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/krg/ - Karen Rider General #1539 - Handsome Showa Squad edition

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Thread replies: 375
Thread images: 89

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>How to get into KR and where to start?
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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 34 preview:

Finally a thread that isn't about ex aid
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>Finally a thread that isn't about ex aid
It's the current season, what do you expect?
Shit thread, literally kill yourself OP.
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I say Nico would be a good fit for a party game gashat.
>He's trying to start up another shitposting-fest this early
>Finally a thread that isn't about ex aid
why do some people dislike ex-aid?
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I joking when i put that there.
I didn't know /krg/ can get triggered that easily
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They don't necessarily dislike Ex-aid, more so they just want some variety.
>why do some people dislike ex-aid?
Because People have different opinions anon
I think he means an OP that's not Ex-Aid related. I love Ex-Aid, but I have no gripes with that.
ex-aid is my favorite kamen rider series so far.

before ex-aid that spot was shared between OOO and gaim.
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Opinions I would imagine.
I was joking too. Suicide is never okay.
RIP Shishiranger
Who the fuck is Karen?
she is the elite four member of the kanto/johto league that uses dark type pokemon.
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Trash this thread and make a new one. OP fucked up.
Jin is looking good for a man that had his eyes clawed out.
It is interesting how nips commonly cover/blur faces in social media photos

I guess they care about privacy stuff more


Dude, what the fuck? We have a fine thread right here.
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Who that guy with the black hair in the Access PVs?
Contain your autism you stupid fucks
The guy on the far left looks familiar.
>/krg/ - Karen Rider General #1539
>Finally a thread that isn't about Ex Aid

Well it isn't about Kamen Rider either, aparently.
>Karen Rider
oh fuck my sides
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How the fuck do you mistype Kamen like that. The keys aren't even near each other.
I'm not Kamen Rider, I'm my own Original Character, Karen Rider
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And I'm not Emu, I'm my own original character Mu
homie has a crush on a girl called Karen, leave him alone.

Tell Karen your feelings anon.
Who's ready for more Karen Rider Kramer shenanigans?
you know like the bird
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Round 3 start

Your friend just gifted you kamen rider chronicle and one random gashat!

How do you do?

0 Proto Mighty Action X Origin
1 Mighty Action X OR Taddle Quest OR Bang Bang Shooting
2 Gekitotsu Robots OR DoReMiFa Beat OR Jet Combat
3 Dangerous Zombie OR Toki Meki Crisis
4 Night of Safari OR Drago Knight Hunter Z OR Ju Ju Burger
5 RidePlayer Nico Custom OR RidePlayer + looted Gashat weapon
6 Bakusou Bike AND Giri Giri Chambara
7 Bang Bang Simulations OR Taddle Fantasy
8 Pac Adventure Gashat OR Famista Gashat OR Xevious Gashat
9 Knockout fighter OR Perfect puzzle

dubs - Mighty Brothers XX OR A single Legend Rider Gashat
trips - Maximum Mighty X OR Perfect Knockout
quads - Hyper Muteki OR Ganbarizing
quints - Chronus (you win the game / become the end boss)
Might as well
There aren't any good phone backgrounds for Maximum Mighty X reeeeeeeeee

I have the rest of Emu's gashats as backgrounds for each screen, though
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So; anon: are you a crazy zombie hobo or a trap??

why am i doing this?
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>Forgets to link previous tread
>Low key shitting on Ex-aid more important then linking previous tread
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Here we go again.
Super secret insider information: the next gimmick is X-shaped Fidget Spinners
You actually improved it, nice.

>Knockout Fighter or Perfect Puzzle
Perfect Puzzle for that power up control. But am I level 50 or Level 2? To be honest, I'd rather start from the ground up with 1 and 2.
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Its morphin' time
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>Taddle Fantasy is about becoming an evil overlord managing his army
>Hiiro becomes evil and manages the Kamen Rider in KRC afterwards
why do all the showa people look nothing like modern japan fuckboys?
Lets ride
I don't use instagram so I am not sure if this is a direct link to what I am talking about.
>Uploaded 61 Weeks ago.
>Wearing Nico's Hat
Would she have already had the role and possibly even started recording, or is that just her hat and they are using it as part of her costume.
Most of her more recent pictures don't fit her character's style.
>61 weeks ago
>52 weeks in a year
Its her own hat. Otherwise that would mean they were filming half way though Ghost.
Time for KAMI DA
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maximum mighty roll
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So the little cyclops ninja in the corner, is that Hurricane Ninja's version of a Ride Player?
It's looks like it's the form he gets when he only uses the Gashat to transform.

