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Should I let my brony cousin babysit my kid?

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>Found the picture online, it is not a real picture of my cousin.

I would like to have a serious discussion about what kind of threat grown brony men pose to children and animals. My cousin is 24 years old and during the last couple of years he has picked up my little pony and become a brony, things have escalated fast during the last year, he dyes his hair in bright colors, wears childrens t-shirts, buys pony toys and he talks in a really weird way, as if he is trying to sound like some high pitched cartoon character. It is obvious that the reason for guys like my cousin to like my little pony is, at the very least, somewhat sexual. These are characters made for little girls, and on top of that they are animals.

In my family we are very close to each other, we all baby sit each others kids all the time. I care a great deal about my cousin despite what he has become and it would create a rift in the family if I would forbid him to see my son. But I am starting to feel like I have no other choice. I am also uneasy about leaving him with the family dog.

I am not worried about my cousin turning my son into a brony because we are raising him right. I am worrying that he is sexualizing something innocent meant for little girls, and that he somehow will hurt my son or dog.

How do I know if my cousin is dangerous to my son? If there are any bronies here that can relate to my cousin, can you be please be very honest about how you view children and how your sexuality works?
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If I was your cousin I would definitely remove your son's eyes and fuck the sockets given half the chance.
I do not believe you. This is bait.
>Unless your dog is a pony it's safe.
>If your kid is a pony you have bigger issues to worry about.
Brony here, I think nothing of kids. I like the show purely for the message and funposting. Art is just a bonus.

Ok, but are you as deep into it as my cousin? Do you wear clothes, dye your hair and buy the toys?
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I would appreciate a serious answer more.
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Let your cousin babysit for one time. And ask your son later how well he was doing.

My cousin has done it before, things have gotten much worse lately and I was not worried then like I am now.

He wore a t-shirt with a pony for christmas and his voice has gotten weirder than last time I saw him. I just keep thinking that if he acts like a child, maybe he will identify with children and see them as potential love interests.
It would make me feel a lot better if I perhaps could talk and get in touch with bronies that live regular family lives, have girlfriends etc.

How common is that?
Pedophilic and zoophilic posts pop up regularly on pretty much every online and brick+mortar place where bronies/horsefuckers congregate. Generally speaking, adults who cling onto media intended for ages far below their age demographic are mentally disturbed people; I say this as a guy who's actively been in this fandom since 2010 an. You'd honestly be better off hiring a teenage girl to do it.
He doesn't sound like the type to sexual MLP. I wouldn't worry about him harming the kids or dog, but I would worry about him personally.
If this is bait, good work.

If not, does your cousin have a clinically diagnosed mental illness? That means diagnosed by a professional, not what you think could be an illness based on 20 minutes on WebMD. If he's mentally ill, don't let him watch your kid.

If he does not, use your fucking brain like a fucking adult you moron. If you are uncomfortable with him watching you child, find someone else.
Obvious bait

My cousin has always been a bit awkward and shy, but he has always passed as normal. Well as I said it is not that simple because our family is very close, we all know and spend time with each other as if we were brothers and sisters.

But yes I am leaning towards not letting him spend time with my son alone. I think his father will understand but his mother will be devastated and much drama will occur.
In my honest opinion, you've made the right choice. If you ever need any more advice, perhaps in dealing with this drama, we're more than happy to help.

I hope so, it really sucks but I just cant take the risk. I will make sure that my cousin and his parents know that he is welcome to our house whenever he feels like it as long as me or my wife are at home though.
Your dog is safe but there's a 50/50 chance your kid will get molested.
Well, if you want my honest and serious opinion...
Basically, there are three types of "bronies";

The first type are the Normies. They watch the show, maybe browse the surface content of the fandom, and leave it at that. They usually have healthy lifestyles and treat the show like anything else on TV. Despite what you think, they're the silent majority of this fandom. Your cousin is long past this stage.

Next are the people who identify as "brony" or similar. These are the people that both produce and browse the fan-created content like art, music, fanfiction, plushies, ect. Most of them range from just eccentric to downright creepy, but still sane. This is where most of /mlp/ resides. These people may own some merchandise like shirts or plushies, but are smart enough to keep it quiet when needed. "Hiding your power level" as we say. Your best bet is to push your cousin into this zone. Most people that fall into this category are functioning adults with a weirdass hobby.

Finnaly we have what I call "Full Retard" bronies. This is the stage your cousin it at. This is where the obsession gets unhelthy, and the people parade around decked the fuck out in MLP merchandise and strut around like being a massive fag is some kind of accomplishment. Pretty much everyone hates these people because they're what most everyone else sees when they think of us. Kind of like people used to associate gay men with the faggots that hold pride parades while painting their bodies pink and strapping dildos to their forehead. He seems to be creeping up on this. Give him a big kick in the ass and set him back on track before it gets worse.

