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/krg/ - Kamen Rider General #1574 - Are You Ready!? Best Match Edition

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Thread replies: 902
Thread images: 147

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>How to get into KR and where to start?
>List of subbed series
>Direct Download Links

Episode 39 Preview:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxUywH5fAQE [Embed]

Last time on /krg/: >>15689909
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1. Rabbit Tank
2. Gorillamond
3. Hedgehog Tank
4. Rabbit Cleaner
5. Hawk Gatling
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Night Rouge & Kamen Rider Close
>Night Rouge gets a Figuarts before Kiva
Neo Fangires Papa

This month.

This month for sure.

Not this month ;__;
It's nice to have such a down to earth suit again after all the crazy shit since Gaim
You say that now but he's gonna have some weird arms
well im bored
The only thing bugging me right now is how 3 of the right side bottles are all blue (Tank/Diamond/Cleaner) and 2 of them are orange (Gorilla/Hawk). Would just like some more color variety is all.
It's been confirmed to be Kamen Rider Clothes.
2 of the left side ones are orange I mean.
Gorilla is brown
Come on guys, it's Kuroozu.
For some reason I was sure Ghost was the one with the hand thing.
At least with Ex-Aid's it wasn't as big, I don't remember people saying it totally wasn't gonna be him.
>yfw the belt has liquid/gas sound effects

or at least, it better
Is this guy important?
What if Build is not a W sequel, but a prequel
I agree on the blue. Supposedly Rocket is blue as well, so that's not helping things.

There's supposed to be another 2 yellow sides too.
He's a master chef.
Yeah becomes Kamen Rider Ornac
W Kikaider Paradx crossover when
Are those all the leaks we're gonnag get? Or are there gonna be more?
i'd be pissed because the only W prequel we need is about Skull not a new character
Next few hour.. Asian fucking sleep right now
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>buy gashapon versions
>mod it into a usable bottle
So I just got caught up with Ex-Aid and I have to say it's the most anti-Showa thing I've seen in my life. No wonder you amoral fucks are eating this up.

Sigh... I was really in the wrong generation.
*shakes his head disapprovingly*
I want to see a sequel where Ryu's kid becomes a new version of Accel or something to be honest
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It's funny because Build has the weirdest powerset of all of them. Even the convention of Machine/Animal is thrown out the window with shit like Comic/Ninja. Even when it was just Machine/Animal, you get some of the most uncoventional choices from each group such as a rabbit and a fucking vacuum cleaner.

Despite this, Build seems to win out by simply downplaying the aesthetic elements. The craziest aesthetic on his suit are his eyes, which I will argue that despite heavy compound effect is still the craziest thing they have donenwith Rider eyes. However, even the eyes are designed in such a way where it looks cool and dynamic.

Everyrhing else on the suits seen so far play into a single robotic aesthetic. Even the primarily animal side is robotic and not some weird furry shit they could have easily done to promote contrast between the two themes that make up his powers.

I've liked the suits of Gaim, Drive, and Ex-Aid, but I can't congratulate Build enough for turning Kamen Rider's weirdest form ideas into a style that is minimal yet has a lot of pop. I can't wait for figuarts. I'm sure he's gonna get some weird shit via his powered up forms though
There are more pages, but they need to be scanned by someone... It should also have information regarding when the series starts and if there's going to be any tv crossover with Ex-Aid.
Build seems to be the best looking post decade rider now.
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*Tips Fedora*
>I'm sure he's gonna get some weird shit via his powered up forms though
Dude he already has a form where his hand is a fucking vacuum cleaner. I'm glad they kept the base form really sleek though.
Chris Peppler is so fucking handsome
Gaim was fun and had a couple of good suits but Build blows it out of the water and we haven't even seen it in motion yet.
How disrespectful that your black bull lets you have internet connection in your cuckshed and you spend all that time false flagging.
Build still looks better my man
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Proto build when
Second place to Build
Alpha is the only good suit in that one
Why do they still use compound eyes? Just for nostalgia pandering or what?
>He's already trying to start up era wars b8 again
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Build's really cool, but I hesitate to call him the best. He's definitely nailed minimalism down though.
His mask reminds me of Kabuto in how Cold and Calculating he could be.
can anyone shop build's ex-aid legend rider mode?
I'd like to see the Masked Rider title repurposed. I understand the phobia behind it, but if they tried to use less cringeworthy catchphrases, and make a plot outside of aliens, that'd be great. Some anon long time ago suggested "Ride On!" in place of "henshin".
>Ghost looks like Deadpool
>comes out almost at the same time as Deadpool
>Build looks like Spiderman
>comes out a few weeks after Homecoming
Cause they look cool faggot
how is it an era war if they still use them today you retard
by the way there's no such thing as an era war despite you forcing it so much
Looks like W Heat/Trigger, which isn't a bad thing I guess
I like the LA Lakers form he has there on the left
>Build looks like Spiderman

This is your brain on /co/mblr
>Build looks like Spiderman
He really doesn't.
the MMX armor had some ironman/hulkbuster elements

I meant it's already obvious Toei has taken notice of Marvel and wants to step their game up.

You're like those fags who really believed the garbage Rider 1 armor was only made up because of Batman v Superman
Everybody knows it was made so the actor could wear it obviously.
That and Fujioka likes bulky, knightlike armor.
More standard looking Rider = higher ratings and now that Tv-Asahi is the main produced since the beginning of design stages I doubt we'll see stuff like Ex-Aid again for a long time.
Fujioka bought his suit at The Portly Gentleman Used Clothing for the Large Man
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Because they're the best thing about the toys.
because it looks cool
I feel like Toei would better off doubling down on streaming rather than trying to boost Television ratings.
So, no pics of the Ex-aid Build form yet, but I just saw an image of Build's W mask. It's purple/green. The purple side looks like a stylized detective dude tipping his hat, and the green is just a stylized USB, sorta in the shape of a memory.

So Night Rouge isn't actually a Rider? I can see the design similarities in Close with the diagonal strips making up his suit and eye/antenna designs, but Night Rogue is very different.
>dragon rider
It's claws, and literally no where has it been said the other dude isn't a rider.
think mashin chaser
Your best three and worst three transformation devices

1. Genesis
2. Decadriver
3. MegaUloader

1. Onkaku
2. Sasword Yaiver
3. Kivat Belt

Chihiro's character was such a waste of a pretty good design.
Have we seen the name written in kana?
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>and literally no where has it been said the other dude isn't a rider.
He and BloodStalk aren't listed as Riders but yeah, he might become one later on.
>and literally no where has it been said the other dude isn't a rider
Given Claws is called "Kamen Rider Claws" in the catalog whereas (K)nightrogue and Bloodstalk are just called those names with no Kamen Rider preface. It's another Mashin Chaser situation.
I just realized Build has the biggest collar out of the other heisei riders
Which is which? They look similar enough to be form changes of the same guy.
I just saw a pic of Builds Ex-Aid form
He has a syringe on one side and Super Mario on the other
I just saw Nico's vagina It has hair and is very roastie.
The dragon is Claws, the bat could either be Night Rogue or Bloodwhatever for all we know. Both names would fit.
That one dude who did the drawing said Claws had a blue/orange color scheme so he's the one on the right.
So are the enemies Vampires?
The dude who sketched Build before the catalog was posted said Nightrogue was bat-themed and Claws was orange and blue.

How about her feet tho
They had corn on it

It's Close unless Toei/Bandai romanizes it weirdly like Gord or Cronus. People here are just fucking stupid, as evidenced by most of the posts in regards to the leaks.
close or whatever looks like dA OC rider

or even a mook
>lemme just post some random Japanese I googled that'll make me right.
Yeah, people here are stupid. You. It's Claws.
>rider that's a bike
It's racer
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What did she mean by this
Why would they be vampires you mongoloid
Its Vlad Stork
>yfw mid upgrade is robot+grasshopper
>tfw this is my gf when i watch rider and she comes home from work
>some random Japanese I googled
It was literally posted by VinzChing who has been completely on the mark with everything else, as well as cranejoe's blog.

Sources, because unlike you I don't make up fanfiction:
>one of them has a bat for a face
What does getting high on BAIYO feel like
>Not only being this stupid, but being this aggressively stupid
It's amazing what you stupid EOPs will do
She was wondering why Kouta suddenly grew 2 feet
like Poppy's farts
Do you think they still bathe together?
Bloodstalk's supposedly a cobra.
>samefagging now
Literal autism.
It's Claws. Bet you autists thought Cronus was Chronos too.
>he doesn't know about the recurring spider/bat/cobra theme
This your first rider, kid?
And his weapon will be called the Beat Clawser, because that makes so much more sense than Closer.
Right, because there was a spider, bat, and cobra in Ex-aid.
Cobras can be vampires.
>Everyone who makes fun of me is samefagging!
lmao, that and your goalpost moving is hilarious.
Also I bet you're the same retard who was adamant that Kamen Rider Lazer was Kamen Rider Racer. You can pretend you know what you're talking about when you can tell me how to pronounce ロ.
Why did you reply to my post?
>clawser not being a plausible name in a toy commercial

>makes fun of me
Oh, that's what you think you're doing? Thanks, I spat my drink laughing.
>m-muh racerfag!!!
Yeah, that's totally me.
>trying to imply you know any more than any other faggot here
Don't even kid yourself.
>be main rider
>your secondaries have cooler suits than yours
>the next rider has a cool suit
Personally, I just think Claws makes more sense. Besides, he's paired with an equally edgy named Nightrogue.
If you're so adamant it's Claws, then obviously you know some Japanese. Come on, how do you pronounce ロ? While you're at it, how do you pronounce ラ and if it's Kamen Rider Claws, how come ラ isn't in his name?
I better see a mothering night battle with that edgelord
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Emu bullying continues past Ex-Aid
>Yeah, that's totally me.
You're equally as stubborn as him. I bet you're also the guy who kept pushing Cronus as Chronos given he kept rambling about Cronus' time-stopping ability, just like how you're rambling about "muh dragons."
So who's subbing Build?
If the new SHT schedule still aligns well enough with RTA's, he probably might do it. Here's to hoping.
Literal only exception.
Why not just good old OT?
O-T will sub it, only for the show to turn out to be shit so they'll drop 2019 Rider, which will be good
Close makes more sense to me, but realistically it's a stupid argument to have because knowing Bandai and Toei the official romanization could easily be something much stupider than either of them.
I'm excited for Kamen Rider Cronoz.
>yfw Kamen Rider Cross
>they make it Clothes


Get it right, you fucking mongrel.
>literally just said the name is Cronus
>b-bet ur the chronos guy xD
Fucking retard.

