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MTFG /mtfg/ translady general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 689
Thread images: 149

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▶ Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶ Trans Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
▶ Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶ Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶ Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶ Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶ HRT info: https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000 http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶ Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶ IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
▶ Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968
▶ Discord: https://discord.gg/0jCp5pochww4UBCv
▶ How your camera lies: https://i.imgur.com/gIs4gUF.jpg
ur mother
I do upper eyelash mascara and 1/2 lower waterline eyeliner for my hooded bastardS.

Eye-shadow is dependent on eye/hair/complexion color

I can't stand this edge
no, because if that happens, I *am* going to kill myself

(please note, soon on a relative scale may be up to 5 years)
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no hrt for you Mr Edgar
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>tfw want to buy clothes but need to lose weight first or it would be a waste of money
>tfw want to buy glasses but dunno what fits my face
I hope you log off of your life
It's time to move on, Edgar. Swallow some pimozide, leave this board forever and do something productive with your autism.
the consultant psychologist I mentioned my sexual deviancy to didn't seem to think it made me less trutrans desu
You'll fail and your dad will tie you up the garage and feed you test and cut off your breasts
Titch, you really are an an inspiration. Especially for just being 8 months or so. I think a nose job would definitely help me as well; I hate my bump.
Unfortunately I have other procedures and crap to put money towards first...
Maybe in a year or so.

I'm almost hoping I'm happy enough with myself after a year I leave my honker as is but I'm doubting it.

Out of curiosity, have you ever taken a side picture of your face?
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>image limit


super thin liner, light colors, pearlescent finishes, highlighted inner corner and below the arch, eyelash curler, outward blendblendblending.


i get that :/ i mean don't you think you could accomplish that by being above double digits tho?


nah I'd rather bash my head against the wall til my skull breaks tbqh famalam
oops didn't see new thread
>>6204827 #
>i literally ate an entire laaaarge buffalo chicken pizza in one sitting the other day
omgg I would get too full when I tried that. I can do like half of a large before I literally can't fit more food in my stomach lol

idk honestly. I'm up to 130 right now, but I'm 5'4" so it's really bad I think. I think I want to go to like 105 or maybe a little less. I'd love to get into double digits but I think that might be danger territory even at my height

the big thing for me is like.. I used to be a pretty competitive swimmer in high school, so I was really muscular. like 150 lb and really low body fat. and after going to college I felt huge and gross so that's when I was anorexic for the first time. luckily my roommate caught it after a couple months and helped me get over that and I've been pretty constant at 130 ever since. but it didn't get rid of all that musculature and neither has spiro so I still look pretty big. and like lots of clothes don't fit my thunder thighs and big arms (uniqlo with their midget japs I swear). so that's what I want to fix. idk what number I need to go for tho
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werk it or ill ravage you
nth for i still haven't figured out how to smile without being self conscious

I'm the only one not smiling in this picture ><
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thank you girls !!
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I was about to post this picture 4 u :3

sorry for crossposting
>but I'm 5'4" so it's really bad I think. I think I want to go to like 105 or maybe a little less. I'd love to get into double digits but I think that might be danger territory even at my height

Idk, the lowest I was at was like 104/5 or something and I am 5'8. at some point it stops looking though
Your arms are so foreward
You won't have a choice you autist. Your dad already knows. He's just waiting for his chance to grab you
ok I need to do that refresh thing before I post lmfao

and yea I mean I'm sure I could. I'd just love to be able to say I was double digits of weight lol. I want to look like a thinspo girl desu
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Waiting sucks ;_;
especially when no vidya
You really should be more self-conscious.
Awwhohoho look at this angel. You so cute red
>those man arms
Wait, why are you wearing a dress? Are you a girl again?

Fuck. I miss a few episodes of my soap and Red's flopped genders again. Is Kayla still nice?
>love to get into double digits
is it possible to get into double digits if i'm 5'10. my lowest has been like 110. idk how to get any lower though, i already rarely eat and use what energy i have to do cardio. but i'm worried its not possible. i feel like such a fatty at 110 though :(
fuck. My shrink said he doesnt know how to handle the issue of gender dysphoria and wants me to go to a specialist. What do i tell the new person? how do i begin? im fucking terrified of talking about this, especially with a complete stranger, and specificly cause polish gender therapists are not the most accepting/nice.

is there even a point in going to a gender therapist? ik i want to transition, i just want to use them to break it to my mom with somone else in the room, who can mediate. Ill be self medding anyway because polish law essentially doesnt allow hrt.

spooked ;-; that stuff belongs on /x/!!
>Idk, the lowest I was at was like 104/5 or something and I am 5'8. at some point it stops looking though
to be honest as long as I look good clothed I don't mind looking gross naked. but yea I know what you mean. I have to be careful is all

me neither desu. and I'm a compulsive smiled so I think I just scare people all the time
that girl on the right is TALL
you don't understand, without coming out or whatever they will stall you and make your transition an even bigger nightmare. i'm saying these things to make it easier for you. change your name, get a job after uni, come out to your family, then cut them off forever if you have to idk.

Gendercare is a private service, a psych first appointment is £250, endo is the same. further appointments are half that. they also have a voice therapist there. private srs in the uk is £12k. you'll have to pay full whack for your scripts too.

just suck it up senpai
My shrink tried to talk me out of ffs b/c she doesn't think changing your outer appearance is half of transition
this is from a while ago....
I still like wearing feminine clothes
well, compared to my sister's arms to the right whose the same height as me, my arms are a little bit less thick
You're really sweet beep~!
you should probably try to contact nikky/ffs-anon, shes polish
That "girl" is tall because it's kaylee the hon
You're implying cis girls can never be that tall
have you seen pictures of kaylee?
she's 5'6
that's my sorority sister
wouldnt recommend, being critically underweight isnt smart unless you dont mind organ damage and stuff. I also wanna go to double digits but my bf wont let me ._.

yus, especially if you have an active life, and avoid overly hot showers or you might seriously hurt yourself
who's the man in the middle?
my neighbor growing up is like 6'4" and she's cis
also if that girl is trans she is definitely not a hon, just tall
Sophie I want to lick your neopuss

get out
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I went to Asda to buy bathroom scales

Wore by chastity device and sissy panties on the way there, it didn't affect my journey adversely

This was my first time outside since last Monday (when I signed on)

All was going to well until I spotted a few kids leaving the local sixth form, skinny pakis, was quite jealous of how they would have an easier time of transitioning.
Later a moderately attractive skinny white girl appeared, I had to change my trajectory to avoid walking into her
She really was quite pretty, a rarity in this town, a skinny white girl is hard enough to spot, never mind one that's not hideous
Felt like she thought I was a creep

Lot of pakis in headscarves, wasn't like this when I was growing up

I found the bathroom section in Asda quickly, had to walk past the clothing section to get there, felt people were eyeing me suspiciously but that might just have been because I had my hood up
There was only one kind of scale for sale, it was made of glass, electric, quite stylish

cost 10 quid
Nice to see the workforce in this store is much more diverse than I remember

The trip home was more stressful
I forgot to bring a bag so had to carry the scales with my hand
There was a large group of students gathers at a point I needed to walk through and for sometime I had to walk alongside them too
Felt out of place
Saw a really skinny girl with her bf, very jealous!

Started to sweat a bit when I got to the homestraight

Anyway, I weighted myself, turns out I'm 12.75 stone (178.5 lbs), that's over a stone heavier than I last remember being (I was wearing all my clothes and metal chastity device while weighing myself so the figure is probably high but it will feel good to create the illusion I have lost weight so quickly)
>get a job after uni, come out to your family, then cut them off forever if you have to
kinda the plan anyway

changing name feels like a step way too far when idek if I'm going to end up able to go girlmode yet but I guess at least Robin is a relatively andro name
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i called the clinic.
they said they'd call me back in a couple of hours to set up my appointment for tomorrow.
this is so exciting
Bridal party!!!!!!!

How tall is Kaylee? Not cool calling her a hon >:(
You deserve to be gassed in a literal oven with food in it
she's 5'9" and she's cute as fuck... I miss her so much ;_;
> being this cute
Really need to stop letting myself get jealous. Great pic, and it'll be even better when your smiles come easy.

And good morning mtfg! Unpacking progresses. Books, games, cosmetics, kitchenware, and most personal maintenance supplies located (the Rogaine is missing and it's disturbing me). We had Vietnamese for lunch, and pizza for dinner. It's good to have roomies to chat with while unpacking. I made more progress in 24 hours than I made in a month at the old place.
>and avoid overly hot showers
I've heard this is bad from my friend who is double digits. she's like 5'1 and 80some pounds and says she can't take baths because she's afraid she will faint and drown
your bf is smart btw. as much I'm talking about unhealthy weight loss it's really bad to go that low
w-wow, thanks I guess?

I wish someone would do that.
>gassing in an oven
that sounds... weird.
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>Wore by chastity device and sissy panties on the way there, it didn't affect my journey adversely
>I also wanna go to double digits but
how even do you stop eating, if i miss a meal, like, my tummy grumbles till it gets food >,<
good morning~
Holy shit, commit suicide. We don't need anymore Edgars around here.
over time you actually start to like the hunger pangs. and desu I feel more productive when I'm hungry
Why are people nicer to me on days that I haven't shaved?
It's gross and I want my facial hair to go and stay go
But I can't afford laser at the moment
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good morning /mtfg/, how do i stop being the blanket burrito

I really hate being fooled by anon. What happened to Kaylee?