But I digress, the whole point was whether or not he should spend time around children or animals. I reccomend just asking him point-blank if the fandom has led him to take intrest in deviant porn like beastiality or CP. If so, keep him away. If he denies it, then he's probably a well-intentioned idot who you need to watch closely for awhile
I would first like to address this sentence
>I am not worried about my cousin turning my son into a brony because we are raising him right.

I couldn't help but notice this statement. Just to be clear I know I have absolutely no place in judging you, your beliefs, or your ideals regarding what is the right way to Raise your child.
Still I do feel I should say that there is a difference between a Ponyfag/ponyfan, a Brony, and a Horsefucker. Ponyfag I would say would be a casual fan of the show. They know the show's target audience is little girls but something about the show made them want to watch more.
I would definitely say that there is nothing about these people you should worry about and if your son became one then there is really nothing you should worry about. Its a TV show that occasionally teaches valid morals that tend to lie within the traditional American Judeo/christian view of morality.

Then there's this asshole, This is a horsefucker.

Sadly, this post is what this board takes as serious/an in joke we like to pretend is serious because its the kind of thing expected of 4chan.

Think of it as a board culture/meme post. Typical Pony thread Sim material. I wouldn't be surprised if the poster is an underage /b/tard who comes here cause he can't post ponies on /b/.

To be honest most of us on /mlp/ this is considered something superior to your average Brony. For some reason we consider ourselves above the common Brony despite the fact that we resort to distinguishing ourselves on this board via being overly edgy and reveling in pedophilic statements.

from hat I can tell your average poster on this board hides their horsefucker "powerlevel" in public and at most will reveal themselves to be a ponyfan. but on this board they revel in the most obscene aspects of the fandom they can most likely for "teh lulz"

...to be continued
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Wrong on all points.

You should probably stop now.
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>I would like to have a serious discussion about what kind of threat grown brony men pose to children and animals.


link this thread from >>>/adv/ if you're needing sum real answers m8

That is a great breakdown, thank you for your effort. That makes me believe even more I should not let him see my son as long as this is going on. Unfortunately I do not think I can do anything for my cousin. Every time he talks his dad has this look on his face that he just wants to die, I am sure they have fought a lot over this. I am still hoping it is just a phase.

My cousin appears to be accepted by the brony community though. He has went to conventions and made friends apparently, the others do not seem to consider him extreme. Or do the conventions mainly consist of "Full retard" bronies as you call them? Do normies and mainstream bronies go to conventions and arrange meet-ups?

>Sadly, this post is what this board takes as serious/an in joke we like to pretend is serious because its the kind of thing expected of 4chan.
>Think of it as a board culture/meme post. Typical Pony thread Sim material. I wouldn't be surprised if the poster is an underage /b/tard who comes here cause he can't post ponies on /b/.

That's some nice projection you've got going on there kiddo.
Normal people do go to conventions. It is just that some people go full autistic. I've personally never gone because I am the only person out of my friend group that watches the show, and I would never go alone. I don't own any merch or anything either. Which is the only reason I still have friends in real life. That, and I'm not a creepy asshole

That came out a bit wrong, I did not mean it like that. I realize not all MLP fans are the same and that many of you probably just treat it like a guilty pleasure and otherwise are pretty normal.

I like faggy pop music, like petshop boys and that sort of thing, but I dont listen to it when my friends come to my place for a beer. I hope most of you have that kind of approach to it.

To bad my cousin doesnt.
Your cousin on the other hand is a Brony.

I hate to bring up reddit but here
This is really all you need to know about it if you are unfamiliar with the amount of cringe they can induce.

In addition I would argue that if your cousin is anywhere near as far along on being as cringy as any of these examples then it isnt him being into a show about cartoon horses that you should be worried about.
Instead worry about the fact that he is devolving from an adult into a literal manchild. instead of giving your reason for him not being alone with your son as because he is a sick brony argue that he is clearly becoming someone incapable of self reliance who likely needs a babysitter himself and therefore is not capable of being a babysitter.

If he wants to act like an adult child then oblige his wishes and treat him as an adult child.

That said there are plenty of Bronies out there who are normal
mentioned them and when they post here they tend to use the term ponyfag cause well its 4chan and everyone is a faggot on 4chan.

Like me in public there is nothing that would make you think i even watch the show. Still there are normal pople who like the show and even collect the merchandise.

Hell there are even some who have went full retard stage but still retain some sanity in their real life the full retard brony is more a mask and they still can act normal if they wanted to.

