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Hermione is not black

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Thread replies: 137
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JK Rowling herself tweeted : "Canon : frizzy hair".
I might be wrong, but I'm fairly sure her hair is only ever described as "bushy" in the books.
I don't recall any instance where it is actually called frizzy.
Bushy and frizzy are different. Bushy is thick, curly. Frizzy is how you'd probably describe black African hair, most likely shorter styles.

Just more liberal IRL shitposting.
Who even cares.

It's trivial fiction designed for children.
This is /lit/, not /shit/
Frizzy isn't race specific, dumbass
How the fuck are you people still invested in this 2 bit play
There's no way they would even consider going full negro with the casting. They'd go mix race - similar to what they did in the new Spiderman with Mary Jane.

Speak for yourself anon, I couldn't give a flying shit about equality.
>a big deal in /pol/

That is to say, not important at all.
I wouldn't even care if they just chose a more attractive black woman. going from emma watson to this woman is such a downgrade that it's jarring
I don't know much about modern politics, and I don't pretend to have any know-how or opinion on it as a whole. But why does /pol/ (and also the right-wing) fight the left with this idea of them using false narratives, when it's fairly obvious that /pol/ has their own [false] narrative.

I swear, both sides from my perspective are just as bad as eachother.
Really it's worse than /r9k/ for the idiots congregating there.
>This is a big deal on /pol/
fucking hell, you couldn't make this shit up

Which is why it's more important than your elitist novels.

"iz jus fiction" is a shit argument, because that's still part of the culture you're tampering with.

But I guess it's only outrageous when whites take the roles of PoC ( Ghost in the Shell ) and not the reverse.
Fucking hypocrits.
Not literature.
>I guess it's only outrageous when whites take the roles of PoC ( Ghost in the Shell ) and not the reverse.
Fucking hypocrits
we don't care about that either
go be petty back in your containment board
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>lol i dont care im a nihilist

there's nothing being tampered. the more involved fans, the ones who write fanfiction and pay money out the ass for harry potter anything write and draw harry potter mpreg and make draco a hermaphrodite or hermione black.

Most potterheads are in their twenties, some pushing into their thirties. They either wanted this or didn't care about this. I guarantee you most of the people upset by it wouldn't have paid to see it.
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>But I guess it's only outrageous when whites take the roles of PoC ( Ghost in the Shell ) and not the reverse.
Fucking hypocrits.

Please, enlighten us about the perfect casting.
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this has to be bait, and we've all fell for it.

>Captcha: STOP de Musique
>not caring about the race of the actors that play a live action anime movie makes you a nihilist
keep throwing low-balls and I'm just gonna walk without swinging

>Bet you think Hitler was evil too
3/4 you got one more throw to convince me you're not a typical cross-posting /pol/tard regurgitating dumbass ideologies

>representational politics

It either makes you a leftist or a nihilist yes.
>comes to a literature to talk about how his bullshit identity politics are much more important than literature

/pol/, this is why everyone fucking hates you. It's not about how stupidly edgy and whiny your opinions are. It's all because you are completely incapable of shutting the fuck up.
If we wanted to discuss politics we would be on /pol/. We aren't there because you faggots are insufferable. Nobody cares if you say the word nigger and talk about how cool Hitler was, you're on 4chan, it is not shocking and contrarian here. We just want you to keep your cancer on your board.
I'm not that guy but holy shit
How do you frogposting fags expect to shill on /lit/ if you can't even grasp the basic tenets of the board you crawled out of
Politics is not left, right, nihilist. Trump is not a noble knight crusading against cartoonish liberal bogeymen. Get the fuck off the internet and read a book.
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There's no way people actually believe this right????

I sure hope they start with frogposters
>"iz jus fiction"
youre literally arguing like a 4 year old
The fact that this isn't bait is giving me chest pains.
I'll never, ever understand why anyone gives a fuck about stupid shit like this.
At least the robots are self-aware.