How tall are you Red? you look beautiful in that pic, BTW.

forgot to post our pic in last reply!!!! :(
>more productive when I'm hungry
hmmm this is a good idea, maybe i should stop eating too. i'm like 5'10'' 140 right now. i could lose tons of weight and be way prettier then.
>w-wow, thanks I guess?
I hope your boyfriend does it everyday at least.
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just for you
There's a lot of weird truth to this.
I intentionally skip breakfast or eat really, really light if I have a test that day.
It feels like the hunger pain keeps me more alert.
She's living in SF now...
I'm seeing her in july....
I miss her so much

really tall....
Uuugh. Can anons stop the hon meme. It's become so unfunny and bland.

Girl is tall
Girl has a prominent chin
Girl is a little chubby
Girl is not on hrt yet
Girl doesn't look like a man at all but has a slightly unaeathetic feature

Fuuuuck it's so exhausting to read. The self-deprecating you guys put yourself under is annoying as well. Y'all look fine, god.
apparently it's like an animal instinct actually, being more productive when hungry. I do more work in the morning before lunch than I do after despite posting on 4chan between lines of code lol
You're the best <3
Just as I thought: just pretty as from the front.
If I looked fine, then people wouldn't be pointing out my masculine features all the time irl
yea animal instinct at play there. a hungry dog is a busy dog or whatever. >>6204981
maybe i'll just try like a 3 or 4 day fast, till the end of this week? whats the best way to start.
i want daddies cummies!!!!!
men please leave
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don't come back here
Are you still dating Aife? Also you are so fucking cute.
Idk, Ive never really felt hunger. I can just not eat and not even notice for a day or two, after that I just start getting weaker.

th-thats private anon.
You first, sir
TFW dysphoric as fuck
TFW want to only slam beer and drown in a lake
>furfag telling anyone else to leave
You're just as bad.
do you just never go outside? hons arent a meme they are the norm and the sad reality of why we cant have nice things

if youre not on hrt youre a man like lets be real you sound stupid and like you belong on reddit

hons...no shame
>notice for a day or two,
i used to be like that i'd go like 3 or 4 days without eating. now that i eat more often i'm like a pig eating 3 times every day sometimes, more.
i'll hold you close~
If he doesn't you deserve someone who does.
no nice things ever
7 months together. i think i'm gonna be moving in with her around Thanksgiving time. we're gonna get married. shes my Aife wife
regardless, i think the character placement is still appropriate
I'll probably spazz out and cry for two hours while screaming about everything manly about me.
I'll soak your shirt in tears
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>current year
>sperging about furries and calling them furfags
>and drown in a lake
not as easy as it sounds
Who /virgin/ here?

>Not eating feels good

I wish!!! the only thing I feel when I don't eat is wanting to constantly vomit. Do you keep hydrated or something like that or are like full blown gurus not eating and drinking anything on days?

Wow, you must be awesomely proportioned because you don't look tall at all in your pics.

very jelly
threadly reminder that if you're over 5'10" you will never pass as anything but a man.
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>tfw other people have turned their lives around in the time it's taken for me to do fuck all
>tfw everyone else is moving on to the things they've always dreamed of while I'm still a failure of a person in all regards
getting out of bed was a mistake
Robin is disgusting.
I'll share what i think is masculine about myself too.....
It is when you're waaaay to drunk to swim.
Just get hammered and dive as deep as possible before your breath gives out
I'm totally not showing up to work without a long-sleeve under my uniform to hide my scars on purpose today

I totally don't want to be fired from this place because that would be AWFUL :^)
drown yourself edgar!
:( you'll probably just give me dysphoria
hi mtfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is way thin tho
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he doesnt, but thats cause he doesnt want me to be sad. he would though. I am just really weird.
>tfw you will never watch edgar get beaten to death by pakis
no shit senpai

true, I don't drink, never thought of that
drowning's meant to be particularly agonising anyway though, why that method?
i am
>passing anything but a man
yes please! one man for passing inside me :D
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me too
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if it makes you feel any better im one of the older people here and i didnt start getting my shit together until very recently and I feel so far behind with my friends with everything but we catch up eventually
i don't want to do that...
don't tho :(
You don't like it?
B/c you'd be too uncoordinated and out of focus to swim back up with no air in your lungs.
Swimming drunk is fun but once underwater, its difficult to tell which way is up
I just can't see how it's gonna work out for me
The first month on spiro and estradiol I noticed almost no effects. I had less erections and seemed less oily. That was about it.

Second month, after a 1 month in check-in I got my next dosage. My pills look physically different and the label on the pill bottle warns that they look different but they're the same medication. 4 days in and I'm definitely urinating more frequently and getting light headed easier. Also I didn't notice any mint smell or taste in the first month's but it's prominent in the second's. I understand they had different manufacturers

I looked up the first one to see what others would find if they found one and looked it up. It said it was legit but maybe it was a fake? Can they do that ethically? I'm pretty sure I'm crazy to actually believe somehow I've been given a fake pill my first month.

First one was Spironolactone hydrochloride, AN 514: http://www.drugs.com/imprints/an-514-16307.html

Second month's was just spironolactone: http://www.drugs.com/imprints/tl-217-22085.html
It wont.
noone has ever given me a (You) when i admitted to being /virgin/ gaaaahhh
You're slim & pretty...
You telling me your insecurities wouldn't make me dysphoric.. Your presence would
Kayla 2 pls
but I can't swim down hard enough, that's exactly the problem
I'm not angry at people who have it better than me though
kayla attacks people for it
it's not their fault I was born such a fuckup
Is this a joke
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It's not going to. Just drown yourself now while you can.
idk if fasting is the best idea. I just skip breakfast most days but that's more because there's no good breakfast food imo. I used to fast but I think there's diminishing returns on the productivity gains from hunger so I try to eat at least once a day

>I can just not eat and not even notice for a day or two, after that I just start getting weaker.
this. except I got the shakes before I got too much weakness

I only drink water. and black coffee. coffee helps segue into fasting/ano imo because it kills appetite
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umm ._.;;

idk what you mean by that ._.
I think I did lewd things with you
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I say the same things myself but I'm going to tell you the same canned bullshit people tell me that ends up becoming true... you just gotta be patient and wait your chances eventually come around this does actually happen and you have to work your ass off and make sure not to talk all your friends away from you from being depressed
Should I get moistener for me or women?
drowning is entirely peaceful, much like freezing to death. you feel warm and comfortable and eventually just accept your fate and relax. its like an exit bag with free drink included.

hanging, overdoses on certain pills, cutting veins (lol who does that), and poisoning with household chemicals (aka the more common methods) are always more painful and easy to fuck up, and leave you fucked up afterwards if you survive. i've had a crick in my neck since 2012 after killing myself by hanging senpai. you don't even know suffering
Yes you can. Just get as far as possible
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Its connected to something that happened a long time ago that left a few mental scars.
Id rather not get into this more though
I hate phones

get it for you :^)
it doesn't matter unless you care about scent honestly. most of the best moisturizers aren't gendered tho. that's like pink tax bs
I dont know what you meant with the (You)

yes and it was some of the best lewds i had... I miss your pets and I cant wait to see you again
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oh i just meant that i am also a virgin... o.o
You be you Phien-chan. Your past is your own. While I'm not afraid, or upset by my own, I don't expect that from anyone else. I'm still proud of you.

Hush you. Now is neither the time or the place to test my patience.
Drowning is actually quite painful
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>that is way thin tho
this is thin?!?!?! i have muffin top, i could lose like 30 lbs and still not be thin
post unedited one pls
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obviously, it's wrong for me to think, "hey sometimes cartoon animals (who crossdress) can be cute".
rest assured i'm not gonna be taking it any further than the skimpy outfits, which are apparently compulsory based on the art i could find
oh... feelsbadman

I believe you
could you recommend me a moisturiser?

I'm struggling to tell which ones are good/right

read it needs to be "skin conditioning" and have vitamin E
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hello ladies, gents, inbetween and other.
What are you fine beings doing today?
Getting a job.
...that's straight up delusional, you don't even have the tiniest bit of muffin top let alone being able to lose 30 lbs without becoming a skellington

lol oh no it's not
go into the water
That is thin.. Past that is muscly
Being skinny and soft is OK, you know
Track your IP and dox you on /b/ for browsing here. Hope you got a proxy.
Fair enough!
Continue being a beautiful disaster and I'll get more pop corn.
>ywn never be kidnapped tortured and thrown into a ditch to die by an anon from a cambodian flute carving board
Hiding from my responsibilities.
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>can't detect sarcasm?
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telling you to fuck off
I use CeraVe products mostly. they're usually highly recommended as a starter moisturizer. they come in a little tub, not with a pump tho. but you can get a pump on amazon if that's important to you. look at the reviews for the moisturizer and people link to pumps/lids that fit the tub
nope it's a congenital defect :(
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yea... mb one day tho
Eh... Too busy. Phien-chan probably doesn't care anyway. Tell me if there are jobs in Ireland though. Make yourself useful if you're going to stick around.
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what is?
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Sirona, you're my favourite person on here. <3

I hope you get that job
our day will come and it will be great, tell me when it happens ok?
>tfw someone you're regularly intimate and naked with hugboxes you
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so I'm thinking of moving to either cali or portland in a few years which one is the better choice for a welder?
People like Edgar make me me feel better about myself :)
Danke. I try. I'm also looking at getting jobseekers allowance, and getting retail experience.


