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/LesGen/: Fashion Passion

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Thread replies: 355
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Lesbian Sci-fi/Fantasy Novel list:

Old thread:
Old thread: >>5790486
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I'm confused is this edition about fashion or scifi/fantasy?

Cause I'm cool with both I just wanna know
Could be both anon.
>tfw no cyber punk gf to fashion with in public and get weird looks from old people
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I'm not really into fashion, but I do have a thing for women in uniform.
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This is also one of my things. Good taste, anon.
i also like women in suit
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tfw no NK gf
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Any butch fashion?

Any at all?

There's never any butch love around here.
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The other kind of sexy uniform.
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>you will never be a NorK and have a NorK gf
>you will never buy her gifts on the black market
>you will never live in fear of being accused of collaboration with the evil japanese imperialists or bourgeois south korean US lapdogs.
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>tfw my girlfriend is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on

When she smiles I'm actually sure that the colors in my vision become a little bit brighter and a little bit more vivid.
that's cute.

also, you're high. it's called limerance
I've got some
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Also supplying some women in uniform
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Finally a fashion thread
how many of those are just feminine pen names for male authors because i'm not about to bother with their ignorant porn ideas
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Has anyone read Valhalla? I keep hearing about it that it's got lesbians and scifi but it also seems to be in that teen dystopia novel stuff I'm just not that into.

Also anyone get lesbian feelings between the werewolf and vampire guards in the discworld series?
Damn, get a load of this man hating cunt. You're so ugly on the inside. Probably on the outside too.
I'm such a fucking pleb that I unironically love lunarcore.
>I will never have a tomboy girlfriend that actually has good fashion

Part of me likes butches but the style just kills me. Why don't ya'll get shit fitted? Or put in some basic effort? I hate lesbians that equate femme with high maintenance and therefore equate being butch/tomboy as an excuse to put in 0 effot and be a slob.

tfw fitted clothes tomboy master race
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>if i project hard enough it must be true!
You're the only one projecting here, sweetheart. You projected your vile bullshit all over our screens. Grow up.
What's the dykest fashion tells in your onions?

>button up shirts maybe a size too big
>dm boots
>not black or white leather jackets
>mens watches
looks like a compilation of different dictators.
my hunch is that you are male anon.
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I like her face and I also agree with you a bit. Always kind of suspect of dudes penning lesbian lit. But then as long as it's not "and then she tongue punched my asshole" level bad I guess I can get over it
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Is that movie any good?
I don't think any of them are, iirc. Some of them are male, but they have male names. I usually Google authors before I read a book, for research purposes.
>because men has never pretended to be a lesbian while writing lesbian literature
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I tend to attract girls with my goth/punk stuff, but then that's just because I look exotic and they want to "explore their lesbian side". Either way it gets attention, and I get more interested girls than guys
>implying /fa/ would wear anything that interesting
/fa/ is for really normal straight fashion, not alternative stuff. /cgl/ would actually be the board for alternative fashion
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Is it bad I really want this jacket but it costs around 600$?
It looks cool, but couldn't you had it made by a seamstress by less? If not and you can afford it go for it.
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This is about as close to goth or victorian looking as id go. But I do love swallowtails.
Probably would cost about the same to hire one to specially make it. I'll probably get it eventually this summer.
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That's a really great jacket anon, you should go for it. Make sure to get something that nice tailored so it fits just right. There's nothing wrong at all with spending some extra cash on good looking clothes.

I'd wear that in a heartbeat, though admittedly I'd be in a black shirt and black pants too. I don't even know what I'd do if I actually found somebody in real life who wore anything like what I like most, I have such a huge tumblr crush on this girl because I love everything she posts
I still haven't decided if I like that hairstyle or not.
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It looks like something you could definitely find similar for cheaper. If I'm gonna spend half a grand or more on a coat it's gonna be a coat that looks worth half a grand or more dammit.
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>tfw my roommate got a new gf last month and ever since I have to listen to them have sex all the time
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I love it way too much and am very sad that it doesn't suit me

It does look like it costs half a grand, and it probably feels like it too.

Ask for a threesome
Wasn't it, "and then she tongue punched by fartbox"?
My roommate just started dating a girl and I woke up to them having sex this morning, and then masturbated to it.

Why couldn't she have picked me ;_;
>tfw my blue labes have finally turned black and disintegrated.

So..horny...it's killing me! ;-;
My roommate is a guy.

That sucks, anon. Someday we will be the ones having sex with a qt in the morning!
Well shit anon, that sucks then.
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>have had qts
>rarely had sex
>never, ever first thing in the morning
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Should I wait to start dating again until I lose more weight, lesgen?
YUP. I'm not gonna fuck a new chick until I lose 20 pounds. ;(
Yes. If can't look at yourself in the mirror and say "I'd hit that", what makes you think someone else would?
I'm already down 30 but I'm still a fat fuck.

If I go by this it means I need to grow my hair long again, too.

Weirdly enough, men are all over me, and were all over me even when I was a lot fatter. I don't get it. I'd expect the reverse.
I got picked up by a hot older lady at a restaurant bar and grill place I use to work at. I've never done that before so it was pretty unusual.

She was kind of mean and a little insulting to be honest but in a hot way, like if she meant that stuff my feelings are really hurt but if she was just playing for kinky effect then my god it was hot.

I hope she calls me sometime, I feel like she is really lonely, I think her family died.
Keep up the good work. You can do it!! Plus when you lose more, you'll feel more comfortable having sex with the lady. :o
Anon, men are pigs. It makes perfect sense that they'd be attracted to a woman who was fat.

But being serious, you should be able to see yourself as fuckable like they said. And it's best to just ignore guys hitting on you, it doesn't really mean anything.
What did she tell you?
If you think long hair would make you more attractive, then let it grow. Confidence is key when dating. You have to be secure of yourself and of your looks. Good job on losing those 30, keep going! Once you reach your goals you can go get yourself a qt. and you'll see how much better everything is in life.
Eh. I feel pretty comfortable having sex now desu. I've had some pretty great sex as a fat person.

Oh, I know. It just seems like a giant cosmic joke that it'd be easy as fuck to find a guy to date me but I'm a big ol' bulldyke.

It would. But it kinda wouldn't feel like... me? I dunno. Plus the upkeep is a bitch.

