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RTA subs Ex-Aid 11

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Thread replies: 249
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Subs out guys.
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Hory sheet mang
Bless your soul, dude. Can we throw money at you or something for your work? It's really appreciated.
>You know, reading insults and/or baseless accusations always makes you go mildly annoyed, but getting straight up called troll subs loops all the way back to hilarious.
its only like 2 people dude, we all love you for being a super computer that gets subs out super fast.
I swear Dan gets off to killing children or something.

He could've just killed a frail old man for data but he just HAD to try and rider kick the kid with the fractured leg
im looking forward for next week
>debris smacks him in the head
Takaiwa suffers for the enjoyment of others.
Maybe it's a special program the hospital has so the CR can scout out new recruits
You know, something's been bugging me. Does Emu actually have an internship at the hospital? Because it sure seems like a residency. Interns typically don't get to see patients.
But they were never considering "Emu" in the first place, only Taiga and Hiiro were actually scouted for CR.
Anyone's a candidate, but no specific standards have been mentioned. Like, what makes a coroner more qualified than the other doctor guy in episode 4 with the younger sister?
That ost during Genm's identity reveal was awesome.
Severe emotional trauma maybe? Given that the operation involves an attentuated Bugster virus being injected into a person, and Bugsters thrive off induced stress?

I mean Hiiro lost his GF, Taiga lost his medical license, and Kiriya lost his best friend all due to Zero Day. Emu being the only Rider not fitting this criterion makes him like Shinji from Ryuki - he's throwing a wrench into the plans simply by existing.
Kiriya was never scouted by CR, he blackmailed Dan into giving him a Gamer Driver, so he was outside the system as well.
I realised in the preview that Dan is using the Bugster thing as his belt. Thank god because it would've really clashed with the colour scheme.
Holy shit
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Holy shit.

Dan stabbing himself to finish his own death and get the data for zombie man, that was powerful.

>all those Kiriya's death flags
he is so done, like seriously he is so fucking done.

Ex-Aid is crazy, the preview was nuts MERRY Christmas HAPPINESS! LOL NO KIRIYA DIES.
i can't wait another week
Zombie Genm looks rad as hell.
i love how its white and still looks fucking terrifying.
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What a downgrade for the typical bad guys purpose
listen, nowadays devs need to go in deep to make a good game, at least he knows it and is doing what it takes to make a good game.
>he doesn't want to make the ultimate game
I really hope that it's just a false flag. It's really too soon to be killing off another character.
ELEVEN> ELEVEN good episodes in a row. Is Ex-Aid setting a record?
>ultimate gamer vs ultimate game dev

it's pottery
Every episode is good after Ghost.
I'm concerned that it has already blown it's load for the first quarter. Like, slow down guys, you've got at least forty more episodes to go.
What if this is another Decade?
Not too sure about Kiriya's death.
Unlike Kurokage, Lazer's toys is sold as part of main line. Plus, he had his own weapon to sell to boot.

Though its possible they bring a new guy to become Lazer.
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Two things:
His bar was already empty,
He didn't stab himself. He had the gun end pointed at himself.

He was using the zombie gashat to get the data/keep him from dying.
I'd understand if he only had a gashat, but that whole weapon that only came out recently tells me he'll be around for a while.
You do remember it's because they always blow the budget in the first quarter. After that there is usually a downgrade in budget so covering more stuff while they still can do the location shoots with all the cgi they need and can afford.
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"Game creation keeps on expanding, just like the Universe. That is why I keep making games"
Decade was only so short because Bandai wanted to change the time a new season starts to October so they could have all the toys out in time for Christmas.
We saw Genm use it in the preview. What if Genm use it as the main weapon from next week?
He was, in the first episode Poppi pipopapo is actively looking for "Genius Gamer M" as instructed without knowing that the intern Emu is M.

The CEO knew he was compatible and driver, he's obviously lying and hiding why he knew and it hasn't been revealed yet. (Kiriya probably finds out next episode).
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damn this thing so cool it should be banned
Is she a new character? New Bugster commander?
It just looks like Poppi got a new outfit.
>Salty came back

so does this mean Graphite can come back? also Pallad's "video game you can simply pull a continue" has that hint too
Just read the TOEI website. Apparently, there are 2 new addition to regular cast next week.