So yes, a Ride Player.
>she just brought her hat to work because reasons
oh my god she is so fucking adorable
>Kamen Rider Fuma can summon Ride Ninjas to overwhelm the enemy. Once destroyed, they become shurikens and inflict the bugster virus
Guess so. Which might be why they haven't given the Hurricane Ninja Gashat a level yet.
Ride Players weren't the first people to use Gashats without belts, anon.
They're called Ninja Players. That should give you a hint

Shadow Clone bullshit then.


Wait, does he have a face on his back?
I'm so glad they stopped doing that.
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Well, stopped doing them as much.
>OP not linking old thread >>15566077

he's been here for quite a while but didn't realize he was more autistic on OP images
>it isn't even about kamen rider
who the hell is karen?>>15568202
So he's going to use prototype gashats, cool. Figured he'd be on Emu's side assuming it's actually Kiriya.
Main character of the next season
I like how everyone in this show is pretty much doing everything they can to piss Emu off as much as possible.

Masamune probably has him on a short leash after bringing him back.
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The entire show is the Dan family fucking over this one kid
About time they showed the bike again.
>Being callous with patients
>Devaluing human life
>Killing his friend
>Brainwashing Poppy
>Being his evil twin or whatever and committing all sorts of villainous acts and saying it's because of him
>Betraying him
>Bringing his dead friend back to life and turning him into an enemy

Like, he tries to smile and be cheerful but it seems like everyone just wants to piss him off.

All Kamen Riders suffer. Stronger taught us that. and Gills is the perfect example.
He looks really good with Proto Jet Combat.
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>That scene with them two coming up with the plan to get Dan in the Zwei to stop the pause

After seeing how happy Emu was, I can't see anything but Shin Dan betraying him happening now. He smiled too much now Writer-san has to make him suffer even more.
No. Nothing can break up the Two Geniuses/Mightys
I still can't get over the fact that Ryo's puppy died a fucking day after he got it.
What a strange backpack he has, huh
Maybe put on your glasses and look again, nerd.
>that Shin

Ex-Aid is my first Kamen Rider. Is Kamen Rider's cinematography usually this good? I love the scenes in Ex-Aid play out.
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Calling it now; Final battle with Game God will have Muteki Emu and Chronicle Origin Kuroto.

What are your hopes for the final battle?
I would love a purple Cronus
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With how Dangerous Zombie worked with Origin he might just be Chronos with a Gamer Driver.
Dan assuming control of Gamedeus. Emu becoming Cronus.
All this seems like it can be easily fixed if everything was properly explained to Dan's dad.

Imagine if you could do that with any Gashat, and turn into a Ride Player with attributes related to your game. KRC would be a hell of a lot more interesting then.
Explain what to Dan's dad?
That all Emu has to do is clear the Chronicle, get everyone back that vanished and do some tinkering so people don't "die" if they get a game over. Masamune doesn't seem like a completely unreasonable man so I think if you explained how this could benefit him he should go along with it.

That could have been what the GashaTrophies were for, but there's not enough money for Toei.
What are the chances we're still being rused by Dan?
From where did you pull this text? They aren't even called "Ride Ninja". The scan lists them as "Ninja Player".

They do seem to be working for Fuuma though.
Which one?
The son.
What the flying fuck is wrong with Emu? Does he want everyone to suffer as much as he is?
If its to make Emu sad, 100%.

Very likely.
I'd say it's 50/50
he also has delusions of godhood anon
Text from bottom left, I have seriously have no idea why I mixed up Ninja Player for Ride Ninja. But everything can be fact checked: http://gameridernews.tumblr.com/post/161140633197/ignore-the-shot-of-genm-and-cronus-that-appears
He's a businessman first, anon. He can go back to being a god figure as soon as Chronicle gets that patch.

