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/mtfg/: Male to Fight-warrior General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 540
Thread images: 151

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Waking Up Late Edition
• Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
• Makeup for beginners: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Correct hormone levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• Checking your levels: http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

Prev. >>7553227
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>tfw overlsept in a nap and had scary dreams
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second for headpats
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I'm so hungry!
More like staying up late edition, gotem
yeah quid's my big sis she looks just like me
I just went out to get some food and I wanted to get a headband too.
I got to the aisle but I bottled it and walked away.

Apparently baby steps are still too big for me ;_;
Mtfg seems dead lately
What happen?
quid likes little girls, and giving animal abusers money.
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do you think I could be quid's little girl?
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Shopping for things in person is a literal nightmare
I always end up getting a panic attack and think everyone's watching me, knowing I don't belong.
Super fun.

I wish I had someone to stay up late with


Elanna left
I dunno, I rarely show up here, but it being this dead definitely caught me off guard.

>tfw no Ufufu, Anna, Melly, Angie, other trips who have a lot of free time means no mtfg
>I wish I had someone to stay up late with
I don't really know you that well, but I'd stay up. No promises on sobriety though
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It's gotten boring, Ive tried to tell everyone to stop being boring but to no avail.
Sobriety is not a thing that's been happening with me lately
<3 everybody
Youre good people
Yeh I get like that too lol, I get so paranoid, also I'll stay up late with you uwu
tfw boring
go for it, she has money.

Buy me pizza!
You don't know that. I could be Hitler v2.0 lol

I used to drink a lot more than I do now, but I still get my share. Not sure if the slowdown is just me not caring anymore or just growing up, but either way it's not so bad.
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Okay, thank you mommy
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Got other shit to do. Work, boys, airsoft, learning makeup, all keeping me busy.
>Thinks she passes
>Learning makeup
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>You don't know that. I could be Hitler v2.0 lol

but then Alex would be right, no?
I wish I had other shit to do to keep myself busy, all I do is work, come home, play league, eat and sleep. most depressing life
read books
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Sorry I'll go inform the girls that do that they don't
Get some new hobbies or things to work on. My life would be like that if I only did videogames.
My bf wants to lewd me but I'm sick and anal hurts
What do
be a good boy
I've been here. I usually just go for oral or a handy. If he's really assertive towards anal, generally I'm turned on enough at that point that anal just happens anyways, but yeah. For the most part, oral or hand.

>implying I can read
Give him a handjob
I may have an opening for you as a personal mirror
His penis is smelly
I'm bad at that
same, but I go to uni instead of work, and I am too sad to play videogames and just look at the screen until its bed time

learn to be turned on by pain.
worked for me

put this in the new thread
you just did
How is it difficult to move ones hand up and down a bepis
Your new hobby is now stamp collecting. Have fun or come up with something better.
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britbong robot here from last week, I am still looking for a cute date near the London area.

We can have Korean food and catch a film after if you are still feeling it. M-maybe we could hold hands on the way back to the underground
you just gotta snuggle the penis
>His penis is smelly
What..? Does he not shower or something..?
Day one vs 10 months

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A butt-job then
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Good mornings, comrades

what have you done for the proletariat today?
>Too sad for vidya

Jesus Christ if I didn't play some vidyas I'd just rot away in bed
Holy shit Basic you're fucking gorgeous
You were practically a grill in looks before honestly. Looked FtM at best pre transition.
If you're sick and don't want to, just tell hem. If he throws a fit about it, he's just immature. Literally no one is entitled to sex whenever they want it.
Oryx I found just the guy for you.
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It takes a long time to get over that feeling of not belonging, its important to remember that if you start acting like you dont belong it will draw peoples attention and make them too think you dont belong- Have confidence, assert to yourself that you have a right to be where you are shopping for clothes and anyone who's staring at you is the one who's acting weird. Remember, fear is the mind killer.
>gril that let her facial hair grow out vs girl that shaved
This is awkward
Whoa, you've come a long way, very good.
>tfw your 20 months looks worse than basic's day one
I'm a literal fucking retard
Vidya become more and more boring the more I age :(
Deleted already?
bf makes me get out of bed or I regularly wouldnt because unless Ive to go to uni, there really is no point anyway
I'm 20 and still need my vidya, literally nothing else is relevant in my life right now
Are you ok anon? Why are you shouting?
I am but he just goes straight for my butte

Idk he doesnt like it


To be fair, the shower's moldy

I do this but I feel like I'm not doing enough for him ;;

I don't want to be that bitch :/
I really don't care. If you're too insecure to do what you like then that's fine but I'm gonna keep doing me and that's gonna keep working out for me like it has so far.
Hey Phienchen, what do you do in bed all day?
>I'd just rot away in bed
yeah that's what i do now because i lost the desire to play vidya
Jeez, its amazing Basic! I'm jealous!

Also just cause I wanted an excuse to post that recent one, probably only time I will here

Sick dub trips
Also thank you. It's just makeup

I used to be really masc before that.

