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Thread replies: 595
Thread images: 151

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repression edition

• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Anon is cute
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

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repressing sucks don't do it or you'll end up like Caitlin Jenner
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i need huggs
I have left over pizza
Should I have some when I get home?
i want cummies
Good news everybody!

I think I found a solution to my vagine problem, girls!

not really
i'm only gonna do it for a couple more years at most and then hero
*Hugg nim*
It means exactly what it says
Of course
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>So you admit you have a soft and sensitive side you reserve for cute girls?
yes, biological girls only though, not those girls who kind of look and act and feel like girls but who aren't actually girls

it doesn't exactly help when you come to other boards all the time in order to entice people into coming here, and just kinda seeing what's going on and all that

don't get smart with me, it's all semantics
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Okay, but seriously, how do I masturbate now? There's not nearly as much pleasure from stroking the shaft. I usually end up "finishing" by just stroking the very end by the head.

I don't have toys but I heard from femgen that pillow humping is nice?
Lol I remember doing this with friends back then while we had a sleepover.
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>tfw you spam shit when you are sad
>tfw you are running out of shit to post
But you're a flesh and blood girl! Or a gas and rock planet, depending on the point of view.
hearing this makes me sad. anons are cool ppl that matter too :(
I'm at work on a coffee break, can you bully me when I have more spare time? Thanks.
You wore heels and garters for sleepovers with your friends?

Très kinky!
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Dump your smug anime girl/Kurisu collection

Either way you must prove to the Jury that I'm wrong on the balance of probabilities
>tfw destined to be a hon
at least not elanna gets to be pretty
i wanna be a girl like elanna
>Tfw you'll never be as qt as miss aboat
>not those girls who look and act and feel like girls

If it looks like a girl
And it smells like a girl
Walks, talks, acts, fights, cries and cuddles like a girl

What is it?
But I am a hollow shell, forever trapped in an unchangable shape that I hate.
It's not literal anon.

Same desu
Post your legs girls. I'll give ratings.
>I'm at work on a coffee break, can you bully me when I have more spare time? Thanks.
eat shit, leafy

i hope your nearest tim hortons closes
>tfw Elanna is the only one left who passes and lives like a normal girl
>tfw you just drop everything and stop talking to anyone when youre sad
>tfw no one probably even remembers you anymore
Actually sometimes not repressing just makes you end up like Caitlin Jenner anyway, it's a crap shoot. It's great to start earlier if you can, but I mean you can't just take back coming out.
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i'm not trying to bully you
i've just got nothing left to post

don't keep anime stuff

elanna is pretty qt
not elanna is literally gutter trash
mtfg can you look like a girl with short hair?
The fuck are you smoking? There are plenty of pretty and passing girls that live full time here.
this is me
>drop everything
>come back
>no-one tried to contact you anyway
yeah ;_;
Only if you already look like a girl.
If you have 10/10 girly genetics sure
I doubt that
Puberty hits like a train usually.
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Oh, I misread what your intention was, my bad ;_;

Me too, I hate Tim horton's
>tfw your little sister pokes fun at the style of wearing plaid and converse shoes
>fuck, that was your lazy plan
>She usually does the short dresses + jeans + overshirt thing
>You point out her plaid shirts are plaid but she says it's different because of their lacy back
>She's completely right

It's reaching the point where I need to spill the beans with her. I take weird meds, my hair is past my neck and I wear skinny jeans and ocassionally make up. I think she has suspicions. I recently came out as "bi" to her because I wanted to admit to her I was "dating" my friend who publicly as a guy name (but I know as a girl name; she's mtf). She was 100% fine with it and was amused I thought she would be bothered by it. Teenagers are so progressive nowadays.
>not those girls who kind of look and act and feel like girls but who aren't actually girls

iktf, so much

it hurts
Oh this'll be good.
camel reds wbu :)
Gtg bye
>What is it?
a trap, a trick, a trial, a test.

you are probably not even mentally fit to stand trial, i think that makes me win by default
>tfw your only friends keep telling you to transition
Elanna and Faye are both pretty and passing, right?
Bye emi
fug you're always at work x-x
i have oddly shaped legs, need to shave more too
Someone save Elanna from this place. She deserves better.
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>an australian leaves the thread
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I know right?
Not really though, I only work 40 hours a week.
You know, I had an interesting conversation with a bible basher earlier... he was saying that I shouldn't play into the hands of my ex because she was doing it to cause drama, that it was just a trap.

Funny thing is, I want to play into her hands, it's not going to hurt me at all, and the drama will be funny.

Sometimes a trap only hurts others, and you come out with something valuable...
4chan is fucked. Viruses are loading instead of the normal page. It's like adds.

I'm watching transgender studies on NOVA. to be completely honest, after my stroke/seizure I am not really sufffeering dysphoria. It says on nova most kids don't grow up lasting transgender. I.... Just done care anymore. I've lost my female voice and it's like..... I just want to move out. I don't care about transition anymore. That scares me, but it is what it is. I'm just not supper keen to force my body female.
I have an endo appointment monday, I might tell him that I'm just giving up my transition. I'm fucked up. Nova scarring me. Hormone blockers are a amazing... For kids. I'm an adult. I missed my chance.
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One of these things is not like the other.
Kiwi doesn't pass, Korra doesn't pass. Faye is a butterface.
Ree I don't want to interact with customers
Back to work Bai
I could reroute 4chan to 9gag but she'd just change the router filters back or go on her phone.
>tfw you anonymously harass the only people that care about you when you are sad
who /literaltrash/ here?
id ask for steam in a pathetic act of loneliness, but id talk to you like once and chicken out and never do it again and then neither of us would know who we are

i hope things turn out ok for you though
maybe it just seems that way since ive only seen you posting on your break for a little while

w.e, hru lani
>Korra passing
MtFGs funniest new meme. Same people said Edgar passed too (before she actually did get slightly better)
just kill her in her sleep
i know a guy who would probably help you
>Korra doesn't pass

when will this shitty meme end?
i have a stripper pole installed in the living room of my apartment ama
Use clover and add blocker on desktop

Move out if you want to tho.
But you seem frustrated.
With this mind you'll have destructive thoughts. Ending hrt is one of these imo.
when you actually pass :^)
Probably the day you start passing.
I feel this way too, as someone who transitioned young but not young enough. There's not really any point to transition if you've already started male puberty. Suicide is more humane.
epic meme :^)
>Someone save Elanna from this place. She deserves better.
elanna is a masochist who enjoys both the attention and the ridicule she gets; she deserves nothing better than this thread.

you need to direct your feelings externally. it's not worth doing that sort of thing when there are plenty of living, breathing targets outside

i don't know what this means exactly, but i feel like i should be ignoring it - i know your types have a thousand-and-one ways to twist the minds of people into doing your bidding
I thought I'd made myself clear on the issue of killing elanna.
>All criticism towards me is a meme!
never change korra. never change.
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yeah but this guy is really really keen on the idea
posts here too so he'll probably be ready to go
Eh. What's the worst that'll happen if you stay on hormones? Assuming you're on them now.

You might just be in a bit of a daze right now. How long ago was your seizure/stroke?
>a thousand-and-one ways to twist the minds of people into doing your bidding

My bidding is that you get a cute girl to snuggle with because you expand your horizons.

