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Sunset Shimmer Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 460
Thread images: 251

First for praising Sunset.
I am so sorry to cut you off, Gritsaw.
Sunset a very best
A pink Sunset is fine too.
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Sunbun a best.
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Glim Glam is a dumb stupid faker and she smells bad!
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I want to marry Sunset Shimmer.
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I want to impregnate Sunset Shimmer.
>that picture

Are you actively trying to hurt me, anon?
That picture's hot as fuck, but I feel like proportions are really off. Arms and head are absolutely tiny compared to the rest of her. If only the rest of her were as tiny. Short Sunset is adorable.
I don't want Sunset to be a little girl
I want a big tall woman who makes me feel like a manlet
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Each to their own, I guess. I want to take that spunky, strong-willed personality and break it.
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>being a dom
>not getting femdom'd
Plug the number of the file name into DB.
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>Twilight is too busy having awesome adventures as a pretty pony princess in magic horseland to write to her friend that's imprisoned in shitty monster high hell world
She can literally leave whenever she wants
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>Twilight confirmed to ignore Sunset's texts
She has to get past the warden first, though
>"Twilight, you got another message from Sunset."
>"She'll stop in 5 minutes Spike."
>"What if she's in trouble?"
>"Ignore them like the rest!"
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>TFW Purple Bookhorse BFF ditched you for new student.
some people like role reversal

my headcanon is that she is 5' 8" tall (legs for days)

so cute how she is a little chubby
that was my requested pic alteration

she also likes action packed movies, just like me!

I wonder if she'd like D&D games?
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>tfw your previous mentor did comparatively the same thing.
"Applejack, how long do we have?"
>"Well it ain't pretty, Twi; Queen Chrysalis's army's already taken Sweet Apple Acres and are about to take city hall, too. I'd say they'll be on the castle in the next hour or two."
"Alright; Rainbow, did the weather team do any good at slowing them down?"
>"No way! We got clobbered; all we did was make them stronger by practically handing over more ponies!"
"Oh, no, I had a feeling it wouldn't work."
"What IS IT, Spike; I've got an invasion to worry about here!"
>"Sunset Shimmer just sent you a message. I looked at the page before and it said 'URGENT'."
"Okay, give it here."
>"hay twi was wondering if u think I look better in red or black. i need to no for my date with Anon ^_^ pls respond"
"...God fucking dammit, Sunset"
I need more disgruntled Twilight.
Pony sunset is humping human sunset leg?
I don't think it's Hasbro lad.
She is an EqG character and her character has meant to stay in her series since the first movie.
None of the people working on the show have shown any interest in having a character from another series be part of the show. I think in this case is unfair to blame Hasbro for something that isn't going to happen

inb4 twilight just close the portal and break the mirror after the third movie without guilt.
This post makes me feel sympathy for Sunset.

This. Pic related.
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I've kissed my monitor when starring at this pic...
Am i alright?
Oh, you cant't use that scene!
The internet has a pavlovian reaction to it!
actually, Meghan stated that they were toying with the idea of having Sunset show up in Equestria
Ok, that ship is disgusting.

But you gotta admit, that little kid is adorable.
>>27516297 here, why was my post removed? Was the mod a triggered Shimmerfag?
That was a really vague statement said YEARS ago said at some con.
It doesn't really tell us anything t b h.
They could've just been pandering. The fact that nothing came of it proves they weren't serious about it. I
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I swear, we didn't expect...we didn't realise!
I am so sorry. Please forgive us, we didn't mean to hurt your waifu this way
I remember drawing an image similar back in the day but it wasn't very good.

I feel like somehow a good drawfag must have found that image and made it better.

It was great, and motivated me even more to try and write good stories about her.

That's why this image always makes me smile.
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That's exactly why I used it.
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>that filename

If only I could..
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What about SS Sunset Shimmer?
Reminds me of Terra.
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Absolutely not.

This nazi stuff has infected from /pol to all the other boards, and it's even brainwashed some people in my own family IRL.

Its fucking cancerous mentality that only belongs on the internet and no where else.

Imagine you become so autistic you're out in public with a nazi uniform screaming "Seig Heil"

Yeah, pretty fucking cringy isn't it?
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Other than being blonde eh

I was into nazi girls before /pol/ was a thing
Eye-head proportion I think, and the reason it looks unsettling to me is because Sunset's colours suspend my disbelief. The "real" colours make me expect human proportions.
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it was last year at the SDCC
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Was it? I'm positive it was 2 years ago, I remember the video.
Still, it doesn't change anything I said
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I like this scenario, Sunset tied up, being able to bust nuts on, or in her her for days.
Being cruel to Sunset is not ok.
I will kill you and rescue Sunny.
>short hair Shimmer
Please sir, may I have moar?
Horrid bastard. Die in a fire.
Why does everyone ship her with Twily? I like her more with Starlight. At least they are actually good at magic unlike book horse who couldn't even hatch an egg without a sonic rainboom to help her.
The only person I ship her with is myself.
I like this but you gotta admit they would be perfect for each other. Both are former villains trying to redeem themselves, both are magically strong. Plus they say opposites attract and Starlight emphasizes control and balance while Sunny is more sporadic and spontaneous. If they made a comedy sitcom where they played as roommates living in a New York apartment, I'd watch the fuck outta that.
I wouldn't let Glim-Glam around my waifu for 5 seconds.

Shes bad news, just look at how she interacted with Trixie.

She'll drag Sunset into her shenanigans and if I have anything to say about it, I wouldn't let it happen.
No, Anon.
Only me.
And actually, I think I know what I would do if Glimmer tried to interact with Sunset.

