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Satyr Abomination Thread #140: AHAHAHAHAHAHAH OH MY GOD Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 107

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>What is this thread about?
Half human and half pony/other Equestrian species offspring.
>What are the rules?
There are no thread specific rules, do what you want.
>What is the continuity (world/characters/attributes)?
Whatever you want it to be. Everything is a variable, there are no absolutes. Characters, names, genders, personalities, relationships, backgrounds, writing style, genre. If you want to know the common headcanons of certain characters, read some stories or ask the thread.

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Need some proofing done? Or want to throw ideas around?
Add one of the Skypes below!
First for doomsaying.

y u no bamp?
This is Bella's fault somehow.
>Generalized Questions For Satyrs:
>Are alicorn satyrs (and Pluma) immortal?
>Can drakes age to be hundreds of years old, if not a few thousand?
>Do changelings satyrs lay eggs? Are they dependent on love for food as well?
>Can pegasi satyrs molt?
>How powerful are unicorn satyrs relative to regular unicorns?
>Do diamond dog satyrs and sphinxes go into heat?
I'd like to think unicorn satyrs are like sorcerers to unicorn's wizards.

>No, they have a combination of eternal youth and longevity
>A few hundred years. They lack the eternal youth of Alicorns, but age is a lot kinder to them
>No on both. We don't even know how Changelings reproduce, and while Changeling Satyrs can eat normal food to survive love makes them healthier/feel better
>All Satyrs molt/shed to some extent. It's usually on their equine parts that it happens.
>It all depends. Some Unicorn Satyrs are strong and others weak. Really just a genetics/luck thing
>No. Satyrs ovulate like humans, but there are times when they want to fuck like an angry woman
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The first satyr of /emo/.
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Screw it, I'm doing this now.

Seeing as he's grown up in a world of plenty, I don't imagine Radiance would care much for the acquisition of money. Perhaps he just takes it for granted and it bores him. Some may say, however, that the more you have the more you want, and that would mean Radiance would desire to amass more and more personal wealth.

As for worldly power, I think he'd see it as being thrust upon him without him having much say in the matter. Thus, while he fulfils his duties to the best of his abilities, he has little love for them and finds little satisfaction in being in a position of authority. I also don't see him as wanting to be an inspiration to others. I think he'd dislike having others looking up to him as a role model, wanting instead to just be left alone to do his duty as best he can without needing to worry about whether or not he's setting a good example.

As far as fame and renown go, I think that while he'd like to believe that he'll be remembered as being a good and just ruler one day, he's unwilling to take any unnecessary risks for the sake of leaving his mark on the world. His desire for friendship is somewhat tarnished by the fact that he's never entirely certain if others are just trying to get close to him in an attempt to gain his favour and influence him for his power.

He does desire respect, wanting others to recognise the sacrifices he makes in the name of being a fair and just future ruler.

I can't be bothered to write any more.
>Da Booty is his highest desire
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Well the way I see it, after a long day training with the guards, sparring with his dad and being taught by a myriad of private tutors, Radiance just wants to relax and spend some nice intimate alone time with either Mistake or that one Prench maid that he's always been so fond of. Protip: The maid is just Mistake in disguise.

I mean seeing as he's rich, powerful and pretty damn good looking, I imagine he isn't hard up to find willing partners to share some good old fashioned debauchery with. So great is his love of excess and the more carnal pleasures that he even got a Slaaneshi symbol tattooed on his scalp, hidden by his hair.
His sister's booty?
Fuck off
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I thought Mistake couldn't shift in other species?

Radiance confirmed for being Equestria's version of Fulgrim.


He still has to pay Dawn a monthly bribe to keep her mouth shut about the time she walked in on him snorting a like of cocaine while his nipples were hooked up to a car battery and his horsecock was being serviced by a trio of identical twins.

He's a great guy really, so long as you remember to knock before walking into his room.
Your headcanon differs from mine, then, because I imagine that he never trains with the guards or spars with his dad, and that he really sucks at any sort of combat.
No, Dawn's too young and hasn't filled out yet. I sort of picture her being roughly seven years younger than her brother, while Selena is more or less the same age as him. I don't really acknowledge the existence of Sirius, but that's just because I don't know how to write him.

Also I sort of prefer the idea of Selena, Dawn and Radiance being half-siblings.
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Well my headcanon for Dawn is that she's two years younger than her older brother and was convinced by Celestia that they should marry and continue the royal bloodline someday, so she tries to get in his pants early and comes on a bit too strong. Radiance hasn't done snything, but he has fapped to the thought of her before.
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>I sort of prefer the idea of Selena, Dawn and Radiance being half-siblings
That's my headcanon as well.

>my headcanon for Dawn is that she's two years younger than her older brother and was convinced by Celestia that they should marry and continue the royal bloodline someday, so she tries to get in his pants early and comes on a bit too strong. Radiance hasn't done snything, but he has fapped to the thought of her before.
>and was convinced by Celestia that they should marry and continue the royal bloodline
And that was why Anon filed for a divorce.
>implying Anon ever married
He doesn't really divorce her, much less competes with her to make Dawn see sanity. It's an uphill battle but he believes he can snap her out of it before she does the do with him.

I pictured Selena about a year younger than Radiance, Sirius about three years younger than him, and then Dawn five years younger.

They're born on the Summer/Winter Solstaces and the Autumn/Spring Equinoxes, respectively

As for Sirius I always saw him as the loner type. He usually does jobs around the castle that go unnoticed until they're not done. He's stick-up-your-ass serious about pretty much everything, which usually turns off most who would encounter him. He's not a bad guy per say, just really set in his ways and doesn't enjoy them disturbed.
I don't know who the fuck Sirius is, seriously? Has there even been any art of the guy?
Yes. He's Luna's satyr. He gets talked about, though not as much as Celestia's satyrs. We have about three pieces of art for him. He's not new.
... If only the faggots in here would let that Anon be a normie. If only.
Luna's dream autism son. Apparently she got dream pregnant and had a dream baby.
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I've never heard of that, and it may be a prefered headcanon for someone, but I'd rather have him conceived normally.
Anon is whatever we want him to be, unless he's a self-insert. Either way, more power to ya.

>"Radiance, what are you doing? You're over an hour later for dinner and mother's furious. Radiance... you okay?"
"Dawn, help! I was coming to dinner but I caught sight of the most wondrous thing, like the very personification of perfection and majesty made manifest."
>Dawn glanced between her brother and the mirror into which he was staring.
>"That's just your reflection, idiot. Stop being so full of yourself and come eat your cold leftovers."
"I can't, don't you understand! I can't look away. Those eyes, that jawline, that nose... such transcendent beauty... it's like I'm looking into the face of god."
>"I can't believe you ever managed to get a girlfriend. I'd have thought you'd have just preferred to jack off to pictures of yourself all day."
"My skin. Has there ever been a person with skin more flawless than mine? Can it be that I ~AM~ god?"
>Rolling her eyes, Dawn made her way over to her brother's bed and snatched the sheet off of it before marching back to the mirror and casting the blanket over it.
>Radiance blinked, seemingly dumbfounded before a moment later clearing his throat.
"Uh... thanks, I guess. I'd have stood there staring until I passed out from dehydration if you hadn't come along."

God damn he's a handsome motherfucker.
I ask myself that question everytime someone mentions Sirius, and everytime I just answer myself that he does not exist.

>He's Luna's satyr. We have about three pieces of art for him.
He said while posting a pic of Nightmare Moon's kid.
For all intents amd purposes, that's a pic of Sirius. Says so on the dropbox.
Sirius is Equestria's one man version of the world's most secretive special forces. Nobody's sure if her even exists and his mother will neither confirm nor deny it.
>Says so on the dropbox.
And what does the picture itself say?
>Nightmare Moon satyr concept
>Nightmare Moon
The one in charge of the dropbox isn't exactly the smartest. No offence to the guy.
Wouldn't it be obvious to the castle servants and Celestia if she was pregnant?
All servants have had their memories wiped and Celestia isn't saying anything.
Then just take it as Sirius sperged out in his Nightmare Moon form, dang. It's not like they're two seperate people or it's implausible to make them the same guy.
Or you could just simply accept that the one in that pic is not Sirius at all. But then again, everything is a variable, so bitching and arguing about this is pointless.
The only way to solve this forever is if the artist himself shows up and answers whether or not that might be Sirius.
Yeah, okay. I think you're making this way more complicated than it has to be, but it's not like I care and both can be simultaneously "right".
>I think you're making this way more complicated than it has to be
How, exactly? It's not like I'm the one who's saying that Nightmare Moon's kid is also Luna's kid.
Because nowhere in the show do we hear that Nightmare Moon is an entirely seperate entity. We always hear how it was Luna's jealousy and angst that festered inside of her, transforming her into Nightmare Moon. It's an evil persona of her transformed from her negative qualities, not someone else. Without Luna there is no Nighgmare Moon.
As much as I hate to say this because someone will always start a rant/spoiler], the comics says otherwise.
So? Who cares? I don't have to take it as canon, it's not from the main branch of the show.
>So? Who cares?
The ones who doesn't believe that >>25564749 is Luna's kid?
Again, so? If they want to disregard the canonity of the show for the comics, that's their problem. The dropbox says it's Sirius, there's no seperate folder for Nightmare Moon satyrs, and they're the same person according to the show. If they want to create a whole 'nother headcanon for this one pic, then hey, nothing's stopping them.
How did Satyr's thanksgiving go?

The Apples do what they do every year. Get wasted to various degrees and argue about who's Hoofball team is better.

