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Cis Lesgen

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 467
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Cis Lesbian General: Last minute gifts edition
You're not done?

Hints: Ignore posts that are attention-seeking. Hide and ignore the degenerate non-lesbian.
Have you applied your filters today?: http://pastebin.com/hmZKdbmE

Discord: http://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Recent News:
>Chronic-migraines-anon has our best wishes to feel better
>Straight girl accepts date with lesbian. Lesbian must do everything in her power to do us proud.
>Anon surprises girlfriend with leggings under her clothes and almost doesn't have sex!
>Lady gives advice on how to flirt, might work if you don't drop your spaghetti everywhere.>>7419620 >>7419620
>This just in - girls with glasses are a-ok
>Woman tries to pick up girls through pokemon
>Rumors of a LINE group emerge
>The normie question

Previous: >>7416002
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Oh fug
you had some great vocaroos. to the anon that sounded angry for reasons I'm unclear with, I'll fight you ;), promise not to pee on me though

I made a line group:
I found the photo on Her recently
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I've got your nigga Primarina ready. I did a Wonder Trade to make sure the game detects it as legit.

I'm doing all this on my phone and a PC that doesn't detect SD cards so I'm taking a while.
Where do you get your porn? I'm so sick of shitty lesbian porn for straight men. I want to see girls grinding on each other while wearing panties that doesn't look fake as fuck. Any suggestions?
Be wary my friends. Caution.

Go for the real thing!
>Go for the real thing!

I wish. I'd fucking wreck a girl right now if I could. Sadly, it's almost one in the morning in rural America. No lesbians in sight.
I suppose everyone is just gonna think I'm a tranny? they're this boards boogeyman
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Do you post on /ekx/ on /vp/? They're always wanting injectors over there. You injectors help so much even if half of /vp/ hates you

I'm glad to see there are pokemon players here. Whenever marshadow drops I'll have a complete, non-injected living pokedex. Also about 3 boxes of shinies I have no memory of ever getting, so their origins are questionable
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I wanted to fill out that thing in the last thread but got distracted. Guess I'll do it now.

1. >Unlikely to withdraw (seeks partnership most of the time)
2. >Physically attractive
3. >Sexually compatible
4. >Securely attached (not anxious, distant, clingy)
5. >Trustworthy/ faithful
6. >Has similar interests
7. >Takes responsibility for self
8. >Similar values
9. >Possess skills that make life easier (cook, clean, repair, maintain, organize, etc..)
10. >Extroverted (charming/ humorous)
11. >Very agreeable (overall content person)
12. >Financially independent
13. >Emotionally stable
14. >Intelligent
15. >Supportive/ Is happy for my good news
16. >High novelty seeking (likes to do new things)
17. >Speaks my love language (someone who knows how to make me feel loved)
18. >Would make for a good parent
it's a hope not a law.
I know I'm not a tranny .'. I assume others are not too

the very fact that everyone thinks everyone else is a tranny makes me think you all are
I posted it originally but I think I'll do it now too.

Honestly I don't want to be in a relationship anymore
I've been heartbroken too many times (just got a new wound yesterday so it's fresh!!)

How do I just make some friends that I can have sex with?
Maybe exclusively have sex with them so we can not use protection and also not catch any diseases?

I'm starting from stratch; I have 0 friends except my cat.

>Securely attached (not anxious, distant, clingy),Intelligent, Unlikely to withdraw (seeks partnership most of the time),Physically attractive
>Takes responsibility for self,Supportive, Similar values
>Has similar interests,Posseses skills that make life easier, Trustworthy/ faithful
Get out. The reason there are still trannies in this thread is because they don't derail, which is the opposite of what you're doing right now. Leave.
this is a safe space, didn't you look at the trigger words?! speaking of them is degeneracy!
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The niggers are ready. I just read this faggot is shiny locked so I can't trade it because the game registers it as invalid, too bad for you.

I don't go to /vp/ or play Pokemon a lot, I literally began playing Moon yesterday and it bored me so much I'm now here injecting Pokemon for fun. To be honest I didn't hack my 3DS to play games, it's just my hobby to experiment with computers and I couldn't care less about Pokemon. You should hack your 3DS or at least set a Homebrew entry point so you can inject the Pokemon yourself.

Now, I have no idea how to trade these with you. I add you to my friends and then what?
quite the epicure, my dear?
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first sniff of the day
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Sniff that, you troll!
I want a qt gf to snuggle
Me too
But I'm forever alone
I've accepted it
I'll never be loved
>tfw spending Christmas with nogf for the first time in a while
I'm jealous anon
I want to be not alone so bad ;------;

But I'm never going to have a girlfriend and a real relationship
I hate you anon
But at least we're able to experience it at all
But anon, I am alone. Didn't you read my post?

Have you never had a gf?
>tfw 25 and never had a gf
>only had my first kiss a few months ago
>never had sex before
>never made out
>only know unrequited love
Sorry that you're alone.
I meant that I hate you because you had something I'll probably never have
Why haven't you?
I don't know
I grew up isolated and alone, no one ever makes moves on me, I'm always rejected when I confess to someone.
I want to be heartless and have no desire to love. It'd definately hurt less

But overall I don't really know. I'm nice, I'm sweet, people tell me that id be a great girlfriend, and I know I would.
I think I'm just cursed.
Lonely lesgen christmas party when?
Honestly I've kinda given up on porn
I'd come
So I could get drunk, look at the qts and cry because I'll never have a gf ):
I wish, I'm spending Christmas with my family, which is worse than being alone.
I think you just need to find the right person, which is hard considering there are about two dozen lesbians in the world.
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Who /underweight/ here?
>tfw too dumb to eat
People only treat me like crap, or abandon me once I begin to trust and open up to them. All the other times I'm heartbroken I think "oh yeah if I keep trying I'll find someone who will be nice to me and like me" but every time it gets worse. From just being turned down, to dating for a few days then getting ghosted, to thinking I'm dating when they were never interested in me at all, and just couldn't be bothered to tell me they weren't into me romantically/sexually.
Meeting the right person sounds great but in reality it feels impossible and may well be since lesbians are a small population

I really want to just die. So tired of fucking sucking air. Wonder if I can induce a heart attack

I'm never going to have sex or even be loved.
Feels bad man
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I want to be underweight but I've been binging without purging lately
You dont want that I used to be underweight I eventually had to use supplements to get me back on weight because it was becoming a health risk.
Being thin and happy >weighing anything and hating how much fat is on my bones
In my opinion anyway

The lost of my anorexica brought a loss of discipline but I guess if I wasn't using food to cope I'd be using drugs
What's your height and weight anon?
Esh! That can't possibly be a good thing.
Being thin is fine, but being underweight is not. I am 179cm I used to be underweight where I was around 45kg. Now Im like 60kg and I look good and I feel good and I can still wear anything (size xs and s). Looking back at old photos I looked terrible.
I'm 170cm 51kg and feel fat.
>>5'3 normally 96-98lbs and healthy looking and feeling, fit but not toned.
>>Work has been cut down a lot this time a year so I'm less active.
>>Now 110lbs and have a little stomach bulge going on that's driving me nuts but isn't even that bad.
>>Tfw went from being A32 last summer to a B32 this summer and and now I have to get new bras at some point since I'm probably a C32 now since mine feel so small on me now.
>>Big breast run in my family so I wonder if puberty was late as fuck for me.
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Oh, I wasn't the person wanting all the pokemon on the other thread. I'd love to inject though. The furthest I can go is generating a qr code in my laptop with PKheX. I know there are guides on /vp/ for using Homebrew but I'm so afraid of messing up that I haven't tried. How easy is it?
>Maybe exclusively have sex with them so we can not use protection and also not catch any diseases?

Do you actually use dental dams or what?
Should I get Sun or Moon?

