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/mtfg/ Transgirl General General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 572
Thread images: 151

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snuggles edition
▶ Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶ Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶ MtF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
▶ Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶ Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶ Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
▶ Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶ Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶ HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/0000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶ Cis women of all sizes to make you feel better about yourself: http://www.mybodygallery.com/
▶ Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶ IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
▶ Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968

Previous thread >>6580425
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wew fresh thread
post favorite OST music
someone please soothe my aching tits
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oh hi kiwi

how are you <3
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>having a therapist
I cant right now but I'm looking into it. I think mushrooms are really pretty, and the process isn't that difficult. So probably i will.
I told them from the getgo what i was and what i wanted. I was blunt without being callous. She agreed to a time frame that was suitable for me andbwe talked about some things that were important for transition.
I thought state SRS was good? This is just a French issue r-right?
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hi nim-nom! <3
im ok, just doing my own thing now, spending less time here is nice
why does this always happen tho like tf i put that i'm trans on there for a reason
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Best edition yet.
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>tfw the teacher puts the due date for dropbox a day later than the actual due date but you don't know this and you turn in half the term's assignments diligently by the dropbox date and he says he won't count any of them
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Last night I was really stoned and I leaned back and felt my chest. I realized I had boobs and I started weeping of joy. I felt my hips and butt, they were so much squishier than I remember.

I am so grateful for medical science allowing us to transition. I love having a feminine body.

I hope I don't wake up tomorrow and find out all of this was a dream only to be stuck in the shell of former male body.
you think she's gonna be smiling when she takes her glasses off but her eyes are still sad
The entire Skyrim soundtrack
Shogun 2 has some kickass music
Life is Strange's soundtrack relaxes me and makes me feel at peace

Lord of the Rings was wonderful too, so peaceful at times, but so exciting during others
i could go on forever with soundtracks desu
>6'2" daddy taking me out this weekend
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>TFW no replies
Ha ha yeah, I guess everyone is busy in November because it's a busy month.
im okay

im trying to practice guitar and drawing more and im coming out to my therapist in a few days
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Boohoo, even getting the option of transition is a privilege you whiny cunt.
Anyone here live in West Virginia?
An excellent selection, indeed.
>I thought state SRS was good?
public healthcare is almost ALWAYS shit. in trannymatters, its even worse I dont know much about france, but Ive only heard bad things about the UK and germany in this regard

Come to western Germany in November and Ill buy you a coke and give you a hug
ok yume/gem you can come out now
oh here's one
Justin's p hot
>implying everyone can transition successfully
Check your privilege
Just do what I do and stop trying but keep taking the pills. At least you won't get more masculine
It's because you're not American. I get ignored too.
The total war with the best music was rome 1
I've done it and it doesn't cost much at all. You also don't need to buy spores if you don't mind making a print from some you've bought. I'm so lazy I actually just got everything I need and I'm just ignoring it. I'm too unstable to get mushroomy atm I fear.
I go down there sometimes. it's sucky.
Clearly, this is why kurisu is my spirit animal
i'm glad you have a good relationship with your father
You really hate california

This was easy. I specifically acquired one in order to acquire an hrt referral letter so I could get competent medical assistance in my transition.

Let's see if I have the e-mail.


>I've been taking hormones for the past four months via self-medication, but it is becoming frustrating attempting to receive adequate medical care and recognition surrounding my condition while nearly every medical provider in the city lives in mortal terror of detransition.

>Hopefully, a letter of referral will get them over their fear, since recognizing that I am of sound mind and fit to determine the state of my body is not going to happen. I would like to speak with you about going through the process of procuring that letter at earliest convenience.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend this tactic. I was fairly incensed that day.

On a lighter note, I think I figured out what disturbed me so much about self-injection. On some level, I recognised it was my flesh, but I couldn't help feeling like I was infusing a melon with something....
I don't know how it is in other countries but trans healthcare in France is so backwards and appalling that everyone who can avoid the "official" teams does. But that requires money.
Also, "official" because the way they work is actually illegal. French Law guarantees the choice of your specialists so organized teams who deny their patients the right to get a second opinion or to get part of their transition done with other providers shouldn't even exist. The issue has been brought up with the government by official regulation authorities several times so it's only a matter of time before said teams are disbanded, thankfully.
Grace is the cutest

(Kari is cute too desu)
Sorry, that's really too far for me...
I'm from germany and want to get SRS in 2017. Any advices?
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im in need of some loving.

[spoiler]im so sensitive towards everything besides slicing myself open, im so freaking desensitized to it that its borderline routine, im fucking whistling while getting dressed while my arms have blood running down inbetween my fingers like I dont fucking care[/spoiler]
By the way, when I meet you IRL should I still call you mummy or should I stop? :3
The first opportunity I get I'm visiting u :3 and bringing pineapples!

I am american (from the continent, but not from freedumland :3)
I was born and raised in different parts and it is really shitty
looks like a lot of layers for summer
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Where in france do you live? is that far from me?

book suporn get surgery in thailand in december 2017.
the only german surgeon thats probably okay is the guy in munich. last I heard his waiting list was 4 years though. Id avoid everyone else.

>should I still call you mummy
is okay in private, dont in public though ;~;
dont want people to think we re taking ageplay too far.

ah shit I came back here..
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Nim is a fucking attention whore.
They were 10/10 for my urethral stricture and pretty good for my grandmother's dialysis. Our only annoyance was that they chose the cheaper option of attaching the machine with a needle every time rather than installing a permanent tube like what they do in America. This caused frequent fistulas. Other than that it was good.

I've heard a lot of shit things about public healthcare but I don't know how much of it is true and how much is right-wing agitation. I do know that in London the city centre hospitals are generally really good but the smaller suburban ones are atrocious. Not even media hype everyone locally avoids them.
I always saw France as a progressive place. I was wrong?
Okay :3
I love you mummy <3

Well, I didn't have a therapist until I got locked up in a psychiatric clinic for non trans related reasons. They knew I was trans before I met them as I had negotiated a few things through the ER shrink before signing myself in. That was, no discontinuing HRT under any pretext, using only my female identity in front of other patients and being given a single room at no extra charge.
[spoiler]most everyone here is that has a trip[/spoiler]
Southern France will also be a stop for me one day.

You can ditch me a la rude french tho :3
Pizza i want to get you wet and fill you up with my sea men.
It's called HPD you rude asshat.
Near Toulouse, close to the border with Spain. That's pretty far from Germany. But there's a major airport nearby, so...
In Canada, we're largely spoiled aside from wait times, and in Ontario they finally approved seeing foreign doctors for bottom surgery, so long as they'd accept the province's money.
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Uh, okay then.
>tfw could have gotten a suporn meme vagina if I lived in Ontario and waited
France isn't really progressive, no. Especially not when it comes to trans rights. We're one of the most backwards countries in Europe for that.
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There's a good chance I'll get srs at some point, but if I do then it won't be for a few more years at the very least, and in the mean time, I'd really like to get an orchi.
But it sounds like getting an orchi can give you worse srs results and in some cases even make srs impossible?

Would it be an ok idea to get an orchi in the near-ish future, or should I wait on srs?
>using an airplane
That's for fat Americans, patricians use high speed rail. I've heard amazing things about your TGV.
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>tfw you have a bully
Well, just drop me a line when you come here. I enjoy meeting people face to face.
Your vagina was funded by oil sands. What's not to like?
What the fuck? Do you always get offended so easily? I'm really curious as to why everyone here is so rude that they have to cuss people out? You're a fucking attention whore because you trip on a peruvian flute carving forum for (you)'s. Doesn't mean you are a bad person, it just means you are an attention whore.
everyone has bullies
just keep truckin
If they get in yr way they get ran over
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youre better off not knowing

my mum twice
my uncle
my granddad
^ doctors errors that either were, or nearly ended up being lethal. this covers roughly 20 years.
I am not including fuckups like trying to force me to detransion, or getting someone hooked on meds, or simply failing simple surgeries and having to do them again etc etc.
the only good job they did was on my grandma who wouldve otherwise died of braincancer I guess.

wow thats really far :c
Brassard's right at the tippy-top of genital surgeries anyway. You're just sad you missed out on an opportunity to make yourself more of a meme
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Sorry sassy
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I tend to eat up all the sugary stuff before anything else.

