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/krg/ - Kamen Rider General #1385 - Death the Christmas Edition

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Old Thread >>15029880

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>Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 12 Preview
Good Guys die
Good Guys bye
Are really not even going to get one full episode of the two genuinely working together? Goddamn life's tough for a bike nowadays
I'm 9 gold balls and 40 blue balls away from expanding my park!
Well I mean his Driver is likely going to be taken/given/stolen by Parrad(Paradox) and the Gashat will still likely be used for the bike, just with a Blank faceplate.
How would you guys react if Mighty Bros XX is Ex-Aid and the ghost of Kiriya
>tfw the Lonely Way line in the lv. 3 callout refers to Emu missing Kiriya
>All this see-through mesh
Man, I'd love to hear an interview with the suit actors about how much easier it is to see out of these suit than past one. Even the close up visors are just a big pane of one-way visibility mesh.
Whoops, didn't mean to quote.
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There's no fucking way.
Are they able to do it?
Oh shit, yeah. I hadn't thought about that until now. Plus, the Ex-Aid costumes are way more flexible than Riders have been for the past couple years. Must be nice for the suit actors.
I still don't believe Kiriya actually going to die. Out of commission fr while, sure. But dying, nah it's too soon for that.
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Where do you get the idea that Suda is a cunt? He is by all accounts a grateful and nice person, and his recent role on YĆ«sha Yoshihiko shows that he likes to have fun. He is still a fan of Kamen Rider and hasn't trashed the series like Joe Odagiri. It's just that Suda has not reached the low point where he's sitting beside his phone waiting for TOEI to call him up for a crossover film or a videogame because he has nothing else (Kento Handa, Masahiro Inoue). He's busy being a critically acclaim and successful indie and mainstream film star.

A time will come when Suda makes a return cameo in Kamen Rider and that will undoubtedly be the most successful Kamen Rider film to hit theaters.
>tons of bike actions
>lots of bike stuff
>very little bike, what we do great is great
>what's a bike?
>bikes rarely used, mostly off-screen to travel to Helheim
>had decent bike action despite the main using a car
>bike is a Rider and a lying bastard that gets killed

What's next for bikes? Love interest? Mentor? Villain?
>inb4 Zombie Gamer is able to disable the Bugster virus in Compatible Users(Gamer Drivers).

Yes please.
Eventually the rider won't get a bike at all. They'll mention bikes offhand throughout the show, like they'll see someone on a bike and say something like "Oh man I should get me one of those". Then in the very last episode, during the final credits they'll show the him riding a normal bike, not even transformed, for like two seconds.
>He is still a fan of Kamen Rider and hasn't trashed the series like Joe Odagiri
So you call others delusional but you still believe the "Joe Odagiri hates Kamen Rider" meme?

He doesn't hate Kamen Rider. It's not on his portfolio because he has a fuckton of other works that he prefers to be up-front because it's more representative of his acting and directorial style.

>He's busy being a critically acclaim and successful indie and mainstream film star.
Translation: He's busy doing a bunch of mediocre anime and manga adaptations, the most hyped of which he's not even sporting a lead role in because Gentaro does
I'm more worried about it being able to spread the infection, since it's using a Bugvisor as a driver.
>Bike is some weird unexplained abomination, though that one episode at the end of Alain's arc had some good bike action
Wasn't he asked about rider in some interviews and he changed topic, ignored the question and one time where he was acting with kamen rider skull he actively didn't want to mention rider?

Oh shit, I forgot Ghost.

And Captain Ghost. What the FUCK was that even? A pirate ship lizard bike combiner clusterfuck.
Never episode is going to show the reveal that game over does not actually kill you. it turns you into a bugster.
Since it's Zombie Motif I assume there will be some abilities that allows ZomGenm to control Bugster Mooks(Pre Friendship Necrom) and the "Infection" overall.

Though it may play as a double edge sword, as in that it may give Dan the upper hand over Riders and their current upgrades, but slowly turn him into a husk of his former self.
Stop sucking Suda's dick.
He said this episode that transforming into Genm already messed up his body, so he might as well go full suicidal now.
I don't even understand what the design process for that could've been, it doesn't fit in with anything else in the show
He doesn't actually give a fuck about Suda, he just likes to spam that shit here. Usually he's a lot less heavy-handed, though.
Using any of the Proto Gashats lead to the user's body being "messed up", meaning Dan could be dying from the use of it>
Dan may have created Dangerous Zombie in order to stay alive, by becoming "Undead".

Well, Ghost Ship is fine. Kinda fits with Necrom's scuba diver-y look. Throwing in lizardy stuff, though, it's just so damn weird. I get the feeling it's some super obscure Japanese thing, but I dunno.
In the final episode, they should have also had an iguana in the machine with Edith and Yurusen.
But that would require the writers to put the slightest bit of thought towards an inherently lazy scene.
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Should I watch Drive Saga: Chaser right after episode 40 or left it to watch after finishing the series? Would I miss some important detail? What do you think is the better experience?

He was talking about his decision to kill himself to complete Dangerous Zombie.

So he definitely did "die", it's just a question now of what about the Zombie gashat lets him continue to not be a stiff corpse, and how long that state will last (or other conditions attached to it.)
>mediocre anime and manga adaptations

Critical acclaim =/= mediocre.

Gintama is a better and more respected shonen than BLEACH will ever be. And we don't even know who is cast in BLEACH outside of the lead. Shinsuke Sato is the director of the movie and he cast Suda as the lead in his Death Note film, so Suda is sure to be cast in BLEACH if he auditions. No studio can turn away such a talented and handsome man who has all of the buzz in the world right now.
Ghost Ship > Pirates > Caribbean > Iguanas > Symbolism

Iguanas represent fire, pushing through adversity, and being content. So it all circles back to Buddhist philosophy and spiritualism.

If nothing else, Ghost had some intricate (and kind of clever) symbolism.

You can watch it either place. It might have some more weight to it if you finish the series completely though since Chase sacrifices himself at the end of the series to save Gou
>Iguanas represent fire

Salamanders, you fuck.
Yeah. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but let's not go down the rabbit whole of discussing whether or not dream theory, animal symbolism, and zodiac bullshit are credible.
I think he's talking about salamanders. Salamanders are the ones who represent fire because in ye ol' times people would collect wood for the fire, and little salamanders would be sleeping in the sticks, so when people started the fire there would be salamanders on fire running away from the campfire.
I'd like for us all to agree that despite liking or hating Ghost that the series was mostly a clusterfuck, with not idea of where the plot was going, and no idea of what to do with it's cast.
No, no, no. It's contrived zodiac association. Every animal has an element, a star sign, and and stone or whatever. It's all bullshit, but its worth bringing up. I'm not talking about salamanders.
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Suda never directly mentions Kamen Rider, but he does recount working alongside Koji Kikkawa as a teenager. Any more lies you want to tell? He doesn't hate Kamen Rider like Joey does. Suda loves Kamen Rider.
>I'm not talking about salamanders.

