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Sunset Shimmer thread: Freelance Musician Edition

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Thread replies: 481
Thread images: 251

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>You find yourself at a bar late one night stressed out because work and your boss sucks blahblahblah
>This beauty walks up on the stage with her guitar.
What does she play?
How do you try to pick her up?
Go for the one night stand, or be gentlemanly and just try your best to get her number?
You want a tip?
Here's your tip GET A REAL JOB!
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But anon, I make plenty of money gigging around town. It's a real job. I usually make a little over 2000 a month, sometimes the pays nicer though and it's closer to $3000 It's all about planning, practicing and starting out doing work for
It's fuckin gay but you get there if you work hard enough. I've actually recorded in studios for local musicians too. All this alongside paying for college as a music major
Oh yeah, I play the trumpet btw.
>hey buddy, spare some change?
Sounds fulfilling
It's not "Spare some change"
I don't play on the side of the road begging for change.
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Audibly kekd
No one fucking cares we're here to post about top tier waifu, Not bitch about what you think is an acceptable way to live.
>"hey anon, What do you do for a living?"
>I play the trumpet

Eat shit, faggot
Glimmer is better than flash sentry's used cock sock lol
She's playing Marcy Playground- Sex and Candy

Her soulful rendition of this song would be eargasm worthy.

Just walk up and talk to her, and let nothing and no one stand in my way.

Ask her out on a date, to go get some coffee, and if not just try and get the number.

As far as sex goes, I don't want to make a big deal about it. I wanna show her that I'm Mr.Right, and literally nothing in the entire world will keep me from making her happy.

This guy has the right idea. We're here for Sunset.
The only thing Sunset plays is the skin flute behind the bleachers
They don't call him Flash Sentry for nothing
I don't need validation through some faggot on 4chan.
I'll be making decent money in military ensemble, and after words i plan on having a mid tier symphony job.
It's sad that you probably don't have any goals/aspirations.
I'll do as I please and at least I'll enjoy my job.
I could really see that. And I like it, but I think She'd have a set of 3 songs

Feathers:Coheed and Cambria

Sugar We're going down

And she'd close with this of I will follow you into the Dark

I'd love every single bit of it too.

I'd close enough to talk to her, initiate some comfortable conversation and ask if she'd like to meet me for lunch one day. Ask for her number.

Then go through that mental anxiety of when to call, (Even though it really isn't that big of a deal) call her, make plans. And also plan on taking a quick trip to the Dave n Busters near the place we ate to play some games or go bowling. Or go to the Go Kart park, or the Defy Gravity near my house
So many possibilites.

My biggest concern would be picking her up, because she'd probably think I'm some sort of douchebag with the car that I drive.
I think my issue would be, just being too clingy.

It probably wouldn't happen with other girls, but this is Sunset Shimmer we're talking about.

I'd probably cling harder than nuclear bonded plastic wrap.

I'm so pathetic.

Seriously, how would Sunset ever respect me as a man? I can't help but want her approval. And I would care so deeply about what she would think. I don't know if I could ever act normal around her.
Sunset is the type of bitch to take away your cunnilingus privileges.
I mean, if she wants to deny herself pleasure then sure?

Whatever makes her happy.

What exactly in this hypothetical scenario am I doing to make her so upset?
I'm implying that she thinks so highly of herself, that eating her out is a privilege.
Last time I checked Sunset didn't like Flash at all
Meanwhile your shitty bald waifu has a literal boyfriend
Fuck off back to whatever degenerate shithole you crawled out of you fucking cuck
>I don't need validation through some faggot on 4chan
Your whole rant post says otherwise lol
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Love that girl.
>flash sentry is sunset shimmer ex boyfriend
>b-b-but she w-w-was only using him!
Sunset Shimmer isn't part of the mane cast now is she? lol
Couple of non-canon movies
Doesn't even matter enough to get on the show and have episodes dedicated to her
Sounds like someone is grasping at straws lol
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>I play the trumpet
Flash is a beta faggot; he'd be easy to blueball, and Sunset had no interest in him at all, so it's unlikely that anything sexual occurred, unlike how Shitlight drools all over the place for Sunburst and spends an entire two parter getting hot and nervous over him
Sounds like someone is anal annihilated that his shitty waifu is not only a shitty clone of a much better character, but is also taking deep dickings from her senpai.

And the fact that it's three fucking years later and you're STILL in denial about EqG being objectively canon just makes this pathetic tbhonest f@m.

Like seriously lad you have nothing going for you lmao
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>damage control
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>even more damage control
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You too don't like Starlight because of you'r love Sunset?
Don't lump me in with a loser like you pls
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>even more memes
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I'm not a looser.
imagine her getting sexually frustrated as she's "punishing" you
what a pretty pony
imagine op not being a faggot for once.
Grab my guit and jam with her. Trade leads and rhythms back and forth. Teach her some of my favorite songs and vice versa. As long as shes not the kind of chick guitarist that bangs two chords mumbling into the mic and staring at her feet. That shits just annoying and way too prevalent these days.
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I wonder when they're going to make Sunset a part of the show?

Maybe by the end of the season she'll pop in to help defeat the final boss, just like in Rainbow Rocks.
I think I'd have the same problem.

I'd be so scared to lose her that I'd probably cling on, and cling on tight.

She'd probably think it cute at first but then find it really annoying after a few months.
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S-somehow I'd like to think, maybe if I was being clingy like that, and then I pulled back, that maybe Sunset would be upset and get paranoid herself.

Maybe that thought that once she really had me for a while, that she'd be just as scared to lose me I as am to lose her.

A man can dream can't he?
This is now my head canon for my relationship that won't happen. I'll dream it eventually,

I've already had multiple. Some that felt so real when I woke up and had to go to classes I wanted to actually kill myself for the possibility to go back to that dream forever.

Wow I'm one edgy faggot.
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This is 4chan. We are all edgy faggots.
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Always knew the faggot part, just never realized how EDGY tho. It is what it is though
Also this was yesterday
>Be me
>friend comes over
>"Anon why are you eating ice cream?"
>I eat ice cream when I have a bad day
>"But you eat ice cream every day"
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>I'm not good at anything so I bought a trumpet, now I play it on the street for that is where I live, I'm happy and you are jealous of me
Literally don't play it on the street
I play professional gigs for churches, Weddings, Graduation Ceremonies.
I teach lessons on the side and have an audition with the local symphony next month.
I'm not a begger
Well, funny enough you should say that...

Firstly, she would be playing this...

Secondly, I would be a gentleman and buy her a drink, followed by light hearted conversation, and only flirt if it's safe to do so. If I get her number on the first number, I'll be lucky But, I could always ask her when she is playing again...
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>I play the trumpet
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>The lake sort of knows me
>Was it you who promised time?
>Lead me to a land so green, so she'll stay awhile
>Please take me there. I'm ready.
>The ship sways, but the heart is steady
>I have time
Wait a minute where are the "#" at?
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Hi it's Vince with Shamwow, you'll be saying 'wow' every time you see this waifu.