Eek!!! Others are cheap compared to that.

Sadly, no it isn't.

When you pass well, that's life. When I was 16, I remember telling a guy "I could show you my dick." when he didn't believe I wasn't female. his long time friend had even told him I was really a guy. I guess I looked and acted to feminine in that one piece maillot, and untied coverup.
The TGV is a highly centralized thing. It's only good if you're travelling to or from Paris. Other than that, taking trains in France is a nightmare.
I wanna do it with spores. At least at first. Idk about prints. I really wanna do it tho dude I'm excited. The process to make them is really fascinating.
I dont have the first clue how i would sell them tho. I can't find a dealer, not to mention someone who needs a dealer.
Thanks! I will consider supron or liedl.
You are a mother figure to me Tbh c: <3
Revol in Paris is especially nasty. He's a hand surgeon. Doing SRS. From what I've gathered, it's not uncommon for his SRS patients to need three full transfusions because he's a butcher. That's what drives the cost up...
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>tfw walking down the street
>trying to figure out how pokemon go works but there's glare on my screen
>black guy walks by
>"ay gurl, i see you playin dat pokemon go"
>keep walking
>as i pass him he says "keep doin ya thing, aight?"
going outside is scary
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My vagina has blood on its hands! The blood of our planet!

You say that like it's a bad thing :(
I came out on my first session for both the therapist I went to

Free School Counselor: Well it's kind of a big deal and I don't think I'm too well versed in it but I'm here to help

The Therapist I paid money to see: Oh well that is one of the subjects I specialize in so it makes sense as to why you came to me for help with this

Idk I don't remember it too clearly because I wasn't worried about the therapist reactions since I was basically seeing them specifically to help me with being trans and learning how to deal with it
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been using robin for nearly a year, my mom wants me to just add a e at the end of my old name and be Justine

Says shes only called me Justie my whole life anyway, and doesn't want to stop

What do, I'm kinda like very upset about this
The daily mail is full to the brim with these stories. Oh dear, I was always a supporter of public healthcare. I think the problem isn't the concept itself but failure to adapt to more prevalent conditions, an aging population and a rising population.
Haha same in Britain. All lines lead to London....
Oh great I'm gonna have to pay for my own SRS. How much is it from a non-butcher?
Have more
Every single Ghost in the Shell soundtrack is pretty great
Idk about the full thing of the new ones but I like some of their songs as well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lzu5ST8CnM (Yes I even liked this one)
Psycho pass also has a stellar OST but they are very protective of it on youtube and the like so just torrent the fucker
One of my favorite tracks from it is Inochi no Omomi to Songen but i couldnt find it in a place I could link
Madoka Magica also had a very good OST, kinda felt nostalgic and haunting
Since Macross centers around the music, you can be their OST are going to be great as well
Also gonna give some love to Strike Witches
Even though the show was shit, Aldnoah Zero had a great OST as well, in fact it's one of the silver linings of the show
Y'all probably dont even care but I wanted to sperg out so thank you for giving me the necessary (You)
No one cares you pervert.
I was at work and all I wanted to do was watch movies in my pajamas, is this the estrogen???

Also, nipples are itchy, what do?
Why are black and Hispanic guys the only ones who do this, I feel like I'm not able to deal with it coming from gated communities where they weren't allowed unless they were carrying a leaf blower.
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Personally I dont like Justine or Justina, so I'm making my family learn a whole new name.
I'm sorry. That didn't come out like I wanted.

t. a tranny who just ordered some striped thigh highs and an overly elaborate parasol
Machismo culture.
Hey /mtfg/,

I was shitposting it up a bit in a thread last night, and I mentioned wanting to change my hon name out for a less hon name.

I think I've decided on one. What do you all think of using names that are kind of similar to your dead name? I think I'm going to go by Audrey, partly inspired by Audrey Hepburn but also just because it's kind of a great name imo
SRS alone from Chett was 9 k€ for me. And I was impressed by the level of care, the results and the quick recovery. I really didn't expect everything to be so smooth and simple.
>work in shop today
>manager says someone might be shop lifting in changing room
>go sort the book case next to it
>black guy looks at me asking why Im looking at him
>tell him I work here
>he closes the curtain gruffly
>go back to sorting stuff
>he pulls the curtain open, walks in an open space and asks why white people dont like black people
>says something else
>I tell him hes racist and walk away
>gets in an argument with the manager and is banned
>says he would kill all the white people in the shop

good times =]

ayy bb gurl ;]
Around blacks never relax, kiwi
I unironically ordered a parasol for that music festival this weekend to avoid sunburn. Pls no bully
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Yesterday my straight male best friend of 12-14 years told me that since I started transitioning hes been attracted to me. He called me beautiful.

He's always been the straightest of all my friends, he has a really muscular physique, and he is the last person I expected this form

Anyone have experience with something like this?

What do?
>look on meetup.com for something to do
>tons of lesbian groups
guess I'm gonna go be a transbian now
>He's always been the straightest of all my friends, he has a really muscular physique, and he is the last person I expected this form
Those are the gayest guys fyi
Full support from me. Long time favourite name of mine. Also the one I picked.
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>I think the problem isn't the concept itself

I dont oppose public healthcare. I just think that every idiot can become a doctor. it doesnt matter how shit they are (at least here) if they got their Dr. its too late to stop them. there should be quality controls and heavier punishments for quaks


thats a lot of responsibility, I am doing my best ;~;
Shakirah Im sorry. I'd like to meet but I'll give it time. stay strong =]
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i always keep my bf's combat knife at me whenever i go for walks
it's still scary tho
Over two thirds of trannies with HIV don't think they have HIV.

A third of all trannies have HIV.

Know the risks before fucking a trip.
I hate them, but I knew a really pretty girl with it recently so it's not unheard of, I just think it's tied to close to my old one you know
I'm not a pervert, I'm a chemically castrated boy who gives free hugs if you ask her
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Justine is a... loaded name.
I ordered this thing, but in green.

You walk among meme-kind.
I know, I'm sorry for putting so much responsibility on you :c

You help lots and I am really grateful <3
the trip thats fucking me is a cismale, and I got tested, so I guess I dont need to worry
lmfaoo for real? but you work in the nice part of town? Sorry to hear that, the irony is you're not even white.
Where is this wizard located?
No problem.
Yes there are a lot of medical school entrants
>tfw so paranoid about HIV you don't even trust condoms therefore don't have sex
How effective are they really?
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Yea no I feel you
I didn't like Justin
I sure as heck wasn't gonna just add an E to it and spend the rest of my life like that while I'm overhauling everything else
I'm red and I approve this message
Bangkok. Nice city. That was a pleasant surprise too.
Just don't sing about fucking watermellon and you're super in my books.
the psycho-pass OP and ED were fantastic.
I remember listening to this song while crying a few times.

Is this your transition or theirs?
Come on kiddo.

Audrey is a lot better than Lotte imo.

Unless you know how to fight with a knife, it's only gonna be good as a threat.
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im never shaving my body again
Titular character from one of Sade's most famous books. Doesn't need much more explaining, I think...
suck his dick
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>the psycho-pass OP and ED were fantastic.
Ugh I feel you
I like how they change OP and ED during the course of the show
Are you fucking retarded?

