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Cis Lesbian General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
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→ Cis Lesbian General:
Nostalgia edition--for what are you nostalgic? What year were you born? What do you miss about the 80s? 90s? 2000s? Early 2010s?
What kind of lesbian were you as a kid? What did you think of LGBT as a kid? Before you discovered you were LGBT?

if you need to draw attention to you not being Cis or lesbian, please see

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This thread is intended for AFAB lesbians to discuss and congregate on 4chan's /lgbt/ board.
Therefore please respect /lgbt/ board rules, and 4chan global rules.

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I'm almost 24. I get really torn between whether I want to save my first time for someone special to me or just do it with any qt. I'd like it to be with someone I have feelings for, but then, what if I suck and give them a bad impression? Maybe I should get in practice with meaningless sex. I don't really want to, though. But what if I do save myself for someone I think I love and that relationship just ends horribly after a few years anyway?

Virgin problems at 24. Not the life I expected, mang.
Same. I want to not be a virgin but I want it to be with someone that I'm gonna commit to. Yet it's hard enough to find girls near me that want me but to find a woman who shares my feelings and whom I have compatibility for the long haul? I get weighed down by improbably prospect.
i'm 24....i had my first kiss at 24. the kiss wasn't that special, it was a girl i liked, but it was very "whatever". I think kissing a random would have been a non-issue. A kiss is....just a kiss. Its only as special as you make it.
My virginity, yeah i'm still going to wait; i dont want to smash just anybody, and i mean most people my age or older dont want to fuck virgins. So i'll wait until I have a girlfriend who I think I love, or like alot.

thats my solution anyway.
I dont date much and that doesn't help much I know.
>what if I suck and give them a bad impression?
you tell them its your first time, and you're going to suck, but you want it to be with them because they're special to you. Then ask them to give you lots of feedback and whatnot.
>t relationship just ends horribly after a few years anyway?
>few years
thats kind of a while anon. M O S T relationships end, especially nowadays where people don't "have" to be committed forever. enjoy it while it lasts, be it a few days or a few weeks or a few months, or years or decades.

>compatibility for the long haul?
thats romanticist bullshit anon. if two people want to make a relationship work, then they can, and they will. no one is "perfect" for someone else.

>Well, it's not Maleficent and Sleeping Beauty, but it will do.
now i want a girlfriend so we can dress up as those two for Halloween.
i lost mine to my first gf at 17, but i've been single and haven't sex for for 5 years. planning on hooking up with randomers a few times before i actively look for a gf

i don't think making a bad impression would be much of an issue, as you can work on sex together
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>you tell them its your first time, and you're going to suck, but you want it to be with them because they're special to you.

That's actually a really good way to put it. I want to say it exactly like that.

>no one is "perfect" for someone else.
Fuuuuuuuuuck you though.
I'm gonna find a perfect qt. I will.
The Splat is so fucking cringey, it makes me wanna kill myself when Hey Arnold isn't on
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>Maybe you're getting your period.
I already had my period a few days ago, so no. I'm still constantly horny and seeing random cute girls anywhere turns me on.
>Fuuuuuuuuuck you though.
shes right.
watch this lol

Do you plan on taking your wife's name lesgen?

Do you want her to take yours?


Be married with different names?

There are so many possibilities.
OP, you forgot to link the last thread.

Man, what a fail. I think you owe us. Post tummy.
>period a few days ago
>constantly horny
>cute girls everywhere and can't stop staring

iktf anon, iktf.

I'm not interested in marriage, but if i were i wouldn't want to give up my name nor would i insist on her changing hers. I'd be willing to hyphenate, however, or she could take mine if she so wished.

I don't know what I'll do if I ever get married, I'm not sure how I feel. Double-barrelled surnames always sound incredibly stupid unless they quite naturally roll off the tongue, I think mine would sound stupid. It'd depend on how I felt at the time.
>I'm still constantly horny and seeing random cute girls anywhere turns me on
Yeah. Saw a group of teenagers in a bookshop the other day, one of them had kneesocks with a skirt and I couldn't stop staring at her legs.
I feel like a predator, damn it.
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>For what are you nostalgic?
For the times where the only problem was to choose to sleep in and spent time at home or go with my mom to her job.
>What year were you born?
>What do you miss about the 80s? 90s? 2000s? Early 2010s?
The chances people had. We were poor family, with 6 children and still got the chance to buy newest game consoles. I miss the times I spent with my brothers where we played PS1.
>What kind of lesbian were you as a kid?
Pic related.
Can't exactly put it in words, but I was a free soul even, just as I'm now. Did what I wanted and never stopped until I got my way. (I hated wearing skirts, so it was the biggest thing that I didn't want to do as a child).
>What did you think of LGBT, before you realized you are a part of it ?
I have always followed the idiom "Live and let live". Even when I was denying that I was a lesbian, I never understood why people hated the gays. Love doesn't hurt anybody.
Is that you? Aww. I bet you're a qt with those blue eyes now anon.