I'm pretty sure you are, dude.
Can we all just stop being baited by this fuck, please?
>Suda loves Kamen Rider.
you are actually delusional.

i'm done.
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I like to imagine that it just a really big Ghost Gadget Sennin had been working on in his Ganma World lab. Instead of upgrading his weapon, it upgraded his bike.
I'm done now, but I was not baiting anyone. Literally nothing I said could even be classified as bait. If you get triggered by the sight of Suda's handsome face, that's on you.
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I would've liked:
>Darwin Eyecon is Necrom's final form.
>The Eyecon is created via Alain befriending the Ghost Gadgets and Iguana.
>The Form continues to grow stronger and adapts to new threats/challenges.
Big shame Suda isn't the lead in the Gintama movie.

>so Suda is sure to be cast in BLEACH if he auditions
Won't get a lead role tho'. Fukushi already has that.

I would have liked if Darwin had something to do with Captain Ghost and the ghost gadgtets, but the ability to adapt to anything and get stronger from it is pretty THATS FUCKING DEAD HEAT AND HEART SHIT
Yeah, somehow tying Darwin to Ghost's arsenal would've been perfect. They should have made that a big deal in the summer movie
When is full EXCITE EXCITE?
Already out.
You know, instead of shoving Super Sentai into Kamen Rider movies all the time, why don't they just make a spring Super Sentai movie?
Because budget.
nobody really likes super sentai.
Nobody is going to watch that shit
When was the last movie in which sentai was more than an one scene thing?
What budget? You think these movies have a budget? Have you seen Blade's yellow face?

It's popular enough to have a weekly show and two movies per year. I mean, to begin with, the Super Hero War series started as a general "Super Hero Time" movie franchise. The first movie was "Kamen Rider & Super Sentai", the second was "Kamen Rider & Super Sentai & Space Sheriff". But then the third and fourth were all "Kamen Rider, guest-starring Super Sentai".

Honestly, I'm just getting tired of Super Sentai showing up and defeating the final boss all the time.
You mean like 199 Heroes? I remember that being the only Spring-ish Movie that was worth a shit.
Sentai movie box office is much lower than Rider's, but Sentai is 100% owned by Toei while Rider isn't, so they used Rider to advertise Sentai.

The teaser for the next SHT apparently shows Ex-Aid's Riders facing Sentai members, so it's probably going to feature them in a big way again.
>Sentai is 100% owned by Toei while Rider isn't
Wait, who else owns Kamen Rider?
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Kyoryuger and ToQGer drew bigger ratings and made more profit than Gaim, Drive and Ghost. Stay delusional.
Bandai Namco.

Though I don't see the point of "advertising" Sentai with Rider when Sentai airs literally immediately before Rider does.
>Honestly, I'm just getting tired of Super Sentai showing up and defeating the final boss all the time.
what? you didn't like gabutyra taking on the emperor by himself also sudden daigo also sudden toqger also sudden dinosaur can transform into a train also combine with the toqger?

i'm just memeing, stay mad.
Ishimori Pro, management company of Shotaro Ishinomori's series.
I don't like how Super Sentai were the ones who defeated both the Great Leaders of Badon and Shocker. That's stupid. It's not like Kamen Riders appear out of nowhere to defeat Zangyack or the Black Cross Army.
Big Bucks Sentai should be defeating the enemy because they make the most money.
If that's the case, then how come they don't make the movies centered around Super Sentai?
Yet when they do make Sentai-focused movies, they get generally reviled. See SHTZ.

Also, Kamen Rider has superior profit margins to Sentai always. Read actual financial reports instead of letting /ssg/ feed your delusoins.
I think Super Sentai works as long as they're not paired with Kamen Rider. They drag each other down.

I thought the Gokaiger x Gavan movie was pretty cool.
Huh, no. Kyoryuger, the most successful Sentai in a long time merchandising-wise can't even surpass the worst performing recent Rider in sales (Drive).

However, in the last couple of years the overall Sentai group has made more money than Rider... but if you look at the Japanese financial report, it becomes clear why - it's Sentai AND Power Rangers added together if you're look at the overall group numbers, rather than just merchandising. And even so Sentai doesn't have a big gap on Rider, aside from the Drive year.
So, dunno if it's already known, or how many people are playing the game or like me, waiting for all of the DLC.

On 12/21, form change Ex-aid, form change Brave, and Dark Ghost will be available.

Then still unreleased is Snipe and Mighty Brothers XX Ex-aid in January.
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That's gonna need an update.
>Masahiro Inoue
The guy who's still doing plenty of other stage work and is getting to star in his own Garo movie.
Calling Inoue careerless is retarded. He was never planning on TV roles, he's said this in interviews before, he's a stage actor first and foremost. He just lucked out and got a role as Decade after stalking a Kiva set and happening to be a major actor in Tenimyu.
Literally no one cares about GARO.
Guys, Kiriya's not gonna get Raia'd, right?

They'd never do that again to us, right?
If that were the case it wouldn't still be going, now would it?
Wizard always used his bike.
Is Bandai have stop making secondary rider's belt in the future ?

In recent Rider show, Ghost & Ex-Aid the secondary Riders doesn't have their own belt like we has before.
>No one else from Kamen Rider has as much critical acclaim and consistently gets roles as much as Suda does.

His name is Hiro Mizushima and he can literally do anything.
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The Bugle Driver probably counts, but it's not getting anything other than Dangerous Zombie. Which sucks, because I would love more horror games for Genm.

The Mega Loader sounded great, but there wasn't enough room in it to rival the Ghost Driver.

Maybe they are trying to focus on a one belt system to experiment a little.
>What is Necrom
>What is Paradox or Zombie Genm
Since Ghost and Ex-Aid both have multiple riders from the start, the "extra rider" that usually cameos in the movie war isn't exclusive to secondary riders. The Gaim equivalent would be the Genesis driver riders
*past the Kouga seasons
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>Mega Loader a belt?
Oh. So you actually mean belts, not just another transformation item? Nevermind then.
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>They make Psyga
Den-O was the peak of Kamen Rider. Most people stopped watching after it ended.
If Kamen Riders had Ultimate Powers like Super Sentai did in Gokaiger, what would they be?
Final Form Rides
That's lame, and it doesn't have much room for variety.

I mean, the Carrangers' Ultimate Power was their pose.
>doesn't have much room for variety.
You kidding? Hibiki's was a fucking music number and KIva turned him into a fucking bow and arrow.
Is Delta the most forgettable Rider of all time? I think he's a top contender. Also, why is Kaixa in the middle?

I can never remember his name, so yeah.
at least he had a good theme song

Oh wait. That's someone else.
All the best vocal songs in toku ask who somebody is
Honestly, even the Mages from Wizard are more memorable to me.
What about the OOO inserts?
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If its wrong to sing Kamen Rider songs really loud... i don't want to be right and i will fight you if you says its wrong!
Just pretend that every time they say the combo's name, it's a question.
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yeah, like that

please let s2 op be good
Bugster virusfor the zombie game is like the T-virus and Genm is going full Wesker
Poppi Pipopapo is my waifu
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I like Asuna better.
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Miniskirts > Petticoats

Just an Kyary Pamyu Pamyu wannabe.
learn english.