Oh so you have scans proving his name is Close now?
Kamen Rider Crows?
Kamen Rider Clothes?
Kamen Rider Cloves*?

*of Garlic for the vampires?
I rather have a group that subs based on rational reasoning rather than "let's do it completely opposite from them" and go full ornac.
Oh, alright. So Gaim had a Spider, Cobra, and Bat then?
>Oh so you have scans proving his name is Close now?
The most correct source for catalog/toy info is Cranejoe's blog, which uses クローズ, as linked here http://cranejoe.blog.jp/archives/71182678.html

Now quit dancing around the question and tell me how ロ is pronounced because obviously if you know Japanese so well, you'd be able to understand why it's more likely ot be Close than it is to be Claws.
Press release when?
Nah. Excite should do it.

So it's Kamen Rider Clothes then.
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Gaim actually did have a bat Inves called the Komori Inves.

Wait, what was so bad about Ornac? It's a bastardized version of acorn, which was the point behind the name in the first place, right?
>some guy said this thing so it's gotta be true!
K, so no proof then. Gotcha.
More accurate than Kamen Rider Claws.

>some guy said this thing so it's gotta be true!
Given everything posted in his blog was immediately confirmed in catalog scans afterwards, and he's been the most reputable leaker for Kamen Rider toys for years now, yes. But please, tell us how your headcanon is more correct than someone who actually has access to info from the catalog.
How about we just call him Kamen Rider Costanza until we have a confirmation from Toei or Bandai on what his localized name is instead of playing a glorified game of Japanese Telephone with katakana?
Is Heat going to have another tism attack and refuse to sub Build based solely on the suits?
They look like W's suits so he's likely to TL it, and if Sanjo writes it then doubly so.
Heat won't think those suits look like shit, unless he's suddenly gained massive brain damage.
Pretty sure that's a vampire moth, it has moth antenna. Could be a bat though, and they just decided to slap those on for some reason.
Translating names to english is wrong, epecially when you translate one rider's name and not the rest just for a joke.
As always, wait for the first episode to air before O-T give their answer.

Unless Sanjo is writing, in which case, O-T are for sure doing it
>Could be a bat though
He's literally called a komori inves, and komori means bat.
You shouldn't translate proper nouns. That's how we got the Warring Driver situation in the first place.
That was Aesir and that guy is gone now
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>Mostly animals to represent the organic side
>then for the humans, a fucking ninja and pirate of all things

Wouldn't be surprised if samurais are included next. Ghost had like 4 sengoku-era samurais for their choice of world-wide historical figures.
Because Gridon was his name
Might as well translate the peoples names as well
Hawktiger who transforms into Masked Rider Morning Moon
Woops, sorry. Replied based on the pic and didn't bother reading
>Hawktiger who transforms into Masked Rider Morning Moon
Wrong, Hawktiger turns into Masked Rider Cutting Moon and then upgrades into Masked Rider True Cutting Moon.
>Now quit dancing around the question and tell me how ロ is pronounced because obviously if you know Japanese so well, you'd be able to understand why it's more likely ot be Close than it is to be Claws.
Not him, but it's not like Engrish usually strives to be accurate or anything, especially for pronunciation differences that only a native speaker (if even) would appreciate. I'm pretty sure both words would be written the same way.
>google gaim
>get this
Japs like both Ninja and Pirates, not sure how that's confusing. Humans are animals.
you get nothing?
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fug forgot pic
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How is it that a W clone with powers of a rabbit, comics, and vacuum cleaners looks so damn good?
what if you put the bottles in the wrong slot
ahaha Mitchy
Then you blow up, like a failed lab experiment. This would actually make a great gag for when he first tries to transform
HBV form
In the toy it wouldn't fit or it would give you different sounds/same sounds in a different order.
In the show it'd probably never come up.
I'm guessing it'll be like the OOO medals, they actually tell you what slot to put it in on the back, but they still work
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Reminder that good suit = shit show

See you all next year
nice meme
Talking shit about my kyuranger?
how many times this will be repeated anyway?
Every day until you like it.
Not "Let's Ride!"?
It's just Double again but at an angle. I thought they were trying to be pretty careful about making sure each Rider had it's own identity.
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Tsurugi >>>>>>>>> Lucky
>See you all next year
I hope you get in a car accident before then.
They were like fuck it, let's make the rider actually look cool this time
muffler when
coattails when
>muffler when
Nightrogue is covered in them.
You get 2 bottles, what would you make your base form? Gattling Ninja master race
>Not Gorilla+Tank
oronamin c and 5 hour energy
Cheese Burger
Is gemdeus even going to appear in ex-aid? Why are they bringing him up as the final boss in the movie.
He is. The GameDeus in the movie is bright red whereas the show version seems to be grey/black.
Rocket Rabbit
Lion Robot
You are like little baby
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Does it have to be the ones in the show, or anything we want?
ex-aid is true ending
tv ending is shit ending

So they shoot the movie footage now, and then respray the suit blue for the final episosdes.
Man ex-aid is gonna have a shit ending. we already know everyone lives and what gemdeus looks like. There's literally no twists left to offer except maybe masamune actually dying.
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I was going to say "that looks like a lame jrpg final boss" but then I remembered that's pretty much exactly what it is
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>ex-aid ends
>they start wroking on the v cinemas
Did anybody sub spectre's v cinema?|
As long as it gets replies
So forever
I don't believe the world is destroyed premise
How would you fucking FILM that. Would it just be filming normal locations and we pretend everyone has a soul bottle? Do they only film a few actors and they're only in sets or quarries? this isn't a netflix original series. Like a CONQUERED world they could do on low budget but a destroyed and rebuilt one? Really?

It's supposed to be a pun on "Nitro"
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What gave you that idea?
cat dog form when
They wouldn't have to show anything except maybe some shots of the quarry. "This is a dead world" and then fast forward to whatever time and back to the usual.
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid could have been good if they changed just two fucking things
>riders die forever and never return like ryuki
>kamen rider chronicle was a bloody game and people would be trapped inside it after using the gashat

but no, lets be kid friendly and full of annoying jokes!
True Ending is a VR simulation
The only one confirmed to live is Emu
Maxresdefault (4) is probably my favorite suit.
What? So everyone else are just part of the vr game? I really doubt they'd kill off taiga and hiiro at this point so it'll probably just be all the bugsters
>like ryuki
I'm at episode 24 right now, please don't give me spoilers, anon.
They came back at the end, not halfway through the show. Either way ex-aid is just a bad version of ryuki
Everyone forgets what watching KR is supposed to be.

They don't have to be good, they just have to be fun to watch.
>like ryuki
Did you skip the final episode or something?
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Anon did you seriously save a youtube screenshot
Its the first result when you google Agito Kuuga
Hey, I like Muteki
Did Ex-aid have low ratings?
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Defend ex-aid
It's fun, they're all fun.
It's fun.
>it's fun

Why should I have to? The quality of the show defends itself.

Yes, all kamen riders are fun.
So it's shit.
Most competent writing that actively remembers its own continuity. Power scaling is surprisingly accurate to TV-Asahi's/Toei's bullshit power levels, which is a major plus, and we all wish other shows could do that. Not even Gaim managed to do that well.

This blue and red suit looks cool but this series looks like it's ready to go from zero to full retard with ugly designs and collection/combination gimmicks.
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Edge, eddge n' edgy.
> Power scaling is surprisingly accurate to TV-Asahi's/Toei's bullshit power levels, which is a major plus

No that's the worst thing about it. It forces more power ups to happen because being a lower level means you can't do shit at all. What happened to forms serving a specific role rather than flat out becoming useless
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>ugly designs
What the fuck, anon? You don't have to be THAT much of contrarian.
It's an okay show, but after how bad Ghost was it seems that much better
I enjoy flashy visuals and a plot that delivers every week
Also Dan
>it's that time of year again
Like fucking clockwork. What are you trying to prove?
maybe the "world" is meant as the protag's old life before this show's villain fucked it all up
Ghost wasn't even that bad, I could watch it just for the fights and it's kino filming. Ex-aid has neither. Dan was also the only good villain, masamune got neutered way too quick and how is gemdeus supposed to fight invincibility? Shit's dumb.
>Edgy and """"cool""" designs

It's going to be worse than Kiva, isn't it?
It really is
>riders die forever and never return like ryuki
>like ryuki
NeoGeo Fangires DX
Alright folks. It's official, he's either a fucking idiot or he's trolling.

Move along, people. Move along...

Lord you're a faggot
I'm >>15691824 and I just saw a good opportunity to make the joke. I like Egg Salad.
Any group did subs for "Kamen Rider Ryuki Special: 13 Riders"? Which ending/version is the most canon? I don't want to watch it two times in a row.
How is Build "edgy"? He's got a fucking dumb rabbit and a silly tank for an eye.
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>Ghost wasn't even that bad
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>rewatching all the W movies because of Fuuto Tantei
>mfw seeing Nasca again
And here I almost forgot..