I actually thought homosex was pretty weird. Just because that was what I'd been taught. Though I never really had strong negative feelings, I was basically just repeating what I saw as the general consensus. When someone brought up gayness I'd go "ew" but there wasn't any bad feelings, it was just a kid repeating what they heard older people say.
Made it tougher to accept when I actually developed sexual attractions and they were for girls though.
Y-you too
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Now spam us with images 0001 through 8356
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>implying I'm ever going to leave the house

I would love to take my wife's name, but if she doesn't wish to do it I can still use my name.
Same. I was taught that homosex was evil and gay people went to hell. When I was 13 I got baptized in July and realized I was gay in August but I didn't make peace with it or come out for another 3 years.
I would like my wife to take my name, but if she doesn't want to I would understand.
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In your ideal scenario, would you be the one proposed to, or the one proposing, lesgen?
I would love to propose, but I don't know if that come true because I have severe social anxiety and fear of rejection.
Only thing which gives me hope is that I'll love my gf and after time spent together I wouldn't be afraid to ask her this question because I would know what her answer would be.
I'm not one to make big romantic gestures, so it would be cool of a girl proposed to me in some grand way just for a better proposal story.
Realistically I know I'll probably be the one proposing because I always end up "wearing the pants" in my relationships.
I would really like if she took my name... only because mine's ~exotic~ and current gf is half white and that's her last name. It's also been a dream of mine for anyone to have mine... Hers is really cute though but I don't think I'd ever live it down having a "white" last name in a family of Puerto Ricans.

I wouldnt mind hyphenated though. It's also common in Puerto Rico that you don't change your last name, and your children get BOTH your last names.
I would love to be the one proposed to, but I know that I'm always the far more open one with cute things like gifts/holidays/emotion so I doubt anyone would do that for me.

It's fine, as long as they were willing to get me an engagement ring too.
>tfw no gf who wears the pants to take off her pants
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Born in the late 80s. I was in the closet, but obviously looked and acted like a lesbian growing up. Personally, the LGBT community is always embarrassing to be associated with. Everything that deviates from vanilla heterosexuality tries to attach itself to LGBT causes. Furries, asexuals, snowflakes, people that are married to love dolls, vegans. The only thing I'm nostalgic for is the quality of cartoons, video games, and the lack of political correctness in society.
>little girl tumor
No one likes you for this exact reason. Go back to mtfg.

So you'll just buy a nice wifu on the slave trade?
How to take a tummy pic tho
I'm dating an FtM transgender.

What should I do? They're not getting bottom surgery.
I want to be proposed to.
I hate my family so I'm planning to change my last name to disassociate myself from them. The new name I picked out I like a lot, so idk if I'd want to change my name again. In theory I'd want to take my wife's name, but in practice I feel like I might hyphenate(maybe both of us hyphenate) or maybe I hyphenate and our kids have my last name.

If she wants to take my last name that's just as well. Given the circumstances (me changing my surname once already) I think I'd prefer it, but in any other case I want to take her last name I think.
What's nick box?
Why are you asking us? Bottom surgery for ftms sucks ass anyway. Fuck him like you'd fuck a dyke I guess

But they'll want top surgery. Picrelated. It's such a loss.


Stand in front of mirror
Take pic that shows your tummy
And maybe other things if you're nice
I-I would give you the pussy.
She has tiny tits so, really, it's not much of a loss.
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>tfw I have tiny tits
I-it is different, I swear...

The inevitable facial hair she'll want to grow will be ugly. But I guess it's up to you. A lot of women look like men after T, but some (like Chastity Bono) still just look and sound like lesbians forever.
I love her so much, so I don't really care.
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Okay, but why are you asking for advice if you already knew that?
What do you niggers study in college?


>tfw no Max Caulfield gf
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Well I used my selfie cam instead but here you go
Sorry it's so bright
Puerto Rican here, I've got both my mom and dad's last names, although my mom's is designated as a middle name. I've considered swapping the two, and if I did I wouldn't take anyone else's name on. My first name might be white but I'll be damned if I'm gonna have a full white person name.
I've got that cassette, but I don't have a cassette player to play it in.
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I always dreamed about us creating a new last name for ourselves to cement the start of our new family tree. But I would also be happy to taker her last name since I am the bitch.
Can't see much :( Post a farther-away pic with qt hips?
Quality 1" underboob
Criminal justice. I plan to go to law school once I get my bachelors.
can anyone recommend an alcoholic beverage that is :
a) strong
b) easy to make/cheap to buy
and c) at least kind of yummy? i just became legal a week ago and all the booze i've had at parties in the past, including mine, has been like...straight vodka shots or something, and cocktail recipes online call for like $300 worth of stuff and a week prep time. i just want cute drinks for date night...
Yeah the formatting in the states made that happen to my mom too,the whole maiden name as a middle name. It's weird.

My name is at least spanish sounding but it'll be lost if I take on my girlfriends "white" last name. Incidentally, her mom's maiden name is close to my last name and she wishes she had used her mom's name to stop people from questioning her identity. She's half chilean, but blonde with brown eyes so people auto-assume white.

I'm supposed to meet her mom soon and I'm HORRIFIED since she'll realize I'm full spanish and can speak/understand while her daughter can only mildly understand. Can't wait to fucking die.

Unrelated but I was on the island this entire year until recently and had an issue where I was in the ER and they wouldnt let me get my prescribed medicine since my ID didn't have my "Puerto Rican" name of:

FirstName LastName MomsMaidenName

and my constant protests of I LIVE IN THE US, PLEASE JUST GIVE ME MY PAIN MEDS led to two hours of investigating if I could legally get them. They advised me to get an ID from there to if I was staying longer.
what a frigging hipster

Get a nakamichi.
If you get close to her mom, you two can have conversations about your gfs embarrassing life moments right in front of her face. Ha ha.

