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Femgen FAQ:
▶What is a fem guy?
A young, androgynous guy with soft features. Mostly gay, but not all.
▶Are fem guys trans?
Some inevitably turn out trans. Some age into twunkhood and continue slutting it up on Grindr well past their mid twenties.
▶Can I be a fem guy?
Often with enough effort, yes. Masculine bone structure, height, and aging make it hard.
▶Should I go on HRT?
If you can deal with the tits and infertility, you'll look younger longer and you won't age like a man.
▶Is liking fem guys considered gay or straight?
Gay. If you're on the fence, you're bi, like a lot of people.

▶Skincare resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/index
▶Hair care resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/haircarescience/wiki/index and /r/FancyFollicles
▶Beginner makeup resources: https://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860 and youtube tutorials
▶/Femgen/ Skype Group: Post your Skype, and someone from the group will add you.

Old Thread: >>6147898
first for the skype group
second for unironically cutting your balls off
1. Hormones
2. Laser
3. Orchie so you don't have to take an AA forever
4. Wearing girl clothes/crossdressing

1. FFS
2. SRS
3. Referring to yourself as a girl/muh pronouns (die in a fire you tumblr freak)
4. Hormones if taken because you want tits
I want to molest femboys and make them moan like the girls they are
Plz molest me senpai!!
You can molest me...
just be rough, okay?
1. Spironolactone, Cyproterone acetate, Raloxifene, Tamoxifen
2. Laser and Electrolysis
3. Not cutting your balls jesus christ
4. Wearing anything but skirts, dresses, tights, bras, panties

1. Lol you can totally get some cosmetic surgeries if you want who the fuck cares
2. *ahem*
>getting SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY without changing sex
3. Desperately trying to distance yourself from tumblr
4. Estrogen
frankly any AA will do
When did cross-dressing and cutting your balls off become acceptable femboy behavior?
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>all this new memery
can I grab your boyboobs and make you kiss each other?
I've recently discovered that all my life I wanted to be a femboy but the only label I could find was transgender and I thought I was that for a long time (hrt and everything) life is wo -_-
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My nipples are really sensitive though,...
i like boyfeet.
first for fujoshi mtf x femboy is the GOAT relationship pairing

>tfw found out today I had one removed as a kid and my parents didn't know
That's even better >:3
>mtf x femboy is the GOAT
This so much
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hi /femgen/, what should I do with my hair?

I'm gonna keep trying to grow it out but I've been considering dyeing it.
I've never done it before so I don't really know what colour is good, is light blonde too attentionwhore-y? Is just getting highlights better?
it looks gorgeous as it is, would chase/10
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i didn't realize other thread is dead.
is anybody know who is he?

Change your shirt, needs more manliness. Hair is fine, you could go with most colors. I'd suggest making it a little more oily or like closer to your face.
I wear that under shirts to hide the boobs :s
look at this triggered tranny loser
>1. Spironolactone, Cyproterone acetate, Raloxifene, Tamoxifen
can someone explain these to me?

Not on mones nor do I want to be but am considering AAs since im getting older but wont I like die if I dont take estrogen?
must have test, est, or serm
no sex hormone at all isn't good in the long term
why would you change anything, you look amazing
a lack of any sex hormone in the body results in loss of bone density over time, leading to osteoporosis

you'll also get depressed as fuck after a few months, which is your body telling your brain that something's malfunctioning
cross dressing is must b/c girls clothes fit better, silly

you do realize this is about femmy males, right?

very nice tone body, and NO tranny tits
I'm not that anon but that shirt didn't say male in any possible way, so it did need more manliness so they don't think you're a bad transexual.
It's easy on the liver and a nice way to stay a qt

Didn't really need my testis when gays can't have kids. Probably shouldn't be having them either ways given how crazy can be passed down anyways desu.
>is anybody know who is he?
delicious. he is delicious!
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fem shirt/pants/underwear doesn't mean what's underneath is a tranny

voice, pecs, abs, dick are all male things
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Slight problem given our lifestyle. Mis being flat desu.
i do too

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Nips draw kawoshin smut wthnips
you look like you took one of your mom's shirts, dude.
I want to start HRT with Serms, is there any AA that is recommended to avoid breast development? I know that's mostly the serms job but is any AA a particularly good combo?
I wish, my mom is like a small and I'm med (in women's tops)
Bicalutamide on its own is no better than anything else in regards to breast development. In fact, it might be worse, purely because on it you don't lose T production, so some of it eventually turns into estrogen, and gynecomastia is fairly common on bica alone.

Just go with spiro or cypro, they have much more history of usage and a very well proven track record, there is tons of info out there on both, and they're no more likely to give you tits than other antiandrogens.
>tfw small frame and have to buy women's S or XS when shopping
truly degrading
So I'm REALLY skinny and I was wondering if I should just stick with being skinny or actually get some slight muscle mass?
bulk up, brah
anorexia isn't hot but love handles aren't either
I'm bi although I almost completely lack sexual interest (hue), will hormone therapy completely kill the chance of me having kids? I'm not planning on it at all but having it as an option is somewhat comforting
>tfw insanely difficult to hide boobs and its making me very reserved and nervous when im with friends
>dont think i can stop HRT though.
>dont know where to get serms

Fuck my shit up ;-;
I can't vouch for it or anything, but ADC sells raloxifene.
If you take SERMs, is it possible to get nipple development without breast enlargement? That or is the only way to accomplish that by taking estrogen until you get minimal effect and then switching to SERMs?
I'm like 120 lbs and 5'11 if that gives any kind of visual. I'm not like a starving African child but you can still see my ribs a little.
I know your exact feels, I'm breddy much in the same boat.

If they look good from the outsider perspective, then feel free to do what you want, but if they don't look good and need more development to look good or proper, then you might want to consider keeping going until they develop more and look better.

It's up to you really. You got tits and now you're stuck with them, unless you get them surgically removed. You may as well try to make sure they at least look good at that point.
being tone and proportional is definitely more beautiful then looking like an aids patient

and don't worry you're not going bulk up b/c that requires diet and dedication
What's that?
Is that Jesse fuckin Starr?
Is there a way to make your eyes look bigger without makeup or noticable makeup at least?

who /small eyes/ here?
Hello, this is the same guy from a few threads ago. I have looked into it a bit, and found some information on HRT that would not pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). ODM-201 is in stage III clinical trials, and the data indicates that it does not pass though the BBB in rats, and it does not effect the blood concentration of the hormones themselves in humans, implying that it also does not pass through the BBB in humans. DES, the estrogen, not the outdated crypto algorithm, would not appear to pass through the BBB in humans, but I cannot find good data due to most results focusing on the BBB during pre-natal development. There are SARMs, such as enobosarm, which affect only the muscle tissues, allowing for big muscles and feminizing effects from estrogens at the same time. Enobosarm is currently in stage II clinical trials. Also, combining all of this will probably cause liver issues, but IDK.
Of course, you would still need surgery to remove the breasts, adding in SERMs will further complicate things and likely pass through the BBB.
I've been taking AES with good results.
Which also apparently is no longer available in the US.
Dienestrol and Fosfestrol might still be available.
Here is a half answer - chewing mastic gum everyday will bring out your cheek bones and take away eye drooping because without proper exercise for your jaw muscles, your whole face will sag. If your face were perfectly fit, so to say, your eyes would look narrow like a panther - using makeup to enhance these ideally positioned eyes would make for the best look.