Like many have said talk to him about your worries if he understands your worries and can explain that he just likes a show and will tone in down in your home then fine live and let live. If he refuses to abide by your expectations of what you expect within your own home then clearly he shouldn't be there watching your child.
I really hope this isn't bait.
Nice imaginary generalizations you've collected in your tiny head normal guy.

I sincerely hope you're knowingly vomiting in a bait thread, and don't actually believe in all that dumb shit you just spent over half an hour composing.
>serious discussion
> what kind of threat grown brony men pose to children and animals
>dyes his hair in bright colors, wears childrens t-shirts, buys pony toys and he talks in a really weird way, as if he is trying to sound like some high pitched cartoon character
>somewhat sexual
> I am also uneasy about leaving him with the family dog
>we are raising him right
>How do I know if my cousin is dangerous to my son? If there are any bronies here that can relate to my cousin, can you be please be very honest about how you view children and how your sexuality works?

Dat elaborate bait

>Pedophilic and zoophilic posts pop up regularly on pretty much every online place

Fixed that for you.

A brony family member would be a challenge and cause some controversy in pretty much any family out there.

I do not understand why some of you react the way you do to my post. I am sure you already know the public is concerned about your hobby?
Because there are only 2 possible facts here:
- This is a bait
- This is not a bait and you're a fucking pussy for coming here instead of talking with your cousin
It seems like you have a pretty good idea in your head that this guy is not trustworthy, why are you even asking us?
Assuming for the sake of discussion that you're not just trolling, I say treat each person on a case by case basis, and given what you've told us about your cousin, it seems to me like you should avoid leaving him alone in a position of authority over a child.
>not playing bowling with your cousin
You sound like an autist
I wouldn't trust him, OP.
I now picture every living thing as a pony and want to fuck it.
Surely he's already the same way.
He'll try to make your son his waifu.
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>people actually responding instead of shitposting this retard's thread

What happened, /mlp/?
>there are actual adults who publicly admit to being fans of MLP
>there are actual adults out there who wear pony merchandise in public as anything more than the consequences of losing a bet

MLP is a guilty pleasure, not a fucking lifestyle. People like your cousin (on the assumption he is real, and this isn't an elaborate ruse) should be summarily shot.

>he shitposts unironically

It's like you're trying to be a complete faggot
All funposting is met with 'Quit being edgy' and 'You know, just because this is 4chan doesn't mean you have to be an asshole.'
But isn't that what 4chan is for? I don't see the problem here?
Normie here. I have been to a few cons, but I don't wear merchandise. I mainly go for autographs or panels where the voice actors or people who work on MLP are speaking. I never go to panels that feature Fandom artists or people who are 'horsefamous', i.e. Internet personalities involved with MLP.
This is the simple litmus test you must ask your cousin to determine if he is capable of watching over your son.

Ask him this question: "Do you want to cum in Rainbow Dash?"

If he answers yes, than he cannot.
If he answers no, he can.
If he takes a few seconds to answer either way, he cannot.

If he tells you he wants to cum in another pony, slap him upside the head.

Asking my cousin if he is a danger to kids and pets would not do any good, of course he would say no.

I wanted to speak with bronies who can answer honestly due to the protection of anonymity. It worked. I got some good and honest answers from creating this thread that helped me come to a decision.
It's the hiatus, friend, now more than ever is when we're full of people who really don't belong here.
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>making decisions based on opinions from anons on a Taiwanese fingerpainting site dedicated to anime donkeys
If this isn't bait, then you, sir, are pretty fucking stupid.

Who cares what kind of site it is? I wanted to find and speak with bronies, I occasionally visit 4chan so I knew I could find you guys here.

The problem is not that I used 4chan to get in touch with bronies, the problem is that you jerk off to cartoon ponies.

Would you let your cousin watch your kids , if he was a tranny ?
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>I wanted to speak with bronies
Why'd you come here then.
>the problem is that you jerk off to cartoon ponies.
Okay, lemme ask you OP, how is that a problem in any way? I mean, weebs fap to underrage girls and all that, do you give them as much shit as you're giving your cousin? I'm curious.

Yeah, sure. I am really not a conservative. As far as I know transsexuals do not involve kids stuff into their sexuality.

Not saying ALL of the my little pony fans do, mind you. But some definitely do and I am worrying my cousin is one of those that do.

It is not my attention to give my cousin shit. I have stated several times in the thread that I care for him, and he is welcome around my son when me or my wife is present.

If my cousin would be one of those weebs you are referring to I would be concerned and asking the same questions, yes.

I meant intention of course, not attention.

Anyhow my point is that if I found out he was fapping to underage girls I would not let him near my son.

Just ask his father. Why do you insist on having him babysit anyways? Just reject if you are really that concerned.
If he wasn't dangerous before he won't be now. He may be a bit of a faggot about trying to get him to watch the show, but it has some decent morals for the kid. And as long as your kid isn't a complete autist he should have enough tact to know not to mention watching the show if he ends up getting sucked into it.