>why I'm never dating a spanish-speaking woman
I've got the same problem as your girlfriend, damn. Light brown/dirty blonde hair and fair skin = insta white to everyone, even with my last name being clearly Spanish. I have to explain it every time, seriously pisses me off. I've considered dyeing my hair to try and help with it, but I don't think it's a big enough problem to actually warrant that.

Also full Puerto Rican and my parents are both fluent, but never saw any reason to teach my siblings or myself. Shit sucks.

I've never been to the island itself, but that sounds like a serious problem, I didn't think the ID would be so different, since PR is a territory.
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Graphic design with a bit of programming on the side. My class consists of about 51% females and funnily enough, me aside, there are only 2 lesbians I think, none of which come even close to my type.
I'm not mad though, at least there's a good amount of cute booty to look at.
Blonde hair+ blue eyes is a pretty "white" trait....it's annoying that people assume that though.

I wish blue eyes were more common, I've developed a major "thing" for blue eyes (I prefer blue eyes and dark hair to blue eyes and blond hair I think) but they're a bit rare in my area
My eyes are so dark brown they look black in a lot of light, lol. Colored eyes are very pretty to me though, I've always thought bright green was all kinds of attractive.
I don't think that's too surprising, most computer-related careers are stereotyped as male-dominated but I've never thought of graphic design as being one of them
Margaritas are easy, strong and tasty. They're not pink, but they're not manly either.
Yeah same
Unless you shine a light directly on my eyes they look pitch black, and even with the light, they're still dark brown lol

Green is pretty, I like that pure blue, and that emerald sort of green over the common blue-green or green blue
I miss Silent Hill.
Holy shit, I never once considered this and now I'm excited. My biggest scare though is that I'm 8 years older and that's going to be a... rough subject.

I have fair skin and dark brown hair but I've gotten a lot of "You look European in nature" but America is just weird about it all. Spanish is my first language, but English has been my predominant one since I was little. The state of PR right now is a fucking DISASTER, it's less a territory and more of a colony at this point. The only thing "American" about it is the consumerism and the dollar, that's it. Everything else is more Carribean in nature still, and Puerto Rico's naming system is still done as

Firstname FathersLastName MomsLastName

so my American ID translates my MiddleName to "FathersLastName" and any document like hospital paperwork gets really confusing. It's common for those traveling to the US/moving to the US to get confused. I'm here in the US and my grandfather (who's lived here most of his life) fought with his kidney doctor over his name last week since his Mom'sLastName keeps auto-translating here to his "real" last name.

It's weird to try to keep traditional things like that when assimilating here; but mainstream at least acknowledges the whole "Latinos have a million last names" trope as a joke, but it's sort of true.
I've heard about PR being in the shitter, yeah. My great grandmother and some of her relations still live down there, and my grandparents visit her fairly often to see how she's getting on. There's always another story about how bad things are over there. A lot of stories about how pretty it is, too, though. I want to go some day.

Latino/a last names are excellent though, I take a mean pleasure in hearing clueless people fail to pronounce mine. They tend to see "M", "D" and "O" in there and just say "McDonald".
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Who /hype/ here? Only 3 more days until homosexual witches.
I just deleted all my memes and now I'm sad
What's this about?
I know its hard, but its for the best anon. Memes ruin lives.
Yes but some of those memes were from my ex gf.
Id rather take her name, if she's okay with it. Cause I never really liked my last name. But my last name is so damn hard to pronounce by anyone who isnt from my home country.
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You did a good thing, anon.
You freed yourself.
I try to leave 4chan for good. Shame that I have to abandon all you wonderful harlots but it must be done.
What country?
Why must it be done?
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WWII where little girls from all around the world based on actual war heroes join forces to defeat these aliens called Neuroi and they do it by activating their "strikers" that are mechanical legwear based on real airplanes that allow them to fly and they use actual weapons to destroy the Neuroi and they don't use pants and are also incredibly gay because it's the military I guess. Also cameltoe, that was the excuse my dad gave to not watch it. Guess he's gay.
Should've gave a polite compliment! Kneesocks are my weakness too, I'm going to need a separate dresser soon just hold all of mine.
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And I forgot to mention they grow tails and ears based on each girls' familiar because they are magical and shit.

Pic related canonically fucked twice in their light novel.
I'm not going to compliment out of the blue kids at least 13 years younger than me, especially when there's 3 of them.
And yes, kneesocks are great, but pretty rare where I live.
Ah, well I suppose that makes sense. I'm just a little too outgoing for my own good. They are pretty rare around here too until it gets to be around this time of year.
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>/pol/ the thread
Why is this allowed? We come to /lgbt/ to escape hate and exclusion, not to experience it.
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>hate and exclusion
As long as you have similar views about something they will accept you no matter if third worlder jewish lesbian, like me.
>terf and a racist
What a fucking suprise.
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Why do trannies call anything they don't like "terf"? What does it mean?
It's really the 2ch experience
VIP quality my friend.

Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist.
It's a slur, supposedly




You use the plain form of a verb when modifying a noun like that. And no の.
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That shit is coming in the exam and I forgot. Kill me.