Condoms will prevent the transfer of hiv in penetrative sex 99% of the time
Oh so Thai surgery is actually good? I used to assume they were the butchers. Guess I was just being a xenophobic douche.
This is the great thing about being a virgin loser.
For me to get HIV, you'd need to put your blood in a spray bottle and aim for my eyes, but most people wouldn't spend enough time with me for that to be a problem.
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yeah i don't really know how to use a knife
but it's big and sharp and scary and i can't run that fast so pepper spray won't work
If you date a chaser that doesn't stop him going bareback and fucking another tranny without telling you.
Being uncircumcised increases the risk too. The virus is transported with bodily fluids so even tiny spillage will put you at risk.
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Pls mtfgen give input:

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A knife you don't know how to use is a knife that will be taken by your attacker and used against you. Don't even bother bringing it if you don't know how to use it.
Why do Sumo Wrestlers shave?
So people don't mistake them for lesbians.
>wanting a full-body rash for two weeks
You can get it from doing drugs too.
Alt kids from preppier areas are desperate for a good hookup. It's pretty fun. They grow very fast and your grow op can vary in size dramatically.
Pro tip: blue light is beneficial, indoor lighting will just guide them upwards.
no sex prevents transfer of aids 100%
So you might cut someone's hand a bit if you're lucky then you get beaten to death and probably stabbed with your own knife
Your social life was already over from the start.
I don't have body hair. Sorry!
No it doesn't

I was just memeing i won't stop until HPD becmes the official.mtfg mental illness :3

LMAO! Oh Faye, u so WASP!

You should write this fantasy of yours down. Seems like a great potential for "My Sissy Highschool Storybook."
They're among the best, really. You have butchers there, but only in the low cost clinics locals get their surgery from. Suporn and Chettawut are top notch and there are at least three others that are good enough to attract a foreign clientele.
Yeah nah. Not a problem for me.
Unless someone at a restaurant felt sorry for me or something.
Predators talking about needing pepper spray is worth a chuckle.
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i-i'd just pull it out to threaten the guy, back up slowly and then book it outta there
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why, did you run out of band-aids?


sugoi sugoi

no, that's the point of pepper spray
it's legit the most miserable thing to get in your eyes/mouth, to the point where they can't see

blood transfusion
lol meant for >>6581788
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but he isnt a chaser, and he is loyal.
>why, did you run out of band-aids?
i dont get it
>You should write this fantasy of yours down. Seems like a great potential for "My Sissy Highschool Storybook."

Kek. I'm not a sissy and I'm 24. Not a fantasy, it actually makes me a little uncomfortable.

Massage them you autism
Rub them.

Do you slice open your skin and need to stop the bleeding a lot?
>Tittus be fine-icus!
There you go senpai
If you're going to run anyway you may as well disable the fucker with pepper spray, kiwi.
Hey Charlotte

Just keep massaging them.

the implication is that you cut yourself while shaving and now have ran out of plasters while trying to stop the bleeding.
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stop i don't wanna think about it
hostility and confrontation scares me
Hey how's the HRT coming along?
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Fancy and retro. I ended up ordering something not quite as exciting

Here's to being memekind
no i get a clean shave and wake up to rash on my entire body
Not thinking about it is how you end up fucked up, Kiwi.
Esp if you're gonna handle a weapon.
Sorry, eponymous? Always get those mixed up for some reason...
Tell that to all those that got HIV through hemophilia treatments.
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Oh, wow, thank you! I surely didn't see that coming. I knew the osts you posted in your first post and have to admit not knowing any of the songs you posted now before. After hearing them I was reminded of some of my favourites.
It's from a really old anime:
Sayaka Miki's Theme is really resonating with me. It's begins very similar to a soft "nature theme" from an elder scrolls game and continues beautifully; I also enjoy the changes and "rise of passion".
Here's another one I really, really like:
This piece gets me every time... I can't decide, whether it is dramatic, sad or triumphant; it was used as the Barry Lyndon soundtrack, so it counts as ost I think:
>Y'all probably dont even care but I wanted to sperg out so thank you for giving me the necessary (You)
My pleasure.
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or i can just not leave my house ever again
problem solved
this works for me bby <3
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>tfw you blaze and realize you have no balls
fuck, I did just remove myself from the gene pool forever, billions of years of animals to get to me and they all die with me
but how will you catch them all
top jej
Beat me too it

Place one hand on each breast, same hand to same breast, such that the nipple is between the middle and ring fingers, and your hand more or less encompasses the entirety of your breast. Gently massage in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, then reverse after a time. After a few minutes, feel free to be a bit more forceful - warmed up, it will suck less. Do that routine a few times a day to get through the early constant-bob-pain portion of transition, and however much you need afterward because hey, they're your breasts.
I think it's selfish to your future self that you didn't put some sperm aside just in case you ever wanted to have children later on.
If you ever want a quality traditional umbrella, this is one of the very last companies making them...

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hi soapy!
i might catch something else in the process if i get accosted
>She fell for the meme
No one here actually grows tits and cuts off their balls, we were just roleplaying. You went too far.
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Yes you've removed yourself from the gene pool which is a infinitesimally small drop in an ocean of genetic information.

Instead, take solace in the fact the greatest way to build a legacy and immortalize yourself is not through reproduction but through intellectual, artistic, or social contributions to society.

In sentient creatures, reproduction is not the only way to pass your influence forward.
Or dirty needles.

btw, just found this
so cool

pretty good, I guess. Estrogen feels p good :3

no, tit-ular.
relevant to the explicit picture
you know
a pun
that shit was expensive. It was a choice between freezing sperm or putting a supercharger on my truck, I picked the supercharger
you mean like a new friendship? :)
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she actually did it the absolute madman
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>caring about a legacy
It looks cute and high quality. I'm sure you'll be able to pair it with some great outfits for the festival.

And yay for memekind.
That's actually the sensible choice...
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Picture 116.jpg
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Here's my umbrella! I got it from a small village in Thailand when I was touring and playing music there.

Pls no bully, I was pre-HRT.
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like death
That's a turbocharger not a supercharger.
ha ha yes

i guess

don't fuck with me like that
>wanting to be a father
Frozen sperm is still sperm.
kiwi you're scaring me
don't worry too much about it
there are plenty of retarded normies that are having kids that shouldn't be
and freezing sperm charges you thousands by the fucking month
that's more than I'd pay for rent
Congratulations you are never going to be useful for anything.
its a supercharger you ding dong not a turbo
My father died when I was young so I always wanted to be a good parent for a kid. Is that so fucking crazy?
whats a supercharger and whats a turbocharger and whats the difference between the two
If your memes are dank enough, they will birth new memes and your memetics will pass along your essence to future generations of sentient beings.

I pay 650 a year

Hoping when I come out to my dad he's just like "idgaf if you save your sperm" but am doubting that
It's huge. How do you even carry it?

What's to make fun of? Everyone here was pre-HRT at some point.

But do you want to be a father of a child?
I mean, you do what you like at the end of the day.
im not a moron :(
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this post is gold

heyo bby :3
Happy 4 u :3
>implying the only use of a human being is to procreate

Alan Turing didn't procreate and he changed the world.

Chopin left no children behind but changed the world and is remembered today.

Da Vinci never had children and changed the world.
>Everyone here was pre-HRT at some point.
I wasn't.
Because there is no HRT, there can be no pre-HRT.
>tfw no miss cock has no friends

What does it matter? If I've transitioned it doesn't matter whether I gave the sperm or the egg.
Ah, that first song is not available in my counter ><
I'm glad you liked my selections though! I honestly wasn't expecting a response like this so this is a pleasant surprise, thank you
>This piece gets me every time... I can't decide, whether it is dramatic, sad or triumphant; it was used as the Barry Lyndon soundtrack, so it counts as ost I think:
What was this used it? I like it a lot, I'm curious how it was used.
>Here's another one I really, really like:
I like it too! And gives me a good opportunity to bring in this one
Since you seem to appreciate some of the softer, nature esque themes, here's a wonderful song from the FFXIV soundtrack
FFXIV has a variety of music for it's soundtrack and it's quite wonderful
The boss themes are excellent as well
These are two of my personal favorites
This guy creates songs that are basically straight out of a fantasy soundtrack, you might wanna check him out
Ace Combat always has great soundtracks, songs range from more peaceful to something that gets you really pumped up
Like honestly I should just link their complete soundtracks they are top tier
Oh, I can't believe I forgot PSG, it had some awesome songs too
Here's another Madoka one that makes me wanna cry
ANYWAY I'll just stop here I've overloaded you enough already x.x
I've decided on adoption. I wanted to be a mother really badly, and I feel if I ever had a pregnant female partner it might contribute to me being bad to/for her and our child.
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Tfw you get your favorite Kanto Pokemon.
Top fucking kek

Idk I'm probably just going to wander around with it and plainclothes, I really just want some portable shade :3

Pricey, but I guess you get what you pay for.