I thought I'd changed a lot since then :/

You're being too hard on yourself I'm certain anon

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I am not in bed all day cause he makes me get up
but I guess Id just lie there and be sad, maybe grab a laptop and shitpost here or something
Got a new dress for my date tomorrow. He's paying for us to eat at some really nice Chinese restaurant and then we're going to get a bottle of champagne. Is this living the dream?
You have, I was just joking that you've always looked like a girl, I'm sorry
Vidya, at this point, is more of a social thing to play with the lads.
>I don't want to be that bitch :/
Quite literally have a modicum of respect for yourself. I swear people have the strangest ideas about sex. Saying you don't want to fuck one night because you're ill doesn't make you a bitch or a bad partner.
Would you be mad if I kicked your boyfriend's butt in a ritualistic combat for mating rights?
I know the feel, I can't get myself out of bed if I don't have to, but I try and force myself to do something, even if it is just playing lol for 15 hours straight, going outside is out of the question and I have no irl friends to do stuff with, feelsbadman
post lady picture again I didn't see
Hi :3 are you training for our hon off or what?
Honestly I think me playing vidya and that being the only thing I do with my life is more sad than being too sad to play vidya
Nono it's ok, I'm just insecure so I took it the wrong way

Jesus that's so incredible seeing them side by side!

No (._. )
people on 4chan seem to get all their ideas about femininity and women from porn
>But I am a bitch and a bad partner
>I never put out
Uh oh
This is not sounding good
I only only play vidya by myself, unfortunately
>Is this living the dream?
Clearly its not because just a few days ago you were bitching like mad about how awful life was and how unfair everything is.
Okay fine? But this person is talking about a single night where they have every reason to deny their partner sex.
okay sry
Well when you're not socialized as a woman...
Hey that's no fun. What games do you play?
Are you BYOB, or buying chinese champagne?
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I am absolutely loyal to him. in the event a fight looks bad for him Id join and cut the other person's throat.
weve been together for 3,5 years, it has always been us against the world. this is not gonna change.

dont need to train, Ill win EZ

>Quite literally have a modicum of respect for yourself

not them but why? most people dont even consider us people, so i dont consider myself a person either. I am more like furniture, to be used when wanted

yep pretty much like me. just without the lol.
if I had rl friends close Id probably still not go out often. the anxiety and stress wouldnt be worth it, no matter who I am with.
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>To be fair, the shower's moldy
You know, I lived in a home with a few methheads once when times were pretty tough, so I really am not one to judge when it comes to homes or anything, but it sounds like your place could use some.. er... attention..

Side note: I saw my old roomates smoke from light bulbs. Never even imagined that was a thing. Should have been engineers or something, I swear...

>I used to be really masc before that.
Sadly the image was gone before I had a chance to look. This was me when I was 16 though for what that's worth.
I'm sorry anon

Awwhhhh you looked dorky and cute
League, Hearthstone, gay shit like that because my pc is literally a ww2 era toaster and refuses to run any other games I'd like to play
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hey mtfg
how are you
im about to spend the night at my gradparents
>Clearly its not because just a few days ago you were bitching like mad about how awful life was and how unfair everything is.
I guess my life is pretty fucking good
>tfw you will never tie up Phienchen's boyfriend to a chair after kicking his ass and force him watch me make love to Phienchen's butt
I'd say dorky is a fitting adjective for me even today honestly lol
My pals always drag me into playing league. If you want you can queue with us sometime. I'm not very good but my friends are. The game is hell on your own, I don't know how you manage it.
Hi Smiles, I'm doing okay, thank you for asking.
Do they know you're a tranny?
Hi Smiles
I'm ok
Are your grandparents nice people?
I don't really know who you are, but you're cute for what that's worth.
Are you going to bake a pie with your grandmother and listen to your grandfather's war stories?
>I guess my life is pretty fucking good
Great, I'll remember this next time you have a meltdown.
>I am absolutely loyal to him. in the event a fight looks bad for him Id join and cut the other person's throat.
weve been together for 3,5 years, it has always been us against the world. this is not gonna change.
Fucking swoon. I want this.
I wasnt joking.

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guess who shoved 3 pillows down their pants?
Oh come on, I know you are loyal to him and all but it would be kind of hot.
doing p good, just had some chicken noodle soup i made and watching youtube vids now
Are your grandparents okay people? Do they know about you being trans?
>I am absolutely loyal to him. in the event a fight looks bad for him Id join and cut the other person's throat.
>weve been together for 3,5 years, it has always been us against the world. this is not gonna change.
I don't understand what's happening in this image? could someone explain it to me?
>actually into cucking
Is this a real thing now? I mean, I know this is 4chan, but come on.
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Welp, I think it's a good time to kill myself now.
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i go to see my doctor tomorrow.

will hormones do anything for me?

will i ever be kawaii?
Ha yeh I don't know why I put up with it, it's garbage on your own, especially on the euw server where everyone mostly doesn't speak english so I have to try and decipher their seemingly braindead messages
>/pol/ played itself and got everyone to believe some shitty fanfiction about trump
Aren't you a girl?
>I wasnt joking.
That's why I'm laughing.
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im really glad anon ^^
thatll be fun
theyre nice people yeah
thanks c:
nah my grandfather tells me conspiracy theories >>7555216
;-; i want chicken noodle soup
yeah grandparents are nice but they dont know
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>tfw there isn't enough pictures of cute soviet girls to counterbalance phienchen
Dw Americans are here
Given how you look, how can they not know?
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not yet, no.

i need hormones first.
Good ol' CIA
From overthrowing democratic regimes to being so lazy that they can't even find out the origin of a /pol/ fanfiction.
This is why I'll never trust a thing the CIA has to say about """""Russian""""" hacking.