Not what you were looking for, but probably still helpful.
raloxifene is still better

tamoxifen also causes "demonstrable loss in cognition", thanks for that warning wikipedia
How long does muscular atrophy take? I haven't been to the gym in like 3 months and I've gone to athletic to slightly less athletic...
I dont dislike my boobs, they're just a little weird now and its really hard to dress properly without them showing

Otherwise i wouldnt mind them at all, but muh closet
as a tranny who chases femboys I just wanna say, you guys are beautiful and amazing. keeping doing you, I'm not gonna bully you and say you're trans because you're not, you're just gorgeous feminine boys and it's the best thing ever. I get so flustered whenever I see one of you in real life. congrats on being the masterrace.
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>Want to be a femboy
>36 inch chest

The only right thing about me is my 5'7'' height

>perfect femboy proportions
>cute as fuck
>can't ever put any of that to use because the eczema on my arse just won't go away
kill everything
Have you gone to an actual dermatologist for that or are you complaining that your life is ruined because your dollar store hydrating cream isn't working?
yes, I have multiple prescription creams for it but they are doing zilch
Try Dovobet
It's pretty much a skin nuke
It solved my eczema problems in a week when nothing else would do anything in months
have you tried estrogen? my psoriasis of 10 years went away within weeks after I started using that one
kek. retard. have fun hunting me in the sykpe group again. you'll never find me :)
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Help me femgen....
>skin under my eyes has been darker than the surrounding areas for as long as I can remember
It's not like I don't ever get enough sleep. How do I fix this?
Get bigger eyes fa.m
cosmo? Did you de transition?

nope I'm scribble, I need help
make up and better diet
eat iron instead of pumping it.
>no videos of Jesse Starr getting blacked
Post videos of femboys getting blacked
Oh it's just iron deficiency? Sounds easy enough to fix, thanks.
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Skinnyfag here
Just take a 'multivitamin & iron' pill once a day each morning or something.
There's an absolute shit-ton of iron to be found there.
Out of all the gay interracial videos I've come across/seen, I've never seen an actual femboy getting fucked by a young/teenage black guy
It's always plain late 20's/30's guys
This is a nigger-free zone
Yeah I thought the multivitamin I had been taking already had iron in it, but that turns out to not be the case.
why, do you find femboys getting blacked arousing?
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I'd heil to that! An 88 to you brother!
Yeah, don't you?

Someone do this to me pls.
not really tbqh pham
I've really been wanting to get on hormones for the past months, I'm afraid I'm a bit too biased and might not think it all the way through...

Are there any negatives besides being sterile? (i'm bi) I don't really care about nuking my sex drive or boobs (because serms)
you can do it without sterility if you do bicalutamide and raloxifene
But why would you want to? Girls are gross ;_;
How many of you have ever been fucked by a black guy?
Tell the truth
Not me lol. That shit is disgusting.
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>race mixing
almost as disgusting as cucking
dude we're more committed to fascism than pol
are you fucking having a laff?
>36" chest
Bi-faggot here, been obsessing over femboys for a while now, new to these threads

In general what are femboys here most attracted to here?
Are you guys more into big masculine guys or other femboys
Are you more into really dominating tops or more flexible switch dudes?
How do you like to be treated in general?
You looking more into exclusively monogamous relationships?

I'm a 6'2" big guy, well built, kinda chubby, mostly top, what are my chances with your average femboy?

I fucking love you faggots.
This has been an easy transition coming from /pol/ and I look forward to putting my aryan seed deep into your boy pussies.
>In general what are femboys here most attracted to here?
love and caring ;-;
>Are you guys more into big masculine guys or other femboys
eh, for me I just like average guys. Not too big not too small.
>Are you more into really dominating tops or more flexible switch dudes?
dom tops for me.
>How do you like to be treated in general?
I kinda like the thought of having a bf that is totally bro status during the day but gets really loving at night y'know? I want to hang with my bros without him making it awkward for them.
>You looking more into exclusively monogamous relationships?
yes. cuckoldry and polyamory is fucking disgusting.

This is all just my opinions, but I think you may be able to get someone. You're not a manlet, which is always a plus. You just have to look hard enough. I think you would break me like a twig though haha.
>I kinda like the thought of having a bf that is totally bro status during the day
Not who your responding to but as a non fem into fems, I wish you guys would act faggier.
Like I want to come home and have my fem turn the corner in fucking roller skates, short shorts and a crop top basically.
When you guys say shit like YAAAS or other gay shit, I get solid.
Bro status makes me think Im fucking my friends, which is so gay
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Gott mit uns brother.
Well, the problem is I hate disgusting frothing degenerates like that. Imagining myself like that sends a chill down my spine. But, I'm sure someone just right could break my old-world-values shell. For the right guy, I can see myself doing that kind of stuff in private. Just acting like that normally makes me want to vomit.
i go for lean, well proportioned dudes around 6', other femboys, FtMs, maybe MtFs but they keep trying to convert me
Most of us are bi/pan in general
can somebody post femboy x femboy pics pls
sounds beautiful. only femboys i know are total sluts though.
Yeah, I guess being a femboi and having stricter standards isn't exactly common.
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closest I got femxfem is extremely rare
man, that tightened my chest haha
>not being even more turned on when someone could break you like a twig
I like my guys being significantly taller, bigger, and stronger than me, but other than that my answers to all those questions would be the same as yours.
guys am i not into femboys if i dont like this shit.
its like 1 out of every 500 i like
What's the best site for buying SERMs, which works best?
you probably just like traps not actually guys
t-that looks kinda pedo senpai
I guess it's a danger with our territory
these are twinks, not femboys

>femxfem is extremely rare
I know, that's why I asked here
how can it be so rare when it's literally the best pairing? (other than mtf dom x femboy sub)
id fuck this,
but >>6172181
looks to guy like?
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this is what femboy is supposed to be, no?

I think mtfs have just invaded this general hence all the mones talk which shouldn't even be a thing
he barely looks fem at all. just looks like a good looking dude. Like a one direction singer or something.
>there's a difference I swear
Ok, maybe someone can help me understand this I havent been on /lgbt/ in almost a year and before it was guys like that that were considered fem.

So now femgen is guys that want to look like girls and some take hormones to do so but arent transgender?

I really dont get this.
Eyes are too small, Nose too big, chin/jaw has no neoteny.

He looks like a young John Kerry, not a twink.
>look like girls
Only to a extent. Don't want to grow tits, or get curves the way women do. That's why I'm adding SERM to my regimen.
Can you explain how exactly SERMs would be integrated intro a femboy HRT regime.
femboys are just feminine males and rare indeed

I agree that using mones is bad. who wants to have a pudgy body, tits, limp dick and scrambled brains?

non passing trannies look the part,
so they come here and fish for compliments,
but the reality is they don't identify as males, and so not femboy
Might help with the scrambled brains part.
You cycle them with conventional hormones. They're basically antagonists for breast tissue receptors so they'll starve them of growth signal.
Any details on how they should be cycled? (i.e. timing, etc.)
>who wants to have a pudgy body, tits, limp dick and scrambled brains?
The only one of those I got was tits lol. My dick works fine, brains are fine, because I'm not a tranny freak, and I started hormones 2 years ago so the emotional rollercoaster phase has long passed and I'm stable as fuck, I was even externally stable during the initial parts, and just a little easy to irritate or excite.

Hormones are fine, for anyone who just likes to be feminine and cute. That's the only reason I've been taking them. I just wanted to enhance my femininity and cuteness, didn't give a fuck about becoming a girl though, and in fact I dislike the idea strongly.
uh, polls say half the thread is in them and they're all regulars , you're pushing the same 'tranny in denial' meme the shitposters from mtfg do.

Fact is they're a good way to ensure you stay fem. The photos shameless people post are proof enough.
Luckily I'm pretty fem already, so I'll just put some light makeup on and I should be good. I need to take better care of my hair, though.
>highly composed, cherry picked photos from attention whores
even they admit looking pretty in photos is just lighting and angles
lol shutup
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I guess I must make a confession. While I am a masc guy and often brag to my friends that I prefer masculine guys, I have to confess that I prefer fem guys.
But it gets complicated. I prefer guys that look rather fem, soft features, often haven't been to the gym for a while, but not fat or overly chubby.
I DO NOT like guys that act fem, with the voice and all.
Jesus I guess my insecurities come out when I'm drunk but yeah I feel the need to vent to someone right now.
>tfw not a top-rung femboy like pejic
I feel genetically inferior
>the eyes never lie
can't really hide/deny what the heart wants

andreja is a tranny
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fuck you, thats what my best friend said when I confessed my love for him
[spoiler] I know spoilers don't work on this board, which is fucking stupid why is that a thing again? turns out he wishes that I didn't have a crush on him. Bonus round: he looks rather, and acts rather fem as well.
Post pic?
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andrejA would be sad

you realise andrejA got a man made roastie, right?
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Why does he look so dumpy as a tranny and good as an andro? I'm not gay or bi, so my opinion isn't swayed in that sense.
why would you sit in a way that makes your shoulders look bigger? that's how I put my arms when I want to avoid people knowing I'm a tranny.