So really you benefit from this...
Its tough to explain. I just don't feel urge anymore. Idk what changed. But something neurological did. I'm watching 13 year olds transition and thinking I missed my ticket. I am still skeptical on HRT.
please excute the misdirected you, it's late and i'm a little drunk:

>you need to direct your feelings externally. it's not worth doing that sort of thing when there are plenty of living, breathing targets outside
how much pizza have you eaten lately?
someone post good church going son again
where we going when horishimoot shuts down the chan
Probably bebo
It's practically abandoned right?
Wait how old are you? If you're still like 15 you should just go for it, you'll probably end up having the same realization you're having now and killing yourself someday, but it's worth it to at least die with boobs.
4 full days ago. I was in the medical ICU on the 23rd until 27th at 3pm. And then the infectious disease floor.
yes posting an extremely out of date picture when I was very depressed and in boymode somehow proves a point. k
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are you ready to die in ww3?
>My bidding is that you get a cute girl to snuggle with because you expand your horizons.
why do you people want us so badly anyway? just stick to chasers or something

stop picking on lonely, vulnerable people
I'd give it more time. You might be "fortunate" enough get your dysphoria back.

Are you indifferent about being a guy now?
to build a tranny colony in northeastern southwest australia
I'm 24. I've reverted emotionally to 16. I woke up thinking I was dating a girl from 8th grade. Way fucked up. The winter caught me off guard it was a snowing. I'm like old :/
Don't do this to yourself. These documentaries are for young people that puberty doesn't complicate things. But there's ffs that can fix alot. There are cis women with wide chests too.
We won't be 10/10, hell probably not even 7/10 women but I know I can't stand my genitals. I ended in the hospital two times after trying to kill me so I'll try changing me or fail.
Everyone says something different x_x
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>ywn pass
alright then, post a current pic right now

i dare you
Lol i read this post 3 times and I didn't find Sass mentioned once.

This is a joke, right?
>why do you people want us so badly anyway? j
As I said earlier!
You have a soft sensitive side that's 10/10 and your aggressiveness makes us feel safe because we want to believe you'll be big and protective and make us feel small and valued.
im serious about the pole y'all its real fun

not much at all to be honest

i've given it some thought and basically sure why not
are u gonna pretend like it's a fireman pole
Straight up, I could care less that I'm a dude. If anything I'm proud of it. It's the strangest feeling. Nova on wmht is real trans girls they're like 14. I'm 24.... Fuck it. Like I'll just get my dick sucked as a dude.
remove period
no this is a ladies household and it is a stripper pole for sexy and fun and physically demanding dancing
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tfw you remember that suicide is a valid option
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What are you doing here honey?
>Went out of the house today and interacted with a bunch of middle aged men
>they seem so much bigger and hairier than me
>wasn't "sir'd" the entire time probably because I come off as a scrawny teenage boy who deserves no respect
>The mechanic talking to me inches from face-to-face was kind of dorky but really polite and taller than me
Today was alright.
estrofem snug as a bug under my tongue!
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>tfw can't stay with your gf because you're a stupid idiot who lost her id and can't get passed security without it

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Best feel
lauren ily it's okay ill call security and get you through
still think you should wait a bit before going off hormones
just in case you regret it or something :s
ur a sexy FIREWOMAN
yeah sometimes i get all worked up about the future and remember this
my tongue snug as abug under nim's tongue
listen we've been thru this u gotta get over it

i bet you wouldnt even know what to do if i did remove it!
4chinz looks strange and different these days. I'm glad you lot are still the same.
i will confess something to you - i don't know what your endgame is, and i do not understand the purpose of your deception

you can post as many pictures as you want of your butt, or yourself wearing those little cute wolf hats or whatever else, but not everybody has a will made of chocolate that melts when they get slightly hot
Would 14 year old you even had access to resources to tell you you were trans? 15 year old me was aware of them but I was deep into this but was a complete coward.

Is there anything you'll regret? No dresses or boobs or having hairy legs or some shit?
nah that'd be a pretty weak stage persona.
i'd go for more of a punk rock vibe. lotsa black.
>I'm 24

Oh yeah you're fucked
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I'm gonna go pass out

Sleepy snek is sleepy

>I don't know what your endgame is

At this point, neither do I...

I think I'm just trying to get you to at least consider dating a nice cute trans girl, you seem like you'd enjoy it.

Besides, I have my comfy undies and my jammies on, it's time for bed

I'll talk to you tommorow, okay?
There's a lot of crazy shit going on in your brain atm. It's gotta re-order some stuff around the dead neurons, it's gotta re-balance it's chemical levels and shit.

I've had on and off dysphoria for years. I go from being indifferent to wanting it so bad it feels like life isn't worth it. Being trans is different for different people. It might be different for you now, but given what your brain/mind is going through I wouldn't discount entirely the idea that transition would be a good thing for you. Also, transitioning earlier doesn't make a trans person more real.

I'm sorry you're going through this, it must be extremely confusing. I'd say you should wait it out and see how you feel when your brain is back on its a-game. If you do decide you don't want to transition, that's cool too.
Yeah, I need to stop the androgen blockers (spiro) because it fucked me up. I am. On a low dosage of estrogen and finnnestatridee

No, I cut myself and shit but no one did anything at the time, I started hormononal transition this year at 24. At 14 I was an emo wreck.
not bad not bad
reminds me of these lyrics lul
>Is this resistance or a costume party
>Either way I think black with bandanas is a boring theme
Before you go to sleep tell me your skin sekrets
>I'll talk to you tommorow, okay?
yes, maybe, i might get tricked into coming here yet again

>tfw no gf
Hormones, moisturiser, and shite tonnes of shaving.

what moisturizer do you use pls D:
Not a matter of real or legitimate. It's a matter of I'm legit too male. Its a fruitless endeavor to try and grow small tits. When I was in the psyche watch I blasted Johnny Hobo and Spookrat. The baggles got stale in the dumpster :)
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>tfw you found the one

im still waitin ;-;
Are the hons gone yet?
>tfw at home with pizza
how do you start believing in what ppl say
>ywn ktf
nah, i just started posting
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nope i'm always here babe
tell me about maeve

why does she post the hamsters
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>tfw no bf
still here, sorry
I started pretty low dose at 25. Basically wasted 4 months trusting the clinic, now I'm in the right range and I'm at 2 months now.

I have no hope of "passing" but if it can make me a feminine guy I'll take what I can get.

Just the different in oil and acne is enough that I'm never fucking going back. I'm keeping my hair long because I love it. I'm continuing the hair removal because I like it. I'm sticking to my skinny jeans and I'm glad I'm more comfortable using a higher register when speaking now. It's baby steps and finding a happy medium for now. I don't have to make it; making it is impossible. The important thing is I minimize the dysphoria and am more happy with myself.

I'd be careful if I was you because the dsyphoria could come back. I earnestly think you should give it a week or two more and come off the hormones slowly.
Your body can't be too male for you to be a girl.

Sorry, I'm not trying to tell you how to identify, I really think you're ultimately the one who knows what's best for you. It's just that I get a vibe that you don't think it's worth it to transition if you won't pass. Passing isn't everything and it can be hard to see that, especially when you hang out at a place that loves the word "hon".
they cute
you dont

you just learn to pretend that they do
this is the most obvious hon empowerment ive ever seen
yes, i mean, that's a valid point, but if you wanted to post cute things, you could have just posted selfies instead
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>Your body can't be too male for you to be a girl.
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I don't know if I want a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Maybe just a friend.