It's like a Shammy, it's like a girlfriend. A regular waifu doesn't work wet, this works wet or dry.

This is for the house, or car, or boat, or the RV. Shamwow holds 20 times it's weight in liquid. Look at this, it just does the work. Why do you want to work twice as hard? Doesn't drip, doesn't make a mess. Drain it out, and wash it in the washing machine.

Made in Germany, you know the Germans always made good stuff.
>We'll never get a comfy green of Sunset in this thread.
>not listening to jazz

Also to the trumpet anon
>not playing jazz
Sunset would be playing some nice, romantic jazz to seduce you

More like this in EQG4, please.
I hope for more horsey slips like this
it's cute as fuck
Oh yes, that too, she is just a pone after all.
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>listening to jazz

I love these pics of ponies in EQG clothes.
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What is Sunset thinking right now?
>"I hope there aren't any rodents of unusual size around here."
Jazz started in the 30s dude

ans hipsters are cancer and only like smooth jazz

>Damn it, i got my coat wet
>jazz started in the 30's dude
No shit? Really hurrrr
So did big band but you dont see people going to big band clubs unless they are hipsters
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Anon come on, you can't just fall for every girl in a Sunset Shimmer cosplay.
my point is jazz isn't a hipster thing because it started way before hipsters started saying "i listened to it before it was cool."

Because they didn't. It was already cool by then. It has universities dedicated to it. An international holiday, declard by the UN.


Managed by the Thelonious Monk Institute (one of those universities)


In fact. hipsters actually stole the word from jazz.




Why does this picture seem so lewd?
How did Sunset get so strong?
shes gibing someone a foot job

>no hooves
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Why is she so smug?
Can we have more Sunset songs?
He doesnt care man he just wants to call someone a faggot
No one cares
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Wow check out all these faggots who don't want to have sex with Sunset Shimmer.
Yeah, all these faggots want to talk about is jazz and playing music on street corners.

Fuck off to /mu/ with that
There's hardly any Sunset in the Sunset Shimmer thread
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I can see why people didn't want this to become a regular thing.

Endless shitposting, and no one wants to write a green!

Is it really impossible to ask for some cozy Sunset green?
Preferably with Anon as self insert wish fulfillment type of deal?
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>Agent S. Shimmer
"Hey Sunset, guess what? I fucked your mom last night!"
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Best musician Sunny
looks like Sunset stole Celestia's "magic"
I could feed for days off Sunset's big jugs.
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Sunny is a qt
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We will never get a Sunset green like >>27412696
the artist could have at least had her play a power chord and given her a pick
They really flubbed the shape of the guit as well
and it's missing tuning pegs for the higher strings, no strap, and I'm not sure if I've ever seen a button on the pick guard
I've seen kill-switches on guards but that clearly isn't one. Like damn if you're gonna put all that work into a shimmy would it kill ya to look at a reference of a guitar?
So it's been established that most of you like the pony and the human form of Sunset.

But would you still love her if she were a satyr?
a spell went wrong and Sunset Shimmer ended up switching minds with a dog
what do you do?
Look for a way to reverse it of course!

A body without the mind is nothing!

I will save my love from her canine fate and bail her out of the doghouse.

And in return she will love me eternally!
what if it's irreversible?
would you still love her?
what would you do with her human body?
keep it as a pet?
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I would abandon her.

I won't be in a relationship with a half-dog. I won't screw the pooch. I won't fiddle with fido. I won't roll over with rover.

Sorry sister but you're barking up the wrong tree.
>Not wanting to give a canine Sunset your bone.
For shame.
Well I'm fatfit and I'd give my left nut to plow doggy Sunny and pet her on the couch.
that's really ruff on her, bro
>not throwing her a bone in her time of need
puppy love never lasts
she has such a fetching personality
who said anything about fucking her dog body?
why not fuck her human body?
it's no different than if she were in her right body
she is a pony at heart, so when is it considered bestiality?
I can't.

Human body Shimmer still has a dog mind. SO her body would probably do a bunch of random dog stuff and make it really difficult to fuck her even if I wanted to.

Dog body Sunset, IS LITERALLY A DOG.

Even if it were washed, and groomed and- BLEH no! Any way you look at it, it's still gross as hell!

>so when is it considered bestiality?
It's bestiality when you fuck dogs!

Sometimes it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
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Getting back to the realm of sanity, do you guys think we'll ever see pony Shimmer again? Whether it is in the movies or show?
It seems about as likely as getting any green in this thread.

I think there is supposed to be a new movie with her in it this fall.

But seriously, where is the fucking green?
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when Sunsets meet.png
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I wanna know where human Shimmer has been this whole time
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I want to be held by Sunset.
Twilight seems awfully interested in whatever she's looking at.
write it urself
Everyone does. Hopefully we will find out in EQG 4
Those incorrect reflections are triggering me.
Tell that to OBluse. He made the pic.
Okay. Just let me make a DA account and I'll PM him.
If someone could just edit Anon where Spike is.

I mean.. I just need it, for reasons.
>Watermark removed
Whoever did this is a saint
>is on /mlp/
>is not a zoofag to some degree
>doesn't think it's JUST hot to fuck a tight bitch pussy
why are you here normie?
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Finally. this thread was taking forever to appear.
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Meow :з
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bottomless edit when?
More clothed Shimmer ass, please.




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More Sunset holding Twilight like a puppy.
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There are suddenly 45 Sunset Shimmers in your house!

What will you do!?
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Why in the FUCK are you faggots so fucking obsessed with shitty greentext pony fanfiction
Green is nearly always terrible; actual discussion of official content is inherently better than fan cancer
I like the self insert Anons because for a brief moment I can picture myself as Anon and forget about my miserable existence where Sunset doesn't exist.

>Green is nearly always terrible

Thanks for your shit opinion, now kindly fuck off because I actually like the greens.

I've been trying to get a green in here forever and I'm not going to have you fuck it up because you've got a stick up your ass today.
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Words words everywhere but not a drop of green.
>mfw page 9
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>It was page 9
>153 posts
>No green

Gee I wonder why.

Image dumps are pointless, literally derpibooru the thread.