> and you'll see how much better everything is in life.
I've never been skinny. I do wonder what it's like desu.
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It's weird but I hear girls will hit on you if you're fat but not as much if you're fit. It's some bizzarro ruse.
See, that would be awesome. I'm not seeing it in action yet, though.
They are probably intimidated
>mfw upkeks for bi-hate on /r/actuallesbians
Why do you think we would care? At all? This isn't that website, just fuck off.
>Oh, I know. It just seems like a giant cosmic joke that it'd be easy as fuck to find a guy to date me but I'm a big ol' bulldyke.

naw. men (regardless of orientation) are pretty slutty. They'll fuck anything. I thought that was universally understood. When straight women complain about unfair beauty standards, they're talking about what it takes to get love and/or relationships. Anyone can get nsa sex with a man (why you would want it, I have no idea).
That's a lie. The better you look the more action you get. Also when you are fit you can go up to girls and have a much better success rate.

Fat people say that sort of things because they are overcompensating and feel the need to lie to feel less like shit. And even if someone does hit on them, chances are it's someone ugly.
A lot really, we were making out and she suddenly stopped and said that I smelled like fried food and needed to shower, when I was getting ready to shower she had me do a full little turn around for her and insisted that I shaved my lady parts even though it wasn't like out of hand or anything.

During sex she wouldn't reciprocate and instead had me masturbate while she watched. She did in the morning but only after I literally pleaded with her.

She made me take off the robe I borrowed to answer the door when she had breakfast delivered because the one she was wearing was see through then she won't let me have it back so I ate in the floor naked. To be fair she didn't ask me to sit in the floor I just didn't want my bare butt on her kitchen stools but she did wait until I was finished before saying I didn't have to.

I causally dropped my own name in conversation like 10 times that night because I wanted her to remember but she didn't in the morning and asked me a couple times before I left.

She also implied that she had to get really drunk just to be able to sleep with me.

She made fun of my accent.

She pinched me really hard to wake me up because I was talking in my sleep or something.

also, if a woman is VERY fit, I can help assuming she's a strong, confident, top. That she's out of my league, knows it, and would talk to me first if she was even a little bit interested.
I don't know I think there are quite a few lesbian chubby chasers and on dating sites the fit, good looking lesbians probably get all their attention from bi girls with bfs/husbands or straight girls with bfs/husbands. Lesbians probably suffer from low self-esteem as it is, approaching a girl you don't figure to be anywhere in your league can be nerve wracking.
That's really hot in a kinky sense, but really if you didn't go there expecting that she might just be a crazy bitch. If you get off on it though then does it really make a difference?
Help! How do I score at the gay club?! :( I'm going out this Saturday night with a bunch of gay guys and a lesbian. The lesbian isn't into me so how do I hit up other women at the club/bar? :(
This sounds like a nightmare. I like getting mocked and struck and pushed around, but this just sounds like abuse.
seems like a lonely crazy straight lady
Really? All the lesbians I know are into fit girls. If you are attractive you are going to get attention from everyone, not only lesbians, that doesn't mean hot lesbians are not going to be all over you.

If you see a qt that has that low self-esteem vibe, but you know you are hot, you go over to her, or at least give her a sign you are interested, if she's still too nervous then there's nothing to be done. You can't expect results if you don't have the balls to play the game.

If you are fat, you are more approachable, but only to losers that don't think they can do better, people with weird fetishes or people too drunk to show taste. In other words people that don't have a chance with a hottie anyway.
She sounds like a douche. Fuck her and dump her. It seems to be what she wants anyway.
I just hope she is just being kinky and that I don't smell and stuff for real.

She gave me a plain t-shirt and sweatpants to wear home which were both new with a tag and I'm pretty sure she has them on hand for random bra pick ups and that is the only thing that bothers me.

Everything harsh she said she kind of followed up by something softer and that made it feel like she was just being fun.

She was common-lawed married to a woman for some amount of years that isn't around now, I think she died along with what I assume was either her daughter or an adopted daughter because she looked Korean and they are both white.
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Bad advice. Most gay male and lesbian chubby-chasers either get off on the power and beauty imbalance, or at least they find a sense of security it. The ratio of chubbies looking for slim partners to chubby chasers is always tilted so the chasers are a tiny minority. So chasers are rare and have a lot of partners to choose from. If the imbalance didn't exist, most of them would't be chasers. So it's not good advice to tell someone to find a monogamous chaser to date, that's like telling someone to buy lottery tickets if they ask for financial advice.

From what I hear, straight male fat-fetishists are the only ones who get supper horny for a chubby person because of their fatness. The chub/chubby-chaser ratio is closer to 50/50, and the chubby woman is usually the 'centerpiece' with the straight chaser appreciating her body. With gays and lesbians, its usually the other way around; the chaser is a sexually narcissistic 'centerpiece' and the chubby person appreciate's the chaser's body.
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>if she's still too nervous then there's nothing to be done

how so? Just try again and be less subtle about it. "You. Me. Date. Friday."

I don't have the guts to do this myself, but one of the coolest thing a girl has done when hitting on me is literally take my phone and call herself on it (I was spilling spaghetti, and fumbling to remember my cell number). Fucking love it when hot women take charge.
I meant that you try and she's still too nervous or insecure and keeps thinking you'll dump her once you find someone more attractive. Spaghetti can be cute, but having to keep reassuring someone is exhausting.

That story sounds hot as fuck btw.
Reminder that granting SRS to a trans person is literally the equivalent of helping an anorexic starve.
Nah I've been fat, def get hit on more now that I'm fitter.

>ever get hit on more by fatties
>hey I didn't get fit so I could fuck fatties ok
>dancing in gay club with gaybro
>it's got a decent mix of lesbos and gay men so far
>some super fatty comes up behind me
>can't help but make disgusted face
>she gets all butthurt saying "well damn straight girls in here"
>Um excuse me I'm gay as hell don't accuse me of being straight just cause I won't fuck your ugly ass
>is this how straight girls feel getting accused of being lesbos by the betas they reject?
>I sympathize truly
Well,to be fair to her, you can reject a chick without being an asshole about it.

On the other hand, if she's the type to go "HURR DURR HETEROS" when she gets rejected, she probably sucks about as much as you anyway.
Well you're kind of a dick. But I find the fact you were a fat reject and now you're picking on the ones who remind you of your past self - amusing at least.
Why is it that every time someone here expresses a preference of says they won't date a certain type they are called assholes?

