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Cringe Thread

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Thread replies: 147
Thread images: 62

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It's that time of the month boys and girls
>they actually named their child twilight sparkle

the absolute madmen
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Whenever I feel bad about myself I go onto the EqD comment section and think "at least i'm not these fags"
Do you think pony will be dead enough by the time that kid goes to school?
If it wasn't for the vampire movie and MLP, that would be a dope ass name, tbqh.

Was looking for a good story and ran across this magnificent gem. All you have to do is read about halfway down the first chapter to see where this ride is going. There is such a blatant amount of cringe and autism that it's actually pretty funny if you go in with that in mind.
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That was satisfyingly disturbing to read.
I just watched a pony head stimulator that had some stuff about this
>unironically making a cringe thread
this is a cringe board
The classic.
Ah here it is:
This compilation is all stuff you see every single day here. It's like people think these comments are weird and unusual or something.
This shit is legitimately depressing. ugh
>I have pawns!
Maximum cringe in my skin.
It's not totally hopeless. Maybe someday he'll become a fine, upstanding goth,
who constantly hopes nobody finds out his secret middle name.
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>61 chapters
>Hello, my name is Minecraft
I died.
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>Hello, my name is Minecraft
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>hello my name is Minecraft
>mfw among the 7.5 billion people some fuckwit named their poor, bastard son Minecraft
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>My name is Minecraft.

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>only 61 chapters deserves a wew

Oh sweet child get ready cause shit's gonna get scary
>/b/ro lies about his waifu cumslut and pretends it was all for his autistic brother
We all know who the pony really belonged to.
I mean if we're going by chapter counts it's not hard to have a lot of chapters. Despite his 144, it's only around 250k words long, which is pretty long but not in any way exceptional or even notable for that matter.
Even the chapter count itself, disregarding all other measures of length, is mildly impressive at most. Here, for instance, are 186 chapters for your enjoyment: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/243573/letters-from-an-irritated-princess
The cringe is real.
>186 chapters
You're going to love this trainwreck then:
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oc dont steal!
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This isn't a humor thread.
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this is what >nohooves fags actually believe
t. butthurt dutch
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ancient cringe
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Does anyone have the picture of the guy with framed EQG porn in his house? He may or may not have had a young kid in the photo too, I can't remember

Posting some classics in the meantime
>EQG porn in his house
Why are EQGfags so cringy? I blame fingers and not enough paddling, if you ask me.
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>You, Sir, should be added to the unesco list of worldwide wonders.

Gets me every time.
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>Homeshit chimes in and gets 10 likes
Stop reminding me that they're out there. When the fuck are we gonna gas them?
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Hahah what the fuck. It's like he tried to do some inspirational angry speech shit but all that came out was his tangential retardation glued to his neckbeard hairs. Saved.
He actually wears that suit pretty damn well. Shame he's a sperg.
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>2,345,261 words and counting

Good lord, this is becoming someone's life's work
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>this is becoming someone's life's work
You should take a look at these two fics.
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worst part is he's proud of it. he thinks he made a real difference to the world.
How is this cringe?

>strongly relates to pony character
Well many people here are literally in love with ponies

>write wall of text about a pony fanfiction
I doubt that took more than ~10 minutes to write, not that autistic desu

>has apparently had a relatively lonely childhood with few/no friends
Oh no an introvert with no social skills/life! There definitely isn't anybody like that on here, oh no - so let's all laugh at him!

That's basically the only cringy thing I saw.

And never once does he use mentally retarded emoticons (like :3 or ^^ or stuff they like to use), never once in fact does he deviate from coherent English language - nothing about his writing is wrong.

Sure, to a normie this would be cringeworthy, but we're on /mlp/ here. A large fraction of people here unironically want to go live in Equestria, an equally large fraction are unironically in love with a pony, there's peole who unironically want to be transformed into ponies and live as ponies whether on Earth or in Equestria. We have greentexts, which are like the fanfiction of fanfiction. Just strongly identifying with a character from a famous fanfic - and a rather decent fanfic at that, from what I've heard (never read it myself, correct me if I'm wrong) - is nowhere near autistic enough to be cringy here.

Try again.
>it's a "/foeg/ does damage control" episode
If you're using 'cringier than /mlp/' as your baseline this thread's going to die pretty quickly
No, I just never read the thing and what I hear about it is either positive or neutral.

Contrast, for instance, Past Sins, which is incessantly trashed and criticised almost any time it's mentioned.

So I assumed FOE was decent. Am I wrong?
Almost everything else here is cringier than /mlp/, at least from the point of view of someone who posts on /mlp/.

I'd posit the main different is self-awareness: if you know you're autistic, you're gonna hide your powerlevel in public and not sperg out in front of people, even if when you come home in the evenings you fuck your life-sized plush every day. But if you don't realise how autistic you are, you get stuff like >>29551011 which is cringier.
It's cringy because he types like a forumfag.

Take yourself, that random gay fag, and your shitty story to the fucking sun and burn to death.
Yeah it's pretty crap
Well he wasn't wrong.
Oh ok.
I will now unironically proceed to form a firm opinion of the story based on this cartoon, and hence agree with you.

