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/prg/ - Power Rangers General #119

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Thread replies: 313
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ebin 2007 memes edition
/prg/ FAQs: http://pastebin.com/unt9B5hG
Previous Thread >>15083629
delet this

So, hypothetical here. Saban is willing to unclench his fists for a change and produce a western original series with aid of Toei, Bandai, and PLEX for domestic and later foreign distribution. What theme do you go for?
new trailer when?
We need dinozord power now when?
It's morphin time when?
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>giving the black guy a axe and a gun

thank god we only have a week left for this administration
Remake of VR Troopers with all original materials.

Yeah, I could have said Mystic Knights, but that wasn't my jam. Sorry.
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Super Human Samurai Syber Squad was always the superior choice. It had Tim Curry
The fact that the movie is so close to release and we haven't even gotten a full trailer yet tells you all you need to know. Keep your expectations LOW.
But that's not Saban
Man, don't do that to me. I'd buy the rights and get Tsuburaya to help out making a reboot/semi-sequel using the Gridman Sigma suit.

well that explains why it wasn't irredeemable shit then. Genes Simmons was right about those cunts

I find myself strangely wanting this to happen.
The old days back when they didn't quite suck entirely.
>Keep your expectations LOW
They had to be kept low the second they revealed the suits or the fact they were going "mature" with this(cant recall the first indicator now). Not sure what a difference muh trailer would make.
/ssg/ is not that slow anon, why do you keep monitoring /prg/
pls stop
Stop what?
Saw the first few episodes of Dino Charge when they aired and caught the last episode today. That shit was anti-climatic. Barely any final battle. It's like it was rushed as hell. I was glad to see the Torin suit got used though. But if they were going to use it, why make Keeper at all?

you're really gonna sit their and pretend Saban isn't a bunch of cunts?
>liking power rangers means adoring Saban
the fuck are you on about. I mean, my only real issue with Saban is ideoligical, but there's lots of people here who like PR and hate Saban. Not /ssg/ trolls though.

>But if they were going to use it, why make Keeper at all?
My guess is that they wanted to do the zenowing/doomwing plotline without having to do it at the beggining of the show. If they just used Torin's suit, they should've adressed him having an evil side since the beggining and carry that on for a season and a half.
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New Ninja Steel with our first glimpse of Kyuemon.

That's a week old trailer from nick.com unless I'm missing something new.
Nevermind I'm retarded, it's the same but the part at the end has changed and Yellow's line is cut off for some reason.
Looks like they are straight up translating blue's character
wouldn't be shocked if they did that with the rest ugh
If you want something that's 100% not like sentai don't bother with a franchise that exists because it can take material from sentai, not to mention the premise of the show is wildly different so the characters themselves can't be 100% the ninningers. Tyler, Chase and Riley have traits from their sentai counterparts but they also have differences.
Your muppet Snuffleupagus stuff is bupkis
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I fully agree with you.
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>black guy gets the coolest weapon
>black guy gets the coolest color(black)
>people say this is racist
erry time
>coolest weapon

The sword is the coolest bladed weapon, hands down. That's why the leader wields one.
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A big ass axe that turns into a big ass gun is much cooler than a pretty generic sword.
>counts Shogun mode as Battlizer
>but not T-Rex Supercharge or Chozetsu
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More episode summaries:

Episode 3 Live and Learn - "Brody is accused of cheating on his first day of school after using his Data Comm to find answers. Now, he must use his own abilities and leadership skills to lead the Rangers against another threat from Galvanax"

Episode 4 Presto Change-O: "Preston is amazed when he discovers he's developed real magical abilities. Meanwhile, Galvanax hatches a plan with a new monster to steal the Ninja Power Stars."

Episode 5 Drive to Survive: "When the Power Rangers are caught in the spiderweb prison of Galvanax's latest monster Tangleweb, Calvin must conquer his fear to unlock a new power and save them."

Episode 6 My Friend, Redbot: "Hayley is targeted by Galvanax's latest monster. Isolated from the other Rangers, she and Redbot must work together to save themselves."

That does seem to be the case.
>Episode 4 Presto Change-O: "Preston is amazed when he discovers he's developed real magical abilities.

Chip cameo confirmed?
>my only real issue with Saban is ideoligical, but there's lots of people here who like PR and hate Saban
But you're feeding the beast while spiting it. Supporting PR means you're making Saban richer.

There's nothing wrong with liking PR back in the 90's and 00's, but nobody should be propping up Saban Brands. Especially when you know how Saban's a cheap and lazy fucker. I think the last straw was when they sent that Cease & Desist to the developers of Chroma Squad.
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>he doesn't know
Pretty sure that was made pre-Dino Charge.
They were just attending a comedy show he was performing at.

Moreover, Preston's counterpart is already a magician, so that summary is pretty far from a confirmation.

Chip's counterpart DOES show up much later in Ninninger though.
>But you're feeding the beast while spiting it. Supporting PR means you're making Saban richer.
The closest thing I do to support PR is buying sentai figuarts.

Regardless, that's not what we were discussing and I don't see how that proves you aren't an /ssg/ troll.

