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/mtfg/ transgirl general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 687
Thread images: 151

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Seppuku edition. Shameful dispray.

▶ Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶ Trans Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
▶ Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶ Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶ Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶ Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶ HRT info: https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000 http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶ Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶ IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
▶ Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968
▶ Discord: https://discord.gg/0jCp5pochww4UBCv
▶ How your camera lies: https://i.imgur.com/gIs4gUF.jpg

>tfw you sent a message to your crush
>'seen' over 6 hours ago

Old bread >>6203051
>been practicing makeup quite a bit
>feel like it actually makes me look more manly and honish

Should I even bother? How much does makeup really help you?
Faggot here, I just saw the video by that Milo kid who's calling everyone transphobic.
What did you people think of it???

I lol'ed at how this kid has the most feminine mannerisms and behaviours, and always wears make up and dresses but claims to be a boy.
It's almost always the tumblrcore transtrenders making you look bad , find a way to end their lives for you own sakes.
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>friendly guy at work
>everyone likes him, really nice and cool
>he leaves the state to go study
>keeps in contact with most people
>he comes out as gay
>everyone seems really cool and supportive about it
>he comes back and visits, we all go out for meals and stuff every now and then
>everything cool
>he leaves again to go back to studying
>soon as he's gone every one starts making gay jokes about him or finding a way to bring up him being gay into conversation
>even my boss who thought was super cool about it
>lots of discussion if he is a top or a bottom, cruel stuff like that

ugh i am never ever ever coming out. i'm now truely paranoid that people can be really accepting on the surface but laugh at you behind their back. honestly that sounds worse then me to straight up honest hostility

Milo is complete bullshit tumblr incarnate
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Whooo willl be my frienddd i am lonely train ;( ??

we can be disney princesses together :D
I can be down with that....make it brutal and hurt me!
Do you really think so?
I want to look like a woman
I'll be accepting GF applications so long as you're in Australia.

A friendship is fine too I guess...
but i live in south korea, does that mean i can't apply RiP.
>I want to look like a woman
red you don't look like a woman, please stop this nonsense...
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Everyone post your trip ships RIGHT NOW

i really try to be the best version of myself that i can be, buuut i need chin/brow/nose first. and maybe jaw. or a jaw implant, idk.


QHI seriously doesn't do shots?




OH, NVM I GOT IT LMAO. ya, we're good, girl. dw bout it. :)




flannelxflannel (the fabric)
Shibari is <3

Hi Kit! Ugh that's awful. I know exactly what you mean. Something similar happened to one of my old coworkers, but they were openly making 'jokes' to him.
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hiiiiiiiiii qt !! i hope you are well !
I don't think I do....
How can I feel like a girl?
I keep having to go in masculine mode around my mom and grandparents.
I want to make myself feel like a girl
I want to be force femmed!
>Shibari is <3
yoo i'm not gonna get home till late tonight since i'm at library working ;( i have not forgotten about the code though!!
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Kk, cool.....
Yes I believe you look at an adult woman in her early to mid twenties
>I want to be force femmed!
uhhh this requires you to not already be a girl i think...
>how to feel like girl
start telling yourself you're a girl.
Only if you also let me heal you up before every blood-letting session.

Oh.... 0////0 that looks comfy...
How often did you shave your face before HRT?

Did you have trouble with 5 o'clock shadow?
made a typo my bad
Avoid them or be androgynous instead of masculine
not really it just kind of happens
sometimes I joke about e.g. a red 'a' being 'wrong' but it doesn't make me feel anything ocd ish

it's just associations really
like when you think of fire, you think of 'hot' (probably idk)
when I think of 'j' I think of 'brown'

and the music one is kind of like if on a cool day you imagine yourself as a piece of toast in a toaster and you start to feel warmer
I just kind of see it in my mind's eye

I don't really see why you'd be jelly desu
the inspo to do art isn't really that strong lol. What am I going to draw, colourful numbers? That'd get old fast
that's without.
I think one of my friends used to get shots from qhi. I'll have to ask her. Also good moooorning

Not yet but sometime in the future definitely. And you can judge all you want, he'll always have a special place in my heart.


I'm ok, hope you are too!

Shibari is love. Shibari is life.
You can heal me.
I want to bleed for you!
I can't....
I'm a boy!!!
god I'm so hyped for pokemon for some reason

even if you can't do dress up ;_;
I'm testing a trip because I already post way to much in these things.

Plus I crave attention.
>You can heal me.
>I want to bleed for you!

Oh my... me likey.

I didn't know I could be into this...

Holy shit, I really am a yandere...
This is mildly embarrassing.



o-oh, a-alright... i-it's o-ok... d-don't worry, p-pan - c-chan... ;-;




i'm sorry amy. :( that really sucks.


ye you should check! idk. i had heard they did shots but i've never used them so idek.


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flannel x yuri
>QHI seriously doesn't do shots?
Nope, at least not listed. Guess I could inquire what they have unlisted but I won't get my hopes up. It's either estradiol, estradiol valerate or premarin(yuck) pills. Currently on valerate to reduce risk of overdosing due to shit pill habits.
WEW. R-ropes are cool
>What did you people think of it???
Like the definition of a transtrender who does it for the attention. Looks like she's making rounds with it too which goes to show how many people don't follow the 'dont give attention to the attention whores' philosophy.
I still have trouble with shaving, even more so than before. Skin is more sensitive now so I can't shave as 'hard' as before and it leaves out a bit of a shade sometimes. Can't wait to get some makeup to cover that shit eurgh
>I don't really see why you'd be jelly desu
I'd love to be able to visualize colors in my mind, I feel that it'd help a lot with color theory and palettes... Rn I just have to work with what I already have laid out, no point of reference in mind.
>Not yet but sometime in the future definitely
Hope you're doing it in the summer desu, winter sucks as much as people love to romanticize it
>And you can judge all you want
Well that won't be necessary, I'm not a judgemental person ^^
I crave attention too, here's a (you) on the house
iktf bb

gib (You)s
my sister didn't call the looney bin, I will tomorrow
it's where I belong
Hi Cash. Thank you for joining attention whoring general, I'll be your guide.
I want you to hurt me and make me cry!
>I feel that it'd help a lot with color theory and palettes
oh yeah lol the other thing is that I'm hopelessly colourblind
I don't think you want that lol
hi red, I feel like shit, I've got 2 hours of sleep and can't fall back asleep because I'm in so much pain, I'm likely already fired because I missed a day and a half in the first 3 days of starting this job, and I really just want to die a little bit today.
Thank you. I've finally taken the final step to becoming a full blown attention whore.

Is there anything I should know before I completely sell my soul?

No. I gotta have breakfast. If I don't get my food/coffee/pills I'm going to be moody.

Besides, the best kind of pain is just at that level of bearable that it doesn't make you cry, but it feels sensational. There's a skill to drawing a knife across flesh so that your sacrifice bleeds but doesn't feel anything but the most extreme of pleasure. A skill that I don't yet have. But I will one day.
>o-oh, a-alright... i-it's o-ok... d-don't worry, p-pan - c-chan... ;-;
hahahahah, shuttt uppp. it was an act okay i was going through an exploratory phase okay... senpai. ;)
>R-ropes are cool
ya they are, lmao
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i said I'd post my face earlier. How's this?

The hair and glasses help a lot i think. Excuse the potato quality.
which loony bin if I might ask?

if it's belmont, say hi to the girl with the bottle of coke
she's nice

and spoiler alert: if you see the guy who's always yelling into his phone - there's no one on the other end apparently

funny place, funny people, but no judgement
You look ok
It's not that bad
Oh...why can't you?
You live on your own right-? Can you assert yourself and your femininity? Just refuse to appear as male
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Oh yes

Oh yes
>I'm not a judgemental person ^^
^ ^
Maybe if we do go over we'll all go out for a drink.

Not really you just have to jump in there and find your style. There are a lot of ways to do it. What works for me is posting really misleading femme pictures and constantly calling myself a gigantic man. But play around. See what works for you.

I believe in you

I should be talking to her later so I'll report back.

Your hairline is pretty great. Wouldn't clock based on this picture at all. But it depends on voice/mannerisms/body etc. Try take one in naturla light because like you said it's bad quality and it's impossible to judge with it.
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I have some color vision deficiency or I just get lost in the colors really easily. Like I can score almost perfect scores in color vision accuracy tests but if someone asks me to pick an individual color I can fuck that up easily, somehow the color just shifts in my mind and all depends on what color I imagine next to it if that makes any sense?
Hi, have a free (You) on the house! Post butt
Looks like a girl to me, can't comment on the style too much.
>Maybe if we do go over we'll all go out for a drink.
Maaaybe if I'm still around here. I'm pretty damn awkward irl though so maybe it's not the best idea, I've literally never been out for a drink before :B
Where's the foam?
I'm so sorry babe. I really hope you feel better
Is there anyway you can feel better
>tfw it'll be at least a year before your disabilities application is even looked at
>if it doesn't get aproved I have to take it to court
>if the court doesn't aprove I have to take it to a higher court
>if I don't get it right away when it's looked at in a year it could take 6 months to get it filed in courts
god damn I just want to get on NEETbucks, I can't even function at work anymore
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protip: posting pics often nets more (you)'s

but be careful, you could wind up on tier lists or something. Make sure you only post pics with flattering angles and lighting, thats the key :^)

>inb4 hair, etc, cant grow it rn for reasons, 2 months e
Foam is Inc

This is just the beginning

basic said she thinks they do so there u go!!




whatever one that bulk bills
I'm a poor, orphaned result of an abusive marriage.
my brothers and sisters are also nuts but they can manage with life
I hope that they sedate me and that I slowly waste away and my family doesn't come to visit
Do you want to top his bottom?
Winding up on a tier list is both appealing but also terrifying. I'm sure if I had my camera angled from space it would be a very flattering photo of me.

In this angled photo you look pretty andro. I can imagine you blossoming into a very tomboyish girl. Which I personally find appealing and am aiming for myself.

I own lots of flannel and converse sneakers.
I'm sorry...
I like being hurt
I'm living with them until I get my own place
Both Milos are two sides of the same bullshit coin.
the only thing that would make me feel better is money to cover rent for the next 12 months.
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>posting pics often nets more (you)'s
Guess I'm just too average or dont have interesting enough pics then. Usually get like 1-2 replies when I post with a pic and usually they're not related to the pic lol.

>basic said she thinks they do so there u go!!
You mean the injections? If yes that's dank

Are you one of those early transitioners with great genes too? At some point there will be enough of you and I'll be completely numb and out of reee's
I haven't tried gay sex yet, but I was nearly raped by a guy 8 years ago.
Since then, I was wondering what it's like to have a sex other than normal woman.