Dats a big umbrella
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how are you doing lately?
i haven't been here in a while so i missed a bit
Still don't know how I didn't get HIV. People I fucked and shared needles with died from it in the '80s.

>rfw already have a genetic legacy.

I use a golf umbrella.

A supercharger is powered off a belt from the engine. A turbocharger is powered by a turbine in the exhaust gasses.
Kayla. I didn't be mean to you I was afk.. I don't even trip.. ._.
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I actually mention Alan Turing when I'm explaining why HRT is probably a good thing for me, because he started getting suicidal when the britbongs gave him anti-androgens. The opposite started happening to me.

I'm pissed that they only have gen 1. I wanted to kick some ass with Ralts.
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>btw, just found this
Bwahaha 10/10
I need to catch up with anime, I'm trying to get caught up on a few eps of Macross Delta
Shit, girl, get on HRT so this will be your pre-HRT phase.
You'll know.
Also the child is going to find out at some point in time.
It's just like FTM mothers. It can't end well.
>tfw your Pokemon GO glitches and you're left with no pokeballs
you're not gonna make me go outside
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pretty miserable. at least I am still off drugs.
like 28 days until FFS tho, and this is the last week of uni this term. so theres stuff to look forward to :3
how are you?
Miss Cock is a lone wolf. She neither needs nor asks for companionship. She's just hoping to live long enough to burn out bright.
Procreation was the only thing Miss Cock had going for her. Now the madame of penis flashing just farts, burps, eats, shits.
I never said I was going to hide anything from them

Lesbians have kids all the time, it's not that big of a deal.
>tfw out of spiro for two days and during these two days you read about how unless youve been on AAs forever free testosterone is still hanging around in your body waiting to pounce immediately as soon as you're off them not just ramp up

come to think of it I probably wouldn't have debated that holocaust troll otherwise

no spiro until tomorrow morning

hold me ><
>macross delta
is that any good?

also, have you finish kiznaiver?
did you cry at all???
>tfw I cried watching almost every episode
>Turbine clearly visible
>It's not a turbo
Both devices are for compressing the air intake into the engine. This increases performance because there's more air to burn.

The supercharger is basically a pump powered by the engine output axle via a belt. belts can only transfer so much power so the turbocharger was created which uses the exhaust to power a turbine which compresses the air in a compressor
>doing drugs
You're a fucking disgrace to the Reich.
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be nice now kayla
What matters is that you didn't. There are so many things in my life that I feel I shouldn't have survived. I'm pretty sure it's the same for you. We're alive. (Even though at times I literally feel I didn't survive those, but that's just me...)
And you know I'm glad that you lived to tell the tales.
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not to be a faggot or anything but this is a breddy gud song

It's like you have never been on hormones now. Panic and post like a retard until you go to the pharmacy.
I know for a fact that five of the trips in this thread are the same person.
do not bully quid
Who is Yume?
But they don't conceive them.
There is nothing weird about transpeople having kids.
But I could think nothing worse than being the biological father to a child.
I'd surely have to adopt.
Which ones, if I might ask?
Trip on loser.
It's not that big of a deal, anon. You're too hung up on the word "father".
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I am a tranny, thats way worse than being an addict
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>is that any good?
On ep 3, silly but fun so far and the music is pretty good too
>also, have you finish kiznaiver?
>did you cry at all???
I have not yet! I will watch some of it tonight!
I am kiwi, and buns.
im not a loser

: (
That's a futile thing.
People have been telling me to get on HRT for ages now.
I go along with it all keen and stuff, but nothing ever happens.
I never follow through with it.
I don't think I'm for real trans, because if I was I would surely have transitioned.

do not bully my friends

aw <3
One of many retarded pieces of shits that come this way. Fat guy in rainbow socks.
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>Procreation was the only thing Miss Cock had going for her. Now the madame of penis flashing just farts, burps, eats, shits.
this is the funniest negative comment I have ever heard in my life
Now, now. Historical nazis did a lot of drugs. Like, a lot a lot.
can i cuddle with you
Fucking sad.
trip on
Actually, air provides the comburent part, not the combustible.
Which one am I supposed to be?
It's not the word. It's the concept.

ooookay pal, you do you
I'd rather be the one giving the sperm than the one pooping the thing out.
Maybe I did underestimate you. I forgot you can also design load bearing bridges in MS Paint like a 3 year old.
like hrt?
vocaloid is fun...

oh, maybe I'm just a loser that wants people to understand my pain, and tend to cry when I realize it's impossible
it's a good kinda crying though, it feels good
I'm an engineer not a chemist lol.
I can't spook the prey by revealing my traps.
will you get mad if i get nervous and flinch
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>mfw texting a lil boy about pokemon
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Quid, lauren, nim and who else is me?
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Oh wow. Sounds like someone I don't wanna meet.
straightfag here, just want to say most of you come off as neurotic needy effigies of humans and I really cannot see myself having an emotional bond with you

you seem like meat. like you're fully aware of what you are and are fine with it - it's scary to me.

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oh its you
Hitler really liked his meth.
no that would be ok

we can take it slow
some day..
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Guys, I just found out that I'll be home alone from one month on, and I want to use this upcoming quality time right!

So what international/european shop sells rainbow over the knee socks and other similar cute stuff?

With discrete packaging of course, I live in a small town and the only mail agent in town is an acquaintance

Have some dank memes
It is fun!
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Bibitch here
I am a conscious meat lump
plz help
>I live in a small town and the only mail agent in town is an acquaintance
Invite him/her around for some fun!
for anyone with

>tfw no bf

try okcupid guys are tripping all over themselves to talk to me. It's a bit surreal. And for transbians girls are there too but you usually have to make the first move and they're less frequent than guys but def there. pic related
There was a History Channel special on this. I didn't take it too seriously at the time because in another programme they said that Hitler was in contact with aliens.
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>just want to say most of you come off as neurotic needy effigies of humans

so, like real girls? guess we accomplished our mission :3
I'm an engineer too. But in France, that means university level education in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, geology and geography... Plus basic knowledge in a few other supporting subjects like Law, accounting and psychology...
Well in England it means anyone who can hold a spanner lol. It's totally unregulated here.
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At least the void where my soul would be can be filled with cock.
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just like women
what about me?

>I'm an engineer not a chemist lol.
you should have a working knowledge of basic chemistry as an engineer
that cant be healthy m8
the difference is women have pussies and tits, you do not

so really only insane guys or closet fags will want you

to me you sound like "haha so what if I'm as neurotic and selfish as a real woman - a-at least I don't have what makes them desirable!
is there any greater pursuit than the search for a qt boyfriend with a nice cock?
>tfw there's a good chance you'll be alone forever
yes, you stupid whore
oh okay quad :)
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i never thought I would get this far in transition, im almost in tears, I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO repressed
a lack of effort is no excuse for not getting what you want
to figure out how to make a wax mold
sometimes i wonder if that is a bad thing or not
i probably don't have the responsibility to have a bf/gf
edie you said cock lust came in at 10 months hrt right? is that standard do you think? Is there any way to prevent it?
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"straight guy" sitting MtF chatting with us.

LOL, ok faggot.

Just know that I am more famous than you, I make more money than you, I am smarter than you, and I am transgender.
the search for a qt girlfriend with a nice cock
Talk dirty to me.
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>you seem like meat. like you're fully aware of what you are and are fine with it - it's scary to me.
Self acceptance is a valuable thing.
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How's your weeb music PhD going?
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>the difference is women have pussies and tits, you do not

wait wait: I do have both of that anon...