A friend would be nice.
the only person cute enough to have selfies on their posts is probably smiles
Friends are pretty nice, and you can always turn them into bf/gfs later on anyway
I'll be your friend sad anon!
I know somebody who failed a suicide attempt and doesn't have dysphoria anymore, it almost reversed. She still lives as a woman but seems really frustrated about it. Apparently she's using her boy voice online now too, but never around me. ⭐⭐⭐
>the only person cute enough to have selfies on their posts is probably smiles
what about isla, cornflakes, basic and also maeve though
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That would be cool, you could talk to them, and hug them, and cry on them, and cuddle with them. I've always wanted to do those things with somebody.

I'm not a very good friend.
Basic isn't cute, she's hot.
>tfw want to buy things but no money
gotta have money for hormones yo
>isla, cornflakes, basic
true true
>and also maeve though
incorrect opinion
for future reference let's just go with everyone but me is cute enough to selfie post :3
I don't mind. I'll be twice as good to make up for it
nothing wrong with hon empowerment. I think it's good to express positivity towards people who experience an inordinate amount of negativity.

Also a lot of it comes from personal experience. I'm out to everyone I know despite not even being on HRT and it feels really good for people to know me a girl. People who are too scared to come out because they are afraid they'll end up a hon don't know this feeling, which is just as real as the feeling of being hated by people for being unattractive.

I feel like only one side is represented here and it's easy to internalize that and think that 4chan is the world but more honest. The fact is, there are honest people everywhere saying shit that contradicts what other honest people say. Every culture has its take on things.

I know it's hard.
Should I wait until after Christmas or do it before.
>buying music
It's the current year though, what are you even doing, Maeve

>That would be cool, you could talk to them, and hug them, and cry on them, and cuddle with them. I've always wanted to do those things with somebody.
Of course, that's why like 98% of people do them.
do it on new years
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Where is "An Australian enters the thread" anon?
hrt, coming out or suicide?
This is important.
Statistically, if you kill yourself closer to the holidays you'll be one among many; apparently it's pretty common.
fuck. you can pass 100%, but if you shink you don't pass then you don't pass. like you just keep going over and over again.
idk if 4chan is honest, per se. they hugbox less than mostd sites, but they still do hugbox
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>I'll be twice as good to make up for it.
I wish I really did have a friend who would do this, it's selfish but I want it.

Thanks, Korra. You made me smile a lil.
>Basic isn't cute, she's hot.
she's cute when she smiles, because it looks goofy and lacking confidence
Hey there, Emily :3

How are you doing?
Are you that anon?
Either way hi, I'm doing okay.
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>an australian enters the thread
sorry, took me a while to find an appropriate picture
hugboxing is an attempt to fight negativity with positivity. There's a large amount of it that's simply political, and there's a large amount of it that is legit honest feelings. The fact that it's all referred to by the same term obfuscates this fact. 4chan, in particular, seems to hate nuance. I mean, it's pretty human to try to avoid nuance, but I feel that on 4chan it's particularly strong.
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i'm a mentally ill tranny :3
but yeah it's a waste of money, not really in the position to be spending much
Which anon? I talked to you a few times in the past few days. I'm the amerifag who thought you were also one.
What are your top 10 albalums?
it isn't negative vs. positive. it's what's real and what you want to hear.
4chan tends to do the later, like p much every site.
I was referring to the "An Australian enters the thread anon" but I recognize you now.
Hi how are you?
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Guys theres like 5 trap threads going over on /v/ right now.
Seriously you'd think it would be easy to find a cute bf.
It depends on how you define "beautiful". If you define it as the thing the majority of people will find attractive, then yes, hugboxing is not real. If you define it as something that someone *could* find attractive, then hugboxing *is* real.

Some people want to wallow in their negative interpretation of reality, 4chan engages in a sort of reverse-hugboxing to tell them what they want to hear.
it's spelt "recognise" in australian english, emily chong
tough to say honestly
here're my most played albums on last.fm, paints a decent picture of my favorite albums
Speaking with Americans has fucked me up.
Not bad, wishing my transition was going faster. I have to wait like a month to get an appointment with an HRT doc -.-
Why do you call me Chong btw?

Damn, I hope it goes well.
you can't expect chasers from /v/ to be cute
Do you have to be able to "trap" and pass as a female to be a trap or can you just be a girly boy who wears female clothes and has a penis?
senpai, 4chan doesn't do that lmao/ i get hugboxed here all the time........
>0 replies
I too am suffering from tfwnogf
Can I be your gf?
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Once tagain the Maeve is right.

Ok, you got me. I was generalizing about generalizing... :P

I guess I feel like the dominant culture here, especially if you're not on mtfg, is one that loves to feed your self-hatred.
People think you're probably pretending to be a trap

Go to /r9k/ instead (the quality of bfs is lower, but the probability of finding one is higher, also /r9k/ tends to be pretty /v/ in general)
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do i pass as a faggot
not even desu.... passgen is a hugbox, hongen is too. so is r9k and soc
>tfw no one suspects you like penis
>but no one has asked you if you have a girlfriend in years
Maybe I come as asexual?
I think it will. I've been seeing a therapist & a psych for multiple years and they've known about my desire to transition. Letters should be no problem at all ^.^
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Only when you post blushing anime girls.
>Why do you call me Chong btw?
mostly because of your poor english at times, which makes my suspicious of your racial phylogeny
I feel like I lost my female voice.
I lost a bunch.
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You don't think there's more hate on 4chan than on, say, susans or tumblr or some shit?
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I find it funny that being the outcasts you already are you guys go and decide to make a chart rating each other on looks...further subjecting yourselves to the very trash you try to try to avoid.

It's like watching a retard call another retard a retard.

And then the cherry on the fucking cake is that you don't even include cornflakes in the chart.

I don't have the HEART TO MAAAATCH
there is, but that doesn't mean there isn't hugboxing all the time.
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Wow what a faggot.
nobody even suspects you have a girlfriend
you just look like a regular girl
important things
>I have to pass
Can't I just be their girly faggot friend who is just-friends in public but in private they fuck me like I'm their girlfriend in private?

I'm okay if they don't want to acknowledge the depth of our relationship in public because I'm autistically shy about expressing myself anyway.
>y didnt u include someone who doesnt come here in ur group fotos
u arent the smartest are u anon
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t-thank you
but do i look like a regular faggot girl
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You can just be that. Go live the dream.
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I'm white and English is my first language. My poor English typically stems from typing too fast and not proof reading my posts. I'm on my laptop now, so my English should be better now.
Have a pic of my eyes to prove that I'm Caucasian.

Good, self-med if they gatekeep though.
>but do i look like a regular faggot girl
no you dont have a peppermint patty vibe
you just look like a girl
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gimme them eyes
I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this. I can't imagine losing a voice, and I don't even have mine yet.

4 days is not much time to recover, though, I'm sure you'll get a lot back. iirc the recovery window (in which large gains are expected) is like 6 months.