I want someone to give me the experience.
Since I haven't fully experienced in these stuff, I am very discrete.
(I watched a lot of porns thou.)

I wanted to try bottom and top both.
I have tried bottom with dildos but not with a real thing.

You've got to be 100% disease free like myself.
I wish you somehow convince me you are DDF.

Again, I am very discrete because I'm married.
I prefer foreigner because we will have less local relations.

I can exchange my pic with yours
Hell naw I'm late as. I started at 28 and I'm 29 now (7 month's on sugar pills)

So you're among friends here... if you're in a similar boat as I am.
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go write your papers sam...
or i'll whack you on the head
You should sign up for Autismbux. I am positive that you will get it easily.
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Goooood moooooorning
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Sadly I am in that boat
I'm two months too :D And it's my ambition to never end up on one.

Qhi's site is actually terrible to navigate too so I wouldn't be surprised.

Haha awh. dw about it. Also I'll ask my friend about injections and qhi later

26 and two months here
I'm applying for SSDI after I get an official diagnosis for my BPD that will likely be seen as bipolar by a psychologist.
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Okay is nice

How's this? It's 8:30 at night, best lighting i could find.

My voice is pretty deep. I'm always worried about being heard practicing, how/where did you hide it?

Thank you. The style is 'i stopped going outside'.
I don't want dogs to fuck me!
Oh...I hope you can get money
I'm kind of lucky, I live with my fiancée and she's constantly bugging me to practice. I still don't though

Oh hun it already sounds like you know how to self diagnose and then farm a shrink for the certificates. Good luck you're bound to get any diagnosis you pay for :^)
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How are you and how was your day /mtfg/?
I've got some FFS for you, come meet me in the back alley.
Yeah, horse dick is much more interesting.
I want it too!
Then I'll feel like a girl
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>The style is 'i stopped going outside'.
Beats my 'I never went outside' style :D

>I started at 28 and I'm 29 now
I started quite a bit sooner than you but aside from possible hairline withdrawing I wasn't spared from much, so I guess we're in somewhat the same boat? Or maybe you have godtier passer genes

>Also I'll ask my friend about injections and qhi later
Ah thank you. I'm going to head to sleep soon so hopefully I'll catch the possible results of this inquiry.
Pretty big forehead, but you can cover that.
Jawline is pretty feminine.
Hair and hairline look good.
Nose is small enough.
Clear skin.
You said you're pre HRT in the previous thread right?

Your looks are pretty promising.
Had to work 12 hours. Now I'm sitting here drinking Milo and listening to podcasts about Werewolves.

So bretty good day.
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>tfw ffs didn't work for me
I can't take that!
if all I want to do is dress up should I just get pokemon x or y instead of the gen III remakes???

I could get y lol
I feel like there's a chromosome joke in there somewhere
Milo a best
even though i havent had any in ages
>I don't want dogs to fuck me
you tell em red
cishet men are welcome here, don't bully them
pls be in brisbane
>tfw eating a pot noodle and a bag of mccoy's salt and vinegar crisps for lunch
>Passing genes

I dunno. I think T did a pretty good number on me. The best mones has done for me is make me look a hell of a lot younger but besides that I'm trying to work my ass off and afford FFS so I won't feel so terrible about looking at my face.

Save money. Or get in massive debt like I plan to. Who would you see anyway? I like the looks of Dr Bart.
I'm gonna work temp jobs every few days to bring in enough to cover rent/medicine and I'm going to get on foodstamps so I can help out around the house with that. I can handle doing temp jobs because there's none of the anxiety that comes with worrying about my attendance or job security. I Still have anxiety out the ass but generally if I only have to deal with it once every 3 days I can manage.

>tfw no money for FFS
with my 2020 japan trip savings account that I'll start in a year or so, I'll use the leftovers for FFS funds. that is assuming there will be leftovers.
Sorry bb I'm Sydney.

What? Breakfast of champions. And dinner sometimes. 4 scoops C'MON
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>I'm trying to work my ass off and afford FFS so I won't feel so terrible about looking at my face.
Good luck! I'm still just trying to plan my future to the point where I can start working my ass off :D
I want to make you happy Amy!



i just want to be perfect


honestly if i worked really hard for 4-5 months i could have money for FFS, but... i'm already saving for my move to portland, so .___.
i have a few surgeons in mind, but i'm not sure. i know literally every well-known/famous trans woman in the world at this point and i know which doctors they all went to for everything tho, so....
i know what i need and what it'll cost me and the ranges and locations etc, just haven't committed.
Does it still count as guy mode if I wear all girl clothes? Where's the line?
Almost lost my access to HRT. First thought was to kill myself in some way bloody as a final fuck you, so it's strangely appropriate to see this thread.
>tfw just want to be adequate enough for someone to pay attention to me

I'm not sure there's anything anyone can do to make me feel better now, save for someone throwing cash at me like water on a forest fire.
Yeah, I'm pre everything. Unless drinking soy milk daily since i was three counts.

Outside is lame, inside is where all the cool cats chill.

That's pretty lucky. Tell your fiance that a random anon is very impressed by how supportive she is.

Not with that attitude!
uhhh, girl mode is when you start having others address you by female name, pronouns.
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>Outside is lame, inside is where all the cool cats chill.
Damn right!
This is a good thing to go sleep to.

Gnite yall, try to keep the drama down a bit :B
bit of a weird question but is it normal that I can't orgasm after 2 months hrt?
I tried the other day and noticed it just wouldn't happen
.. Lol
yes, most girls don't even lose their orgasm after srs, let alone just hrt.
Er... what sort of girl clothes? I always wear girl clothes but they're so androgynous it's kinda pointless because they're almost indistinguishable from guy clothes. In my mind anything that draws attention to my breasts or makes them more visible is when I cross the line (because I'm usually trying to hide them)

Of course wearing dresses and stuff automatically puts you over the edge.
I think I have passing genes

I'm a bit south of sydney, cool.

I used to love milo as a kid. Now it's only for putting on vanilla ice cream.

Good night!
you need a dick nestled up your bum

people notice you lots tho? idu.
i don't want to be adequate tho, i want to be exceptional. like jaw dropping, demands attention in a room, exceptional, uniquely gorgeous, desu.
because i'm vain like that. like i pass and look ok but i don't want to just pass .________.
Your body is rewiring. I didn't start getting female orgasms until 3-5 months
pretty normal yes
girls get turned on differently so like just imagine a boy biting your neck and putting his penis inside of you
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thanks! hopefully that happens lol, my self perception is too fucked to judge fairly at all.
I own lots of those too, not even lez tbdesu

imo it usually helps to ask questions with pic idk, ask for input, etc

fine MOM, bye everyone

cool we're like tranny twins, whats your e birthday?
>feb 29
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I wish I did
Oh? Another Sydney girl! I'm not alone...

Honestly Milo and ice cream is Godly. My only problem is I'm trying to avoid sugar at the moment... but now I'm tempted as all hell.
so the ufuflu is as strong as ever?
omg lmao im the EXACTTTT same way
i want to be beautiful ;_;

idk what ur talking about
I went full time at the start of my junior year of high school, without mones until halfway through the year. I wore women's clothing and had everyone address me as Amy. I didn't dictate their pronouns but I would occasionally just interrupt them by just saying "she". most people filled in the blanks because Amy is a pretty feminine name, but I only ever had to get pissed off at a friend once for not using the right name and pronouns, after I yelled at him he shut the fuck up real quick. (Nobody fucks with the DM in DnD, nobody.)

I just want to be attractive enough to attract someone I find attractive instead of constantly crushing on people who are way out of my league or not interested in me at all. I wanna be able to take a selfie without taking 5 minutes to try and get it so I don't look like I have manface.
>so I Dont have a manface
I need to make an app called honbegone for dual camera phones that auto picks the most feminine angle
well that's good I guess

>a boy biting your neck and putting his penis inside of you
I think I might uhh
try now
>idk what ur talking about
you know, dicks flying at your face
>I just want to be attractive enough to attract someone I find attractive instead of constantly crushing on people who are way out of my league or not interested in me at all.
Buy a tank. Everyone loves tanks.

(I really love tanks)
(tanks <3)

the girls in the fish tank/network especially... liiiike
a lot of them have overdone it on the FFS, but the ones that haven't.... giiiiirl
like i'm a 7 on a good day? maybe? but imagine me with FFS. TENS ACROSS THE BOARD HENNY


you've def had lots of people find you attractive tho, and had partners.
i think generally the whole like.... liking people who don't like you thing tho is a human affliction.
Ffs was ok for me but could've been a lot better. Oh well, there's always revisions
I finished my shower, first time while wearing the chastity device, it was interesting how the experience is changed when you can't feel the water against your sissy stick

Used the hair removal cream on my hands and forearms, they look great, skin is very light and in general look more gentle and feminine

That is a problem too, the change is too noticeable, people will notice.
The best I can do is cover my hands with the long sleeves of my shirt

Was in the bathroom for a long time while others needed to use the toilet, they might be suspicious
Lewd me
Nice. March 3rd

Same tho. If I can't be beautiful there's no point. .

Same. Usually skinny jeans, boots and a jumper. Though sometimes I'll wear pretty obvious girl tops if I'm not in work.

Not that weird. I can't when I masturbate anymore. Can't even get hard on my own.

Uhhhhhhhhhh what's so funny?!

I do that with friends. And sometimes customers gender me female. So idk. I guess it's weak boymode then
no i have no idea about anything like that pls stop insinuating outlandish things

girl i kno thats why i made it so i dont see posts from it on my fb feed lmfao
too triggering tbqh lolllll
id like ffs tho myself :/ fix my forehead and jaw and chin.
I was so snuggled into bed I had to have juice and muffins brought to me this morning.

That's my kinda lewds.
Extreme snuggles



l m a o giiirl
let's run away and be escorts and get surge and be crazy t b h
i want brow/nose/chin i m m e d i a t e l y
i want to cook breakfast for you~

>tfw your only goal in life is to be conventionally attractive
my other goal is bearing children but thats probably even less likely
>not knowing half-passing on easymode isn't girlmode.
2month genetic lottery queen
ummm but im scared of dudes ;___; help!!!
I-i'm down! What would you cook?
>no i have no idea about anything like that pls stop insinuating outlandish things
okay I will not mention anymore about bouncy rigid members flopping around infront of you, glistening at the tip begging to be drained of its essence
need to sleep but I'm stuck watching these
send help
Hiya Phien-chan!