I never really found Andrej Pejic very attractive. Bony, angular faces like that are kinda gross.
I've literally only posted in this thread tonihgt.
I have no idea who the hell you're talking about and I'm afraid to google such thing
Stop kidding yourself and come out already.
Your friends already know. Seriously. Just admit it already. We can tell by the way you walk and talk. Just come out already you'll do yourself a favor and save your self a hell of a lot of anxiety and stress in the future.
Don't get me wrong, I am concerned about maintaining the dominance of the white race just as any other femboy but I don't see why that's a reason to never fuck black guys, it's not like I can have babies with them.

I think if I met one that was attractive and a decent person I would tots let him fuck my bp.
Can confirm, this thing is not attractive in the least.
the world was andrej's
but andreja is how she truly felt

good for her, but good luck competing with model tier cis

blockers, srs, best mones and medical care money can buy, but even andreja can't escape male rib cage, shoulders
He'll always be our prince, even if he gets silicone.
Almost as if andro is more natural, hope he starts dressing more andro again tbqh.
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I detest the tripfags from mtfg, but you shouldn't misgender mtfs

also dfc (delicious flat chest) master race
do any of you know more of that guy who posted in the last thread who had orangeish hair and was fem af
red is just a confused mtf
skinny is the best build. Muscles are for cows
He posts pics including butt pics all the rime in mtfg
Just like everyone else in this thread?

I'm jk but stop invalidating his identity it's really not nice
red is a furry that has sex at their conventions
does he have a youtube channel where he reviews movies?
Is there any resource I can read about cycling SERMs?
Is there even a need to cycle them with regular estrogen or can I just replace it?
Does cycling just increase the potency?
There isn't really asides from trying to apply what works for body builders. SERM don't have full affinity for brain, so you'll probably need to use E part the time to avoid any cognition loss.
>tfw women's XS
>tfw men's XXS
>tfw can't find any fucking clothing
Lucky. Whats your height? Its typically women's M/L, Men's S depending on the brand for me at 5'10.
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dude i'm 5'8, just have a tiny frame

wanna look at XXS size clothes? nope, here are some dresses and info about kleinfelter's. fucking thanks, google
and you know, i didn't ask to be called a faggot every time i search for clothing. it's not my fucking fault that i have to get the smallest size always, and usually have to settle for womens. it's like, god made me a man, but then a huge faggot so i have to put up with it for the rest of my life. and there are people IN THIS THREAD who want to look like me and live like me? christ, go marry a chick, knock her up, and settle down. it's a goddamn shame i can't because i'm fucking smaller than most of them, fuck my life
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Jesus I didn't mean to set you off like that, sorry anon. I suppose you've tried building muscle to try getting a bit bigger?
oh yeah and i didn't even mention, i have some stupid fucking metabolic condition that my doctor says will prevent me from getting any bigger until i'm like 25. it's not fun to get laughed at all the time, to get no respect from your peers, to have no success with relationships. you can fetishize it all you want and go ON and ON about how FUCKING CUTE it is but it's not fucking fun. don't people wonder why feminine guys are basically nutcases and cycle through partners every week? because they don't have normal relationships with anyone. why so many are bisexual? because we have no masculinity left and will literally take it up the ass if it means forming a meaningful relationship.

you know, i'm just tired, emotionally. i need a vacation from myself. i should take up fucking heroin again

Honestly I had like the perfect life that you would have wanted, ability to get chicks no problem, respect from my peers, so on and so forth. I chucked it all away because I was internally a gigantic faggot, not only that, but I wanted to be all cute and not masculine.

I could get girls no problem but I experienced no joy from it. I was normal, respected by everyone, but being a normal guy gave me no satisfaction. I just wanted to be cute and get dominated and fucked in the ass and take a bunch of dicks and all sorts of fucked up gay ass shit.

So while you may hate being stuck with being an effeminate faggot, we on the other hand get great satisfaction from it and dissatisfaction from everything else.

I'm in a bit of a weird place though myself, although it's my own fault and I did accept that this might happen when I started. I wound up taking hormones because I really did want to be cute, I wasn't trans or anything, didn't want to be a girl, I just liked the idea of the skin softening, muscle loss, some feminization, etc. I didn't want to be a girl, just wanted to be more effeminate, so I started taking the hormones and went about my life as if everything was normal. Now my problem is that people are confusing me for a girl more often than not, unless I open my mouth, and my tits kinda disgust me and make me feel gross even though they look okay. So basically, the hormones took me farther than my ideal. So I'm going around as this weird he-she faggot freak thing basically. Pretty much I look like a tomboy with a boys haircut (a slightly faggy one but still short) and a guy voice, so people are weirded out by me a good deal. I suppose I can at least sympathize with you on being called a faggot a lot and such things, and being treated like obvious faggots get treated.

As for difficulty finding partners, it is more difficult than my earlier gay days, seeing as I can't attract pure gays anymore. I still get by just fine though and am taken now
>who want to look like me and live like me?
yes, your life isn't that bad stop being a cry baby.
you could be really cute if you had a nice attitude, people would jump to protect you and shit. your only problem is that you couldn't chose your stats and what target audience to have.
Are you talking about me or Andrej(a)?

I agree. I don't find models to be that attractive because it seems like they're hired because their look is so uncommon, not because they're in the same attractive level as pop singers for example.
good for you. shit, i feel like a ftm.
there's more to life than getting dicked
i'm usually calmer...i'm just on edge right now. i've not seen my bf in weeks, i'm a lot better around him.
>tfw effeminate and slender but open my mouth and "damn son who turned on the subwoofer "
Do any of you suffer from this? also no, fuck sounding like a girl I just want to sound like a normal guy
> shit, i feel like a ftm
I do too now man :/
Do you mean your voice has a lot of "UGHH" in it? I'm 5'6 and probably like 105 pounds and have a very deep sounding voice because it's so monotone. The only vocal exercises that have had any effect are the ones mtfs use, so I have to stop before I sound like them.
>there's more to life than getting dicked

>i'm just on edge right now. i've not seen my bf in weeks,

looks like someone needs a good dicking
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I can't decide if yoga pants are an acceptable thing to wear in public
find some cool shorts to throw over them until you build your confidence

or if you pedal road or mtb, people won't even blink an eye
I wonder if this kid even realizes he has like the perfect little femboy body... I can't tell if he's fucking around or not.
I think it looks nice and not too weird to wear in public.
Yeah I know that feel.
Nigga I'm 115 pounds and 5'11.
I actually kinda like it because if you reverse my height you get my weight -w-
Im bi and ive already had nuff dick im tired
I need some pussy
How does a femboy get pussy
Im too fem for str8 girls
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>smaller than the most
uh huh bud
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>tfw facial hair is ruining my boyish good looks

How do I stop the disease from spreading?
Get on antiandrogens, quick!
Not having a dominant sex hormones fucks with your bones
People who self-medicate, where do you buy your stuff? is there a place that ships internationally that doesn't ask you for prescription?
Also what do you think are the chances it gets confiscated for importing prescription medicine? I don't live in the US
I just took my first dose of Bicalutamide today. What can I expect?
Makeup works pretty well for me tbhon.
Different anon, but makeup doesn't work at all for me. My facial hair just grows too fast. Seems like laser or electrolysis is the only way, but I'm not ready to commit to that yet.
How do I get a femboy that I like to fall for me?

What makes you guys tick?
Kek my voice is pretty low but I like it. I've had people say I should be on the radio or an announcer or something, when I'm not sounding like a fag that is kek.