Ultraman Geed is doing it by just making everyone aware it happened but not remembering how and everything else is pretty much the same.
Don't repress your feelings. Go fuck a dude to relieve the pressure.
It wasn't.
Just skip to the other ending after watching it once
Are you stupid
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Holy shit, you're right.

It is. You know the rules. Good suits = shit show. It's a totally irrefutable truth.
The one where shinji somehow beats this many riders readying a final vent on him
Prison Gator.
Sounds like a plan, thanks anon
nice meme
I'm not reading your own screencapped posts.
Gorilla Guillotine.

Wait, what was his name again?
>all these animals
>not a single (actual real life) lizard
Fuckin Toei
Fuck off
Guillotine Gorilla

Ghost's biggest problem was how boring it was. There was almost zero charisma among the main cast and the whole last third of the show was slow and plodding.


He has a form based on a rabbit and a vacuum cleaner
japs have short attention span, so you gotta be quirky every year

Not really.
I'll admit it had problems, but I still found myself enjoying it. Although I don't remember ever hating a season of Rider so maybe I'm just easily pleased.
>There was almost zero charisma among the main cast

You gotta be shitting me. Onari and akari.
TL;DR Ghost sucks because Takeru is Jesus and refuses to die

Everyone else (including the best character) gets sidelined to shill him

And the Ganmaizers suck
Chomping Chimp
How do I tell if a series like Kiva/Wizard/Ghost is bad? Like what sticks out? I had planned on getting around to Kiva.
Ghost wasn't only bad, it was boring.

See if the suits look good or not. If they do, the show is bad.
I'm in the same wheelhouse. I just unconditionally love Kamen Rider, really.
You watch it. Are you fucking retarded.
>talking shit about the only good sentai
I never hated a Rider until Ghost

Heck, I even found things to enjoy in Faiz, Kiva and Wizard


loud =/= charismatic


One of the biggest wet blanket lead girls in Rider history.

you kiss your mother with that mouth, anon? I'm shocked!
Nah, it sucks because the plot is shit and tries to do a lot of things and dont accomplish any.

Then again, i was really hyped for ghost when it started, it really had infinite possibilities
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If you start watching something and slowly a frown starts forming on your face, that means you don't like watching it.

I dropped Wizard a little over halfway through. I toughed out Ghost to the end. I feel like those situations should have been reversed.
Oh you'll find out on your own, especially with Kiva. I remember an anon last year posting updates on him watching Kiva for the first time.
>First day, he says he doesn't see what the problem is so far
>Two days later: You guys were right
Emu, one of the blandest most "I'm just fucking here" MCs in rider history. He somehow manages to have even less relevance to the whole plot than hiiro or taiga even though he was patient zero.
Anon. If you actually enjoy one series or another, that doesn't make you wrong. Don't let the opinion of the masses cloud your own judgment. Just watch them and decide for yourself.
>masamune is a bad villain because he "got neutered way too quick"
>they introduced a form that could rape Dangerous Zombie literally the episode after Dangerous Zombie
>Dan was the only good villain
>A protagonist who actually emotionally develops over time while trying his best to adhere towards his morals but still ends up becoming slowly more and more bitter while also being a scheming fuck
Go away Heat.
Watch and see if it bores you or not
If they bore you, they are bad.

Why did you save my shit sketch?
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So was I

Like holy shit, the bike looked dope as fuck

Wizard and Den-O are the only ones I "don't like," and even those I still enjoyed enough to watch the whole show.

I think Kiva is given too harsh of a reputation. It's not particularly good, but it's not TERRIBLE. Trying to do two timelines at once was very ambitious, even if it didn't work half the time. I honestly don't mind the romance angle they took with the season, either -- when Otoya and Maya make a violin together, slowly guiding their hands and chiseling the wood together, you can just hear Inoue shouting "THIS MEANS THEY FUCKED" and I find that hilarious.
I kind of want a cocky asshole Rider. It's been a while since we've had one of those. Most of the leads post Decade have been boring white bread nice guys with almost no depth whatsoever.

The bike he used a total of, what, two times before the show fell into the same "run to the scene" hole as most Riders do nowadays?
Spectre's bike was even better.
>vacuum cleaner

Confirmed to suck.
Rabbits are well known as murderous animals.
I'm still salty we never got that as a Tire Fusion for Mashin Chaser.
I was hoping we'd get more Tensai Gamer M bits like in the Gekitotsu Robots or DKHZ episodes where he's not only a smarmy shit he's super feisty. Emu's great when he's dosed up a bit on the Parad juice.
No I kiss yours ;)

He used it way more than twice. Ex-aid has the least amount of bike usage now and I think he literally only used it twice in show
To be fair, that's not really Ghost's fault.
He used it four times total, though he's semi-justified since it's awkward to ride around on your own friend's corpse and Kiriya doesn't turn into a bike anymore.
Dicks off for Harambe!
Ghost actually used his bike fairly sporadically up until the last 15 episodes or so.
The problem with Kiva and Ghost is that both protagonists are bad, if they have at least a Momotaros to help them someway, a monster that fuses with the protagonist really saved Den-O and made it one of my favorite shows.

Kiva at least had IXA and Wizard wasn't bad, just boring and shit costume designs, minus Kamen Rider Beast.
>tennis ball eyes

Kind of hard to do that when all your leads are boy group twinks with zero acting skills.
>four times

When were the other two times because I only remember the first time he teams up with kiriya and the one time he used it and ran into Genm on that pier area.

Episode 1: Eyes Open! It's Me!
Episode 2: Blitz! Inventor King!
Episode 5: Shock! Mystery Kamen Rider!
Episode 7: Fast Shooting! Legendary Gunman!
Episode 8: Activate! Another Monolith!
Episode 11: Magnificent! Mysterious Eyes!
Episode 12: Heroic! A Man's Resolve!
Episode 23: Intimate! The Giant Eyecon!
Episode 30: Forever! Cries of the Heart!
Episode 49: Infinity! Power of Humanity!

Then there were the movies and that one or two episodes where he borrowed Specter's bike.
>Build Driver has a circle to confirm that a full cycle has been complete
>Build uses two toys to transform like W
He rode on Lazer for about three seconds in the Chambara debut episode.

I don't remember a fourth with Lazer/the Bike Gama, but he did use the Sports Gama once.
I liked it I guess.
We do get a bunch of cocky asshole extra riders nowadays, but yeah
I really want a cool guy again as the lead. Too bad all the cool guys these days end up in Sentai instead.
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>vacuum cleaner
>Confirmed to suck
He also used it in the movie and he uses it for the GiriGiri Chanbara episode.
If you're counting stuff outside the series the biggest one to count would be the one in the HBV.
>that scene toward the end of Ghost where they filmed at night for a few seconds just to make it daytime again
I had Super Megaforce flashbacks
>no depth whatsoever

Instead of trying to make it about "depth". Just be honest and say that you want a character to self-insert as.

Kabuto was the most cocky and also the MC with the least depth in the history of the franchise.
>the first episode cock teased a night battle

So three times in-show. Yup definitely a new low.
I'll admit I don't remember enough to argue it on the details, but this doesn't really look right. It's even incomplete, since the one Ghostriker scene that stands out in my mind was the one during Necrom's debut, and that was like episode 15.
Kids barely buy the bike toys anyway. Heck, they stopped making action figures for sentai. Japanese kids only care about collectable gimmicks.
Where the fuck do I see the other ending in the ryuki special.
Alright, then it's MORE times than that list provides. I'm only saying that he used his bike more often than people remember.
Figuarts are for collectors, you idiot. They still make sofubis and kids buy them just fine.
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Figuarts aren't part of the main line, heck they come out months to years after the show airs. Kids don't even have lots of yen to buy expensive ass figuarts on top of the regular belts and collectables.
Remember: CLOSE, not CLAWS
Remember: Bandai doesn't give a fuck and will probably end up romanizing it as Clothes or some shit
Remember: GORD, not GOLD
>Not Costanza
Is there a pixiv tag for fan-riders and OCs? Or anything inspired by Kamen Rider?
not mukkorose
every series tag will have OC riders of that year's gimmick
Lazer's still one of the more pricey LVUR figures, and both of the gamer parts that he uses are expensive too. It's all about execution when it comes to the bikes/vehicles, and they can pull it off well if the show bothers to reflect the gimmick toys properly.
Also 「pixiv」の世界の仮面ライダー
Futari de hitori no Kamen Rider
Futari de hitori, futari de victory
Futatsu no full bottle

It was under out noses the whole time
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I like how they used the same looking gashat for laser turbo as reimbursement.
>Hey kids, sorry for killing off Kiriya for the entire show, but now you can transform into Laser Turbo without having to buy another toy!
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>hey, what if we just did Double
>but again?
>no paradx


>no Metalder

Pic Related
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>they do Accel again
Anyone collecting the LVUR? I got a bunch of Gamers in the mail today.
>What happened to forms serving a specific role rather than flat out becoming useless

Too many games, too many to track.

That being said, we already had Hiiro making use of a Level 5 power up pretty effectively.
Could go either way, depends on Toei and Bandai's final word. クローズ can be translated as either word.
I want a manly MC again
>A detective and a boy with ultimate knowledge fuse by using usb stick to become a kamen rider and stop a rich and evil family become even richer and more evil
>the world got destroyed but was then rebuild, now peoples souls got trapped in bottles. scientist uses bottles to become a kamen rider.
Its literally the same thing, stop being lazy toei
Wizard was the last time the MC wasn't an everyman-type guy. Maybe because Wizard sort of failed that they dropped it.
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>souls trapped in bottles
>another supernatural theme alongside hibiki, wizard, and ghost
It's gonna be shit isn't it?
With the current format, we'd always get a power up very early that would make the first set of form changes useless. The only thing Ex-Aid's format changes is that in that first 13 or so episodes we didn't get the usual form changing for specific abilities.