It's going to get worse once the young ones are able to finally drink.
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The Spitfire family split time between the traditional Wonderbolt's Family Day Air Show and are currently out along the fringes of Ponyville territory. The stars are out in force, casting a cold glare across the sky. Ace is singing a story around the campfire while Poppa cooks the day's bounty, Hotshot watching the process intently. The twins are trying their hardest not to drift off to sleep as they rest their heads against his mother's side, wrapped up snugly in her wings.
The mouth of a stream burbles nearby and the still alert lakefish burst from the water with sporadic splashes. A sizable tent sits nearby, filled with thick blankets and sleeping bags, waiting to wrap the entire family in a snug embrace. Just another thing to be thankful for.
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Icarus and Rainbow were playing some good 'ole hoofball.
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I bet her horns come in handy when she's giving blowjobs
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Has Hope ever had a threesome?
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If each satyr had a television show about them, what would it be about?
Fluttershy went to go visit her family with Ivy while Flutterdad and his kids who eat meat had a big ol bird. Before the meat massacre, they stopped by the Apple farm, booked it before the drinky time was upon them, picked up some pies from Sugarcube Corner, and stopped by Zecora's to A) pick up some medicine and chow for Gizmo and B) drop off a pie for the family. All in all, was a good day. Sad Fluttershy always goes to her parent's for the day, but you can't force her to stay... That'd be a dick move.
No. She's had a onesome and a twosome though. Can you add them?
You catch your satyr kid playing with a Bad Dragon toy they ordered on the sly.
Which kid and which toy is it for you, and what do you do/say?
>Which kid and which toy?
Literally does not matter
>What do you say to them?
Nothing. Let them have their fun, divert friends and family, then when they are done we talk. Explain that alternative sexual satisfaction (toys) are perfectly normal and not to be ashamed of. Offer to get them lube/ky if they think it would help and only ask they keep it on the down low. Don't want their mom, brother(s), or sister(s) walking in on them. At worst, they berate and belittle them for it. At best, it is an awkward situation.
Pinkie's turn when
>That name
... They didn't
They did.
Hey, guys! I haven't added anything to this story in awhile, so I thought a short explanation is in order before I just dump the end in here out of nowhere.

I started writing this Eventide story with a clear ending in mind, and it was always supposed to have a happy ending (after a little trouble). Real life happened in a big way, and I'm not sure how much time I can spend on the thread anymore.

This story was important to me, though, and writing it and drafting it really helped me sort out myself after some problems in my own life. Because of that, it's sorta important to me to actually write out the end and post it. It shouldn't be too long, it just needs another edit. In the meantime, here's this.
Eventide turned the makeshift fan under the coal forge in the workshop, driving out a thin strand of flames around the screwdriver-like probe settled in it and bringing the metal's tip to a warm orange glow. Satisfied, she withdrew it from the fire and handed it back to her father, and turned her attention to his handiwork. He continued burning the digits '12' onto the surface of the thin wooden disk he'd cut from a tree branch earlier that morning. Eve turned her attention to the sobriety tokens Anon had retired to the wall, zero through eleven.

"These are all the same wood?" she asked, curiously, as she looked back to the first token. As her father had retired them month by month, he hung them up along the side wall of the shop, side by side above the working counter. Anon nodded affirmatively, finishing a serif off the tail of the '2', and taking a moment to contemplate any other ornamentation for his little one-year-sober trophy.

"Sure thing, scrub," he said. "Why do you ask?" Eventide leaned in and frowned at the first and second tokens, then straightened up and put her hands on her hips.

"These are darker," she explained, indicating the early ones with a wave of her hand. Anon smiled a little, then reached past her to put the metal probe back into the fire.

"Yeah," he said, with a slight edge to his casual tone. "That's patina." Eventide blinked, then looked to her father curiously.

"Skin oil and hand grime," he explained, as he moved past her to turn the fan a bit himself. "I would rub the face with my thumb when I wanted a drink." Eve kept looking at the tokens, thoughtful for a moment.

He completed the final disc in the set, the 13th token, marking a full year without a drink. He hung it on the wall in its proper place, and took a moment to admire the whole set. The '0' token was shaky and rough, showing in its wavy, uncertain lines that he was still drunk as he burned the numbers in place. After the third month, they began to take on some ornamentation, and at month 6 they started to become pretty.

The sound of the cover clanging into place over the forge startled Anon out of his retrospective reverie, and it took just one glance at Eve's eyes to know for certain what was on her mind. She always got those same eyes, excited but determined and competitive, when she had one more 'high score' of her father's to beat on her mind. He laughed to himself, and shook his head, soothed by the reminder that, regardless of what a broken person he thought himself to be, it was still his job to stand by a goal for his daughter to strive toward.

"Alright, scrub, alright," he said. He brought his hands toward his hips as if to face her and make a statement, but turned at the last moment and broke into an all-out run toward the archery range, calling over his shoulder, "LAST ONE THERE'S THE FLETCHING FETCHER!"

Eventide nearly knocked over the forge and half the work table as she scrambled to her hooves, damning herself for not anticipating her father's trick. Her voice was shrill with frustration as she yelled after him, calling back memories from better times, when being 'dad' was still the coolest thing anyone could ever be, and he could spend the day seeing the forest reflected in young Eventide's wide, innocent eyes.

And the board is moving like a bat out of hell!
Lovin' it going
>16 minutes later
>Page 8
We're on bump duty, people
Prompt Time! Satyr's working as a cart pusher at the local supermarket. Who do you think would be the best at it and why?

Hardmode: They don't get to use the fancy electric cart pushers.
Icarus because he's speedy and I can see it as a low-level job for him.
Maverick would e the show off who got fired for hitting someone's wagon
Prism would beg to be a cashier again
Desirae would just be happy to be working
Minnie would be the best, flashing her brightest smiles as well.

I imagine his speed would let him be a good deliveryboy. Be it for the post or for pizza or something.
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That would be nice. His friends get pizza privelages and he gets the opportunity to act out bad porno movies
Kek, I could see all of this happening. Amelia probably has an internship or something instead of a traditional job for teens.
fuck I missed the last episode, how was it?
It was okay.
More of the same. Imagine EqG 2.0.
Really, back to using "=" again?
So why haven't we had any satyr stories that deal with finding magical artifacts in The Castle of the Two Sisters? Or ones that have an arch enemy like Daring Do and Ahuitzotl? It doesn't even have to be a canon species, it could be a weird creature from folktales. Aren't the Mane Six satyrs technically inheritors of the Elements of Harmony?
It's nothing bad, honestly.
Because all we do here is ship. That's all anyone wants except me.
at least, that's how it feels sometimes.
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Not all the time, if >>25576024 and >>25566662
and pic related can say anything about it.
Ends in shipping.
The result of shipping

>89% ship-based content
We may as well flood the thread, because we've traversed into the realm of the unsinkable.
Having a bad day, buddy?
No, just filling the necessary niche.
>Dingaling hums to herself as she taks away on the computer as Melody comes up "Ding?"
>"Yah?" She asks happily as Melody blushes a bit.
>"Can you look up if they sell massage kits for dragon tails? I wanna give Muddle a nice, relaxing tail massage for Christmas."
>"...Ok!" She smiles before quickly taking away "Found one!"
>"Oh, that was fast. Is it like Muddle's?"
>Ding squints at the screen and gives an unsure hum, "Not really, it's much more...veiny than his, and the tip is all wrong."
>"Oh, well I don't want to practice on the wrong one, can you find one that is?"
>"Ok." She shrugs before looking around, and silently clicking.
>Melody waits patiently with a smile before asking "So what kind of site is that?"
>"I don't know, guess it's some kind of health website like the one dad didn't let us go to in school, there are a LOT of peepees in here. But the have tails here too for some reason."
>"No horse tails?"
>"No, it seems to be just dragons. Oh, here's one, "Scorn the Wyvern" that kind of looks like his."
>"Oh great, they probably have it by breed. Can you order it?"
>"Sure, I still dads credit card saved on here. Want me to rush ship it?"
>"Oh could you? The more practice I get in the better."

>2 business days later
>Dingaling comes rushing up the steps excitedly holding a large red cock as she bursts in "Melody! Melody it's here!"
>"That was fast." Melody smiles "Well bring it here, I wanna feel it." She states as Ding jumps on the bed holding a small plastic bottle.
>"And look, massage oil." She smiles as the bottle clearly reads Lube.

>Downstairs, you find an open box on the living room floor as you pick it up.
" "Bad Dragon: Scorn the Wyvern.""
>You give a miffed snarl before walking to the hallway. Entering your room you look to Derpy.
"Derpy, I've told you a hundred times not to leave your opened bad dragon boxes out in the open."
>She looks to you confused "But I haven't ordered anything."
"...oh dear god."

>You rush up the steps and down the hall before opening the door to find Ding and Melody lubing a large red drake dildo on the bed as Ding smiles "Hi daddy! We're practicing for Muddle's gift." She innocently smiles as you vomit.
>Today was a you cut all your credit cards and threw the computer out the window kind of day

In my HC tail massages are akin to back massages and a good stress relief for drakes as they usually can't reach their tails comfortably. If done well they knead like cats and lowly growl in enjoyment.
Nice. Chubby Yuzu a cute.
YOU'RE A CUTE! Ya faggot!

So who would be the one to tease Yuzu about having a bit of chub because she had a few too many mangos?

I'm not saying girls with a bit of chub is a bad thing mind you.
I would make a chart, but the sites acting buggy. I think the satyr thread should be constructed like this:
>Family = 25%
>Feels = 15%
>Slice Of Life = 15%
>Comedy = 15%
>Action-Adventure = 15%
>Smut = 15%
This is a funny story and a cute headcanon.