The moon legendary looks cuter, but Sun has Alolan Vulpix ;_;
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> didn't get anything for my gf
> done with my shopping anyway
>got something for gf
>now I endure the weeks of panicking over whether or not she'll like it
I-I mean I'm pretty sure she will
Same Anon.
>one gift I ordered for gf is 14 bucks
>pay for faster shipping to make sure it arrives on time
>shipping is 12 bucks
Thats an 'I am a person who cannot plan ahead' tax. Dont wait next time.
Check this list
Btw if you get Moon, you can easily get Alolan Vulpix, there's so many ways to get version exclusive pokemon through trade it really shouldn't matter
I bought her other presents first and wanted all of them to go well with each other. I only came up with the idea for that present after she told me she was interested in it.
Man, that's hard. It's really cool that Moon takes place during the night, but wouldn't it get depressing after a while if you never see the sun..?
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>depressing after a while if you never see the sun

....Bitch where the fuck do you think you're at?
I started taking Accutane a while back and started getting depressed pretty quickly. Weighed myself today and I've gained ten pounds!! Arrggg. I already wanted to lose weight and now I gotta lose even more. At least having more weight to work off = more hours in the gym = more buff.
Can't wait for the semester to be over so I can hit the gym and look like Iskra Lawrence (who is PLUS SIZE??? uhhh yeah okay gtfo).
But that's not how the game works. The game clock's relationship to the day/night cycle is reversed. It's not permanently night. So if your game clock is accurate, night happens during the day and day happens at night. If you were to offset your game clock by 12 hours, the game would follow a regular day/night cycle.

See also >>7434185
I would say you should think about what time of day you usually play video games and what environment (day/night) you want to be in while you play. I play video games in the evening and at night usually, at the end of my day, and I would choose Moon so that my character is chilling in the daytime and things look bright and happy. Plus I think the moon aesthetic is prettier and the pokemon are cuter! Purple and silver look slicker than red and orange to me.
I'm not even close and aparently all my friends and gf think i have an eating disorder.

Why is losing weight shuned but nobody cared when i was nearly obese?
>GF still flirting with this new chick
>Chick asks her if she wants her to 'do anything'
>GF says no
>Chick asks again if that's what she really wants
>GF says she doesn't know and they'd have to hang out to see
>GF tells me she's hanging out with chick Thursday
>My blood's boiling
>Ask about our date Thursday
>"We were going to go on a date?"
>"OH WAIT RIGHT. Yeah. I guess you, then family dinner, then I can hang out with her."
>I tell her I'm not comfortable with it
>"You don't trust me?"
>Tell her I don't trust her because she keeps telling me I shouldn't
>"You're worth so much more than I can give you. You're so relaxed and chill about everything."
>Mention I feel like I'm being played
>"Maybe I just like to ruin people."
>Wind up fucking her in the floor of her room
>After making her cum she latches onto me and starts whispering she's afraid to let me in because she'll fall for me and she doesn't want to go through that again
>She starts whispering that she loves me
>She starts talking about how the other chick isn't worth losing me over
>She starts talking about how she loves how I fuck her and make her feel
>She keeps whispering she doesn't want to lose me
>I know I'm about to get ripped apart but still want to make it work

WHY. FUCKING WHY AM I DOING THIS SHIT. SAME FUCKING ANON FROM LAST TIME. Literally just want to blow my brains out at this point. Women are fucking insane. They get in your god damn soul and just shit all over it. Worst part is you let them and keep taking the abuse because you hope you mean something when deep down in your gut you know you really don't. Fuck, man. Fuck it. I'm going to be completely apathetic over whatever may happen Thursday and just get my Christmas gifts and go. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
I'm scandinavian, anon. I don't get to see the sun for like 4 months every winter.
Fuck man yourgf is a piece of shot and you're getting strung along.

Give her a wakeup call and dump her flatout. She can't fucking court another girl in a monogamous relationship.
holy shit I am so sorry anon. and also so suddenly pleased that I'm single
Fucking dump her, are you retarded?
If you play more during the day, get Sun. If you play more during the evening, get Moon, because the time of day in Moon is the opposite of the time in your 3DS clock.
Also consider what colors you prefer to wear, because the version exclusives of the colors of clothing will be pretty difficult to get (colors are listed in the link you replied to)
YEAH. JUST A BIT APPARENTLY. I just don't want my parents to find out that all this is happening. I've hyped her up as fucking perfect to them before all this shit started happening and they were so fucking happy to see me ecstatic and out of the state I was in. Now I'm right back in it and getting drug even lower.

I really need to.

Literally might prefer being single over this. Perks is free video games and getting laid/kissed and pretending to be loved. Is it really worth that, though?

Other fun shit from last night:

"I kind of blame you for my sadness. Not actively, but subconsciously I can't help but think that if you were just a little better I wouldn't be so upset. But I know it's something wrong with me, not you."

Worst part is is that I've tried to leave her side of the relationship open so she can fuck other girls if she seriously desires to and she just turns it down and says no because she doesn't want me getting intimate with anyone else. She literally stated last night she'd actively try to sabotage any relationship I get into in the future because I'm her's. As in she'd literally punch anyone she found me with even if we were broken up.

I doubt it's going to fix anything, but I'm leaving things alone until the first. Get the holidays out of the way. If she's calmed the fuck down from wherever the hell her head's at we can still continue this relationship. If not I don't know. I just can't do it after that. Even if she cheats I want to drag it out to the first at least so that I can just laugh it off with family and friends and say we had an amicable parting due to her leaving for bootcamp in April. I don't want to come out of this with the appearance of licking my wounds.
>"Cis Lesbian General: Last minute gifts edition"
>tfw you're Russian and Christmas was banned in the Soviet Union because it was secular but they kept Santa/presents/the tree but moved those traditions to New Year's and now you have an extra week to get gifts for your family.
Thanks, October Revolution of 1917!
Santa comes during New Year's in Greece as well
I think he visits Italy even l8r
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/vp/ often has festival plaza threads for exchanging of facilities. There are some players whose plazas are only dye shops and will register you. It's still rough getting the FC you need to buy shops off them if you don't like missions, but getting dye shops is doable
Anon just tell her to stop being a fuck head and that the relationship is open or over.

You're being manipulated and you need to stop.
This. Don't take more hurt than you need to, anon. It's never worth it.
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Anon your gf is being so blatant it's making it hard to sympathize with you. Almost like you're stuck in the abuse cycle. You start off thinking there's a way to keep her, then she does something fucking nuts, then she tries to 'make it better', but we all know it starts over again.

Don't wait. Your relationship was over the day she decided to string you along as she flirts with that other girl.

I wouldn't be suprised if she says the same things she says to you to her.

Don't end it anon. It's already over! Distance yourself and tell her to fuck off.
Awh thanks so much! I'll go to festival plaza then.
Okay so we register each other's friend doesn't he need go to festival plaza and connect to the internet with them wifi icon on the bottom right. Click trade, link trade, then look for Aerin and trade with me. ^_^

Thanks so much for taking the time to do this!
Yeah, I'm actually finding it semi difficult to believe anon is talking this much shit from her gf, but I know there are people with serious self esteem issues who allow themselves to be walked all over.

Anon, there's no point in dragging this out. She's manipulating you and treating you like shit, you deserve better. You're positively reinforcing her foul behavior and making her believe she can get away with walking all over people. It sounds like she's keeping you as a back up in case things don't work out with this other girl while still trying to stake a claim over you.

Honestly if you stay in this relationship you're giving her permission to treat you like crap. What do you gain by staying together any longer? You're only prolonging your suffering.
>How easy is it?
Compared to other consoles, hard. Nintendo is hard. The good part? There are pretty well-written guides that anyone with half a brain can follow. Heck, anyone could even follow the crappy pastebin /v/irgin guides (at least I did and didn't brick).

If you only want to inject Pokemon then you don't even need a CFW, just a homebrew entry point. Check your firmware, Google entry points for that firmware, if there isn't any yet just don't update or you will most likely keep missing it. If the entry point for your firmware is too impossible (rare games, need for an already hacked console) then update and pray someday an easy entry point is found soon.

Once you have the Homebrew entry point set, all you need is the JKSM homebrew application. This is a save manager. Backup your current Pokemon game at least two times and then open those saves with PKHeX from your computer, edit all the Pokemon you need, save the file and restore the modified save file with JKSM again. Pretty easy, you don't even need a CFW.

The other option is to buy a save dongle.

>not injecting the pokemon unavaliable in your version
>not downloading both games if you don't want injections
>not trading if you're too retarded for cfw
Yesterday I sent a Solgaleo via Wonder Trade and got a normie Pokemon in exchange. Don't lose hope!
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I'll never be able to understand any of this, so maybe injection isn't for me. I appreciate your feedback though
Auto-correct strikes again.
Ok. Are you on right now? I can trade with you right now.