The pic, yeah, but was made by taiko554, not the RIPfag. Not to mention every time the existence of the DC and NS battlizers gets pointed out he, at best, handwaves it with "arguments" that never really address the fact that the shogun mode is not called battlizer.
>Preston's counterpart is already a magician
So? We're not talking about Yakumo here.
Are you being difficult on purpose? I'm saying his counterpart is a magician, so it's not surprising to see Preston become one, and it's certainly not a confirmation that Chip is cameoing.
Ah, sorry, I thought you were attacking the legitimity of the summary itself, not whether it confirmed if Chip was gonna be in it.
That literally looks like a toy. With the sword it's less obvious.
>_____ in a toku series looks like a toy!
That's the entire point.
Then THIS is the coolest weapon in tokusatsu.

it's all good, dude.
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Not even the coolest sword, let alone coolest weapon.
Too plain. The power sword is cooler. I'd even go so far as to say the quasar sabers were among the coolest, as well as >>15113694 definitely.
>Too plain
>he didn't realize the absurdity when the hero of justice unsheathe a literal katana in a kids show
Question for both Sentai and Ranger fans: How do you like your Rangers? Animal themed, or non-animal themed?
I really liked the Wild Force suits.

But something like Samurai, where the designs are simple yet striking, is also pretty great.

It really depends, Ninja Storm and RPM have some light animal stylings on them, and they're give or take (I like RPM Red but not Blue). And then something like Dino Charge, I think the suits are stronger than their helmets generally.

Iunno, now that I think about it, this isn't really an answer, but I guess I don't really mind as long as it looks cool.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that thing.
Don't diss. I loved that game.
Whatever looks good. I'd rather non-animal if i had to pick since it's obviously more varied, but if it has to be animals, I'd like something like jetman instead of the usual dinosaurs or red lion/bird, blue shark etc.

That said, I don't think motifs are as necesary as both Bandai and sadly the fanbase seem to think (see Maskman) and I'm tired of them defining the plot and themes of the show. Soda sentai are some of the best shows and don't give a shit about motifs.
>implying I watched that garbage where the guy has a literal katana

I don't even know what that's from.

And it's from Sun Vulcan. Remember that scene in Super Megaforce where the rangers change into 4 sentai only teams except Troy who uses MMPR Red? That pic is from the sentai counterpart of that scene.
>remember that scene in super megaforce

I haven't watched power rangers since 2001. That's when I grew out of it.
Take the nostalgia goggles off, cupcake.
Take the denial goggles off, cupcake.
Then you can't really say what the best looking weapon is.

movie has already been confirmed for being objectively bad anon, it has nothing to do with nostalgia. Heck, nostalgiafags like it.
Are you going to stop me, nigger?
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Rewatched a clip from Ninninger.

Hell of a roll call they got there.

PR only sometimes does it great. Wild Force and Jungle Fury are pretty much the best ones. But then sometimes they really drop the ball, like Lightspeed, SPD, Operation Overdrive, Samurai.

lol watch out for this guy.
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I didn't think so.
>That Zero Wing-esque cut-in from Mondo
>That early 90s CGI
>"The Red Zeo Crystal is located somewhere in the backalleys and streets of Low Town"
>The Cogs do hella damage, yet they go down in three hits
>that fucking hip hop BMG

Only in 90s computer games.
Anyone get the new game? It looks like shit so I only see power Ranger fans actually buying it
Fuck off Odot.
Why are you even in this thread then, retard?
>Meet Preston, the Ninja Steel Blue Ranger! Preston is kind-hearted and loyal to his friends. He comes from a wealthy family, and is obsessed with magic.

literally my mom's EZ DONNA
The roll calls are a part of sentai ethos that pr never cared that much about.

>its ok when time force does it
>The roll calls are a part of sentai ethos
What the English fanbase calls a "roll call" is nanori (名乗り) a part of traditional Japanese theater where a character proudly states his name and intentions to the audience.
It's not used as much in PR because it's a culturally Japanese thing.
Not sure what you're trying to say but nice to know.
We already know you have shit taste in female Rangers. No need to hide it.
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Anyone buy that glorified flash game?
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>Uh, you don't get to bring geeks.
the comic has made me curious about maybe watching PR again. is it worth getting into?
Who are those people in the sky?
Rita, Zedd, Goldar, and the Sphinx monster.
I will be... I will hate myself but I'm going to do it. Because I am the trash that brought us to this point...
Depends on what you're actually looking for which is something even people who are already into PR(and tokusatsu in general) aren't sure about. But if you like fun shows for kids with great action and good enough storylines there are good times ahead(for the most part, there are some bad seasons as expected of a franchise that went on this long).
It's not bad. It's a classic beat em up in the vein of the old TMNT/X-Men/Simpsons arcade games. I'm an old fag who loves those sorts of games so it's right up my alley.

You get to play as the unmorphed Rangers which is nice, and there's a levelling up system that unlocks more moves including team attacks, so it looks like it will have more variety in the combat department than these button mashers generallly do. The only problem is no online multiplayer, though PS4's remote play might be able to substitute for that.
Alright, I'll bite.

Just what am I supposed to be denying here...?

>movie has already been confirmed for being objectively bad anon, it has nothing to do with nostalgia. Heck, nostalgiafags like it.
>objectively bad
That's not how opinions work.

>Fuck off Odot.
Nice typo, there. You mad?
It has been rated PG13, if you can't keep something as important as the target audience from the show then it's not a good adaptation.