Although, really there was usually a form favored over the others anyway, like how in Drive Type Speed barely used its super speed, so Type Wild was pretty much used as an upgrade until Drive actually got real upgrades.
That summary isn't confirmed, and is likely fake since it doesn't have the information we got from confirmed leak (the main rider being a genius scientist) which should be there, since toy listings don't have a separate character profile, only the general plot description.
Why include that Jobber?
>there isn't a little tank on his other shoulder
this drawing sucks
his suit is kakkoii
seeing the new gachimuchi made me remember this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7DGqKYubsE
Why don't people count OOO or Gaim as supernatural?
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Because SCIENCE!

...Even though at least one description has called the new protagonist a scientist.
Build is a tech Rider, faggots. So what if he might use soul energy? How is that different from Gaia memories tapping into the mystical knowledge bank of Earth itself?

It's also implied that King stuck everything back together, but there's obviously more to the story than what we've seen so far.
I wonder if Claws and Build both having a Dragon form means that they're sharing a Full Bottle between them.

Sort of for the same reaosn why they don't do so for W or Fourze. Both of them involve a supernatural source of power that gets used to power systematic technology.

I'd count OOO as a supernatural Rider since it's medieval alchemy, but Build is completely tech even though he uses cell medals as a power source.>>15692072
>Gaim's the only one with a traditional Rider "mouth"

Maybe just a half bottle.
Realistically though, I thought the Dragon guy was getting a different Dragon bottle from Build's?
>Bottles for eastern and western dragons
Double also have it, the W pattern across his entire body was an idea the designer had to stretch that "mouth" pattern to the full suit because it also accented the W motif.
Kamen Rider Close apparently has just a "Close" form and a "Close Dragon" form. Meanwhile, Build's Dragon form is called "Key+Dragon" which is apparently silver and blue.
I think we can all agree that Sofubis only work for non-humanoid designs
Kinda weird. A key would open that which is close.
OOO is alchemy which is basically fantasy science
Gaim is alien stuff
How did they explain Phillip being gone in modern crossovers again?
Too busy taking care of Terui and akikos kid

Last I saw he was busy looking something up in the library, and Shotaro had to go solo as Joker.
They stopped having them.
His replacement VA for Battride War 2 was just atrocious, literally ruined playing FangJoker.
Yes, WE can, but that doesn't change a damn thing.
Sometimes things must be destroyed before they can be rebuilt.
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He's pretty important unfortunately.
Hail Banana

(0w0 )
There have been only two crossovers with Shotaro but no Philip, and one of them was just the comedic net movie shorts. For Kamen Rider Taisen... they just didn't explain it. Shotaro transforms into Joker for the first part of the movie, but never comments on Philip not being there. When they get to the final battle he turns into W anyway.
he'll become Kamen Rider Tsuyosa
>Build's op is called Rebuilt
(0H0 ) saikyou da!
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It's perfect anon.

It's everything I could have wanted and more.
I tried to do a Build emoticon.
Kamen Rider Emoji, when?
Ex-Aid, kinda.
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>Their eyes never emote
I hope NinComic has Emotive eyes like deadpool/spidey
I'm kinda surprised we never got lvl 1 blinking or something at least once for comedic effect.
Is this one of sexiest looking suits in recent memory? Holy crap it actually has that old matte look to it rather than that shitty plastic looking stuff they used in Drive Ghost and somewhat in Ex-Aid.
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>The rest of the scans aren't out yet
I'm trying to get my boy into Kamen Rider; I need the rain fight clip from Kabuto. Or alternatively, Haruka wrecking shit.
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One of the best fight scenes.
So Tank is there for armor, but then what is Diamond? Wouldn't it just be a direct upgrade of that?
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Just show him this https://youtu.be/B1lJnQOK24Q
Is Gemdeus even gonna show up in the show or are they reserving him for True Ending
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Savage Haruka was the fucking best.
Yah, Chronos is about to died or be "saved".
There's a color swap of Gemdeus in some game, so people assume that color variation is what's going to show up in the tv series.
Your wife's son?
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I would say something about slicing, but Gorilla gives you a massive fist, and their match weapon is a drill.
NepAnon please come back for build.
Show him Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.
Hercules Beetle + 1950's Chevy Pickup Custom
Water+Flavored Powder
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You need something that's living
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Diamond Rabbit
Can't kill something that's incredibly fast made out of the hardest metal known to mankind.

Doctor/Medicine. I have this thing about heroes being able to heal the people, so this may as well be my go to form for everything, not just my base.

This would totally give you a syringe or scalpel based weapon.
Water is a living force, anonymous individual
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Episode 42 is literally called God Descents

Gemdeus in the True Ending trailer yells I AM GOD
you do know that deus is latin for god, right?
I really hope the rumor of him hamming it up as much as possible was true.
The "I AM GOD" sounds like something Kuroto would say
What were the supposed weapon leaks again from the older threads?
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A drill thing for Gorillamond, and a guitar for something.
Isn't that Ultraman stuff on the left?
Drill Crusher (swordgun)
Hawk Gatlinger
4-koma Ninpou Katana
Transteam Gun
Steam Blade
Beat Closer (souken)
Kaizoku Hassha...Hasher? Husher? Some kind of bow, apparently.

That's a sword for Geed.
Explain to me build's theme /krg/

Oooh, I see it now.
>and a guitar for something.
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Everything. It's motif is fucking everything.

>Transteam gun
>Steam Blade
What, does each side have its own weapon piece, and they combine when mixed? Because that would be fucking awesome.
Things that are mechanical + things that are natural.

>Pirates and Ninjas
did they give any explanation for how the same gashat had a different form?
Living thing + Non-living thing
because axe users are uncommon
Yeah, it's not the same gashat. It's level 0. It's really stupid and Lazer should never have come back.
is this justice?
Cranejoe has updated his listing of the Q1 toys. http://cranejoe.blog.jp/archives/71182678.html Notable things:

-There's gonna be three campaigns. The first (September) is a Build Gashat if you buy the Build Driver, the second (October) is a poster, the third (November) is the Lock Full Bottle
--Full Bottle Holder holds 3 Full Bottles. Comes with Cleaner Full Bottle.
-DX Drill Crusher comes with the Hedgehog Full Bottle
-BCRS stands for Bottle Change Rider Series. Halfs can mix-and-match
-BCR Rabbit tank comes with Sword Mode Drill Crusher
-BCR Gorillamond comes with Gun Mode DRill Crusher
-The Transteam Gun is indeed Nightrogue and Bloodstalk's transformation item. Can combine with Steam Blade to form Rifle Mode. Comes with Bat Full Bottle for Nightrogue
-Steam Blade comes with Cobra Full Bottle for Bloodstalk
-Close/Claws (using close for simplicity) transforms with the Build Driver. He uses the Close Dragon and the Dragon Full Bottle to transform.
-Pandora Panel can store 10 Full Bottles. Comes with the Fire (Truck) Full Bottle
-The Build Phone is a smartphone that transforms into a bike. Comes with the Lion Full Bottle
-Rabbit Tank Sparkling is a soda can. You pull the tab to use it.
Extremely Mechanical

and have you ever seen an unnatural pirate or ninja?

Bloodstalk is a kaiju rider too? Fuck yeah.
where were you when candroids became a transformation item


That's a spicy opinion there, anon.
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Pandora Panel is a really fancy name for a Soda Crate.
i bet a certain warren statesman had a hand in naming Build's power ups and gear.
Please someone tell me that gothic cutie from Fourze did porn.
That gothic cutie from fourze did porn.
nope all the KR people that have appeared in porn so far have been dudes
It does, but it doesn't stick out garishly. It sticks with its given color which makes it blend. Could have given it garish colors to make it blatantly obvious he is using a vacuum cleaner.
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I could see Ryoma working with Foundation X to come up with some more insane bullshit.
Any more details on that DX Pirate Train thing?
What if Pandora's Box is part of the themeing? It would explain some of the random bullshit.
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>Transteam gun is a driver and weapon
More Bugle Drivers? I'm down with that..
It's a bow-type weapon, apparently. If I'm reading this correctly, you draw back a train to charge it.
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Watching GhostxExAid and laughting my ass off with this. If codding was so easy the world would be a better place with no bugs.
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>-The Build Phone is a smartphone that transforms into a bike. Comes with the Lion Full Bottle
Excuse me, you fucking what mate?
That's a tiger anon.
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And it combines with a Lion. Regardless, how the fuck does does a smart phone turn into a bike.
maybe he puts the bottle into the phone and it grows huge into a lion size phone, then he has to manually change it to his bike.
Hold the fuck on.

Foundation X didn't have anything to do with Wizard > Ghost. BUT! Kuroto collected a shit ton of data on all of them in Heisei Generations and then Foundation X consulted with GENM.
What's the odds of the belt having a line that says "Build up!"?
Wow, wouldn't have expected that for a Pirate, or a train. Guess that brings us up to five roleplay weapons.
>-The Transteam Gun is indeed Nightrogue and Bloodstalk's transformation item.

Aw. I was kind of hoping we'd wind up with a sword driver this time. Well, this could still be cool too.