If you are blindsided by a lardgolem behind you, you can't help to react instinctively and make a disgusted face.
Rejecting with a kneejerk disgusted face at someone coming at you from behind in a club is the normal way to reject. It's a loud environment, you can hardly speak loud enough to be polite about it.

And fatties are gross, even and especially to ex fatties. It's normal to look at them like they're gross. People give disgusted looks to heavy smokers or people with leprosy, it's human nature to be a bit grossed out by unhealthy sights. I agree we should move past that to sympathize and try to make them better, help them heal and all that, but you can't change that initial basic human reaction.
I didn't go out of my way to pick on her. She came up to me and called me straight at rejection.

Not sorry, my face made the disgust/rejection face it made without my initial consent. It also makes that face when straight dudes come at me. I've tried hold back this face but it's like trying to hold back blinking.

Guess I could have not called her ugly but she called me straight and insult for insult is justified imo.

I don't hate fatties. I would like to help them get fitter, but not attracted to a real fat girl and that's why I lost weight.
lardgolem is my new favorite fat slur, thanks.

>fatties are gross, even and especially to ex fatties.
This is really true. I used to be fat when I was younger and eventually lost it because I was sick of how I looked, and now I hate fat people because I hate who I was then and they remind me of that time.
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You can express a preference without being like "euw, disgusting!" to someone's face. I mean, really.

>It's normal to look at them like they're gross.
If you're a bad person, sure.

I mean, I genuinely hate trannies and I wouldn't make a vomit face if one hit on me in a club. A disgusted face is not at all the only way to reject someone in a club.

>Not sorry, my face made the disgust/rejection face it made without my initial consent.
Well, develop better self control, then. You're responsible for your shit.
So if a straight dude came at you from behind and grinding his dick on your ass would you have the self control not to make a "euw, disgusting!" face? Because you'd need a zen master level of self control to do so.
So how does lesgen deal with some of the misogyny that comes from /lgbt/ does it hurt knowing that some /rk9ers/ that like to lurk here along with gay men think your nothing more than a catty baby machine
>Well, develop better self control, then. You're responsible for your shit.

>this coming from a fatty

Hilarious. I'll get self control over my face when the obese get self control of their lives.
I've got a girlfriend and they don't so I just shrug.
>caring what r9k thinks

That'd be a new low.
You're a huge asshole if you think someone telling you to get your shit together has GOT to be the group you were bullying. It's just so senseless.
I told my therapist recently about witnessing my friend's murder and I haven't slept properly since due to nightmares.

I'm never going to sleep again.
I cant sleep either anon, though mine's because I see my mother's face and get scared she'll kill me. I actually prefer to just sleep with the lights on so I don't have to be in the dark but people get upset over wasting electricity so I just wait until it's daytime to sleep.
I remember you from last night I think, having dreams about your mom killing you right?
Why is it always men with you? Get over it.
>get your shit together
>cause you made an "ew" face at a fatty dancing on your ass in a club
>didn't even say "ew disgusting"
>but this was my face for a second

very thin skin over that blubber
it's a fair analogy. I'm as unattracted to dudes as fat girls.
You're talking to multiple people, retard. You are just desperate for any validation so you don't have to address yourself. You can take the fat out of the broken bitch, but I guess that doesn't piece her back together again.
Since we are here, they seem like a good example of something that we'd both find disgusting, without having to invoke the angry hons if I use a tranny for an example.

Point is fat people are un-fuckable and ugly, and if you are in a club, have been drinking and get cached by surprise with one behind you, there's no way of avoiding the natural reactions on your face.
"Natural reactions" is just you shitposting. There's plenty of people that can handle that sort of thing with more dignity. Grow up.
Hey does anyone know where I can stream Carol?
You are also addressing several people that find hamplanets revolting, lardo.

Stop reflecting this hard and use the hate as motivation on a treadmill or something.
Here you go, anon.

I'm talking to you right now I suppose. But that one I just responded to (you? or not, whatever) was saying someone was telling me to get my shit together. Someone was telling me to get my shit together because I "lacked self control" or whatever cause I made a disgust face at a fatty in a club.

You are way too bothered rn calling me a bitch cause I made a gross face. It's kinda funny cause if you used half this effort into losing weight maybe you'd be less upset.
>someone didn't coddle the fatty enough in rejection
>handle fatties with DIGNITY

if fat girls wanted dignity they'd act like it
>loud place
>people are drunk
>get ambushed
>have perfect self control

It's not like she insulted her on purpose. If anything fatty should've been more graceful than to call her a straight bitch and go off on her just because like any rational person she's not attracted to such a beast.
>When straight women complain about unfair beauty standards, they're talking about what it takes to get love and/or relationships

No, when straight women complain about 'unfair beauty standards' they're talking about how they don't get to date Brad Pit, when they themselves look like something that just crawled out of a dumpster. Relationships just as sex are easy to get for straight women. If not, it's because of their unrealistic standards.
You go up to them and say whatever. It doesnt really matter what as long as it's not some sperglord bullshit. If she finds you attractive she will react positively and engage in conversation. If not then she won't. That's why it doesn't really matter what you say, just say with confidence as it might increase your attraction level.
I'm 5'7" and 103 lbs, being fat is not my problem. You need to stop being such a clown with that level of assumptions. Even if you were right, it wouldn't mean anything, so what does it give you? Just empty condescension. Damn, lady, are you even an adult? Has your brain finished baking in that head of yours? This isn't even about self-control anymore, it's your lack of self-reflection.
She definitely insulted her on purpose, twice. How fragile are you that you have to invent new situations just to justify yourself?