Years later and I still don't know how King Sphinx came to be considered so iconic to MMPR.
It appered frequently in merchandise, I'd say it was pushed.
Sentai has a similar case with Baseball Mask.
I think it had everything to do with being one of the first monsters and in a decent episode as far as establishing stuff as far as
"Look at how badass the red ranger is supposed to be by himself"
That's just how I see it.
King Sphinx was also in the original pilot
many thanks. i loved PR as a kid but i wasn't sure about revisiting it.
>if you can't keep something as important as the target audience from the show then it's not a good adaptation.
Pretty dumb reasoning there, anon. Does the "adapt" part of "adaptation" mean nothing to you? If you're gonna be stringent with the requirements of how an adaptation is allowed to deviate from the source material, then you might as well NOT adapt it and just keep watching the main show.

You can dislike what they've shown from the movie, but at least do so reasonably.
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>Does the "adapt" part of "adaptation" mean nothing to you?
Adaptation!=do whatever you want. That's the excuse uncreative people and shills give.

>If you're gonna be stringent with the requirements of how an adaptation is allowed to deviate from the source material
Target audience, and the tone of the show defined thanks to it are important factors. Not something you can just ignore like, say, Angela not being there(which would be an improvement). We knew the tone was already off from....everything we've seen, but the movie rating is something more concrete you can't really argue against. Unless you want to repeat a retarded definition of what an adaptation is.

>then you might as well NOT adapt it and just keep watching the main show.
If you're gonna change everything you might as well not adapt it and do something else.

>You can dislike what they've shown from the movie, but at least do so reasonably.
Not sure how basing an idea over concrete proof is unreasonable. Not to mention the movie rating is not really related to my personal tastes.
Show the butt
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Relatively new to power rangers and just finished the movie n am onto season 3 of mighty morphin. Is it worth watching alien rangers or should I just go straight to zeo?
>pic unrelated

Jesus fuck what did they do to Serpentera?


It's...there at least. Only bit that sticks out in my mind was that episode where a bunch of Tengas got caught in a car wash.
Not looking forward to that, those tengas combined with Rita is just a screeching headache
>Jesus fuck what did they do to Serpentera?
I dont see it on the pic, is the woman supposed to be serpenterra?

MMAR is short and serves a bridge between seasons, I don't see a reason to skip it if you're watching everything. Not to mention a plot point from there is picked on later in Zeo.
The movie was, for example, not worth watching since it wasn't canon (the second is though).

Oh, you'll see. Also, the first movie is worth it if only for Ivan.
>Adaptation!=do whatever you want. That's the excuse uncreative people and shills give.
This is...painful to read to say the least. You're saying creative people are the ones who purposefully box themselves into constraints and uncreative ones are the ones who are allowed the freedom of an open canvas?

Again, everyone's perfectly fine to dislike this movie based on how grounded and self serious it seems to be, but every time I see this sort of sentiment, I'm simply reminded of ardent Transformers fans who base their merit on a new work with how much it panders to G1.

What I'm saying is, it's unreasonable to demand an adaptation to be very close the original, but I think we're just gonna have to agree to disagree.

I'll say this though. The Nolan Batman films and 60's Adam West Batman are both valid entities that should be allowed to co-exist. PR's never had a contemporary, serious incarnation before, could be dreadful, but it might be its own cool thing.
>I'll say this though. The Nolan Batman films and 60's Adam West Batman are both valid entities that should be allowed to co-exist.
Incidentally, a similar point was brought up in The Brave and the Bold cartoon (by Bat-Mite, of all people).
Hey, /prg/, I was wondering if you could answer me something. Why does the Orion Galaxy Megazord and the Wild Force Megazord have the same head? Was this just a reference, or is there an in-lore reason for it in either Wild Force or their source sentai series?
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Oh wow, I had never really noticed that.

Well there's no in-lore reason. But I would not doubt a behind the scenes production reference, they tend to do that sort of thing on occasion (I think many of the Boukenger/Operation Overdrive villain designs are references to old mechs and such), though often they never come out and directly say it.
Kilokahn was such a fucking great villain.

>If you destroy us, us humans, there will be nothing left!
>Wrong! There will be Kilokahn left!

I will say this: Why the fuck did the show not use like 5 episodes of footage, but kept reusing the same fights?
It was the first really cool looking monster on the show. Personally I always thought Knasty Knight was cooler.
it may just also be a recurring design choice, like red tyrannozords, blue tricerazords, and dragonzord-esk bonus dinozords with drill tails.
I wonder how many recurring design choices there are across zords?
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>Why are you in the power rangers thread if you haven't watched every series?

lol really?

>I'm a fag

Yeah I know.

The fact that the movie will be shit.
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>King Sphinx was also in the original pilot
This is pretty much the main reason. The bulk of MMPR's early merchandising was entirely based on the pilot. You ever had one of the coloring book as a kid and noticed the team looked off? Different clothes, slight modified hairstyles? That's why.

It's the same reason the original Power Morpher toy's stickers are upside-down. The button orientation was reversed so it could be pressed with the right fist facing palm-down, as it was in the pilot, instead of palm-up like in the series proper.
Fuck off Odot.
>This is...painful to read to say the least. You're saying creative people are the ones who purposefully box themselves into constraints and uncreative ones are the ones who are allowed the freedom of an open canvas?
If you were able to fucking read you'd know i'm saying the literal opposite. Uncreative people are in any case the ones that have to take a preexisting product and wrongly use the word 'adaptation' to justify not being creative. The fact that you inferred the opposite kinda makes me not want to reply since its not worth it.