Worst that can happen is he ends up fapping to animated ponies.
i highly doubt your cousin would do anything wrong

the worst thing would probably be him sending the kids early to bed because they didnĀ“t share his view on who the best pony is.

ItĀ“s Rarity
>Found the picture online, it is not a real picture of my cousin.
>Anything but worst horse
Go to bed and take the whole bottle of sleeping pills this time
If this is bait, then good work.

If not, perhaps you should know that judging bronies by coming here is like judging minorities by asking for directions at the closest run-down neighborhood; that is, it's very likely you'll come to the false conclusion bronies (or even pony fans, because some people here feel the "brony" moniker's become too toxic) really are as dark and twisted as you think they are if you limit your asking to here; my conscious won't let me ignore how that would taint your views of said cousin.

As much as the people here hate them, I'd suggest also asking on places like reddit and maybe Tumblr. At least there, you have some semblance of political correctness; people spouting slurs and encouraging suicide is a byproduct of 4chan, not Friendship is Magic OR the fandom it's spawned.

Thank you for your time.
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go to bed, or i will flush all your bakugans down the toilett young man.
Fun fact: your cousin either was or was not a pedophile before discovering ponies, and ponies did not change that fact either way. Even if he faps to ponies so fucking what? That doesn't mean he's going to rape your dog or faps while thinking about your son when you're not around, how fucking retarded are you?

Those are not facts. Pornographic material can change, twist and alter sexuality at the very least on a temporary basis. Just because you have an opinion does not make it a fact.

Google: https://www.google.se/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=rwl_VpWeGeaO8QfCgr74BQ#q=can+porn+change+your+sexuality

The subject is also covered by Gary Wilson:
Ponies are not children.
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>>25890391 (OP)
First of all, there has never been a confirmed case of a brony behaving in a predatory manner to a child, despite the fact that the show has been around for 5 years. There was one case, spread around tumblr for a while, but it turned out to be an elaborate hoax, and the person who started it turned their blog into a picture of Nicolas Cage.

Second of all, someone as deep into it as your cousin would be less likely to sexualize the horses, or do anything "bad" because they have staked their whole identity on this show and as such are deathly afraid of giving the fandom a "bad name"

Finally you're the parent. If you don't want your cousin to watch your kid because he's a brony than that's your prerogative. Of course, he's not going to want to be your friend anymore after this, but judging from how little you seem to trust him, you obviously don't want to be his friend either.
They can be

Op to be honest. I'm not in to kids. I'm in to irl horse pussy that winks, squirts and gushes.

Point taken. I will continue to look around, but either way I still feel like he shouldnt see my son until he is doing better.
Dude you are on 4chan. YOU are literally worst possible person. Chill.
noice b8 though
No it isn't you faggot.
4chan is meant for anonymous discussion where every single opinion and post can take the spotlight
It's just an unfortunate side-effect that some like to shitpost.
That is where you're meant to be a fucking retard. Now go.

Ok, I will assume you are being serious.

Do you feel the same attraction to other animals? Do you think it could evolve to attraction to other animals? Can you see how somebody would not want you around their children?
Loving this dank bait.
Not only bait but armchair psychologists.
>MLP is a guilty pleasure

Speak for yourself, I find no guilt in this particular pleasure.
heĀ“s not sick, though
>Do you feel the same attraction to other animals?

No.I was never in to animals before coming on /mlp/. I every other pussy from different animals don't attract me. If horses didn't wink and gush mare cum out of their pussy, i wouldnt' be attracted. I really want to suck and tongue wrestle a mares winking clit in my mouth
We're Hasbros here, not bronies.
i thought weĀ“re maremen now

or was it horSEMEN ?

5 years is not a long time. Catholicism is hundreds of years old yet the child molestation cases by priests started to surface rather recently.

But yes, I understand your point. There is no evidence, that is why I do not want to jump to conclusions but instead have a discussion with actual fans of the show.

You are wrong about me not wanting to be my cousins friend, he is welcome to the house whenever me or my is home. I care about it him, this situation really sucks. I am just worried about my kid here. Maybe one day you will understand.
OP, for fucks sake, your dog is not in danger. Your dog is not a pastel colored pony.
There's no fans of the show here.
This thread is shit and OP is a moron.
Why even reply to calmly?
A little bit of paint and a little imagination.
This is literally about as stupid as being worried your cousin is going to butcher your dog and son because he's really into cooking.
youĀ“re just plain paranoid

if your cousin would be the one with kids, would he let you look after them, knowing that you post on 4chan ?
>Defending jacking it to pastel horses

Fuck off. I do it too and I know I'm a filthy degenerate. It's weird anon, deal with it.
Many didn't
But to cry about the whole thread not being shitposting, and then reason it with shitposting being a normal thing that should override anything else is what a faggot does.
How do you even breathe?