>nah my grandfather tells me conspiracy theories
What kind?
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front view.
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But comrade, you are a cute soviet girl.
Nice. What's his favorite?
>Vietnam era American soldier
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I guess I'll have to ally with you for now to defeat the fascists
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>tfw had absolutely amazing sex last night
>tfw I was the one that left him a drooling retard that couldn't talk when we were done
>tfw fell asleep on his chest with his wrapped arms around me

good god did i needed that tho. I'm staring to get rely confident in more things and comfortable doing then. I think the initial growing pains of tran life is fading
Oh good, you can start with North Korea and Iran.
<3 korra
You deserve your happiness ^_^
Not soviet, alternate universe imperial japan; note how she's holding a katana.
I hope I can make it there some day
idk they can't hurt at least. good luck.
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but Iran is an Islamic theocracy
and North Korea is a bourgeoisie fairy tale to slander the people's movement
>tfw you will never grow up in alternate universe imperial japan
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i feel like cowl neck sweaters are awesome.
>tfw socialised male
>tfw idiot
>tfw almost full male puberty
>tfw no communication ability
why would i continue with such a bad hand?
How do you know it's not alternate universe mediaeval England you filthy weeaboo
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>Iran is an islamic theocracy
Similar in ideology to Fascist Slovakia and the Rexist Party of Belgium.

North Korea is like fascist Italy desu, except even more of a shit-hole.
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Because you can always improve you fucking bellend.
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no I want to be deathmarched
nothing to lose
Because I know what the visual novel it comes from is about.
For the pure banter m8
thats not hookes law
Confirmed weeaboo
that's putting lipstick on a pig now

i don't banter
imagine if you made a pair of skates out of kippers

get it cause then youd be making one fish out of another fish
>tfw your ribs poke out as much as your boobs
lipstick is agp
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Sorry but just gonna have to say no u
>tfw bottom rib pokes out for some reason
we have Nazis to deal with currently
What fucking disease do you have
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ribs shaped like a damn triangle
Just do banter this once

you are only as good as i am
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You mean the less than 1% of people in your country who don't actually matter?
Go to the Philippines you pinay whore.
Dude you act like I know what physics is.
Not in the future you limey cunt.
tfw triggered by a /g/ thread
how the fuck?
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I have flared ribs too
Anyone have flared ribs due to pectus excavatum? Because that's me right now.
>tfw a good day ends up sad
I am so fucking terrible.
I don't think this biotin is working
I want my £6 back
My face is sore and looks all gross after electrolysis. reeeeeeeeee
my face is grosser but less sore after not having electrolysis
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I don't get why when people critique sjws on manspreading, they say they have to or their balls will be crushed.

I sit with my legs together all the time and mine aren't.
Making progress towards not looking hairy though, so that's good.
Manspreading is hella comfy, and its easy to sit with your legs closed when you have tiny girl balls.
Fuck right off
I KNOW. Men and women. I guess that's why I have a hard time feeling submissive? I don't want it to be a power thing.
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I don't give a shit if guys have their legs open. Having your legs spread apart too far doesn't need a special term like manspreading, that's just called being an asshole. It is uncomfortable sometimes to keep your leg's as closed as a woman's if your nuts aren't tucked up, and I wouldn't expect a man to do that. I don't want to feminize men.
fair enough
I've always had thunder thighs
honestly my legs are like 75% of my body weight
I have to be skeleton mode or I look like a pear
"When we sit down at a restaurant and they say ladies, I think they must have missed you at the table"

"B...ut that's every time"
same, especially when lying down, which would make me insecure about snuggling and sutff
tfw no gay communist anime
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>tfw have to wait a week for my bra to get here
reee I hate that everything on amazon was garbage quality so I had to buy somewhere else
hugg anon
>I don't want to feminize men
>tfw the threads with the trans girls in thigh highs used to make me feel weird
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Also it's not always about crushing, sometimes the sack just sticks to the leg and shit like
If it's more comfortable for a guy to have his legs open a bit let him wtf
Also yknow how guys like to cross their leg over their knee because it's more comfortable?
yeah im pretty sure that's a hip thing
I know it's more comfortable for me to sit like this than the lady version
Hey, cute boys are fine but I need a good supply of manly men for me to enjoy.
Hey Grace whatcha been up to?
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I think I'm gonna leave this place for a while, not exactly good for my mental health.
See ya.
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>That's why I'm laughing.

wow, thats really rude

I know you mean this differently, but in our case it has a lot to do with our lives being really terrible cause of outside things. I wouldnt wish this on anyone.
but I guess it has upsides. we both dont get upset at all over little things, makes for a harmonic relationship.
we paid a hefty price for that though
The only time I care about manspreading is when the guy has someone sitting next to him and his legs are in what should be their space.
Otherwise, men can sit with their legs as far apart as they want.

>I don't want to feminize men.
But femboys are best boys. uwu
I ate 1 large pizza wit onions. I'm a piggu oink oink.
I have BULL TESTICLES that sit at my asshole when sitting. I don't think I have the poise to sit cross legged either. Fml
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I figured that's how it was for you, and I admire that you two got through it and still have each other going strong today
Eating some dinner and looking at makeup stuff while I watch movie clips on youtube
how about you anon
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Just had the weirdest fucking door-to-door salesman
>doesn't knock, just shouts "HELLO" at the door
>I'm expecting a delivery so rush to the door and say hi
>when I open it his face flashes with recognition and he says
>"Ahh, a beautiful lady behind ze door!"
>he's like 5'5"
>oh he's trying to sell me an electricity plan
>he keeps trying to make smalltalk
>keep shutting him down
>he leaves with a very intense look on his face, like I'd told him to go fuck himself
Why do people think that flattering an obvious tranny is a good sales tactic?
Do people really think we're that oblivious?