I'd take I'd ask If I could come over and get to know her better.
I'd wear gloves the entire night.
I'd spike the drink with crushed up sleeping pills.
And once she's out I'll lay out some newspapers all over the floor.
And then I'll take a kitchen knife and stab repeatedly.
Once finished, making sure she's dead, I'll saw apart her limbs and put her body in a bag.
Then I'll take a drive to the Applefarm and feed the remains to the pigs.
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You sound like a Yandere Anon.

I'm not sure Sunset would benefit from having someone this over-protective be in a relationship with her.
Please don't lump me in with that other guy. I'd be fine if they were friends.
That is one cozy looking Sunset.
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It's just me, but I'd rather watch them in a sitcom as purely platonic, no homo roommates/domestic partners where a plot is pertinent to that setting.
This is fine. But if we're talking about impossible scenarios being brought to life..

Please make her real dammit
>two and a half mares
Would watch
I hated two and a half men.

Alan was portrayed as such an insufferable desperate cuck.

Meanwhile the show was literally non-stop Charlie-dicksucking like he was just the DonJuan or some shit.

This is why our culture is shit. This is why there is, was, and never will be any good in the world.
Sunset is the new Charlie
>implying there is anything I can do about it
>truth is brainwash
Now I've heard everything.
Bitch, look where you are, and look down. There's a long descent and deep pits you have yet to look at, scream you won't get out of your head and sicknesses you will hope you never see out of a screen.
Pony sunset looks like she humping human sunset's leg
you make it sound like it's a bad thing

general question:
which marvel hero do you think Sunset Shimmer would like the most?
I think it would be Black Widow
and not just because of the red hair, or the desire to see Sunset dressed up as her with a sexy Russian accent
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When memes go to far
That's the joke - if you ever spent time with psychology, child
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How do I even get into comics? It seems like there are ENDLESS COMICS.

Where would I even start?

I don't really read comics by the way.
You mean to tell me we can't write our own sitcom with Starlight and Sunset as roomies?

>"Ok... New dinner conversation. Uh, Scootaloo. How was school?"
>"I don't think this conversation will make you any happier Starlight"
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Oh, and we'll never be able to meet them.
>Where would I even start?
I'm not much into comics either, but with the marvel movies, it's making me want to learn more
I've been watching youtube vids about the history of the characters we've seen in the movies and started an watching an 8 part series on the Infinity Gauntlet

there's some seriously cool stuff going on and some of it gets real serious and deep
I was also to a platonic relationship.kinda like Ted and Marshall in How I Met Your Mother.
I thought I was the only one.
Naw definitely someone firebased like the one fire mutant from x-men.
What about a sniff?
So that faggot dm29 got his hands on a shimmy mini
not a surprise, he probably had scripts running to find a seller
he probably never leaves his computer either
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Impatient little shit.
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isn't he the one who constantly says that EqG is better than FiM?
no that's otakux
dm29 is the flashlight faggot who makes really shitty vector art
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How is my voice guys?


Where I'm reading from:

If you like it, I can do requests, just tell me what you'd like me to read.
voice is okay, but put some emotion into it instead of just reading it out loud

Is this better? It's reading from the next paragraph.
better, try doing it just a smidge slower

The audio on the third one is a bit shaky but
The pic had me thinking you're trying to read the story with Rei's voice. I'm a little disappointed, just a little.
EqD shilled a chinaman selling them on ebay. He apparently delivered.
I want to hug and cuddle Sunset platonically.

I'm a Twifag.

Is this wrong?
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Million hours in paint.
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Thanks, anon. I don't want to be unfaithful to my waifu but I suppose there is nothing wrong with hugging a nice girl/pony.
I-if anyone wants me to read something, I'm still here..
I'm good, you reading runaway scoots was real nice.
Scarlet Witch, obviously.
I'll read anything.
There was this one alpha guy in /dzg/ who dominate others, or something.

Kill yourself.
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Kill it like the rest
Careful with that edge, Anon.
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Don't worry anon, I did the same
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>you will never make the perfect cup of coffee for her
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Ginger Shimmer
That's fucking cute.
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Gross she has cancer spots and shit!
It's either amber and bacon or nothing at all!
>not want to submit and be used by tiny bacon waifu
You cannot possibly be of serious, comrade
why is her pocky on fire?
Because she's the hottest horse in town!
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Be honest, would you get in the car?
Fuck no.
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If you guys haven't read it yet I just finished storytiming this book centered around Sunset if you're interested in that:

Demon Sunset was so fucking sexy. I mean, yeah the design left much to be desired.

But that VOICE, the way she says, "I don't care about this little high school, I want EQUESTRIA!"

Mmmm, makes me fucking shiver. Just how much conviction is in her voice. She doesn't just want it, she fucking WANTS it.

Christ it makes my dick so hard.
I'd flood it with my sweat
>She doesn't just want it, she fucking WANTS it
And I want her
Her red skin is actually super hot
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Her dress looks like a sexy Charlie Brown cosplay
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I want to help Sunset seize ultimate power and conquer the globe.
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Would you watch an entire anime focused around Sunset Shimmer?

You're at your home and Twilight just walks up and kisses your girlfriend.

How do you react?
Kick Twilight out
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Get the spray bottle and call her a bad pony
Pets shouldn't kiss their owners

worshipping 5ever
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As long as I'm driving.
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have a better version, brah

I shall carry my love for her till we meet in the next life
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>that pic
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I want to take her out for coffee.
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But what kind of coffee would she get?
Would she drink it black?
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If she's anything like me she'll get a frappuccino. It's basically just coffee ice cream but damn if it isn't tasty.