>Again, everyone's perfectly fine to dislike this movie based on how grounded and self serious it seems to be, but every time I see this sort of sentiment, I'm simply reminded of ardent Transformers fans who base their merit on a new work with how much it panders to G1.
It has nothing to do with that. I dont praise, say, time force, one how similar to mmpr is, and you know why? Because time force was never supposed to be mmpr in any way. This movie, however is promoted as a modern mmpr, so i expect a modern mmpr.

>What I'm saying is, it's unreasonable to demand an adaptation to be very close the original
Again, you're proving you're not thinking this this much. I'm not saying that, and i already pointed that out in my previous post so you dont assume i meant that. That's the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm not saying the movie should be the literal show(impossible since its not the show), but the opposite is also not truen by your logic i could call the new star wars movie a modern mmpr and you wont be able to argue that.

>I'll say this though. The Nolan Batman films and 60's Adam West Batman are both valid entities that should be allowed to co-exist.
Irrelevant, batman is a different franchise.

> PR's never had a contemporary, serious incarnation before
It doesnt really need that, its a kids show and fine as it is. Even then, PR can have a contemporary serious incarnation, the show is renewed each year/two years, which is how it tries different things. You dont need to screw a previous entry.

>could be dreadful, but it might be its own cool thing.
This is the problem though, its not its own thing.
>Irrelevant, batman is a different franchise.
Boy that's convenient. Care to elaborate on why Batman gets to operate on different rules and MMPR HAS to be tonally congruent to the 90's show?

I already said we should just agree to disagree here, but you're also misconstruing my points too. An adaptation in my opinion take the basic ideas and core themes of the original, and personally I think it should be allowed to make its own spin on it. For example, this film still has your five teenagers in high school. But instead of making all five of them nearly perfect goody two-shoes, they all have their own personal problems that they're dealing with, which is much more interesting to see as an audience member, and a liberty they wouldn't have been able to take if they didn't stray from the original.

You're saying that adaptations should be tonally similar to the core material, and sure that's just as valid.

I'm just saying you should hate it because it looks awful, not because it's different.

>It doesnt really need that, its a kids show and fine as it is.
This is nearly the same logic as "Why do we need PR" that Sentai purists prattle. This movie existing does not negate the existence of the MMPR television series.
>Boy that's convenient. Care to elaborate on why Batman gets to operate on different rules and MMPR HAS to be tonally congruent to the 90's show?
Batman is a comic book characterbthat has been going on for decades and renovations of the concept happen within the medium since, elseworlds, aside, batman is largely bruce's story. Power rangers is an episodic 20 year old tv show that takes action footage from another show and renovates itself by having a different team with a different story and lore each year. There's also the fact that you cant keep face actors too long which kinda forces them to do it, whereas batman doesnt have that constraint. Different franchises and different mediums, therefore, different rules. Basic stuff thay only a retard like you doesnt get.

>An adaptation in my opinion take the basic ideas and core themes of the original, and personally I think it should be allowed to make its own spin on it.
Agree. Its not what this movie is doing though.

>For example, this film still has your five teenagers in high school. But instead of making all five of them nearly perfect goody two-shoes, they all have their own personal problems that they're dealing with, which is much more interesting to see as an audience member, and a liberty they wouldn't have been able to take if they didn't stray from the original.
You can have characters with personal problems while keeping the show's tone and not alienate its target audience as pr itself proved time and time again. The idea that a story is only good if its depressing and sad is a misconception.

>I'm just saying you should hate it because it looks awful, not because it's different.
But i'm being sold mighty morphin, not, say, american go busters. Not wanting to be conned is a good thing anon.
>This is nearly the same logic as "Why do we need PR" that Sentai purists prattle. This movie existing does not negate the existence of the MMPR television series.
Not even close since the movie is part if the pr franchise, it adds to it(something positive or negative). Power rangers and super sentai are different franchises, as power rangers is not promoted as american super sentai.
Kim looks even more fuckable
>a writer uses his autistic fanfic as basis for a show's episode plot

why is this allowed
>Power rangers and super sentai are different franchises, as power rangers is not promoted as american super sentai.

PR is a US show about teenage superheroes in a wide-spanning continuity. The only thing it has in common with sentai is shared usage of costumes and a bit of action clips.

Sentai is just the raw material. It's the same way as Voltron: Legendary Defender. It took elements from Go Lion but modified it and diverged enough from the original that it became its own thing.
>those legs
that's the basis for the whole series
Oh please, you could argue any season of PR is a fanfic. This series has and always will be aimed for grade schoolers not grown men with too much time on their hands.
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I miss motorcycles more than Battlizers.
So who's...

>HYP for Ninja Steel?
>HYP for the new movie? [spolier]don't lie, you know you want it[/spoiler]
That happens when fans get to work in the franchise.

What do you think a fanfic is anon?


>Ninja Steel

Cautiously optimistic. Best girl will probably be an actual GIRL this time.


Expecting nothing but will probably still be let down.

Ninja Steel clip. Also our first clip of the theme song. What genre is that? Alt metal?

>Still trying to build off of the original theme

God damn it Saban.
a hover board? really?
>Alt metal?
i was thinking Ninja Metal
Notice anything?