If this thread doesn't get some green soon I'll probably just hide it. Waste of fucking time.
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Did somebody say memes?
Well DB doesn't have this >>27414909
And I think i have a another sunset pic not found on DB I have a few that I posted to DB and they erased for whatever reason

I got it from Gelbooru
Alright well here are links to some places you can find images of Sunset Shimmer




Now go there, and delete this thread.
Belly rub mastrubation
Anon, relax with your shit, this is a place of worship for Sunset.
If you guys want, go to the thread discussing EQG4 and you will find out about human Sunset and the plot of the movie.
Fuck you
kek, that was done at my request
it's fun to see the ones you request get posted by others
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Da fuq is with all of this non shim sham crap.
I think it would be better if we had a single thread for humanized ponies. It's too bad people want their own little separate categories.
pretty sure it's the faggot who's mad about no green in this thread
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Is this some sort of autism raid against Shimmerfags? Itll blow over soon. Then we can get back to discussing best pony/human.
There is a thread for humanized ponies. I think there's 2.
>Human Vinyl Scratch
What a little hottie she is, love her.
Oi vay. Mods can you handle this shit please? I'd be forever in your debt.
Write your own damn shit you whiny twat
I mean if you're gonna shit up the thread you could at least go the distance and sagebomb it.
Well someone has a dildo stuck a little to far up their ass. /mlp/ has never been the best place for Sunny anyways.
Mods can you just kill this board so we can start a clean Sunny board?
Uggg this thread is a lost cause. Someone wanna start up a new shimmer thread?
>outside her pantyhose
What a rookie mistake
What have we here?
I wonder how long this faggots gonna keep this up. Gotta give him credit for the will power and time dedication. He's been going at it for about an hour and a half.
If you want a Coco thread than make one. You don't have to fuck up a shimmer thread. We have enough shit to deal with.
it's a bot, the posts are just over a minute apart
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I BAREly even tried
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why would you want a thread about a sloot?
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oh my god, you're the "NRDT guy" of Shimmerfags

if you want some green, you should post pics and prompts to go with it
if people get interested in it, an Anon will make green
toss out ideas for some greens, don't just expect someone to pull some out of their ass
writing is harder and easier than you think
and if you want green bad enough, then you should try writing yourself
the more you bitch about no green, the less likely you're gonna get some

you're the dumbfuck shitting up the thread
Why would Suri want a human dick shaped dildo?
Humans don't exist in their world
thank you for shitposting, brah
I bet you're the faggot that goes around posting Sunset in other threads
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>What does she play?
Green Day - Stairway to Heaven because she's edgy and she has to play in a mediocre fashion, missing notes, half-assing her vocals, etc.
>How do you try to pick her up
Do what I normally do, get the number but never man up to call. I should check if my balls have expired
>Try not to spaghetti over the fact that it's Sunset Shimmer somehow. Succeed, but be excited anyway.
>Figure out what the audience around here likes given the venue and request something suitable that she can put some energy into and have fun playing.
>As a musician, offer that we should get together and jam sometime. I'll probably be seeing her around, because my hangouts are the places that she's likely going to get gigs and visa-versa.

Honestly, I'm surprised we didn't get some greentext from this yet. It's a little late for me to write anything now, but I am tempted to take on the challenge.
obviously your suggestions are shit
no one wants to do your kind of green, so... YOU FUCKING WRITE IT YOURSELF, instead of shitting up a thread in a pansy ass temper tantrum
not if the mods delete your shitposts
I'm a musician and I've been away from the board since January (and haven't written any green since December). This could be a fun concept, but I'll have to brainstorm. If there's a thread around, then I'll be sure to come back to it sometime tomorrow and start working on it.
you are such a fucking faggot
Never make a thread again you annoying bitch
god, you're fucking stupid
you're getting your green soon, quit shitposting you flaming retard
I have an idea, work on it this coming week and wait until we have the next Sunset Sunday

that faggot deserves to wait because of him throwing his dumb tantrum

your point in proving you're a dipshit?
you proved that real well
Today is Sunset Sunday. At the very least, I will start working on it. That doesn't guarantee I'll have anything to post, but my tendency (which I have little prior work to show) is to write the outline and then post each chapter as it gets done. So if I get anything done tomorrow, it's going up.
I was referring to 5/29, but whatever
give the little shit what he wants
I'd be game for that, though I do have to admit watching the guy having his little autistic shitfit was funny as hell.

"I'm fed up of image dumps and want green, you know what I'll spend three or four hours carrying out an image dump rather than trying my hand at writing something. That'll show them, better completely ignore any suggestions that I try my hand at writing as well, that'll really show them."
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>dat thread
with any luck we won't see him for 3 days
how long are bans for shitposting?
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I don't care about him. The only thing that i worried about is Sunset.
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beep beep, motherfuckers
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More Sunset holding Twilight like a little pet.
what about the other way around?
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Surely green will come, we only have to wait.
My brain's a little fried, but I'm in the brainstorming stages now. Probably expect something tomorrow?
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have a 3DQT
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and another
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back to 2D
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and final
>page 10
Face it. You don't really like her.
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>The warm sun hits your face as you hear the birds chirping.
>Suddenly a familiar scent.
>You open your eyes..
>Fluttershy stands over you with a fresh plate of breakfast.
>"Good morning big brother!"
>As you sit up and take the plate you notice Fluttershy's outfit.
>Or lack thereof..
>She's only wearing a frilly pink apron with a heart on it.
"Oh Fluttershy, not again.."
>"I-it's not my fault! All my clothes were dirty from volunteering at the animal shelter. I had nothing else to wear!"
"Still, it's not appropriate for you to be walking around like that."
>She frowns folding her hands together.
>Her arms seem to push out her breasts which seem to want to burst out of the already small apron.
>"I-i don't mind being seen like this.. If it's just you that is..
>She winces as you move your hand toward her head.
>You pat her gently as you eat.
>She smiles blushing as you wind up petting her kind of like a cat.
"Your breakfast, it's good."
>"Thank you. I'm just glad I can be useful to you still now."
"You mean like how you used to wake me up every day for school when I didn't have an alarm clock?"
>"B-back then.. It was like one of my favorite parts of the day."
"You really liked that huh?"
>Fluttershy climbs up on over your lap.
>Her apron peaking up, you can tell she's not even wearing panties.
>Her bare crotch pressed against the thin fabric of your pajama bottoms.
>"I did.. And I'd do anything for you. You've always been the nicest most supportive big brother I could ask for, why, I'm practically indebted to you!"
"I-i wouldn't go that far- WOAH!"
>Fluttershy leans herself over you.
>Her breasts pressing along your chest.
"W-what are you-"
>"That bit of syrup on your cheek."
>She's coming really close to your face now.
"Really, you don't need to worry about it, I-!"
>Her tongue licks up against your cheek getting the bit of syrup that was on it.
>Her breathing seems a bit lewd somehow.
"N-next time just bring some napkins!"
>You say as you push her off you.
>Fluttershy seems to have snapped out of whatever trance like state she was in.
>Sometimes she just acts really weird like that for no reason.
>You go on and prepare for work.
>You feel exhausted after work.
>It's not much, but it pays the bills.
>Fluttershy works too but it seems she hasn't gotten home yet.
>The animal shelter must be keeping her late again.
>It's partially cloudy and you have some light music on in the background.
>The house is very minimalist with few pictures or obstructions in the home.
>Fluttershy has many animals so you've really lost count.
>But all the food is kept in the pantry and is served in the kitchen.
>Fluttershy's sweet and tender love for the animals is really something else.
>It's almost..
>Suddenly a knock at the door.
>You stretch getting up.
>Opening the door you start,
"Fluttershy I'm glad you-"
>"Guess I'm not who you were expecting huh?"
>Some dark red-skinned girl looking like some kind of succubus in a leather jacket is at your door.
>You rub your eyes.
>"Lemmie in, I need to get some food."
>She pushes past you walking inside.
>Her voice, it had like an echo-y pitch to it.
>She's in your home now eating your Cheez-Its.
"Hey, get your own box!"
>She sticks her forked tongue out at you.
>"I thought you goody-two-shoes types loved sharing."
"Get out of my house you weird lady!"
>She furrows her brow seeming to have lost her patience.
>"Silence yourself and obey my whims!"
>Suddenly you feel dizzy like you're about to fall.
>You lose control of your body.
>"That's a good slave. Now rub my feet while I eat and watch your T.v."
"H-hey! What is this? I can't resist you!"
>She smiles sliding her hand under your chin.
>"Of course you can't."
"T-this isn't funny! Let me go!"
I don't know what this is, but you have my attention. Being Fluttershy's sibling is a new one for me.