One of them is that girl.
Saki's undead bugster form?
Different actress.
maybe critical strike simply sent them back to bugster world
>can't even make a good platformer in 5 years

good luck with that
I hope there won't be new Gammaizers. They are like the worse villain group ever.
at least this fits thematically

you can never really die in video games
M fan girl
Lazer is Lv.3 when he's getting bodied by Genm, so it's more of a kill him with his own weapon.
Though when he's passing his Driver onto Emu, it's only got Bakusou Bike in it, so Dan's probably swiped the Gashacon for it.
are you really actually this stupid lmao

He tried to rider kick the kid because he knew Ex-Aid is going to stop him, thus depleting the last amount of health he had with him.
Wait, if Shakariki is cleared upon defeating Dan, does this mean he was part bugster all along? Is Dan now a full bugster/undead?
they made a big deal of him having a last week of internship, does this mean he will be only in the CR now rather than performing pediatrics?
11 episodes in and I'm still worried too, man. especially after this one. They'd have an easy excuse to shift to repetitive two-parters with the whole "can you save the city with these 10 gashats" thing.

Fingers crossed they keep the plot actually moving.
Dan mentioned a lot of people are already infected, and an outbreak could happen at any moment.
I'll bet that after the Zombie Dan arc, we'll go full outbreak and Emu will be stuck in CR full time to stop the infection.
> They'd have an easy excuse to shift to repetitive two-parters with the whole "can you save the city with these 10 gashats" thing
Considering the steady supply of new gashats in the toy catalogs, that seems highly unlikely.
>damn this thing so cool it should be banned
Three months ago, everyone was calling the Ex-Aid designs stupid and ugly.
White is a color that symbolizes death in Japan.
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This ended up looking much better than the catalog art.
damn im glad they went with pure white instead of metal grey
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I'm out of the loop and have a lot to catch up. Is Ex-Aid past episode 2 worth watching?And what happened with Excite subs?
>Is Ex-Aid past episode 2 worth watching?

>And what happened with Excite subs?
Nothing happened. People are just using RTA for fast subs
>Is Ex-Aid past episode 2 worth watching?

very much so so far
>And what happened with Excite subs?

these ones just came out faster and people don't like to wait
how can a nigga get "death data" on himself but still be alive baka

it would've been so much better if he told the riders that they played into his plan and then stabbed himself while laughing and fucking died. that would've been way more unsettling and effective

then pallad teleports in and takes the bug visor and the corpse with plans for zombification or whatever
Hell yeah it is, unless you hate rider v rider stuff because of the five riders one is the MC, one is evil, two are dicks, and one is decent but tries too hard to be manipulative
He's a zombie now.
Seeing as how Dangerous Zombie has a busted HP bar, he's probably already dead
i have some issues with the show, namely

>a lot of time spent in henshin and then leveling up before every fight
>poppipipapo's acting (her eyes aren't smiling enough, she looks like she's forcing it)
>every doctor aside from emu being mysterious assholes
>every child being an asshole
>the fight choreo has been okay but not great. it's made up for by how many visual effects they put on everything

then again i'm coming from watching sentai, so caveat emptor

he looked pretty alive when talking to the riders and later at the lab with pallad. his suit was a little cut up but that's it.
Wait, what? People have been doing that?
>every child being an asshole

Seriously. These kids could rival some of the brats from 80s and early 90s Sentai.
>he looked pretty alive when talking to the riders and later at the lab with pallad.
Dead people tend to look like the living when they just died. Unless they were mutilated or so. either way, he's a zombie now. Maybe he'll start rotting as the episodes go by or so.
all i'm saying is, motherfucker didn't even fall down when he took fatal damage.

didn't even take a knee to indicate he might have died.

he popped a jig and walked off with the confidence of an alive person.
Man he stabbed himself in the heart with a giant GBA

That's not crazy enough for you?
This shot is still mighty awkward when there's a certain someone conspicuously missing
is Hiiro possessing Takeru
he's a zombie now
>Man he stabbed himself in the heart with a giant GBA
Isn't that just to get the data? He used the blaster part of the Bugvisor, too
that's the thing though. guy poked himself with his bugvisor and supposedly "died" yet nothing of impact was witnessed.

he didn't fall down and rise from the grave, his skin didn't lose any warmth, hell there was more blood on hiiro's dad's face when he ran into the door twice last episode.

if they say he died next episode, they didn't do enough to show it this week.
How the hell is RTA getting this stuff out so fast?

and I fucking hope Kiriya doesn't die, atleast not this soon anyway.
still no flowers yet
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RTA, I saw what you put in the description, ignore those wankers complaining, they're the loud minority and not worth the characters to give them attention.