And yes, they're probably aiming to do that.
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Same, Poppi makes me happy
>waifuing a disease

enjoy your digital STD
She'd probably be terrifying in bed. In a good way.
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Did Kamen Rider invent dabbing?
She is the final boss, and will give birth to new virus at the end
Kindly remove yourself.
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This lady has been in Toku before. Maybe Garo? Either way i want to have sex with her, if you know what i mean

She's been in a couple Sentai, I think.
Uca Worm in Kabuto too
>need to finish grading papers
>decide to rewatch the last couple episodes of Ex-Aid instead

This is a terrible idea, but I enjoy suffering and want to memorialize Kiriya before he gets murdered this next episode.
42min and on
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Preserve his squats in your soul, Anon. Connect his feelings to the future.
Stop meming that Kiriya is going to die. He's not. Shut up.
Gokai no chikara. OUKAI NI SHIMASU
because Santa is going to save him
Santa doesn't exist, nor is he good at video games.

rip Diend
>Santa doesn't exist
fuck off, he's a wizard.
DICKEDO is getting married?
Well if Haruto wasn't bullshitting about the sugar being converted into mana thing, that does explain all the cookies.

Translation for those of us who don't read moonrunes?
What sounds do the Gashats make without the Gamer Driver?
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Meet Mrs. Jaimie "Steal Ya Man" Dikiedo.
Announcement, win noise, lose noise

You can diddle the other tiny buttons to get the noises from the belt though
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Dickhead-o's marrying a model. She was in some Sailor Moon plays.
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Of course he ended up cucking Tuxedo Mask
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Oh, that old shit. Come on, man. Obviously it was just light refracting off rising petrol vapors, giving off the vague illusion of a Kris Kringle. Science and Natural Reason explain everything.
Literally all of them. The Driver doesn't make any sounds and you can press the tiny buttons on each Gashat to unlock every sound they make inside of other toys.
They also make a secret sound announcing their genre that hasn't been used yet.
Reminder that there'll probably never be a CSM OOO Driver, Fourze Driver or Ghost Driver.
got a video of this?
It's not their "genre" it's just a short version of the Gashat's name. It's only coincidence that Mighty says "ACTION" and Shikariki says "SPORTS."
>No CSM OOO Driver
So I admit to not being up to all the lovely /krg/ drama, but why are people apparently triggered by Suda? Or by somebody sucking his dick, not sure what was actually making people upset.
It'll probably be for the MBXX weapon.

It's just shitposting, stop drawing attention to it.
Or Gamer Driver.
Skip to 6:24
Suda's a cunt, this isn't new, but some faggot keeps memeing about him being "the best ever" and usually it's just one occasional post, but today he just went full autism and tried sucking his dick to a degree like no other, and said "no other actor has been as successful," which made the few people here who do give a fuck about Jap actors come out and call him on his bullshit.

Garo is only still going because it makes mad pachinko money. That's 100% where they got the budget for Red Requiem.
>Making money

Fucking LOL
So... no more bike for Ex-Aid?
If people didn't give a fuck about Garo, it wouldn't still be going.
With the recent casino laws in japan, it's gone from being lucrative to being literally the only thing some companies need. Garo always made its money from three sources: Figures, Pachinko, and Amemiya's own pockets.

I'm impressed he's even able to squat considering how rigid and bulky the Girigiri Lazer suit is.
Oh, that makes sense. Why is Suda a cunt though? Don't really keep up with Rider actors much.

>it's gone from being lucrative to being literally the only thing some companies need

See: Konami.
There may be bike, but it will be a lifeless one probably
>Kiriya dies
>Emu activates his gashat and a bike come outs
>gets excited for a second thinking he is alive in bike form or something
>its just a lifeless bike
Impossible. The problem is the Medals. That thing would be expensive as shit. Plus, it's impossible to make show-accurate Medals anyway. The Core Medals in the show are transparent, but the toys have chips inside them which the OOO Driver needs to read in order to activate specific sounds. Without those chips, the OOO Driver can't read the Medals, and with those chips, the Medals can't be show-accurate. It's lose-lose.

Gamer Driver's more possible, assuming there aren't too many Gashats. The Gamer Driver itself is just a glorified piece of plastic anyway. The Gashats are where all the sounds come from.
He bitched about Phillip's role making him come off as "feminine" and tried to look tough by doing a skinhead role

One success later and suddenly he's fucking crossdressing.

If that sperg comes back he'll prattle about "Critical acclaim" or whatever, but doesn't realize his co-actor, Renn Kiriyama, has been getting an even bigger publicity push than Suda.

I don't think he's actually a cunt, but he's tried to distance himself from his role on Kamen Rider W, and we tend to like actors who also fucking love being Riders and come back more often.

It's just another version of the "Joe Odagiri hates Kuuga" meme
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>cosplays as Sonia-chan
>who wore a wetsuit that has Decade's colors

Masahiro is a man of taste.
Bikes don't matter anymore. They'll just give every Rider one like with Ghost just because, and they'll never explain it.
No she was actually Sonia in the play. Masahiro was Gundham.
>her poppy and pipoism: gone
Even better. This just confirms best Dangan ship is a-sailin'.
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>Hey why should Agito/Ryuki/Faiz/Blade/Hibiki/Den-O have a Bike
>>To look cool and to turn into a hovercraft
>>To look cool and transform
>He doesn- wait what do you mean I'm fired
It was really only ever explained well in the Showa era tbhfam
thanks pops
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>he forgot the entire arc in Blade dedicated to bikes.
Bikes would make more sense if Rider had to chase down kaijin on a regular basis. But nowaday they can all just fucking teleport to what's the point.
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Don't trust this man.

Do NOT trust this man.

If you do, he will die, and it'll be your fault because you TRUSTED HIM.

I like his shirt, he seems trustworthy
But that was all about an undead just stealing a bike and getting a power boost from it, wasn't it?
Or did I just completely forget what I thought was my 3rd favorite rider series.
but that's been happening since Nigo was introduced in the original series
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Mayday! Mayday! SOS!!
i get it might be important for the story for kiriya to die in some way.

but can you do that at least an episode AFTER the freaking Xmas special?
It's really sad how his whole character amounted to "MUH TRUST", considering how he is the oldest rider/doctor in the cast.
Blade and Garren were creaming their jeans about the cool new bike.
Joe doesn't hate Kuuga.
He hates Kamen Rider and toku heroes.
actually wait no Ichigo did that too
the whole nazi gold burial thing
teleportation riders has been a thing since 1971
Yeahyeah, then they got doublecrossed and spend two(?) episodes hunting down the cool new bike, killing the undead that stole it, then destroying the bike like they should've done with the Leangle rider gear.
also they took out the time and budget to go all the way to the Suzuka circuit which is a Formula 1 track.
Yeah man, can you at least wait until after, maybe, episode 25 for the Genm reveal, and literally every other important power-up?

Actually, Gekitotsu should have been debuted at 18, and every other episode was exposition for the characters. Like, why is Taddle Quest special to Hiro, Bang Bang Shooting for Taiga, etc.? Also need exposition on why Bang Bang Shooting was in "development hell".
>Bang Bang Shooting was in "development hell".
That was just a reference to the fact FPSs have the most famous cases of development hell, DNF and HL3, I bet.
yeah, im pretty sure you are a riot in parties.

come on, the pacing on the show is not bad, what im saying is, why kill a character, on FREAKING CHRISTMAS? do we really need another PSG-tier xmas ruining?

dedicate the nxt episode to the Xmas shenanigans, and then the next one do the new players/kiriyas death plot, that's all!
I never once said the show was bad. I just think the placement of the power-ups is way too soon than what usually happens.
if thats true, sorry, but it sounded really sarcastic.

also about the powerups, take into account theres A LOT of them this season.