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God bless
no no no

he still has delusions of godhood and believes he already is one like his son

unlike his son, he treats the process like a businessman, it's why he is in control, unlike Kuroto
now this is Karen Rider
Again, he can still be a god. It's just that Chronicle needs to be patched before it hits international markets.
he sorta is already god in Japan
>tfw fapfic writer never gave us the nico.poppy/saki threesome
necrophilia is dangerous to your health anon
Stop being a smartass you fucking cunt.
writing is hard alright, cut him some slack.
I like Haruka.
yo source?
Why saki tho. We now nothing apart she liked sweets and was kinda plain looking.
Because she's the only other female in the series
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because we all know that its graphite wearing a wig.
What did fapfic writer give us? I missed it.
two threads on page 1 hype
>keep himself locked in prison for 5 years
>stole all of his son's hard works afterward
Whoah, another shitty dad. A banou-tier, at that.
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>plain looking
I will fight you. Saki is super cute and is almost as jail-baity as Nico. I'm starting to suspect Hiiro and Taiga's tastes.
>A banou-tier,
You're a fucking idiot if you think he's as bad as Gou's dad.
Big difference is that dan's 30 and dead
>son literally worked himself out in order to create a system to revive his mum to the point of getting himself killed
>dad prevented him from clearing said game because muh business
Keep telling yourself that.
>People joke about Emu being a pediatrician to diddle
>Everyone else is after the jailbait
Banno created an entire race of sentient robots, and then raped and tortured one so fucking badly it wanted to eliminate all of mankind and subjugate what remained.

He also probably made his kids via rape. Also he attempted two different forms of genocide.

And he plagiarized Krim's designs.

Like, say all you want about corporate takeovers, but Banno is a fucking dick.
At least he acknowledged Kuroto as his son, that makes him a far better dad than Banno.
Banno is also a terribly written villain because after the Nira arc, the show basically had nothing else left to do.
They have exquisite taste
Yeah, but Masamune wanting to keep KRC unclearable means he is literally leading his players on a wild goose chase. Oh, you wanted to save your girlfriend who got a game over? Go collect all those gashat trophies? Oh, you did collect them all? Fight that green dude.
Nah in Chronicle originally you're not supposed to fight Cronus, you're supposed to build up immunity until you can BE Cronus

Masamune instead steps in and patches the game to be different
Why are ZO and J identical?

I am the game master system!
So is Salty killed for good or he will respawn after ward?
Try actually watching the episode. You'll find out that way.
Rolling for a 0
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Oh. Well. Okay then...
Shinnosuke has fallen on hard times
>Video Game Rider
>Still no Segeta Sanshiro
Come on guys get on top of that licensing already.
Well I mean he needs to make some money to get the tumor removed from his face.
>Ex-Aid is added to Project X-Zone 3
>He and Sanshiro can finally be together
> Ex-aid un-transforms, its Dan.
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>You thought it was Emu but it was me,
Poor Dan. Not only his dad used him, he took his creation and made it his own. Guess he would kickstart another game after this.
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Dan can never beat the man that is his father, not when he has moves like these.
>Masamune brings back the BEST FUCKING OFFICE IN RIDER

Masamune is based as fuck. I missed that fucking office so much.
Where are my Amazons?
I swear in one frame he's holding a katana.
That's his manly aura becoming visible for a split second.
eh the other version someone made for that meme was better
>Why are ZO and J identical?
cause J was originally going to be a ZO sequel
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this one?
>his mentor betrayed him
>next episode will have a dead man returning
So all the suffering will bring in muteki?
Also, the original plan was to turn ZO and J into the "new Double Riders", the successors to Rider #1 and Rider #2.

As you can clearly see, things didn't work out that way.
I really hope Muteki is one of those suits that look better in motion.
Lets Rolling!
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Oh FUck
Shin Dan needs all that emu suffering to properly program Muteki.
Who rip off the model of DZ and make it dance?
Is someone from /KRG/?
Hilariously true, since Emu might need to super suffer to develop the necessary anti-bodies for Muteki.
There's a GTA SA mod with the model for DZ in it on some BR website.
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>"Dan we need to make a anti cronus weapon."
> "Got it. "
> (Shoots poppy and kills her temporary)
> " Perfect, that's the kind of data I need to counter Cronus!"
Hiiro is clearly just thinking things through a bit more logically. Reprogramming Masamune doesn't get them the proto-gashats. It just takes care of Masamune.