There's quite a lot of evidence that shows mocking the fuck out of fat people just makes them fatter. That's not how motivation works. It's also not the issue, I wouldn't fuck a fat girl either, but that doesn't suddenly mean that anon's in the right. They can very well both be wrong. And they are. Two shitty people being shitty to each other in some shitty club.
>5'7 and 103
>literally underweight made up tier

Oh man this is like when that fat girl went on fit and started making up running stats saying she could totally run a mile in 2 minutes. Fat girls have no clue what normal weight sounds like or normal run times so they just make up "hur 100 lbs sounds skinny"
How fucking paranoid can you even be that you think sick people don't exist anymore?
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>this thread
You're all loonies, sick help.
>i-i'm totally anorexic now

this is getting good
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Have you ever even been to a club? It's a meat market, chances are you are not there to meet Ms. Right or to be sensitive. Anon reacted in a natural way when you are surprised by someone ugly grinding on your behind. Maybe she was not the most gracious of persons, but who cares really. Her facial reaction was no more personal than swiping left on tinder after a quick glance at someone nasty.
>self reflection

Another thing you fatties don't got
Damn you are still so butthurt. Look you realize it wasn't about you right? I made a gross face at a fatfat girl grinding on me in a club. She got bitchy, I got bitchy back. She moved on, so did I until typing it up on here to prove a point about how once fat and now fit you get hit on more and provide an example.

Idk what your issues are mentally but this wasn't about you. The only reason someone would take something like this so personal is if they themselves had weight issues. That is why we are making fun of you being fat. Ya fatass.
Yeah it's impossible that a person would just have empathy, like a functional human being. That's such an impossible ideal. Standards are a myth.

Point to where I said I was anorexic.
5'7 100lbs = dead
No, faggot. Not even close. I might be bony, but I'm not dead. You are outright delusional. And you dare to call other people ignorant of possible weights? Bitch, get out of my face, you're dumb as a rock.
>almost two years into a relationship
>watching outlander
>tfw my gf says "I like him better he's cute.... I mean he's cuter then her husband...."

M...my girlfriend is biscum
Fatties don't get it. She just thinks "I'LL PROVE THEM I'M NOT FAT1 IN FACT I'M 100 LBS. THAT'LL SHOW THEM". At 300+ they have no clue what normal weight sounds like.
Oh yeah, then why are you dead right now? Checkmate, atheist.
I just said I'm underweight. First post I said I was underweight. I was blatant about being a not normal weight. It's just not the abnormal that you are so desperate for it to be. How at all are you being sane right now?
How does that moral high horse manage to carry your deluded fatassery?
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103 pounds at that height is almost 20 pounds below the lowest healthy weight. You either have some horrible illness, are anorexic, are an amputee or most likely are a liar and a fatass with no notion of what a healthy weight is.
Yes, retard. I have a horrible illness. Since two years ago I have had a dysfunctional colon that does not take in the proper amount of nutrients from the food I ate. If I eat the wrong thing, too, I get horrible pain that has to be treated with opiates because the muscles around my colon spasm violently and fuck up the flow of material. I nearly died from starvation, in the first world, with three meals a day because I just couldn't get much of anything from it. No fats, no proteins, just wasting away. Some months I can manage to get back up to 115-120 pounds, and that wastes away again. I was always slight but now I'm inescapably skellymode and it's shit. I am at this very moment on an antibiotics course because gut flora have taken this opportunity to colonize far higher than they're ever supposed to be, and it's jacking up shit in my small intestine where they can feast and fester. Next week, I'm starting yet another probiotic just to have a good month or two. That enough fucking detail for your stupid ass?

And I still never said it was a healthy fucking weight, that's your major god damn issue, and your idiotic assumptions. I don't appreciate you putting your words in my mouth just so you can clap your hands and bark like a seal at it. In fact, I fucking hope you stay alone. You're going to be a curse on whomever you inflict yourself. A whole lot of jacked up shit in your head. You have to invent enemies and slights and conspiracies just to keep your tattered self-esteem patched up with spite. Before you need to worry about club scenes, you need to worry about being a complete human being first. My god, you're a piece of work.
Lol so again, I made an "ew" face there in rejection and you now have moral high ground over 4chan to get this level of buttblasted.

I wanna reject more fatties now and storytimes them here. I do have one in particular but she was such a cunt idk if I've got the patience to do it justice.
I'm 96 pounds and 5 foot 5 inches I've never felt unhealthy about my weight.
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I made an ew face at your entire post just so you know
Leave it be, these utter mongrels can't parse anything if it isn't couched in their victim complex. Next they'll start barking "tranny, tranny!" because they can't conceive that anyone they don't already assume is subhuman could ever disagree with their shit personalities.
Sup club chick I now understand why you are so upset you have a lot of issues in your life goddamn. Making me grateful to have my health and functioning body. Gonna run extra fast tomorrow. Gonna later go drink tequila and enjoy my youth and functioning organs. Probably gonna reject a fat girl all the same.
It's not about the rejection. It's about how you were so quick to defend sneering at some stranger. Just cop to it. "Yeah, it was bad of me, kek. It is how it is." It was the egotistical patter that it was just natural and automatic and inescapable that was annoying. Your life isn't everyone else's life. Meditate on that in your run.
Being underweight is not necessarily unhealthy. I actually find it hot, but a lot of the girls I've dated have been anorexic or something.

The reason it sounded unlikely for the other anon is because you don't get that buttblasted for something you can't relate to. And very few people are underweight.
Oh okay.

My self-esteem couldn't handle being called a tranny. One time I heard a kid ask their mom if I was a girl or a boy and I cried and cried in the bathroom until their mom came in an apologized.
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That's... adorable.
At least I have my health, I can always work on my personality later. It's not like the chick I'm dating minds. She actually laughs at my racist jokes, I think she might be the one.
That seems...not sexy.

Quickly, slit her throat. Get her before she gets you.
I honestly should have known that she wasn't reading her .99 Amazon kindle vampire erot lit for the story
nah if an unattractive person is literally on my ass in a club I sneer in rejection. Can't fight that instinct, can't give a fuck to either. I don't think that's as bad as you do. It'd be one thing if I were just making faces at fat people walking down the street or pointing at ugly people but I'm not. So I'm gonna just run and listen to my ebook as usual, ignoring all advice from 4chan as I often do.
idk why I said ebook instead of audiobook.

Bringing it back to OP in a way, what's the comfiest audiobooks? I circle through the discworld series when I can't pick anything for max comfort.
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C-can p-people tell I'm a lesbian by what I w-w-wear?
Is discwold really that good? I downloaded it a few weeks ago, but haven't got to reading it.

I enjoy reading books that are also movies because I work on film and it's interesting to see how one art translates into another. "World war Z" for example was a great geopolitical study on how the world would face a global crisis and the narration is pieced together from interviews to survivors, really novel and nothing at all like the movie, that kinda sucked.

