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AR thread /ARG/ Tripfag containment

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 115

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Crashing this hangover with no survivors edition.

OLD >>>33341223
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I really like the CASV look desu
Fucked up science experiment edition
Is that a B5 stamp I see?
I'm not ashamed
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Clonefags are asleep, post b5's.
It was only an extra 50 dollars man

Shoulda gone with the Lewis Machine & (you) manufactured one. How tight is your B5 on your Aero tube?
There is no play on my tube, which is a Bcm. Nice firm lock, but still adjustable with just the right amount of effort.
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I should call WhatGripWhatStock to wake him up so we can have the full /k/olorado crew here
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Yeah but mlok is better
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You cant trigger him that directly.
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Im off, you fucks are on your own. Sleep to catch up on and all that.

Tell wgws to fuck itself.

It is.

You can, just tell him it's for the greater good. '>'
hnng this is my favorite of your rifles
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Developers and manufacturers have every right to restrict or not restrict their product. Creating monopolies is OK.

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Too obxious
>Tell wgws to fuck itself.
Magpul has literally never done anything wrong

Keymod a shit
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I'm a poorfag
MBT for the extra $30
quad rails are dumb and youre dumb if you buy one
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>wgws used to post here
>now it posts in /pol/ exclusively

Fuck'em, not worth the time tbhfam.

Save money, acquire guysnamedlee

quad rails are robust and futureproof.
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Giddy's rail.jpg
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Speaking of which I found one of Giddy's rails he never told us about on gunbroker.
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bolt action rifles are robust and futureproof
He has always been /pol/ poster. FriendlyAnon posts there and you are nice to him :^)
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Fuck LMT and fuck white people.

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>not best bipod
>not spending $200 + on a bipod
>buying a bipod for a rifle you don't have optics for
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>being a fucking noguns pol poster
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>not spending $200+ on a better bipod and mount
>spending $0 on optics
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>spending money on one rifle

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>exposed gas block
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One of those is flat out wrong and the other is a non issue.
>mk12 mod 1
>being so wrong

Do you know where you are ?
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>not appreciating superior mk12 design and aesthetics
>requiring humanitarian assistance
>having flies buzzing around your eyes
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I mean I bought a 22 mag a while ago

So you don't think being noguns is an issue?

>anything better than atlas
>implying many implications

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casv is so fucking hot
PSA: /pol/ posting in /k/ is no worse than /k/ posing in >>>/v/, >>>/b/, >>>/ck/, >>>/aco/, or >>>/g/.

U racyss.

Did you run out of bull money for a polaroid camera to shitpost with too?
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>not killing yourself
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>the joke
>231 replies with 90 images

Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?
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>be me
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As you should be.

See you fucks tomorrow.
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O-oh okay


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did i do right
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13" ALG EMR v2
ur gun looks like a toy
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How are the ergos on it?

I'm srsly considering the same rail for my new build.
I won't take this poster seriously because of

>anti walk pins
>stupid grip
>weeb shit
How do?
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orange tip
It's a fucking thread protector you retarded noguns faggot
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What weapon light and foregrip are you rocking?
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nothing you'd want
I live in a People's Democratic Republic state, but I'm tempted to get a faux suppressor because I think they look neat, and because it'll feel less like the Man keeping me down. Is it a sin to stick the rifle equivalent of fake boobs onto your gun? Will people on the internet laugh at me?
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>Will people on the internet laugh at me?

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End of the day it will offer 0 flash suppression, 0 braking/compensating benefits, add unnecessary weight to the front of the gun and be generally gay as fuck. I would advise against it.

It's an extremely normie thing to do.
Question: What is the simplest solution to an under-gassed rifle?
I have a rifle length tube with a carbine buffer and carbine buffer tube/spring. Doesn't always feed next round, and bolt doesn't lock back on last round.
I'm going to the range today, trying extra lube on the buffer spring.
Would it be safe to cut down the spring a little bit?
How long is your barrel?
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Have you tried using a rifle buffer/spring? Are you positive it's undergassed? Unless someone shit the bed drilling the gas port there's not much reason it should be undergassed.
i'll get a rifle buffer tube soon. I'm just trying to get it running reliably asap
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>partaking in the liquid jew
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needs black lmt
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>needs black lmt
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I'm rather fond of it. It's light weight, well built and functional. It's less popular around /arg/ for a variety of reasons, but if you get a chance to handle one and like it, go for it
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>I'm 12 and this is edgy
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V2 is best V.