Leftists sure as fuck perceive everyone as a fascist/literally Hitler who isn't left.
I at least have a third option and a spectrum from left to right.
But ok, be angry at "le /pol/!! x( " millennial fuckface.
>Is being concerned with the future of the white race 'petty'?
>Bet you think Hitler was evil too
Is this bait or is /pol/ actually this delusional? Sincerely asking a question here, does /pol/ unironically believe that the rest of this site agrees with their nutty opinions?

If yes, what the fuck happened to make them think that? Especially when considering that whenever a /pol/ititard leaves their board they get called a retard.
Hermione should have a penis too. If any of you who know Joanne could you ask her to make that canon please
>"Only a sith deals in absolutes": The Quote: The Book: The Movie: The Post
So to clarify, you're asserting that all leftists are shit because they assume all right-wingers are shit?
You are the reason that people laugh at /pol/.
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stormfront literally has been spamming and trying to 'convert' 4chan for years now

/pol/ wasn't always a bunch of retarded neonazis actively seeking to escape containment, believe it or not
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>I at least have a third option and a spectrum from left to right
>I have at least a third option
>3 whole political stances
holy fucking kek you are 2intellectual4me
"Oh god it's so big," whispered Ron, his pupils getting bigger as Hermione's penis stretched from under her skirt. "It must be 9 or 10 inches."

"Sheesh, nigga, quit mirin' and get to blowin' that sucka," Hermione responded coolly.
lel yeah it's a common /pol/ sentiment
Oh certainly, I remember when this site fucking HATED Bush and wouldn't stop going on about conspiracies regarding the war in Iraq. It really wasn't even that long ago.
I always thought it was just a meme to be edgy.
>Scarlett Johanson

Name me some more categories, friendo.
/pol/ is the board that wishes the Joker was real so they could elect him, dude.

If anyone cares about this, they should ask themselves why they're so fucking gay.


This is some well-crafted bait, but ultimately easy to see through. I do enjoy the workmanship, so I give you 7/10.


No one cares about imagined hypocrisy of imagined people concerning trivial shit.

>a spectrum

You're sure on it.
This is Baudrillard tier shit. The people who care about either way are fucking retarded.
I lol'd.

But why did you make hermione speak like... Hushhhh! A... (black) man?!?!?!

JK would be proud
>that image
This. There's also the weird effect of Reddit typically being seen as liberal, so in opposition, people on 4chan have started shitposting conservative things. A good example is all the Christian shitposting on /his/.

Alexander Hamilton wasn't hispanic, Aaron Burr wasn't black, Judas wasn't black, Mary Magdalene wasn't a Japanese American. Plays and musical films don't give two shits about canon or historical accuracy.

>nazi conspiracies are real because they're nazi's
>Jewish conspiracies are unreal because lol are you a /pol/retard

Ok, antifa.
>a bunch of links to stormfag threads literally saying 'let's spam 4chan'

>a conspiracy
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>This is a big deal on /pol/

So? That would imply most of 4chan's /pol/ is the old Stormfag userbase.
Who fucking cares
Women often portray male actors, and before that, male actors used to portray women. Theatre has never been about the physical characteristics of the actual person.
Did someone fart in here
"Hurry," Hermione cried, holding open the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Ron, his cheeks bulging with half-chewed toast, shoved on his shoes and ran over to the portrait.

"Uhh, just a minute," shouted Harry from the male dormitory.

"Really Harry, we're going to be late!" Hermione complained, tapping her foot against the flagstone.

"I wonder what the bloody hell he's up to," said Ron. "I haven't seen him since he snuck in late last night!"

Suddenly a figure appeared on the stone steps leading down from the dormitory, and both Ron and Hermione noticed who it was.

"Ginny!" they both cried. Ginny blushed violently and bit her lips before moving slowly down the stairwell. Behind her Harry appeared in the midst of buckling up his trousers.

"Oh gosh, you two!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Harry, that's my bleeding sister!" Ron angrily bellowed.

"Sorry," Harry attempted. "It's just, well, I've learned this new spell. The one Hermione used to make her quill a little longer. And well-"

"That really is quite enough Harry," Hermione interrupted.

Ron stood aghast, mushy bread falling from his mouth.