>bearing children

It's being worked on. The current problem is mutating a stem-cell into an egg cell, but I suspect that if you could transplant a generic XX chromasome in place of the XY (yes, this is the hardest part of genetics, it's stupidly difficult to cut out only certain chromasomes) and then accelerated the growth of the cells, it should be possible to create female egg cells from male genetics!

Sorry for nerding out.
granola and yogurt with egg whites~
>mfw I've seen most of these

Or compilations of people doing acrobatic stuff from very high places. Oh my God I clench so hard.
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Soup ?
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Maybe a little pointless without a "before" pic
kayla loves you

i love how we're like considered some of the filthiest passers in this gen and we're all like "I NEED IT, GIVE ME FFS" L M A O
I'D FEEL BAD IF DYSPHORIA WASN'T A BITCH. at least you're getting your work done phien!!!!


i can teach u bb. we can do 2 girl specials. 500$+ a pop for each of us. then we can be qts. ;_;
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I need one.
she is trying to get you to notice her
and I'm a dirty early transitioner and I need ffs BAD lol
I'm a bit the same, really. Part of why I like dressing outrageously. I cheat, though, "secret" ingredients in my perfume formulas that make me impossible to ignore. I'll probably never be as beautiful as I wish I would be, fighting against age is a losing battle, but as long as there aren't 11s around, I'm beautiful enough to be noticed and memorable.
Why does my chin look worse when lying down?
Who is this girl you keep posting?
Omnomnom... Bbut, I need fat for my ass.
I thought you were a vegetarian?
I don't feel I need FFS. Plastic surgery, yes. FFS? I neither need nor want to look more feminine.
i am~
but i want to make nice things for you~
i'll cook bacon for you!
I just want another gladius
why should I care ?
Am I a whore for wanting to sleep around?
But, like not sex..
Just falling asleep leaning against whomever is close to me for warms.

..work boys are weird around it
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tfw thats exactly how i feel too except i dont even pass without makeup and have as much of a presence as akarin
tfw youve only been asked out on a date once and it was by a creepy older guy almost a year ago
tfw you went on it because he was giving you attention and making you feel actually special
I don't think so. I consider myself a cuddle and kissing whore I try to snatch it up whenever I can.

It's the best feeling tbvh.
fall asleep next to me~
Cheesy covered hash-browns too?

Omfg, I'd love to just never have to work, let my massive upper torso man muscles finally shrink, and be a tiny qt, like you :/
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HONESTLY, though i don't find myself all that attractive, when i go out i look better than most of the women i see, and i get hit on/checked out a lot.
this is entirely because i abuse every single ~attractive~ female societal trigger on earth and cis women don't bother to try nearly as hard as i do tho.
if i naturally looked qt, annnddd i did that? imagine.


vanessa frankenstein, my ginger inspo
when i was first thinking of going full redhead i found her and i've been lowkey obsessed ever since.


i don't think so, no


gem :( lemme teach you bomb makeup tricks so you look slammin. you're already cis and qt.
Hopefully he took rawr with him.
>i can teach u bb. we can do 2 girl specials. 500$+ a pop for each of us. then we can be qts. ;_;
ok but idk what to do ;______; teach me senpai

that one was just funny you goober
SRS will never happen for me, FFS definitely will never happen
all I do is try to afford electrolysis twice a month
I can't lose weight I'm that pathetic, there isn't any reason to stay alive but I can't even kill myself because I'm a coward
just like how I decided to repress instead of trying almost 10 years ago because I was a coward then too
Seriously? Looking for comforting human warmth pas nothing to do with sex, let alone with being a whore. It's perfectly normal and innocent.
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Forvard! For Pravda!.jpg
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>I just want another gladius

Yeah but...
>tfw wrapping your legs around the long 88 of a Tiger 1 as it fires
>tfw falling asleep inside the safe armour of an IS2
>tfw feeling the wind whipping through your hair as a BT-7 carries you quickly to safety like a knight in shining armor

Every girl needs a tank.
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harro :3

yeah it would be great if that worked within 10 years I kinda want ovaries and uterus though, like being knocked up the natural way ;-;

desu Ive never posted in passgen, I tend to get really mixed results. Idk why, or if thats accurate. I know what you mean though. when I was in thailand, one of suporns staff (they also do ffs) said I should never get ffs cause my face was already pretty good. I guess I am going against their advice ;~;

>tfw Ive never been asked out irl either
I am not sure why.
Why did rawr dox you?
but I can wrap my legs around gf already
Be nice to rawr & sheen
Why you chrushin on me so hard girrrl?
I'm good on kissing... I just love warm naps but people are weird about me wanting a spoon. Like, I'm not fond of masc boys... But I'd sure as shit enjoy being a little spoon with anyone who doesn't stink.
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>tfw never be a qt nazi girl
Both are ugly as sin. I'm never nice to ugly people because they deserve no sympathy.
gem i'll teach you makeup~
i like being tiny!
i thought i told you!!!
i'll big spoon you
Edgy xD
please do s-senpai .&.


only possibility

bc you're a cutie worth being taken out
I'm never nice to cunts.
... Stab you in the fucking neck with a soldering iron.

Sheen needs to live in the mountains for a few years and rawr is a qt
>yeah it would be great if that worked within 10 years I kinda want ovaries and uterus though, like being knocked up the natural way ;-;
Ah, but that's what's being looked into. After all what's the point of researching all this if you can't do these things. We can already make test-tube babies, why stop there?

>but I can wrap my legs around gf already

>looking adorable with your helmeted head sticking out of the commanders hatch in a panzer IV
>Hiding inside a TOG II having a tea party
> Cuddling in the safety of an T-90

H-Huh? What was that? I was kinda distracted...
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who /hooded eyes/ here?
Hating rawr isn't edgy at all, especially when you consider what he did to ufufu

You look like an uglier Kayla. Why would I care about what you think?

>tfw teaching you to be a whore
who could have seen this coming?


you're gorg, coming from someone who is judgmental af about the way people look lol.
but at the same time i think you'll look even better and top tier with FFS. good both ways, but one makes you happier, so may as welllll


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never say never.
Ill make ALL of us qt nazigirls!

awww <3
like 2-3 have approached acquaintences of me and poked around, like 'is she single?`how old is she? what does she like?'
and stuff like that. does that count?

even if that was possible now, I think my bf wouldnt allow it.
What are hooded eyes?
That's a lovely concept. Not thrusting or fucking, just cuddling someone with a nice warm dick in your butt. Is it weird that that sort of intimacy turns me on a thousand times more than the idea of sex?

It's a great town, i studied product design in newtown/enmore.

Being thin or fit is nice, but i like being fat a lot more. Thicc, even.
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Tfw I'll never be a filthy passer

Feels bad mane
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> sissy stick
I only have a good grasp on eyeliner and mascara desu

and i like never even try to use foundation or anything bc idk what to do and i can never get that or eye shadow to look right
I'm jealous.

Tbh, spooning me would be like big spooning a man..
Even though you are taller
Lol, I'm not even 1.5 years and I plan on ffs. I know my face is dogshit... But you're just a nameless faceless edgy anon.
Sooo? What's your point.
Hell, nikky didn't pass until 2 years, now she's cis.
didn't edie give you all a class?
might as well senpai

maybe they're just intimidated by cute natsoc girl
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i could have seen this coming tbqh.

i may have been transitioning longer than other people here but that doesnt mean i have any more life experience than others ;~;

anyways being an escort sounds cool sign me up
>Thicc Sydney trans girl

HIGH T... or er, low T.

You single? :p

I'm actually trying to gain some weight I'm just trying to do it without too much sugar. I'm 72 kilos at the moment and 5'10.
But Phienchen how can I become a nazi girl I'm only 1/4 Aryan?
Hey i just woke up from this dream where an old poodle with grey eyes was following me around and I realized it was really a dog we had with my ex boyfriend. The dog looked at me and said "No" and then I woke up.

What could this mean?
Nikky is an ugly half-bald polack. He never looked good and never will.
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do you mean epithelial folds?

>implying I'm half passing
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It's like an extra fold of skin or something that makes your eyes look a lot smaller... ;_;
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I had to go to work
Gingers are whiter than Aryan's... Hyper pure mutants
Why did rawr dox you? Answer my question please.
I'll do your makeup for you~!
a sorority sister showed me how! and youtube
i'm the one who's body is like a man's....
you're cute <3333

gem had to work, and she missed it :(
i feel like maddie benefited from it the most, along with my friend ashley, but the other girls weren't as interested either, so.


i feel like faye is going to be so mad when she wakes up lmaoo <_<


Now you're hating to hate. Bahahha.
K, anon, ok.
I'm done here
i can show you how to escort too~
well she is moving there soon
and then Faye and her will get married and edie will carry faye over the threshold
but in the meantime you can learn how to makeup off her
yessssss kind of i think. i'm not sure cause google says its mostly for people of asian decent but i have no asian blood so IDK

my eyes are almond shape tho ;_;
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ill move out west w/ u after i finish electro and we can escort and it'll be great

u should give me a makeup class too btw im shit

k but i dont know u tho so
Why did rawr dox you?
I escorted up till 8 months ago
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>you're gorg, coming from someone who is judgmental af about the way people look lol.
awww <3

yeah I hope it will solve the problems I have. I think the only thing I really NEED is trachea shave, the rest is for vanity reasons I guess.
I still have to discuss with my parents and my sister everything I want to change over and over cause 'there are women with low set eyebrows' and stuff like that. also, my sister is afraid that I wont be able to breath anymore after a nosejob. I love my family, but sometimes they overdo this.

if I was natsoc irl Id get killed on the street ;~;

its not the aryan in your DNA that counts, its the aryan in your soul.

but they dont have a soul ;_;

ok but when tf are we hanging out irl tho


is your family close to/really important to you?
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i can see the dudes we go out with gravitating towards edie bc she's fun and outgoing and knows how to flirt w/ guys while im retarded and dumb

lol lol lol

ok but i still dont know u so rofl

idkkkkkkk im busy 4ever bc of work and shit ugh
Wait what races are counted as Aryan
Are Anglos aryan?
I had a dream I worked as a maid for a girl my own age that owned a mansion.
But even though I passed in the dream she forced me to dress as a boy when her transphobic grandmother visited and it made me cry.
Why am I even a tranny in my dream ;-;?
But no is so negative! :(
I also dreamt I had this cute blue pastel classic vespa.

Also good morning!