Give me strength
me too
I don't speak to furniture.
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I want a bf!
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manspreading isn't about having your legs open a bit it's about taking up more space than you need to and being inconsiderate to others.
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need a gf (male)
Well yeah that right there is being an asshole, how about you say something instead of throwing a passive aggressive fit across social media that annoys the fuck out of everyone
Is that Natalie Mars
yeah of course but I don't think there is anything wrong for people to complain about it online if they want.
Just finishing up some college assignments and getting ready for bed. What movie clips are you watching?
Oink oink! Piggu sisters! <3
>trouble with dry hair
>someone suggested hair cream
>sounded good
>bought some hair cream
>rubbed it deep into my scalp
>woke up
>bald, shiny head
>check the tube
>"hair _removal_ cream"
you live and learn...
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youre funny, Ill kill you last

ya, it definitely has upsides
I hope you sleep well anon ~
It was Casino, I've been on a mob kick lately
that's not how it works

-t second degree chemical burn victim
do i need a doctors approval for facial feminization surgery?
not in spain you don't
Get hrt, testicles shrink.Cross legs like a gril.
is that really how it works?
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Why am I so weird about accepting gifts from people, and even weirder about actually using them?

Mine got smaller I'm pretty sure.
I think moderate manspreading not extreme shit like>>7555369 is just proper
I can't wait for this, I hate my balls
Neither in mexico
I got like a week off from work since they are cutting hours what should I do
mine are so unrecognizable any more, they're basically always pushed up into those little hip cavities. It's like they're not even there.
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how do I get a bf/gf?
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Talk to people until you find one that clicks with you
who /thickhair/ here?
tell me your woes
I wish it was that easy
Not right away, but in due time.

Gracie has small ballz! <3

Balls will be small.
I cut it short.
be cyoot
Isn't that a little jarring?
Trying to get it on the legal, but my therapists are fucking around. I NEED stress relief. I'm going nuts.
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I cut it short.
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>take pic that I think looks feminine
>99% male on face++
>take pic that i think looks more masculine
>99% female on face++
Alright I'm just being memed at this point
how do you talk to people?
It is though
trust me
its kind of amazing
What about it isn't that easy?
Vote for Trump! He'll keep jobs in America!

Oh wait. Nevermind
your a boy, what do boys like?
I'm socially stunted or something
You talk to me fine, find a boy online to talk to!
He's not even in office yet you dip.
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bye for now emu
masc but beggers can't be chosers
Yes :)
Varied things. You don't need to be what "boys like", yknow? Just be a good Eva and some boy will.
but I'm bad at it I think
idk if a good Eva is what anyone wants
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>Just be a good Eva and some boy will.
yup, that's how it works
and maybe youll find a master that trains you a little bit but if you're into that that's okie
>idk if a good Eva is what anyone wants
You're really hard on yourself. Become an interesting person if you think that's the case. Read and learn, pick up an instrument, make yourself the most attractive person in all of NE and the boys will be coming for you.
>and maybe youll find a master that trains you a little bit but if you're into that that's okie
Grace, don't put ideas in her head.
I hope it reduces my genital dypshoria enough so I don't have to get srs :\
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wait what?
I think grace wants to corrupt me ><
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Why would I do that? Ideas are Master's job.
Maaaaaaaaaybe a little bit. That was kind of a joke and kind of me wanting to see how you'd react to that.
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Not at all. I don't have to worry about them sticking to the side of my thigh, makes it super easy to tuck flawlessly (no tape necessary), I don't get dysphoric about them and I'm pretty sure my T production is fucking wrecked.
It's all good in the hood.
Rate my boymode

Listen...I dunno what you're into. You seem like a submissive person so desu I wouldn't be surprised if you're kind of interested in the things Grace is talking about, or something similar, but honestly protect yourself. Those kinds of relationships can become abusive and toxic and that won't be good for your mental health.
How do I get prettier. You all make me dysphoric as heck :(
I'm scared now
but I'm in NE ;~;
0/10 you look like a girl you fag
Boymode fail, sorry.
If your genital dysphoria is mostly focused on your balls, then you could always get an orchi with no srs.
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He's not wrong. You gotta trust someone with that sort of thing, so if you do like that and go down that road, be careful and pick who you serve to carefully. Remember that you're always in control and can stop things at any time, it all hinges on you being willing to go through with it.
-10/10, you don't even kinda look like a boy.
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I don't quite understand
Shh, just be smart Eva.
The sun is millions of miles away from NE
Because Eva is a little desperate and needy (sorry Eva) and I don't want her to become dependent on some dominant person in a dysfunctional relationship. She's been taken advantage of enough already Grace please.
I guess man. If my balls were suddenly hidden I'd freak out but you know...cis.
You look like a girl desu.
Same senpai. I am in a very abusive relationship with this whole board.
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well like
I am planning on getting srs when I can afford it
It's not like I want that junk down there
>im cis
Lmao no you arent. Keep repressing bud
I look like a fag you girl

These are like the last of my boy clothes. I was gonna wear this to a gig we're playing this month where I have to be a front man