But SCB > sidewinder

It's a good rail. Light, very comfy, high quality. But be warned, arg absolutely hates it's aesthetics and you will be harassed
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I do love my reclaimed aluminum siding rail.
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>current year
>owning a ptac barrel AND being filtered

>any year
>cuck posting the same 8 pictures 3 threads a day
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So what improvements/changes will the M4A2 have? When is it coming out? When will the M4 series be replaced with something new?
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I think the SCB looks really nice, but the sidewinder has worked well for my purposes thus far. I have no intention of changing this muzzled device until it's tax stamp time, which is not a top priority for me at this time. I'd rather spend the money I have allocated for this rifle on more ammo and a better optic first.
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In for poorfag.
an m4 to m4a1 upgrade program is still underway, so i wouldnt expect an 'm4a2' anytime too soon

maybe the army will go full retard and phase out m4's for the m27 like the marins
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'Bout to go look at some Chebby Silveraydos. How's your morning, /arg/?

>optic mount bridging recevier gap

we cant seem to get him to do anything right
I want it.

I need an extended eye relief scope mount. The scopes eye relief is 4".

It doesn't lock to the handguard rail, and the handguard is rotation locked.

I'm not worried about it until I get a better mount.
Great, until I saw that shit heap.
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Stock is set pretty short, optic is set forward in the mount. I blame Larue mounts having extra overhang preventing them from being secured flush with the receiver.
no you're just doing it wrong

This guy gets it.
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Chevy, the second best American truck you could buy. If you like resale value and trucks that require next to no maintenance, you should probably shop jap doe.
>he knows nothing about vehicles
Stick to your shit ARs, fag

I really like the Tacoma, but decided I wanted a half ton for towing purposes, and I don't like some stuff on the Tundra.


I honestly considered a Ford. They are also really good trucks and can also be found with less miles for the same price in my area. I decided to go with the Chebby because brand whore reasons.
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Fair enough. You look at GMC at all? If I was going to buy another American pickup that's where my truckbux would go.
Implying GMC isn't an overpriced chevy.

GMC and Chebbys are the same truck with different trim, and the GMCs have higher mileage for the same price typically. I'm trying to buy a 13-14 model, and the GMCs are a few thousand more than what I am looking for.
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should have went with a ferd
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>buying vehicles
What is this?
>not having a vehicle
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How the fuck do you even live? How do you pay mortgage/rent/bills? Why have you not killed yourself?
An AKM gas tube but I was posting it because of the high country in the background
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>How the fuck do you even live?

poorly lol

i was being sarcastic by the way

It's not out of the cards yet. A Ford F250 with the 6.7 is my second choice.

Plus having a 3/4 ton truck is nice, even if I'm not towing as much as I should be with it.


Fooled you guys, I was only pretending to be retarded.
You have no initiative
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

i have some

alright ive had my fill going to go do something productive
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>alright ive had my fill going to go do something productive
Constructing an exit bag?
wut handguard is that? im looking for a new one to replace my fagpul one, but im having a hard time look for one that looks good without having ti put the work in to get a freefloat
Discontinued CASV
nvm i found it
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may as well have the other one too
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Taking your girl out for a nice greek taco thing

I forgot the name
can you get KAC upper parts piecemeal do you have to buy assembled uppers?

considering getting a lower and then upgrading an upper slowly

Fucking cool name
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>hows your day
>hair of the dog
Im doin aaaallllright my brotha.
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Get some enterade, nigga. Goddamn.
Why the fuck does it always take my background check to come back when I'm buy a gun? Every single time it takes like 20mins to come back. Is that normal? Seems like a few years ago it came back with like a minute or two.
Take so long*
Is your name common? There could be someone with the same name as you who is a felon.
The real question is how do you pronounce it? "Euro" or "jiroe"?
Get a ccw?
jizz elle
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Fuck, I like you anon.
windham weaponry mpc good for first ar?
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Ive all ways pronounced it like gryo in gyroscope cause my favorite place to get them from is called The Gyroscope