I'll be over here scribbling outlines for my own bit and hoping for more of this.
>You're at her feet.
>You remove her boots.
>A strange scent emits from her feet.
>But it's not particularly unpleasant..
>It's like incense or something..
>She says with a smug bemused look,
>"Enjoying yourself?"
"A-as if! Like I'd enjoy rubbing some ugly demon girls feet anyhow!"
>"Oh well that's too bad, now, remove my socks."
>You're forced into compliance as you feel the delicate fabric of her socks and yank them down her feet.
>Your fingers suddenly start moving on their own as if being puppeted.
>She lets out a pleasured sigh.
>You try not to look at her feet.
>Being turned into a slave in your own house..
>How humiliating..
>"I need a place to hideout you see."
>Her tone seems a bit more serious.
"W-what do you mean?"
>"I'm just saying, it would be.. Unfortunate if I were to be discovered here."
>What the hell is she talking about?
>Is she trying to barter with you?
>Does her power have limits somehow?
"Ngh, and.. If I were to disobey?"
>She seems surprised, but just for a moment.
>A wicked grin crawls across her face.
>She snaps her fingers.
>Suddenly you feel yourself 'drop'.
>And just like that you can control your body again.
>"I'm well aware of how the world works. You want something in return for your cooperation right?"
>She slides herself out of the seat.
>She's down on the floor where you're at now.
>She folds her wings demurely as she slinks up your chest.
>Fingers sliding up your chest her body feels hot like fire against you.
"W-what are you-"
>She places her finger on your lips.
>"Will my body be enough?"
>Your chest thumps out of control as you begin to sweat.
"G-gross, a-as if I would.."
>Her hair like fire, it seems to have a life of it's own.
>Flickering and burning at the ends, flowing like neon lava in shades of yellow and red.
>Her eyes so enchantingly green breathe the very essence of magic.
>It's a level of beauty that no human being could compete with..
>But still..
"I-i have my morals.. I won't succumb to you demon!"
>"Fair enough."
>She stands herself up as if nothing happened.
>As she leaves for the kitchen the room feels colder.
>You reluctantly yearn to feel her heat again.
>Without warning the door swings open.
>A tired looking Fluttershy appears.
>"I'm back! Oh, Sunset Shimmer, I didn't expect you to be here."
"Fluttershy, this is-! Wait what?"
>You turn around and suddenly 'Sunset' is wearing a pink apron.
>On top of that she looks completely normal! No red skin or anything!
>"I heard this is where you lived so I wanted to drop by. You never told me you had a brother.."
>"I thought I mentioned him but I guess not.."
>"He's very handsome."
>You give Sunset a sort of bewildered look.
>"Don't mind me, I'll just be cooking dinner."
>"Oh how thoughtful, Anon did you invite her over to stay the night?"
"Of course not! Why would I-"
>Sunsets eyes seem to gleam menacingly.
>Is it wise to pick a fight with a demon?
>And she already seems to know Fluttershy.
>You'll just have to tell Fluttershy when Sunset isn't around because it's unlikely that she knows about Sunset being a demon.
>For now an exhausted Fluttershy collapses on the couch next to you.
>Hair looking disheveled.
>Sweat dripping from her forehead, she unbuttons the top three buttons of her shirt.
>Her breasts are huge.
>Puberty hits and suddenly her gonzongas are big..
>She never used to be so.. Voluptuous..
>You shake your head looking away.
>W-wait what are you thinking!?
>You can't just be thinking about your sisters ta-ta's like that! You're blood related after all!
>A nature documentary is playing on the t.v.
>"Are you alright Anon?"
>She tiredly places her hand on your forehead.
>"You're not running a fever are you?"
"W-why would you say that?"
>"It just seemed like you were sick, or.. Maybe just that you were thinking really hard about something."
"O-oh it's nothing, *coughs* I uh, I gotta use the bathroom!"
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>Finished relieving yourself you return to the couch.
>"Alright, who's hungry for some Naachos?"
>Sunset with an impressive platter of nachos stands before you.
>She places the plate on the coffee table in front of you.
>"Oh my, those look DELICIOUS!"
>Sunsets hips seem to sway as she walks toward you and sits on the left side of you.
>Fluttershy is to the right so you're in the middle.
>Digging into the nachos you find out they're delicious.
"Wow, these are nice."
>"Aren't they? I can cook all kinds of things."
>Sunset gets weirdly close to your ear whispering,
>"It's almost like I'd make the perfect housewife or something."
>You can't help but blush profusely as Sunset laughs.
>"Whats so funny? Did you tell Anon a joke?"
>Sunset with a coy look as you try to read her for a cue on what to do.
"I er.. Yeah, just a joke.."
>"I wish you'd share, now I feel all left out."
>Fluttershy pouts sticking out her bottom lip a bit.
>She hugs you as her breasts press up against your arm.
"Fluttershy come on.."
>"Oh what? I'm not allowed to give my big bro a hug?"
"I-its not that, it's just.."
>Fluttershy breaks the hug and smiles in a way that seems a bit forced to you.
>"Oh, I'm so sorry Anon, I forgot we had company over, you must be really embarrassed right now huh?"
"W-well, that is-"
>Sunset teases,
>"You two seem awfully close."
"Well, we are brother and sister after all."
>She mutters quietly.
>"I wonder if that's really all."
"W-whats that supposed to mean!?"
>"Oh nothing."
>It's night, as you've seen the earlier drama fade away.
>Sunset sleeps on the couch with clean spare blankets and pillows reserved for guests.
>Sunset seemed perfectly normal while you sat with her.
>What is was that thing she mentioned about needing a place to hide out?
>Why would she reveal herself to you so dramatically if she was just gonna turn back the moment Fluttershy got home.
>Why not stay hidden the entire time?
>Maybe there's some kind of thing where she has a limit on how long she can be human?
>What kind of monster is she that she needs to hide among humans?
>Truly an unrepentant demon..
>Morning comes again, the smell of breakfast wafts over you.
"Fluttershy you'd better be wearing clothes this time-"
>Your eyes catch a glimpse of the she-demon that is Sunset.
>"Oh, so it's THAT kind of relationship huh?"
>You wave your hands in front of her,
"You've got it all wrong! It's not like that at all!"
>"Filthy pervert brother has his little sister as his girlfriend."
"I swear it's not like that!"
>"Well, whatever. I made you breakfast."
>She hands you the tray.
>"You'd better be grateful."
>She says pouting and folding her arms turning her head away from you.
>You take a bite.
"It's ok, thanks."
>"W-what kind of praise is that? You're supposed to say 'It was delicious' or 'wow this is amazing!'. You really don't know anything about winning a girls heart do you?"
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"
>"N-nothing! Idiot.."
"So what's the deal, are you just gonna live here now?"
>Sunset snickers.
>"You should have seen it. I knew Fluttershy could never refuse me if I pulled out the old sob story."
>"Hehe.. 'It's just that I have no where else to go, I'd have to fend for myself out on the streets.' When I said that she was just dying to take me in."
"Taking advantage of Fluttershys kindness like that.."
>"Hey, I do what I have to so I can get by in this world."
"It sounded like you were awfully proud of it."
>You say angrily as you shove another bite into your mouth.
>"Maybe I am. After all, I am a heartless demon hell-bent on world domination."
>Something about the way she said that..
>It seemed almost insincere..
"Whatever game you're playing, leave us out of it."
>"I would if I could. It's been hard enough to avoid suspicion with Twilight and the gang constantly checking up on me."
"Isn't she friends with Fluttershy?"
>"She is. But Fluttershy is too spineless to try and stop me. She want's to believe there's still good in me or something."
>Still good? Was she not always evil?
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Do you guys know of any Tsundere/Hatefuck Sunset Stories?
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Uh Oh dudesters