One of the few things I know about the Bat threads is that one of them has a thing for Mangos.

Though I don't get how you can get fat from eating fruit unless you binge on that shit.
Considering that shipping is essentially the very basis upon which these threads were founded in the first place, I don't really see the problem.

I always saw Hotshot as teasing the girl he currently has an eye for.

Though I always saw him as going after Earth Satyr girls myself, that's just me.
>I always saw Hotshot as teasing the girl he currently has an eye for
>Hotshot/Yuzu otp wen?

It stems from his relationship with his sister. Just poke fun at her and laugh or play pout/get mad when she pokes fun at him.

He needs a girl with a good sense of humor.
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If they're on the right side of the chart, that's a plus too.

I'd argue top right more specifically.

He like shapely girls
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Which satyr loves a good fight the most?
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We must have faith in Pyrefly. He'll be back when he's ready.
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Sure, okay. Not like he left us waiting before
Yeah, exactly. He left us waiting before, and he always came back. He'll be back.
So Ambrosia?
That's certainly an implication.
But really I don't have the original copy of that chart without the names on it. That might've been better, had I been able to use it.
Do you think she often playfully taunts her brother into fighting her for fun?
Cici, Dagger, or Alex
She hates her brother because he's all about diplomacy and all that shit their mother keeps preaching about.
I can definitely see Alex enjoying a good tussle.
So, are we allowed to headcanon what the little monsters are doing in various Bad End Equestria timelines or is that still a no-no since the episode just aired today?
drunken sketch time with DJ tonight?
Simmer and Broil like to fight monsters together, but they aren't into fighting other people. Their mom taught them not to fight ponies or satyrs unless they absolutely have to and without any major damage. You know, like that minotaur that pinned Simmer during that concert.
I say it's fair game. Wartorn satyr rebellion when? Princess Mistake when? Scorched earth Tirek apocalypse when?
>but they aren't into fighting other people
What about each other?
Not like a serious fight, but a friendly competitive fist fight until one of them surrenders or can't get up in a reasonable amount of time. Just for fun and practice.
Not for a while. With Christmas coming up, I don't have any booze money. Unless someone wants to take a commission.
Da link and rates? I'm interested
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I don't really have set rates and stuff, I just hear the request and come up with an estimate.

Just send me a note on DA explaining (in great detail) what you want and I'll get back to you.


>Humans end up in Sombra's timeline
>Bring with them ideas from Earth
>Equestria proceeds to steamroll Sombra

>Humans end up in Nightmare Moon's timeline
"How are you guys even alive? Without the sun the world can't get heat, nor can crops grow."
>Banished to the moon

I don't have much else for the other timelines though.
Oh yeah, they spar with each other all the time. It's part of their training to see if both of them are in synch. Sometimes they use wooden swords. Sometimes it ends in good ole fisticuffs. Other times it ends in wrestling each other to the ground.
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>Other times it ends in wrestling each other to the ground
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It's supervised, mostly. So there's no funny business going on. But it does get them heated up from time to time. Especially with their training outfits.

I can't see Simmer as a fighter. He's too much of a lovable whimp.

Healer, yes. Mage, maybe. But not a brawler.

Broil? Maybe, yeah.
I'd be inclined to suggest Thorn as a possibility, knowing full well that might bring the wrath of the thread upon me.

Has Thron ever been shown to have an ounce of humor? Usually when a story mentions her I stop reading.
Nothing gut busting but I'm inclined to say she'd be top-tier straight girl though; incredibly dry in her delivery.
Well he's a wimp around people, yeah. He doesn't take as well to crowds like his sister, and had more trouble adjusting to Equestria than Broil. But he could fight monsters, he's comfortable with that. He doesn't have to worry about embarrasing himself, or his stuttering, or his looks when facing something that growls for communication and its only sign of displeasure is ripping mauling your body.
>Hotshot and Thorn
Shit bruv, if you want a cardboard cutout just go all in and say _Ivy_
Don't you mean Utah?

>cardboard cutout

Wait, which one is the cardboard cut out, or are you talking about the ship itself?
Him too.
Hotshot isn't *that* much of a bland character. I liked the laugh he did in that last short with the Spitfire twins.

What about him is bland? While I have my own ideas for him, I don't really recall him being the star of the show (relatively speaking) like Ace has been.
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>guys who don't have a stable of girls are flat
things were easier when they were the only satyr family in their Equestria.
I guess it's the fact that he hasn't gotten as much screentime as his sister, so we don't have a lot of material to gauge his personality or how he interacts with other satyrs.
No one said that. Muddle doesn't have a stable of girls, yet everyone can tell what he's a bit snarky, sarcastic jerk with a good heart. Hope doesn't have a partner and we all know that she's the bubbly optimistic satyr that carries the entire thread.
The biggest issue about him and other satyrs like him is that he is often not written interesting. He just kind of exists and nothing else. So he comes off as bland because nobody does anything interesting with him. And forgood reason, he's boring as fuck
>Not intersting because he isn't written often
>Doesn't want to write for him because he's uninteresting
Anon, that's circular logic.

>I guess it's the fact that he hasn't gotten as much screentime as his sister, so we don't have a lot of material to gauge his personality or how he interacts with other satyrs.

So for the same of discussion, here's my take:

Hotshot is an extremely friendly and outgoing half person horse. He barely has a malevolent bone in his body (he does like to irritate his sister every so often, though it's usually because he likes the reaction and not out of genuine spite). He's also talkative. Like "shut your fucking mouth," talkative. Usually this is what turns people off from him, or at least makes them have a tolerance threshold for him.

With being a motor mouth who doesn't think before he speaks, he sometimes says stuff that unintentionally hurts someone. When that's the case, he tries his damnedest to make amends. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

He's also somewhat impulsive, and has less self control than the average person. Combine that with his love for sweets and junk food, he has a bit of chub. Though he's not in danger of being overweight due to his parents drilling into his head to get out and exercise.

Though not as athletic as his sister, he does enjoy playing whatever sport people happen to be playing at the time (he doesn't really have a favorite. He enjoys them all). He also is a bit of a dork, enjoying comic books (capeshit), not Warhams, and the like. It's surprising that he's able to sit down and focus on that stuff because usually when someone tries to get him to stay still for extended periods of time he gets antsy.

Rate me fagtrons
>halflings the thread avoids talking about
You're not really helping the case. And Muddle's still P.E.#1 in some folks eyes.
I get the feeling I should be rustled but I'm not.
People don't talk about Hope because of the reasons stated last thread, either they don't know what to write about that hasn't been done before, or they don't want to tarnish her perfect image. People probably don't talk about Muddle because people don't like drakes. The only reason Fizzle's children get discussion is because of annoying people who force them in every conversation. Like Exhibit A (>>25586550) and Exhibit B (>>25588902), and the shitposts that follow.
Icarus would probably hang out with him
>Likes Sweets
Pogo too, since he's the king of gab and works at Sugarcube Corner. Shortcake would talk him up whenever he visits during her shift.
Almost all of the Wonderbolt satyrs are impulsive, so they'd get in a lot of competitions to one-up the other. I think Cider is as well, I'm not sure.
>Likes Comics
Thistle and Rory like comics as well.

>Icarus would probably hang out with him

Always swathe Bolts Satyrs as being fairly close, like their parents watch them for each other close.

>Pogo too, since he's the king of gab and works at Sugarcube Corner. Shortcake would talk him up whenever he visits during her shift.

Pogo is a Satyr I really saw Hotshot being friends with. Though I see them both as being fairly similair, almost to the point of being the same character. But that's a different discussion.

>Almost all of the Wonderbolt satyrs are impulsive, so they'd get in a lot of competitions to one-up the other. I think Cider is as well, I'm not sure.

The only Bolt Satyrs I saw as impulsive was Shot and maybe Maverick (Maverick's problem is he doesn't think stuff through).

>Thistle and Rory like comics as well.

Never really put those three together. I imagined Shot would also enjoy their version of D&D, so maybe they could all play some together.
>Having to babysit the satyr child of their former Wonderbolt superior
Oof. Talk about nerves. Rainbow or Lightning Dust would fight over the opportunity. Soarin or Fleetfoot are probably go too options, though. Thunderlane, Cloudchaser, and Flitter would most likely be emergency or back-up dials.

In my mind Lightning Dust often has someone look after Maverick when he's younger because he's a bastard child and she's a single mother. Dust got knocked up after a show and it hit her really hard to hear she was pregnant, what with giving up her dreams and all. She strongly considered adoption but abandoned that once Maverick was born, and couldn't make herself give him up. So she took a job with the Bolts where she didn't have to travel all the time so she could be close to him. Sure they butt heads a lot, but that's due to the fact that they're a lot alike. But they love each other dearly.
Oh I know, I've heard it before. I just like Amelia too much to buy into the headcanon.