I talk a little higher than it naturally is but still very much within male range.
That's why you add e or serms
>not in the US
Are you in the EU? Certain companies only work for certain countries
Expect to get a little irritable within the next days/weeks. Just easily agitated. That's a sign of the testosterone going down. There will be more things after that. Are you on estrogen or anything else as well, or plan on adding it?
Describe him, anon. Are you a guy or a girl?

Treating us like girls is a good start.
I'm on 4mg oral estradiol and plan on switching to 10mg injections weekly.

I'm a guy. He doesn't seem like the tranny "treat me like a girl tee hee " type, just a geeky dude who likes to look fem.
I didn't mean "tee hee" at all. I meant like holding him, and being gentle and protective, taking the lead on things. That kind of shit.
Is he even gay?
I am currently staying in a shitty country for a shitty reason and I plan on moving back to Sweden in the next two or three months.
I really don't want to wait until I get to Sweden though
Latvia? Lithuania? Russia? Poland? Belarus? Ukraine?

Is it EU or is it non-EU? This matters because if you are still inside the EU then I've got a source that'll work for you.
>Would never ever take hormones
You fuckers disgust me

Yeah that seems to be my problem, not really the dominant leader type, I just figured guys like that would be sick of dealing with the pushy daddy types, so I just approach as the non threatening normal dude.


Nice, I'm currently doing injections. The injections are pretty turbo and really good at developing you and giving you really glow skin. Just make sure you're okay with having boobs before you start the injections. I got more than I expected.
The non-threatening normal dude to you might still be perceived as more dominant by him, and make him feel safe. I'm not saying change at all.
>I have tits from taking HRT
>I'm still a guy though
Holy shit you're all just trannies denying hard arent you
Outside EU.
Can you give it anyway since I'm gonna move back to Sweden?
Also thanks matey.
Did you develop cone tits from the accelerated physical growth? The two usually go hand-in-hand it seems.
Fuck off please.
>women are defined by breasts

Typical misogynist AGP attitude.
It's true you fucking tranny
No guy in their right mind would willingly grow tits if they weren't fucked in the head
>actually wanting to be hairy, big, strong, and masculine
>but femboys are the mentally ill ones

You fail at reading comprehension

Nice bait, tranny

Everything about being a guy is okay except the hair.

>nice bait
Keep believing that. I'm a boy. I have XY chromosomes, and I don't have a womb to carry offspring. None of your twisted, tranny, AGP, pretzel-logic will change that.
I suppose you like having erections too? A deep voice?
Yeah my tits gave me dysphoria so I am definitely not a tranny because of them being there. I'm also dysphoric about my body in general getting as feminine as it got, although not to the same degree as for my tits. I just don't like being confused for a girl and shit. When I started I figured most trannies never pass when they're trying, so I thought I had nothing to worry about, considering I am not a tranny and was just going to go about my life as usual despite taking hormones.

I thought I'd get next to nothing as typical, but I was wrong. I accepted that it might happen before, and was disappointed to get so much :/ I would much rather have a flat chest. These things feel really gross and disgusting to have, even though they look good objectively. I still really don't like having them and they're a bitch to hide. But oh well, it was the price I paid for upping cuteness and femininity. My life is going pretty well so I won't complain, even though my body isn't ideal.

At first yes, I did. But it's been two years and they've evened out over time, now they're normal looking tits. If you wind up with cone tits you may as well just stick with the hormones at that point and make them look good :/ because it sucks to be stuck with tits - you may as well make sure they look good if you're stuck with them, and if they hit the "cone tits" point you've hit the point of no return.
You lack any secondary sex traits you fucking tranny

>Not being shaven masc master race
Twinks are as far as it should go
>you fucking tranny

I see you like having the typical male aggression as well? Estrogen has redeemed me from that.
>t. Delusional tranny
Go on and kill yourself once your beauty fades, masculinity is forever
I'm not a tranny! I'm a boy!

>masculinity is forever
Until your early 40's when your testosterone drops and you all turn into bigger emotional basketcases and fags than women.
You're a fuckin delusional tranny who thinks that she's still a guy even though nobody thinks that she is

Go on and hang yourself like a good tranny

It can work outside the EU too, so you might want to look it up and see if they ship to wherever you're at now. I know they do ship to sweden.
The person you're talking to hasn't even described his looks, how would you know whether or not people think he's a girl?
My girlfriend sees me as a guy. So do all my friends, classmates, and coworkers.
>Has tits
>P-people call me a guy

I'm >>6175146
I actually get confused for a girl and have hard-to-hide tits and all that. Yet I am really dysphoric about the tits and looking too girly. Care to explain how someone who hates looking girly and especially hates having tits is an mtf tranny? lmao
Fuck off already, does it fucking stimulate your cock to post this in every thread?
inb4 "salty tranny!" I don't have tits and am not on hormones.
Watching girls wish they were guys makes my dick diamonds
I'd suggest going over to ftmgen then, this is the wrong general for you seeing as it's filled with cute boys and boys who want to be cute boys.
The delusion that they're still boys is what really gets me off
not femme boy passing through

>cute boys
>the definition of cute in this case is "passing through female adolescence with the help of female hormones"
it's pretty hard to take seriously, just ignore the outspoken trannies and chasers and most of us will let you do whatever you want because we don't care.
boys are people who are going through female puberty, right?
>the definition of cute in this case is "passing through female adolescence with the help of female hormones"
Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never defined "cute boys" as that. Granted, I still don't think that taking hormones alone disqualifies you from being a boy.

Why don't you explain this away first before you even say hormones again? >>6175228
>Care to explain how someone who hates looking girly and especially hates having tits is an mtf tranny?
need that hoodie
Can i post here now?
there is a plethroa of possible reassons. from thinking simple anxiety is disphoria (with such poorly defined terms is easy to assume things, how many selfdiagnosed bipolars or borderlines or depressives we see here), it could be dismorphia (a disconnection between your real body and how you see yourself pushing you to change it in ways that never give the result you want), it could be that he got pushed into a certain aesthetic and didn't think of the obvious results. It's just funny the idea that taking stuff that makes you go through female puberty would make you more of a boy.
Nope. Drop the trip and the name though and we might let you hang out, otherwise we're just going to pretty much ignore you and/or call you a tranny freak and tell you to get out.
That sounds really interesting. Boy boobs are best.
>there is a plethora of possible reasons
I've talked pretty thoroughly with FTMs and we have the same exact feels in regards to our feminine qualities :/ so I feel pretty safe calling proper dysphoria.
> It's just funny the idea that taking stuff that makes you go through female puberty would make you more of a boy.
I didn't take it to look like more of a boy though, I just took it as a body modification to enhance cuteness, make me a bit more effeminate, make my skin really soft and clear and such things. I wasn't trying to look like more of a boy lmao. I still wasn't trying to look like a full-on girl, I just wanted a bit more androgyny and cuteness to my look, and it wound up going too far.

I also took it to not age into being a yeti or werewolf or super masc or whatever. I have always been effeminate and faggy, I like being like that, and that's simply my natural personality. I didn't want to wind up being all super masculine as I aged, granted, I also didn't want to wind up like this. But I can deal with it.
You're implying that just because some people indetify disphoria as their main issue they can't have more problems underneath or around it. It's possible to get the same sympthoms with different issues, even more when you relly on other people with little experience in short posts for your information. If you're searching for a particular result you'll find it even when it's not correct, again, like so many selfdiagnosted depressives, insomniacs, bpd, autists, etc.
>and it wound up going too far.
man, femgen is a gold mine for agp fantasies
>You're implying
Nope. The only thing I'm implying is that I feel dysphoric about my tits and general femininity being too high.
>even more when you relly on other people with little experience in short posts for your information
You're implying that I only speak with people about this here. You'd be wrong. I have IRL friends who are ftms, I have online friends who are ftms, so on and so forth. I've spoken with a good number of people, and the things I am feeling are the same as the things they are feeling which they call dysphoria.

The cause is pretty fucking obvious: I am actually truly a boy, and I have grown tits, and they make me feel body dismorphia, which in turn makes me feel dysphoric about them.