Human Sunset Shimmer might make an appearance in the next movie along with some undercover government agent posing as a student named Ace Thruster.

Apparently human Sunset Shimmer makes robots and the Ace Thruster guy has a personal mech suit with powerful thrusters on it

Tech vs magic showdown

What do you think the human Sunset Shimmer will be like?
That guys mech suit is more like a power suit
It's like a mix between a kamen rider, cobra commander and a motorcycle racer but with thrusters on the back and boosters in the boots
>Ace Thruster guy has a personal mech suit with powerful thrusters on it
I thought the guy said that was in EqG5?
What is this?
>Without proofs.
it's still fun to speculate
They are going off toys and leak footaged
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Ok, did he tell anything about returning of Sunset Shimmer to Equestria?
I just hope Ace and human Sunset are just friends
>leaked footage
uh... what?
Stills and people trying to get them
it's happened before
Nothing yet about that
Just that there might be a human Sunset and some dude named Ace and they both work for the government
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Funny speculations. It will be in 4th movie? I want trailer right now...
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>actually believing that shit
Please stop proving the antisunset shitposters right that were all retards.
read the thread, friend
most everyone there knows it's fake, but it sparks conversation about the movie and provides some ideas for potential green
I wish Fluttershy were my little sister.
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I see no stills in the thread.
I have got to get a tiny Shimmer plush
>Sunset Lifter
would you?
I'd shave that bitch's legs for her. get her all good lookin. just cause she's buff doesnt mean she cant look good.
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So fellow Shimmerfriends, what are your hopes for Legend of Everfree? Think they'll fix what happened to Sunset's subplot in Friendship Games? Will it be forgotten?

What do you all think of SciTwi? Should Sunset favor her or Equestrian Twi more?
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Is getting a Shimmer Plushie really worth it?

Another question I have is, would you still fuck Sunset if she had the voice of Skeletor?
a plushie is always worth it
the question is, how big are you gonna go?
6, 10, 12, 24, 36, LS (40)?
minimum of 24 inches for a good fuck plush and that would fit a Mary or Sugar Star
pic related is 55 inches long (no longer for sale though)

I'd fuck her if she had the voice of Rosanne
I really don't want a fuck plushie yet.

I just want something to hug. I assume the footlong one here probably won't cut it for that?
it might work for now, but I don't like the Chinese plushies because they can turn out bad
but you'll really want to save up for a commission
the plush pic of the LS Sunset there the artist would do for just under 1,000 USD
though they do not make lewd plushies
you could get a LS lewd plush for 1,200 - 1,500 usd depending on the artist (most do not advertise that they do lewd, because normies like to bitch about it)

now, the other option is to make one yourself
the plush thread has a great pattern and guide on how to make a plush they even have lewd making instructions
it can be done for less than 300 usually if you have a sewing machine already, otherwise it'll be another 100ish for a cheap one
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I would love a nice green to go along with this.
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There was an entire thread more or less dedicated to it a while back, don't think I saved the pastebin though.
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I want to read a story of Good Sunset domming Twilight Sparkle.
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I am still trying to figure out some green for the OP post. I know a lot of things I could write in for it, the question is what the ending should be so I know how to get there.
So you've been dating Sunset Shimmer for a year and a half now. And honestly, lately it fucking sucks, because there ain't no suckin or fucking.

Yeah, she's working nights now, and when she is awake when you are, she's too tired to have sex! No sex for 2 months now? Like what is this bullshit?

She's talking about saving up for some "special trip" or something, but you don't care about that. How could you care when she hasn't sat on your johnson in months?

Anyhow, there's this sweet chick named Futtershy you had a one night stand with before you met Sunset.

She was a great lay, shy but a total freak in the sheets. She's called you up tonight, and you can tell, she's horny, and she wants the D.

You know this great little bar across town, you could buy her some fruity little drinks cause she can't shoot whiskey. Get her so plastered she can't see straight, go back to her place and fuck her brains out.

It's only one night, it's not like anyones gonna find out. Sunset all tired from her work will never be the wiser.

By the time she wakes up you'll already be back and she'll never even know it happened.

You'll do it won't you?
Honestly yes, I would cheat on Sunset.

I mean, if she never found out, it'd just be like it never happened. Plus free sex with Fluttershy, that'd be awesome.
What's so bad about cheating? Sure why not?
>risking the health of my hypothalamus and amygdala, overall the emotional circuitry
no fucking thanks
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You truly can't live without sex for two months?
Nah, I couldn't do that to her.
Also, call a pal to hang up with 'Shy, loyalty doesn't mean you can't try to set her up.
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>fifty shades of green
I really really hope Sunset isn't your waifu

I would never cheat on Sunset Shimmer
What is this supposed to mean?