I can't say I'm upset about it desu
But it's scary. I'm not ready to be a girl
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Relax, I'm here for her. I just gave her a bit of like, serious real talk advice >>7555482 and if I did notice things looking unhealthy in one of her relationships I'd say something to her. I did for Alex >>7555169 , I know that's a single post but we talked more on discord and I will continue to do my best to keep Alex or any of my friends from becoming abused. It wasn't much more than a joke and I'd never seriously advise Eva to get into something like that if she didn't understand it and couldn't handle it.
What's got you confused?
Just ate a whole can of clams is my iron deficiency cured yet?
i feel like i looked cute today but i was probably wrong.

anyway, i hope you all are having a good day.

i love you all and i want you all to be happy and succeed.
looks like kayla a bit, if she got ffs of course
>front man
Front """""man""""".
You're your own worst critic so I bet you looked better than you thought
You are in a band?
>Working on that endless drone project
>Interested in EDF units because smaller and cooler than a propeller
>Everything on the market is completely unsuitable for multirotor drones
>High pitch blades and small diameter for fast forward flight so no good for hovering
>Hard to find counter-rotating versions of EDFs which is essential for multirotor operation
So I was thinking "gap in the market" and shifted focus from the drone to designing an EDF unit that would work well on multirotors. There are only 2 problems, the market for this is tiny if it even exists and I'm a dumbass college dropout with no money so my attempts to manufacture turbomachinery may end in flames. Idk I'm just reeling off my thoughts here, Is this retarded or should I soldier on?
>Found possible gap in market
>Market is tiny
>Product is complex to build and I am unskilled
>Should I spend what little money I have on this?
>looks like kayla
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rate my boimode
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maybe I can be your iron tonight
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>Just ate a whole can of clams
eeew :(
I just want to be held :c
would watch football and drink beer with
I guess
I really like my penis though. Its my best pal.
You better get ready then.
That's good then.
give your idea to reddit.
you can get prescriptions for that my mom takes them
I don't even know what an EDF is so I don't feel qualified to answer that question.
The other option is fancy soap, That's still in the pipeline. Family are v. enthusiastic about it, I like it too but find the shopkeeper's demands for fancy packaging to be a pain.
Nice phone case.
I fucking wish she would watch football.
Find a nice sweet guy to cuddle with or something. Platonic cuddle with a girl I dunno senpai.
Kaykay needs ffs less than I do desu

Yeah front man (girl(male))

A few atm. Hopefully another now that I have a lot more time.
Maybe you can be her clam.
I ate an entire pizza and a cake by myself for dinner, it all better go to my hips and boobs.
Well there's all sorts of things you can do for that, sweetie.
Its better to straight out tell them that you dont want anything.

It would also be way more rude to say Good Day Sir! but that is probably not far from it. But dont take sales people seriously, their job is worse than yours.
looks a lot like homura
les bean
You don't need to know really it's more of a business question than a technical one.
>talking about me behind my back
just get a shitty retail job
yeah might just do that, guess I'll see after hrt
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Yes? Do you think that post isn't archived and people don't know what it was? I disclosed barely anything, relax.
W-wow tough as nails

There's like no flavor to them
They're not really exciting though

Yeah I think I'm going to invest in some women's multis I'm not getting enough iron in my diet or something
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I don't know what I am doing
tfw no rubb

7555555 and I transition with a bang
Hopefully. It will probably go there and a few other places.
like what?
idk how to get that though
Go with the project that you feel passionate about, I guess?
You look like a FTM I know but with glasses. Cute room.

You should transition anyway
With or without a bang
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You could be held by simply a friend, for instance, silly.
Please do not talk about me behind my back >~<

I think we have a similar face shape maybe.
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>tfw no 7555555
why do the california rules of court make me do this.
you and snicks are like my only friends
idk what it is about shellfish. I love salmon, cod, halibut, calamari, but shellfish, crab and shrimp are soooo gross.
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Do you wanna never be talked about or something
If you can be friends with us two, you can make more
Yeah, you have time to decide.

Before I started hrt, I thought I'd eventually get srs, but now I'm not sure if I have enough genital dysphoria to make it worth it.
Idk what a clam is

is that an idiom?
pls dont bully the intellectually disadvantaged (me)
We were so close too. ;_;
What about mollusks? Ever had oysters?
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I'll snugg you
I was hoping lauren would do the thing
Idk, I should take this as a divine message or something
>you should get on hrt and eat more. nothing hotter than a nice jiggly twerkable booty on a femboy/latent transgirl

Praise kek
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i wish i had more friends
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it's hard
Getting too close.
Go out and be cute and guys will talk to you.
Read Cosmo
wow r00d
I don't know you well enough yet, I have them on discord
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I always lumped those in with shellfish. I don't think I could bring myself to try. The salty fishy smell is just so... ew :(
when do you want?