A mocha is fine too.
Shes my little butterfly, orange yellow and red make the colors in the sky.
Uh oh, Sunset Shimmer wants to battle!
Aaaand what happened to her after.
I was going to hate on that name, but then I realize that I am an "Otaku gaming brony"

Wow, I guess it's time to fucking kill myself.
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Now pardon me, I don't mean to be rude but I happen to major in Sunsetology.

And what you have there in equine form seems to be a very disgruntled Sunset in the OP picture.

Of course what could be causing it is any mans guess, but you should at least be made aware of how upset this pony seems to be.
what if that is human Sunset that was turned into a pony?
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That makes sense.

Still, my heart will always belong to Pony Shimmer no matter what form she's in.

I'll help her whether shes conquering Equestria or trying to redeem herself.

My dedication is unwavering as it always has been.
That's actually figment of Sunset's imagination and represents the part of her who wants to be a pony again
It's giving her that "just do it you dummy; you need me" look
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>tfw no qt redhead Sunny to steal my soul
Sunset's team would probably be something like:
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>not wanting the actual baconhead Sunny
Fuck that image takes me back.
It feels like there's a story behind this.
I know, right
That was the only thing I ever really watched on the Machinima channel
I miss the days of playing Halo 3 custom games and WaW on the sexbox
meant for >>27533662
>you finally get to meet your waifu
>you finally get to meet Sunset Shimmer
>but there's a twist: see >>27528576 and >>27533489
Would you still?
I'm gonna fucking rape you, little girl!
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my sunshine.jpg
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yes, but I'd be disappointed
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Yeah of course.

Dude I wrote a green about literally being Sunset's pussy-whipped slave.

You don't think I'd accept her as a hot red-head? Come on son.

I'm re-reading it right now actually.
Gritsaw sings Fat Bottomed Girls
>The sirens outside were almost beautiful, serving as the only background noise in the room save for the distant fire alarms down the hall.
>It's funny.
>With how crazy this day has been, this moment right here is probably the most peaceful you've felt in a long time. Really funny actually, given the circumstances it took to get here to this moment.
>You look over at Sunset, who has some blood trailing down the right corner of her mouth, dripping down onto her black leather jacket. She has a blank look on her face. Probably looks alot like your expression actually.
"Well." You repeat, not sure exactly what you can say to perfectly summarize this moment and what you are feeling. It is all almost too surreal.
>Sunset being Sunset, steps in and perfectly describes how this entire day has been so far with just three words.
>"We did it."
>She smiles softly at you and you chuckle.
>You wipe your nose, cringing hard both from the terrible pain, and the sickening pop that you hear when you move your nose a little too far.
>It hurt.
>Hurt like Hell.
>But it doesn't really matter anymore now, does it?
>Nothing matters anymore. Nothing except for this moment right here, with you and Sunset sharing it.
>But one question still is on your mind...
"Was it worth it?"
>She smiles warmingly.
>The way she smiles about this entire day makes you feel a mixture of satisfaction, disgust, and... Love.
>The sirens outside were getting louder, and you glance over at the windows and back to Sunset, who frowns at you.
>"....You ready?"
>You don't say anything, opting instead to nod.
>With no hesitation in your movements, you raise it to your head, and she mirrors your action.
>You close your eyes as your finger touches the trigger.
>Was it worth it?
>...Hell yeah it was worth it.
>You hear a loud, familiar pop a few feet away from you and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor, before you pull the trigger as well.
Wow, my singing was so bad you made references to the columbine shooters?

Or are you implying that I'm going to become a school shooter? I have no clue at this point.
No I have been writing a psych paper on Eric and Dylan for the past 4 hours and I have been reading their edgy as fuck writing and researching the way they acted during the shooting. I felt kinda somber an creative and decided to do that bejeweled gem of sad edginess.
Reading is often a good way to read into the mindset of the writer.

That being said, I feel bad that you have to enter such a negative headspace.
Eric is the shooter that I think is the worst. He obviously was suffering from psychopathy and alot of the things in his journal just sound like massive borderline personality disorder to me, but Jesus Christ. He wrote about himself in some cases like he was just some big bad ass God. He wrote all of this shit about how great he is and how better than everyone he is, only for his bombs to fail and not explode. Then the dumbass breaks his nose on his shotguns recoil.

I don't see how ANYONE can feel sorry for this sack of sack of shit. Dylan too. They weren't bullied, they were just assholes. Horrible, terrible assholes. Dylan himself even bullied mentally handicapped kids at the school.
We can't all be saints. I'm not trying to defend them or anything, hell I think it's pretty shitty even just based on what you've told me.

But honestly, deep down, I think we're all a little messed up. We're never quite perfect.

You ever get that feeling when you cross a bridge, that crazy feeling that says you should jump?

What if you got the same feeling when you held a gun?

I think maybe we're all monsters, but some of us are just better at internalizing it than others.

Wouldn't it explain how people who never committed crimes prior just suddenly up and kill someone?
Well it wasn't just a feeling they had when they held the gun though. It was just all premediated. They actually didn't even get the guns until a few months before the actual shooting. Eric made all the bombs before buying the guns first. Dylan and Eric were indeed fucked up individuals. Dylan himself wrote about doing his own killing spree before hand. I wonder who asked the other to join in on NBK(they nicknamed their plans for Columbine 'NBK' in reference to Natural Born KIlleres)first.