I know I've posted that probably half a dozen times now. I just like how it's kinda bittersweet. No idea why I chose Lightning Dust out of everyone. Guess I like the idea of her not being a psychopath and her having a motherly/nurturing side.
Nah, it's fine. I like her portrayed like that, other than someone that's pretty self-centered.
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I FOUND THE CHART. Now if only we had the version for the males. Probably how much muscle they have and how big their peens are.
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What does each satyr wear kn a daily basis, and why? What's their fashion sense?
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I really want to see more chubby satyrs like this. Not morbidly fat or huge, just slightly chubby. It's cute.
With length and girth being the two axises?
Why would that bring the wrath of the thread upon you?
I once thought Thorn would be a nice ship for Hotshot, but then people started shipping her with Utah, and now Mudpie. Honestly, I still think it would be cute, but now it's placing second in my thoughts. (That Thorn/Mudpie ship is cute...)
>not even mentioning Thorn/Jay
Art confirmed for more important than stories.
There is art of them though.
They still didn't get mentioned. Thorn/Hotshot or Thorn/Mudpie have only been discussed.
Thorn/Mudpie has art. Thorn/Hotshot was just brought up this thread... I think
Point missed
I'm saying Thorn/Jay has story back-up
Thorn/Mudpie is just something someone forced after a cute pic of Thorn and Mudpie hanging out was drawn
>My ship is better than these ships
And no one who matters gives ANY fucks.
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This current discussion reminds me of this picture.
>The comic
Honestly, I've never even heard Mudpie and Utah as a ship before, and Thorn and Mudpie just seems like a ship forced from a picture. It's not like I'm justifying the Thorn x Jay ship, but atleast it has authenticity going for them since both of the characters are into music. Even the less viable ships like Presto x Melody have something to tie the characters together.

>whatever wiggles your dick

Guess that's why they call it a boner
>Satyr goes into the basement to get a tool, but finds something else instead. Something shocking, unsettling, and utterly disturbing! >It's...it's...!
>You know, like that minotaur that pinned Simmer during that concert.
Except he really is an innocent wimp in that story?

Good grief, why does everyone suddenly make Simmer out to be the most perfect badass fighter for? To the point where people say that he's not actually a wimp in those early stories, but a strong bastard who just didn't want to fight!
Everything is a variable, except when it comes to Simmer. It seems to be set in stone that he's a fierce monster hunter who fucks his sister every day.
Well I always pegged Simmer and Broil as meek, socially awkward, and very close to one another. So after a while they do develop romantic feelings for the other out of a mix of social solitary confinement and sexual confusion. The whole le epik monsta hunter! Thing always bothered me.

But just another bitch penny in the bitch jar
Her brother's fetish porn collection?
So which Anons are normally written as single parents? Or doesn't anyone really do that?

Always imagined Mistake's dad being single, as I doubt anyone sane would want to spend their life with a super villain.
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What? I never said that he was a perfect badass fighter. I said he deals with fighting monsters. That doesn't negate the fact that he's got social anxiety and doesn't know how to deal with crowds or people. And the fact that his mom has something to do with it is pretty much stated in that story as well, or atleast hinted. That particular story, mind you, I don't know vouch for anyone else's interpretation.
I mean, that's how I pegged it as well. Just imbued with a bit more fantasy. Other than that, yeah, it's pretty dead on.
Simmer is the perfect war woobie with a sweet streak as long as his kill list, always has been. Nevermind that he's ottermode.
Yuzu's dad, Venus' dad, Mistake's dad. maybe Blare's mom.. That's not a whole lot.
Maybe Hope's father could also count. I think there was a short story once where Lyra and Anon divorced. Could be wrong, though.
I don't think Asha has a brother, =.

>She doesn't have a brother

But she barely gets any development now.
Is the guy who keeps making a ton of satyr requests in a row in the draw threads a shitposter who tries to make everyone hate satyrs? Or someone who likes satyrs but keeps forgetting the draw thread's unwritten rule about how it's not cool to make a bunch of requests like that?
Nor does Zecora's hut have a basement as far as I know. I got the impression that the post wasn't referring to any specific satyr.
Dude, I honestly don't know, but that really grinds my gears. Whether or not he's doing it on accident or intentionally, it's a douche move to keep on doing that.
Satyrs are cool
I don't really know.

I do know one guy here used to do requests from basically every artist on DA who had MLP pics and commission information, but he always paid for them.

But there's at least one guy who bombs every thread (not just drawing) that isn't a general with "satyrs are shit" when he's online. Don't know why, maybe someone had sex with his waifu.
>But there's at least one guy who bombs every thread (not just drawing) that isn't a general with "satyrs are shit" when he's online.
He comes in here, says something like satyrs are shit, and then we get a bunch of people from other threads all popping in at once, telling us to contain it. I can only assume it's one guy, not a conspiracy
A spider nest.
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>tfw they will never be real
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"Our little girl's all grown up," said Anon. He ran his fingers through Sunset Shimmer's mane, as the two walked home from accompanying Eventide to her last day of school.

"No, she isn't," said the mare, with playful contention in her voice. "She still has to be in bed by eight, needs permission to have cookies, and better not have her door closed when boys are over." Anon laughed, and the pair walked on in quiet, taking in the day and thinking their own thoughts together.

". . . do you think I'm selfish, babe?" said Anon, thoughtfully, looking off into the distance. Sunset Shimmer shook her head, looking ahead down the sidewalk.

"No." Her tone was firm and certain. "No, Cadence's sidepiece was not right when he told you to 'fuck off back home'. Eve needs her dad." She glared at him half-playfully.

"Yes, you're a shitty drunk, hon," she said, voice softening. "But you're an amazing father, you're over a year sober, and you have no idea what she's like when you're gone. I do. I was there when you were 'lost forever', remember?" Shimmer let her eyes return to the horizon. Anon smiled a little, then sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I just wonder how she's going to solve her problems now," he said. "After seeing me . . . like that." Sunset Shimmer chuckled a little to herself, and perked up her ears, without looking back.

"If she's anything like her father," she said, "She'll do it by facing everyone she let down, accepting responsibility for her mistakes, and making a better person of herself." Anon smiled, a little taken aback. He wasn't really comfortable letting himself think of any consequences of his addiction, or its aftermath as 'positive'. It felt too much like 'getting away' with something.

She would know, though, he mused to himself. She just had the good luck of fucking up early enough that Eventide hadn't ever seen her . . . 'like that'.

"I dunno, babe," he said, putting on his best skeptical voice. "You don't really have context on this." Sunset Shimmer would have none of his shit today, though.

"Fuck you," she said, voice sweet and bubbly. She lifted up her chin and tail, and sped up in her very best prancing trot. Anon broke into a jog after her.

"But baby!" he cat. "I mean, yeah, you turned into a demon, you enslaved a school, but I said some very disparaging things about Alanis Morisette and you LOVED that album!" Shimmer turned her head, eyes closed as she trotted on down the sidewalk, calling out in a sing-songy tone back at her husband.

"Fuuuck Yooouuu-hooooooo~!"

* * *

Cheerilee smiled at the students as they entered, trying her best to contain her excitement. When the language teacher of the local high school fell ill just a week before the end of school, Cheerilee jumped at the chance to sub in and see off all those students. She set young colts and fillies on the beginning of their educational journey every day--it would be nice to see some of them reaching its end. She let them talk amongst themselves for the entirety of their last class, and just listened.

At the end of class, Eventide walked up to the desk, smiling at her teacher while the other students filed out of the room.

"Miss Cheerilee," she said, gesturing at the pile of essays, "I think I turned in the wrong paper." Cheerilee frowned, then tilted her head and looked down at the pile.

"Oh, no!" she said, sympathetically. "An academy admissions essay, perhaps? Here, let's..." She paused, then gestured with her hoof for Eve to go on, having learned by now to let the handed ones help. As Eventide pulled her essay, Cheerilee noticed the title, "The Most Important Lesson I've Learned". Before Cheerilee could open her mouth to comment that perhaps Eve hadn't mixed up her paper after all, the young lady produced another essay and dropped it into the pile. She smiled at her teacher, then hurried out of the classroom.

Cheerilee looked after Eventide curiously. Why would that young lady have two different essays? And why would she change her mind at the last minute, which one to turn in? Cheerilee picked up the paper, and began to read.

"The Most Important Lesson I've Learned (So Far)"

Before I was born, my mother did some not very cool things in another world. But ever since I can remember, she was the nicest, most wonderful lady you could ever hope to meet. She was my mom! I couldn't understand why Twilight didn't just forgive her. I understood how bad things were when she 'turned bad', but I had forgiven her before I even knew, because nothing bad had happened to me.

When Glimmer and I brought my father back from the human world, he'd become an alcoholic. It was a very bad time. It was very hurtful to be around him. I got numb inside, because it didn't hurt as much to see him drink if he was just some poor man, and not my dad. It didn't make the slamming or the yelling any quieter, but it helped me not care so much, I guess.

After he stopped drinking, I wasn't angry at him. I just didn't really care. I resented him, though, and I guess I hated him a little. The worst part was, that I saw everyone around me forgiving him, and I didn't want to. And that was confusing, because I forgave my mom for being a monster when I couldn't see her. Why couldn't I forgive my dad, just because he was a monster I COULD see?

When dad quit drinking, nobody around us expected much good from him. It was very hard, all the looks and whispers for awhile when we would go out. I remember that he would get home, and just fall into a chair and rub his face with his hands. Eventually, no matter how mad at him I was, I started to feel like he had suffered enough. I understood that things can't really be like they were before, not ever. But I love my dad, and he'll always be a part of my life.

I understand better why Twilight took so long to forgive my mom. And I decided to forgive my dad. I think the most important lesson I've learned, is that no matter how far down the wrong path you go, you can always always come back. I think I'm going to make some mistakes in my life. And I'm going to figure out how to fix as much as I can, and make myself better because of it--because I'm like my mom and my dad.

~ Eventide
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itz zo beautivul
Great story as always, tenouttaten
anyone wanna give me cute satyr sketches ?
Like ideas?
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Wow, you actually really like the satyrs, huh?
Art that isn't shit for Volupia. She's one of the spa kids.
Oh hey, love your style! Do you think you could do a drawing of Starburst here?
We have a better reference for them, you know
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somethin like that ?