>Dog in the truck
>Snake Hoverboard

Huh, that's actually well done.
i havent seen ninniger or however its spelt so i have no idea m8
Her board is based off of her Zord, a train. Also Hayley has a wolf and Calvin drives a yellow truck. You could probably take a guess at what their Zords will be.
>Preston doesnt arrive mounting a dragon
I want my money back Saban.
that would've been 2dank54life
What about trucks? Anybody miss those?

Not bad so far. Had me worried for a second with the theme song, but it should be different enough I can overlook the use of "Go Go Power Rangers" again.

You see the way he snagged two chicks without even trying? He IS the dragon.
In hindsight, kind of sucks Danny Slavin only came back on the last second so Leo and Cole did fuck all together in Forever Red.
I miss all kind of vehicles in sentai/PR really. If not bikes then those jeeps Sun Vulcan and Liveman had.
The last one was Deinochaser I think (though the PR version is not that old technically).

Some of the old original PR bikes looked really sweet, like the Time Force or LR ones.
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is it a coincidence that the trucks carried the bikes?
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>final battle is lord zedd
>you fight his serpenteria as the dino megazord

i mean im not really complaining it just feels weird
wonder if part of it might be that Dora Sphinx was in a multi-parter for Zyuranger so possibly the merchandise team early on thought he was going to be more prominent than he actually was, although >>15119445 & >>15120921 are probably also right(not to mention he's one of the least goofy looking of the early MMPR/Zyuranger monsters)
Especially when the superior ThunderZords were no match for it.
well to be fair that's something Saban's been doing since ZEO's theme
Zeo starts out as its own thing then goes into Go Go Power Rangers. Goes with the theme the song has of new powers but same old rangers.

Turbo takes it further with little of MMPR's foundation remaining with only a part of GoGo in the instrumental.

Then in space with the remnants of MMPR gone goes in its own direction completely.
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Speaking of the bikes, isn't it funny how prominent motorcycles became when MMPR didn't use the footage of Zyuranger's bikes at all? Obviously they didn't need them back when teleportation was a regular occurrence, but still.

They went from not needed, to borrowing bikes from Kakuranger, to just using them sporadically as the footage demanded, to throwing in bikes where there weren't any just for extra merchandising.
How much were they actually used? It was my understanding that they only tended to use them unmorphed.
That looked kinda "fan made".
Second trailer is here.
Looking forward to reading all of /prg/'s reactions to this one.
That looks bad, like really bad
I think it looks alright

Youtube link.

Dat Goldar?
Yeah, honestly, there's still things I really don't like, but this has changed my opinion a little bit.
No, it looks awesome. Alpha 5 isn't that horrendous in motion.

Ok, "Pee in the cup" fucking got me. I'm willing to give this a shot.
So, pretty accurate to the show then?
I assume the only reason they skipped them was because there was only three, although they could have always just made two more like they later did with the Kakuranger bikes.
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>CGI mooks

>Prop and costume design? That's too Japanese.
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>Go Go Power Rangers again for the 4th time in a row
It's time to stop.
Humour seems better in this trailer

That is all
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Well, they managed to fuck literally everything up. Good job, guys.
What if it pulls a Warcraft and flops in the West but makes bank in China.
>That Marvel-tier humour
Good trailer to attract the casual audience, I guess.
Megazord still looks like absolute shit.
I love how the suits ended up being the only relatively good thing in this. Goldar and the Megazord still look hideous.
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>tfw Ninja Steel might actually be better then Ninninger
Well, it won't be hard anyway.

>complaining about dumb humor in Power Rangers

Go back and watch MMPR. Literally any episode.
The show embraced its campiness and ran with it up to eleven. This one thinks it cam substitute camp for quips.
>being triggered by jokes

>it's post-MCU so one-liners are bad now

>But I have to excuse pre-MCU one-liners as being different or having heart or literally any human excuse I can make up to pretend that it's different now and the marvel movies literally invented the idea of putting comedy into blockbusters, except when they didn't. But I'll just handwave those away with vague platitudes.

I wish I could launch you people into the sun. One-liners and quips(yes, quips, they were always quips) have existed since the 80's in action films. You don't get the write to change the fucking record and pretend red is blue because of the MCU.

There's no difference. Just because modern comedy is more sarcastic doesn't change the concept of jokes in films.
handkerchief dragon tail
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Indeed my friend.
trailer looked better than I thought it would

I'm not a /prg/ regular but I came here just to talk about how fucking godawful the megazord looks

It looks noodly, the proportions are weird plus the cgi is fucking trash
you mean, not a box?

I'm not comparing to original MMPR, I'm talking about it in a vacuum

I have zero nostalgia for MMPR and the movie's design is just plain awful and look specially bad in motion
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Well the blue ranger in Nininger is a wizard so that's why Preston is a magician in that scene.
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>haha, non black guy says he's black in front of the black guy and black guy gets triggered
>getting made at a joke being made about the original series casting
Sounds like you're the triggered one, m8. :3
I like what they did with Zordon.
Fuck man, I can't hate this. It looks pretty alright.
>I like what they did with Zordon.
Indeed, and it's Brian Cranston, so big kudos bringing him back to the franchise.
Billy is wayyy to ghetto
At least he's like most "nerds" these days.
>All these complaints
Why don't you faggots just admit that you're nitpicking for the sake of it? You're all gonna watch this shit and enjoy every minute of it. Learn to fucking appreciate things for what they are.
A garbled mess of executive meddling?