He'll show his true colors when Masamune eases up around him a bit. He's doing what Zach did honestly. Getting close to the situation in an effort to fix things in his own way. Ex-Aid really is Gaim done right.

Kiriya on the other hand is a wildcard.
episode before Muteki is called Partner Rescue. it could either end in an extra dose of suffering or hope. if suffering it'll probably be Christmas Pt. II or something with Parad. if hope, Kiriya gets saved or something with Parad.
The scans say Kiriya's actually under Papa Dan's control, so he's not really that wild. Saki in the preview probably is too.

I'm pretty sure the guy who made the dance was from here, I remember people asking for stuff and giving him pointers

It was a while ago though
dammit I wanted to request a dance.
Is Ex-Aid the JoJo of Kamen Rider now?

Go on back, skippy.
It's AryAnon/Arymond, he rips TranscendHeroes models.
JJBA is a manga, anon. /co/ is for comics and children cartoons.
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they only did the two. the first one was the booty shakin one and then everyone demanded thriller.
Who even are these whores and why aren't they nude
well with the fanbase it's got now, jojo is deserving to be called a chidren cartoon
This shit that happens in Jojo doesn't even fly on Japanese Friday Evening Television, why would it be a children's cartoon just because the western casuals recently discovered it even existed?
That's not how that works, anon.
I enjoy doing silly thing.
I have Cronus Ready for things now too.
>loverica is in a constant state of death
>salty is straight up deleted
does masamune even want a fair game at this point? how is it possible to win now?

Go on
he is doing what many bigwig publishers are doing

carrot on stick
masamune wants an eternal mmo with annual events and a hint of storyline.
so basically he wants WoW.
>he wants WoW
the bastard.
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you cant stop him, hes the CEO
vid link?
i love how the dan's are so fucking caught up in videogames


if people just didn't play video games there wouldn't be a crisis
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yeah that's the one, and when Hiiro comes back we'll need an edit based on this pic
I sure cant wait for Mom Dan to be revealed to be like:
or some shit.
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Let's go kakugo
knowing who her bugster became, it would be cool if it was

there are women vidya composers right?
Did Takeru actually suffer?
Hell yeah, I love Monster Hunter.
fine I'll play your stupid game
cool, I get the glory in the chain!

good timing too, gonna buy Switch with Tetris vs Puyo
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but every thread should be about ex-aid or at the very least Dan
Meh, let's see what we get.
>inb4 nico becomes chronos
>yfw she jobs anyways if she does
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kokoro ga odoru
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i guess i'm a bike now
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Let's do this.
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what did he mean by this
Hiiro's dad might be a little annoying but man i bet he was a good dad to have.
Hiiro punched the button to yandere reset Parad when he betrayed Emu.
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He knew Emu needs comfort after his mentor just saw to his plan's failure.
>Auto Vajin: I-I'm a rider too!
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I got a pretty good one last time; let's do this!
is this incest or masturbation
i'm so glad parad is out of his "VERY AFRAID" phase
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Ixa soon
Knowing my luck I'll probably turn into a bike.
Finally we'll be able to return those Shocker's lives to God and maybe get them to stop stealing our orbs.
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Anyone has that screenshot of IXA's point of view? Pretty sure he was summoned by Diend to deal with Kabuto in Decade. I remember it has some meme-tier engrish.
Why did it take so long to create a Rider that was also a bike? W was the twenty-sixth Rider show/special/movie.
Goddamit. At least it's not christmas time.
Masamune has shown the power to remotely disable any Bugster from his office. Chances are that he uploads Kiriya's and Saki's data into Chronicle so that he has him and Hiiro under his control. It might be his trump card, considering that he can upload everyone from the Proto Gashats into Chronicle and then judge each and every one of them, with Kuroto being ok due to already being downloaded off Mighty Action X.
>Almost been a year since Metronome died

The pain still lingers.
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Anybody have a DDL link for Heisei Rider Generations?