The specific underlying cause does not matter. It's still dysphoria if you have tits and you hate them. You're just grasping at straws trying to get around the fact that I have tits and femininity and don't want it, and you can't think of a way to rationalize that with the fact that I'm a boy who takes hormones, yet not a tranny, without admitting that you are wrong.
>another unpassable trannyfag triptard trying to hog attention here because he can't get any in his containment general
oh lordy lord

sure honey, come right in!
I feel really depressed and conflicted right now, I'm 22 years old, still look young (baby face helps) and somewhat fem, but the thought of growing older with testosterone with the body hair and potential male pattern baldness and masculinity makes me fucking puke, it feels horrible thinking about it.
I'm not sure about hormones since they can make you sterile (I don't want kids atm but if I ever do and can't it'll probably make me feel awful) and also tits.
Now before you all go on and on about SERMs, every time it's posted no one seems to actually know or tell how SERMs should be taken except vaguely "just take it with AA" (thanks, dude...)
I feel really bad about posting this since /femgen/ is 50% "how do i into hrt" and 50% "you bois are trans lol" trolls and people are probably sick of it but I'd really like an answer if anyone has it or is on SERMs atm.

Sorry for the mini wall-of-text...
MPB can be prevented without female hormones. Female hormones won't even stop MPB anyway.
Is it just finasteride you're talking about? It stops the shedding but as long as you're producing DHT you're going to lose your hair unless you stay on fin forever.
You'll need finasteride regardless of what anti-androgens you're taking. Even the smallest amount of T can produce DHT. And having a small amount of T is healthy even for females.
I read somewhere that it reduces the effects of MPB but I might as well be wrong, regardless it's not really my main concern with this, it's mainly about staying young and fem and not being masc (and being less masc than I am now)
I really don't want testosterone but I don't want tits either and SERMs sounds more like pie in the sky atm with how much people are just regretting their tits and no one actually having any experience or insight on it.
MPB comes from a type of testosterone, if you transition like a nice girl before it starts and take your testicles out when your body estabilizes you should be fine.
there are cases in which finasteride reverses mpb but it's not the norm.
I find the lack of info on SERMs to be pretty shitty myself, considering how much everyone is recommending them for us. They weren't even being spoke of when I started hormones, and I might switch now if I had the right info, but then again it's also too late because I already have tits.

If you really don't want to be masculine, you will probably for the most part enjoy what the hormones do to you and what they prevent from happening. If you're homosexual right now, kids are also something I don't think you should have because it's unnatural and that kid will by default not have a normal life.

As far as the tits go, well, shit happens. Odds are unless they get too big you'll be able to deal with it fine. If they get larger then you'll probably be feeling dysphoric about them like I am, but I feel like it was an acceptable trade-off for not aging like a man and losing all cuteness and femininity. I do enjoy them in bed as well, but that's mainly because the disgust, revulsion, dislike, degredation, etc. which I feel when they are handled by my partner, combined with the physical guilty-feeling pleasure, only turns me on more.

Ultimately it's a gamble, but I feel my life improved afterwards, even though it feminized me more than I would have liked. I still would rather be too feminine than too masculine, so I guess that'd be a good question to ask yourself: would you rather be too feminine, or too masculine? Which seems better or worse to you?

I'm only taking cypro and estradiol valerate, and I've actually had hair regrowth on top of my head. What's up with that?
Same question. I'm actually getting a substantial amount of regrowth and it's been only a month. If it's not finasteride, then could it be estradiol?
How is it a goldmine for agp fantasies? Don't agp actually enjoy their girlish features, if they take hormones and get them?
it's not the female hormones as much as the antiandrogens, but yeah, they work better together.

this is pretty much repression general, as the hormones work their way they lose sex drive and still want to be a woman.
chasers should just go to femgen.
>this is pretty much repression general, as the hormones work their way they lose sex drive and still want to be a woman.
>chasers should just go to femgen.
I assumed this was agp general. I can't distinguish the threads anymore.

>this is pretty much repression general, as the hormones work their way they lose sex drive and still want to be a woman.
I don't want to be one though, and I dislike being too girly and having tits. My sex drive isn't what drove me to take hormones either.

I can't see femgen as repression general when there are plenty of people here who flat out do not want to be girls, and when people go through all sorts of shit to ensure they get as little boobage as possible.
I'm bisexual, the kid thing is more that fact that I feel weird with the knowledge that no one like 'me' and that 'thinks like me' will ever exist again if I don't reproduce.
I understand how false that is and how that statement is retarded, I'm not a special snowflake or anything like that.
I bet there are tons of people just like me but my brain (that tends to overthink and be all existential all the time) can't see it that way.

Choosing between too feminine and too masculine is not a choice I want to make since I want to be feminine but being too feminine with tits and everything wouldn't align with how I see my gender: as a(n extremely faggy) male.
On the other hand, being too masculine wouldn't be hard to live with socially but FUCK THAT I can't fucking imagine living with that shit and being cool with it.

I'd make a joke about killing myself but I'm not really there yet, I'm just frustrated.

Deleted and reformatted this post since rereading the old one gave me eye cancer.
As I said in the second post, I though I was posting in agp general. If I skip the OP I can't tell which one is which.

To me it sounds like it'd be better for you to take the risk of being too feminine from hormones than take the guarantee of being too masculine from not taking hormones.

If the fact that you're going to get more masculine is bothering you and making you frustrated, and you can't imagine being masculine and enjoying your life and shit at the same time, then you should just go for it.

The "being too feminine" thing is only a risk that comes with hormones. Odds are, statistically speaking, that they won't make you overly feminine to the point where you're failing boymode and having big ole titties and such things. But that's still a risk with them. A risk, but not a guarantee. Odds are you'd be satisfied with your results, even if you wind up with some boobage going on - which of course if you take serms or go low dose e or starve yourself or cycle e, can be prevented or reduced. If being too masculine would make you hate your life you may as well take the plunge into hormones, because at least that path has much greater chances of happiness.

I pretty much was in your boat when I started hormones, I really didn't want to masculinize and such. They may have taken me too far and made me too girly but I still don't regret it, this is better than being a manly fuck, even though that would be more outwardly socially acceptable.
ayy lmao. I've never been to agpg but I do doubt the validity of your statements. I feel like the trannies -have- to be harrassing us more over here.
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>it's a "mtfg reject comes into the thread and calls everyone trannies" episode
ily /tv/ <3
how long has it been since you began taking estradiol intramuscularly?
The narrative of boys wanting to be cute and getting more than they bargained for by turning into dick girls with tits is pretty erotic to an AGP.
Around two years so far. A little less considering I started out on pills.
I suppose it would be lol. Guess I'm living their dream life then? Kek
I really appreciate you taking the time to write that, it really made me feel better.
Thank you so much qt.
You really are. I'm jelly.
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this is pretty much repression general, as the hormones work their way they lose sex drive and still want to be a woman.

shut up
Don't be jelly, it seems like nobody gets to live their own dream life, only someone else's. Myself included lol.
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Lol I bet this will give you a thousand boners you sick fuck:

Aww it's no problem, I'm glad it made you feel better :DD

Whatever you do decide to do, I wish you luck in it. Don't be afraid to just go after your true desires rather than do things for the people around you or do things for an easier time socially.
Hey, I'm a top, alpha type of guy. I really want a cute as fuck femboy to fall in love with me so I can take care of him forever.

>Not a total slut
>Wants a LTR
>Isn't a total slob

>Shorter than me (6'2")
>NOT trans

So what are my chances?
Your chances are high. What you've described is basically what all femboys dream about obtaining every night.
Ugh, then where are you little bastards? Cmon, what do YOU look for?
What does LTR mean?
Also, define "NOT trans"

Is it good enough for them to actually just not be trans, or do they also need to not be on hormones or even testosterone blockers?
where do you find us? uhh, college campuses, raves, London, PNW, and in our rooms a lot (we tend to be really reclusive compared to the general population).

