more pure than ours? The one thing we had going for us? Fuck that.
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>He thinks Braeburn X Little Strongheart is actually canon
They interacted like 1 time in that whole episode, and even then it was Dash and Applejack shoving them in each others face.
They blushed. It's thinly veiled subtext anon.

Little Strongheart was a girl?
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Did you just assume xer gender?
Just wait another 10 years. There will come a show that will write two male characters romantically interested in each other correctly in an engaging way.

The problem is that people will think it's "forcing shit" when in reality they don't want to see anything alluding to homosexuality in anything and have it phased out.
Shoving them in each others' face over politics, mind you.

>Care to name a few?
I'd recommend Moonlight. It's a bit more harsh than relatable, but it was a pretty real coming of age story about a gay kid.

>when in reality they don't want to see anything alluding to homosexuality in anything
This hurts the most, desu
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Shucks, I suppose I did
Yeah, they said the same thing in 2007 as well. I expect they'll say it again in 2027 and so on.

>I'd recommend Moonlight.
meh, didn't see it.

>when in reality they don't want to see anything alluding to homosexuality in anything
>This hurts the most, desu
Think about it this way, usually you don't wanna see straight stuff either.
But who cares really. The world is shitty, rotten to the core. Impossible to change. Anyone who tries usually ends up in the loony bin or sells their soul and becomes politicians lying 24/7.
The answer to most of life's problems is to just...stop giving a shit. Take a deep breath, and let it all go. Things you care about, things you wanted, things you feel like you couldn't live without. It's hard, but not impossible. And once you do that, and you're done wrestling with anxiety and crippling depression, you'll find there's a whole new world out there. Where nothing matters, you'll die anyway sooner or later, there is no afterlife, so why not enjoy what little time you have here?

Hedonism is a great way to cheer yourself up temporarily. Oh and drugs, those are nice too. But the nanny state (more like police state) hates its citizens having fun and not being able to tax that shit (because it taxes literally everything, how dare you enjoy something and not pay for it) so good luck with that.
I guess you could try filling the emptiness of your heart with human interaction, but social media and Fartbook made sure to ruin that for our generation. That said, you'll eventually realize most people are shallow sons of bitches anyway, and the reason why the world is shit is precisely because people are shit, so once you had that epiphany, you'll stop wanting human interaction too,because you'll be disgusted by it, and start to view it as a physiological need, like food or drinking. It's loathsome but a necessary aspect of life in order to stay sane, because unfortunately my father was right, and our race is a social one.
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You sound really really high
>Care to name a few?
Not sure about your standard for pure and relatable but
RENT, Hedwig And The Angry Inch, Arashi No Yoru Ni, are some titles I got in mind. 90's broadway(well broadway always is) and some other media had something towards gay or love beyond sex.
Does anyone here have a bf?

Or someone who has had gay sex? How does it feel?

like a cock up your butt.
No and no.

I'm gonna die alone.
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>"I didn't put those in my ass!"
it is forcing shit, it's the same as never taking other abnormal subcultures seriously on tv
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If it was the other way around it'd be fappable
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yes and yes
it feels like a warm flesh tube is up your ass going back and forth

great comic, I just wish there'd been a creampie.
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In the /trash/. Worshipping.

that perspective for the last panel on page 7.......why can't there be more of these in porn?
I want more Shining bromance in Equestria, or Shining/Flash bromance in the EqG world.

There was a comfy story from a couple threads ago with Shining in the real world. I'm hoping the writefag returns.

>>30104841 →
[/spoiler]I bet he lays eggs[/spoiler]
Is applejack's dad a DILF? answer honestly /hhh/

He wasn't a dad yet in the episode, but yeah, he was pretty cute, desu.
We aren't sure if he's dead yet.

Yeah, he dead yo
can i find those pics on derpibooru? links please
Any of you fags going to Bronycon in August? Thinking about cosplaying one of the gaypones this year.

Where are they holding it this year? Which pone?
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Daily reminder
Baltimore, like always & probably Fashion Plate

Here's the thread you meant to post to man >>30390861
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Fashion Plates a qt.
ive been redirected here. So tell me, whats the most popular male gay shipping in this fandom?

Mr. Cake x Donut Joe is extremely prolific
Braeburn and dicks.

Though the materials I need are harder to find than previously thought. Temporary grey hair dye is easy to come across but a plaid bandana (that isn't for dogs) and white frame/pink lens sunglasses are harder to find even on eBay. Camera will be easy since I already have a rangefinder that looks like the ones they use in Equestria.

soarin/braeburn is popular for some reason as well as soarin/thunderlane

I personally like Shining/Flash for some reason.
Everyone is gay for Braeburn
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Far off, the writefag hears the sounds of someone calling out for more. He can't stop now that he knows someone, somewhere was actually reading his horrible shit!