It was time for a duel.
I understand the diversity bullshit but why did they have to use the ugliest fucking ape they could find?

I hate it when Ophelia or Juliet is played by a 50 year old bint. They should at least choose someone who roughly matches the character. And you know as well as I do that they gave Hermione's role to a black actress to score cheap political points.

It's hypocritical because these same sjw cunts complain about "whitewashing" all the time, that's what people find offensive here.
Oh boy
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>come to lit from sci
>every time the top thread is about harry potter or young adult literature
I thought this was supposed to be the most intellectual board?
"Come on, draw!" bellowed Ron, holding up his wand with a shaking hand.

"Ron, please, calm down," Harry attempted. "Look, I didn't know it was such a big deal. Plus I thought you already-"

"Expelliarmus?!?!" shouted Ron, his voice breaking.

A flash of white light shot from the end of his wand and flew towards Harry, who leaped to the side just in time to see the spell smash a flowerpot on the windowsill behind.

"Ronald, stop!"

The voice was that of Ginny, whose presence had been all but forgotten, standing as she was several feet away near the fireplace.

"Stay out of it Ginny!" Hermione screamed, drawing looks of surprise from both Harry and Ron.

"Ere, don't speak to my sister like that!" complained Ron.

In tears, Ginny attempted to run past them and out of the common room. Noticing her attempt at escape, Hermione leaped towards Ginny and dragged her down to the ground. In the middle of the common room floor they rolled over, scratching and biting as the two boys, their wands drawn but hanging limp, watched on in confusion.

"How...dare...you...be,...with...Harry!" screeched Hermione. "He....was...supposed...to...be...mine!"

From the hallway leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry and Ron suddenly heard the voices of the Gryffindor Quidditch team as they returned the tower.

"Crumbs!" yelped Ron, staring at Harry wide-eyed. "We missed training again! Dean's gonna freak!"

"Here, get under the invisibility cloak with me!" Harry demanded.

While the two girls continued to grapple and tear at each other's clothes, Harry and Ron vanished beneath Harry's cloak. Soon enough the room was flooded with a gang of muddy, sweaty quidditch players, their hair and clothes damp from sweat and rain.

Dean Thomas was the new captain of the team, and it was he who interrupted the jovial conversation players to draw attention to Ginny and Hermione's struggles on the common room floor.

"Ladies, ladies!" said Dean humorously. "If you're going to waste your energy, let it at least be something worthwhile for the rest of us!"

He nodded to the gang of boys on each side, and soon enough a ring of Gryffindor boys had formed around the two girls. Ginny and Hermione stopped fighting and stared through the dishevelled hair that now covered their eyes as Dean Thomas drew aside his robe and revealed his
>they should at least choose someone who roughly matches the character.

But that is precisely what they do. Perhaps your interpretation of the fundamental traits of a character is slightly more shallow. Physical appearance can certainly be one of those things if it is important to the character or the plot - in the case of, for example, Hermione - it really, really isn't.
Offcouse she's not black. It's just some retconing going on for the fanfic theatre thing. Rowling herself approved the bimbo for the movies, and you bet Malfoy would be throwing more than just mudbloods at her if she was written as black.

Anyway, how out of place is he in the play? Malfoy completely looses all the character from the books. From likeable badboy, he turns into castrated feels man, that excuses all he's done on bad parenting.
...member. Hermione, shy and offended, buried her head in Ginnie's moist lap.

"Come now, Hermione," cried Dean. "I know for a fact it isn't that bad."

Ginny tapped Hermione's back. She slowly looked up at Ginny. Ginny reached over grabbed Dean's member, which throbbed in her hand.

"What do you think?" cried Dean.

Ginny held his swollen member to the side of her head, as if it were a telephone. She nodded her head.

"Hermione... I think it's for you," Ginny cried, winking. Hermione was still very shy and refused to look at Dean's turgid member with her own two eyes.

"Come now, Hermione... it's for you," cried Ginny, winking as she spoke.

Ginny handed Dean's hot member to Hermione in a stretched out hand. Hermione took once glance, then couldn't find it in herself to look away again.