I shit up /tg/ what's your point?
ok yeah i will !! but you tell me as well yeah??
Sin é
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>tfw you will never put ol rapey out of his misery once and for all
>you will never infiltrate the mental hospital disguised as a nurse and drown Edgar in the tub when it's time for his bath
>you will never stuff his body parts under the floorboards of his hospital room
>you will never be personally thanked by Edgar's parents and caretakers for blessing their lives with his early death
>you will never improve the state of humankind by removing his autism from this world
>you will never be the hero that /mtfg/ needs
This is why..
K, I'm done here today
Céard é? Cad atá ort?
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tfw noone to be intimate with regularly.... ;_;
I'm sorry valq....
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I am a god
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So after shaving you should

>use aftershave
>use witch hazel
>use moisturiser
Stop letting anons get to you, Red. You're a qt.
>tfw you will never be as deluded as anon

Welp, glad I dodged that bullet.
you need to relax

no wonder you so crazy
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i just got the call from the clinic!
they're giving me an appointment w/ an hrt specialist @ 3:00
my inability to recognize sarcasm
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Pic is me btw. I want to be a girl in a chair
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I think that's right. but I epilate so I'm not sure. moisturizer is definitely critical tho! and witch hazel is very helpful too
Níl a fhios agam. Táim ceart go leor. Ná bíodh imní ort.
>forgot to mention that it's tomorrow, not today
that's bullshit, I've breathed in enough water to know it burn like fuck
laser tech Nathan: 'so what was your facial hair like before you started laser at the other clinic?'

me: 'have you seen game of thrones? think Davos Seaworth but before he went grey.'
what the fuck is wrong with your upper body lmao
you look like my trans guy friend

>tfw some youtube lady has the same dumb meme sweater as you
just take a big drink until you stop living
... Cuirean tú imní orm nuair a deireann tú é sin. Lig the schíth, ach má tá ort leabhairt le aon'e, tá mo skype agat. Leabhar liom, má's gáth.

I'm taking a nap. If anyone needs me, message me on skype and I might wake up. If I don't just rest my hed and monitor the thread.
for a time. eventually your body gives in and thats when you drown. consciousness fades and you drift off as you sink downwards. the pain comes from fighting it. jeez
good shit good shit, jobseekers is a bitch but hell sometimes we gotta just deal.

Get them apps sent them cards filled, interviews seen to. I guess it works on the philosophy that finding a job is now your job.

anyway im wishing you the best in a round about way. I hope its all on the up
you're welcome! if you have other questions I'll try best to answer
muffin top?
im fucking kekking.
that's no muffin, thats a morsel at best
Sir you need to calm down
Skinnyfat gets depressing looking when it's that extreme.
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>tfw hrt
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You are an annoying little twat but I have to say that you shouldn't be starving yourself. You'll end up looking worse guaranteed.
Have you forgotten that females have higher body fat percentage? So eat something you twat.
have a (You)
>Tfw someone spoilers me an anime I just started watching
>They tell me that maybe it isn't true though
>Google to see if he was right or lied about the spoiler
>End up spoilering myself about other things in the process
>The spoiler wasn't even true since it's not mentioned anywhere

Aaaaah fuck spoilers
>watching anime
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stop triggering me please :(
its bad enough the captcha makes me look at food 9/10 times. that girl has the metabolism of a horse. wtf... and ya i used to be way more toned pre hrt. now i'm like 16-18% body fat or something like thaat.
i am lonely will anyone speak to me
ya, come talk on discord. :)
An bhfuil aon gaelige agat?
That image has never been more accurate.
I'm still putting out hope though.
If I get stuck as an effeminate-looking guy with a broken dick I guess life wouldn't be too bad.
The females in my family have rather small breasts so it wouldn't be too hard to just go femboy I guess.

Maybe someone will mistake me for a girl a few times a year if I wear enough make up and grow my hair out long enough. Wouldn't that be neato.
food is the best, who doesn't want to be a prehistoric earth mother goddess made of undulating curves, braided pubic hair and dried sacrificial blood

fucking agps
>tfw my boobs are in my armpits
welp, I'm not going to even try to old reply anymore.

So what's up? what's going on?
You don't need to lose weight so much as corset train
You could drop some pounds but it'd accomplish very little
Get a corset
Basic and I are conversing in Irish.

People are being normies.

I'm in bed at half 5 in the evening.
>corset meme
I'm done.

I've started withdrawing from university topics.
I've ordered a replacement sim card.
I've closed my social networking accounts.
I've cancelled a bunch of utilities.
I've got a stack of documents and things ready to burn.
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You look flabby, despite loosing weight, cuz you have turned into a couch potato. You would look better and be able to eat more if you exercised.
my owner is hugboxing me
My online friends kicked me out of their circle and my GPU died so I can't play vidya. Need something to turn to for that sweet escapism!
what's your end game here?
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>tfw gross wide set boobs
It's a simple way to achieve a small waist which makes hips appear wider
corsets are memes. they don't fix the root of the problem which is no hips. you can get a decent enough waist with diet and exercise even as a tranny
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i'm making progress.
against the demands of my family.
i'm thinking i should also get back to selling my blood plasma to griffols
That's a hell of a mental image, but broadly I find myself feeling similar. I am a little chubbier than I'd like, but ultimately, my sense of personal aesthetics demands a certain thickness. I think I'd be dissatisfied if I became too thin.
squats, lunges, and hip abductions give you real hip width and good diet can get you a slim waist
I've got 42. 5" hips
and you're speaking out against your owner?
you should be flogged for that
If I don't find at least a vague purpose in six months (roughly the estimated time of exhaustion of my finances) I will cease to be.
Can trans still donate plasma? I guess it's only an issue if you're sexually active and taking it up the butt?
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>look flabby
>couch potato
>exercise more
i do exercise ;_;
i just need to stop eating and since i'm flabby, its definetely happening now.
>Get a corset
nice meme, i'm better off dropping pounds
my ribcage is fine. hips are fine. i'm just 'flabby'
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Like a purpose to exist?
Are you good at turning straight girls gay?
im sorry what weight are you trying to drop I literally see nothing and you're scaring me.
You always give the best summaries <3!!!!!!

I'm sort of estranged from family. and I haven't been able to make progress!!!
MTFG=Mr. Bones Ride
Plood plasma, eh? how do I get in that business
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yea, that's pretty much it as far as i can tell.
& i haven't started the treatment yet, but i'm going to see a specialist to get that started
Girl... you might seriously need to see a therapist about body dysmorphia if you think that is flabby, or that you have a muffin top.

Post someone you think is properly thin. I'm curious what your goal is.
you can be my cock sleeve, is that purpose enough.

Free room and board, we take turns doing laundry and 6pm on the dot group bathing session. howsat?
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I know I am going to regret this but what exactly do you for exercise?
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>tfw store bought bras can never be comfortable.
i guess I am...
I've been with a lot of men
Wait, is it possible to turn girls gay?
yoga, squats, planks, running.
>you think is properly think
pic attached
i think this pic looks pretty,
Can they even be called gay if a dick is involved as in Red's case?
>You always give the best summaries <3!!!!!!
Nah. That'd be Edie. Ending the world etc. I just go for subverting your expectations.
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it's easy,
just visit your local griffons center,
fill out some paperwork,
let them check on you,
& they'll take it from there.
also, i think they said something about immunized donors being worth more, or something like that.
but, as previously mentioned, you can't have sex w/ dudes unless you're legally female
that looks like me but without a gt

ach google aistriú
>yoga, squats, planks, running.
Give me your exercise routine. I need it.
I've been with some cis girls too
I turned two gay girls straight when I was a guy. Alpha male. One, who had been hardcore lesbian since an early teen even broke up with her girlfriend and came out as bi in her twenties because of me.
say please
Is this a 30 lbs difference though?

Just be careful I guess.
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t. Former kit chaser
30-60 min yoga
100 squats, 50 x 2
planks and oblique planks, 30 sec,
running 3-5 miles, weekends 7 if i'm feeling up to it.
Is Grace doing okay?
but that looks the same as you, maybe about 5-10 lbs less
Do you really need to use moisturiser AND aftershave after shaving?
sorry. my computer's a dick sometimes
Your body looks fine, from the pictures you posted, pretty close to the last pic, as far as the parts you can help go.

If anything keep doing what you're doing but eat better.
Oh I see. Well. I'm not a fan of that but I understand what you're going for at least.
Just be careful whatever you do, you're a smart cookie i'm sure you'll be fine
>ach google aistriú
Google translation but.

Ow. My gaelic pride. That grammar hurts my eyes.

I REALLY want to look that good. Pretty pleaaaase~
"straight" girl trying to turn another girl gay is bound to fail
Yup, briefly.

t. former elanna chaser
Arn't you straight though anyway? How does that even make sense
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You should probably do more of it or do it smarter. And find some structured program to move you towards your goal of not looking flabby. Unless extremely so, low body fat percentage can't show off musculature that simply isn't there.
Cyba gave me one of her injections and now my nipples are really puffy and I have a lot of energy and I wanna fuck
>30-60 min yoga
>100 squats, 50 x 2
>planks and oblique planks, 30 sec,
>running 3-5 miles, weekends 7 if i'm feeling up to it.

I... wow. I don't think I'd have time for that, but I can start.

(3-5 miles! Holy cow. I can't run for 5 minutes without being out of breath. On top of 100 squats and planks? I'm a little put off, but I'll do my best! I'll have to look up where I can do yoga though. Is this every day?)
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start with couch to 5k to get into running.
trip on, bexe
>smart cookie i'm sure you'll be fine
ya, i'm ramping up my exercise before SRS to get in top tier shape then i'll be like degrading into true couch potato for 3 months till i can exercise again.
>s far as the parts you can help go.
ya thats what i feel, i'm not getting better. i could up mileage that I run, or do more ab works outs but idk.
>I REALLY want to look that good
me too ;_;
>low body fat percentage
idk, as a guy i needed sub 10% to have visible muscle, idk if its even possible as a girl, like. it feels so helpless to look toned and good.
>Is this every day?
ya, all in all its like, 1 hr 30 min desu. running even if you go slow like 10 min miles is ~30 min, yoga is ~30 min, and squats and planks are like 10 min desu
if you split it in two parts morning work out and evening yoga, or vice versa, its not too bad.
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Tfw when exercise and still disgustingly flabby
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>Tfw when exercise and still disgustingly flabby
welcome to my life anon...
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also, there might be problems if you've been to europe or the democratic republic of congo w/in the last year

>no sex with men
Well, I guess that means I'm off the list.