I like Sunset because she's a hot girl in a leather jacket. But I'd trade up if she wasn't putting out.
Being so obsessed with sex you'd be willing to cheat?
Sure I'd be pretty pissed about no secksing.
But I got enough other things to do anyways, so meh.
It's because you aren't trying hard enough.
You'd definitely get laid if you left her an outfit one Saturday morning and told her to be ready by x time.
Fucking take her out to dinner, go do something fun. Don't make it about sex. You can have fun without it.
Then you'll get it more.
You obviously have no idea how to relationship.
>no sex for 2 months
>this whinny

this anon is a bitch. Just give Sunset a foot rub when she gets home from work or some shit. she'll be more open to sex if she's feeling special.
>Just give Sunset a foot rub when she gets home
my nigga
foot massages are a great thing to give and receive, especially if you know how to do sensual massages
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I mean like, not even a sexual thing either, not entirely...

massages, foot rubs, do wonders to relax your woman. You'd be surprised how much more receptive she'd be to new things, even when not exhausted, when getting that "special attention."
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You're telling me people DON'T massage their women just because? No wonder these fucks are single.
Damn, Twilight got vag-mashed by sunset.
>ywn be vag-mashed by Sunset
Wait. how the hell did that happen?
That reminds me, remember when Sparkle broke reality? shards fell. SHARDS OF REALITY are laying around! I like to think some students took them without realising the act as small mobile portals with no transformation.
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They ought to have some gravimetric properties. For science.
>demon Sunset and incest-wanting Fluttershy
For the love of God I need MORE.
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>It's later that day at the animal shelter.
>Fluttershy is hard at work cleaning out the animal cages.
>It's pretty gross looking, but Fluttershy doesn't seem unhappy about it.
"Hey Fluttershy."
>She turns but her hair droops down in her face.
>Not being able to touch her hair with dirty hands she flips it out of the way.
>"Hey Anon, I'm just about finished up. Thanks so much for picking me up today. I would walk but I feel so tired today."
>Fluttershy closes up the cages and moves to go wash her hands.
"Its no problem, really."
>"I can't wait to come home, see all my critter friends, eat a salad and kick my feet up. I'm just exhausted.."
>She walks over to you however she trips and nearly falls but you catch her.
"Easy there."
>Fluttershy looks up at you blushing.
>"O-oh my.."
>You help her to her feet.
>"I'm so clumsy I can't believe it.."
>You give her nose a hard press with your finger.
>Her expression scrunches a bit.
"You're working too hard."
>Fluttershy droops her head and looks away.
>"A-are you angry?"
"I can't believe you can be this stupid. You didn't sleep hardly at all again last night, did you even eat breakfast? Is that why you had Sunset cook for me this morning?"
>"I-i had to. One of the animals needed my attention."
"Lemmie guess, it's Vorherrschaft."
>"He really is a nice animal, h-he just takes some time to warm up to people is all."
"Anyhow, let's get going."
>You're in the car with Fluttershy
"So tell me about Vorherrschaft. Why do you care about him so much? Don't the other animals need attention just as much?"
>Fluttershy frowns.
>"Well, I rescued him from the river one day, and he had to be rushed to the vet right away.."
"So, it was a stray?"
>"Oh how I wish. No apparently the owner, after cruelly leaving his leg tied up for too long, realized his dog couldn't walk on the leg and threw him in the river to try and get rid of him."
"That's terrible."
>"Some people can be so cruel to their animal friends."
>You notice tears dripping down her face.
>You reach out and hold her hand keeping your other one on the steering wheel.
>"I know, you've told me before, not to be so sensitive about the animals but.."
"Fluttershy, when I said that I-"
>"Sometimes I just can't help it. All I want to do is make sure these animals live happy healthy lives.. And poor Vorherrschaft, he's just starting to learn how to trust humans again.. A-and the shelter says, if he doesn't get adopted soon, they might be forced to put him down. I've already tried to buy as much time for him as I can, but I don't get to spend that much time with him to help him get used to humans again."
>This isn't the first time this has happened.
>The shelters policy of euthanizing animals has brought her home in tears many times growing up.
>You remember being there for her and trying to console her all those nights.
>"I-i know, that you don't want any more animals in the house.. 22 animals is already a lot to take care of.."
>It's true, caring for the animals has really put a drain on the money she has.
>That's one of the reasons you moved in with her, just to try and support her a little.
>She tries to make up for it by making you breakfasts usually.
>But sometimes it only makes you feel worse because you know how much Fluttershy has to work already.
>You just wish there were some way to take the stress off her.
keep going
Love this pic and transformation
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ITT: "even though i've never had sex and probably never will, there's no way I could go a couple of months without it and would cheat on the girl I love"
Anyone who would cheat on their waifu doesnt deserve her. That's just sick. Relationships should be built on an emotional connection and strengthened from a physical relationship. Leave you disloyal and unfaithful walnut.
Writefag in the field. Will be back for a long weekend tomorrow

Taking story requests

Preferably comfy and/or lewd
Sunset and Anon start up a charity for children.
And in addition, maybe do stuff like have Sunset read to children, give away cans, volunteer at the food bank.

Just some real warm hearted helping people stuff.
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I got distracted, but have some boner fuel.
please keep going.
if you want to, I don't want to be the only one who forces you to.
>"Good thinking 99"
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now I want a picture of Sunset Shimmer talking into her shoe phone
Alright, what kind of green does everyone want? I'll try to do something short in the future
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Sunset and Anon go bowling
That piece of bread is not your dick
no one asked him the important question:
"What color are her panties?"
it will be when I hotglue my Shimmy mini as soon as they are available
I'm gonna blast so hard, she'll fall on her ass
That's cute.
we really need more Sunset doing horsey stuff
Can humans reproduce horse noise?
yes... apparently
skip the first minute though, she just talks about nothing
I just can't.. I have no idea what's wrong with me. I tried to write that one ghost story with Sunset but I ran out of ideas.

And now I'm just, sunk, dead in the water, nothing seems good.

Sometimes I feel like I'm brilliant, the other half of those times I feel like a complete hack.

What is my life?
>Sometimes I feel like I'm brilliant, the other half of those times I feel like a complete hack.
Welcome to art
>Be fucking Sunset
>"Anon~ I'm getting close ah ah ah ah Weiihiihii"
>She covers her mouth in embarrassment
>"I-I this never happened before."
>happened before
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She's so pretty. But not just in her looks. it's hard to explain, but especially in the pictures where she smiles, you can tell what a nice pony she is.

It just makes you wanna hold her tight and cuddle her all day long.

Anyhow, this is Gritsaw. I've decided to drop the story I was working on in this thread.

But fear not! I am picking up an old story I dropped some time ago, I felt a welling of inspiration I've not felt for some time.

Hopefully you'll all be pleased with the results.

So goodnight my fair Shimmer thread. May cozy dreams filled with Sunset come to us all.
A happy smiling sunset always makes me feel better.
my new wallpaper
Please be the "Anon and Sunset fight nightmare creatures in the past" story.
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hey grit are you still working on Ska anon?
I'm working on the Robo-Shimmer story, I'll be adding bits and pieces to the paste till I get it done.