I don't understand what's hard about it. Literally just follow instructions. If you can't do that then I don't know anymore.
So I was sitting on the floor lightly punching my clit because it won't stop feeling tingly so I was punching it like, "stop. feeling. tingly!"

Then my girlfriend walks into the room and sees me and goes "you're weird". And I'm like "...am I weird in a bad way?" And she says no, it's in a fun way. So I'm happy and I crawl over to give her a kiss, but instead of grabbing her face and kissing her lips I grab her by the butt and kiss her vagina.
>everyone knows computer jargon
>people who use computer jargon were born that way
What is Google?
I am. :) Ready when you are.
Bitch you're nowhere in link trade. Yes I'm connected to the Internet.
It disconnected when I closed the lid by accident. I'm requesting you now desu.
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I'll take using /ekx/ on /vp/ for $1000
Why are you a boy? Are you a tranny?
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>tfw lesbos are trading new gen pokemon without me
>tfw too poor to afford a $40 pokemon game
Nigga I pirated the fucking game why don't you?
It didn't ask if boy or girl this gen just said pick what you look like. I liked the hair of that icon so I chose it. Only later realized that was the boy avatar. I dress her in pink to make up for it.
Lesbians become accidental femboys. Can't make this shit up.
>murrifats mistranlating to pander to sjws
Sasuga murrka.
I almost picked the boy avatar in XY, I liked the boy clothes and hair better. Couldn't quite bring myself to do it though.
>It didn't ask if boy or girl this gen
Did all the inane tumblr whining actually accomplish something?
I think so. Funny because I saw a tweet the other day about Crystal version(my first pokemon game) and how revolutionary it was to be able to select girl. Now they've done away with it entirely. I'm half way through the game and it took about this long for me to see someone using pronouns for my character and said I was a boy(I could have missed it earlier, I skim past the talking).
I did, this game is laggy as fuck and gave ma an error. :0
anyone else notice latina are less likely to be lesbian than white/black? is it just my area?
Yeah apparently the error is a soft ban for abandoning online matches or trades(fucking retarded.) Maybe it's yours because I've not disconnected from any and I can trade using GTS just fine.

So how about you put up a request for the Pokemon I injected in GTS and I look for you and give them to you? Just tell me which pokemon you are trading.
So apparently you're still a boy or girl in the game, they just make it a bit more confusing to choose based on pictures rather than words.
Okay sounds good.

I put my Pancham in for the Primarina first.
I don't see why there would be statistically actually less people born gay in one group vs another. But cultural influences do play a huge role in people being able to realize that abou themselves/come out.
The latinx community has a really strong emphasis on family and being a lesbian might be seen as counter to those values because you're not going to have biological kids and a husband. It's also a very religious community so that may play a part in lack of LGBT visibility. I don't know for sure but I feel like these issues would contribute to why it seems like there are few latina lesbians. For gay men, they struggle with "machismo" in the culture.
Can you trade a Yungoos instead? I don't have Pachaman in my Pokedex.
Well, that's retarded. Thanks tumblr.

Scroll to the bottom of the alphabet and type in the name, you can get any pokemon. :)
>not knowing how to use GTS
Btw make sure you spell it right. Use google if you aren't sure.
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Is pic related qt?
Would it make fucking a qt more exciting?
idk why but i can't stand high waisted panties. They make me think of grandma.
Totally this.
Ok nice.

I'm not a videogame autist so I don't really care learning that.
Her nickname is Pandaria and she's in a quick ball if that helps.

I'll try and send you things you might not have yet for the trouble, no need to put out a bunch of Yungoose that's not fair for the work you put in. :3 <3
You're not on the list, not even when I search for people seeking Pokemon I have. You're probably banned.
They look a bit too large to be sexy desu, but a picture of you wearing them would be more telling.
This! Anything can be sexy on the right girl.
>dated a girl, had sex, enjoyed it
>was a proud lesbian and was annoying with that
>gf broke up
>date a man, it will be almost 3 years this February
>I still fap to girls

I miss the love interaction I had with a woman, I wanna experience it again
>gf is listening to classical music remixes

Man, what a dork.

Inb4 she sees this post.
go away
Yeah? I don't own any high-waisted panties yet, but I thought those might work with a nice bra, since they're not just completely plain.

I'm not sure yet if I want to buy them. I kinda like the idea of them being larger and hiding more of my body, but at the same time also being see-through on the sides.
Also I just know that sooner or later I will end up posting an underwear pic on here.
Nope, someone gave me a normal Primarina while I was taking a shower.
I'll post that one up then.
>being larger and hiding more of my body
At this point it doesn't matter because obviously you don't even think you're attractive enough to make it work.

Those are the perfect panties for you for the same reason they're perfect for grandma.
Anon, I just think it's exciting and leaves more exploration to be done if you're not able to see everything right away.
I like to listen to that one with Adele.

Kill (you)rself fat man
Ye I found you. Already traded.
Thanks. :)

Putting in a Carbink for the lycanroc now(I assume you made them all 91+).
Can I do that without a blank cartridge?
You don't appear.
Is bisexuality valid? people around me are constantly telling me that because I've only dated guys that I can't possibly like girls, but I've only dated guys because I go to a homophobic school. Girls > guys any day though. thoughts?
Yes. Follow the A9LH guide.
Everyone is a little bi and gay and straight are just constructs but you wont find sympathy here.

Sapphism is life, sapphism is love.
It's real, but the amount of bisexuals over 25 who are actually interested in settling down with the same sex is miniscule.
Why can't bisluts fuck off?
Just because you aren't gay doesn't mean other people arent. Just because you're a bishit doesn't mean other people are. Go. Away.

No one cares. This is a lesbian thread and not the bishit thread. Get it through your dumb skull that people don't want to hear your whining. Fuck off, you're garbage.
Jut because your estrogen turned you bi doesn't mean us normal cisgendered people are down with both genitalia.
Imagine if you met a really beautiful woman but later found out her chromosomes were xy or xxy. Would you still be gay? I don't think so. But also I don't think that the right response for a properly gay person is to be turned off of that person before they discover about the chromosomes.

The way i figure it no matter how tiny the odds it's possible with 7 billion people that you'd be tricked to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex and therefore can't ever be 100% gay.

Plus i've met too many lesbians into gay male porn or practically man looking women or who fuck trannies or who are just gay to graduation to really believe anyone is 100% lesbian.
Typical tranny accusations every time you see something you don't like.
>repeating memes about gay porn and cis people actually being into trannies

This is how we know you're not female
This forum is overrun with trannies and men, it's logical here, don't be a denialist.
>chromosomes were xy or xxy
The point isn't what they technically are the point is that you are mistaken to think of her as a woman.

For example plenty of people who watch jamesbond accidentally found themselves attracted to an xxy male that later became a woman.

Does that make you slightly bi? I think so. She doesn't look any different from any of the other girls. I only found out later.
The angrier you sound, the easier it is to see why it offends you. There's no such thing as 100% gay, but you still wanna live in your safe little world.
You don't understand biology much, do you?
>cisgender people produce estrogen
you're not even trying
Finally got tinder and have been using it late at night so people I know don't happen to see that I use it.
Is it worth chatting up with girls that I find attractive but not enough that I would consider dating (or even hooking up with) just for the hell of it?
You might as well call me G.I Autismo because I've no game so maybe I could improve that.

Is this a bad idea?
Go for it. Literally nothing could go wrong as long as you don't stick your tongue in crazy. Enjoy yourself, girl.
I will, but I get so stupidly shy. It's like I don't know who I am because I've never seen myself engage someone with a sexual/flirty intent. It's almost embarrassing.
Everyone starts somewhere, anon. Chin up.
I want you to stop telling me who I am in your little world. I know how i feel and how I've felt since I was a child. I know i only feel for women. But you want to tell me I'm bissxual. Why is that? To make yourself feel like you're not alone and that you're not the odd one out? Go be bishit. I don't care. But don't fucking tell me I'm anything like you.

Go away mtt. You're a man. Born a man. Die a man. 200 years your bones will turn up and they'll set your skeleton up in a museum as "millenial male".
I've been pen pals for about 7 months with a nice lady who is in prison.