>types like a forumfag
>on a forum
>the horror!

Would you rather he types like a nor/mlp/erson? Now that would be autistic, because we have our own autism and culture here that whatever that place is don't have.

>hurr durr I am le edgy 4chan poster and everyone else is retarded
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What's a pet, though?
>So I assumed FOE was decent. Am I wrong?

It's OK. Time has not been kind to it, and the writing quality of the first few chapters is rather poor. But it's not the terrible piece of garbage you hear people say it is.
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What is this a screencap for ants
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If it was a girl, it wouldn't be half as bad, but jfc, what where the parents thinking.
>When Celestia takes away your tendie privileges.
Oh fucking christ this
50 Shades of Sparkle
a rapist who just didn't have a chance yet
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ew no
Imagine having to be the staff who had to serve this turbo-autist while he talked to and fed his plushie. If that's not a sign to go back to college, I don't know what is.
you guys want some fresh cringe?
I mostly agree with that rambling sperg
that was good, the voice acting was great, I don't see what's so "cringey" about it.
To add even more cringe on top, a reading by yours truly.
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>cringe thread
What are we?, reddit or something
Loved reading through Blooming Moon.
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Pip is pure
Harsh Reality says otherwise.
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>Hello, my name is Minecraft
we've had these since pretty the beginning of the board newfig
I'm really curious what caused that rant, anyone know?
>"It's a pet."
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the guy writing those is a complete autist known for this kind of random outbursts
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They sent both princesses into space.
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Don't you hate it when some place has a height restriction and in your mind you meet it but physically you don't? Makes me want to slice my face off. Why can't people understand that my physical height doesn't define my height, only how tall I am in my mind defines how tall I am.
I'm sure you'll keep saying that when you fly out of your seat on the tilt-a-whirl like a dwarf in an Irish pub.
*notices ur bulge*
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Anyone got some classic Chris-chan cringe?
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Is this the one?
Even dash looks like she's laughing on the inside at how little that kid's pressing.
I mean, if I were pressing 2 lbs I wouldn't put photos of it on the internet, but it's a start.
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I made it as far as the third paragraph:
>My name is Ash Blade, but a name everybody uses to pick on me in my old world is nightmare from hell or pyro psycho.

I swear that this guy is the only person whose art has gotten worse after four years (pic related is from 2012)
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my cringe folder.webm
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wow, that's an impressive amount of regression. I mean, this pic is almost good when compared to >>29551828
Why is this so cute in an autistic way? If this was done with decent art and a couple of tweaks in the script, I'd watch it again
>"here's all the cringe that I have !"
>post some faggot
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this cringe thread is weak
Maybe it's time for you to add something new...
your reply is weak
Holy. Fucking. Hell. Wake me up.
that is a lot of danger noodles
>the one with the Velvet Remedy mane
welp the build a bear was realy a better quality
it was a good read but i wanted to know the end of it
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I have a story for all you.
>Be me, lived in Utah for years, there's TONS of bronies there and their meetups are annually. Overall, they're not that bad, just drinking coffee and poners. Did it to get out more and stop being a neet.
>Just moved to another state, join local brony group on Facebook.
>It takes weeks for the admins to even respond to my request to join.
>After joining the group, I see that posts happen on rare occasions, about once every half month to a month.
>Randomly, a brony meetup comes up, decide to go.
>Drive to meetup at someones house, it's just some dudes sitting around talking about some dumb shit, for hours.
>Decide to spice things up next meetup... Which was a month later.
>Come to next meetup with Ponyfinder.
>Still just as lame and awkward the last time, so I try and get everyone together for some good old RPGing to break the ice.
>Doesn't work out in the least bit.
>Leave, never attend another meetup.

Was I just lucky the first time around with these """brony meetups""" or are most meetups a meme?
autism incarnate.jpg please.
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does anyone remember this?
He came back recently, you know. Or at least kind of recently. I suck with stuff like that. I still feel like october of 2015 was recent and there was a whole year between then and now
did you save or have any of his latest thread?
Why would you want to interact with these people
Don't know what you were expecting
Also worth mentioning is that this was the thread that the Buzzfeed article was written over.
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thanks anon and check em
I present to you, Nightmare Mongrel. She is the corrupted form of Quasimodo Quartz.
Wow. Just go up some stairs and the thing can't get you.
Push it over into a mud puddle and you have defeated it.

>"Who we are you will know in time but now the time has come"
That's Booksmart, isn't it? He's, uh, special.

In general, though, EqD discussion posts are home to the most concentrated forms of autism this fandom has to offer. Comment sections on real articles are usually a bit less braindead.
Guy sounds like a true bro, to be honest.

They've suffered enough

I mean, you can see what he's doing. He obviously tried to improve his art by drawing real horse anatomy, but it just... didn't work. The foundation's missing and the house just got more and more crooked.
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Oh TexasUberAlles, you are a shining gem of over-reactive stupidity.
It's probably talking about the episode were rainbow dash wanted a pet and tank the turtle kept being persistent and finally won her over.

makes me wonder why the mods keep him around
Thread posts: 147
Thread images: 62

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