"Well... it is pretty... handsome..." Hermione cried. Her eyes scanned Dean's hard member.

Ginny nodded and placed it in Hermione's hands.

"Well, are you going to disappoint out friend Dean?" Ginny cried.

The Quiddich players in the room murmured quietly.

Hermione held Dean's big throbbing member in her hand.

>hermione's parents were dentists
>'lol let's cast the person with the worst smile of the entire europe to be hermione because diversity'
>But I guess it's only outrageous when whites take the roles of PoC ( Ghost in the Shell ) and not the reverse.

>anime characters
>not white

POST MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"No! Stop!" cried Harry, ripping the invisibility cloak off and stretching his legs.

"This is my journey to take," Harry cried.

The room hummed as everyone, shocked, murmured quietly.

"Harry, I don't think you should!" Hermione cried.

"It doesn't matter," cried Harry, stretching his legs. "I have to."

Harry knelt in front of Dean and gazed at his big hard member.

"What do you think?" cried Dean.

Harry held his swollen member to the side of his head, as if it were a telephone. He nodded his head.

"Well... I think it's for me," cried Harry.

"Nice" Dean cried.

At that moment, Harry pulled his robe off, slid down his pants and underwear, and turned around, bent over, his soft supple anus gleaming through a small beard of hair.

"Come on, Dean! Cast your spell on me!" Harry cried, begging Dean to put his leaky member into Harry's supple anus.
>It really wasn't even that long ago
Half of this site's userbase was still wetting the bed back then. Pre-/pol/ 4chan is never, ever coming back. We've gone from wacky contrarians to fucking dumbass ideologues. Just accept it.
People make too big a deal about /pol/. Intellectually speaking they are not any worse than your average conservative or liberal, they're just fringe.

Granted their ability to derail threads is annoying, but that ability is entirely contingent on how idiotic the average user of the site is. Their posts would garner no responses if people didn't have a knee-jerk reaction to subversive ideas.

Besides /pol/ allow Communists and Leftists to post on their board, which is a breach of ideology basically unheard of for internet communities.
Contrarianism reigns. The best thing we can expect to come out of a Trump presidency is for the far right pox here to die on 4chan
>Harry held his swollen member to the side of his head, as if it were a telephone. He nodded his head.

>"Well... I think it's for me," cried Harry.
Going by the utterly mortifying tard rage that goes on in half the threads about women or minorities, I'd say half of the userbase is still wetting the bed.
Dean look around the room. He saw every pair of eyes staring back at him, waiting. Waiting.

Dean looked down at Hermione. Her eyes met his, she was waiting.

"I don't have any lube, Harry" Dean cried.

Harry cast a spell on his stinky hard member to make it slippery.

"That will do," cried Dean.

Dean grabbed Harry, one hand on each side of his big white butt. Harry's tight anus looked up at him, glimmering.

"Come on Dean, give it to me! Right here! Right now!" Harry cried.

"I guess I'm going to have to give it to you," cried Dean.

Dean slowly pushed his big old member into Harry's little bearded anus.

"Oh god yes!" cried Harry.

Dean could feel every little groove in Harry's anus slide across his huge member.

"Harry this feels so good," cried Dean.

The rest of the Quiddich players bent over and grabbed their knees, trying to get a closer look at Dean's gargantuan member sliding into Harry's tight little bearded anus.

Dean started pushing in and out over and over, his member sliding in and out of Harry's little anus.

"Don't stop, Dean," Harry cried
Fuck. Screencapping.
as long as she's not black in the movies and books, i really don't care
Can everyone please report and sage this thread, off topic and absurdly delusional
People hate them because only /pol/ and /a/ are the two boards that bring their bullshit into other boards, and almost no one minds /a/ because that's half the point of this entire website.

I don't care about how stupid or smart, or wrong or right /pol/fags are. If I did I would visit their goddamn board.
>"Come on Dean, give it to me! Right here! Right now!" Harry cried.

">I guess I'm going to have to give it to you," cried Dean.

This is absolutely top-tier.
You realize you're on the most pretentious board on this website right?