I really like her but she doesn't get out for several years. I feel kinda stupid, I don't see any possible way this can end well.
She could be your soulmate though.
All underwear is cute in my book. I think these would look especially great on a curvy girl, would really emphasize her hip to waist ratio!
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>there's no such thing as bi because all bisexuals choose a gender by age 30 and were just confused in their youth anyway

>there's no such thing as a straight man because ""straight"" men go gay in prison, can be attracted to chicks with dicks, and would get off to a man's mouth around their cock

>there's no such thing as a straight woman because this one study said so

>there's no such thing as a gay man because a hole is a hole if you don't have daddy issues

>there's no such thing as trans they just have internalized gender stereotypes

I can do this all day, anon.
What you "feel" and assume you've experienced is not what everyone else experiences. In the end it doesn't matter how strong you feel about it.
And I'm a lesbian too for that matter. I just accept that having a preconceived inclination towards the same sex isn't necessarily the same as natural physical attraction.
>I just accept that having a preconceived inclination towards the same sex isn't necessarily the same as natural physical attraction.

It sounds like you're projecting in the same way you just complained that that anon was projecting.
The difference is that I don't base my beliefs on how I feel, or at least try not to.
We don't really understand how sexuality works, so it's dumb to have any cemented thoughts about it.
Saying "there's no such thing as 100% gay" is absolutely basing your beliefs on how you feel and want to project.

We're literally just talking about there being gay, straight, and bi. That's it. Unless you think millions of people are lying or you just know their attractions better than they know it themselves, I think it's pretty safe to say those three all exist. A handful of confused teens and 20-somethings don't negate that.
Reminded me of this joke.
Why are you saying you're a lesbian if you believe that no one is gay or straight? Are you a retard?
Why are you upset? I said lesbian because it's an easy way to get the idea across.

Also, is an asian girl completely fucked in the dating other girls department?
God damn, anon! I really liked these sides... And now they are gone.
Yes, mostly because asian girls are known to be slutty. Being bi also probably adds to your sluttiness so you should just give up.
But that's fucking retarded. If you believe it's some kind of sliding scale, one point shouldn't be any more impossible than the next, including exclusivity
There's a bunch of anons with yellow fever in this thread alone.

I'm an Asian girl dating another girl. [spoiler]She's not Asian though[/spoiler]

Why is it so difficult to find another azn waifu?
This. If you're okay with being slightly fetishized you're fine anon.
getting laid is not worth getting shat on by her obviously not giving a fuck about your feelings

she sounds like she just says whatever pops into her head , it's not fair to give someone a rollercoaster of every emotion you have through the course of a day, and you should be with someone who doesn't blame you for their sadness

>As in she'd literally punch anyone she found me with even if we were broken up
that's totally cray you know

hey c'mon anon if your family and friends is worth shit they won't see you licking your wounds and think "lol dummy got played", they're gonna want to help you. is that so bad?
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>mfw kissless virgin with no desire to date men
>mfw having shit lesdar

Lucky. Personally I think it's due to family scrutiny but I don't really want to shit the thread with ranting.

As a whole, do lesbians with yellow fever act as cringy about it like men?
No woman can like another woman in the cringey extent that a man can.
I have like little to no experience w/ dating but women tend to have at least a bit more tact in social situations. There's probably a good few autismo girls out there who will be weird though
>As a whole, do lesbians with yellow fever act as cringy about it like men?
I haven't seen them reach quite the same depths of cringe, no.
I seem to run into queer Asians and demi-Asians fairly often, but I operate in weeb circles.
What idea? You said you're a lesbian but you also don't believe people are lesbians. You didn't explain anything you just babbled on about how you don't believe in any sexual orientations.

What are you responding to.
>yellow fever
cringy in itself
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>hey anon who do you have a crush on?
>haha but seriously we should find you a girlfriend. What kind of girls do you like?
>describes her almost perfectly
>I'm sure we can find a girl like that somewhere!
I don't know what else to do
oh lord almighty. I'll pray for you
Do what that one anon did and masturbate with your pussy over her face while she's sleeping

Then fall on her by "accident"

10/10 guaranteed qtgf
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If the next thread isn't a butch/tomboy admiration thread, I'm going to track down the OP and tie her up and do unlawful things to her.
Go ahead and try. I'm behind seven proxies.

I believe that was a fake story but I always wonder what would happen to someone's life if it did occur.
Please do. I love her but she is completely oblivious at times. It's usually endearing but it's not right now.
Admittedly, I tend to deadpan when I talk to her just so I won't start gushing and smiling like an idiot around her but still.

Too lewd. Plus if she isn't into it, I go to jail
>I tend to deadpan when I talk to her
This is bad. Stop doing it.

And my proxy shield gun has eight bullets. Prepare the thread or prepare your loins.
Flower of Magherally: gay song or gayest song?

yeah don't deadpan. no wonder she thought you were joking.
>making yourself impossible to read
>expecting her to know how you feel
pick on

also PSA everyone let's IM yeah?
Here are some ideas:
>Write a song/ poem confessing your love for her
>Watch some lesbian movie together and seduce her
>Hang out at her place and do The Naked Man
>Go to the sauna together and stare at her tits awkwardly
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You could ask nicely. Or present me with a humble offering. I more of a dom myself.
Here's a humble offering of a newly married femme lesbian couple and lots of cute tweets about them:

is the line group weeb or non-weeb?
idk, I'm not a weeb
guess it's a numbers game. join to stake your claim!
You could just make the next OP yourself. It's not as if 4chan is a democracy.
If I join the group, does it show everyone my name and phone number? Not sure I want that.
A bit gross, but has anyone ever gotten a pube stuck under their clitoral hood? Fucking hurts till you can get rid of it.
No, the thought makes me cringe, god. I'm glad I shave.
I'm pretty much in the same situation, but now I won't let anyone approach me, not even my colleagues. The last time I though I made a friend that bitch ghosted me after I didn't sleep with her.
But I don't want to die. Too much things to see and learn.
Can't say I have, and I only trim. Have had some debris get stuck there once, which I assumed was dried smegma or something and it hurt like fuck.

Male friend of mine complained of getting a pube caught under his foreskin. Said it only hurt when pulling it out.
Aghhh. That happened to me a month ago. Had to pull it out! It hurt like a motherfucker.
>tfw wanted to go to the gym and was really looking forward to it
>tfw still getting over food poisoning
>my mind's telling me no
>but my body
>my body's telling me yes

This is my nightmare.
Do you want to risk squatting in front of a qt and then spontaneously shitting/vomiting everywhere
I'm doing chest/back today, but point taken. Knowing my luck the qt weight lifter would be there today and even though I'm kind of starting to feel better I still look like death warmed over.

>implying I would have the guts to talk to her anyway

>"Man, I should really go to a doctor, huh"
>Google symptoms
>Nothing but cancer in the results
>"I.. really.. should go.."
>Few days pass
>"It's probably nbd, It'll get better"
>Forget about it
>Google symptoms again weeks later because still not getting better
>"This time I really gotta go"
>Keep forgetting

Kill me now.
Hey, if you wait long enough the cancer will get you
If you don't make the call TODAY I will dub you "on death's door anon" and that will be your name forever. You will be called this for the rest of your lesgen life.
>tfw girl posted in a soc thread
>tfw she never responded
>tfw the men I've gotten are in double digits

Sometimes I wonder why I even try.
Posting a /soc/ thread isn't really trying that hard, anon.

And besides, you should know that forum is clogged with women who just want attention from guys. A woman who wants attention from women isn't going to go to 4chan for it, at least outside this thread.
But my offerings are good offerings. I'm working for this.

I don't dislike them (mostly), I'm just saying.
Do you have #typical asian parents?
I never actually looked at the filters before, how come Love Live is one of them?
>how come Love Live is one of them
Fervent im@s/7th sisters fan?
I'd guess it's because of that straight male namefag, but I hadn't looked at them until now either so idk.
Well I guess I'm stuck with this name, because I gotta wait until next month. I swear I'll make that call then..
The idea isn't that complicated. Everyone has a point where they'll fuck somone of the opposite gender. It could be they're forced or tricked. it's not that every lesbian secretly wants cock it's just that straight, gay, lesbian are all identities and rolls you fit yourself into where as sexual attraction regardless or chromosomes or without knowing their genitals are the default.