Actually most of us have tits. You know we grow tits with HRT right? I myself have a B cup.



i mean if you're a lesbian i guess
i dunno

i don't have any friends right now either so i might end up alone alone
You wouldn't want to meet most of the people in this thread.
Pls no I'm a pure and innocent maiden.
I don't know what came over me there
Ur cute meat tho
Silly chasers.

And the best quality too. Made in Thailand.
>tfw hrt got rid of you cocklust
He looks very good actually, but he is also younger and about 8-10cm shorter than me so no thx k
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Maybe it's my self hate speaking but that's probably what's gonna get me by in life
I'll find someone that thinks I'm cute
Marry them
Be their good little meat and in exchange get protection and support
you're right. I just need a big guy to wrestle me down and cum his bi gman meaty stick in my pooper like a good girl and feel his warmth while we cuddle..
>Ah, that first song is not available in my counter
Maybe this version will work:
Or just search for "records of lodoss war opening", there are different versions on youtube.
>What was this used it? I like it a lot, I'm curious how it was used.
I really like Händel a lot! Here is the scene from Barry Lyndon, the music starts kinda slow:
"Is he dead?" - "Quite dead!" Love these lines.
Here is another piece of Händel, I really enjoy. It consider this as my basic personal theme (, when I enter somewhere):
It is just pure royal joy without being overly pompous... or it is overly pompous and I am just literally autistic, but I don't care anyway.
>starship troopers theme
And such a good movie, too!
Since you seem to appreciate some of the softer, nature esque themes, here's a wonderful song from the FFXIV soundtrack
Quite enjoyable! Again, I like the alternation in this song, never boring.
>boss themes
These are great, but I prefer it to be a little more bombastic; Baldur's Gate comes into my mind:
Your boss themes are not as oldschool, though, and I didn't hear them over and over yet - huge advantage.
Also this bossy one:
I will regret linking this one.. I'm not really into romantic music, but this is from the old Spartacus movie and I find it highly earwormy:
I knew this channel, it's mostly chilly music for chilly moments.
>Ace Combat
Well, that really got me! The first song is totally awesome. Thank you so very much! I want to answer you, so I can't listen to the whole songs each time, but here I have to make an exception. (tbc)
>ANYWAY I'll just stop here I've overloaded you enough already x.x
Lol. No way. I'm currently downloading most of your videos for my collection.
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>i mean if you're a lesbian i guess
Not even then. I mean I exclusively only like girls but I still get cock lust for no reason time to time ;(
>every straight guy who hates traps is a chaser

this is why I loathe traps. You're all plug your ears and yell LA LA LA escapists. You CANNOT accept reality and that alone is the reason you'll never be happy in life or find a lover.

But I'm done. I'm just a chaser right? or I'm a repressed closet fag..certainly not applying over 5 years of experience in seeing how traps tick

you're empty. you fill the void in your life with cock but the kicker is you're SO empty you laugh and get a kick out of it "haha im so dead inside i superficially hunt for sex to feel wanted"

you're loathsome nothings. and dont respond cuz I'm out
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g o o d w i d e p o s t
chara is a psycho
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>tfw I'm not going to have a penis inside me for at least 3 more days
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>Tfw manly man comes to mtfg
Come on, just something to get me through the night. You know you want to.
>tfw I'm never going to have a penis inside me
There is none
Welcome to Marriage.

it's time to accept slutdom


i had to cancel on my hookup for tonight and now i'm so bored
Yeah she's entertaining.
Caught an eevee
Life is (kind of) good
t. Virgin.
>tfw i can push my own penis inside me
Why??? D:
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Goals yo
I'm actually looking to be a chemist or a software engineer. I'll dual major if I can handle it and enjoy both.

Sometimes closet trannies are the ones that come here the most to bully us because it helps them repress. You want to feel like you're better than some dumb tranny, right? There's no way you're one of _those_, right?

One showed up at work yesterday.
It was on the trash can.
>Tfw no penis inside me for 1 year at least
you've got a flexidick?
You're roughly speaking in the bottom 5% of cute for what MtFg has produced. You're right down there with Sheen and Robin. If you can find a person that isn't turned away by someone like you pretending to be cute there is hope for all of us.

there's a real bad storm over here and my power/internet keeps shutting off on top of me feeling kinda sick and weirdly emotional today lol. it's just not a good night to netflix and chill.
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w i d e.jpg
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> >6 5 8 2 0 7 1
Awwww I'm sorry bb. On a night like that I would light some candles and take a long, hot bath
I think you might be the biggest whore here which makes me sick that you're popular on here.
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I've TRIED to turn some people away and they just don't go. So, yes there is hope for you anon, I'm sure someone will love you some day.
Pls I get so shy when people talk about penises
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lol im drunk I shouldnt have posted that
>tiny peepee ftw
it just goes inside
>look that up
>find this
She's really two-faced and comically defensive if you push her on the whore thing.
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>it's time to accept slutdom
What if I already am and I just don't like boys?

Yes, Edie is AGP trash.
Same >///////<
On come on. Just a vocaroo. I know you're not really that shy animu girl.
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For my favorite sound track it would be the uncharted games

4 has such a great version of the franchise's theme


I also love hitman absolution's OST(the chanting combat themes are epic when you go from sneaky Steven to Rambo)
Un able to find the one I'm talking about but anyone who has played it knows what I mean(I hope)

And interstellar https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m3zvVGJrTP8 m
I have alot more but this is mtfg not "Natalie's favorite music"
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yeee. i might do that in a minute. i'm just watching the gilmore girls and hanging out.


ur doing it wrong


I know Grace you are a vision of beauty and your thinly veiled creeper bro personality expertly hidden with anime pics is part of your charm.

There's nothing I could possibly do to compare to your success. I'm just a normal person and I couldn't maintain that level of bullshit even for one post if I tried.
I would recommend software engineering. More jobs and more going on.
Daww that's funny
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>tfw you first hand discover skirts make it easier to pee

>tfw burning my hands
irl she actually is
Did you know that approximately half the population has penises?
That means that there is a throbbing cock stashed on half of everyone you meet?
Even moreso if you are studying in a male dominated field.
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I'm glad we have this settled
She is.
Trust me, I should know.
that sounds nice
I want to wear a long skirt and have to pull it up around me to sit on the toilet
sounds cute
I hope youre gonna bully her lovingly in my place ano
wtf I get like 4 new messagees every hour :x
Tone it down hon.
When I was trying to online date in boymode I just sent a cut and paste message to every girl in the area.
The question here is whether those with a penis in their stash want to do anything with elanna.
Reverse google search the images. :3 some guys are liars
HRT must be working. :^)
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>Tfw where is the alpha
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How do I lower my sex drive? Fapping makes me dysphoric but you know it's like a drug

Pic semi related it's looks like someone jerking if you bluryour eyes
>with a penis in their stash
i don't have a moustache

>want to do anything with elanna
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Yeah, I survived a bunch of things, but one I really didn't. My pre conversion therapy mind is forever gone. I'm different, very different than I was before.

The search for a qt gf with tits, pussy, and a masculine mind.
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>>6582067 (continuation)
excitement-music.. Sounds a little bit 80ies-ish, but in a good way. I like the female vocal voice.
You might like purcell's funeral march, it was used in Clockwork orange:
My personal victory theme:
(you have to do or think of something triumphant before getting in the mood) Again oldschool, but I like the aspect of it. It's the kind of music, that somehow does not like to stop, but go on instead..
>ANYWAY I'll just stop here I've overloaded you enough already x.x
>implying I could be overloaded
What's an overload? I-I don't experience such things.
thats goin straight into the elanna folder m8
You used to inject?
It would have been a lot better with Cena.
Still good tho.
hugg elann
Why does this thread worship trips that look shit and act shit but chase out nice people?
>having a folder on trips
which group am i in
I'll worship literally anyone.
By virtue of their superfrequent posting, this usually means I end up worshiping mean trips.
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Almost six weeks since I had my nose job and it's looking really good. I feel cuter and my face looks more feminine. Pic is before the surgery vs today
Insecurity anon. It's always deep and disturbing insecurity.
don't worry
she knows it exists
it's not like it's for questionable purposes anyway
Because most anons are fellow non passers and want to take the passers down to there level
i'm talking about my mini skirt you moron
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Can we get a profile view before and after plz?

