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Daily reminder that this is what a gray man looks like. Larpers in the 5.11 pants will be killed for their ammo and canned beans.
>implying that 99% of americans dont just wear jeans and a hoodie/tshirt
>implying that will be grey man anywhere except fucking yale
>implying you wont just be mugged and raped because you look liek you have money
>Say again turkey, you want my what?
Oh sweetie. There's a whole world outside your trailer park.
I had no idea grey man was synonymous with late-80s yuppie.
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everyone knows 80s homeless construction worker and middle class working man are the true grey man aesthetic.
>killing for canned beans
DayZ players will be the first to die

I don't do grayman or anything else. I just do me, and yo mama bitch nigga.
Stop nigger posting, nigger.
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C a n n e d b e a n s
Who's the true nigger -the nigger or the nigger who calls him one?
You. You're the only nigger. And now that you've spoken like that, you're a nigger jew.
How do people not tuck their shirts in? It's just unthinkable to me now after years of tucking.
>"Gray man"
>Literally dressing like a normal person
Can we just get it out of the way early that the whole grayman thing is the most autistic thing to come out of the gun community ever.
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>courage not cunning
why does kjp always wear his pants so low?
Only retards tuck their shirts. Everyone knows it is much more favorable to wear one size larger(shirt) and no underwear.
If you want to see people who genuinely try to blend in look at what celebrities wear.
if your shirts not tucked into your pants, your pants are tucked into your shirt
>going innawoods wearing shit you'd wear on daddy's sailboat or to a fucking country club
>wear one size larger(shirt)
Yeah if you wanna look like a fucken scrup
>socks with deck shoes

Americans unironically do this?
The idea is to blend in with a pre made "character" like a college kid or a blue collar worker. Whatever fits the local area and more important whatever you can pull off plausibly.
Reasonably fashionable, footwear is off though.
Most of /k are poor so they will complain that you dont look poor like them and so will not look to be what is "normal" in their eyes with their jeans and milsurp jackets or hoodies.
Nigga going innawoods and going grayman are two entirely separate things.
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>Most of /k are poor so they will complain that you dont look poor like them
80 young republican yuppie fashion is current fashion? Jesus Christ How Horrifying.
>>implying that 99% of americans dont just wear jeans and a hoodie/tshirt
the implication is correct. most adults dont dress like frat boys.
This blew my mind.
I'm going to turn this life around immediately.
Starting tomorrow.
>thread about /k/ footwear
>90% of posters wear hiking boots everywhere
>those legs
yes please

Colourful shorts or trousers with a collared shirt and round necked jumper?
Thats pretty normal for casual yes, though you would wear different things for going about in the woods.
Jeans and hoodie just indicate the absence of any sense of fashion or care for one's appearance.
Most Americans also have no sense of style. I'm not saying the frat look (i.e. daddy's money yacht club regular) is good, and as an alum of a fraternity I can honestly say I never wore fucking chubbies and boat shoes, but most Americans are dressed like fucking slobs. Oversized tees and cargo shorts look like shit. At least wear a collar unless you're kicking your feet up at home. Have some self respect.
Literally dressing like a sheltered white boi from a fancy suburban neighborhood trying to reanimate and instill a sense of european class into his miserable moral failure of a consumerist life
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who hurt you?
>Thats pretty normal for casual yes
I've traveled between the south and the northeast over the last few weeks, and can count on zero hands the number of people I've seen dressed that way.

that isn't grey man, it;s flamboyant gay man.
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You'd rather dress like a poor, uneducated slob who can't get his shit together.
This, the gray man is about going incognito so people don't think you're armed.
Then most americans are either busy outdoors and so wearing practical clothes or are slobs and plebs?

Theres literally nothing gay about it, its just not slobby and not drab
All Air Farce guys are roiding, as told to me buy a roiding Air Farce guy
You are a giant faggot. I wear tees and cargo shorts because I luce in Texas and it's fucking hot. You probably need your fag club shot up by a muslim. Queer.
Yes, not wearing socks with shoes is unhygienic and disgusting.
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see what i mean, look at this guy
Poor trash who hates everyone who doesnt dress poor and slobby like himself
>gets all huffy that he dresses like a slob
>is from Texas
checks out
t. faggot yankee who doesn't live somewhere were it's hot outside

>Designer clothes.