Here is an actual page from his journal.
>"someones bound to say "what were they thinking?" when we go NBK or when we were planning it, so this what I am thinking. "I have a goal to destroy as much as possible so I must not be sidetracked by my feelings of sympathy, mercy, or any of that, so I will force myself to believe that everyone is just another monster from Doom like FH or FS or demons, so It's either me or them. I have to turn off my feelings." keep this is mind, I want to burn the world, I want to kill everyone except about 5 people, who I will name later, so If you are reading this you are lucky you escaped my rampage because I wanted to kill you. It will be very tricky getting all of our supplies, explosives, weaponry, ammo, and then hiding it all and then actually planting it all so we can achieve our goal. but if we get busted any time, we start killing then and there, just like Wilks from the AlIENS books, I aint going out without a fight. "
They're crazy people.

This is why when someone asks me, "Would you rather be weird or normal" I always choose normal.

Too many people are fucking weirdos. And I wish I wasn't one of them.

I wish I had some kind of charmed pleasantville like mindset, someone who could just turn a blind eye to all the fucked up shit.

Maybe I just have too much free time. That's probably it. It's also been a while since I've gotten laid.

Oh, and If there are any female fans of mine, maybe someone who's in Washington and is single, I'm looking for a Ms.Saw if you catch my drift.

Yeah It'll never happen, but a guy can dream can't he?
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Yes, but i think in anime she's got a boy, so i don't want it.
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Bacon goes great with pancakes
>Sunset trying to pretend she doesn't want that blue puss.
They were wannabes.
How is that a downside?
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Trash the Dash.jpg
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Please do not ship the Sunset with worst horse
I literally do not care if it's with anyone else, but that's fucking disgusting
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I will fight you
I need more pone Sunset with Human Sunset hair
aren't real horses polygynic?
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removed dykeshit
>he doesn't like dykeshit
go away, flash
>liking dykeshit
>wanting to be a cuck
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>shipping your waifu
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Not everyone has a cuck fetish. Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that people don't have shit taste like you.

And it's ok to have shit taste, it just means you're wrong, and when the time comes, you need to accept that you're wrong.

Because let's face it, when some other girl is eating out your girl on the couch and you're sitting in the corner in a chastity belt you should realize somewhere along the line you probably fucked up.

I might ask why you're such an effeminate useless excuse for a man that personally makes me ashamed to be a man because it means I have to share a gender with such an ineffectual fop.

But then it's none of my business, and hell, if you want to watch lesbian cuck porn all day long fantasizing about 2 girls fucking each other while they spend all your hard earned money, then who am I to stop you?
Didn't someone do a green once where Sunset found out that even after the whole "forgiveness and friendship" thing, she was still technically banished/imprisoned in Nohoovesland and Twilight did everything in her power to brush off and redirect any requests Sunset made to visit home?
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Thats actually a pretty raw ass story concept.

I wish I had thought of it. Oh well.
Is it this one?

That's the one. I thought it was a greentext for some reason.
I liked it.
Kinda ominous and surprising.
Not bad, but that's some 1984 stuff right there
Someone have source of this?

I remember when that was written
Here you go senpai
Thank you, Sunset thread.
Oh I'm going straight to hell for this.

I will not pass Go, I will not collect 200 dollars
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Go straight to hell and then get hot and steamy with your demonic waifu?
Jeez that story was good.
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When they do the gen 5 reboot, do you guys think Sunny will play a part in it? I've always pictured it as Luna and Celestia passing on their crowns to Twilight and Sunset with Starlight as the princess of Friendship. I would love to see our current main characters take on leader roles and have gen 5 based around a new younger group kinda like that one "Warriors" series.
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Do you realize how much I would pay to see pic related happen?
well that was edgy as fuck
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PRAISE THE SUN(set Shimmer)!
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>implying G4 will EVER end
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>Replace actually good characters (except Rainbow Dash) with shitty literally whos
What when G is situated in a distant future and the main cast of now will be the legends and myths of tomorrow?
Do we have Wrestler Sunset?
Most likely no. Sunset isn't part of the main franchise, only the spin off
Now if Hasbro decides to keep EqG going into the next gen than yes
>All this talk of a next gen
Is this confirmed? or are you guys being optimistic?
Just speculation I suppose.
I'm trying to be realistic about it.
Just speculation but Hasbro likes money and has now discovered what works to get it so a fith gen with a similar structure and animation will eventually happen due to logic and analyzing past events.
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Page 9? Really?
>tfw you will never annoy Sunset and make her curse at you
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Shimmer Rage 2.gif
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This. I want to pick on her and have a tsundere relationship.
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Do you think that the writers are intentionally making Sunset the ultimate waifu like in some slice of life Chinese cartoon?
Especially considering how everyone in the EqG world has crushes except her.
worst pone
*best pone
>page 9
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nude: http://i.imgur.com/xRvTfou.png
topless: http://i.imgur.com/jBNCEA9.png
bottomless: http://i.imgur.com/PJ6kACa.png

I wanna stick my face in her crotch and lap up her delicious nectar
she got a really tiny slit
Sunset, put your clothes back on. You'll catch a could.

now we need an EqG version
>not using your body heat to keep her warm
I had a dream I was on the bus and I managed to pick up a girl, and we ended up hugging.

Her hug was so warm it melted away all my fear..

But then I woke up.
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The previous book already confirm that Scilight will end with flash.

Who will win sunset heart in the next movie?
>Who will win sunset heart in the next movie?

Me of course.
If she were real
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Noooo! Fuck this ship's!
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>Tricks up our sleeve
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See she hasn't liked anyone since she broke up with Flash. That means she's still pure.