After what we have, next in line is:

-GENM zombie
-Mighty brothers XX (ex-aid lv20)
-Kamen rider Paradox
-Taddle Fantasy (Brave Lv50)
-Jet combat simulations (Snipe Lv 50)
-the new Namco Gashats (movie possibly tho)
Maximum Migthy X (Ex-aid Lv99)
Ex-aid LvMAX?
Nah. They'd just do the medals like the O-Medal collection set. Not totally accurate, but at least you can't see the chip. A larger scanner, show accurate belt straps, and maybe some additional sounds (plus maybe some added music like the Decadriver) is all I'd really want. The Medals being actually transparent isn't a concern of mine at all.
>Like, why is Taddle Quest special to Hiro, Bang Bang Shooting for Taiga, etc.?
They aren't, Dan just gave TQ to Hiiro and BBS to Taiga, nothing about the games is "special" to them
>Also need exposition on why Bang Bang Shooting was in "development hell".
The devs got stuck during development and it's release is undetermined, it's just a little quick line, not an important plot detail.
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Emu's a strong boy
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Episode 12 will be an "turning point for the series"
R.I.P Kiriya.
What was that bike called again?

It's not even Christmas, he and Emu JUST became bros, at least give us an episode or two where they get a chance to fight together!
I can't believe they're going to ruin Christmas.
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They're really going to do it.

They're going to kill off the best character only twelve episodes in.
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Seriously, it's amazing how well they've built up Kiriya's character over the past few weeks, considering how much of a panic we're in over his seemingly inevitable death now.
i mean, kiriya was not that good of a character, but you could care for him and his struggles, it is WAY too soon!

or what, are they planning to revive him? i mean, if the line hiiro spouted about unnecessary revenges and wanting to see saki again is any indication, its clear they are paving the road for a resurrection/saving the bugster victims arc.
>My name is Kiriya Kujo. I was attacked and killed by a zombie on Jesus' birthday. In order to restore my life, I must gather 15 heroic Eyecons as Kamen Rider Ghost.
>i mean, kiriya was not that good of a character, but you could care for him and his struggles

You know we gave Kiriya's actor some shit at the beginning of the show (and I still think he's not doing a great job with the VA work for in-suit scenes), but god damn he was selling this week's scene where he gives his motivational speech to Emu REALLY well.

Both Kiriya and Dan's actors are actually pretty great, shame one of them is getting flowers next week.
that would be an interesting way to tie the series with the moviewars.

but then again, with the great eye gone, a resurection of that kind would be impossible.
lets pary theres no flowers this saturday.

i dont want to go to the xmas party i have next saturday crying like a bitch.
Even hase wants Kiriya to live.

I won't be able to watch the SHT stream like I normally do because my family always does Christmas vigil mass, so I'll be at church while it's airing.

Hopefully the raw video will be up by the time I get back so I can watch it and cry myself to sleep that night.
>why are you crying anon its xmas
>my new favorite japanese karate bikeman died

The toku fandom I follow on Twitter is currently torn between people that desperately want Kiriya to survive, and people who are rooting for Dan in his bitching Zombie suit.
dead rider characters always stick together.

it can happen.
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it's Gaim all over again
why not both?

better yet, Kiriya somehow gets revived via Dangerous Zombie ones Dan finishes his part of the plot.
oh lord, i just realize the episode airs on actual Christmas

i thought it was close like a day or 2.

oh toei thats fucked up man.
The difference is that Ex-Aid has already been relatively darker than Gaim was at this point. In my opinion at least.
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my best bet is Kiriya going coma and Emu need to find the cure

I'm expecting Dan to kill and revive him as another dark Rider, honestly.
Didn't somebody suggest last thread that Kiriya goes into a coma, Pallad possesses him, and they become Paradox together? Pallad would be Puzzle Gamer and Kiriya is Fighter Gamer. I like that idea.

It's not gonna happen though. ;_;
I just want Kiriya to get Zombie so I can get the SHF without feeling guilty about it.

At this point in Gaim, the darkest thing that happened was Kouta getting his shit rocked by the Slaughtermelon.

The big reveal about the nature of the Invess and Hase's death happened at episodes 13 and 14 I think.
>dark rider stole my bike
>Kiriya becomes Fighter Gamer
>Pallad, being an incomplete Bugster (I assume) merges with Kiriya as Puzzle Gamer
Wouldn't it be neat if Paradox was a hero and villain?

I'm getting the SHF regardless. That is a sexy as fuck form.
also Kouta unknowingly killed his friend in the very first episode
>tfw masahiro won't be a pure husband anymore
I wish him all the best and hope they'll be happy together!
The Ghost that should've happened

You know, I can't point to a specific moment in Ex-Aid where I thought "shit, that's dark", but the overall climate of mistrust, manipulative dicks, and TATAKAE makes it feel kind of weirdly bleak regardless.

Not to mention Kiriya's absolute suffering.

this could be, without a doubt, Toei's stupidest decision yet.

>Hebotto Christmas
>Zyuoh Christmas
>Ex-aid Chris- BIKEMAN DEAD!!!!!

and you know what the woirst part is?

the children can take this way too seriously, and can affect the shows overall ratings.

Toei, in order to get some viewers will try to 'kidify' the show, altering the plot enormously, and fucking up whatever big plan the writers had for the series, which has been excellent so far, kinda like OOO after the fukushima disaster, and in a way, ghost.
Yeah. Gaim was still happy-go-lucky dance performances and petty turf wars at this point.

Yeah but we didn't know that until the reveal later on.
I was hoping Paradox would be both Graphite and Parad via some FangJoker shit
>kinda like OOO after the fukushima disaster, and in a way, ghost.

A more accurate comparison would be the complete overhaul of Hibiki halfway through. Parents complained that Blade and the parts of Hibiki that had aired were too dark and scary, toy sales were down, so we got, well, we got Inoue.
>kinda like OOO
Well memed. OOO was great from start to finish. Even when the plot slowed down, the characters and medal passing kept the momentum going well enough for me.
i think he means that OOO had different plans to what it was.

OOO is great but could have been different, better? we'll never know, an 8/10 series could have been an 9/10?
Lady Gozen in Hurricaneger too.

well, lets hope that doesnt happen, the problem here is the one i mentioned a lot.

they are, killing a character, in a kids action show, IN FUCKING CHRITSMAS!

if they werent doing that, im sure kiriyas death wouldnt affect anybody, as far as i know the darkest rider event in christmas i remember was meteors intro, and thats not that dark really, meteor was just acting like a dick, thats all.

has any other rider event been as dark as the death of a character in Xmas? has any toku character ever died in Xmas?
I'm kinda hoping they just don't wanna spoil Christmas shenanigans so they put the preview for the episode after next (the Christmas episode) in instead.

