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/krg/ - Kamen Rider's Bizarre General #1227 - 「Onari Joestar

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 519
Thread images: 151

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>How to get into KR and where to start?
>List of subbed series:
>Download Links
>ETC Links
>Jojo Pastebin

>Kamen Rider Ghost 32 Preview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Pn3--hBJs [Embed]

Previous Thread: >>14253710
>It's this thread again
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mfw Maurice is looking a bit on the skinny side there...
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so keeping on topic instead of shitposting, was there a better ending to any series
it hit hard the second time i watched it
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Stay dry, stay comfy, stay 「THICK」, and keep posing
Why can't we do something like this? I tried to get the threads to do a "Let's Sing" of Ghost's OP but no one contributed
There isn't much of a spirit of unity these days since Maurice happened.
Why make this thread? the other thread is still on page 6. plenty of time till a 404
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time judged all or wbx is my vote
One of my favourite endings.
If ignore ep49 W has my favorite ending.
What's wrong with Gentaro's face?

Also who is Marice?
Let's unite against it then, if we all sang Warera Omou Yue Ni Warera Ari, then Maurice and Yongou wouldn't be able to derail the thread anymore because we'd be keeping it on topic and singing together in harmony.
I think Warera is more fitting as a simbol of unity for the thread, and it's more relevant.
Step 1 is choose a song that isn't shit.
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There was a {real} attempt recently to do the Kuuga theme, but it was the English version so no one really cared and thus the project never really left the ground.

You have shit taste if you think Warera Omou Yue Ni isn't a top tier rider OP. Would you prefer shitty Rider Chips dadrock or the awful Kamen Rider Girls instead?
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Oh lovely, we're back to these kinds of threads. And the last thread was completely devoid of this shit too, what the fuck happened.
oh god why
Yes and yes.
It's just Yongou samefagging.
jojo and voldemort posters made the thread.
So the key to making Yongou fuck off is Kuuga in the OP?
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i miss the old days
also does anyone have a good webm editor/maker im using an ancient piece of shit that rapes the quality whenever i try to remove audio
>You're coming along for the ride
>to Burger King

>Our appetites are in TOP GEAR
webm for retards.
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Is it time?
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you people need to be purged
i dont get it do you guys actually think its funny
i understand shit posting but holy fuck
Same group...check "anything goes cosplay" on jewbook
You people are fucking disgusting, it's no wonder nobody cares when these threads get shitposted to death. Some people have weight problems because of the genetics and guess what it's not fucking funny to mock them just because they're enjoying themselves, are they not allowed to have fun? Do you even take in any of the morals from a fucking Rider show? What is wrong with you people???
Drivecucks are the only ones who need to be purged, all you've done is ruin the threads and bully Ghostbros
Hit the checkmark next to your post, scroll down to the bottom of the thread, and hit delete.
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ima stop you right fucking there
where ya from, stranger?
Who cares if it's because of genetics or depression or whatever else, you don't know fucking anything about how hard it is or what that person is going through. Try not to be such a piece of shit next time, being a Rider is about upholding justice. You didn't see Shotaro belittle or bully Philip in the episode where he got fat, you didn't see him stop being his friend or anything.
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What website do you think you're on right now?
Which one of the group are you ?
sounds comfy.
Or, you know, this is bad cosplay.
This is all /v/'s fault.
i understand this is bait but come on
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>This entire thread right now
I'm not a fat nigger.

I don't think their cosplay is bad at all, the suits like just they did in the show, I'm sure I put a lot of work into their costumes and I think they all look great. If I saw any of those four cosplays at a con I'd be really impressed.
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I'm trying to watch all of Heisei in order.
What are my options for Kabuto?
The dub
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tv-n, its their best work
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Post Drive, you said?
I am pathetic enough that I'd probably try to fuck the Kiriko or Gou if I saw them at some sort of convention. but I am not pathetic enough to actually go to a convention.
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Posting Drive
Who? I kinda recognize her but I can't figure it out.
This is everyone's daily reminder to report Maurice posters on sight.
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>go to 8ch /krg/
>first post I see is a Drivebabby shitposting
Yeah, you should stay there with the rest of them. Ghostbros and real KR fans get the good thread, you guys get the shit board.
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im fucking impressed
also fuck this stupid ass captcha
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Does the Wizard dub contain HENSHEEN?
I love Ghost and hated most of Drive (Gou was alright and his suit was amazing) but I'd rather another year of Drive than dealing with all this "comfy" forced meme bullshit.
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got you nigga
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>Leon doing DX Den-O line reviews
>"Ah man, I should check to see how that group that was subbing it is doing"
>Last update four months ago