I mean, it's not like they're going to force her into a romantic subplot with someone in the next movie or anything.
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I hope you're right
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Can someone edit this image to where it's Sunset in the chair and Anon about to lick her feet?
what do the moonrunes say?
E smiley face "
>(bashful fidgeting)
Or something like that
Come on guys pull through for me on this one. My boner needs this.
Please guys
page 10
are there any greens where she's a nudist in private?
I mean, the moment she gets home, she strips everything off to get comfortable
I wrote a prompt where Sunset had taken in Anon and she's going out of her way to make him breakfast when for when he wakes up.

So Anon smells the breakfast, he comes down, and then he sees her naked.

Sunset apologizes for it when she realizes what's happened.

So yeah, kind of a sexy scenario, but it didn't go anywhere.
I want to make Sunset happy even in the dark times.
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I want to repay my sunshine for all the times she's made me happy.
Is that Demon Sunset green still happening.
I liked the concept of her having scars on her back where the wings and tail grew.
To my knowledge it never started. Demon Shimmer greens usually never get made.
I got distracted.
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Хoчy чибикa.
Are you still planning to work on it?
I doubt he will. Demon Shimmer isn't really something Shimmerbros like to write about.

They'd much rather write your typical slice of life than ever tackle something as dark as Sunset's past.
Or maybe write about the aftermath with the mane 5 discovering her injuries or something.
would you a bizarro Sunset?
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How bored were you in paint to have made that?

That backwards ass color scheme is fucking vomit inducing by the way.
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I want to watch the sunset with Sunset
they did plenty of things together while they were dating, though
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No, it was purely platonic. Sunset was just using him. She's never actually had sex before.

Also, PLEEEEEEEASE someone do this edit, my boner requires it!

I want to image myself worshiping my pure innocent waifus feet!
>Sunset was just using him.
What better way to use him than "reward" his good behavior with sex?
No, it can't be true. Sunset is my pure innocent little angel.

She would never just give herself away like that. You're lying, trying to make me doubt her, but I see right through you.

Sunset is so pure she radiates light. She may have made mistakes in the past but I know that her decisions were based on the fact that she was lonely to begin with.

All she probably really wanted were real friends.

In the end, she's pure and undefiled. Flash never even kissed her much less deflowered her.

You're just jealous because my waifu wouldn't stoop to doing something like that you hussie.
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Thats a great picture. So many emotions, especially the little crying one on the right.

I wish I could be with her right now. I wish I could hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her.
>If she's anything like me
let's hope not
C'mon anon, let's be real, she's taken the D, I don't mind, people have needs, and I still want her.
>let's hope not

Even a random Anon can see what a toxic person I am. Every choice I make seems to be imperfect.

Everyone always has a better way of doing things. And it makes me feel like an idiot.

I'll probably die at 30 drinking sugary shit like that.

Why am I so toxic, why is every part of me such a disgrace?
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She loves you too.
that needs to be colored
I've been defiled too. So I guess I could live with it.

I'd rather not think she really gave it up for Flash.

I'd like to think she was more innocent than that.

But I'm no saint either. In the end maybe that's why we're perfect for each other.
That face is absolutely beautiful.

It warms my heart.

There are times when it's difficult for me to feel. But Sunset never fails to brighten my day.
>concerning yourself about a girl's virginity
I know you guess are terrified of being called a cuck, but really, her having sex before isn't going to affect your relationship in the slightest. The "first time" definitely isn't as romantic as you would think. It's usually just OK or sometimes even unpleasant first time for women, and gets better afterwards. As long as her previous sexual partners used protection, you have nothing really to fear.
"Tricks up their sleeves" could mean that they may pull something unexpected like SunLight
I don't want her to be unfaithful. And I don't want her thoughts to be clouded with thoughts of him.

I concern myself with few things in this world, but romance is pretty much a top priority for me. That and sleep.
This meme is how many years old now and still hasn't got a human version of it?
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Not quite, but a close second.
>not wanting a threesome
Not everybody here has Sunset as their waifu
>Posting in Sunset Shimmer Thread
>Not everybody here has Sunset as their waifu

It's like going to the Rainbow Dash thread to talk about Twilight.

I mean you could do it, but for what purpose?
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give yourself a name or trip so I can filter your autism, thanks.
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The internet.jpg
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Don't listen to this rude anons like him >>27552644
In this world the most important thing to you is Sunset. Love her with you hearth and soul.
I legitimately don't want to see his posts anymore you fucking faggot. i don't want to read about his feelings.
even more autism. shit like this turns threads into hugboxes.
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Go away from here and start rewatch mlp. Let the friendship goes through you. Learn how friendship is work. And then go back to us.
I want pictures of Sunset looking smug with that sledgehammer.
That's not smug.
>tfw Sunset Shimmer is left handed like you
That's better.
still wanted to know what'd happen, would it go through or would it rang the heretical mirror like a bell while destroying it
Theres only one thing I do left handed, and it's lewd.
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Ambidextrous ftw
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for what purpose.jpg
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I am actually Glimmerfag. I am here to ensure that no waifu wars occur and that both this thread and the Glimmer thread remain at peace. If anyone tries to stir up such trouble, I will be forced to use extreme measures, such as posting StarSet ship pictures too cute for the normal man to manage. Do not provoke me.
Ha ибee oпять пoявилиcь вpoдe
why the fuck would you make her skin outline red? It's really the only thing throwing it off
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SS 1.png
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I didn't know you liked Gingers Satan is it because they have no souls?
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Sunny sciencing.png
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I don't think we ever gotten a colored version of this yet:
>it's like you know I'm lurking
>sees image
Looks like you'll have to keep waiting. I don't like to color uncleaned sketches
>Sunset will never invite you to her friend's new swimming pool.
>You will never go there and to your surprise you see not only Sunset naked but also Trixie, Twilight, and the new girl as naked.
>Sunset will never swim up and say "Took you long enough to get here." With a wink.
Wat do?
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I'd tell the other whores to get out of the pool so I can spend some quality alone time with Sunset.