That said, thanks for the subs, can't believe how fast you crank these out
his free time aligns with the raw release
There are flowers on his shirt.
Maybe that's a cheat, then. He didn't die because he sucked out the death code before it ran, but he implied his body was fucked one way or another to Pallad in the next scene anyway.
Getting serious Metal Gear Rising vibes here.
4 in 1 Gashat bootlegs when?
>all to keikaku
>tl note keikaku means plan
Is this really supposed to be a survival horror, anyway? It looks more like one of those crazy 90s as fuck action games.
She looks like she's trying to be hip with the kids, y'all.
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huh yeah it's splatterhouse
Wouldn't it be awesome if they subtly hint that she came from Zawame?
>Kiriya dies
>Ex-Aid gets around using Shakiriki Sports anyway
This is some fucking bike ntr going on here
Which is no less scary, even when playing as a badass.

In a way, that would help with any future crossovers involving Gaim.

The writer usually does short stuff, no way he's gonna slow down just yet.
>Which is no less scary, even when playing as a badass.

well shit im a pussy back then. even DOOM scared me shitless
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Not just getting around on it, Anon
>tfw we will never actually see a kid get rider kicked

Kid should be privledged.
looks like smoke from mk9
We're getting two new people in the main cast next week
That guy looks like Takaiwa
Dying by your own weapon

Being Lazer is truly suffering

Don't forget we haven't gotten a lot comparatively to develop Taiga or Hiiro's characters.

I mean Hiiro has "muh dead girlfriend" but they haven't really advanced his character past that grief yet. And Taiga is still a colossally selfish asshole.

I doubt the mid-twenties episodes are going to go this quickly, but I don't think it's going to grind to a halt.
And I'm still calling them trash right now, good series doesn't mean those early designs instantly become good.

I'm suspecting something like that, yeah.

We know that the prototype Gashats damaged his body, but don't really know how. Is it purely a physical thing or is it a Blade-type deal where overuse just outright turns him into a Bugster?
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>that tornado roundhouse kick for Kiriya's character select
you could say his KARADA was BOROBORO DA
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>now have to wait a week to find out if Kiriya actually does kick the bucket or if it's somehow a big fake-out

Good thing we get the best looking suit of the show either way.
>or is it a Blade-type deal where overuse just outright turns him into a Bugster?

It looked like they hurt even when Graphite used them, so I don't think it's this.
Didn't Snipe use a proto gashat before? I wonder if that's going to be somehow relevant later

When he was the first Rider during Zero Day? I don't remember them showing that, I just thought he was still using Bang Bang Shooting.
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>visiting family for the holidays
>next episode will air on Christmas Eve over here
>no way in hell I'm going to be able to sit in on the SHT stream to watch it

First time in a long while I'm actually scared of spoilers for what's going to happen next.
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>best looking suit of the show

Nah, that's coming with boat hoes Snipe.
i hope she is a friendly, Poppy needs a girl friend.
Taiga used Proto Bang Bang Shooting in the past.

During flashback scene, you can notice Snipe looked slightly different.
It was in a flashback. He used Proto Bang Bang Shooting back then

Oh shit, no wonder he was warning about bad things happening as a result of using the Gamer Drivers.

Is that why he has the white hair now?
Ex-Aid really is the most /m/ Rider show we've had for decades.
Invess lord Brave looks pretty cool
It was Proto Bang Bang Shooting, he had a mostly monochrome suit
Can't find my screencap of it though
Drive was only a couple years ago man
>Oh man next week looks like a ton of fu-

Fuck you, Santa.

Especially compared to Zyuohger's Christmas episode which looks like straight-up silly filler.
>Brave has a longsword with DKHZ
>He's used it twice
>He hasn't tripped anyone with it

Drive was more /o/ than /m/
Mario learns zyumen and zyuohger tho
>Ex-Aid really is the most /m/ Rider show we've had for decades.
but gaim had actual mechas.
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>Kiriya learns the true meaning of trust and gains a new friend through his honesty
>that speech about beliving in him
>that fucking bro fist while fighting with Emu as DKHZ

It's not fair.

It's not fair, he can't die next week. Not when we've just got the best bromance in the show on a roll
so he stabbed himself to finish his own death.

yeah thats what i meant, he ended up killing himself to not die.

He didn't stab himself with the Bugvisor, he was using it to extract his own data into the gashat.
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Barrel-simulator Gashat when?
alright, from now on instead of saying "dan stabbed himself" we are gonna say "dan was using the bugvisor to gather the data from death into the gashat and prevent his death".

yeah it flows real nice out the mouth.
Killing off Kiriya kinda makes sense, now that I think about it.
He's too proactive. Emu and Hiiro are just here for muh patients, Taiga wants to hoard games. Kiriya is actually trying to figure out the plot. If they don't stop him somehow he's going to blow the whole plot open by episode 20 or so.