I think it is rather clear I am not coming here trying to insult anybody. I am even saying I believe many bronies are normal people.

It is not my intention to rile you up or offend you I just want to be able to objectively decide what is best for my kid.
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And yet you're reasoning is very subjective, and you seem to already have your decision because you don't like what's happened to him.
It's pretty clear that your intentions are to bait the board and be a dumbfuck
Well, your*, but my point still stands, the sentence came out differently than I was think of it.
you what?
Listen potato head. I'm proud of you for examining your own cousin, despite the fact that you're only doing it becaue he's wierd, hopefully you should examine yourself or your wife too, because you are the top 2 of the top ten things that fiddle little kids. of course i guess it doesn't really apply to baby sitting, but really, how social is your little kid? most baby sitters cook, watch tv, and put the kid to bed. the brony will probably be too busy shit posting on whatever he frequents to think about molesting your gangly little monster.
He's right too
>not hiding his power level, even around large family get-togethers
>changing his voice

Normal people don't do that shit.
Him even asking is more than I would do.
I would never let such a person around my child unattended.
Your cousin was probably a pedo long before he got into pony.
He's indeed right, but he's still here. I've taken the bait, haven't I, anon?
>Some do so I'm scared
You should be scared of everyone then. I mean, some non-bronies incorporate kids into their sexuality.

>would he let you look after them, knowing that you post on 4chan ?

To me posting on 4chan is not that controversial, I mean, it is the biggest forum in the world. To me it is all about what you are interested in and partake in.

I am not here doing anything kinky, so I dont think he would mind.
It's sad the ponies are what revealed his weird ass ways.
But the kid probably has never been right
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/mlp/ isn't really a hub for "bronies."
Brony is a label you take, I sure as hell don't call myself a brony. I can't speak for the entire board but I'm fairly sure most of us aren't happy about being compared to a faggot like your cousin.
I think if you're not trolling then you know fine well this guy shouldn't be left alone near children.

Pretty much this.
>To him being a Brony is not that controversial, I mean, it is one of the biggest fandoms in the world. To him it is all about what you are interested in and partake in.
>heĀ“s not doing anything kinky, so he didnĀ“t think you would mind.
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Lets try this: I do not know for a fact that my cousin jerks off to childrenĀ“s pony cartoons, even though I strongly suspect it.

But can you understand that a parent would not want somebody who does hat around his kid?
Look: You clearly don't trust him, so don't let him babysit your kids. It's that simple. Your opinion clearly isn't going to change by anything said here.
OP, you can suspect, but it's innocent until proven guilty. Think about how many people around you probably fap to weird shit, but you just don't know because of the same reason you can't tell if your cousin does for sure: It's only for them and them alone to know and share.
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Alright man, look.

Many of us can function in society like normal, capable human beings. You'd never know I was because I don't treat it like the second coming of Jesus. Am I weird here? Absolutely. But this is the only place I vent.

If he's acting like that, then he has more issues than just watching a kids' show. Personally, I agree with you. The guy isn't trustworthy enough to watch your kid. If you still value him though, sit down and talk to him. That kind of attatchment to something isn't healthy, as much as we might joke about it here.
He can't tell or suspect the others because they know better than to flaunt their weird obsessions.

That's a terrible comparison

But that is not true? It is not one of the biggest fandoms in the world, especially not in that demographic.

It is a very, very different hobby, and I am being very diplomatic here.
Your son has already been raped. his asshole is a giant cavernous ruins by now, no child in your neighborhood is safe.

I am a certified bro-pony so I know my shit tbqhwy senpai.
silent waters are deep and muddy

he should be more worried about the people who hide some fetishes while appearing perfectly normal in public.
Nice b8 m8

Can I please have some more?
not while people are watching , honey

and donĀ“t tell your parents

I dont know. He has always seemed normal to me, a bit shy thats all. His parents have been talking a lot about it with my mother, they claim it all started with the show, and he lives with them so they should know. You could be right now, but if you are I have certainly failed to see the signs.

Yeah, I will talk with him. I just want to look around so I know what I am dealing with first.
So you're just going to openly discriminate against him because you don't approve of what he does during his free time?

So he jerks off to cartoons and you're seriously going to act like over-protective cunt over it because..? is your son an imaginary horse or something.
>it's a bait episode
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>is your son an imaginary horse or something.
His son is an imaginary human.

>So you're just going to openly discriminate against him because you don't approve of what he does during his free time?