Well okay then I guess
Do one of one of the male riders.
Fourze Goth Slut?
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If Metalik couldn't do it, of course some random nobody wouldn't be able to convince /krg/ to do it
Let alone the opening to the show that everyone shitposts about
>disliking based Rider Chips when they gave us mitaiken zone and fixed the majority of openings in their cover album
Nice shit taste faggot
I'm actually impressed
If only all shitposters were as dedicated as the more yeast posters
I need a picture first.
woah woah woah nigger
i know you aint blasting rider chips
fuck you and having the worst taste in the universe
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Here's one of Chase.
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holy shit
Meteor has good taste
At least I have /sgg/ to talk about Rider in.
You're as bad as the Jojoposters in here
>tfw /sgg/ finally got taken over as worst general on /m/ thanks to the maurice shit

I honestly never thought it would happen.
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or you could just talk about the fucking shows and watch
bout to finish agito dont know what to start next
are there any not holocaust quality hibiki episodes out there yet
There's Metronome, but they're only to 14.
You could go in production order. What others have you seen, anon?
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Make a full 50 episode script of Kamen Rider Maurice in a pastebin or something please
honestly though TV-Ns are ok
no one has completed theirs
clock up scrubs died and yongou is still doing it, but at this point I'm not entirely sure I would trust his subs anymore.

or you can watch the dub, its hilariously awful
So what Kamen Rider had the best final form in your opinion? For me Kuuga and W were my favs, but I like me some Fourze final form as well.
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Okay so my friend from JoJo general said I should check out Kamen Rider 4Z or something because it's similar to JoJo part 4 but he isn't online now and I can't find a Kamen Rider 4Z, I can find ZX though, is that it?
4Z is a code name for Ghost
You should watch it it is pretty cool fammm
>but at this point I'm not entirely sure I would trust his subs anymore.
Oh shit, are you guys from the /co/co/'s Bizarre Adventure threads too?
if he isn't behind it, he's at least got a hand in it and is perpetuating it.
I dont doubt the quality of his translations, but I doubt my ability to recognize if he's put something in there that shouldn't be "as a joke"
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So I tried Takoyaki for the first time today. It was a big ball of OK.
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The only thing Yongou has done wrong is, well, I'll let the vocaroo do the talking
Post Shows you want to be a Reality.

Kamen Rider VVV. (Kamen Rider Triple U)
It's three people that transform into one Kamen rider.

Kamen Rider OOOO

Kamen Rider Fiveze
Alright /krg/,
Which Riders are literally you?
>pic related is literally me
Forgot to write, it will be in Gaim Gaiden 3, used by Badan.
fuck you, takoyaki is amazing
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>Gaim Gaiden 3
I don't believe you. Unless you're talking about the novel.
It's either Imperer, Tiger or Haruto.
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Takeru, because not only is he the objective strongest rider, but he's also a little twink femboy like me :3
You seem like a chill guy to hang out with bro
So i've been told.
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In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony gaia memories. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence
>it's a Chalice loses his memories and becomes entangled in some takoyaki business empire episode

what if Fumi is related to all of this shit

Also was Ryou played by the same actor as Hajime?
Fuck off Alain.
No, Hajime's actor actually has a twin lookalike brother who they roped in to do the show. Pretty interesting stuff.
Oh so that's him? Hilarious.

...surely there are more comedy episodes featuring Chalice right? Right? Or is he in the suffering train soon enough?
I miss Banno
Oh yeah. surely Blade isn't the only series that makes really weird "freak out" faces right? Post all of them!
It's a comedy filler two-parter by Inoue.
I know, I mean surely there's more like this? Chalice in funny situations writes itself.
Not that I can remember. I think this two parter is one of the last proper comedy bits before everything starts to get a bit more serious thanks to the main writer change.
They should make Inoue write a comedy Rider
Hmm, I dunno about that. His comedy has a very distinct feel to it, but it gets pretty tiresome if it's constant. It's better peppered into a drama for levity when needed.
True, well he seems to work well if he is overseen.

I really, really love the hilarious wedding scene juxtaposed on this guy screaming in terror.

Also pls, I need non-Blade rider reaction faces like this
When I think of stupid reaction shots like that one, I think W and Blade. Shotaro has the best reactions to things and Blade's actors are legendary for it.
Hey, we got something to call Alain just in case he does something stupid!
Show me.
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reminds me of that webm with the car and deer with YOU GOT THE TOUCH song
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C-can I lick it off?
I mean if I was certain it was poop I'd let you, but I don't wanna give up chocolate...
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Y-you shouldn't take that risk anyways, Anon-sama...
Let me stain my tongue for you...
No, if I was a nigger I wouldn't know if I was covered in chocolate, poop or just in my regular nigger form.