You could join the skype group and see if anyone cute is near you.
>people call me a guy

They do. I wear a sports bra and layers. They're covered up.
>tfw i thought i just wanted to take estrogen because i wanted to be more feminine looking
>told myself that all the time
>told others that on 4chan
>remember growing up wishing i wouldnt get erections
>remember as a small child fantasizing about being a girl, continued from probably age 6 to 20
>remember crying myself to sleep one night because i looked bulky and wide but it was unfixable
>mostly insecure about masculine features
>sometimes get depressed again when i think about how HRT hasn't made me look more like a gril

it hurts to realize this feel

i dont know if i really belong here guys, i thought it was no big deal but it kind of is, i think about it every single day, i'm out, i'm not really a 'femboy'

It's ok. Hope's not dead. /mtfg/ takes refugees. You've got plenty of options, makeup can do a lot for you, so can posture and wardrobe, and the endgame of FFS and laser can help as well.
>Come out as trans, start taking AAs and estrogen
>Boobs reach an unhideable size and I still look mostly like a guy
>Decide trans life isn't for me because I'll alway look like a man, but I want to keep taking hrt anyways

how do I un-come-out to people while also explaining to friends and family I'm gonna keep taking hrt despite knowing I can't/shouldn't socially transition
I don't know how to do makeup or where to get it or what to get

I'm still scared of coming out, but i want to try makeup to see how it looks is all
It's okay, just sounds like you're a tranny. Do you have a femboy aesthetic going on? May as well stick around if your physical body is stuck in this zone and isn't passing on to the girl point.

Starting to browse /mtfg/ doesn't mean telling everyone in your life you're a girl. Check the makeup guide for some basic tips and try a light, natural, simple look with very few well-matched products. See how that makes you feel, maybe.
i dont want to look like a boy anymore
okay.... Thank you...
>how do I un-come-out to people while also explaining to friends and family I'm gonna keep taking hrt despite knowing I can't/shouldn't socially transition
Move to a new city where you know nobody and cut all ties to all people you have in your life right now.

That is the least embarrassing way to un-come-out.

Do you go around as a "girl" right now at all? Who all knows? What all do they know? You could just say what the deal is and tell them you're keeping up with the hormones but just never socially transitioning, going eunuch status pretty much.

If they all treat you the same as they did before, and you're not going by female pronouns or retarded shit, or trying to present as female, then you could just do nothing and eventually they'll all probably get it and you can leave it unsaid, or tell people what is up if they ever ask. Shit like that.
I STRONGLY advise that you DO NOT under any circumstances come out as transgender unless you are going to be going girlmode.

Unless you wind up passing eventually, you will almost certainly regret coming out and it will embarrass you immensely.
>Move to a new city where you know nobody and cut all ties to all people you have in your life right now.
Don't want to do that.
>Do you go around as a "girl" right now at all?
>Who all knows?
My family, a few friends, my girlfriend, my girlfriends family.
>What all do they know?
I want to be a girl, I've been taking HRT for half a year to achieve this goal.
>then you could just do nothing and eventually they'll all probably get it and you can leave it unsaid, or tell people what is up if they ever ask. Shit like that.
Not all that easy m8. my whole family(barring my dad) just tell me I'm being overly-pessimistic and try and urge me to start presenting female sooner whenever I hint at the fact I'm probably not gonna come out ever. My girlfriend is the only person I've told I've already decided I'm genuinely never going to start presenting as female and she's gotten pretty upset about it and has tried to talk me out of living the closet life.
i dont want to come out i just dont want to look like a boy anymore, im done, i have to at least try
Go right ahead and try, but that doesn't mean you have to come out.

Fuck man I still haven't told anyone I know that I'm taking hormones or anything, and I get confused for a fucking girl all the time and opening my mouth and talking is all that really stops that. You can lie -forever-.

Just tell people you've got fucked up hormones, and you never, ever have to come out. If they try pressing the matter tell them it's embarrassing to talk about.
>she's gotten pretty upset about it and has tried to talk me out of living the closet life

Either they all think that'd be best for you or they all actually think you'd have a chance, or both.

May as well just keep going on in life, taking the hormones, and wait before you un-come-out. You're only a year in, it's pure meme that hormones do the bulk of their work in a year. Wait until the two year mark of solid hormone taking before you fully assume you can't possibly pass. How is your body weight and how has it changed over the course of hormones? Are you at normal BMI? Have you worked to get yourself to the lower end/edge of normal BMI to see how you look there?
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>fully assume you can't possibly pass.
My face is really masculine, I've got big ass shoulders, big man hands and man feet, a deep ass voice, I really feel like there's no hope for ever passing regardless of how much time I spend on hormones, and I don't think I'll ever be able to summon the funds needed for ffs to fix my face.
>How is your body weight and how has it changed over the course of hormones? Are you at normal BMI? Have you worked to get yourself to the lower end/edge of normal BMI to see how you look there?
I was nearly anorexic pre-hrt and now I'm on the heavier end of the healthy bmi range.

Pic related, it's me
You have a very good chance. Your face is feminine enough and your shoulders really don't look that wide.
Ehhh you don't look thoroughly and completely fucked. Can't see your hands, feet or chest or anything like that but your shoulders don't look that big in relation to your head.

FFS can be afforded on nothing but a McJob and proper money management. I know people who have done it, if you truly work at it you will get it done.

I'd suggest getting yourself back down to the lower end of normal BMI, perhaps that will improve your looks.

What hormones are you taking exactly? Are you DIY or official route? Do you get your blood checked? Maybe switching methods would benefit you. My gf switched from pills to injections when she met me, and had huge improvement.
No one's mistaken me for a girl even once since I've started hrt, like it might not come across properly just over a picture but I know in person people see me as undeniably masculine and male, I really feel like transitioning is a lost cause
>Are you DIY or official route?
>Do you get your blood checked?
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>tfw muscular and tall
>tfw heart crushing mix of pain and regret every time I sleep with a woman and force myself to have sex like a man to try and convince myself I am supposed to be alpha.
>cannot be cute in any way and cannot show emotion
You've also only been on hormones for a year. My gf was on them for 4 years before she improved herself to the point of legitimate passing. Give it more time and more effort before you fully give up.

Start working out regularly and eating healthy, that will bring huge differences to you.
What are you on exactly? Spiro and oral estrogen? Do you think you could see about getting on injections and a different antiandrogen? That could make all the difference, I've seen it myself. Along with working out and eating healthy and such things, switching to cypro/e-injections got my gf into passing status. If you're in the US maybe getting on an AA like lupron would be nice for you.
Why not give in and fag it up and/or pop hormones to make yourself less masculine?
>annoying guy messaging me on grindr
>decide to tell him im on hormones to get him to leave me alone
>he's totally into it
>tells me all of his forced feminization fantasies and how he wants to dominate a boy into a girl
>sends me pics
>he's taller than me and /fit/ as fuck
>little bit scared but kind-of boner anyway

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now, THIS is a femboy

not this shit >>6172205
time to live the ultimate agp fantasy anon
Meh i'm too scared anyway
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Rip boy anon
I just fucked a communist girl in the ass. It was an experience
still gonna be a boy, my libido isnt enough to make me do it
What kind of changes happened after she changed blockers/injections?
LTR - Long term relationship. And I mean not transsexual... I dunno how else to explain it sweetie.
She got better tit development - they had stalled out and been unchanging for about a year or so beforehand, and wound up growing more and getting a better shape. Her fat distribution improved, skin tone improved, basically all aspects of what the hormones do to you improved. Her face feminized more too, just everything in general feminized more.
Dang. I'm not that original anon who started this, but thats tempting as heck to switch. If only I wasn't a dirty self meder.
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hint: we are dirty self-medders. What's stopping you? Order progynon depot (pic related) from ADC, it's even cheaper than the pills lmao. They sell cypro too, although you can find it cheaper from other sources.
I don't think I've ever seriously considered injections before, needles are spooky and not something I want to get caught with. You make it sound very tempting though, I'll definitely look into it. Injections are just once a week, right?
Yep, once a week, 10mg estradiol valerate in 1ml of liquid, which is just one of those vials.