Looks good
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This is the latest one I have but the bottom pic is from two weeks ago. I'd take a new one but I'm on the bus and it's dark now
Looks def better!

It would also be a bit easier to see the difference in a different angle though.
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I may be in that category, but I don't mean to chase anyone away desu. Gomen if I did.
going to post OST stuff
Furi is a really rad game and the soundtrack makes my ears orgasm. Especially the Carpenter Brut tracks, love his work.
Best song in any game ever. Period. I'm a sap for emotional guitar ballads and this song is fantastic and i love it.
Beautiful and relaxing. Helps me get over the pain of how terrible the new show is. At least there's a chapter this weekend though.
I have this one stuck in my head. Mostly because I'm absolutely terrible at the game and hear it a lot.
Surprisingly calm and relaxing considering what it's from. Really nice and chill though.
i absolutely fucking love this game and its music. These are definitely the best of the OST though, and i really love them. Wouldn't be the same game without them.
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Feels like a missed opportunity, notes taken :3

that second picture makes you look like my friend's sister
[spoiler]she's a qt[/spoiler]
I don't think I'm really well liked by mos too.
tfw shitposting is literally your entire life
I don't really see a real difference.
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your nose was girly to begin with though, I need my nose done, you didn't

look how fucking bad my nose is
You use that soundbit so often that I saw it coming.
Kiwi pls
Please let me put it in your belly.
I told my mom I didn't like Justine because it sounded like a cop out to try to keep me with a male name.

She told me I was sick and that justin was my name, and everyone would think its weird, and then said

"You're a 40 year old man son, do whatever the fuck you like"

>tfw son
>tfw man
>tfw my mom doesn't know how old I am and sounds like anon troll on 4chan
Deuteronomy 22:5.
You look like you just stated hormones.
Are you missing a tooth or is that just a weird pic
>Or just search for "records of lodoss war opening", there are different versions on youtube.
I liked it! Is the anime any good?
>I really like Händel a lot! Here is the scene from Barry Lyndon, the music starts kinda slow:
Ah, thank you, I wasn't sure what kind of mood it would fit and there we go
>Here is another piece of Händel, I really enjoy. It consider this as my basic personal theme (, when I enter somewhere):
Quite the cheerful and proud theme, it's good~
>And such a good movie, too!
It was, but far too gory for me
>These are great, but I prefer it to be a little more bombastic; Baldur's Gate comes into my mind:
Bombastic is right, this is a rather powerful one
>Also this bossy one:
This one is definitely more my taste
>I will regret linking this one.. I'm not really into romantic music, but this is from the old Spartacus movie and I find it highly earwormy:
This is very lovely, I need to take someone on a date to this music lol
>I knew this channel, it's mostly chilly music for chilly moments.
Ah darnit! Ah well, I'll find more new stuff for ya~
>Well, that really got me! The first song is totally awesome. Thank you so very much! I want to answer you, so I can't listen to the whole songs each time, but here I have to make an exception.
I could go on about Ace Combat all day, those games were my childhood so everything has a nostalgia factor plus the memory of flying around doing awesome fighter jet stuff when I listen to them
>Lol. No way. I'm currently downloading most of your videos for my collection.
Are you like, doing Youtube to MP3?
>excitement-music.. Sounds a little bit 80ies-ish, but in a good way. I like the female vocal voice.
PSG's soundtrack is very upbeat and excitement oriented
>You might like purcell's funeral march, it was used in Clockwork orange:
First impression is it's very haunting and somber, it's good though.
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>tfw needed to pee when wearing an 18th century court gown.

Yep. I never shot up in the shooting galleries, but I did often share needles with Gia.
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hail satan, enjoy your stay faggot
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You need braces
Your stories get more stupid as time goes on.
What are your qualifications anon?
The bridge is sloped slightly now and the tip has been tilted up
>jew rules mattering to christfags
Sola scriptura prodde detected.
I look like shit, I know this

missing two teeth genetically, both laterals never were there :(
Interesting. So how did you get into modeling? What was it like? Why the drugs?
Matthew 7:1
I think you should take a deep look at yourself and think, "Is this really the best version of myself I could be?".
too real, edie
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Jesus Christ was a transexual power bottom. He was also the biggest SJW in existence.

Nothing made his tight brown hole water more than when Satan pressed his thick red cock against it.
Genesis 15:9
At least you didn't get a pig nose done like Angie.
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>missing two teeth genetically, both laterals never were there :(
Aww are you ever going to get some synthetic teeth to take their place or is the cost just not worth it to you?
SICP 5.1.2
Ezekiel 23:20
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I think you should take a deep look at yourself and think, "Is this really the best version of myself I could be?".


lmao whenever i see pics that could fit me or the other girls in here i scream irl

Every single thing I've ever heard you type is so egocentric, vapid, and devoid of any value. It's unbelievable. Continue your existence of frantically trying to fill the emptiness inside yourself through devaluing yourself for men.
Song of Solomon 8:10
Ezekiel 25:17
What's stupid about it she's furiously angry I won't keep my male name and she tried to guilt me into it rather then use a name I've gone by full time for a year, part time for 2

I don't know how to cope with that
Proverbs 21:19
"It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman"
Clearly I need to start expanding my library of audio memes ;-;
Like I said before, I never knew the old you. I'm into who you are now, not her. And yes, when I'm reading from you, it's not hard to see the difference. I'm just hoping you'll be able to truly feel someday that in spite of that difference, you're amazing now too. And quite alive. There is a lot I have lost too, and a lot I've gained. Letting bygones be bygones isn't easy, but I can't help feel it's definitely needed to have a future.
The bible isn't real guys

why do the people here take me so seriously lmao
why do you type like that
>tfw I was the kid who used to move the bibles to the fiction section in the school library
I was pretty euphoric
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Got to admit it's the one thing about your face that could really benefit from a change, yeah.
Of course I want them but I can't afford it
ha, edgy
I like fucking with the ones in suits
i wanna kiss kaylas eyelids!
Don't you constantly say you are exactly what you portray on 4chan
totally teen me lol
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I've always called girls guys and dudes
idk why
I'm going to marry Nim! I will kill anyone else that tries to stop me!

why do i type the exact same way you do...?


even if that were true you'd have to be extremely autistic to get as bothered as you do by anything that i say
I had a crush on jesus when I was little
The school chaplain’s reaction was hilarious in hindsight.
Romans 13:10

Matthew 7:1-6
I can Bible verse too
And this is why HL3 is still vaporware... Priorities.
What did they tell you? That's fucking awesome

You are arguing with a different anon. I posted: >>6582255

Check the digits too.

>to get as bothered as you do
I'm not bothered by what you say. I'm just sad you are beyond repair. I fully expect you to end yourself in a few years if you are incapable of finding value inside yourself other than being a fuck toy.
All you do is blog about all the guys you fuck and what they bought you
>tfw you used to insert as Alyx when playing HL2
>Matthew 7:1-6
>3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
why is the bible so repetitive lol
What makes you think Christ died for nothing? Either you're Jewish or a terrible Christian. If the former is true then, JIDF pls go.
Sorry you didn't get any replies anon, that's really shitty D: can't you complain to someone?
this is like me trying to help people with transitioning but being too spooked to do it myself
I'm quid now.
>>tfw you used to insert as Alyx when playing HL2
quit making me like you


i guess i just don't understand why you'd feel personally invested in anything i say if you're "sad for me" or whatever. like filter me if you don't like what i say. i've had shakira filtered for example for weeks. it's that easy.
y-you are?
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>(you have to do or think of something triumphant before getting in the mood) Again oldschool, but I like the aspect of it. It's the kind of music, that somehow does not like to stop, but go on instead..
I love the oldschool movie soundtrack feel, you don't hear music like that made anymore and it's sad
>What's an overload? I-I don't experience such things.
Seems not, you're keeping up with me~
Time to fire more recommendations at ya
Endless Legend is a fantasy 4x strategy game and has a beautiful, soothing soundtrack that keeps your ears from getting bored as you play for hours.
This one is the full soundtrack of Red Dead Redemption, it had some great atmospheric tracks along with the songs at the end that came into play at juuuuuuuust the right moment in the game, like Far Away, which plays while you're riding into Mexico on horseback. One of my favorite moments in gaming desu.
Yes I'm actually posting a COD song, one of the things I remember the most about All Ghilled Up was the soundtrack, which is very calm but haunting and has a weird sense of urgency to it.
While I'm talking about old FPS games, here's a couple BC2 tracks
Oh here's a romance song for ya as well
I remember like marathoning the whole show with my best friend during a sleepover one night
Or maybe we didnt fininsh it but still, good times
Your turn! Or post, or whatever, I've taken too long on this one
this is me trying to convince people not to self harm

altho desu I'm doing pretty good with the whole taking the plank out of my eye so far