But I don't really do audiobooks, I prefer metal when I run. What do you mean when you say max comfort?
Sometimes, it's more about how you carry yourself.
What is the lesbian version of a beard?
A beanie. Unless you mean someone that pretends to be with you so you can look straight, in which case it's still a beard.

my old beard killed himself, I need a new one now.
You should probably just come out.
I know, I'm just so scared.

My family will disown me and I'm rather fond of them.
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I suppose it's max comfort for me because I've already read the books. The writing style and tone is generally light, good humor, straightforward.

They're good books in that you can read in whatever order and it's a fun deconstruction of fantasy and also a bit of society in ways. The characters are great and memorable. There's also a few movies.
That's usually pretty temporary. If you have a good relationship with your family, they'll come around to at least considering you "one of the good ones" as useless as that is, but you won't stay on the outs. I've seen a rapist that stole his mother's car to buy meth get accepted back into the family, a rugmuncher isn't a forever crime.
Thanks anon, much appreciated
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You feel better once you do so. If they're even a little fond of you, they'll want to keep you around. Unless you're a little shit. Then enjoy a very unsatisfactory life. You might even meet a lesbian who you want to be with, but you trade it for a sham marriage to a beard. Like that one Adele song.
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I'll give them a try then. I've had issues finding something I like lately. Right now I'm reading "The Name of the Wind", but at chapter 3 I can't really give an opinion yet.

I had an old sci-fi period last month, which was interesting because you see how people used to view the future and also how many ideas you see and read about now first came about. Things like "Simulacron 3" or "The andromeda strain". Before that I got really into in-between wars German literature, but it was a little darker than what you seem to be looking for.

I've found goodreads to be a good place to find things to read similar to what you've read and that fits your taste. I'd say go to /lit/ but they are not the best for lighter reading.
I've been reading a lot of old sci-fi lately, too. Some of it is interesting like you said -- what they thought computers would be, when they thought conflict was inevitable -- but a lot of it is really patterned. Those Commies this and Lone Woman Marries Protag At The End that. Old sci-fi buffs must have been the most boring motherfuckers on the planet.
>mfw I dress like more or less like this and everybody thinks I'm straight at first glance
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Well, on their defense it must suck being a virgin wondering if you'll ever get laid before they drop the bomb. But it's an interesting period for sci-fi.

If you are into fantasy you could try "The neverending story". And if you like adventure try "Papillon", it's a really awesome adventure of this french prisoner sent to Devil's Island in South America and his many attempts to escape, and it's based on a real story.
I rarely if ever post about it, sorry.
Oh sorry.

There was a girl posting about a dream where her mom cut her wrist and stabbed her last night I think and I just figured it was you because that doesn't seem that common.
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If it helps, I had tons of dreams about my mom eating me out after I saw masturbation videos she had made for some guy when I was about 13.
Oh my...

That is kind of hot, hopefully the murder dreams don't ruin your mom for you.
I'm a different anon
My typical issue more the screaming, I can practically hear it any time alone and it's dark. Usually she just stabs me repeatedly or shoots me.

That wasn't me anon, though I can admit it's kind of hot. I do always appreciate a good fetish. Seeing/thinking of my mother just sends me to bad places though
Oh well, my mistake.

What is your mom like if I may ask?

That is upsetting. My sister said she wished I was dead once and I had several dreams where she refused to save me from fatal situations and I dunno I never really felt the same about her.
Kill me, Pete
She was more like a bigger sister to me, growing up. She was only 29 when I was 13, and she was beautiful. I was raised by my grandparents and didn't see her very often. The first time I ever used a vibrator, I had been going through her closet and found it in a box. It was a good day.
Kill me, Pete

Yikes. That's some heavy stuff. Why did she say that? I have a ton of siblings, and while I'm not on good terms with half of them, I know they don't wish I were dead. We're just tense.
That sounds pretty awful. Somebody wishing you were dead isn't right. I don't talk to my sister anymore, she kind of tries to help up to the point of actually helping and has hit me with a baseball bat before so I could learn to be less afraid. She is admittedly very attractive and the idea of her doesn't hurt me, but I've got no sexual anything to do with her. And first sex stuff is always a good day

People say things sometimes. Sometime's what they say is overly hurtful, and they might not realize it or they might do it intentionally because they know it hurts. But really you can't know why they said it because it's got nothing to do with you
Nobody wished I was dead, though.
I'm sorry, I thought you were both the same anon. Now I feel awkward.
>I told my therapist recently about witnessing my friend's murder


what was the videos like? did you keep them?
Keep in mind that next edition will be dedicated to mommy issues.
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>keeping videos of your mother masturbating
Okay. I can admit I have issues. I actually make my gf call me mommy a lot, in bed or not. It helps reassure me that I'm not the awful person she said I was, and it does also turn us both on.
But what about us, anon? Didn't you think about the creepy desires of internet strangers in the far future?
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I'm not for videos shared on the internet without the consent of the one who is on it. It's gross. Plus she's straight, so that would be even more gross.
Everyone here has mommy issues. It's the staple of being a lesbian.
I used to have them on an old PC until I was 16 or around there, until it even creeped me out that I had them. They were mostly just her using vibrators/dildos on herself. She was doing it anally in a couple of them, and wearing lingerie in some. There were some pictures too that were mostly the same. I'm pretty sure she still has some of them in an old yahoo account.
But I don't.
Death to the pretenders.
That you know of

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I thought this was going to be a hot older lady being mean to me and then rolling her eyes and giving me peeks and teases. But it's not. It's not mommy issue bait at all.
>The better you look the more action you get.
Could be true, but don't discount how happy & fit you look. When I was young I felt like a broken record with all the "sorry, I already have a partner."s I had to make on a typical night out. Back then I was only an ultra fit 6/10 with makeup. My partner, who was easily a 9/10 before makeup, just got hit on wherever she went. I personally think it was more due to how happy we looked. If I was feeling happy I noticed I got hit on a lot more than when I felt sad. My partner also noticed it too. The happier she was the more she got hit on. It often got so bad our friends would put us at the back of the booth to cut down on the interruptions.