What's the heaviest she weighs /k/

>not a Sierra
>scale with that many decimals
Goot damn Marine, the fuck are you selling on the side?
id save a few gbp and get an m&p sport
>wake up at noon with a throbbing pain in the head
>no idea how I ended up at home, let alone in my own bed
Good times
Scales. It's the nicest one I sell so I grabbed one
>Nice firm lock on my tube
Don't say these things

Slapped on a counter like that probably next to lots of interference it might as well have one or two, because the repeatability will be shit, especially without letting it warm up or leveling it out.
That being said the actual balance in question is pretty fucking good (and expensive).
But you need a firm grip on the tube so that your face has a sturdy resting place?
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>posting on 4chan
>not an autismo with spaghetti pockets
>le normiefag
I suppose that's possible. It just makes me nervous every time like I'm going to get denied because I was put on some stupid list without due process.

This is really what needs to happen. So that's speeds it up?
If you get a Ford, make sure that the first thing you do is a complete emissions BS delete and tune. That way your truck doesn't have to constantly be cleaning its filter and pouring diesel into the oil and turbos failing all other crap
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is your tin foil hat on tight enough
its only 200 more buck for the windham
In Kansas, it exempts me from background check
>complete emissions BS delete
blowing smoke while it cleans is fun tho
I have a flat top upper and a vtac alpha handguard. is there a rail you can install over the rails of the upper and hand guard?
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Jokes on you, I broke up with my last girlfriend a few months ago. You can have my gyro loving sloppy seconds. Good luck washing the skank off.
wheres the nigger with the grey ar10, he's got the upper from this thing.
Ask the people on no fly list for literally no reason

My state has really good gun laws so it's probably the same here. I didn't know that.
the windham is $200 more but doesn't offer any advantage or improvement over the m&p
Okay but you do realize half the diesel being tossed into the cylinder to create that smoke is also going into oil causing you to have to get an oil change every thousand miles if you want to blow smoke in Rich the f****** mixture don't shove diesel into your catalytic converters and oil
yep it's on tight
I did not realize that.
Why though? You have a continuous rail up top.
>factual things easily provable are now tinfoil
How is it going into the oil? Blow-by of the rings? Or just bwing absorbed by the oil in the cylinder?
Yeah, drive a 6.7 for 5000 miles and watch your oil level go up. It's not a problem if you only use the truck for highways but the second you start having to deal with traffic lights it's just horrible
The best was the antigun senator that wound up on it like twice.
It used to cleanly drop into the bolt carrier after cleaning but now it sticks to the rear ridges of the carrier just before the bolt and takes forever to finagle back in.
Apart from that, will this have any affect on function?
Just put it in the microwave for a few seconds, that'll sort it out.
heating and striking causes the magnetic charges in ferrous metal to align, like the kind of heat and striking a firing pin might experience inside a working AR
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I'm impressed that its that heavy even with two mags. IIRC my quad railed boat anchor is ~12.4lbs with the can on and mag in.
what brand foil do you use?
After soaking it an a bleach and ammonia mixture, right?

So this is a normal result of use? I'm a bit skeptical because I haven't heard about this happening before and a quick search doesn't turn up anything.
That made me happy. Hopefully a bunch of BAFTE people were on it too.

Apparently it's a real bitch to get cleared as well.
The factual kind
its a little unusual, I would demagnetize or replace it because I'm autistic but it prob wont affect function
You seem like a Reynolds wrap kind of guy.
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Poor fag KAC

Feels good man
You seem like an oblivious dumbass

Hope you end up on the list faggot, like all that senator, and dhs employees.
you sound like an angry fellow, hopefully that doesn't lead you on one of these "lists".
Bobro and SE are boat anchors.
what about a colt brand? do brands not mean shit or what
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If you are ok with spending the extra on a Colt, that's what I would do. Windham makes good rifles and id imagine there is more care taken in their construction than an M&P
colt holds its resale value better than windham or m&p but again doesnt offer anything above the latter two.

all three are effectively the same rifle with minor variations like barrel twist.

this is your first AR?
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fluffy chronic welfare scum.jpg
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>going to go do something productive
I don't think the M&P has a FA or dust cover
yeah it would be my first AR
Ahh ok. So they've got a newer model with that stuff. Didn't know it existed. If only ever seen the other ones without it. I was going off memory from years ago.
Id get the Colt then.