I've been feeling more masculine lately from all the fighting games I've been playing. Woo repression.
> filter me if you don't like what i say

It's hard to look away from a train wreck in progress.
To his credit he played it down.
He certainly knew though.
There is a like whereby you cross devout christianity and start entering "jesus fetishism".
Probably about the point where you tell people that Jesus is gonna marry you.
>Tfw birth name is quid
I hate the taste of shit
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I am in love with this picture and Idk why.
thank you tea-anon.
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omg top kek
they were trying to increase their word count so they could go back to being peasants instead of being tormented by god to write some book

it'd prob be a lot easier if you had a life or anything else to preoccupy yourself with.
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Preach it gurl!
Yes. You are no longer required.
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Bcuz ur agp
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how dare you filter pajeeta my daughter
sorry D:

does it trigger you to see my posts
>birth name is quid
You bitch. I'm not the one who gives a shit about your lifestyle, in-fact I remember asking you how to attain your lifestyle because it looks fun and you make money for doing nothing. I am merely pointing out to you that it is vapid because I don't know why you're denying this. Whether it's a bad lifestyle or not is another story but you are certainly a vapid bimbo Stacey.

However the thing is while I'd love to try your lifestyle The difference between me and you is that I'd never blog about it on /mtfg/ That annoys people.
im quid too
a straight post op is literally the opposite of AGP.
No im quid
oh... will you do a better job?
I'm way more quid than you
i really like juniper and quid and kiwi and carol and lizzy and am and elanna and joan and chara
>the bible
ALL I NEED IS stallman.org MATE

Book of Stallman uber.html:155
'Uber pays drivers peanuts; we should call it "Goober."'
je suis quid
I will make sure my name is etched in the annals of history.
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>normie "str8" cis ppl keep telling me I'm pretty
>surprised when I say I'm trans

d-does this mean I'm finally staring to pass? is the hrt meme magic working?
Maybe all the diaper wearing trannies here would find this interesting.


i blocked her after she made that tier list and told amy that she didn't have a right to be depressed and that her psychological issues were made up for attention.


i don't think anyone here genuinely cares about the well-being of those who blog here regardless. which everyone does. blog, i mean. so why on earth would you give a shit if what you say pleases people?
i really really really really don't like this meme
release date: 1997
how I started modeling, I reached for a box of strobe tubes at precisely the right time and place. I was an assistant photographer at Scavullo's studio. One day a model called in sick. At the time I was setting up the strobes with a couple other assistants. A strobe tube was bad so I went for the spares. It was on a shelf above the phone. This was back in land line phone days. I reached up and grabbed it. The designer was on the phone with a model agency trying to get a replacement when I got the box down. She saw that I had excellent lines, etc.. She interrupted her call, and asked me to model. Took a bit of cajoling and negotiating, and I eventually said yes. I was +/- a month of my 14th b-day when that happened. We were doing spring clothes for catalogs or ads that day.

What was it like: Interesting, boring, easy, exciting, cold, wet, nerveracking, embarrassing, painful, itchy, and tiring. Glamorous, absolutely not. First time I modeled they gave me a full body shave, fingernails and toenails manicured, eyebrows tweezed, false lashes, and I had makeup covering almost everything above my waist. Freckles not allowed. I basically had a full beauty makeover, and it only took an hour for them to do it. Oh, my face was shaved and makeup reapplied twice during the day. BTW, they knew they were turning a teen boy into a woman. They even used a couple sets of add a cups to give me breasts.

Drugs, I was fucked up. I already had PTSD and was already using alcohol to deaden the feels.
Even though you could throw me off a cliff I think your pretty cute.
I dont care cuddling anyway with those eyes c:
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I had a dream where I got SRS
It was fucking amazing after in the dream
>Tfw it was only a dream
>Tfw I know deep down that I won't make it that far
Let's hope I can pass and be happy with HRT and minor FFS
be careful I heard when southern American men find out their gf is trans sometimes they kill them. Very high black trans murder rate in the south I've heard
Fucking hell that was centuries ago. Talk about grudge. Have I done anything to you since?
Would you rather eat a shit filled twinkie or twinkie filled shit?
Uber is a proprietary service
I agree with you about Shakira, these threads have been so bad that I actually had to filter her, like.. wow even when PotC was around I didn't filter.

anyway hai edie, I was eating corn earlier and thought of you cause my mom grilled some and I visited her and we were speaking spanish (something I hardly get the chance to do now)

it was yummy
I love this kind of stuff thank you

How's that any worse than all trannies being camwhores?

IRL SRS (aka "the axewound") will never be like your fantasy fake vagina.
This is why I plan on avoiding dating the product of incest
omg... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

ty I really like you too ><


Ceci n'est pas une quid!

w-will you headpat anyone that needs it?
>Nobody will ever love you again in your life because from this point on you are nothing but a disgusting Franken-person, a man who is desperately trying to be a woman and failing miserably

why am i even still alive

i mean god knows i'd probably still be this miserable even if i was born biologically a female

but at least i'd have one less thing to be miserable about, desu
>told amy that she didn't have a right to be depressed and that her psychological issues were made up for attention
o-oh i actually do remember that
Shakira made a tier list?

wow, dropped.
>IRL SRS (aka "the axewound") will never be like your fantasy fake vagina.

hi chaser :3
I will crush my enemies with an iron fist.
>Ceci n'est pas une quid!

je ne parle pas canadien
It was one of her first 10 posts and she said "I know I'm making enemies by posting this on my first day here but whatever" lol.

Though she didn't actually make a tier list, instead she marked who passed and who didn't on another tier list and posted it.
If you were born female you'd probably be a FTM

>You will never get to experience what it's like to be a young teenage girl coming to terms with herself as a woman and the feelings she has for other girls, nor will you get to experience all of the pain, all of the joy, all of the misery, and all of the happiness that comes with this.

Ok, test time:

Who are those enemies you will crush with an iron fist?
>she marked who passed and who didn't
>most non passing trip decides who passes and who doesn't

Be stubborn.

So true... The outside views you, therapist, shrink, and friends have had has helped me a lot.

They look up to you as a success.
knowing my luck that's probably true, desu
>Though she didn't actually make a tier list, instead she marked who passed and who didn't on another tier list and posted it.
Oh. That's not quite as bad, but still
i made a tier list back in the day
mind you, everyone was in the "would cuddle if they wanted to" tier
1-10. Kuroneko
1. Me
2. Me
3. Me
4. Me again
5. Red
6. Dy-lon
7. Dy-lon
8. Dy-lon
9. And Dy-lon
10. Because he spits hot fire, mon
kuroneko it a slut bucket for daddies cummies disgusting
anon has gotta be like top five
I will inevitably destroy all trips and become the only trip on this general.
1. Cyba
2. Cyba
3. Cyba
4. Cyba
5. Cyba
6. Cyba
7. Cyba
8. Cyba
9. Cyba
10. Cyba
On the other hand, no periods
I'm a paragon of purity

i don't filter people because i have a grudge or because i hate them or whatever. i do it to improve my browsing experience.
you told me like a week ago that you had me filtered anyways. stop being an idiot lmao
not everyone has to read what you say if they don't want to. filtering people is amazingly easy. i invite anyone who dislikes me to do so.


d'aw that sounds nice. do you usually eat food with your mom? i miss eating with mine.