That's what a dead man looks like.
>he's so obese he has to wear shorts so he doesn't overheat when it's hot out
fucking kek, conFATerates btfo
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>tfw 6'1" 180
speak for yourself senpai
Incorrect, gray man should be shorts, graphic tee, flipflops/low shoes, maybe a hat with a brand/team on it. You want to look average, not like you stepped off the cover of a men's magazine you dip.
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>I wear cargo shorts
>because it's fucking hot
I know for a fucking fact that you only use those pockets every blue moon, poor fag.
>I wear extra material cause it's hot hurrr durrrrr
>its too hot to wear nice clothes

No, its not, that just means you wear linen instead of wool and cotton, and possibly shorts instead of trousers if its humid.
180 what, tons? lmao

I take it you have never been to the west coast. Ever.

It is the best coast by the way.
>calls people trash
>is currently posting on 4chan
really activates my almonds
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Mfw i dress like a swag fag
>blue jeans
>baggy ass red nike crew neck
>pic related on feet nigga
>black flat rim hat
>full size sw mp45 at 6oclock

Shit. Noone expects a wigger to carry a gun
4 chan is fine its this board thats shit, i only come here for the Middle East and nuclear threads

goddamnit chris
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That's not the point at all. The entire point of the "grey man" maime is that you;re supposed to blend in. If you're dressing in a way that no one actually dresses, just to suit some fashion sense forced on you by a magazine your wife (male) bought, then you aren't blending in, you'll stick out like a sore and very very gay thumb. And that's fine if you're trying to pull, it just has nothing to do with the "grey man" meme.
buy a gun and kill yourself with it
Not him, but cargo shorts usually are cut baggier than normal shorts.
I wear cargo pants regularly, and I use the pockets 100% of the time for my e-reader, and phone, and wallet.
You can buy baggy normal shorts
>no one actually dresses
thats just wrong

>forced fashion
Its literally just normal, you know people all wore suits most of the time 100 years ago? Are they all gay? And the reason people wear bright colours is to distinguish from work suits?

Anyway the "grey man" meme is literally just that, a meme to try and stop fatasses in full black with black webbing and sunglasses from walking around to try and be tactical
>thats just wrong
Where do you live that people actually dress like that?

I ask because I care.

anon when's the last time you left your house?
I actually live in France, people dress like this here, i just enjoy taunting americans over their shit fashion sense and autistic plans.

A few hours ago for dinner, had beef sirloin
Not him but if you live in a nicer area many people dress like that
>I actually live in France
Everything makes sense now. Grey man has no meaning there, since you can;t even exercisea right to self defense against the Trucks-Of-Peace
>i just enjoy taunting americans over their shit fashion sense and autistic plans.
>Shitposting about fashion on a board about weapons, which you cannot even carry in France

anon, you are both gay and autistic, I just want you to know that.
I live in a fairly nice coastal area, and I recently visited a large city in the northeast. Even the yuppies didn't dress that way. They were on a whole different level.
Lol, I use my pockets all the time. Especially when riding my bike it helps instead of having to lug a backpack around.

Obviously we've never been in triple digit weather like down in the southwest or the south in general.

Funny, I live in Austin and everyone I work with (programmers like me) wear the same shit. Not poor at all, just not a fag who has to waste money on uncomfortable faggot shit. Dressing up when it's no necessary is fedora shit.
In those shoes??
Oh, honey.
Go get run over by a Muslim, you cheese eating surrender monkey.
And you cant defend yourselves from Antifa.

Just a load of larping Urban commandos.
Besides how the fuck can you stop a truck at speed that appears out of nowhere?
No, you'd stick out like a sore thumb wearing that most places you retard.