You realize that statement is completely void of meaning and could be used in any scenario? A pedo fucks children in his spare time, a murderer murders in his free time.

I am doing what I am doing because I suspect he gets turned on and jerks off with children cartoons. But I will talk to him before I do anything. Have no understanding of why a parent would not want somebody who gets turned on by children shows near his children?
Let's be real buddy, it's your wife's son, everything you posted in this thread is a lie (other than your opinion of /mlp/ and FiM fans). You just want some troll philosophy to pass the time because you're an angsty little faggot.
what if OP is the turned down Brony and is now cucking himself ?

I have stated several times that I am not here to insult people, I have even said that most bronies probably are pretty normal people.

My cousin takes it a step further, I have a right to be worried.
There's a pretty big difference between children's cartoons and children you fucking autist.
Pretty much what he said; what's more, even if you had evidence that he was sexualizing the characters of this show... a quick search of the term "rule 34" will show you that there's porn of LITERALLY EVERY fictional character, and even certain abstract concepts. That means enough people sexualize it for someone to draw and post sexualized art of it; take that revelation of basic internet culture as you will.

But, let's get back to the matter at hand. If you really want to be sure he's unfit to babysit without knowing his internet history, mention to him that you've heard that MLP has a toxic fandom; the more he denies the toxicity of this fandom, the more I'd say your caution was justified. Good rule of thumb for fandoms like this: if you can't see the fandom as toxic, it's likely that you're the sort of fan making it toxic.

Unless of course, you judge by what you see on 4Chan, which makes everyone look like toxic perverted xenophobes. oh wait

Yes there is a difference but there is also a connection that binds them together.

Look, I am not saying moderate bronies are all pedophiles or something. There is no reason for your jimmies to be rustled.
Your post literally doesn't respond to mine in any way.

Well thats ironic...
do you have any proof ,personal expierience ,statistic or whatever to prove that ?
>he's literally sitting here f5ing his shitty troll thread
>this is what OP's day after Christmas has looked like
Did you have a stroke anon?

Google "lazy town pedophile".

It is not outrageous to claim that pedophiles are attracted to activities meant for children. With that being said, I do not yet know what is what with my cousin.
I don't hand out (You)'s to make shitposter's lives easier.
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>I suspect my cousin may be a paedophile but I'm still considering letting him babysit my child
Let's be real buddy, it's your wife's son, everything you posted in this thread about yourself and 'cousin' is a lie (other than your opinion of /mlp/ and FiM fans). You just want some troll philosophy to pass the time because you're an angsty little faggot.
thatĀ“s doesnĀ“t really bring up anything other than people talking about how weird the show was.
>It is not outrageous to claim that pedophiles are attracted to activities meant for children.

Imho thatĀ“s were you have the wrong mindset.

Paedophiles are attracted to children and not activities meant for children, they use the stuff for kids to lure in prey.

It brings up thousands of posts of people who associates the show with pedophilia.

Also try to google: my little pony pedophile
If he has no shame in openly wearing MLP shirts, he propably won't be ashamed of pounding your dogs butthole too.
>brony here

I'm glad I left this shithole years ago all the normalfags and sjws have invaded.
Why would you trust a degenerate who is mentally deranged to watch your kid?
gee, i wonder if you could google every show / religion / whatever with pedophile and get similar results.
I can't even tell who you're responding to.

You are shitposting so hard it's unreal
How fucking mad are you?

You can try, but I doubt you will not get a lot of headlines like this:

> brony here
"Brony" is the most cancerous term of all, why would you use it? I never understood people who call themselves that. It almost makes it seem like they have some sort of pride about watching a cartoon for little girls. After all that I have seen from our fandom, I'll make sure to take my secret identity into the grave without ever telling anybody.
4chan is a horrible place to be asking these questions. Though the birthplace of bronies, it also has the most perverted interpretation of MLP.



These are better places to talk to normie bronies.
If your cousin looks like that dude in the picture I'd be worried about letting him babysit
I just did and only found one confirmed case of a brony pedophile. Considering that statistic there are more pedophiles in politics and the clergy than in the My Little Pony fandom.
Of course everyone there is going to be attracted to underage kids, since just about everyone there is an underage kid.

I do not even understand why you are upset I am not going after moderate bronies here.

I am suggesting that the hardcore ones that masturbate to material meant for children MAY have pedophile tendencies. As a parent I have to make sure what I am dealing with before letting somebody like that spend time with my son.

I am not thinking in absolutes here, I am open to the possibility that that my cousin is just a harmless weirdo but I have to make sure.
True, true, but that is normal
May have? There's clop art of diaper fetishes in this fandom. No troll, I'm totally serious

I am sorry but as of right now that does not mean a thing. As I said earlier, the catholic church has been around for hundreds of years yet the molestation allegations started surfacing pretty recently.