I think you only add the が in the whole phrase「日本語のことができる」
私は間違った、 「できる」の前に「が」を付けるほうが正しそう。すみません!
Oops, hit post before I >>6999648 saw this. I mistake.

はい、私は間違った ><

I'm mtf but we can study Japanese on skype if you want.

Post some sort of contact info if you want to, I really like teaching people the basics of Japanese.


You sound high af dude
Are you the same str8 guy who was butthurt about shichoson?
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>tfw cis lesbian
>tfw gonna get laid but started period
>tfw can't get my pussy ate without feeling self-conscious or disgusting that my vagina is bleeding

Anyone else here use latex gloves while fingering a chick on her period?
A period has never stopped me with a girl I care about. I'm like oh its just YOUR blood, whatever.
Dude I would not swallow my own period chunks. What makes you think the girl I'm gonna fug would swallow mine?
>tfw your boss is one of the most striking women you've ever seen
>tfw she's a breeder
>ywn breed your boss
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>tfw your boss will never dom you in her office where no one can hear or see
ok dude, I don't like you shitting up lesgen but I hope you enjoy your new friend and feel less lonely
How is it /pol/ ?
I removed all the obnoxious anti-trans stuff.
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I want mine to take my name not that I plan on getting married.
Dear god my weakness. A feminine woman in power.
My biggest problem is that I absolutely despise women while still being attracted to them, and I hate myself for despising women.

I've been in a couple relationships where I essentially abused and emotionally crippled other girls because I was using them as an outlet for this crippling hatred of femininity.

I have never met a woman that I respect. They all reveal their femininity through their speech and their every action. It's shameful weakness and submissiveness. The role of women in sex is inherently submissive, unless you're fucking around with another girl and you are fully clothed and completely in charge. It makes me absolutely fucking furious and I manipulate them to reveal these things about themselves completely effortlessly. It's the thrill of the chase and the thrill of flirtation and my innate sadism which at the same time makes me loathe myself more than anything because I do not understand how to deal with guilt.

I've locked myself in a room being a NEET and not coming into contact with anyone but now I got myself a job and it all came back to me so easily. Girls just get infatuated with me at a glance because I always recognise that they're gay and slip into flirtation with what I know of how to project of masculinity. And they love it, they love it. I need to kill myself and never let anyone touch me.

Another thing is that sex is intolerable, intimacy is intolerable. I can't let anyone touch me. I hate my body and how I look far too much. I want to absolutely destroy myself but letting your body be a canvas for how you feel is typical femininity and I hate femininity. It's a war between extreme narcissism and extreme self-loathing and thinking of myself as absolutely lowly and filthy. This internal division is tearing me apart and it makes me unable to enjoy or have sex. I have never let anyone touch me sexually but I have sexually and emotionally abused other girls before. I need to just die. I am 21 and it is too late fo rme to ever change.
wtf lol
you sound like a suicidally depressed alcoholic
you should stop drinking anon
You sound hella autistic. Maybe try ftmg but they're usually cool people.
Hey are any other lesbians... Kinky?? Like really into the weird stuff. Like latex and whips and stuff... Will I ever be able to find a gf who will do all that with me? Do other lesbians who are into freaky things exist?
That's a whole'lota Nope!
>you sound like a suicidally depressed alcoholic
Why, what ever could have given me away?
>you should stop drinking anon
Maybe I shouldn't breathe so much Terri

I'm not transgender, I don't believe that's even a real thing beyond a sexual fetish or misinterpret of mental illnes.s They're girls pretending to be guys, which is absolutely hilarious to me. It makes them even more vulnerable.

I just fucking hate women while being sexually attracted to them. My hatred of them makes me even more attracted to them because I am innately cruel and also hate myself. I don't think that makes me 'm e actually mentally a man' or whatever inane arguments those quasilads pull out of their heads. Wouldn't 'cis lesbian general' know this?
No. That's a lie.
Feel free to tell me why you Now feel the need to express this. Isn't it what you wanted?
I'm not consciously lying about anything. Would you mind elaborating?

I don't really understand what you mean. What is what I wanted? I feel the need to express this now because I'm less drunk than usual bored out of my mind, derive no pleasure whatsoever from the Internet which is my sole activity on count of anhedonia, and I clicked this board to see what demograhic of fucked fags this place would appeal to although since it's 2014 I'm not sure what I expected. I only checked this board before a few times when it was originally created. Why else? Living is absolutely intolerable and I enjoy shrieking into the void, and what better way to do so than to post on an anonymous imageboard of people who are not going to udnerstand what the fuck I am referring to? It's like being completely blunt to strangers on the street. They don't know you and you are telling them everything there is about yourself and your every hint of division and strife and rift and fissure, these things that define instability and shattered states. They find you fascinating and love you forever and pretend to be into your 70s Cambodian pop music and a few hours and a litre of vodka later you are back to wanting to lock yourself in a room forever because you are not going to kill yourself immediately, before the next day again discovering your urge to loose yourself upo the world.
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How do I stop being such a pussy and just come out of the closet?
You know if i could help i would yea'know
But you don't want it.

>Its only a void if no one else can hear you...
Extremism is caused by mental issues. And I think you hate yourself because you deny the femininity inside yourself that all women have, you reject that big part of yourself, and in turn wrongly project your own feminine perceived "weaknesses" on other women you barely know.
That or you still have extreme internalized homophobia and that shame is causing you to reject women.