But I haven't seen the episode yet because I'm waiting on Excite like a TOOL so I may be completely wrong.
Panty & Stocking are not the only one who ruining Christmas now.
Didn't all the GoBusters' parents get trapped in Hyperspace on Christmas?
>has any other rider event been as dark as the death of a character in Xmas?
The big Rider brawl in Gaim comes to mind since Hase just kept tumbling down after that
i think so. but i mean, on an actual Xmas special/Xmas themed episode, on Xmas week.
the wiki is saying that 13 will feature Kiriya.
They're gonna have Kiriya come back in 3 weeks akin to Jesus' 3 days.

Screen cap this.
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So who's your favorite character?
Could be a flashback


Barring that, Emu is a pretty good protagonist but goddamn I am enjoying watching Dan flip between "cool, composed CEO" to "cackling psychopathic mad scientist" these past few episodes.
I like Kiriya the best, but Taiga is a close second just because he's always yelling and saying stupid shit.
delete this
They don't have to be meaningful to the character.

It really helps that unlike other collectibles, the gashat are not "FOR MAIN RIDER ONLY LOL" and is instead distributed properly.
I want to buy my little brother some gashats for Christmas, is CSToys or AmiAmi better ?
Pallad has fantastic hair and I want to run my fingers through it.
hmm, guess theres that, but i imagine, they played the episode and the scene seriously, as in not doing silly stuff before, therefore, theres no whiplash, and with that, no viewers loss.

really doubt it, why they would put a preview for an episode that would air in 2 weeks after the xmas one?

im gonna take a guess and say you cropped out kiriya in that phot, but outside that, i would go with emu and asuna/poppy

both the duality concepts for these 2 are quite interesting

>a digital mascot girl trying to live as a normal person among regular people, struggling to control her 'poppyness' every once in a while.

She DEFINITELY need some focus episodes, and this next one might be one.

>a young doctor intern who wants to truly live up to the name of the honorable man who saved his life, who has a kind side but also a potentially malicious if not potentially EVIL other personality.

what is not to like?
The one they're getting rid of next week

M's not evil, just an over-competitive jerk at times. He's supposed to go into his "M" personality when he transforms into Ex-Aid, but we've seen him keep a level head and show concern for others even then. He's just a but cocky then.

It's when people call him out PERSONALLY that things get out of hand:
thats why the 'potentially'

who is not to say that M will become more arrogant, over-competitive or dangerous the more he fights as Ex-aid.

he was already acting stupid 2 eps ago, also remember, that pallad wants for M to develop even further.

Try this episode, he's STILL trying to solo DKHZ.
>he says this like he wouldn't
i wouldn't
Out of necessity. He claims that anything less won't cut it against Genm.
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She'll arrest you.
Consider me arrested.
she can arrest my dick, if you know what i mean
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no ass
He's into chastity
i want her to put my dick in her cuffs.

Note: Cuffs means vagina.
hobby search japan
>Going public with your relationship and getting married thus rendering yourself useless in the world of Japanese entertainment

Suda would never.
bitch can't fucking smile
So I'm watching Faiz now and finally coming to understand how inaccurate TV-N's translations for it are. Just in episodes 24-29 there were a ton of lines that I could tell they got wrong just by listening.

This is bothering me so much I really wish I could do something to help. I know Blade has Turn-Up Scrubs, but has anyone ever bothered to create softsubs for Faiz? If that were out of the way it would be simple to give the show a translation check since there are captions available for it and everything.
Suda already went public with his relationship though. Hell, you bragged about his girlfriend last thread.

Go back to jacking off to pics of your shit actor.
>he says this like he wouldn't
What is wrong with you?
im not a homo
>we will never have a shot of the Formula 1 track again
not sure if my KARADA is ready
kaito was in the gaim cast image and he died. :1
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It's not even gay though, he just has indisputably nice hair
so let's lighten up the mood

if we trivialize kamen rider as KARATE <NOUN>MAN, what would they be for Heisei (the one that made them less insect-y?

though I guess Kuuga is still Karate Bugman
>this is literally lvl 99
i wouldn't be surprised if the planning dept was just a bunch of bored nerds playing with toys
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Suda has never publicity stated that he is dating Nana Komatsu and vice versa. This ambiguity makes their relationship even more intriguing (even though it is obvious) and is why they are amongst the most profitable power couples in Japan. You go public with that, you lose your value in the eyes of the female demographic. Masahiro has committed career suicide. He'll retire soon.
hair is gay
>Is so insecure about his sexuality that he continues to take the bait and feels compelled to defend his closeted emotions every time
What a faggot.
karate dead man
I almost envy how delusional you are. The idea of experience psychosis is worrying, but if I end up as disconnected from reality as you happen to be, it'd at least let me use whatever mental gymnastics I like to dictate the world around me.
masahiro doesnt give a fuck. hell be fine
Also applies to his killer with Dangerous Zombie
Karate Oogaboogaman
Karate Angelman
Karate Dragonman
Karate Batman
Karate Misunderstandingsman
Karate UWEHman
Karate Muscleman
Karate Trainman
Karate Beetleman
Karate Batman 2
Karate Cameraman
Karate Masaki Suda is shitman
Karate Pantsuman
Karate Spaceman
Karate Fweeman
Karate Fruitman/Godman
Karate Carman
Karate Boringman
Karate Vidyaman
>though I guess Kuuga is still Karate Bugman
You might be forgetting Blade and Kabuto. Because both of them were just straight up bugs as well.
Looks like 1-14 are softsubbed under GabuAnon, no idea how much of the translation is original. Past that it's just the TVN stuff, which would need to be copied and properly timed.
Kuuga was more Brawler Bugman desu.
Funny thing about that. Whenever Decade transformed into Kuuga, he primarily used reversals.
yeah those too
>Karate Masaki Suda is shitman

Karate Hardboiledman is the real reason to watch W anyway.
>Karate Batman 2
More like Karate NEOFANGIRESPAPAman.
You watched the entirety of W just for a character who only has half a dozen appearances in total?
Sorry, I meant Karate Halfboiledman.
>we could have gotten an Ex-AidxZyuohger christmas special and leave Kiriya suffering for new year
>Karate Masaki Suda is shitman

Kamen Rider W is the most valuable series in retrospect when you consider the fact that it launched the career of Japan's most successful young actor Masaki Suda. Even back in the old W-Time days, I knew that this Phillip kid would be a star. It was fun watching his growth over the years. The franchise has never seen an actor of his caliber.
How many layers of irony deep are we at this point?
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>Masahiro has committed career suicide
>by marrying a girl whose filmography is only slightly smaller than his
>not by staying as a stage actor on anime plays for the rest of his career
Thanks, I'll check those out!
Time to figure out how to transcribe/OCR the rest I guess.
You can see him in depression from the tweets a month or 2 ago.
Well that's a price to pay when he knocked up some semi-popular talent off screen.
is this gonna be 2017's new Maurice or just the flavor of the month shitposting
He'll also be thirty in three years. Practically an old man by Japanese entertainment standards.
That's what I was thinking. I haven't been to /krg/ in months, and I'd thought it'd gotten better since I left. Little did a know that a fresh shitstorm was just lying in wait.
>Toy scans up to third quarter come out
>Ex-Aid, Brave and Snipe all get upgrades
>Few people joke that this means Lazer dies
>tfw it could actually happen now
>On Christmas day no less

What have we done
>All these people talking about Decade getting married
>Others talking about how announcing it is bad
>No one has mentioned that his wife is pregnant and will give birth to their first child in the spring next year.