Do your best to stay positive. Exercise to help your vascular system and ward off depression. Practice your voice again. I think you'll feel much better in a few months.
okay, fair dinkum, i have decided to suspend my accusations regarding your racial heritage

the bullying will nevertheless continue for the forseeable future
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>gender councilor heavily keeps mentioning srs and religion after I told her I didn't have faith in either
>keeps talking about useless garbage fluff
>endo is dragging his ass all day with no real explanation other then too fast
kill me
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but do i look like my gf just tried deepthroating my gt but could only fit half of it in her mouth
you look like you might have a boyfriend
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Wow Kiwi.
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oh i guess i should try to be more of a dyke
I wish I a was,
>A girl
>Not lonely
>Cuddling somebody right now
fuck. iktf......
I told you I was white
You can keep bullying me though

But they are mine.
I wish I was a little bit taller
Wish I was a baller
Wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
Wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
and a '64 impala
>tfw no gf
I wish I will last week
you look cute
please dont turn into lalalilly
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bad pic but is my air dried over time unbrushed hair better than brushed hair?
I wish I could last one more week.
Kill them. Kill them both, Evangeline.

>having faith in srs
It's really expensive mutilation to make your penis look like a vagina. Why it's seen as some kind of lofty final step is bullshit. There's unfortunately as many paths as there are trans people and it sounds like NB bullshit but everyone has to decide for themselves what they want.

Reminds me of my friend's mutual therapist getting stuck in a rut talking to her about "conversation skills" because she mentioned she's awkward at conversations and admitted to it.
one of you post the most recent chart

ive been gone for like half a year
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lily is kinda cute though
i just look like a dorky boygirl
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Yeah I'm not trying to say that hugboxing doesn't happen. Good people don't want trannies to kill themselves.

I've just never seen another place where people will support a decision for someone to kill themselves. There is a lot of negativity on this site. That's all I'm pointing to. I think there does exist a vocal contingency of people who lack empathy, as much as people seem to want to believe that people posting hateful things are simply trying to troll. I think at least some of these trolls are actually people who legit don't understand other people's pain, which is a prerequisite for good trolling imo.
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>You can keep bullying me though
pretty cute you think i need or want permission

there's not exactly a shortage of other things to pick on you for anyway
I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm rotting, I can't drive myself somewhere else or do self
thanks senpai
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Fuck you you never respond to any of my posts I hate you so much yes you look like a faggot you jared fogle looking motherfucker
nah, it looks like messy bed hair
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here (you) go bae
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idk, maybe i'm not the best person to talk about what defines hugvoxing since i'm p sure everyone clocks me and then hugboxes me all the time.
No I hate you
go ahead
>tfw isla looks like your sister did at 14
>tfw isla will never be ur little sis
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i wish my gf's mom didn't knock while i was receiving oral
sorry ;~;
i like it rn
The essence of my point about what constitutes hugboxing is that someone clocking you doesn't necessarily mean they don't also believe you are attractive.
I'm tired, really really tired. I'm tired of so much.

Goodbye, /mtfg/.
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You could always continue later..
i like it ^^
You probably get tired of answering this, but at what age did you start HRT?
She's probably disgustingly religious and believes the only way a trans person can get into heaven is if they fully commit to being the gender they think they are and get their genitals minced for several thousands of dollars. You probably need to live a life of celibacy too.

Your endo probably thinks hormones are too soon and you need to have a year of RLE before hormones are a good idea or some shit.

This is me projecting my past experiences onto yours.
So, benadryl withdrawals:
-Terrible short term memory?
The vertigo is the worst, but i mean fuck this whole ordeal. I couldn't eat all day today.
Who is this semen demon
What are you tired of?
i mean like when ppl can tell yr obvi trans and then gender you female since they just wanna be nice about it.
like telling someone they pass when they don't
messy bed hair can be nice

but you asked me to compare, and compare i did
12 months hrt
yay !!!
Is there any way to stop existing without having to kill myself.
shut the FUCK UP pleb
leave your old life behind and effectively become a new person
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now she's on skype call with waitforyou/saddana/kat memeing around
and her mouth gets tired so i have to give her periodic breaks
idk i can't find a source
I also want to know this.

But you still have to tolerate being awake all the time.
>don't get to spend all weekend with my "platonic" girlfriend that I love a lot

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go to rojava fight for freedom and the revolution
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bullying is like being punched, it hurts less if you're expecting it (you've probably seen in the inside of a fair few lockers, so i'm sure you know what i'm talking about)

besides, it's time for bed now anyway, i'll just get you when you're not expecting it
>leave your old life behind
There's nothing to leave, all I have is me and nothing makes me more miserable than I do.

I don't think I can tolerate living with this brain and body for much longer.
I think some of that is political. There's a lot of people who want everyone to believe that sex is 100% different from gender. I think that explains at least some of it.

But yeah, I think people do hugbox in such a way. They just want you to feel good and they don't know how to do so honestly.
Okay then, see you later Anon. <3
ya i meant to say im glad you think that
just a blank reply
is platonic a meme
your delusional rambling about hugboxing is annoying
Take an eighth of shrooms
yeah, i just fucking hate it desu.. like it happens like 24/7.
it's not delusion when ppl talk tto you and still gender you female while having a fucking man voice.
I remembered a dream for the first time since before my dph abuse. It wasnt much just a...fallout dream? Like literally i was in an abandoned vault and there were rotten things and dead things in it and it was scary but i was pretty baller about it desu. It was a partly lucid dream as well because i noticed it was fallout like and i made it...more fallout like? As it went on? Idk shits gay i dont even like fallout.
>that image
Wow its me. I could tell greentext after greentext about 2, 3 hour attempts.
Fuck sex dude! Fuck that!
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save me
> <3
Your lack of meaningful contribution is annoying
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At least you are kind enough to think about her poor mouth. You'll get off someday Kiwi. I believe.
hey ive seen the full version, you dirty agp
I ain't been on mtfg in months and Damn you lookin fine Korra!

i just like platonic transbian kisses idk
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>tfw eternal sexual frustration
maybe i'll just have to force it on her
she seems to like that
I mean, if you *knew* that gendering someone how your brain wants you to gender them would hurt them, if it was obvious that what they *want* is for you to refer to them as female, why wouldn't you throw them a bone?

Idk, being trans sucks because the want isn't for other people to behave a certain way, it's for you to *be* a certain way.
>puts on a wig
>damn you look fine!
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>tfw haven't hung out with friends in years
>tfw no friends
is platonic being a meme my fault?
Start earning a decent amount of money and spend like you make 1/4th of it. Dump the rest into dyi hormones and fuck the system.
I've heard your voice on tinychat and it sounds like a girl with a cold


Is futa agp?
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Well now I'm sad
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I'm a clean and free range agp thank you very much.

J-Just be gentle. At first.
can't work since blood pressure is fugged, any idea how to make endo stop being a brick wall?
you are a meme master tbqh
>bought a scarf today even though it's been in the 80s for the past week
gee whiz I'm fucking stupid
iktf ;_;
all i do is talk about my life openly =(
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gentle is overrated
i'm into biting and scratching now
im like horny fucking constantly
Anyone heard the new dillinger escape plan stuff? Limerent Death is so my jam right now. Its just.....sooooooOOOO FUCKING GOOD DUDE.
it's different. You have a partner and you're sexually frustrated. That sounds like a nightmare. I'm just uh, alone. I can choose to never even try to get off. Which works pretty well. Its only when i try to do it that i get caught in the stupid quagmire of arousal.
Stop having shit blood pressure.
Are you likely to be prescribed cypro or spiro? Spiro affects blood pressure, right? When I'm hungry I'm way more prone to light headedness but I've never blacked out. And I have a history of fainting.