I think you need a feminine lesbian to put you in a dress and makeup, dominate you, and through intense orgasms for hours a day, heal your hatred of self. Orgasms are the cure. The only question is if you will accept healing yourself. Mentally ill people tend to want to stay stagnant because they get so mired in their shit that they become afraid of being happy.
lesbians are gay
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Go to sleep, anon.
but im not tired
That's irrelevant. Sleep deprivation is making you embarrass yourself online. Go to bed.
but i won't be able to sleep
Then do literally anything else but post on 4chan.
i think ill watch a movie what should I watch
Idk. What's your favorite movie genre?
idk i don't really have a favorite
Have you seen the Breakfast Club? Or Pulp Fiction? They're both classics.
yeah those are both good
i always get kind of annoyed at the end of the breakfast club because they made allison look stupid though

Lesbians have the same rate of being overweight or obese as straight men. :^) But people never care about men being fat because men are ugly no matter what.
Agreed, she looked way cuter before.
What about Kill Bill? Fried Green Tomatoes? Fight Club?
i never watched those
which one should I watch first
You sound like a psychopath. I don't mean in the edgy hollywood way but as in you legit show most of the signs of the personality disorder called psychopathy. You need to seriously go see a psychologist. Even if you think they can't help you or it's too late to change, they can still help you deal with it better.
Kill Bill, definitely.
How does >>7000651 sound like a psychopath? I'm actually curious.
>tfw no one writes Kill Bill fanfiction anymore

>you will never settle in to spend an hour reading about Elle Driver fucking The Bride like when you were 15

Life suddenly feels painful
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Stop making me ship it!
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"She stole my eye...and my heart."
Fuck you anon ;-;

Why bother? Just get a gf/fuck randoms and if anyone notices just be causal about it.
do you like hummus
Why is this thread a thing? We should integrate, not separate from each other. I'm no less of a woman than you are.
don't say anything
im trans too but you're just inviting shitposting
Do you like boys or girls why do trans hang out here
We belong here. It's a lesbian thread.

You're not the person I was asking

Then again, biological men have always had a hard time respecting things that women create. :^)
been talking to this qt korean girl at my uni. i met her through friends and i know shes into girls so its all good but she reeks of weed all the time and im pretty sure shes a stoner. what do gais?
yas is good
I'm not a man you entitled shit.
girls and its a nice thread thats a lot less autistic than mtfg except whenever trans women are brought up
Why do cistraight men post here?
We're you born w a penis?
How is that significant?
>tfw straight male
>tfw no trans gf

I miss Snapple Elements and Game Boy music
As a child I was a sporty tomboy, though before puberty I did crush on boys. I wasn't thoughtful of LGBT until I began to struggle with my own feelings for girls before realizing what they really were, around Grade 7.
I begun to read YA LGBT books discreetly and the internet helped me to learn about this at my own pace
I did not come out to anybody until Grade 12
That's a cute pic.
Learn to accept this one flaw and go get yourself a qt college gf.
I'm convinced the trans talk is literally entirely straight men trolling other straight men
This. I don't belive we actualy have terfs here.
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How do we heal the relationship between lesgen and ftmg?
>trans talk is mostly gay males who took femininity too far
fixed it for ya
We are and should stay the same. Transphobia has no place in our community.

Invite them over here to get their pussies licked and breasts massaged and they'll accept their natural gender after a sea of intense vaginal orgasms

Seriously aren't they all """gay men""" though? They're straight women who watched too much yaoi in middle school, basically the opposite of our gen anyway.
Be secure in your life.
Make it so you can live without anybody's help. When/if you have it then it's just a question if you really want to be happy.
Nice try, satan
How is that not against the board rules?
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How do you feel about masc men?

How do you feel about Tony Robbins?
how is anything they said against the rules

Does he have a vagina?
I think he's scary tall.
penises rule the world
It's transphobic for once. Maybe on /pol/ this shit is toletated but not here.

Just stop taking testosterone before you fuck up your beautiful feminine features any more.
>>Ever saying a MtF or FtM is cute.
Not me kid.
I know it's hard not to think about only yourself, but maybe they don't like being feminine.
>expecting cis women to have empathy

This thread is for cis lesbians and transbians. Maybe they should take it to /mascgen/ where they will enjoy their thick body hair and masculine odor?
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Internalized sexism is such a pity
You can be a woman and be masculine and all of that
>This thread is for cis lesbians and transbians.
I'm glad we came to an agreement on that.
I never said anything sexist or that you couldn't be a masculine girl. I am not your enemy.
>gf decided she's actually straight

anyone else had this happen to them
>>Go to bed last night
>>Gf is pmsing but still wants me to tease her a little
>>Start playing with her breast
>>"You can have them if you want.."
>>Start suckling on them and put my knee near her crotch while I'm kneeling over her for better leverage
>>She starts rubbing against my knee and kissing my head as I lick/nip/suck/kiss her breast
>>Tfw her light panting in my ear and she moves my hair out of my face so she can watch better (forgot hair tie)
>>Tfw end up making her cum hard just from teasing her nips and her grinding herself against me
Yep, but ex was previously bi. Figured out she wasn't into girls after being with me. ; .;
I wasn't even that submissive.
If you aren't a cis lesbian and you're posting in here, you are our enemy. We shall joust at noon in a traditional Greek stadium with the highest of high-end dildos. Prepare yourself.
Trans lesbians have a right to post in this thread. Bigots don't.