Something exactly like that, yeah
Love it
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>Those hips
Y-yes, thank you very much
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What about one of the thread mascot?
This is supposed to be Twilight's son if you had trouble recognizing it
Awesome. Do you have a moniker or a site of your work we could look up?
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probsacat-art.tumblr.com is mostly. is nsfw, and some non pony work.
aand a twikid
Thanks a bunch, we needed more art for Twilight's bumbling magic kid.
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>Dat Spike
>Dat Treehugger
>Dem pones
Old spoiled memes from earth
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Muddle's gonna have a surprise this holiday. Does anyone else think satyrs can produce animal noises? Like the equines can whinny and snort like horses, the sphinxes can purr and roar, the pups bark and growl, drakes growl and screech, and changlyrs squeek and chitte, etc.
They probably could try to imitate them with their human vocal chords, but not any better than humans can.
He doesn't have to be all that strong. He could just be a more agile and skill based monster hunter. Rather than relying on brute strength he doesn't have, he'd have great knowledge about the various types of creatures in Equestria (including his sister) and their weak spots. Combined with agility due to his petite physique, he'd be able to skillfully dodge attacks while still getting in hits exactly where it hurts the most. The heavy lifting, he'd leave to his sister.
They read up and study the monsters with their mother's Bestiary, which is just as important than fighting the blasted things. I'm not sure if I pegged drakes more as damage sponges than heavy hitting earth ponies. Their advantages are in their stamina and how big of a hit they can take, while making up for it with their natural claws, teeth, and breath weapon. Femanon got through her hunting career by chugging healing potions that she learns how to make first thing before they even handle a weapon. So in terms of strength, they're probably just a bit better than above average:
>Minotaur > Earth Pony > Griffon/Pegasus > Dragon > Diamond Dog > Changeling > Unicorn
I'm not sure about instant healing potions. The need to and ability to chug instant healing potions is usually a symptom of a poorly designed hack and slash game, rather than something that would fit canonically into a fantasy setting.
But potions have been shown to have regenerative properties in the show, since Apple Bloom used Zecora's potion to fix her chipped tooth.
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Man, all of these are great sketches. If you're still taking requests, could you do a thing with these two?
Loved it.
Sure is dead today. Do any of you agree on this >>25584607?
Sounds okay to me.
Feels seems a little high. Unless the thread is ruled by pussies who feel at a spider getting stepped on.
So what about
>Family = 25%
>Feels = 5%
>Slice Of Life = 25%
>Comedy = 15%
>Action-Adventure = 15%
>Smut = 15%
Eh, seems about right.
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Spoilers relevamt to the new ep. That AshaxTimber ship is looking a little more believable now.
So how can we do this with as little shipping as possible?
The very basis of the thread is built on shipping. I.e: Anon/Femanon x pony/equestrian species.
Then how can we cut back on threadcanon Satyr x Satyr ships and make them more pliable to the general 'nothing is canon' dynamic?

What if ships are just an aspect of a few stories instead of the main focus?

Like an adventure fic with two satyrs who grow close during their journeys together?
Bar's too high.
That would require people to actually write stories and not spitball ideas.
Oh, then that's impossible. The shipping itself is done by individuals. Unless you want to police content, the best you can do is offer and create content about alternative ships, but then you'd fall into hypocrisy. Your new ships would fall into threadcanon, people would complain about you, and this cycle would continue. Best you can do if you want to cut shipping out of YOUR (on an individual level) life is to hide the posts that revolve around it. Out of sight, out of mind.
There have to be stories that look back on satyr x satyr as a failed relationship.
I had a sorta story with Timber, Simmer, Leaf, Snapshot, Ambrosia, and Kaos travelling together through Equestria on random misadventures. But it didn't go anywhere.
>Their parents hung out
>That MUST mean that they're destined for each other

>Then how can we cut back on threadcanon Satyr x Satyr ships
How about this: Stop saying that all the satyrs must be fucking everyone they know almost all the time? It's like the aspect of simply being good friends is a mystery here.
>Satyrs being just friends? Impossible! They met once, so they must have sex! Or at least give blowjobs like the good friends they are.
That still involves shipping in some shape or form
There was one writer who did them. Three stories, if I remember correctly.

I remember that! Dude, why'd you stop?
I didn't really know where to take it, honestly. There wasn't really any good and reasonable incentives provided other thsn their parents got together and agreed to push them into groups and send them off on an excursion of the entire planet. I was planning on having them stop by an abandoned town to help an old stallion fend off some munsters (Timber gets the guy's axe afterwards), but then everything else after comes up blank.
Random Satyr Story Time
Pick a group of satyrs and write anything you want about them.

>Blue Bonnet



>Steam Boat

>Green Peace


>King Sombra
Ahh? A premise but no idea where to take it.


Kyra is Tirek's daughter

Daedalus is that random Iron Will girl MT made
I think Mumble would have the singing voice of Mazzy Star.
>I would make a chart, but the sites acting buggy. I think the satyr thread should be constructed like this
No, the thread shouldn't follow a set structure or feel like it's running on rail along a pre-defined path. It should consist organically of whatever people feel like writing and talking about at the time.

>"Sorry, Anon, you can't post your story that you've been working on for over a week this thread because it'll take us over the assigned and approved 25% designated for family content."
But shipping is all anyone ever talks about anymore
I pictured Katy Perry. Why'd you pick Mazzy? Curious.
You mean that's all you pay attention to.
Because the very first satyr stories were shipping stories where Hope got shipped with herself, right?
No, usually with Anon.
Not to mention that Hope's very existence implies Lyra being shipped with Anon.
>I'm assmad and will use sarcasm to try it make it seem like I am right
And she got shipped with her dad, retard. Get it right.
... Dude, the only reason any of us are here is because our parents were shipped. We are all the product of cancer... You think god ships Hitler with Stalin?
>And she got shipped with her dad, retard. Get it right.
>The absolute first stories
How about you get it right instead? Those incest stories came a tiny bit later, you moron.
She has the soft, melancholic tone of someone who"s comfortably depressed.

Guys. Guys. We're ALL faggots, okay. No need to single out any one form of faggotry.
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Asha x Timber wasn't believable before? I kinda liked that ship.
Ohhh, yeah, that makes sense. I actually figured the only time she doesn't sound down or melancholic was when she sings. Having her mom's upbeat and warm singing voice. Still, yours probably makes more sense.
Now I want to see Mumble humming a tune to cheer herself up.
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I couldn't say exactly which story was the first ever written, but IIRC there was at least some Hope incest before there was even a general.
I'm not saying that there wasn't any incest at the beginning, only that the absolute first green wasn't incest and shipping.

Very first one-shot was where Hope woke up her dad because she accidentally wet the bed.
Second one-shot was about Anon thinking about Earth before Hope interrupts him because she wants to play, which makes Anon happy.
>The very first story wasn't incest and shipping, so there should be NO incest!
That is the most retarded argument I have ever seen. Ever.

>There was incest before there was even a general
Huh, well I'll be damned. Assumed it wasn't until thread 5+ we had incest.
As retarded as "well their parents are shipped, therefore shipping is great". They're both reaching.
Are any other satyrs a bunch of sad sacks? I know Mistake and Selena would be some of them. How sould their singing voice sound like?
People like making Rory a sad sack. Never quite understood it myself
You ever have a sibling your parents liked better than you?
>Satyrs get super fucking high in the hotbox
>Think an episode is airing where an ex-marine Tyrannosaurus is being hunted by the Himalayan Government for reasons unbeknownst to him.
>In reality, the Himalayan government is innocent and actually trying to thwart the mercenaries hired by the Leprechauns who are trying to kill T-Marine.
>Their motive?
>They want to kill T-Marine to make more oil from the source.
>In the end, T-Marine unites with the Himalayan's and a wise cracking literal Navy Seal to bring the Leprechauns down.
>One of the writer's for "Satyr" takes this idea and writes a block buster film.
>He quits his job amd hires the satyrs who thought of the film and just keeps giving that sweet kush.
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>"For crying out loud Icarus, it's not a big deal! Mom would be proud to hear you placed on the Weather Team."
"A lousy cloud kicker Sis? That's like as far away as a Wonderbolt as I can imagine! I don't wanna work in a nerdy factory!"
>"You're making this out worse than it actually is. Remember Mom told us about how she worked in weather before her acceptance into the team?"
"Uh-doy, yeah Prism. Doesn't make it any less embarrassing."
>"Embarrassing? What, the job's going to embarrass you?"
"Mmm! Well yeah! I mean all my other friends got real jobs for on their placement test.Tonbo had child psychologist, Ivy was going to be a vet, and Maverick - freaking Maverick! - said he was going to become lawyer!
>"*sigh* I just don't want to be stuck with a worthless job while all the rest of them are doing something meaningful."
>"Bro, that's just an estimate given to you based on your answers! Whatever result you get isn't set in stone."
"It isn't?"
>"Heck no! For all I know, Ivy could turn out to be a mercenary and Dynamo might turn out to be a male stripper."
"Augh, God! Gross, now I have that mental image stuck with me next time I go visit!"
>"The point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't let one piece of paper determine the course for your life. You'd make a great Wonderbolt, Icarus."
"Shucks, sis. That means a lot coming from you."
>"No problemo! ...'Course, that means you can crash and burn just as bad as well. I mean who knows, you could be working at a hayburger chain for the rest of your life..."
"Moments over. Yeah, thanks a bunch."
>"Or sell your kidney for booze money..."
"Not helping!"
Did he think about it
But then how are we going to justify shipping characters who wouldn't have any actions considering their place in the show? If we can't vicariously ship satyrs based on their parents interacting with each other, then why ship anyone at all? Why would a blind girl go to a magic show? Why would a drake date an equine satyr when they're two entirely different species? Why would one of the Apple stock (that's not AJ) suddenly take an interest in an interest in a Wonderbolt kid considering that they don't even fly in rural places like Appleloosa or express an interest in the Wonderbolts?
See >>25613101
Anon gets a pass because he's a universal self-insert and can do whatever he wants depending on the writer. I don't think that excuses other satyrs.
I think that was the point.
So the thread should focus on Anon/Femanon and his/her relationships some more?
That was sort of the crux of things starting out. It's fine if things change though, but saying shipping is okay because Anon is shipped with waifu/horsebando X isn't being genuine.