Also, how does one get into "high class" escorting? Is it how you market yourself or is it something that just happens, like you meet a john with money and then BAM you're Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman in a steel gray sports car?
>if I was natsoc irl Id get killed on the street ;~;
but isn't it better with lunatic Muslim migrants, err I mean, Tanned germans enriching the street?
oh...well...I'm Red!!!
I've seen your whole body...
I used angles on tc.
..you do pass on cam
And get flip flopped gendered irl
>no soul
Better soldiers methinks
Less empathy for das juden
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I always wanted a makeover from a cute girl tbhfam

Ive only had my sister do it before, when we still lived together

thats what ive been looking forward too since i first heard the meetup was happening honestly

Ive always kinda looked up to her fashion and her makeup skills and how she presents herself and stuff, since i started going to mtfg in the first place
You mean peaceful refugees who need our help and are totally not just using the war as an excuse to get welfare
you'll like red, she has a thing for knots as well
Shut the fuck up rawr.
kind of, they care a lot, but they dont understand this at all. theyve always been supportive though.
Like, my dad (hes also a psych) STILL asks me sometimes if I am sure that I want to be a girl. I HAVE A VAYJAY I AM NOT GOING TO DETRANSITION. Idk. theyd also prefer if I was lezzers. its weird. but theyre good parents.
my sister and I have always been really close. before I transitioned, my parents feared that my sister and I would end up dating. we joked wed go to france together just to annoy them.

depends who you ask.
anglos SHOULD be a natural ally nowadays at least though.


I like the way you think.
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>make use of the vagina you have been given
soon, fampai sooooon

>i can see the dudes we go out with gravitating towards edie bc she's fun and outgoing and knows how to flirt w/ guys while im retarded and dumb

you just need me to teach you how to flirt desu!!!!
we can practice and everything it'll be q.
also ikkkkkKKK but likee i can'ttttt move to portland before i see you? you're so close now. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE PLANS A YEAR AGO. but we're both lame and tame


i like vespas :c
hi class escorting is hard to get into unless you're very well educated, drop dead gorgeous, and very socially intelligent. most "escorts" are just prostitutes.

>Ive always kinda looked up to her fashion and her makeup skills and how she presents herself and stuff, since i started going to mtfg in the first place

<3 you

>being a boy in a dream
Dream is suffering :(
thats a shame

also btw i just realized my great grandpa was probably literally hitler youth considering he grew up in germany around the right time and he looked unquestionably aryan
I've had sexual partners but I haven't been in a real relationship yet, and boy do I sure love it when I have casual sex with someone, develop a massive crush on them, and they're not interested at all. I especially love the part where I start getting paranoid they regretted everything and they hate me and wish I were dead.

BPD is fun.
I love how some people manage to make things that I wouldn't normally be offended by, highly offensive.

Mother: You need to go down to the Itrio office and apply for benefits
Me: Ok
Mother: You'll have to tell them that you're no longer in college. Even if you're only putting it off for a year, you have to tell them this.
Me:Yeah. That seems smart
Mother: It's the only way that you're going to be able to get a job with the way you are
Mother: NEET?
Me: Not in employment, education or training.
Mother: Exactly. That's what you have to tell them

I literally shouted at her, and she didn't realise that she had offended me.
Looking back on it, I probably took it too hard, but literally anyone else saying it, and it wouldn't have bothered me at all.
>that whole thing
first laugh I've had today
I like showing off my body~!
makeover with gem! Happy times!!!
I do like knots tho!!!
Well my grandfather was put to work in a factory by the nazis when they occupied his country
So I got nazi collaboration in my blood :D
laughing is therapeutic, glad i could make you smile sheen :)
hey what up im ufu "og tripfriend" fu

anon pls

i kno ; ; i never go out anyways and i know u dont either LMAO
eye mean i could come visit u after the move??? i love portland it'd be great to see it again

but desu we should see each other now too. lol. maybe i can take like a long weekend sometime soon and come visit my senpai in philly and we can hang???!?!
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finally got confirmation on job starting dates c:
wont have to stress about affording hrt now
...I Dont like showing mine
I'm ashamed of it.
I wore a bikini last 4th of July.. Only b/c of xanax and rum
I'm also probably a sociopath
omg I'm sorry red
you are indeed a manly man and I didn't mean to misgender <3
show it off with me~!
I'm not a man!!!
I'm a feminine male!
a femboy!!
a failed tranny!
what? is that knot true anymore?
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the highest degree.jpg
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>reading bits of my old diary to a friend I just came out to and laughing about how cliche tranny everything in there is
this is not how I envisioned spending my evening
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tfw edies your real senpai so youve always been manually typing that out instead of f a m this entire time theres been a filter

lol red you're confusing the poor guy
Mm-merp :(
Sending shit like this to my friend who used to crush on me when I was a dude

>Valq in a bikini

Pic is literally the image that crept into my mind
let's be friends!
I'm the "og femboy former tranny"!
What is an example of something cliche tranny?

>I found old drawings in the sides of my exercise books that show me as a female knight
>when the words come out that's not my voice I hear
>this isn't my body
>this isn't my life
>when do I get to be me?
>constant suicide talk
>I'm not a man!!!
>I'm a feminine male!
>a femboy!!
>a failed tranny!
I'm confused now
9 work boys just told me you were cute AF... And then I told them you had a gt and they didn't believe me at first
Drunk AF having a roman candle war.. Kek.
If I'm in a bikini, I'm hammered
I'm pre everything at the mo, i have no idea what t i am.

Thicc is my goal. I'm single, and flattered. I posted my face earlier.

I'll say hi next time I'm in the thread i guess, nice meeting you.

i want to fell your body valq~

no, sheen looks like a girl!
this guy was a dude!
(you) <3

my bfs granddad was as well :3
but sheen has moobs
in my dreams you're a grill.
nooo i want to feel!!!!!
Who /chastity training/ here?
Lupron and you dont need to train
I want to get a cock cage for a grad present!
but I need kaylee to pick one first!!!
there's an "I'm yelling timber" joke somewhere in here.
no it is NOT true ive only been looking at yaoi for the past 5+ months


what do u like 2 do

lets snuggle
B-bbut why? I'm slowly morphing into a muscle girl.. From a fit boy
"Giant redwood trees"
i like to longboard and go camping and meet new people and book binding
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I haven't talked with you in so long, how's life tho?
>no, sheen looks like a girl!
I love muscle~
who wants to knot me???
I definitely don't believe that

c: that must be really difficult. i mean especially with your dad who is a psych? sigh
i'm glad they're at least supportive of you tho. like that's real important...


how do you tend to go about the whole relationship thing if i may ask?


would you wanna come to portlandddd? you could meet all my portland trannniesss. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH and you would too.
we could totally do a long weekend or w/e !!! IDK. or i could just go visit u on ur day off and go get food then go home lolol


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I need to be afk for a while now tho
>how do you tend to go about the whole relationship thing if i may ask?
I have no fucking clue. I crush too easily and I have too high standards that I can't lower.
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I do knot

sorry i saw the opportunity for a pun and just HAD to go for it

im nothing if not a pun opportunist in waiting

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I'll knot you Red
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>3 am get off the computer and seriously try to fall asleep because passing out isn't working
>4 am finally fall asleep
>8 am get yelled awake because everyone else was up at 6 and you've "slept long enough"
Shall I record it on cam?
Its why I'm a 38 band when I could be a 36
that's such a bad photo!
Don't.............. And please don't show me to people :/
I want to be little and you can be the muscle!!!
also because I have BPD I have a massive inferiority complex so everyone I'm attracted to feels like they're a million miles out of my league. and a hate myself and can't even hold stable friendships.
Red do you have a kik?
Umm, what's this BDP everybody keeps referencing?
thats cool
u sound like an outdoorsy type
im gonna sit inside tho still

life sucks just like ALWAYS

dude i would L O V E to visit portland. would be great. id have to get more in shape tho i dont wanna disappoint anyone >_>

>or i could just go visit u on ur day off and go get food then go home lolol
dis works too!! let's coordinate (* o *)

ok its ok i need to go to work anyways BYE
nuts_rice :3333
borderline personality disorder
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thats not very punny to joke about red

puns are an art worm and personally im offended
Hey everyone, I have an important question so please help me.

So I've been self medicating HRT for a few months. In about 2 months I'm planning to get plastic surgery, but I'm worried that I will get into trouble when the surgeons ask what medicine I've been taking and I tell them I have been taking spiro and estradiol without a script.

Could they postpone the surgery? Could I get arrested?
It's not like they're controlled substances
yolo, don't tell them shit
But you have to tell the anaesthetist what medicines you are taking because it could affect the surgery?
Is it possible to get enough estrogen to transition without medication?
I don't imagine it's possible but asking anyways.
i had a surgery in anesthesia too and didnt die (sadly)
<3 my fave poster!! What up, how's your back?

theyre not gonna call you're doctor to fact check what you said

if you tell them what you take theyll just factor it in if its relevant to the procedure
A lot better now.
Was able to work yesterday with no problems
i thought i knew you
I have decided.

I'm going to start to try to be an unpleasant person to the people around me.
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dont beet like that red
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found my old suicide note
sending excepts from it to a friend on steam and we're both lmaoing at it hard

my life makes no sense and I don't care any more lol

so glad I'm not in the same place I was when I wrote this shit

nooo don't do that it doesn't work
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>life sucks just like ALWAYS
w-why? I thought leaving mtfg made people happy.
I started using steam again

How long has it been blue?
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o yah since its been a while i guess you guys can have a new pic of me

>ywn be ufufu
it hurts
We're the same age. I'd be so depressed if I wasn't really happy for you.
you're so beautiful...
dysphoria inducer/10
zzz o well

snap me pics during work thx bye will correspond l8er *is getting rdy to run errands*
>tfw no steam friends that I actually talk to
>tfw no friends online or IRL
end my life senpai
u turn me agp
dollface can I be your bf?
You can have friends on steam?
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what is wong
i'm leaving this thread
I'm going to take a nap
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what's the best way to fuck with someone's hrt.