And then after that, maybe I'll finish the Yandere Adagio story, and maybe even the Sunset dates her teacher story.

Fingers and hooves crossed eh?
Yandere Adagio please. I know it ain't Sunset, but it got me pretty hooked.

But any Sunset story is good too
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Come on, mate. You're supposed to support and be loyal to your significant other. If sex is all that you want from Sunset then you have no reason not to dump her. I'd talk to Sunny.
Plus Fluttershy is a fucking liberal. The closest to sex I'd give her would be a cuntpunt.
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>Plus Fluttershy is a fucking liberal.
there is something in thats sentence that bothers me

An ideology being sneered at. You'd think that that's a right wing nutjob thing, but trust me, I live in a strongly leftist country and everything right of the middle is branded as fascist and carries a stigma. It's sad and funny to see anarchocommunists walk around in gangs like Mussolini's goon squads and trying to violently supress fascism. Because fascism is the enemy of freedom of speech.

Anyway, I digress. Fluttershy was an utter cunt in Bats. Applejack always struggles to balance earnings and costs. The fruit bats threatened to destroy her livelyhood. Rather than help her friend, Fluttershy demanded that AJ upholds her own beliefs without even helping share the burden. In the end the applehorse was forced to quarantine part of her precious land for the sake of parasitic cunts that have enough food and protection to reproduce and spread throughout the rest of Sweet Apple Acres and the surrounding area.
No. I'd probably think about it, maybe even fantasize about it, but I wouldn't go through with it. I am not a strong enough man to simply do as I please, and only barely strong enough to hold to my convictions of what is right.

If anything, I'd just do something special for Sunset: take care of all the chores, cook a romantic dinner with some drinks, maybe throw in a sensual massage.
Probably be best if I threw in a cute pic too.
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>"Hey, Anon! I didn't know you like post-blackgaze-warmdrone-punkfunk too!"
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Her element is fire.
when will we see her in the show?!
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Season 7 i think.
Sunset vs Starlight episode, who is best at friendship?
And spitting
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It will be very interesting.
It's a big show
who wins
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Would race against.
I have reached the point where looking at pictures of her is physically hurting me.

Well, shit.
It doesn't get any better trust me. My advice is distract yourself as much as you can.

That way it only hurts in the slow quiet moments when you eventually break down and have the daily existential crisis rather than just a ceaseless bout of endless agony it would otherwise be.

Haha just kidding It never stops hurting
>Ugh, yeah keep staring, It happens each month with the full moon, when the moons get closer to align, but I can't say I don't deserve this, it's a monument to my sins... I guess. It's why I can't go 'home' either, I dread to think what would happen when the portal opens on its own, nevermind crossing back to Equestria. So... now that you know, what are you going to do?
she has to lock herself up during this time to keep her friends from finding out that she changes into her demon form and from hurting her friends
kinda like lycanthrope
I'm liking this idea, any writefags wanna go for it?
Good luck finding anyone to write anything about Demon-Shimmer.

Most only seem to love Sunset for her cutesy antics because it reminds them of their Japanese Cartoons.

No one ever loved the old Sunset.
Hell I wrote the promt and I think you speak true.
I could write about Demon-Shimmer but not Bully-Sunset.
People only want to look at the surface.

They see the bad side of someone and suddenly, "ZOMG she's a bitch," "Wow pure evil lol"

But no one ever analyzed the reasons behind the actions.

FOR INSTANCE, why would someone like Sunset crave power?

Because she feels powerless obviously.

And her bullying is a method of controlling others, which should tell you she lacks control of her own life.

Bully sunset is a very sad person, and I wish more people would see that.
Does Sunset have scars on her back from becoming a demon? I always wondered about it.
"You wanna know how I got these scars?"
I wrote a story about old Sunset, but I've already posted it before
I do see it, but I don't think I can do her justice.
I'd need more pics/inspiration...
Wait. Let me dig up my Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I got it. Gimme a bit of a promt to start and I'll waste my time on it.
That will go in.
I believe there was a fic on Fimfiction that has exactly that.
Exactly what I thought when I was about to post it.
I'm surprised that no one made a green about it. Maybe that is the reason why Sunset changed clothes.
There's a fic about fucking everything in all senses in FimFiction. Doesn't mean its good, or palatable, or sane-worthy.
You need to explain Sunset's motivations. For instance, the reasons she craves power could stem from her being a filly.

Imagine filly Sunset seeing someone on the playground getting bullied, and maybe misinterpreting it.

Or seeing the food chain, and how the lions eat the gazelles and such.

How she might want to put herself on top to avoid being the weakest.

Maybe she idolized Celestia, and saw how much everyone respected her. And she thought the only way she could be respected like that was through acquiring power.

Food for thought.
I wouldn't mention it if it wasn't good.
Not everyone in this site has common sense. But I'll believe you.
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Have a Raging She-Demon, while I write.
Can't wait.
Uh ooooh, you gotta get shimmy!
Hey, just a thought, remember that when the main 6 were discorded or drained they lost shine and their colors went gray-er? Has anybody else noticed that Sunset's colors look pale and lifeless when compared to the photos she shows on "My past is not today"?
Good news? It's over 6000 words already.
Bad news? I'm maybe near the half of this.
Neutral anon-cement: I'm going to hit the hay.
>6000 words
Damn nigga, the Vinyl Scratch story I spent two days writing is only 2,445 words, I wanna see this monster of a green.

>implying we wouldn't fuck skeletor
I may have gone a bit overboard with my first green. Hopefully it'll be good
so, what color will her panties be?
I think they'll be black because that seems to be the base color for her torso piece
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I think they are red.
pink matching her shirt and the line on her skirt
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>black panties
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Cock edit, please.
anyone know what dance she is doing?
you find Sunset Shimmer in your apartment/basement tied up like this
what do you do?
btw, she's completely naked
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Look around, ask her about the one who grabbed her, can he waiting for me somewhere nearby, taking any weapon and carefully release her.
*Tips neckbeard*
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No, after I had released Sunset, she thanks me. We begin to meet, get married and stuff like that .
Backpedal a few steps, grab the crowbar hidden behind the umbrella rack, and watch around, then ask her what the hell is going on and why is this happening here.
The Shimmy
I see an aureola.
Hey guys, you realize Sunset Shimmer isn't canon right?
Please give me some (You)'s, I'm poor and I have too feed my family
>not thinking she did it to herself as part of your guys' bondage night
Honestly, on an objective level Sunset has been better handled than Starlight.

We haven't seen what Starlight is capable of beyond her past as a villain, and her becoming heroic isn't terribly interesting.
Ugh fine. Here you go peasant.
Well yeah. Sunny has had 3 movies of screentime whereas Starlight has only a handful of episodes.
bring out the gimp
>"Remember Anon the safe word is 'Banana'.
"Are you sure you want to do this."
>"Yes, now shut up and smack my ass the hardest you can. Don't forget the hot wax~"
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>You will never hug her and wipe those tears off her face.