My only real concern is that people come in here with 0 desire to have anything family related and just 'adopt' the kids when they're teenagers rather than raise them. Don't know if it's got any grounding, but it feels like that sometimes.
To be fair, while I'm not certainly keen on seeing satyrs as legit children rather than characters in a story, it wouldn't hurt to focus on the family aspect once in a while. I don't tend to write Anon all that often, and if I do, it's likely going to be dealing with the parenting of obscure satyrs like Dynamo, Cici, Amelia, and so forth.
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What was each satyr's embarrassing gay moment, the point where it almost escalated into doing something intimate with the same sex?
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>Snapshot invites Muddle to model some clothes with him for his vlog.
>Breaks out the camera and everything, he even films Muddle while he's in the middle of changing.
>Gets all touchy feely and starts to rub up against him
>Muddle keeps on hiding an awkward boner all throughout the recording
>Turns out the filming is just one of Snapshot's private collections teasing boys and girls alike
So are any of the satyrs going to inherent the Elements of Harmony?
While having a totally no-homo orgy with twelve other guys, Snapshot once accidentally made prolonged eye contact with the man whose dick he was sucking.
Satyrs are cute
0/2 m7
Dude... I am so sorry
Ehh, failing ain't so bad.
Err, yeah. That's why I'm sorry... Yeaaah.
>That is the most retarded argument I have ever seen.
Of course it's retarded, because that argument is something you completely made up in your own head.
I only said what the very first satyr green was about. Nowhere in my post did I say that there should be no incest at all here, you goddamn moron.
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If Sombra suddenly went crazy again and there was a war in Equestria, which satyrs would actively enlist in the military? What would the rest do to support the efforts?
None, they'd all be dead. Sombra is Hitler, the Satyrs are the Jews, and Obama is Stalin.
I thought the sheep were the Jews
No, the sheep are polish... Or walish, or whatever. No one gives a shit about the sheep, like the Danes.
I would fuck a War Dash for glorious half-pegasi war satyrs instead of "GOTTA GO SUPER SONIC FAST AT THE SPEED OF COKE!"
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>"I can't believe it's already been almost two years since we got together, Anon. Do you still remember the day we first met?"
>The man smiled, casting his mind back.
"Of course I do, Snappy. Our eyes met as my dick was lodged in the back of your throat while that stallion was railing you in the ass and you were jerking that griffon and diamond dog off."
>Snapshot sighed wistfully and leaned into Anon's side, the man wrapping an arm around him as they walked together through the streets of Canterlot, enjoying the early evening air.
>"It was so romantic."
If you've got pegasus ancestry, you're pretty much guaranteed an extended trip to the front lines.
Sorry to all the girly ones. Start lifting.
We need more Anon relationships. How would you act if you were in a relationship with any one of the following:

Would you still love your satyr unconditionally if you discovered they were in fact the Anti-Christ, born of a man and a mare, and was destined to plunge Equestria into a thousand years of darkness with no amount of spankings or time-outs on the naughty step being able to persuade them not to fulfil their unholy purpose?
If you want them to be war satyrs, then why don't you just write it? The satyrs' parents don't have to be great at something in order for the satyrs to be good at the same thing.
>I want to have a kid who is awesome at drawing art
>Better find a pony who's awesome at art and impregnate her
Shhhhhhh. You'll confuse the carbon-copy Anons.
Because that's how it usually works in Equestria, the offspring goes into something related to the talents of the progenitor.

I'd treat her like a queen. I'd get down on one knee and kiss her hand. I'd bring her gifts from time to time just to show that I'm always thinking of her and encourage her in all her endeavours.

I think she'd be so used to having to play the responsible and reliable older sister and cousin that has to constantly think of others before herself, being a rock for others to cling to, that she'd really appreciate somebody that'd treat her like a living breathing woman with her own needs and emotions and that would be happy to be a shoulder for her to cry on.
Now factor in the humans who has no set talents like ponies have.
>How would you react if YOU were in a relationship with blank
Yeaaah, no. I'm not gonna go full retard and self insert anymore than fatheru. Satyrs in human relationships though...

Always expected her to hook up with A human on Earth (not her dad).

Same, but now looking at the Warren ship more often than this.

>Any of the others
Never saw it happening. Did once for Glimmer, but literally went nowhere.
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Then make sweet, tender love to her every single night in the hayloft of the Apple family barn because her dad doesn't approve of me and won't let me anywhere near the house or his daughter.
So at most they aren't destined to follow into their parent's hoofsteps, just a heavy disposition and inclination to it.
That's kind of a reach, don't you think?
I can't say what Rarity's parents do for a living, but neither she nor Sweetie have their career/marks in line with 'football' or 'cookies'.
Same with Twilight's parents, but they're haven't shown any inclination towards being guards or magical prodigies, much less royalty (directly or by marriage).
The only ones I can really think of right off are the Apples and the Pies, but even Pinkie diverted from that drastically, and the general understanding of a farm-family is that kids go into the family business.
I don't know man, it just doesn't seem like there's enough data to make a reasonable conclusion.
Which female satyrs enjoy wearing boxers the most?
Green Peace
She doesn't want her inner chakras being restrained by lace, man.
Hug her pudgy tummy then motorboat her boobs .
But then there's more examples of ponies that do. Everytime we've seen someone with 1.) A celestial body for a cutie mark and who's 2.) a unicorn, it always signifies some sort of msgical affinity, like Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Pinkie and Rarity could be considered outliers for all that matters. Three of the Pie offspring have talents that deal with rocks, the Apple family speaks for itself, Diamond Tiara has a cutie mark that deals with wealth and superiority like her parents, Spitfire's mom was considered a great athlete like her daughter in her peak, etc.
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That's a good point about the cutie marks, but then you also have to take into account characters like Moondancer, Twinkleshine, and Trixie, all of whom attended the Gifted Unicorns school, but are conspicuously absent when it comes to magical relevance (barring Trixie's encounter with the Alicorn Amulet she is, at best, a middling tier caster). Further, there is the matter of Fashion Plate (and to a lesser extent Neon Lights), who has stars (like Twilight Velvet), but is involved in entertainment rather than the practice of magic. So I would continue to contest that it is not necessary for Twilight's parents to be prolific casters, thereby calling into doubt the first case.
[Additionally, if you operate with the comics lending to the canon, Twilight Velvet is a writer.]

I thought I addressed this previously, but farming has generally been understood as a family business, specifically that one or more of the children will take over from the previous generation. Therefore neither the Pies nor the Apples can be clearly determined to be representative of the whole, though they may be.

DT's the closest that comes to making a clear case. Filthy's cutie mark likely relates to his business acumen (which also makes a point for your case as he shares similar lines with his grandfather), but equating a diamond ring cutie mark with Spoiled's position as a school-board chair is pretty awkward. However, Diamond Tiara showed a knack for mobilizing individuals to get things done which while it draws on aspects of both of her parent's paths, is very clearly neither.

Finally, I have found no mention of Stormy Flare's athleticism in RI! or supplemental materials.

Don't be confused; I am not going to say that you're wrong, you may very well be right, but I simply disagree on the basis that there isn't enough information to make a clear decision in favor of children strongly following in their parents foot/hoofsteps.
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Which satyrs would have the biggest cumshots?

>Spitfire's mom was considered a great athlete like her daughter in her peak

When was that ever said?
Should be fine as long as I don't blurt out 'I really want to bone your mom'.
>Those incest stories came a tiny bit later

by that do you mean "a few posts down in the very same original thread"
Would Thistle have a cloaca?
But that still doesn't excuse the fact that they're considered good casters in comparison to other unicorns. They don't get shown because they aren't the main characters.Twilight's an EoH and is the acting Princess of Friendship (Magic), so of course she's going to be relevant whenever there's anything magical afoot. However, I see what you're saying and your points are valid.I recant my previous statement. Also no, I don't really consider the comics canon. At best I just cherry pick the ideas that I think should be included in my headcanon and throw out everything else
That was my fault, I got that off of hearsay. I don't really watch Season 5 anymore.

>I don't really watch Season 5 anymore.

So why exactly are you hear, cute sonfus an daughterus?
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I'd say yes, but that would mean that the female drakes would only have two holes to fuck, so I say not really. Not to mention you'd have to wonder of Pluma and Oliver have them (and whether Oliver has a penis at all). Missy, though, I'm down with lamia abominations having a cloaca.

no but she does shit out the vag dont comment on it its rude
>that would mean that the female drakes would only have two holes to fuck
Think of it this way, you'd be able to fuck both her butthole and her pussy at the same time. Is that a bad thing?

>So why exactly are you hear

Holy fuck I can not English.