What's your budget?

Might look into getting a Colt oem and then a nice rail and stock for it.
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I like.

As much as I love their prices (at times), these fuckers ship slower than PSA.
its a somewhat unpopular opinion around here but i still think best first AR is an LE6920

its a fine rifle on its own, and you can either upgrade it and sell off the components you dont want to colt fanboys who will gladly buy them or you can sell it at a very minor loss and start over with a new build from scratch.

the fact that the m&p and windham are 1:9 is kind of dumb imo


cheapest 6920 i see on the web rn. ive bought rifles from that vendor, theyre good people. gotta factor in shipping and a transfer fee too though, so you'll probably find a similar deal locally.

never done business with them, just looked for best price i could find
Are keymod rail covers necessary or just a meme?
Everything is a meme
they can be beneficial if you run your rifle hard for heat dissipation, or you can just wear gloves but mostly this >>33347946
Ahh ok. Then I'd get the M&P or a PSA and then buy ammo, mags, optics/sights

Or is the 800-900 JUST for the rifle?
That is truly sexy. Is that a Form 1 can?
what optic should I run? Aimpoint micro or mro or something else
just for the rifle
>but i still think best first AR is an LE6920
how much does colt pay you to post here?
Then I'd buy this >>33347940

869 is a good price. Probably another $60 for shipping and transfer. Little more than your budget but you get a Colt. Plus if you become addicted (you will) you'll already have a good lower for making a block I or II or mk18 and several others like an A4
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What optic should I get?
if you want to stay super light get a RMR.
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t. butthurt beta cuck male
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I really want to do a build with the CASV. I think they look awesome. Especially the green. Are they super heavy though?
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your eyes
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They are right at about a pound all told, so in the neighborhood of a rifle length quad rail for weight, but more of it balanced over the receiver instead of hanging out front.
My bobro + accupoint TR24 (1-4) weighs 23 oz. w/ flip caps and switchview lever
>this thread
That's it, I'm selling my Colt™
I got a UTG carry handle scope for sale.
what is the difference between all these models? http://www.colt.com/Catalog/Rifles/LE6920-Series
Good, go buy a Kac and enjoy what real quality is.
That's actually what I was going to do, are you me?
What receivers are those?
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darkie much higher res.png
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I don't think so, but if I am then I or we have great taste in guns.
Looks like it's mostly cosmetic
>kac thats been handled by the cheeto fingers of a colt fanboy
ruined forever
PSA KS-47 receivers. Used their barreled upper, bcg, and stripped lower.
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I'll wash my hands first faggot
forever tainted and there is no way to undo that
Ill show u my permanent taint
Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday then shitpost on /arg/?

it's a meme, I bought if off him. It's proof that he once had great taste in lowers.
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Think mine is 25
Also have heavy ACSL and its full of batteries plus a sling
After your photo sessions I'll give you $100 for it
I really want one because it would be about perfect for my rifle.
I want a Tacoma really bad but I hear they have a disappointingly small gas tank and a lot of road noise.
>Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday then shitpost on /arg/?
>anything better
i dont understand the question

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>up next; sling and mount

Excuse you, certified MSD-owned goods have a 25% markup from factory MSRP.
>road noise
you fag
looks nice
>ladder covers
Put your trip back on MSD
hi doggy
cqd and scout wen
I like your blanket more than the gun.
Eeotech is for MK18. Why didn't you get an ACOG or Elcan?
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Like, spring or some shit, Iunno.
Post AR.
Thanks for the conformation!
How does it run?
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>Eeotech is for MK18
>Why didn't you get an ACOG
I swear to God if every anon in /arg/ was gassed posting quality would skyrocket.
that's not correct
>Post AR.
Here ya go bb
nigga you retarded
>he uses a red dot on a 14.5" barrel
>no optic
Just gassed. Every single last one.
>my rifle is so nice I can't afford an optic for it
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Every. Last. One.
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Was going to build a basic bitch AR.
how's this?
trip on psi
I'm so torn on what to do about my want for one of these.
what does this mean
Half the reason it was obtained was so I can go into Eokek threads and shit on them for being horrible in every way compared to an Aimpoint Micro and no one can do shit to prove me wrong.
>running up your cc to post on 4chan
you are probably poor.
rotate pls