Maybe try pushing the bicalutamide meme to him. Do they know how insane and desperate you are?
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And may her holes find the strength to withstand such power.
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for how sexual cordi acted she admitted she's intimidated by how sexual i am irl
it's not so bad, it's about the same amount of sexual frustration imo
not my problem
hey senpai I read in a book yesterday that once the west antarctic ice sheet finishes collapsing sea levels will rise by 4 ft is ur island going to be okay?
idk i just want ppl to be like raw w// me
i'm about to record a clyp to show you that i don't
okay hon you do that I guess
parts of downtown might get a bit wet but me and most of the population is higher up than that
told u i was a hon
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Good luck we're all counting on you.
>shes intimidated
Who wouldnt be kiwi
Like, do we have to review your deviant history. You had a rape dungeon.
How painful is anal? How does it compare to anal masturbation?
i dont like masturbating and it is so dumb
probably, I've been extremely erratic as of late
anal kind of feels like if you were to put a dick in your butt
i took a big poop today and i was hard by the end of it
Also curious
I've only used dildos
Will it be MORE painful than a dildo
Because dildos are totally fine.
okay that's good

in netherlands they are testing floating houses right now because they don't think the dykes will be able to stop the ocean rising
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Got fucking baked but I figured I'll try and reply to tie the conversation up.
Pretty sure the girls ive talked to have just been guys, and not transgirls but as in guys who pretend to be girls. Its more widespread than you think.
Unless you count 2-3 at the night as morning I figured you were aussie or asian lol.
And weeds not hard to get, I travel abroad a lot and Ive scored weed in every country ive been except for a few super shariah tier countries like the UAE, you can do it too. Just gotta go out and find some shady dudes hanging around. And just get a doge, doges are great.
Yeah but hons go in the same camp as ugly girls, since mannish is not really a desirable feature in girls. Just saying, but ive seen lots of transgirls who outshine cis girls easily, so yeah I consider transgirls real girls. But im always critical of transtrenders and people who really just are traps and femboys, we all know those exist.

When I said "real" girls I really am just referring to the phenomenon as old as the internet itself of guys pretending to be girls, I mean just look at /a/, pls dont kill me.
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I think I'm going to fail this semester of college, again. I'm fucking stupid, I can't pay attention, I don't get anything.

I just want to move to a larger city, get a dumb people job, and begin my transition.
we have lots of dykes here but we don't use them for stopping water
i love alex
btw if anyone plays blizzard games, add me?
Kind of a gross question, but how small is your penis actually SUPPOSED to get on HRT?
it's a lot different than a dillydo, but still a bit similar
hmm maybe you need more then and start training them too
i lost over 2 inches
same... doing a lot of stims doesn't help either ;-;
reee my alike mic isn't picking up after like 10 sec i have an earlier one that sound like a dude tho. umm lemme find it
i did it a few times like
3 years ago
I'm always desperate for people to play wow and OW with, I sent you an invite, I'm Leonus.
At 6 months I've lost about an inch. I've mostly lost hardness and circumference. Even when it's as erect as it's going to get it's more like a 75% erection even though I can feel it's not going to get bigger.

I'm strangely pleased that I don't think penetration would be very interesting for a receiving partner now.
yeah no i like told you ummm, it's just sound faster rn taht's about it
same desu
I want a boyfriend.
same desu
Have you ever had one? What is it like?
The failing part anyway
im not doing stims
i just have a stupidly high sex drive
she had a boyfriend
a boyfriend who died
nope, i had likea pity one, but he was just wantoing to leave as soon as possible i don't really blame him
i got one too off of them, they just make it much mcuh worse
like i'm about to go electra idgaf
i wish boys liked me
you sound like a really faggy boy or a girl with a weird voice. if I heard that irl I would be unsure what gender then if I saw you I would be like oh yeah that's a girl because you look like a fucking girl
>Pretty sure the girls ive talked to have just been guys, and not transgirls but as in guys who pretend to be girls.
That's really weird.
>tfw ur a boy

: (
i wish i wasn't like ugly and mannish too desu. theyn boys would like me.
idk i jsut hear a man in there tbqhwy....
i need to work on it a luot more is there likea voice discord????? idk where to work on it likiee idk
same desu, shit sucks right?
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Time to get baked like a honey ham.
>tfw you're not enough of a tranny to get a chaser bf
>tfw you're not a big enough of a faggot to get a gay bf
>tfw you're too beta to get a gf
>tfw you're not cute enough to masturbate in front of a mirror like some agp narcissist
yeah i know right? me neither
but someone did in fact dip their wick into my hole
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>Tfw you wanted to be Velma as a kid
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I hate you so much Faye..
ooo that sounds likea good idea, i dunno if i should go outside since i porbs look sus af rn,,,,,,,,, fuck not smoking indoors and liking w/ parents.....
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>Tfw you have and do all of those things concurrently
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Just saw Inferno
I hope Ron Howard dies :/
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what about rum ham
when are you and your boyfriend going to get gay married
That sounds really slutty. I thought you were a good boy, Faye?
I love your Simpsons pics
How do I make my pp bigger??
Shits getting me depressed pham
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We need more angles bitch asap
gice it to me duuuuhhhhhh
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I did a fuck-up earlier
I hope people can forgive me
why he is a somewhat decent director
how do i give into the pity passing and become susans?????????????
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All hams are welcome.

Faye is that you in a Halloween costume? If it is I'm so god damn triggered.
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>ywn have gay sex with a dude
Estrogen and AA's will make your dick huge. All those female hormones will make your dick craving girls and the constant erections will make your boner grow big and strong like a muscle getting exercise.
it can be really painful if you don't loosen your butt up first. you have to use lots of lube on his dick and inside ur butt to make things nice and smooth.

use a finger (yours or his) and slowly working up to 3 to stretch things out before hand and relax so that you don't clench up.

If you do it right it feels amazing and everyone I'll literally leave you drooling and unable to think of anything else except his dick fugging u
hella gaygay
I know how to pronounce isla but in my head I still read it like iss-la
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>ywn be an actual trap
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>shit sucks right?
It does.

I just want to be a cute girl. Or to somehow be happy with living as a guy.
Why is that so much to ask?
>tfw secret fag that took the tranny meme too far
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Who knows


I guess, but he ruined one of my favorite books.
Maybe you can convince him you're a cute dude who lost his dick in a horrible war accident and the boobs are from a hormone imbalance. You still got a butt, right? You could power bottom
yooo, you look like a girl bruh
>All hams are welcome.
even hamhams?
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I'm sure you could if you tried.
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O-ok.... Will you suck on it gently and look me in the eyes then try to focused on not scratching it with ur teeth when I get rough.........?
That's not real....
wait two dudes having sex is gay?
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bruh you look like a girl
do you know how much of a faggot that makes you
Sometimes I worry you're not joking.

I wonder about that sometimes about people in general. If maybe they overreacted and would have been happy with a less dramatic change. Maybe the total rejection of the masculinity forced onto them by society would have been better by easing into a more feminine presentation without transitioning.