Well it does combine with something called the Steam Blade.
>"Create some ground for the player to walk on"
>It's a Bejeweled clone
What sort of wacko game is this?
Perfect Knockout.
Err, a Perfect Knockout competitor, I should say.
they were just re-using the code they showed for juju burger, and thats probably just a snippet of the real code they used for MAX
I honestly believe he went out of character just for that scene alone. I saw genuine anger in him.
>Player is the person playing the bejeweled clone
>Dude is coding the entire of exaids reality before coding the game
>Thats why he was so important to the story.
>and thats probably just a snippet of the real code they used for MAX
Are 3DS games coded in HTML5?
Some extra potentially interesting notes I left out because I was in a bit of a hurry:

-The Build Gashat campaign starts on September 2
-The Drill Crusher and Beat Closer are the only weapons that can interact with Full Bottles. They're also the only ones with LEDs.
-The Drill Crusher says "Ready Go!" and the finisher is "Borutekku Break" Borutekku because fuck if I know what ボルテック is. It's close-ish to Vortex, but that's not it. Boltech? No idea
-Hawk Gattlinger calls out "One Hundred!" "Full Bullet!"
-4-koma Katana calls out a bunch of ninja techniques. Kakuremi no jutsu, bunshin no jutsu, etc, some real kakuranger shit.
-Poster campaign starts in early October. Apparently to get it you have to say a password...guessing that's gonna be purely a brick-and-mortar thing. Pretty weird.
-Transteam Gun calls out "Mistmatch," presumably for the transformations, which is fucking dope. Also has a "Fire!" call, I'm guessing for weapon mode.
-Turing the valve of the Steam Blade gets you three different types of finishers "Elek Steam!" "Ice Steam!" "Devil Steam!"
-Lock Full Bottle campaign starts in mid-November. This one you do need to buy something to get, but here it just says "qualifying items," it doesn't specify what
-Beat Closer has a bunch of listed sounds. "Hit Parade!" "Special Chain!" "Smash Hit!" "Mega Hit!" "Million Hit!"
-Says here that the Pandora Panel is "drawn as a key item in the show"
So, how do you guys think Build will transform? It looks like mixing it up.
>Are 3DS games coded in HTML5?
Given MAX was probably made from Bandai's basement full of starving interns, I'm willing to believe they've used HTML to make that mess.
>Pandora Panel can store 10 Full Bottles.
>Pandora Panel is "drawn as a key item in the show"
Sounds like we're gonna get an OOO's situation where bottles change ownership constantly.
Or it just unlocks a Grateful form.
>The Grateful equiv is a giant water bottle that Build carries on his back.

I'm expecting a double helix to form around him, since the design is diagonal.
Way too many weapons, but cool.
What's the Build Gashat campaign consist of?
I'm going off the gasha figures we've seen so far.
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>Turing the valve of the Steam Blade gets you three different types of finishers "Elek Steam!" "Ice Steam!" "Devil Steam!"

Engine Blade Returns
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>Nightrogue and Bloodstalk are villains
>They look like riders
>They look as good as Build, if not better
>they use a Bugvisor-type weapon to transform
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>Build is essentially Wv2
>Now this
>What's the Build Gashat campaign consist of?
You need to buy the Build Driver
Aw man not again.
>They look as good as Build, if not better
We haven't seen Bloodstalk yet but if Nightrogue is any sign I sure fucking hope so
post yfw renn kiriyama is revealed as the main actor
Nah. He'll be Build's mentor.
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>-The Transteam Gun is indeed Nightrogue and Bloodstalk's transformation item. Can combine with Steam Blade to form Rifle Mode. Comes with Bat Full Bottle for Nightrogue
I'm not sure letting Build and a bunny near Sheer Heart Attack would be a good idea
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Looking good brother
Double looks like a cheap rip-off of Build.
Perhaps it'll be like the W driver in that only certain bottles go in certain slots., like the gold and silver Gaia Memories.
>all this shit you have to buy just to get one thing
Hope it's a good watch, at least. I aint dealing with another Fourze.
>a drill thing
>inb4 it's like the weapon the dude in this has
Realistically, I just hope they throw him into Movie Wars, although they could also make the W tie in for the Detective+USB combo just using Foundation X, and no actual returning characters.
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>-4-koma Katana calls out a bunch of ninja techniques. Kakuremi no jutsu, bunshin no jutsu, etc, some real kakuranger shit.
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>The W Bottle is releasing first, alongside Ex-Aid's
>It's a set of 2 Bottles
>Cyclone Bottle and Joker Bottle
>Cyclone/Joker in Build's style

holy fuck
they fucked em right? philip's into girls
what they really are DOCTOR GAME and DETECTIVE USB, I thought that was a joke

How would they do PROTAGONIST and COLLECTABLE bottles for hesei phase 1 riders.
They don't.
thats not HTML5, thats javascript
It specifically says right there "This is only necessary because this is an HTML5 game".
I think they're just two themes related to the series. Series with collectibles just make that easier.
Stag Beetle + Suffering
Dragon + Even More Suffering
Knight + Mirror
Wolf + Phone
Hercules Beetle + Sword
Demon + Drum
Kabuto Beetle + Clock
Imagin + Train
Bat + Castle
Kamen Rider + Camera
Javascript often runs inside HTML, but you dont program in HTML. HTML is a markup language, not a programming language.
So, is Ex-Aid's own Legend Gashat going to be part of the Movie War set?
it's a pin based belt so you can get all the gimmicks from gashapons
You don't understand what it means to be autistic about collecting, do you?
I own the Sunglasslasher, anon.
I have the Tridoron that you needed for Midnight Shadow.

Kuuga could be something like
"Cool Guy + Darkness"

Agito "Evolution + Light"

Ryuki "Dragon + Mirror"

Faiz "Phone + Blaster"

Blade "Sword + Electricity"

Hibiki "Oni + Drum"

Kabuto "Ruler + Time"

Den-O "Train + Momotaro"

Kiva "Vampire + King"

Decade "Barcode + Camera"

Rider 1 "Grasshopper + Bike"
No Fear + No Pain
Journalist + Mirror
Blade + Brave
At least they didn't use HackerTyper like in Ghost
>Build hasn't aired yet but we already have that "Ex-Aid isn't really good it's just Ghost was shitty" narrative like how "Zyuohger isn't really good it's just Ninninger was shitty" came to be
Stop trying to force the meme.
Phillip would of fuck em out of curiosity.
note that experience watching the show as it airs is different from binge-watching

what meme, I was just running through the posts earlier
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Smiles + Casualties
Puzzle piece + kara miso
Zyuohger isn't really good tho
A couple people voicing their opinion (or possibly contrarian shitposting) multiple times is not a narrative.
the porno was better
those assholes called me a shitposter a year ago when I said that
and you're still are

but you can now voice it and be praised since it's now a trend!
Interesting that both Build and Close use the same driver meanwhile Nightrogue and Bloodstalk being the show's kaiju rider uses a different transformation device that is suitable only to whatever kind of kaiju they are like the Bugvisor. Does this mean we get at least 1 or 2 more riders?
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>when you're so bad at bait you have to make up an invisible boogeyman
It's not that Zyuohger was bad, it's that it wasn't anything special and squandered a lot of potential. Ninnin did make it look better though.
and that doesn't make it automatically "terrible"

you'd be surprised how sometimes "nothing special" ends up being enjoyable because you didn't have to go look for something
do we have the post-decade bottles?

w - detective/usb
ooo - ???
fourze - astronaut/switch
wizard - dragon/ring
gaim - orange/katana
drive - car/tire?
ghost - ghost/body
ex-aid - doctor/game
It's not that Ex-Aid isn't good, it's just that it's really just kind of piss-poor at the end.
Kaiju is a huge monster only used in Ultraman & Godzilla
Kaijin is the right term for Kamen Rider
Just DetectiveUSB and DoctorGame.

DetectiveUSB is showing up earlier than the others.
It'd probably be Ghost/Eye
>ooo - ???
medal + animal?
Orange + Samurai and Cop + Car seem a lot more likely to me.
Looks like Build is like organism + nonorganism
>oh shit the guy who died in the first episode was a general and now the monsters are jockeying to be the next general, which one's gonna do some crazy shit to be the new one?
>o-oh nothing comes out of it since they all sucked ass and got killed and bungalay comes out of nowhere to be the new general
>fuck the elephant is an edgelord who doesn't trust the human this should be a good plotline
>o-oh he falls in line after 2 episodes
>evil 6th hell yeah
>o-oh Yamato makes him good after 3 episodes
>a-and it turns out Genis could control him because they both feel like outcast freaks
>would've been nice if he stayed with Genis for a while after getting unbrainwashed because of that
>or if it came up way earlier than the last fucking episode
>what the hell are the Gokaigers doing here?
>o-oh they're here to give Red a power up
>they want to find the 6th cube so they can fix the link cube and go home
>jk they want to stay on earth fur no raisin after Kusaka fights them off and they run off to help Yamato when they could grab the cube it's RIGHT THERE
>Kusaka says 'fuck zyuland' I wonder what his problem is with them
>we don't find out until 3 episodes to the end or some shit
all of that AND it's formulaic as shit until Bugalay, THEN it goes back to being formulaic as shit and I stop watching
Can I get that art of all the Bugsters in Poppy's Room and she's in a ball on the ground.

And animals is already a theme of Build and Eiji doesn't really have an occupation besides homelessness. "Wanderer" maybe?
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nice blog
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but we're not yet at the end

also people like to jump at conclusions because of True Ending
>Build is our generic straightforward do-gooder Rider who is on the heroic side from start to finish like literally every Rider other than Decade
>Close starts off as an asshole and turns good, this is equally as obvious
>Nightrogue becomes a good guy and becomes a Rider
>Bloodstalk becomes a butthurt fuck and gets a monster upgrade but still uses his own transformation device but still turns "Good" at the end
Screencap this, you know I'm gonna be right
>he complains about shit resolving within 3 episodes

I'd rather have that shit than plots that pointlessly dangle for long times, i.e. Bunglay
The fuck are you talking about?
Then it's dull at q4.
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I think you guys may be overthinking it here. There's an obvious answer.