I don't care about threesomes, all I care about is Sunset.

I don't come to the Sunset thread for EQG, I do it for her.
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Are you serious, nigga.png
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>not wanting to hang out with Sunset's naked friends
I'm pretty sure Sunset wouldn't like a buzzkill like you
"Hey Sunset, it's ok if I fuck your friends and fondle their titties while you watch right?"

I see the situation as a test of loyalty. Sunset brings you to a pool full of her naked friends to see if you'll make a move.

Now the normal plebian scum would probably go ahead and do that.

But let's examine why this would be bad.

Sunset would probably get jealous.
And the other girls you're groping might develop feelings for you which leads to other complications.

I personally don't want to share a relationship with anyone other than Sunset. But to the Non-waifuing disloyal TRAITOR scum, I SUPPOSE this would be the perfect scenario.
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>Abloo bloo bloo girls would never actually want to hang out with me so it must be a trap!
Nigger if Sunset looks happy about the idea of you joining them then it would be retarded to suggest she would get jealous
And for fucks sake dude, if you wouldn't want to fuck the other grills then you just wouldn't do it and everyone would be okay with that
Maybe they just want to skinny dip because it's fun and sexy but doesn't necessarily have to lead to sex
who said anything about wanting to fuck and fondle her friends?
if that's where YOUR mind goes in that situation, then you're the one who's having impure thoughts

there's nothing wrong with hanging out with Sunset and her fellow nudist friends

and you sound like the faggot who doesn't want to have kids with her because that's considered sharing her as well

let me guess, your stuff was always taken by your siblings all the time and people liked playing "keep away" with your stuff growing up?

he's been watching too much porn
>Try hardest to try not get boner.
>Trixie's "accidently" bumps you
>Starlight micky mouses your head.
>Twilight keeps jumping up and down.
>Trixie bumps you again.
>All you want to do is spend time with Sunset.
assert your dominance by grabbing Sunset and fucking her in the pussy, showing them you have made your choice
>they start cheering you on
>Wears scarf and Jacket
>Still has skirt on
Is Sunset cold? or is she just being the biggest tease a freezing CHS boy can hope to have.
>Twilight will never suggest different positions while you fuck Sunset in front of her friends.
>Trixie will never finger Starlight underwater.
Sunset's sizzling bacon ass emits enough warmth to allow her to wear skirts even during winter
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would Sunset like these?
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the fuck you on about m8.jpg
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>dipping bacon in chocolate
fucking amerifats
First the stuffed-crust pizzer and now this shit
I don't know whether to agree or disagree, because I have never tried bacon dipped in chocolate and have no idea what it's like.
have you tired it?
it's an odd taste but it's quite delicious
I don't need to try it to know that you'd need a triple bypass to get it out
I want a green of this.
Not if you just take a little nibble to see how it tastes.
it'd only be for special occasions