im right here
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>tfw you used to really like block 2s and now /arg/ has ruined them for you
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I have exactly one of those and it has a $500 limit, git gud fuckin poverty scrub.
That sounds like something a trip faggot would do.
/arg/ has posted their ruined attempts at block II's*
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You couldn't afford one anyways.
They did that to me with KMR
>500 limit and I'm poor
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why does so much of /k/ seem to be fearful of the plastic jew
>wealth is determined by how much credit debt you have accumulated
oh wew
Post AR.
exactly 0.1% of civilians who own one actually had the zero shift issues, its just a meme.
It's gotta be wood and steel or they don't trust it. There's a sizable chunk of /k/ that abhors anything tactical or modern, I feel like in reality it's a sour grapes kind of thing.
>his credit is so bad he can't get anything but a secured cc
You can set the limit on your cards.
That's because they didn't use it hard like in the military. I want all of my rifles to be ready for war. Not that I'll be fighting in one anytime soon, but that's what I expect. It needs to be able to perform in almost any situation. An Eotech won't.
>now all that's left beside this universal issue that pops up if you so much as take your rifle from a heated car to the range in the winter is the delamination, shitty battery life, and heft
GG Aimpoint, how will it ever recover? :^
>he thinks I'm Giddy who runs up CCs on gun shit, defaults, and then reapplies until no one will approve an application
Post AR
>yes, good goy, keep digging yourself further into debt
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yeah, still need to get it cerakoted. It's all titanium along with the muzzle brake that goes in the blast chamber area.
I was considering getting one but they're too pricey for what you get imo. I do like how small they are though

I couldn't care less about the zero shift if the stupid things didn't have the tendency to straight out die for no apparent reason.
>he now has 2 incorrect clones and all he can muster is p-post ar

>not paying off the card monthly
>not building credit
You have to be 18 to post here
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>I have no AR, but watch me post in the general dedicated to ARs
I have two ARs.
>tendency to straight out die for no apparent reason.
oh look, more memes
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>>he now has 2 incorrect clones and all he can muster is p-post ar
Quick question, where could a person buy a gun receiver more specifically a rugger 10/22 one? In the states one requires to have a ffl to buy the shit.
>putting 4chan shitposting gear on your CC is bad, but accumulating debt and paying it off to build up a score is good
who said anything about debt you monkey

msd is poor
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Anon extermination when?
>problems the manufacturer has admitted to are memes

Right after the poorfag one. You're first in line.

I personally know three people this has happened to, twice to one of them.
The fucked up thing is two of these guys still swear by Eotech because "fuck Aimpoint, I'm not paying >10k CZK for just a red dot, lol!"
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not soon enough
>captcha was trains
But anon, faggots who don't post their ARs are slated to be the firs to go. ;^
dont reply to my posts faggot
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>CC and eokeks

So we're right back to 2011 huh.
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The only way anyone could make a $620 purchase is if they put it on credit, no one has that much cash in their bank account mang.
I'll love you until you like it, faggot.
How long did it take you to save up for it? Better question how many burgers did you flip for it?
>MSD builds another abortion rifle
>gets shit on for it
>hurr guys im fucking gay
sure showed us
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Well, you also know me.

The 512 in picture was fading.

Well, I also paid 250€ for it and got 550$ in return.
Post ARs.
Post a correct clone and your 401k
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Some of us accept aluminum as a reliable material.
post a clone that isnt an abortion
I don't get it. That guy should have his license revoked.
Not sure, i just know that it happens to new and old engines. It injects diesel durring the exhaust stroke and some makes it's way to the oil
This, anyone who uses a red dot on a >12.5brl deserves to get anal cancer.
>no cap on tire valve

Absolutely disgusting
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What is pic related little star looking thing. I've seen it on several guns.
Put a rifle buffer and spring in there you fucking doofus.

Are you literally retarded?
I didn't know they even issued credit cards with such a low limit.

What can you even charge to that fucking thing, your monthly ramen rations?

Bloody Mary, full of Vodka...


It's not out of the cards yet.

>same fucking truck


Shit won't even drive if you fuck with the DEF Shit man. I would want one with the 6.7. Not the fucking 6.0 explosion master.
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