The question is if you were sexually attracted to mila kunis and later it's discovered that she's xy are you still 100% lesbian? You could say that lesbianism is being attracted to everything you think is a woman and that would be the pro tranny view likley. I would argue that even though you might be tricked and never would intentionally be attracted to an xy person the fact that your body is capable of feeling that attraction to a person that isn't 100% female means that you can't also be 100% lesbian. Instead you'd be 99.999% lesbian. Because of this i conclude that 100% lesbianism, 100% heterosexuality, and 100% homosexuality don't exist. And to me a 99.9999% lesbian is for all intents and purposes a true lesbian but technically ever so slightly bisexual.

It's just semantics anon but it does show how fragile peoples sexualities are. I think that a lot, but not all, people have much more fragile sexualities than they're willing to admit and get really defensive when it's questioned.

Anyways it's a dumb thing to fight about because of course gays and lesbians exist for all intents and purposes in the practical world. That's why i see my self as a lesbian too even though i admit in the right rare twisted scenario i might accidentally be attracted to a 'man'.

Plus who hasn't accidentally seen one of those 'yur gay' tranny gifs where they like slowly reveal she's got a dong.
Never something as small and specifically stuck somewhere but when i had long hair finding it like in my underwear or just aroubd the area wasn't uncommon.

My older brother even says he once found one around his junk and it was soo gross. Did you guys know that accudentally neutering baby boys with long hair is a serious risk? I can't imagine how bad it must feel to accidentally do that.
>Everyone has a point where they'll fuck somone of the opposite gender
>It could be they're forced
Rape is not the exception to lesbianism. O_O

Sexuality is something you're born with. It is a thing that exists in nature. We do not sniff out chromosomes because if Mila Kunis were trans/bio male she would have had to likely get FFS, laser hair removal, get breast implants, wear makeup, etc etc- things that do not occur naturally. There is no reason for our orientations to have developed to sense sex on like a molecular level because up until all these modern inventions, surface level was enough. Being attracted to everything you think is a woman is... lesbianism. If being a "Real Lesbian" means being attracted to only bio women, google "buff transmen" or whatever and tell me what true lesbian is gonna be into that but not someone who looks like Angelina Jolie. We're lesbians, not chromosome detectives! I understand what you're saying and in general I agree, orientation is a political category rather than one that objectively describes a binary experience of attraction. A couple of threads ago someone asked if lesgen had ever had crushes on boys when we were younger and a number of people said yeah, and no one seemed to think that disrupted their lesbian identity (I don't either). I don't agree with all your points but yeah it's not all or nothing and even though "lesbian" is supposed to describe one experience, it can be appropriately used to describe multiple since like you said "for all intents and purposes" we do exist.
I can't say I was aware of it, but I have heard at least one new parent saying they had to bring their baby in because a hair got wrapped around his junk
Oh good this argument again.
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What's troubling you today, lesgen? <3
That picture.
Also migraines.
Being kind of sick and unable to workout, the fact that I can't seem to get my Christmas shopping for my mom done, my upcoming volunteer opportunity that may lead to a job later down the line, NEET feels in general
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Sore muscles from shoveling snow and throwing myself down hills, a cut on my finger from wrestling an unruly douglas fir.

That kind of mosaic effect always reminds me of dennou coil.
Thing is with trans people, you're never going to meet Mila Kunis irl. So you're just going off of pictures, and a reaction to a picture is actually very different than the body's reaction to a person irl. Pay attention and you'll see this.

Sexual attraction has been proven to be hugely chemical, so if Mila Kunis were xy she would have the chemical makeup of a man and your body would process that chemical difference in person.

>Plus who hasn't accidentally seen one of those 'yur gay' tranny gifs where they like slowly reveal she's got a dong.

Sure, but if dong grosses you out enough, it can easily completely negate how cute the rest of her is. Sorry to trans people, but that's just the shakes.

P.S: Gay people (and bis, even) get defensive because our sexualities have been questioned and criticized by the conservative majority for most of our lives. I think if you have social awareness you'll find that understandable.
Worried if I'm going to get sick from this milk that is 11 days past the sell-by date.
the FUCK is going on here
Does it taste/smell fine? If so, then probably not.
/clg/ help, I think I'm falling in love with a 16 year old.
And how old are you?
21, and the 16 has already told be she loves me, I told her I loved her too a few days ago, just because she was a shattering mess and I thought it'd calm her down. But she's been so nice to me and actually tells me she loves me quite often, unlike my gf who probably doesn't even know what love means.
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I don't know. :(
Just don't have sex with her and you'll probably be fine.
name yes, but you can change it
number no, unless you friend someone
Not knowing where I'm at in this relationship with a qt, and wanting so desperately to see her and talk things over.
The search for a new apartment.
Probably having to leave the city to meet my parents soon after Christmas, and not wanting to at all because I might miss the chance of talking to qt.
Have you had sex with her?
Is it legal in your state/country?
I'm going inpatient at the hospital tomorrow morning, and I'm just getting together some books and music so I have something to do when I'm in there. Anybody have any recommendations to share?

Also, anyone else getting high tonight? Gotta get rid of my xanax stash somehow lol
>Have you had sex with her?

>Is it legal in your state/country?
Thankfully age of consent in Iowa is 16
Then go for it.
Though I'm cynical and think you're proclaiming love too quickly, but 21-year-olds these days are immature and quite suited to dating older teenagers.
Not all of us can get high on a weekday, anon. Did trip pretty hard with a friend over the weekend though and it was nice. I'm not a huge fan of downers though.
Whether my gf will let me use the ovipositor which I bought her for Christmas on her

Also that unfortunate sentence structure

When I was 18 I thought I was falling in love with a 14-yr-old.

Turned out I was. We've had a love-hate pseudo-romantic friendship after I graduated uni that continues to this day. It would never work... probably... but her personality and depth of character and mind were legit even at that age.

That said, that was probably the exception rather than the rule, and I didn't touch her ( even though she tried to touch me) until after uni.
Is she into oviposition or are you hoping she will be?
that's pretty furry
I've been reading The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon recently, pretty good if you're into historical novels.
Drug-wise I only occasionally do a bit of coke, mostly so I'm at least migraine-free on the weekends or something.
Never really done anything psychedelic. Curious but afraid.
I love psychs, but I think they're ideally done in a place you're really comfortable with people you're really close to and I know that's a big ask for a lot of people.
Yeah that's what I figure. I probably have one or two friends that I'd trust enough for that but it's not a priority for me anyway.
I still got some Xanax left from when it was actually prescribed to me. A guy I know always talked about how much they did for him, and I never quite felt the high he described. Might have just been because I actually needed them though, and maybe I would react differently nowadays.

H-How do you make sure you get decent coke? I'd like to experiment with more stuff but I'm afraid I'd just get the lowest quality things, even more so because I often get offered ecstasy and I know how common it is here to mix completely different ingredients into it.
Such a shame, desu. I mean, I probably shouldn't be doing drugs hours before I detox, but so it goes. Psychadelics are fun, but deeefinitely not a weeknight drug. Weed, vodka and xans during the week, MDMA, lsd and shrooms for the weekend.

My experience with psychadelics is really limited -- all I've done is candyflip once, and then I started prozac :/ So I can pretty much only take boring drugs lol
>tfw so many lesbians seem to be into hard drugs
>tfw I have several family members that struggle with addiction and even being around that shit makes me uncomfortable
>tfw I feel like it's impacting my ability to get into a relationship at this point
I have a friend who's son of a diplomat, he and a couple of other friends take a private plane to Peru once in a while and get the stuff directly. 84% clean.
I'm not
Benzo tolerance switches up for a bunch of people -- I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and I feel very little unless I take 2-3mg, even after long t-breaks. If you wanna cheat, take a shot or two of something nice and half a bar -> insta-fucked

also : https://getsafedrugs.org/

OR ask a cokehead. If they do a lot of coke, they probably know where to get the decent stuff.
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Oh well.

Anyone else got tips on how to git clean drugs?
I went to counselling after an amphetamine binge once and the word vomit was real. I've been helping out a lot at home the past couple of months though, so it's kept me sober. Shrooms are next on my list to try actually, I keep missing picking season. I've done lsd a few times though and when it's good it's amazing.