Only if it's you doing the talking?
I really don't feel comfortable with it given what happened before, okay?
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Would I pass?
Yeah that's what I was thinking. If it's a flop at least I had fun fleeing from disintegrating impeller blades. It's the cash concerns really, this prototype may cost me around £1,000 which I have but should I put it into this or something else less autistic?
idk when I could bus down there
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i tell ya the same thing all the time girl, and things will get better once you do, get some hobbies and spend time around people who enjoy them
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well...whenever your cute little head decides. is when
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You may not have gotten the bang you wanted, but that's still a pretty sick palindrome.
>seven digits long and starts and ends with 7
>five 5's in the middle

>I should take this as a divine message or something
Yeah! You should.
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NICE you should
go get hrt and a fat ass anon godspeed
I belive in you


I'm on it!
Well I was your friend but then you got mad at me and have been distant ever since. It's cool I hold no grudges it's just eternally annoying when people who blow me off then go on to complain about having no friends.
>seven digits long and starts and ends with 7
>five 5's in the middle

this gives me too much pleasure
I love sirona!!!!
Also I got banned
At least it was 'us' that got it desu.
o-ok, I need to get on full hrt and some other stuff done before then...
I'd rather people not see the red marks from electro....
idk where to go for that, I live in nowhere land
Anon, your OTP is HAPPENING
The political discussion is the best part of Cosmo.
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Kek that pic
if you want to be my friend just ask snicks to send me your discord, your nice enough so far.
Telling ya, just start with the 4chan thread for it and go from there.
I dunno. Drones scare me tbqh. Sounds cool I say go for it.
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You know my greatest accomplishment in life is convincing people I'm somehow a kind person.
Snicks you heard the lady.
I know, it's amazing right

It's liberal nonsense that makes chaste women hop on the cock carousel if you ask me
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Idk I think it's also about how they're prepared
I can't stand them steamed but fried oysters are just amazing
It's a sign from the gods that anon should transition into the cute girl she was meant to be.
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How do I get out of bed
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I found out that my friend's gf frequently goes through his phone... she probably knows i'm trans now but she hasn't said anything...
>hiding your brow
Roll over to the edge and let gravity assist.
Once in a while someone will say they "ate a girl's clam" to mean they performed cunnilingus.
"Tough as nails" just means that you're tough. (She was just making a joke about iron.)
Just put yourself out there. It sucks and it's hard at first because you're concerned everybody thinks you're pathetic, but they really don't, as long as you're acting kindly. I've been there. It gets easier and more rewarding as you go.

I don't know if dysphoria is something that keeps you back, but it's something that can be managed.

Humans are social creatures anyway -- stuff like this is important.
okay now I'm on the floor
Mission accomplished.
how to get up?
Reverse gravity?
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thanks anon!
I can't do pushups
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Change the gravitational constant of the universe.

>Reverse gravity?
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tfw can only do 2 and a half push ups
what's the point
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I have to get up to do that
hrt atrophies our muscles and we're left with weak girly noodle arms
the only thing they're good for is hugs
to be content
>you and snicks are like my only friends
drop grace and get another snickerdoodle
Maeve pls be gay
Is that why Snickers is a selfish hugger? she likes to be hugged but half the time just leaves her arms at the side. Must be incredibly weak :^)
To leave the world a better place than we found it.
>tfw no bf to motivate you to do things
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Can't tho
wait i mean gf
degenerate baka
Nim, did you fall for cocklust?
but how will i keep my natty gains
it's a confusing time for me, okay!?!? ;-;
Jeez, and I thought my 20 was bad. Are your arms literally noodles?
>Tfw big manly arms
Sometimes I rip shirts when i bend my arm. ;~;
I don't think so
I just have really low t
and barely use my arm muscles
>tfw can only do 2 and a half push ups
I think I can do 2-3 if I really work at it.

I don't get nearly enough hugs irl
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You gotta start doing squats bro
achieve gains in your butte so that boys notice you more
You've effectively said
>tfw no one to be emotionally dependent on which will lead to an unhealthy relationship
Feels good man
Do them on your knees until you're strong enough. Make sure to eat enough protein as well, the rule is 1g of protein for every lb of body weight.
I'm not exactly innocent and even Grace is a bad influence on me.

You should be doing things for yourself first and foremost.
im gay for dicks
>1g of protein for every lb of body weight
Tfw kidney failure because protein poisoning. ;~;
anyone else have a strong jawline?

Remember to break parallel! Need full squats to activate your glutes, and you can move up to modified squats once they become too easy.
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yeah! :D

i don't know how to motivate myself
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it okay as long as she treats your petduck right as well
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>>tfw no one to be emotionally dependent on which will lead to an unhealthy relationship
Noooo I want 0 protein so I can be a tiny little girl
it me
But you clearly wrote BF.
how can it be gay if you're a girl

I mean you need some protein. It makes you feel fuller for longer so you won't overeat and gain weight
won't know until I lose more weight
im already underweight..
how do i feel less like i wanna die
I thought i'd be happier now but i still feel empty and alone
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Is there a way to work your glutes without doing calves and thighs? I want to shrink my legs while building butt.
hey drunk chaser, does your username reflect the fact that you're constantly inebriated every time you come here, or that you just have a serious alcohol problem
ahhhh :D

she of course she will! no one mistreats ducky!
wtf you just made me grow 6 inches
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no I AM in an emotionally dependent unhealthy relationship
that's why idktf
Wish I wasn't tho
i corrected myself!

it'll be alright, right?
I-I have a dick. But I'm not a guy. Is that okay Maeve-chan
that sounds a lot nicer than having no one to care about
I eat soup that makes me feel full
I think so. of all the strong facial features to have a strong jawline really isn't the worst

you could have jay leno's chin
I don't know one way or the other but for some reason it's attractive
i don't discriminate against girl dicks
well fingers crossed it's workable
Don't talk to me.
(Hip thrusts)
Anything you want baby ;)
O shit yeah you're right
Get out of there famlia.
But then it leads to failed relationships and now your abstract loneliness will be magnified 10x because its going to be fixated on your lost love.
I understand you want to lose weight, Cindy, but most soups have ludicrously high sodium content. You should have a well-balanced diet and get the nutrients you need. Look good and feel good YA DIG
unfortunately i have nim's face
>Anything you want baby ;)
i'm a cis male, you raging homo
im just tired of being alone
Well, its about damn time anyway.