>males thinking they have a right to invade women's spaces
Fuck off
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Get your dildos ready, y-chrome.
You mean "cis women" spaces. It's good to know exactly what you're trying to defend. Why do you think that's added to the thread name?
We are just as much women as you are if not more so. Real women never stand for bigotry.
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Can bored straight dudes go back to /b/ for your own good.

You're getting repetitive and repetitive behavior is bad for developing a worthy human nature.
Maybe if you get out of lesgen and go lift some you'll manage to get attention from straight women irl and you will become happy and fulfilled and look back on your lesgen trolling days with utter dismay and shame
>>Trans lesbians have the right to post in a cis only lesbian thread where we purposely have a tread to not have to talk about trans people
>>Yet trans people don't make their own lesbian safe thread because they're too fucking lazy
>>So they come into "cis discussion only" thread to shit it up how angry they are for not making their own safe space
We do, but you all get so angry when we DON'T WANT to talk to, or about MtFs, FtMs, trannys in general, or straight guys who project their fetish onto this thread and post about it OVER AND OVER like Make does and gets pissed off no one cares.
Do you not see the logic of this?
Trans people feel the need to push themselves on people who respectfully just aren't interested in them because they feel the need they have to have cis people validate they're socially accepted as one of them as finally a "real" man/women based on their acceptance.
THEN they get pissed off if cis people don't want to date them and call them transphobic. It's bullshit.
It's like going to an event for strickly vanilla icecream and barging in with chocolate, dripping it everywhere, forcing it on peoples plates and getting pissed off people are pissed off or not interested.
For how long did you guys date?
There is no need for a trans lesbian thread when there is a lesbian thread ALREADY HERE.

rofl can you be any more transphobic?
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I see your point.
I'll go now.
We should be more respectful if we want respect.
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>>Gf is pmsing but still wants me to tease her a little
does your gf have her libido decreased when she's PMSing or did you mean she was on her period?
>everyone who calls me out on my bullshit is a troll.
It's not that you don't want to talk about us. You don't want to talk to us. Throwing us out into a ghetto hurts.
Seriously, making lesgen cis-only was a bad idea. It just makes people mad. Trans girls get mad they're not included, cis girls get paranoid when they shouldn't even be in the first place. Plus it devolves into this a lot of the time.
about 4 months
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It was exactly like this before. It's always been like this. Before, the topics were their hormones and ''girltinklers'' and how awful cis lesbians are for not dating them. Now it's mainly how triggered they are by a website thread. So, slight improvement.
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I don't remember that from 2 years ago, is that how it really was?
Even the word is disgusting.
There is nothing disgusting about girltinklers. I'm proud of how cute mine is.
>tfw no gf who's the bitch

>implying a soft feminine gt isn't as beautiful as a cisgirls pussy
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Please don't make me horny while at work
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How do you groom your pussies, lesgen?

I trimmed mine to almost bald and I hate it. It feels sweatier and more sensitive down there and just uncomfortable.
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So.... you girls also post pictures?
You first.
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Of women who aren't me, sure.
Why are ftms in this thread if they aren't lesbians?
There are no ftm here. Just mtf.


Majority mtfs yes but there are a few ftms here for God knows what reason.
lmao i posted that in like 5 generals
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Well I don't really /fit/ the thread description or frequent here regularly. I'm just here because I heard this board mentioned on another board here and well you know... lesbians?

Pretty much, yeah.
It was basically just transles 2.

Like, I dont even fucking mind trans girls I just dont want trans shit being the topic all the fucking time.
Ever thought that maybe it's becouse our problems are bigger than yours?

Maybe they are.
Maybe thats why half the board is trans threads.

I dont mind that one bit.

But do you have to make this fucking one about you too, though?
I don't get you. This is a lesbian thread. Why i'm not suposed to post in it?

Post all you fucking like.
But as you said, its a lesbian thread.
Leave the trans shit at the door.

You've a dozen threads already to talk about that, having a single thread where you dont talk about it cant be that hard.
Seriously! Well said anon.
It's like. You weren't taught the option of "don't respond" because that's a completely feasible option. I'm pretty busy with life so I haven't been putting much time into making threads or trying to herd people in the correct direction, but the basics are pretty simple: ignore bait.
>cis straight guys posts bait
>responds to himself
>responds to himself again blaming transbians for replying
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The transphobia in this thread is fucking unreal.
Whole thread is just you talking to yourself
For lesbians who want to have bio kids and not adopt: do you want to be the one to carry and give birth to the kid or do you want your wifey to? I have this kind of weird wish that I'll get my wife's fertilized egg implanted in me and my wife will get my egg implanted in hers so we are each carrying each other's biological child and then we give birth close to each other in time and then we raise them like twins and we will both breastfeed them so that both of them will bond with both of us as their mothers... I'll never actually do this bc I'd much rather adopt but if I were going to this would be how I would. I think it would be awesome for both of us to be the biological mother of both the kids, just in different ways
I would never have a bio kid. It's a 50/50 chance it would be a boy.
You can pick what embryo gets implanted, you know. In my hypothetical scenario above, we'd only pick girl embryos.
>tfw no gf
>tfw baby fever
For the fucks sake, having no gf is bad enough but this?! I'm in literal hell
>not having a son and raising him to be a strong, masculine man who respects women
>allowing another criminal into the world
Pls. Daughters or abortions.
Say no to sexism men are people too
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>tfw you will never want babies
>tfw this just limits your options even more

You sure can't get quality bantz like this anywhere else.
You guys ship any lesbian ships as kids?