>Ex-Aid sees AutoVajin
>Realises it's a bike that can transform
>Then gets sad over the Bakusou Bike gashat

I love stage shows.
So why don't they just have Dan use DZ, travel through the internet to Masamune's computer, pop out and Critical Dead him before he can transform?
Uchuu Senkan Bang-Bang Simulation please
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This is fine too. I am become WATASHI WA GAEIMU MASTAA DA
i love how the link says weeb
I want to fap to Rio Uchida. Can anyone help?
trap mode please
>jobber gashat
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Rolling because why not.
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Take your amazons

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I got this
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Don't even think about it.
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I dont think so.
Holy fuck is this cheap, £11.50 for the ghost driver.
Hey friend, before you post and look like a fool, next time check the shipping.
Now I feel dumb. That is extortionate.
>A trigger warning on Amazons

Fucking lel
There were people going all, "OMG RAPE SCENE!!!!!!!!!" based on the raw so it's probably worth mentioning.
Then those people are retarded.
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Who is your favourite zodiart?
Based just solely on design, Sagittarius then followed by Leo. But Sagittarius Nova is shit.
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>People here believe that Fourze is better than OOO
Design wise I'd have to say Vigro. As a villain I think Cancer was super enjoyable though.
tachibana-san(no, not daft punk, the other one)
Aquarius and Sagittarius.
Seriously, he basically just goes mental and kisses her and she doesn't hate it or anything at all, she was honestly just confused in the scene. She even embraces him like two seconds later when he does a second kiss.
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They are both really solid shows honestly.
Depends what you like more you think is better.

To me they are best and best
>As a villain I think Cancer was super enjoyable though.

Is it safe to say that he was the strongest zodiart after Sagittarius?
Gimme the good shit
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>dat preview
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Are you talking about THIS Stage Show
As a Capricorn I was disappointed as fuck when my Horoscope was kinda shit (still dig the design though, those horns). Scorpio's great imo

My favourite general Zodiart through would be Perseus, such a solid design.
I'm watching Kuuga for the first time right now.

Apparently, there's the a sub file where the Gringo monsters thing's language is translated. Should I go for that or would it ruin shit?
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Spoils things that are told to you like 30ish episodes in when the characters themselves find out. They're meant for a second viewing.
People are eating each other in this goddamn show. That didn't trigger these guys?
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>Gringo monsters
aw shit mys sides
Are the humans mexican if the Grongi are gringos ?
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>wants KRC discontinued
>not because of the immorality of it
>but because it's literally NOT MUH KRC

This guy is a blast.
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I think I know how this will end.

>Gamedues gets summoned due to the other bugsters out of fear of deletion.
>Somehow Chronus cant pause anymore either by reprogramming or otherwise.
>All 9 riders need to team up now we need to collect all the toys, also Number theory KEK
>They almost beat them but Hyper Muteki runs out for whatever reason.
>they find out gemndues is only interested in fighting RidePlayers and goes after Nico since she is the strongest.
>She is only one left standing, starts using all the other gashats in her ride form, using all the Gashats in order of appearance from episode 1 to the last episode.
>the final gashat she uses is either Muteki or the Chronicle gashat. and beats him.

>SELL ALL THE NICO TOYS with all the ADD ONS SOLD SEPARATELY that she used in the final episode to beat Gamndues.

How to make allot of money from just the add ons
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Is the True Ending movie going to be feature length like the Pac-Man film or will it just be an hour?
>True length where nico uses hyper muteki and/or chronicle to travel back in time via game bullshit logic and save Emu or [insert] who died during the final battle.
>then Emu or [insert] beats gemndues for true ending.
>She gives up being obsessed being the best gamer in the world.
>Thus character growth.

Perfect ending.
Why are you faggots so obsessed with Nico?
Nico is live on line if anyone wants to see her cuteness live.
>asks if we want to see it live
>doesn't give link to her live site.
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Download the app
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Grade A qt. I need to find if other rider girls stream there.
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Ask her to send nudes.
do i need japanese version of line
whats the account name?
Use apkpure for the app.
黒崎 レイナ
She went offline but apparently streams every few days.
He was motivated by what he saw. Either:
1) Cronus is not invincible.
2) He realized that people do drastic thing when lives are on the line. He shouldn't be scared that he can die. It just makes his game more exciting.