Can you at least try to understand why parents would not want somebody who jerks off to childrenĀ“s shows to babysit their children? What if they would watch cartoons together and he would be turned on? Cant you see that is a potential danger parents need to be vary of?
>I am suggesting that the hardcore ones that masturbate to material meant for children MAY have pedophile tendencies.
Do you even know where you are?
Tell your cousin to quit being a fucking faggot. You don't have to be a pedophile to be a brony
>What if they would watch cartoons together and he would be turned on?
Alright, I'm agreeing with everyone else that this is either bait or you are a complete moron.

What? How common is this? Is there any way I could find out if my cousin is into this?

Do they have like a favorite horse or something? Any telltale signs?

Many bronies get turned on by my little pony. My little pony is a cartoon. Do tell me where my logic fail please?
How the hell should I know? I'm not a fucking pedophile. It's slightly offensive that your suggesting that, bug I don't care. It is 4chan, after all. Get out of this stew of faggotry and go to mlpforums
Show him pic related. If he starts uncontrollably stroking his cock then it is probably too late and your kid has already been violated.
No, People who idolize a imaginary horses are people with mental illnesses. They are unpredictable and deserve to be locked up for life. I wouldn't let any one who calls themselves a "brony" near me or my children.
>Many bronies get turned on by my little pony. My little pony is a cartoon.
No, they don't. Many bronies get turned on by porn of the cartoon. You know, porn, the thing that depicts overt sexualization. Not the cartoon itself.
Bronies are not a huge global religious organisation with the power to ostracise any and all individuals who pose a threat to them.
Until pretty recently this is exactly what the Catholic church was.

Nice picture...

I am actually kind of upset that the people in this thread have been acting so offended over me carefully inquiring about mlp and pedophile connections, yet hiding that there is a pony diaper fetisch within the community. Can somebody please tell me how common this is?
shut the fuck up faggot, anyone above the age of 15 who watches this should be put down.
>Multiple people mention diaper fetish to him
>I'm upset that you have been hiding this from me
I know you're a troll but it's fun responding just because you're so shit at it.
Not very common. Threads like that only come up very rarely, and even if they do not get a lot of posts.
That's because they have all migrated to /trash/, where they actually get a lot of replies.

Ok? But how do you know others in the community share your views? Do you guys talk about it openly?

I found this youtube clip about clopping and I am listening to it right now.


It was not a brony but what appears to be a brony critic who is not part of the community who first told me? I might be mistaken but that is my impression.

Either way most of the people posting in the thread strongly denies pedophile connections. But diaper porn is heavily connected to pedophilia .
>females are not children
>they can be

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Should we tell him about all the foalcon?
>But diaper porn is heavily connected to pedophilia .
Interesting statement. Would you care to cite a study which supports that connection?
Pedophilia is defined as attraction to underage sexual subjects.
>Wonders how diapers are connected to pedoĀ“s

Are you kidding me? Children wear diapers. You cant be serious.
Children also drink water, is water connected to paedophilia?
No really, you're going to have to do better than that.
How about this instead: Lots of old people wear diapers, so how can you automatically connect a diaper fetish to sexual attraction to children? Could it be that you're projecting?
Pedophilia is defined as an attraction to children. If someone is turned on by an adult in diapers, how does that fit the definition? Next you will tell me that if a guy is attracted to a woman who is wearing men's clothing then he is gay.
Or it could be how all the MLP diaper porn depicts underage sexual subjects, not old ponies like Granny Smith

All living things consume water therefor water wont make you think about children.

Diapers are FOR children, and dont make some argument about retards or demented people wearing them. Diapers are for kids and you know it.

Why cant you just admit some parts of the mlp community obviously are fucked up? Why support shit like this? You would earn others respect by admitting it and distancing yourself from it, now it you appear to be defending it.

I certainly hope I do not hear this kind of talk from my cousin when I sit down and talk with him.
Dude, like I've said 4chan will continue to be idiotic. Go to another brony site. You'll find nothing but darkness here.

Ok I take that back, / mlp/ is pretty awesome, but other places are more normal, and you are a normie
Who says paedophilia is fucked up anyway, you should encourage your cousin to take advantage of the boy while you leave him in charge, it'll be a learning experience for the child, the two of them can bond over it. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy man/boy love. It's like they say, if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family.
So in other words, you can't find a study linking diaper fetishism to pedophilia.

I would appreciate an honest answer a lot more than this silly post. I am here to listen and learn if you would actually have something real to say.
That's because it's 4chan. You're the idiot who OPed this and expected serious answers. Go someplace else

I do not need to. Diapers are for kids, adults who sexualize kids are pedophiles.