Mom was right about not being able to forsee the effects of being a slut.

Humble girl, NO!
Mean girl, YES!
that shirt really doesn't suit you
beep cute~
It was yes. I'm actually not sure what would have come of that if I succeeded.

At that point I wasn't certain of that. Now I am.

Getting me into bed doesn't mean that I was successfully turned gay though. ;_;

Pls, kit's adorable but I don't see her that way
Elanna! I was moving, so I missed the thing. How did it go?
I mean... I'm being forced to get a job, but... maybe if I give up playing so many video games... which I'll miss, but not that much(;_;)

>ya, all in all its like, 1 hr 30 min desu. running even if you go slow like 10 min miles is ~30 min, yoga is ~30 min, and squats and planks are like 10 min desu
>if you split it in two parts morning work out and evening yoga, or vice versa, its not too bad.

(I have to do it. I hate being pudgy... even if my tummy is a comfy pillow)

I'd post pics again, but I'm posting from my laptop because I'm resting because... Well I was up too late shitposting here.

Do either of you know what the effects of these exercises while on HRT would be? I saw some discussion on it earlier, and I know people were sort of against the Idea...
>ya thats what i feel, i'm not getting better. i could up mileage that I run, or do more ab works outs but idk.

I was actually referring to her breasts and waist, obviously you can't help those.

If you want visible abs you should focus more on your diet(idk what you eat now).

And if anything your routine seems fine, if you're going to increase anything it should be your planks/squats and not running.
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>tfw caveman tier brow
>tfw you touch your face and get sad
*only google translate
>effects of these exercises while on HRT would be
i've done this since i've started hrt tbhon, i have no boobs but my family is all A cup, so what can you do :/
the only exercise i do is i walk a couple of miles to the out of town supermarket because they usually have good deals on cheesecake.
>I'm being forced to get a job, but... maybe if I give up playing so many video games...
start slow. you don't have to jump from no exercise to 2 hours a day, that's a sure way of burning out. c25k takes like 30 mins a day. get used to that then add other exercises bit by bit
y'all should excercise more!
It makes me feel better!!!!
iktf pretty hard ;-;
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>It was yes. I'm actually not sure what would have come of that if I succeeded.

It probably would have ended with her girlcock in your neopuss t b h

>there are girls on this forum that had the chance to sleep with elanna and passed

bi life
bi cycling
Oh wow... that's what it translated it as? That's depressing. The actual translation should have been "Níl ach aistriú google agam"

>i've done this since i've started hrt tbhon, i have no boobs but my family is all A cup, so what can you do :/
I... I have pretty serious boob envy... How long are you on HRT?

I'll probably get some help from my brother. He used to be a bit of an exercise nut, and from what I've seen, he's pretty accepting of me being trans so... Maybe I', being needlessly optimistic,but I'm just about to confront my dad on this, I'm already taking risks. WISH ME LUCK
I think it's one of the reasons I'm so depressed
I want to exercise more but it causes me more damage than improvement
my physio said I probably haven't done a day of effective and healthy exercise in my life
>How long are you on HRT?
since jan 2015
Well... You still have a way to go on HRT if I have my facts straight... You might get boobs yet. (If you want them...)
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I have a short pointy forehead
Literally a caveman
Let me fill your ass with cum Robin. How do you feel about having your GT played with?
im gonna start injections and prog in the fall, i've had to stop hrt for now though :(
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Edgar, korra and Sheen are still alive

my bike is in my shed all busted up for the last 6 years after i got hit by a car cycling across town to give my crush flowers for valentines day. but its summer now and i love cycling in the summer. i should get it fixed
Fuck off asshole
>i've had to stop hrt for now though
:( I've yet to start. I hope you get back on it soon.
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It went well. The date was enjoyable, and the talk went over better than expected. I was expecting him to say he knew, but instead he asked if I was MtF or FtM x.x
How did the move go?

I'm actually almost certain that wouldn't have happened, two straight girls aren't exactly going to make moves on each other readily.
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it's a shame
>hope you get back on it soon.
ya after srs. so soon no more spiro needed after.
>It went well.
... WELL??? You can't just leave it at that! He's accepting of it? he had no questions???

(I don't, I just like knowing these things)

>ya after srs
>jealousy intensifies.
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local man ruins everything.jpg
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i just dropped the colander and dumped my pasta in with the dishwater
Hi thread~

Yeah she's doing well

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I'm sad that I lost the gif Sheen created when I made him cry like a bitch.
Go take a long walk on a short pier.
>happy about making people sad

much be a rich fulfilling life you lead~
I forgot it was 2016 and thought you meant you had just gotten on hrt 4 months ago lol
>I'm sad that I lost the gif Sheen created when I made him cry like a bitch

fucking KEK i remember this
I don't mind it
I'm fairly disconnected from it
it doesn't do much for me though
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Which trip deserves happiness the most?
thats pre hrt, lol. its just guy chest. tbdesu
i'm feeling like i need to lose weight to like become as pretty as you. if i like follow your lead and get down to like 110 ish maybe i'll get awesome effect T.T
I love you
You men need to just leave
anon # 13
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Those were better times
all of them
they all do, it's not a competition
i bet u have a huge and very gross dick
>instead he asked if I was MtF or FtM
oh I love it when that happens, that's so validating
Basic or Kit
>4 months ago lol
haha, SRS after 4 months hrt, i don't think any doctors will do that. :P
samantha or Kari
but really what >>6205437 this guy said, except me. i'm just a shitty person.
>jealousy intensifies
>,< sorry, im sure you'll get there before you know it.
x.x Just had to tease cause I saw ya postin that. I mean, thanks, gosh, I seem to be causing a lot of people to think dropping weight is the answer but I'm not sure if it was that. Maybe. Thanks though, like I said you'll get it you're hitting the stretch of time where all the changes hit me out of nowhere.
Hope you enjoy sweaty, spotty, dick cheese covered unwashed dick.
even you
even most of the anons
even the chasers
everyone should be happy
Maybe I'm just a perverted faggot who found out about hrt at a prominent point in my adolescence and loved the idea of being a girl way more than a boy and thought it fit me more.

I just had.. queer thoughts as a child before that and was traumatized by male puberty because I'm a soft little bitch.

Regardless, I still want to look female though.
I don't know what else there is to say really, I basically just said "if we're going to date there's probably something you should know: I'm trans".
It turned into a reasonably long conversation, and then suddenly it started to register why certain things had been confusing to him. Like on Tuesday, how when he asked jokingly if I had dick pics (other people's) I got embarrassed and super quiet because I immediately thought he meant that he thought I had a dick. Also, someone else that knew I was trans basically said to him " talk to [elanna's ex] but like don't bring it up, that's her thing to talk about " and he was just confused as fuck.
What about me though
anons have been particularly mean
i might filter them
>you're hitting the stretch of time where all the changes hit me out of nowhere.
i probably would've been if i had kept taking hrt
but after usman i kinda stopped. i've only taken like 1 or 2 doses evert couple days.
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I sure as hell don't.
Is it time for fun times yet?
It's one anon in particular who is fucking vicious.
or you could just stop posting here and stay in the threads meant for men.
thank you!
n-no pls
I'm too beta to trip ;-;

if you're nice to people then yes
or if you're not nice now but being happy would make you nice then yes you should be happy


do you have any dickpicks?
I'm thinking about SRS and even though its early stages, I'm not 100% sure.

I have heard it is basically a wound that will always try to self heal, I don't know how down I am for that. Wounds smell and get infected.. is that a thing? Also I have heard some self lubricate? IS this a thing you can like, opt for or what?

Anyone here had SRS? Can we actually talk about something MTF related please?
Not you though, I know which one it is and your shit attempts are embarrassing my man.
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>tfw your eyelashes naturally compensate for the drop in your brow from the front, but from the side there's no way to hide the caveman look

I really like the term translady.
>>,< sorry, im sure you'll get there before you know it.
I'm... I'm not sure if I'll make it at all, but I'm refusing to listen to that part of myself. I get a giddy joy from doing something that seems so... impossible. Just up and changing my life like this is so liberating that having people like my family who try to tamp down my expectations is... well. I'm not letting it get to me.

Well... You got really lucky with him then. He's awesome!

Reminder that Anons are the thousand young of Shub'Niggurath. Even you. Sorry :/
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>Born a boy
>Born with GID
>Born with oblong face
>Early balding

Only this thread know how it feels to live on hard mode.
heck yeah chan-sister you should we need to keep this hatespeech out of our internet safe-spaces
sure thing, hon :)
What if being not nice to people makes me happy?
literally who?

a few of the girls here got one, even the more horrible stories are on the good side.
then you deserve to find other things that make you happy
The move was stressful. I woke up late, so the movers arrived before I'd finished disassembling my bed frame. Thankfully, there was enough else for them to move first that it was ready for them when they were ready for it. My roommates had way too few boxes, so I had to help carry the things the movers couldn't take - was quite a workout! The movers were really nice, so we chatted about RPGs, arcade games, and work philosophy as we went.

Once we got over, I mostly focused on unpacking my sleeping accommodations, meds, skin care stuff (priorities), then the common area. Still can't find my minoxidil, though, so that's annoying.

We've got a couch, a TV, a kitchen, and a dinner table already, which is a good hustle for just the one day!

Awesome that things went so well, and that he was both receptive and aware, without having clocked you. I imagine the next date will be much more fun for not having that to deal with.
your personal happyness comes second to others because of numerical happiness.
also, you might be a psychopath.
It's a little misleading to call it a wound. Dilating is necessary but I think after a while you can do it less and less.