I bet you know it's chocolate, that's why you want to lick it. You're not going to fool me into giving you free chocolate.
>Omega has the same color palette as Skyrider
>He basically does a Rider Break, which was first named by Skyrider
I-I'll buy you a new chocolate bar if you let me lick it...
What kinda chocolate are we talking about here.
shit posting
Milk? Dark? White? Whatever kind you want...
Isn't Cutie Honey supposed to be a light and funny series? This look like they trying as hard as possible to be Cutie Edgy.
It's like when Toei tried The First/The Next. Hopefully it won't turn out AS bad.
eh sort of, its a Go Nagai series so it tends to flip flop between slapstick comedy and being pretty violent

so whenever remakes come around they tend to do one or the other
Speaking of Cutie Honey in a Kamen Rider thread,
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That isn't Kusaka's actor as a fake Cutie Honey is it? Is it?
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That's exactly what it is, Kenzaki.
He is having way, way too much fun with it. Makes me wanna see the Toei toku Cutie Honey now, is it actually good?
It's pretty not bad. It's definitely a departure from traditional Cutie Honey, and the Yuri overtones are stronger than ever in this one, but it's an entertaining watch despite being a little dark at times. Plus Kusaka is in it.
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How can people not like Kohei
He's the best thing to ever happen to Kamen Rider
I'm happy he's a main-ish side character in Zyuohger at least.
>Swoops in and starts encouraging distrust in everyone
13 years later and he hasn't changed one bit
And they said Amazons is not a comedy seires.
Just started Amazon's. Feels like some old b grade horror movie thing.
Entirely new thing or do they plan to have original Amazon or some other Rider crossing over there somewhere?
It's an original series using the framework of the original Amazon to make a new story.
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I had never actually liked an actual girl but then I found love only to find out she already had someone else, at least she is happy i guess ;_;
Could it be? HE IS AMAZON?
I'm painting my walls now and i had a sudden idea to paint something KR related on my wall, any ideas?
So who will win in smugness and planning, Kusaka or Tendou?
Your favorite rider doing something cool?
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Holy fuck guys this thread is some of the worst shitposting I've ever seen

I don't know where we went so wrong but this is not the punishment I wanted
What shitposting? I'm seeing nothing. Most likely cause I've just hidden whatever I deem shitposting. It's like it never happened.
Who's the best Extermination Team? And why is it Fuku?
Sniper dude is cool, but I like the tough grill more.
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I feel like Gou now
i'd rather get a logo or something, unless there are templates for that
Your favorite rider's logo then? I like Faiz's logo.
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Anything to achieve my end goal.
Ultimately Kusaka's planning led to his demise, and Tendou doesn't even really need full plans because the universe bends over backwards for him.
That being said, the universe doing his bidding basically validates Tendou's smug. Kusaka can't even compete.
I'm pretty close to finishing W so I'm thinking about what series to start next. Out of the following, which would /krg/ recommend?
Kabuto's fun, but it's something you watch more for it's characters rather than the plot. The fights are really neat until they almost forget clock-up exists, where they're okay.
OOO is okay but is really slow and meanders about from halfway to the last 10 or so episodes. It's only those last 10 in my opinion that make it top-tier.
Shitposting aside, I think Drive is fantastic once you get past episodes 15-20 or so. I just wish it had a better primary villain than it did.
>Some people have weight problems because of the genetics
Yeah, their genetics are programmed to be greedy fucks who can't exercise.
OOO first then Kabuto then Drive.
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Cheers anon, going off of those descriptions I'm likely going to follow the order >>14258710 suggested
It's Fourze, search 'Kamen Rider Fourze' on nyaa.

They're only similar in that the MC is a delinquent
>thread just fills up with [post deleted] after posting.
Feels good man.
>mods are just now cleaning the thread
where were you guys
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Seeing as we're only roughly one month away from the new trademark, what are you expecting the next belt gimmick to be? I'm thinking we're getting cards again or some kind of Showa throwback.
Collectable beetles
wasnt there kamen rider hacker trademark filled in?
>It's been 10 years since our last actual bug rider

Jesus fuck
No there has never been trademark
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Decade was a Shield Beetle.
What is your favourite rider design-wise , disregarding character and show's plot?

Wizard here
>those Jojo poses
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I really like the Faiz riders, even though my mom hates them.