They say a good percentage of gender dysphoric kids end up just being gay.
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angry headpat.gif
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maeve, can you forgive me for being an angry person earlier?
I still like a complete guy if I get you a strap on you could experience some gay sex with a man
where'd you get that picture of me?

I thought I was a tranny but then I got better. It was too late to turn back so I have to live as a girl now.
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>tfw no bf until Sunday night
>tfw no sex until then

help im becoming addicted :(
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So believe me, I get it. You get to grope yourself and steal a peak in the chicks bathroom. But bro. Have you considered that it makes you look like a GIRL? What's more, men might get the wrong idea and try to date you, which is hella gay. My bro Brad did this, at first it was all fun and games, we'd grope him and laugh and it was sweet, but then we started getting attracted to him and that's FUCKED UP. Here's the kicker though, we told brad to stop doing the pills and he CRIED, brad would never cry before, he had the least emotions of us all, like a war vet, real cool guy. But it gets worse, Brad stopped taking the pills but the boobs stayed on and he had the face of a fucking chick and acted totally gay, smiling at silly shit all the time, it was gross. He was weak as fuck, couldn't squat fuck all anymore. Then recently Brad told us that he had to keep taking the pills or he'd die, doctor said that, so now he's taking the pills for life and honestly I might end fucking him some day and that's gay as fuck. That's my horror story and it's true, so please, stop taking pills before it's too late

pic related Brad
yeah it's cool ^^
that hamster's poor innocent mind is being corrupted
>I thought I was a tranny but then I got better. It was too late to turn back so I have to live as a girl now.
If only that was true. I bet 99% of trans women while years into transition could still pass as men if they put a little effort into it.
>that hamster's poor innocent mind is being corrupted
they dont even know what is happening
dude she cut her dick off and is completely happy with it after like 4 (5?) years I don't think she's male

sorry but you're a meme senpai
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Don't worry
I am
I wouldn't have been happy as a guy, and I wasn't happy as a guy. I just kind of jokingly embrace faggotry because on some levels I still have difficulty acknowledging that I'm a gril

Ugh but I don't want a penis

A turbo faggot tbqh


>tfw not a power buttom
I legitimately can't pass as a dude any more. I haven't touched my bodyhair in like two months. I wear mostly men's clothing or unisex stuff. My hair is a short distinctly male style. There are no boobs to speak of.

Still can't not pass as a woman ;_;
>Ugh but I don't want a penis
how are we going to have gay sex then?
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winter prep.png
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Is this what I need to get comfy for the winter?
All that time being a girl and you still have trouble seeing yourself as that?
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it's going to be a long winter need more lube
i wwish i could like fix my jaw, but i need more money than i have. i have like a chad face, so i mean being a dude would like be ez mode.........
yeah. idk.
i need to find a way to like beleive in what other ppl say, cause then i'd be like happier ;-;7
nah my bones are fuuuucked.....
after like jaw surgery and brow bone shaving and like chin fixinpg, idk the naames, but i't stand a chhance, but i need more money than i have. i might just use student loans, because fuck it i really need it asap
idk probs, i dunno i probs suck at them no pun intended desu.....
fuck i wan't a boy right now
i don't even need to put effort into it, like i do it when i try to passa as a girl
is there a way to make my voice not terrible, or just speaking a lot and it wont sound forced anymore??????
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yaay :3
heh. didn't even think of that
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but if you become a girl you will want to suck a penis
I'm not surprised someone wanted to have sex with you I'm surprised you wanted to have sex with someone i think
NO I WON'T!!!!!!!


does it count as an end when you get a boyfriend and lose to cock?
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winter prep.png
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Pillows for hugs, dildos for sexs. This way I don't even need a boyfriend.
can confirm this
>I just kind of jokingly embrace faggotry because on some levels I still have difficulty acknowledging that I'm a gril
Honestly, I think this is the healthiest mentality to take. You have to make fun of yourself and acknowledge your limitations and what you are.

My mtf friend thinks I'm so mentally progressed because she calls me a female name and I use female hormones in trans circles but even though I want to go as far as a "non-op" can go I've realized my male upbringing and socialization means I'll never not be a mosaic or a femme guy. I'm probably "non binary" I just don't like the term.
>I'm probably "non binary" I just don't like the term.
iktf. i don't feel like i can even id as a woman, but like i don't knnow waht else to call it. i just wanna be as far on the grill side of the dichotomy even tho i'm in the nether desu.......
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I believe you
i want to have sex with lots of ppl but they never seem to want to have sex with me.

i think i get percieved as a pretty sexless person. i just don't really get how you get to that point with someone. im a shit flirt.
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>tfw holding hands makes your heart beat speed up
>tfw his scent turns you on
>tfw feeling his beard when he kisses you
>tfw he squeezes your butt when you hug
>tfw his strong muscular arms around you when sleeping
>tfw snuggling under the covers the morning after

fugg i made myself sad ;~;
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I look forward to the inevitable moment when nim loses to cock. I want to hear nim talk about how much she loved taking a big hard cock, and how addicted she is to the pleasure.
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Yeah, that
Keep using it

At least as a real one
Sometimes I feel inferior to cis girls and I have an easier time wrapping my head around just being an extremely gay dude
Only sometimes though

Tfw not nude

I like self deprecating humor
The reasons for it aren't always the healthiest though

Idk like I think it's just a natural result of having a male upbringing. On some level I feel like just making that a part of myself and owning it is better than just forcing it away and replacing it with something.
I-in can break you in.....

Oh hey did I tell y'all I went to get tested for HIV the other day and fucking I just don't know how but I'm clean, I kinda got a little choked up when the trans Lady told me I was clean. I was so sure I had it I was just going for the 30$ gift card and I was sure I had it already
Now I'm like super paranoid about it and I swear I never want to bb ever again. I don't actually know how I dodged it but o did
<4 wat u look like gayboi
Right?? Unless you were pretty much raised knowing you were the other gender and everyone around you accepted that from a stupidly early age, I feel like all trans people are a bit non-binary for doing what they're doing in the first place and being non-confirming to their birth gender.
don't get water based lube. get silicon based. water dries up and gets sticky. silicone is muuuuuch better trust me
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Nim on top.
... that gif gave me an erection...
where's that from
Both people in that webm have a bingus.
nood is way looder
well.. i look like a gay boy..
Broette calm, it's ok, you're already a pretty girl on the inside
this is terrible advice, you have no idea what you're talking about

get water based lube or you will kill all your silicone toys. they will lose integrity, become home to bacteria, and be at risk of breaking off in your butt
I love Lauren
Yea, i also crush on people often but do not know how mommies meet daddies. I flirt a lot but i dont think I'm actually cut out for relationships at all.
I think i probably projected onto you my low libido tho. Just....idk, because its sometimes a trans thing in common? Sorry.
A cute, feminine gay boy who looks like a snuggler.
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Also god dammit I don't want to go back to work reee
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one should be plenty lol
Can I eat?
fuck so i guess it'l be good by febuary?? i think that's kinda like a decent enough amount of time to like expect it to be decend by then right???
idk.... like i need a bf not someone to fugg me. like i need someone who wwill tell me what i want to hear and shit.....\
>well.. i look like a gay boy..
>ywn be thes qt
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A self identifying trap on /r9k/ and his boyfriend. From what I can tell he had really bad gyno growing up and was super gay, so he just went on mones and started presenting as a girl.