None of us would be willing to agree with you simply on principle, let alone how retarded your "argument" is.
leftists don't shitpost outside of containment on my neet anime discussionboard

>I don't care about how stupid or smart, or wrong or right /pol/fags are. If I did I would visit their goddamn board.

fucking this

they're the new MLP/Furries.
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Here's an older one if you like, friend.

if only you understood just how symptomatic the logics of your confusion are.
Summarizes it perfectly, thank you anon.

This thread has made me curious if there are any good parodies of smut / erotic novels. I had some great laughs reading some of what's in this thread and I'm hungry for more.
>there are people in this universe that actually care about some shit casting
You're a Jehova's Witness aren't you.
Leftists do hate themselves, but it isn't really about being white. It has more to do with an abstract notion of nobility.

People like you on the other hand seem to genuinely be hung up their racial identity. When a Leftist starts vomiting out their 'white people are evil' rhetoric it is impossible to take them seriously, Leftists don't hold race as being as valuable as other markers of identity.

You alt-right people seem to truly hate whiteness, because you think it has degraded since the time of Victorian England, or the French Revolution, or the Glorious Revolution if you want to be particularly idiosyncratic.

I actually find the anti-semites in a way more intellectually rigorous because they at least realize the inconsistency of white supremacy that degrades the majority of white people, and the usual winning force in history and so insert Jews as the cause of the degradation.

Really you're just like a kind of deformed Leftist, flailing against some sense of wrongness you feel inescapable and clinging to a marker of identity almost wholly imaginary, the difference is that your 'whiteness' is even more ridiculous than the ideological totems of the Leftist.

>MGMT starts playing
Bingo, it's just another form of projecting.
who the fuck cares man? why are people this assblasted about some fucking play?
/pol/tards are just anti sjws
>Compares pretty teenage girl with homely middle aged woman

Potty fans. You do know this is pol-bait, right?
Report it and move along.

*sigh* /lit/ will never be good
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It'll never end, will it daddy?
>There are men out there that dare to say those tits aren't the universally perfect size and shape
This is true. But I would say that anti-Semitism is one of the most rational forms of racism, because Jews have had a demonstrably sinister influence on Western society. At the same time the ressentiment of Jews is kind of like blacks' ressentiment of whites, where the oppression is symptomatic of their superior will to power. Jews can contribute a lot to society, but Jewishness, which is loyal only to itself, will always seek to protect itself at the expense of everything else.
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>and almost no one minds /a/ because that's half the point of this entire website.
thats right boy
>people have different beliefs than me, fucking /pol/!!!1
>but Jewishness, which is loyal only to itself, will always seek to protect itself at the expense of everything else.

That's quite a theory bucko, let's see you back it up.

HARDMODE: Respectable sources.
That's not what I said at all. I said I dislike the way they brigade across the other boards. I don't mind their opinions, I mind their lack of respect for the boundaries imposed by this website.
I can't tell if you intentionally misinterpreted his point or if you're just shitposting. Probably both.
>That's quite a theory bucko, let's see you back it up.
History. Jews are, like most self-respecting ethnic groups, tribal and loyal to each other. They will ALWAYS choose the interests of Jews over our real interests. And because my interests often conflict with those of Jews, it is the Jews that must go.
>HARDMODE: Respectable sources.
Translation: find me some anti-Semitic mainstream media articles or peer-reviewed scientific studies oh wait you can't looks like I win again
I tend towards the theory that the Ashkenazi Jews underwent a selective evolutionary process that made their average IQ, and so the number of outliers on the high end, higher.

Culturally Jews were certainly insular for a long time, at least in Europe. But after the integration of Jewish people in Western Europe following the end of the ghettos in the 19th century it seems that the more intelligent and capable of their number simply followed the winning trends of Western Culture at that juncture, and the continue to do so.

The list of mathematical or scientific geniuses in Jewish culture is astonishing to a degree that I can only attribute scientific racism to its cause. This tiny minority begetting that many geniuses? It seems impossible otherwise and there is a great deal of evidence to support a selective pressure on intelligence in Ashkenazi Jews in Europe.