It could get infected, but so could cos vaginas; yeast infections.
Post rare pics of trips, bonus points for trips who's pictures have never been posted here

Phien-chan is featured this edition. I know that it was hard for her to let me add this to the compilation, but I think that for people like you, that story is particularly relevant. It's the last story on the list, so skip to page... 9 I think? or Ctrl+f Phienchen

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>also, you might be a psychopath.

Oooh. This will be interesting. I wonder if any one saved my pics...

(I'm looking better already though, so I'm not too bothered. Besides, people seem to like me now for some reason.)
>pot pics of other people that they never posted
that doesn't make sense
also, go away, attention whoring, waste of a post, etc
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I've had SRS.

>basically a wound
Nah, there's no open wound to get infected or smell, although it can take a few months for all incisions to heal

>close itself
Dilating prevents this, just need to be diligent about doing it, and once it becomes a weekly thing, intercourse can substitute for dilations

>self lubricate
Luck of the draw, depends on the surgeon and your procedure. Mine doesn't really self lubricate enough to avoid needing lube.

My experience overall has been positive, it's not a cis vagina but it's close enough.

I did yeah .

I have neither pictures of other people's dicks or pictures of mine before it got the chop.
>not having private butt pics of anyone
I know you girls share other photos not on 4chan, on skype and shit
W-who got reckted there? it was an honest answer.
Do you ever regret it at all? Even for like a second?

Did you feel like you NEEDED It gone? how bad was your penis dysphoria?
yes and uniquely mark them so if anyone ever posted it i would know who did it
you shouldn't be posting personal stuff about people even if at some point they posted it here, just keep it around and post it if she's around and cool with that. not so long ago she only shared that on more personal mediums...
even more with a big influx of negative attention seeking anons.
>that doesn't make sense
I have a pic of one trip because we met off board and she texted me a selfie
she also has rare pics of me but I'm just anon so my pics don't matter here anyway

but yea the attention whoring has been getting really out of hand
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rare ed
i don't actually know, yet, but

can't imagine i would

but they still post them
I mean, we could have some serious creeping chaser taking secret pics on the streets, but that's a stretch knowing that at best you could have 2 trips on the same city
She posted that like twice herself in the past few days. Hardly rare senpai.
yea I agree with >>6205518
that's really creepy. even if you have permission it's kinda like.. odd. reminds me of old database anons and that sort of thing
>I mean, we could have some serious creeping chaser taking secret pics on the streets

This is literally angie minus the chaser bit.
that giant cage and no waist.... lol
>I wonder if any one saved my pics...
I didn't, I figured you wouldn't want me showing people your bum anyway
she is a pretty serious girl, I guess.
has she met with trips? I would guess that people would avoid her a little bit irl so they don't end up feeling like they should detransition...
>tfw productivity is up when I dress in girl clothes
>tfw crossdressing and programming meme is real
I think I've posted a face pic on /mtfg/ that ended up in a tier list. dumb idea on my part
Oh be quiet
You're just crabby because I posted a stupid pic of someone
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pre-hrt Red
hrt does work wonders for some...
that pic is pretty much her 100% T form
She shared it with me over skype. I asked if I could add it to the compilation and if she was ok with being known. I'll remove it immediately if she ever asks me to. I'm not an asshole anon. I wouldn't do it without her permission.

... I mean... See above. I'll also take it out if enough people aren't comfortable with it being in there, but I'll keep in for personal motivation. It's nice to be able to look at relevant information when I'm panicking about my transition.

Lish, I never posted my butt. On skype or otherwise. It's covered in disgusting hair, and I won't post it until I can get rid of it. If I ever post it at all.
looks exactly the same lol what a man
Why does he pull that stupid fucking face in every single picture?
not rare at all, she posts that stuff all the time.
seriously, there is no rare pic of Red unless you snicked up on her and took it yourself.
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This was taken at the same time as that photo
it's a joke
I was joking

don't post your butt anyway, that's for the mick you marry.
Yeah, Red is so manly. I wonder why she never got picked up for the Broncos.
I got it off of skype
I post it because I'm a shitter
You looked like the reclusive pedophile next door.
oh look its the trip formerly known as 'anon'
>it's a joke
>I was joking

Oh I know. But I don't want anyone to think that I've been flirting with you and getting jealous.
Fuck off hon
do you have a chart of your transition? you look so good now that I need it for inspiration...
I have zero upper muscle
iktf senpai
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I even made her watch The Patriot the other day so she could acclimate to the bold realness of America :0
If you call red a hon you end up with no words for the people who transition at 40 and post pics 2 months in hrt...
if you stopped self medding you'd be HUGE dude, your male bone structure was made for it.
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Why haven't people realised yet that all of the bully 'anons' are actually just korra, faye, and kayla?
>tfw you have folders and folders of trips pictures
I was joking...

daytime /lgbt/ can be rough...
are you saving peoples pics too? screenshotting unsee pics? all in order "to be able to look at relevant information"?

I mean if you have permission to repost stuff and nobody else cares then whatever, I won't argue. but surely you realize how odd that behavior is right?
Nice, so with all that out of the way are you moved into your new place? that's a lot to move in one day
And yeah, it was honestly the best answer I could have hoped for.

While I was still in recovery, I was unsure how to feel about it. Now that I've fully recovered and it doesn't feel like I'm a walking ball of gauze and pain, there's zero regrets, I'm happy that I went through with it even though the process was really unpleasant.

Penis dysphoria was present before I had surgery, but it was contextual. Day to day I tucked it away and wasn't really bothered by it, but things got weird when I hopped into bed with people. There were a few things that I was able to actually enjoy with some mind over matter, but for the most part dysphoria manifested for me as feeling a mismatch between what my instincts told me to do, and what equipment I had, and it could be mild to severe. I felt that I would not actually be fully comfortable with myself or with another person unless I got it. SRS corrected this, I have not felt dysphoria over my genitals since.
I would be skinny/skinnyfat?
Like I've always been?
Do you have me though?
Me too
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Here's my 2monthd to 1 year hrt
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>your male bone structure was made for it.
>Red pre hrt in a strongest man competition
at best she could pick up the towel with some dude's sweat. I'm sure she would like that a lot.

>tfw when 4chan took over your real life
cmon man... it's time to man up
So if you woke up with your penis again, back to how it was before, and you had the option to go through the procedure again, would you do it?
if you can't handle jokes about suicide and the mass encouragement of the act you should be probably get off of 4chan and go dick around with 14 year old girls on gaia. sheen is the possibly the greatest candidate for bullying ive ever seen, matched only by a few sad fucks on /soc/ and a couple of you faggots. this is not a safe space, it is the internet, everyone who comes here is aware that every other person on this god forsaken discarded relic of a bastardized forum is as much of a shitty person as they themselves are. get over it or go away, hons
post obscure and esoteric trips
You should hold your shoulders back and push your chest forward more bro
I literally can't
I've always had trouble gaining muscle.
Back in my field/track days, I was the scrawniest kid.
I don't screenshot unsee, no. But Phienchen contacted me on skype specifically to share the story with me. So I'm pretty happy to have it. I respect peoples privacy, but if someone shares a story with me (valq, Phienchen) and gives me permission to add it to the compilation, I do. If they don't I won't, and if at any point they change their mind, and want it removed, I'll take it out.
If I had seen your starting pic I would had doubted you coul pass and you turned into an actually hot woman...
I sort of hate you while loveing you...
yes this is correct they would be jealous
I am the best

Don't let them get to ya qt you're fine.

We're just tiny naturally, even with our height, people are gonna be jealous~
but you're so tall and manly dude! Stop taking hormones and grow up dude, be a man.
>a 6 foot 2 person
>tiny in any way

pls go theyre looking for mods over at susans
Come on now Nycteri. Who is jealous of you?
What is hon?

It seems someone mistook me for hon, whoever that is.

*eagerly awaiting if someone saved my pic.
You're post op?
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I don't do that kind of pose anymore, I'm ok being a boy now
>tfw obscure ex trip who has only posted their picture once.

I bet nobody has it!
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nah, a lot of us come to have fun. no need to be a sociopath or get revenge on some bullying or something. it's better when anons aren't projecting this much and actually do things that don't depend on other's reactions, it's pretty attentionwhoring.

pic related
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Stop trying to fill red with thoughts of repression. Those thoughts only back fire in the long run.
Who do you want to see?
A manley with more shoulders than height would be worse. All things considered height isn't such a big issue.
Post a list of all the folders you have
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who /agp/ here?

trutrans™ need not reply
Nah, it's not a wound, all of it is healthy tissue. However the muscles surrounding a SRS vagina tend to crush it closed, which is why you have to train them with dilation.
Self-lubrication is never guaranteed, but from what I gather, top surgeons manage to get at least some lubrication most of the time.
Also, the whole thing may sound scary, but it's surprisingly simple patient side, and there's nowhere as much blood and pain post-op as I expected. Got my surgery on the 7th, the nurses removed the urinary catheter today because all incisions were already healed and it's clean both inside and outside. Still a bit swollen and some dull pain, but that's all. Nowhere near as bad as recovering from a tonsillectomy, actually, so I was a bit surprised...
did u read the poast
>I asked if I could add it to the compilation
how the fuck am I manly

I can see the chest being weird looking, however, it fits with my hip width
my puberty put more growth towards height than toward shoulder separation
I am so glad it went well for you <3 <3 <3
someone like >>6205609




(It's cool anon. I'm just trying to see if anyone knows who I am)
I mean, if that's what you think lol.