yup, moderation is the key
don't forget the sex workout afterwards to burn the calories off!
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Well if you're gonna make restrictions on your own fantasy situation I'll go along with you
>ur anon
>friends naked you get naked
>they laff at penis
>u cri
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sassy sun horse.png
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>"Wow, that's as big as it gets?"
>"Yeah, nevermind, Anon; you'll never be able to fill me up like a stallion could back in Equestria."
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I never had that happen to me
it can't get any smaller
Girl not even a horse can fill that gaping cannon you call a vag
>insulting your waifu
Don't talk to me or my Shim Sham ever again
>they start commenting on your performance
>they gratulate her for being the one
>they complain for being the only one
>not dipping bacon in chocolate
Bonjour ma faguette, how about you eat my Wiener?
none of us have souls
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What are you telling me you actually lose your souls?
What are you, casul?
What would they say?
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>"Go, Anon, go! Gosh, human mating rituals are so interesting!"
>"Trixie has never seen such endurance!"
>"I wonder if Sunburst is busy."
>Sci-Twi "Right up the butt."
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>"I wonder if Sunburst is busy."
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Nude: http://i.imgur.com/TYvWBQR.png
Nude w/ jacket: http://i.imgur.com/gnN5Xrw.png
Topless: http://i.imgur.com/p2LXUMn.png
Topless w/ jacket: http://i.imgur.com/AhGGtl1.png
Bottomless: http://i.imgur.com/tKCGDCV.png
Bottomless w/ jacket: http://i.imgur.com/QANUkJh.png
Lingerie w/ jacket: http://i.imgur.com/4Bllvoa.png
>"Sorry Sunny Bun, looks like you're the only tissue left to wipe with."
Please do not box the Sunset
She clearly doesn't like it there
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I want to make abominable demon spawn with that crimson cutie
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>TFW you don't have a QT demon gf with a literal hot pussy that rules the world.
I wonder what the child will look like. I hope he doesn't become a edgelord when he becomes a teenager.
>Anon and his edge lord half-demon son.
>"Darkness is the only thing that accompanies me. It is my only friend that have. No one understands me because I am not huma-."
"Oh my fuck, it's 3 in the goddamn morning can you please stop being such a little faggot?! Your mother and I are trying to sleep!
>Walk back upstairs where your crimson winged wife is somehow still sleeping.
>She snuggles you putting her wings around.
>About to fall asleep.
>I should of let Sunset swallow him.
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That's a good mix of comfy and keks anon
got any more?
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So the starlight thread died. Losers couldn't even keep their own thread bumped is anyone surprised?
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>Be lying in bed with Sunset her cute little fangs hang from her mouth.
>"One step closer and I am about to BRREEAKKK."
>Fuck when Sunset said that she was pregnant.
>you were actually excited at first because you thought since your kid will be a half-demon he would be like Dante.
>But instead of the cool Dante from DMC 1 and 3 you got the Dante from the reboot instead.
>Why the fuck would he be like this anyway? Sunset conquered the world nearly 16 years ago so why is hs acting 'So dark and mysterious?'
>Shit if I was him I can drown myself with all of the slave pussy I can.
>But instead of doing that or climbing the mountain of skulls and explore the forest of forgotten souls with his old man, he is sitting in room listen to Emo rock.
>Anon's face when.
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sauce on your image there, please?
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>ywn tickle Sunsets feet to make her giggle and laugh in delight
she still has the whipped creme on her face
Sunsets arms are tied behind her back. I don't think the idea of rape has sunk in yet
>You will never double team Twilight with Sunset.
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Sunset cannot be raped
It's physically impossible
Even when you think that you're raping her she's actually merely allowing you to do so
I actually like the headcanon where she gets in bed with flash but then ends up freaked out because she's too used to horse dick.
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>Trash Sentry
man PJ's style makes me rock solid
I couldn't find the image of the Flash Sentry doll that has the words "small parts" under it, so have this comic about is inadequately sized penis instead
well, this exists...
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>my headcanon is that she is 5' 8" tall (legs for days)
That would literally make her taller than most people on this board.
¿Por que hacer Spics aman Equestria Girls tanto?
It's not about his size, you dumbass, it's the shape of his human penis.
this is the comic I was talking about. thats not flash's penis size she's shocked about. she's talking about the way the human's dick is like in general.
Sunset if you become real I promise to eat out your vagina everyday for the rest of my life.
You better not be lying, Anon
Defiling those trips is a crime
is there a colored version?
I don't think so
I wish there was, though
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Sunset is not for prostitution
Que? Stick to english man
Why do you think it's prostitution? Maybe it's tutor money since Sunset is good at math.
what a pathetic picture. That's pretty depressing, having people wanting to find a cute homeless girl so that they can take her home.

Like, holy shit, is it sad.
This is fucking gold!

Don't you dare stop, m8. Keep going
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>Sunset is out destroying what is left of Australia and that means you're stuck with your Emo faggot of a son.
>I am going to try to interact with him at least.
>Go to son's room and find out he is monologuing again..
>Take deep breath.
>"Dad get out of my room"
>Did he just fucking hissed at me? Sunset is a full demon and she never once hissed at anything.
>This isn't your normal everyday faggotry this is advanced faggotry.
"Hey sport, mom is out doing her thing so do you want to do something like old times?"
>"What do you mean everyone is going stare at me because I am different."
"Darren I told you this before no one is going to stare at you or treat you different.
>"How do you know?"
"Do you even look outside or listen? Your mom and I ended human civilization with an army of teenage zombies and demons before you were even born. They are either dead or in slave labor."
>"Well that's different."
"How is- you know never mind.'
>Never argue with autists.
>I think that kid is payback for being responsible for killing 60% of the word population.
>But that hot demon puss was worth it.
>You walk back downstairs and turn on the TV.
>Good thing you convinced Sunset to spare the producers of your favorite shows and vidya.
>Besides the kid it's actually pretty comfy as long things don't turn south.
>Just then you hear an explosion outside
>You go up to your balcony and grab your binoculars to see what caused it.
>You look to the north nothing, same with the south and west.
>Then you look at the east and there you saw what looked like a space marine carrying a double barrel shotgun with hundreds of dead demons around him.
>Oh my fuck.
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>doomguy joins the fray
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>Wow guys taking care of someone in need is so lame! Like totally not what all the cool kids are doing!

>Why aren't you busy being an edgy piece of shit like me?

>Come on guys, amirite?!

Yeah, it sure is lame to want to take in a cute homeless girl and give her a place to stay. What a shitty fantasy to want to help someone in need.

Obviously not the 'patrician' fantasy of violent abuse that you goddamn edgelords probably masturbate to.

Sorry for not being a shitty person and just kicking dirt in her face as I pass along. I guess when I see someone starving in the streets I should just pull up a seat, grab some popcorn and laugh as they suffer, because that's clearly the right thing to do.

Wow Anon, you're totally not a deplorable piece of shit. How many humanitarian awards did you win this year? You're just a real swell guy.

But that's ok, you've probably never been homeless a day in your life. You're still sucking on Daddys tit as you beg him for the latest iphone while you blow all your parents money on some college degree you're using as an excuse not to do work and get a real job.
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scared digits.jpg
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I know you're from horse land, Shimmer, but shoes are not for eating.
quads demand a green where Sunset works at Hooters
And her friends meet her there.
This please.
and she was keeping it a secret from them
Rainbow Dash really really wanted to go there
Sunset getting Glory Killed by Doomguy? I'd pay to see that
I want to massage Sunset Shimmer's aching feet
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Sorry lad, but you're not any better. Face it. The only reason you "care for the homeless" so much in this particular fantasy is because you think you could get sex out of helping a young girl. In essence, your fantasy is really just prostitution thinly veiled.