Stop being a pedantic twit. You were making it sound like Dan finished himself off, when he was already dead from Ex-Aid's last attack. That was the only thing I was trying to correct.
It would be fine to say he stabbed himself if he was actually using the chainsaw part of the Bugvisor

Dan's been playing him this entire show, considering he's GENM, Dan could've just killed him if he didn't want to play along. So Kiriya factors into his plans as well.

Also considering that Dan wanted to recruit "genius gamer M" while the Medical board of CR picked Hiiro, I think Emu was a part of his plan as well.
Maybe that's his ability since you find weapons in horror games.
Hello, Paradox.
Is that kid Zeronos? Who's actor was actually a girl?

At least he's not Adel.

>I want my daddy to love me.
>So I killed him.
Ghost's Ganma fitted thematically too.

They were literal ghosts...

Well, until they shat the bed with them being robot eye thingys that people use in their beds
>every child being an asshole
That's par for the course in Tokusatsu.
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That's basically what Survival Horror's become nowadays.
>tfw the new resident evil is just some bait for online streamers
he basically stabbed himself with a needle to collect the data for the gashat.

we both win? alright?
Did Proto MAX always have no sticker on it?
>Dan is about to finish Kiriya

Christmas is saved!
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that's the back of the gashat
I hope we get a Date/Kiriya in coma
I don't want best boy to die
>Dan snaps his neck in secret

Best case scenario is that his consciousness is transferred to the Bakusou Bike Gashat and he can only exist in Rider/bike form from now on.

no balls to kill a star rider early on Toei
>no balls to kill the main rider's bike early on Toei
yeah because that would totally foster good relationship with actors
Nah, I think that's very unlikely, since it'd reduce an actor to voice actor. It's more likely he'll just be done with the show and move on rather than something like that.
Hey man it was in the contract. No entitled actors here.
Yeah but aren't usually secondary/non lead Rider actors already have some acting chops? They'd only sign up if it was a full deal.

Honestly, the actor is much, MUCH better as a face actor than a voice actor so I kind of wish they would just kill him than stick him as a VA for a big chunk of the season.
>not signing up for everything

In japan you take what you can get. Because some other fuccboi will take it if you don't.
I feel the same way. Having him just rev around occasionally would be a waste. We know Toei barely does bike scenes anymore anyways.
>write a show for children
>make every child a selfish jerk
what kind of message is being sent?
they look like a couple for some reason?
Damn, you're right. I had no clue Namco made Splatterhouse.
i fucking love how they integrated white mad scientist hair into the suit

god damn that thing looks sexy
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It's hard not to when Emu sat on his junk before

It's best to do the right thing, even if you're not recognized for it, or wind up getting hurt by it.

What I like is that it looks sexy from every angle. I want a fucking figuart of that form.
Some are good eggs though (even when they get bullied by cunt kids who attack them for little or no reason).
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>They'd only sign up if it was a full deal.
I know nothing about Lazers previous acting gigs, but i'm pretty much positive he's in no position to turn over 10 episodes of reasonably major work on a big franchise.
i don't know my riders that well, when was the last time a main rider died? (ghost doesn't count)
Doesn't this shit have absurdly low payrates? It's part of the reason why, usually, the only actors who are willing to come back to their role post-series are the ones who have nothing else going on at the time.
more like the agency gets the big cut
Lots of them die at the end of series, Chase and Baron for example
but you'd have to go back to early Heisei for one early on unless you count Kurokage as a main rider
It's a springboard to get into actual tv, it can be hard for actors to get enough exposure to break into J dramas and the like
Kamen Rider OOO Returns when
kurokage ain't a main rider
It's the other way around though. Often supporting characters are established actors, and they often aren't around for the entire series.

Also, looking at the credit lists, Laser is actually bellow Popi, so it sounds like production-wise he isn't considered a main Rider, even if storywise so far he is effectively one.
what about Danny boy?
He's listed alongside Ex-Aid, Brave and Snipe.
Gridon was, apparently.
Ornac was a main rider because his suit was finished early so he was used for promotion.
wow, RIP then
Why keep going with this meme?
Your autism is showing. He didn't inject/stab/hurt himself in anyway.
well fine, what would you call what he did?
Holding the bugvisor to himself to copy the data.
Didnt he pretty much just do what Graphite did with Drago Night Hunter?

Think of it as download vs. upload.