Whatever you do, be happy. I never had the balls to play the dating game. I always found my partners via clubs and work. I've always been a shy recluse, but I've generally been happy. That really attracts people.
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And self-confidence. It plays a lot when you're flirting. There was this girl I was friend with and who was straight with a boyfriend. She was ambiguous as fuck with me and I realized she probably wanted to sleep with me when she stayed over for a week-end. All my assurance crashed down and she backed off when she saw I was afraid and that I won't do anything. No news of her since. Fuck these straight bitches seriously. I just wanted to be friends damnit, and not the lesbian experience she'd tell to her boyfriend and bi friends.
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>tfw used to have sister issues
>found videos of her masturbating one time when i borrowed her laptop
>stole them and almost put myself in a coma from excessive orgasms
>decided it was creepy and deleted them

Mommy issues not so much though if she had her hair cut a bit shorter we'd basically look like sisters. I sometimes wonder if people think we're a couple when we go out for catchups or whatever
>tfw your mom divorces your step dad, and you never see your childhood fuck-buddy step sister again
I'm an identical twin who used to have sex with my sister before she "grew out of it"
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I miss her so much sometimes
>tfw you probably got more action before 18 than you will from 20-30

Why even live
the golden years were between 13 and 16 but our parents maybe started to suspect something because we very suddenly moved into a new home with separate bedrooms
That's the age when I got caught with a girl

was your family mad?
Well after all the recent talk about Carol I decided to download it. Now I just have a sort of empty feeling in my chest. It was a lovely movie, Cate Blanchett could not have played her any better, but it reminded me how much I miss loving someone and being loved in return.
I remember I got caught with my dad's gfs daughter when I was a bit younger than that, and dad's gf got really pissed off. They actually ended up breaking up. It was awkward
The action I was getting was definitely a lot more fun then it is now. Nothing since then really feels as exciting or daring as it did. Am I not as gay as I thought or am I just getting old?
It wasn't fun when I was a teen since I didn't know I was a lesbian until I was 19, wasn't fun in my 20s since only straight bitches were into me and no lesbians around me at all and won't be fun in my 30s since the few lesbians left will already be with someone else for years.
>Not becoming a cougar
>Not hunting kittens
>Not helping all those poor girls realise they're gay
>Not helping the next generation
>Not getting all that sweet jailbait pussy

The fuck is wrong with you?
I don't want to go to jail because I will have put a high schooler in my bed. They're really not worth it.
They're legal, though.
Depends on the girl, I think. I'd have one in my bed if she was qt enough and not a future psycho.
Most of them aren't in my country, since they're 17 in the last year of high school. Maybe you're right and I should go for the 18/19 yo girls, like my best friend, but I really can't see myself dating a girl 10 years younger than me.
Oh, I was assuming US. The average age of consent is 16 here.
perhaps I'm revealing too much here but I'm 23 and I think I'd go as young as 14. I think it's because when I was 14 I was really crushing on a lot of older women and really wanted someone to help me through all that puberty and coming out shit.
Also, I think virgins are adorable and I like lithe, slim bodies.
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14 is alright

I'm 22
I like younger girls but I think it's pretty much impossible to find one who is not nuts, interesting, worth it and won't go suck a dick when she's done experimenting. I don't know, maybe I'm just jaded.
I guess the odds are pretty small, but as far as I can tell I'm not too fucked up, never sucked a dick and can be interesting to the right people. So if I exist then surely others like me must exist too, right?

Anyway, I see myself as more of an older sister figure, who will guide my young kitten in life, instilling within her good taste and wisdom. I'm like Yoda, but sexy and gay.
Yeah, the odds are so small I've yet to meet one who is a lesbian. IRL is full of straight people and OkC full of bisluts, nutjobs and ugly dykes.
Actually, I just want someone to take care of me, younger or not, and to do the same for her.
Yeah, I definitely got more action before 20 than after. That is also when I experimented and tried anything and everything. There are days when I feel like my life has come to a standstill.

everything was new and exciting back then. now, it's the familiar.

Depends on the country/state. Where I was having sex it was all 16, but I ended up in bed with older women at 14, after doing my own age for a couple years. I was always a lot more mature than my years, and they were who I was spending most of my non school time with.
That's a fair thing to wish for. I guess at the bottom of it that's all anyone wants.
Still, I'd be happy with a 13 year old sex slave for a little while.
>but I ended up in bed with older women at 14
Story time?
Maybe later. I have work to do now.
It's nearly midnight here and I'm impatient. I want stories!
13 is a little young imo. But my younger brother is 15 and I'd definitely bang some of his female friends.

I-I'm only 19 tho
Christ, I feel fucking old.
I keep thinking back to what I wanted when I was whatever age. So when I was 13 all I wanted was someone to cuddle and kiss with. Older girls were always way cooler because they had cars and independence, which is what I wanted.

Of course now I've got my own car and job and all the crap that comes with adulthood, I feel like living out my teenage dreams through someone else. That's probably a really unhealthy state of mind but whatever. I still kind of want to be owned by an older woman though. I think I'd be a good pet.
Didn't you hear, the author is dead anon. Do you even Barthes?
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I still feel creepy, but can you really blame me when this is what his friends look like? Pic related is two girls he hangs out with all the time.

15 year olds shouldn't be allowed to be this attractive ;__;
Meh. I prefer to read books where the characters lesbianism is just kind of a background thing. As in "She's a psychic detective working on the investigation of her career, also she's a lesbian" rather than "She's a lesbian detective working on the case of her career". Those are the kind of stories I write.

Dibs the one on the left. I like her legs. I'd like them more wrapped around my head. I like shy girls more, but both of them are pretty cute.
Absolutely not to me. They look like kids on heels. Wait, that's what they are.
That rainbow shirt on the background, though.
Sometimes I feel kinda like a creep for dating someone 9 years younger than me, then I remember I'm immature and have no direction in life, while she's really grown up for her age.
Both of them actually are fairly shy; these pictures were just taken before Homecoming so they all looked fancy. Fuck, Asian high schoolers will be the death of me, I swear.


Normally I'd say you shouldn't feel bad, but I don't know for sure that you're not my age and dating a 10 year old. That would actually be creepy.
I'm in my late 20's, so it's not that creepy. Just kinda weird at times.
They have ugly faces tbg would not date.
I don't, but almost wish I did so my lust for older women would be widely justificated.
I think females like older people in general regardless of their sexuality.

Just look at the sluts in middle school, already dating college-aged men, while you never see middle school boys dating older women at all. On the contrary, men prefer to date younger.