And if you are a smart, educated, wealthy, individual in Western Europe, then you are hugely likely to be a Leftist. Jews, being a minority, have yet another incentive to follow Leftist doctrine.

Everything that anti-semites have ever attributed to Jewishness in Western history existed before any Jew ever spoke or wrote it. If you want to blame a culture for the degradation of noble Europe the Scots are actually the forerunners from what I've read.

Nobody in France or England would read a Jew when Voltaire or Mill were forwarding their Leftist doctrines. Leftism is far older than Jewish influence on Western culture, which I feel is greatly exaggerated.

If anything there is barely any Jewish culture left after Western Europe assimilated it.
It's just fiction, for fuck's sake. Who cares if your perfect little piece of literature for children is being changed to represent more people and bring a smile to the face of other children? The purpose of art is not to be an utopian Eden lacking meaningless plot holes just to make an autist like you happy. J.K. Rowling could make Hermione trans and Ron a muslim if she wanted. Children around the world would feel more represented and that's exactly why this kind of YA fiction is important.
Grow the fuck up. Go masturbate to some loli being raped by a dragon or some cuckold porn and stop being such a retard.
>And if you are a smart, educated, wealthy, individual in Western Europe, then you are hugely likely to be a Leftist.

imagine being so memed you think marxism is the ideology of the liberal managerial clas
>Jews are, like most self-respecting ethnic groups, tribal and loyal to each other.
White people are not tribal nor loyal to each other. Do you claim that no Whites have self respect?

>They will ALWAYS choose the interests of Jews over our real interests.
Please define "real interests", it has no contextual meaning.
In lieu of that, here is a counterpoint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_philanthropists

>my interests often conflict with those of Jews, it is the Jews that must go.
1. What if the Jews win?
2. What interests are those, specifically? Why do those interests conflict with those of the Jews?

I find it hard to believe that you can't find any person with some proof of intelligence (PhD, political office) that is openly anti-Semitic, but who am I to build your argument for you.

I think you're an idiot who is parroting the tripe you hear on /pol/, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to prove it.

If you aren't even willing to take 5-10 minutes out of your day to convince me, why are you willing to spend that same time shitposting on non-political boards?
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>Children around the world would feel more represented and that's exactly why this kind of YA fiction is important.
Children around the world need to be indoctrinated by Rowlings' boarding school management class fantasy. Harry Potter has literally poisoned the minds of millions of children. It's very telling that 21st century liberalism amounts to middle class mediocrities wanting every last human on earth, not only to enjoy, but to feel represented, to be able to look upon escapist slop which they love with religious intensity and say THIS IS ME, their politics are literally fictional. They every child on earth to bask under the stupefying glow of the sovereign commodity. this is their utopia. Its a profoundly nihilistic and bleak vision of humanity if you think about it.
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What the fuck lol
What did he mean by this?
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>mfw /lit/ is being "colonized" by leftists pretending to be retarded /pol/acks and actual retarded /pol/acks
>Im the only one on this board who is not a shill
>/pol/'s stream of consciousness
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>hermione is white
no fucking shit
do you people have eyes or not?
If everyone's shilling, who is buying?
The culture industry is now seen as an agent of moral salvation. Consumption has replaced politics. Hollywood tries to whitewash its inherently crass, dehumanising and manipulative nature by pretending to represent a vaguely 'progressive' agenda. In the end, you get a slightly differently colored cast of people parroting the same old ideologies of the ruling class in superhero blockbusters bankrolled by the military industrial complex. TV serials and movies SHOULD make you feel disgusted and alienated.
>It's very telling that 21st century liberalism amounts to middle class mediocrities wanting every last human on earth, not only to enjoy, but to feel represented, to be able to look upon escapist slop which they love with religious intensity and say THIS IS ME
And what exactly is wrong with that? People like having role models. It helps them comprehend the world from the view of someone who succeeded. If a black girl think she can be like Hermione or Uhura, that's great. She'll dream of being a translator or witch, because despite society's racial problems, she sees someone who, at least in fiction, is a good character.
>Its a profoundly nihilistic and bleak vision of humanity if you think about it.
How is wanting children to have dreams nihilistic?
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Hermione is letters.