Here's some boobs and beeper pics,
>$700 million dollars worth of lube
I shouldn't find this THAT funny.
This huge faggot (not trying to be offensive he was actually a Gaylord) liked silicone better....
nah it's cool. its not that i have a super high sex drive or anything, i'm just really into sex still tho and wish i could just fucking have some once in a while. fuck.

im not cut out for relationships either i dont think, which is fine, i dont really want that at this point in my life. just a few dudes i can hang out with a bit and also make sex with every now and then.
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>tfw you just slept 5 hours and you're going back to doing nothing important
Well at least it's not always
n-not you
Then who?
anon is buying for use with silicone toys
it doesn't matter what you like better, you are putting your toys and own health at risk if you use silicone lube with silicone toys together.
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that's sophie's pp?

i should draw

*cums on ur eyeball*
How many mg of spiro to kill yourself.
Asking for a friend.
>so i mean being a dude would like be ez mode.........
ikr ;_;

>tfw really tall and have a big dick, but it got wasted on me being a tranny.
Its kinda weird to hear you say that. Like, idk. I guess on my mind you seem like a lesbian even thoi kno you've dated boys in the past and stuff.
Oh hey have you heard the new dillinger esc plan? Do you like them? That shit is toasty.
200mg a day, every day, with half in the morning and half at night
not u
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Tfw cis guy gets mad at you on kik because you didn't tell him you were trans
>that's sophie's pp?
ya, apologies if i misgendered also. i'm just following the story i saw posted on r9k
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im hungry /mtfg/
do i make pasta or order a pizza tonight
That's deep. I appreciate it.
Make a pasta pizza!
>tfw only have vhad face and massive shoulders
fuuck i was fucked both ways.....

yeah i dont like underage soz
(hi haha)

make pasta, it'll be fun

>tfw tall and modelesque
>tfw short and devito-esque
>i should draw
I'm playing vidya I bought a long time ago but never finished

one of life's most difficult and profound questions
i'm mostly only platonically gay with MAI WAIF but i guess really im bi or w/e. idk i dont think about it much. i guess i have a tendency to veer towards guys more but if i met the right girl that's okay too.

i do like them and no i have not heard it. i think they were here a few weeks ago? i think some friends saw them.

i've been trying to get into the new touche amore album but fuck it hits hard and makes me cry too much so i end up turning it off at track 5 every time
Ughhhhh I'm not the relationship type. I'd fuxking cheat.
I hate that about myself, like a want a partner who will be like my best friend but sex complicates everything
Oh now I see, and for regular sex silicone is way better correct?
macaroni pizza is indeed a thing
not sure how yummy it is though
never tried it
hi frog
>it'll be fun
I dont know about that cause Im super exhausted from work rn
Right along side "Where the fuck are my socks"
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do i press order or what
Pls stop
Hope you're okay or will be ok ; ◠ ;
i will take u under my wing plebby

league noob

sounds like too much carb, too little cheese
it would neat a lot to flavor it up

in that case the decision is obvious

can i have some
>you have no idea what you're talking about
Par for the course.
They have a cheddar and macarooni pizza at my work now. Not sure how it is. Included in the price you add one extra ingredient. Bacon is too obvious. Personally I'd go pepperoni or jalapenos.
kek that's sophie and cheska dude they post here sometimes
O i shood listen to that. I havent heard touche amore for a few years.
Here, this track is really bomb:
Silicone: tends to be very lubricating, lasts a while. Never ever use it with silicone toys.
Water: Dries up eventually. Good for all toys. Can suck a little for anal but there are thicker anal specific formulas available.
Oil: Kind of shitty and can interact with some condoms. Just don't.

If your lube is water based for anal, and not 700 million dollars worth.
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I dunno how, just look up a recipe or wing it. It'll be fun.
ooooh, lol
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I asked myself that one just this morning.



>If your lube is water based for anal
>and not 700 million dollars worth.
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>tall and modelesque

Also, where is the line between modelesque and freakishly tall?
fuck now i'm imagining how yummy macaroni pizza would be
give it a go. it's a tough listen but it's real good.

this song is bomb tho i like it
Maybe for another time, anon
>in that case the decision is obvious
yea but cons to the pizza are
>might be lactose intolerant (not sure yet, I gotta test more)
>it's 11 pm and wont be here til like midnight probably
Ehhhhh I think I'll just go locate the chicken and defrost it and make chicken alfredo pasta
>I asked myself that one just this morning.
It's a really tough question. I discovered that the answer was "in my sheets"
o damn. itk....
>kind of shitty
Oh anon u rascal
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winter prep.png
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Will this be enough to satiate my lust for cock?
I'm completely fine. I'm just grumpy now and the idea of trying to overdose on spiro sounds hilariously bad and/or impossible.

I think I have gotten more emotional on estrogen. It's just snuck up on me. It's kind of exhausting but my coworkers are enjoying my snark and although the self-pity is kind of high my highs are better too. My mom thinks I'm more grumpy but the truth is that her bothering me just bothers me more now to the extent that I react.
what surgeon installed so many holes?
Ask Elanna, we got the same vagina.
>499,999,995 of fake dick
Just maybe. For like a week.
>same vagina
literally? have i touched your vagina?
>identical vaginas
That's a cool concept.
Probably. Have you ever accidentally brushed your hand on something kind of wet and cold while walking around outside? That was probably my vagina.

It is everything, and everywhere. The world is my vagina, and everything is my dildo.
no you have to get the real thing boydick is the only cure for cocklust im afraid
Well okay then

I am talk to who I think I'm talking to right-?
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Well that's never happening.
Highly doubt it. I rarely talk about suicide, even jokingly. I mostly lurk.
where i live everything is wet and cold
It's not the same anon you know this.
Maybe you can get an attachment that will bite your neck and grab you hard ;^^)
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what do anal and water have in common
both refreshing and healthy

i've seen people up to like 6'4 and i've been like theyre tall
(i'm 6'0)
i figure at 6'5 or higher everyone will notice
at 6'2 you're just tall-tall

that's a very very cute picture saved

girldick>boydick stupid dumbhead!!

ugly dildo get better one
>The world is my vagina, and everything is my dildo
Ahh okay then

Also you can't OD on spiro it just makes you sick; its kind of painful.....not that I've tried it
is it illegal for my boss at work to forbid me and only me from using the bathrooms that the customers use in his restaurant? I can only use the dirty hot non ventilated employee one in the kitchen while everyone else can use the other bathrooms just fine.