All of the Blade riders are cool too, and have the best henshin
They can be pretty unexpected, I would have never thought of eyeballs ever for a driver accessory.
Anyone know where I can print out Decade cards?
I dunno much.. but i know Faiz didn't deserve that...
I liked the sound of the first fake trademark Kamen Rider Hacker. I love tech riders to pieces. Would be kind neat if it was something like Minidisks, but it would probably be considered a Gaia Memory copy as it's another storage device.
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Faiz forever. I love Faiz's suit so much.
Why not a new smartphone rider? Link it to some free to play game but filled with microtransactions.
Because that could only end badly
I'd argue it's the least kid-friendly post-Heisei revival, so it makes sense

And I don't mean in terms of violence or "mature" content, I mean it's basically a soap opera, which are boring
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Kuuga here

>tfw we will never get HQ pics of the ganbarizing cards
Double. His design feels closest to "Kamen Rider" in the Heisei era.
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Daisuke, 0w0-chan!
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>"oh shit im sorry"
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Gou's not looking so good these days guys, is it because Drive was such a failure that he's forced to make more V-Cinema garbage and can't star in real shows like Ghost?
Should've starred in a real Kamen Rider show like Skyrider, my dude.
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>real Kamen Rider
Why don't they make a Rider RPG? I like those RPGs with transformations in them.
I remember seeing some RPG on the PSP or something that had Wizard as a character you could play as. Must've been one of those toku/mecha crossover games.
It's called Kamen Rider Legacy, it's a project spearheaded by bros from /m/ and /co/ and features the following
>original lore
>new characters like Maurice, Yurusen and Dark Ghost
>/co/ and Jojo references
end your life
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Stop posting this trash
No register,
Doesn't really look all that impressive, but I'm down.
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What about this picture?
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And this?
fucking reddit
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You guys are just jealous 'cause every time you try you don't get enough submissions.
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i didn't know maurice cosplayed as ghost
i recorded for that one
we already did just live more in 2014, retard
Yeah and we did Kuuga in 2016. Which one's more relevant?
>thinking anyone cares about your autistic cacophonic choir
Fuck off to Reddit.
>/r/kamenrider has singalongs, no Maurice, no Ghost, no Drive
>/krg/ has no singalongs, Maurice bullshit, inflation fetish porn, Drivefags and Ghostfags
We should just move there
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>wanting to go to leddit
Just go to 8ch /krg/
>inb4 butthurt pro-shitposting mods delete this post again
>/m/ sings believe yourself when?

>8ch /krg/
Nobody wants to go on that inactive trash.
>Nobody wants to go on that inactive trash.
A slower board is better than non-stop inflation, Ghost and Jojo shitposting, also it has actually good moderation.
where it is then
I wouldn't say nonstop, it's really just when yongou and his buttbuddies get bored.
>it has actually good moderation.
The mods are actually deleting the posts.

fuck off
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>anno domini 2016
This place has become way way worse. Don't tell me it is already like this, no, it's not. Guess I'll just come for leaks and stuff like that.
Okay, Jobros so I just watched the first episode of Fourze. What the fuck, this shit is literally part 4. I'm loving it! I never thought I'd like live action stuff but this is great.
>The mods are actually deleting the posts.
Only some. >>14258884
fuck off
>The mods are actually deleting the posts.
Half a day after it happens
No need to be a hater, dude. I said I liked it.
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I just got to this scene in KRDK
Also Jesus fuck is the acting in the fight scenes bad.
Man I sure miss talking about Kamen Rider
At least compared to Power Rangers, the fighting made for DK is okay.
I meant more as in the dubbing, the new fight scenes are good.
That's what I was implying. The acting is still terrible like PR, but the fighting is good compared to PR.
I dunno, neither aren't as good as RPM.
RPM is on a whole other level and is the best of the western toku adaptions.
It's not even an adaptation anymore.

I'd still put Xena above it though, with that said RPM is better than most of the shit DC put out like Flash and Arrow.
Flash is okay.

Arrow is steadily growing bananas over time though. So Black Canary dies, huh.
>been watching kamen rider for almost a year and a half now.
>just showa, agito, decade and some crossover movies are all thats left.
>68 days remaining till it's all over.