>Everyone experiences it from time to time.
>Some of us more than others.
>From inside the main hall of the school, Sunset sitting outside at the base of the steps, staring off into the statue that stood in front of the school.
>You normally didn't bother her when she got like this.
>Whenever anyone prodded her, she would pretend that something else was on her mind.
>She would make sure that you knew nothing was the matter, because God forbid she feel sorry for herself for once.
>But most people knew better, and they knew better not to prod her too much.
>You reach the glass door, and examine the situation.
>It seemed fine to proceed.
>There was an unspoken agreement between her and everyone: you would walk by, and pretend that she was never in a vulnerable state, and tomorrow, she would pretend that she loved everything about being here.
>You open the door with caution.
>Sunset perks up, and snaps around to see who's there.
>In the brief moment before she turns back and covers herself, you see a panicked face, covered in tears.
>Normally, you would carry on with the unspoken agreement, but it seemed that the facade had ended.
>You had to acknowledge it now.
>With a few ginger steps, you approach her.
"We all know it's been bothering you, Sunset, and we care; your friends especially. You know, you don't have to pretend like everything's hunky-dory."
>"Anon, I'd rather not talk right now."
>You take a seat next to her.
"It's okay to admit that you want to go back home."
>Her face is more stern.
>"I said I don't want to talk right now. Go away."
>She brings her knees up closer to her chest, and sinks her chin into them.
"Well why not?"
>"Because you don't understand."
"Understand what? Homesickness? Everyone wants to go home."

>She shouts.
>"At least their home wants them back!"
>A new set of tears strolls down her face.
>"I went back. No one wants me there. I don't belong there anymore, and I don't belong here."
"I...I didn't know."
>Her eyes lock onto you.
>"Anon, be honest. Does anyone in this school even want me to be here?"
>You take a second to gather your thoughts and then nod.
>She remains silent, waiting for a better answer.
"Yes, they do. Your friends definitely want you around. People here at CHS would miss you, and even if they didn't I still want you around enough to tell you that just so you'll stay."
>She takes a breath, and blinks.
>"Do you really mean that? That you still want me around?"
>You place your hands on her shoulders, squaring them up with yours.
"Sunset, I can't say that I understand what you're going through, but I don't like seeing you like this. No one does really, and it pains your friends when they see you like this, and they worry that maybe they're not being good enough friends if you can't come talk to them."
>You slide your hands up to her cheeks, and wipe away the tears with your thumbs.
"They really do care about you."
>You slide your hands back down to her shoulders, and then around her back.
>You pull her in for a hug.
"I'm sorry about what happened, Sunset. I really am."
>You feel a pair of hands pull back on you.
>"Thank you, Anon."
What is your favorite nickname for Sunset?
I like Shim Sham and Shamwow because they're funny and cute
I like Sunny Bun
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Very beatifull, thank you.
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>No one ever loved the old Sunset
You're a lying sack of dicks, Anon
I loved Sunset since the first movie
I don't even think she's all that cute; definitely the most beautiful, but I think other ponies like Rarity and Pinkie are cuter than she is so that was never a significant factor for me
But I think Sunset is very cute.
lightning struck the portal as Sunset came back from visiting Twilight in the ponyverse
now she's stuck like this for "30 moons"
would you still love her?
would you stay with her?
would you make love to her during this time?
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What do you think I am, not gay?
Hell yeah I would; that's hot as fuck
Why apps?
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>TFW Sunset will never be your QT smart gf.
>TFW you will never help Sunset develop an hit app and become millionaires.
that was a great thread
anyone have a link to the game still?
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>You will never travel all over the world with Sunny
>You will never learn all about different cultures and geographical regions in person with her
>You will never settle down in the glorious land of Italia and raise a beautiful family with her in Venice
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>You will never fulfill Sunset's dream of traveling the world after making money for the app.
>Sunset will never be fascinated by human history and ancient artifacts as you to explore the seven wonders of the world.
>You will never end your travels with a night in Paris.
>You will never ask Sunset to marry you.
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It fucking hurts.
>You will never be caught in an explosion with Sunset after some sand nigger alohas himself
Thanks. Glad someone liked it.
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not in a dance club or concert so it think I am good.
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What do you think she writes to Princess Celestia about?
her fanfiction
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She would totally zuckerberg you
where do all of these come from?

Anything, Celestia just want to talk with someone because she don't get letters anymore
The new book you dingus
There are like three different threads about it right now
Why did she pull down her pajama pants and holds a can?
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It's getting bad, guys. I really want her in my life.
The artist's imagination did it.
I'm pretty sure my life would have zero problems if she were in it.

What a lewd artist.
can we get a green where Anon mows lawns and MILF (in age only) Sunset Shimmer tries to seduce him
>"Dean Chrysalis I need to talk to you about this schools uniform policy of no panties under skirts."
>"Whatever do you mean child?"
>"Because of your rules I can't wear underwear under my skirt! The boys in the hall keep flipping up my skirt and snapping photos of my.."
>Chrysalis adjusts her glasses.
>"Do you think you're ABOVE the rules miss Shimmer?"
>"No but-"
>"Studies show 75% percent of women scored higher on their tests when forced not to wear undergarments."
Sunset stomps her foot.
>"But that's not fair!"
>"And starting tomorrow you won't be allowed to wear a bra either."
>Sunset gasps.
>"But this shirt fabric is practically already see through! I've almost ripped it on several occasions because it was so thin!'
>"And what's wrong with that? Why are you so focused on how you look when you SHOULD be focused on your studies?"
>"And don't forget, if you break the rules the teacher is allowed to force you to strip in front of the whole class."
Do you think Sunset would want to roleplay as a pony in bed, or do you think she embraces her human form, loving the idea of giving handjobs and boobjobs?
I'd imagine her wanting to wear the wondercolts tail and ears in bed.
See >>27472949
Sunset is normal. I hate it when she's portrayed as this socially awkward nut job.

Pretty much every single anon here would be the socially awkward one, not her.

Watch the movies again and stop portraying my waifu like your Japanese amines.
She can be a normal, socially competent person, while having kinks.
Your kink theory makes no sense because she never stopped being a pony.

She isn't going to dress up like a pony on the bedroom because it wouldn't feel natural.

Picture this. You're a human turned pony, is your first inclination to dress up like a human!?

Of course it isn't! Because no rational person thinks that way.
>is your first inclination to dress up like a human!?
No, but after a while I would probably wish to reenact aspects of being a human, and honestly, it's a lot easier for a human to act like a horse than a pony to imitate a human. You are taking this way too personal.
I like the ear scritch and sugar cube ones
Why does everyone ship her with Twilight? I think she's much better with Starlight.
New thread because I can't take not being able to post pics anymore.

Thread posts: 481
Thread images: 251

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