This show will have standard monster of two weeks, and the rider after this one will be a black clad rider with a more major cloth part of the suit and will be shit.
many thanks.
You misread his post. It didn't get resolved in 3 episodes, it didn't get resolved until 3 episodes before the ending. Given the "Fuck Zyuland" remark happened in the early 20s at latest, it's pretty reasonable to have a problem with it.
but q4 isn't yet over, so reformat your sentence
That's two objects though.
and that's fine
>and that's fine

>I'd rather have that shit than plots that pointlessly dangle for long times

Make up your mind
you're confusing two different things

bird kusaka being angry at zyuland and getting it resolved late in the show is fine because a) it's not in your face all the time and b) the timing is actually fitting, since at that point he realizes the importance of connection

this isn't like say, evil sixth ranger or someone acting like a traitor going for long because shit like that is annoying when it drags on, especially since it's an in-your-face plot
thank you ^U^ it means alot coming from you
Bungalay's not even a plot he's a new general (by way of making phantoms based on past enemies) and he had that bit with Yamato's mom which was nice I guess
like he wanted cube whale but after it kicked his ass he wanted to make the Zyuoghers suffer
and it's not like I wanted edge Tusk/brainwashed theWorld to be Machin Chaser levels of drawn out I just wanted these things to have weight to them
The Medals in OOO are meant to represent animals, though.

Just give Build's obligatory Medal eye an image of an animal. Ankh's Hawk Medal would be the obvious choice.
I made an awful thing to keep track of what we know about Build. I probably missed a lot of shit.
I'll add that the more apt comparison is Bard being antagonistic towards Zyuohgers. It's resolved immediately within two episodes of his showing rather than making it dangle.

Bunglay does have weight - his true purpose is him tormenting Yamato because he doesn't believe in connections. If you actually follow up his appearance and plot, his "big game hunter" shtick is actually just a secondary trait and it only came up when he realized there's something in Earth about it. He is more about pissing Yamato, and it just happens that the Whale is also involved with it.
As it stands, I'm finding it less thrilling than before, making it harder to watch weekly.
It's as if if major plot is being juggled around and shifted aside for "drama" and death flags. Nothing is happening anymore. There are no more revelations, mysteries, or satisfying arcs. It's just skirmish after skirmish, and I guess that's all we get from here on.
>nothing is happening anymore
>except for the things that are happening

>Nothing is happening anymore.
Your whole post is a whole lot of nothing happening, if you ask me. There's zero substance to this critique since you don't address any specifics. You could literally just write this exact same post when watching any other Kamen Rider series, or any other weekly series really.
>kaizoku husky
>weapon for either pirate or train
>kaizoku literally means pirate
>Nothing happens anymore
>Hiiro let his girlfriend die because he couldn't let a patient die
>Hiiro calls Taiga by his fucking name and treats him with respect

But nothing happens anymore
what if you were to rate each show based solely on their toys?

ex-aids gashats and LVUR toys have been really cool, and their figuarts releases have been excellent.
They literally just finished the Hiiro betrayal arc, gave him and Taiga some character development, and provided resolution on BOTH of their backstories and primary motivations in one fell swoop. And now they're (at least temporarily) getting rid of Para-DX and crippling Emu, as well as making progress towards finishing the Kamen Rider Chronicle plot. "Nothing is happening anymore," my ass.
sucks though, I was expecting a husky pirate
Actually クローズ is Crows, Kamen Ride Crows
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Ha, you fell for it, i was baiting, thanks for the (you)'s!
>character development and resolution to a subplot that has been there since Q1 that is the very reason that Taiga and Hiiro not only were at each other's throats for but also the reason why they were fighting the Bugster Virus in the first place
>Nothing is happening anymore lol
>has elements of dragons and early 00's hot wheels
>named after a crow
Candy Toys were top notch too, and Ex-Aid also got that great gasphapon figure line started.

It's been a really strong year for toys.
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Watching the ghost and ex aid movie. Can someone tell me the name of this insert?
>i was just pretending to be retarted
i gotta hand it to you anon you that was a really good act
did you train to act like a retard or is that talent that you were born with
Thank you anon!!!
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Personally, I was hoping for a robotic pirate husky. Look, he's even split in half just like the Build guy.
Oh, I'm an episode behind.
It can be Claws or Crows. Close is just stupid google translated, so it's wrong to called him Close.
The fuck did you guys even get husky from, though? It's Hassher. Kaizoku Hassher. Some sorta pun on "hasshin," which means departure.
>not Claus

he's santa rider
Are you saying he can't be Close from Go Princess Precure?
I tried putting my doggo with clothes one time

he got angry at me, or at least a look of disappointment and scorn
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Please, make Build in a school setting, I want to see daily sexy schoolgirls and bullying in my Kamen Rider again.
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Kamen Rider W Season Tsu
What do you mean first? As in before everything else? Or first among legend rider stuff?
>10 years ago, 'Second Build' destroyed the world and finally, a new one has been created.
>gimmick is combining organic and inorganic things
>the second rider's name is (possibly) claws
mother 3 anyone?
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I got some new bottles for build
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Build Key Dragon
...Oh! Now I see. The mouthplate on Close is on top of his face. For some reason I thought it was indented into it. Now I see how he works with the gimmick.

Looks pretty cool.
I'm sure Takaiwa sometimes feels the same way with some of the shit Toei tries to put him in.

Hassha! = Depart!
Damn, would be better if it was a hash.
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pirates stole my trains.png
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You tell me how you spell ハッシャー
Great now I want hashbrowns, and I'm out of potatoes. Fuck you, anon.
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why did toei tweet this
>misread as OMAC
Now I want to see a Jack Kirby-style Kamen Rider/OMAC mash-up.
>"Hey kid, I got a folder full of energy items at home. Wanna tatakae?"
They always tweet some preview picture a day before airing.
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Makes me interested in seeing how Close works. Are their multiple Bottles? Could his name really translate to Close and mean that he "closes" powers by having a Bottle wrap around both sides? Where does this extra shit come from? Is Build actually weakening his own powers by mixing two of them instead of concretrating a single Bottle to bring its full power out?

For a supposedly same-Driver Secondary, I have a WHOLE lot of questions. The most perplexing same-Driver Secondary to date.
So KUROOZU is basically double dragon then?
yfw see クローズ weapon is a claw sword
>Lock Full Bottle gives you the Key Form
What could it mean?
It's an instrument knife, like DragonRanger's knife flute or Hibiki Armed's mic knife.
>Clothes Sword
It just occurred to me that I'd love to see what would've happened if Fang crossed with Trigger and Metal.
That can bring upon the possibility of Closeclawman using one of Builds bottle and make it into his own form, like a full tank form adding treads and maybe a cannon arm
That poor plague doctor butterfly Amazon never stood a chance.
Cranejoe says he got 2 dragon bottles
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>messing with some wifi settings on my computer
>notice the connection has a picture of a bench next to the name of my network
>suddenly get depressed
Gee Close how come you get two bottles?
What the fuck is Hibiki even about, man? I read it dealt with music and that was admittedly a pretty slick jam they were laying down, but what the fuck?




Hw clones the dragon soul

What do you mean, you believe? That's pretty explicitly what happened. Remember he had the black eyes after he was done wrecking his shit.
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I forget, will Claus get his own belt or just use another Build Driver?
Apparently same driver as Build
He uses the Build Driver alongside some device called the Close Dragon and a Dragon Full Bottle. I'm guessing the Close Dragon takes up one of the Driver slots.
already post >>15693222
>Fang Metal combines the Fang boomerang and the Metal staff to make a scythe
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build is cute

Thinking it over, after looking at how he contrats with KeyDragon, I think his name may be Claw.

Claw is meant to be some catch-all term for animals. Thus, his gimmick is simply that he uses solely the animal side Bottles. Given how he seems to be paired with Knight Rogue and consequently Blood Stalk, who use animal Bottles, he may be an antagonistic Rider who leans on the wild side.

The season's antagonists must be some fucking tree-hugging green terrorists. Though, I hope they pull a Goseiger and have multiple groups. One side are green terrorists and the other is mechanic hivemind who thinks nature is a bunch of unnecessary bullshit.

Also, this is making me think the Surprise Rider for the season or some other Rider debuting later down the line will be somebody who uses solely the mechanical-side bottles.