Pretty much anyone who's seen my body or some recent pictures, why lol?
Good evening mtfg. How are ya?
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Eventually I probably would yes. I'm happier this way and I know that, although the procedure is painful and unpleasant enough that I would likely at the least hesitate to go through it a second time. So far as going through something like that is, ignorance is bliss, it makes the decision easier to make.
>agp black man

you should leave
>no lips
>sharp long chin
>hon jaw
>barrel chest
>no hips
>spade hands
>massive feet
>sounds like a man
The list goes on
yes I did. that's why I said, "I mean if you have permission to repost stuff and nobody else cares then whatever, "
did you read the second sentence?

everyone is manly if someone wants them to be.
you're taking this a bit too seriously while ignoring my fantasy of you cleaning the sweat of a strongest men competition....
>You're very tall and you have a masculine bone structure
>you look like a man albeit a weird one
>you get angry and violent very easily thanks to your high testosterone levels
>you're autistic, that's a very masculine trait
>your masculine nature makes you likely to invade women's spaces and impose your dominance over them (you're very threatening to women)
just consider the situation objectively, think about sheen and how she acts and what she says and then combine it with the cesspool of mental illness this thread has been harboring. it doesn't matter that were all sick fucks who want to defy the laws of nature, this could be a thread about cheesecake on /ck/, the same bullying will happen anywhere sheen does the same stupid attention whoring shit. its pretty much science
>are you saving peoples pics too? screenshotting unsee pics?
then where did that come from

that is what i quoted lol of course i did...
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a bit bombarded with silly attention whoring anons itt, ignoring an exam I have in two days for which I haven't even read 1/3th of the syllabus...

youre cute
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Y'all be good and have a good day. See you in 3 months when I post again : E
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I specifically brought this up to her in a skype conversation cause I felt that there are a few interesting things about it that might spare some of the posters here suffering. I shared this in 3 different discord groups as well. its public knowledge.

I already saw this picture, it was great :3
me irl!
Almost moved in. A bunch of stuff left to unpack, but we can do it over the rest of the week. Going to be picking up a few odds and ends at the old place, and cleaning it up Wednesday and Saturday. I am already appreciating having other people around again. I'm good at getting trapped in obsessive thought, and they're not shy about bugging me while I'm doing it.

One of my neighbours also started my day off really well by gendering me female while I was taking out recycling, although I was in guy-stuff since work soon. Going to have an idiot grin on my face for a while.

When's the next date scheduled with this swell guy of yours?
>then where did that come from
I meant like was sirona doing that for their own benefit, not for reposting but just cataloguing so she could look at the pics herself later.
Can you calm down please.
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>trying this hard
that's so fucking pitiful, someone please put this hon out of her misery
I think I am a man.
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You're way more cute then I was for equal months hrt
I really don't go online to bully people, I don't need that kind of attention on or offline. It's the cheapest attentionwhoring because the range from not a piece of shit to good person is pretty wide so someone will find insiting suicide disliking and answer. It's pretty much like throwing rocks at a dog in the middle of the street and your day will have been worth pretty much the same.
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konbanwa !!
That would be a little unnecessary when there are timelines in the OP.
>autism is a masculine trait
Okay so stop posting here then
Kit it's late go to sleep
I'm not violent
I don't eat animals.
I've never been in a fight
i am an abomination.
>I come here to be a shitty person so everyone else has to be a shitty person too

Lol, okay hon.
Aren't we all AGP? :^)
you know you can actually be whatever you want and keep acting however you want and that labels don't really matter, right?
all the special snowflake labels are pretty much as meaningless as stating out loud you're a man or a woman if you keep acting the same. you're you and no matter what you say people will see you as a man or a woman based on the context.
Autism is made worse by testosterone, ftms pre hrt have female levels of autism, ftms after long term hrt have autism levels higher then males
then leave
Majority of people diagnosed with autism are male.
Yes you are, you just don't realize it because all that testosterone is not allowing you to think properly.
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>Kit it's late go to sleep

ikr ! also idk if i've told you this before but i loooove your name it is in like my list top 3 names i'm going to change mine to if i ever decide to namechange

also hi girls !!!
my point is that maybe the dog should get out of the fucking street

I don't come here to be a shitty person, I'm a shitty person who comes here, as are most others. see above
Any actual sources
Academic papers on this topic
But you don't know me
Have you ever seen me pitch a fight or punch someone?
yep ;^)
nothing turns me on more than seeing a girl fight or having her fight me
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In Moap's absence: no such thing, you silly girl.
Only niggers are agp. Not even your cis women are women.
i-is eating animals a masculine trait? s-should I-I stop?

I still can't understand getting aroused at yourself male or female. that's a pretty huge narcisism...

>Majority of people diagnosed with autism are male.
that's a pretty dumb basis for anything, it just says that diagnosis of autism is more common on males. it's about doctors and not patients...
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Abomination id like to hug
many many this. this place has become susans/reddit because of shitstains like korra and red.

not that anon but really do please go
>i-is eating animals a masculine trait? s-should I-I stop?

Protein rich diet = more muscle
there are easier ways to get the dog out of the street, and in this case it's an abandoned street that isn't being used.
i prefer to think you enjoy insulting people in a secure place where you know you can hurt them without being hurt, if you have some sort of morality to it it could sound a bit delusional.
All trans people have higher incidence of autism, but FtM's have a much higher incidence of autism than MtF's do, so that kind of goes against your point.

Also, gee, I wonder if this could have anything to do with our brains swimming in testosterone for the first decade/s of our lives, regardless of being women.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you, you know how to use google.
Your actions here are more than enough evidence, quit getting so angry and violent
>that's a pretty dumb basis for anything, it just says that diagnosis of autism is more common on males. it's about doctors and not patients...
You're very stupid (no offense)
>i-is eating animals a masculine trait?
no its smart.
winners eat meat
Please take as much time using google scholar as I have if you'd like to know more
<3 <3
I am as well. How are you today sophie?

Nice, well I hope over the next week that everything starts to fall into place and you can rest a bit. grats on your neighbour as well!
We don't have a day scheduled for one on one but I've been invited to go to karaoke with him and his roommates this Friday.

Lol wakarimasen. Ohayou
Look at this bait
Everytime I see it, it makes me laugh
lol red isn't even sjw

go die hunny
but have I physically been violent towards someone on here?
You punched Kaylee for being an embarrassing hon.
being smart is p masculine desu
like insults, punches or a formal duel?
that latter one is pretty hot, tbqdesu

>You're very stupid (no offense)
none taken because I'm still right.
if doctors decided to diagonse autism as some other issue it wouldn't change autism, just the tendency of the diagnoses.
there is an implied correlation, but nothing more.
Nah, I'll stay. You go.

Well, I'm not a shitty person so I'll just disregard whatever you say.
And how do you know that?
Or are you just spouting nonsense?
ik bb agp is my fave meme tho lol
... I find this hard to believe.
She told me
I like to see it as an ironic joke.

>Nah, I'll stay. You go.
Anon, it's time to stop typing
Because I sure don't remember EVER punching her.
How does that go against my point? Ftms have male brains.
>All trans people have higher incidence of autism
that's obviously skewed by the numerous people like Edgar, Red, Korra, etc etc that mistaken being autistic with having dysphoria. They should take some pimozide.
You would if this was real life and not the internet.
I find this equally hard to believe.
No u
Red is not violent, but defends his stances with vehemence. Rather than making attacks against other posters, Red more commonly reiterates his own position and clarifies as often and as robustly as is necessary.

That's many things, but it's not violence.
I've never been physically violent with anyone in my life
That's a common problem for people who have extreme T rage episodes.
>Also, gee, I wonder if this could have anything to do with our brains swimming in testosterone for the first decade/s of our lives, regardless of being women.

And how does autism imitate dysphoria?
>tfw anons desperate for attention fill the thread and demand it to be about them
>tfw I'm doing exactly that

why are you even arguing this? are you trying to convince that anon that his made up story isn't real? what's the end game for your discussion?
a little from columns a, b and c really.

I used to get into fist fights with the larger girls in school, not so much fat but you know the big black girls and stuff. The kind who looked like they were football blockers.

maybe its the rush of it and the unintentional intimacy. once or twice i found my head between their legs or something. or a breast popped out.

hearing them cuss and all that kind of thing it's great


my friends think i'm crazy i'm always with fighty girls, not butch.. just kinda ready to kick some ass
I want to post my picture but it's too bully right now.
it is always too bully for that, when you think it isn't there's bullies lurking
>tfw you don't even reply to shitposters

they don't deserve a (You) from me desu
I think the general idea is that people with autism feel out of place in their context, so some with very little contact with women (or too much) could assume they're trans.
Of course, that's a really far fetched scenario if you know people with autism and gender disphoria irl. But this is 4chan and you're arguing with anons about stupid shit.

I'd prefer this thread to be nicer but at the same point I don't really feel like sharing stuff or asking others about personal stuff...
Could we talk about Ellana being FtM again?
>tfw you posted full body pics and got bullied for it, but you couldn't care less.
>tfw no one saved them/remembers them

Feels good.
when they're just lurking they don't tend to speak up, it takes two or three anons to get the ball rolling.

that's sort of healthy, I guess.
if sheen was in front of me right now id tell her fat sperglord ass to tighten the fuck up, I'm not just sneering and jeering behind some veil of anonymity. and to continue the shitty dog anology, if it ended up on this abandoned street then it's too stupid to know its probably not a safe place. if anything, throwing rocks at it will teach not to do stupid shit like post pictures of them crying holding a noose lmao

look princess, if you don't want your feelings hurt fuck off to susans, otherwise deal with the reality of the situation
were you the one they tried to make a meme but didn't stick because forced memes are for dweebs?
You're contradicting yourself when you say that ftms have a higher rate of autism yet blame testosterone for giving Red his autism.
Autism doesn't imitate dysphoria, people like Edgar and Red don't experience dysphoria at all. They have god knows how many personality disorders and fetishes that make them want to pretend they're trans.
Yup. I have that meme saved for special occasions.