Fuck man.
>68 days remaining
Before what?
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Female idol got stabbed 20 times by crazy fan
Now hospitalized
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>Alpha Alpha Amazon?
>The Amazon who started it all?
>Demon King Amazon form?
>A cool PS?
>Random Third Amazon?
So, this is the new Amazon Alpha that Jin was saying in the preview huh?
and this is what makes the average japanese think otaku of any kind are dangerous scum who should be avoided
>that cringey screenshot
Dark "We want more egde" Amazon.
Needs more Spikes, "Power is everything", and is a vampire.
That's some lazy shit. They really couldn't chip in the money for suit based on Gorgos? At least change the helmet.
>targeted at kids
nice meme

>releases toys same as any other show
>same fucking audience buys said toys
I bet you think DC movies are for adults too
this is not even the final boss
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Seriously you guys, please stop.
All of the toys are P-Bandai, which sells toys for older collectors.
Also, you can't tell me with a straight face that Toei intended for kids to watch Amazons.
You first
The result of bringing rangerfags to the community
But I'm not the one hating on Showa, you dingus.
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Why the fuck is Ryoma holding a peach energy lockseed?
cause nobody can afford that fucking sonic arrow
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W definitely has my favorite design aside from joker
decade second place though
Always a toss up between Den-O and OOO
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G3x for me. Though Kabuto is always trying to worm his way into that #1 spot.
Big McLargeHuge
nice samefag ;)
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Kamen Rider 3. It's just a great modernization of the old suits.
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I'm surprised Bamco and Toei haven't made Kamen Rider Wars yet, as in a reskin of SRW but with Kamen Rider. Sure there's that Ultraman/Rider/Gundam thing and Super Hero Wars, but the former doesn't really give the SRW feel and the latter is clunky and outdated.

They already have enough Rider titles to work on, they can have the "faction" shit SRW has (like Showa or Heisei, or Magic or Tech, etc.), and they can use pre-recorded lines.

Think of all the combination attacks!
In Kiva Dogga and co. kill and eat Yuri's girlfriends right? How the fuck were they never hunted?
Fuck off, Showa Troll.
haha it's time for more falseflagging le /krg/ hates shoah shitposting
>combination attacks
so in Ryuki, which Rider would be recruitable aside from Ryuki and Knight? would there be a secret character?
>post clearly hating on Showa
>claims that denouncing this fact is falseflagging
Can't get any more delusional.
Saving Raia would be a secret for sure. Though I'm not sure how they'd manage to both do that and still give Ouja Genocider. Maybe somehow bring him back/reveal he's alive after Ouja's run is done.
It is a mystery
What's a "showa"
Is that a new animal?
It's something you've never had in your life. Go take one.
If it's not some kind of dildo then I'll pass.
>Decade channelling Kuuga

More like this please.
Okay. Keep watching?
>Decade channelling Kuuga
That doesn't make sense
He means partial transformation of his arm before the full transformation. I think that's the only time he does it though.

Near the end of the show he does an instant transformation during a kick, but that's not the same thing since it was all at once.
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Can SS do it?
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Dust your shit
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Can SS do this?

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Remind me, did Eiji ever use the tiger claws in his base form?
I think so.
Promo models at events are often hand painted.
In his introduction cameo of that W movie. He kills the gay Dopant.

And if memory doesn't fail me, also in the music video for the OP against Uva.

Fuck off Australia.
Then you have incredibly low standards for good cosplay.
Where were the Showa Riders during 1986?
Taking a break from evil
Fighting evil across the world like they always do.
Florida, because vampires are beneath them.
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Florida hasn't recovered since.

I'm making a playlist of the best Rider songs to listen to during my day. I need suggestions anything will work, OPs, Inserts, whatever.

So far i have:
W insert
Accel insert
W opening
Black opening
OOO opening
OOO insert
Fourze OP
Fourze insert
pipe down fatty
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>Million roaches
Dead or Alive
Believe Yourself
A Boundless Life
Alive a Life
Surprise Drive
Don't Lose your Mind
Spinning Wheel
Lonely Soldier
Journey through the Decade
Ride the Wind
The Next Decade
Stay the Ride Alive
All of Kiva's insert songs
All of Den-O's insert songs
Shooting Star
Full Force
Lord of Speed
Circle of Life
Eternal Returns theme
Rio Uchida did some commentary about the event I guess
Thanks for the tips.
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>Looking at Eyecon prices on Amazon
>See this
Well okay then
>Takeru dies
haha he totally isn't going to be revived next episode with an asspull powerup
simply epic toei
>tfw Necrom is gonna use grateful
He's not DYING. He died epsode 1. This time Ore just get destroyed and he's disappearing. It's different.
Well, he's already dead. It's his Ore Eyecon that breaks, and we're shown his soul in some black space afterwards. Of course, this episode they kept talking about how Takeru had "infinite possibilities", so we'll get him producing the Mugen Eyecon somehow and recovering stronger than ever.
Are you retarded?
>Takeru dies and goes full edge
>Becomes Dark Ghost
Has any Kamen Rider actually killed a main character? Every one i've seen "kills them" and brings them back in the final episode/epilogue/movie
Kaixa kills Kusaka.
Chase just died last season
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Gaim kills Baron.
Is Ghost good.
Yeah. I think so.