i was playing with the idea of legal action since he's made a few bullshit rules just for me and I'm getting tired of them
>It's not the same anon
>you know this.
i don't

it is ugly but i can't find anything better in that price range/size.
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For the same price, you could get 6,919,230 of the most expensive dildo on the Bad Dragon site, just sayin.
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I saw at tall girl almost my height and it made me feel kinda okay
tantus acute

how tall are you
being tall makes you cool af
hope you can come to feel that
sounds like it desu
but i'm no lawyer
yay :3
Depends on the state laws and if you can reasonably prove it's because you're protected agaisnt discrimination by your state laws or corporate policy if your employer is part of a larger company.
>being tall makes you cool af
does being 6'3" make me cool af
I don't get virgins, are you V by choice or like you just haven't found the right dude?
Yea Korra from what I've gathered, you're kinda like that, with ur family not using Ur pronouns etc, maybe this is just the next step in leading to love and value urself as a person.
Ofc ur boss is a retard and if you really wanted you could screw him for discrimination
Reminder you're all beautiful and I adore you all.
I'm about 5'11" maybe 5
I see girls nearly or at 6 foot all the time. Probably 2-3 a day. I always check their feet because obviously it doesn't count if they're wearing heels.
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How do you get over cocklust when you're too ugly to get fucked
Dildos did nothing for me
good :3
I've met a few girls taller than me which makes me feel a bit better
aww <3
>Will this be enough to satiate my lust for cock?
It looks gross. Why get a flesh colored one.
>i figure at 6'5 or higher everyone will notice
You mean they'll notice that I'm freakishly tall, or that I'm a tranny specifically?
Never met a girl taller than me
>tfw you see a girl whose ugly enough she makes you feel better about how you look as a guy
>you hear her bitch to a friend about "cis people" as she walks by and realize she's probably just trans
Please you are probably not too ugly to get fucked, guys will stick their dicks in anything.
I saw a girl that must have been like 6'2" once it was crazy I had to make sure she wasn't wearing heels or something then I felt like a creep for staring at her :c
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>are you V by choice or like you just haven't found the right dude?
Having sex as a dude makes me feel sick and nobody has ever wanted to fuck me
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I see girls my height every now and then. It's not uncommon.
Is Hon supposed to rhyme with "yawn" or with "bun"?
it definitely can

you're fine, i'm taller

just tall
nobody clocks me cause of my height i'm positive

I have a nice picture of myself
this has never happened before
>Why get a flesh colored one.
Because I've never touched a pp and want something maybe close
>tfw staring at girls
>they think you're creeping on them
>you're checking out their clothes and observing the way they carry themselves
hmm let's see I'm not allowed to:

>be around customers (doesn't matter if I'm on or off the clock)
>eat around customers (same as above)
>use the same bathrooms as customers (literally not allowed to even go into them at any point)
>can't brush my hair bc someone might possibly be offended by it if I'm sitting at a table off the clock (wtf I don't get it)
>timed on any occasion I need to use the bathroom

it just seems like alot of bullshit I don't like you personally and want you to quit rules. any time he has a talk to me about his bullshit he always says if you don't like it you can quit and my very very large reserve of patience is starting to run out
m8s i had a pretty fun time at longwood gardens. wish i had you all on snapchat to see. even tho i was called a fag while getting my beer and the bartender was kinda rude to me..and i guess i didnt really talk to anyone...i still had a fun time. the display was craaazy. still pretty drunk. luckily roads around me are pretty much go 60 mps in one direction for 10 minutes and see maybe one car.
What state you live in? Might be able to call him out for discrimination.
kill yourself dude she looks like one of my mom's cis friends
Done that several times
Get a little disappointed when they have them
>tfw anon wont respond on skype
That's probably not a very progressive state is it
oh i use discord almost exclusively now
do you have it? otherwise ill hop on skype
>tfw wanted to stop myself from snapping but did so in the process
i am a big fuck uppp
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I've met a few 6'5" girls. I'm 6'3" so it was a surprise to me too
Maybe I'm just unlucky then. Or most guys aren't interested in a trans girl that looks like a football player. Maybe some gay guy will want me ;_;
>another Louisiana trip
I guess I should just move back at this point tbdesu
yeah i do lemme give you it

Thank you. I take it then that it is a bastardization of the word "honey", used in a patronizing manner to call someone ugly?
I guess Aussies are just short
I just checked. Hilariously bad, ranked #40 in the US for transgender laws. "Except for the ordinances in New Orleans and Shreveport, Louisiana has no protections for transgender people (and few for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals) in employment, schools, or housing. "

Source: http://www.refinery29.com/2015/03/83531/transgender-rights-by-state
;___; I'm on skype if you need someone to talk to
You look great Shannon!
it is ultra conservative and heavily Bible thumping

I didn't know there were more
welp I'm fucked. I'll just have to take it until I snap and tell him off
Okay, you all convinced me. I won't get a flesh colored one.
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I need some advice. Has anyone had either of these? Apparently they're both really good for the price...
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>just tall
>nobody clocks me cause of my height i'm positive
That's good.
But still, I'm like 6+ inches taller than 99% of women I see, and that can feel pretty alienating sometimes.

>I've met a few 6'5" girls.
The tallest girl I've ever seen irl was probably like, 6'3".
yeah cause apparently ugly transwomen say that
(theyre presumed old yknow?)
ask on /ck/ or something this is trans thread
Fuck I'm so jealous of American booze prices.
The tallest girl I've seen is 6'1", and she's my cousin.
yeah i understand
but there are pros to it don't forget that :0
it beats being too stocky i'd say
i think it pays off once you feel pretty
alright, sorry, I'm just curious
I was already here and I figured trans would be well-versed in their liquor

I have to pay for shipping, if it helps any.
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It's a stereotypical "feminine" thing that draq queens and old trannies say to sound feminine, but it's not actually feminine you know?

It always makes me think of forum moms though.
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>Went to murder mystery party run by the trans support group I'm in
>Was planning on trying to look cute for tonight
>tfw couldn't get close shave because laser yesterday
>Friend helps me with makeup but still obvious shadow
>Go to party
>Anxious about voice and other stuff whole time so I don't let myself have any fun
>Hang out later good time finally
>Finally go home
>Hall to my apartment has been overtaken with frat bros partying
>Have to weave through them to get to my room
>They start making cooments about how I'm dressed and such
>Start hyperventilating
>Make it too my room still panicking
>Start to cry
Are you buying alcohol online? Why?
If you're in the US you can buy both of those in tiny bottles at gas stations and liquor stores. At least in my state. For about $3 you can try both in 50-100ml bottles and see which you like better.

Vodka is just vodka. I thought the blue one tasted like bitter windex. You should try gin, it's a spirit flavored with juniper berries. I'm a slut for the stuff. Also the mid shelf whiskey is drinkinable and at the same price. Canadian Whiskey is my goto.
Still costs $15 Canadian for a bottle half as big.
All that's behind now, everything's okay.
$30 here bb
>at gas stations and liquor stores
I'm underage

15 CAD = 11.21 USD
this is also relatively cheap vodka
>booze is expensive in prison
no hit
>15 CAD = 11.21 USD
Yeah, you pay half as much lol
>i think it pays off once you feel pretty
Hopefully some day I'll feel like my height is modelesque and elegant, instead of freakish and weird.
>that pic
I want to be physically affectionate like Max in that pic. But I'm scared of opening up without alcohol. And I'm intimidated to cuddle with my "friends with benefits" friend who I'm a bit more open with because she usually wants things to escalate instead of just letting things be.
you can order online if you're underage?
ok, look up the price of that vodka in CAD

it's worth a shot lol
Yeah there are a couple more
It's abysmal outside of one or two cities. North Louisiana is probably ultra shitty too (not counting Shreveport, which seems like an alright city), that's serious Bible-Belt tier shit in there
let me know if it works O_o
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