Must be some biological stuff and shit.
Talking about pedophillia, I've always been scared of becoming a pedophile, I was like 11 when I realised I was gay and I thought that gays were pedophiles and that I'd eventually become one, now I know it's dumb but I can't shake off that fear. I don't recall feeling sexually attracted to younger girls, but I definitely think some are cute, like physically attractive. I'm 18 by the way.
It's normal for 18yo to still be attracted to younger teens, especially if you're still in HS.
I think it's more because straight men are the only kind of people that want to date relatively younger.
I don't understand how I can like older women so much for real, like and older woman fucking me and acting like she's my mother sounds like the hottest thing existing on earth. Though this would be sooo awkward if it was about my real mother. I don't see it that way at all. I already felt so dirty for liking girls, now it reached a peek. Why is god doing this to me.
Dating a girl younger than me always sounded absolutely disgusting to me, like it nearly makes me want to puke. Even if she's 1 year younger, I feel so dirty being attracted to girls when they are younger, like I'm a monster not respecting the law or some shit.
are you sure you weren't molested.
Why would someone have molested me?
I had 0 bad experiences unless with my dad, he sorta sexually abused me when I was around 7, he didn't rape me he just used to touch me and my sister's vagina rather often, I discovered it was abuse way after I started feeling bad about younger girls.
What did I say?
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Holy fuck another person who's watched Papillon!
yeah thats molested. I was too, sorry. I had the same feelings as you.
Not sure if it's ironical or not.
And what same feeling?
I'm serious and trying to help.if your not then why would you even joke about that.
Is your dad in jail now?
Oh, I don't know, it's 4chan really, thanks anon I hope you got over your abuse, even though we both know it'll stick around forever.
No, my mother asked me if I wanted to sue him but I refused because I always had a bad relationship with him and I don't want people to think I'm lying and saying this so I won't see his face again, plus he already went in jail for rape but was released and claimed innocent, so he already has to give money to the women that accused him, he has no money anyway.
the feeling would be the phobia of dating someone younger is your own disgust at what happened to you in the past. Go see a therapist.
Damn, I'd be paying for his crime, worst thing is that he doesn't even give a shit about it, I decided to cut him from my life, and one time he sent me a message telling me that "he forgave me for not talking to him anymore".
And I'm already seeing a shrink, faster than you anon.
Kill him and eat his flesh to gain his strength, imo.
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>implying I didn't already
good lass
@ 16 I went out with a 27yo. That was a blast. To bad I couldn't take her to a hs dance. Not that I ever went to any when I was 16. I was to busy going to clubs with adults.

If they are showing curves & boobs, I don't worry if I'm attracted to them. I just don't get involved with anyone less than 20 now.
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>So when I was 13 all I wanted was someone to cuddle and kiss with.
When I was 13 all I wanted was to be straight.
You're gay but you're still a woman. Women love maturity. They associate maturity with age.
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>new part timer at work
>15 year old Iranian British girl
>smells like spiced fruit and sex
>has no sense of personal space around other females
>dimples, big brown eyes, laughter sounds like sex being rolled through silk pillow storage warehouse
>has begun timing her breaks so they match with mine every day we're both on
>just the other day she jokingly made the the v-tongue sign at me

Pray for me.
When you get those sinful urges remember persians execute gays by fire.
When I was 13 all I wanted was superpowers and to know what I was supposed to be doing later in life. Y'all got some weird precociousness.
And stay there.

It doesn't sound like she's joking to me, anon. Teasing, maybe, but probably not joking. Shame about that age, though. Damn shame.

I dated a 16 year old for three years after, so I have no real right to say anything, but even still.

I wanted to be a super villain.

Still do, really.
Same. I just pretended to be a tiger and crawled through our overgrown yard with my cats.
does she cover her hair?
Seriously, I have the same height and I was once in the same weight as you (some months I did not even have my period) and let me tell you something: gain weight and exercise. Being skinny is not particularly sexy (IMO because your face changes, sunken-cheeked and such) and perhaps you feel/are actually healthy, but I think you can feel even better by doing what I said.
Just a kind remark, nothing else.

I just wanted to play vidya. I still do. So I want a girl whom I can share my stupid and uninteresting experiences with videogames.
I've been trying to gain weight. It's hard to have the energy to exercise like this. But I know it's coming from a kind place and I thank you for it.
Hey lesgen, I recently ended things with a girl that I've been seeing for the past 3 months. She never seemed ready to date exclusively or make anything official, but we've otherwise acted like a couple. Today she sent me this.

"I thought that maybe I could convince myself that I liked you. and I did like you, I do like you.. but not in a way that is fair for you. I was/am attracted to you which made me think I could date you but that isn’t fair. I can’t force myself to date you in hopes that that will turn out to be the right decision and to come to terms with the fact that i do like girls, because that will hurt you even more. I don’t know what to do I feel like Im walking on broken glass because everywhere I step, it hurts and Im trying to be careful now idk what to do"

What do I make of this? I feel confused as fuck, because I can't tell if she's just not into girls and is confused about her orientation, or if she doesn't like me in particular.
She's a bislutsual who's trying to keep you around in case things don't work out with whatever guy she left you to pursue.
I don't really know how to respond to this. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter, but I just want to figure out if at any point she had feelings.
She's trying to say that 1) she was dating you to acclimate herself to her sexuality, 2) she knows that's selfish and shitty and wasn't strong enough to act on that knowledge, 3) there is nothing wrong with you and she wasn't pretending when she was showing interest in you, but that it wasn't working. She also seems to have some issues with processing guilt. It's that last one that you should breathe a sigh of relief for, dealing with someone like that is exhausting.

That person is full of shit, anon. They just wanted to take a snipe at bisexuals.
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my hunch is that she's straight. If you find out she got into a ltr with a woman down the line, then you'll know she wasn't straight, she liked women, and just didn't like and/or wasn't ready to date you. Otherwise, she's probs straight.

You know all the young dykes who try really hard to be straight for cultural-conservatism related reasons... well, lots of straight women try really hard to be bi for cultural-progressiveness related reasons.
That definitely makes sense. Thanks fellow lesanon. It's definitely time to move on to someone else more suited for me.
Keep it up. :)

I got lost at the middle of her message. I mean, she seems to like you but does not like the fact that you are a girl and that makes her confused so she feels she has been using you and now she decides… You know what, when she has to give so many weird confusing explanations, she is the one at fault, not you.
She should make up her mind first because her message only tells me that she is not good at expressing her feelings. Like she is not being completely honest (the whole broken glass thing…).
Time to move on.
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>mfw god forsook you and you never had a really hot step-mom or step-sister to diddle
Question lesgen, in a dom sub relationship, should the sub be trying to grasp the doms attention often or is it the other way around?