This probably isn't the best place to ask that question, though.
Never take /krg/'s opinion for anything
Damn i haven't finished Drive yet. Chase was my favourite.
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Nitoh killed Haruto and took over the show
Yeah, it's alright. It just had the same problem Blade did with it's first 14 or so episodes.
Did you really think he was gonna survive to the end?
Who killed Chase, I can't remember.
Kiriko did.
He sacrificed himself to save Gou from Gold Drive
A man named Gorden I think?
Gou's cartoon villain dad.
I always knew that power rangers were evil
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The Power Rangers are terrorists. I saw one stab a guy through the chest once.
Why does Fourze take place in movie-America highschool instead of regular Japan highschool? Do 8 year old Japanese kids even understand?
They don't care about Fourze in the first place
High School is that hard a place to understand. It's just a concrete jungle with homework.
Because Fourze is too good for this world, too pure.

I can't decide if the fact that he's just a repainted wild Omega wearing a repainted Driver is lazy or thematically appropriate.
Doesn't matter.
What matters is people are gonna buy his new driver and his toys.

Toei doesn't give one shit about what is and isn't "thematically appropriate" every single thing is engineered to sell toys to sweaty otaku with too much disposable income without spending too much money themselves and nothing more.
too much fan-pandering will eventually lead to tragedy
just like that crazy fan stabbing the idol in public because he can't understand her anymore
Welp, i just watched preview episode of ghost for next week, what's kind of bullshit deus ex machina that we gonna get?
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Stop posting like a retarded nigger.
Is this pose the reason why kiva hasn't had a figuart yet?
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forgot pic

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June 10
Do anyone know where to find a ROM for Super Hero Climax?
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Someone mentioned it on /toy/ the other day as a reason why they hadn't made it, but someone else posted Kuuga doing it just fine.
The body is fine
but when you add armor and belt on it it doesn't
I haven't seen Kiva, but that bat thing on his leg might cause some balance issues and his chest area kinda looks heavier to me than some of the other Riders
No, it's just because he is the second least popular Rider, and due to how poorly Hibiki sold, Bandai are more than likely holding off on even attempting to release a base Kiva SHF.
I prefer vanilla Zangetsu over Shin-Zangetsu
That would only be an issue if they diecast it. Armor and belt wouldn't get in the way any more than Kuuga's does.
Bandai isn't holding off anything. Aside from Hibiki who never had one, they've been going in release order for the main riders. Now if they go to OOO after Faiz, then they'll be holding him off.
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Why is gou such a dickweed?
Man... whats the best price you can get for the best Kabuto, i'm late to the game and regret it.
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dickery runs in the family
But by that logic, shouldn't they also do Kiva since he never had one.
Kiva had multiple figuarts even if they never made his base form. Hibiki had none.
Is Kiva doesn't sell very well during it runs?
Ask that again in English and maybe someone will answer it.
This episode they kept talking about the "infinite possibilities" from Takeru. He probably will have some revelation and then will somehow create the new Mugen Eyecon by himself, bringing him back to the world of the living too.
Yeah, it didn't. The numbers for Kiva's year are higher than for Kabuto's and some other shows, but keep in mind that there was still some Den-O merchandising being launched alongside Ganbaride starting there.
Kiva did terribly during it's run.
Kiva got stuck between Den-O and Decade, what a poor place to be.
Finally getting caught up in Ghost. Is this thing the best upgrade for a secondary ever?
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Dammit, I know the show is 3 years old so I can't really blame you, but sometimes I really wish spoilers were used.

It's the reason why I have zero interest in Drive now, because I know who the big bad is.
No? Deep Specter's color scheme is so against itself.
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Anyone have an image of Mr. Bad Teeth from their original eyecon hunt?
Fuck no
>that image
what the fuck?
The only thing good about it is the way the belt says DIVE TOO DEEP
i think its a jokesub that some guy passed off as a bootleg sub
>he wasn't here when Yongou made the bootleg jokesubs and tricked a bunch of anons for a good thread or two into believing that they were real
That was the only good thing he did for us
Dick too deep
So i've watched Agito, W, OOO, Fourze, and Drive. What should I watch next? I was thinking maybe Black or Blade. Any other suggestions?
Go with Blade, then Black afterwards. You have Kuuga to Faiz to check out as well.
Meh, I guess I just have weird taste in suit designs. I thought pic related was, and still is, a great idea and design for a suit upgrade.
Don't worry Anon I like Deadheat too you aren't alone
Where's this from? Anyone have sauce?
The shoulder wheel is dumb as fuck.
Deadheat is actually an interesting gimmick, Deep isn't, it just looks like edgy trash.
Probably a special group actor talk that was made for the Agito BD special features.
No, it was awful.
It ruined threads, there was no discussion during that time, all that was there was circle jerking over awful subs
So I'm watching Gaim and I honestly think it might be a new favorite of mine.