The internet used to be pretty reliable, but I dunno what the scene is like since Silk Road went down. And then up again. And then back down again.
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My job is a mess, my life is a mess, my family is a mess, I only got one friend who can't do anything unless he asks his girlfriend, and I don't have any money left since my government took all of it because lol, taxes.
At least I'm not sick.
Lol, I know the feeling all too well-- this inpatient stay got mandated on similar grounds. I spent half of yesterday doing lines of some stimulant (i think it was ritalin?) and took a 54mg concerta in the morning, then walked over to the appt. at the hospital in the afternoon. One thing lead to another, and I had to slip past a security guard to get out :P

I have friends who've been using the internet for a while, though I personally can't testify to the sanctity of any of that it seems to work well for them, and the drugs I get from them are pretty nice.
I've never done any drugs, and most lesbians I know basically drink and nothing else.
I know that feeling, when I tried it for the first time I took 2mg of Xanax. Didn't feel much different afterwards.

>take a shot or two of something nice and half a bar -> insta-fucked
Doesn't that just make you extremely drunk, instead of experiencing more of the benzo?

I know about the whole dark net thing of course, but I'm actually a bit more afraid of ordering drugs online than buying them in real life. Makes it so much easier to get tracked.

Also is Krakom a meme?
W-want a friend

I dont actually know *any* lesbians into hard drugs.
Are you me? Do you get uncomfortable around weed and cigarettes, too? I've yet to meet a lesbian that wasn't a stoner. It makes me uncomfortable.
Hey, I managed to quit cocaine. Long story short, I used it to deal with all the stress from my uni. Stupid choice but it made me happy back then.
Maybe it's just my rotten luck. The last girl I was talking to seemed pretty nice but then she suddenly started talking about wanting to do lines of coke off my thighs.

It seems like the last few girls I've been interested in are into that thing or want to be.

I'm fine with drinking and a little bit of weed, but I don't want to be around anything harder than that. It's not that I don't respect other people's preferences or whatever. I don't even judge them. It's just for personal reasons, I don't like being near that kind of thing. People think I'm a prude or moralfag for it, but there it is.

Really? Maybe it really is the people I'm attracting then.
They like cross-amplify, I think? Usually I do more xanax than I drink so it just feels like being super barred out, but I bet you could just feel real drunk if you drank a normal amount then took a little xanax. It sucks having to take so much though - today, after ~2 weeks since my last xanax usage I took 3mg and was still barely there.

Ordering is pretty safe as far as doing illegal shit goes. Can't speak for Kratom, though

I don't have a problem with drugs but the lesbians being stoners thing is so true. Like 85% of my usual smoke group is lesbians lmfao
I always feel out of place because I like some drugs, but not weed or smoking in general and it seems like every lesbians is into them, but it also sort of makes me feel like a hypocrite. The girls who don't smoke seem to be pretty straight edge.
The thing that bothered me most about the dark net was getting ripped off more than anything. But I think the police in my country have more to worry about than arresting me for a couple of grams of mdma.

Kratom isn't a meme, but I don't know much about it other than that. It's definitely addictive, from what I've read.
>I'm pretty much in the same situation, but now I won't let anyone approach me, not even my colleagues. The last time I though I made a friend that bitch ghosted me after I didn't sleep with her.
thats rough

>But I don't want to die. Too much things to see and learn.
you probably dont have clinical depression
then again I always want to die so whatever
>The last girl I was talking to seemed pretty nice but then she suddenly started talking about wanting to do lines of coke off my thighs.

I once dated a girl who regularly attented coke parties. The other grills used to do coke off her pelvis.
Congrats. Like I said, I don't judge people who do that kind of thing, I just don't like being around it because I've seen what it can do to people and it brings up painful memories, you know?

Nah weed itself doesn't really bother me so much as some of the people who use it. I'll try it occasionally, but it's not everything.

Smoking was sort of a nervous tic of mine for a while if that makes sense. Even then I didn't do it frequently and only a few cigarettes at a time. Then I realized pulling my hair out was cheaper lmao. I quit cold turkey.

But like, I get boundaries so if either of those things make a friend uncomfortable I won't do them around them.
that sounds SO FUCKING HOT

i want to do coke, but i really want someone to do coke off the sway of my back or my ass even more
>My job is a mess,
same, i'm unemployed
> my life is a mess,
>my family is a mess,
>I only got one friend
i dont have any friends,
>I don't have any money
>my government took all of it because lol, taxes.
not same atm, but iktf
>I'm going inpatient at the hospital tomorrow morning
mental hospital-?
good luck anon
Provide the coke and I'll do it.
Was she really skinny or something?

I wasn't really sure how it would work because my thighs are kind of thick shaped for someone my frame. They curve out at the front and I feel as if that wouldn't be conducive to line-making. Unless she was planning on doing it on some other part.

I mean, I guess I can see why it's hot to some people in theory, but she also had a kid. I'm cool with a lot of shit, but no thanks.

And like I said, too many negative associations. Especially with that drug.
Normies are repulsive.
>Was she really skinny or something?

No, her boobs and butt were actually quite thicc.
I think they often arranged the lines on her mons pubis? Apparently that was a decent enough area.

>tfw everyone I've dated was either a druggie or a psycho
Got some right here for you bby
Who're the normies in this case?
Great, when will you come over?
I'm providing the illicit stuff, I'm pretty sure you should come over to me.
Only if you pick me up at your closest bus station.
Sure, that's barely a minute walk away.
Gross junkies.
So tsundere :3c
Alright then, where should I go?

I'm only trying to fulfill one of Anon's fantasies.

I'm hispanic and a quarter of the women in my family are lez. I guess we got them all.
I do think hispanics take longer to come out than white people, at least, because of more traditional families.
To Vienna first, I'll give you directions once you're there.
yeah lol

made the mistake of being too honest and they sent police to my house to do a safety check up on me, and after thinking about it a lot i'm gonna give getting better an honest shot <3 it's gonna suck without my friends and all of you, but so it goes~

i'm scared, high, and hopeful
Mostly what these anons say, another Hispanic les here. It's just cultural family shit and not wanting/able to come out early for most people I think. My family is very separated from traditional and very liberal so I had no trouble with it.
Good luck anon.
Hope it goes well!
Oh God Austrianon, I had a hunch it was you.
If I'm identifiable by my way of typing alone, I should probably take a break from lesgen, right?
idk about that anon, but I guessed because of the migraines and diplomat's son, not your typing style (pls don't take a break)
I don't really mind this kind of discussion. I'm not into drugs (alcohol excepted) but I don't judge what people do in their free time, as long as they do me the same favor and as long as whatever they do doesn't directly harm others. I only hate "normies" because most of them are annoying judgmental fucks who think they're better than me.
We just have a really deep connection.
The natural law of /lesgen/ draws us to each other every time.
Oh. Well that's (slightly) less worrying! I don't remember having mentioned the whole thing before. The diplomat I mean, but the migraines.
And as if I could ever seriously take a break from you qts. Except now, because it's 2.30am and normal people ought to be asleep, and so should I.
Yes, definitely. Probably gay magnetism. Or fate.
the diplomat was just a guess because you've mentioned you're monetarily endowed. Sleep well!
I love how discussions here can randomly jump from "what's a cute Frozen fanfic~" to "I want to do coke off your tits"
Only off butts, Anon, we are no perverts.
I love you, stranger.
>tfw small butt and tits and thus perfect for railing blow
I knew there had to be some advantage to having the body type of a 16 year old boy.
Things are going really well today and my whole family is coming to town. I just hope it's warm enough to keep snowing so i can make a snow man.
Well Frozen is full of snow
>corny drug puns

Marry me before the new regime takes hold
If there's no fic of Anna snorting white lightning off Elsas marble skin I'll freaking write it myself.
You could always move here, gay marriage isn't in any danger of being reversed.
Do it and then post here.

Where you at? I've always wanted to be a mail order bride.
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I kind of hate myself because I find myself gravitating towards Korean girls, though I myself am not Korean, and it might seem like I've got "yellow fever."

I can't explain it and I don't want to mention it to anyone off of the internet, because fuck that brah.
But why koreans specifically? Are you a koreaboo? Is it the fashion? Do you just love square jawed asians?
I like their facial features, and I'm not referring to the plastic monsters, I like their monolids and lip shape. I have no idea why and it baffled me when I eventually realized it.