You probably have passed countless homeless men over your life time. Because you're just like those alleged "edge lords".

Soon you're going to grow up and realize:
1. Men make up most of the homeless
2. Women are "independent and don't need no man" (taken care of by the state)
3. Even in the rare chance you find yourself a young, ripe, homeless women she probably still wouldn't offer herself to your desperate self

But hey, you can still act morally superior on a cartoon pony image board!
I do care about the homeless. Unlike you obviously.

In case you weren't aware, I was homeless at one point, probably something a privileged brat like you could never comprehend.

I eventually managed to pull myself up by my bootstraps, and now I have a job.

I know how tough it can be.

I've donated to homeless people before, given them money as I walked by. My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?

And as a final note, sex is not the first thing on my mind, especially in dealing with the homeless, that sounds like your fantasy, not mine.

Maybe you ought to think twice before judging me stranger, you don't know my life, you haven't walked in my shoes.
Fucking this, I was homeless a young kid in fucking Long Beach because of my parents drug use, We're fine now, but people do it to themselves.
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i impreganted sunset shimmer had started a loving family
in my dreams
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not him, but I was almost homeless, and that was scary enough
I can't imagine actually how it would be being homeless
but I always give something when I pass a homeless person or a person with a sign on the side of the road
>My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?
Thanks for the giggle m8.

>Your hand starts to cramp as you write your last sentence
>You place down your pen and search for your staple in your office
>After a quick search, you get up from your desk
>you do a quick glance up and look through the glass wall
>she knew you were doing paper
>You let out a sigh
>’why would they make her my secretary? I told them many times not to’
>you say to yourself with hand gestures
>although your actions would make others think you’re weird, you were perfectly safe within this section of the building
>’and so was she’
>With the stapler in hand, you make your way to the copier room

>After your short journey, you open the door to the room
>and what do you know
>in said room was her
>your secretary
>your “secretary”
>there she sat on top of the copy machine
>the machine managing to hold her soft plump..
>’No Anon, not here. This is a place of business. You must display professionalism here and so must she.
>you sigh as she notices your entry to the room
>”Hello Mr. Mous,” she said as she spreaded her legs and pulled down her shirt
>”Are you here to-” she leans forward
>giving you a glimpse of her rack
>’she must be a C- no. Business only’
>”make some copies,” she said

I'll contiune soon. If anyone one is interested.
Do it.
is Anon's stapler red?
also, continue please
^there's the nude version of >>27574253
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Unf, that's going in my special folder.
Sure his stapler is red

It should say
Doing your paperwork

Ill update in a bit
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>Sure his stapler is red
>you stand there in with your hand rubbing your face
>’Wha-what makes her do this?! What is she trying to pull?’
>you roll your eyes and slowly approach her
“you know i can't wait until they install the cameras in this and our office,” you say as you fix your papers.
>By now you're in front of her
>she let out a “huh”
>”when will they install these cameras,” she rubbed around your waist with her bare feet
>’bare feet?!’
>you glance down to see that she indeed had taken off her shoes
>looking back up, you see that she lowered her shirt even more
>she’s basically giving you a nip slip
>in the work place
>’if only they installed it sooner. Then i could have evidence against her.’
>with great strength you stop her enticing motions, and motion for her to hop off the copy machine
>Seeing that she actually complied you saw potiental that she would stop her actions
>however, she landed on your body
>her arms wrapped around your neck, and her breast on you
>her nipples semi-hard
>’I can’t wait to pinch- no!’ you mentally slap yourself
>’this is a place of bus-’
>Sunset lets out an “Ooo” as she pressed herself even more against you
>”You finally decided to give in to me. I thought you were all ‘business this’ and ‘business that’.
>She moved to your ear, her hot breath warming up your ear
>”I’m ready whenever you are,” she said seductively
>in your head you have a mental showdown with your hormones
>’stupid sexy shimmer’
>you force yourself to push her off you
>knowing that work came first

Just to let you guys know
Im writing this right now
This photo inspired me for some reason
And i hope it inspires others as well
What if Sunset was a random object sitting around your house, but it was an object you spent a lot of time around.

She would be aware, and she would watch you, but she could not speak.

And all of a sudden, this object out of the blue will transform into Sunset.

Assume she has held this position for 3 months. What has she seen, and what is the object?
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Just kill me.png
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My laptop
And she has seen horrible, unspeakable things
There is a severe lack of pony Sunset Shimmer

You nerds dont like her true form?
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I love the little bitch!
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Well, let's take a moment and examine this shall we?

>Humans browse 4chan.
>It is somehow wrong to like your own species.

Now before you jump down my throat, I like Pony Shimmer.

I just prefer her human form, and fuck you it's my opinion, you don't have to agree.
You forget she's a pony originally
You can't bring yourself to love her true form which means she will never love you
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You're insufferable, you didn't even read! I said I liked pony Shimmer.

But I don't like you!

I would love her regardless of form though MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE is human.

Now fucking kill yourself you cock-gargling shitbag!
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Horses do like to mouth things. I wonder if first year shy shimmer ever did horse things and started bullying back because she got teased about it.
You are making excuses and even insinuated you prefer her human form.
Meaning you don't prefer her true form
You are no better than those who say they like the Dazzlings but dont like their seahorse form

Your rant doesn't change anything pussy
Also take your own advice
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New Thread

Isn't it a little early to start a new thread?
250 pic limit, the guys love posting their shimmer
>prefering no hooves
>insulting others
look who's talking
Oh, alright
Fuck off you autist
There's already another thread
Thread posts: 460
Thread images: 251

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