Kamen Rider Build will turn out to be a show demonstrating how nature and technology are both essential parts in building Earth society. Build himself is fighting for the sake of maintaining balance. Build's final form is Android/Human
Build finishers are called Boltech Break
>some device
It's both full bottles
Embarrassment, as the spandex does not do a good job at package concealment.
I hope he doesn't split himself into a mess of limbs when doing it
>Close/Claws used Dragon Full Bottle
>Nightrogue/Bloodstalk use Bat Full Bottle
Ok, I'm gonna need you to elaborate because I may be an idiot and I do not understand what you're saying. That he just uses two Dragon Full Bottles? That can't be right. Doesn't really match the cranejoe listing at all.
that when using Drill Crusher
Which henshin pose do you think Build will do?
kouta level flailing pls
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Whatever it is, it's not going to be a cool one. At least not with that crank on his belt
Whats the kaijin name in Build?Bottlers?
>>15693263 want to quote him >>15693258
>their goal is to make everyone fat
Has this been the most drawn out new rider leak? Not that I mind. It's been pretty fun waiting. I just feel like they normally move faster.
Ghost one was even longer, we didn't even have an accurate sketch for Ghost
Didn't they show off Specter before Ghost?
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These bad boys should be his cast of friends
Nope. We got the "How to transform" picture of Ghost, then we got those super zoomed in pictures of Edison and Ore Damashii, then some proper pictures, THEN the Q1 catalog plus a silhouette for Specter with an unused version of his Eyecon. Some time before we got the silhouette of Specter people were spreading around a completely fake one that looked like a pterodactyl monster.
Fangire Papa? Gimme that papi dick.
I'm outta the loop, what's the theme behind Build? Fucking bottles and...?
Bottles are not for sexual.
Something something human soul in bottle
Do we have confirmation on that synopsis? Because I really hope we do.
Absolutely nothing to indicate it isn't bullshit.
Such a shame.
That was almost certainly some guy trolling people who don't know Japanese, since none of the catalog scans we have so far have any form of plot description on them. Just like that one about the Bugsters calling Emu daddy from last year.
If we get a handsome twunk (that's for a rougher twink) like Shotaro in W, then I'm all good. He's so damn handsome. Hopefully Build actor is an okay guy.
I really would like a twunk but as long as he isn't ugly like Ghost was I'll be happy.
I hope we get one that's at least as good as Shinnosuke was, but I doubt it. It seems like lead actors for Rider keep getting worse. At least Emu actually improved as the show went on unlike Takeru though.
Come on. You can shit on the quality of Ghost all you want, but saying that Shun Nishime ain't attractive is just a lie.
He needed a better hairstyle. It made him look like a bulbhead.
Not him, but he's too twinky for my tastes. Even twinkier than Wataru
Yeah, but not "ugly."
I didn't like his face. And I don't hate Ghost as much as everyone else here either. It had it's moments. He just wasn't for me.
Like a mix of Blade and Fourze's.
>wake up
>still no more pages
At least we got KeyDragon and some extra info from cranejoe.
At least he comments his code, good practice there
So in W, Joker provides the user with increased fighting potential and reflexes + Cyclone which allows the user to move at fast speeds while harnessing the power of wind. Both complement each other nicely as a default form.

For Rabbit + Tank, I'm thinking Rabbit gives the MC the agility/nimbleness/Luck (??) of a Rabbit while Tank gives the MC stopping power/armor,defense/ of a tank giving the default form a feeling of moving fast as a rabbit but hits like a tank?

I can see somewhat similar thinking in the default form design in terms of functionality in regards to both of these Riders.
It's probably much simpler in that Rabbit=Jump and Kick, Tank=Body.
>Rabbit is fragile, but quick and agile.
>Tank is slow, but powerful and tough.
Both sides have weaknesses and strengths, which balances out into a Base form.
What is Bloodstalk supposed to be then? "Blast[er]"?
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>the main rider uses karate instead of a sword
You can't sell hand to hand combat
Swords and guns on the other hand
>Watched W some years ago after watching a bunch of other shows
>Thought it was great that a main Rider didn't have a sword for a weapon but instead had a staff
>The fucking final form gives him a sword and shield and the fight scenes suffer because of that

Swords need to go and be replaced by other weapons. Unless they're used solely for wushu shit, then I'm okay with them.
Kids love swords
You can sell cheaper gimmicks to the mass of poor kids and save them the trouble of buying an expensive sword though.
Fourze had no sword until cosmic and it was a cool sword
Do we count Elec States? I guess that was more of a prod though
>toy boxing gloves with blades in them or smth like Gekiranger
It's possible. Just takes imagination.
Is there even a heisei rider who didn't have at least one form with a sword
Did Faiz have a sword?
Faiz got his light saber from Autovajin handle.
Snipe and Lazer are two off the top of my head. If you mean main Rider, then I have no clue.
No, all the main ones get a sword one way or the other.
Snipe and Lazer used DKHZ's sword arm, so they don't count.
Yeah main rider, there are plenty secondaries who don't use swords or any weapon at all
I was gonna say Wizard but then I realized he wielded a sword.
If we count secondary riders, I don't recall IXA ever having a sword. Para-DX only has an axe(gun).
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nigga what, Ixa is literally a knight
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With the second rider it's more varied but Ixa had a sword.
Shit senpai I was thinking about his henshin device too hard and forgot that ever even existed.
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>I don't recall IXA ever having a sword
Those spike counts a weapons.. lelele
Omega got weapon from his belt
Diend doesn't have a sword.
There's a good chunk of secondaries without swords, but I guess the main has to have a sword for the little boys.
Birth, meteor, baron, mach and spectre don't have swords.
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Diend had the greatest sword
All the Genesis Riders don't either, but they're not really secondaries, more like quinaries(?)
No, S.I.C. doesn't count. Having a blade on the bow doesn't count either.
Overlord Baron had a sword, although I guess that doesn't completely count since he wasn't a Rider. Deep Specter had a sword.
Wait.. Nightrouge proper spelled is Nitrouge.. shit
Looks like you forgot about the Deepslasher. I don't blame you though, it's kind of even more horrid than the Sunglasseslasher.
Ohhh because he's got all the pipes on him, it's like nitro in cars or something?

That's still some Power Rangers villain naming there lmao
Got a source on that?
sounds like comic book name imo
Yeah I did. Fuck that thing
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*stabs you*
Did Alain really fucking die. Where was takeru. I'm not watching this shit
....sort of.....
Baron Ringo Arms also had a sword.
He got 'critically injured' and then sent to a 'healing place' for the rest of the movie
I think he's all alright.
considering how Baron wields his weapons you might as well call them swords
>Rider after the pink Rider uses two gimmicks to transform
Number theory confirmed
>stop watching and visiting /krg/ after Gaim
>finally have a weekend off and decide to get drunk and shitpost
>the first thing I see is Build and all my W memories are flooding back

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>I Wanted to Shitpost.
Does this really happen? Are there people who decide visit a thread they haven't bothered with in 4 years only to make a few lame jokes?
This is 4chan, so yes.
I've had the thought myself, even.
Nah they'll befriend Masamune like they've done every other threat this season. Emu is just Gentaro 2.0
He did say he preferred to be doctor first, rider second. He'll probably just try to get Masamune imprisoned again, if Masamune doesn't do something to get himself killed.
They'll find out Masamune was corrupted by something in the past and that's why his son even grew up the way he was. Then they'll hug it out.
Emu's only just tolerating Kuroto hanging out in their lounge right now, what kind of sick, twisted backstory would allow him to actually like Masamune enough to hug him?
The Dans will do the hugging here, anon.
This is a family drama arc.
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Ninja Comic
>All these fucking form changes
I wonder how the suits department feels about having to make all these fucking suits while knowing they will be used 3 times at most.
The comic eye is really fucking nice.
More scans starting to leak? About time.
Well paid
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That is the best fucking form so far.
they really don't give a shit who has to suffer as long as it looks cool.
Takaiwa hated acting in the Kiva suit since it was so heavy it gave him back pains
The suits also seem to have enough variation that I don't think there's some generic undersuit like there was for Gaim, Ghost, and Ex-Aid.
Bloodstalk, when?
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His comic side better have powers like pic related
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If only the suits were as modular as the toys.
Epic Jojo reference my dude
This series is really making me consider getting some shfs.
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If that was possible they would have done it a long time ago.
Did MCS stop scrubbing Kabuto?
Ooh, the antennae for Comic is a fountain pen. Nice touch.
Shit, I didn't even notice that. Good eye.
I love little details like that

Let me guess, Dragon needs to be mixed with Lock, because otherwise Build would go berserk.
>Tank gives the user the ability to make their punches/kicks explode like a tank cannon bullet, or enables shooting energy tank bullets from hands Meteor-style.
>Build default form's main weapon is a pair of gun-tonfa cross which can shoot powerful bullets in gun form, or can even propell the user to move quickly around (like tonfas in MH Fronter)
I'd kill for this. It'll be too much of a waste if Tank only gives powerful armor and nothing else. We already have Diamond for that kind of shit.
And the shoulder is a opening manga when looked at diagonally.
Maybe Build gets the Key Full Bottle early on, but doesn't use it because it nerfs him and he thinks it's useless, and it only comes into play once Dragon makes him go berserk with power and he realizes its true utility.
Please respond

Hopefully. I love shit like that.
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So what the hell is Cleaner and Hedgehog supposed to be a "Best Match" with?
Hedgehog matches with Fire
Cleaner has a match too but I forgot what it is.
I think it was Lion Cleaner?
Cleaner with Lion
Hedgehog with Fire

According to >>15692480 it's not just Fire, but Firetruck. I really want to question the logic behind that and a lion vacuum cleaner, but we already have a rabbit tank and hawk gatling gun.
Soujiki (Cleaner) matches with Lion, included with Build's bike.
So the current lowdown of Best Matches and other forms is this:

>RabbitTank = Rabbit + Tank
>GorrilaMond = Gorrila + Diamond
>HawkGatling = Taka (Hawk) + Gatling
>NinninComic = Ninjya (Ninja) + Comic
>RocketPanda = Panda + Rocket
>LionCleaner = Lion + Soujiki (Vacuum cleaner)
>FireHedgehog = Harinezumi (Hedgehog) + Shoubousha (Fire truck)
>KeyDragon = Dragon ("Cross"'s personal) + Lock (campaign exclusive)
>KaizokuRessha = Kaizoku (Pirate) + Densha (Bullet train)
>OctopusLight = Tako (Octopus) (pending name) + Light (Flashlight) (pending name)
>RabbitTank Sparking (Upgrade/Super Form, requires can object)

Cross (pending name) (requires CrossDragon to access forms)

Villains (uses TranSteamer to transform)
>Nitrogue (uses Bat)
>BloodStalk (uses Cobra)
They all seem to be just organic thing + inorganic thing, with no further reasoning.
Please respond
Going off of best matches, he'll get a bottle per episode and reveal forms every time he gets a second bottle. Then a soda can comes into play.
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All these fucking forms, for one rider. It's like Ghost, but doubled.