Why should I force myself to enjoy something that I don't deem good?

Of course power rangers is not the most serious series out there, but this is still costs a ticket at the theater, and if its not good I'm not gonna lie to myself just so I feed my nostalgia

At the moment the movie seems to be pretty generic and nothing special, that's it
>random fact about sentai that no one asked for and wasnt required in context
Is this facebook?
No shit Sherlock. That shit happens all the time. It kills me as a DC fan that WB is fucking up so hard. But this still feels truer to what PR is than Batman vs Superman to the characters in the comics.

Then don't say anything. All I see is a ton of complaining and not taking a step back and having fun. This is the 1st Ranger film we've had in 20 years and the fact that superhero films are all the rage now, we might be able to get a movie franchise out of this like Marvel's.
While i'm ok with the joke, them taking it this seriously is retarded.

I'd definitely go to the cinema if it didnt mean financially supporting saban.
If I had to give one compliment to the trailer, movie Zordon looks cooler than "weird fat ghost head in a tube" by a fair bit.

Its ok to be hopeful, but just because you expect something good out of this doesn't mean people don't have the right to appoint their criticisms to the film

Just because I grew up watching PR on television doesn't mean I'm gonna lie to myself and pretend that it looks like a good movie

If you want to enjoy the movie for what it is, go ahead, enjoy it. Just because I don't see it the same as you doesn't mean you are not allowed to have your fun
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He's about the only better thing about the movie.
>I'd definitely go to the cinema if it didnt mean financially supporting saban.
Durp, I don't wanna give my shekels to the dirty Heb. You sound like those /ssg/ shitposters.
Then just talk about Ninja Steel or past seasons instead of this movie. I'm getting tired of hearing no-fun fags commenting on something that hasn't even been released yet. Judging a movie on its trailer is retarded.
I'm not shitposting though, I disagree with him politically, therefore I dont support him. I do like the show though
Fuck off Odot.
What is with this shitty humor that plagues these superhero movies. Where they ry to sound really cleaver, but there not.

Also thanks for making Billy the wise cracking black guy.
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Yeah, I'm hyped as fuck. That trailer was everything I wanted it to be, and everything it needed to be.

>Suits looking fucking good
>Bryan Cranston as Zordon looks rad
>Visor-less helmets in the zords looks cool
>Alpha 5 being a snarky little shit. Bill Hader was a great choice.
>I disagree with him politically, therefore I dont support him
Oh so we've got a /pol/tard stormfronter here. Saban lobbying for Israel has no bearing on PR.

FYI, watching and liking the show DOES support him whether you like it or not.
It's because of Marvel. Their movies cater to the lowest common denominator who prefer snappy one-liners than actual storytelling. Marvel superhero films are "fun" while WB's are painfully grimdark. How the fuck do you make Superman a brooding character. They could've taken notes from Lois & Clark for fuck's sake.
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Please see>>15124186
Please see >>15124465
Dude, if it was Japan (or, to be more specific, Toei) they'll have an entire movie in CGI. REmember Fourze movie?
It bothers me that the Megazord and Goldart don't look that big compared to the original show.
The Battle Bikes were essentially toyline online, except for a footage slip-up here or there.

Everything's pretty much par for the course. It's nice to actually see some action, and some aspects were cool, but... I just can't get excited. Also:

>Helmets retract in the cockpit
I should have seen that coming, but I'm still kind of annoyed.

>Also thanks for making Billy the wise cracking black guy.

I honestly can't tell if that's better or worse than making him autistic. Kind of a lateral move, really.
Tough tits. Movie looks crap, and I will speak about it as such.
>Oh so we've got a /pol/tard stormfronter here. Saban lobbying for Israel has no bearing on PR.
You know saban owns power rangers dont you?

>FYI, watching and liking the show DOES support him whether you like it or not.
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>implying I'm that date rapist.
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>Somebody brings up PR
>Always MMPR
>Never In Space
>Or Lost Galaxy
>Lightspeed Rescue
>Or Dino Thunder
>Or literally fucking anything else
Please tell me those piles of rock aren't the puddy.
After 20 years, you're not used to the only relevant ones being MMPR and MAYBE the current season?
I can't point out my grievances? Same thing goes for Transformers and Pokemon.
Transformers has CURRENT SEASON usually cover a lot of different continuities and Pokemon has other generation mons still show up
Of course their helmets pull back to reveal their pretty faces. Robot suits gotta be Iron Man now.
Back in the first MMPR movie, they didn't have visors. They wanted to show expression and face similar to comic book heroes. And how they're actually in the suit.

Plus ninja storm had the exact same thing.
Movie looks hype im excited now
And occasionally other rangers besides the MMPR, what's your point?
>Trailer looks awesome
>Then the Kanye starts

Why ? WHY ?
Linkin Park was too expensive.
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>super hero movie
>kanye starts playing
It's not good enough for real gay dance music
ready to have your mind blown?
the song's titled POWER
and the movie's titled POWER rangers
I was worried the cgi zords would look shit like in x-men or something. Looks fine.
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holy fucking shit this will be terribad
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>guitar riff at the end
Looks like some of the shit you'd see in Michael Bay's Transformers to me.
Yeah I think I prefer the fan version
The individual Zords don't look too bad. I'm still not a fan of the Megazord though.
Bayformers has good cgi tho
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Even the mech designs look better
I'm referring to the shitty designs. 'Cept maybe Pink's Zord. That looks passable.
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No, just no
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>I'm Black

Trini made me lose control. I had to run to the bathroom and look up CUTE THICK LATINAS.
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Well, the red suits still looks the best. I guess.