It was pretty funny actually. They got my emotions when it was taken perfectly.
i looooooove you boo <3
Thanks! I'm sure I'll be properly settled in before I know it.

What kind of karaoke? And have you got any songs picked out?
The hons are angry today
throwing rocks teaches nothing to no one, the point of an analogy is to compare scenarios and possible results. at best sheen will kill herself for real and no on will find out because dead people don't post pics. there is no end game to that excet the rush of insulting someone who won't say anything for being something you don't like.
people keep saying this is a susan hugbox but most of us just refrain from being little shits, if you saw anyone behaving like this irl it would be much cringier than any fat slob posting suicide pics. the regular 4chan hate machine is on par with fat americans falling from their fat scooters in wallmart.

so you moved in with aife? how is it like?
were you on hrt? are you now?
it was a pretty low level effort, but your face had that kuleschov charm to it.
Life's tough. I am off E and antidepressants now. So I am not very well. at least I have this week off how are you? :)
>Le ebin fug of 2 leddit may may
What a harsh reality
I really end up assuming that angry anons are some sort of hon raging out to whoever they please.
Red and Robin are good targets because one has a bunch of passing features from genetics and still circles around the issue while the other doesn't and is pretty blase about it.
Where did the anon that was gonna post rare trip pics go
Phien, can I ask a little bit about how does your boyfriend look like?
On one hand the nazi pics make me think you'd go for some arian mangod who can pick you up and throw you to the roof, but on the other hand I can't help but imagine you like a gentle valkryie with a little regular dude who feels incredibly lucky to just be there.
XD I wasn't, and I amn't yet. But I'm looking healthier because I'm keeping myself clean. And shaving properly.

Well... I hope to be on them soon. I've got an appointment on the 25th with a psyche... but I'll probably have to see a specialist after that. Fortunately I've been making friends with certain people in hospitals who have some sway, so I might abuse this to skip some of the system...

The Irish med system is retarded though, so I don't feel bad.
Her boyfriend is a faggot chaser who calls himself Hitler.
not angry, just tired of all this "oh pls no bully sweatie :)" nonsense. regrow your balls, just because youre a girl doesnt mean you have to be a fucking pussy

I wasn't even here when the shit happened, I'm ranting about a principle at this point. see above
>anyone being mean to me must be a hon :(
sorry but that's not the reality, they make fun of you because you're the hon.
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Can't we all just play nice :)
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Yes Senpai!.jpg
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But by that logic everyone here is a hon then
>tfw getting gender corrected passport
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You're off both e and ads? What happened, I thought you had an appointment to get back on e ;_;
I'm in an OK mood, nothing crazy happening atm

I'm not sure, I just know I'm not going to be singing no matter how drunk I get. I'm not keen on serenading them with gayboi singing voice. :(
Why? You're not nice.
Good luck with that.

My country has a a very open law with a horrible aplication. The law says that just asking for it you can change your gender and every health provider has to cover hrt and srs, but in practice it's almost impposible to get anything and doctors tend to mark you as a prostate cancer patient to cover hormones.
I'm visiting a center to ask about the informed concent on thursday and still doubting if I really want to be a hon...
I haven't seen an autism spin from you in a long time.
Your singing isn't that bad.
No, just everyone that goes on a hon rage whenever someone isn't hugboxing as if this were susan's place
I am when I don't get offended
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I like moomins
I wasn't imagining you were and I was talking in general, I'd assume tht if you were directly touched but I was saying the convo would end right there and turn into insults.
I insist. If I saw someone behaving like people do in 4chan irl it would make my skin crawl and cringe more than those funny "lel americans are fat" pics. It's like some feral child that never learned to socialize but is desperate for people to pay attention to him.
>the informed concent
Gonna be honest, I don't know anything about informed consent in Ireland.

And I don't think I'm going to be all that bad looking with all the surgeries that are available, and the others that might come about in the future.

But good luck on your journey. If nothing else, I can say that you fail 100% of the opportunities you don't take
Ufufu, Edie and others get called a hon all the time
I'm anon, I don't have any reasson to feel insulted when people talk about hons because I'm not in their minds. The insistence on the insult makes it sound like the one saying it is thinking too much about it.
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Big step!
Here's mine, it's the only ID I use desu
>tfw no HVAC daddy with right-wing mullet to cook for
what's your definition of hugboxing? not insulting each other and wanting a convo that isn't realted to shitty things?
Maybe you shouldn't get so triggered all the time then.
saying theres anything tiny about red (other than maybe his brain) is hugboxing
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Times change, but here's a spin, for old times sake


When have I sung around you, I'm trying to remember. Surely it couldn't have been good.
I really want to see a hidden cam thing where someone changes all their ID pics for different drawings of the same character and goes to places where they ask for it...

I'm really hoping the Trump comb over suplants the mullet, it's been like 30 years of mullets already.
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ily <3
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

You couldn't help yourself when it came on in the car. Memorable only because I knew you were like super anti-singing by then.
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I want more right-wingers with nice hair like Milo's <3
She's skinnier than everyone else in a pic with her, she's tiny for male standards and I sort of think she must have some kind of bone condition.
I don't get triggered all the time though
>Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?


Thanks anon. That cheered me right back up!
Good shit senpai.
At this point I think you're Fayeposting, I'm sorry Red.


This is brilliant. I've missed the muppets!

Gods, I remember watching that show when I was 5. Single funniest thing that aired on a tuesday!
My niece has been obsesed with that muppets cover for over a year now. Luckily it's better than Peppa Pig.
the hugbox begins
blue eyes, dark brown hair, white skin, reasonably built, he isnt that much taller than I am, but has a pretty broad frame, grew up in a ghetto (no he isnt a turk. he is pure aryan :^) ), hes really smart and dominant. and has an aggressive aura.

I guess he is a pretty regular dude in a lot of ways, but he knows when to hug me, when to ask me if something is wrong, and when to tell me I dont suck (even if thats a lie)

dont confuse Parrot Hitler with my bf. those arent the same person.

yeah, I got a script. havent handed it in tho, cant be bothered. a few things happened and it just doesnt matter atm. Ill just get new stuff sometime this week probably.
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I don't feel comfortable being referred to as a woman
I like when faye posts.
but yeah i mean...
none of you know how it feels when perceiving myself
I'll be showing it to my family later. You've spread it to Ireland. Expect it to cause a ruckus.
>but he knows when to hug me, when to ask me if something is wrong, and when to tell me I dont suck (even if thats a lie)
muppets make some quality music videos
I think that ADs will probably help with whatever is happening.

And we all know you don't suck, Phien. No Hugbox here, just compared to the general tendencies you're pretty much soaring high. Little competition but so is life most of the time.
both of those are me
I'm sorry Red but Faye killed the whole
>I'm just a femboy
thing, I can't take it sincere anymore.

But as I also told you before, I really don't think you should be worrying that much about being called a man or a woman. It's not gonna change anything around you just like tumblr pseudo identities don't change anything. Just be whatever you are being at the moment and keep at it, you don't have much choice.
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Yes, now I remember! Who could resist singing along to that though, moreover that's a song I've actually practiced at least a few times (ie. Every time my dad plays his Queen cds)

<3 mornin Charlotte
How's it going?

Anytime <3

>none of you know how it feels
Oh believe me, we do. It's why we're telling you to stop.

A few things happened? ;_;
I'm glad that you have a script though, I still do feel like you'd feel better when actually on your mones.
>muppets vevo
god, I'm gonna go shoot myself, brb
I'll think of this when i take a nap
All ive been doing today is sleeping
my brain's shut off after getting my diploma
Best trek captain /mtfg/, go!
hey anon have you tried going to dr liber in Warsaw? He is basicly doing IC. I got hormones on first visit (was selfmedding 2 years).
I'm gonna see if my niece knows this one already, she probably does. I'm a bit afraid what the future generation will end up with all this access to youtube, we were marked by thr weekly format of tv so I'm sure it will have some effect.

Is there some way to know who are the musicians behind this?
okay sleeping
2 bad he's a neonazi dummy who thinks lesbians don't exist despite being gay

you know what, I like you. I'll let it slide.
Absolutely no competition
that's rough.
why become a gender specialist if you don't want people with gender issues to deal with them. I guess you can be an agent of status quo and try to stop transitions, but that sounds pretty mean in the long run since most people just go with self medding...
>Open communications
>Sir, they're shooting at us
>Open a communication channel
>They don't respond! Shields at 40%!
>Prepare photon torpedos, open communications
>You'll die federation scum!
>Shoot torpedos
>drinks tea
Super monkey team hyper force, go!
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>tfw finally off work and enjoying a lunch I cooked

i wish I could cook for all of you <3
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morning <3
not too bad, you?
Not sure. It's basically the same as the Hot Butter version of the song but I've no idea if they directly use that audio. The video went viral like five years ago so there might be some info out there if you dig.
you work as a cook, right?
why don't you have real people plates then?
I think I respect Picards dedication to diplomacy
I just see kirk's rebellious can-do attitude and I'd rather him lead me.

what happened to that show?!
Picard, for sure. But then, he WAS my first, so it's hard to compete.
you sure do love this plate
It's a Mexican shit hole run and staffed by niggers, what do you expect?
david tennant desu
>yfw white people cuisine never matches up to PoC
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sometimes I wonder how much he knows about me. he definitely cares, but I dont know if he can read me. I am not a very open person irl, and my personality is very fluid. I just do what he says usually.