If I follow through, big butts will be rewarded!
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>tfw you might have a chance with maeve-chan
I don't wanna lose weight as in like lose fat, I'm fine with that,
I wanna lose muscleee
I take vitamins and stuff for nutrients
I'm both those things
I mean...yeah?
We all are, but you'd be setting yourself and someone you care about up for hurt.
>I wanna lose muscleee
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[Complaints about an insecurity I'm afraid to openly talk about because anons will jump on it like vultures here]
Oh, neat, more stuff to make me feel bad..

>drop grace
>I'm not exactly innocent and even Grace is a bad influence on me.
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Good luck anon!
basic, it is 4:30 in the morning

stop looking at monster cock porn and go to bed
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grace is gay
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I'm on a diet to lose muscle and get strong hair and nails so I can be a cute little kittygirl!
>[Complaints about an insecurity I'm afraid to openly talk about because anons will jump on it like vultures here]
that's why we have discords, to filter out the mean anons, leaving us with mtfg to shitpost in
Tat's very noble
But I cant sleep what else am I supposed to do
Cindy you're like 6 you don't have any muscle. Being a skinny fat little tard isn't the way to go. Once you're on E you're not going to look like Arnold in his prime from the little amount of movement you do. Trust me, I lift heavy shit and eat a fuckton of protein to try and look like him and its hard. Kittygirls are a meme senpai.
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i am not
its just like
nobody can reassure me at this point
hi friend
yeah i guess so

sometimes i feel like im unloveable ;-;

i shouldn't let myself be that vulnerable
why can't you sleep? has your sleeping schedule gone to the dogs after you left your old job?

you could try laying in bed with a laptop and bullying 100 people (by the time you get to 100, you'll be fast asleep)
S'ok, I'm sure you can make it up to me.

Also make sure you've got someone to talk about those insecurities. Go vent to a friend.

How do you even go about actively losing muscle besides sitting around a lot?
>tfw wake up at 5:30 for no reason

I think i have slightly x-shaped legs but too scared to ask anyone
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i shouldnt be around you
or anyone
im bad for people
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i feel incredibly dead inside
the new tranny discord
I'm not sixxxxxx, And I don't wanna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and lift heavy things I wanna look like azunyan and purr for cute boys who lift heavy things
Protein = bad
hugg grace
>im bad for people
i think you're more like alcohol - not great for your health, and especially not in large quantities, but people still drink it because it makes them feel good
I don't have a "manly brow", my forehead is too flat. I can grow decent eyebrows thought, but I dont pluck them.
had a dream I swapped bodies with a cissy and stole her husband, house and job
Yeah its all over the place since I left. I have all this extra energy now that I don't know what to do with. I'll sleep an hour or two around midnight and then be awake til six, and sleep til noon again usually.

Do you think that would work?
Yes, Nim! Confidence is attractive. Just because you don't have a partner now doesn't mean you're unlovable or never will. Being vulnerable will let someone take advantage of you. That's not a good foundation.
That's not true. Eva warmed up to you and she's the purest among us.
That's my point. I lift heavy things and eat a fuckton of protein, but even I'm not fucking rippling with muscles. Being toned is pretty good, and you need to be healthy. If I'm not mistaken - and correct me if I'm wrong- estrogen makes your bones weaker. Know what makes them stronger? E X E R C I S E. Its also good for your heart, mental well being, and helps clear your mind. Pls Cindy, this is your health. Its not a joke.
Well done. Down with the cissies
Did you kill her and wear her skin?
I have good nutrients just not protein desu, I can't afford to consume protein rn cause it'll make me a manly man
Once I'm on hrt I'm gonna eat more protein and work out to get a big bubble butt
>Yeah its all over the place since I left. I have all this extra energy now that I don't know what to do with. I'll sleep an hour or two around midnight and then be awake til six, and sleep til noon again usually.
when do you start your new job?

i was the same when i left my old job though - i think i had a very small crisis when i realised i suddenly had all this free time and no idea what to do with it.
>tfw no cissy to swap bodies with
no, I used a machine that I sabotaged afterwards
I'm going back to sleep now
Now now Gracie, I didn't mean that.
You've done a lot of good for some many people here. It's ok if you need someone to lean on for a bit.