>Helmets pull back in the zords.
oh noooooo

>Not preferring the helmet pull backs

I use to complain about the big ass visors. Now they make more sense.
I'm ok with them, but I dont really prefer them.
>and MAYBE the current season?
That always bothers me. I get how, business-wise, it makes sense to exploit MMPR nostalgia, but you should also try to make your franchise overall more popular yet they keep insisting on treating MMPR like if it were the current thing (I'm speaking about vanilla MMPR, exploiting the movie makes SOME sense since, while its still nostalgia pandering, its at least a new product with different cast, designs and story, aside from their actual quality), like if it were more important to tell people "we used to be big" rather than "our franchise is good".
Other franchises like pokemon, while they do exploit nostalgia(and can get really annoying as in PR) also put more care in promoting their newer stuff.
That was fast
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>A show about characters in cool suits, where the suits are the most iconic part
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>implying it's not hype

It's hype when done for a reason, like a pivotal action scene, or when their helmets get fucked up in battle, but popping them open while piloting the zords is a pointless and stupid decision, and it's clearly done solely so the actors can get some screen time even during the zord moments.
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>they have all their powers when they're not morphed

Favorite moments

>I'M BLACK No seriously I fucking chuckled; don't lie, I know you did too

>Fucking Alpha 5 bringing the sass game

>PEE IN THE CUP and the Buffy-era Whedon-esque level of humor in general is really gelling with me



>We get to see the suits AND the Zords in action?! FUCK YES


I hate the fact that I can't bring myself to like this suit as much as most people do. It's too fanficky(even if it's better than pretty much every attempt to do something like this). I feel that if Kibaranger and Dragonranger didn't exist I'd like it a bit more.
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my dick reached the stratosphere when i saw her like god damn
I think the shield would be cool if it was used in an upgrade form. Actually, recolor the suit from white to green, and it'd be fucking great.

You're not human if that DIDN'T happen.

Or quite possibly a girl, in which case you would've gotten moist as FUCK.
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Anyone else very pleasantly surprised? I'm still not 100% on board with the suits and I hate how the visors open in the Zords (which looks awful) and I don't care for the design of the MegaZord or Goldar, but this looks like it'll actually be good or at least fun like the first Transformers was.

Asian Zack, black Billy, and Hispanic Trini look like the most likable characters. The new Jason and the new Kimberly haven't wowed me yet but they also didn't show much of them oddly.

Also, the most important thing to me, was that you can see that they actually use martial arts during combat. I'm honestly pretty impressed.
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I like how the giant monster is made of one of the softest metals in existence. Yes I know that's how it was in the original, but still.
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is trini a common name? i thought it was just an asian name which suited the original character?

Someone's salty. Ah, well. Can't win 'em all.
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Yuuuuusssss! Dat shit right there is mah fuckin' JAM!
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This is the pink ranger for the new season btw
No shit
No it wasn't. In the original Goldar was just a flying monkey in a golden suit of armor
My point is it's still gold. A metal so soft you can bend it with your hands.
You fucking virgins post her every fucking thread we are aware already
Sorry, forgot which thread I was in
>In a power rangers thread
>Posting power rangers actress
>Thats somehow wrong

Doesn't matter. I need more material for the spank bank.


If that shit's wrong, I don't ever wanna be right.
>giant animal robots
>giant golden monster
>mooks made of stone
>bright colored suits
>"pure evil" villain
>"Power Rangers" said in a non-ironic way
>heroes laughing and cracking jokes while fighting

I'm sure the movie is going to be "bad" because there is no way the source material can ever be a properly "good" movie, but it sure looks like it is going to be the good kind of bad.

It doesn't look grimdark at all and not even that ashamed of the source material. The only way it could be more PR is if the suits were actually spandex and the bad guys rubber.

It does look like I am going to finance Israel when this thing releases.
Just go to her instagram
Quips in the 80s were used to seal a tense scene. Basic moviemaking. You hike up the tension and then you let it go with a relaxed scene. That's how you make a movie flow.

Marvelshit quips CONSTANTLY. They can NEVER build up any semblance of danger or threat because the main characters always act like they're too smart to be in their own movie. MCU humor is closer to Last Action Hero than actual 80s movie quips.

You should stick your own head in the oven.

Also that trailer looks god awful, using the same dark blue scheme that DCshit loved to abuse.
Ah. I've been waiting for some autist to shit out a counter point to that post.
Casuals aren't familiar with the rest of PR. MMPR is what caught the mainstream's attention because we've never seen anything like it before on US TV, Jurassic Park came out that year and kids love dinosaurs, and MMPR went on for 3 seasons.

Plus neckbeards are always obsessed with the first series like Transformers G-1 fans for example. MMPR is their circlejerk for Jason, Tommy, Dinozords, and other gimmicks they crave for.
I think the major issue with the MCU's obsession with quips is with Spiderman now finally back in Marvel's hands, he loses his major character trait. If everyone quips, Spiderman doesn't stand out as being THE quip hero. The only way he'll be able to stand out against fucking Ironman in the MCU is if every line he speaks is a quip
Same here. I don't expect a certified fresh rating on RT, but no way is this going to be 2017's Fant4stic like some are saying. For one, the suits have actual color.