Pretty much. I like satyrs and the stories they create, even if I don't really subscribe to the sonfu/daughteru/waifu/husbando alligences.
Not that =, but the fun about anal is that it isn't the vagina. It loses its eroticism if they're both just one hole.
Telling your daughter about how babies are made and what heat and human periods are doesn't really sound like incest to me. Now the thread after that, that had some nice incest.
Considering satyrs have pony (or other creature) bottoms, I doubt they would menstruate.
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>tfw not able to take Ace to hear Handel's Messiah

U wot
How did satyr girls handle their first estrus? Which satyr species go into heat?
>How did satyr girls handle their first estrus
They asked daddy for help.
>George Frideric Handel's "Messiah" is an oratorio composed in the eighteenth century. It compresses the Christian Messianic story into three major parts, beginning with the prophets, moving into the Nativity, proceeds to the Passion and then the Resurrection. Perhaps the most well known section is the Hallelujah Chorus.
>For the purposes of this thread, Ace is the daughter of Spitfire and her human partner.

Ovaries are in the human guts above the midsection, the equestrain loins are mere window dressing
Wouldn't there mothers be more capable of relieving the symptoms?
No, but I suppose in the absence of a father or brother they could help out as well. Also, most parents would probably buy their satyr daughters a dildo when they start going into estrus, so they can take care of it themselves if there are no male family members around to help when it hits.
What if the males don't want to help since they don't like the idea of having relations with their relatives?
Then the satyr would tell her mother they were being mean and refusing to help her, and the mother would tell the males to be nice and help their sister/daughter. And as a last resort, there's always the dildo.
Somebody better let pie-chartguy know about this. Femdom just gained another chunk.
Does that count as femdom?
Sorry, let me try and frame this more accurately:

>Ace walks up to Hotshot and pulls the book out of his hands.
>"Hey, I'm in heat and need some relief."
>The younger boy is, naturally, somewhat put off and scrunches up his face as he grabs for his book
>"What? No!"
>Ace waves her hand from left to right, up and down, keeping the book just out of reach as she insists
>"Yeah, well, that's too bad because I've got a really deep ache that I need to get filled."
>"I'm not gonna."
>Hotshot crosses his arms over his chest.
>Ace sighs and takes a deep breath.
>There's a moment of silence before Spitfire calls back
>"Shot, sweetheart, be a dear and help your sister out, okay?"
>The redhead smirks, tossing the book over her shoulder as she straddles his chair
>"See? Momma says you have to be nice to me, so give me that dick, okay?"
>"Ugh. Fine. Let's keep this short."
>The older girl chuckles, leaning in close
>"Aw, you always say that..."
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Femdom or not, that's hot as fuck.
Mumble is still pretty
Her eyes are a bit too far apart in that picture though.
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What about here?
Looks fine to me.
>Girl love
What if you were dating Icarus, Timber, Utah, Rory, Simmer, Pogo, Garret, Presto, Hotshot, or Muddle. How would you treat them?
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You have a vagina, how is that gay?
He never specified whether I would be a girl while dating them. Still wouldn't like it, who wants to be a girl.
... Uh, women? If not, the world would be nothing but dicks. Meaning you'd HAVE to be gay.
Guy, what guy wants to be a girl, okay? Did I really have to be specific with that?
Sometimes I want to be the girl.
I'd slob Hotshot's knob for that extra sticky surprise every night and be his happy little housewife during the day.
Finally got my scanner out of storage. Give me some ideas and I'll try to draw something when I wake up.

Meantime: bed.
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Ranger Utah
That's still pretty gay.
>not taking full advantage of the chance to be a girl
Okay Mister Wet Blanket. You go on being a sour puss.
Selena trying to hide her disdain as she's accosted by a group disgusting plebeians in the streets of Canterlot.
Uhh, Satyr picking flowers. Satyr got a boo boo on theor elbow. Satyr wants to be a fireman... Satyr reading a book on Earth Satyrs like "Whaaaaat?"

Ambrosia/Yuzu/Tonsils please
That's one I haven't heard in a while.
All the better he has options though; boy needs to forget about his sister's influence
He most likely meant to reply to >>25628524 instead of the TF thing.

I remember reading a short about it and think it was kinda cute, despite the fact she's a pot smoking degenerate.

I always saw Hotshot as going for Earth Satyr girls, as I see them as usually more filled out than Pegasus or Unicorn Satyrs, and he's a fan of that kinda stuff.

garnet weaving a holiday wreathe of roses and barbs
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Don't you like your dog?
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Which satyrs have weird or uncommon fetishes?
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>mfw I started that character trait of Annie

Also, in response to your question, Melody is really big into sensory play, dropping hot wax on her chest, ice cubes on her tits, etc.
Hand holding, nose booping, and worst of all Eskimo kisses
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I can see that happening. How does she respond to magic sensations?
Anon, please! This is a good Christian board!
Simmer has an asphixiation fetish, while Broil has bondage fetish
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>Your satyr daugheru in; horsing around.
Have my daughter prance around like an idiot when she could clearly use her two hooves? Neigh-way, Josè.
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Ivy, Ace, and Tonbo have straight shota tendencies. They like to feel the innocent youthful bodies writhe in climax as the submit their will over to their more experienced partner.
>Your satyr has just come to grips with the fact that they'll die someday after witnessing their parents passing away. Satyr has fallen into a deep slump and doesn't respond much to anything. What do you say to get them through this?
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"Cheer up, sweetie. You come from nothing and you go back to nothing, so what have you lost? Nothing."


Who here's afraid of dying and the idea that one day they'll simply cease to be?
>cease to be
impossible because all of you don't exist anyway. you are all just figments of my imagination trying to conceptualize a "reality"
I'm the only one that truly "exists"
>Implying you aren't all just NPCs in the #1 bestselling shitposting simulator known as "4chan"
>Implying you all don't just despawn whenever I turn my computer off.

Wait... what if we really are all just highly advanced NPCs in some game?
Casual sex is one of those things that does things to people. The fact that it's incest to boot makes it double, possibly even triple things.
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I really hope we'll get a lot of christmas art and stories on Christmas.
Nice dubs.
But it's another Christmas of coal and incest for Satyr.
I'll draw a Christmas satyr, as long as it's not Utah, Timber, Hotshot, Ace, Rory, Ambrosia, Alex, Tonbo, Thorn, Thistle, whoever the fuck Tonsils is, or a drake.
meant to quote >>25635299
Why you gotta hate on Tonsils though?
I don't know who that is
Also, how is the IQ of this thread so low?
Tonsils = health related = Nurse Redheart Satyr
It's always been like this.
I never said I didn't know who the pony parent is. I made the assumption that it was a health related pony, I've just never seen art or stories of the satyr.
How about Dawn and Radiance?
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Stories of the short kind get posted all the time
Open your eyes, maybe you'll see
Nah, not them either, they're too overblown.
Selena, then? She hasn't gotten much.
All the royal children are overblown, wtf
Stop requesting the shits, and start moving on
That's how you create change
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Candy? Goes well with the Peppermint motiff.
See >>25635944
(Or Mumble... Since she isn't on your blacklist)
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Laika and Eris pulling a sleigh for Hope?
/sat/ has been very naughty this year.
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>tfw mlpstreams anon is dead
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Always fighting, always complaining, rarely ever having fun or sharing in others' joy. Driving off content creators?

Naughty, naughty.
It's Kaos. Changing names of pre-established sstyrs is frownred upon because it confuses people when the same satyr has a slew of different names.

but eris is literally as old as kaos

why are there so many newfriends here trying to make rules
Wait, what? Changing names? Isn't Eris the name of rule 63 Discord?
One, no one knows about Eris because unless she has content or she's in the name list, she may as well doesn't exist. Two, using a well-known and frequently used genderbent name of a canon character doesn't help identify the satyr.
See >>25637190
And see >>25637235
Eris is commonly used as Discord's genderbent name. Like Dusk Shine for Twilight. Most people already associatte it with the r63 form.
Well, Santa, it's hard to have fun and share in others' joy when the others idea of fun and joy is to ship everyone with everyone and talk about their kids wanting to fuck every satyr that breathes.
You know what's fun? Listening to whiney bitches who have nothing better to do than complain. For you mentally challenged folks, that was sarcasm.
Satyr isn't happy, Santa... Satyr hasn't been happy since its writefags left. It's allsatyrs fault and all it has left is a bery angry group of lurkers who drink and then get mad when it looks at satyr (because it reminds them too much of the writefags that left it).
Satyr is a bully? http://youtu.be/CUvFeyGxaaU
I see this and I feel bad for the satyr thread and want to help.

then I remember it's the satyr thread and they don't want any help
Bunch of doomsayers in here of you ask me
If only there were someone who could push back against this and make something which might placate the beast.
Then they would complain it's about shipping, or incest, or not about SATYR satyrs, or that it's about popular satyrs, or that it's too- wow. We have a lot of fucking hipsters in the thread.
Now you see why I've closed my satyr tab.
All the complaining or all the content that causes the complaining? ... Or both?
Yes, seeing as both effect me.

Be the change you want to see Anon.

>Why don't you do something?

I'm trying to write some family stuff now. Work, life, and writer's block haven't been very helpful.
>Be the change you want to see
Doesn't matter. There willalways be those blind fucks who complain. Honestly, it's tiring... Why do you think so many people, so many content creators stopped coming here?
On the whole Eris/Kaos thing:

Kaos showed up in the satyr threads. That was the name that (I think) mimic gave, in the large group pic that's still a WIP I WANT TO BELIEVE.

Eris was in a few stories in AiE. Both as a genderbent Discord, and as Discord's kid. I can't remember what exactly the story was, but some post-big-crunch thingy. Anon was immortal, and didn't have a heartbeat because it hurt.

To be fair though, Eris/Kaos isn't too bad, as far
as naming goes.
At least you all (other than >>25636749, >>25636834) got who she was, because we're really not very inventive with names for the most part.