What the fuck have you guys been doing?
that's the only reason anyone in the entertainment industry admits they're married t b h especially in Japan, it's a given, and besides, who cares when Lazer is gonna die. At least their kids will be tall.
losing control knowing that my husbando is dead this christmas
So, does the new movie explain what was up with the kid in the last episode of Ghost, or is that for the Specter/Necrom V-Cinema?
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>Five rider series, main is pink, secondary is blue, evil is purple/black
>Yellow is first to die.

What is it with Kamen rider ripping off stuff that ripped off ryuki?
I know, I fucking hate this stupid Mami-meme
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Karate Strongman
That's Super-1 you fuck
>he doesn't know
Who /I AM AMAZON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ here?
You know what would be worse than Kiriya dying?

Kiriya being replaced with a generic edgy asshole. Which is what I think is going to happen with that dude in prison.
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Literally whoOOOOACHAAAA
but we already got Taiga
and Hiro
It triggers me when they call him Z cross, I know the japanese call him like that too, but ZX rolls off the tongue better.
And a red Rider gonna show up after yellow dies.
I think that only really works if you say it "Zed-Ecks". I like Zee-Cross though, sounds more Japanese-to-English which is always delightful.
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>and besides, who cares when Lazer is gonna die.
FUCK YOU. Kiriya is love. Kiriya is life.
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>Trying to get Drago Knight Hunter Collections, so that they can all go Full Dragon
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>no poppy felyne
Don't do this to me
Then Emu starts waving the handlebar around while saying "ikuze meijin" and breaks down crying
What would this game even be about? Obviously zombies, but from looking at the cover what would you expect from the plot?
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>but what if that bike became like Autovajin
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Probably like this
see RTA >>15032371

>"K-Kiriya? Is that you?"
>"Kiriya? Is that my name? Thank you for naming me, user Emu."
Something like that but with a zombie instead of a werewolf
Who the fuck going to run Genm Corp now?

Dan. Who else?
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Namco even made it.
But Dan said goodbye to his office as is he's leaving Genm Corp
>Introduce a gashat that requires four people to use
>Kill one of the four willing to go along with it two weeks after

I don't understand.
To make the game more difficult, of course.

I don't know man. And for fuck's sake, he was the rider machine too. He didn't get anymore upgrades, but he was still important.
Has he got his flowers yet? He might not be gone forever.
The episode hasn't aired yet, so even if he has, we wouldn't know about it.
>no Gaschacon 2X4
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>Has he got his flowers yet?
>He might not be gone forever.
Fuck, that's right!
So they only get the flowers/ are shown to be given them after the episode airs? I guess that's to stop spoilers but didn't the pics of Graphite's flowers show up before he died?
No, the pictures of Graphite with flowers came out after the episode aired in Japan. They are never released before the episode they die in is over.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

That would make a fucking awesome form.

>Gets a Faiz-esque design with neon lines that spurt out when hit
>Weapon is a laser rifle that turns into a light saber
>Kamen Rider Shin Lazer
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>Proto-Gashats have unlimited power, but fuck up the user over time
Just how bad is it though? Are we talking organ failure? Torn muscles and ligaments? Degenerating DNA ala Faiz?
Dan said he was going to die anyway so I figure it's just along the lines of organ failure
Karada becomes boroboro.
They're killing the only one out of the group that introduced repeated parts to the Gashat though. Removing him, none of the parts are reused.

There's also the issue of how so far he seemed just as important as the other Riders, and actually got more development than them, but was credited after Popi, rather than alongside the other Riders.

There were always some oddities involving him.
Neither, it was for the last stage show feat. the cast.
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He needed data from people using all the games to begin creating the greatest game ever.

He got the data he needed from Dragoknight Hunter

That just sounds like he's making a 10-in-1 game, or something that's all genres at once.
It was more biological data with how the Gashats reacted to the users. Like how he needed the death data.
Action 52 Gashat when?
>biological data
When Dan going to do 18+ rated gashat?
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For the anon a few threads back that was watching Blade through KissAsian like myself, the site is back up.

Sweet Jesus, that would be a horrible jack of all trades form.
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>people actually stream and use Kiss_____ sites
Good for them that it's back up but there has to be a better alternative for streaming if they seriously can't torrent or DDL
When he finds something that rhymes with Custer's Revenge
Could you give me any of the said better alternatives, dear anon? I'll appreciate it.
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I said there HAS to be one, but I don't know any. Could be worse. You could be just left with Vietsubs.
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Fits perfectly, to be honest.
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Dangerous Zombie looks rad as fuck
But anon, I am Edison
What do their playernames mean?

>Introduces Kiriya as a main character
>Killed off in Ep. 12
It's like getting rid of Krim, or killing off Makoto as soon as he appeared.
What's stopping Toei from doing motorcycle scenes now?
Well, at least Toei did something ballsy and unpredictable. I mean we joked that he would die in the distant future, not the next episode.
Dan what is this

>Genius Surgeon Hiiro
>Genius 6 year old Kiriya
>Kiriya dies
>Taiga fights Emu for Kiriya's gashat and belt
Taiga: I'll take your mighty action x if I kill the bugster.
>Wins but Kiriya steals it back next episode
Taiga: If I beat you I'll take your level 3 gashats!
>Wins and once again Kiriya and Brave take them back the next episode
Taiga: I will be the one to beat M and take the Dragoknight Hunter Z Gashat
Taiga: I will help but remember I will be the one to take Shakariki Sports when we defeat him.
>Emu gets it

Not very effective is he? I hope he steps it up in later game before eventually becoming good.

>Give me that belt!
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>Dan had access to all of the Prototype Gashats
>Not once thought of using them
>Just a complete Shakariki Sports
Dan, come on.
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Still waiting for the riders to summon the lv3 characters just to fight
Dan was fucking dead at the end of it just using MAX. He'd have died too soon for his plan if he used others.

I mean it's not like his motives are beating the riders more actively studying them with his experimental technology.

Dan already did it with Shakariki Sports. That thing is somehow the same as Robots, Beat, Combat, Chanbara, and Hunter Gamer.

Fair enough.
FUCK i want jet combat
>any time someone says they stream or anything close to it there is always one or two people that feel the strongest need to reply instead of just ignoring it

This is some serious autism.
No. Dan summoned the non-sentient bike, not the sentient robot bike. There's a difference. The few times we see the sentient bike, he instantly combines with it
Dan should summon all the proto lvl3s
Is it not more autistic to get that assflustered? Nothing is inherently wrong with streaming, but KissAsian and its variants are cancerous and it shouldn't be relied on.
What if Emu can summon Kiriya's bike by using the belt on....air?
>replies anyway to the reply instead of ignoring it
Like clockwork. The comment didn't even demonize streaming, just streaming with the use of KissAsian because fuck that Minion anti-adblocking shitfest.
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So for the record, now one can use Giri Giri Chanbara now, right?
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No. But that doesn't stop the other riders from transforming into Lazer
Can other riders actually use it though? Giri Giri just adds limbs for Lazer.
>yellow one fucking dies
>black one is the devil
this is madoka all over again

That's just it. The limbs make sure that only Lazer can use it.
This is exactly why I responded. It's hilarious when you autists can't help but defend yourselves once called out.