Awwwwww anon c:


Chasers. Chasers was the right answer, I would have given you my blessing and given up the name of quid forever. You blew it missy

i would gladly take periods if it meant i could experience female/lesbian socialization
I was not asking for your blessing. I am quid now. Stand down and I will destroy you.
Why are chasers bad?
I'm a chaser ;_;
cyba is retarded
what does it take to become an /mtfg/ triptranny?

i wanna join the koolkidsklub

>fetishizing somebody's transgender status instead of just liking/being attracted to them for who they are

you should know, anon

i'm the nicest trip here you fucking bitch
>implying i am attracted to transpeople
It's just a way of staying here without being told to transition desu
Going out with a transperson would trigger me to the max
I found edies trip

yeah desu but how do i get famous and get embroiled in triptranny drama?
That's not a list of five you dumb cunt.
Nah, my parents just decided to grill some stuff since it was a nice day and there was a crazy sale like... 8 ears for a 1 dollar. She hit me up to visit and we were just chatting outside eating, it was great, I just remembered you said you were half mexican (I'm full) and I was like.. I wonder if you would like eating grilled corn idk lmao.
It's nice, more of my family is moving closer to me so I expect our holiday dinners to be massive like way back in the day.

also yeah it's fucking hilariously easy to filter, shakira even asked how so I immediately knew how new she was.
mufuggin highlight and press F, no respects given though.
New thread image limit
Wait so if I stand down you'll destroy me? I think I'll continue then ty :3

cause you fetishize trans girls and stuff but I'm too tired to do the whole spiel and I'm on my phone

that is cyba lol

just pick a name and start cuteposting and shitposting! :3

ty anon good anon ilu

Lmfao what the fuck are you talking about

slightly old news desu
Post a lot
Date people
Act nice and cute and never take sides in anything
Unless you want the drama then date people and offend everyone
you actually are very nice until someone gets on your bad side. at least on here you are
1. Post pics of yourself until you are recognizable
2. Start skyping with other trips
3. Go full transbian
4. Make a post declaring you are leaving /mtfg/ forever
5. Come back every week anyways
The drama will come naturally just hang around for a while

that's my ex's trip lol


you can eat my fucking ass if you don't like it


i like eating wit family but honestly i never liked eating corn c: my family is kinda white washed as well if i'm bein real.
and tru af. let us move to the new thread anon frand.


ik i'm jk most of the time lol
get on skype bb
>I liked it! Is the anime any good?
Well, I don't think so exactly. It's interesting for people, who like dungeons and dragons role playing games or pen and paper role playing games - never did p&p, though, only d&d computer games. The anime is comfy then and extraordinary nostalgic.
>Ah, thank you, I wasn't sure what kind of mood it would fit and there we go
It fits to different moods in my opinion. Shooting each other in a duel is only one of them, but a totally legit one.
>This one is definitely more my taste
I thought so, haha!
>This is very lovely, I need to take someone on a date to this music lol
I laughed so hard reading this.
But seriously... there was a night I really had the feels and I listened to this song continuously for.. hours. Thanks god, I am anon here, so I can admit that. I watched these old sword and sandal films with my grandpa, when I was little, because I didn't like to watch soccer or F1 with my father.
>I love the oldschool movie soundtrack feel, you don't hear music like that made anymore and it's sad
Y-you do? I'm so happy you feel that way. I miss these things so much. It's like the spirit of this music died, it was so plain, simple, but yet emotional. You get the feeling immediately. There are no good historic movies anymore... seriously.
>I could go on about Ace Combat all day, those games were my childhood so everything has a nostalgia factor plus the memory of flying around doing awesome fighter jet stuff when I listen to them
Why don't I even know Ace Combat?! What is wrong with me?! My older brother was the one giving me all the games in my childhood, he is responsible for me not knowing these games!
>Are you like, doing Youtube to MP3?
Yes. I try to get my favourite songs as .flac, because it usually means higher quality.
>another psg soundtrack
This time it's.. disco like. I like it.

>>6582515 (continuation)
I can't post pictures anymore... I'm so sad...

>First impression is it's very haunting and somber, it's good though.
"Haunting" and "somber". That is so... me! [insert lunatic laugh here]
>Seems not, you're keeping up with me~ Time to fire more recommendations at ya
Fire at will.
>Endless legend
If you fire more of that, please shoot me to death (with more of it), okay? It sounds enthusiastic, yet definiately gets me in a strategy mood.
The second song is less strategy-like and quite sorrowful in the beginning, but gets even more enthusiastic.
>Fallout & Borderlands
Nah, why haven't I thought of that? But you won't get me out of ammo so quickly... no you won't!
"Welcome to Fyrestone" sounds so desert-western-like.. best listend to on a hot summer day.
>Red Dead Redemption
I can't listen to the whole track now, but I can understand, why the Borderlands music brought you there. I need more time to actually get the full experience of this, though.
One of my favourite movies is "High Noon" btw:
It's normally not the type of music I listen to, but it goes so well along with this movie, that I just have to like it.
>COD ost - Alll Ghillied Up
Hauting and somber.
The last Battlefield I played was Battlefield 2. But the music is still battlefield-like, if that makes any sense!
>The romance song
For me it feels more like a happy song. I can't really relate.. but maybe it's the guy in the video, that drives me away from that song.
Reminds me of another anime song:
At first I found this song to be annoying as hell, but after some time I liked it.

>First impression is it's very haunting and somber, it's good though.
"Haunting" and "somber". That is so... me! [insert lunatic laugh here]
>Seems not, you're keeping up with me~ Time to fire more recommendations at ya
Fire at will.
>Endless legend
If you fire more of that, please shoot me to death (with more of it), okay? It sounds enthusiastic, yet definiately gets me in a strategy mood.
The second song is less strategy-like and quite sorrowful in the beginning, but gets even more enthusiastic.
>Fallout & Borderlands
Nah, why haven't I thought of that? But you won't get me out of ammo so quickly... no you won't!
"Welcome to Fyrestone" sounds so desert-western-like.. best listend to on a hot summer day.
>Red Dead Redemption
I can't listen to the whole track now, but I can understand, why the Borderlands music brought you there. I need more time to actually get the full experience of this, though.
One of my favourite movies is "High Noon" btw:
It's normally not the type of music I listen to, but it goes so well along with this movie, that I just have to like it.
>COD ost - Alll Ghillied Up
Hauting and somber.
The last Battlefield I played was Battlefield 2. But the music is still battlefield-like, if that makes any sense!
>The romance song
For me it feels more like a happy song. I can't really relate.. but maybe it's the guy in the video, that drives me away from that song.
Reminds me of another anime song:
At first I found this song to be annoying as hell, but after some time I liked it.

As for love songs... there are sad songs about love, I really like. And since you agree with me, that old music can still be very good, I fire this at you:
The first commentator on youtube posted the translation of the lyrics ("if I were too happy
I'd long for being sad"... this the saddest thing ever).
Back to vidya:
For me this is the ultimate construction/decampment theme! The best thing about terrans in starcraft was this soundtrack, I think.
This is also a very nice ost.. the flute is so sweet and yet powerful:
Aah, why didn't I think of it before? This is great chill-out music:
Also this:
It's not from a movie, though.
Hunt for Red October also has one of the greatest music ever made for a movie:

Now... tell me, what 'ya think! (..please. and don't forget to feed me.)
Hey so I'm kinda distracted, wanna add me on skype or something and continue later?
O-okay, no problem.
But how can we exchange skype names here?!
There ya go, add me up
New thread?
>Date people
like date people over skype? or will you come visit me and let me pet your hair after doing your makeup.
Edie i love you!! (!-!)
i mean i'd love to visit someone i date
I'm horny and you are a qt
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