Molten Goldar looks a bit too dumb even for the source material, but I admit I miss Grifforzer's design and Goldar's voice. But on the whole, I hope for a fun ride. Should be a nice break from all the cape stuff.
It's magic gold
They don't even know what to do with that thoroughly raped character. What is even left of it?
Could be short for Trinidad. Honestly it makes more sense for a Latina. Trini itself isn't a real Asian name.
Philipino name? That's asian.
>but no way is this going to be 2017's Fant4stic like some are saying
You never know. I was really disappointed with that film after seeing Chronicle. I expected a little more from Fox, but man, they really fucked that up.

At best, this film might make 200 million total and I'm being generous here. I highly doubt we're gonna get a Power Rangers Cinematic Universe on par with Marvel and Star Wars.
Filipinos are the Latinos of Asia
That is horrible. What the fuck am I even watching? Who the fuck wrote this?

>Sun Vulcan

Fuck off.
Trini was Latina in the "lost episode" pilot
Sun Vulcan is great fun except for the volleyball they used instead of a cannon.
Two of the writers did Gods of Egypt, hence Liquid Gold Goldar. The director did Project Alamanc hence the awkward teen moments. Remember this is Lionsgate, their highest-grossing films are the Hunger Games so take that as you will.

Actually, the way this Trini pronounces her name is different.

She says it like TRIN-I (like the word TRINITY)
while the original Trini said it more like TREE-NI like Tree.
>Generic race joke
>Fucking drug joke
>That's uncomfortably forced "HELLO FELLOW TEENS" dialogue
>Those atrocious designs

Also, called it on Goldar being a voiceless final monster grunt.
On par, no, but a sequel at least
I hope they don't forget unmorphed fight scenes.
they have powers while unmorphed. You better believe they'll have some of that atrocious not-superhero bullshit.
There is no way they aren't going to hype the green ranger and/or Lord Zedd after this, and it looks like it might just make enough for a sequel. Fucking Ninja Turtles got one and this seems likely to make more money than that.
Probably. I'm even surprised an actor of Cranston's caliber agreed to doing this, but then again that fuckwit is a Stalin apologist so whatever.

I do wonder how and why Elizabeth Banks thought this was a good idea. Maybe for her kids?

Maybe. A lot of these movies created from kid nostalgia like Transformers, Ninja Turtles, and G.I. Joe prove that studios don't know what the fuck they're doing and just trying to pander shit for as much cash as possible.

So I might see a sequel in 2-3 years, but I'm willing to bet it's gonna make less money than this.
It's funny how there's an MMPR movie AND an MMPR comic now. Nobody gives a shit about other seasons like Space, Time Force, Mystic, Ninja Storm, SPD or RPM.

Hey, if it turns out that the movie's garbage in the best way, at least we'll be entertained. Or at least I will. I plan to milk every goddamn penny that theater gouges from me. You want ~$10-12 USD for an adult ticket? Fiiiine. But that shit better be gold in one way or another.


>Generic race joke

NO FUCKING SHIT; they saw the ball coming over the net and they're spiking it over.

>Fucking drug joke

The hilarity of it comes from how outta left field it comes from.

>That's uncomfortably "HELLO FELLOW TEENS" dialogue

I'll grant you that, but they feel more like teens and less like adults-trying-to-play-teens to me.

>Those atrocious designs

They grew on me and we finally got to see how they move in this trailer. Yes, the fucking zords scenes are gonna be weird (at best), but at least they didn't FUCKING RECYCLE 20+ YEAR OLD PROPS for no other purpose other than DAT NOSTALGIA.
It was implied in the show itself they weren't fully normal humans when they became rangers. This, being a serious take on this, tries to do something about it in the same way RPM did.
And don't get me wrong, I dislike pretty much everything we've seen for this movie, but that's not a wrong thing.
> because there is no way the source material can ever be a properly "good" movie
hollywood pls

I know, but if you only appeal to casuals and nostalgiafags AKA people who can already be interested in the franchise (on different levels) you will never add new fans, casuals or whatever.
Unmorphed fights are toku tradition, powers or not.
Anyone else hoping that if this gets a sequel they jump straight to Zeo? It'd make for a much better escalation of plot and world-building.
PR will never catch onto the mainstream because there's too many seasons to wade through and studios are risk-averse nowadays. Why bother introducing people into the rest of PR when the Dinozord era is what's iconic about them?

Face it, this isn't the 90's or even 00's anymore. PR is only being sustained by the power of neckbeard and getting JUST enough attention from kiddies these days.
It's literally a project POWERED BY NOSTALIGA, whats the fucking POINT of making a movie fueled by nostalgia and CHANGING EVERYTHING

It's like having a Transformer's movie and killing off every character OH WAIT
Not really. The change to Zeo was only impactful because people had grown used to the Zyuranger suits. It doesn't work if all your contact with the suits was 2 hours and so.

After some three movies (which won't happen), who knows.
>Defending all that garbage
>The fact that the movie will be shit
That's just your opinion there, broski.

So it's not a typo? What the fuck does "odot" even mean anyway?
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Hayley/Shironinger has a dog
>comparing this to RPM

back in your room
Now that the basic plot of the movie is out and rita and goldar will probably be dead by the end
What should the sequel be?
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