My brothers a tranny and I plan on repcing his pills with placebos or test tablets
im RIGHT here sis
Start taking them yourself.
yeah, that way he'll never get thim
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who here
good night infrared light

(see that one wasnt even technically a pun it was just alliterative and stuff)
nice bait, I totally haven't seen that one a dozen times before
>calls my post bait
>is a depressed tranny
New tier list>>
Goddess tier:
Absolutely disgusting tier:
Everyone else

Literally why even try anymore.
>tfw ywn be Ufufu tier
Might as well kill myself tbhonfampai
I'm trying to stop desu shits hard
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>last half of my diary is just suicide notes getting crossed out and rewritten cause I kept reconsidering (i.e. pussying out)
>suddenly make it to the last page
>Happy now.
I don't remember writing that
it's the only thing in this book that made we want to cry

well I just read out my 14 year old self's diary to 4chan and a friend who didn't even know I was trans last week
weirdly I feel pretty fucking fantastic right now
gonna get pokemon tomorrow

idk if this seems like a sad post
it's really not

anyway good night you dirty degenerates!
to be fair my depression isn't rlly even about tranny shit
but anyway nice deflection, I totally think your bait is reeeeal original now and am upset and scared for your totally real sibling
Goodnight <3
Have a good night!
Kek kys hon
>dilate for the first time in two days of not
>its less painful and easier than when going at it daily

What is this magic.
It's being allowed to close up and heal say goodbye to your vagina
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>mfw shit-tier trolling
Good one, I'm trembling with fear now. Oh no. I'm triggered by your insensitivity. I haven't seen these insults before. It's shocking and offensive. Aaah.
I want 12 daughters.

i-i have a gf
Red I want to pound your boypussy don't leave the thread
That's not how it works, silly chaser.
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Ufufu is so pretty
Shit fuck shit fucking cunt fuck I waited too long to start. I need to stop thinking I can do this.
I could be her bf as well, there's man enough of me to go around.
I'm, in fact, extremely manly
you're going to be fine you already look exponentially better than you did a few months ago. stop worrying or comparing yourself to others, you didn't wait too long to start at all. okay. <3
No one cares.
>extremely manly
so manly that you spend your time posting on tranny forums on the internet instead of fucking bitchs in the real world? lmao alright cuck.

pretty pretty, myths turned out to be real on this one.
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>MFW OG trips are on a whole other level
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I want to quietly slip into the cold embrace of oblivion and never see the mortal sun again
Wouldn't having a frankengina make any chaser totally uninterested in you?

Seems we are on the downswing.
Yeah and ufufu says she needs ffs

faye doesn't like men, s-sorry
don't worry, I'm not a man, just extremely manly.
>OG trips are on a whole other level
just give it time, ufufu had to transition and go through maybe not the same exact process but roughly the same idea. we all started off with T in our body here and took HRT and transitioned or are transitioning into something we're happy with. no point comparing yourself to people years ahead of you in their own journey.

don't compare apples and oranges. you'll get there one day, just give it time.
Don't everyone here?
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Idk there's not much point to it right now. I'll probably never pass without surgery and I'll definitely never be attractive. I actually passed when I was 16. People thought I was a girl. I threw it away.

Yeah. It goes like that.
lol ok upset anon, I hope u don't kys and just get help for whatever issues are driving you to shitpost here to feel better

meme magic

calm the fuck down, you're like 26 iirc?
people here have transitioned around then and been fine, people have transitioned later and been fine
it's more a matter of genetics but it's not gonna get better by stressing and delaying
If she thinks she needs it then she does. Unless someone can convince her otherwise.
1 pair of panties I ordered arrived today

His dad had slightly opened the envelope but you couldn't tell exactly what was inside
>tfw stealing a siblings clothes because they fit you better than they do them.

Am I a real girl yet mommy?
>sticking around after I said I'd go just to see the (You)s my good night post picked up
who /mtft massive attention whore/ here?
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I would kill to be as pretty as her ;~;
Nahhh it makes for better trapping
>meet cute guy
>impress him with awesome knowledge of male pleasure.
>why no kids?
>I was born with a problem and I lost my reproductive organs!
>I will always support you
>have awesome sex always
>adopt children
>make family
>grow old together
>on deathbed whisper into his ear
>I'm really a man, brah
>crack open a brewski
>scratch crotch
>give him double middle fingers
>goodbye faggot
>gasping his last breath, Jesus takes his soul to hell because he was a faggot

The life of a tranny is a good life :)
>I'll probably never pass without surgery
just give it some time, okay :) 2 years hrt, then tell me you won't pass without ffs. we've talked about this a ton. its like tallying the votes before the polls close, or calling a horse race when they haven't even finished the first lap.
Lol no they won't. They will be hons and end up killing themselves

Kill yourself
new laser consult this wednesday ^________^

the old place that burned my face can fuck right off
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I am sure you'll be prettier than Andrew Garfield.
Why do you even pay attention to the state of your mind? Your mind is crazy, best ignore it.
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w-we're not poly


>tfw kuroneko, ufufu, anna, phien, haato, faye, epi, amelia, lydia, elfginger, circe, fashionista, mercury, sage, etc

>w-we're not poly
don't worry, I'll kill myself so I don't exist as a quantity in the relationship
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Don't be a pussy.
ehhh yall should chill lmao

i mean its a selfie and i can easily crop out gross stuff and leave my best assets. its not like im amazing 10/10 i just know how to take a selfie rofl

sorry for making anyone sad tho i def didnt want that :(
desu a big part of it is communication between u and the laser technician
like if the laser is too weak ur not gonna get results but if it's too strong it'll burn u and people's skin and sensitivity can vary so it's vital that there's a back and forth of how u feel and stuff
Not everyone.
Ufufu has bdd unlike the rest of the "women" here
damn, is circe considered an oldfag now?
I remember back back when sage posted regularly and would go after anna and me and others for ankle-pics
don't worry, I'm already sad.
I have diagnosed bdd
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I know, it's just the road seems so steep and hard. I guess you just have to have faith.

I'm more like a grapefruit than an orange :p!

Honest to God, I thought she already had FFS, I mean, look at the position of her eyebrows!

>MFW no thank you

Wake me up, before you go, go, tho
From who
that looks really cool, holy shit.

>tfw the sister who I would steal clothes from moved away
Yeah I'm 26. Genetics has fucked up my face to a mangled mess. I haven't decided if I'm going to stop but in the mean time I'll keep taking them.

Thanks pan. Though I'm literally not listening to a thing you're saying rn, I appreciate you trying to help. You're pretty great.

Not a chance. Eh even though I know I'm pretty fucked up I still trust my judgement.

Dw you didn't make me sad. I made me sad. I'm happy for you tbqh
...my psychologist??
I've no idea what I actually look like most days
Your psychologist is most likely a fraud.
My psych tried to pull the same shit on me with bdd crap until I proved her wrong
Everyone would be sad no matter what you did.
Ugugu is an ugly hon with sunken eyes like edgar
I can't sleep
and I have 8 hours to pack up a messy bedroom and bathroom
or else i gotta pay 60 bucks
Nice try hon.
my face is pretty fucked too but passing is more of an all-around effect

>tfw anons keep talking about my bp
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Here comes the hongie.
Nice try hon. Only hons defend hons. I attack all trips.
Angie is a hon too
please be civil
calling someone hon is an overused meme
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You can laugh but I gave her evidence on why I don't have bdd

I was only the second one.
I have no issues with Robin or ufufu
>Wouldn't having a frankengina make any chaser totally uninterested in you?

Yes, which is why one can assume they're a chaser as they try to put off other girls getting srs by spreading misinformation about it (that it will "heal shut" like a wound).
Why would you say that?
For years pre transition, I would lift and lift until I was jacked but looking in the mirror, I was tiny... Other times , from my perspective, my features changed seemingly overnight.
Even now, I'm full time and supposedly pass well enough with fluffy boobs and a curvy waist yet I see a huge ripped body some days.. Others, I can be lucid for like 10 minutes and see what I actually look like. Hell, I constantly wipe my upper lip for what I perceive as a 5 o'clock shadow but I'm ginger and my shadow comes in after 4 days..
I see shit that's not actually there. Not just being dysphoric, I have to have people tell me how I look b/c mirrors are useless
Fuck off you mannish freak and you ugly hon boyfriend
Hon is a stupid insult. I wish I cared more about living like I want over what people think of me.
i know, they turned it way down in sessions after they burned me, which did nothing, but they put it back up again where it causes more pain than it kills hair. thing is their cycle their technicians between two clinics every few months so just when i get into a good rhythm, some cunt comes along and melts my flesh. a big issue is that hairs are way dark, but i've plucked a few out and halfway down the hair shaft, the hair goes blonde and the bulb at the base is blonde. fuck my stupid body

my new clinic has a bazillion different lasers and has much more tranny handling expertise. if i choose not to Suporn and have follicle scrape, these guys with zap my crotch no problem pre-SRS. they look way better
fuck off you ginormous He-Man looking faggot
Then who isn't a hon?
I take cis women then are hons because they aren't model tier?
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good morning!
Kys hon
If you didn't want to be called names then you shouldn't have fucking transitioned
I don't look like he man at all
Your answer lies with the statistics of biology.
For example, a square face is masculine no matter how you look at it. Anyone who says square features are feminine are either retarded or make you believe that it's ok for women to have square features
All trannies are hons

Only Cis Woman pass
yes you do, dude!
See >>6204345
good morning Korra! how are you today?
>barrel chest
Attack me please <3
You misunderstand..
Not just my face... But everything.
And not all women are mushy pos.'s there are square jawed beauties
men, especially nigger men aren't allowed here.
Everyone cares about what some people in their lives think of them. No one sane cares about what a bunch of bitter failures in this general think of them.
I mean just look at some posts here.
Honbox detected
You're so edgy I adore it. Like one of those tiny little yappy dogs you just can't take seriously because they're adorable.
Yeah but what are your stats?
Like I have a 32" underbust which is pretty huge for my height.

Good morning, darlin'.
I'll just wait for you to go on a self hating rant again
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Like Olivia Wilde.
As for square-jaw beauties.
That's like 1 out of 1000
i'm being friendly because I'm happy. How are you this afternoon, anonfriend?
She looks like a cardboard box with that jawline
You won't have to wait long desu, It's about 70% of what I post. And I'll forward to you're tsundere posts to cheer me up
Hello you ugly hon
heya Jaime I'm ok. headed to work rn and going to my little sister's high school graduation ceremony. u? have things improved at all?
Haven't measured in a bit but 2 months ago I shrank 4" on my under bust, 1.5 shoe sizes, and 1" to my height.
I've still got trap muscles from work but even those are still diminishing while mY hips grow and my shoulder muscle shrinks. I've met hawt fit cis women much larger than me.
My body is still cooking
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>hot athletic cis women
<3! Did u pray for me at church?

Anon is right, my niece is starting pre puberty changes at 11! I mean even that Jazz girl will never have the E power cis-women have.