Also will there be a rider in Gaim better than Ryugen or Bravo? If so I find that hard to believe
Who has better subs for blade? TVN or Turn Up Scrubs
>Deadheat Mach
Still garbage.
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Takeru dies again
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Oh no! Specter looks like he's gonna take a Deep Dive :^)
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Adel fire
Adel gravity
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Will all of the Adel ganmaizers combine to form Adele?
Use Turn Up.
Yeah, it will be in Agito BD.
So, what did Adel actually say?
That's a stupid fucking reason.
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dont worry bro i love dead heat, pre ordered that shit day one
So, I am guessing that is the Ore Eyecon containing his soul and that was destroyed making the rest of his days mute.
Why? There's literally no mystery to anything, the bad guy is right there. I no longer have a real motivation to watch aside from some of the roismudes, which I'll probably take a look at.
It's really not that big of a twist. Banno is introduced as a huge asshole. It's not like he makes a face heel turn.
Mugen will probably make him an immortal being or something.
Deep Specter pulls the berserk form attack
Gammizer complains something is tapping into their power, and thinks it is dangerous
Adele says "What is going on?"
yes, and it still fucking hurts
I think I would enjoy Deadheat considerably more if A: Mach didn't have the stupid mouth piece and B: the helmets weren't reversed versions of each other. You can literally see Mach's if you just turn Drive's helmet around.
He said he don't like using tiger claw.
Remember kiddies, Kotaro Shirai says to drink your milk!

Shoichi's actor is almost unrecognizable without the poofy hair.

Turn-Up is just a scrub of TVN, but it cleans up a couple of their worst mistranslations and grammar mistakes, and also sticks it on nice shiny 60fps raw videos.

It's not as good as an entirely new sub, but it's better than the original TVN hackjob.
fuck you're right. I didn't even realise that was him in the middle i thought that was a guy interviewing the other two. Also gills is handsome as fuck

Both Gills and Hikawa's actors have aged great.

Shoichi's just looks weird, I dunno. I think it's the teeth.
The helmet flip gimmick is literally the best part about DeadHeat to me. That and the tire burning out.
Man fuck Adel. He's such a bland antagonist.
I like Cho Deadheat better
>tfw it gave us a broken helmet scene for the first time in years

The Drive summer movie was way better than it had any right to be
You can't blame him.
Cult worshipers can be very bland at times.
Jesus, for a second I honestly thought that blur by the Rock was trying to blur out the Rock's tits.
the rock has some rockin tits
>tfw Rocky had to get a breast reduction because his shitty samoan genetics want him to be Yokozuna
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That....That actually looks way better than what I was expecting.
Well what do you know. It actually looks okay.
>Was expecting a Type Tridoron repaint
>It's actually a kitbash Deadheat with new shoulders and helmet
Well, I guess that makes sense.
It's fake
that rider 4 looks strange and that coat looks like orga's one
I feel like I've seen it on here before. Either way, looks pretty awesome.
All we need now is Shift Crosser.
>Must be fake
>There are no parts of the image that look like they don't belong

You say that like this is Drive type Bigfoot
I've seen both that Heartron and Rider 4 figuarts before, they are customs.
Plus, that Rider 4 looks too different than the prototype we saw awhile ago.
I'm gonna call fake just because I highly doubt they'd have a finished prototype to show off for a rider in a spin off movie thats only recently been announced

but I kind of hope I'm wrong since that doesn't look too bad
It's like nobody remembers that Heart custom that's been posted dozens of times before.

Or what the official Rider 4 SHF prototype looks like.