Is this /lit/ or not?
>In a series of lectures delivered at the University of Virginia in 1933, published under the title After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy (1934), Eliot wrote of societal tradition and coherence, "What is still more important [than cultural homogeneity] is unity of religious background, and reasons of race and religion combine to make any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable."
lel what a stupid uneducated white redneck retard amirite

Remember, Jews make right!
That's a responsive move, though. It's not an entity called Hollywood making people want these things. It's the people themselves creating the demand for more diversity. I'm not even talking about US only, but it's important to note that a lot of this media consumption is sold to the rest of the world.
If you see media consumption being mixed with politics as a bad thing, I agree. Entertainment as the driving force of our lives makes space for demagogues like Trump, because people are too invested in the theatrical aspect of it to consider any kind of discussion.
Still, those things are not necessarily linked to each other. You can have an entertainment industry that represents people of all colors, genders and ideologies without turning politics into a reality show.
>find me some anti-Semitic mainstream media articles or peer-reviewed scientific studies oh wait you can't looks like I win again
Find me a peer-reviewed scientific study saying the Moon is made of cheese OH WAIT YOU CAN'T THERE MUST BE A CONSPIRACY AGAINST MOON TRUTHERS

Christ you're a fucking moron
>It helps them comprehend the world from the view of someone who succeeded.

success is an ideology. Being 'successful' depends wholly on the absurd machinations of the system and likely won't bring you happiness or fulfillment. Harry Potter is precisely so popular among overgrown children because it portrays a fantasy of the bureacratic capitalist state. You get taken away from your shit life where you are bullied and degraded and discover you where actually special all along! Wizards are inherently superior to the muggles, racially superior if you will, yet they are a benevolent and tolerant authority who always knows what's best. White liberals don't want people to be free, they want to make them into clones of themselves.
Reddit-tier analogy m8, try harder
>just accept your Jewish overlords, goy!
Meaningless buzzwords.
>Wizards are superior to muggles
Not really. Although they are the protagonists of the story, the entire wizard society doesn't want to bother muggles, and there is a reason for that. It's not because they are *superior*, but because they are different. The wizards who think they are superior are considered villains.
There is not a good arc about wizards vs muggles, but if you want to apply that logic to our world, you can say that
wizards are white people
muggles are minorities
magic is privilege

So you see that muggles can be wizards, but that doesn't mean the minorities can be white people. It just means that minorities can be part of our *perfect utopian society* (there are arcs about mudbloods), but that should happen naturally, and only if they want. It also illustrates how wizards/privileged people should be sensitive about using their magic/privilege against minorities.
Accurate buzzwords. Keep working hard in defending Massah Shekelberg, I'm sure he truly appreciates the work you do defending him.

Bending over to Jews is internalized passivity and is equivalent to cuckoldry. Power must be taken away from them.
The culture industry is not a benevolent entity that merely 'gives people what they want'. It thrives on telling people 'what they want' and 'who they are' and believe me, the people in control don't have anyone's best interests in mind. It's a sinister instrument of control and mass stupefaction.
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Guess what group overwhelmingly controls the media? Here's a (((hint)))
The culture industry is a product of our society. It reflects a globalist interest because it is a globalized business.
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I can't help but find this fixation on cuckoldry just a bit too funny.
Gzz man just shut up
>Reddit-tier analogy m8, try harder
Not an argument. Let me repeat myself: just because there are no people in positions of power saying Jews are evil doesn't mean that Jews must be evil, any more than no people in position of power saying the Moon is made of cheese must mean that the Moon is made of cheese.
But then I'm not surprised at the absurd logic in play here, because anti-semites are generally the dumbest of anti-intellectual knuckle-draggers, because intellectualism is Jewish and therefore bad.
antisemitism is the socialism of fools
>implying that I advocated for Jews
This is false, I did not argue one side or the other. I simply refuted the things he said.
This word has no meaning.
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