And still, we must soldier on through life with the lot we are given. Ne kind with hons, because we are all in this together.
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I mean our hair is kinda similar but mine is longer? I lost all my muscles because of hrt

I dont fucking have a barrel chest
I'm ectomorph
thats like, an actual medical condition?
I've had medical check ups and no mention of lung problems, I don't have any upper body strength, my under bust is 32"
but hey, MEMES hahahahahahahah lolololol
I wanna see every anon who attacks me and how they look like :3
The vast majority politely disagrees.
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Not a very flattering pic tb.h

I should've put on my corset and tightened the dress

Guess I'll just have to wait until the next time my mum and sister are out
I Dont find mushy piles of cubicle slaving shit attractive, sorry.
I like mountains and such.
Fit girls like mountains.
Do you have a poll on that
Any statistical proof?
everything is great, i made up with my family after falling out, my grandma is out of hospital, new laser soon and my next blood test is booked to check my levels on my new dose. things are looking up. i'd love your job desu ^^
I'm not a towering manly monster like you, my man. :)
And muscles on women is revolting.
marcy-chan<3 how are things? do you have an eta for when you can start hrt yet?

heya valq qt!

how can I pray for someone Ive never heard of. . . literally who are you? (jk yes I did)
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What anon sees through his autism when seeing movies with Olivia Wilde
>here we have the hon trying to lay out his precious bait
K, bro. That's like, just your opinion, man
Hiya Korra qt
>Why would you say that?
because they're in deep denial of their own issues to the point of regularly memeing that BDD doesn't exist

it was kinda stupid originally but it has widened in scope to basically mean "tranny I don't like"

I mean, shit hurts, but it's kinda on you to communicate when it gets worse and you need a lower setting or when an area has gotten too sensitive and needs a break, that's gonna be the same no matter where you get laser
the root of hairs often can be a bit lighter especially with the kinda "skin sheathe" that can come out with it
hope u can figure stuff out to work for u!

y r u so upset?

cis women don't pass to tranny standards

>make you believe that it's ok for women to have square features
yeah it's TOTALLY not like some andogynous features are considered attractive on women and most models and actresses that are considered attractive have them...
ur definitely right and the rest of the world is the one who is delusional!
let's see you anon, then :3

Let's see you!!!!
also just a little reminder that I get compliments on my height all the time
Same goes for Jennifer aniston and Angelina Jolie. They just aren't attractive
>statistical proof
Oh you little bitter autist. You are about as fit to question beauty as a brick.
You do know she was voted the world's hottest woman by Maxim?
what are some foods to bring to a cum themed party?
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glad to hear it it would be really crappy to be homeless in the UK these days with the mudslime infestation. it's alright my boss is a roid abusing dick head with terrible attitude problems but besides him it's fun and I get to eat w/e I want

what's been up? same shit different day?
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Yes because this jawline is just sooooooooo attractive.
High AF on ssri's
Wanting a cuddly nap from anyone willing. Lol
The usual
should work on your posture anon. you're standing very stiffly, and your arm at your side like that emphasizes shoulder width and no hips a bit. look at how some other girls here pose or even how cis girls do it.

also desu your mom/sister needs better fashion sense imo.. that dress is kinda uggo
Look who reads maxim magazine.
does your mom know you're wearing her clothes, hon?
Bait? I don't think anyone but a tall man like you would see that as bait
Sorry but I'm stealth :)
>also just a little reminder that I get compliments on my height all the time
well obviously, you look great hon!
>forcing your own standards of beauty and attractiveness on other people.
That's how the barbie doll and bulimia was born, m8
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>rally kill yourself
>rally kill
Autistic fantasy in anon's head when he reads my trips.

Thank youuuuuuu! Have a (you)
fat acceptance and fitshaming is revolting.
But I'm 5'4"
Sorry to make you mad, honny
>also desu your mom/sister needs better fashion sense imo.. that dress is kinda uggo
It's for minor formal occasions I think

I didn't want to wear any of her nice stuff, might damage it


I ordered a bunch of cute stuff from China that will arrive in a couple of weeks, it's my sisters btw
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So bitter. And salty.
The worst part is you have been banned from every social network in existence so you have to come here as anon to let loose of all that bile and misery.
It's not really standards.
Is the biology aspect that you are ignoring. Square features are typically found on men, not women.
Just how the inverted triangle body is more typically found on men.
Heya qt polish beauty
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here's the shit I'm waiting for
okay, sure
I can lie on the internet too :3
I don't think people are being facetious or hugboxing me when a hookup references it as "honestly so attractive". Or when random strangers compliment my height.
But yeah ahhahahaha TALL HON MEME LOLOLOL
when's ur next off period? and dang I'd SO cuddle /w you if I could 10000xs better than sex <3 but what's sari? sry I don't do any drugs and aren't well versed in them at all :s

I'll try to reply more to your posts but you move at a thousand miles an hour so it's hard for a granny like me to keep up

body goals desu
It's not misery. It's biology
See this point >>6204446

Yes cis women have masculine features but it's typically frowned upon in a lot of cultures especially in Asia
>fat acceptance and fitshaming
What a time to be alive

No, my first appointment at the clinic isn't for another 8 days. T_T I have no idea how long I'll have to wait to see an endo, or whether I even have to see one before they'll give me a prescription. I forgot exactly what they said on the phone.
Fuck you
And I been only banned for questioning rules that these social networks have that make no sense.
are u rlly just gonna spend ur day calling every online stranger u see here "hon"?
does that make u feel better about urself?

>I should've put on my corset and tightened the dress
the cut of the dress just accentuates ur shoulders and chest too, that stuff isn't rlly gonna help with that

I mean ur free to deny that people find masculine jaws attractive on girls and think that ur opinion overrides the majority, see>>6204341
are you on hrt yet?
Why do you keep falling for bait on here Red, you should have enough validation of your attractiveness from rl.

These people here just want to upset you, ignore them.
They can but it's wrong.
cant sleep :/
but i honestly wanna see anon :3
It seems my post enraged you, forgot to take your spiro this morning?
>it's my sisters btw
is your sister a man too?
Do you think it's rare for men to be complimented on their height? You look so handsome young man :) so masculine

Just make something from this book.
>TFW people Dont insult me nearly enough
This hon is going all out
except for strangers that gender me feminine.....
like, strangers in a rural texan town where people either hate trannies or have very little info on them
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don't lose hope! ur already really andro/feminine lookin and really young so it's no super huge rush since you already pass pre hrt. but yeah waiting sux, keep ur eyes on the prize and those tiddie skittles will be yours soon

umm you suck valq! (I'm bad at this TnT)
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Iktf except in Tennessee
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>the cut of the dress just accentuates ur shoulders and chest too, that stuff isn't rlly gonna help with that
Are any of these dresses better?

No, not ready to make that leap

Want to learn to do makeup and see if I can pass

I was told if you can't pass before HRT, you won't be able to pass afterwards
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>tfw you get told you're so tall and have broad shoulders
>tfw they're 16"
c-come on ;_;
morning Angie! whatcha been up to lately?

boy you sure got memed on. that's not true in the slightest. you should get on hrt ASAP desu. it'll be like a year before you can see changes and during that time you're making progress while still learning makeup and fashion
I was more thinking normal foods that taste like cum. brie, for example
>what is typical = what is attractive/acceptable for a woman to have
if that were the case then the majority of people would be considered super attractive instead of it being a small percentage that often has androgynous features

>masculine features but it's typically frowned upon in a lot of cultures especially in Asia
and u live in asia?
the whole world should judge beauty by asian standards?

I mean seriously take a step back and a deep breath and look at urself,
ur trying to make any excuse or argument u can think of to overrule the majority opinion of attractiveness to support ur self hate that ur sooo ugly and could never pass for reasons that would exclude most people widely considered attractive too

ur making excuses why u could never succeed to justify not trying
Shoulders are only considered broad in relationship to your hip width.

Lying here in bath and going to run errands
The changes from hrt are still tiny and only delusional hons would say otherwise.
ssris aren't real drugs, they're poison doctors are paid to push on mugs because we live in a sick society.
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bad dragon cum lube
>I was told if you can't pass before HRT, you won't be able to pass afterwards
that meme is a bit of an exaggeration. it's somewhat true but has more to do with putting in the effort, something people who pass pre hormones know how to do.

also you look like you could stand to lose weight in order to get closer to passing and there's no sense in delaying hrt just for that

I mean it is your decision but don't make decisions based on memes. give it some real thought.
I think you're confusing insults for compliments, they think you're a faggot, bro.
Maybe you should have started before puberty :) you're welcome
Just look at all the women in Asia getting the very vastly popular v-line surgery.
That says a lot right there.

>did you live in Asia
Lived in Japan for a year and one the biggest things Japanese men look for in women is a small frame, especially when it comes to size of her head
i-is that really a normal food?

Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to keep myself busy with what I can accomplish. 8 days isn't even very long in the grand scheme of things, I'm just very impatient :p
Like I said, they gender me feminine from the start and say stuff like "ahhh you're tall like a model" or "tall girls are so fashionable....have great proportions" etc.
I think they would hate faggots too....
It's edible
>also you look like you could stand to lose weight in order to get closer to passing
Yeah, I'm only have breakfast (cereal) and dinner (whatever mummy makes) now

HRT is still a big leap and I don't think I'm ready yet
quality hugboxing
>not making your own food
fucking plebeian. kys.
off today?

>Angie in the bath


genetics and ymmv m8 pic related

well ur still super young so I'd imagine so. patience isn't something I figured you had much of xd

well don't wait too long. the more you wait thr more you masculinize
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Kys baldy
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>MFW being a millenial with tech impairment.
How do I twitter my instagram in 4chan?
Also this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uT4b6481HIw

>ahhh you're tall like a model
>tall girls are so fashionable....have great proportions
Honey they're just treating you like one of the gurls! Don't worry you pass flawlessly!
i don't use the women's bathrooms. i can't in good conscience invade women-only spaces when my sex is solely responsible for their low position in society.
Have you saved enough for SRS yet? Also are you still with your bf?
that's understandable. everyone here likes to push hrt asap but you shouldn't let us force you if you're unsure.
see >>6204341

a low cut neckline like a scoop or v minimizes ur shoulders and chest, also short sleeves aren't usually the best if ur worried about ur shoulders

>I was told if you can't pass before HRT, you won't be able to pass afterwards
u fell for memes

that's fun but is it edible?