The fashion might also be at play. No to the koreaboo bit, I hate idols.
I don't think it's weird to like the physical features of an ethnicity. It's the people who fetishize them out of cultural and personality stereotypes who are the creepers.
So, like the gross neets who like Japanese girls because of how "submissive" they are and all of the other shit.
>tfw swollen lymph nodes
>tfw period so light I'm not even sure it's my period

I'm pretty sure the swollen nodes is the fact that I've started taking meds again and I'm just having an off period/my body is changing, but I somehow always manage to convince myself I'm dying.
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How do you gracefully exit a bad date, because I'm pretty sure I just did the opposite of that.
See didn't seem to be the cool kind of person who would have took kindly to a blunt 'We're not just getting along', but truth be told, I didn't try.

Iktf anon.
If it helps, I've thought I was dying of something multiple times a year starting around age 19. Seven years later and I'm still modestly alive.

Obviously it depends on the hospital, the ward, and the psychiatrist in charge, but inpatient is often shit.

Partial hospitalization (i.e. day programs which are basically like 5 45-min group sessions/classes and one private each day for a week or two, but you commute there and back, so you can practice the exercises at home and normal circumstance and with usual therapist etc.) is better designed for this sort of thing when you're not at or near red-alert suicide level.

And when you are hovering around orange-alert then you need to be sleeping at a friend's house and be around or within one open door of another person at all times, because it can flip to red at any time, but you don't necessarily want that to always mean 911.

Oh and make sure you have health insurance. No excuse. Obamacare is as low as $75/mo if you don't qualify for medicaid, so shell it out and get your weekly therapy covered and go every week.

But also remember that medicaid has expanded under ACA, so if you're out of work you can just walk into a city health clinic or call the health department and someone will be able to go over with you as to whether you qualify for full coverage automatically -- that is, they will begin processing the application, and you will start receiving benefits *as the application is processed*, so you can make your first psych appointments then and there.

If you can find a clinic within easy biking distance of your house/apt that will be ideal in the long run.
Trying to come up with Christmas presents for people yet not spending everything. And trying to master GIMP so I can digitally paint without my art looking terrible.
How long were you on the date before giving up?
Like one drink; it was awful.
Didn't seem interested in having a conversation, really, and didn't seem interested in my body. ZERO in common, but not in a fun way.

Just told them that I wasn't likely to get another, and said something like I was gonna 'meet someone'. Literally said 'See ya'.
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Agreed. Sometimes I have to leave lesgen and wait for the next thread when they invade and talk about their social life.
No, I just prefer to not view people talk about mindless degenerate shit.
>view people talk about mindless degenerate shit
What the fuck do you think the anime posters are doing? Certainly no different.
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Sweet. Here's to being moderately alive!
>lusting after 2D is more degenerate than being a mentally and emotionally unstable junkie
Reminder that anime doesn't kill.
the complaint was discussion about social life
social life ≠ drugs
Tbh I would probably wait it out and just remember that it'll make for a good story. If you're really suffering, slip away to the bathroom with your phone and set the alarm on one of those apps that fake-calls you so you can take the call and go "omg that's crazy! i'll be there right away!" and say there's an emergency, grandma has taken a tumble or your friend's childhood dog died and you have to go console her or something.

>GIMP so I can digitally paint without my art looking terrible
Have you tried SAI? It's the only digital art tool I'm really comfortable with largely because it doesn't have any sort of steep learning curve. Lots of functionality yet still very intuitive design.

The album All Day by Girl Talk is 100% remixes that smoothly flow in and out of each other, you get a billion songs in one and they're all a lot of fun. Highly recommend for a hospital stay.
Also look into audiobooks and podcasts!! And if you're into fanfiction, then download some podfics too. It can be nice to have somebody just read to you and talk to you when you're somewhere like a hospital, to have a story to focus on. Hope your stay goes well. <3
>somewhere like a hospital

Problem with inpatient mental health again is that many hospitals will automatically confiscate all electronics and almost everything else on admittance to the psych ward.

Basically if you do inpatient you want to make sure the hospital you go to has separate wards for those who are dangers to self/others and those who are not, and they don't put you in the former category unless you are actively suicidal/self-harming
Yeah but anon asked for music recommendations and I don't know what that involves if not electronics. Maybe she wanted to know not what to download onto her iPod but which mariachi troupe she should bring with her?
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>tfw ywn hug lashara
I'd recommend SAI like >>7442133 did. It's super comfy. I've been trying to switch to ClipStudio recently but I've been spending a lot of time just trying to make the brushes feel like SAI.
What's wrong with good ol' photoshop?
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>tfw the gay agenda makes you smack down a plate of mom's chicken nuggets
There is so much delicious butthurt on the blizzard forums.
Please, even hardcore addicts have social life.
>looks like a dyke
>can't believe when she's confirmed a dyke
Honestly shippers are cancer.
I'm dissapointed that only girls that look like dykes get to be dykes. I'd rather see d. va or that angel girl as a lesbo.

Fem erasure is the worst.
Since it's the program most people think of first, I assumed there was some reason >>7441720 was avoiding it. I can't give an educated comparison personally, as I haven't used it since pre-CS versions and I'm a very casual doodler/painter. I originally switched away from it because I didn't like how it felt, it was a pain to pirate, and it was too resource-intensive, but I don't think any of that is necessarily true anymore. It's just that whenever a program I was using stopped getting updates for too long, I'd look at what other people had switched to and that never ended up leading me back to photoshop.
learn to read, I said a social life is not the same thing as taking drugs, didn't say they're mutually exclusive
I don't even play OW and I've been enjoying the straight salt all day.
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You might enjoy this, then.
What the fuck is this.
Pretty femme girls can only be bisluts.
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Saw it already, but it's still great. Can't believe the number of "maybe brits kiss each other hello???" posts. This was one of my favs.
The denial is real. I wonder if anyone actually believes any of this or if it's all just really good satire.
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I definitely wondered whether some of them were just fucking around, especially ones like this.
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There's literally no way that's real (I hope). On the other hand, there is PLENTY of shit like pic related floating around.
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Yep. I like that they seem to be getting downvoted though. And some of them get hilarious replies.
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I 100% thought that was satire, until I found it on the forums and read the actual post. nigga what
Some of the replies to that one were pretty gold.
The fuck? I haven't played a minute of Overwatch and I could tell by the first picture that Tracer is absurdly gay.
And good riddance.
I'm assuming you play, so do you wanna play a few games sometime?
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wait, I thought the medic was gay?
Post cute.
go 2 sleep blueberry
No, but that's adorable.
Mais je ne suis pas fatigué.

But there's so much fanart with her dating Pharah (?)
Yeah, people will ship what they ship, regardless of canon.
Oh well. So at least Tracers canon-gay then.
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She sure is.
I love Tracers fluffy hair.
Retarded cat gives me a small happy.
You first.
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Last weekend I went to a party (it was a band event but okay), took a few shots of vodka and got drunk for the first time. Jumped into the mosh pit and felt a bit out of my mind. It was kinda nice, except for the ending that a weird guy was hitting on me (I ignored it and only noticed later), and when I was coming home I fell off the motorcycle and get a little hurt, literally kissed the asphalt (pic is kinda trashy took it soon after i got home i was a little dizzy).
Aaand I think I'm liking someone for the first time also but sadly she's out of my range like she lives in another state and I do not have plans for this now. She's a little shut in and this arouses me a lot of curiosity about her.
Talking like this I feel like a lil kiddo, but it feels that life has just begun, hope next year will be great for all of us.
>tfw you want your gf to touch your tiddies so bad you take off your chronal accelerator

Though they said as long as it's nearby it's ok. Still funny tho.
Man, if I was Tracer I'd just masturbate and then replay the orgasm all day.
wear a fucking helmet

and yes we're all gonna make it, even you
>wear a fucking helmet
I did! The helmet flew from my head. At least we were not running, so nothing serious
that's why your chin strap is supposed to be snug
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Can all these special snowflake straight girls please STOP GETTING SHORT HAIRCUTS


They're fucking up my lesbo-detecto.
Femmes are both blessing and a curse. Especially femmes in tight jeans. Gosh
So the Germans can sneak up behind ke and twist my neck? No, ma'am.

Honestly, it's so frustrating with the fashion right now; coming up behind someone, you can't tell whether its a cute girl or a nasty old woman until you've already thought about it.
>So the Germans can sneak up behind ke and twist my neck?