You're just assuming shit. It could easily have a different effect per rider.
Pretty sure anyone else can, it's just that his Lv.2 literally turns him into a bike. If he used any other Lv.2 he'd be humanoid like everyone else.
the chanbara gamer LVUR figure is incompatible with any other character than lazer
the actual toys say no

>You're just assuming shit.
Probably because only a Lazer form of it currently exists in canon and it had to accommodate for Bike Gamer Lvl 2 being without limbs at all. There's no reason to assume that Dan would design it to only work with Lazer.
Aren't we all just assuming shit?
So what happens if Lazer uses everyone elses lv3?
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Stop assuming that of me, you donut.

We're just in denial right now


He gets ridden by the little gamer robots.
He fucking dies is what happens.

>Kamen Rider Decade; Deep Tsunami!
HOLY FUC,K i already knew what Takumi was but holy fuck. That reveal was fucking awesome.
>2 new cast members next week

Flowers fucking confirmed.
I'd say Takumi had a ruf life

>Fusion Ride; SUPER-40 KITAAAAAAAA!!!
>Fusion Ride: WOOO
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I just realized that the picture is basically the cover of Army of Darkness
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>Not Super Market Man
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I like how the death flag appears in the next episode splash
[Magia Starts Playing]
Not only the next episode, but a christmas special!
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Merry Christmas, Emu. For your present, I got you a new bike. Don't worry, the old one's already taken care of.
Except it's not crap or done by an over rated rider.
>bike picture behind him
>putting Kiriya BEHIND him

Has Toei done anything so savage?
i just want to see ex-aid in a magical girl outfit

is that weird?
Genm is totally overrated though, he's the worst of them in a straight fight but keeps getting the new weapons and upgrades before everyone else because he makes them
I'm not talking about the riders. I'm saying Urobachi is a hack.

There's more to writting than just subversion of a genre. Actually make the characters interesting.
>I'm not talking about the riders.
Don't write rider if that's not what you mean then
Sorry to say, you wrote 'rider' not writer.

Still, no biggie.
*writer, then
>Except it's not crap
Mami rehashes are crap
So what exactly was he then? Does anyone know?

I think that's Medic.
He's Takeru's future kid or something, IIRC.
I kek'd.
>all the japanese kids tears on christmas eve

Anon, it airs on Christmas Day in Japan.
That's even BETTER. Imagine getting Lazer's toys and playing with them while watching the new ep.
OH-HO-HO-HOAAAHHH. I didn't even think about that. Fucking SAVAGE, Toei.
anon, dont pretend that you wont cry like a little bitch when seeing the episode
I think this is going to legitimately end up causing a problem with the show.

Like right Ex-Aid ends we're gonna be hearing interviews about stuff had to get changed because moms were mad that their kids were crying during Christmas
Nah. Riders die all the time. Kids are used to it.
The Demia system was backed up on a separate server, it evolved in the future and tried to take over the world. Takeru's son Ayumu is strong enough to fight it as Ghost(Dark Ghost suit but it's his Ore. He has a robotic Yurusen partner.). So Great Demia goes back in time to stop Ayumu from existing.

There's a battle tournament where characters are possessed by heroes to see which is strongest:

Ryu/Takeru/Ayumu fight together as Boost/Mugen/DarkOre to beat Great Demia (a white Perfect Gammaizer). Shinsengumi happens due to a sword used by them at the temple.

Ayumu's mother is left as a mystery.
Yes. But not ON fucking CHRISTMAS, anon.

I don't know. I'm personally hopeful that Toei is fully aware that they're taking a risk here and has planned accordingly. Might make them more resistant to negative reception this time. I don't think they'd have teased the death scene in this week's preview otherwise.
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>The Demia system was backed up on a separate server, it evolved in the future and tried to take over the world. Takeru's son Ayumu is strong enough to fight it as Ghost(Dark Ghost suit but it's his Ore. He has a robotic Yurusen partner.). So Great Demia goes back in time to stop Ayumu from existing.

I'm sorry, what?
Won't be anything that bad. If it was carried out in the brutal/satisfying way Kusaka went out in Faiz then yeah sure but Kiriya will probably go out heroically and spur Emu on and all that shit.
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Basically it developed an intelligence and wanted to succeed where the previous Demia failed but Ayumu's Ghost is too strong.
So. Demia's original plan was to turn humanity into soul energy for the Ganma world en masse so they could use that to power the Eyecon System and the assimilation of our world into something like theirs, yeah?

Why does Demia have sentience then? When did the system EVER have a functioning AI of any kind?
Christmas doesn't make much of a difference in all honesty. In fact, Lazer's implied death will probably probably boost ratings for the show, alongside the debut of that super cool brand new form. Shit is going to sell like hotcakes, heck the preview has already gotten a bunch more views than usual.
No clue, that's just how they introduced it. Great Demia is basically a Great Eye of the future, but it evolved from the Demia system. They went for a tech route future but couldn't distance it from the Ghost mysticism.
I'm still unclear about what the status of the Luminaries is. Because the Eyecon system shut down when the Great Eye left earth, but the heroes were still flying around as jacket ghosts after the fact. Does Takeru still have access to his Ghost Changes or not? Do the Ghost Eyecons not pull power from the Great Eye like the Ganma ones do? I thought that's why the Ganmeisers were able to shut down Grateful...
"Main" characters
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kids are strong
and they fight for justice as well
All but one of those characters survived the show, and the dead one survived until the second to last episode
Who's the best rider boy ?
Are you talking about a novel?

Or are you just full of crud?

Sorry >>15036567, i meant to reply >>15036562.
>and the dead one survived until the second to last episode
I think you mean he was dead until the second to last episode, when they decided he wasn't.
There is no Ghost novel, yet.
Stage show.
Oh okay then.

Is there any footage of it? We need pictures! Pictures of Robosen!
impure slut
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Anyone have the picture from the preview of Zombie Gamer like right after the transformation, with the smoke and glowy eyes and shit?
Thanks mang.
The shattered visor and Zaku shoulder make me really want an SHF of this

Some blogs if you want to read about it
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Oh, so that's how they sold this eyecon.
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hi everyone, wallpaper guy from a few days back here. Still working on requests, doing Blade atm. In the meantime, here is a rider 1 wallpaper i made.
but Mami was a "rehash" of Raja to begin with
Premium Bandai is doing a survey for overseas fans.
They want to know if you're interested in buying their shit directly.
not badd
oh, and im still taking requests for riders. for those who werent in the thread, i basically make some minimalist wallpapers and shit.
>There could be a time when I don't need to pay a boatload for middleman fees to get my shit from p-Bandai

Christmas miracles do happen.
>Proto MAX - $40
>Proto Bang Bang Shooting - $60
>Proto Taddle Quest, easily the worst proto gashat, - $200

I don't understand resellers.
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That's neat.