This one really looks like drive, huh
(I'll send an sos to the world)
(I'll send an sos to the world)
I still think Grateful should be the final form, but what we got with Mugen at least makes a good toy.
The only things that changed on Ghosts different base forms were coats and helmets, so there's also a lot more going on with each of Build's forms.
Inb4 literally no more physical fighting can't risk breaking the compound eyes.
The whole thing looks like W + Drive. Would anyone be surprised if Sanjo was handling this series?
His head shape and eye size do remind me of drive.
I hope they do something interesting with that
The early episodes of Ex-aid are still the weakest it has to offer
Stunt suits are a thing anon
Yeah I know
This your first rider, huh?
Strap in.
>W x Drive x Build crossover
>featuring Ex-Aid from the Kamen Rider series
& Knuckles
How are we forgetting it's clearly OOO?

Because it's two parts, and only needs one animal.
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This is beautiful
My bad, you're right. That's just Drive.
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>Every Full Bottle can have its own solo form with the transteam gun
Now I'll be obsessed with how those forms would look through out the series.
How do you not get rabbit tank? or any of these for that matter? Please tell me you understand ninja+comic atleast? They're subtle as hell but all of the best matches are actually based on some things.
>They're subtle as hell but all of the best matches are actually based on some things
Please elaborate
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Ninja Comic sure, but not the others.
it's probably Jap culture shit, as always.
Why else does Digimon do anything?
Holy fuck we finally got our Digimon rider.
Please respond.
You're not wrong.

>japs going to sleep soon
>this and the key form are the only things we got today
>tfw someone has the full catalog but refuses to share it
Fucking attention whores. I wish we didn't have to go through this shit every year.
I just want to see Bloodstalk god damn it.
Are these catalog shots, though?
I assumed it was promo material. Catalog listings look much different.
They usually have a few shots of the suits in the catalog alongside the toys. And 2D shots like this >>15693132 are definitely from the catalog.
lmao, it's part of the fun of leak season, calm down
you know
every time i see this image i think of many expamples as possible that don't have any of things in the "how to make a digimon"
Do you ever list them?
In a day or so someone else will get their hands on the catalog. Once that happens, we'll get everything from the getgo.
The first few days are a teasing slow dribble, until someone more willing gets it and then we are just flooded with shit.
It's not exactly the first time rabbits and tanks have been connected in some way. Maybe they're GUP fans. Panda's with a rocket pack is something Japs find cute/funny. Not just Japs either. Isn't there Octopus that light up? These are just some off the top of my head. Oh, actually, Bird+Gatling could easily be like jets and shit with guns on them. People have referred to these as birds/hawks/etc.
I don't list them but the first ones that come to mind are all of the tentomon line
Most of the insect digimon from what i recall
Please respond.
So I'm he's called Close because he's made out of two of the same side mixing together, but are then overlaid by that orange mantle piece to close the combination in place.

Perhaps like-minded bottles repel each other, whereas completely different bottles attract. So Build uses the attractive forces and Close tries to harness repulisive forces.
So like negative/positive charges, huh. Interesting.
Hope that theory's true.
Lion+Vacuum cleaner is probably cause Toei has this weird thing where lion's roars are apparently so strong, they create strong winds (see: OOO RaToraTah). I guess it's a "Blow and Suck" form?
It's not. Close doesn't use two Dragon bottles.
Just one and something called Close Dragon.
>It's not exactly the first time rabbits and tanks have been connected in some way. Maybe they're GUP fans.
what? is there something else besides whatever GUP is?
>Panda's with a rocket pack is something Japs find cute/funny. Not just Japs either. Isn't there Octopus that light up? These are just some off the top of my head.
that's not a connection, and you're actually saying this isn't based on anything at all
>Oh, actually, Bird+Gatling could easily be like jets and shit with guns on them. People have referred to these as birds/hawks/etc.
there we go, you finally explained one
like, don't just say there's "subtle connections" and then go "oh wait it's just because Japs think it's funny"
Are there any good KR games?
Fuck you, you think this shit is fun nigga
I thought OOOs lion head created lights? Like it blended the enemy

rampant speculation, fake shopping, it's all fun

if someone posted everything on the first day it'd be a collective "oh okay, see you when the episode airs."
>don't appropriate a culture's humor for their own media
It did
If you google panda and rocket you actually get some results.
>octopus that light up
>not a connection with octopus+light
I was just wanting to throw my 2 cents into this, not even the same person.
Kamen Rider: Seigi no Keifu
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So Dragon can be used in a form, and it's clear to see how it works, but how the hell does Bat split apart into half of Build?
That was some cool shit
Nitrouge is a villain.
Close is a secondary.
Lion head, yeah. In a combo, the light becomes intense enough that it produces extreme heat, turning wherever OOO stands into a low-pressure area that produces cyclones.
It probably can't because it's currently evil.
No one thinks that's fun except for trolls who post fake rumors and shops
The bat on Nightrogue's face splits down the middle, and the batwing becomes the antenna.
The exhaustpipes becomes the shoulderpiece.
The main color is dark gold or something.
They're riders. They'll probably become good eventually. Or die.
>They're riders.
No they're not.
woops, meant for >>15694010
Nightrogue is not a Rider, he's a mashin-chaser type thing where it's almost a rider but not really.
We don't see yet how Bat Full Bottle & Cobra Full bottle looks like. Probably something like Viral Cores.
I'm getting sick of sympathetic villains being the norm, so I kind of hope he dies.
But they clearly are? Have you seen the batfucks suit? It's a rider suit.
Right, because Genm was like this?
Genm was literally called a Rider. Nightrogue does not have the Kamen Rider preface, like Shadowmoon and Mashin Chaser.
By all means, Toei and Bandai do not consider them Riders (yet).
They either die, or get a real Driver and become Riders.
>he shakes up the bottles for his henshin.
Yeah, unfortunately the gem gives it away.
Hope Bloodstalk at least doesn't turn as well.
Why are you bringing up Genm?
He was alluding the suit to Chaser for a reason.
>have a mask
>will likely have a bike
>have a henshin device
>not a masked rider
If the bottles are as fun as the Geed capsules are, I'll buy them. That's all you have to do to get more of my money, Bandai.
Evil riders have been a thing since Ryuki, if you count Shocker Riders they've been around since the very beginning
Rider-like kaijins and enemies have been a thing since Black
Why does everyone think Nightrogue and Bloodstalk will become good just because it happened in one show, Drive?
Panda and Rocket is probably space themed. Space shuttles are fat and white with black markings
I just remember people saying Genm was like Chaser too. Sounds too dumb to be true, I know. But it happened.
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But where is the Rider Machine?
So did Shadowmoon and Mashin Chaser, but they still are not considered Riders.
I'd love to call them Riders, but Toei/Bandai literally do not call them as such. They literally refuse to acknowledge them as riders. I really don't want to sound like an idiot here.
>Bike Henshin DX BuildPhone
That's very silly.
Only two riders had a bike in Ex-Aid, but we had more than one rider.
Everyone had masks.
Everyone had henshin devices.
Glad you understand, newfag
Where does Chalice fit into all this? Is he a Kaijin-like a Rider?
But Dan is still pretty evil and they're just fighting together because they have the same goals
Chalice is a Rider.
Continue here anytime soon

Isn't Chalice actually just the Mantis Undead?
>1 show
Gaim sorta. Ghost sorta. Ex-aid with Genm, and soon Parrad.
>doesn't wear a mask
>doesn't ride a bike
>doesn't have a henshin device
>is a masked rider
Explain this, atheists
Isn't ShadowMoon a Rider now? Kind of like White Wizard now being Kamen Rider Wiseman
A lot of secondary Riders, but no. Every main Rider has at least one sword.
Bandai calls him a Rider so he's a Rider. Also he had a henshin device and stuff which none of the other Undead had.
Rider-like kaijin, not kaijin-like rider
Most riders are kaijin like since they get their powers from the same source as their enemy
Like I said, for Nitrouge, it is an unfortunate given, considering his gem.
We're not talking about evil Riders becoming good ones, we're talking about Rider-like enemies such as Shadow Moon and Mashin Chaser becoming actual Riders, and so far Chaser is the only one to have done so.
Like i said, evil riders are a thing
Guess we'll add Parad to the list soon, but yeah you're right.
Shadow Moon had a gem
Yeah, but I know what generation we're in.
Pallad is a Rider. Period. He never had a rider-like form.
Come on folks, its not that hard to understand
Anecdotal evidence.
>but yeah you're right
it's made by a guy who think mons is only made up by Pokemon

it's cancer because I'm a fan of most mon stuff
>Guess we'll add Parad to the list soon
>you're still right and I'm a faggot, now you're just double right
Anon, what's the problem?
Shadow Moon is considered a rider btw
No he's not
Well, they're used to making monster of the week, which used to be one shots and only have seen heavy reuse in recent years.
Lazer doesn't have a gem. The Ganma Superior did.

Really don't think it's that important.
Inb4 7 monsters total
I always Found Kamen Rider Wiseman to be very Spoiler Heavy. "Shiroi Mahoutsukai" is How his Figuart is so "Kamen Rider White-Wizard" seems to fit better.
Unless its officially stated to be Kamen Rider Wiseman, I've never seen it.
And I've always assumed Shadow Moon is Kamen Rider Shadow, 'Casue Black Sun.
koyomi white-wizard figuart never.
So what whas the ''plot'' of Build?
We don't no
After Wizard ended he was officially renamed KR Wiseman
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I want to tenderly fug Kouta's neesan
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Same here.
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Thank you based Kuroto god.
jesus that sounds like what Builds legendary eyecon jingle would say.
He has this fucking smug annoying smile that makes me wanna punch him in the face, every time he grins its so god damn smug. Every time I see him grin on that 100 Eyecons movie poster I get filled with rage.
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