It's really, really easy to inject yourself. All you have to do is do your reading on how to administer an intramuscular injection, get the right needles and everything (which is very easy. Get 23g 1 inch needles (1.5 inch if you're really fat) for injecting, and filter needles for drawing the liquid into the syringe.. Also obviously, get syringes lol)

The only time that it's really hard is your first time. It is a bit of a bitch to overcome the fear, anxiety, and so on, and also to overcome the instinct not to stab an inch long needle into your thigh. But, once you do it you see that it's pretty painless. Most of the time I almost can't even feel it, and that was true for my first attempt as well. Just eat something beforehand to make sure you don't pass out from being nervous or something lol. It's very, very easy and shouldn't be something you're afraid of, although I totally understand the fear because I was once in that position.

Just rest assured, it seems scary but in reality, it is not scary at all. You just have to get past that first time and it becomes so much less scary.

Plus, it's a lot easier to remember one shot per week vs multiple pills per day.
Also, in regards to getting caught with needles: hide them well and get a sharps container (which you should have anyway for proper disposal) to put your used needles in.

If they're discovered be prepared to come out about using hormones or offer to take all the drug tests they want to pay for, or perhaps both. Are you living with parents or something like that? Aren't you just as afraid of them finding your current hormones? There isn't much of a difference between them finding that and finding needles, because while they might think drugs at first, you'll be able to make it clear that it's not, especially when offering to get drug tested right then and there, and at that point it just comes down to you telling them you're popping/shooting up hormones.
Literally impossible. Perfect mesomorph frame. You know how you get those fatasses who can't lose weight. I have the condition where I can't lose muscle. Believe me I've tried. Starvation. Cardio.
All it does is make me more vascular and defined.
Can insulin needles work? Ended up in a medical institute cause of nepotism and I use those for my animals like crazy.
We take meds but that doesn't make us trans. We're still normal, so long as you can accept that we're good.
Thank you for the lengthy explanation anon! I compared the prices and its INSANE how much cheaper this is. I will definitely plan on giving this a try, thank you!
Yeah, it's peanuts. Literally like $1 and some change per week. Can't beat that, can't beat that at all, with anything, or even come close.

I'm glad I could be of some help, I'm sure you'll notice the difference when you do make the switch. Best of luck to you, if you ever need help with injection-related shit just make a thread and I'll probably notice it.
You realize that estrogen and a lack of testosterone will force you to lose muscle right? Like, they are 100% guaranteed to decrease your muscle mass. It is literally impossible for them to not do anything to you. It is a medical fact that they will make you less masculine than you are now.
I don't know to be honest. How long are the needles? Do you know the gauge on them too? They need to be at least 1 inch long, if longer you have to not put it in all the way or you run the risk of poking a nerve and that is not fun at all.

DESU unless they are intramuscular-style needles, i.e. 1 inch long with a thin needle, I would just buy them online. They're really, REALLY cheap too. Think $20 for a box of 100. 100 syringes = 100 injections = that box will last you 100 weeks. There are 52 weeks in a year. So that's juuuust short of a two year supply of needle/syringe combo, for $20.
how did andrej have fc
wasn't [s]he on hormones from a young age?
could've been doing a lot of the shit we do here. she might've avoided estrogen entirely and done AAs anyway. maybe she knew about SERMs. maybe she had some sort of top surgery. who knows

He's kinda hot but

>he gets really intense talking about transition, saying he's really glad i told him and he'll be there to support him and be someone i can be honest with but also being kinda creepy
>I don't even want to transition i just want to be the cute boy
>he's talking about how I can be his secret girlfriend
>don't know how to explain
>just rolling these 'haha maybe :)'s

Sorry, just twinkish
You might want to meet somewhere public just for lunch or dinner to gauge him in person before doing anything.
he's gonna skin-I-live-in you
i dont know im already a little scared

Maybe if he's okay but i'm worried he'll be pushing stuff on me, i've fallen for manipulative jerks before

I am getting quite a lot of bad vibes from that guy, if you're describing him accurately. Really sounds like all he cares about is a dicking and he's thinking you're a tranny and that he has to actually try (which he -really- sucks at, and would be unquestionably failing if he were really talking to a tranny). He just flat out comes off as a creepy motherfucker who sucks ass at talking to people he wants to fuck. I'd be cautious about meeting him, definitely if you do continue contact and meet him and stuff, make sure the first times are in public and also make sure he knows you're not a tranny but are rather a boy who likes looking cute and effeminate, although make it also clear that you're cool with him calling you a girl in the bedroom and such things if you are.

Granted, if he was annoying to you before, why even give it a shot? Just troll him and shit for entertainment or lolz, if you want, but don't meet up with him, that's probably at best just going to be an annoying experience.
Pretty sure they're shorter than 1in, does this need to be IM? Just used to doing stuff with small rodents so that's new.

How about bicalutamide? How does it compare to spiro?
I wish I wasn't retarded and actually eligible to handle injections but I know myself too well that it wouldn't end well. I might do something stupid like hitting the vein and wasting 10 mg right away instead of hitting the muscle.

Oh well, I guess I am stuck with pills because I am a potato. Taking it sublingually is the best I can do well.
just shoot your balls with calcium chloride.
I'd mooch off him till you get sick of him, then just leave him once you're done.
very funny
He was annoying but i didnt know he was kinda hot

I dont really mind being 'a girl in the bedroom', i think i'll see if he gets less chaser-y
Had a bad experience with manipulative boys that left me with a lot of regrets, if i think guys might be pushy now i avoid
I wasn't trying to be funny. It is cheap easy and safe.
Yeah it has to be intramuscular or it will not absorb at the correct rate and that will really fuck with shit.

I know a 16 year old who manages to get needles and diy their hormones and stuff, all on their own. You can totally get the needles yourself, whatever your circumstances are. If the issue is getting them shipped to you, and them being noticed, then try to get them on Amazon if you can, at a place that fulfills shipping through Amazon, so it'll just be in an Amazon box.

You can't do this with a needle shorter than 1 inch, it has to get into the muscle and deep enough into it, or there is no point in doing it because you'll either be wasting it or harming yourself or both.

I've never tried bicalutamide but honestly, it really doesn't have much solid info out there. You'll have a hard time figuring out the proper dosage, and an even harder time figuring out if you're properly blocking the testosterone, it takes time to see if it's not working. Same deal to see if it is working. Bicalutamide is also fairly expensive, and considering that and the fact that there really isn't much info out there for DIY people to look at, I wouldn't trust it so much to be safe and to also be effective, even with the promising things I've read.

Cyproterone on the other hand, worked much better for me than spiro, and there is a boatload of information out there. Odds are it'll be cheaper or as expensive as bicalutamide, depending on the dosage of either one that you'd need. Cypro, you at least know the standard dosage - 50mg/day, but bicalutamide, you have multiple sources giving you multiple dosages, from 12.5mg/day to 150mg/day or so. It's not as solid whether or not you're truly taking the right dose or if you're just falling for a meme.

Try out biclautamide if you want, but why not just go for something that you can trust for sure, which you also know for sure is better than spiro? I had improvements making the switch from spiro to cypro myself.
Actually it is quite easy to inject yourself. Even a total retard could do it.

It's also extremely easy to locate the proper locations. Like easier than potato easy.

You will also never, ever accidentally inject into a vein like this: as soon as you have the needle in, you pull up on the plunger instead of pushing down. If any blood flows into the syringe, then you're inside a vein and have to pull out and try over. If no blood flows in, congrats you are not in a vein, but instead are inside the muscle, and it's okay to inject.

Locating the spot is also easy as fuck, and you can very easily feel it with your hand. Look at your thigh and divide it into 3 equal parts. The middle third is the part we're focusing on. Take this middle third, and cut it in thirds again vertically. The outside third (meaning third closest to your hand if you rest your hand at your side) is where the injection will go.