That latter part sucks especially because I REALLY want Rider 4, but if we can't even remember what the proto looks like, it shows how little people care about him.
I wonder how many people will actually believe this
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I did the best I could.
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I wonder if the Deep Connect CEO actor has done anything else back in America or some such?
So, we never find out about what happen to Takeru's mother, and during this episode he hears a woman's voice in the end, I wonder this will play a part in his gaining his Mugen Damashii?
Almost certainly.
Hey, didn't anyone ever sub the Duke/Knuckle v-cinema?
TV-N did. No one else have attempted it.
How accurate is it?
It didn't seem too terrible. Just the usual left in chans and sans etc.
if you could make a torrent of those songs or upload them to mega i'd be turbo grateful
EP 7 of Amazon was worst ep of them all fucking comedy reliefs
Protip read the OP
im too lazy to download them myself
>Tsukasa died but got revived
>Philip died but got revived
>Ankh died but got revived
>Gentaro died but got revived
>Kouta died but got revived
>Shinnosuke died but got revived
Every fucking year.
Go with what works says Toei.
i hope that they will kill him off soon after takeru gains mugen and Takaiwa will go final boss mode
So are ganmizers makoto's soul?
Probably not. The buildup to that scene was excellent and using "Saite" made it just perfect.
>Godai died but got revived
>Gills died but got revived
>Everybody in Ryuki died but got revived
>Mari died but got revived
How can we stop Toei?
The Deep Specter Eyecon drains a bit of Makoto's life whenever they're destroyed to regenerate. I think it's more the Eyecon itself that is connected to the Ganmaizers instead of Makoto, anyone could've used it and had their life taken.
Someone didn't watch Wizard
Let me guess. Wizard?
And the whole part of turning enemies into friends.
What's wrong having a light-hearted moment every now and then. Without em, Amazons going to be a depressing Kamen Rider just likes The First & The Next
Drive is sort of like a less consistent double. The plot isn't as smooth/coherent, it doesn't reach as low as Heaven's Tornado (but the first 20 episodes just kind of plops along, no significant plot development until 25/Chaser), but the high is a lot HYPE(r), sort of like Fourze.

Kabuto (amazing start, drops to mediocre, finish at average) -> OOO (amazing start, drop to mediocre, finishes high) -> Drive (similar to W, slow start, GOAT middle section, high finish)
Koyomi and she stays dead
it was bad and boring
He wasn't really dead if he was still being kept alive before this :^)
Temporarily revived.
Koyomi and Chase died. Well, with how many V-Cinema and novels Drive is getting he might have some hope yet
and you said drive is shit and wont sell
First & Next, yes they are boring. The only good thing about that movies is the suit.
Should Kamen Rider bring back instrument motif just likes Hibiki?
Wordless insert songs have been around for a while though. Ghost even has them.
But I want it to be like this

You gotta remember that Hibiki's whole secondary theme was music.
>Gaim Gaiden 3: Kamen Rider Eternally
>One whole story
>Will feature all Riders from Gaim
>Badan reboots their plan from Kamen Rider War to revive fallen Riders to do their bidding. Kouta, who sees this as a second chance to make amends, agrees to cooperate, but doing so causes his part of the forbidden fruit to be removed. The remaining Zawame Riders now have to face their friend in battle and challenge people from their past. It is the final chapter of the Gaim story
>Featured new Arms/Riders: Kachidoki Blood, Jinba Dragonfruit, Jinba Pinecone, Jinba Melon, Knuckle-Shin, ZX Arms, Pomegranate Arms
nice fanfiction
If the next Gaim Gaiden isn't about Bravo I'll be very disappointed. I want more gay durian army pastry chef man.

Oren just reads like they took five different character concepts and shoved them all into a blender and I love it.
>Kamen Rider Blacks
>Kotaro find out that Gorgom are still active
>Find a leads that Gorgom are heading to Futo City
>Kotaro hired Shotaro to help him find out what's Gorgom up to
>Gorgom's plan to find Eternal memory and use it to revives Shadow Moon
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Oh no, Black already got a sequel. Let's not make this a trilogy.
As if being an Amazon couldn't get any worse.
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Of course I forgot my fucking pic. Why wouldn't I?
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I'd love to get Daguva and Ultimate Kuuga in one package.
Okay, Jobros I'm about 10 episodes through Fourze does this show ever stop being so great? It's literally like I don't have to wait weekly for part 4 episodes and can just watch all this. Are any other Rider series this good?
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>Maurice Posting has been replaced with Jojo Posting
It's an improvement, but what the hell?
What's wrong with JoJo?
But Fourze isn't really like JoJo Part 4 at all, aside from the main character being a high schooler with a pompadour. Gentaro and Josuke are also pretty damn different personality wise.

But anyway, if you'd like more shows like Fourze, I guess I could recommend Den-O. That's basically just non-stop fun stuff.
No, it just improves. You're on the worst part of the show (first 16 eps or so). About if they're as good as this one, it just depends on your opinion. I've watched all Heisei-era Kamen Rider plus a bunch of Showa and to this day Fourze is still my favorite.


Fourze is very similar to Part 4 in the concept. The concept being "MC turns enemies/antagonists into loyal allies". That's what Fourze and DiU were about.
Is this the novel?
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