I haven't felt anything inside for like 10 years, but I remember a time when I did so I'm hanging on hoping it comes back someday.
I've been on hrt for so long and I still look like a man. When does it end?
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im a bad influence
why are you letting anons make you feel bad
How do I stop feeling like my friends don't care about me and are just trying to be polite by helping me transition?
>tfw don't live in a world where ftms and mtfs can swap bodies and put an end to gender dysphoria
I don't have one lined up. I'll probably start looking in a few weeks. I was in my last job for six years so I'm taking a break for a bit.
Right now I'm filling my time with music. But it's hard to get myself into a routine.
>tfw there ends up being more of one than the other and you still get left out
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because i agree with them deep down
For those of you who now have a passing female voice after training (no surgery) can you still comfortably achieve your before voice when you need to?
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>every single time I let someone close to me they always hurt me in some way and toss me aside
thanks a lot god I really love being lonely and depressed all the time
Don't feel bad, you're one of the few good posters here left
>tfw developing a crush on one of the trips
>taking the body of a butch dyke
Story of my life.
but you're a nice person grace
no, your old voice gets all fucky, usually a lot less resonant
supply would never meet demand
imagine waiting 10+ years, whilst having to keep your body as masculine as possible
>tfw developing a crush on one of the anons
>I can't afford to consume protein rn cause it'll make me a manly man
Simply untrue desu. But really I don't think you have to take protein. At least exercise. Even if its running, could help with the increased risk of cardiovascular illness.
Grace pls stop
At least they're polite, right?
Have some more backbone. Don't let people toss you aside like that, senpai. Be essential.
Trans women dating trans women never works out.
My trip crush was a nightmare. Get rid of those feelings
I can go deeper but it feels forced and isnt like my old voice
Talk with her! (Or him if it's a chaser.)
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rockstars don't have routines anyway, they just sort of eat, fuck and do drugs whenever they like. sometimes a trash a hotel room or two too.

>I don't have one lined up. I'll probably start looking in a few weeks. I was in my last job for six years so I'm taking a break for a bit.
don't leave it too long basic, it only gets harder to find work as your employment gap grows
I do run, ever other day I run for 20 minutes, sometimes I skip it tho
she really isn't
i wish this was my reality desu
Excellent work Cindy. Good girl
Anon pls stop
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im sorry
what did i do to you
>My trip crush was a nightmare.
yeah, because you oryx'd her (not as bad, but still)
>they just sort of eat, fuck and do drugs whenever they like
This is my life now

I'm not planning on leaving it too long. I'm still volunteering atm as well so it's not like the gap is completely empty
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oh hehehehe thank youu!
I still dont sound like a girl tho, so d/w
why are you saying that
It's not what you did to me it's what you did to someone else here
i bet you sound like a cutie

you're just being modest
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is this magic soup?
What was your first time fucking a boy like?
Didn't you sleep this night?
I wonder how many /mtfg/ threads there have been. Gonna guess on the lines of 3000, but honestly I have no clue.
hey phienchen, can you record yourself saying "squirrel"?
>yeah, because you oryx'd her (not as bad, but still)
Story time? What does it mean to Oryx someone?
Soups are generally low in kcal
Closer to 5000
I'm still a virgin. ;_;
Gotta be at least forty

Idk I'm a Virgin
idk im not GAY
3052 according to the archive, but only goes back to may 2014, and excludes all the meme names because i just searched threads with /mtfg/ in the subject field
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it's so lonely
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how do i stop being sad and hating myself
it's pureed vegetables, of course it's low cal
and it's warm and filling to boot, GOAT diet food
I get asked if I am sick a lot

not yet, its like 6am

no, ive never posted a vocaroo here.
also, the last time someone told me my voice was terrible was less than 18 hours ago, so am not eager to do that again
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Has nothing to do with me, I just seem to only attract evil people who want to build me up and make me believe they love and care for me only to crush me in some way, taking everything back, cheating on me, leaving me for bullshit reasons and inflict more emotional pain on me.
Be my friend?
buddi evangeline
You're really hurting tonight.
Is here the best place for you to be right now?
i don't know why but thats really cute :3

i gotta start practicing more
I started showing up around march 2014 and had the impression that /lgbt/ hadn't been around for long at that point, so that's where I got that number from.
It's a vegetable for culinary purposes.
>also, the last time someone told me my voice was terrible was less than 18 hours ago, so am not eager to do that again
i wasn't going to make fun of your voice, just your pronunciation

guess i'll just have to make fun of some german girls on omegle or something
I need irl friends ;_;
Who /consideringsuicide/ here?

the people in these threads are the closest thing to friends that i have
a year is pretty long.
I think I had 20.000 posts by fall 2013
I was literally here 16+ hours a day
Does grace like me
meant this for you

I need irl friends ;_;
I sure did. I'm sorry.
who wants to be artificially inseminated with my sperm and be my baby mama?
Come watch a podcast with Snicker and me.
Be more careful with people and well I don't know any of the stories but at some point you gotta do all you can to ensure your happiness.
my voice makes me cry
Not yet?
Usually peeps sleep at night don't they?
Why not get inseminated with your loving husband's sperm and be a mom that way?
I'm actually hopeful for the first time in... ever
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>tfw after 6 hours you finally make it out of bed
I like hearing myself talk anyways.
>tfw I still have my rare phie recording
>tfw im the only one that'll ever hear it
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I am sad anon, sleep is hard.
my bf went to sleep like 3 hours ago

awww <3
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>I was literally here 16+ hours a day
How did you manage that while studying for your degree?
i want to leave this general but i dont wanna leave maeve ;_;
what does that even mean?

for (You) <3
See a professional
Oh hugg nazigirl
Do you take a day off?
your voice is literally perfect ;_;
thanks though
buddi nepnep
That's never worked before
besides, i cant afford to

what? why?
your accent isn't quite as strong as i was hoping
>be more careful with people
It's literally every single person I've let come close to me
My life is otherwise fine and the only thing I really want in this shitty world is to be loved

cuz you're nice

so you're my buddi
I didnt study back then. I was enrolled, but didnt actually go to classes or anything

nope, tomorrow (or today) is my first day of uni again after holidays.
Thread posts: 540
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