I doubt there are many studies done on diaper fetishism, as sick, twisted and marginalized as that is.
You're not being very progressive, anon.
Have you even prepped the bull today?

If you would read the thread you would see I have gotten a lot of real and honest answers, which I appreciate very much.
BUT ITS STILL 4CHAN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS!?! Other places yield better, more socially acceptable bronies
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Clearly you are not the responsible type. Do you have a basement? Because you could protect your son from your cousin by keeping your son in an enviroment that is depicted in the picture.
I was being serious, all the men in my family took turns molesting me as a child, it builds character. The whole experience led to a lot of personal growth for me.

I know of 4chan. It was natural for me to come here for answers. I got what I was looking for, and I did not have to register myself at some forum.

That is a win.

If you are going to be upset about it you should just leave the thread.
But you didn't get what you were looking for, your sample is biased by 4chan bronies. You need an unbiased opinion

Pro tip: If you going to imply somebody else is a cucky fag, first make sure you arenĀ“t a consumer of my little pony porn.
>How common
As common as scat fetishists in any other fandom?
Every fandom does have its own weirdo freaks. The brony fandom is just so much larger than other fandoms (the fandom in general, not the freaks)
Literally pick any fandom. Or hell, even "regular" porn with live actors and actresses. You'll find diaper porn.
But is the guy's cousin a pedophile? We need to talk about that
Well it was brought up, so...

>Other fandoms have pedos too!
>Diaper porn is completely normal, everybody does it.
>Cartoon pony porn is completely normal!

Is this what you imagined for yourself? Is this what you thought life would be? Now you are here, defending children cartoon pony diaper porn.

Unbelievable. You degenerates. This was not my intention coming here, to offend you or insult you. But you make it difficult for me. Can you please listen to yourself? You are defending children cartoon pony diaper porn. Do you understand what kind of autistic troglodyte you have to be to do that?
This thread is getting full retard.
The question shouldn't simply be if he's a pedophile or not.
You don't have to want to fuck children to be ill-adept and caring for them or trusting to be around them alone.

The kid clearly is fucked in the head and needs a caretaker himself. He should not be around others alone with a sense of authority.
What do you guys think is the worst thing that came from this fandom? I think it's either the fluffy rape/abuse fanfictions or the mentioned diaper fetish
I was not defending it shitter.
In fact I find it disgusting.
But it isn't something exclusive to mlp
Don't kink shame bro, it's mean
Now who's misinterpreting other's intentions? If I were to say there are murderers in every country, and that murderers aren't caused by being American, am I defending murderers and saying it's normal? No, I am not.
First of all, research says that there is no confirmed link towards liking diapers and pedophilia. Quite the opposite in fact. Second, "telltale signs"? That's not how it works. Unless you got your parenting advice from books written by Harvey Kellogg, there is no excuse for saying it like that. No, your argument here is basically a "vaccines cause autism" one. By that I mean THERE IS NO PROOF AND YOU SHOULD STOP ACTING LIKE IT'S REAL. People jerk off, it's what they do, it's normal, and the way you're stating it makes me think that you think there's something wrong with this natural bodily function. If he wants to blow his load to pictures of cartoon horses, let him. There are no confirmed cases of bronies being pedophiles in any way, and my biggest concern is just having an intervention with him about the high pitched voice thing. If we can get THAT to stop, we can fix him for good, and he'll be safe to put with your kids.

As some of you figured out, I was just baiting you. I live in Sweden and do stuff like this for giggles because it takes my mind off all the mudslimes coming here.

Have a good day, sorry.
No, actually, I'm OP, and I suck twenty cocks a day. All part of a nutritious breakfast.
Fuck off! I'm OP and I'm currently inserting my limp cock into my child's asshole!
Ignore these anons. I am the real OP and I started this thread because I wanted to find out if I could use MLP to lure children into my dungeon. The consensus seems to be no, unfortunately.

Ignore all these impostors, I'm actually the true OP and unfortunately I'm actually mentally handicapped and am unable to take care of my child, and I hate my cousin because my son thinks he's his real dad.
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OP is still baiting swedefag, but without the cocks.
And he feels the same way about watching MLP. Do you not fucking see the irony in your statement?

Your worried about your cousin because of stigma, not because of anything he has done that would be considered as a threat to your child's safety. If the tables were turned, he would be worried about you raping children and hacking into government computer systems because you post on 4chan.

And no good babysitter would post on 4chan.
>Diapers are for kids
They also make diapers for old people
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Please, we prefer 'horsefuckers'
you should all die
I'll answer you straight. No. If he's a danger to your child then your child will be traumatized. If he's as much of an autistic fucking faggot as you describe, then your kid will likely still be traumatized. Hire somebody. Teenfags need money too.
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