>ur trying to make any excuse or argument u can think of to overrule the majority opinion of attractiveness to support ur self hate that ur sooo ugly and could never pass for reasons that would exclude most people widely considered attractive too
>ur making excuses why u could never succeed to justify not trying
Once again, see >>6204524
Has anyone else here noticed that chlorine sort of smells like cum?
i'm literally having it tomorrow. that's part of the reason i can't sleep. and i dont have a bf.
you have to link ur vine and Facebook first
They're strangers.
How the fuck do you expect strangers, in a rural town where like I said, people have almost no knowledge of trannies, to "hugbox" me
Come on, anon. I'd like to know!
I know how it feels to be misgendered while you don't pass yet present feminine. I'm pretty sure they would just misgender me. Hell, I think some of the people that I see semi-reguarly like clerks at a shop I frequent see me as a different person.
>head size matters in japan!

>ur making excuses why u could never succeed to justify not trying
Goodluck then.

FWIW it's nice to know you are alive/doing OK
>SRS tomorrow Dont pee in ladyplaces
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What does cum smell like?
Don't have it. It won't make a. Difference hon
Is there still an archieve?
This is a common misconception. The actual truth is that literally every single pool keeper ejaculates gallons of cum into their respective pool, causing the misunderstanding.
>tfw you find quality furry stuff while moving
I'm just giving you one example by doing research.
Something it seems you know nothing about.
yeah i know im a hon.
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>tfw reading pro-ana posts
I love pool chlorine smell. it's intoxicating. and reminds me of my childhood spending as much time at the pool as I spent at home
It smells like sort of small amounts of chlorine bleach, desu :p!!!!
Then kill yourself
Sorry but they are fully aware you're a man. They're just playing along so you don't go on a testosterone-induced rage.

You're probably not that much older than me!
i probably will soon.
Edie and Dollface
how can you tell that?
Can you read minds?
n-nothing wrong with being a little anorexic...
Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac prozac Prozac

Does anybody here do cosplay? I always wanted to do it but I don't have the guts ( or figure) for it.

You are just a lanky farmboy, you don't pass as a femboy. Just a faggot
They feel threatened by your manly stature. I'm sure your presence makes everyone uncomfortable :)
Replying to yourself isn't cool, bro
I didn't grow up on a farm
I grew up in a suburban home in the DFW metroplex
>makes everyone uncomfortable
>invited to live with my sorority sisters, sharing the same restrooms and living space
Okay dokie.
What about an octopus
life goals
Literally never going in a pool again :(

Yes...when everything was possible and you hadn't been kicked down yet by those who most love you :( ...I love it too.
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pls bb I'm a granny I'm gunna be 27 soon and for mtfg that is ancient so that by extension makes you a youngin!
>I've stalked you
Who has the real problem here?
Also, what's my schedule like?
and there are cultures where morbid obesity is prized and young girls are sent to camps to be force-fed to improve marriageability
anther great example and still just one anecdotal case that doesn't change majority ideals of attractiveness and only serves as an excuse to support your previously held beliefs

it's literally the same bs as /pol/tards who ignore all the statistical evidence that transition is an effective treatment and just find anecdotes that agree with their previously held beliefs

sure, sure, I just know nothing, you know better than the majority and can find a minority of agreement to prove it!
again >>6204341
Didn't you have to battle your school's administration so they'd let you? I feel for the poor girls who are in danger with you in their spaces.
furries are so autistic
You'd be sad if you stalked me & saw me irl
THEY fought school admin because they wanted me in :3
The other sorority's loved it because everyone hates admin
>when everything was possible and you hadn't been kicked down yet by those who most love you
u-umm.. that's really sad to hear :( for me it's more because swimming is fun and I haven't been able to do it lately because no srs. your reason seems a lot heavier ;-;

I've felt like an old person since I turned 20 ._.
Have you tried prozac anon? You sound like me before I got my happy pills...
Alright I'm going to ASDA to buy bathroom scales to aid me in losing weight

I guess... But there's posters as much younger as I am than you are to me... I think
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>tfw 23
>tfw never lived and 30 soon so life will be over
for me it started after 21. I was like ok what now. I always found teenagers and young 20 something especially retarded in their decision making tho.

Tru Tru but honestly I see everyone that's sub 21 as children so don't take it personally lol. I think the youngest here is carol shes still in school and 16
I'm sure they did, it must be hilarious seeing you embarrass yourself around campus.

i just wanna lose 30 lbs
If you really stalked me you would have known that they really did :3
And do you have any research that says being morbidly obese is prized?
... I wanna gain 30, then lose it in fat + muscle.
I'd be so much more efficiently passing if I was a little chubbins.
>TFW no chubby cheeks
I haven't. Unfortunately I'll never get to witness such a thing, I'm sure you look much manlier in person lol :)
>the hon keeps trying to lay his bait
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good morning sunshine sparkles

>tfw you wear a pony tail to get doughnuts and energy drinks and didn't even get assaulted
Then go out and start jogging. The day is too nice to be wasted, sitting around thinking about what you want. Go and get it!
I mean there literally is a culture where it is and young girls are force-fed, it's pretty sad cus some of them don't want to get fat but are basically forced by their family and cultural expectations, do you think I'm making it up and want a source about it?

I never claimed it's attractive to the world-majority if that's what you're asking for "research" about
that's literally my point, that limited cases of certain cultural standards of beauty don't overturn more widespread majority opinions
still can't verify anything you say huh?
I think I'll disengage from this conversation lmao
I would feel sorry for that octopus
>I always found teenagers and young 20 something especially retarded in their decision making tho.
yea I've always been like that. I actually never got ask long with people my age when I was in high school. I was good at taking to adults and good at working with young kids but my peers were just too dumb.

I might just have an old soul or whatever that expression is

unlucky desu

I've lost 14 pounds in the last 2 months since I started invisalign. my teeth hurt too much to chew and I'm too lazy to brush my teeth all the time so I just don't eat

ya that's what I did last winter. and now I don't pass as boy in boymode. would recommend
I Cosplay as a hon!!!!!!! <3

Oh, anon, please punish me for being a faggot <3

:( Don't, It's just that I'm feeling sad about being in my late 20's I'm turning 29 any day.
I'd like to see a source
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>tfw hair tied up in a pony tail at the back and my sister tells me to clear away my slutstrands at the front
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Lmao this character is a female on the kids channel
does fursuiting count
>ask long
I should really proof read to make sure autocorrect doesn't butcher my posts
That poor octopus
Yet you keep responding, you must be really manly dude :)
Look in a mirror if you want verification lol
What's your height weight?

I'm 5'11", 180 :( I need to lose like 60 lbs.!

it's not necessarily morbidly obese, but yes, high fat volume is seen as attractive for marriage
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wats a slutstrand?
>5 "11

Haha hon tier
sure, give me a minute

tho it's not like it'll change anything, u'll just make another excuse
Probably not. I'm more being super optimistic about the future/being persuaded by my ex to do a rain display with her when I look good enough. I'll admit that it sounds ridiculously fun, and motivated me further.
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i'm a lil chubbins and it sucks ;______;
fat does help you pass tho admittedly. tfw soon to be man again


i'm already exercisin rnnn. ~__~ i hate going out without makeup and jogging with makeup on outside is bad news


i'm just going back to dieting andddd not eating as much and exercising and stuff. ugh
everything is so hard desu.


i'm about 5'7"? like 142 lbs. i.e. obese
i wanna be 120. ideally 115ish, but 120 is ok.
what is that
oh here's one case of the "fat camps"

first try searching, second result
And by rain I mean twin. Stupid phone!
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according to my sister its like your fringe strands that hang down in front of your face when your hair is tied up
rate my autism handwriting
You want to be a skeleton
i want to play dorf fortress with you~
yeah I got that

Nottingham, gonna see Dr. Walter Bouman
now I just got to wait 12-18 months

and I'm now officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria! and I can get extra exam consideration from that :^)

>tfw kept diary in high school
>tfw had to stop after a few years after it became clear it was doing nothing but reinforcing/reminding me of every negative thought and emotion I was feeling day after day
I think I ended up deleting it. can't remember. it was fucking awful to go back and read.

I got my social housing application appointment this week, fingers crossed...
hi Reeeeeed <3
Why is being bullied the best motivation to change yourself?
not a bad taste in vidya though writing not very pretty/5
>tfw try to take a photo
>tfw look ugly as fuck

Yep. I think I'll never take another photo until I get my face fixed.
Heyyyy Kayla! happy for you <3

Ugh!!!! I'm a Quasi-hon. Please respect my trans passing tier, little man.

Come on now!!!! you look beautiful!!! besides if you're obese, then I'm like morbidly obese.

Some anon told me I should lose as much weight possible before starting hormones. What's your take on this?
thats what my hair does and i love it, i purposely wear it that way. slutstrands huh

>i'm just going back to dieting andddd not eating as much and exercising and stuff.
yea that's the sane way lmao
I'm trying to work on exercise too. all I do is run rn. planning on adding yoga.
>everything is so hard desu
iktf ;-;

I get those sometimes. usually if I'm being really lazy. but they're cute, why would they be called slutty?
anyway the point is that this one example of limited cultural standards doesn't overrule more widespread majority views on attractiveness

regardless of japan and fat camps women can be considered attractive without being overweight or having a super small head

ur just finding excuses to agree with your previously held beliefs that you're oh so ugly and could never pass so you shouldn't even try
Chaser here, I'm 150 lbs and 5 11
Super muscular. Your fat and have hugboxed bdd
what are you listening to mtfg??