I like how there's this silent agreement, that they know we watch their shows in not the most legal of ways, but they're mostly fine with it as long as keep buying the toys.
Yes, you'll instead get to pay a boatload directly to P-Bandai
I'd rather my money go towards the people that actually make the shows and toys than just some guy.
I got Proto Bang Bang Shooting for $15, but yeah. I can't find a decently priced Proto Taddle Quest. Cheapest I've seen is between $60-$100
Ex-aid itself is a pretty good show but FUCK those suit designs are TERRIBLE
I guess that's an okay way to look at it.
Yeah, maybe if you've got garbage taste.
Give me the belts fuckdai I told you I want them.
And toyshit
and DVD's
I like them all except Lazer. You can tell the suit actor can barely move in his level 3.
Surely bandai can swing themselves cheap shipping. Imagine if all they add on top is the 8% tax Japanese citizens get that proxies have us pay
>can barely move

So you haven't watched anything involving his level 3 then?
>had favorite toy as a kid, figure
>it was bloody cool
>had no idea what the hell it was supposed to be
>thought nothing of it, it was cool
>got into kamen rider a couple years back
>was watching dragon knight
>wing knight goes into survive mode
>wait holy shit
>realize that was what the figure was, it was wing knight in survive mode

wow, i guess i've been a rider fan most of my life and didn't even know it.
When I was about 9-10 I had a Robo Rider figure. It was super cheapy and I got it from a Flea Market, but I loved it.
>Dragon Knight
>>Not Ryuki
but anon why would you do that to yourself
He he is slugish compared to everyone else, and stumbles around every time he attacks. He almost fell over on the stares fighting Genm during his debut.
Dude he was flipping and jumping around the goddamn place in his debut fight.
I don't mind it desu. I grew up watching 4kids and Ultraman Tiga dubs got me into toku anyway so it sort of gave me nostalgia.
>can barely move in his level 3.
He did fucking flips and shit in his debut episode, man. Chanbara Lazer was surprisingly agile for a bulky suit
Nigga, he's flipping around in nearly every scene he fights in level 3.
oh hey really? I got mine from a dollar store.
I had a VF-17 from Macross for years before I figured out what it is
damn really? that's actually very cool.

I think that anon meant Raia. As in Kamen Rider Raia.
if you had to fuck a kamen rider, who would it be? has to be a male rider.
The same happened to me, but with a "made in china" Zero figure my fathers bought me.

Some time after i realized who it was, thanks to a friend of my brother who brought his PSX together with Megaman X4.
The half of Double who hates Kamen Rider.
it seems to me like this happens a lot kek. Well that's pretty cool anyway. Do you still have it?
Guys can you share today's word please?
Sadly no. Most of my toys were thrashed or gifted for some reason (the thrash part is obviously my fault)

I remember it was mostly silver, with blue tones in the white parts of the original.
except parents
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aw, sad. The wings fell off my wing knight because it was quite literally from a dollar store, i wish i'd kept better care of it.
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Oh yeah, he did use Deneb that one time didn't he
More like Deneb used him.

That bastard!
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I cant hear you!
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i wish deneb would use me no homo
I need a wingman like him in my life, doe.
I was using his catchprhase. Sorry if doesn't read like that with english subs.

Every taro is cute!
Even Sieg!!
den-o had some of the best side characters desu. I loved the core imagin characters.
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and don't forget HOMOtaros
I had toys of Metal Hero and other obscure Tokusatsu, like Guyferd prior to knowing anything about them, and I still don't know where some of them came from
What's your list of orders, if you don't mind my asking?
Man, Hana was pretty
Everytime Double Action Sword form started to play was a very good time for me.


Damn right!
She was also quite punchy.
it's relatively erratic. I have a bit of a backlog but that it's not a 'first come first serve' basis. At the moment i'm working on blade since he's a pain and I want him done, then I plan to do fourze and ryuki. I'd be happy to take more requests though.
And kicky.
Oh god, those kicks.
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He gained 10kg after the show
What would I need to do if I wanted to scrub a series?
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Blade - Chibi.png
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That's fair, I just wanted to make sure you caught mine lol, keep at it!
I can probably bring up what i have so far for the blade one if you like!
I realise I probably used a bad image for my post because mine wasn't the Blade one, your call though my dude
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Which show?
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Oh, I didn't use anyone's images I just googled them. I need them a certain size, you see.
>Despite being caught up on Ex-Aid, it only just hit me that I won't ever get to hear "INFECTION" in show anymore


At least I have the Bugvisor next to me, I guess.
Den O
You'll die if you try it. That show is cursed.
I'm sorry if this is retarded, but what does scrub mean in this context? or did you mean sub?

Also finding a good sub of Den-O is impossible these days.
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No worries, another new general is gonna show up soon with another BugVisor, I bet.
Sorry I meant the chibi Blade one I used in my post just there. This is all very confusing, let's start over. Hi, I'm anon.

But hey nice Blade :D
From what I understood of scrubbing it's rewritting an existing sub to be not terrible.
Hello, I too am anon. Thank you! blade it hell to draw and I was worried it wasn't turning out.
if i understand it right: is more or less taking shitty subs and somehow fix those so people can enjoy the show without the bullshit
Ah crap I requested Meteor with all his lines and circles and what-not. My apologies lmao
I really liked the conversation Ex Aid had with Salty when he came back as well as the interaction between Snipe and Graphite that showed they had history together.

I wouldn't mind if we didn't get the too many monsters this series but the returning ones where villains that evolved over time. Like a rogues gallery rather than a monster of the week show.
i must have been out of the thread when you requested mate, I'll totally save a pic of him now. I try every rider i get requested but I don't always promise I end up doing them, but I will certainly try!
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Fourze - UCHU KITAAAAAAA 02.jpg
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Cheers lad!
no problem at all!
yeah it doesn't have those "it's morphin time!" and "go go power rangers" calls
fucc u
don't get me wrong, i like kamen rider but damn, nothing has happened for the last 11 episodes.
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Si that my boy Masahiro

He is the one in the left, right?
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Oh sweet. A belt display stand.
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I'm watching through Den-O and who the fuck is this supposed to be? I thought you guys said Den-O didn't have a secondary Rider, but this guy looks pretty Rider to me.
I wonder if they play characters in bed
That's a forest, anon. Forest's can't be Kamen Riders yet.
anon, i think you need to check your eyes, theres only some trees there
Why'd you post a blurry picture of a forest?
Forests can show favoritism for certain Kamen Riders though.
Are you in drugs ?
Who is... what exactly? I'm confused.
Oh shit! I need about 10 to 15 of these! It's been along time since I used a middleman but I might have to look one up.
Did you mess up the timing on taking the pic?
Cause that looks like a cut to another scene.
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How is this even a question? I am 100% hetero, but I would let Suda take me home.

>>15037090 , please
A Shiraishi is fine, too.
>I am 100% hetero, but I would let Suda take me home.
I'm not sure you know what 100% means.
i think he meant thats 99.999...7(or some other number)% and just approximated
Some years ago I realized that the strange sword I have since I was a kid is Faiz's
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