Blending in depends on where you're at and who's around.
>AKA I'm a target in SHTF
In a SHTF situation you should be rocking AR500 and as much mags and water as you can carry.
>dressing up
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I'm not running. I'm standing my ground.
>And you cant defend yourselves from Antifa.
I don't attend protests over civil war memorials, so that's a non issue. If antifa showed up at my house I'm pretty sure I'd have no issue defending myself against their dildo-bats
Go get shot by a negro, you spray-on cheese eating clapping monkey
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They come to my hometown of Lecompton I'll mow them the fuck down.
The only people who care about fashion and clothes are people with extreme internal insecurities. It's an attempt to conceal their weaknesses. Anytime I see anyone dressed well outside of business/special events or talking about style I immediately know they have no confidence. These are also the type of people to lash at at those that only dress for utility and comfort because they're jealous that these individuals are well-adjusted. Weak-minded people use clothes to hide their personality flaws.
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To truly blend in you need to smear shartstains over your walmart brand jogging bottoms
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>The only people who care about fashion and clothes are people with extreme internal insecurities. It's an attempt to conceal their weaknesses. Anytime I see anyone dressed well outside of business/special events or talking about style I immediately know they have no confidence. These are also the type of people to lash at at those that only dress for utility and comfort because they're jealous that these individuals are well-adjusted. Weak-minded people use clothes to hide their personality flaws.
Then S has not HTF.
Or in France you can make dua to allah.
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>pic related
>tfw the general (the guy doing the shooting) moved to the us and opened a pizza shop right by where i grew up and we ate there many times and had no idea until some libs found out and made him close it down
>this fucking post
Nah. You still need to think practically.

>button up dress shirt in a plaid pattern, neutral colors with a concealed layer of body armor under it
The pattern will prevent the outline of the armor from being too obvious, it is still decently practical to wear. Good stuff and more sportsman oriented stuff of the same built has a good count of pockets.
>Regular cut jeans
durable, neutral, and still decently mobile
>some basic ass sneakers
its comfy, its plain, you can run
>distressed OD green medium build jacket
could be genuine surp if you want it to, but it is very commonly wore and has equal practicality in pocket count and durability

A businessman stands out in such conflicts. Someone dressed like a 25 year old street urchin hipster is far more common. Especially considering that any form of shit hitting the fan where you have to worry that much about blending in is going to be innacity, that look is far more common and practical and if need be, it also works if you need to look homeless rapidly
To be fair he did kill commies so libs hated him.
Greyman is a stupid POU for clothing.

If I were trying to greyman I would just wear local sports shit. Jerseys and hoodies and shit.
I don't live in the ghetto, meanwhile refugees are flooding your country (that's not speaking German thanks to my country) and running you fags over with trucks.
West and east coasts are both fucking trash. Alaska is nice, and the Gulf Coast is nice.

I'm not even a darky and I'd mug that guy.
can you pass me the grey poupon?

Right? Goddamn. Like, he's asking for it so much you're pretty much doing him a favor. At least if you mug him, it stops someone else who might be more violent from mugging him.

Subhuman groids.
This. If you came to the west coast in that country club bullshit you would get robbed in about 15 minutes lol

yeah this
Fucking plebs don't know what deck shoes are lol
>people legitimately arguing about how normal people dress
Just walk outside and take a look you fucking basement-dwelling morons.
I've not worn socks in months, it's hot as hell here so why would I make myself even more uncomfortable?
Holy shit top kek
Unless you're a 10/10 handsome AF or a female then no one wants to see your feet.
I want to see his feet
you dress like a fag
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>you know people all wore suits most of the time 100 years ago?

Yes and they were half drunk the entire goddamn day sweating thru three layers of wool in summer

>I live in France

Pic related, fagboy
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This, I moved from the UK to the US and I had to donate or bin most of my old clothes since it's too fucking hot to wear them anymore. Not even a fatty, every day it's unbearably hot and humid, I don't understand how people can stand it.
They make summer socks. High quality think merino wool, and probably other materials. They actually keep your feet cooler because they provide ventilation and fast evaporation vs just having bare skin on leather, foam, canvas, etc.
What part of the US? I live in VA, but have been stationed in AZ and CA. Both VA and AZ get brutally hot and cold throughout the year. CA was a pretty solid 70 all year long.
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Everything east of the Rockies is unbearably humid, like uninhabitable. Which explains why no humans actually live there.
Right now Texas (Austin), previously Iowa (Des Moines), Washington DC, Washington State (Seattle), Florida (Tampa, Daytona Beach), Maryland (Baltimore), and Virginia (Richmond) were all pretty awful at times, Seattle least so. Most of these places I'm here for a couple months or a year, then my work has me somewhere else. I'm scheduled to move to Utah soon and I'm fairly excited about it, though I'm worried the Mormons will treat me like shite.
R.I.P Roddy Piper