Will Anon and Shining survive a full-on urban riot? Will they finally do unspeakably gay stuff together? Let's find out, in the continuing story of Shark Week 2!
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"So, about last night. You said you'd lay down your life for me? I'm afraid if this gets worse,
you just might." you say. Shining's expression darkens for a moment, then his smile returns.
>"Better a warrior's death against the hoardes here, than an ignoble shishkebab death over a
>toilet seat misunderstanding back home."
"So long as we're clear, then."
>"Anon, don't be so worried. You're with a trained soldier of Equestria, the best of the best."
You watch him toy with the radio, cranking away at it again. You'd seen him in action enough
to know it was true enough, but weren't sure he was facing the reality of the situation. <click>
"-sking citizens to remain indoors and shelter in place if the disturbance affects your area,
and avoid flammable locations. Unrest has sprea- pff."
>"Hey Anon. Are we in a flammable location?"
"You're kidding, right? We're sitting in a dry wooden tinderbox."
>"I thought so."
Peering back out the little front door window, you spot some newcomers. "C'mere."
>Shining stands up and peeks through another of the little diamond shaped windows.
"See those guys dressed all in black with the faces covered?"
>"Uuuum- Ah yeah I see one. OK I see more of 'em. Yeah."
"Those are the serious assholes. If you watch you can see 'em giving the crowd stuff."
>"I see one giving guys bottles of water. That seems nice of them."
"Note the cloth stuffed in the tops."
"Those aren't water, they're fire-starter bottles full of fuel."
>"Oh. And they're going to use those on us?"
"Pretty much on anything around themselves, but only after they bust in and loot the place."
>"We need to fortify this place."
This is getting close to some LA-level chimpout shit.
>Hillary and her army of dindus, sjws, and angry somalians have taken over Burgerland
>Being a white male is declared illegal, and they are placed in tolerance camps
>Fug :-)
>It's been several months and you're not sure if you've already died
>Food is scarce because every time you try to grow food in the tolerance camps sjws come and redistribute it to the oppressed people of color
>You spent most of your days just chilling, mostly starving to death and laying on a concrete floor
>Boom, outta nowhere King faggot Thorax shows up
>He wants to adopt all of the fucking white males
>Trades them for fresh pairs of timbs
>You get relocated into a home in a weird bug hive as some weird bug horse's assigned boyfriend
>Find out later, the whole colony is male faggots
>They all have some antisocial disorder that prevents them from seeking out relationships and have to be assigned partners
>Spend three weeks getting buttfucked multiple times daily by a bug horse nefore your starved and weakened body gives out and you die
Fuck yes more please

Hooray, it lives
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where can i find the uncensored version
Is Shining Armor giving his royal guard comrade a promotion?
Whatever the context is, it is simply Gorgeous.
heckin BAMPED!
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"We also need some roof-koreans. I'll show you later." You say, to Shining's confused expression.
>"Firstly, let's use the fact that you still have running water to saturate the outside of the
house." Shining says.
"I got plenty of hose, and a sprinkler, I guess we can just move that around. Keep the visible
magic down, maybe dress you up as Captain Pike again, so you can cover me while I go "water
the lawn". Also there's a building a couple lots away with a nice bunch of metal fence we can
scavenge once it's gotten dark out."
>Be one fortification montage later, observing the results from the now better fenced in yard.
>"It's sure stronger than it was." Shining states, rubber mask peering at your wet, fenced-in house.
>Without even the few working streetlights there usually was, the place looked positively stygian.
>your vision flickers periodically from momentary use of his shield spell any time there's a loud
>noise or object tossed your way. The background chanting and hooting was reaching a new height of
>fervor. "Let's get our asses inside." Shining says, his power chair whirling and heading for the
"I hear that." you confirm, following.
>Be on the roof, a dust-darkened unicorn sprawled belly-down alongside you.
From this vantage, you can see a couple of helicopters in the distance, out over the still-lit
portion of the horizon. Already a few blazing structures lit the darkness some blocks away.
You shift your weight, wishing you'd brought more than just a dark blanket for comfort. Your AR
has turned out alot lumpier and less comfortable than you'd have thought. Not that you intended
to blast anyone, but you weren't going to let them take either of your lives, or your house if
you could prevent it.
I wish there were more green of Soarin sexually pressuring/harassing Thunderlane.
degenerate thread
little adventurer got tired
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Thread posts: 137
Thread images: 68

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