I hope it is the second one.
what if I have no friends
ay thanks dude
I'm betting it's a bit of both, going from hopeless to it's a challenge but it can be overcome.
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I am feeling YOSHA LUCKY
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Why did Loverica have to die?
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Because he was a bugster. Exterminate All Bugsters.
Because he was a fat fuck.
I want to receive judgment from her soft mounds
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killing characters using new forms is a good way to advertise toys
If you could pick one SIC-exclusive form (e.g., Garuda style) to appear in a crossover movie, which would you pick?
>ooo combos have fantastic themes
>use each one only once or twice
What was Toei/Bandai thinking?
Used enough to shill the single, too many forms. Shout Out wasn't even used in show. Most of the combo weren't really used once he got Putotyra.
This is too be expected when you give a rider 217 forms.
Does citra run Rider Revolution fine?
cool, what is his head, arm and leg medals?

6 Medals, all of them branches of Shocker.
Shocker, Gel Shocker, Destron, GOD, Garanda, and Delza.

It's a bit complicated, as Boss has six core medals: Shocker, Gel-Shocker, Destron, G.O.D, Garanda, and Delza. Each one is from a Greeed created by Shocker.
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Why weren't the legend rider gashats upgrades that summoned little gamers?
literally as cute as bailey jay

i wish she were similarly equipped
Either Ouja Survive or Leangle Jack.
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>GenoSurvivor in live action
God yes.
They don't really Rider Kick that much in this show, do they?
Not so much, nope. But that's what happens when they all have like, three to five different finishers at once.
>when ssg has more traffic than krg
What happened?
nothing to talk about.
/ssg/ has been rampant with a mixture of furfags and waifufags, and they just got news of a v-cinema starring a character one person there likes.
You kidding? They do it fairly often.

>Rider Kick from Ex-Aid in episode 1
>Rider Break in episode 4, which while not a kick, is still Kamen Rider as fuck and hasn't been done in ages other than Amazon Omega doing it once
>Rider Kick from GENM in episode 11
>Rider Kick again from GENM in episode 12 with Critical Dead
>Rider Kick from Mighty Bros Ex-Aid in episode 13
>Rider Kick again from Mighty Bros Ex-Aid in episode 14
>Rider Kick and Rider Punch from Para-DX in episode 15
>Rider Punch from Para-DX in episode 16
>Rider Kick from Para-DX in episode 18
>Rider Kick from Fantasy Brave in episode 19
>Rider Kick from Safari Brave in Beast Squad
>Rider Kick from Para-DX and Mighty Bros Ex-Aid in episode 21
>Rider Kick from Mighty Bros Ex-Aid in episode 22
>Rider Kick from Drago-Knight Brave, Simulations Snipe, and Maximum Ex-Aid in episode 23
>Rider Kick from Para-DX in episode 24

This is an unfinished list, btu they've done it loads more in the past 8 or so episodes. Hell, Ex-Aid did one this episode and Cronus did one last episode.
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we already had an existing thread

>page 7
why not wait till page 8 or 9 atleast
WE're not using his(your) thread in order to spite him(you).
Because he's new. It's been happening for a couple of weeks now.
>the people who suggests the other thread is only one person

/krg/ is already seen as a shithole in /m/, please don't add another reason by filling the board with multiple threads, this shit I only see in /vp/
You don't speak for the thread, shitlord.
I don't remember Taurus appearing in the show, was he that forgettable?
Taurus had a golf tournament with Meteor.
wasn't that aries
Aries was the sleeper. Also the first victim of Cosmic States
what the hell is this Autism.
There we usually make a new tread around 600 replies we havent even reached 400
they just really were uncomfortable by the fact that the thread is called karen rider, the op pic is showa, and the thread was made as a troll, but everyone still posted it in anyways so an anon made another thread and tried like 4-5 times to get people to talk in his thread and get some sign of validation and it failed miserably because now someone else made another thread of their waifu that they could never have.
OP of this thread (as well as the one trying to link a new one before page 7) is shitposter and newfag.

Notice "Karen Rider" in the subject.
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>Excited cosplayer can finally afford a suit
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>emu so weak he can't fight a girl
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>takeru so weak he can't press a button
now fuck off ghost cuck

>Fighting a girl
Fedora joke.
rollan in a ded thred
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Thread posts: 375
Thread images: 89

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