C-ccan I see yo pretty passing face?
Rednecks laugh at me if I show my forehead
don't delay hrt just to lose weight but you should lose as much weight as you can while you wait to start
Dr. Walter Bouman


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>try looking up catsplosion memes
>find this bitchin hoodie
motherfuck, now I want this.
I'll be sure to email Dr. Bouman about you, they really should just prescribe you some pimozide
>drunk teenager tells at me while crossing the river
>"hey faggot, you walk like a girl!"
>"fuck you too buddy"

Today is a good day.
>tfw drove from the Gold Coast to Brisbane and back totalling 6 toll gateways I passed through
>tfw I forgot to pay them all
>tfw the price literally jumped ten fold because I missed the due date by 45 minutes

I'm never getting ffs just kill me now
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>tfw i wish i was 5'11" with a square jaw so i just wear heals and contour my face in a "masculine" way 24/7

i'm like the anti-tranny sometimes i swear lmao
my body is not like beautiful at all. my waist-to-hip ratio has improved a LOT since being on HRT, and i'm sure when i lose weight it'll get way better.
my hips went from like 33"? to 38" the first 5 months of my intense HRT regimen. also it is better to lose the weight, but it takes a long time to lose that weight. i was literally 105 lbs before HRT and i have gained a lot of weight and it has not all gone to more feminine places, trust me. pic related, me when i was my thinnest.


pro ana pics are helping t b h and i really wish they weren't. i had a real bad eating disorder in high school.
Please do. We need to educate him about poo on toast and convince him that Edgar is a sexual deviant and not tru trans
i love how i post a thing or a phrase and it gets repeated but ya Bouman is a cunt and i haven't even met him yet
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>feel good and think you could pass
>take pic
>look like the most masculine creature to ever walk this earth
>day ruined

yeah, I'm aware of his reputation
if it all goes fuck-up let's hope I can save up enough to go private
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Maybe 60 pounds is overkill, right? what should I aim for? 150-160? I want to be like at the lower range of healthy weight.
>poo on toast
isnt that just vegemite
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No hrt for you
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yeah i like them too. idk mb it's an australian thing or my sister is just cruel
better get over my abuse-induced fear of guys my dad's age, I guess
pls have a good day today so I can hear about it later and live vicariously through you
Be sure to ask me about it later. Coffee and Prozac make me overwhelmingly positive!
:) thanks!

All your pics make me jelly!!!
yeah I'm an expert on making excuses to delay what I know I must do.
yea same, I had one in my early college days. lost a freshman 15 instead of gaining one like everyone else lol. eating disorders are frighteningly easy to relapse on. I don't think what I'm dealing with now counts as real anorexia tho.
idk just be careful. don't make yourself sick. and especially never do bulimia

ohh yea that sounds like an australian thing. you all like to bully each other so much there lol
I want to fill your ass with cum robin.
it's time you got over your fetish too.
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How to pass?
if that's not sarcastic then cheers
idk why you'd want that but if so, no problem
I can't stop laughing at you
i would recommend making every change you can make before seeing him so you don't get the 'you're not putting enough effort into transition' thing that nhs therapists dole out. change your name, come out to people, go full time, set up as many fucking bank accounts, credit cards, phone contracts and everything to make a paper trail for proof of you transitioning. i'm not saying they're like an interrogation squad, i'm just saying that a lot of people have that experience. i've also heard that they sometimes will ask you to bring along a friend or family member for an appointment, when i was checking out charing cross there was a trans guy in his early 20s with his mum.
I can and will do that

right now though I need to try and sleep goodbye internet friends
Ad's+ Caffeine + sunsine = Sirona <3
is your system designed to make hons? going full time before someone is ready is dangerous

Why is it so awesum???!?!?!?!?!
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i'm just getting lots of healthy groceries and stufffff. i'm tired of being a fat fuck. i hate my body so much.
which is sad cause i'm so happy while eating pizza, and then i look down and see my belly and feel like shit


t b h when i was with my abusive ex bf i was veering towards bulimia cause i'd force myself to vomit 24/7 and it was nooot good....never again.
but idk. not eating so much seems fine? right?
i'm just gonna substitute all my meals for healthier alternatives with less calories, exercise, and eat way more often to keep my metabolism going.
i already drink like ...... 10-12 glasses of water a day.


fair, I mean I've already spent, like, nearly £1000 on hormones and laser so far, would that count towards that? I can't imagine going fulltime before FFS, I mean christ Titch just look at me. I have plenty of receipts and bank records and stuff of the stuff I've done so far. guess I can attempt voice stuff more but beyond that and maybe trying more makeup stuff I'm not sure what else to try. I'm out to pretty much all my friends so finding someone to come with me shouldn't be a problem.
its British socialised healthcare. our hospitals are designed to give people MRSA. of course our gender clinics are hon factories
Dunno, too happy. 5 years from now, I'm going to be sunbathing on a beach in a bikini looking back at the days when I was feeling awful and laugh. I'm sure it'll happen if days like this can exist.
>our hospitals are designed to give people MRSA
trans stuff is such a low priority to the government (every government desu, not just the Tories this time) that it hasn't been reformed or standardised in forever and nobody in parliament is too bothered about doing it any time soon
there's much better clinics elsewhere but you don't get any choice in where you're referred to, it depends where you live.
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How to start practicing using makeup when you hate your face and avoid mirrors as much as possible?
>implying cis girls can't reach that height
You're grasping at straws hon
>choosing a third-world country as a source

Also morbidly obese is not attractive in any way.
That's like saying cancer is a major turn-on for people. It isn't.

It's major health issue
Nope. You'll be punished for self medding.

"Oh you already have hormones, goodbye sir"
Ugh, I have no belly, but back fat...like when you wear a bra and fat spills in between your underarm and breasts!!!! :( :( :(

I literally don't know what to get rid of that!!!!! (besides becoming a skellington)
If I passed, then people wouldn't be pointing out about my masculine features irl
She has an obese girlfriend.
no it needs stuff like your proof of name change to show you're living it. any guy can get laser and anyone can buy pills online. also you'll need a job. basically by 'full time' they mean you need to be out there in the world, not popping internet pills at home by yourself. it won't matter how you look, its about your effort and intention because true womanhood is only earned through suffering or something.

like ok you have your appointment time. they say 'come dressed how you feel comfortable'. you go dresssed andro because unpassing or you gotta use public transport to travel and don't want to feel conspicuous. they'll note that as you not feeling comfortable in 'proper' female clothing. welcome to the hon machine
chubby is pretty cute
Your suffering is so delicious
The small meals to keep your metabolism going is bro-science bullshit. However, it is a habit that works for a lot people who try to control calories. If it doesn't help you stick to your goals then consider other eating schedules instead.
>which is sad cause i'm so happy while eating pizza, and then i look down and see my belly and feel like shit
god iktf
>get general tso's, eat the whole thing in one sitting
never ending regret

but yea I could never do bulimia, vomiting is just to disgusting to me. I don't remember the last time I threw up because of illness even let alone doing it on purpose. glad you're out of that abusive relationship
and yea, water and healthier alternatives is the way to go. I just eat really nutrient dense food, lots of soup or I'll do steamed vegetables. it helps if you enjoy cooking because you get so much control over what goes in

>besides becoming a skellington
there's your answer lol
it's not really possible to target a specific area for fat loss. you just have to lose weight all over. I have so much fat and muscle back there still even after a bout of anorexia, it's stubborn. but it'll go away eventually with enough work
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Madame, I would like to participate in your vision of the future, please sign me up for your newsletter.
Not gonna happen hon
lol so you're just going full denial now
>morbidly obese is not attractive in any way
sure, it's not attractive to the widespread majority opinion despite some people finding it attractive,
that's my whole point
i'm full time with a job and i dress andro/fem, i've had surgery on my face, pass ok, i have a gf, my family love me, i'm out to everyone and the only hassle i get in life is from the medical system itself in making it hard to update my deets.

Robin has her work cut out for her. revel in her suffering senpai, all i have is regular tranny dysphoria angst
chubby is pretty cute on most people and I generally prefer a little overweight to under but health comes first
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just watch tutorials for a long while desu


i have that too ~___~
i have an unusual body type for most trans women in that i have a much shorter torso than i do legs.
which is nice cause i have super long legs, but ALL my fat gets sucked into my mid-section.
it's just...gross. grossgrossgrossoajdoisdoiasdhi
let's be skellingtons 2gether bb


okokok. ty <3


i literally ate an entire laaaarge buffalo chicken pizza in one sitting the other day and by the time i was done i was like...wow i'm disgusting lool
i don't mind vomiting really, but it is gross af and rots your teeth, so ya. alsoo i love cooking certain things, idk.
how much weight are you trying to lose?
Fuck it, just get pills. And coffee. And sunshine. And try to kill yourself 5 times and realise that if people are right you're going to die in 10 years and then stop giving a fuck about everything!

I'll send you pics when I'm good and ready. Just to prove you wrong, I'm gonna do it. Hope you don't kill yourself from repression before then!
hmm maybe in the next 12-18 months the entire system will somehow have a radical overhaul and be totally reformed, that seems like the only way I'm gonna not be totally fucked
or maybe in the time it takes for me to get to my first appointment I'll have fucking FFS done by then

none of what you're saying is surprising or new to me, just... fuck, man.
or suck it up and do what you need to do? pussying out seems like a beta man fetishist thing, not what a trueborn woman with guts would do :^)


Dr Walter Bouman
God I hate fucking people.
So Laura Jane grace burned her birth certificate while doing a concert in NC and so many people are think it's an act of courage when it's just her being a major edge lord
>let's be skellingtons 2gether bb

you called? :3
Him being gatekept is going to be fucking amazing
so I'm thinking of moving to either cali or Portland in a few years which one is the better choice for a welder?
>implying I should go fulltime looking how I do atm

fuck it, I've got the diagnosis on my records now, gonna see what private services are available and how much they cost
edie !!! do you have any tips for makeup if you have hooded eyes??
there's gonna be some greentexts, is all I'm going to say
>nigger tier profession
Which edition is that?
also, I hope anon logs off soon
What are your GT thoughts? Are you ok with it being played with/sucked on?
You can't afford it :^)
The day that mommy and daddy take you home and make you detransition is getting closer
>i literally ate an entire laaaarge buffalo chicken pizza in one sitting the other day
omgg I would get too full when I try that. I can do like half of a large before I literally can't fit more food in my stomach lol

idk honestly. I'm up to 130 right now, but I'm 5'4" so it's really bad I think. I think I want to go to like 110 or maybe a little less. I'd love to get into double digits but I think that might be danger territory even at my height

the big thing for me is like.. I used to be a pretty competitive swimmer in high school, so I was really muscular. like 150 lb and really low body fat. and after going to college I felt huge and gross so that's when I was anorexic for the first time. luckily my roommate caught it after a couple months and helped me get over that and I've been pretty constant at 130 ever since. but it didn't get rid of all that musculature and neither has spiro so I still look pretty big. and like lots of clothes don't fit my thunder thighs and big arms (uniqlo with their midget japs I swear). so that's what I want to fix. idk what number I need to go for tho
>MFW I secretly come to mtfg for hugbox, but only get useful advice

healthy diet, excersise and no magic solutions.

The skellington bride and her skellington bridesmaid!

Just like a Tim Burton film !!!!!

Buddha was wrong, nirvana is achieved by not giving a fuck.
if this is where I go when I'm sad I am truly screwed
Ugh why are people nicer to me on days that I don't shave
I want my facial hair gone
somebody fucking kill me
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