This and The Thing are 2 of my childhood favourites.
I do actually wear faggy prep clothes and sweaters and shit, and live in Louisiana,
>TFW It's 105 Degrees and 110% humidity but you still look good, ergo scaring the weaker normies.
People think I'm a freak, unrelated to weather, but It seems logical.
I wish I had your body, I sweat profusely and most of my old clothes (some of which I still have) are heavy cotton or wool. My body has yet to acclimate to this weather despite now being a naturalised citizen and living in the States for several years.
>When you wear khakis and plaid shirt normally

I-I'm not a 5.11 fag right? I-its business khaki.

That pic hit close to home. I have shelves full of that stuff :p Norwegian by any chance?
>Oh sweetie

Confirmed faggot.
moar like gay man imo. At least no one will suspect he is armed.
>gray man

what does that mean

The grey man is a concept that more or less translates to being "camouflaged" in an urban environment. I'll give two examples - one that isn't grey man and one that is.

NOT grey man:
Wearing camo pants, a Glock hat and having bumper stickers on your car that say "Molon labe" or flying a Gadsten flag.
This screams "I have firearms - kill me".

Grey man:
Wearing regular clothing or discrete clothing (i.e. some of the 5.11 stuff, no matter what the faggots on this board tell you), hat without any name brands and a relatively anonymous car (no HUMMERs or milsurp vehicles).

The idea is to blend in and be the X factor that people can't prioritize as a target.
you spelled civilians wrong
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Who here /bogan/ greyman?
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Currently rocking this hairstyle, moustache, dirtydog sunglasss and a beanie.
Wouldn't advertising the fact that you are armed make you less of a target for muggers and other criminals, given that you pose a much greater risk for a not in any way enhanced reward?
Were 99% of the people don't wear shit like that
Dressing comfortable is having self respect retard
Similar to flocking or herding, defensive behaviors also. Studies show that just splashing bright colored paint on a herd animal allows a predator to lock on, so to speak.
When it's 100+ outside with 98% humidity you wear a tank top and basketball shorts nothing else works
the only people under the age of 50 that call people, "sweety" are transvestites.
99.5 percent of the worlds population is poor.
>basketball shorts
niggers out REEEEE

but seriously if youre white you should not even own basketball shorts
It probably would, just like a shitty steering wheel lock might deter them a little if you have a shitbox with obsolete security.
oh okay thanks for explaining that

it just means a military or trained person trying to look like a civilian basically?
>look at me flex while I look and focus on something else

w o w
done with work? done with pants!
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tfw no bf like one of them
or those stupid adidas house slipper lookin' shoes
It's great we had to give a special operator name to dressing like a normal person.
That dudes gonna eat shit the first time he has to actually run anywhere. Those loafers are gonna turn this guy into John McClain in Die Hard. Running around barefoot with glass and shit in his feet.

No thx
fippy bippy
I looked at pic hoping to see some shadow person lurking in the back ground but all I saw was a faggot in the foreground
>t. virgin
Honestly, I think it's one of the least, at least for urban/suburban environments.
Fuck Connecticut.
... accurate.
desu i dont even own proper running shoes anymore, i just wear my issued combat boots everywhere

theyre comfy and add like an inch of height. im not insecure about my height or anything but its nice to be slightly taller

yeah its pretty autistic that gun nerds need a special term for just dressing normally

and they STILL fuck it up and look like faggot "nice guys" half the time
want to know how I know you're single?
/grayman/ more like /gayman/ am I rite or wot?
dat pointed toe

I never noticed the blood fountain coming from the entrance wound until today. Neat
he had just killed a colonels wife and kids by cutting their heads off and then led a team to slaughter an entire village
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