Kitty and Bunny were so cute.
>tfw tranny
>tfw just like talking here because mtfg is even more of a shitfest

most of the people ive talked to dont actually care if youre trans as long as you arent ugly or mannish

>anyone who is not pale as snow is black
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Who are they?

Also picrelated

That ain't Ami.
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>The Amy/Lita meme

What. A. Bore.
Lol this is a dank meme f.a.m

Blue from blues clues and her neighbor magenta.
>Blue from blues clues and her neighbor magenta.

They're the perfect butch/femme relationship tbqh
Kitty and Bunny are the adorable lesbian couple from Courage the Cowardly Dog (although in the show they are actual animals, a kitty and a bunny, and not human like in that fan art). Their episode is called "The Mask", I recommend watching it, it's adorable
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>tfw you love height differences
>wanna be tall and cool
>wanna be able to pick up your girlfriend bridal style
>you're 5'0

I'm cursed to be short.
Apparently my uterus is broken, so my wife would have to carry it
Otherwise I'd want us each to carry one, me and then a few years later her
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Bulk up and get a skinny easily-lifted gf. Problemo = solved.

P.S is pink hair a lesbo. She looks like a (literal) huge lesbo.
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>tfw you find the perfect girl but she's not into you and now no one else will ever be good enough
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/Lesgen/ what is your favourite style?

Look on the bright side - she could always be a secret jerk or bad at kissing or lazy in the sack. Maybe. You'll never get to find out.

Can someone link me to the comic that originated this Lesbian Messiah?

>tfw no doctor gf
>For what are you nostalgic?
Just making pretend castles with friends, making snowmen and childish things in general. Just pretty much anything that was done outside with friends that did not involve the internet.

>What year were you born?

>What do you miss about the 80s? 90s? 2000s? Early 2010s?
SNES, Gameboy, VHS-tapes, floppy disks, roller skates, drawn children shows.

>What kind of lesbian were you as a kid?
Femme with boyish interests, most likely because I had two older brothers so all entertainment I had was boyish things.

>What did you think of LGBT as a kid?
Didn't really think much of it.
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As cheesy as this sounds, she is like my dream girl. She likes my boobs, so now how do I make her like me?

Also, here you go senpai http://dynasty-scans.com/series/the_private_report_on_my_lesbian_experience_with_loneliness
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For me to wear or what I find sexiest on other women?
Picrelated is one of my own favorite outfits.

Thank you, anon. I relate to this skinny cartoon lesbian more than most things.

What makes you think she doesn't like you?
Business chic for other women, because it turns me on so much..
I wanna cuddle and have my neck kissed. Being gay sucks, any girl who takes care of themselves is pretty cute so I just admire everyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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/comfy/ all the time. I'm so happy the weather is starting to get more chilly around here.
Hey just because she's blue doesn't mean she's butch. They're like the same dog copy pasted but with different colors. It still blew my infant mind that Blue was female since everything was black and white as a child.
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But...the lesbians with blue hair are always the butch. Are you saying Hollywood is lying to me?
Lesbians be real with me here

How often in a month do straight guys hit on you?

I don't mean just talk to you and try and start a conversation but like
>Hey whats your number
>You have beautiful eyes etc.
Depends if i have a job or not. Men mistake good service for flirting constantly.
homosexuality is a mental illness
I'm looking to start getting more into make up, I'm currently already using primer, foundation, and concealer/highlighter for under my eyes. I'm interested in gradually improving my technique and expanding onto different things. I use eyeliner as well but I have yet to find something that suites me to regularly use. Any tips from fellow homos or what you do as far as make up/beauty tips?
This is lesgen anon.
but do you actually get hit on straight guys that much

theres this myth that lesbians are getting hit on by straight guys who know there lesbians
>tfw really disgusted by kids and pregnancy
>gf tells me some acquaintance of hers is pregnant
>"...I'm not the person you should talk to that about"
>Gets upset that I dislike pregnancy so much and can't be happy for someone else's

L-Let's hope she never brings up the idea of
having kids.
Post your face for tips. Some products look good on certain faces but bad or useless on others.
That's most likely to happen to irl lesbians who have lives and do fun things and go out and meet people, not the transbians and neets who hang out on 4chan.
How do we repair the relationship between niggers dykes and white dykes?
I wasn't aware that there was a rift in he first place?
They can start by going on a date with me.
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We go all D.E.B.S and form a team to track down and assassinate clg trolls. It will be a very uniting experience.
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You're never going to get people to agree on what is/isn't yuri so you might as well chill out. At this rate you're going to explode before mid-season.
I like to think that the big wait you get for being gay makes all of the good feelings seem even better. In the meanwhile, you learn to be grateful for what you get and enjoy all of the platonical straight girl skin contact.