Also what roles do you think each have? Or which ones do you think are common?
Fuck, that's the single stupidest thing I've ever read.
If the sub doesn't naturally inspire acts from the dom it's not the right dynamic for that sort of business
What do you mean?
You're just wrong.

Not a lesbo, just caught this scrolling. You're stilly horribly wrong however.
Why is it that now, when I have 6 months of free time, I'm not interested in anything? What cruel trick of fate is this?
>my sexual experience definitely crosses the sexually and sexuality dimorphic lines
Let me take a wild stab in the dark for your entitled ass. Fuck off, gay man.

Sounds like depression.

I don't really know another way to phrase that. Will and focus shouldn't be part of the equation for attention.
I could almost feel sorry for you.

To the person you've been responding to: Don't listen to her.
the antidepressants are supposed to prevent this
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I apologise, anon. In exchange, I recommend an ongoing TV show with a lesbian character. It is called El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time).
It's pretty common for ADs to become less effective over time, and then it's time for a new one. Psychoactive drugs are a real shitshow.

Yeah? You going to back that up or explain anything to the contrary, or are you just here to make empty accusations?
In the erotica books I've read (precisely one), the sub acts out kinda like a chihuahua, pushes the boundaries because they want to be punished and the dom forces them back into their place, which is what they want.
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This yurirei game is too depressing at times, I don't want to finish it because I know I will cry a lot.
>western VNs
Are you implying Okujou no Yurirei-san is western? Because I will slap your shit IRL if that is so.
>fan-translated VNs*

Why would you want to slap shit, anon? Surely that would only end poorly for everybody.
>>fan-translated VNs*
It's funny because you keep being wrong.
Put on your name, dot, you're being retarded again and I can't filter you.
Not bad
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How was your day lesgen?
Just go for it and don't get caught. Opportunities like this are once in a lifetime.

That is, assuming you're under 30. If not, nope the fuck out of there.

What vidya do you play anon? I also just want a gf who will game with me.
Think of the children, anon! Specifically, think of how much that 15 year old wants to get fucked my someone old enough to be her mom. maybe. Hell, I don't know, people should be careful with the V-Tongue.

Do you play co-op RPGs?
Except football/soccer and driving games, pretty much everything although I play fighting games casually (mostly because I suck at them, I was only good at Dead or Alive 4 and that was years ago!). Also, I am fond of games with great characters and horror games.
And lately I have been playing Pathologic HD but my brain cannot take it anymore.

And you, anon?
Is anyone else playing Stardew Valley?

It's pretty fun.
OK so what's the answer?
Looks like another of those shitty indie games, Harvest Moon clone or something.
It is a Harvest Moon clone but it's probably the best one currently on the PC.
I don't know that I'd pay $15 for this.
What was your question?
I mostly play a lot of singleplayer RPGs and puzzle games, but recently one of my friends convinced me to finally take up League, so I've been spending most of my time trying to git gud at that.

I'll play pretty much anything tho, so if you have any recommendations I'm all ears :o
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Translated Yururei has been great so far. Seina will fuck your shit sideways for her gf.

If you're still around who's your wife?
In my relationship my sub tries more than I do at almost all times. I don't think they have a set role because I've met needy dominants and independent subs.

But, the common trend seems to be a surplus of needy subs.
Where'd you get it?
You can ether buy it on steam/mangagamer site for like 30$ or look it up on nyaa.
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Mah nigga
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I just wanted to be Hedy Lamarr. Didn't end up looking like her, but I did get the brains, and a love for women.
>dicking around at work with new girl that I kinda have a crush on
>she snapping this spring loaded box in front of me
>accidentally catches me right on my chest and it shuts onto my nipple
>let out a kind of involuntary hum/moan
>she apologizes but gives me a weird look
>kinda laughs it off but she's kinda weird around me the rest of the day
oh no she thinks I'm some huge painslut freak now. Which I am, but I didn't want her to know
Maybe she's embarrassed for hurting you?
Or MAYBE she was super aroused by it too and doesn't know what to do now
I was texting the girl I like and she called me a cute name along with a smiley. Sad thing is, it's probably going to be the high point of my week.
We all have a thing for a girl in uniform
Don't have mommy issues but I am a lot closer to my father then my mother. Which is funny because it was the opposite when I was younger.
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>If you're still around who's your wife?
You mean, from the game? Well, I feel bad for intruding in their relationships in my imagination, but I would definitely fuck/date Yuna, Aki, Sachi Megu and Miyu.

I know I'm a slut.
Welp if she's still acting weird tomorrow I guess it's time to kill myself.
I wanted to live in a helicopter and have adventures with my friends. We would fly around and be the coolest kids ever. The kissing part just kind of filled in the quiet moments between adventures.
That's the age I discovered Evangelion, I wanted to hang out with Missato and party like a rockstar and just drink and kick ass until we died saving the world from an angel attack or doing some epic heroic thing.

Although maybe I'm not the one to say, as I was a chuu2 at that age too.
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>tfw no gf is one
I won't deny I have some autistic behaviors, but I think that was mostly because I was really lonely (still am) and wanted to be cool and relevant and have someone to acknowledge me, even if fictional.
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I knew that feel too. Now I'm so used to loneliness that I don't give a shit about social acknowledgement anymore.

I wish I could make you both a little less lonely.
And how would you do that, anon?
Cuddles and hugs while talking about all your favorite things?
New thread:
Do you have big boobs?
How big are we talking? I used to be able to fit in a F cup before I lost weight, now I'm about a 34 D.
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>F cup
That sounds pretty good. Are they shaped nicely or losing weight made them saggy?
kek, big breasts are pretty much the only redeeming feature of being fat, I'd say.

I'll be honest, anon, gravity and time have not been my friends.
I'm not bothered by some sag
Good to know, anon!
Honestly I kinda still do it. Is it sad that sometimes while I'm in bed and can't sleep at night I cast myself in some random tv show as this extra character I make up, just so I can pretend to have friends and family?
Are YOU a milf?
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