Honey, the only neck I want to get close to is Austrianon's.
>tfw no gf with abs
tfw no gf to caress my abs
H-hey! *insert awkward flirting*

That's so sweet bby.
Nah I'm >>7442705
hey bb! what you got in return?
behind a paywall.
choose two
Are you secretly into getting your neck twisted, Anon?

I'm always trying my best for you.
That's wrong, you just have to know where to look. I actually use motherless now more than anything because some kind souls upload the kind of premium content youre talking about.
Lots of those 'I Feel Myself' vids where they actually end up fucking.

Also, google Lesbian Triangles 30 and watch the second segment
I would LOVE to have my neck grabbes during sex. Last gf was very anti-violence and it never happened.
wow from the first scene I expected this to be painful to watch. nope now I'm horny, thanks anon!

me too, anything forceful was verboten, hey >>7443881 will you promise not to be gentle with me?
>tfw you're an anime poster who also does drugs
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oh yeah lesbian 30.png
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what are you doing??
I love when she goes from sucking her nipples to licking all the way up her chest to her neck to her fucking ear. Like as much as I live Jodie Taylor for being so into gettingn fucked, that orher girl really is givig it hardcore
That's a shame, doing things/having things done to the neck is one of the best parts about lewds.
I'm really into this, but it kills me whenever that stupid painting is in frame
Babe, you've got to lower your standards.
I'm applying to the Police uni. Wish me luck!
Fuck you for wanting to be a pig, but boy do I love policewomen. Girl I've always had a crush on became an officer in town and I always secretly pray she pulls me over and has to cuff me. (Or do a cavity search....)
I used to like motherless but it's all fake incest shit recently.
The only porn I watch is Hegre-Art basically.
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Don't know where you're from but the cops from my country are usually the good guys. Also they get the sweetest blue overall uniforms ever.
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Best of luck anon!
Im sure you'll get a qt with a uniform fetish
I kind of hope so!
>thinking about posting a uniform pic
Do eet
When I get it, anon.
I might post it when I get one, anon.
All these mights....
I kind of want a leftist SJW gf when I graduate.
>that amount of hate sex
I'm an SJW
>I'm an SJW
That's like asking for some brutal police sex, you know that?
I have a leftist SJW ex-gf.
You better fuck me with your nightstick
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So lewd.
Give her to me!
I'm going to play rape you.
If you're a bad girl, I'll have to take you in for some interrogation. Though you'd just like that, wouldn't you?
I'm heading to a convent in 30 minutes. Is it fine if I expect refined, old Catholic lesbians and maybe some young qts?
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>Give her to me!

Sure you could handle her? She likes to talk about gender and Tumblr a lot.
Nothing handcuffs and pain can't fix.
Make sure your scarf isn't tied right.
You wouldnt be able to break me without breaking the law.
That just mean I have to go far enough. To the point where you completely submit to my will and call me mistress.
Probably just gonna be a bunch of geriatric nuns.
True, I can attest to that.
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lesgen I had to stay up 24 hours today to emergency fix my sleep cycle so I can actually see my family over xmas, not just sleep in the same house as them.

you've helped keep me awake, thank you. now, it's time to pass the fuck out, wake up at in the middle of the night, and realise I'm still fucked.
Have fun with your family, Anon.
Today's sleep cycle fixing day for me as well.

>12 hours until I can go to sleep
Have you tried taking melatonin?
Officer or nothing, babe
Then you should be the annoying leftist. Then I might actually hurt you.
This gal gets it
It's dumb to stereotype a whole group of people on a sexual orientation

That being said, I fucking despise every lesbian I meet. They all seem to be self centered and angry cunts

Am I just running into the worst of you fags or what

I doubt that will fix your sleep cycle. A better idea would have been active all day, exhausting yourself so you can pop some melatonin and pass out by 10.
>implying 90% of /cislesgen wouldn't want to get raped by a lesbian dom in uniform
She'd have to fight for it. Hope she likes that.

That sucks. I guess keep trying to get people who aren't cunts. Any of them the dangerhair + tumblr drama types by the way?
I actually have a violent rape fantasy where the victim actually fights back. Might even get bloody. But in the end I prevail and I take her against the wall with force.
That's my point. It's more like "aaah don't rape me pls pretty woman <33" but really we'd all like to have forced sex with girls. Pretty or not.

It's best to ignore the attention-seeming males that come to whine and cry.
Drawing qt grills being comfy while waiting for my gf to text me.
Nice. I'd like to have a mutual lust fight over who gets to top. Whomever gets too exhausted first gets to be stuck on the bottom so I can rock her world.
>though in reality I'd probably end up tapping out first because tiny physique
Lesgen im drunk and my friend just left me. What do
I love angry lesbians. They're hot.
Lesbians probably act angry because it turns on other lesbians.

I don't see the self-centeredness though. They're very caring people and mainly angry about the issues they care about. It's qt.
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that is indeed pretty cozy and qt senpai
Pretty cute
Are you at a bar or some other public place? If so, try finding your friend again before anything bad happens.
Im at a bar yeah, but it's my usual place so I know the Barkeeper and whatnot. So I have someone to talk to and all that and I don't really want to go home yet
In that case, just be very careful about what you drink next. Don't be afraid to chat others up, but being within sight of the barkeeper is ideal.

Sorry if I sound extremely paranoid, I just don't want people getting hurt. Why'd your friend leave btw?
Yeah it's a pretty relaxed place, Sinatra music and good alcohol. I'm a huge autist (and betrothed to Germanon) so I can't really chat people up willy-nilly. But yeah I'm sitting at the bar so she's having an eye on me always.
Eh he left because he has to get up early tomorrow (at 6.30) and I can sleep until eight so I decided to take another drink
>so I decided to take another drink
Whatcha drinking?
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>drunk Austrianon

Oh my, pls keep on posting.
Whisky. It's a pretty cool whisky bar and they have everything, so I'm drinking Hibiki 21, which is my favorite.

I don't have anything to say tho
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Also picture
That's a cool lighter Anon
>Hibiki 21
Oh yum.
>Hibiki 21

What else would you drink but weeby rich bitch whisky.
Also thanks for letting me know which bar I have to visit to accidentally run into you.
It's really freaking amazing. Hibiki 17 and 21 are my favorite.

I love a lot of scotch too but the Nipponese really have some great whisky lately. Expensive of course, but so good.
I'm afraid I've never tried any nip whisky. I'm only familiar with Asahi beer and some wine.
>Hibiki 17 and 21 are my favorite.
They're good but pricey! I usually just end up drinking kakubin because my friends drink like fish and I don't want to foot that bill. I'd like to check out more of Nikka's selection someday, I've only had some factory exclusive thing by them.
The Nips produce some really good whisky surprisingly. Definitely recommend it if you can find it.

Yeah it's definitely something to cherish and not just to get drunk on. The Yamazaki Distillers or the 18 is really good too.
How about their sake? Sayuri and Gekkeikan in particular.
I think I've only had the 12y Yamazaki (same for Hakushuu). Don't really recall either very well though.
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What are your favorite things to see on girls?
I fuckin love short tight skirts, especially when they have slits in them. And also dress shirts. Bonus points if a few buttons are undone. Pic related shows an example of both
I really like the Yamadori, but I'm really not well versed in sake sadly. And the Gassan no Yuki Junmai Ginjo.

Yeah I like the Hakushu too, but the older Hibiki are just a class of their own imo.
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Forgot to mention clear aviator glasses, or anything with a similar frame, like the kind you'd see in the late 1900s. I don't know why it looks so hot
To me, Gekkeikan has this really "authentic" flavour. What your regular sake should taste like, without any additional ingredients. However, I also think it tastes quite strong - if you're not used to sake or not particularly fond of its taste, Gekkeikan might not be for you. Still a bottle of it is decently priced and worth a try.
Probably no new thread until late. I'm gonna be seeing a movie.
>the older Hibiki are just a class of their own imo.
Clothing? I have a thing for girls who dress in, like..."hipstery grandma-core" (pic related). I know that sounds totally unsexy and maybe even ugly but it's cute and comfy to me, ok!? ;_;

And it helps that I have a GILF fetish.
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Like pic related?
I love big chunky cardigans, and I think they can be an integral part of hipster grandma-core.
that's how my ex used to dress, years ago. it was cute.
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