It might get to a point where it feels like torture, but a homo can manage. Like that time I was discussing work stuff with my classmate and her lips were so pouty and red and close, it was hard not to stare at them and want to kiss them. I jad to hold myself back at least twice.

Sorry for the ramble, I just feel bored
>gf and me have been busy with work lately
>finally done
>gf needs to write another paper
>I won't be in our hometown for a couple of days
>no lewds for 3 weeks ongoing

Kill me, no fapping in the world is going to cure me of my longing.
>tfw a cute girl will never randomly kiss you

But...but it still isn't yuri....

List some anime that actually have women fug, lesgen.
>But...but it still isn't yuri....
It would definitely fall within some people's definition of yuri. Especially in Japan.

>List some anime that actually have women fug, lesgen.
Some anon did that a few threads ago:
>everything I post on here is being archived forever

People don't know i'm a lesbian unless i tell em or am makin on a girl. Guys don't take 'lesbian' as no if that's what you mean. And at more lax gay bars i've had guy come up and try to pick up on me and the girl i've met near the end of the night. Tottaly gross.
Yes ma'am. Intimidating but useful.
That's a fair way to look at things, anon. On the torture part, I know that feel so bad. All of my older sister's friends are very physical and like to I guess roughhouse a bunch. Imagine being pinned down under a girl super cute and several inches taller than you, locking your arms and legs while she moves closer. That is too tough for me, I don't even know if they know I'm gay. My sister does, at least. Gd.
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My type of style I wear. But I do like the cozy look.
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>Leggings and ankle boots.

S-so much spaghetti right now and no garlic bread.
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>tfw you will never be the femme breadwinner for a butch stay-at-home wife
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I like tunics and dresses too, if that's what you meant by no garlic bread?
Oh no, I just like that style/look in general. I just like garlic bread too.
Tunics and flowy cardigans or long coats are my favorite things in the universe. I'm gonna dress like I'm a court witch for the rest of my fucking life.
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Agreed I love longcoats or dresses like pic related.
I don't think I lean quite towards dresses like that, but anything with lapels is pretty attractive. I like layers.
if I saw a girl walking around looking like the left side of that pic I'd think a couple things
>she sure is stylish
>I want to undress her
>I bet she plays RPGs
>I bet she only wears light armor sets
>no one is posting OOTD shots that are actually of them

This is not what was intended desu
>>I bet she only wears light armor sets
Why did this make me laugh so hard
>Oh I believe I'll be getting my full Dex bonus to AC.
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>join discord server
>get too nervous to talk to anyone
>regret immediately and leave server

this is why I can't have nice things..
Kek I think we said hi last night? And then you bolted lel. Don't be too worked up everyone is an autist in the Discord anyway. Except me. I'm cool.
last night? I joined an hour ago or so
guess I'm not the only one
Since when did anyone talk? Lol. Last I was in there, people were just typing to each other.
Not much, but if you do join everyone else wants you to voicing it up.
What's the butch/femme ratio of the discord?
Hard to tell based off of just text alone. Mostly just people lost in vidja and memeposting. If I had to go off of avatar pics alone, I'd see a decent split.
Well if thread creator posted the lesgen skype you would at least have an alternative. Discord is autistic mmo faggots.
>using skype
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>tfw walked all the way to the classroom feeling like fainting for being off psych meds just to see a notice that the qt japanese teacher was sick today
Pls post cute east asians I need my fix.
Everyone knows the skype was some male trap.
>not being part of the botnet
Is your fetish being in the NSA watchlist or something?
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Here, have a picture of an AKB recommending Citrus.
>nana okada
Who? But glad to see she has shit taste so now I don't have to get into them again. It's over now that Rena is gone.
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>tfw you first got into akb they all were a few years older than you and now you are like 3-5 years older than the new memebers
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This is why I've moved on to 2D idols as they don't age, don't graduate, don't get married and don't eventually shit babies. Plus they are 1000% cuter.
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I was more into AKB than SKE and only very briefly. Saeyaka were cute and Takamina was an adorable ham. I quit following completely when they sent Sae to Jakarta.
Have a picture of Yagami Kumi (I think?) reading the gayest Marimite book. Much better taste.

Like >>7006730 said, that's the problem with idol groups.
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Locodol is the cutest idolshit though, Love Live! is a dead cow and now that Sunshine was a failure Scamco suicide is imminent after they keep trying to milk it and realize only IM@S keeps giving money.
>they sent Sae to Jakarta
kek what. Why would they do that. Sae was a qt by the way. Jakarta whores are ugly SEA monkeys that should never have existed.

>Much better taste.
Not that it means much when the competition is Citrus, but Marimite novels are truly top-tier.
>Why would they do that
I don't know! It's not like there was a scandal or anything, it was completely uncalled for.

True on both counts, though the melodrama in Citrus is so hilarious that I do look forward to new chapters.
I always get male attention. There seems to be something about how I act and that I have an attractive face.
Seeing as I'm not out just yet I can't speak about those who are around me, but on the internet forums, all my male friends know that I'm a female and they still hit on me. As most have said it, it's because they still hold the hope that I'll be straight one day and would be available for them.
New thread:

Queen's Blade, Ange Vierge, Kanamemo, Kill la Kill, Mnemosyne, StoPani and of course SonoHana OVA and Shoujo Sect. Those are the ones that come to me at the moment.
Thread posts: 343
Thread images: 76

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