>A few things happened? ;_;

yeah, I havent had a good past few days. Mostly cause I am weak and really dumb. no fallout though, except that on my psyche
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si sonora pero eso Plato esta hecho de ceramic por el calor ja

well like there's a bunch of other plates but I like this one cuz it's smaller ya know?
>tfw it's racist to be a white chef cooking other cultures' foods
>tfw it's racist to be white
you should probably be more open to him, considering he's your bf, men aren't exactly known for reading women's minds
the korra should only cook for me
you fucking whitey fucks!
>what happened to that show?!
like four seasons and steven universe level development (things happen, a lot really, but it's like 3 episodes per season of plot)
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i would happily cook for you lish-chan. it's my hobby that I just so happen to get paid for. plus my personality dictates that indo everything I can to please someone :3
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I dont want to attention whore irl. he has a basic idea of how I function, and he kinda knows what I struggle with, I am just not telling him how bad it really is, cause I dont want him to worry about me maybe not coming home everytime I go to uni. theres just no productive approach to this problem
>tfw born male but identify as female who identifies as male

Figure this one out
>but I dont know if he can read me.
that's something pretty rough to make someone go through. people can't read minds and when you don't say anything they end up projecting their own thoughts on you. also known as the Kaiji E-Card Strategy.
trip on me
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>Figure this one out

no need to. youll melt in summer
are you hot?
that's all that matters tbhwufam
Communicating with someone is not the same as attention whoring...
>Mostly cause I am weak and really dumb.
like relationship stuff or day to day life stuff?

You really suck at spanish Korra but thanks for trying. How did you know I'm a spanish speaking anon?
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charlotte (and those anons who asked as well)

I chickened out on epilating my armpits last night :\ did my face instead cus I had a few hairs poking out. when I do it I'll let you know tho!
i'm transdimensional.
I'm a 3d male who identifies as a 2d female.
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lil sis ilu very much <3 *head pat*

mtftm ez pz anon
So basically /a/
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Under-rated post,


>cause I dont want him to worry about me maybe not coming home everytime I go to uni.
I really think he would rather stand you talking about your stuff than that, even more when we all know there's a huge factor in your life that is just following him
also seconding this >>6205970
4chan logic doesn't apply to real life, it's not attentionwhoring when you talk with people who already want to know about you.
i don't get it
no point in a companion if i have to withdraw from them.

give it a taste, let him into your world a little more see what happens.
if you dont like it then stop. talk about talking about things maybe?

i dont know, if i could be in a tiny ship and be shrunk down to the cellular level then fly around in your brain with a team of scientists and find out whats really going on and have a daring escape just before the ship rebiggens again then maybe i could help you better.
hardly attention whoring when its your partner and you're not feeling well...
but that person would want to be a transman, not a transwoman...

you're overthinking it.
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yo se necesito practicar mi Español TnT y I just guessed from thr way you asked that lol but I (think) I got the point across even if it was crude!
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Well so long as there's no fallout, but I'm sorry to hear that you havn't been doing well. Are you feeling better now than a few days ago at least?

>tfw people accuse you of cultural appropriation for liking ethnic food
Fucking SJWs

Idk, I can understand that viewpoint. I guess I just see starfleet as an organization of peace, and in that context kirk may be a great military leader, but he's not a great starfleet captain.

I'm pretty decent, hunting for work, blasting the new tracks I bought a few nights ago.
you can use an epilator on your face? a regular one or it needs something special?
how well did it go? is your face bruning and you can't go out of the house?
jolly rancher chews
everything else
ive got some attractive andro features, the only thing that gives me away is being tall and kind of broad shouldered. ive had people tell me they thought i was a cislesbian lol
trips on Phien's boyfriend
was my post really that broken? I though I passed as an english speaker. I literally can't pass at anything god dammit!
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>no skittles or gushers

0/10 at least you tried
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I started epillating my legs, because I was inspired by you, but it hurt so much I only finished my right shin. ;~;

repression status: active
>it's easier to relate to people with gender issues that are of the opposite birth-sex

are you gonna be ok? that sounds like the shit I go through...

what did you get?
I'm thinking about buying some nhato tracks when I'm suddenly no longer broke

>mfw reee's cups and yorks are shit tier
woah woah woah, I think we were a little hasty in making this tierlist. Can we rethink this a little?
sweet, there you go. be who you wanna be and find people who wanna be with you, thats the future i'd like to see
its fine I'm only teasing you anon <3
>jolly rancher chews

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Good morning!

>I started epillating my legs
Be careful not to get ingrowns!

I like sour candy but I'm not aware of any brands
>Fucking SJWs
there was this article I read on /ck/ a while ago about some chef who was getting harassed because he won an award or got famous or something for cooking ethnic food really well. it really pissed me off.

well I've had laser a bunch of times so I only have a few dozen hairs left. so it's not that bad. plus I got used to pain from laser. so it didn't hurt much, but if my hair was thicker it'd have been really awful I think.

epilation is my primary hair removal method because all my hair is pitch black but I'm pasty white so shaving can't get close enough to make it invisible

>but it hurt so much I only finished my right shin
it just takes time to get used to it! the first time is the worst, but it gets easier. should shave it down and let it grow back a couple days if you're not doing that, shorter hair hurts less
Put a shotgun in your mouth cotton
>shorter hairs hurt less
I shaved like a week ago ;~;

goof morning qt :3

gas all sjws

>mfw white ppl from upper middle class suburban California get offended on my behalf about shit I don't give a single fuck about

the double think and lack of self awareness is next level
I got some psybreaks, techno and breakbeat. Colombo released a new album a few months ago and I wasn't able to justify the whole release, but at least I got one track off of it ^^

This shit really bothers me. Food is quite literally the most universal of languages. I absolutely love when other cultures make their own spin on western food, what's so wrong about the reverse? The white guilt is strong with these people ;_;
actually it's cool if you can give me a hand at improving my english. I've noticed that I make a ton of mistakes when it comes to double letters or words that are just one letter different from my language, I'm also really rusty when it comes to speaking and I take much longer than I would when writing.
Any comments will be well received.
If u got butt problems I feel bad for u son

I got two lubed fingers but I barely fit one
someone make a new thred or i'll have to
well the thing about English is that it's really easy to get your post across even with alot of mistakes so dont worry about it. so far I don't see anything out of place. so keep on doin what ur doin.

hell I don't even use proper English most of the time since it's such a chore to do. I prefer shorthand and southern slang
Keep your skin clean so when the hairs regrow they won't all get stuck inside your skin and stuff. It's a pain

>goof morning qt :3
Your food looked delicious
I think white people are hilariously cute in that respect

I'm too tired for this.

G'night everyone!
>that's something pretty rough to make someone go through.
I dont hold this over his head ever. and our relationship works very well.


no but I dont want to tell him how sad I am or how I want to kms all the time. I cant even really give a reason most of the time. I talk about this when I cant cope alone and then he helps me get through it, and I think thats important.

mhhh... defo not relationship, more day to day, but kinda deeper.

yay <3

but hed feel powerless and stuff. Ive put him in that position a few times, it makes him sad as well. that doesnt help me either. it just makes our lives harder.

>let him into your world a little
its not that he has no idea, I just dont know if he can connect the dots by himself or if he just knows what I tell him. I like to think we have a pretty intimate relationship in some ways. I just protect him from a few of the things I struggle with.

>i dont know, if i could be in a tiny ship and be shrunk down to the cellular level then fly around in your brain with a team of scientists and find out whats really going on and have a daring escape just before the ship rebiggens again then maybe i could help you better.

I like this idea a lot, please do that :3 Ive no idea either whats wrong with me.

>Are you feeling better now than a few days ago at least?

not really :(

>are you gonna be ok?
Idk yet, probably though!
the problem is not really knowing what I want to be, I made that first post as a joke but im honestly incredibly confused about who I am. what makes it harder is not really having any physical limitations, I could pull off pretty much any identity I want because im both very feminine and very masculine in nature and appearance. but im not comfortable sitting in this weird awkward middle area like I'm prince or David bowie or something, it just doesn't feel right to me. ill probably start off easy and go with a hard femme kind of look, andro but leaning towards female ykno? itll give me some time to think I hope
could get numbing cream? idr what kind most people use but I saw an epilation blog and the girl had a recommendation

an old friend of mine used to bait sjw's so hard. any time one of them got offended on his behalf he'd be like "why do you think I'd be offended by that? are you racist and assuming all black people would be offended by that?" and they'd anyways get so flustered

yea usually I just laugh at sjw stuff but this one hit too close to home because cooking is my passion

especially when like.. immigrants put a western spin on their cultural foods. why can't white people do the inverse? what's the benefit of exclusivity there, nobody benefits from it
i cri evertim

>I dont hold this over his head ever
the idea of loving someone and never being fully sure how they feel is what's rough

> I talk about this when I cant cope alone and then he helps me get through it, and I think thats important.
oh, well, at least you talk about it at times. I had gotten the idea that you never ever spoke about this. I guess you're just more mature than what we're used to see here.
how about this: you stop reading about labels because you're not a product in the frozen section and just do whatever you want.
I think, experiment! i mean you say you can and in your shoes I definitely would. A lot of people don't know where they fit in terms of identity and the world for a long time and its a great advantage to be able to try more.

I really do hope that you do find what's right for you though. Don't feel burdened by this, make the most out of it
I'm always here to vent to bb. Don't feel like ur dropping burdens on me I'm hella strong emotionally prolly twice as strong as every girl here and I've been through he'll and back. I use that extra strength to lend a hand and let other ppl lean on me when they're feeling down. we're family so it makes me happy to help you anyway I can! and I don't consider you a burden at all even if it's just sharing ur feelings so don't feel bad if you ever want to <333333


lmao I have to start doing this tnx anon

thanks! it was a quesadilla with beans and rice!
>tfw you actually feel a rush wondering if you'll get to make the new general and refresh a few times to make sure you're cool
>tfw you still fuck up
Epilating hurts way less once you get used to it, in fact it doesn't hurt at all, i quite like the feeling now
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