So ignore it. If they bitch, let them.
I skip over the useless shitposting, only in every day or so and checking to see if anything interesting has happened. So shitposting really doesn't detract.

But content stopped being posted because write/drawfags didn't get any response from the thread unless they did the flavor of the month. OR the hated flavor of the month.
Not to sound crude or anything, but I've tried accommodating multiple sides, doing things I don't really like, and all it's gotten my little monsters on the shitlist. So, I'm not really interested in giving anything to anyone here right now.
As a fanfiction writer, you don't get paid.

You don't really get your name out there either - you get your stage name, which isn't really that likely to be linked with your regular accounts.

You write because you enjoy it, and because you enjoy other people reading it.

So when someone just shits on your work, when you've put in extra effort, gone outside what you normally do, it makes you want to give up.

I don't want the ride to end.
I had such fun at the start.
But it seems like a lot of people just don't care. They want to circlejerk to idea prompts.

Who are they then?
Gonna take a crap shot... Ace and Hotshot?
We've got two different dynamics, brother. But I feel your frustration and know it can be difficult to work through that.
I figure I'm pretty easy to read by this point. >>25641108 has got me pegged.

>tfw they're mine as well

Fuck me.
We had a few collab stories before. Do you think that would help out?
Well, with most of the Flutter/fizzlefags gone, and Spitfire kids taking a more primary role, wasn't that hard to figure out.
You, me, and maybe one other guy who waffles.

I figured it was my descriptors.

>You, me, and maybe one other guy who waffles.

There is a movie/song title in there somewhere.

Though I have no idea what you mean by "who waffles."
Tends towards canned responses. Still does like them though.
I enjoy the stories
So why do you suppose this thread is so picky in its particular content?

We've had a lot of special trolls (but what general hasn't [seinfeld laugh track] ) but honestly a very special combination of regular autism and "muh babies" making this places OCs particularly triggering to both artist and consumer

After all how many fantastic artist meltdowns have we had?
The same thing that makes it good: no fixed canon.
Just that people take great offense to deviation from their particular headcanons.
I've never really seen any of the artists meltdown. Just pop up and do art only to leave silently when the thread squabbles too much. Like a fart on the wind.

I wish either henissen or moe were still up (by the way is there a new archive up yet?) so I could show and quote but off the top of my head fuchs mimic and someone else have absolutely exploded before

Haven't really been here in about a year so Ive missed more recent drama
No idea, but it really booty bothers me because personally I'd be happy to read any kind of green regardless of it's content.
It's been up since moe was down.
I wonder how long this archive will last? We need to start archiving our archives.
>implying it's not already happening
It's a step in the right direction, but I think we should seriously consider archiving our archived archives.

thanks brohemien I'll try to write a few more shorts for old times sake
I didn't hate those two until you had to throw them into EVERY conversation/situation that was being discussed. It gets so tiresome and annoying.

Imagine having a conversation with someone about character X, when someone just butts in and says, "What about character Y? How would they react in that situation you guys were just discussing?" Repeat ad nauseam.

If I'm honest, I didn't really notice it until an anon pointed it out quite a few threads ago. I have notice you doing it (a little) less, which I'm sure more anons besides me appreciate, but now the Utahfag is taking over.

I get you created them and you are proud and want to discuss them to death, but chill, man.
And here we have a special type of faggot. A delusional bitch. Watch as they try to excuse their outbursts by falsifying evidence of "being forced into every discussion".
What Utahfag? Utah barely ever even gets mentioned here.
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>don't talk about what you like
>don't write about what you like
He is literally reaching for shit to complain about.
Just look at the archives. about 90% of the time someone asks for suggestions, whether to draw a picture or write something, the Utahfag always has to speak up.


I know you're buttblasted about anons who have become sick of your circlejerking ways, but there's no need to pretend to be blind about their reasoning.
Oh, so there's no a blacklist on what people can suggest? Let the guys have there fun, you cynical cunt.
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So do the Yuzu and Darcy fags, you ain't bitchin about them.
We're talking about the little monsters, not Timber and Simmer...
Since it hasn't been crossposted yet.
>Throwing the usual two under the bus to save your abomination's asses
Nice. Spitfire'd be proud.
TBF, I'm not him... Can't prove it though
Why so unlucky?
Her crush is royalty and will never be with her. The guy crushing on her is five years younger and has a practical harem that thinks he is cute. Looks like a little boy growing up. Mom is pidgeonholing her into a careershe will NEVER have. She will grow up to be an old maid. She's a satyr. (Like being japanese to weebs, purely fetishized.)
Adding to >>25645268 she has a tendency to find trouble and want to do something about it, which hurts her score. Also I'm a little on the mean side.
Also, also, I like battle scar collections
That was lewd. I kinda liked it.
Are there any for the other satyrs? I know everything is a variable and that the stats can differ greatly depending on who is creating the chart, but I'm still a little curious on how people see each satyr; if the stats are extremely different or nearly the same.
i.e., do those who like Ace agree with your stat chart? Or would they change a lot?
There were some in earlier threads
I kinda want a story about Cider and Utah as bounty hunters. Maybe Laika could be one of the bounties they're chasing? And I imagine Snapshot showing up in a saloon girl outfit at some point.
>Snapshot as a criminal boss/bank robber with the other trap satyrs as his henchmen
I seriously just did it before posting.
Radiance was in the last thread though.
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>Her crush is royalty and will never be with her.
You mean Radiance? He's a total man-whore that'll screw anything vaguely female. I imagine all she'd have to do to have a shot with him would be to break into his chambers and lie naked on his bed awaiting his return from his daily duties, while avoiding his mother and her eternal crusade to keep her sweet, innocent boy away from all the "filthy trampy" mares that just want him for his power and wealth.
So you're saying Celestia would pretty much banish anyone she hears saying that Radiance sleeps with everyone?

I just can't see Radiance being a man-whore.
>Celestia would pretty much banish anyone she hears saying that Radiance sleeps with everyone
More like she'll banish anyone he sleeps with who isn't his sister. The purity of the royal bloodline must be protected.
Radiance doesn't fuck his sister. Even Celestia thinks that'd be sick.
So doesn't that feed into the idea that realizing [anyone's] attraction to Radiance is slim to none on the happening scale?
Third most retarded headcanon in the thread
What's the first and second?
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You call that an ultimate stat chart? THIS is an ultimate stat chart.
First is single Anon herding/one night standing/literally just fucking every mare several times over the course of many years.

Second is flawless perfect sexy seniorita Darcy. (Clumsy Darcy a best)

... Really? Are you... Seriously? Even medieval royals had a "seperation by four" rule.
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I made a few, but it was with another chart
Why is it so hard to believe that a monarchy would want to marry in the family?
Hot damn. Do you have the template for that?
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>implying those aren't all god tier headcanons
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Post your favorite satyr and why
No respect for the noble bard
>flawless perfect sexy seniorita Darcy.
I've said this once before, and I'll say it again. I have never seen anyone claim that Darcy is pure perfection.
Whenever someone says that Darcy is perfect in every way, it just sounds like someone is trying to find an excuse to bitch about her.
Please, prove me wrong and show me a story or something that proves that people used to say that Darcy's perfection incarnate.

>Why is it so hard to believe that a monarchy would want to marry in the family?
Why is it so hard for you to believe the opposite? Unless you're trying to force your headcanon on us?
>it just sounds like someone is trying to find an excuse to bitch about her
This. She's generally portrayed as sexy, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's perfect.
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Somebody needs to make a definitive version of this with descriptions of each trait underneath all the categories like in the first section. Also some of the categorises make one another redundant.
It comes from some of the first discussions about her. The "literal perfection" is just part of people actually waifuing her. Usually that follows into people picking apart and finding flaws and imperfections on the waifu, but sadly Darcy never got to that stage. The closest was her "distaste" for Warren, but that burned out in less than a thread. She is complained about being perfect not because she is, but because she was claimed as much and never advanced. Like a Fotm waifu, but she was dropped before the large criticisms could start. Not perfect, but not large enough to merit further discussion. Kinda sad.
I think this can wait 'til the next thread since this one's reached the bump limit.
Worst/Best Satyr Edition?
I vote for Advent Edition.
Yearbook edition
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>"Yo, Radiance, you should totally marry your sister, bro."
"M-Mother? What are you wearing?"
>"Don't even sweat it, dude. Seriously though, you should totes get your sister pregnant and give your radically awesome mother a grandchild as soon as possible."
"You want me to... you know, with Dawn? No way, that's disgusting!"
>"Nah, breh, you just ain't getting it. It'd be totally sick, dude."
"Is this some kind of midlife crisis? I'm telling dad."
>"No wait, don't tell your father! He'll give me a spanking and make me sleep on the couch while he has sex with your aunty to make me jealous again!"
"Ugh, why would you tell me that?"

So I dislike these templates in general, because they don't actually promote anything other than people spamming the thread with them. That said, sometimes when posters explain, it actually is pretty cool to see where they've brought ideas from.

That said, could we include something for name race and parent? I tend to scroll down the page, opening pics as I go, but then if there's any of these, I have no idea who they relate to if I have more than one open.
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Post-Apocolyptic Retelling of the Nativity done by Satyrs putting on a Christmas Pageant when?

Do it FOR HER again, faggot

I was just about to say this. We never really got around to talking about Darcy's flaws or vices, just how awesome of a mother and a waifu she was.

And then we suddenly moved onto something else.
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>He'll give me a spanking and make me sleep on the couch while he has sex with your aunty to make me jealous again!
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