Graphite used the data from the proto Gashat. The blank Gashat Dan had used the data from his own death instead.
Extract the data.
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So did Fourze.
This, the guy even got to fight the Kyodain and brofist Daitetsujin 17.
Fourze was literally written by the same guy who wrote Gurren Lagann.
Riku Sanjo wrote GL?
Nakashima not Sanjo was credited for story composition of Fourze. Sanjo and Hasegawa were just secondary writers for the project.
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So when can we expect to see the new Ex-Aid movie online and subbed? I'm dying to see it and the past few openings of Ex-Aid keep cucking me and showing me scenes from it.
July, not even kidding, thats when the Ghost/Drive one got released, also the Gaim/Drive one.
God dammit, I was looking forward to it so much. Oh well.
oh so he's not the head writer, I thought riku was
You have to get something: those clips they're showing in the credits are to advertise the THEATER release. Unless someone camrips it, we won't see it until the DVD/BD release much later. It's not so bad when the movie isn't canon, but the few times where they are it can get weird.
how /m/ survived the old W days when the movies were all canon are beyond me
/krg/ wasn't around back then, so it didn't matter much. Drive however, where everything was canon, was a completely different story.

Fucking Sanjo.
god damn ghost was pretty shit
man, my leg hurt just watching the kid run.
it was a win-win at this point.
>No, proceeding on the next stage, AFTER LIFE
>The writer usually does short stuff, no way he's gonna slow down just yet.
samething as Gaim

Should Kamen Rider just have Writers that worked on 1 cour anime?
>The writer usually does short stuff, no way he's gonna slow down just yet.
Well, yeah, but so did Gaim, but even that has its plot screeching to a halt when it comes time to promote some random movie.

Like, the plot is in full force and then suddenly Kaito plays soccer and the plot is reduced to Kouta running around like a lunatic. Or how about the time the narrator was like TWO WEEKS AGO?
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shes wearing red and blue
Pallad is Paradox, man.


Maybe SHE'S the fighter half of Paradox?
so instead of left and right like W, it's front and back

that's awesome
what if kiriya is the fighter half since he wears red and kicks
>mfw the preview for next time
but also merry christmas!
I'll be fine, Anon.(Lying)


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>"Hope you guys enjoy the silly Christmas episode time! Oh yeah then Kiriya fucking dies, MERRY CHRISTMAS"
I can't believe Kiryia is (going to be) fucking dead.
>Well, yeah, but so did Gaim, but even that has its plot screeching to a halt when it comes time to promote some random movie.

>Like, the plot is in full force and then suddenly Kaito plays soccer and the plot is reduced to Kouta running around like a lunatic. Or how about the time the narrator was like TWO WEEKS AGO?
Gaim had Takebe as the producer, she has a habit of letting Toei do that nonsense (see Go-Busters with Gavan).

It would make for a nice change, if nothing else. Less questionable 2-parters.
I guess you can say Genm die henshined.
Pallad isn't even a founded spelling, the kana says Parado not Parrado. So you don't have to make the progression, it's just straight up Paradox with some letters missing.
kana can't distinguish between double consonants unless it has a distinct sound
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>the kana says Parado not Parrado
EXCITE is up too

Because everytime the lesson is you should stop being such a brat.

Kurokage got a lot of focus and attention prior to his death. He was certainly an important rider and character. His death meant something even as the show continued on.
No he didn't. Bravo's bitchboy did but not him.
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what about it?

pallad is parado in japanese
The original point was that Parad is probably Paradox.
who was btfo'd

did you read the whole thread

no, I was one of the guys he quoted

he insists "pallad is an unfounded spelling, it's parado not parrado"

like what, katakana doesn't work that way
>shoulder pads as weapon
Yeah but the whole thing came about because someone suggested the girl next episode is Paradox. Also, wouldn't it be パッラド if it was Pallad? They spell it パラド.
despite the double l's, assuming Pallad is based from palladium, it doesn't really sound different from 'palad'
If you wanna get really anal, the Pallad in palladium is pronounced like parade, or パレイド. Meanwhile Parad is just Paradox minus some letters. It could come from palladium, though, since Graphite is also a mineral.
that's new, I always speak it like "pah-lah-jyum"

you're right on the pronunciation tho, but then Japan has weird pronunciation for loaned words
The left one really gives off Strong Bad vibes.
Dear Pallad, how can you activate your henshin device while wearing boxing gloves?

-Sincerely, Crapface.
It has big holes in it.
Oh, that's a new one. No way do I get this freaking question all the time. I suppose I'll probably answer it right now—
Dead bike walking
He's going to live! LIVE!

I love the character, but man after a certain point you just have to accept it.
>Paradox enters the ring to the beat of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILVfzx5Pe-A
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