Does that make sense? Should I explain it again or explain it differently? It's a very easy process and if you pull up on the plunger before injecting, you'll always know if you're in a vein.
Also, if you feel the area, and tense the muscles under it, you can feel the muscles you'll be injecting into. Try to hit the meatier part, you'll feel it with your hands. As long as it's in the muscle, you're good, and if you feel muscle under your hands, and it's in that area I talked about in the last post, then you're good. Just stick the needle in at a 90 degree angle to the skin - meaning stick it in straight, not slanted or anything.
Cypro causes liver damage eventually, doesn't it? Kinda don't want to get on it cause I'm afraid my body won't have any tolerance for other stuff I take then. It's also gonna cause more damage to my sexual organs, isn't it?

But I mean if it's the only decent drug apart from the GnRH, Then I might not really have any chance but to grab it.
>pull up on the plunger instead of pushing down. If any blood flows into the syringe
I remember this bit with the animals DESU, doesn't it feel horrible?
>I remember this bit with the animals DESU, doesn't it feel horrible?
Not at all, I feel literally nothing different when I pull up on the plunger, and I barely even feel anything sticking it in or injecting it. Sometimes I flat out just don't feel it. Other times I can feel a little pinch. Just inject the liquid nice and slow and it'll help minimize pain and also help make sure it all gets inside and stays inside the muscle, and disperses nicely and all that. Also, after finishing the injection, leave the needle in for 15-30 seconds before withdrawing it. This also helps it settle and helps make liquid not leak back out.
Yeah it is best to be getting blood tests if you're going to take cypro, or any hormones and antiandrogens at all for that matter. The liver strain is lessened by being on injections, because unlike oral meds, it doesn't put strain on your liver. There's another benefit for sure.

Cypro isn't that bad on its own in regards to your liver though. It's not going to like kill your liver just from taking it, granted you probably don't want to just be on it forever especially without monitoring.

It's still not that expensive typically, to go to a private lab and get blood tests done to make sure you're not fucking yourself up with hormones in general. Probably something you should be doing at the least every 6 months just to be safe. It's bad to be drinking and doing other liver-strain drugs anyway.

Are you on any medications by necessity that put a strain on your liver?
Bah, what's the source of your pic? I'm stymied in finding it.

If you take HRT indefinitely, your options are:

1) confusing ftm-ish tomboy entity
2) full on mtf trans simply out of convenience
3) suicide from the stress of intense regret
4) "boy" with tits who can only attract chasers

It's not a problem to get CMPs done. Haven't done any actual hormone tests. Don't actually want to be a woman so whether or not I'm happy with the effects is a good benchmark.

And actually, I just remembered I don't want breasts and switching this is probably going to accelerate my growth, isn't it?

>medications by necessity
None, and nothing prescription.
I think you forgot "androgynous deity"
Anyone here who has gotten tits - is it possible to get nipple development without too much breast tissue and then switch to serm?
>3) suicide from the stress of intense regret
Drama lama
Yeah, that's how mine were until somebody tricked me into taking progesterone.

If you're skinny and emphasize blocking over estrogen, then it looks like they grow slowly and stay as just nodules for a good while.
guys today a fem fag hit on me i didnt do anything, i think one of you faggots would have to grab my cock and shove lisa ann porn in my face for me to act on it, or somehow catch me when i already have an erection
What did the prog do?
nipples grew, boobs kinda filled out to the usual mound thing girls have. basically they became small breasts. Sure the progesterone fixed the migraines I kept getting, but I didn't want that.
how the fuck do you get "tricked" into taking progesterone? lol like did you not even google it?
Had crippling migraines and neuropathy. A friend who's a med student pointed out it's metabolites are great at reversing that kind of damage and there's plenty of stuff in the journals demonstrating that. Also said it's good for baby fat and I'd get that sort of skin glow pregnant women are supposed to have.

Problem is she insisted the whole tit growth fears were overblown and that it never caused such during therapeutic use. That's the trick.
she wanted you to be her gf ;^)
do you use a new syringe every time? I understand replacing the needle every go but is the plastic syringe something to use more than once?
>switching this is probably going to accelerate my growth, isn't it?
Oh it almost certainly will. It would be weird if it didn't, but not unheard of. Really depends on what you've got going on. It also really depends on your genetics and what you're predispositioned to get. If the girls in your family all have small tits I wouldn't be too worried. You're not going to get drastically bigger on the injections than you would without, but they will be bigger and have a better shape and more development than they would otherwise. Although maybe not, some people occasionally don't have much extra boob growth if any extra boob growth from it.
>do you use a new syringe every time? I understand replacing the needle every go but is the plastic syringe something to use more than once?
Yeah I use a new syringe every time. They're dirt cheap anyway, and it's definitely not sterile anymore after you're done with it and it's been sitting around for a week. I wouldn't reuse them at all, unless you are 100% sure you can 100% sterilize the shit out of it. Even then, why risk it? They're dirt cheap and literally made to be used once and thrown away.

It's not worth risking an infection or something.
i reverse image searched that and it was seriously arousing

femgen: agp edition next thread please
was it a shared experience
AGP permeates all. It is really the master fetish that runs /lgbt/.
should someone make a new thread?
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We weren't always this depraved, we've really gone rotten.
why else would someone take cutepills?
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Hi y'all
why did i save this picture
you can hide your tits
Also, there's SERM avaliable that can make breast growth not a big deal while making you look younger/ a little prettier.
Everyone always says this but no one ever has any information on how to take them properly, you can't even ask doctors since most of them never heard of it used for our purpose.
somebody's gotta be the guinea pig
Ignore the OP. Don't join this group if you take hormones or feel even slightly trans. It's for cis males only, and you will get hate from certain members if you even consider taking HRT.
i think you're in the wrong thread m8
how much did you take and how often?

He's insisting he wants to fully dress me up and says he has lots of stuff and he's an expert with makeup...

>sends me this picture
>tells me this is the first time that guy was dressed up but i'd look better because of my features

>tfw u were creeped out but u still semi interested in this dude cuz he's hot and wont be disgusted by you having boobs
Just go for it, what's the worst that could happen?
I dunno what if im ugly or get kidnapped and murder raped
Is /femgen/ just crossdressers?
It was honestly just to stay cute at first. That's why tried the antiandrogens but no hormone thing till getting sick
wow rude, most of us don't even like girl clothes
No, but it's a plus.
>most of us don't even like girl clothes
What are those then?
taking mones =/= crossderssing
So this is a TS
Then how to have a body like that?
Not gonna watch that, 3d stuff like that is gross.Don't even get what you meant, taking stuff to maintain femininity isn't the same as being like that.
>taking stuff to maintain femininity isn't the same as being like that.
Then please explain throughly...
Is there difference in dosage?
>3d stuff
Are you an anime character?
Porn is gross, especially that kind
Do /femgen/ masturbate like girls as well?
Like playing with their ass/nipples/sucking dildos
I don't really masturbate anymore, but when I did, I did it weirdly.

I would have my hand almost flat like I was about to schlick or something and would rub and press on my dick and I really liked it.

I'm not on hormones, not trans, and never wanted to be a girl.

I'm just weird.
Telling someone about injectable estrogen has literally nothing to do with girls clothing. At all. I don't even own any girls clothing other than sports bras to hide my tits which make me feel disgusted and gross. Fuck off faggot, taking hormones doesn't make you a tranny or a crossdresser or anything.
I think it's pretty fucking obvious. They're trying to look like a girl. We are not trying to look like girls, we are trying to look like androgynous and feminine boys. There is a big difference, and we even take different meds or take our meds differently and do different things to attain this different look.
I either jerk it normally or pound my ass with a vibrator. Usually I just pound my ass lol. I also do it without touching my dick since I think it's hot as fuck to cum without touching my dick.
>I don't really masturbate anymore
How come?
i can never do it with just a dildo, i have ti finish myself. never tried a vibrator though..
ass, nipples, and dildos, but also my dick
I dunno it feels dirty.
I would usually get to the first small "high" where you feel good but haven't cum yet and my sex drive instantly switches off, and I'm like "nope."

I don't really like having an active sex drive anyway.
So /femgen/ are gays?
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